the corporation of delta commission report regular meeting ... dog... · mainland. currently...

The Corporation of Delta COMMISSION REPORT Regular Meeting To: Parks, Recreation & Culture Commission File No.: 14035-20 From: Parks, Recreation & Culture Department Date: October 28, 2016 Commercial Dog Walking Community Consultation Process RECOMMENDATION: THAT the Parks, Recreation & Culture Commission receive this report for information. PURPOSE: To update the Parks, Recreation & Culture Commission (Commission) on the proposed community consultation process with respect to the terms and conditions for the implementation of a commercial dog walking area at the North 40 Park Reserve (Park). BACKGROUND: The Commission 2016 work plan includes an examination of establishing a commercial dog walking facility in the community. Many hours of research, public feedback and discussion have gone into moving this initiative forward. At the September 15, 2016 Regular Meeting of the Parks, Recreation & Culture Commission, a memo with a draft report (Attachment A) on the North 40 Park Reserve-Commercial Dog Walking was received and referred to a community consultation process. DISCUSSION: A process has been outlined in Attachment B that includes public open houses, on-site surveys and at least one meeting with commercial dog walking companies. The process will begin in January 2017 and be concluded by the end of March 2017 It is anticipated that final recommendations will be available for Commission in April 2017. Implications: Financial Implications - Auxiliary staff will be utilized to conduct the on-site surveys at a cost of approximately $2,500. All other staff are already budgeted within the departments' financial plan.

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Page 1: The Corporation of Delta COMMISSION REPORT Regular Meeting ... Dog... · mainland. Currently licenced commercial dog walking Is allowed In parks and open spaces within the municipality

The Corporation of Delta COMMISSION REPORT

Regular Meeting

To: Parks, Recreation & Culture Commission File No.: 14035-20

From: Parks, Recreation & Culture Department

Date: October 28, 2016

Commercial Dog Walking Community Consultation Process


THAT the Parks, Recreation & Culture Commission receive this report for information.


To update the Parks, Recreation & Culture Commission (Commission) on the proposed community consultation process with respect to the terms and conditions for the implementation of a commercial dog walking area at the North 40 Park Reserve (Park).


The Commission 2016 work plan includes an examination of establishing a commercial dog walking facility in the community.

Many hours of research, public feedback and discussion have gone into moving this initiative forward. At the September 15, 2016 Regular Meeting of the Parks, Recreation & Culture Commission, a memo with a draft report (Attachment A) on the North 40 Park Reserve-Commercial Dog Walking was received and referred to a community consultation process.


A process has been outlined in Attachment B that includes public open houses, on-site surveys and at least one meeting with commercial dog walking companies. The process will begin in January 2017 and be concluded by the end of March 2017

It is anticipated that final recommendations will be available for Commission in April 2017.

Implications: Financial Implications - Auxiliary staff will be utilized to conduct the on-site surveys at a cost of approximately $2,500. All other staff are already budgeted within the departments' financial plan.

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Page 2 of2 Commercial Dog Walking Community Consultation Process 14035-20


October 28, 2016

The community consultation process is required in order to better understand the implications of the proposed terms and conditions for commercial dog walking activities at the North 40 Park Reserve.

Ken Kuntz Director of Parks, Recreation & Culture

Department submission prepared by: Diana L. Cousins, Senior Policy Analyst dlc/bw/dlc/cd


A. Memo and Draft Report: North 40 Park Reserve-Commercial Dog Walking 8. Commercial Dog Walking Community Consultation Process

F:\ADMIN\Commission Reports\Comrniss1on Reports - 20161DC086.docx- Tuesday, November 08. 2016. 2:37:21 PM

Page 3: The Corporation of Delta COMMISSION REPORT Regular Meeting ... Dog... · mainland. Currently licenced commercial dog walking Is allowed In parks and open spaces within the municipality

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The Corporation of Delta Parka, Recreation & Culture Department





File No.:


Parks, Recreation & Culture Commission

Ken Kuntz, Director

September 8, 2018

North 40 Park Reserve - Commercial Dog Walking


Attachment A Page 1 of 9

The attached draft report is provided to the Parks, Recreation & Culture Commission (Commission) in a draft format for review of the report's proposed direction.

At present, staff is waiting to receive word back from the Agriculture Land Commission on whether or not commercial dog walking activities would be permitted at the North 40 Park Reserve.

Staff is particularly interested in seeking input from Commission on the proposed terms and conditions at this time while we await the Agricultural Land Commission response.

Ken Kuntz, Director of Parks, Recreation & Culture

Attachment North 40 Park Reserve - Commercial Dog Walking Report


F:\ADMIN\Commisslon Reports\Commlssion Reports - 2016\KK038.docx

Page 4: The Corporation of Delta COMMISSION REPORT Regular Meeting ... Dog... · mainland. Currently licenced commercial dog walking Is allowed In parks and open spaces within the municipality

The Corporation of Delta COMMISSION REPORT

Regular Meeting

To: Parks, Recreation a Culture Commission File No.: 14035·20

From: Parks, Recreation & Culture Department and Property Use a Compliance Department

Date: September 6, 2016

North 40 Park Re•rve - Commercial Dog Walklng


THAT the Parks, Recreation & Culture Commission recommend to Council:

Attachment A Page 2 of g

A. THAT the proposed Terms and Conditions as outlined In Attachment A for commercial dog walking at the North 40 Park Reserve be referred to a public consultation process.

B. THAT staff report back to Parks, Recreation & Culture Commission on the outcome of the public consultation process.


To seek conditional approval on the Terms and Conditions for licenced commerclal dog walking activities, on a portion of the North 40 Park Reserve-(Park) as shown on Attachment B.


In March 2015, the Parks, Recreation & Culture Commission (Commission) received correspondence relative to commercial dog walking and directed staff to report back on a process for expanded commercial dog walking activities, and a community consultation process.

Commercial dog walking takes place In several communities around the lower mainland. Currently licenced commercial dog walking Is allowed In parks and open spaces within the municipality of Delta {Delta) however, only two dogs are allowed off~ leash at a time, and only within one of Delta's 12 off-leash areas.

At its February 1, 2016 Executive Meeting, Council approved the following recommendations:

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Attachment A Page 3 of 9

September 6, 2016

A. "THAT consideration be given to designate a portion of the municipal owned lands at Churchill Boulevard and 72 Street, known as the North 40 Parle Reserve, for llcenced commercial dog walking."

B. "THAT based on approval of recommendation A staff move forward with a public consultation process."

C. "THAT taking into account public feedback staff report back on options to address risk mitigation, including terms and conditions, insurance requirements for commercial off-leash businesses, and approval from the Agricultural Land Commission on commercial dog walking activities at the North 40 Parle Reserve."


A public consultation process on the concept of commercial dog walking at the Park concluded at the end of June 2016. The on-site portion of the public consultation process took place the weeks of May 16 and 23 and the on-line portion concluded on June 30. A total of 529 surveys were completed.

While the Information gathered from the public consultation process can be extrapolated in several different ways, on a per line basis the majority of respondents were weekly users of the space, were in favour of allowing commercial dog walking activities at the Park, and were comfortable with commercial dog walkers having more than 2 dogs off leash at a time. The majority of respondents favoured weekday morning use of the space for commercial dog walkers {Attachment C). As directed by Council, this report deals with the proposed Terms and Conditions required for licenced commercial dog walking activities.

In addition to the survey information significant research went into the formation of the proposed terms and conditions. The research took into account best practices and experiences from other communities. Most communities have taken a conservative approach to commercial dog walking activities in order to ensure minimal conflict with other uses and compliance with the regulations.

During the on-site portion of the public consultation process staff heard from a lot of other users in the park, many who utilize the space on a weekly basis for either individual dog walking or for other causal purposes; photography, nature walks, historical observations, bike riding, etc. While many of the individuals that staff spoke to support allowing commercial dog walking to take place In the Park, there were concerns about dogs not being under control, the amount of feces being left behind and possible negative interactions between different Park uses. ·

In order to address the concerns of all Park users a number of proposed Terms and Conditions are recommended to define commercial dog walking activities. The proposed Terms and Conditions would require the operator to obtain a commercial use permit Issued by Delta. Amongst other conditions the permit limits licenced commercial dog walkers to a maximum of eight dogs per person: four of which many be off-leash at a time within the designated space at the Park. The number of dogs one operator may

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Attachment A Page 4 of 9

September6, 2016

have was based on the experience and research conducted by neighbouring municipalities. The range of off leash dogs allowed in neighbouring municipalities ranged from a low of six dogs to a high of ten dogs. · The proposed area within the Park has been defined as a space at the far end of the Park entrance to separate the uses and therefore minimizing the potential conflicts with other Park users. However, the space is not proposed to be designated solely for commercial dog walkers.

It is estimated that additional amenities will be required at the Park to support the introduction of commercial dog walking activities. The estimated cost of these amenities is estimated between $5,000 to $7 ,000. A commercial use permit fee of $500 plus tax is proposed and would be valid for one year from the date of issuance. The permit Is -non-transferable" In the event a business is sold. Revenue generated from licence fees would be utilized to offset the cost of the amenities. Delta will reserve the right to revoke a permit based on complaints, violations, expired insurance or licences, or other issues deemed to be in contradiction of the permitted use.

The North 40 is within the Agricultural Land Reserve. As a non farm use permission from the Agriculture Land Commission (ALC) is required. Staff has contacted the Agriculture Land Commission and is currently waiting for confirmation regarding the allowance of this activity at the Park.

Delta's Zoning Bylaw has also been considered. The North 40 Park Reserve Is zoned A 1 Agriculture. Allowable uses under A 1 zoning are farming, breeding pets and kennel and related ancillary uses. Delta does have a general provision within the Zoning Bylaw that says certain public uses are allowed In any zone, for this reason it is believed that public use of the Park for dog walking is acceptable under Delta's Zoning Bylaw, however ALC approval of a non farm use is required.

lmpllcatlona: Financial Implications - The designated space within the Park will require some additional slgnage and on-site amenities such as, waste bins, dog bag dispenser, etc. costs for these amenities is estimated to range between $5,000 to $7,000. Licence fees collected from this use will assist in offsetting these costs.


Designating an area at the North 40 Park Reserve for commercial dog walking activities where more than two dogs will be allowed off leash at a time Is a new endeavour for Delta, therefore, it is recommended that Delta take a conservative approach and that a thorough review of the activity Is conducted and reported back after one year's time.

Ken Kuntz Hugh Davies Director of Parks, Recreation & Culture Manager, Property Use & Compliance

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Page 4 of 4 North 40 Park Reserve - Commercial Dog Walking 14035-20

Department submission prepared by: Diana L. Cousins, Senior Polley Analyst DLC/cd/dlc


A. Terms and Conditions B. Site Map C. North 40 Park Survey Results

Attachment A Page 5 of 9

September 6, 2016

Page 8: The Corporation of Delta COMMISSION REPORT Regular Meeting ... Dog... · mainland. Currently licenced commercial dog walking Is allowed In parks and open spaces within the municipality

North 40 Park Reserve (Park) Commercial Dog Walking Terms & Conditions

Llcenced Commercial Dog Walkers ...

• Must have a valid Delta business licence

Attachment A Page 6 of9

• Must carry a valid insurance policy with a minimum of $5m liability coverage and naming the Corporation of Delta as an additional Insured

• Must take a course on responsible dog handling, or be able to prove that they have already taken a training course; both to the satisfaction of the Manager of the Delta Animal Shelter

• Must purchase an annual permit Delta permit issued by the Director of Parks, Recreation & Culture

• Must be 19 years of age and older • Must wear clothing (vest/shirt) that identifies them as a llcenced commercial dog walker • Must immediately muzzle and leash any dog that acts In an aggressive manner • Must leash any dog that Is unable to respond: that Is not 11under controln • Must pick up after all dogs in their care and act as responsible custodians of the Park • Must be respectful of all other Park users and obey all Park signs • Must have suitable transportation to ensure the health and safety for all animals in their care

Additional Criteria:

• If a dog under a commercial dog walkers care has a history of being aggressive, that dog is not allowed off-leash at any time

• Each commercial dog walker is allowed up to eight dogs: four of the eight are allowed off-leash at a time

• All dogs must remain on-leash until they are within the designated commercial dog walking space within the Park

• All dogs must wear a vest or tag that identifies them as a part of the commercial dog walking group (the vest or tag must match the handlers Identification)

• Commercial dog walking can take place at the Park: Monday- Friday between 9:00am - 11 :OOam and 2:00pm - 4:00pm Saturdays from 1 O:OOam - 1 :OOpm; commercial dog walking is not allowed at the Park on Sundays or Statutory Holidays at this time

• All outstanding fees and fines owed to Delta must be paid, prior to the Issuance of the Delta pennit

Permit Fee:

• Annual fee Is $500.00 plus tax

Charwtn1 section for fall to comply with conditions of permit wlll result In a $300 fine; as per the Municipal Ticketing Bylaw Sec. 6.l(a)

At any time Delta may temporary close or deny access to the Park, decommission the space for commercial dog walking activities, or designate the Park for alternate uses at any time for municipal purposes or any purpose that Delta deems necessary, which may result In cancellation of the Delta permit.

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Attachment A Page 7 of 9


Page 10: The Corporation of Delta COMMISSION REPORT Regular Meeting ... Dog... · mainland. Currently licenced commercial dog walking Is allowed In parks and open spaces within the municipality

On-site Completed Surveys "' 350 North 40 Park Reserve SUrvey Results On-line Completed Surveys= 179 (Total Surveys= 529)

S!'MIY was conducted by Delta staff the weeks of May 23rd and 30th Inclusive.

Question#! Question #2 (a) #2(b) Questlon#3 Questlon#4 Question #5 (a)

In a rink sized space, how many Do YoU support

What Is the ratio of clop of average openlftl the North clop to humans size off-leash 40 to professional

How often do YoU Do you have a Do YoU allow your you are would you be commercial dog use the North 40? dos? ~off-leash? comfortable with? comfortable with? walkers?

Dally= 132 Yes=451 Yes=433 2:1=194 <20=-266 Yes=394 Weekly= 184 No=61 No=62 4:1=147 20-40=169 No= 115 Bl-Weekly " 65 6:1 =90 40-60=46 Monthly= 72 INO nuponse = "1.1 8:1=10 60-80= 19 Quarterly = 37 Annually = 23

MOre man 1. oop off-leash at a time?

11:1=1 14:1 = l Yes=~r

3:1=3 No=91 Nollmlt=4

No Response = 24 General Comments: 1. Concerns with lttle kids coming with dog walkers bringing 5-6 dogs off-leash would be hazardess. 2. Dog owners must sign a responslblllty waiver. 3. Add llttle bridges for crossing and water station for dogs. 4. More off-leash parks needed In North Delta. 5. Only supported If doss are under control at all times period. 6. Only support If walkers pay a license fee. 7. letting doss off-leash In parklns lot Is not safe. 8. Should only be for Delta residents.

#5 (b)

If, yes, how

Attachment A page B of 9


Do YoU prefer speclftc days and

many dop off- ~mes for leash at a commercial dog time? walkers?

None=127 weekdays .. 388

2= 14 Weekends = 190 3=31 Stats= 176 4= 109 morninss=~

5=18 Afternoons "' 278 6=108 Evenlnss = 167 8=20 10=6 -r=z Nollmlt=19

Page 11: The Corporation of Delta COMMISSION REPORT Regular Meeting ... Dog... · mainland. Currently licenced commercial dog walking Is allowed In parks and open spaces within the municipality

On-site Completed Surveys = 350 North 40 Park Reserve Survey Results On-line Completed Surveys= 179 (Total Surveys= 529)

9. Don't fence this area. 10. Should have water source at entrance. 11. With rqards to question #4 It really depends on the size ofthe dop. 12. Need more signs on-site to enforce where the off-leash area be1lns. . 13. Fiim crews dlsrepect other users and drive their vehicles too fast In the area. They can also be very rude. 14. Concern over sesresatlns sections of t1'e park to specific users -park should be used by all, It's a pm.

Attachment A Page 9 of g

15. Surveyor noticed that most of the people who filled out the survey were dos walkers. Some have good control over their pets. 16. More waste receptacles would be 1ood. 17. Car break-Ins are a concern, Is anything beln1 done about this? 18. Most bird watchers did not want to complete the survey. 19. Dot feces throughout the space Is a concern. What will happen when even more dop are allowed off-leash? It's not sanitary or safe. 20. People feedlna the wildlife Is an Issue. 21. Frail people and people with kids In strollers make me nervous with doss runnlna all around.

Page 12: The Corporation of Delta COMMISSION REPORT Regular Meeting ... Dog... · mainland. Currently licenced commercial dog walking Is allowed In parks and open spaces within the municipality

erdal Dog Walking Community Consultation Process


Attachment B Page 1of1

-----------------• Regulatory Criteria I

On-site Staffed Pop­

u p Displays (December/January)


Social Media

·~ Promotion -, (December-February)

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---------------(··· ............ : ,---- ------------, 1


Public Consultation Open House(s)


On-Site Public Consultation Process

----Review-( Eebruar:.y)_ ----

Consultation with Commer~ial Dog Walkers


~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-i ···)


I ~ I ---------- --- --Recommendations to ( • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •: Commission & Council

