the coral oars

1 The Coral Oars By J. C. Mathas

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Loredana, a young woman in a dying kingdom, wakes up one morning to find she has a guest - Phaelon, the Old Man of the Sea. He is desperate to find someone to brave the deeps and recover his Coral Oars, a set of magical oars that give life to the sea. Loredana agrees to descend to the ocean floor and find the oars, despite knowing it is the shadowy realm of a terrible sea queen.


Page 1: The Coral Oars


The Coral Oars

By J. C. Mathas

Page 2: The Coral Oars


The Coral Oars

Copyright © 2013

Waterloo, Ontario

All rights reserved including those of translation. This book, or parts thereof, may not be

reproduced in any form without permission of the copyright owners.

Published in Canada

By Brav’s Index

[email protected]

ISBN 978-0-9918564-1-1

Library and Archives Canada

Canadian ISBN Agency

395 Wellington, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0N4


E-mail: [email protected]

Page 3: The Coral Oars


This Book Is Dedicated To

Loredana Catherine Goren

My Mentor, My Inspiration, My Friend

Page 4: The Coral Oars


Chapter 1

Did you know, adventurous reader, that before God created people, or animals, or even

the very stars in the sky, He first created the sea? This is true! Man was given dominion over all

creation, including the sea, but when man first did evil, something happened: the sea became a

mysterious and sometimes savage thing, suddenly blanketed with rippling curls like a flock of

lambs, suddenly fierce as a herd of wild boars thrusting up their frothy tusks to gore the skies.

Men have learned to respect the sea; only the brave or foolish ever dare venture far from the

shore but those that do bring back tales that become the stuff of legend. This is where our story

begins, a story about a young woman who was swept up in the quest of the Coral Oars and who

saved the world by braving the sea.

Once upon a time, when the horizon was the beginning of all possible dreams, in a

cottage near the sea, there lived a little girl with long, brown, wavy hair and light, blue eyes.

The little girl’s name was Loredana and she lived with her aunt on a beach. Her aunt was a very

busy person, an artist of sorts, who did wonderful paintings and so had little time for Loredana.

Loredana took to rearing herself, spending most of her time on the beach, gathering shells and

building castles in the sand. Some days she would sit for hours, watching the rolling waves

pound the cliffs, but she did not mind; she was happy and she never thought about her

loneliness. The sea, the ships and all the ocean life kept her company. And that is how

Loredana spent her days and the days turned into months and the months turned into years and

Loredana became a young woman. Then her aunt wished to leave in order to discover new and

beautiful places to paint, but Loredana dearly loved the beach. After trying to convince her

many times, Loredana’s aunt finally gave up and leaving the cottage to Loredana she went

abroad. Loredana was truly alone.

One warm eve brought with it a terrible storm, a storm so fearsome that none living

could remember its like. Loredana watched the storm brew; heavy clouds gathered and scudded

over the sea. As they approached the shore, they began to curl and flex, becoming great angry,

black puffs. It was a strange storm; there was so much lightning that it looked as if it was

raining thunderbolts and strange lights darted through the clouds and reflected off the jumping

waves. The ocean seemed to boil. Loredana returned to her house. She closed all the window

shutters, just in time to keep out the wind and rain and went to bed, hugging her sheets close

and listening to the raging sea outside. She watched the slats in the shutters glow white with the

storm’s fury until she fell asleep.

Loredana awoke the next morning very excited for storms always stirred up the ocean

depths and brought forth many treasures. She loved to race outside to greet the sunrise and

watch the clouds and then to discover what wondrous things might have been left by the tides.

And what treasures she sometimes found! Treasures like exotic tangles of seaweed torn from

the ocean floor, five-armed starfish, wobbly puddles of jellyfish, and the flat sand dollars that

the sailors had shown her bore the wounds of Our Risen Lord. In the tide pools could be found

all sorts of crabs, minnows, shellfish and sometimes bigger fish that had been forgotten there

by the sea. Above all, Loredana loved the pieces of driftwood that came to her beach. She

longed to ask them where they had come from and what they had seen during their travels upon

the sea, but they had no voices, and so she sat on their smooth, warped sides, kneading the sand

with her toes, and daydreamed.

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A most curious sight greeted Loredana when she opened her window shutters this

morning: the sea was calm, as still as a mirror, without even a ripple upon it. Even the loud

gulls stood quietly on the beach; she could not spy a single one flying over the water or

bobbing on its surface, and this struck her as being very odd indeed. For many days this strange

calm continued; no fish jumped, no seabirds called, and no wind blew.

Then, one day, when Loredana opened her shutters, she saw a most peculiar thing: a

small, wizened man all by himself sitting in a boat upon the beach. Loredana quickly threw her

robe about her pajamas and raced outside to see what it could mean. The man watched her

come; he was ancient beyond years, his skin leathery from the sun, but his eyes were clear, and

as blue as the ocean.

"Come no closer!" The old man called when she was quite near.

"Please sir," Loredana said quite breathlessly, "but why is the sea so still? And who are

you, and why do you sit upon the beach in your boat?"

“My name is Phaelon; I am the ancient seafarer of the oceans. I am the keeper of the

tides, for it is I who wield the Coral Oars!”

Loredana suddenly felt very shy, for the man sounded terribly important, and she

curtsied as her aunt had taught her to when meeting such important people.

The man gave her a kindly smile but quickly became serious again, “I have come to

these shores seeking help from the world of men!”

“Oh!” cried Loredana, “Then you must paddle further on to the south, to the village

where there are many fishermen and even some sailors! I am the only one that lives on this


The old man looked disappointed. “Is that so?” he asked. “Well, I must wait for my

dolphin – she has faithfully towed my boat for many days and nights to reach these shores and

has just now gone off to find some fish to eat.”

“Would you like some breakfast while you wait?” asked Loredana, being very polite.

“Thank you, but I am not hungry. Many centuries have passed since I have eaten

anything.” The old man became thoughtful, “In fact, I cannot remember if I have ever eaten

anything at all! But I wouldn’t mind a little conversation – I’m quite starved for it, and it has

been a long time since I have spoken with anyone!”

Loredana smiled, for she too liked a good conversation, and very few people ever came

by to visit, “Will you not come inside then?”

“I would like that very much, but I cannot leave my boat!” the old man replied.

“Not at all?” asked Loredana in surprise.

“No. It is my prison; I am bound within it until the end of time!”

Loredana thought this very peculiar, but she kept this thought to herself. “Well then,”

she said, “I will fetch my own breakfast and join you here on the beach!” and running into her

house Loredana quickly reappeared with some bread and marmalade.

“You are very polite! What is your name, child?” the old man asked.

Loredana made sure to finish her mouthful before replying, “My name is Loredana.”

“Loredana! That is a very beautiful name!”

“Thank you!” Loredana smiled, “I think so too!”

“Well Loredana, do you really not know why the sea lies so still?”

“No, Phaelon, I do not understand it.”

“What? Do you not know the history of this world? Have you not been attentive to your


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Loredana admitted that she had not, but only because she had been too poor to go to

school, “The only teacher I have ever had is the sea!” she explained to the old man.

“Ah!” the old man’s face softened, “A very fine teacher, as full of wisdom as it is of

salt! Come child, tell me what the sea has taught you!”

Then Loredana told the old man the many things she had learned, beginning with the

serious things like life and death. And then she spoke of rainbows and storms, and of how the

sky and sea discussed with each other as to what they were going to do on the morrow, and

how the waves and wind guided the fishermen to those fish that were to be caught on that day,

and of the family matters of whales, and the habits of crustaceans, and the boasting of gulls,

and on and on until the old man was laughing and clapped his calloused hands in delight.

“Why, you are a scholar! Surely, if the king knew that such a bright and beautiful young

woman lived in his realm, he would summon her to his court!”

Loredana blushed, “Perhaps, but there has been no king here for many years!”

“No king?” the old man cried in alarm, “What has happened? How is there no king

here? Is this not the world of men?”

“Yes, yes! But many years ago – so my aunt told me – when I was just a baby, the king

and queen were lost while returning from a visit to the foreign lands on the other side of the

ocean. Even as they neared the shore, a storm struck and their ship was dashed against the cliffs

beneath their castle. The king and queen perished, as well as their son who was then only an


“But who rules the kingdom now?” the old man asked.

“The lords of the late king, but they grow old and are not strong; the many dangers of

the land steadily weaken them. They are always out with their tired armies in some corner of

the kingdom, fighting off dragons and bandits and other terrible things.”

“What about your young men?”

“Our young men all wish to become knights, and so they go into far away lands seeking

other kings before whom they might do great deeds in order to prove their valour. None ever

return home, for there is no glory to be found here. But they have many adventures elsewhere

and the sailors that pass through love to relate their tales.”

The old man had become quiet. “No king or queen, and no young warriors! All that

remain are aging lords, and they too are gone, out fighting with tired armies of old men? This

news makes me sorrowful! How can this be?”

“It is the way of men,” Loredana replied slowly, trying to console the old man. “A

kingdom is rather like the tides of the ocean: when the tide is in, it is a time of strength and

plenty, but now the tide is out and the glory of the land is ebbing.”

The old man nodded. “The sea has taught you much, my child, but still, you do not

know the first things. Attend to me now and I shall reveal them to you!” and forgetting his

sorrow for a moment, the old man began the tale of the first things:

“When the Creator first made this world, He wished it to be a world of light and

goodness. Thus He first begot the sun. But in order to give warmth and light to all the world,

the sun would have to burn very hot, so hot, in fact, that it would be in danger of being burnt

up! So the Creator made the ocean into which the sun could be immersed to cool, and He made

a second sun, so that while the first cooled the second would shine. I, Phaelon, was charged

with lowering the sun on every twelfth hour, while Muirgen, my wife, was to raise the other.

“And so the earth was always warm and lightsome, and in the oceans creatures and

plants flourished, and it was the same upon the land. And it was all very good. Then, one day,

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Muirgen came to me and spoke strange words of other suns hidden deep within the sky that we

could not see because our own suns were so bright. She had been shown them by the Firebird –

who flies about everywhere, trying to discover all knowledge and secret things – for they can

be seen, if only for a moment, upon the twelfth hour when the two suns pass, one extinguishing

while the other waxes.

“And Muirgen said to me, “There are many thousands upon thousands of suns! Too

many to ever be counted! Their splendor is such that the Firebird says one’s eyes become lost

among them and time itself stops! Each sun is like a pearl glittering in the depths of the ocean!

Now attend to me my husband: this next time, I shall not raise the sun, but let it remain in the

depths and you, you shall extinguish the other. Then the sky will be dark and we will be able to

see these great lights that the Creator has hidden from our eyes!”

“When the hour came, I set the sun but Muirgen did not raise the other, and for the first

time darkness covered the earth. It was as the Firebird had said: the sky glittered with countless

lights. We stared at these distant suns for many hours, not aware of how the time passed, as we

tried numbering them, seeing if any ever extinguished, and allowing them to guide our


“But I realized that time had not stopped, no, we had only lost track of it. And as for the

suns, I saw that theirs was a false light, each one giving only enough light to be noticed and no

more. But theirs was a cold light, for their light gave no warmth to the sea, or to the earth, or

even to those who admired it. And all of these suns, together in the sky, gave no light or


“It was then I wished to raise the suns under our charge, but Muirgen protested, saying

that she enjoyed things as they now were. But then the Creator was there and He saw that we

had left his designs. Plunging His arms into the ocean, He took up the suns, together raising

them in His hands. One reignited, but that which had been immersed the longer had lost its fire

and had become as cold and pale as the many suns that lay deep within the sky.

“For failing both Him and the world that He had created, we were punished: Muirgen

was sent into the abyss, deep within the ocean’s depths, where never again she would see any

light save that which was filtered or pale, and she was changed, so that like many sea creatures

she could never leave the water. I too was punished: save for this cloth about my waist, I was

stripped of my garments so that I would never forget the sun – for it beats upon me during the

day and in its absence, at night, I miss it and am cold.

“I was given two oars – carved from the great coral reef of Caritas that is the world’s

foundation – to churn in the oceans, for they have great power. With them, I was to mind the

tides, and set the currents, and fan the waves and so keep the sea ever renewed.

“And to replace us, who were punished, the Creator set a great wheel in the sky,

invisible except for its course, upon which the two suns would forever turn; half of the day will

see the sun before it returns to the ocean to cool, whereupon emerges the cold sun, the moon, to

travel across the sky. And so by us, darkness entered the world.

“Centuries beyond memory have since passed. But Muirgen, the fallen queen beneath

the sea, is a spiteful creature. Since her banishment all those ages ago, her only wish has been

for utter darkness, that there might be no light to torment her. Thus, after having stored up

many fell clouds and stray winds, she released them not many days ago and caused a great

storm, and even as I was caught within it, her dark servants rose from the depths and found me

in my boat and stole from me the Coral Oars!

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“The Coral Oars – whose strokes manage the tides and the currents and the waves!

Without them the ocean will become stagnant. All the creatures within it will die and with no

wind or water the land will also perish and become a barren desert!”

Loredana had ceased eating as she listened to Phaelon’s tale and now, upon hearing this

terrible news, she was so upset so as to not want any more breakfast, “But this will mean the

end of the world!” she cried.

“It could! It could!” cried Phaelon, “God is testing me and I know He means that I

humble myself and seek help! That is why I have come to the shores of the earth where men

dwell, seeking to entreat your king and queen that they might lend to me great warriors or

mages that would descend into the watery depths and recover the Coral Oars from Muirgen.

But now…there is no king or queen and your lords are scattered about the land! Now I shall

have to cross the ocean for many days yet to find a champion, and by then the sea will have

died!” Phaelon closed his bright blue eyes and began to weep.

“Do not cry!” Loredana said, “God will not abandon you! Somehow you will succeed!”

Phaelon opened his eyes. “Would you help me?” He asked.

“Me?” Loredana cried in surprise.

“Yes!” Phaelon’s blue eyes sparkled with new hope. “Would you recover my Coral


“But I am not one to treat with an evil queen – I can barely stop the gulls upon the shore

from pestering the hermit crabs! Besides, I dare not go to any place within the ocean, for I

cannot breathe underwater!”

“Ah, but I can give you items that will aid you, and you are already brave!”

Loredana was indeed a very brave young woman, but she was also very sensible and

knew this affair was better left to a proper warrior. Still, she was very unhappy that she could

not aid the old man. “I am very sorry that I cannot help you recover your Coral Oars,”

Loredana answered sadly, “I can offer you a pair of wooden paddles from my own boat;

perhaps they can be of some use?”

The old man sighed, unhappily. “Only the Coral Oars can make things right again, but I

thank you. I will take your paddles, along with the hope that I will be able to return them in

happier times.”

Loredana quickly fetched the paddles and gave them to the old man.

“Well, my child, I must not tarry here any longer. With these oars I can again set out on

my journey. Now, please, push my boat back into the sea!”

Loredana set her shoulder to the boat; it was surprisingly heavy. She saw that it was of

an ancient design and had been in the ocean for so long that a waterline had been worn around

the hull. Many pictures and symbols were carved on the boat’s sides, so many in fact that

Loredana was sure that they must tell a story, but there was no time to ask about it now. With

great difficultly, she managed to slide the boat back into the water. The old man tested his new

oars, but the boat did not move.

“Out further, my child!” Phaelon commanded. “My boat is stuck fast in the shallows!

You must push me out further!”

So Loredana waded in further until the water was around her knees and she pushed the

boat from the shallows.

“Look there!” The old man exclaimed.

Loredana spied a fin cutting across the water, “A shark!” She squeaked in fright.

The old man leaned over the side, “Quickly! Into my boat!”

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Loredana did not have to be told twice. Grasping the old man’s hand, she practically

leapt from the water into the boat. The old man immediately took up his oars and began to row

hard, away from the shore.

“Wait! You must take me back and leave me upon my beach!” Loredana pleaded. But

the old man did not heed her and he continued to row and did not stop until the shore was no

more than a hazy line upon the horizon.

The fin followed them and it was moving faster now, coming ever closer to the boat. It

suddenly submerged and moments later a dolphin exploded from the water and somersaulted

over the boat while spouting water at its two passengers.

The old man laughed, “Ah, there is my faithful friend!"

Loredana was astonished; it had not been a shark at all, but a dolphin! She was very

cross at the old man for such a trick.

“I am sorry,” the old man apologized, “but you see, you are the only one that I have

found and there is no time to find anyone else! And you are a very wise girl and you know so

much about the sea that even warriors and mages do not know. Surely, it was Providence that I

found you, which means that you must be the only one who can recover the Coral Oars.”

The old man threw a rope into the water; the dolphin caught it in its mouth and began to

tow the boat along. The old man began to row again.

“Where are we going?” asked Loredana, trying to be brave.

“There are only two places where one can enter into the dark abyss under the sea: at the

beginning of the ocean, where the sun rises, and at the end of the ocean, where the sun sets. The

Queen under the sea lives at the beginning of the ocean, and so that is where we must go. You

must sleep now, for you will soon have many adventures, and I will wake you when it is time

for them to begin.”

Loredana did not feel sleepy for it was still morning. But she listened to the old man and

curled up in the bottom of the boat and very soon she was fast asleep.

“Awaken now, Loredana!”

Loredana’s eyes fluttered open, releasing her from dreams. The old man had rowed hard

all day and into the night. Around them the darkness was complete, save for a pale glow that

came from within the ocean and surrounded the boat in a halo of ghostly light.

“Oh my! How I have slept!” Loredana rubbed her eyes.

“You slept soundly!” exclaimed the old man. “Even as I navigated through the gurgling

sea of the thousand whirlpools, you did not wake!”

“Where is that curious light coming from?” Loredana asked.

“Come and see!"

Loredana crawled to the side of the boat and peered into the sea. A massive orb of light

was there, just beneath the surface. The orb was so immense and mysterious that Loredana lost

her breath just to look at it. "That is the sun!” said Phaelon. “Soon it will rise; the time is near at

hand for your descent!

“But first I must give you some things to help you: three gifts which will keep you from

harm and help you on your way!” The old man stood and lifted the plank that served as his seat,

revealing a small space. Reaching in, he removed a folded cloth, which glistened silver and

blue in the pale light of the submerged sun. The old man carefully pulled away the folds

revealing two objects. The first was a crystal vial. It was filled with a clear liquid that when

swished glowed and sparkled like diamonds. The second was a small tin of copper.

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“It is very dark at the bottom of the ocean, but deeper and darker still is the abyss

wherein Muirgen’s kingdom lies!” Phaelon warned. He held up the vial. “But you will suffer

no darkness when you have this! This vial is filled with “Morning Tears”, the first drops that

fall from the sun as it reemerges each day from the sea. Most drops return to the sea, but if you

are fast enough and can catch one as it falls, why, it remains pure and shines with the brightness

of dawn’s morning light! Dab some in your eyes and wherever you look it will be bright; even

the darkest dungeon will become lightsome. A drop lasts only three hours, but there is more

than enough here to last you many days.”

“And this,” Phaelon said, holding aloft the tin, “The second gift! It is – my, I have

forgotten to ask you, but, can you swim?”

“Like a fish!” Loredana replied, beaming.

“Good!” the old man chuckled. “That is important! Now, where was I? Oh yes – the

second gift is this!” The old man opened the tin for Loredana to see.

“Why, they look like little candies!”

“They taste nice, but candies they are not! These are hardened nuggets of resin, taken

from the bark of the amber tree that grows only on the lost islands of the Western seas. This

resin is very special, for with it you can breathe underwater! Just place a piece in your mouth. It

will begin to dissolve, and as it does, it will become as air that you can breathe! Each piece of

resin will only last for so long; so be ready for another when only a sliver remains of the first.

They are so rare that I have only twenty pieces to give you, and these I rescued from the

flotsam of a sunken merchant vessel. Keep them well.”

The old man gave Loredana the two gifts, making sure that she placed them safely in

the pockets of her robe.

“But isn’t there a third gift?” Loredana politely asked, for the old man seemed to have


“A third gift? Why, yes!” The old man held up the cloth that shimmered silver and blue.

He became sad, “This is a shawl, a very special one. It belonged to my daughter, Corinne.”

“You did not tell me that you had any children,” said Loredana, intrigued.

“It is not a happy thing to tell: for I had a daughter, and she is no more.”

“What happened to her?” asked Loredana.

“With me forever in my boat, and with Muirgen trapped beneath the sea, the Creator

allowed Corinne to remain on the island of paradise, which is in the middle of the world, where

Muirgen and I had been happy. I often visited my daughter while I managed the seas, and she

was my joy and my delight. But she pined after her mother, forgetting the reason of her

banishment beneath the sea. Finally, Corinne would no longer hear my words, nor would she

heed my warnings, so set was she upon descending into the abyss and recovering her mother

from that dark place. Seeing this, I relented and taking the spray of the sea and the mist that

crawls over the ocean, I spun them together into thread and wove this shawl. You see how it

shimmers, for it is made from both air and water, and it shines with their brightness. I knew it

would keep Corinne safe if she wore it, for Muirgen can stand no shimmer of light. But also,

and this I told my daughter, when the time came to return, she would need only to hold out this

shawl behind her and turn a somersault, and a bubble would form around her and float her back

to the surface as fast as the sailback swims.”

Looking at the shawl, the old man sighed heavily, “Many days passed and Corinne did

not return from the depths. I asked all friendly creatures of the oceans to help find her, but to

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no avail. Only the dolphins found any sign of her: they retrieved her shawl from the depths,

and seeing it, I knew my daughter to be lost.”

The old man brought the shawl to his lips and kissed it. He gave it to Loredana, making

sure that she secured it about her neck and across her shoulders. The old man looked at the

young woman, “Loredana, I will not force you to do this thing. I was wrong to have brought

you here without your consent. If you do not wish to go, I will even now return you to your


Loredana was trembling; she was becoming very nervous. She smiled bravely and said:

“It was not at all nice of you to have tricked me, but I forgive you. I am here now and I

understand that the world will die unless you regain the Coral Oars. You have been kind to me

and given me these gifts, so I will go, even though I think I shall be terribly alone and afraid.”

“Ah, but you will not go alone!” The old man exclaimed, gratefully. “My dolphin will

go with you!”

The dolphin, which had been floating quietly beside the boat the whole time, now raised

its head from the water.

The old man smiled: “It was this very same dolphin that returned to me my daughter’s

shawl. Since that day, through years beyond memory, it has been my companion. It is a strange

dolphin – I think it must be a punished creature as myself – for it does not speak or make any

sound as a dolphin should and it is ancient beyond the living days of any animal, yet it shows

no age. It can hold its breath longer than any of its kind and swim with a speed to rival the

fastest marlin! This dolphin has always showered me in the day’s heat, and danced and played

about my boat to cheer me. It understands speech and I do not doubt it will accompany you. I

call her Haida, after the great schooner of old that used to race the seas.

“With Haida at your side you will have the best of companions! She will be your guide

and friend, and if you come to any trouble, she will be there. Only once every hour will she be

missed, and only then because she must return to the surface to breath, but she will be so fast

that she’ll have scarcely left your side before she is back again!”

Loredana laughed, “Well, this makes me feel much better!” She looked over the side

and patted Haida’s nose. “You will come with me then, Haida?” The dolphin burst from the

water and stood on its tail, nodding its head while grinning as only dolphins can.

Phaelon then stood, his face serious. “The time is at hand, Loredana! Now, anoint your

eyes with morning tears and place a tablet of amber resin in your mouth and watch that you try

to breathe out only through your nose so that you do not spit it out. Hold tight to the anchor

chain which I will heave from my boat and you shall rush straight to the bottom and find

yourself before the gates of Muirgen’s kingdom.”

Even as Phaelon spoke, the water began to bulge and boil and the great sphere broke

forth from the stilled ocean. As its mighty crown emerged, tongues of fire sprang up and

rekindled. Slowly, as an anchor being dragged up by a crew of angels, the sun rose and flared

and set the sky afire with its dawn. The old man cowered in the bow, covering his watering

eyes which were not for the sun but for the sea.

Then the sun was clear and with a great sucking sound the ocean rushed in to fill the

great hole left behind. "Hold fast to the chain!" cried the old man and grabbing the wooden

paddles, he rowed forward and down into the hole which had become a great whirlpool.

Loredana screamed and fell backward into the boat. Around her she saw the sea become as a

wall and a canopy of waves hid the sky.

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For a moment the sun was lost as walls of water crashed over the boat. Phaelon threw

the anchor overboard; its splash was drowned out by the raging sea. “Loredana!” Phaelon cried

over the roaring waves and humming sun, “Go now!”

Climbing onto her knees, Loredana sloshed through the water that nearly filled the boat.

She looked over the side into the ocean. A huge wave surprised her, lifting her from the boat

and throwing her down into the surging ocean. Loredana battled the water to find the anchor

chain; she gripped it fiercely lest the waves wrest it from her. And how the waves did try, for

they grabbed at her and bullied her about, but the chain towed her away from them and the

roaring waves lost her and their rumbles quieted in the silence beneath the sea.

Chapter 2

Down, down, down sank Loredana. The chain sank rapidly. The water was becoming

darker and colder. How full of life the ocean was! She passed through veils of plankton and

schools of silvery fish that all darted and twisted about as if one creature. She saw pods of

whales in the distance and heard their piercing cries, and passed a yawning basking shark as it

trolled along. And still she sank and the water became darker and heavier, but she could see

well, thanks to the morning tears and she was not cold, for the morning tears also sent warmth

through her body. But even so, she could not yet see the bottom of the ocean.

As she sank ever deeper the creatures became stranger; she saw things that only existed

in fishermen’s tales, things that were sometimes caught in the deepwater drag nets or found

washed up on deserted shores after only the greatest storms. Loredana saw fish that carried

glowing lures on their heads, and fish with whiplike tails, and squirming eels and fish with

pointy teeth and bulging eyes. She saw the hagfish, which can tie itself in a knot, and the

oarfish, which is as long as a sea serpent, and even the viperfish, which looks as scary as its

name sounds. She nearly collided with a great sperm whale that was battling a giant squid in

the depths. How she nearly died for fear as she drifted down the great whale’s flank, right past

its angry eye, and through the flailing tentacles of the squid. The squid’s eyes were as big as

saucers, and as Loredana passed, one great eye fixed itself upon her. She could hear it click its

beak that was hidden away among its many legs. She sank further still, until there were few fish

left to see, and those that were still about were sickly-looking and blind, for there was no light

for them to know that they should want to see.

At last Loredana could see the bottom. At first it appeared as a hazy cloud, but then she

saw that it was made of clay and was barren. She could see one island of creatures though, all

gathered around a hot water vent in the ocean floor, like people around a campfire. There were

long-limbed crabs and spiny octopi, and giant tube worms that filtered the deep ocean currents.

Then Loredana had another fright, for she noticed a shadow moving towards her. It

swerved from side to side, propelling itself at her with great force and she knew that this time

she was seeing a real shark. It was a shark indeed, a deep sea shark, with six gills and a

sicklelike tail. The shark was a hungry thing and all the more so once it had espied Loredana,

for it had never found such a tasty-looking morsel in these depths. But instead of attacking, the

shark grunted and swerved away. Another shadow appeared from below, and Loredana was

overjoyed to see that it was Haida. The shark was very upset, for besides losing a meal and

getting Haida’s snout in its stomach, it no doubt was of the opinion that dolphins had no

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business being in the deeps. But it was not about to complain, for a dolphin can kill a shark by

butting it repeatedly in the stomach, and there were easier meals to be had.

Haida came to Loredana and nuzzled her face. Loredana was very happy for her

companion and put her arm around the dolphin and hugged her close. The anchor thudded into

the clay and the chain piled up upon it and Loredana touched the ocean floor. Loredana looked

around in bewilderment. There were no gates, no kingdom, why, there was nothing at all in

sight! But really, this was not so strange; Phaelon had forgotten about the hot volcanic vents

along the ocean floor that help keep the deep ocean currents flowing. These hidden currents had

caught Loredana as she sank and had taken her many miles off course.

“We have missed our mark and so have yet some distance to travel. You must sit on my

back, and I shall take you to the kingdom of Muirgen.” Loredana looked around in

astonishment: a voice, here, at the bottom of the sea? “It is I who am speaking!” Loredana

looked at Haida in astonishment, for it was the dolphin that had spoken! Immediately, Loredana

tried to answer, but only a torrent of bubbles came from her mouth.

Haida made a laughing sound. “Careful – do not lose your amber tablet! Only under the

ocean may my speech be understood. Even you can speak beneath the sea, but I will have to

find you something special for that. For now, trust in me, and I will guide you true. Now, climb

upon my back, for we have drifted many miles and there isn’t a moment to lose!” Loredana

quickly climbed upon Haida’s back and the dolphin shot through the water at a tremendous


Loredana thought it incredible fun to ride on a dolphin’s back, and she quickly became

accustomed to it, clinging close to the dolphin and feeling the water rush over her. Only twice

was their journey halted, as Haida left to return to the surface for a breath of air. During these

times Loredana was left alone, not only because Haida could swim much faster without her, but

also because Haida ascended too quickly for a human body to stand, for the changing water

pressures can kill a man if not taken slowly.

Around them there was not much to see; the ocean floor was a ghost world. It was all

mostly clay with bits of rock and ragged weeds, with little crabs and lazy starfish wandering

aimlessly about. But then they swam over the ruins of an ancient city. “That is the city of

Atlantis,” said Haida. “I once played among the coral reefs that grew along its shores, but the

people there were cruel, and the Creator laid their island beneath the ocean. But in the

beginning it was not so, for the people were very good, and it was they who built the city.

Would you like me to swim closer that you may see?”

Loredana excitedly patted Haida’s back. The dolphin dove, and was soon careening

through the city streets, over fountains and empty spaces that might once have been courts and

gardens. The masonry was a marvel to behold, each glittering stone had been expertly carved

and set perfectly into its place. The colours of the buildings were warm and inviting. They had

fallen into ruin though, and Haida took Loredana into them, swimming through doors and holes

in the walls, and Loredana saw the rooms with their stone furnishings, wall mosaics and

magnificent baths and aqueducts. Loredana decided that it would have been a very nice city to

live in.

They stopped in a garden that was decorated with countless seashells. “Here,” Haida

nudged a conch shell with her nose. “This is what shall allow you to speak underwater!”

Loredana picked up the shell, but still only bubbles came out of her mouth.

Haida laughed. “Have you never held a seashell to your ear?”

Loredana nodded, she had done so countless times.

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“Then you have heard the voice of the sea!”

Loredana smiled and nodded again.

“The reason you hear the sea is because seashells remember and repeat anything that is

spoken into them when under the water. Most people never think to speak into them, only to

listen to them. That’s why seashells always sound like the ocean, because it is the ocean that

has last spoken to them. Do you understand?”

Loredana nodded and bringing the shell to her lips she spoke into it. Then she placed it

to her ear and what a wide smile broke across her face! She held the conch next to Haida’s ear.

“Yes, yes, I hear you!” Haida laughed. “Now you can communicate with me under the

sea! But be careful! Make sure you tuck your piece of amber resin into your cheek when you

are talking or you’ll lose it!”

Loredana smiled and said many happy things she wished to tell Haida. Then she wound

the conch into the shawl around her shoulders that it might not be lost.

They continued to explore the city, and Haida told Loredana many forgotten things

about it and about the centuries when its people had ruled the seaways. Their tour, however,

was suddenly cut short when they rounded a corner and bumped into a Lusca. Now a Lusca, if

you don’t know, is a kind of octopus, a giant octopus really, and it is of an incredibly colossal

size. One day, if you ever chance to find an old mariner’s book, you must look inside and

surely you will find a picture, done in India ink, of the Lusca, or its cousin the Kraken,

attacking a ship, with its eight thick arms and suckers wrapped around the haul and snaking up

the masts. You must not fear though, for centuries ago, when the ocean was a much more

mysterious and wild place, the Lusca was a very aggressive creature that sometimes came into

shallow waters and attacked the wooden sailing frigates and galleons of old. But now Luscas

are rare and shy, though still not nice as company, which is why Loredana and Haida did not

stay to visit with the Lusca. In fact, they were off in a flash, leaving the drowned city and the

giant octopus far behind.

They next came to a very mysterious place; on the horizon were hundreds upon

hundreds of spinning funnels that stood upon the ocean floor and disappeared into the waters

above. “This is the bottom of the sea of the thousand whirlpools,” explained Haida. “Just

beyond it lies the kingdom of Muirgen.” Haida slowed as they approached the funnels, and

Loredana drew her hand to her mouth in horror for inside each funnel was a person.

“These are Muirgen’s prisoners,” said Haida. “They are caught by the riptides that creep

beneath the ocean and are brought here, where they are imprisoned in whirling eddies that

stretch all the way to the surface where they become whirlpools – just enough air comes down

each funnel to keep its prisoner alive.”

“So every man, woman and child that has ever been lost at sea has been imprisoned

here?” Loredana said through the conch. She gaped in awe as they swam among the funnels.

“No, not all,” said Haida. “The ocean is too vast for Muirgen’s servants to be

everywhere. Some, the riptides take for themselves, dragging them into the underground city of

Purgos, the city that lies beneath the seabed. Others perish in the waters, or worse, they are

taken by…well, we will not speak of that now.”

Loredana became quiet as she watched the people turning in their funnels. She saw that

there were many different people: armoured knights and collared slaves, sailors and fishermen,

lords and ladies, servants and squires, even children in their summer clothes clutching their

dolls and wooden toys. The faces looked so peaceful, but they also had a trace of sadness, as if

each man, woman and child knew that they were a prisoner.

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Suddenly Loredana made Haida stop swimming. They hovered beside a funnel in which

a young man turned, very close to her own age, so Loredana thought. He was dressed in rags

and his feet were bare and blue with the cold of the deeps.

“What is it, Loredana?” asked Haida. “Why have we stopped? Do you know this young


“No, I do not know him,” Loredana said, using the conch, “but he has a kind face. Can

he be freed?”

“He can, but then how will he breathe?” asked the dolphin gently.

Loredana opened her tin of amber tablets. “I have enough amber tablets to share. Oh

please let us free him!”

“All right then,” said Haida. “Be ready!”

Haida swam close to the young man and swung her tail under the funnel, blocking it

from touching the ocean floor. Immediately the funnel faltered and was gone. The boy’s eyes

fluttered open and bubbles fled from his mouth and he began swallowing sea water. He

panicked then and slashed at the water with his limbs, for he was surrounded in watery

darkness and knew only that he was going to drown.

Loredana put the conch to the young man’s ear. The young man paused in his struggle

when he heard her voice in his ear. Loredana placed an amber tablet in his mouth and took one

for herself. Then she anointed his eyes with morning tears; how the young man’s face changed

to astonishment when he suddenly saw Loredana and Haida! Loredana explained about the

conch and quickly understanding he spoke his gratitude, and so began a conversation of sorts.

“What is your name?” asked Loredana.

“I don’t know,” he replied. “I don’t think I have ever had a name.”

“Over the years, the sea washes away all memories of the world above,” explained

Haida. “You will remember nothing of your life before.”

“Then I shall give you a name,” said Loredana, “for we must call you something! How

would you like to be called Nereus? That was the name of my uncle’s boat. He was a


“That sounds like a very good name,” the young man agreed. “But tell me, where are

we? And who are you?”

Then Loredana introduced herself and Haida and explained to Nereus about her quest

and how they were in the depths of the sea. “So I was the prisoner of Muirgen, and must have

been so for many years! All my memories are of dreams filled with her dark thoughts and

words!” He looked at the hundreds of other prisoners still spinning in their funnels.

“Why did you free me alone out of so many others?”

Loredana smiled, “Because I think we shall be friends!”

Nereus smiled back, “I like this reason very much! Loredana, I will help you find the

Coral Oars!”

“Good, good!” said Haida. “But now we must move quickly! Muirgen’s spies will have

seen us! She does not take kindly to intruders!”

Loredana and Nereus then each took hold of a flipper and Haida swam away from the

bed of a thousand whirlpools that was the prison of Muirgen. The sea floor then dropped away

and beneath them was a great abyss, blacker than any darkness that was upon the earth. “We

are crossing the rut that both the moon and sun roll within,” explained Haida. “They travel

within this abyss and reemerge before the gates of Muirgen’s kingdom, where they then rise up

through the sea and back into the sky.”

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Even as Haida explained this, a great cloud of creatures arose from the black abyss.

They were squid, servants of the Sea Queen, and they had been sent by her to capture the

intruders. Haida, however, was swift and cunning, and quick to act. Through the squid she

swam, twisting and turning to avoid their grasping arms. But the squid did not give up; they

chased after them.

Haida’s speed began to slacken. It was then that Nereus, so new to the world, did

something extraordinary; he let go of Haida, allowing his new friends to gain some speed.

Immediately, the squid forgot about Haida and Loredana and set upon brave Nereus. They

swarmed him, wrapping their tentacles around his arms and legs and held him fast.

But his brave deed was all for naught, for ahead more squid were waiting. They poured

forth from the abyss like the Biblical plague of locusts that was visited upon Egypt. These

squid made an inky cloud in the water that even Loredana’s eyes could not penetrate. Haida did

not turn aside but instead plunged into the cloud, hoping that its darkness would cover her

escape. But the cloud was full of little arms which caught them up from every side. The little

arms found Loredana and pulled her from Haida.

Loredana was so terribly frightened. She fought the squid as best she could, until she

was exhausted and her arms sank like weights to her sides. Haida dashed back and forth

through the squid many times, her sleek sides too slippery for their suckers to grasp, but she

could find neither Loredana nor Nereus. Haida became short of breath and she was forced to

turn her nose up and bolt to the surface. But the squid had their prisoners and they took them

now to their master, who was the queen beneath the sea.

Chapter 3

Loredana and Nereus were taken to the abyss’ end, where the sea floor rose and became

a ramp from which launched the sun and the moon. Beyond the ramp they saw the palace of the

sea queen. Wisps of seaweed, long dead, waved from its barnacle-plated walls and towers. The

castle was made from rocks upon which ships had been wrecked long ago, and blocks of

petrified coral. The coral had been taken from the great reef of Caritas – the same reef from

which were forged the Coral Oars. Long ago the sea queen had attacked the reef, hoping to

destroy it, but she had been driven back; all the coral she managed to steal had turned to stone.

Now perhaps you have seen castles before, and you would naturally expect them to be

surrounded by a moat of water with a drawbridge to allow only the people they want inside.

But, as you can imagine, when you are underwater, such a moat would not make much sense.

There was, however, a moat around the sea queen’s castle, but it was a moat of air that the sea

queen kept by magic. The drawbridge was a passage of water that rushed out from the gates

when they were opened and spanned the moat of air.

So it was even as they watched that the gates to the castle opened and the water rushed

forth. Two great crabs scuttled out from the castle, walking sideways as is their custom.

“Land dwellers!” gurgled one of the crabs. “We’ll take them and put them in an air

cell.” The crabs plucked the prisoners from the squid. Their pincers were so tight that Loredana

was afraid her hands might be snipped off, for even normal crabs can take off a finger if one is

foolish enough to offer it. Down many halls and tunnels were the prisoners taken until, at last,

they were thrown into a dry cell, which was really an underwater cave sealed with magic and

with bars made from the ribs of a whale.

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“I’m afraid our adventure has come to a swift end!” Nereus remarked grimly after he

had inspected their cell. Nereus suddenly laughed.

“Why are you laughing?” Loredana asked in astonishment.

“I’m sorry. I just realized I am not in the water anymore! So this is what it feels like to

be on dry land! Look at me! What is this I am doing called?”

“Stumbling…though I’m sure you are trying to walk!” laughed Loredana. Nereus

clapped his hands and walked about the cell, his joy such that they both forgot they had just

been made prisoners. The crabs were not impressed and after speaking with the jailer they

waltzed out to return to their posts.

Loredana waited until the crabs were gone. “We cannot stay here, Nereus. We must


Nereus’ eyes brightened, “Yes, you’re right! I will not be put to sleep again by the

spells of the sea queen!” He shook the bars of their cell.

“Hey you, you stop that!” a raspy voice growled. A great moray eel, guardian of the

castle dungeon, slithered up to their cell. “Settle down now, or I’ll bite off those useless hands

of yours so that you can’t make any more noise with them!”

Nereus winked at Loredana and rattled the bars again, “What noise?” asked Nereus.

“Like this you mean?” The eel snapped at his hands, but Nereus was quick and pulled them out

of harm’s way.

“Just try that again!” hissed the eel.

“I think I just might,” Nereus said bravely and he held the eel’s unfriendly stare for

several moments. Finally, the eel growled and turned away, muttering to itself on how hands

and arms were completely silly for any creature to have.

“I’m afraid it’s cross with me.” Nereus remarked to Loredana.

“Are you sure you want to make it angry?” inquired Loredana.

“Very sure! Watch this –” And Nereus again shook the bars.

In an instant, the eel was there, snapping at the bars with its rows of sharp teeth, but

again it was too late. “You! Stop that I say!”

“Stop what?” asked Nereus, who was being very calm. “This?” And he shook the bars.

The eel’s slashing fangs missed again.

“Gah! I’ll tear you to shreds I will!” threatened the eel and it slammed its body against

the bars several times. Having vented its rage it reluctantly swam off, though still watching

them from the corner of one of its yellow eyes.

Nereus, however, did not stop, and he shook the bars time and time again, and each time

the eel came rushing back and ever the angrier for it. Finally, the eel had had enough, “You

little urchin! So you don’t like your prison cell, eh? Well, that’s fine, for I have a better one for

you! In my belly!” And the eel attacked the bars, biting them with its teeth and violently

thrashing from side to side to pull them out.

A moray eel in its wrath is a terrifying thing, especially when its wrath is directed at

you. Loredana took hold of Nereus, “What have you done?” she cried in alarm.

“You must trust me, Loredana!” said Nereus, making sure to stand between her and the

eel’s snapping jaws.

The eel was rather large, terrifyingly so, and it needed to pull several ribs away if it was

to fit its large head into the cell. One by one it was succeeding and a pile of ribs was growing

on the floor. But Nereus was watchful, and creeping forward he snatched one of the ribs where

it lay.

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“You won’t be shaking these bars again!” cried the eel, baring its teeth, and with a snarl

it launched itself into the cell. But Nereus was ready, and as the eel’s jaws came for him, he

jammed the whale’s rib down the eel’s throat. Now, if you’ve ever eaten a delicious piece of

fish you know that nothing spoils it so much as discovering a bone. Worse still is when a bone

gets stuck in your throat, for that is not at all a pleasant feeling! So you can only imagine what

the eel must have felt like when it found itself with a whale’s rib lodged in its throat all the way

down into its belly!

The eel began thrashing about like a mad thing, but the bone was stubbornly lodged in

its throat. “Ah! Too bad you can’t pull it out!” remarked Nereus and he wriggled his fingers

under the eel’s nose. Nereus and Loredana escaped through the hole that it had made and back

into the water. The furious eel tried to stop them, but it could not even turn around.

Hand in hand, Loredana and Nereus swam down the many dim halls of the castle. They

were very wide halls, lit by lamps full of glowing nudibranchs, which are a kind of colourful

sea slug in case you have never met one.

Before long, Loredana and Nereus were quite lost. “We shall be caught if we continue

in this way,” Loredana whispered into the conch to Nereus.

“You’re right,” agreed Nereus. “We must try some of these doors.”

But the doors all led to empty rooms. All, that is, except for one. Behind this door was a

dark and winding staircase, which Loredana thought very odd indeed, for what good are stairs

when they are underwater?

Up and up the curling stairwell they swam until they reached the top and there what a

sight greeted their eyes! A room full of clothes and treasures, weapons and beautiful furniture –

it was, in fact, a secret room where the queen kept all she took from her prisoners as well as

items brought to her by her servants from shipwrecks and drowned ruins.

Laughing, Nereus took up a sword. He flourished it through the water and brought it to

Loredana. “How many pleasant things lie here! This one especially pleases my eye!”

“That is a sword, good Nereus,” said Loredana. “It is for lords and knights and is used

by them for war – have you never seen a sword before?”

“I have never seen the likeness of anything in this room!” responded Nereus as he

looked about in wonder. Nereus took up the scabbard to the sword and a belt. Finding some

fine clothes, he would have put them on in the place of his rags right then and there, but

Loredana was quick to teach him about modesty and she found a blind behind which he could


When Nereus reappeared Loredana clasped her hands and laughed for joy. “My!” She

exclaimed, “How handsome you look! Like a prince!”

Indeed Nereus cut a smart figure. The clothes fitted him well and the sword on his hip

made him look grave and mature beyond his years. Nereus smiled, and he twirled above the

floor the better to show off his clothes. As he did so, he bumped a golden box. It sank to the

floor making a hollow thump. The lid on the golden box popped open revealing a jeweled

ballroom with two finely crafted dancing silver figures entwined with gold. They began to turn

and a faint strain of notes could be heard upon the water.

Nereus paused and listened, for he was very curious at this new thing. “That is a music

box and it is playing music,” said Loredana, again beside him. “Do you like it?”

Nereus smiled, “Music! It is a strange and wonderful thing – a voice without words! It

moves my soul, as your voice did when I first heard it. It is making me happy.”

Loredana smiled. “Music can be a very happy thing if you let it speak to you.”

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“Really? Speak to me?” Nereus listened for a while, his brow furrowed, deep in

concentration. “But what language is it speaking?” he finally asked.

Loredana laughed. Taking his hand she smiled, “I will show you!”

And in time to the music, Loredana began to dance, gently guiding Nereus along until

he could follow her movements. Soon Nereus was smiling and they twirled in the water,

dancing along the walls and ceiling, their toes trailing through piles of coins and jewels that

sparkled and rang against one another. For a moment, they were no longer prisoners escaping

from the sea queen’s castle, but rather enchanted dancers at a great ball who had taken leave of

the floor to dance upon the air.

There came a great rush of bubbles from the stair; several large crabs scuttled into the

room. They were in a sullen mood, which is understandable, for, you see, being such poor

swimmers they had had to shuffle sideways all the way up the winding staircase.

Nereus drew his sword, and though he was new to sword fighting, he gave the crabs a

hard time of it. But the crabs were too much for Nereus and they recaptured their prisoners and

took them away, for the sea queen was awaiting them.

Chapter 4

The great hall of the sea queen is a dreadful place, a great cavern, dark and foul, filled

with many misshapen and ugly things. The sea queen had not made it, no indeed, rather she had

found it and built her castle around it.

The great cavern was large, with a vaulted dome. The walls were ancient rock that had

the fossils of great beasts locked within them. Great sea creatures that had long left the world

such as the Plesiosaurus with its long neck and paddle limbs, and the Ichthyosaurus, which

looks like a fierce porpoise; bony crocodiles and giant sea lizards and even a Megladon, which

is the most fearsome fish that has ever prowled the ocean, for it is the great shark, with teeth as

big as carving knives and a mouth wide enough to swallow a horse and rider.

Into this ancient hall were led the prisoners. Bound with kelp, they were prodded

forward by a host of guard crabs. The hall was filled with the minions of the sea queen, mostly

crustaceans and pale invertebrates with ranks of ugly fish and other creatures that have no name

yet in the tongues of men.

Seated upon her twisted throne, made from the volcanic black coral from the deep water

trenches, was Muirgen. She was tall and thin, her face like marble, severe in its deathless youth.

Her clothes were shapeless black and around her neck hung a stone key which she clenched in

her hand as if she did not trust it to be there. Even though all that was under the ocean was hers,

she herself did not look as though she belonged there, for there was nothing of the sea in her

eyes, for they were cold like ice and full of the evils from the world above.

Loredana and Nereus were brought before the throne and made to kneel. The hall

became still and the queen regarded them; all waited for her to speak.

The queen waved her hand and an air pocket formed around them. “How is it that you

dare to appear before the queen under the ocean dressed in your pajamas?” the queen asked


“Please, Your Majesty, but I didn’t have a chance to change!” Loredana excused

herself. “And I really did not expect to be meeting any royalty today!”

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The queen was not amused. Her icy stare next fell upon Nereus. “You, boy, where did

you get those clothes?”

“I took them!” he declared.

“Insolent boy to speak so! But you are an honest thief who now steals the truth to

properly frame his sins! I daresay that you stole them!” exclaimed the queen. She was very

cross. “Yes indeed! For those are clothes taken from my royal treasury!”

“And who did you steal them from?” But Nereus’s challenge ended with a cry, for a

great crab caught him up in its claw and pinched his middle.

“Air breather, you will address the queen as Her Majesty!” said the crab in his gurgling

voice. Nereus tried very hard to pretend that the pincer did not hurt him.

“Such thievery and insolence do not go unpunished in my kingdom!” the queen warned.

Nereus struggled to speak, “Then what of my life that you have stolen, O Queen? What

of the years that you have taken from me while keeping me a prisoner? Even my memories you

have stolen and presumed to fill with yourself!”

“Ignorant boy! You think that I stole you? Like a cloud that rains that it might pass over

a puddle to admire its own reflection – you flatter yourself! It was the sea that gave you to me!

The sea has given me everything I possess! I did not ask for it, I was chosen, and the sea serves

me even though I hate it, and it rules me even as it calls me queen. I am its prisoner more than

you are mine!

“It was I who saved you from the closing waves, whose kiss drowns mortal men. I gave

you life. In your dreams I taught you speech and set before your mind things you would have

never known or seen. Your life is my own! Silly child, how can I steal what is mine?”

Nereus struggled, refusing to yield to the grip of the crab or to the words of the queen.

Muirgen frowned at his resistance. “You are spirited for one who has known only dreams!”

The queen stood. She wore a fearsome grimace. “Release him!” she cried. Immediately, the

crab did so. Loredana caught Nereus as he sank to the floor.

“You, girl, leave him be!” But Loredana did not listen and she comforted Nereus.

“How is this?” the queen asked in anger. “I was there in all of your dreams, I know your

thoughts; I gave them all to you! I have been in each one a thousand times, and made you

dream them a thousand times more! And yet here, awake, you are different. You are not like

the frightened shadow that flutters through your dreams.” The queen pointed at Loredana, “I do

not know you, girl. What are you, that you have undone my spells so quickly? Are you a

sorceress from the lands above? What magic do you have? What things have you wrought upon


Loredana looked up at the queen. “I am a poor fisherman’s daughter. I have come here

only to recover the Coral Oars that you have stolen from Phaelon, the ancient seafarer of the


“Oh really?” Queen Muirgen laughed and her fist tightened about the key. “Ha ha!

How pathetic and droll – you are running errands for Phaelon? Well then you serve an old fool!

The oars are not here! How could they be? They are hateful to me and have a brightness that

cannot be in this place. They are lost to the world and the world is lost for them. I have given

them to the Drak, the great sea sorceress who dwells in the form of a dragon. She has them

bound by spells in her sea cave. Phaelon has sent you to your doom!”

“Not so, for I am helping her!” Nereus cried.

“You!” The queen cried. “What hope drives you to do anything?”

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“I wish to see the sun!” Nereus cried. He sat up and looked upon the queen with defiant

eyes. “I will see it! You have hidden it from me, never teaching me about its light, but I have

seen its reflection in this girl’s eyes, and I shall embrace it myself!”

Then the humour left the queen’s face and her eyes widened and she began to tremble in

rage for she understood now as Loredana held Nereus close. And even as the queen shook, the

cavern began to shake as well. A deep rumbling boom sounded; the floor split, and a jagged

crack traveled the length of the room before all again became still.

The queen let out a horrible shriek and all her minions looked about that they might see

why. They saw that the crack began beneath Nereus and Loredana, and in the crack were small

growths of coral, blue and green and red. They flickered like live coals, casting their hues upon

the walls of the ancient cavern which had seen light but once at the world’s creation.

“You terrible girl!” the queen thundered from her throne. “Would that your quest had

succeeded rather than things had come to this end! You could have been my prisoner and he a

prisoner again, for even I may be merciful to thieves! But now I choose to destroy you both for

you have attacked my realm and my power as no creature has ever dared! For together you

have brought love here, and hope, the light of the soul which your dull senses can only feel

within but which blinds me and burns me like fire!

“Here, in my own hall, now grows a piece of Caritas, the coral reef that is the world’s

foundation! By your love it has grown here and it will rend my hall asunder!”

Hearing these words, all the servants of the sea queen trembled and churned the water

with their fins and tails and snapped their claws or stamped their knobby feet.

“I, Muirgen, the Queen beneath the sea, banish you both to the shark infested waters!

No trace of you shall remain, not even a shred, to remind me of you!

Muirgen then addressed her minions: “You, my servants, destroy this coral and dig out

its roots that it may grow here no more!

“Guards, separate these two, and take them away, and do not return unless to tell the

tale of their end!”

The air pocket collapsed and four red octopi came and seized Nereus and Loredana,

pulling them away from one another. An escort of giant crabs surrounded them, and the

prisoners were marched out the castle gates and across the drawbridge on their way to the shark


Many times the octopi had taken the prisoners of Muirgen their queen to the shark

waters. Sometimes they themselves fared no better than their prisoners, for sharks are no

respecters of persons. In fact, each octopus was missing an arm or two. The queen did not care

if these, her guards, were devoured; she never even bothered to learn their names and she had

others to take their places upon their being eaten.

The small party of guards and prisoners crossed over the abyss wherein rolls the sun

and moon and came to a desolate place in the ocean. It was a strange place indeed, for the

ocean floor was littered with the rotting hulls of many ships: great ships of war and speedy

interceptors, massive treasure galleons and transports and even the frail skeletons of the humble

skiffs piloted by fishermen. The currents had brought them here: when either some war or

storm or monster took a ship under the waves, the currents would catch it and play with it,

tossing the ship to one another, and if they were not careful, tearing it apart or breaking it

asunder. And after the currents had had their fun and had run the course of the ocean, they left

the ship here, and went to find another.

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This is the reason the sharks gathered here: they always checked the ships for food,

which is a horrid detail that we will not speak of now, especially since this is a bedtime story.

“We have come far enough. Let us leave them here,” said a crab in its bubbly voice.

“And what if they escape?” asked another. “We must make sure they are eaten!”

“Then eat them yourself!” replied the crab hotly. “I’m not waiting for the sharks to find


“They will not escape,” said another crab. “They are not made to scuttle quickly like us

and the sharks cannot be far off.”

“All the same, let us be sure, for we do not wish to bring down the queen’s anger upon


So the crabs and octopi drew near to a drowned ship and put Loredana and Nereus in

the crow’s nest – which is the little basket atop the main mast where stands the lookout when a

ship is at sea – and taking some rope, they secured them there. When that was done they turned

to go, but froze in terror; the dark shadows of many sharks were approaching. But they did not

hesitate for long: the octopi bolted and how the crabs scuttled away! The shadows of the sharks

followed after them.

Forgotten by all, tied to the top of the mast, were Loredana and Nereus. Freeing

themselves was not at all difficult, for the ropes the octopi used had been rotting beneath the

ocean for many years so as they struggled, the ropes loosened and fell away.

“We must hide!” said Loredana into the conch.

“We must swim away!” Nereus replied.

But they did neither, for the sharks were returning. They had seen Loredana and Nereus

and were closing in, making tighter and tighter circles around them. Nereus swam up and broke

off the tip of the mast, and held it before him like a spear.

A shark looks very frightening, for it is very big and extremely fast and has lots of teeth

which it uses for more than just smiling. Wild sharks though are rare creatures that prefer to be

left alone, but these were not so wild, for they had become lazy, feeding amongst the drowned

ships. A lazy shark is a dangerous shark, a very dangerous shark indeed.

Nereus, however, thought only of protecting Loredana. When the first shark struck he

showed no fear. Swinging his spear low, he caught the shark in the mouth and the shark drove

itself upon the spear, so that it went out by its gills. The shark shuddered and rolling over it fell

below the ship. Some of its fellows followed after it, for sharks will eat their own when they


It was a very brave thing that Nereus had done, but now his weapon was gone. He and

Loredana crouched low in the crow’s nest. The sharks were close, watching the two humans

out of the corners of their eyes, wary of them now, but too proud and hungry not to risk another

attack. And many attacked, chewing up the mast and tearing at the crow’s nest in their hunger,

but they could not get at Loredana and Nereus.

Then one old and clever shark drove its snout deep into the crow’s nest, reaching for

them with its jaws. Loredana and Nereus were trapped, and things would have gone ill for them

if the shark had not suddenly grunted and squirmed backward and away. Loredana and Nereus

watched in wonder for the sharks now swam above them in a frenzied manner.

It was Haida that had sent the sharks into such a state. She was darting among them and

ramming them in their soft bellies with her hard dolphin nose. Dolphins can kill a shark doing

such a thing, and these sharks knew it well. However, the sharks thought themselves able to

catch Haida, but in this they erred, for Haida was too fast and too often found her mark on their

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undersides. Finally, the sharks gave up and turning, they became shadows in the ocean once


“Dear Haida!” exclaimed Loredana into the conch. “Thank you for saving us!”

“It is good to see you too!” Haida replied. “Have you recovered the Coral Oars?”

Loredana explained what the queen had told her and how the oars were being guarded

by the Drak. “This is both fair and ill news!” Haida replied. “It is well, for the Drak lives not

far from here. But it is also very ill, for no one has ever entered the lair of the Drak and come

out again! But we must act quickly now; you must hide in the hull of this ship!”

“But whatever for?” Nereus asked, quite puzzled. “If it is not safe to escape from the

sharks now, when will it be?”

“It is not sharks that we must fear now, but their masters!” said Haida while she nudged

them over the lip of the crow’s nest.

“Their masters?” Nereus asked, though his question came out as many surprised

bubbles since he had forgotten to use the conch.

“There is no time now to explain – quickly, dive below deck!” urged Haida.

The dolphin and two humans did just that, slipping down through the hatch and inside

the drowned ship. Loredana and Nereus each took a fresh amber tablet and joined Haida who

was peeking through a hole in the hull.

Nereus took the conch from Loredana and after a torrent of words, he put it to Haida’s

ear: “I don’t see anything to be feared, in fact, I do not see anything at all! Let us hurry from

this place!”

“Patience!” Haida said softly. “What do you see now?”

Both Loredana and Nereus blanched. The sharks were returning, hundreds of them, all

swimming lazily side by side. But behind the sharks was something even more terrifying:

seven sunken ships loomed out of the shadows of the sea. Stained by ages spent under the

ocean, the ships were entirely covered with barnacles and feathery green seaweed that billowed

in time with their tattered sails. The ships moved like great engines of war over the ocean bed,

for their anchor chains had been looped from bow to stern and turned like iron treads, chewing

up the sand and clay and propelling the ships faster than even the currents could push them.

“Are these ghosts I see?” Asked Nereus.

Before Haida could answer, Loredana cried out and pointed. There were skeletons

moving on the ships, moving as if alive. Their bones glowed blue, an effect that came from

their having many times sailed the heavy waters of the phosphorus seas.

“That is the sunken fleet of Captain De Merrill, a pirate, who brought upon himself the

terrible curse of sea,” Haida said softly.

“I have never heard of him or of this curse,” said Nereus, “and I had thought Muirgen

had told me of everything beneath the sea.”

“Muirgen did not speak of him to you because she fears him, for he has taken from her

the command of the fiercest creatures in her realm, the sharks, and he has seven ships filled

with vicious pirates and armed with cannons that fire cannonballs that have been carved from

the underwater lava flows that are the reefs of the Volcano Islands.”

“I have heard the fishermen tell of his legend,” said Loredana. “It is one of my

favourite tales, but I did not know that it was true!”

“It is true,” Haida confirmed.

“What is this legend?” Nereus asked.

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“Attend to Loredana then,” Haida whispered as she watched the pirate ships approach,

“but she must be quick in the telling!”

Chapter 5

“Long ago, Sir Erik De Merrill was captain of the “Midgard Serpent”, the most

fearsome ship to ever sail the sea. He was a privateer in the service of a great king. After many

adventures, he returned home and won the heart of a rich merchant’s daughter. But his feet

were restless upon the land and in his heart he shored up many memories of plunder and the

sea. He betrayed her love. Taking a crew of criminals, he robbed her father and sacked the

king’s palace and left her alone upon the shore where she died of a broken heart.

“The king sent his entire armada after him, thirty great warships, each with twenty

cannons. They chased the rumour of the “Midgard Serpent” across the oceans, catching stories

from sailors and fishermen, until they were finally on its trail, a trail made easy to follow by the

wrecks it had left floundering in the shallows and the burning towns the pirates had sacked.

Then the day came when the armada caught sight of the red sails of the “Midgard Serpent” and

six ships besides, which Captain De Merrill had taken and turned to piracy. The king’s armada

made a sign that they should surrender, but Captain De Merrill ran up the colours that he would

give no quarter and turned his fleet to fight.

“A great sea battle then raged. The end of the day saw twenty of the king’s vessels sent

to the bottom and five of the pirate schooners as well, but the “Midgard Serpent” moved

through the battle as if charmed without receiving so much as a scratch upon her hull. And the

“Midgard Serpent” and its last vessel turned with the wind and took flight, but the armada

pursued. The chase stretched over many days, and seeing themselves so pursued by so many

ships, Captain De Merrill’s crew lost hope and thought to mutiny. But discovering their

intentions, Captain De Merrill sank the last ship of his own fleet and then slew his own crew to

a man.

“But even then De Merill did not think to surrender. Alone he sailed for many days

neither sleeping nor eating. Even so, the armada never left off pursuing him. Then, rather than

surrender, Captain De Merill loosed his cannons against his own hull and sent his ship beneath

the waves.

“The legends say that Heaven was closed to him and that Hell would not take him. So it

is that Captain Erik De Merrill sails the “Midgard Serpent” on the bottom of the sea, always

searching for more treasure to sate his empty heart.”

“The story is true!” said Haida. “He was an evil man while living, and the ocean knows

that he is even worse when dead! But as to why he still sails upon the ocean’s floor, it was

Muirgen who found his ruin within his ship and revived his spirit. She needed just such a cruel

man to manage her schools of unruly sharks. But Captain De Merrill learned dark arts and

brought the dead bones of his drowned pirate crews to life. He recovered his sunken ships and

made them whole again. Thus he had a fleet of seven deadly ships, and the sharks of the

ocean’s depths do his bidding. His sharks bring to him those over whom the ocean’s waves

have closed that they might be made to serve him. Those souls that refuse to join him he

imprisons in the hulls of his ships, there to work the levers and gears that turn the boat’s anchor

chains until the end of time.”

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Haida nudged the two humans away from the hole, “You cannot allow yourselves to be

seen! Alive or dead, the pirates will take you, and there is no fate more horrible than to be made

the slaves of lost souls!”

The pirate ships had by now drawn so close that they could hear the skeleton pirates

calling to one other and the planks of the ancient ships groan. At the head of this drowned fleet

was the “Midgard Serpent” herself. She was an enormous vessel bristling with guns and she

had massive razors, like fins, thrust out from her hull, which were meant to cut down anything

that they drew against. She led the ships within a ring of sunken vessels and there her anchor

chains stilled and the ships ground to a halt around her.

A skeleton on the forecastle of the flagship suddenly emerged from a room. He wore an

eye patch, which was very strange indeed since he, of course, had no eyes. “Look alive, lads!

Yo ho! The Cap’n is coming out on deck!” Now this was a rare thing, for Captain De Merrill

did not often emerge from his cabin. He only did so if there was some sport to be had or some

new crew member or treasure to be captured. No skeleton dared ever disturb him, for an ancient

shark, blind and massive, circled above and would attack anything that laid hand to the door of

his mess.

Immediately the skeletons became a confusion of movement, each having some task to

perform. A rather large skeleton climbed into the crow’s nest of the flagship. He signaled to

each ship with his glowing arms. A most curious thing happened then. The pirates began to

play music. In each ship great drums begin to rumble. Other instruments joined in, fiddles and

accordions – the pirates began to clap with the beat and those on deck began to dance a very

lively jig. There must have been thousands of pirates, so many that the decks were crowded and

the riggings sagged with them.

Captain Erik De Merrill then appeared. It was his way to always have music playing

when he was on deck, and all the more so since it cheered his men and terrified his enemies.

Captain De Merrill was not a skeleton. No indeed, he had neither aged nor corrupted since that

day when he had last saw the sun. His eyes were glassy and pure black, and his skin was a

drowned shade of blue. There was only one blemish on his body, and that was the finger on

which was fused his engagement ring; a blue flame shot from its band and consumed the flesh

of his finger, a divine punishment to remind him of the promise that he had broken and the love

he had spurned.

The ancient shark came to the captain’s side as he emerged and De Merrill scratched its

steely head. He then came among his men and leaning back he gave a hearty laugh. Then, much

to his crew’s delight, he danced a reply across the deck. The pirates cheered now and whistled

and hollered and danced in step with him, and it all looked like something they must have done

countless times before but never tired of.

When De Merrill had decided that there had been enough dancing, he raised his hands

and grasped the helm. The music lowered then, changing to more somber and impressive tones

so that the captain might be heard.

“Aye, how then is me hearty crew?” Captain De Merrill bellowed.

“Dead, same as yesterday!” cried the first mate.

“Har har har!” the pirates all roared with outrageous laughter and they slapped each

other’s backs so that their spines wobbled.

“Well me lads, it seems y’ell have some sport today! Me sharks were on to some’n, and

did tell me to come ‘ere and see it for meself, but still I not be see’n it! They must’ve gobbled it

up, the scuppers!”

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“Let’s have it at ‘em, Cap’n!” The pirates cheered.

Captain De Merrill walked along the railing and peered across at the ruined hulls around

him. His great shark never left his side. Loredana and Nereus ducked low, their hearts in their

mouths. “I know there be landlubbers nearby – I sense ‘em in the very brine of the sea! Bring

me the eye of Gnaris!”

Away ran the first mate to the captain’s cabin where within a small chest lay the eye of

Gnaris. The eye of Gnaris is a gem stone that was once given to Gnaris, the blind wanderer of

the sea floor, who was given it in turn by those he saved from the city of Purgos. It grants its

bearer sight of all hidden things. But that is another legend. Captain De Merrill now took this

same gem and holding it before his face he gazed into the ships that lay at hand.

“This is very bad! We cannot stay here!” squeaked Haida.

“Shh!” Nereus said. “He’s fixed the eye upon us!”

Indeed, Captain De Merrill had fixed the eye of Gnaris upon them. The dolphin and two

humans did not dare move. Captain De Merrill paused. Then, just like that, De Merrill passed

over them and on to the next ship.

Loredana exhaled, releasing many bubbles, “Did he really not see us?”

“We best not remain here to find out!” Haida said. “There are too many sharks – I will

draw them away that you may escape!” Before Loredana could say a word, Haida was gone,

out through a hole beneath the ship.

Haida rushed up from the bottom of the sea and butted a great shark in his midriff.

Immediately, in a flurry of angry bubbles, the sharks were after Haida. The pirates made ready

to give chase, but Captain De Merrill stopped them: “Stay your hands, lads!” Captain De

Merrill returned the eye of Gnaris to the firstmate. “Was it only a dolphin that I came out ‘ere

to see?” The crew murmured in confusion. “No! We be after landlubbers!” Captain De Merrill

walked along the deck. “Now, say we find these lubbers, what should we do with ‘em, what say

ye all?”

“Arr! Make ‘em walk the plank!” a pirate roared into the Captain’s ear.

Captain Merrill stopped walking. “Walk the plank, ye don’t say?” He asked quietly.

“Aye!” The pirates all cheered.

Captain De Merrill drew near to the pirate that had spoken. “Ye bones for brains! What

happens to people that be walk’n the plank?”

“They be fall’n into…the…wat’r…Cap’n!”

All the pirates were silent. Captain Merrill nodded and then drawing his sword, he

lopped the skeleton’s skull from off its shoulders.

“We already be in the wat’r!” De Merrill shouted.

“Aye!” The pirates all cheered.

Captain De Merrill’s black eyes rolled in their sockets. He picked the skull off the

ground and shoved it into the skeleton’s hands. “Hold that thought, mate.”

“Aye Cap’n!” said the skull, and the bony hand finding its head, saluted the Captain.

The Captain became thoughtful and stroked his wispy beard. He looked over the railing

and across to the ship where Loredana and Nereus were. They felt his gaze upon them. The

Captain turned to his crew and jovially shouted: “Boys, what say ye? Shall we play a game this


“Aye!” The pirates all cheered.

“Here be the game! In one of these wrecks crowd’n the ocean floor there be hid’n two

mangy land whelps! A thousand gold coins to the first rogue vessel that finds ‘em!”

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“Yarr, and how are they to be found if we be in our ships, Cap’n?” called down a


“How?” repeated Captain De Merill. He rested his boot on a deck gun and touched the

fuse with his burning ring. There was a hollow boom and one of the shadowy wrecks erupted

into an explosion of furious bubbles and splintered wood. The men cheered and laughed

horribly at the spectacle.

Now the captains on every ship were yelling commands. From bow to stern, skeletons

were swarming the deck. The ships groaned deep in their hulls and the anchor chains bit into

the ocean floor while the rudders flipped about like fish tails. Commands and calls to arms

were ringing throughout the ocean:

“Make ready the guns, ye scurvy scalawags!”

“Come around, me hearties!”

“Har har! Fire me starboard cannons, ye sea dogs!”

Ships vied for position, and drew up their cannons. Then, in a confused mess of sounds

and swirling water, cannons fired and the dead wrecks quaked in the silt. Ship fragments

littered the water and through the ruins prowled the victors searching for spoils.

Inside their ship, Loredana and Nereus were trembling. Every now and then cannonballs

ripped through the hull near around them.

“We must do something, Nereus!” Loredana cried.

Nereus peeked out of a hole that had been blown through the hull just inches from his

head. The pirate ships were all around them now. Only Captain De Merrill’s ship did not move,

for he knew where they were and only waited for his pirates to find them. He and Nereus

locked eyes.

Nereus pulled away from the hole and turned to Loredana. “He knows we’re here! But I

have a plan, though I don’t think you will like it.” And indeed, Loredana did not like the plan,

and you will soon see why, for it began with them having to swim back up through the hatch

and onto the deck of their sunken ship.

The two moved across the deck and up onto the railing. They waited but a moment and

then, joining hands, they jumped. Now this might seem a very silly thing to do, but it is far

worse than you think, for you see, Nereus and Loredana were not trying to descend to the ocean

floor; rather they were launching themselves onto one of the pirate ships that was just then

passing by! They timed it very well, for they landed on either side of the skeleton manning the


Nereus and Loredana seized the skeleton and launched it over the wheel. It tumbled

down onto the deck below and broke into pieces. The pirate ships all stopped moving, for the

enchanted skeletons knew that one of their own had perished. Every empty eye socket turned to

them. The daring of the landlubbers caught the pirates so unawares that they were utterly

astonished. A great cry went up and the other pirate ships lurched toward their sister ship the

crew of which all drew their swords and rushed Loredana and Nereus.

Nereus drew his sword as he picked up another from the deck. “Make for the sea

dragon’s cave!” he said to Loredana who was already turning the wheel. Nereus faced the

pirates. Though he was not well experienced with swords and fighting, he had two great

advantages: two swords and body weight, something which skeletons, whether pirates or not,

have precious little of and so they tend to get pushed around quite easily. If you do not believe

me, I highly encourage you to experiment for yourself the next time you find yourself fighting

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a skeleton. Thirdly, it should be added, Nereus was fighting to protect Loredana as she stood at

the helm. Knowing this gave him a great deal of strength that normally people do not have.

Skeletons were swarming up the stairs and others dropping from the riggings. Nereus

had to twist and turn for they came at him from every side. Fighting underwater is very

different from fighting on land. Fortunately, Nereus had never fought on land and so had not

picked up any bad habits. Thus he quickly learned to flip and turn and fight while upside down

or swimming and so always use the water to his advantage.

Captain De Merrill himself was now at the helm of the “Midgard Serpent”. He was

infuriated that one of his ships should have been so brazenly and successfully hijacked. His

pirate ships were going at a tremendous clip in pursuit, with the poor souls in the hulls turning

the anchor chains like never before.

The “Midgard Serpent” drew up beside the stolen ship and Captain De Merrill and

Loredana looked over at one another. “Shiver me timbers!” exclaimed Captain De Merrill, “but

if it isn’t a woman whose gone and taken me ship!”

“And she’s not giving it back!” Loredana called. De Merrill, though he could not hear

her words, saw them framed in the water.

“Avast there ye shrew of the sea!” Captain De Merrill cried angrily. “Or I’ll fire me

guns across your bow!”

Loredana, the young woman from the humble beaches of a dying kingdom, smiled

back, full of defiance. She turned the wheel hard to starboard and drove her ship into that of

Captain De Merrill and impaled it fast on its razors. The “Midgard Serpent” veered hard and

Captain De Merrill, the scourge of the ocean floor, was knocked off his feet. Skeletons fell

from the riggings and smashed on deck or missed the ship entirely and were plowed under by

the ships following behind.

When Captain De Merrill regained his footing, his pirate hat was gone. He gnashed his

teeth. “A squid’s breakfast! Oh, but this sun wench has put me in a foul mood!” He sputtered.

“Lads, make ready the guns!” He spun the wheel and sent his ship into Loredana’s, but

Loredana was quick and met him halfway. The two ships crashed together and their anchor

chains locked.

“By St. Elmo’s fire!” roared De Merrill as he tried in vain to pull his ship clear.

Nereus, meanwhile, was losing ground. In fact, he was so hard pressed that he stood at

Loredana’s back just barely holding off the skeletons.

Loredana tapped Nereus on the shoulder and pointed. Ahead the smooth clay of the sea

floor became a wall of rocks – the ships would be dashed to pieces upon it. Nereus chanced a

look over his shoulder and nodded furiously.

Captain De Merrill also saw the rocks. He panicked and did a very silly thing: he

commanded his slaves below to cease turning the anchor chains. This they did, but since the

chains were locked with those of Loredana’s ship, the “Midgard Serpent” did not stop. Instead

both ships began to skid wildly until they were spinning out across the ocean floor.

Captain De Merrill gripped the wheel. “Blow us apart! Every cannon on the port side

fire a double charge!” Now pirates are always ready to fire cannons, and at this command they

let loose a fusillade from the portside cannons. Disaster! The cannonballs caromed through the

spinning ships and the force did little more than spin them faster. “Send ‘em to float with the

algae!” Captain De Merrill screamed to his fleet. The pursuing pirate ships drew alongside the

spinning ships and let loose their cannons. Searing cannonballs shot into the entangled ships

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and back through to hit the ships on either side. Skeletons flew everywhere and the stricken

pirate ships all pulled away.

Meanwhile the skeletons attacking Nereus had all lost their footing and were being

smashed about the deck, their bones rattling like dice. Loredana hugged the wheel and Nereus

her. Around them crashed pieces of the ship as it was torn apart by cannonballs, for the pirate

ships had closed again, this time each side firing and pulling away that the other side might fire

a salvo without being hit in the crossfire. The main mast itself was blasted from its socket and

smote the deck with a thunderous crack and they were covered with the sail.

Nereus crawled from beneath the sail and slashed it from the mast. Finding an edge, he

began to fold the sail lengthwise many times while cannonballs and debris swirled around him.

Staggering across the deck, he punched the sail’s midsection into a cannon’s mouth. He

beckoned to Loredana. He took her hand and they each tucked an end of the folded sail under

their arms.

Nereus trimmed the fuse of the cannon and waited for when the ship was square with

the rocks. Then he fired the cannon. The cannonball was caught by the many folds of the sail

and took Loredana and Nereus on its flight from the ship. De Merrill’s dismayed cry came after

them but was lost in the splintering crunch of the ships as they crashed into the rocks.

Chapter 6

The cannonball moved through the sea like a comet through the sky. Finally, it began

sink to the ocean floor. Joining hands, Loredana and Nereus let the sail fall away. The world

was quiet again and they were safe from the pirates.

Beyond the rocky barrier was something quite unexpected. You might think the way

leading to the Sea Sorceress’ den to be barren and foreboding but no, here before them was a

wondrous sight. The rocks gave way and seemed to transform into beds of giant oysters, which

studded the sea floor in every direction. The oysters all had their pink mouths open and the

insides of their shells were beautiful to behold. Imagine flying over a bed of glittering jewels in

the night, for this is what it was like.

It was then that Nereus espied something that stopped him up short, a pearl, a

magnificent pearl. It was enormous, bigger than anything that had ever been taken from the

ocean by men. Its creamy orb shimmered as if liquid. Now, it takes a great many years for a

pearl of such size to come to be, and you can imagine how great an oyster it was that had this

pearl sitting in its mouth. It was a giant oyster, a giant among giants, as large as a grand piano

and bespeckled with generations of barnacles. It had sifted the currents for so many years that

all the sea creatures knew it, and there was no one, not even the tides themselves, who could

remember a time before the oyster had come to be there.

Under the sea, an oyster gets a lot of respect, and this because if it closes its mouth,

there is no creature strong enough to force it back open. So it stands to reason that only the

foolhardy would stick their hand into an oyster’s mouth. But Nereus knew only the tales that

the sea queen had made him dream, and they seemed far away to him and of little consequence.

Nereus left Loredana’s side, for his eyes were transfixed upon the pearl.

It was then that Haida returned. She happily twirled around Loredana who embraced the

playful dolphin, and they rejoiced in each other’s escape. “But where is Nereus?” Haida

suddenly asked.

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It was then that Loredana realized Nereus had left her side and was nowhere to be seen.

“He was just here beside me!” Loredana spoke into the conch.

“These are perilous waters!” Haida squeaked, “We must find him quickly! Onto my

back and reapply your Morning Tears!”

Nereus, meanwhile, had come to stand before the great oyster. It was a massive thing.

As if in greeting it opened its mouth even wider, the to better show off its pearl. Nereus came

right up to its lip. Then, ever so carefully, he reached in with his hand. But the pearl was deep

in the oyster’s mouth. So Nereus reached in with his whole arm. The oyster’s mouth quivered

ever so slightly. The pearl was yet beyond his grasp. Nereus leaned in further still. Then Nereus

left all pretense of caution; he climbed right into the oyster mouth. In the swish of a fish’s tail,

the oyster snapped shut.

Loredana was there in an instant. She pleaded with the oyster and pummeled its shell

with her fists while Haida drummed its shell with her tail. But it was a great old oyster that did

not care whose friends it ate. They tried everything they could, but the oyster did not even

crack a smile at their efforts.

Loredana, however, was a resourceful young woman. She rubbed Morning Tears all

over the oyster’s shell. At first nothing happened. Then the shell began to glow as it warmed.

Soon the barnacles began to squirm and jump off in ones and twos and then in whole groups,

and wherever they left off from, Loredana would rub that spot anew. The refreshing cold of the

deeps that the great, old oyster loved was gone. The oyster opened its mouth the tiniest crack. A

stream of little bubbles seeped out. But it only did this to suck in water with which to cool

itself, not to let Nereus go. Loredana was not to be bested; she slipped a few amber tablets into

the oyster’s mouth. Immediately, bubbles and froth erupted from the oyster like beer

overflowing from a mug. The oyster’s mouth flew open and out popped Nereus like a jack-in-


Fearless and relieved, though somewhat cross, Loredana stepped into the oyster’s

mouth and embraced Nereus. She made him sit and gave him a new amber tablet, for he had

swallowed his in his panic. The giant pearl lay between them as they sat framed in the glowing

oyster’s shell. Loredana took the conch: “Nereus, whatever possessed you to hazard such

danger?” She rested her hand on the pearl. “What was this pearl to you?”

Again calm, Nereus looked into Loredana’s eyes. “I wished to give you something


Loredana smiled. “Sweet Nereus, thank you! The ocean is beautiful because of

everything in it – if we remove what is beautiful, the ocean will dim and its beauty be lost. Our

friendship is beautiful and precious to me. Do you know how much I would suffer if you were

no longer here? True friendship is a rare thing, and that is why ours is so beautiful, for we give

it to each other. I would not have anything in its place; do not put yourself in danger for

anything except to protect what we have. This is our beauty, and it is enough for me.” Nereus

smiled and placed his hand on Loredana’s. Rising up together they left the pearl and the oyster


They passed over the oyster bed and the water became darker, and the clay of the ocean

bottom gave way to black shale. Finally they came to the den of the Sea Dragon. Her lair was a

hole in the ground, a pit, whose sides were shale, jagged and brittle. Around the pit were the

skeletons of giant whales which the Drak had captured and eaten.

Now that they were actually here, Loredana and Nereus did not know what to do, for

certainly they could not hope to fight a dragon, let alone a sea dragon, underwater and in her

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own lair. But Loredana was not about to give up. It seemed wisest to have the dragon come out

of her cave rather than to sneak inside and be caught by her. But they could not call out or

summon the dragon and they were not about to whisper a challenge into the conch and drop it

down the hole in the hopes that the dragon might pick it up and hold it to her ear. They

prevailed upon Haida to call down, but Haida’s voice was quiet in the water and she only called

half-heartedly, for she really was not eager to summon the dragon at all. Nereus had an idea

then; he rolled one of the whale bones into the pit. They listened to its echoes as it glanced off

the walls. It seemed an awfully long way down. They waited for the angry dragon to explode

out from her lair. But the echoes died and no dragon came.

Then their secret hope began to grow, for maybe the dragon was not home at all! They

could go in and retrieve the Oars before she returned! Nereus took the conch, “Loredana, I

would not have you go – I will descend and find the Oars. Stay here and be the lookout, and

you can warn me if the Drak returns.”

Loredana searched Nereus’ face, wondering why he should say such a thing. “Nereus,

let us go together or not at all. Haida is the swiftest; if the dragon returns she can quickly swim

down to tell us and help us escape. I know you speak from the fears in your heart, but together

we are stronger.”

Haida agreed to stay as lookout and together Loredana and Nereus swam down the

shaft. As they descended the jagged shale walls became coated with ice, and had it not been for

the warming effect of the Morning Tears, their very blood would have frozen in their veins.

They reached the bottom, which was a great frozen chamber with four passages. There, against

one wall, were the Coral Oars encased in ice and bound in chains that were locked with magic.

Nereus swam to the Oars. A terrible shriek sounded then and an icy spray shot from one

of the passages. The spray caught Nereus’ outstretched arm, freezing it within a block of ice.

Another blast followed, meant for his head, but Loredana knocked Nereus from its path.

The Sea Sorceress charged in, resplendent in her dragon form. Her hide sparkled with a

million scales of tempered ice, each coated with deathless permafrost. Ice crystals floated from

her nostrils and mouth when she exhaled. She seemed to fill the chamber as she came.

Nereus met the dragon’s charge; he drew his sword and held his frozen arm before him

as a shield. The dragon struck but Nereus ducked the blow and with a mighty stroke he slashed

the dragon across the muzzle. The dragon reared up and beat the water with her wings, causing

shards of cutting ice to form. Crashing back down, the dragon went for Nereus, but Nereus

blocked the grasping talons and again struck the Drak.

The Drak backed into her passage, suddenly unwilling to fight. Loredana came to

Nereus’ side.

The dragon spoke: “Peace! Perhaps there is no reason to fight. Have you come for the

Coral Oars?” Nereus and Loredana made no sign, for neither trusted the dragon, for it is well

known that dragons are often liars and twist the meanings of words. “You must have,” said the

dragon. “Why, you need have only said so! I thought you some vainglorious knight come to

win favour with his lady by slaying me!” The dragon moved from the passage and gestured

with her claw to where the Coral Oars hung upon the wall. “Here they are. What a nuisance

they are for everybody! They are not mine, and so I have no interest in keeping them. Will you

not come and take them?”

Loredana placed her hand on Nereus’ shoulder. Together they approached the dragon.

“If they are of no importance to you, why do you keep them in your chamber and bound in

chains?” asked Loredana.

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“The Queen under the sea has bound them in chains because they are hateful to her.

She alone holds the key. She has forced them on me with threats so that I would be their

keeper. So you see, they are her property, not mine, and I have no interest in keeping what is

not mine. If you take them you will be freeing me from my charge, for I never wanted them in

the first place!”

Nereus and Loredana stood a long moment regarding the dragon. Nereus’ whispered

into the conch from the side of his mouth and held it to Loredana’s ear: “She talks too much. I

do not trust her.” Loredana nodded. The dragon, seeing their mistrust, took the Oars from the

wall, set them on the floor and shuffled backward a few steps, signaling that they should come

and take them.

Nereus sheathed his sword and he and Loredana strode up to the dragon. Nereus’ teeth

were chattering, not from fear, but from cold, for his left arm was still locked in ice. He reached

forth and paused, watching the dragon. “Go on,” urged the dragon, “take them and be on your


They both set their hand upon the Oars. The dragon cackled. “Ha ha! The Oars do not

belong to me, oh no, but they are the queen’s and all that is the queen’s is under my protection!

Since you have touched them, you are thieves and worthy of death!” The dragon rushed back

into the chamber, billowing ice and freezing spray.

The dragon was not going to fight again, for she knew too well the sting of Nereus’

sword. Instead, she cast her arm towards one passage and a great flurry of bubbles boiled forth.

Summoned from enchanted sleep, hard-bodied fish emerged in droves. They were piranhas, a

fierce breed of fish, with mouths full of razor sharp teeth and very short tempers. These were

absolutely furious, for piranhas detest cold water. They became frenzied and gnashed their

teeth with murder in their eyes. Nereus pulled Loredana into a corner and stood before her,

protecting them both with his arm of ice while he slashed at the attacking fish. The piranhas did

not stay to fight long, for the cold made them desperate. After a few passes around the room

they found the shaft in the chamber roof and disappeared.

But the dragon was not done. She raised her clawed hands. The icy walls then cracked

and splintered as belts of seaweed burst through them. Through some evil spell the seaweed

sought the intruders out. Nereus drew the extra sword he had taken from the pirate ship and

gave it to Loredana. Moving to the centre of the chamber they hacked and slashed at the

seaweed as it tried to catch up their arms and legs.

Not content with this, the dragon cast more fell magic: great ice chunks flew into the

chamber from the different passages. They were huge boulders and could crush a man or strike

him dead such was their size and speed. Nereus and Loredana avoided them with twists and

turns while yet battling the seaweed. The boulders crashed into the walls and sometimes

crumpled up the seaweed. The cavern began to shake and giant icicles dropped from the

ceiling. Loredana and Nereus moved like acrobats in the water as they avoided the crushing ice.

Finally the ice was spent and the seaweed was reduced to frozen tatters hanging from the walls.

“You have defeated my servants and outlasted my spells,” fumed the dragon, “but there

are worse things yet hidden in my lair!” The dragon gave a low rumbling cry. Something

answered, skittering down a passage towards them. Nereus and Loredana turned to face this

new peril. A giant lobster rushed upon them, gleaming frosty green with two massive claws, the

left twice as big as the right. It snapped its claws and the sound was enough to bowl Nereus and

Loredana over in the water.

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Nereus recovered and struck back. Rolling under a heavy claw he swung with all his

force. His sword glanced off the lobster and shook so violently from the blow, Nereus had to

release it, wringing his hand in pain. The lobster tried to crush Nereus underfoot, but Nereus

rolled clear and swam for his life. Loredana hacked at the lobster as it rushed past her, but it

swept her aside with its tail.

Without a sword, and with little room, Nereus ran up one of the icy walls and flipped

backward. Passing over its snapping claws, Nereus landed astride the lobster’s back. This

infuriated the giant crustacean. Nereus gripped the lobster’s long antennae and pulled them this

way and that, forcing the lobster to do what he wished. He turned the lobster against the

dragon. The Drak jumped in fright and retreated into her tunnel, sending blasts of ice behind

her. Nereus drove the lobster against a wall. The chamber shook and more icicles fell. Nereus

jumped just in time, for a veil of ice rumbled down and crushed the lobster.

Infuriated that her minions had all failed, the Drak charged. Nereus had recovered his

sword and stood with Loredana. Together they met the dragon, shielded from its icy spray by

Nereus’ arm. The fight was a savage one. The Drak lost not a few scales and Nereus and

Loredana were quite sore having been knocked to the ground and into walls by the dragon’s

tail. Nereus had a long slash down his leg and Loredana had a gash on her forehead, but it did

not bleed since the water froze it shut. The Drak would have even bitten Nereus’ arm off had it

not been incased in ice. The water became thick with ice, almost as thick as slush, for the more

the dragon fought, the colder the water became. The cold seeped into Loredana and Nereus’

limbs, making them sluggish and sleepy, for if the dragon could not defeat them in a battle, she

would freeze them first and eat them later.

Nereus’ strength began to flag, for his arm had been frozen for a long time, and its cold

had taken root in him. He was as blue as death and his chilled hand could no longer grip his

sword. It fell from his nerveless fingers and the dragon struck him down, swatting him into a

wall with her tail.

The dragon turned to finish Nereus. Loredana’s heart became cold then, but it was the

cold that is left when hope leaves a heart and fills it with fear. All seemed lost, and Loredana

dropped her sword. But Loredana still believed in hope. Unraveling her shawl, Loredana swam

around the Drak, encompassing her in a bubble. Too late did the dragon discover her design.

The bubble sealed and rose from the chamber floor and up the shaft. The dragon struggled and

roared, but none of her enchantments or efforts could burst the bubble, for the bubble would not

pop until it reached the surface, and if it reached the surface, the sea sorceress would be


As its mistress weakened, the Sea Dragon’s chamber began to crumble. Loredana paid

no heed. Nereus was stone cold to the touch. Loredana rubbed Morning Tears on his arms and

face. Her own tears added to the ice swirling about them. Nereus’ eyes flickered open. With

Loredana’s help he climbed to his feet. Cold and battered they moved through the crumbling

chamber. Loredana secured her shawl and they found their swords. Taking the Coral Oars

between them, they began to swim up the shaft leading out of the Sea Sorceress’ lair.

It was painful going, for their limbs were frostbitten. The water was so thick with ice it

was if they were swimming through a blizzard and they could not tell if they were going

forward or backward or if they were even moving at all.

But the ice cleared and the glazed walls gave way to the black shale. Good Haida was

waiting for them, but had a terrible shock when she beheld them, for they looked half-dead.

They collapsed on the ocean floor. Haida nuzzled them with her snout.

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“Loredana, Loredana! Do not sleep yet!” Haida cried. “You must use your shawl and

take yourself and Nereus back to the surface with the Coral Oars! There can be no delay – the

pirates are blasting through the rock and will come here!” Loredana did not move. Then Haida

turned to Nereus. “Nereus, the pirates are coming and Loredana is spent! You must help her!”

Nereus rose to his knees. “Loredana,” he called softly. Loredana roused herself and

together they stood.

“We cannot leave yet.” Loredana said into the conch. “The oars are held in chains and

the queen has the key. I saw it when we were in the castle; she wears it around her neck.”

Haida became quiet. Finally she spoke, “Well, then we have no choice but to return to

the palace of the sea queen. But we will not go alone, for I thought you might have needed help

in your battle with the dragon.” And Haida clicked and chirped in the water. From out of the

inky blackness there emerged many forms. They glided through the water with grace. “A bale

of migrating sea turtles was feeding near here. They already sense that the ocean is deadly sick.

They have agreed to help us return the Coral Oars to the surface!”

The sea turtles came near and with their permission Loredana and Nereus each climbed

on one’s back and held tight. An ancient turtle of enormous size took the chained oars in its

beak and the convoy set off with Haida at its head.

The group moved swiftly through the inky blackness. Soon they had left behind the

barren shale of the dragon’s land and passed over the bed of oysters. Ahead they could see

small sparks of light. The pirates had already blown through the rocks and were widening the


“The pirates!” Haida swam amongst the sea turtles. “Swim through the breach! Mind

their ships and watch yourselves!” The sea turtles tightened their ranks and dove towards the

pirate ships. The “Midgard Serpent” stood at the head of its drowned fleet, for it had been

speedily repaired using the timber from the vessel Loredana had ruined.

A great cry went out from the lookouts when they espied the sea turtles descending

upon them. Captain De Merrill held his spyglass to his eye, “It’s that air breathing hussy! Do

not let her pass!” The pirates cackled as they made ready to fight, so thirsty were they to join

battle. The first wave of turtles shot through the ships. Cannons fired and skeletons swarmed up

the riggings and swung their swords hoping to lop off an unwary flipper. But the sea turtles

were surprisingly agile and proved difficult to hit. They careened through the harpoons,

cannonballs and ships so fast the pirates were not even able to get off a second volley.

“After them!” commanded De Merrill. The poor souls in the galleys were whipped and

the anchor chains bit down and turned the ships. De Merrill’s sharks sniped at the sea turtles

and drove them to panic, causing them to collide and swim out of rank.

Beneath them the sea floor rushed by in a blur. Haida had set the course and left

Loredana and Nereus to guide the sea turtles on it, for she had left off leading the convoy and

patrolled its flanks, darting to where the sharks pressed them the fiercest. The convoy was

barely staying together for Haida could not be everywhere, and hundreds of sharks were upon

them. Loredana drove her turtle to swim even faster, so determined was she to reach Muirgen’s

palace, even though only more danger awaited them there. De Merrill’s fleet followed them

close, for the strongest sharks had bit down with their awful jaws into the masts and tackle and

were driving the ships forward with their thrashing tails. De Merrill stood laughing in the bow

of the “Midgard Serpent”, the water of the deeps breaking against his face. His would be the


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Chapter 7

Alone in her throne room the queen under the sea sat brooding upon dark thoughts. Around her

was the sparkling coral of Caritas. It had threatened to engulf her chamber, but she had laid

hateful spells upon it and stayed its growth. She neither left her throne nor slept, for her will

strove with the coral, and her spell would break if her mind was not upon it.

“My queen!” A sturgeon messenger swam into the chamber. “There are reports that a

great host is approaching!”

“Did I not say I was not to be disturbed?” Muirgen reproved the sturgeon. “If they have

no business here, then have a detachment of guards deal with them!”

“But, your Highness!” protested the sturgeon.

“Do as you are bid! Can you not see I am busy here?”

“The host is an army!” The sturgeon blurted. “They are coming straight for the castle at

terrible speed!”

The queen stood and angrily unfurled her robes. “What army lies under the sea that

would dare challenge me?” She rushed out from her chamber, but her spell did not waver, for

her will still held.

Up to the parapets she climbed that she might look out over the black depths. Her

captains scrambled to her side, awaiting orders. Whirling her hands she mixed the waters

around her until she had whipped up a storm of bubbles.

“Give me sight through the deeps; show me what force comes against this castle!” The

bubbles swirled now of their own accord and became a crystalline dome surrounding Muirgen,

showing her the realms of the sea.

“It is that girl, Loredana! Spiteful child!” Muirgen laughed. “She brings sea turtles

against me? Those dull beasts are no army! They will fall like baited hooks to the sea floor!”

But Muirgen did not laugh long. Her pale face became even whiter as she watched. “So, she is

in league with the undead pirates! Clever girl to have struck a deal with my enemy!” Muirgen

threw out her hands, shattering the dome. She turned from the battlements. “The girl is

treacherous! She thinks to hide De Merrill’s fleet behind a screen of clumsy turtles! She leads

them against us! To arms then! Sound the alarm! Prepare my chariot!”

Never had such a great host moved with so much speed in the depths. The sea turtles

did not falter, for even though they lost some of their number and had been startled and scared,

they rallied to Haida’s leadership and steadied themselves. The sharks had grown wary of

Haida but they kept pace and boxed the turtles in that they might not escape or veer and the

pirates followed close behind.

This was the state of things when Muirgen’s castle appeared from out of the gloom.

“Straight on!” called Haida to the turtles. “For there is a moat of air into which the sharks

cannot follow!” This was a brilliant idea on Haida’s part, for though sharks cannot breathe air,

sea turtles can.

Captain De Merrill marked how the turtles slowed and he chortled with glee. But his

laughter died in his throat, and his skeleton crew became as dead men, again, for De Merrill

had been so caught up in the chase that he had not plotted his course and was aghast to find

himself at Muirgen’s gates.

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“The scurvy blighters! Made me a fine looking fool! They’ve been doing the queen’s

bidding the whole time and lured me like a lobster into a trap! But I am no crusty bottom-

feeding mollusk that the queen can toy with, oh no! I’ll visit her schemes back upon her own

head! Now is the time of reckoning!” De Merrill ran from the bow and swung to the helm. “Not

a slack arm among you! Make them row as hard as the lash can whip them! We’ll take the

castle and chum the water with their dead!”

The sea turtles dove into the moat of air. Haida alone remained outside, for she was a

dolphin and could not long stand the air. But yet the pirate ships came and faster still, for the

sharks that had harassed them now rallied to the ships to help propel them forward.

Muirgen’s guards scattered. The ships sliced the moat asunder with their bows and

passed on through. The sharks followed and fell upon the sand where they flopped and

struggled among the turtles, snapping and gnashing their teeth. Great sluices of water poured in

and the moat’s air escaped in great gulping bubbles.

Haida was amongst them again, flopping in the rising water. “Quick! Soon the sharks

will be among you! Into the castle!” The turtles skittered along the flooded sand and finding a

passage they overran the guard and entered the castle. Loredana and Nereus took hold of Haida

and the dolphin followed after the sea turtles with the sharks at her tail.

“Out with the raiding parties!” bellowed De Merrill. “The crew that brings me the sea

queen, Muirgen, shall have their bones plated in gold!” The skeleton pirates descended like ants

from their ships and swarmed the castle. Then what a battle was joined! In every room and

passage the three forces fought each other by tooth and bone and flipper.

Haida swam through the fighting and came to the throne room. Muirgen was waiting

there. She was arrayed for battle, wearing armour of plated seashells. She stood in a chariot

made from a giant trumpet shell that was pulled by six spiny zebra-striped seahorses. A hermit

crab was her charioteer and two killer whales were at her flanks. In her hand she bore a javelin

carved from a narwhal’s tooth. Her eyes were closed, concentrating, for the coral fought her

spell and her chamber shook with the strain, but she opened them and her gaze fell upon the


“Loredana! Never has one dared to test me as you have! My castle is almost consumed,

my servants are scattered, and you look upon my face as one who would be my master! You

are fearless girl, and you are bold, but this is also often said of fools, and their end is always


“The difference between a hero and fool lies in the purity of their heart!” Nereus

responded. “I see your fear, Muirgen! Evil is a scared thing! Your will is evil and there is no

peace in your heart. You are as a dull blade seeking to cut by force and power. But Loredana is

like a rapier that can cut to the quick with but a touch and this because her will is good and

from this she draws happiness and strength. Evil cannot withstand good, just as you cannot

withstand this girl, for you will throw your might against her and be ruined like a ship upon a


“So, the boy has become a man!” smirked Muirgen. “Mark well the clay of the ocean

floor, for you will return to it! I have no quarrel with this girl, but with the Creator whom she

mirrors, for all you call good is His. Just as this girl does not do battle with me, but with the

disorder of which I am but a servant. This encounter is but a pittance in a conflict that erupted

all those centuries ago when I was young and tethered to another’s will. I will destroy you both,

just to spite the Creator! But why perish so? Would you be a woman, and you a man? Then

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leave the oars and this quest! Cease your childish service to the whims of others and make your

own destiny!”

“We are making our destiny!” said Loredana. “I pity you that you have not the wisdom

to see it. The trappings of counsel ill fit your selfish words, Muirgen. There is no love in

anything you have said nor anything true or lasting. Keep your darkness and your misery; we

come only for the key that you wear about your neck, nothing more!”

Muirgen clutched the key where it hung at her breast. “No force on land or sea can

wrest this key from me! How sad that all your adventures should end here!” Muirgen spurred

her chariot forward and made ready to cast her javelin. But then how the chamber creaked and

groaned, the very water around them seemed to shake. Muirgen’s spells faltered and the coral

of Caritas again began to flex and grow. The ground beneath the castle buckled and the

chamber dome cracked and split. Muirgen saw her spell was failing. She ascended through the

crack in the chamber dome and out into the sea beyond with her ire as hot as the flames of hell.

Upon her castle which crumbled below, Muirgen uttered dangerous spells and words of

command meant to enforce her will. The castle trembled and shook like a man tossing and

turning with a stomach ache. But Muirgen’s new spells set, and the coral’s advance was halted

once again.

All those fighting in the castle, however, thought Muirgen’s fortress was collapsing.

They streamed from the windows and the battle spilled back out into the deeps.

Though she had not known just how things would fall, Muirgen had planned for this.

Despite the strain upon her, she smiled and commanded that the castle gates be opened. The

gates boomed as they were flung to the walls and there stood her whole army: great fish and

small, stinging jellyfish, octopi and salt water crocodiles all drawn up and awaiting her

command. The sea floor was littered with rank upon rank of crabs and shellfish all at the ready

with their claws bared

“Back to the ships! To the ships!” roared Captain De Merrill to his marauding pirates.

“Leave the castle for later ye scavenging marionettes and back to the ships! Muirgen’s army

moves against us!” So it did, for the sea creatures poured out of the gates and made for the

ships where they sat in the flooded moat.

How the skeletons did scramble then! From every nook and cranny they spilled and

made for the ships even as those drowned hauls wheeled around and primed for the attack. The

two armies came together with a terrific violence of steel, tooth and fin. De Merrill’s ships tore

through Muirgen’s army to its core. Then all became a confused mess with sea creatures

strafing the decks and skeletons harpooning and firing on anything that swam.

It soon was clear that De Merrill was regaining the upper hand, for his boats acted like

fortresses and his roving sharks cruised overhead and were more than a match for almost any

creature of Muirgen’s.

Muirgen saw that the battle was going ill for her. “Release my pretties!” She

commanded. A great rumbling sounded and the sea floor trembled. Great tentacles thrust up

from behind the castle and giant eyes peaked over its walls. The skeleton pirates stopped, jaws

open, aghast.

“What are you bone racks gawk’n at?” De Merrill bellowed at his quavering men.

“What is a giant squid but spineless jelly? Make for them lads! Take ‘em down hard and fast!

We’ll drape our hulls with their hides!” The pirate ships steered through the battle as one but

they did not have to go far, for the giant squids climbed over the castle and made for them. The

ships desperately tried to circle but great snaking tentacles wrapped around their hulls and up

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their masts. The sharks attacked, cannons fired at point blank range and harpoons rained down

upon them but the squids only pulled their coils tighter around the hulls of the ships. One of the

pirate ships popped like a corn kernel.

De Merrill became a desperate man. His own boat, the “Midgard Serpent” herself, was

wrapped with crushing tentacles. Turning her hard, he sent the ship into the giant squid and

folded up the beast. The squid’s tentacles pulled tight in death and cracked the ship’s hull.

All this time the sea turtles had been circling over the battle. They were trusty creatures,

but they were not made for war. So it was that Loredana thanked them and told them that they

had played their part well and that she was in their debt. She and Nereus again took to Haida,

for in the confusion of the battle Loredana still meant to recover the key from Muirgen. Time

was short, for only two amber tablets remained in her tin.

Captain De Merrill rose out of the ruin of his ship. Around him his skeleton pirates still

fought hard as Muirgen’s creatures attacked in waves. De Merrill summoned his shark, an

ancient beast, covered with scars. It was so old that its milky eyes had gone blind and its steely

hide had turned completely white. Leather straps encircled its massive body and De Merrill

slipped his boots under these and stood upon its back and drew his sword. Through Muirgen’s

minions he flew, for the brute beneath him was guided by his feet and together they struck fear

into all they encountered.

So it was that there in the black depths, Muirgen, the queen under the sea met Captain

De Merrill, the scourge of the ocean floor and their meeting was terrible indeed. Javelin

crashed against sword and chariot against shark. No sea creature dared interfere lest they be

struck dead by the furious blows that the two combatants rained down upon each other. The

water grew dark with blood and De Merrill’s steed was slain under his feet. The savage beast

rolled over and sank into the abyss. And Muirgen’s reins were slashed, and her charioteer

skewered. Yet still they fought, Muirgen in her chariot while De Merrill swam about her.

Then came a grey streak through their midst and Muirgen, suspicious as always,

grasped at the key and so saved it from Loredana’s reaching hand. Foiled, Loredana and Nereus

let go of Haida in order to float between Muirgen and De Merrill.

“Muirgen! Please give me that key!” pleaded Loredana. “If the ocean dies you will die

as well! Your own warriors, and Captain, your sharks, see how they have become sluggish and

listless? – the ocean will become a cistern of death if the oars are not restored!”

Muirgen ignored Loredana and addressed Captain De Merrill: “Your two urchins here

should never have let off being deck hands, Captain.” She tauntingly held aloft the key.

“Jest not with me, Princess Fish Monger! I know them to be your henchmen!”

“If they are not with you and they are not with me, let us dispatch them and save our

own quarrel for afterward!” Suddenly made allies by a common enemy, Muirgen and De

Merrill left off fighting each other, though caring nothing for their armies or for the sea.

Loredana and Nereus drew their swords. Nereus turned to fight Captain De Merrill, but

Loredana took Queen Muirgen, the whole while wishing only to snatch away the key. Nereus

and De Merrill sank to the bottom as they dueled while Loredana stayed atop Haida and fought

Muirgen in her chariot.

Nereus and Captain De Merrill touched bottom, but they barely knew it, so fiercely

were they engaged. Through the ruins of ships and squid they hacked and parried. Wounded

fish tumbled to the sea floor around them as the battle above still raged.

“Hye, ye rapscallion! You’ve stolen one of me ships, and now you fancy you can steal

me life? I am already dead – how can you win? You are doomed to lose – I only toy with you!”

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So it was, for De Merrill leapt and turned through the water with grace, meeting all

obstacles as if but a child’s playground and turning Nereus aside with ease at every encounter.

“It is true I cannot match you,” Nereus mouthed his words and shouted them in the

water that they might be heard. “But I only need wait for your own pride to defeat you!”

Captain De Merrill gave a mighty leap and alighted atop a squid. He turned and looked

down at Nereus and laughed. “The empty threat of a defeated man couched in a moral, oh

bravo green gills!” But De Merrill ceased from laughing for Nereus was suddenly upon him.

The two jostled and struggled until De Merrill was dislodged. He fell and landed amid a tangle

of tentacles.

Then how De Merrill’s countenance was changed! He was furious to have been bested

so! But as he moved to rise again and strike down Nereus, the squid’s arms wriggled, for the

squid was yet living. Around De Merrill the tentacles became as a wall and behind him yawned

the squid’s terrible beak. De Merrill’s cold heart was seized with fear. Even as he raised his

sword the tentacles drew him in. Then the beak closed with a weighty crunch and Captain De

Merrill, the scourge of the ocean floor, was no more.

Loredana and Queen Muirgen strove against one another, like a hammer striking against

an anvil. Loredana fought well, but could do little against Muirgen’s far reaching javelin. So

Loredana took more risks, making grabs for the key, until Muirgen finally unseated her from


Without Haida, Loredana struggled in the water and Muirgen struck. Her javelin pierced

Loredana’s shoulder. Loredana cried out in the depths. Muirgen made to strike again, but this

time her blow did not land, for Haida darted in-between them and the javelin passed through

her instead.

The queen’s face turned ashen grey when she saw that she had pierced Haida, “No, no!

You foolish dolphin – I never meant to harm you!” Muirgen pulled out her javelin and let it

fall. “I only wished to keep you beneath the waves with me!” Muirgen held Haida’s face, her

own twisted in sorrow.

The queen looked about her and her face became sadder. “How did I come so far in evil

ways? I have even struck down the first born of the world and I was the mother of all. All my

days have become bitter and all because I chose to harden my heart and justify my sin by

seeking to triumph in evil ways. So much life and energy spent in evil, and all wasted. I see I

have only spited myself and am left with nothing.”

All evil desires left Muirgen then as she cradled the dolphin in her arms. She passed her

to Loredana, “Save her, Loredana, if you can.”

The castle crumbled as shards of Caritas thrust up through it, for Muirgen had released

all her spells. Muirgen placed the key around Loredana’s neck. Then she left her chariot and

stood in the ruin of her castle, her head bowed, until the coral came up all round her. It engulfed

her and Muirgen, the queen under the sea, passed from sight.

Then, wonder of wonders! Through hazy eyes, Loredana watched Haida transform right

in her arms. She was a dolphin no longer, but rather a young woman like herself! Nereus

caught Loredana as she sank, for her wound was weakening her. Yet, even so, she placed a

tablet in the young woman’s mouth and found that only one remained. This last tablet she gave

to Nereus, even as her own failed in her mouth. She then took her shawl, meaning to make a

bubble to raise them all to the surface, but all grew dark and she tumbled from Nereus’ arms

into the dark below.

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Chapter 8

Loredana awoke. Wonder and amazement filled her, for she saw that she was in a

castle, clothed in finery with many good things to eat at her bedside. She sat for a long time,

trying to remember what had happened. Her arm was in a sling and so Loredana knew it all had

not been a dream.

Gingerly she rose from her bed and took up a goblet to drink. She drank every drop and

laughed as she finished, so happy was she to drink water rather than live in it. Then Loredana

went to the window and sat on its sill. She knew where she was: she was in the old castle of the

king and queen, for she had been to the royal city before on trips with her aunt as a young girl.

In the city square outside there was a tumult of people such as had never been seen in

many a year. Traders and peasants clogged the square in great numbers and among them strode

warriors and ambassadors from many kingdoms. Loredana wondered what they all might be

doing here. She was amazed to see the palace stables full of horses and ladies in waiting and

servants tending to the gardens and paths.

“The king and queen must have returned!” remarked Loredana to herself, and she

smiled at hearing her voice once again. “The quest must have succeeded! They must have

rescued me!”

Even as Loredana thought upon this a young couple caught her eye as they walked

below on the terrace. She recognized the young woman, for it was Haida, and she too had a

sling on her arm and more bandages besides, for Muirgen had savagely wounded her. She was

helped along by a young man, very handsome, with golden hair. As they walked they were

talking and laughing and enjoying each other’s company under the warm sun. Loredana’s heart

leapt, for she recognized the man as Nereus.

She watched them take a small turn outside and then return to the castle. Nereus took

Haida’s hand and kissed it before parting.

Not a few minutes later came a knock at her door. Nereus entered, “Ah, you are awake

at last! I am so glad!” Nereus explained all that had happened. The king and queen had

returned! They had been among the prisoners of Muirgen, all of whom had been returned to the

surface by the whirlpools when their mistress’ spells were undone. Phaelon had rescued them

all, for he had assembled a fleet of fishermen to pull them from the sea. He himself, thanks to

the ring around his neck, was recognized as prince Helios, the son of the king and queen, but

they changed his name to Nereus for he had asked them to do so. Haida, now a young woman,

was Corinne, the lost daughter of Phaelon, who had been changed into a dolphin centuries ago

by Muirgen that she might never leave the sea and thus lose all memories of land and of her


“Then I can understand why you love her,” Loredana interrupted. “I am happy for you!”

Nereus’ face changed to confusion, but he was quick to smile. Nereus dropped to his knees

beside her and clasped her hands. “She is dear to us both, but it is you I love. You have helped

bring about the salvation of this world, for the Coral Oars have been restored to Phaelon and all

know of your deeds, and there is no one more praised than you! I wish you to do me the honour

of becoming my queen and living with me in this castle and bringing back the glory of this land

and its people with your wisdom and grace.

Loredana wept for happiness and they embraced. And she accepted his offer.

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They waited for Loredana’s arm to heal and during that time the announcement of the

wedding was made. People came from far away lands and across the seas to be there, even

without an invitation, for they wished to celebrate such a wonderful thing and to see the young

woman that had saved the world.

When the wedding came it was held in the cathedral and presided over by the bishop.

All the world seemed to be there, for even the sea was teeming with guests. The old man of the

sea had come with great whales and seals and dolphins and, of course, all the sea turtles were

there as well and they had a place of honour along the beach. Phaelon gave the newlyweds two

wooden paddles as a wedding present, the same two oars that Loredana had given him, but they

were now inlaid with gold and crafted so as to resemble the Coral Oars.

All was going beautifully during the festivities when suddenly a great geyser erupted in

the ocean and Muirgen appeared. Everyone became anxious for it looked as though the

wedding might become a battleground. But Muirgen smiled; she had at last made her peace

with the Creator and was not here to fight. She bowed to the king and queen and spoke humble

words. She gave the new prince and princess a music box, the very same that Loredana and

Nereus had danced to while in Muirgen’s treasure room. All rejoiced and the wedding was

remembered as a joyous time for all.

Word spread of Loredana and Nereus’ deeds and how they had saved the world and

knights flocked to the kingdom to serve a prince and princess of so famous an adventure.

Nereus learned the ways of living on the land, though he was happiest in the water, and he

gained fame as a mariner and renown as a champion swimmer, even among the fish of the sea.

Together, Nereus and Loredana restored the kingdom and built up its former glory and

Loredana was much loved by the people, for she had an eye for beauty and knew how to make

it thrive upon the land.

Muirgen had been granted a pardon from the Creator, so that she could again return to

the surface, though, like her husband, she could not depart from the sea. Nereus and Loredana

made it so that a channel came into the castle from the sea, right into the throne room, that

Phaelon and Muirgen might visit and gain some warmth and shelter. There Corinne received

them, for she too lived in the castle, and she tended to those who had been saved from the

whirlpools, helping them start their lives again upon the land. And so the sea was saved, and

though many eons have passed since these adventures, Phaelon still rides in his boat wielding

the Coral Oars with his wife at his side.