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Thesis Submitted to

School of Business Management (SBM)

Universiti Utara Malaysia,

In Fulfillment of the Requirement for the

Master of Human Resource Management (MHRM)

Pusat Pengajlan Pengurusan Petniagsan SCHOOl OF RUSlNFSS hlA\ACEMEN?

Universlti Utara MaOaysia

PERAKUANKERJAKERTASPROJEK (Certification of Project Paper)

Saya, mengaku bertandatangan, rnernperakukan bahawa (I, the undersigned, certified fhatj LlZA BINTI O'THMAN (807287)

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This paper explored on the influence of training and development, employee performance

on job satisfaction among staff of School of Technology Management and Logistics

(STML). The purpose of this research paper is to identify the influence of training &

development program and employee performance on job satisfaction among university

academic and administrative staff in STML. Quantitative research method of primary

source was utilized to collect the data from 69 academic and administrative respondents.

The context of this study is on Universiti Utara Malaysia, Sintok, Kedah (UUM) in the

northern region of Malaysia. Seven Likert scale was used to measure the degree of

training & development and employee performance on job satisfaction. Progression

analysis was used to analyse and test the hypothesis. The result found that training &

development and employee performance positively influence on job satisfaction, and

there is a significant relationship between training & development, employee

performance and job satisfaction. It also established that training & development and

employee performance is an effective and supportive key factor to organization and

employee success. This paper presents significant theoretical contribution for academic

knowledge purpose and practical contributions for practitioners.

Keyword: Human Resource Management, Training & Development, Employee

Performance, Job Satisfaction.


Kertas kerja ini mengkaji pengaruh latihan & pembangunan dan prestasi pekerja terhadap

tahap kepuasan bekerja di kalangan kakitangan Pusat Pengajian Pengurusan Teknologi

dan Logistik (STML). Tujuan kertas kajian ini adalah untuk mengenalpasti pengaruh

latihan & program pembangunan dan prestasi pekerja terhadap kepuasan bekerja di

kalangan kakitangan akademik dan kakitangan pentadbiran di STML. Kaedah

penyeIidikan kuantitatif berdasarkan sumber utama telah digunakan untuk mengumpul

data dari 69 responden di kalangan kakitangan akademik dan pentadbiran. Konteks kajian

ini adalah di Universiti Utara Malaysia, Sintok Kedah (ULTM) yang terletak di bahagian

Utara Malaysia. Tujuh skala Likert telah digunakan untuk mengukur tahap latihan &

pembangunan dan prestasi pekerja terhadap kepuasan bekerja. Analisis regrasi digunakan

untuk menganalisis hipotesis. Hasil kajian yang diperolehi menunjukkan bahawa latihan

& pembangunan dan prestasi pekerja adalah positif dan mempengaruhi tahap kepuasan

bekerja, dan terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara latihan & pembangunan, prestasi

pekerja dan kepuasan bekerja. Ia juga menetapkan bahawa latihan & pembangunan dan

prestasi pekerja adalah faktor utarna yang berkesan dan memberi sokongan kepada

organisasi dan kejayaan pekerja. Kajian ini menyurnbang kepada teori yang penting

untuk peningkatan pengetahuan akademik dan penambahbaikan kepada pengetahuan

praktikal untuk pelaksana di industri.

Kata kunci: Pengurusan Sumber Manusia, Latihan & Pembangunan, Prestasi Pekerja,

Kepuasan Bekerja.


= In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Praise be to Allah for blessing me with this outstanding road free in my master's journey.

It was a motivating academic knowledge and undeniably to be the most challenging

mission I have undertaken in my life so far, but categorically worth it. First, my greatest

appreciation to my supervisor Asscociate Prof. Dr. Mohd Rizal bin Razalli, thank you for

your understanding, patient supervision, and methods in building me into a master's

research student. Your assistance throughout my time as your student has been one of the

reasons I have reserved my spirits high.

The most vital of all, my strongest funding, my family, who knowledgeable all of the ups

and downs of my research. And to my beloved mother, Siti Rafeah Abdul Hamid, you

have always been the greatest motivation behind my achievement, you never ever give up

in supporting me. Also to my husband Enver Saad and my daughter Nur Irdina who also

accept me during my weakest point in this master journey, I give thanks to you all as

well. Last but certainly not least, my sincere appreciation and gratitude to all my fhends,

lecturers and those who directly or indirectly supported me throughout this master

journey. Your moral and guidance are well acknowledged. This research project was

impossible to complete without the participation and assistance from all the respondents

from STML, UUM COB. Thus I would like to express my appreciation to all who have

participated in this survey.



CERTIFICATION OF THESIS WORK ....................................... PERMISSION TO .USE ................................................................................ ii

... ABSTRACT .................................................................................................. 111

ABSTRAK ................................................................................................ iv

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................ v

TABLE OF CONTENT ............................................................................... vi

LIST OF TABLES ....................................................................................... x . . LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................................... xi1

..a LIST OF ABRIVATIONS ......................................................................... XIII


1 . 1 Research overview ........................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Background of the Study ................................................................................................. 4

1.3 Problem Statement ........................................................................................................... 6

1.4 Research Objectives ......................................................................................................... 9

1 .5 Research Questions ......................................................................................................... .9

1.6 Significance of the Study .............................................................................................. .10

1.6.1 Theoretical Contribution ........................................................................ 10

1.6.2 Practical Contribution ................................................................................ 1 1

1.7 Scope of the Study .......................................................................................................... 12

1 .8 Definition of Key Terms. ............................................................................................... 12

1.9 Organizations of the Thesis. ......................................................................................... 1 3



2.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................. 1 5

2.2 Job Satisfaction (JS) ...................................................................................................... 15

2.2.1 Factors Influencing Job Satisfaction .......................................................... 177

2.2.2 Job Satisfaction & Training and Development ............................................ 19

2.2.3. Job Satisfaction and Employee Performance ............................................... 21

2.3 Human Resource Management (HRM) ...................................................................... 22

2.3.1 Human Resource Management Definitions ................................................. 24

2.3.2 Human Resource Practice (HRP) ............................................................ 25 Training and Developing (T&D) ........................................ 28 Employee Performance (EP) ................................................................. 33 Training & Development and Employee Performance ...................... 36

2.4 Underpinning Theories ................................................................................................. 37

2.4.1 Maslow's Need Hierarchy Theory ............................................................. 377

2.4.2 Herzberg Two-Factor Theory .................................................................... 388

2.5 Theoretical Framework ............................................................................................... 40

2.6 Research Hypotheses .................................................................................................... 41

2.7 Summary ......................................................................................................................... 4.1


3.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 42

3.2 Research Design ............................................................................................................ 42

3.3 Population and Sampling Design ................................................................................ 44

3.4 Sampling Size ................................................................................................................ 44

3.5 Unit of Analysis ............................................................................................................. 45

3.6 Questionnaire Design ................................................................................................... 45

............................................................................................ 3.7 Data Collection Procedure 47

.............................................................................. 3.8 Measurement and Instrumentation 47

.......................................................... 3.8.1 Training and Development (T&D) 2488

...................................................................... 3.8.2 Employee Performance (EP) 499

3.8.3 Job Satisfaction (JS) .................................................................................... 50

3.8.4 Demographic Profile (DF) ........................................................................... 50

3.9 Data Analysis Techniques ............................................................................................ 51

3.9.1 Frequency Distributions ............................................................................. 522 . . . .

3.9.2 Descr~pt~ve Statistics Test ....................................................................... 522

3.9.3 Reliability Test ........................................................................................... 522

......................................................................................... 3 .9.4 Correlation Test 533

3.9.5 Multiple Regression ................................................................................... 544

3.10 Summary ......................................................................................................................... 54


4.0 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 55

4.1 Response Rate ............................... .. ............................................................................ 55

4.2 Respondent Demographic Findings .......................................................................... 58

4.2.1 Respondents Gender Result ......................................................................... 58

4.2.2 Respondent Age Result ................................................................................ 59

4.2.3 Respondent Marital Status Result .............................................................. 61

4.2.4 Nationality .................................................................................................... 62

4.2.5 Race .............................................................................................................. 63

4.2.6 Current Position ........................................................................................... 64

4.2.7 Department ................................................................................................... 65

4.2.8 Years of work with the Company ................................................................ 66


4.3 Descriptive Statistic Findings ..................................................................................... 67

4.3.1 Descriptive Statistic of Independent Variable (Training and Development)68

4.3.2 Descriptive Statistic of Independent Variable (Employee Performance) .... 69

................... 4.3.3 Descriptive Statistic of Dependent Variable (Job Satisfaction) 71

4.4 Reliability Analysis Result ........................................................................................... 72

4.5 Correlation Analysis Test ........................................................................................... 74

4.6 Regression Test ............................................................................................................... 76

4.7 Summary ........................................................................................................................ 78


5.0 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 79

5.1 Discussion ........................................................................................................................ 80

5.1.1 Research Question 1 : What is the influence of training and development ..... program on job satisfaction among university staff in STML. UUM? 81

5.1.2 Research Question 2: What is the influence of employee performance on job satisfaction among university staff in STML. UUM? ........................ 81

5.2 Hypotheses Results ......................................................................................................... 82

5.2.1 Research Hypothesis 1 : relationship between training and development and job satisfaction ................................................................................... 82

5.2.2 Research Hypothesis 2: relationship between employee performance and job satisfaction .......................................................................................... 82

. . 5.3 Contnbutlon of Study ..................................................................................................... 83

5.3.1 Theoretical Contribution ...................................................................... 844

5.3.2 Practical Contribution ............................................................................ 84

5.4 Limitation of the Study ................................................................................................. 85

5.5 Recommendation for Further Study ............................................................................ 86

5.6 Conclusion ...................................................................................................................... 87

REFERENCE .................................................................................................. 88


Table 3.1

Table 3.2

Table 3.3

Table 3.5

Table 3.6

Table 3.7

Table 4.1

Table 4.2

Table 4.3

Table 4.4

Table 4.5

Table 4.6

Table 4.7

Table 4.8

Table 4.9

Table 4.10

Table 4.1 1

Table 4.12

Table 4.13

Table 4.14

Table 4.1 5

Probability Sampling of Staff ................................................... 44

Questionnaire Parts .............................................................. -46

Training and Development Questions .......................................... 49

Job Satisfaction Questions ....................................................... 49

Demographic Profile .............................................................. 50

Correlation Coefficient Range and Strength of Relationship ............... 53

The Questionnaires Proportion and Response Frequency ................... 56

Independent Sample T-test Results ............................................. 57

Respondents Gender Result ...................................................... 59

Respondent Age Result ........................................................... 60

Respondent Marital Status Result ............................................... 61

Respondents Nationality ......................................................... 62

Respondents Race ................................................................. 63 . .

Current Position ................................................................... 64

Respondent Work Department .................................................... 65

Years of work with the STML ................................................... 66

Descriptive Statistic of Independent and Dependent Variable (Training &

Development, Employee Performance, and Job Satisfaction) ............... 67

Mean and Standard Deviation of Items Measured for Training and

Development ....................................................................... 68

Mean and Standard Deviation of Items Measured for Employee

Performance ....................................................................... -70

Mean and Standard Deviation of Items Measured for Job

Satisfaction ........................................................................ -71

Summary of Independent Variables Results (Training & Development,

Employee Performance, and Job Satisfaction) ................................... 73

..... Table 4.16 Relationship Between Training & Development and Job Satisfaction 74

Table 4.17 Relationship Between Employee Performance and Job Satisfaction ....... 75

Table 4.1 8 Multiple regression model Summary ............................................ 76

Table 4.19 Multiple Regression Result of Independent and Dependent Variables

.................................................................. (ANOVA Result) 77

Table 4.20 Multiple Regression Coefficients Result ....................................... 77


Figure 2.1.

Figure 4.1.

Figure 4.2.

Figure 4.3.

Figure 4.4.

Figure 4.5.

Figure 4.6.

Figure 4.7.

Figure 4.8.

Theoretical Framework Model .................................................. 38

Respondents Gender Result ...................................................... 59

Respondent Age Result ........................................................... 60

Respondent Marital Status Result ............................................... 61

Respondents Nationality .......................................................... 62

Respondents Race .................................................................. 63

Respondents Current Position .................................................... 64

Respondents Department ......................................................... 65

Respondents Years of work with the Company ................................ 66









Human Resource Management

Human Resource Practices

Training & Development

Employee Performance

Job Satisfaction

School of Technology Management and Logistics

Universiti Utara Malaysia



1.1 Research overview

In past years, there have been serious deliberations about the part of human resource

management (HRM) as a key resource in today's organization (Theriou & Chatzoglou,

2014). HRM also has developed in its variety to extend where it has turned into an

industry, instead of only a basic occupation (Davoudi & Fartash, 2012). The impact of

HRM noticeably known as human resource practices (HRP) on selecting the best

execution and developing worker mindsets have been a primary zone of investigation for

the past years (Delaney & Huselid, 1996; Huselid, 1995; Katou & Budhwar, 2007;

Petrescu & Simmons, 2008).

In any case, shockingly to a great number of studies have been coordinated on HRP, in

the connection of making HRM of the countries to gain a better productive place and job

satisfaction (Budhwar & Debrah, 2001, Singh, 2004, Yeganeh & Su, 2008). This study

should also be extent to the HRM of Malaysia in particular (Mahmood, 2004). This study

has been set to fill the present investigation gap and to search on the influence of H W

and job satisfaction in the setting of School of Technology Management and Logistics

(STML), UUM. This study would extend the contemporary research and routine of

HRM. In general, there are four HRP which are selection, performance appraisal,

rewards, and development (Collins & Devanna 1992). It is exciting to reminder that

The contents of

the thesis is for

internal user



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