the cooleemee journal (cooleemee, n.c.) 1965-10-14 [p...

'' Husband! Former Local Woman Dies ALBERTARLE G. Leslie Efird, 79, of Route 3, Albe- marle, died Sunday morning in ChaWWte Memorial Hos- pital?l'" >' J ' C 31 sB- - services were con- ducted ofiuesday at 11 A.M. in Gantca Baptist Church Witt* burial in the church cemetery,. The Rev. O. H. Boleti neOfficiated. Mr. Eflrd, a native of Stan- ly OOMhty, was a retired ru- ral ioiai! carrier. He was the sorvofitfce late Mr. and Mrs. Bud'.'lTird'. His ft:st wife, Mary Ann Herloeßer, is deceased. His second wife, Mrs. Myrtle Hoo- ver Efird, survives. Other sur- vivors include cne son, Cullen Efird of Albemarle; 3 step- | sons, Beajiford Hoover of Coo- lesmee*%Doyle Hoover cf Or- , lando, Fla* Kenneth Hoo- ver of Salisbury: one step- daughter Mrs. Wayne Flow ers, of Rosedale, Ind.; lour brothers,* Noah, Glenn, and Lee Efird of Route 4, Albe- marle, - and Toley Efitd of Charlotte; two sisters, Mrs. Homer "Bu:leson of Route-4, Albemarle, and Mrs. Elam Whitley of Oakboro; two grandchildren. Sir. and Mrs. Bill Goodman and Mr, and Mrs. Wayne Goodman of Amity Hill were Saturday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alton Holt. They enjoyed a cook out. LEGAL v NOTICE NORT CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY . ACTING UNDER AUTHO- RITY of an order cf the Su- perior Court of Davie Coun- ty, , made' in the special pro- ceeding entitled "MARGAR- ET G. SKINNER, Administra- f tri)t of the Estate cf ELLEN ' D. , BRINEGAR; CHARLES T. IDARBY; MRS. A. V. BURKE, Petitioners, Ex Par- te,". the undersigned will of- fer' for sale at public auc- tion at the door cf the court- house at twelve o'clock, noon, on the 2|ad day of October, 1965, a certain parcel of land in the City of Cooleemee, described as follows: t Let No. 269 as shown on a plat entitled "A subdi- vision for Erwin Mills, Inc., Cooleemee, N. C. by Pickell and Pickell, Engineers" da- ted April, 1953, and record- ed in the office of the Reg- ister of Deeds- of Dyvfe County, Carolina-in Plat Bolflt 3, at pages 11, 12, 13, *nd 11 to which reference; is hereby made ' for a more particular des- cription. TERMS of sale are: CASH. This 20th day of September, 1965. Margaret G. Skinner Commissioner Sept. 24, Oct. 1, 8, 15 SIX INCH f Air Drilled Wells ?MODERN AIR DRILL?- AIR WELL DRILLING CO. Rt. 1, Advance, N. C. Phone 998-4141 > YOUR TELEPHONE IS A VALUABLE ASSET TO YOUR HOME USE IT WISELY Business office Dial 284-2000 Davie at Main St. Cooleemee, N. C. i Cooleemee Telephone Co. DO YOU EVER NEED .3 KSTERBROOK r -n® SHEAFFER ; V M. mo- 9 jj PARKER ( ai <\u25a0. \u25a0+ 1 r r J ' PENS 39V" ! >rU * SOLD BY forte's Office Supplies | Everimjung for Office W3BW Strßiit SALISBURY. N. 0. , ' 1 'Ai'si- '? ? '* P' \u25a0 1 | QUEEN OF HOPE FOR HEARTS Sikkim's Am?, i- ean-born Queen Hope, a cou- sin of Mrs. R. Philip Hanes, of Winston-Salem, helps to promote t.:e North Carolina Heart Association's 1965-66 "Hope for Hearts" education- al crusade. The former Hope Cooke, young queen of the tiny Himalayan kingdom at the troubled India-China bor- der, visited North Carclina last year. (N. C. Heart News Bureau photo), Annual Mtn. Trip The Young Men's Class of the First Baptist Church took their annual mountain trip on Sunday, October W. Eighteen men mctored to Cuft'ierland Knob and enjoyed a combina- tion breakfast and dinner gt A.M. of country ham. egg*, coffee and cookies and colas. Following fhe meal; the SuK- day School lesson was taught by J. F. Jarvis, who is the teacher. After visiting Pilot Mountain and other places of interest, the group arrived home about 4 P. M. Library hkws In Case You Want To Know Department: Davie County's new libra- ry is progressing very sat- isfactory, and on the new site the climbing over boards, step- ping carefully around wet ce- ment, watching the indoor partitions going up and vi- sualizing the finished build- ing are oh! so exciting! How nice it will be to really "set- tle in" and be able to we- come Davie County to use and enjoy it with us! In the present library you now see an attractive and helpful display, "The Right Frame", showing beautiful ex- of what the right frame can do fcr a picture. There are books you can bor- row on the subject. North Carolina Races RCCKINGHAM - Richard Petty wrapped up two days cf tire testing here this week by posting the fastest lap ever recorded at the brand-new Carolina Motor Speedway. The 1965 Plymouth driver ran ten consecutive laps at an average speed of 114.9 m.- p. h. had five of them in excess of 115 m.p.h. and post- ed an unofficial world rec- ord of 115.61 m.p.h or his fast- est trip around the mile, completely banked super- speedway that opens October 31st with a 500-mile race. The race starts at 12 nocn instead of 12:30 P. M. as or- iginally announced. All speeds were unofficial 3ince they did not come in actual competition, but Pet- ty's 115.61 caught on three clocks along pit road was the fastest speed yet on the track that now has been run on for just eight days. It shaded the 115.5 m.p.h. by Paul Goldsmith, another Plymouth driver, during Good- year tire tests here last week. And it far surpassed the offi- cial world record cf 113.175 m.p.h. record here on Sept. 27th by David Pearson in a 1965 Dodge. Petty ran 4M laps during the two days here with Fire- stone, and engineer Don Wil- helm reported that 335 of them were speed laps. F "It was in the last 20 or 30 laps that Richard found out something about the track," Withelm reported. "He was running without brakes at the time ,and that's when he started turning those swift laps." "I had brakes," Petty chim- ed in, "but you have to learn to drive this race track with- out using them every time you go into the first and third turns. Any man who brakes to get into those two turns will wind up without any be- fore the race even starts." Petty grinned when asked if he had found the right i, l IMm CENTLWY HAP NO CIOTHES TO CALL J WT her CAW. «*&A Mi replica or her s«i«r wwo-Afl if! llv VK«i \u25a0; ? The famoriteoutpoobgarment tor uttle 6U9.9 FOR MANV YEARS WA&THE*R£D MJfl RIPINA HOOP* IT VMft'JMUCH PREFERREP fIPIVI TO A COT, WHCH WOULD CRUSH THE Little lapt'6 wipe SWRX. l jPIS Mf Xr was not mm WE acrttrw* Afi / u wDßnwwßtwSCcflee /\u25a0si vtM. iMUßi'tuHMb i - 365* iMrg? asiyas?. ,W groove at this race track that will be a mystery to almost all of the 44-car starting field on October 31. "I'll just say, "he reported, "that it will be no problem running 116. m.p.h here on race week." ' This was a different Petty from the race driver who, after one day on the trade, re- marked, "fm having trouble finding out where I am cut there. It seems like you're in a turn all the way from the third to the second turn. And that first turn (like a pan- cake compared to the rest of the track), you're in it before you know it. "At the other superspeed- ways ycu know right away when you're going into a turn because of the sharp change in elevation. But this first turn slips up on you." Reminded of Ma statements 24 hours previous. Petty a- gain gave his audience the Pepsodent treatment when he chuckled, "that was yester- day." It was the chuckle of a satisfied man. ON DANGEROUS GROUND First of all, perhaps we should look out for our tongue. It's a wet place and may possibly slip. -- The Ord (Neb.) Quiz. s©cm4 lumfly m- ns« w ? s The irst mailing of in- formational leaflets explain- ing supplementary medical insurance frr the »«e<l is now being made to peopte who will be 66 or over before January 1, 1866, and who re- ceive monthly social security or rattroed retirement benefits, Robert C. Thomas, gceiai se- curity district manager in Salisbury, reported today. An enrollment card is in- cluded with the leaflet so people can tell the Social Se- curity Administration wheth- er or not they wish to en- roll in the voluntary medi- cal insurance plan. Instruct- ions for completing the card are in the leaflet. An ad- dressed envelope requiring no postage is enclosed for the convenience of beneficiar- ies in promptly replying Not all beneficiaries will receive their enrollment cards and leaflets at the same time. Thomas advised peo- ple not to be concerned if they do not recive their leaf- lets and enrollment cards im- mediately. It will take several weeks to mail the leaflets and cards to the more than 15 million social security beneficiaries 65 and ever. Everyone will receive infor- mation in time for them to make their decision about en- rollment in the medical in- surance plan before the end of the initial enrollment period, March 31, 1966, Thom- as assured. The leaflet contains com- plete information about the benefits offered by the sup- plementary medical insurance plan. Anyone having a ques- tion about medical insurance after reading the leaflet should get in touch with the Salisbury Social Security Dis- trict Office, located at 105 Corriher Ave., Thomas said. The telephone number is 633- 6470.. _ _. The Defense Department has curtailed the - use cf lie detectors and the scope of questioning in cases where electronic or mechanical pro- Patronice Our Advertisers The New Book Shelf is well filled! Come to see us! Travis Family Takes Mtn. Trip Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Travis and daughter, Fleta, motored Sunday afternoon to Yadkin- ville for a short visit with Mr. and Mrs. Willis Reavis, who joined thm for a trip to the mountains. They visited W. Kerr Scott Dam and followed highway 386 to Ferguson, N. C. and stopped to get some gas at the only service station there, and to get their windshield cleaned, which was so dirty they could hardly see through it. Across the street was the post office and that was the town of Ferguson. From there they went to Lenoir and back down Highway 18 to Moravian Falls and on back to their start- ing place. The mountains were truly beautiful. If you would like to make a trip to see the mountains and not have any mountains to go up, you may travel this route and the mountains are on both sides and you travel through the valleys. Mr. Travis sayr the mountains will be more beau- tiful in about two weeks. John N. Shore MOCKS VILLE - John Hen- ry Shore, 93, a retired far- mer cf Mocksvile, Ht. 5, died at 4:10 P. M. Wednesday at Forsyth Memorial Hospital in Winston-Salem. He was born in Yadkin County and was a Mason and member of Encn Baptist Church. His wife, Mrs. Rosalie Steehna* Shore, died in 1964. ! Surviving are six daughters, Mrs. W. P. Walker and Mrs. W. T. Dwiggins of Mocksville, Route 2, Mrs. Ballard Warn- er and Mrs. C. W. Marshall of Mocksville, Route 5, Mrs. E. id Godbey of Sal- isbury, Rt. f, and Miss Helen Shore of t ? home, a sister, Mrs. Ida- Si\ore May of Win- ston-Salem;. and a half bro- ther, Benftow Shore of Win- ston-Salem. The funercl will be at 11 A. M. Saturday at Eaton's funeral Home. Burial will be in Encn Baptist Church ce- metery. . Miss Karitha OuU«t at noir Rhyne College spent the weekend with her parents, Mr and Mrs Lorn as Gullett. i lljj flj B&m mMI \ I nrauHTY jjjm ri \v# _ \j| A handful of carpet I vj jjf I super-wear patented I ' 1 tienrlle< »mi» I Uk «Kjf f flrt*V \W I MM^wnff f inTyji J I luih, ptashcarpeting I /l Wll/ J with o sumptuous I /W jBMfrllMB look and feel. xs(< M \Jg*\ T lively carpet wW> I t Wf/M Ank r| lit# elegance a nnU acrylic llbar Coxae to our store. Feast your eyes on three of the greatest carpet values you ever saw during our Spring Spectacular of Mohawk Carpet Values! Each has a rich surface of .\u25a0 > \u25a0 amazing, easy-care Acrilan® acrylic and modacrylic. Choose frtim beautifully styled textures the one that does the most fat your decorating scheme. Select from a rainbow of 45 colors... just the one you've always wanted. directive ments. r i i HI hi in ii n g 0 i 0i |i pwgjjß { TOWNE MM»A "Your Drug Center" MM VT. Ines at, Walff, V. C. OPEN m BATS A TIM LARGE ENOUGH TO SERVE YOU . . . MM«JL ENOUGH TO WANT TO am t-JMM pm jj Suntey* 1M to 9M pm. "*?<"*? i^rrriiiTi'i*-»irif~ i - " - i"' i""i~"it«i<»iicTu#>»i.7mj>i^»t^>t I'PHOLSTERING NEW HOME raOMMH We also carry a complete line of new toakltegL M Let us make your old furniture look new a#Mk \u25a0 for your home, appliances space heaters, etc. Edwards Furniture & Upholstery Co. I Dial 634-2244 Located an Statesville Iwj. ? Rt. 1, Mocksvilie, N. C. r ?i ?i? i~- r r n~iiriir»»rri'ini<irii»ii»ii#««#ii^E For Good Frooh Sea Food VISIT THE ROWAN FISH CO. We have all seafoods in season I days la the weak * , Wholesale and Retail ROWAN FISH CO. I. B. HARRISON, Pray. -- Phone ME S-MM- -111 E. Council St. SaHabwy, ft. C. \u25a0* From the Home of the World's Finest IW THE KDUBLY Model M92OBWD * General Electric Color TV with "Magic Memory" Color Reference Controls 1 ' ? Equipped for G-E's Color Coaxial Antenna Kit for Home Uae...a new coaxial color antenna for the best color reception possible! ? Automatic Fine Tuning automatically keeps each VHF channel exactly timed at all times. I- "* I Fran the Home of the World's Finest TV! GENERAL ELECTRIC BWH ? Attractive Cabinet with Walnut S| WiPW Wood grained finish on hardboard i 111 "\u25a0 P ane ta with furniture hard#ood ! fllpl ? Front Controls and Front Sound... |H Easy to Sae... Easy to Use ... Easy to Hear! I ? Set-And-Foryat Volume Control. .. A No need to reset volume each time | set is on! tion featuring G-E'a "SILVER ffl TOUCH* Tandem Tuning s*** fl TfflS ALUNWOOD MoUMHOBVD /±\ ary.rrr.Taa fftfsaars MM at I Skllß "jte'owiSl'SdSe Conpwjr «\u25a0, «t Ri ?Pttao, mfak mm JLHh Wtets see m*rn mmMU rwftn are Rp IwWRWW g -?IS I vxmmim HENDRICKS & MERRELL FURNITURE CO. Page 7

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Page 1: The Cooleemee Journal (Cooleemee, N.C.) 1965-10-14 [p …''Husband! Former Local Woman Dies ALBERTARLE G. Leslie Efird,

'' Husband! FormerLocal Woman Dies

ALBERTARLE G. LeslieEfird, 79, of Route 3, Albe-marle, died Sunday morningin ChaWWte Memorial Hos-pital?l'" >' J '

C 31 sB-- services were con-

ducted ofiuesday at 11 Gantca Baptist ChurchWitt* burial in the churchcemetery,. The Rev. O. H.Boleti neOfficiated.

Mr. Eflrd, a native of Stan-ly OOMhty, was a retired ru-ral ioiai! carrier. He was thesorvofitfce late Mr. and Mrs.Bud'.'lTird'.

His ft:st wife, Mary AnnHerloeßer, is deceased. Hissecond wife, Mrs. Myrtle Hoo-ver Efird, survives. Other sur-vivors include cne son, CullenEfird of Albemarle; 3 step-

| sons, Beajiford Hoover of Coo-lesmee*%Doyle Hoover cf Or-

, lando, Fla* Kenneth Hoo-ver of Salisbury: one step-daughter Mrs. Wayne Flowers, of Rosedale, Ind.; lourbrothers,* Noah, Glenn, andLee Efird of Route 4, Albe-marle, - and Toley Efitd ofCharlotte; two sisters, Mrs.Homer "Bu:leson of Route-4,Albemarle, and Mrs. ElamWhitley of Oakboro; twograndchildren.

Sir. and Mrs. Bill Goodmanand Mr, and Mrs. WayneGoodman of Amity Hill wereSaturday guests of Mr.and Mrs. Alton Holt. Theyenjoyed a cook out.



. ACTING UNDER AUTHO-RITY of an order cf the Su-perior Court of Davie Coun-ty, ,made' in the special pro-ceeding entitled "MARGAR-ET G. SKINNER, Administra-

f tri)t of the Estate cf ELLEN' D. , BRINEGAR; CHARLES

T. IDARBY; MRS. A. V.BURKE, Petitioners, Ex Par-te,". the undersigned will of-fer' for sale at public auc-tion at the door cf the court-house at twelve o'clock, noon,on the 2|ad day of October,1965, a certain parcel of landin the City of Cooleemee,described as follows:

t Let No. 269 as shown ona plat entitled "A subdi-vision for Erwin Mills, Inc.,Cooleemee, N. C. by Pickelland Pickell, Engineers" da-ted April, 1953, and record-ed in the office of the Reg-ister of Deeds- of DyvfeCounty, Carolina-inPlat Bolflt 3, at pages 11,12, 13, *nd 11 to whichreference; is hereby made

' for a more particular des-cription.TERMS of sale are: CASH.This 20th day of September,1965.

Margaret G. SkinnerCommissioner

Sept. 24, Oct. 1, 8, 15


f Air Drilled Wells



Rt. 1, Advance, N. C.

Phone 998-4141





Business officeDial 284-2000

Davie at Main St.Cooleemee, N. C.


CooleemeeTelephone Co.




9 jjPARKER (ai <\u25a0. \u25a0+ 1r r J' PENS39V" !

>rU *


forte's OfficeSupplies |

Everimjung for Office

W3BW StrßiitSALISBURY. N. 0. ,

' 1 'Ai'si- '? ? '*P'

\u25a0 1 |

QUEEN OF HOPE FORHEARTS Sikkim's Am?, i-ean-born Queen Hope, a cou-sin of Mrs. R. Philip Hanes,of Winston-Salem, helps topromote t.:e North CarolinaHeart Association's 1965-66"Hope for Hearts" education-

al crusade. The former HopeCooke, young queen of thetiny Himalayan kingdom atthe troubled India-China bor-der, visited North Carclinalast year. (N. C. Heart NewsBureau photo),

Annual Mtn. TripThe Young Men's Class of

the First Baptist Church tooktheir annual mountain trip onSunday, October W. Eighteenmen mctored to Cuft'ierlandKnob and enjoyed a combina-tion breakfast and dinner gt

A.M. of country ham. egg*,coffee and cookies and colas.Following fhe meal; the SuK-day School lesson was taughtby J. F. Jarvis, who is theteacher. After visiting PilotMountain and other places ofinterest, the group arrivedhome about 4 P. M.

Library hkwsIn Case You Want To KnowDepartment:

Davie County's new libra-ry is progressing very sat-isfactory, and on the new sitethe climbing over boards, step-ping carefully around wet ce-ment, watching the indoorpartitions going up and vi-sualizing the finished build-ing are oh! so exciting! Hownice it will be to really "set-tle in" and be able to we-come Davie County to useand enjoy it with us!

In the present library younow see an attractive andhelpful display, "The Right

Frame", showing beautiful ex-of what the right

frame can do fcr a picture.There are books you can bor-row on the subject.

North CarolinaRaces

RCCKINGHAM - RichardPetty wrapped up two dayscf tire testing here thisweek by posting the fastestlap ever recorded at thebrand-new CarolinaMotor Speedway.

The 1965 Plymouth driverran ten consecutive laps atan average speed of 114.9 m.-p. h. had five of them inexcess of 115 m.p.h. and post-ed an unofficial world rec-ord of 115.61 m.p.h or his fast-est trip around the mile,completely banked super-speedway that opens October31st with a 500-mile race.The race starts at 12 nocninstead of 12:30 P. M. as or-iginally announced.

All speeds were unofficial3ince they did not come inactual competition, but Pet-ty's 115.61 caught on threeclocks along pit road wasthe fastest speed yet on thetrack that now has been runon for just eight days.

It shaded the 115.5 Paul Goldsmith, anotherPlymouth driver, during Good-year tire tests here last week.And it far surpassed the offi-cial world record cf 113.175m.p.h. record here on Sept.27th by David Pearson in a1965 Dodge.

Petty ran 4M laps duringthe two days here with Fire-stone, and engineer Don Wil-helm reported that 335 ofthem were speed laps.

F "It was in the last 20 or30 laps that Richard foundout something about thetrack," Withelm reported. "Hewas running without brakesat the time ,and that's whenhe started turning those swiftlaps.""I had brakes," Petty chim-

ed in, "but you have to learnto drive this race track with-out using them every time yougo into the first and thirdturns. Any man who brakesto get into those two turnswill wind up without any be-fore the race even starts."

Petty grinned when askedif he had found the right


Mi replica or her s«i«r wwo-Aflif! llv VK«i \u25a0;


The famoriteoutpoobgarment tor uttle6U9.9 FOR MANV YEARS WA&THE*R£D MJflRIPINA HOOP* ITVMft'JMUCH PREFERREP fIPIVITO A COT, WHCH WOULD CRUSH THELittle lapt'6 wipe SWRX. l

jPIS Mf Xr was not mm WE acrttrw*

Afi/ u wDßnwwßtwSCcflee/\u25a0si vtM.iMUßi'tuHMb i-365*

iMrg?asiyas?. ,W

groove at this race track thatwill be a mystery to almostall of the 44-car starting fieldon October 31.

"I'll just say, "he reported,"that it will be no problemrunning 116. m.p.h here onrace week." '

This was a different Pettyfrom the race driver who,after one day on the trade, re-marked, "fm having troublefinding out where I am cutthere. It seems like you're ina turn all the way from thethird to the second turn. Andthat first turn (like a pan-cake compared to the restof the track), you're in itbefore you know it.

"At the other superspeed-

ways ycu know right awaywhen you're going into aturn because of the sharpchange in elevation. But thisfirst turn slips up on you."

Reminded of Ma statements24 hours previous. Petty a-gain gave his audience thePepsodent treatment when hechuckled, "that was yester-day."

It was the chuckle of asatisfied man.


First of all, perhaps weshould look out for ourtongue. It's a wet place andmay possibly slip. -- The Ord(Neb.) Quiz.

s©cm4 lumflym-ns« w ? s

The irst mailing of in-formational leaflets explain-ing supplementary medicalinsurance frr the »«e<l is nowbeing made to peopte whowill be 66 or over beforeJanuary 1, 1866, and who re-ceive monthly social securityor rattroed retirement benefits,Robert C. Thomas, gceiai se-curity district manager inSalisbury, reported today.

An enrollment card is in-cluded with the leaflet sopeople can tell the Social Se-curity Administration wheth-er or not they wish to en-roll in the voluntary medi-cal insurance plan. Instruct-ions for completing the cardare in the leaflet. An ad-dressed envelope requiringno postage is enclosed forthe convenience of beneficiar-ies in promptly replying

Not all beneficiaries willreceive their enrollmentcards and leaflets at the sametime. Thomas advised peo-ple not to be concerned ifthey do not recive their leaf-lets and enrollment cards im-mediately. It will take severalweeks to mail the leafletsand cards to the more than15 million social security

beneficiaries 65 and ever.Everyone will receive infor-mation in time for them tomake their decision about en-rollment in the medical in-surance plan before the endof the initial enrollmentperiod, March 31, 1966, Thom-as assured.

The leaflet contains com-plete information about thebenefits offered by the sup-plementary medical insuranceplan. Anyone having a ques-tion about medical insuranceafter reading the leafletshould get in touch with theSalisbury Social Security Dis-trict Office, located at 105Corriher Ave., Thomas said.The telephone number is 633-

6470.. _ _.

The Defense Departmenthas curtailed the - use cf liedetectors and the scope ofquestioning in cases whereelectronic or mechanical pro-

Patronice Our Advertisers

The New Book Shelf is wellfilled! Come to see us!

Travis FamilyTakes Mtn. Trip

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Travisand daughter, Fleta, motoredSunday afternoon to Yadkin-ville for a short visit with Mr.and Mrs. Willis Reavis, whojoined thm for a trip to themountains. They visited W.Kerr Scott Dam and followedhighway 386 to Ferguson, N. C.and stopped to get some gas atthe only service station there,and to get their windshieldcleaned, which was so dirtythey could hardly see throughit. Across the street was thepost office and that was thetown of Ferguson. From therethey went to Lenoir and backdown Highway 18 to MoravianFalls and on back to their start-ing place. The mountains weretruly beautiful. If you wouldlike to make a trip to see themountains and not have anymountains to go up, you maytravel this route and themountains are on both sidesand you travel through thevalleys. Mr. Travis sayr themountains will be more beau-tiful in about two weeks.

John N. ShoreMOCKS VILLE- John Hen-

ry Shore, 93, a retired far-mer cf Mocksvile, Ht. 5, diedat 4:10 P. M. Wednesday atForsyth Memorial Hospital inWinston-Salem. He was bornin Yadkin County and was aMason and member of EncnBaptist Church. His wife, Mrs.Rosalie Steehna* Shore, diedin 1964.

! Surviving are six daughters,Mrs. W. P. Walker and Mrs.W. T. Dwiggins of Mocksville,Route 2, Mrs. Ballard Warn-er and Mrs. C. W. Marshallof Mocksville, Route 5,Mrs. E. id Godbey of Sal-isbury, Rt. f, and Miss HelenShore of t ? home, a sister,Mrs. Ida- Si\ore May of Win-ston-Salem;. and a half bro-ther, Benftow Shore of Win-ston-Salem.

The funercl will be at 11A. M. Saturday at Eaton'sfuneral Home. Burial will bein Encn Baptist Church ce-metery.

. Miss Karitha OuU«t atnoir Rhyne College spent theweekend with her parents, Mrand Mrs Lorn as Gullett.

i lljjfljB&m mMI

\ I nrauHTY jjjmri \v# _

\j| A handful of carpet Ivj jjf I super-wear patented I

' 1 tienrlle< »mi» I

Uk «Kjff flrt*V \W

I MM^wnfff inTyji J I luih, ptashcarpeting I

/l Wll/ J with o sumptuous I/W jBMfrllMB look and feel.xs(< M

\Jg*\T lively carpet wW> I

tWf/M Ank r| lit# elegance a

nnU acrylic llbar

Coxae to our store. Feast your eyes on three of the greatest

carpet values you ever saw during our Spring Spectacular

of Mohawk Carpet Values! Each has a rich surface of.\u25a0 > \u25a0

amazing, easy-care Acrilan® acrylic and modacrylic. Choosefrtim beautifully styled textures the one that does the most

fat your decorating scheme. Select from a rainbow of 45

colors... just the one you've always wanted.



r i i HI hi in ii n g 0 i 0i |i pwgjjß

{ TOWNE MM»A"Your Drug Center"

MM VT. Ines at, Walff, V. C.OPEN m BATS A TIM



jj Suntey* 1M to 9M pm.

"*?<"*? i^rrriiiTi'i*-»irif~ i-"- i"' i""i~"it«i<»iicTu#>»i.7mj>i^»t^>t

I'PHOLSTERING NEW HOME raOMMHWe also carry a complete line of new toakltegL MLet us make your old furniture look new a#Mk \u25a0for your home, appliances space heaters, etc.

Edwards Furniture &

Upholstery Co.I Dial 634-2244 Located an Statesville Iwj. ?

Rt. 1, Mocksvilie, N. C.r ?i ?i? i~- r r n~iiriir»»rri'ini<irii»ii»ii#««#ii^E

For Good Frooh Sea FoodVISIT THE


We have all seafoods in season I days la the weak * ,Wholesale and Retail


- - Phone ME S-MM--111 E. Council St. SaHabwy, ft. C.


From the Home of the World's Finest IW


General Electric Color TV with "Magic Memory"Color Reference Controls 1 '

? Equipped for G-E's Color Coaxial Antenna Kit for Home Uae...a newcoaxial color antenna for the best color reception possible!

? Automatic Fine Tuning automatically keepseach VHF channel exactly timed at all times.

I-"* I

Fran the Home of the World's Finest TV!


BWH ? Attractive Cabinet with Walnut S|WiPW Wood grained finish on hardboard i

111 "\u25a0Pane ta with furniture hard#ood

! fllpl ? Front Controls and Front Sound...|H Easy to Sae... Easy to Use ... Easy

to Hear!I ? Set-And-Foryat Volume Control. .. A

No need to reset volume each time |set is on!

tion featuring G-E'a "SILVER fflTOUCH* Tandem Tuning s*** fl


/±\ ary.rrr.Taa fftfsaars MMat ISkllß "jte'owiSl'SdSe Conpwjr «\u25a0, «t Ri ?Pttao, mfak mmJLHh Wtets see m*rn mmMU rwftn are Rp IwWRWW g

-?IS I vxmmim


Page 7