the connection - october edition

PASTOR’S STUDY: JESUS THE KING BY TIMOTHY KELLER Sundays • 5-6 pm • Sanctuary WOMEN OF FAITH LIVE SIMULCAST October 7 & 8 • FLC Gym UNITY IN SERVICE October 11 • FLC Gym WORLD COMMUNION DAY October 5 Celebrated in all services October.2014

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Monthly Newsletter for Christ United Methodist Church, Sugar Land, Texas


Page 1: The Connection - October Edition




WORLD COMMUNION DAYOctober 5 • Celebrated in all services


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Christ United Methodist



LIFE LINESI think of it every year about this time, particularly as the “dog days” of summer seem to be on an extended run through the months of September and October as well. For spending three years in New England during seminary, I was always struck by the beauty of the fall in that part of the world.

Perched upon the highest hill in Essex County some thirty miles from Boston, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary has a commanding view in-deed, with the Atlantic Ocean just ten miles away

on one side, and the nascent begin-nings of the Berkshires and White Mountains on the other. Created out of a former Catholic monastery and great house on the North Shore, the buildings and grounds are simply spectacular, no matter what the season.

It is in the fall, however, that the surroundings put on their best show, as a cacophony of colors compete to assault the eyes with red, orange, yellow and purple

hues of every shade. How odd it is, though, that the enormous beauty that comes each year in autumn is actually produced by the death of the leaves, as the shortening days reduce the light and water that is needed for their photosynthesis. For it is only the dearth of chlorophyll, the chemical that gives plants their green color, that enables us to see the yellow and orange colors that have actually been there all along.

Likewise, in trees such as maples, when pho-tosynthesis stops, the glucose which the trees have produced is then trapped in the leaves, turning into the bright reds and purples that are so striking to the eye. It is thus the combination of all of these things that produces the beautiful foliage that tourists from around the world will fly to Boston, and then actually sit in traffic jams on two-lane country roads for hours, just to see each year.

All of which is a reminder that sometimes even out of difficult and death-like experiences, beau-tiful things can come--unexpected possibilities, in fact, that can both delight and enrich those who are ready to see them. After a season of challenges and changes, thus, that is my prayer for Christ Church, and already I have to believe it is a prayer that God is ready to answer.

If you’ve not popped into our part of the King-dom for a while, thus, I hope you will take the example of the leaves to “fall back” into place here among God’s people in Sugar Land. You may just be surprised at what you find. For after all, the whole Christian enterprise began in a cemetery when everyone assumed that death had managed to have the last word after all.

Everyone was wrong. And thanks be to God for that!

Chappell Temple | LEAD PASTOR

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people helping people find fullness in Christworship • connect • grow • serve




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Christ United Methodist

BRIDGEBUILDER PROCESS UPDATEThe Bridgebuilder Process, directed by Peter Steinke, continued with a meeting on September 13 with the Leadership Council of Christ Church and the Action Planning Team (APT). The APT presented their recommendations resulting from their meetings with Focus Groups in August. The resulting data that came from this meeting is being processed for specific steps for implemenation. The ideas discussed were a combination of new ideas and ideas that were already present in existing systems or a part of recent initiatives. As the process continues to unfold, efforts will be made to keep the congregation aware of the church's structure, systems, and intentional changes in progress.



“Over the weekend of August 1-2, I joined 22 other young adults from Axiom at a retreat on gorgeous Lake Livingston. Since I was the youngest member of the group, listening to everyone as they opened up about their perspectives, experiences, and personalities gave me valuable insight for my next few years as a growing adult. It was also readily apparent that these folks are deeply interested in building the kingdom of God on earth, thirsting for God’s guidance and presence as they work to proclaim His good news to everyone they meet, in whatever fashion is necessary.”

Jonathan Keller | Axiom Young Adult


“We are never too old to serve in Youth Ministry!”

John Ward | Youth Ministry

“Thank you to the Older Adult Ministries for including children and their parents in their Game Days this summer! Game Day for All was a great experience, allowing multiple generations to join together around a game that everyone could play. One parent said, “My kids and I really enjoyed Game Day. Thank you for extending the opportunity for us to fellowship with some wonderful people we might not have met otherwise.”

Kate Flint | Children and Family Ministries

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Darrell Thomas*Bobby RitterNelda AdamsChris PecheuxJim JordonJimmy Skrapka

Dwight HelmsJim AndrewsAce AlexanderJon AndersenMatt Thummell


Chair: Alan SchleimerVice Chair: Justin FlintTrustees: Mark HufferFinance: Darrell ThomasSPRC: Chad MavityPast Chair: Bret DyerVision & Planning: Jonathan Heironimus

Treasurer: Jim RoseCCS Board: Gillian SmithEndowment: Mark HufferNominations: Linda ParkerWork Area ChairsDelegates to Annual ConferenceExecutive Staff


Chad Mavity*Ray JohnsonBrian BaerDebbie FloydBill Preston

Colleen FlintBecky TullosRobin ClearmanCasey Mueller


Jonathan Heironimus*Robert Coffman*Peter AllanShey Fiscus

Brian BurkhartSusie DugganAndy BarnettJill McGavin

“At our August meeting, the Finance Committee reviewed the financial reports for July and met with representatives from the Staff-Parish Relations Committee to discuss our current financial condition and the impact on our approved budget. We also bid farewell to Stephanie Strickland, our Administrator of Finance and Accounting, who retired after serving our church with great skill and dedication for 25 years. Please express your appreciation to Stephanie when you see her. We are fortunate that Stephanie will still be around to help Cheryl Johnson, our new Admin-istrator of Finance and Accounting, with any questions she may have.”

–Darrell Thomas, Chair

The Leadership Council welcomes the new Lead Pastor and is working hard on preparing the church for upcoming fall events.

“The Vision & Planning Committee is eager to gain further perspective regarding the work done by the Action Planning Team with the Bridge Builder process. This work, and the Church’s established Vision Frame, will be pivotal to our continued work and vision. We are also excited to welcome our new Lead Pastor as we move forward.”

–Jonathan Heironimus, Co-Chair

The Staff-Parish Relations Committee welcomes the new Lead Pastor and is working hard on preparing the church for upcoming fall events.



Mark Huffer*Lee DorgerLisa PepinCraig FredricksonMary Ellen WahlheimDonavan Brown

Becky NeeseEvan Gisler Bryan Tullos

“At our August meeting, we:

1. Discussed a solution to the candle wax that gets on the pews and car-pet from the Christmas Eve Candlelight Services;

2. Received update regarding lightning damage from July 4 - Repairs have been made to sound system, A/C and projectors. Claims with insurer have been or are in the process of being filed;

3. Began writing a Scope of Work on caulking the Sanctuary windows, with proposals to be sent out shortly;

4. Reviewed insurance renewal policy (that may include Cyber Liability);

There were too many to name, so we’ll just say thanks and God bless to all those “third class ticket holders” who helped spread the mulch on the playgrounds on Saturday, September 7. Without your help this could not have been done.”

–Mark Huffer, Chair

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Christ United Methodist




ANNUAL CELEBRATION OF WORLD COMMUNION IN TRADITIONAL WORSHIPSUNDAY, OCTOBER 5 • ALL FOUR MORNING WORSHIP SERVICESWorld Communion Sunday is observed on the first Sunday of October each year, and is a celebration that gives local churches the opportunity to come to the Lord’s Table with a special awareness of their brothers and sisters in Christian churches in other countries and cultures. You’re invited to wear ethnic dress, especially the dress of your country of origin, and join in this special recognition of our oneness in Jesus Christ and our unity in His Church.

OCTOBER HEALING PRAYER WORSHIP SERVICETUESDAY, OCTOBER 14 • 7 PM • SANCTUARYMedical research has shown that faith in God significantly affects the healing process. Believing in a God who cares deeply and personally for us helps us confront all the “dis-ease” that comes with life. Join with others seeking a deeper relationship with God, celebrate Communion, and let the healing power of prayer restore you.

NEW ACOLYTE TRAININGSUNDAY, OCTOBER 26 • 12:30 PM • VOLUNTEER CENTER & SANCTUARYIf you are in the 3rd to 8th grade and would like to serve on the Sunday morning worship team as an Acolyte, please plan to come to the Vol-unteer Center immediately after the 11:05 am Sanctuary service on October 26. After enjoying a pizza lunch (and some cookies), you’ll learn all about what acolytes do, then “practice, practice, practice” in the Sanctuary.

For more information, call Acolyte Coordinator, Judy Hicks, at 281.980.8727. Hope to see you there! We’ll also be announcing our Christmas Party and Service Project.

JOY BELLSMONDAYS AT 6 PM • CHOIR ROOM This musical opportunity is available to all interested persons. It offers a place to learn, serve and experience fellowship through the art of ringing chimes or handbells under the direction of Molly Ness. No experience is necessary. To join this ensemble, contact Molly at 281.344.8343.

PRAYER MEETINGFRIDAY NIGHTS • 7 PM • CHAPELIn Acts 1:8, Jesus says, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

We know that this is what we are called to do. But as this verse implies, we cannot do it without the presence of the Holy Spirit.

Join us at these weekly meetings as we welcome the Holy Spirit to be present with us.

ALL SAINTS DAY AND PAVER DEDICATIONSUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2 • ALL WORSHIP SERVICES • PAVERDEDICATION IN MEMORIAL COURTYARD AT 12:30 PMIn every worship service on Sunday morning, November 2, those members of our church family who have gone on to the Church Triumphant will be remembered by the reading of their names and the tolling of a bell. During this important “family” observance, the church will celebrate the entry of those loved ones into God’s eternal presence, and acknowledge that each one’s loss is felt by the entire Body of Christ.

After the last of the morning services, new Memorial Pavers will be con-secrated in a special separate service held outside around 12:30 pm in the Paver Courtyard. Please be in prayer for those families who have said good-bye to loved one this year and be grateful as you remember those in your own family who are now with God.

SAVE THE DATE! YOUTH-LED WORSHIP & HANGING OF THE GREENSSUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23 BEGINNING AT 5 PMThe Worship Team and 412 Youth want you to “Save the Date!” of November 23. The morning will be full with worship, Stewardship commitments, and our annual Charge Conference. In the evening, beginning at 5 pm, you’re invited to join the youth for a fellowship meal (light dinner), after which they will lead a “Hanging of the Greens” worship service complete with songs of the season and an inspiring word of hope. Youth leaders and the Worship Team are working together on this special time of honoring Christ by preparing our hearts, our minds, and our sacred spaces for His coming to us.

Come, bring your family and friends, and celebrate this day with us.

THE WORD MADE FRESHOctober Sermons at Christ Church

OCTOBER 5: WORLD COMMUNION SUNDAYFinal Sermon in the “Four Marks of a Living Faith” sermon series“The Loaf of Life” (1 Corinthians 10:15-17)All Sanctuary services: Pastor Temple the hub: Pastor Pierce

OCTOBER 12“Worthy of the Gospel” (Philippians 1:21-30)All Sanctuary services: Pastor Pierce the hub: Pastor Morgan

OCTOBER 19“A Word About Humility” (Philippians 2:1-13)8:15 am Sanctuary service & the hub: Pastor Conway 9:45 & 11:05 am Sanctuary services: Pastor Temple

OCTOBER 26“When You Lose All Things” (Philippians 3:7-14)8:15 am Sanctuary service & the hub: Pastor Temple 9:45 & 11:05 am Sanctuary services: Pastor Morgan

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people helping people find fullness in Christworship • connect • grow • serve




CONN ECTALL SINGLES INVITED TO LUNCH WITH CELEBRATE SINGLESFIRST SUNDAY • AFTER 11 AM SERVICESThe Celebrate Singles Class invites all singles to join us for lunch the first Sunday of every month after the 11 am worship services:

10/5 at King Bo11/2 at Beck’s Prime 12/7 at Genghis Grill

We hope to see all singles there!

SIGHTS AND SOUNDS OF THE CROWN JEWELS OF EUROPE CHRIST CHURCH CHOIR TOURWEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1 • NOON - 1:30 PM • GATHERING HALL & SANCTUARY• OPEN TO ALL!Many of our own Christ Church choir members toured Budapest, Vienna, and Prague this past summer under the leadership of Lahonda Sharp, Director of Music and Fine Arts. This program provides a wonderful op-portunity to see pictures and hear both stories of their trip and a sampling of the music.

The event begins with a devotional and fellowship meal in the Gathering Hall at noon. The program will follow in the Sanctuary at 12:45 pm. $7 is requested to cover the cost of the meal. Pre-register for the meal by con-tacting Jan Randolph at [email protected] by September 28!

MEN’S LUNCHTHURSDAY, OCTOBER 9 • 11:30 AM • BAYTOWN SEAFOOD @ 2409 FM 1092, MISSOURI CITYMen of all ages, join together for lunch and fellowship at Baytown Seafood. This is a wonderful cross-generational event that provides an opportunity to get to know other men in our congregation and on our staff.

GAME DAYWEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22 • 10:30 AM - 1 PM • ROOMS 11/12Want to play? Invite a friend, bring a sack lunch and gather with us for some fun. We play a variety of games, including Bridge and Mexican Train. We would love to start a Forty-Two group. Lunch includes a round table discus-sion about faith and our faith community.

G.A.L.S. NEW TIMETUESDAYS • 6 PM G.A.L.S. (Godly Active Ladies Serving) meets the last Tuesday of each month from January through October to encourage one another in our daily lives and to find ways to serve women in all stages of life.

Our meetings are held at local restaurants in the Sugar Land and Missouri City areas at 6 pm (please note our new meeting time.)

October 28 at Spring Creek BBQ

Join us for a meal, tea, or dessert as we lift each other up. For more information contact Norma Pharr at 281.980.7744 or [email protected].

WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU ASK FOR HELP FROM A STEPHEN MINISTER?STEPHEN MINISTRYWhen you ask for help from a Stephen Minister, a Stephen Leader will contact you to talk more about Stephen Ministry and what it can mean to you. If your needs can be best served by a Stephen Minister, you will be matched with someone who will support you through this tough time.

Confidentiality is a top priority for Stephen Ministers. You do not need to be concerned that other people will discover what you talk about with your Stephen Minister. He or she will be a person trained in maintaining confi-dentiality, in listening and caring for you, and walking beside you when a crisis has happened in your life.

For more information, contact Sally McKnight at 713.306.1719. You may also visit, the ministry’s national website, to listen to what some former care receivers have said about the program.

BOOT CAMPMONDAYS • ROOMS 210/211 • 9:35 - 10:30 AMAre you looking for a fun, different workout? Don’t let the name scare you - this class is designed for all levels of fitness! Each week is a different work-out with cardio, strength, and core work. Class is $5. Childcare is available with advance reservations, for a donation. Contact Allison Thummel at

281.778.8440 for more information.

I’LL SAY I’M ONLY GONNA HAVE ONE, BUT...MONDAY NIGHTS @ 8 PM; ROOMS 210/211 AND WEDNESDAY & FRIDAYS @ 12 PM; ROOM 305If you have a desire to stop drinking, Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.) is for you. There is help and hope. There are no dues or fees for A.A. member-ship. The only requirement is a desire to stop drinking. Just come to any one of the meetings listed above - no registration or RSVP necessary.

For more info, contact Renee at 281.980.6888.

IF THEY WOULD JUST STOP DRINKING, EVERYTHING WOULD BE FINE.MONDAYS @ 12 PM • ROOM 305If your life has been affected by someone else’s drinking, there is hope. Al-Anon is an anonymous fellowship that helps family and friends of alco-holics. For more info, call Renee at 281.980.6888.

For a full listing of activities and ways you can get involved at Christ Church, please visit




Can't make it to worship in person?

Then, join us for worship online.

Sanctuary Services broadcast live on Sunday at 8:15 am, 9:45 am and 11:05 am, and services in the hub broadcast live on Sunday at 11 am.

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Christ United Methodist



GROWCONFIRMATION: SIGN UP BEGINNING OCTOBER 19!OCTOBER 19, 2014 - JANUARY 19, 2015The Confirmation Class of 2015 is now forming!

Confirmation is such an important step in becoming a member of Christ’s church. Confirmation is open to all youth, 6th grade and above. Classes meet on Sunday nights from January through May. If you have not yet been con-firmed, we would love to have you in this year’s class.

For more information, please visit We are looking for helpers as well to serve as class teachers, mentors, and more. If you are feeling called to this ministry please contact Todd Harris at [email protected].

ONE ROOM BOOK CLUBWEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15 • 9 AM • VOLUNTEER CENTERThis group meets once a month to discuss a book chosen at the previous meeting. The book to be discussed at the October meeting is Ordinary Grace by William Kent Krueger. If you enjoy reading and conversation about books, you are invited to join us.

SATURDAY MORNING MEN’S BIBLE STUDYSATURDAYS • 8–9:30 AM • VOLUNTEER CENTERCome join our Bible-based men’s group and experience Christian fellow-ship, discussion, and study. Don’t forget your Bible and coffee mug! All men are welcome!

“CONNECTED & GROWING” SESSION 2 - NEW SHORT-TERM STUDY BEGINS OCTOBER 29WEDNESDAYS • 6:45 - 8PM • FAMILY LIFE CENTEROn Wednesday, October 29, Session 2 of “Connected & Growing” will begin. This session will involve a 4-week commitment to a short-term study yet to be named, for groups choosing to continue on and for new groups forming. More information coming soon!

DON’T MISS THE BOAT! ACT NOW IF YOU’D LIKE TO BE PART OF THE NEXT STEPHEN MINISTER TRAINING CLASS!STEPHEN MINISTRYTime is running out if you want to be part of Christ Church’s next class of Stephen Ministers, which will take place beginning in January 2015. Stephen Ministry is Christ Church’s formal one-to-one, confidential, caregiving min-istry. The training is a wonderful opportunity for you to grow in faith, devel-op stronger relational skills such as good listening and encouragement, and bring Christ’s love into the lives of hurting people. We encourage you to pray about developing your gifts by becoming a Stephen Minister

To be a part of this training class, you will need to pick up a copy of the Stephen Minister Application which will be available at a ministry table the entire month of October. Fill it out, then place it in an envelope in the Stephen Ministry mail slot in the workroom. We will then schedule a time during early November when you can meet with a couple of our Stephen Leaders to learn more about the training and so we can learn more about you.

If you have any questions, talk with Sally McKnight at 713.306.1719. For articles and videos on Stephen Ministry, you can also click on, the program’s national website.

MARRIAGE ENRICHMENT WORKSHOPOCTOBER 29 - NOVEMBER 19 • 6:30 - 8 PM • ROOMS 210/211A 4-week class for couples, new and old, that aims to improve communication and give tools that will revolutionize your relationship in keeping with Godly principles. Register online at or contact Kate Flint at [email protected] for information.




Tickets are $20.

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CRUSADERSOpen to all ages with a participatory format and biblically based studies. Meets in the Bride’s Room. 9:45 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSESADVENTURERSConsists of members ages 40s and up, with and without children. Discus-sion-oriented, studying a variety of biblical topics applicable to daily life. Enjoys fellowship, mission projects and social activities. Meets in Rooms 302/303 of the Family Life Center.AXIOM - YOUNG ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL For those in college and early on in their careers, aged 18 - 35ish. Meets in Room 312 of the Family Life Center. BARNABASConsists of adults, 50 years and older, who are united by a shared belief in Christ and seek to provide encouragement to others, both within and outside the class. Meets in the Chapel.CELEBRATE SINGLES SUNDAY SCHOOLOpen to all singles of any age, with and without children. Enjoys discus-sion-oriented Bible studies. Meets in Room 309 of the Family Life Center. COUPLES FOR CHRISTConsists of married couples in their 20’s - 40’s with or without children. A relaxed, yet engaging class that provides Christ-centered fellowship, support, and opportunities for service. Meets in the Bride’s Room (across from Sanctuary).GRACE ABOUNDSWelcomes people from all ages and stages of life (married, single, solo on Sunday) including those at different places in their spiritual journey (believers or seekers). Participatory format. Delves into scriptural truths and seeks to grow the faith of its members. Meets in Room 301 of the Family Life Center.GRACE NOTESAllows members of the Chancel Choir to attend a Sunday School class and still participate in the Music Ministry of Christ Church. While the class is geared towards Choir members, everyone is welcome. Meets in the Resource Library.H.O.P.E. 24/7 (HEAR OUR PRAYERS EVERYDAY 24/7)Name reflects class’ focus on prayer. Discussion-oriented studies cover a range of topics to encourage spiritual growth. Socials and missions round out activities for members, who are in their 40’s - 70’s. Meets in Room 311 of the Family Life Center.JUBILEEMade up of mature individuals, age 65 - 90+, who enjoy the fellowship of others and hope to continue to grow in their faith through Bible-based studies. Thought-provoking lessons presented by Jan Randolph. Meets in Rooms 11/12.SEEKERSCouples, singles, and those solo on Sunday (mixed ages) that concentrate on Bible study, missions and fellowship. Lively discussion always included. Meets in Room 308 of the Family Life Center.TGIS (THANK GOD IT’S SUNDAY)Made up of couples and singles of all ages who enjoy lively discussion and fellowship. Topics range from Bible study to contemporary issues and books. Meets in the Scout Shack.WEAVERSMade up of marrieds and singles, ages 55+, dedicated to Bible study, fellow-ship and service. Meets in the Library (upstairs across from the Sanctuary).WOMEN’S CLASSMade up of women of all ages whether married, single, widowed or divorced. Engages primarily in Bible-based studies and service projects. Meets in Room 307 of the Family Life Center.LAST CLASS ON THE RIGHTA new adult Sunday School class has formed, with the objectives of deepening our knowledge of God’s Word and strengthening our community of faith. Meets in room 310 (last classroom on the right) of the Family Life Center.

ADDITIONAL OPPORTUNITIESBE FITTUESDAYS AT 11 AM AND/OR FRIDAYS AT 9:30 AM • FLC, ROOMS 302/303Put on some comfortable clothes and try out this gentle exercise class. Participants are encouraged to be fit by practicing flexibility, balance, range of motion, strength, and breathing. Monthly fee for 1 day a week is $15; 2 days a week is $30.

SAGEWEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8 • NOON • ROOMS 11/2Christ Church and Sugar Land Methodist Hospital work together to present monthly seminars where specialists come with a presentation about their field, preventive medicine recommendations, and the latest news in treatment options.

ROOTS RESEARCHTHURSDAY, OCTOBER 16 • 11 AM • ROOMS 11/12Are you interested in your ancestors? Virginia and Glenn Morrison lead this group in exploring your family genealogy. It is exciting to see how God has been working through generation after generation. To help you in your explorations it is necessary for you to bring information about the earliest ancestor you have knowledge about (name, place and date of birth, death). Bring a sack lunch, mobile technology (if available), and join us.

BE PREPARED: SERVICE OF CELEBRATION OF LIFEWEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29 • 11 AM • ROOMS 11/12All of us need to be prepared, practically speaking , for the eventuality of our death, or the death of someone we love. Rev. Linda Summers Pierce and Jan Randolph will present suggestions on how to plan ahead for your Celebration of Life Service.

2015 BUDGET PROCESS UNDERWAYSATURDAY, OCTOBER 18 • 9:30 - 12 PM - RMS 11/12Ever wonder how a church budget gets made?

Like a suspension bridge, it involves starting at two ends and meeting at the middle—looking at both the anticipated contributions for the coming year, and the requested needs for resources and funding. To do just that, our Finance Committee will hold an open Budget Workshop on Saturday, October 18, from 9:30 am - 12 pm in Rooms 11/12, at which time every committee, group, mission project, and team will be invited to briefly make their case for funding for 2015.

All funding requests must be submitted to Roland Huysman at [email protected] by Wednesday, October 8, where they will go onto a spreadsheet that will be processed at the Saturday workshop. Emails should include your name and contact information, the dollar amount and purpose of your request, and an explanation of how your request aligns with the church's mission of being people helping people find fullness in Christ.

If you have input or questions, please contact Roland at 281.690.4760.


“One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back,praising God in a loud voice…” Luke 17.15NOVEMBER 23 – A DAY OF COMMITMENT

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Christ United Methodist



SERVEPARENTS’ NIGHT OUTOCTOBER 10 • 6 - 10 PMEnjoy a night on the town while we provide your children with a safe place to experience fun, age-appropriate activities and a snack! This program is suitable for children ages 3 months – 5th grade.

Not only will you get a night to yourself, but you’ll be helping the youth who are serving you to raise funds that will be placed in their individ-ual student accounts. Monies in these accounts help these students to participate in the many Christ Church trips and missions offered throughout the year!

Cost: $15 first child, $10 second and third child (each), $40 max per family. You must register online, one week in advance of your night out, to attend. If you fail to show up, you will be charged for one child. Space is limited!

For more information or questions, please contact Todd Harris at [email protected].

PRAYER SHAWL TEAMMONDAY AND FRIDAYS • 9 AM • VOLUNTEER CENTERJoin members of all ages as they create tangible expressions of the prayers of our church for those needing comfort, healing, assurance and presence. We meet every Friday and Monday. If you don’t know how to crochet or knit, we will teach you! Email Jan Randolph at [email protected] for information.

DID YOU KNOW?EVERY SATURDAY AT 9 AM • CHRIST CHURCH GARDEN BEHIND THE FAMILY LIFE CENTER • FAMILIES WELCOME!Every Saturday at 9 am you have the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of God’s bounty and the company of some really nice people. Christ Church’s garden, located directly behind the Family Life Center, grows fresh vegetables and always welcomes those that would like to participate in this great ministry. The vegetables are donated to the EFBHNM Food Bank. Last year we donated 2,330 pounds!! It is also an opportunity to work together with your kids to show them where food comes from, and it is a great chance for students to get YES service hours!

No need for a green thumb, just an open heart for working with others, learning about gardening and a desire to help others in need. For more info, please contact Mark Larson at 281.261.6481 or just stop by any Saturday.

HABITAT FOR HUMANITY FUNDRAISING Christ Church and Fort Bend Habitat for Humanity are once again part-nering to help out our neighbors right here in Fort Bend County. We need to be fully funded before construction can start, so this year we will be fundraising to prepare for the build of our 14th home with construction to begin in the fall of 2015.

We currently have approximately half of the required funds for this con-struction effort. Donations can be made with checks payable to CUMC with “Habitat” in the memo line. As apostles, we strive to provide ser-vice to our community and beyond. We are always looking for ambas-sadors! Check with your employer to see if they provide matching gift funds. If they do, you may need to donate to Habitat directly. Just make sure you and your employer indicate that your donation is for the Christ Church house. If you or your employer can provide “in kind” donations, please contact John MacDonald at [email protected] for dis-cussions of what construction materials are needed. You do not need to have construction expertise to help out with our Habitat for Humanity mission. We need you!

BE PART THE OF “HOPE FOR HAITI” TEAMOCTOBER 5, 12 & 19 • VOLUNTEER CENTEREven if you can’t come along, you can help.

We need your prayers and your gifts to make this mission successful. We know you’ll pray, and we’re having a Bazaar and Silent Auction so that you can give. Come October 5, 12 & 19 after all services in the Volunteer Center, talk to team members, and see our Haitian handcrafted items, free trade coffee, chocolate, and more. The Silent Auction will be open all 3 Sundays and will close October 19 at 11 am. What a great way to be a part of the team! We’ll see you there.

Mesi Anpil! (The Creole way of saying “Thanks a Lot!”)

FAMILY PROMISE RETURNS IN OCTOBEROCTOBER 19 - 26Are you looking for a different way to serve? Family Promise, a program that reaches out to families displaced from their homes, returns to CUMC during the week of October 19 - 26. You can help serve in many ways - by providing supplies, setting up and breaking down church rooms used, doing laundry, providing meals, hosting a dinner, and/or staying overnight at the church. Over 300 volunteer hours are required to host these families - if any of these opportunities sound like something you can do, contact Kira Halcarz at [email protected] or 832.654.9356.

A/V & STREAM TEAM MEETINGTHURSDAY, OCT 30 • 6:30 PM • VOLUNTEER CENTER Our A/V & Stream Team volunteers have regularly scheduled meetings on the last Thursday night of the month. We meet in the Volunteer Center at 6:30 pm. Please join us if you are currently serving with our A/V ministry or Stream Team, or if you are interested in serving in these areas. Hands-on training available after the meeting. Free food!

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“and let us be concerned about one another in order to promote love and good works” Hebrew 10:24 (HCSB)

Please join us for our very 1st Church-Wide UNITY IN SERVICE Day.

Register online at

on September 21-October 1.

There will be on-site and off-site opportunities for all ages to come together in helping those in need and spread Christ's love in our community in new and unusual ways.

• Bring the kids to pack rice and beans or make thank you bags for police/firemen.

• Put in a wheelchair ramp, deliver meals to the home-less or bring joy to nursing home residents.

• There’s even a flash mob opportunity!

• Free Christ Church T-shirts too!

Pray as an individual or family as to where God wants you to serve, then you and new friends can COME TOGETHER and work in His name. Registration opens online at www. on September 21st -Oc-tober 1st and in the Volunteer Cen-

ter September 21st and 28th. Register early as teams

will fill up quickly! Child-care available through reservation with [email protected].

Whatever your gifts...get ready to use them for what

is sure to be an explosion of His joy and love for all who


GALS (GODLY ACTIVE LADIES SERVING) WOMEN’S GROUP HELPS OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILDDURING THE MONTH OF OCTOBERInternational missions is not everyone’s spiritual gift, but there is a simple way for even a young child to participate in spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ to children around the world.

During the month of October, GALS (Godly Active Ladies Serving) Wom-en’s group is sponsoring a collection of Christmas shoeboxes for Op-eration Christmas Child (OCC). We will coordinate shoebox collections through Christ Church School and our 412 Youth group during last week of October, and deliver them to the area relay center during National Col-lection Week in November.

OCC provides an opportunity to minister to a lost and hurting world by distributing shoebox gifts to children in over 100 countries, working through local churches, and offering children Gospel literature and cul-turally appropriate evangelistic and follow-up programs. The shoebox gifts open doors for presenting the Good News of Jesus Christ.

To learn more about OCC (and to view some inspiring videos), go to, or contact Mary Beth Yarbrough at [email protected] for further information on how to participate in this effort at Christ Church through GALS.

WITH JUST A CLICK...RESTORATIVE JUSTICE MINISTRYHow we do rely on our computers! They do so much in our daily lives. How many clicks in a day do we make? What are we doing with these wondrous inventions to further God’s Kingdom?

Please help Christ Church bring computers to men trying to rebuild their lives. We have an urgent need!! Consider donating your gently used computers and laptops to the Fertile Ground Christian Transformation Center. These computers will be used for building new businesses and new lives.

Contact Betty Waedemon at [email protected] if you’d like to make a donation.

See the blessings multiply... as quick as a click!

CARING CASSEROLESThis group gathers monthly (meeting dates vary) to prepare and assemble casseroles which can be distributed to members of our church family facing illness, celebrating the birth of a child, or otherwise in need of a home-cooked meal.

Questions? Contact Kim Daniels at [email protected].

Last day to

register is

October 1.

Last day to

register is

October 1.

Page 12: The Connection - October Edition




people helping people find fullness in Christworship • connect • grow • serve







PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS . . . Debbie Reynolds, Bob Kwik, Barbara Burnham’s brother, Elaine Arnold, Stacy Howdeshell’s aunt, Susan Jaroszewski’s friend, Bob & Carol Campbell’s friends, Stacy Howdeshell’s friend, Kevin Delaney, Lois Tracy’s daughter, Dorothy Holoway’s friends, Mike Gardner’s mother, Ty Sponsel’s grandfa-ther, Carl Wright’s daughter, Kristin Johnson, Sonny Tutt, Claire Unger’s uncle, Chris Stephens & his father-in-law, Debbie Read’s sister, Anita Samuel, Ginny Schabacker’s friend’s daughter, Janice Gilbert’s mother, Jane Pisters’ friend, Monique Harrison’s mother, Matt Duggan’s friends, The Pulliam family, Cindy Masaki’s friends, Wes Frazier’s friend, Adrian Gibson’s friend, Christine Gilbert, Ann Caraway, Martha Greer, Michelle Harris.

JOYS . . . Kimber Wheeler’s son, Wes & Ellie Whiddon’s son, Kira Halcarz, Stan & Frances Warfield’s daughter, Charles Utter, Lou Campbell’s son-in-law, Cornelia Post, Ben Baharloo, Debbie Floyd, Bob Culak’ brother, Mary

Kay Moore, Steve Schubarth, John Pound’s brother, Debbie Norris’ daughter-in-law, Claire Unger’s friend, Pat Kelly’s daughter-in-law, Judy Edmondson, Susan Hricko’s son.

CHRIST CHURCH EXTENDS ITS SYMPATHY TO . . . Patricia Sonier on the death of her aunt, the Lee family on the death of Robert Lee, family & friends of John Records, Melodie and Lee Irvin on the death of her mother, Anjanette &

Kirk Lee and family on the death of her father, Marita Pratt on the death of her brother, Patti Livingston and family on the death of her daughter, Michael Sonier on the death of his father.

SHARE YOUR JOYS AND CONCERNS WITH USYour pastoral staff and leaders of Christ Church’s Member Care Ministries want to share in your joys and concerns. You might not know this, but hospitals do not contact

churches – even when you give them your church name, address, and contact information. Part of this is due to HIPPA laws. So whether you’re about to enter the hospital or you’re celebrating the birth of a baby, please call Sandy White in the church office at 281.980.6888. She will forward your message to the pastors and appropriate member care

ministry leaders.

CHRIST CHURCH STAFF Rev. Dr. Chappell Temple, Lead Pastor Rev. Linda Summers Pierce, Executive PastorRev. Dan Conway, Exec. Associate Pastor - GROW Ministries Rev. Preston Morgan, Executive Associate PastorRoland Huysman, Executive Director - Operations Helen Ford, Communications Coordinator/DesignerKate Flint, Director - Children & Family MinistriesTodd Harris, Director - 412 Youth MinistriesJan Randolph, Director - Older Adult MinistriesLahonda Sharp, Director - Music & Fine ArtsRenee Teel, Director - Mission Ministries Beth Carter, Director - Christ Church School

For a complete staff listing, please visit our website at



Join together for this church-wide family celebration! Test your favorite recipes with a chili cook-off and a pie baking contest. Challenge your friends with games for all ages. Dispose of your old jack-o-lantern with our Pumpkin Catapult. Showcase your ministry and learn about other ministries at tables set up in the Family Life Center Gym.

We hope to see you at this amazing Fall Festival!