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October 2015


  • Jaired and Tracy Hall and their six children live outside of Salem

    near Montauk State Park. Jaired

    was born in St. Louis and raised in

    K.C. He moved with his parents and

    four siblings to near his current

    home about 14 years ago, the

    same time he started college clas-

    ses at UMR (Now

    MST). Tracy was

    born in Chicago

    and moved with

    her parents and

    five siblings to

    Missouri about

    17 years ago,

    settling at Rolla

    a few years later

    where she met

    Jaired and his family.

    Both Jaired and Tracy grew up

    in Christian home school families,

    and it has been a joy and a blessing

    for them to be able to impart to

    their children the values with which

    they were raised.

    Jaired and Tracy were married

    in June of 2005 and promptly

    moved to Virginia Beach for three

    years where Jaired attended law

    school at Regent University. Ed-

    mund was born in Virginia.

    The Halls headed back to Mis-

    souri after graduation, and since

    September 2008, Jaired has been

    practicing law out of his office in

    Houston. He runs a general practice

    with cases in Texas, Phelps, and

    other surrounding counties. When

    not working or spending time with

    his family, Jaired enjoys writing and


    Over the next several years,

    Edmund (turns 9 in November) was

    followed by two brothers, Nathaniel

    (7), Jeremiah (5) and then three sis-

    ters, Elaine (4), Charlotte (2), and

    Gretchen (1).

    With six children

    in the house

    there is much

    diversity of per-

    sonalities and

    interests. Some

    of the more com-

    mon things you

    might find the

    children doing

    are: reading, coloring/drawing, rid-

    ing bikes, or playing house.

    Tracy stays busy running the

    house and home schooling the four

    older children. She likes to read and

    sew, but doesnt find she has much time for either. She also enjoys gar-

    dening and cooking, both of which

    her family enjoys the fruits.

    As a family, the Halls enjoy

    spending time together, at home, in

    nature, or with friends.

    The Halls began attending

    First Assembly in January of this

    year, and hope to be able to meet

    and fellowship more with others in

    the church. They are also making

    plans to move closer to Rolla in the

    next few years.

    Over the summer our

    kitchen got a little bit of a

    facelift with a few upgrades

    to improve the overall func-

    tionality. The addition of a

    door between the store-

    room and the kitchen will

    help in restocking and also

    during large dinners allow-

    ing access to the store-

    room without having to

    walk all the way around to

    get large roasters and pans.

    We replaced the electric

    cooktops with a new gas

    range with a grill and 2

    large ovens, and also re-

    placed the double wall ov-

    ens. By adding a few new

    cabinets and reconfiguring

    the back section of the

    kitchen, we created a lot

    more storage, improving

    the overall flow of the


    Along with this new

    kitchen we have a few

    changes in the use of the

    kitchen. The kitchen door

    from the Life Center and

    from the exterior will re-

    main locked during church

    (Kitchen continued on page 3)


  • How do Muslims view Jesus? Walter Martin

    summarizes: 1) Jesus Christ is merely one of the many prophets of Allah, but their prophet, Mu-hammed, is greater than Jesus. 2) Jesus Christ is not the Son of God or a part of any Trinity. He is not divine, therefore not fully God. 3) Jesus Christ did not atone for anyones sins. 4) Jesus Christ did not die on the cross . . . was taken bodi-

    ly into heaven without having died. Sounds like a Jesus other than the Jesus we preached as II Corinthians 11:4 states. Recall from last month

    in the newsletter article, How Do You Identify a False Religion or a Cult? that if any teaching or philosophy denies that Jesus Christ is 1) fully God,

    2) fully man or 3) the ONLY way to be reconciled

    to God, it is false. We already see that Islam

    does not consider Jesus Christ to be fully God,

    and it does not teach that Jesus is the way to be

    reconciled to God. On both these counts, their

    doctrine fails. Islam and Christianity are not talk-

    ing about the same Jesus, and their followers do

    not worship the same God!

    Hodge and Patterson further explain the fal-

    lacy of Islam. Their doctrine teaches that every-

    one has sinned, yet mankind is not lost or fallen, but weak and forgetful. Men and women need not a Savior to redeem them. They

    need a prophet to guide them. The path to heav-

    en is paved by good works, not grace, by listening

    to the final prophet Muhammad, not God our Sav-

    ior. There is a whole list of prescribed works

    (Christianity continued on page 6)

    The Apostle Paul warns us in Galatians 1:8, But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached

    to you, let him be eternally condemned! In II Co-rinthians 11:4, Paul speaks of a Jesus other than the Jesus we preached. One of the characteris-tics of false religions and cults is that they will of-

    ten use the same words as Christians use, but the

    words have different and heretical meanings. So

    just because we hear words such as gospel, Jesus,

    salvation, sin or sanctification in another religion,

    we cannot assume their meaning is the same as

    the Christian definition.

    Isnt it interesting that Paul warns us back in the first century to not follow another gospel even if preached by an angel from heaven? Did you know that several false religions and cults

    were birthed from supposed angelic revela-tions? Muhammed, the founder of the religion of Islam, claimed that the angel Gabriel gave him

    several revelations that became the Quran (also spelled Koran), the Muslim holy book. Since Paul

    warned us against following a gospel preached by

    an angel, and the Apostle John exhorted us to

    test the spirits (I John 4:1), wed better check out the doctrines of Islam and see how they com-

    pare to Christianity.

    First of all, Islam is monotheistic. The name

    of the Muslim god is Allah. However, the Trinity

    (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) does not exist in

    Muslim theology. In fact, this doctrine is seen as

    blasphemous. Conversely, the doctrine of the

    Trinity is well-established in Christian doctrine.

  • The FORGE Youth Church will be heading to

    Washington on October 24th for the next Sullivan

    Section Youth Rally. It will be held at Life Stream

    Church. The James River Leadership College will

    be leading the entire service. Their ministry is

    passionate about seeing teenagers encounter

    God and having a great time in the process. The

    rally starts at 6pm, but the doors will be open at

    5pm so we will leave Rolla at 4pm. They will have

    carpet-ball, foosball, air hockey, and concessions

    available. The cost to go is $3 per student which

    Pastor Jason will put towards the Rally offering

    (No deadline. Pay when you get on the bus to

    leave). The offering ensures that these rallies

    can continue in the future. Students will also

    need to bring additional cash for dinner that

    night. Please see Pastor Jason if you have any

    questions. This is open to all students in 8th-12th


    Fall Youth Convention this year is on Novem-

    ber 20 and 21 at Faith Church in Earth City. We

    will leave Rolla at 5pm and head to Life Stream

    and Kidcare and is to be used by kitchen workers only. This is really a safety issue because of the new

    gas range.

    With the preparation of the kitchen we realized a lot of the utensils, bowls and pans needed to

    be replaced by commercial grade items so that they will last longer. We have created a WishList on

    Amazon of the items needed in the kitchen. A church-wide Kitchen Shower and Open house is

    planned for October 4th following the second service with a light lunch provided to let everyone who

    would like to see the changes and get familiar with the new kitchen to get a chance to see it. This is

    also the perfect time for those that would like to learn to use the new range and grill.

    Some ways to donate to the shower are to either buy the item directly from or by

    selecting an items envelope on the Kitchen Item Tree and donating however much you would like to help purchase this item. Monetary donations for items can also be dropped off at the office. To pur-

    chase from, select Wish List from the top right of the page and select Find Wish List.

    Then enter this temporary email used only for the Kitchen Shower: firstassemblyofgodrollakitch-

    [email protected]. Candace Collins, Kitchen Coordinator

    (Kitchen continued from page 1)

    YOUTH RALLY AND CONVENTION COMING SOON! Church (551 Lewis & Clark Dr. Washington, MO).

    In order to save money and reduce overall stu-

    dent costs, we will be staying the night at Life

    Stream Church. Students need to bring a sleep-

    ing bag and pillow. Male/female students will be

    separated in the church but all students will be

    sleeping on the floor. Showers will not be availa-

    ble during this trip. The registration cost is $55

    per student and the deadline to sign up is 10/28.

    We do not want finances to be the reason a stu-

    dent does not attend youth convention so please

    see Pastor Jason if you need financial assistance.

    We will help you! Students are encouraged to in-

    vite un-churched friends. The registration cost is

    waived for these friends and they may attend for

    free. Those students will just need to bring addi-

    tional money for food while at the rally. The $55

    registration costs will include lunch on Saturday

    but students will need to bring additional money

    for additional meals (Friday night Saturday night). Please see Pastor Jason if you have any


  • I will always remember the day that changed my perception of what it meant to

    host an international student. I didnt even think in terms of hosting back then. All I knew is that there was a student

    who was married and brought his

    pregnant wife from Ghana to be with

    him. I acted in the sense of a need to

    help a young woman integrate into a

    new place, with cultural differences.

    I had picked her up to take

    her some places that she needed to

    go. When we were done, I pulled up in

    front of her house, and then planned

    to go do some grocery shopping. She

    asked where I was going and if she could come

    with me.

    She said, I want to go where you go. How else will I know what this place is like? I was surprised that she wanted to go

    to the grocery

    store with me.

    I think I had ex-

    pected that

    everything we

    did together

    had to meet a

    need or be en-

    tertaining. So,

    we went to the

    grocery store

    together, and in the months that followed, I be-

    came grandmother to a sweet little boy and

    girl, and family to a couple from Ghana and

    their two children. I didnt have to do anything but include them.


    there are many in our church that are called to

    be a host family for a student. I am sure that

    many who read this

    will ask the question,

    Is this for me, or for my family? I under-stand that the inter-

    nal debate will

    begin. It happened

    with me.

    What will we do together? What will we say to each other?

    Do I know how to do this am I equipped? My life is not perfect. How can I do an-ything? If you can ignore the mental debate,

    and just say yes to a student, I am sure all of

    the fears will cease. All you have to do is to be

    you, and include your student in what you do


    The things John and I have done with

    students and their families have varied. We

    have shopped together, cooked, made grape

    juice and canned tomatoes. We have had din-

    ner, watched movies and looked at the stars.

    We have gone to writing conferences and

    shared literary accomplishments. We have

    tromped through the snow and walked along

    the lakeside. We have been in caves and on

    mountain tops with students. We have talked

    at length about God and discussed philosophy,

    theology, science, and have even talked about




    Your life may be very different, but I trust that

    what you have to share is the right thing for

    one of our students.

    With students, we have an equal under-

    standing that schedules are going to be busy,

    and that our time together might be regular or

    it could be sporadic, but a text to say, I am thinking of you, is worth much. It really does not take much, and the benefit is greater than

    the cost. John and I have family on every conti-

    nent, and the

    prayer support

    of students

    and their ex-

    tended fami-

    lies. Our lives

    have been

    made rich by

    so many stu-

    dents. For

    what little we

    have given,

    our return has

    been great.

    I pray that something I have shared will

    cause your door to open up and allow a student

    from another country to come in to your home

    and into your heart. We have several students

    who are hoping to have a host family. Could

    that be you? Is it possible that a student will

    learn about our culture, our challenges and our

    triumphs, and especially our Jesus, through

    simply being included in your life? Would you

    pray about hosting a student? They dont have to live with you, but only have times where they

    can go where you go.

    For more information on connecting

    with an international student contact one of the


    Carol Hudler 573-465-2733

    Taylor Asher 573-259-2901

    Deonte Thomas 678-386-6306

    Or call the church office at 573-364-1266

    The Heart of Christmas is a dynamic and

    heart-felt expression for Christmas. A plethora of

    classic carols, southern gospel ballads and con-

    temporary songs are featured in this message-

    centered musical. It is a much-needed reminder

    that beneath the glitter, and beyond the tinsel,

    the invitation is offered for each of us to re-

    discover the heart of Christmas. We will present

    The Heart of Christmas in mid-December from

    the Living Christmas Tree; these popular perfor-

    mances generally

    draw a standing-room-

    only crowd!

    Practices have

    already begun, but

    there is room for

    more in the choir.

    Practices are weekly,

    on Sunday evenings

    from 4 5:30pm. Performances will be

    on the evenings of December 11, 12, and 13.

    Please contact Betty May at [email protected]

    if you have any questions.



    On December 28, First Assembly will again

    be taking a team down to the Minden Teen Chal-

    lenge Center in Louisiana to continue our con-

    struction work on the Directors house and vari-ous jobs at the Challenge Center. Minden Teen

    Challenge is a great ministry that works on the

    front lines of drug and alcohol addiction and of-

    ten involves young mothers trying to turn their

    lives around. We are blessed to partner with

    them as they change the course of so many

    young ladys futures. We need able-bodied men and women to sign up! Current projects we will

    be working on include laying tile, painting, in-

    stalling electrical outlets and lights, hanging

    doors, plus many other small projects. We have

    planned the trip at this time of the year for stu-

    dents and families to be able to possibly go, so

    please consider joining us! We go to bless them,

    but most often, we are the recipients a bless-

    ing. The cost will be $100 to cover meals and

    travel. We will again plan to offer some scholar-


    Hello Parents! Christmas is rapidly approaching,

    and we are getting prepared for our annual Chil-

    dren's performance. This year will be like no other,

    as we will be having a variety show! This will be a

    great opportunity for your K-7th graders to show

    off their amazing talents in worship to the Lord

    during this most special time of the year. We will

    be holding a Parent Information Meeting on Sun-

    day, October 4 in the overflow following services

    that morning, so please plan on being there if

    your child wants to be a part.

    Muslims must perform to avoid Allahs wrath. Islam ultimately teaches a works based salvation.

    Since obviously the doctrines of Islam are in op-

    position to the doctrines of Christianity, and the

    person and work of Jesus Christ are greatly di-

    minished in their view, whom do you suppose

    was really behind the angelic revelation that Muhammed received?

    References: Bodie Hodge and Roger Patterson,

    World Religions and Cults, Volume 1, 2015, pp


    Walter Martin, The Kingdom of the Cults, 2003,

    pp. 446, 447.

    Beverly Flori

    (Christianity continued from page 2)

    At First Assembly of God, missions is at the heart of so much that we do. Whether construc-

    tion trips, sponsoring home & foreign missionar-

    ies, or benevolence needs, we have a heart for

    missions. October 25 at 6 PM, First Assembly

    would like to invite everyone for our Missions

    Convention & Steakwagon Dinner in the Roberts

    Family Life Center. Along with a wonderful meal,

    you will hear from current sponsored missionar-

    ies, be informed of current missions activities,

    and be blessed by our international choir in

    song. You wont want to miss it!

    ships to current college students if the cost of the

    trip is a burden. Perhaps you cannot go, but

    could afford to help a student go! Please let us

    know if you would be interested in sponsoring a

    student. Our deadline for the missions trip is De-

    cember 6. But dont wait until then! Sign up now at rolla-f -tr ip-

    registration If you have any questions, contact

    Kathi Garner at [email protected]

    or Sam at [email protected].


  • PA



    S &




    Sam Parker After School Ministries &

    Missions Director [email protected]

    Karen Turner Administrative Assistant

    [email protected]

    Mark Berry Facility Manager

    Pansy Bingham Business Administrator

    [email protected]

    Abby Swearingen Media Assistant

    [email protected]

    Chuck Whitmire Lead Pastor

    [email protected]

    Ray Cook Associate Pastor

    [email protected]

    Brian Feller Childrens Pastor

    [email protected]

    Jason Gibson Youth Pastor

    [email protected]

  • 1608 N Oak St Rolla MO 65401-2342



    FALL YOUTH TRIPS Youth rally & Youth Convention



    JAIRED AND TRACY HALL Spotlight family