the conjuring

The Conjuring Print media E-media broadcasting Erin Machell

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Post on 02-Aug-2015




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The Conjuring Print mediaE-mediabroadcasting

Erin Machell

The conjuring print analysis

The conjuring uses print advertisement in conventional forms such as film posters for example. This is effective because the film becomes more and more well done and offers the chance for below the line advertising as the public can share and relate with there thoughts on the film. The conjuring also used its trailer as a conventional form of advertisement. This portrayed the narrative as a captivating and scary film which informed horror fans of certain elements of the film they may want to see. The conjuring also used billboards, and advertisements in magazines and newspapers, including critically acclaimed quotes. This gave the target audience more insight as they can evaluate the trusted opinions of critics.

film poster 1This film poster is the most seen and iconic film poster published to advertise ‘the conjuring’ the gaunt like tree and the hanging rope has been placed outside the house to hint at the narrative to the audience. The rope could also be described as an enigma. This is because the audience are un aware why it is there or who was hanged. This may intrigue the audience even more and make them want to see the film. In addition to this the foggy nature of the picture adds to the sinister aspect of the tree and the rope. There is a shadow of a person under the tree. This also adds to the enigma. It makes the audience want to know who's shadow it is. Which may intrigue them to see the film.

Film poster 2

• This film poster is also quite iconic for the conjuring. This is because the doll links to the film Annabelle who are the same makers of the conjuring. This adds more identity to the creators, making there new films more well known. The eyrie background and colour scheme gives the poster a sinister nature and would put the audience on edge. This poster also creates an enigma as you cannot see the identity of the character sitting in the chair. This may also intrigue the audience to see the film so they may find out the identity of the hidden character. The font is the same as all the other posters. This gives the film more identity and will make it more well known as it becomes more and more recognisable.

Film poster 3• This poster can also be

described as enigma. This is because the audience can clearly see her facial expression displays fear and anxiety. This would leave the audience to wonder what has made her so scared. Therefore this may intrigue the target audience to see the film in order to find out. The fact that the protagonist of the poster is holding a match in darkness shows the audience that she is a disadvantage. This helps the audience to build a relationship with the characters as they would feel sympathy for the character. The poster also says the film was based on a true story. This makes the audience more worried and intrigued because it could be seen as a real life problem.


Social networking• The conjuring used

conventional ways of advertising such as distributing newsfeeds and pages on Facebook and Twitter. This helped with the advertising of the film because these social networking sites are so popular. In addition to this it conforms to the audience theory. The fact that members of Facebook and twitter can mutually post about a film means that the identity will be more well known.


The conjuring Trailer was broadcasted onto YouTube and was shown at the cinema before other similar film. This is effective because these films have the same target audiences, an example of this is sinister. The conjuring trailer was put on before this film in cinema which made advertising a lot easier. In addition YouTube I so widely used and videos can be charged very easily. This means the film is easily encouraged below the line marketing. The trailer itself was very intense and leaves the audience on enigma as they never see the antagonist. This could intrigue the audience even more.