the complex role of neuroinflammation in...

The Complex Role of Neuroinflammation in Glaucoma Ileana Soto 1 and Gareth R. Howell 1,2 1 The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, Maine 04609 2 School of Medicine, Tufts University, Boston, Massachusetts 02111 Correspondence: [email protected] Glaucoma is a multifactorial neurodegenerative disorder affecting 80 million people world- wide. Loss of retinal ganglion cells and degeneration of their axons in the optic nerve are the major pathological hallmarks. Neuroinflammatory processes, inflammatory processes in the central nervous system, have been identified in human glaucoma and in experimental models of the disease. Furthermore, neuroinflammatory responses occur at early stages of experi- mental glaucoma, and inhibition of certain proinflammatory pathways appears neuroprotec- tive. Here, we summarize the current understanding of neuroinflammation in the central nervous system, with emphasis on events at the optic nerve head during early stages of glaucoma. G laucoma is a complex neurodegenerative disease that results in the degeneration of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) and their axons in the optic nerve. Age and elevation of intraocular pressure (IOP) over baseline are major risk fac- tors for glaucoma (Quigley 1993, 2011). Strong evidence suggests that an early insult occurs to RGC axons at the optic nerve head (ONH) (Ja- kobs et al. 2005; Schlamp et al. 2006; Howell et al. 2007; Soto et al. 2008; Burgoyne 2011; Quigley 2011; Nickells et al. 2012). The exact mecha- nisms by which RGC axons are insulted and ul- timately degenerate are not clear, although early neuroinflammatory responses byastrocytes, mi- croglia, and other blood-derived immune cells are observed in the ONH, suggesting a primary role of inflammation in glaucoma (Howell et al. 2012; Nickells et al. 2012; Tezel 2013). Further- more, some evidence suggests that other RGC compartments, such as dendrites, synapses, and soma, are impacted early in the disease and that these events may also involve, even be me- diated by, inflammatory responses in the retina (Howell et al. 2011a; Nickells et al. 2012; Tezel 2013). Therefore, the role of inflammation in glaucomatous neurodegeneration is currently of great interest. In this review we focus on the role of inflam- mation in glaucomatous RGC loss (referred to as neuroinflammation). In particular, we dis- cuss the proposed roles of astrocytes, resident microglia and other monocyte-derived cells in early stages of glaucoma in the optic nerve head. Evidence is suggesting these cell types are criti- Editors: Eric A. Pierce, Richard H. Masland, and Joan W. Miller Additional Perspectives on Retinal Disorders: Genetic Approachesto Diagnosis and Treatment available at Copyright # 2014 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 101101/cshperspect.a017269 Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med 2014;4:a017269 1 on January 19, 2020 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Downloaded from

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Page 1: The Complex Role of Neuroinflammation in … Complex Role of Neuroinflammation in Glaucoma Ileana Soto1 and Gareth R. Howell1,2

The Complex Role of Neuroinflammationin Glaucoma

Ileana Soto1 and Gareth R. Howell1,2

1The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, Maine 046092School of Medicine, Tufts University, Boston, Massachusetts 02111

Correspondence: [email protected]

Glaucoma is a multifactorial neurodegenerative disorder affecting 80 million people world-wide. Loss of retinal ganglion cells and degeneration of their axons in the optic nerve are themajor pathological hallmarks. Neuroinflammatory processes, inflammatory processes in thecentral nervous system, have been identified in human glaucoma and in experimental modelsof the disease. Furthermore, neuroinflammatory responses occur at early stages of experi-mental glaucoma, and inhibition of certain proinflammatory pathways appears neuroprotec-tive. Here, we summarize the current understanding of neuroinflammation in the centralnervous system, with emphasis on events at the optic nerve head during early stages ofglaucoma.

Glaucoma is a complex neurodegenerativedisease that results in the degeneration of

retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) and their axons inthe optic nerve. Age and elevation of intraocularpressure (IOP) over baseline are major risk fac-tors for glaucoma (Quigley 1993, 2011). Strongevidence suggests that an early insult occurs toRGC axons at the optic nerve head (ONH) (Ja-kobs et al. 2005; Schlamp et al. 2006; Howell et al.2007; Soto et al. 2008; Burgoyne 2011; Quigley2011; Nickells et al. 2012). The exact mecha-nisms by which RGC axons are insulted and ul-timately degenerate are not clear, although earlyneuroinflammatory responses byastrocytes, mi-croglia, and other blood-derived immune cellsare observed in the ONH, suggesting a primaryrole of inflammation in glaucoma (Howell et al.

2012; Nickells et al. 2012; Tezel 2013). Further-more, some evidence suggests that other RGCcompartments, such as dendrites, synapses,and soma, are impacted early in the disease andthat these events may also involve, even be me-diated by, inflammatory responses in the retina(Howell et al. 2011a; Nickells et al. 2012; Tezel2013). Therefore, the role of inflammation inglaucomatous neurodegeneration is currentlyof great interest.

In this review we focus on the role of inflam-mation in glaucomatous RGC loss (referred toas neuroinflammation). In particular, we dis-cuss the proposed roles of astrocytes, residentmicroglia and other monocyte-derived cells inearly stages of glaucoma in the optic nerve head.Evidence is suggesting these cell types are criti-

Editors: Eric A. Pierce, Richard H. Masland, and Joan W. Miller

Additional Perspectives on Retinal Disorders: Genetic Approaches to Diagnosis and Treatment available at

Copyright # 2014 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 101101/cshperspect.a017269

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Page 2: The Complex Role of Neuroinflammation in … Complex Role of Neuroinflammation in Glaucoma Ileana Soto1 and Gareth R. Howell1,2

cal players in the early neuroinflammatory re-sponses in glaucoma.


Although there is still much to be explored, neu-roinflammatory responses identified to date inglaucoma show some hallmarks of classic in-flammatory responses to disease, injury or in-fection in the central nervous system (CNS).Therefore, we can learn from what has beenstudied in other diseases, particularly neurode-generative diseases. The CNS, which includesthe brain, retina, and optic nerve, is an immuneprivileged tissue (Glass et al. 2010; Lampronet al. 2013); in contrast to other tissues, com-munication between the CNS and the systemicimmune system is relatively limited (Glass et al.2010; Ransohoff and Brown 2012; Lampron etal. 2013). Therefore, immune responses in theCNS are generally mediated by a limited num-ber of cell types.

Major Players in CNS Immune Responses

The CNS includes resident astrocytes and mi-croglial cells (collectively termed glial cells)that perform immune surveillance and mediateprimary inflammatory responses to infection,disease, or injury. Astrocytes are glial cells thatare in contact with neurons, blood vessels andother glial cells to provide an array of functionsincluding metabolic support, modulation ofsynaptic activity, regulation of extracellular ionconcentrations, and maintenance of the blood–brain barrier (Ullian et al. 2001; Simard and Ne-dergaard 2004; Iadecola and Nedergaard 2007;Pellerin et al. 2007; Rouach et al. 2008). Micro-glial cells, myeloid-derived cells that reside inthe CNS, are generated from the yolk sac beforevascularization and possess phagocytic andantigen-presenting capabilities, although theseare more limited than those of peripheral anti-gen-presenting cells (Ginhoux et al. 2010; Glasset al. 2010; Ransohoff and Brown 2012; Lamp-ron et al. 2013). Blood-derived monocytes,dendritic cells and other immune cells are gen-erally excluded from the CNS parenchyma un-

der healthy conditions (Ransohoff and Brown2012; Ransohoff and Engelhardt 2012). How-ever, following proinflammatory stimulation,glial cells are activated and produce cytokinesand chemokines to recruit infiltrating blood-derived immune cells to amplify the inflamma-tory response in the CNS (Ransohoff et al. 2003;Callahan and Ransohoff 2004).

Triggering Inflammatory Responses: PAMPs,DAMPs, and Their Sensors

The main role of astrocytes and microglia is torecognize and respond to perturbations in theenvironment. Perturbations can arise from twomajor sources: invading microbial pathogensand age- or disease-related stress or injury. As-trocytes and microglial cells possess signalingmechanisms for host defense that are activatedby the recognition of structural characteristicsfound in pathogens, known as pathogen-asso-ciated molecular patterns (PAMPs) (Glass et al.2010; Lampron et al. 2013). Astrocytes and mi-croglial cells also recognize signals released fromdamaged or stressed cells, known as damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) (Rifkinet al. 2005; Yu et al. 2010; Zhang et al. 2010;Zhu et al. 2011). It has been hypothesized thatDAMPs are preexisting intracellular adjuvantsthat are released when necrotic cell death occursor when apoptotic cells are not rapidly cleared(Kono and Rock 2008). These DAMPs can alsobe delivered to the cell surface of damaged cellsafter injury (Zhu et al. 2011). Molecules identi-fied as bona fide DAMPs include heat shockproteins (HSPs), uric acid, high-mobility groupbox-1 protein and double stranded DNA (Konoand Rock 2008). The existence of additionalDAMPs cannot be ruled out, and efforts areongoing to identify them. Both PAMPs andDAMPs are recognized by pattern recognitionreceptors (PRRs) on astrocytes and/or microg-lia that trigger and mediate the inflammatoryresponse (Fig. 1).

An important class of pattern recognitionreceptors is the toll-like receptors (TLRs) (Gor-ina et al. 2009; Downes and Crack 2010; Leh-nardt 2010). TLRs can recognize a diverse groupof pathogenic molecules that are not present

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in the host (e.g., lipopolysaccharide and viralRNA), but are also able to recognize endoge-nously derived molecules that are releasedfrom injured or dying cells such as HSP60,HSP70 and aB-crystallin (Takeuchi and Akira2010; Zhang et al. 2010; Ransohoff and Engel-hardt 2012). Whereas all thirteen TLRs are ex-pressed on microglial cells, only TLR2, TLR3,TLR4, TLR5, and TLR9 are expressed on astro-cytes (Farina et al. 2007). On activation, TLRsrecruit the downstream signal adaptor proteins

MyD88 and TRIF, which lead to the activationof kinases IkB and MAPK and their downstreamgroup of transcription factors that includemembers of the NF-kB, AP-1 and interferonregulator factor families resulting in the tran-scription of several amplifiers and effectors(Glass et al. 2010; Takeuchi and Akira 2010).Among these amplifiers and effectors are cyto-kines, such as tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-a,interleukin (IL)-1b, and IL-6, as well as an arrayof chemokines (e.g., CCL2, CXCL1, CXCL10).

A second class of pattern recognition re-ceptor is the NOD-like receptors, specificallythe NALP family, which are components of themultiprotein complexes termed the “inflamma-some” that can modulate the inflammatory re-sponse (Takeuchi and Akira 2010; Ransohoffand Brown 2012). Cooperative interactions be-tween TLRs and the inflammasome lead to thematuration and secretion of cytokines such asIL-1b and IL-18. Other types of pattern recog-nition receptors include the mannose receptor,scavenger receptor, and the ionic purinergic re-ceptor. The mannose receptor is a C-type lectinthat recognizes surfaces that are glycosylatedwith a mannose moiety (Gazi and Martinez-Po-mares 2009) and can trigger immune responsesincluding the activation of the complementcascade (Kerrigan and Brown 2009). Scavengerreceptors are involved in the recognition anduptake of oxidized proteins and lipids releasedby damaged cells (Husemann et al. 2002). Theionic purinergic receptors (such as P2X7R) areactivated by ATP released from damaged cellsand facilitate formation of the inflammasome(Takeuchi and Akira 2010; Ransohoff andBrown 2012).

Under conditions of injury or disease, astro-cytes and microglia become reactive and theirPRRs are activated, leading to the generationof innate inflammatory mediators that includemembers of the complement pathway, cyto-kines, and several chemokines (such as thoselisted above). Certainly these proinflammatorymolecules affect neuronal function and am-plify the inflammatory response of microglialcells during pathological conditions (Glasset al. 2010). Activation of proinflammatory me-diators by microglia can result in a cascade of














ATP (?)DAMPs (?)

Figure 1. Inflammatory responses in the CNS aremediated by resident astrocytes and microglia. Theneurovascular unit comprises neurons (green), astro-cytes (blue, with processes) and components of theblood–brain barrier such as endothelial cells (red,vessel). In addition, microglia (red, with processes)sense environmental changes. Glial cells (astrocytesand microglia) express pattern recognition receptors(PRRs) such as toll-like receptors (TLRs), purinergicreceptors (PRs) and scavenger receptors (SRs) to re-spond to DAMPs released by cells during injury ordisease. The activation of these receptors promotesproinflammatory signaling that leads to the produc-tion of cytokines and chemokines. These cytokinesand chemokines induce changes in the endothelialcells and blood–brain barrier integrity, resulting inrecruitment of blood-derived immune cells (blue)and amplification of the innate immune response.

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events, including proliferation, migration, ex-pression of adhesion molecules on endothelialcells, and the promotion of leukocyte infiltrationinto the CNS parenchyma through the blood-brain barrier (Ransohoff and Brown 2012).

Transendothelial Migration in the CNS

Migration (or infiltration) of leukocytes (im-mune cells) into the CNS is a highly regulatedprocess involving interactions between circulat-ing leukocytes and endothelial cells (Fig. 2)(Ransohoff et al. 2003). Transendothelial migra-tion of leukocytes is a multistep process and in-volves: (1) tethering and rolling of leukocytes onthe endothelial cells; (2) activation of key mole-cules on both endothelial cells and leukocytes;and finally (3) paracellular or transcellular mi-gration of leukocytes into the CNS. Leukocyteinfiltration is a common event in CNS diseaseand injury, and is thought to occur after chronicstress (Ransohoff et al. 2003; Callahan and Ran-sohoff 2004; Ransohoff and Brown 2012). Leu-kocyte infiltration is commonly initiated by therelease of cytokines and chemokines from glialcells (Carson et al. 2006; Ifergan et al. 2008).Studies using intravital microscopy found thatactivation of leukocytes was not sufficient topromote interaction of endothelial cells and leu-

kocytes. However, leukocyte tethering was ob-served when endothelial cells were activatedwith lipopolysaccharide or TNF-a (Piccio etal. 2002). It is thought that after cytokine stim-ulation, tethering and rolling occurs as a resultof the up-regulation of selectins (e.g., P-selectin)and integrin ligands (e.g., VCAM-1 and ICAM-1) on the lumen of endothelial cells that aresensed by selectin ligands (e.g., PSGL1) and in-tegrins (e.g., LFA1) present on the surface ofcirculating leukocytes (Lampron et al. 2013).These signaling processes between endothelialcells and leukocytes promote the loosening ofthe tight junctions between the endothelial cells,facilitating migration of leukocytes into the CNS(Ransohoff et al. 2003; Lampron et al. 2013).

The cellular and molecular mechanisms bywhich transendothelial migration occurs in theCNS during injury and disease are complex andstill not completely understood. More researchis needed to elucidate the identity and role ofthese infiltrating cells during neurodegenerativediseases.

The Complement Cascade ModulatesInflammatory Responses

The complement cascade was originally namedas it “complements” immune responses. How-


αβ-integrinsICAMsParacellular Transcellular



Endothelial cells


1. Tethering/Rolling2. Arrest

3. TransmigrationTissue

Figure 2. Transendothelial migration in the CNS. Schematic representation of the different steps involved inleukocyte extravasation. Selectin ligands and molecular adhesion molecules that are up-regulated in endothelialcells at the ONH interact with selectins and integrins present at the cell surface of leukocytes, leading to leukocyteinfiltration.

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Page 5: The Complex Role of Neuroinflammation in … Complex Role of Neuroinflammation in Glaucoma Ileana Soto1 and Gareth R. Howell1,2

ever, recent and emerging evidence suggests itplays a much more complex role in the CNS inhealth and disease. Components of the comple-ment cascade play a significant role in immunesurveillance and inflammatory processes, bothperipherally and in the CNS (Janeway et al.2001). In addition to its involvement in patho-gen targeting and elimination, the complementsystem is also involved in synapse eliminationand clearance of potential mediators of damageor injury (Ricklin et al. 2010; Rosen and Stevens2010).

The complement system is a cascade of threeseparate pathways known as the classical, alter-native, and lectin pathways (Ricklin et al. 2010).A strong complement response includes opso-nization of the foreign pathogen or apoptoticcell/cellular compartment by complement frag-ments, induction of proinflammatory signalingby anaphylatoxins that recruit macrophages,and enable phagocytosis and the formation ofthe membrane attack complex (MAC), whichleads to the lysis of the targeted cell (Ricklinet al. 2010). The classical pathway is initiatedby the C1 complex that recognizes pathogensor DAMPs, leading to the formation of the C3convertase that cleaves the C3 protein to gener-ate the active fragments C3a and C3b. C3a in-duces proinflammatory signaling and C3b dep-osition induces cleavage of the C5 protein toC5a and C5b by C5 convertases. C5a is a potentanaphylatoxin, whereas C5b is a fundamentalmember of the MAC, a cell lysis-inducing chan-nel. Other complement factors in the MAC areC6, C7, C8, and C9. The C3 convertase is alsoactivated by the alternative and lectin pathways,and all three pathways can result in the activa-tion of the MAC (Ricklin et al. 2010). Activationof the complement system has been observed inthe CNS after injury and in neurodegenerativediseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkin-son’s disease, and glaucoma (Bonifati and Kish-ore 2007).

Beneficial and Damaging Effects of theImmune Response in the CNS

As described above, the immune response is acomplex series of events involving resident glial

cells (e.g., astrocytes and microglia), compo-nents of the blood–brain barrier (e.g., endothe-lial cells), and infiltrating blood-derived cells(e.g., monocytes). The early immune responsesare likely the body’s natural attempts to mini-mize damage after an initial injury or insultin chronic and age-related CNS diseases. Laterimmune responses, as the disease enters achronic phase, are likely more detrimental. Insome cases, these beneficial and detrimentalevents involve molecules in the same pathway,such as the complement cascade. Therefore,when considering therapies, it is important tofully understand the beneficial and detrimentalnatures of inflammatory processes in CNS in-jury and disease.


So far, we have described immune responses asthey relate generally to the CNS in response toinfection, injury, or disease. We now describewhat is known about the role of the immunesystem in glaucoma, and highlight areas for fur-ther investigation.

Activation of Astrocytes and Microgliain the Optic Nerve Head in Early Stagesof Glaucoma

Retinal cells and glial cells in the ONH respondrapidly and early to glaucomatous insults, in-cluding elevation of IOP. Changes in astrocytemorphology, such as enlargement of the cellbody and processes, as well as up-regulation ofcytoskeletal and extracellular matrix proteins,have been observed in the retina and ONH inhuman glaucoma (Wang et al. 2002; Inman andHorner 2007; Hernandez et al. 2008; Kompasset al. 2008; Nikolskaya et al. 2009). Several stud-ies have demonstrated that this reactivity andremodeling of astrocytes, and the increased dep-osition of extracellular matrix occur in earlystages of experimental glaucoma (Johnson andMorrison 2009; Howell et al. 2011a; Johnsonet al. 2011; Lye-Barthel et al. 2013; Qu and Ja-kobs 2013). In fact, just a short term elevation ofIOP induces rapid and reversible morphological

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changes in astrocytes of the ONH that includehypertrophy, process retraction, and simplifica-tion of the shape without changing gene expres-sion (Sun et al. 2013). Furthermore, changes ingene expression in astrocytes are observed atearly stages of experimental glaucoma beforeRGC axon damage (Johnson et al. 2000, 2011;Howell et al. 2011a; Qu and Jakobs 2013). Thisearly up-regulation of extracellular matrix inastrocytes of the ONH may function to repairor prevent damage to the blood–brain barrierin response to high IOP. This has been shown inother settings (Sofroniew and Vinters 2010). Forinstance, inhibition of reactive astrogliosis bythe conditional deletion of the STAT3 protein inmodels of spinal cord injury promotes massiveinfiltration of blood-derived leukocytes and in-creased neurodegeneration, suggesting that as-trocyte reactivity is a protective response in CNSinjury (Okada et al. 2006; Herrmann et al.2008). Consistent with this idea is the observa-tion that components of the basement mem-brane of the blood–brain barrier, such as colla-gen, are up-regulated in the ONH in humanglaucoma and in experimental models of thedisease (Hernandez et al. 1990, 1994; Morrisonet al. 1990; Johnson et al. 2011). On the otherhand, the overexpression of cell adhesion pro-teins, including several integrins, by astrocytesin glaucoma could also promote the adhesionand migration of immune cells into damagedareas of the ONH (Howell et al. 2011a; Johnsonet al. 2011; Tanigami et al. 2012). Furthermore,ONH astrocytes in human glaucoma and exper-imental models up-regulate tenascin-C (Penaet al. 1999; Howell et al. 2011a; Johnson et al.2011), an extracellular matrix glycoprotein thatsupports proinflammatory responses throughTLR4 signaling (Midwood et al. 2009), suggest-ing a proinflammatory role of astrocytes inglaucoma.

Activation of microglial cells in the ONHand retina has also been observed in experi-mental models of glaucoma (Neufeld 1999;Yuan and Neufeld 2001; Johnson and Morri-son 2009; Ebneter et al. 2010; Bosco et al.2011; Taylor et al. 2011). This microglial reac-tivity is characterized by increased proliferation,increased phagocytic activity (revealed by an

increase in the phagocytosis-related proteinCD68), changes in morphology, and expressionof proinflammatory molecules, such as mem-bers of the complement cascade, major his-tocompatibility complex class I, and major his-tocompatibility complex class II (Ebneter et al.2010; Howell et al. 2011a; Bosco et al. 2012).Although the role of microglia in glaucoma pro-gression is not clear, it is notable that the extentof microglia activation is closely related to axo-nal degeneration in the ONH. In fact, reductionin microglial number is evident when axonaldegeneration (but not high IOP) is preventedby radiation treatment of the eye or head in amouse model of glaucoma (Howell et al. 2012;Bosco et al. 2012).

What Triggers Inflammatory Responsesin Glaucoma?

Early neuroinflammatory responses by astro-cytes and microglia occur in glaucoma, but itis not known which stresses or damage-associ-ated molecules trigger the responses. One pos-sibility is that DAMPs are released or presentedby stressed or damaged RGC axons in the ONH.In glaucoma, heat shock proteins, a type ofDAMP, are up-regulated in response to eleva-tion in IOP (Tezel et al. 2004; Tezel 2011), andlevels of a variety of heat shock proteins werealso increased in human glaucomatous retinas(Luo et al. 2010). A second possibility is thatastrocytes and/or microglia produce DAMPsindependent of or before changes in RGCs.One candidate for this is tenascin-C, which isup-regulated in astrocytes of the glaucomatousONH (Pena et al. 1999; Howell et al. 2011a;Johnson et al. 2011). Tenascin-C is an endoge-nous activator of the TLR4 in inflammation as-sociated with arthritis (Midwood et al. 2009).Identification of initiator(s) of inflammatoryevents is a key area of study in glaucoma re-search.

Inflammatory Signaling Pathwaysin Glaucoma

Although the specific triggers for inflammatoryresponses in glaucoma remain poorly defined,

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inflammatory processes, mediated in part by as-trocytes and resident microglia, clearly play acrucial role in glaucoma. Several studies usingtranscriptional profiling have identified earlyup-regulation of genes associated with inflam-matory pathways in the retina and ONH in ex-perimental models of glaucoma (Ahmed et al.2004; Johnson et al. 2007, 2011; Yang et al. 2007;Kompass et al. 2008; Nikolskaya et al. 2009; Pan-agis et al. 2010; Howell et al. 2011a, 2012). Col-lectively, these studies showed an up-regulationof inflammatory inducers/sensors (PRRs, e.g.,TLRs), transducers (e.g., Mapk, Trif, MyD88)and amplifiers (e.g., Il1, Il6, Tnf, Ccl2) in humanglaucoma (Luo et al. 2010; Yang et al. 2011; Tezelet al. 2012) and in early stages of experimentalglaucoma (Howell et al. 2011a; Johnson et al.2011). In our study using DBA/2J mice, an in-herited model of glaucoma, we were able todefine early molecular changes that occur be-fore detectable loss of RGCs and axons (Howellet al. 2011a). Gene ontology analysis revealedthat genes associated with “immune response,”“leukocyte activation,” and “chemotaxis” wereamong the genes up-regulated earliest in micewith high IOP but no detectable loss of axons.

Evidence from both human glaucoma pa-tients and animal models of glaucoma suggestthat immune responses are mediated, at least inpart, by TLRs. For instance, proteomic analysisof glaucomatous human retinas revealed up-regulation of TLR signaling (Luo et al. 2010).Expression of TLR2, TLR3, and TLR4 was ob-served in microglia and astrocytes from glau-comatous retinas. In early stages of DBAJ glau-coma, 11 of the 13 TLRs were up-regulated inthe ONH at early stages of DBA/2J glaucoma(Howell et al. 2011a,b). These included Tlr3,Tlr7, and Tlr9, whose proteins detect nucleicacids released from damaged cells, and Tlr2and Tlr4, whose gene products sense host cellHSPs (Rifkin et al. 2005; Yu et al. 2010; Zhanget al. 2010). The TLR adaptor protein MyD88and members of the MAPK pathway were alsoup-regulated in retinas from glaucoma patientsand in the ONH of DBA/2J mice (Luo et al.2010; Howell et al. 2011a,b).

As mentioned previously, engagement ofTLRs by DAMPs can lead to the activation of

NF-kB. Not surprisingly, proteomic analysis ofglaucomatous retinas from humans and ratsfound increased expression of kinases such asRIPK, NIK, and IkK that are involved in theactivation of the NF-kB pathway (Yang et al.2011; Tezel et al. 2012). Activation of NF-kBresults in the transcription of genes from theIL-1 cytokine family. Secretion of these cyto-kines can promote production of a secondarycascade of inflammatory cytokines in micro-glia (e.g., TNF-a) and astrocytes (e.g., IL-6)that amplifies the immune response by recruit-ing other cells to the site of damage. In sup-port of this sequence of events, members ofthe IL-1 family were found to be up-regulatedin the ONH at early stages of DBA/2J glaucoma(Howell et al. 2011a,b).

Studies have also suggested an importantrole for tumor necrosis factor (TNF) familymembers in the pathogenesis of glaucoma. In-creased levels of TNF-a have been found in theaqueous humor, retina, and optic nerve mi-croglia and optic nerve astrocytes from glauco-ma patients (Yan et al. 2000; Yuan and Neufeld2000, 2001; Tezel et al. 2001; Sawada et al. 2010).Activation of the signaling pathway downstreamfrom TNF-a in glaucomatous human retinashas also been reported (Yang et al. 2011). Severalligands and receptors of the TNF family wereoverexpressed at early stages of DBA/2J glauco-ma, although not as early as was observed forthe Il1-related cytokines (Howell et al. 2011a,b).Genetic and pharmaceutical inhibition of TNF-a activity in experimental models of glaucomacan prevent microglia activation, axonal degen-eration and RGC loss (Fig. 3) (Nakazawa et al.2006; Roh et al. 2012). Another member of theTNF family implicated in glaucoma pathogen-esis is the proapoptotic protein Fas ligand,which was found to be damaging to RGCs inDBA/2J glaucoma (Gregory et al. 2011). Inhi-bition of Fas ligand activity prevented death ofRGCs after intraocular injection of TNF-a, in-dicating that Fas ligand mediates TNF-a cyto-toxicity in RGCs (Gregory et al. 2011).

In summary, it has been clearly demonstrat-ed that proinflammatory pathways (likely acti-vated by DAMPs) are important contributorsto the early progression of glaucoma. Further

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studies are needed to identify the precise roles ofthe different cell types at different stages of dis-ease, keeping in mind that inflammatory mol-ecules can mediate both damaging and benefi-cial responses.

Transendothelial Migration of Leukocytesin Glaucoma

One of the earliest processes to be significantlyup-regulated in our transcriptional profilingof DBA/2J mice was transendothelial migrationof leukocytes (Howell et al. 2012). In DBA/2Jglaucoma, up-regulation of selectins (e.g., P-selectin), adhesion molecules (e.g. VCAM-1)and chemokines (e.g., CCL2) was observed atearly stages of disease (Howell et al. 2012). Flowcytometry experiments confirmed the entry ofmonocyte-derived cells into the ONH (Fig. 4A)

(Howell et al. 2012). No other type of immunecell (including B cells or T cells) was found inDBA/2J glaucomatous tissue, although onestudy has shown B cells in human glaucomatousretinas (Gramlich et al. 2013). Monocyte infil-tration was apparently blocked by DBA/2J micetreated with radiation (Fig. 4B) indicating thatmonocyte infiltration could be an importantmediator of RGC and axonal damage in glau-coma (Howell et al. 2012). In support of this,a second study using a different experimentalmouse model of glaucoma found that deletionof CD11b prevented the activation of mono-cyte-derived cells and loss of RGCs after in-duction of high IOP (Nakazawa et al. 2006).However, this study was not able to distinguishbetween resident microglia and infiltratingmonocytes. The mechanism(s) by which mono-cytes affect RGCs in glaucoma has not been



OHT + Etan. 0.3 mg/kg


T +


n. 1













) ce







0Control Vehicle Etan.

0.3 mg/kg

Control Vehicle Etan.OHT




104 )




5 μm





Figure 3. Inhibition of TNF-a activity reduces microglial activation and axonal degeneration in the optic nerveafter ocular hypertension. (A) Ocular hypertension (OHT) increased the number of Iba-1-positive microglialcells in the ONH and induced TNF-a expression in these cells. Treatment with the TNF-a inhibitor Etanercept(Etan.) significantly reduced the number of microglia and the expression of TNF-a. (B) Axonal degeneration inthe optic nerve is reduced by Etanercept treatment in ocular hypertension (Roh et al. 2012). Mann-WhitneyU test, �� P , 0.01 comparing control vs. Etanercept treated ocular hypertension; †† P , 0.01 comparingvehicle vs. Etanercept treated OHT. (Adapted from data in Roh et al. 2012.)

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elucidated and further studies are needed todefine the contribution of these infiltratingmonocytes in glaucoma progression.

The Complement Cascade in Glaucoma

Components of the complement cascade areinduced in human and animal models of glau-coma, suggesting a key role for this system inprogression of the disease (Ahmed et al. 2004;Kuehn et al. 2006, 2008; Stasi et al. 2006; Steeleet al. 2006; Stevens et al. 2007; Ren and Danias2010; Tezel et al. 2010; Howell et al. 2011a). Inexperimental models of glaucoma, induction ofcomplement components in the retina and

ONH was one of the earliest signaling responsesto high IOP (Howell et al. 2011a; Johnson et al.2011). Up-regulation of C1qa, a member of theC1 complex that triggers activation of the clas-sical pathway, was observed in microglial cellsin the ONH before detection of axonal damagein DBA/2J glaucomatous mice (Howell et al.2011a). Deposition of C1QA protein was alsoobserved in RGC dendrites in glaucomatousDBA/2J retinas as well as in primate and humanglaucomatous retinas (Fig. 5A) (Kuehn et al.2006; Stasi et al. 2006; Stevens et al. 2007; Tezelet al. 2010), suggesting an involvement of thecomplement cascade in pathological synapseelimination and/or dendrite remodeling in



ONH CD11b+Cd11c+









CD3e+ CD11c+




of C


+ c






































Figure 4. Monocyte infiltration occurs early in DBA/2J glaucoma. (A) Flow cytometry revealed that the majorblood-derived immune cell detected in the ONH of DBA/2J glaucomatous mice was the CD11bþCd11cþ

monocyte. These cells were completely absent in radiation-treated DBA/2J eyes (Rad-D2) or control (D2-Gp)eyes. (B) Cell infiltration was also assessed using the injection of a fluorescent tracer into the spleen (CFDA,green). Spleen-derived CFDAþ cells entered the optic nerves of untreated DBA/2J eyes but not Rad-D2 eyes orcontrol eyes (Howell et al. 2012). (From Howell et al. 2013; adapted, with permission, from the authors.)

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glaucoma. Importantly, DBA/2J mice deficientin C1QA were protected from glaucomatousRGC loss, demonstrating an important anddamaging contribution for C1qa in glaucoma(Howell et al. 2011a).

A second component of the complementcascade that likely plays a damaging role in glau-coma is complement component C5, a necessarycomponent in generation of the MAC. Signifi-cant deposition of MAC was found in glaucom-atous RGCs in human eyes and in experimental

models of glaucoma (Kuehn et al. 2006; Jhaet al. 2011; Howell et al. 2013). Drug inhibitionof complement activation reduced MAC de-position and apoptosis of RGCs in a rat modelof glaucoma (Jha et al. 2011). Furthermore,C5-deficient DBA/2J mice showed reduced neu-rodegeneration compared with C5-sufficientDBA/2J mice (Howell et al. 2013). Although itis not clear how C5 contributes to glaucoma,significant deposition of MACs was observedin RGCs and in dystrophic neurites in the optic

C1q HumanA









NOE 10.5 mo





TUBB3 Merge

C1q Primate C1q Mouse

Figure 5. The complement system is activated in human and animal models of glaucoma. (A) C1Q protein isincreased in RGCs and in the inner plexiform layer of human (Tezel et al. 2010), primate (Stasi et al. 2006), andmouse (Howell et al. 2011a) retinas in response to high IOP. (B) MAC deposition is found in RGCs from C5-sufficient glaucomatous DBA/2J.C5B6 mice (Howell et al. 2013). TUBB3, tubulin b-3; NOE, normal or early.

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nerve (Fig. 5B), suggesting a detrimental con-tribution of C5b to glaucoma progression.

Much work is being done (in our laboratory,the Danias laboratory, and others) regarding therole of the complement cascade in glaucoma.Areas of active research include assessment ofother key components of the cascade such as C3and C4. Complement proteins are expressed inmultiple cell types and it will be important tounderstand the cell-specific roles of comple-ment components in glaucoma.


In recent years a critical role for neuroinflam-matory processes mediated by astrocytes, mi-croglia, endothelial cells, infiltrating monocytesand other cell types in the pathogenesis of glau-coma has been demonstrated (Fig. 6). How-ever, many challenges remain. The potential for

beneficial and detrimental inflammatory pro-cesses occurring at different stages of glaucomamake developing therapies that target these pro-cesses a complex but, in our view, solvable prob-lem. Furthermore, these cells do not functionin isolation, and understanding the changesto the neurovascular unit as a whole will alsobe critical. Development of a detailed spatialand temporal understanding of these neuro-inflammatory events in humans and in multi-ple animal models is critical as we move towardnew neuroprotective treatments for humanglaucoma.


The authors thank Pete Williams and JeffreyHarder for critical comments. This work wassupported by The Glaucoma Foundation(GRH) and EY021525 (GRH).


DAMPs (?)

DAMPs (?)



od v















Figure 6. A model of early neuroinflammatory responses in glaucoma. We hypothesize that initiation of theseimmune responses occurs after the release of DAMPs from RGCs, glial cells or both. The TLRs expressed in glialcells activate the production and secretion of cytokines such as those of the IL-1 family. A secondary expression ofcytokines, such as TNF-a in microglia and IL-6 in astrocytes, is induced, leading to an amplified inflammatoryresponse. These neuroinflammatory responses are likely modulated by complement proteins, such as C1qa, inthe ONH. In addition, intrinsic up-regulation of complement molecules in RGCs (such as C1qa and C3) occursearly and mediates synaptic dysfunction. The cell types shown here are described in the legend for Figure 1.

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3, 20142014; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a017269 originally published online JulyCold Spring Harb Perspect Med 

 Ileana Soto and Gareth R. Howell The Complex Role of Neuroinflammation in Glaucoma

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MacLarenAlun R. Barnard, Markus Groppe and Robert E. For additional articles in this collection, see

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