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Stephen J. Sansweet & Pablo Hidalgo and Bob Vitas & Daniel Wallace with Chris Cassidy, Mary Franklin & Josh Kushins Ballantine Books New York D A–G Volume I THE COMPLETE ENCYCLOPEDIA ®

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Page 1: THE COMPLETE ENCYCLOPEDIA - g-ecx.images … · THE COMPLETE ENCYCLOPEDIA ... studying forbidden ancient texts and learn-

Stephen J. Sansweet & Pablo Hidalgo

andBob Vitas & Daniel Wallace

withChris Cassidy,

Mary Franklin & Josh Kushins

Ballantine Books New YorkD

A–GVolume I




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B Bane, Darth Baobab, Ebenn Q3 (EQ3) B

Bane, Darth An important architect of the Sith Order, Darth Bane lived 1,000 years be-fore the Battle of Naboo. He began life as Des-sel, an indentured cortosis miner toiling under harsh conditions on the planet Apatros. He was raised by his abusive father, Hurst, who berated and blamed Dessel for the diffi culties of their circumstances, nicknaming him Bane. Th is hardened Dessel into a tough young man who discovered his sensitivity to the Force when he used the dark side to kill his father. After this incident, Dessel found a new confi -dence that led him to brutally defend himself from any who would test him. He eventually smuggled his way off Apatros and joined the Sith army, where he proved himself time and again as a member of the Gloom Walkers unit. Th e Dark Lord Kopecz took an interest in Dessel’s actions and invited him to join the Sith Academy on Korriban.

Dessel quickly excelled in the Sith arts, but his brashness led him to challenge far more powerful colleagues like ace pupil Sirak, who gravely injured Dessel. While conva-lescing, Dessel supplemented his training by studying forbidden ancient texts and learn-ing about Sith traditions that had been all but abandoned. He read about Darth Revan, and began contrasting Revan’s methodology with the shortcomings he perceived in the then- current Brotherhood of Darkness. It was at this time that fellow student Githany sought to seductively manipulate Dessel to her own ends, using his increasing abilities to unseat Sirak from his favored position within the Academy. Dessel challenged Sirak and this time bested him, but stopped short of deliver-ing a killing blow.

So convinced was he that the current Sith were misguided, Dessel disobeyed his Mas-ters and sojourned on the dark-side-drenched worlds of Korriban and Lehon, desperate for guidance. On Lehon, he discovered a lost ho-locron of Darth Revan, and became fi xated upon ancient Sith traditions. He adopted the

Darth title and re-named himself Darth Bane, recognizing that the current Sith Order was a dead end.

Th e ruling Sith Lord Kaan grew increasingly wary of Bane and dispatched Lord Kas’im to kill him. Bane survived, however, and returned to the Sith Order just as the war against the Jedi was drawing toward a climactic en-gagement. To deliver a fi nal defeat against the Jedi Army of Light, the Sith students at Korriban had all been elevated to the rank of Lord and dispatched to the battlefront of Ruusan. Bane gave Kaan ancient knowledge to craft a weapon that would spell the end of the Jedi: a diabolical Force weapon called a thought bomb.

Bane returned to the Brother-hood, seeking a worthy apprentice to continue the Sith Order in a new

fashion once he had disposed of the old. Kaan used Githany to poison Bane. On Ambria, the toxin coursed through his veins, and Bane lashed out, trying to fi nd a focus in the dark side that would allow him to purge the poison from his body. He used the Force to slaugh-ter a young boy and his brothers before their anguished father’s eyes, and drew in the pain and grief to once again grow strong in the dark side.

A cured Bane arrived on Ruusan, much to Lord Kaan’s surprise. Bane witnessed the Or-der’s weakness as other Sith Lords approached him with off ers to conspire against Kaan. Bane was galvanized to restructure the Order. When Kaan used Bane’s knowledge to create and detonate the thought bomb, the resulting cataclysm destroyed the Jedi and Sith armies, leaving Bane the sole Sith survivor.

In the aftermath of Ruusan, Bane discov-ered a young girl named Zannah, and tasked her with rendezvousing with him on Onderon if she was to receive training from him. En route to Onderon, Bane crashed his vessel the Valcyn on the beast moon of Dxun. Th ere he adopted a living suit of armor that covered most of his body. Hard- shelled, parasitic crea-

tures called orbalisks at-tached themselves as he struggled through the dense jungles of Dxun. Two parent orbalisks affi xed themselves to Bane’s chest, forming a breastplate. As they bred, the off spring spread out across his body. Although Bane initially attempted to remove the creatures, he soon realized that their symbiotic relationship was one from which he would ultimately benefi t. He had to wear a cage- like protective helmet to keep the creatures from growing into his face.

Bane went into hiding, relying on his pa-tience and cunning to keep the Sith ways alive. Darth Bane was the fi rst to dictate that a Sith Lord should take only one apprentice. His teachings were later expanded to ensure that only two Sith (a Master and his apprentice) would exist at any given time—the so- called Rule of Two: one Sith to embody power, the other to aspire to it. Zannah became his ap-prentice, thus starting a secret line of Sith Lords that would extend over the centuries all the way to Darth Sidious’s time and beyond.

Bane’s Heart A double- bladed lightsaber that once belonged to Darth Zannah and was used by the combat droid N-K Necrosis. Th e weapon was said to contain Bane’s Heart, an alchemically treated Sith lightsaber crystal given to Zannah by her Sith Master, Darth Bane.

Banjeer, Admiral A member of the Impe-rial Interim Ruling Council after the demise of the reborn Emperor and commander of one of the Empire’s largest fl eets. An Imperial tra-ditionalist, he disliked sitting alongside aliens on the council. He was the second council member to be killed by Nom Anor, though the assassin’s identity would not be known for some time.

Banjeer, Boss An underworld crime boss who was nephew of Admiral Banjeer and ex-ploited his connections in the Imperial Interim Ruling Council to control the bounty hunters of Baramorra. He also had ties to Grappa the Hutt. Bounty hunter Kenix Kil (in truth, the Royal Guard Kir Kanos) infi ltrated Banjeer’s organization and wiped out many of his hunt-ers. Kil then assassinated Boss Banjeer for his family’s betrayal of the Empire.

Banking Clan See InterGalactic Banking Clan.

Banking Clan communications frig-ate A Munifi cent- class combat warship 825 meters long employed by the InterGalactic

Banking Clan in the Clone Wars. Once used to guard bankers’ vaults on Outer Rim worlds, these ships handled intrasector communica-tions in areas where the HoloNet was disman-tled during the war.

Bank of the Core A lesser-known spon-sor of the Corporate Sector.

Ban’n, Farquil A demure female Bith who was subjected to such humiliations as having to wear a painful Th eselonian bridal gown for her employer, Embra the Hutt. She secretly tracked Jozzel Moff ett during the search for the Yavin Vassilika and watched as Moff ett delivered the artifact to the Rebel Alliance in exchange for an exact replica of the Vassilika along with four million credits. Ban’n shot Moff ett in the back and took the credits, al-lowing Zuckuss and Sardu Sallowe to take home the trophy. With the stolen funds secur-ing her future, Ban’n quit her job working for Embra—but she was promptly tracked down by Boba Fett, sent to retrieve the four million credits for Jabba the Hutt.

Banolt, Lirin A male human con man who stole precious artifacts for Sate Pestage. When Banolt got greedy and tried to blackmail Pe-stage to prevent him from divulging the loca-tion of the top- secret Eidolon Base, Pestage had Banolt killed. Banolt also went by the names Bruhas Drey, Ran Nammon, and Kier Dom, among others.

Banoosh- Walores A clan of Senalis, from the moon Senali orbiting Rutan. Th e clan was part of King Meenon’s family, on his sister Ganeed’s side. Th ey lived on Clear Lake.

bantha Large, four- legged beasts of bur-den found on many worlds, these creatures adapted to a variety of climates and terrain. Wild herds roamed some planets; on others, the only banthas were domesticated. Highly intelligent and extremely social, banthas traveled in matriarchal herds of up to 25 in-dividuals. Th e bantha tongue was highly sensitive, extremely strong, structurally com-plex, and dexterous. Males had a pair of large tapering horns and could be as wide as 3 meters at the shoulders. Banthas survived on grasses and other native fl ora, and given their size and internal reserves they could live a month or so without water or food. Often used as pack animals, they had long, thick fur prized for clothing; their meat was used for food. Even bantha- skin boots and carrying cases brought top credits on some worlds.

Since they could be found on most agri-cultural systems, it was believed that early space settlers transported them to these new worlds. Remains of banthas have been found that predate most recorded civilizations. Th e Tusken Raiders of Tatooine had a special bond with their personal bantha; if the crea-ture died, the Raider was sent into the desert in the hope of being adopted by a wild bantha.

Bantha Blaster A pink-and-green alcoholic beverage, it was a favorite of Jos Vondar on Drongar, as well as a party favorite at the palace of Jabba the Hutt.

Bantha Burrows A net-work of caves within Tatooine’s canyons believed to be used by banthas avoiding sandstorms.

Bantha - class assault shuttle A squat, slow vehicle with a hide as thick as its name-sake, this ship was a joint design of Mon Calamari and Sullustan engineers. It was de-

signed to fl y behind a fi ghter screen into target areas and take a beating while it disgorged or airlifted troops and small ground vehicles. Th e Bantha- class assault shuttle was fi rst used during the assault on Oradin at the Battle of Brentaal.

Bantha formation A single-fi le starfi ghter formation. While evading neebrays in the Kaliida Nebula during the Clone Wars, Anakin Skywalker commanded Shadow Squadron to go into Bantha formation.

bantha four fi ve six Th is in-struction code was given by the droid TDL3.5 as authorization for her to

replace C-3PO as nanny to the children of Leia and Han Solo. But Leia’s aide Winter re-alized that bantha was not a family code. It was a prank by young Anakin Solo, who was angry that C-3PO would no longer read him his favorite bedtime story, “Th e Little Lost Bantha Cub.”

Banvhar Station A defenseless asteroid belt mining facility brutalized by General Grievous and the Separatists during the Clone Wars. It was near Anoat and close to trade spaceways. Th e few survivors yearned for re-venge against Grievous.

Banz A Jedi youngling taken prisoner by General Grievous, he and his clanmates were brought to Belsus, where Grievous hoped to combine their potential dark side energy with Geonosian technology. The intervention of a group of Jedi targeting Grievous for assassination allowed for their escape.

Baobab, Ebenn Q3 (EQ3) A male member of the Naboo Royal Court pres-ent at Supreme Chancellor Palpatine’s ar-rival following the Battle of Naboo. Ebenn Q3 Baobab, better known as EQ3, was a distinguished author, traveler, humorist, ad-venturer, historian, and philologist. He pos-sessed the largest known private collection of Hutt folk art. He later relocated to Manda with his wife, Pookie, and a miniature ban-tha named Nuke. He was well known for a handy galactic phrasebook that he pub-lished.

Darth Bane

Banking Clan communications frigate

Admiral Banjeer

Farquil Ban’n

A Tusken Raider atop a bantha

Bantha-class assault shuttle

Ebenn Baobab (left) and Queen Amidala

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C clone commando cloud car, twin- pod C

Endor when his supply of clones was sabo-taged by treacherous agents.

clone commando These specialized clone troopers of the Grand Army of the Re-public were trained to act as infiltration agents separate from standard rank- and- file clone troopers. Comman-dos were trained in squads of four and wore specially upgraded Katarn armor painted a dull gray for better camouflage. Unlike other clones, commandos devel-oped deep relationships with the other members of their four- man squads. Re-cords from the Clone Wars attest to the effectiveness of the commandos, attributing the destruction of billions of battle droids to a few thousand clone commandos created during the war. More than half of that number were killed during the early stages of the Clone Wars, when the commandos were assigned to inexpe-rienced generals who failed to take full ad-vantage of their training.

clone intelligence units Specialized teams of clone troopers trained as intelligence agents during the Clone Wars, gathering infor-mation on the Separatists and their leadership without attracting undue attention. Th e intel-ligence units discovered that General Grievous was hiding on Utapau.

Clone Keepers A name given to the scien-tists and attendants responsible for Emperor Palpatine’s clone vats on the planet Byss.

clone SCUBA trooper Aquatic clone troopers equipped with modifi ed armor for underwater operations, with helmets

equipped with scrubber units that could ex-tract oxygen from the water. A specialized propulsion backpack allowed each trooper to move and maneuver underwater.

clone trooper Th e soldiers of the Grand Army of the Republic, mysteriously commis-sioned by the Jedi Master Sifo- Dyas. Th e Ka-minoans used bounty hunter Jango Fett as the genetic template for the fi ghting forces, employ-ing growth acceleration techniques to develop a fully mobile army in the span of a decade. When the Separatist movement led by Count Dooku militarized by taking on the droid armies of the various commerce guilds, the Republic was ready to respond with its own military forces in a confl ict that came to be known as the Clone Wars. Clone troopers were led into battle by Jedi Knights, who became generals in the wars.

Clone troopers were the progenitors of the Imperial stormtrooper ranks that would fol-low. Th ey wore a 20- piece set of white body armor modeled after the armor of the Man-dalorian Shocktroopers. Each clone trooper’s identifi cation number was coded into his DNA, allowing for specifi c individuals to be identifi ed, if needed. Th e use of clone troop-

ers simplifi ed the needs of combat medicine, as a single genetic template streamlined pharmaceutical treatment and surgery. Unfortunately, it also meant that the clone troopers were all vulnerable to the same biological agents. Early in the Clone Wars, the enemy Separatists experi-mented with biowarfare.

Unlike droids, clone troopers could think inde-pendently and creatively, and pressed their advantage despite the overwhelming numerical superiority of the Separatist droid army. According to estimates, a single clone trooper was re-

sponsible for the destruction of more than 200 battle droids, with specialized clones accounting for scores more. Th roughout the Clone Wars, the Kaminoans refi ned their cloning techniques, introducing specialized

variations such as clone commanders, ARC troopers, second- generation clones, and more. Because of their growth acceleration, clone troopers had about half the normal life span of a human, assuming they survived the rigors of combat.

Th e white helmets of the initial, Phase One clone troopers were striped with colors indi-cating a trooper’s rank: yellow for command-ers, red for captains, blue for lieutenants, and green for sergeants. Th is system was quickly supplanted by color coding that identifi ed in-dividual combat units. Many clone troopers became fast friends with their Jedi generals, and it was possible to see how the interactions of the Jedi shaped the personality and styles of the various clone units. Discontent with the level of personalization being displayed, the Kaminoans made future generations of clones more uniform.

A clone trooper was ultimately loyal to the Galactic Republic. Th e intense condition-ing and training was such that, when the Jedi were identifi ed as traitors to the government by the broadcasting of Order 66, clone troop-ers across the galaxy instantly responded by killing their commanding offi cers.

clone turbo tank See HAVw A6 Jugger-naut.

Clone Wars Th e last great confl ict of the Ga-lactic Republic, this was the name given to the war waged by the Grand Army of the Republic against the droid forces of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. During the war, the Jedi Knights acted as generals of the Grand Army, leading clone troopers across scattered battle-fi elds to bring an end to the Separatists.

Th e Clone Wars had its roots in a Separat-ist crisis that began during Supreme Chancel-lor Palpatine’s term of offi ce. A disaff ected Jedi Knight, Count Dooku, had left the Order, and

used his charismatic ways and fi ery political rhetoric to cause star systems to secede. Th is led to a number of scattered confl icts as more and more worlds left the Republic, and the small number of Jedi Knights tasked with pro-tecting order in the galaxy were overwhelmed. Th e Galactic Senate was in turmoil as alarmed Senators prescribed confl icting solutions to the growing problems. Some backed the Military Creation Act, fearful that war with the Sepa-ratists was inevitable. Others believed matters would never reach a confl ict: Th e Republic had avoided a full- scale war for almost a mil-lennium. Th roughout this upheaval, Palpatine extended his term beyond constitutional limi-tations, as the Senate demanded he stay in of-fi ce to guide the Republic through this storm.

Intelligence gathered by Jedi Knight Obi- Wan Kenobi on the Outer Rim world of Geonosis revealed that Dooku had entered into a secret treaty with a number of com-merce barons to acquire a droid army of un-paralled size. Th e Separatists were gearing for war, and the Republic had no choice but to answer in kind. Granted emergency powers by the Senate, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine activated the Grand Army of the Republic, which had been commissioned in secret by the Jedi Order a decade earlier. Th e fi rst battle of the Clone Wars then erupted on Geono-sis, as the Separatist leadership scattered. In this early phase, the complicity of the various commerce entities—the Trade Federation, Commerce Guild, Corporate Alliance, Techno Union, and InterGalactic Banking Clan—was frustratingly diffi cult to prove, and many of the organizations were allowed to keep their Senate representation.

Th e Clone Wars spanned about three years, and rapidly spread throughout the galaxy after the Battle of Geonosis. Th ough Count Dooku seemed the public mastermind of the Sepa-ratist strategy, he secretly answered to his Sith Master, Darth Sidious. Military actions were led by the cyborg General Grievous, and Dooku had a cadre of specialized underlings, including the bounty hunter Durge and the dark side warrior Asajj Ventress. Early in the war, Dooku’s forces mined the hyperspace routes that connected the Core Worlds to the rest of the galaxy, eff ec-

tively cutting off the Re-public from the bulk of its resources and allowing the Separatists relative freedom of movement in the Outer Rim. To match this maneu-ver, the Jedi entreated the Hutts to share their control of the Outer Rim, allow-ing the Republic to move their vessels through Hutt- controlled space.

Over the course of the war, public opinion of the Jedi Order waxed and waned. Th eir early defeats underscored their

vulnerability, and their reluctant adoption of the rank of general caused them to be blamed for many of the missteps in the Clone Wars. Still, there emerged champions like Anakin Skywalker and Obi- Wan Kenobi, respectively dubbed the Hero with No Fear and the Nego-tiator by an approving public. Heroes arose similarly on the side of the Separatists. Opin-ion of the Jedi reached its nadir near war’s end, when Chancellor Palpatine exposed a Jedi plot to take control of the Republic. It was an easy enough scenario to paint—after all, the Jedi had commissioned the clone army, and then went to battle against forces led by one of their own.

Th e real truth would be silenced by the ap-plause that accompanied the rise of the Galac-tic Empire. Darth Sidious, mastermind of the Separatists, and Chancellor Palpatine, leader of the Republic, were the same person. Th e years of confl ict had been a carefully orches-

trated plot to desta-bilize the Republic

and eliminate the Jedi. With the defeat of Count Dooku and General

Grievous, the Separatists were defeated fol-lowing the Outer Rim Sieges, and a trium-phant Chancellor Palpatine announced the formation of a new government that would forever do away with the chaos of the Repub-lic’s fi nal days.

Cloud An Imperial stormtrooper, he served as part of the Aurek- Seven unit of the Impe-rial 501st Legion following the formation of the Imperial Remnant and the signing of a peace treaty between the Empire and the New Republic.

cloud car, combat Following a standard cloud car design, these vessels filled a gap between airspeeders and starfighters, with enough weapons to go up against fighters and freighters. Combat cloud cars had a maximum altitude of 100 kilometers, as well as superior maneuverability and excellent speed. Most had extra hull plating and en-hanced weapons systems.

cloud car, twin- pod Atmospheric fl y-ing vehicles that used both repulsorlifts and ion engines. Typical models consisted of twin pods for pilots and passengers. Th ey could serve as patrol vehicles, cars for hire, or plea-sure craft.

Clone SCUBA troopers

Clone commando

The Clone Wars were fought on Christophsis and throughout the galaxy.

Clone troopers

Emperor Palpatine created a cache of clone duplicates of his body.

Combat cloud car

Twin-pod cloud car

The fi rst battle of the Clone Wars erupts on Geonosis.

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D Darnada, Vigo Darth Dthe second Death Star. Pav D’armon was killed in an Imperial raid.

Darnada, Vigo A monacle- wearing Dug who served as a Black Sun Vigo in the fi nal decades of the Galactic Republic. He had a Twi’lek bodyguard named Sinya. Despite the warnings of Neimoidian Hath Monchar, Dar-nada refused to believe the rumors that the Sith had returned to the galaxy. Two of Darnada’s enforcers, Aga Nasa and Gargachyyk, brought Darth Maul to the Vigo as a prospect for a new bodyguard. At that moment, Maul lashed out at Darnada’s forces, killing nearly all of his guards before slaying the Dug himself. Darth Maul then destroyed Darnada’s space station, though he did allow Aga Nasa to escape.

Daroe A Mos Eisley Jawa who worked as an informant for the Empire.

Daron A native of the planet Solem, he was part of the Rebel underground that sprang up during the early years of the Galactic Civil War. Daron gave his life trying to protect his leader, Yolan Bren.

Daroon, Miro A brilliant, intuitive tech ex-pert at the Jedi Temple, he was a tall nonhuman from the planet Piton, thin as a reed, with a high forehead and pale, almost white eyes. Since his species was accustomed to living underground, Miro wore a cap and tinted eye shields. When Xanatos and Bruck Chun sabotaged the central power structure of the Jedi Temple, it was Miro Daroon’s responsibility to fi x the problem. A year ahead of Xanatos in his Jedi training, Miro acknowledged that Xanatos was the only Jedi student who was better at constructing tech in-frastructure models than he was.

Dar’Or A planet in the Dar’Or system and the seldom- visited Jospro sector, this low- gravity forested world orbited an orange sun and was home to intelligent fl ying mammals called Ri’Dar. Along with the sloth-like sabertoothed indola, they inhabited the middle levels of a dense net-work of 200- meter- tall waza trees that covered the world. Predators of the Ri’Dar included the indola and the avian elix, which was introduced to Dar’Or by ecologists to save it from extinction on a supernova- threatened world. Th e Ri’Dar orga-nized their primitive soci-ety into warrens and cities. Th e planet was declared a Species Preservation Zone, but some smugglers still hunted the elix to sell its meat.

Darovit A boy at the time of the Battle of Ruu-san, he was trained for war on Somov Rit. In his youth, he went by the name Tomcat, and his cousins had similar play-

ful nicknames: Bug and Rain. Th ey were recruited by the Jedi to fi ght in the war against the Sith Brotherhood of Darkness. Th e Jedi Torr Snapit sacrifi ced his own life to save the young recruits, and Tomcat retrieved his lightsaber, joining the battle to fi ght alongside General Kiel Charny. Tomcat was quickly disillusioned by the rigors of war, and he grew disappointed by the numerous setbacks faced by the Jedi. Th e Sith Lord Gith-any lured Darovit to the dark side, a betrayal made complete when Darovit delivered a kill-ing blow to General Charny. Darovit, however, was unable to strike down his cousin Bug, and tried to renounce the dark side. Lord Kaan’s di-sastrous use of the Sith thought bomb resulted in the death of all the powerful Sith and Jedi warriors on Ruusan; Darovit was one of the few survivors due to his relatively weak connection to the Force. When Tomcat emerged from the cavern of the thought bomb, he discovered Rain newly apprenticed to Darth Bane. Tomcat drew his lightsaber to confront the Sith Lord, but Rain attacked fi rst. She used the dark side to destroy Tomcat’s right hand, in reality sparing his life.

Accepting his failure as both a Jedi and a Sith, Darovit found solace among the peace-ful Bouncers native to Ruusan. He studied the ways of natural healers on Ruusan, becoming known as the “Healing Hermit.” When the Jedi Order returned to the planet a decade later to build an enormous memorial to the fallen Jedi, Darovit was outraged and surreptitiously sabo-taged the construction eff ort. Confronted by the Jedi, Darovit recounted his witnessing of a Sith Lord survivor, Bane, ten years earlier, and was escorted to Coruscant to report his discovery to the Jedi Council. Before he could describe his encounter, though, he saw Rain— now Darth Zannah—infi ltrating the Jedi Temple in disguise. Zannah captured Darovit and took him with her to her ailing Master, Darth Bane.

Bane was beyond Darovit’s healing abilities, so Zannah took the Dark Lord to the Ambrian

healer, Caleb, with Darovit in tow. After Caleb healed Bane, Zannah killed Caleb and used the Force to drive Darovit mad. When a Jedi team came to investigate a report of a Dark Lord, the enraged Darovit attacked them, and the Jedi quickly killed him. Th ey mistak-enly believed that Darovit fi t the description of the Dark Lord, and thus they ceased their search, un-aware that the Sith Order secretly continued in Bane and Zannah.

Darpa sector Located in the Core on the edge of the Colonies region,

this sector made up one- half of the Ringali Shell. Its worlds included Esseles, Rhinnal, and Ralltiir, all of which were linked by the Perlemian Trade Route. Th e sector was long ruled by the heavy- handed Moff Jander Graff e.

Darpen, Tomer A human male from Commenor serving the New Republic Diplomatic Corps, he was the liaison be-tween Rogue Squadron and the Adumari. Darpen once served as a pilot with the Tier-fon Yellow Aces.

Darron, Commander Vict An Imperial Navy offi cer serving under Prince- Admiral Delak Krennel in the Ciutric Hegemony, he commanded the Star Destroyer Direption. Darron was given the reprehensible order of razing a village on Liinade III to secure the Hegemony’s borders. He arranged for the villagers to be evacuated prior to the bom-bardment. When the New Republic attacked Liinade III, the Direption was severely dam-aged, forcing Darron to surrender.

darr tah A Rakatan term that translated as “triumph over death,” “immortal,” or “conquest through the death of one’s enemies.” Some Jedi scholars believed that it might have become the basis for the Sith Lord title Darth.

Darsana, Senator Th e galactic ambassa-dor of Glee Anselm during the Separatist cri-sis. After the assassination attempt on Senator Padmé Amidala, Darsana began to question the eff ectiveness of Jedi protection. He was a blue- haired, scrunch- faced Anselmi.

Darsk, Ris See Dlarit, Erisi.

Dart Th e code name used by Rebel Alliance spy Yom Argo.

Darté, Roblio An imposing Jedi who led the Republic forces at Parcelus Minor dur-ing the Clone Wars. His army was decimated when the Separatists bombarded the planet from orbit, causing the natural oil tzeotine to combust. Th ough badly wounded during the attack, the Jedi general survived to give a re-port to the Jedi Council. Darté was one of the few Jedi to survive Order 66. He assembled on Kessel with fellow survivors in a trap set to ensnare Darth Vader. Darté believed that ven-geance would be justifi ed if it brought an end to the Sith. He was one of the last Jedi to fall after being shot by Vader’s clone troopers. He wielded a unique Y- shaped lightsaber.

Darth A title used by certain Sith Lords; its origins are lost to history. Th e fi rst known Sith Lords to use it were Darth Malak and Darth Revan, though it’s possible the name predates even their use. Some Jedi historians believed the title Darth might have Rakatan origins, Darovit

Roblio Darté

Darth Andeddu Darth Azard Darth Bandon Darth Bane Darth Caedus Darth Cognus

Darth Desolous Darth Krayt Darth Kruhl Darth Maladi Darth Malak

Darth Maleval Darth Maul Darth Millenial Darth Nihilus Darth Nihl Darth Phobos

Darth Plagueis Darth Revan Darth Rivan Darth Ruin Darth Ruyn

Darth Sidious Darth Sion Darth Stryfe Darth Talon Darth Traya Darth Tyranus

Darth Vader Darth Vectivus Darth Wyyrlok (III) Darth Zannah

Notable Darths

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L light shaperL Lifehold, Dannen


ecosystem and the many forms of life it en-compassed. It also was a time to remem-ber family members who had died, and the young ones who continued to bring new life to a family. Extended Wookiee families would customarily gather to celebrate a day of joy and harmony, as promised by the Tree of Life. Life Day was held once every three local years for many generations, but during the Galactic Civil War its importance to the Wookiees became more pronounced.

Lifehold, Dannen A blue- haired human smuggler who operated during the Galactic Civil War. He piloted the freighter Lifeline with the help of a Tinnel mechanic named Purr.

life- jet Small safety jetpacks found at vari-ous locations along the outer edge of Cloud City on Bespin for use in emergencies.

life- orchard Th e name given to any of the specialized growing environments required for producing life- crystals.

Lifewell A bioengineered construct used by the ancient Kathol to store their life energies during the struggle between the ancient Jedi Knights and the Dark Jedi who had enslaved the Kathol. Th e Lifewell, which later became known as DarkStryder, was essentially a huge, glowing, crystalline organ that pulsed with the life energies of the ancient Kathol. Th e crys-tal’s tip emerged in a secret chamber within DarkStryder’s fortress, but extended for sev-eral kilometers straight down into the plan-et’s mantle. Th e chamber that housed it was formed from huge bones, and was fi lled with organic, tactile control systems.

Only a handful of Kathol managed to enter the Lifewell before the destruction of its launch gates. Its own self- awareness kept it from re-leasing the Kathol. Since the Kathol were unable to break free of the Lifewell, their life energies evolved into the Ta- Ree. During the Battle of Kathol, the Lifewell was opened by Halbret, who had been awakened by the crew of the FarStar.

life- witch See life- bearer.

lift tube Cylindrical tubes used to trans-port cargo or passengers into or out of a ship, transport, or building. Th ey often employed repulsorlifts or vacuums to lift and drop their cargo. Th e Jawas on Tatooine used them to “suck” the scrap material they collected into the bellies of their sandcrawlers.

lift- wing racing A sport that used a small sail, stretched across a rigid frame, to allow a racer to glide through the air. Th e frame pro-vided minimal lift and maneuverability, but allowed the racer to guide the frame toward the fi nish line.

Light and Darkness War One of the many terms used to describe the New Sith Wars, which occurred more than a millen-nium before the Clone Wars and ended with the Battle of Ruusan.

lighter Any small, light- duty transport ship. Th ese ships were easily modifi ed and could be armed for combat.

Light Festival An Ewok celebration that honored the rejuvenation of the Tree of Light.

lightfoil A dueling weapon popular in the Ta-pani sector. It was modeled on the lightsabers of the Jedi Knights, but was much smaller and not as powerful or energy- effi cient as the Jedi weapon.

Lightmoon, Gibbon A New Republic fl ight technician who was one of the initial de-signers of the covert shroud freighter/fi ghter system used by Luke Skywalker during the Re-public’s struggle with Grand Admiral Th rawn.

Light of Reason A spacecraft used by Nam Chorios strongman Seti Ashgad. Ashgad took the ship to meet with Leia Organa Solo near Nam Chorios, as well as to transport weapons and synthdroids from Loronar Corporation to Nam Chorios.

lightpad A specialized form of datapad, cre-ated for medical use during the last decades of the Old Republic. It was used by doctors and nurses to monitor the vital statistics of their patients.

Lightrunner Mammon Hoole’s personal starship. He used it during his search for Borborygmus Gog and Project Starscream. It also served as transport for his young niece and nephew Tash and Zak Arranda following the destruction of Alderaan. Th e Lightrunner was damaged when its hyperdrive cut out upon detecting the presence of D’vouran in its vicinity, and Hoole was forced to land the ship on the unusual planet. When the planet began consuming everything in sight, Hoole and his charges were forced to fl ee in the Millennium Falcon with Han Solo and Luke Skywalker.

lightsaber Th e lightsaber was known as the weapon of a Jedi, an elegant armament of a more civilized time. In comparison, blasters were seen as crude, inaccurate, and loud af-fairs. To carry a lightsaber was a mark of in-credible skill and confi dence, dexterity, and attunement to the Force. But the followers of the dark side used them, too.

When deactivated, a lightsaber appeared as a polished metallic handle, about 24 to 30 centimeters long, lined with control studs. Th ere were many styles of lightsaber hilts, including adept, adjudicator, arbiter, avenger, champion, consul, defender, fi rebrand, guard-ian, praetor, retaliator, sentinel, vanquisher, and vindicator. At the press of a button, the energy contained within was liberated and formed a shaft of pure energy about a meter long. Th e saber hummed and scintillated with a distinct sound. Its shimmering blade was ca-pable of cutting through almost anything, save for the blade of another lightsaber.

In the hands of a Jedi, a lightsaber was al-

most unstoppable. It could cut through blast doors and enemies alike. Using the Force, a Jedi could predict and defl ect incoming blaster bolts, and refl ect them back at the fi rer. By tradition, most lightsabers were built by their users as part of their Jedi training. Th ey could be built in a few days in an emergency, but many users took a month or more to construct and fi ne- tune the weapon. After the extermi-nation of the Jedi at the end of the Clone Wars, lightsabers became rare relics. Th e knowledge of their construction disappeared with their masters. Luke Skywalker, one of the last of the Jedi, built his own lightsaber as the culmina-tion of his training, and then taught a new Jedi Order how to do the same.

Although the lightsaber was reserved for Force- users—the only ones capable of fully handling the diffi cult weapon—it was also used by the Jedi’s enemies, the Sith.

Lightsabers changed little in the thousands of years of their employ by the Jedi Knights. Th ose who believed the Jedi Order began on the ancient world of Ossus pointed to the abundance of Adegan crystals in the system as proof. Th ese crystals were ideal for the cre-ation of lightsabers, as they focused the energy released from a saber’s power cell into a tight, blade- like beam. Early lightsabers didn’t have self- contained power cells, but instead were connected by a conducting cable to a belt- worn power pack.

Once unleashed, the power channeled through a positively charged continuous en-ergy lens at the center of the handle. Th e beam then arced circumferentially back to a nega-tively charged high- energy fl ux aperture. A superconductor transferred the power from the fl ux aperture to the power cell. As a result, a lightsaber only expended power when its blade cut through something. So effi cient was the blade that it did not radiate heat unless it came into contact with something.

Th e blade’s color depended on the na-ture of the jewel it came from, and while its length was fi xed in the case of a single- jewel lightsaber, lightsabers equipped with multiple crystals could have their lengths varied by ro-tating a knob that allowed the focusing crys-tal activator to subtly modify the refraction pattern among the gems. With the Sith long believed extinct until the end of the Clone Wars, lightsaber dueling occurred only within the practice chambers of the Jedi Temple. To a Jedi, a lightsaber was not just a weapon. It was a means of concentrating attention and becoming attuned with the Force.

light- scan visor Originally developed more than 4,000 years before the Battle of Yavin, these devices provided enhanced visual acuity by analyzing incoming light sources and providing visual displays from frequencies above those of normal sight. More expensive visors could be adjusted for species- specifi c characteristics.

light shaper Similar to a villip- choir fi eld, this Yuuzhan Vong technology used special-ized creatures to send and receive images

Notable Lightsabers

Darth Vader’s Secret Apprentice (Starkiller) Plo Koon Darth Sidious

Darth Bane Master Rahm Kota Sith Saber

Maris Brood Darth Krayt Anakin/Luke Skywalker

Darth Desolous Exar Kun Luke Skywalker

Kit Fisto Darth Malak Kol/Cade Skywalker

Melik Galerha Darth Maul Stormtrooper

A’Sharad Hett Celeste Morne Darth Talon

Sharad Hett Ki-Adi-Mundi Ahsoka Tano

Imperial Knights Darth Nihilus Shaak Ti

Mara Jade Kazdan Paratus Saesee Tiin

Qui-Gon Jinn Darth Phobos Darth Tyranus

Tenel Ka Cay Qel-Droma Darth Vader

Kyle Katarn Ulic Qel-Droma Asajj Ventress

Obi-Wan Kenobi (Padawan) Darth Revan Quinlan Vos

Obi-Wan Kenobi (Knight/Master) T’ra Saa Mace Windu

Agen Kolar Bastila Shan Yoda


Lightsabers not to scale.

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2nd Airborne Company Th is was one of the divisions of the Grand Army of the Republic’s 212th Attack Battalion. Th e 2nd Airborne Company was part of the assault on Utapau, led by Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi, during the hunt for General Grievous at the end of the Clone Wars. Th e 2nd Airborne had a distinct hatred of Mandalorians, and members took out their feelings on the clone troop-ers of the GAR.

2nd Platoon Th is division of the Grand Army of the Republic’s Bacta Company was commanded by Lieutenant Barr during the Clone Wars.

2nd Sector Army Th is division of the Grand Army of the Republic was commanded by Jedi Master Ry-Gaul during the Clone Wars. Th e 2nd Sector Army was part of Sys-tems Army Alpha.

7th Legion A division of the Grand Army of the Republic under the command of Senior Clone Commander A’den dur-ing the Clone Wars. It was part of the 327th Star Corps.

Saa, T’ra The Jedi Watch-man of the planetary sector that contained the twin planets of Kiffex and Kiffu during the years surrounding the Battle of Naboo. A tall, female Neti, T’ra Saa often moved about in humanoid form, with yellow skin and a collection of thick tendrils atop her head. It was T’ra Saa who first discovered the resurgence of dark side en-ergy that emanated from Volfe Karkko after the Anzati was released from his stasis field by Aayla Secura. She teamed with Quinlan Vos and two Jedi Masters, Tholme and Zao, to defeat the Anzati Sith magician.

During the Clone Wars, T’ra Saa was one

of the many Jedi Masters who reluctantly as-sumed the rank of general for the Old Repub-lic, seeing action on Devaron and Geonosis. Some 17 months after the Battle of Geonosis,

bounty hunters badly wounded Master Saa on Null, and she spent a great deal of time in a bacta tank during her recovery. Th olme and T’ra Saa traveled to Nar Shaddaa to locate Quin-lan Vos’s lover Khaleen Hentz, but were stranded there when the command was given to execute Order 66. Th us, they were able to survive the initial killings of the Jedi Purge, and later accompanied Hentz to Kashyyyk.

saago grass A tall, brittle grass found in deserts and on the beaches of Naboo. Gun-gans harvested saago grass, which was softened in the sap of the rutiger tree to create a

durable, leather- like material used in clothing and armor.

Saak’ak A Neimoidian freighter. To all appearances, the Saak’ak was merely a com-mercial vessel, its horseshoe shape designed to carry large amounts of cargo. In addition to its cloaking device, however, the ship was equipped with heavy durasteel armor plat-

ing, blaster turrets, and military- strength communications arrays that became vis-ible when an unwary enemy came within fi ring range. In Basic, the ship was known as the Profi teer.

Saarai- kaar Th e highest rank attain-able by a Jensaarai Force- user. Th ere could be only one Saarai- kaar at any given time.

Saarrj, Lieutenant Izbela An offi -cer in the Imperial Forensic Intelligence agency during the height of the New Order, her investigations exposed the threat posed by Tyber Zann.

Saarn An isolated, hidden world, Saarn was used by the Rebel Alliance for military train-ing and was later a remote surveillance outpost after the New Republic moved to Coruscant. Five years after the Battle of Endor, one of Grand Admiral Th rawn’s Star Destroyers, the Stormhawk, executed a hit- and- fade attack on Saarn, wiping out New Republic personnel. Th rawn’s forces set up a listening post there to protect the movement of the Imperial fl eet.

sabacc A popular electronic card game in which high stakes—ranging from spacecraft to planets—could be won and lost. Sabacc was played using a deck of 76 card- chips with values that changed randomly in response to electronic impulses. Th e deck’s four suits were sabers, staves, fl asks, and coins. Each suit consisted of cards numbered 1 through 11 and four ranked cards—Commander, Mistress, Master, and Ace—equivalent to 12 through 15. Th ere were also 16 face cards. A hand was dealt when the dealer pressed a button on the sabacc table to send out a se-ries of random pulses that shifted the values and pictures shown on the card- chips. Players bet and bluff ed; they could lock in the values of any of their card- chips by placing them in the table’s interference fi eld, which blocked the dealer’s pulses. To win, a player had to get a pure sabacc, which totaled exactly 23, or an idiot’s array, which consisted of an idiot face card (value 0), a card valued at 2, and a card valued at 3—a literal 23.

< Han Solo, Leia Organa Solo, and Luke Skywalker (left to right)


T’ra Saa


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