the commercial crescent - durrat albahrain ranging from 1,500; ... restaurants, a golf course and a...

THE COMMERCIAL CRESCENT QÉ```````ª```````ã```````à`````°SÓ`````````d ¢Uô`````````a

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Post on 08-Mar-2018




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Page 1: THE COMMERCIAL CRESCENT - Durrat AlBahrain ranging from 1,500; ... restaurants, a golf course and a 400- ... the retail hub of the Commercial Crescent begins, and provides


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Page 2: THE COMMERCIAL CRESCENT - Durrat AlBahrain ranging from 1,500; ... restaurants, a golf course and a 400- ... the retail hub of the Commercial Crescent begins, and provides
Page 3: THE COMMERCIAL CRESCENT - Durrat AlBahrain ranging from 1,500; ... restaurants, a golf course and a 400- ... the retail hub of the Commercial Crescent begins, and provides

Durrat Al BahrainEmerging out of the crystal clear waters off the southern tip of the Island Nation, lies Durrat Al Bahrain, a fully masterplanned 20-million square meter residential, leisure and tourist resort city.

A US$ three billion joint development by the government of Bahrain and Kuwait Finance House (Bahrain), a leading Islamic commercial and investment bank. A creation of world-renowned engineering design and consultancy firm, W.S. Atkins, of the famed Burj Al Arab andKMC Bovis, a project development management firm by partners Kuwaiti Manager Company& Bovis Lend Lease.

Upon completion of the project by 2009, Durrat Al Bahrain will be the region’s most prominent seaside resort city offering a cradle to over 5,000 beachfront villas and apartments with sizes ranging from 1,500; 1,000; 750 to 500 square meters. In a stunning world-class leisure environment with parks, entertainment strips, malls, restaurants, a golf course and a 400-berth marina that’s home to over 45,000 upscale residents, and a destination of choice by around 4,500 visitors from across the world everyday.

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Proposed Bahrain-Qatar Causeway

King Fahd Causeway Bahrain-Saudi Arabia

Page 4: THE COMMERCIAL CRESCENT - Durrat AlBahrain ranging from 1,500; ... restaurants, a golf course and a 400- ... the retail hub of the Commercial Crescent begins, and provides
Page 5: THE COMMERCIAL CRESCENT - Durrat AlBahrain ranging from 1,500; ... restaurants, a golf course and a 400- ... the retail hub of the Commercial Crescent begins, and provides

An Exclusive Investment OpportunityThe Commercial Crescent

The Durrat Al Bahrain Commercial Crescent is an exclusive investment opportunity, a waterfront community that will be the envy of the Gulf region and the world.

Breathtaking in its design elegance, the Commercial Crescent brings together traditional Arabic wisdom with high quality and contemporary design.

Reflecting the Kingdom’s affinity with the sea, the masterplan of the Commercial Crescenthas been designed to create a powerful connection between the land and the water, ensuring that any point within the development is continually by the beachfront.

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Page 6: THE COMMERCIAL CRESCENT - Durrat AlBahrain ranging from 1,500; ... restaurants, a golf course and a 400- ... the retail hub of the Commercial Crescent begins, and provides

Central Waterfront

The Gateway Towers

The Durrat Central Tower

Beachfront Towers

Crescent Horns

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Page 7: THE COMMERCIAL CRESCENT - Durrat AlBahrain ranging from 1,500; ... restaurants, a golf course and a 400- ... the retail hub of the Commercial Crescent begins, and provides

Central Waterfront

The Jewel Of The Crescent

Nestled around the clear waters of the inner harbour of Durrat Al Bahrain, the Central Waterfront provides the perfect experience for both the resident and the visitor.

This multilevel retail and entertainment precint becomes a centre of activities with world-class dining and entertainment, and a wealth of shopping choices from designer stores to the traditional souq.

In this heart and jewel of the Crescent, the Waterfront Towers rise magnificently along thebeachfront promenade. The Durrat Al Bahrain Cultural Centre frames its skyline with a quaint design which resembles the sail of a traditional dhow boat. And towering high above the Crescent is the Durrat Al Bahrain Central Tower which is poised to become the Kingdom’s new iconic landmark.

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Page 8: THE COMMERCIAL CRESCENT - Durrat AlBahrain ranging from 1,500; ... restaurants, a golf course and a 400- ... the retail hub of the Commercial Crescent begins, and provides

The Gateway Towers

Views From The Top

The soaring 40-storey Gateway Towers stand on either side of the road leading to the hotel island and beautifully frames the oceanic views to the atoll and petal islands.

The tower’s position allows unique expansive views to the north and south along the coastline of Durrat Al Bahrain.

Amidst it is a picturesque natural surrounding with lush landscaping, water features and ambience lighting. The overall design creates an exhilarating setting for evening walks in the vicinity of the towers, against a stunning backdrop of a golden sunset in the waters of Durrat Al Bahrain.

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Page 9: THE COMMERCIAL CRESCENT - Durrat AlBahrain ranging from 1,500; ... restaurants, a golf course and a 400- ... the retail hub of the Commercial Crescent begins, and provides

The Durrat Central Tower

An Address For The Privileged Few

Rising majestically above the waterfront is the glittering 100-storey Durrat Al Bahrain Central Tower, the most exclusive address in the region.

This magnificent state-of-the-art residential tower soars to a height of 300 meters and isthe icon for Durrat Al Bahrain and the Kingdom of Bahrain. It stands in a prime location at the centre of the retail district and offers spectacular 360-degree views of the entire development.

At the tower’s lower levels, the retail hub of the Commercial Crescent begins, and provides residents of the tower direct access to the abundant retail offerings. It is accessible by private vehicle access and offers ample car parking space at the base.

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Page 10: THE COMMERCIAL CRESCENT - Durrat AlBahrain ranging from 1,500; ... restaurants, a golf course and a 400- ... the retail hub of the Commercial Crescent begins, and provides

Beachfront Towers

A World Of Refinement

The vibrant and exciting beachfront of Durrat Al-Bahrain hosts a wide variety of development types and opportunities. A spectacular array of apartment towers, ranging from 14 to 29 storeys stand amongst the more intimate ground level villas providing a highly active landscape of gardens, recreation facilities, shaded plazas, tower lobbies, villas and grand entrances.

All sites have been designed to allow direct access from every residence to the beachfront and boardwalk. Both the tower apartments and ground level villas offer maximum living space and provide breathtaking views of the landscapes and the beach. The developments are built with grand arrival areas, VIP disembarking plaza, internal parking and recreational facilities such as tennis courts and swimming pools.

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Page 11: THE COMMERCIAL CRESCENT - Durrat AlBahrain ranging from 1,500; ... restaurants, a golf course and a 400- ... the retail hub of the Commercial Crescent begins, and provides

Crescent Horns

A Unique Lifestyle Of Choice

Experience a life less ordinary at the Crescent Horns. A row of smaller scale and yet very exclusive residential developments situated at the furthest points on each side of the Commercial Crescent.

A fusion of impeccable lifestyles in a very plush residential environment, with all the first-classleisure and recreation conveniences just steps away from home. With health spas and fitnesscentres for invigorating the mind and body. Plus a host of dining establishments from gourmet to fastfood and offering a choice of local and international cuisines to suit various tastes and special preferences.

Truly a perfect place to relax and unwind for residents and island guests.

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Page 12: THE COMMERCIAL CRESCENT - Durrat AlBahrain ranging from 1,500; ... restaurants, a golf course and a 400- ... the retail hub of the Commercial Crescent begins, and provides

Central Garden Apartments

The Canal Apartments

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Page 13: THE COMMERCIAL CRESCENT - Durrat AlBahrain ranging from 1,500; ... restaurants, a golf course and a 400- ... the retail hub of the Commercial Crescent begins, and provides

Central Garden Apartments

An Oasis Of Comfort

The Central Garden Apartments are located behind the Central Waterfront, within easy access to the retail centre beside the Garden Apartments.

The apartments offer beautiful views of the lakes and parklands whilst still being close to the beachfront, public gardens and the Grand Mosque. Of special value is a one level of garden apartments that forms a podium to each apartment building with direct access to the paradise gardens.

The apartments are immersed in a garden oasis. A terraced design allows construction of penthouse units into the structure, and at the same time offers residents panoramic views of the ocean, lake area and landscapes as well as access to the promenade activities.

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Page 14: THE COMMERCIAL CRESCENT - Durrat AlBahrain ranging from 1,500; ... restaurants, a golf course and a 400- ... the retail hub of the Commercial Crescent begins, and provides

Canal Apartments

The Art Of Gracious Living

The Canal Apartments along the western side of the Horns create the unique feel of a gracious villa living in a very tranquil setting. Every unit has its own view over a lush private courtyard.

The deep water areas nearby also which afford residents excellent window views and at the same time, the means to moor even the largest boats right up to their own private shoreline.

While maintaining exclusivity, these apartments also offer superior access to the commercial areas. Right next door are the central retail areas, smaller shopping areas, local mosques and other community facilities.

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Page 15: THE COMMERCIAL CRESCENT - Durrat AlBahrain ranging from 1,500; ... restaurants, a golf course and a 400- ... the retail hub of the Commercial Crescent begins, and provides

Lakeside Apartments Iô`«`ë`Ñ`dG ≥`≤`°T

Page 16: THE COMMERCIAL CRESCENT - Durrat AlBahrain ranging from 1,500; ... restaurants, a golf course and a 400- ... the retail hub of the Commercial Crescent begins, and provides

Lakeside Apartments

In Harmony With Nature

These apartments are set within the more private and intimate lakeside parklands that include gardens and the lakeside boardwalk and promenade. The apartments are within easy reach of the retail, entertainment hub and central mosque while retaining their quiet surroundings. The residential development has been designed to create four unique community groups each focused on their own lakeside bay. The lake greatly increases the value of the property in this area which has been dedicated to the creation of large areas of picturesque parklands and waterfronts.

This area of the site will be more intimate in its scale and its residents will have the opportunity for a closer connection with the waterfront. Local water taxis, fountains and artworks will ensure this serene area remains active.

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Page 17: THE COMMERCIAL CRESCENT - Durrat AlBahrain ranging from 1,500; ... restaurants, a golf course and a 400- ... the retail hub of the Commercial Crescent begins, and provides

The Promenade

The Nexus of the Crescent

World-class Amenities


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Page 18: THE COMMERCIAL CRESCENT - Durrat AlBahrain ranging from 1,500; ... restaurants, a golf course and a 400- ... the retail hub of the Commercial Crescent begins, and provides

The Place To Be Seen

The Promenade

Boutique shops, cosy cafes, quality restaurants and leisure facilities all open out onto the beautiful waterfront promenade which is sure to make this retail precinct the place to be seen at Durrat Al Bahrain.

Flowing terrace-style landscaping means that the waterfront residents and visitors can take a stroll through the idyllic paradise gardens and up the Grand Staircase to the magnificent GrandMosque.

Located in the centre of the retail precinct residents and visitors of the state-of-the- art Durrat Al Bahrain Tower will enjoy a prime position to take advantage of the many retail offerings at this area.

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Page 19: THE COMMERCIAL CRESCENT - Durrat AlBahrain ranging from 1,500; ... restaurants, a golf course and a 400- ... the retail hub of the Commercial Crescent begins, and provides

A Life Of Exclusivity

Living At The Heart Of The Crescent

The Crescent offers myriad lifestyles that are attuned to various needs and preferences.

At the nexus of the Crescent, one can choose to ride the vigorous pace of high-rise condominium living at the luxurious Central Tower located in the heart of the Crescent or live a laid back life at the secluded and private courtyards of the Canal Apartments.

Both ways, a resident will enjoy living in a stimulating nature-environment designed with free-flowing landscapes. And next door to exquisite panoramic views of beachfront andwaterways.

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Page 20: THE COMMERCIAL CRESCENT - Durrat AlBahrain ranging from 1,500; ... restaurants, a golf course and a 400- ... the retail hub of the Commercial Crescent begins, and provides

World-class Amenities

The Crescent offers residents many amenities including the Central Mosque, schools, a women’s centre, medical and community facilities. The Central Mosque and surrounding area will be a spiritual haven, floating in a serene reflecting pondwhich irrigates the gardens as it flows down to the sea. This area is the more traditional heart of Durrat AlBahrain and provides a balance to the modern retail and entertainment facilities along the water’s edge. Durrat Al Bahrain will also feature a full-service Marina, which in addition to accommodating some 400 boats will also set the scene for a canal-type environment complete with waterfront townhouses and apartments and numerous cafes and shopping outlets lining its winding paths and waterways. Other unique aspects of the project include an 18-hole championship golf course overlooked by a 300-room hotel and over 250 villas facing either the greens or the sea. The landscaped environment of the Commercial Crescent will be one of the greatest assets for the community with the parklands providing public access to the lakeside, paradise gardens and the beachfront. Water features will be used to cool the sea breezes in the shade of trees and sheltering structures to allow people to enjoy the beautiful outdoor spaces... ensuring that the Commercial Crescent of Durrat Al Bahrain is an idyllic place to visit or live in all-year-round.

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In The Heart Of It All

Page 21: THE COMMERCIAL CRESCENT - Durrat AlBahrain ranging from 1,500; ... restaurants, a golf course and a 400- ... the retail hub of the Commercial Crescent begins, and provides

Plot Plan

Development Scheduled Tasks

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Page 22: THE COMMERCIAL CRESCENT - Durrat AlBahrain ranging from 1,500; ... restaurants, a golf course and a 400- ... the retail hub of the Commercial Crescent begins, and provides

aDevelop-ment Dis-

tricts Lot Number Land Use

Site Area (m2)

Max. Number

of Storeys (Podium)

Total Number

of Building Storeys (Incl.


Car Park GFA (m2)

Total GFA (m2)

Max. Building Coverage

(Incl. Podium)

Max. Build-ing Cover-age (Excl. podium)

Approx. FSR


SC01 Mixed Use 3,648 1 8 1,305 6,930 40% 30% 1.90

SC02 Residential 3,487 1 8 1,414 6,625 45% 30% 1.90

SC03 Residential 3,652 1 7 1,305 6,573 40% 30% 1.80

SC04 Residential 3,513 1 7 1,305 6,324 40% 32% 1.80

SC05 Residential 2,985 1 7 979 5,075 40% 30% 1.70

SC06 Residential 2,792 1 7 979 4,747 40% 30% 1.70

SC07 Residential 2,812 1 6 1,068 5,061 42% 40% 1.80

SC08 Residential 2,529 1 6 1,068 4,931 45% 45% 1.95

SC09 Residential 2,209 1 6 623 3,159 32% 30% 1.43

SC10 Residential 2,007 1 6 623 2,870 35% 35% 1.43

SC11 Residential 2,863 1 5 831 4,093 35% 40% 1.43

SC12 Residential 2,633 1 5 831 3,765 35% 43% 1.43

SC13 Residential 1,832 1 5 485 2,474 30% 35% 1.35

SC14 Residential 1,637 1 5 485 2,210 35% 40% 1.35

SC15 Residential 1,936 1 4 593 2,808 35% 57% 1.45

SC16 Residential 1,802 1 4 593 2,612 37% 62% 1.45

SC17 Open Space 2,954 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0.00

SC18 Residential 4,365 1 9 2,521 13,095 70% 40% 3.00

SC19 Residential 6,245 1 8 2,571 12,677 45% 30% 2.03

SC20 Residential 9,888 1 6 2,769 13,843 35% 30% 1.40

SC21 Residential 2,832 1 6 890 4,531 35% 33% 1.60

SC22 Residential 3,631 1 8 1,285 6,536 35% 25% 1.80

SC23 Residential 2,665 1 6 890 4,264 37% 35% 1.60

SC24 Residential 3,472 1 8 1,285 6,250 40% 28% 1.80

SC25 Residential 2,989 1 5 692 3,886 25% 32% 1.30

SC26 Residential 2,876 1 7 1,088 5,032 42% 33% 1.75

SC27 Residential 3,285 1 5 692 3,614 25% 30% 1.10

SC28 Residential 2,989 1 7 870 4,185 35% 26% 1.40

SC29 Mixed Use 7,406 1 7 2,571 13,331 40% 33% 1.80

SC30 Mixed Use 5,337 1 5 1,246 6,778 15% 32% 1.27

SC31 Mixed Use 4,656 1 5 969 5,355 25% 30% 1.15

SC32 Open Space 1,461 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0.00

SC33 Open Space 1,307 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0.00

SC34 Open Space 4,080 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0.00

SC35 Open Space 3,898 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0.00

SC36 Open Space 2,414 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0.00

SC37 Open Space 7,465 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0.00

SC38 Open Space 476 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0.00

SC39 Mos 4,219 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0.00

SUBTOTAL 0.00 0.00 133,245 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00


MS01 Mos 11,406 2 0 0 0 0% 0% 0.00

MS02 Open Space 3,077 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0.00

SUBTOTAL 0.00 0.00 14,483 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00


CM01 Community 44,777 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0.00

CM02 School 66,088 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0.00

SUBTOTAL 0.00 0.00 110,865 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00

Development Districts

Lot Number Land Use Site Area


Max. Number

of Storeys (Podium)

Total Number

of Building Storeys (Incl.


Car Park GFA (m2)

Total GFA (m2)

Max. Building Coverage

(Incl. Podium)

Max. Build-ing Cover-age (Excl. podium)

Approx. FSR


LK01 Mixed Use 17,291 1 7 4,568 23,342 30% 25% 1.35

LK02 Residential 12,127 1 7 2,610 13,946 25% 20% 1.15

LK03 Residential 6,530 1 7 1,740 8,816 35% 25% 1.35

LK04 Residential 5,910 1 6 1,869 9,456 25% 23% 1.60

LK05 Residential 2,540 1 6 801 4,065 40% 37% 1.60

LK06 Residential 3,600 1 6 1,246 6,120 40% 37% 1.70

LK07 Residential 4,233 1 6 1,246 6,349 32% 30% 1.50

LK08 Residential 3,589 1 5 831 4,128 25% 33% 1.15

LK09 Residential 5,695 1 6 1,780 8,828 35% 35% 1.55

LK10 Residential 5,128 1 5 1,582 7,692 35% 37% 1.50

LK11 Residential 2,306 1 4 593 2,997 30% 40% 1.30

LK12 Residential 2,163 1 4 593 2,812 30% 43% 1.30

LK13 Residential 5,239 1 5 1,582 7,859 35% 36% 1.50

LK14 Residential 5,710 1 7 1,523 7,994 30% 25% 1.40

LK15 Residential 2,440 1 4 593 2,929 30% 40% 1.20

LK16 Residential 3,145 1 5 692 3,774 25% 30% 1.20

LK17 Residential 7,372 1 7 1,740 9,584 30% 20% 1.30

LK18 Residential 3,220 1 7 1,305 6,440 45% 35% 2.00

LK19 Open Space 985 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0.00

LK20 Open Space 1,751 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0.00

LK21 Open Space 2,521 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0.00

LK22 Open Space 3,181 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0.00

LK23 Open Space 1,707 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0.00

LK24 Open Space 10,228 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0.00

LK25 Open Space 3,853 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0.00

LK26 Water Body 62,939 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0.00

SUBTOTAL 0.00 0.00 185,404 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00

TOTAL 0.00 0.00 975,020 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00

Legal Disclaimer Durrat Al Bahrain makes every effort to ensure that the information on this brochure is valid and up-to-date. However, no guarantee is made that the development specifications or any other informationare accurate and Durrat Al Bahrain reserves the right to change them at any time. Readers should contact Durrat Al Bahrain to confirm any specific details.

Durrat Al Bahrain

The Crescent

Site Development Plan

Page 23: THE COMMERCIAL CRESCENT - Durrat AlBahrain ranging from 1,500; ... restaurants, a golf course and a 400- ... the retail hub of the Commercial Crescent begins, and provides

Development Districts

Lot Number Land Use Site Area


Max. Number

of Storeys (Podium)

Total Number

of Building Storeys (Incl.


Car Park GFA (m2)

Total GFA (m2)

Max. Building Coverage

(Incl. Podium)

Max. Build-ing Cover-age (Excl. podium)

Approx. FSR

ICON (IC) IC01 Residential 19,113 3 103 39,550 181,577 75% 12% 9.50

SUBTOTAL 0.00 0.00 19,113 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00


NH01 Mixed Use 10,304 2 14 2,848 14,941 30% 12% 1.45

NH02 Open Space 645 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0.00

SUBTOTAL 0.00 0.00 10,950 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00


SH01 Mixed Use 10,293 2 14 2,848 14,924 30% 12% 1.45

SH02 Open Space 646 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0.00

SUBTOTAL 0.00 0.00 10,939 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00


WF01 Mixed Use 20,769 2 6 2,215 0 0% 15% 0.00

WF02 Mixed Use 16,860 2 6 2,215 0 0% 17% 0.00

WF03 Mixed Use 11,206 2 6 2,215 0 0% 24% 0.00

WF04 Mixed Use 25,589 2 6 2,215 0 0% 12% 0.00

WF05a Retail 10,163 2 0 0 0 0% 0% 0.00

WF05b Retail 10,670 2 0 0 0 0% 0% 0.00

WF06 Retail 36,801 2 0 0 0 0% 0% 0.00

WF07 Residential 6,870 2 37 9,690 47,744 100% 20% 6.95

WF08 Residential 6,896 2 37 9,690 47,745 100% 20% 6.92

WF09 Residential 9,197 2 37 9,690 46,905 100% 15% 5.10

WF10 Open Space 6,920 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0.00

WF11 Open Space 10,200 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0.00

WF13 Water Body 4,523 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0.00

SUBTOTAL 0.00 0.00 177,944 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00


WT01 Mixed Use 4,872 3 40 7,317 36,784 55% 20% 7.55

WT02 Mixed Use 6,800 3 40 7,317 36,788 40% 15% 5.41

WT03 Open Space 5,458 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0.00

WT04 Open Space 4,978 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0.00

SUBTOTAL 0.00 0.00 22,109 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00


SB01 Residential 20,549 2 29 8,859 42,331 25% 8% 2.06

SB02 Residential 15,220 2 25 5,814 27,243 22% 8% 1.79

SB03 Residential 16,875 2 23 5,379 24,975 20% 7% 1.48

SB04 Residential 13,955 2 19 4,469 20,234 20% 10% 1.45

SB05 Residential 11,436 2 15 3,560 15,667 18% 11% 1.37

SB06 Mos 3,007 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0.00

SB07 Open Space 20,677 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0.00

SB08 Open Space 3,230 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0.00

SB09 Open Space 967 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0.00

SB10 Open Space 1,591 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0.00

SB11 Open Space 685 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0.00

SUBTOTAL 0.00 0.00 108,192 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00


NB01 Residential 14,175 2 25 5,814 27,217 25% 8% 1.92

NB02 Residential 16,875 2 23 5,379 24,975 20% 7% 1.48

NB03 Residential 13,955 2 19 4,469 20,234 20% 9% 1.45

NB04 Residential 11,521 2 15 3,560 15,784 18% 10% 1.37

NB05 Mos 3,021 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0.00

NB06 Open Space 23,516 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0.00

NB07 Open Space 967 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0.00

NB08 Open Space 1,591 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0.00

NB09 Open Space 685 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0.00

SUBTOTAL 0.00 0.00 86,306 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00


GA01 Residential 2,692 1 7 1,068 5,249 40% 30% 1.95

GA02 Residential 3,336 2 10 1,424 7,006 30% 25% 2.10

GA03 Residential 2,693 1 7 1,068 5,251 40% 30% 1.95

GA04 Residential 3,338 2 10 1,424 7,010 30% 25% 2.10

GA05 Residential 2,694 1 7 1,068 5,253 40% 30% 1.95

GA06 Residential 3,338 2 10 1,424 7,009 30% 25% 2.10

GA07 Mixed Use 2,694 1 7 979 5,253 40% 32% 1.95

GA08 Mixed Use 3,338 2 10 1,335 7,009 30% 26% 2.10

GA09 Mixed Use 2,694 1 7 979 5,252 40% 32% 1.95

GA10 Mixed Use 3,297 2 10 1,335 6,923 30% 26% 2.10

GA11 Residential 3,752 1 7 1,068 5,253 32% 23% 1.40

GA12 Residential 4,396 2 10 1,424 7,034 25% 20% 1.60

GA13 Residential 5,722 2 9 2,492 12,301 33% 30% 2.15

GA14 Open Space 1,735 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0.00

GA15 Open Space 2,347 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0.00

GA16 Water Body 2,506 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0.00

SUBTOTAL 0.00 0.00 50,570 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00

Development Districts

Lot Number Land Use Site Area


Max. Number

of Storeys (Podium)

Total Number

of Building Storeys (Incl.


Car Park GFA (m2)

Total GFA (m2)

Max. Building Coverage

(Incl. Podium)

Max. Build-ing Cover-age (Excl. podium)

Approx. FSR


NC01 Residential 3,486 1 8 1,414 6,972 45% 26% 2.00

NC02 Residential 3,652 1 7 1,305 6,573 40% 27% 1.80

NC03 Residential 3,513 1 7 1,305 6,324 40% 28% 1.80

NC04 Residential 2,985 1 7 979 5,075 37% 25% 1.70

NC05 Residential 2,792 1 7 979 4,747 40% 27% 1.70

NC06 Residential 2,762 1 6 1,068 5,247 43% 35% 1.90

NC07 Residential 2,579 1 6 1,068 5,030 45% 38% 1.95

NC08 Residential 2,209 1 6 623 3,159 32% 27% 1.43

NC09 Residential 2,007 1 6 623 2,870 35% 30% 1.43

NC10 Residential 2,862 1 5 831 4,093 33% 35% 1.43

NC11 Residential 2,633 1 5 831 3,765 35% 37% 1.43

NC12 Residential 1,832 1 5 485 2,473 30% 32% 1.35

NC13 Residential 1,637 1 5 485 2,210 33% 35% 1.35

NC14 Residential 1,940 1 4 593 2,813 35% 50% 1.45

NC15 Residential 1,661 1 4 593 2,408 40% 60% 1.45

NC16 Open Space 2,955 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0.00

NC17 Open Space 473 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0.00

NC18 Mos 2,922 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0.00

SUBTOTAL 0.00 0.00 44,900 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00

Durrat Al Bahrain

The Crescent

Site Development Plan

Page 24: THE COMMERCIAL CRESCENT - Durrat AlBahrain ranging from 1,500; ... restaurants, a golf course and a 400- ... the retail hub of the Commercial Crescent begins, and provides

P.O. Box 11416, Manama

Kingdom of Bahrain

Tel: +973 17 556999

Fax: +973 17 556900