the colville examiner (seattle, wash) 1914-03-28 [p 8] directory colvtll.b mayor, l. c. jesaeph....

P»g« 8 Professional Column "~w7~migheli. PHYSICIAN AND SUROSON OfflaaPhone«•*. B«mM DR. L. B. HARVEY DR. S. E. ROSENTHAL Physicians and Surgeons Lane BWg. Phone 435 DR. I. S. CLARK PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON DR. L. A. KERR EYE SPECIALIST At Colville Drug Co. W. F. DIFFENBACHER Dentist Only the Beit Quality of Work DR. O. F. VINSON Dentist Postoffice Bldg. BERNARD JOHNSEN VETERINARIAN Office phone 1023 Kes. phone 645 JESSEPH & BOURLAND Lawyers First National Bank Building F. LEO GRINSTEAD Lawyer Bank of Colville Bldg. CAREY & JOHNSOM LAWYERS 3-4-5 Rickey Building I. A. Rochford. Colville F. Y. Wilson, Northport ROCHFORD & WILSON * Lawyers Offices at Colville and Northport R. A. THAYEK Lawyer STULL, WENTZ & BAILEY LAWYERS BANEOF COLVHXKHLDO. BKN ASI-K.ND, IIAHIII.iI •havlx wltk sir nlthoat caßverealluai THOMAS ASPEND Shaving without pau or wbiiken leluiidcd. Bath* H. C. Cranke. Col. W. F. Yohnka. colville kitzviilo CRANKE & YOHNKA Auctioneers Address or phone either uue for information Representatives, J. C. Hutchinaon, Evans, and W. L, Smith, Chewelan, Dems. STEVENS COUNTY Senator, A. W. Anderson, Kep. Judge, W. H. Jackuun. Auditor, A. B. Sanaburn, Dem Treasurer, Bliss Phiilipa, liep. Clerk, L. C. Richardson, Dem Sheriff, W. L. Woodard, Dem. Assessor, A. X Dodson, Uem. Attorney, John B. Slater, Dem. Supt. Schools, Martha Boardman,Kep. Surveyor, R. B. Thomas, Dem. Coroner, Dr. W. Mijfhell, Dem. County game Warden, L. S. Haroiaon, Colville. Game commissioners, A. F. (Strobe (chairman), Chewelah; L. A. Kerr (sec- retary), Colville; O. W. Noble, Kettle Falls. Commissioners, P. H. Uraham, Col- ville, M. C. blolp, Cnewelan, JJema.; Krank J<'erguaon, iiuniors, Hep. Meet tint Monday ol muntn. Commercial center ol me Colvlll* valley, county seat of tjtevens county. Population 250 U. Altitude 1636. Av- erage yearly temperature tt.S. Averuice yearly precipltatloi. 17 inches. No ex- tremes in emperati .°e cr rainfall. School registration uou. Hluh school rugistiatlon 140. Three school build- ings, lutal value f76,OVU. laved business streets, cement side- walks Liid crosswalks, HO pound pres- sure water system, $2Z,uJU sewer system, electric light system, $22,000 opera bouse, $16,000 flouring mill Hording cash market for all grains In tbe county, $»,U"0 postomce building, free postal delivery ljlng Instituted. $25,- --uuo saw mill plant with dry kllu. tiTi Ul' ooi.v n.i.t:. Tl.e city of Cclvllle giowiafr. Its Chamber of Couima:~c» Is an active budy uf builuean men wliu vrncume all who wish to make a home In a growing business center. Tiiuse wlio desire a suburban or country borne, with the advantage or (food achoola, ha c a va. id choice of employment—fruit growing, dairying, poultry raising, truck farming, diver- sified farming, or lumbering. Dairying experts claim the Colville valley Is the i»>t ideal place In the aorthwest for profitable dairying. Land suitable for farms and orchards \u25a0nay be bought at reasonable prices. For any information, write the Colville Oaamtier of Comme oa. FOSTOPriCB TIME CARD & M. DUULANU, Postmaster. W. W. Campbell, »»«l»t. nt. h m. Dexter, money order clerk. K. J. btroug. tceuerftl delivery clerk. ÜBcar Klldow, Dialling; clerk. Window* open from 8 ft. m. to 6 p. in. Mftll* close SO minute* before trains •re due, except mail for 6:40 train doses at it p. m. the evening before, ana mall for southbound Sunday train closes at 11:40 a. m. Mall for Threefork* and Aladdin leave* at 7 ft. m. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturday*; arrive* at 1:30 p. in. Mondays, Wednesday* and Friday*. Mftll for Echo and Lake City leave* at 7 a. m. daily; arrive* at 3:30 dally. Mall for Crystal Fall* arrive* at 11 a. m. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur- days; leave* at 1 p. m. same day*. Rural routes 1 and t leave at 7 a. m.; return at SttO p. m. Postal savings bank open from 8 ft. m. to «p. m. Lobby open all night. fQIEYKIDNEY PILLS p-on Baokaohb Kidneys and Blaoobn A General Directory COLVTLL.B Mayor, L. C. Jesaeph. Coundlmen first ward, E. C. Conner, Chauncey St. Clair. Councilmen second ward, W. H. Graham, J. E. Dodson. Councilmen third ward, G. B. Ide, Jaa. English. Councilman at large, Dan Droz. Treasurer, Lee A. Mantz. Clerk, J. C. Hard. Health officer, Dr. W. Mighell. Attorney, F. Leo Gnnstead. Water commissioner, C. O. Smith. Engineer, F. S. Thomas. Night marshal, W. W. Bryant. Justice of the peace, A. L. Knapp, James Petty. Council meets every Tuesday night at city hall. CHURCHES Congregatlonal-G. H. Rice, minister; Sunday school 10 a. m.; morning nervlce 11 a. m.; evening service 7:30 p. m.; Junior Society ZMp. m.;Cbxtot- lan Endeavor Society 6:46; Ladies' Aid Society every Werlneaday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Roman Catholic Church-Immaculate Conception. Thlnl and Maple UiwK;services every Sunday at 8 and 10 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Every Monday at 7 a. m. Baptlat-WIU N. Ferris, minister; regular service each Lord's day: Bible school 10 a. in.; morning worship 11 a. m.. acrmon by pastor; joungpeople's meeting 6:30; evangelistic service 7:30. appreciate and brief sermon. Church of Christ-G. W. Morgan, pastor: Sunday School 10*0 a. m.: preaching services 11 a. Ok! Junior Christian Endeavor 8.-00 p. m.; Christian Endeavor 6:30. evening service 7:30. Prayer meet- ing Wednesday at 7:30. Firat Methodist EpUoopal Church - Cornor of Fourth & North Elmstreets; M. L. Sanders pa*- lor. Pastor's rtsldence, 368 North Elm St.; phone 715. Hours of service: Sunday school at 10.00, preaching at 11.00 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.. Epwortli League 6.30. prayer meeting on Wednesday even- ingat 7.30. Choir practice on Thursday evening. From April 15 to Sept 15. evening services 30 minutes later. Free Mothodlst-Rev. Geo. T. Klein, pastor; Sun- day school 10 a. m.; preaching 11 a. m.; song and praise service 7:30. followed by preaching at 8:0(1p. in.; prayer meeting Thursday at 8:00 p. in. Preaching at Orin Tuesday nights. Seventh Day Adventisu-Muet ever, Sabbath at 11.00 a. m.;lstand 3rd Sabbaths Young People* meeting: 2nd, missionary reading; 4th. evangelistic service. St John's Episcopal-Rev. Henry Purdue, dpo- kane.archdeacon; services thirdSunday evening In .\u25a0 eh month. Christian Science—Services 11 a. m.. Sundays. Sunday school at 10 a.m.; Wednesday evening meeting 8:00; reading room open every dayexcept Sunday. 2 u> 4 p. m. at the chapel LODUBS AND CLUBS Colvllle Lodge No. 50. F. 4A. M.-W. R. Baker. W. M.; L. E. JessL-ph,. secretary. Meet Ist and 3rd Thursdays. Masonic temple. Colville Chapter No. 20, Royal Arch Masons - H. W. Stull, high priest; B. G. Rich, Sec. Moci -iji.i Monday, Masonic temple. Uolvillu Chapter No. 57, Order of Eastern dtar- Mrs. Hattie Stenger. W. M.: Mrs. Be«la Vilwock. secretary. Meet M and 4th Xburadaya, Masonic temple. CjIvIIIb Lod»u No. lvi),L O. O. F.-Goo. Walsh, N. <i.; Alvm Minor, secretary. Mimi «»ary Wednesday, 1. U. U. f. hall. faithful Itcbckah Uxine No. DO- Lillian Itobson, N. G.; liazel Terry, secretary. Moet ist and drd Mondays. L O. O. F. hall. Isaac 1. Stevens Lodve No. 143. KnlshU ol fyunas-J. A. Kochford, C C; L. C. Richardson, K. of It. and S. Meet 2d and 4th Monday. LU. U. F. hall. Tamarack Camp No. 9211. Modern Woodmen ol America- -L. S. Thurbcr, V. C.; A. U Knapp, clerk. Meet and and 4Ui Saturdays, 1. O. O. F. nalL A.iah Camp No. 4u»». lUiyal Noitfhbors of jiiu^ncu -jam. E. C. Conner, oracle; Mrs. J. M. Vancnwelch, recorder. Meeta Ist and Brd Sat- urdays. 1. <J. O. F. ball. Colville Camp No. 277. Woodmen at the World- F. B. Goctter, consul commander; W. Gammse, clerk. Meets lit and itrd Tuesdays. 1. o. o. t. nail. Xamuruck Circle No.ail. Wouion of Woodcraft- Mrs. H. C. Conner Kuardlan neighbor; Mrs. Nellie Seal, clerk. Meela sM and 4th Tuesdays. 1. O. O. !\u25a0'. nail. Brotherhood of American Veomen—K. C Con- ner, foreman; U. i, WUtse, corr««pondent. Meet becond and fourth Thurudayu, 1. U. O. F. liall. General John M. Come i-o»t No. W), G. A. &.- W. t. I'ci kuia. commander; E.X. Eckley. adjutant Meet 4lii of evei y month, 11 a. m. Woman's Keilef Corps-Mrs. Frances Thomas, president; Mra. Fannie Knapp, secretary. .w. .a iiu ul .\u25a0.••!\u25a0 uionui, - v. in. lUe L. I. L. brancli of tbu W. C. t'. J. ineeU each buuOay at IMB M> m. »l U»» "'\u25a0 ** T- * hall on Main street. Farmers Union-Colvlllf Local No. 17«-C. F. Leonard, txw.: Ji. W. Foster. Vice-rTes.; W. iiuuiuur. Sec-Treas. Meuu Ist and 3rd auturdayii Uickuy Ulock, 1 p. ni. Oolville VaileyGranite No. 24»-Chri» McDonell muster. M. H. C. Ail^n, secretary. Meet second auu luurtii inursday. UM v- \u25a0"- ai Granite ball. Stevens County Livestock Association—G. A. Games, Marble. pres.; 0. M. Baker. Colville. K. F. D. 1. treas.; Jas. Crawford. Oolville. K. T, U. %, sec Oolvilie (Jimmber ol Oouuucrce Governing Board U. W. iimery. iprvawenu. 1* fc. Jeaaeph l(ltu Vi-uud«iiu, ii. it. >«illi<uu>. Lee A. Mann, Carl Buchanan. W. W. Campbell, secretary. W. L. Sax. treasurer, Colville Volunteer Fir* Department - V. S. I'hoiua*. duel; W. C. Spedden. we'y. Meet mi nr» lull every Monday nianu Colville i.od and Gun iClub—Dr. W. F. Dlfl.-n- --bacher, president; Louu> U, Keller, secretary- Stevens County Motor Club—Dr. L, B. Harvey, preaideni. It. A. 1hay or. seer»iary. Colville luiprovenieni club—Mrs. fc~ K. Arnold, president. Mm. U. U. Car«y, mxnuuni. White Lake GranKu~Ueo. H. Knapv. maacer; D. Stsele, sec. M»*eai and 4iii aotuniaya, RAILWAY TIME TABLB Leave* Arrive* Spukauo NOKTHBOUND Colvllla »:66 a. in. 1J;" P- «• 4:*i> p. m. »:^0 p. m. Leaves Arrive* Colville SOUTHBOUND Spokanu 6:40 v. m. 10:« ft. m. 1:40 p. m. 6:^o P- m- Leave* SUNDAY Arrive* riyokune NuKTHUOUND Colvllto »:55 ft. m 1*:1' P •m< Leave* Arrive* Colvilie SOUTHBOUND .<*£*"• 4:40 p. m. •:»• P- Bk FOW •UOKAOMB KlO««Y*l AMD \u25a0**«">«« bee the Examiner for job printing* i iTHE LEGAL NEWS i Advertisement. I ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE In the superior court of the state of Washington, In and for the county of Stevens. In the matter of the guardianship of the wtai" and petson of Jesse, Arthui. Minnie. Harvey. Henryand Florence Koerner. minors. This cause coming on to be heard this 13thday of March. 1914. upon the petition of WilliamKoer- ner, the duly appointed, qualified and acting guardian of the estate and person of the above named minors, said guardian appearing by bis at- torneys, Jesseph & Bourland. and the court being fully advised inthe premises, and itappearing to the court from the petition of the said William Koerner that the only property belonging to the said minors is an undivided one-fourth interest in the northwest quarter of section 16. township 33 north, range 39. E. \V. M.. in Stevens county. Washington; that there is at present a mortgage on said property in the sum of 1400 and that Km taxes on said land are unpaid for the years 1910. 1911. 1912 1913: that said taxes and said mort- gage are now due and that there is not sufficient income from the said property to support and maintain tin; said minors and pay the said indebt- edness; and it further appearing to the court that it would be tothe best interests of said minors to permit the said WilliamKoerner to mortgage said propertyfor the sum of $12UU. In order todischarge the indebtedness above mentioned, the balance of the said SI2UO to be usod in the development and improvement of said land and the care, custody and education ofsaid minors; Now. therefore, it is hereby ordered, that all persons interested in the said property or in this proceeding be and appear before the above en- titled court, at the court room inthe courthouse in the city of Colville. Stevens county. Washington, at the hour of 1:30 o'clock, on Monday the 18thday of April. 1914; then and there to show cause, ifany there be. why an order of this court should not be made permitting the said WilliamKoerner. guard- ian as aforesaid, to mortgage all of the northwest quarter of section Ij, township 83 north, range 39, for the purposes hereinbefore mentioned. Dated this 13th day of March, 1914. W. H. JACKSON, Judge. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE No. 980 In the superior court of the state of Washington, In and for the county of Stevens. In the matter of t ho eat ate of Charles H. Gnelst. deceased. Notice is hereby given that In pur- suance of an order of the superior court of the state of Washington, in and for the county of Stevens, made on the 19th day of February, 19)4. in the matter of the estate of Charles H. Gneist. deceased, the undersigned administratrix of said estate will sell at public auction sale, to the high- est bidder, on the terms hereinafter set forth, at the door of the courthouse at Colville in Stevens county, Washington, the following described real estate, towit: The west half of the southwest quarter of section ten (10), township twenty-nine (29) north, range forty-one (41) E. W. M.. In Ste- vens county, Washington. Said sale will be held at 10 o'clock a. in., on Sat- urday the 11th day of April, 1914. The terms of said sale shall be cash. AUGUSTA K. GNEIST. Administratrix of the estate of Charles 11. Gneist, deceased. Zent. Powell & Kedlield, attorneys for adminis- tratrix, 315 Jamieson block, Spokane. Washington. NOTICE! FOR PUBLICATION. Serial No. 04645 Department of the Interior. United States Land Office at Spokane, Washington. February 19. 1914. Notice is hereby given that Eric Lindland, of Colville, Washington, who. on May 20.1909, made homestead entry. No. 04646. for the west half of the southeast quarter and the east half of the southwest quarter, section 8, township 80 north, range 40. E. Willamette meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final five year proof, to es- tablish claim to the land above described, before Kuthrine S. Ide. United States commissioner for eastern district of Washington, at Colville, Waxh- ington, on the 4thday of April. 1914. Claimant names as witnesses: John D. Ander- son, of Colville, Washington; Oliver C. Hull, of Colville. Washington: George N. Hull, of Colville. Washington; Ephriam A. Anderson, of Colvlle, Washington. HAL J. COLE. Register. Sheriff's Hale State of Washington, county of Ste- vens. By virtue of an order of sale issued out of the honorable superior court of the state of Washing- ton, for the county of Stevens, on the 20th day uf February. 1914, by the clerk thereof, in case of William O. Miner versus E. T. Lemke. Emma P. Lemke, his wife; A. F. Strobe; Nina Strobe, his wife: Anton Berger; J. H. Young; W. F. Diffen- bacher and George B. Burdsal, No. 4469. and to me as sheriff, directed and delivered, notice is hereby given that 1 will proceed to sell to the highest bidder for cash, withinthe hours prescribed by law for sheriff's sales, towit. at 2 o'clock p. m., on the 4th day of April, 1914, before the court- house door of the said Stevens county, in the state of Washington, all the right, title and interest of the said E. T. Lemke; cimiui P. Lemke, hia wife; A. F. Strobe; Nina Strobe, his wife; Anton Ber- gei: J. H. Youmc; W. F. Diffenbacher and George B. Burdsal in and to the following described prop- erty, towit: West half of the northwest quarter and the northwest quarter of the southwest quar- ter, all in section 29, township 82 north, of range 41 E. W. M. inthe county of Stevens and state of Washington. Levied on as the property of above named defendants, tosatisfy a judgment amount- ins to $623.80 and (60 attorney's fees and $17.86 costs and disbursements of this action, infavor of WilliamO. Miner. Given under my hand this 21st day of February. 1914. W. U WOODARD. sheriff. NOTICE! FOR PUBLICATION. Serial No. 08281 Department of the Interior. United States Land Office at Spokune, Washington. February 28, 1914. Notice is hereby given that Frank'.B. Coppinger, of Rice, Washington, who, on April 16th, 1907, made homestead entry. No. 18222 (08281). for the northwest quarter, section 20, township 84 north, range 88. E. Willamette meridian, has flled notice of Intention to make final five year proof, to euUb- lUhclaim to the land above described, before Kathrine S. Ide, United States commissioner fur eastern district of Washington, at Colville. Wash- ington, on the 18thday of April. 1914. Claimant names as witnesses: Charles E. Cop- pinger, of Rice. Washington; W. Daniel Porter, of Rice, Washington; Thomas D. Coppinger, of Rice. Washington: James J. McGrath. of Rice. Wash- uurton. HAL. J. COLE, register NOTICE TOR PUBLICATION Serial No. 03303 Department of the Interior. United Statea Land Office at Spokane, Washington. March 6.1914. Notice is hereby riven that Charles A. Brooks, of Colvill.-. Washington, who, on May 11, 1907, mad* homestead entry No. 18260 (03303). for the west half of the southeast quarter, section 28, township 36 north, range 89 E. W. meridian, hu filed notice of intention to make final five year proof, to establish claim to the land above des- cribed, before Kathrine S. Ide. United States eonv mtaaioner for eastern district of Washington, at Colvllla. Washington, on the 18thday of April. 1914. Claimant names as witnesses: Ambrose May, of Colville. Washington; Walter E. Vosher. of Col- vlUe. Washington: Zeph B. Stayner. of Colville. Washington; William G. Dowell. of Colville, Washington } r9gMer The Colville Examinr , Saturday, March 28, 1914 SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION In the superior court of the state of Washing- tun, in and for the county of Stevens Netherlands American Mortgage Bank, a cor- poration, plaintiff, vs. James T. Storm and Mary Storm, his wife: E. R. Davlsson and Kathertne Davisson. his wife; C P. Lang and Jane Doe Lang, his wife; Emil Hansen and MarieHaasen, hlii wife: W. 8. Euston and Jane Doe Euston, his wife; B. W. Young and Elma L. Young, his wife: defendandanta. The state of Washington to E. R. Davlsson and •Catherine Davisson. his wife; W. S. Euston and Jane Doe Euston. his wife: defendants: You. and each of you, are hereby summoned and required to appear within sixty days from the date of the first publication of this summons, to- wit: Within sixty days from the 14th day of Feb- ruary, 1914 and defend the above entitled action in the court aforesaid, and answer the complaint of the plaintiff therein, and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorney for said plainiitT. at his office and postoffice address. No. 901 Old National Bank Building. Spokane. Wash- ington; and in case of your failure so to do, judg- ment will be taken against you according to the demand of the complaint herein, the original of which has been filed withthe clerk of the above entitled court. The object and purpose of this action is tofore- close a certain mortgage executed and delivered byJames T. Storm and Mary Storm, his wife, to the plaintiff herein, dated November 9. 1(09. and filed for record inthe auditor's office of Stevens county, Washington, on November 16. 1909, and recorded in Book 3of Mortgages at page 74. which said mortgage was si given to secure the payment >f a promissory note for the sum of eight hundred eighty dollars ($880) and interest, and the interest coupons thereto attached. The property covered by said mortgage is described as follows: The southeast quarter (SEW of section twenty-six (28). township thirty(80) north, of range forty-one [41] E. W. M.. in Stevens county. Washington. The further purpose of said action is to adjudge that the right, title, estate, lien or inLcreat of the de- fendants, and each of them, is subsequent and in- ferior to the lien of the plaintiff by virtue of said mortgage, and to provide for the sale of said real estate, according to law,and the application of the proceeds of said sale to.the payment of the sums due to the plaintiff for principal, interest, costs and attorney's fees. CHARLES P. LUND. Attorney for p aintiff. P. O. address: No. 901 Old National Bank Bldg., Spokane. Spokane cynintjOVashington. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Office of the State Highway Board, Olympia, Washington. March 9.1914. Sealed bids will be received at this office until 2 o'clock, p. m . April6th. 1914. and then opened, for improving uli >ut 6.7 miles of strfte road No. I between Crystal Fulls and Narcisse creek inSte- Plans and specifications are on file in this office, in the offices of the county engineer of Stevens county, the Pacific Builder & Engineer. Seattle, and the Builders' and Employers' Association. Tacoma, where they may be inspected. Anybidder may obtain a set of pans and speci- fications bydepositing $2 for each set required to guarantee the return of them at the time the bids are opened. WILLIAM R. ROY, Secretary of the Highway Board. SHBHIFK'S SALE!. State of Washington. County of Ste- By virtue of an order of sale issued out of the honorable superior court of the state of Washing- ton, for the county of Stevens, on the 4th day of March. 1914, by the clerk thereof, in case of Fred S. Phillips versus H. W. Sterrett and Katherine It. Sterrett, husband and wife, No. 4673, and to me us sheriff, directed and delivered, notice is hereby given that I will proceed to sell to the highest bid- der for cash, withinthe hours prescribed by law for sheriff's gales, towit. at 2 o'clock p. m.. on the 18th day of April, 1914, before the courthouse door of the said Stevens county, in the state of Wash- ington, all the right, title and interest of the said H. W. Sterrett and Katherine R. Sten-ett. husband and wife, inand to the followingdescribed prop- erty, towit: Lots 3, 4 and 5 inblock 13 inthe town of Not thport. Stevens county, Washington. Lev- ied on as the property of H. W. Sterrett and Katherine R. Sterret. husband and wife, to satisfy a judgment amounting to $600, together with in- terest thereon from the fifthday of January. 1912, at the rate of 8% per annum, and $50 attorney's fees, and costs, infavor of Fred S. Phillips. Given under my hand this 6th day of March. 1914. W. L. WOODARD. sheriff. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE WHY SALE OF REAL ESTATE SHOULD NOT BE MADE In the superior court of the state of Washington, In and for the county of Stevens. In the matter of the estate of Jacob Fluckiger. deceased. By H. M. Dorman, Deputy. SHERIFF'S SALE C. J. Winter, administrator of the estate of Jacob Fluckiger. deceased, having on the 6th day of March. 1914. presented and filed inthis court his petition in due form verified by his oath and praying for an order authorizing him to sell the whole of the real estate belonging to the estate of said deceased for the purposes set forth in said petition, and itappearing to the court from said petition that there is not sufficient personal estate in the hands of said administrator to pay the al- lowance to the family, the debts outstanding against the deceased and the expenses of adminis- tration and that it is necessary to sell as much and such parts of the real estate of said estate to pro- vide funds for the payment of aaid family allow- ance, debts and expenses of administration. Now. therefore, it is ordered and directed that Tuesday the 16th dayof April, 1914, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of said day. at the courtroom of this court be and the same is hereby fixed as the time for the hearing of said petition, at which time all interested parties shall then and there appear to show cause, if any there be. why the prayer of said administrator be not granted and this court order •aid administrator to sell or mortgage the real es- tate of the deceased or so much thereof as shall be necessary to pay such allowances, charges and debts. The real estate belonging to said estate and the whole thereof is described as follows, towit: The west half (WkO of the southeast quarter (SEW) and the east half (EWi) of the southwesUquartor (SWVi) of section eighteen (18) in township thirty (80) north, of range forty-two (42) E. W. M.. >it- uated in Stevens county, Washington, and It is further ordered that this.order shall be pub- lished for four success! ye.weeks inthe Colville Ex- aminer, a weekly newspaper printed and published in Stevens county, Washington, and It is further ordered that personal service of this order shall not be required. Done inopen court this 6th day of March. 1914. L. C. RICHARDSON. Superior court commissioner for Stevens county, Washington. Sheriff's) Sale. State of Washington. County of Bte- By virtus of an order of sale issued out of the honorable superior court of the state of Washington, for the county of Stevens, on the 2nd day of March, 1914. by the clerk thereof, in case of : M. Nelson versus Lewis Wlllman and Lorena Wlllman, husband and wife, and M M. Uounselman, a widow, No. 4638 and to me as sheriff, directed and delivered, notice la hereby given that I will proceed to sell to the highest bid- der for cash, withIn the hours prescrlLed by law for sheriff's sales, towit, at 2 o'clock p. hi. on the 4th day of April, 1914 before the courthouse door of the smld' Stevens county, In the state of Washington, all the .right, title and isJtVre«t of Ue smld U>wls Wllloaan ami I^orena vVillman, husband and wire, an d jf.M. Counselman, a widow, In and to the following described property, towit: A tract of land lying in the southeast quarter of section U, town- ship 80 north, rang* 41 E. W. scrlbed as follows; towit: Banning at a point 960 feat due west and 178 feet north of the southeast corner of said section 28. thence west JO feet; thence north 487 feet; thence east B0 feet; thence south 457 feet to place of beginning. Also a tract of land lying in the southeast quarter of section2B, township 30 north, range 41 E. W. M. described as follows, towit: Beginning at a point 920 fact due west of the noutheast corner of said section 28; thence west 90 feet; thence north 178 feet; thence east »ff feet; thence south 178 feet to place of beginning, all In the county of Stevens, state of Washington; levied on as the property of Lewis Will- man, husband and wife, and M. M. Counsclinan, a widow, to satisfy a Judgment amounting to 1663 and Inter- est thereon from March 2, 1914, at 8 per cent per annum, together with an attorney's fee of S7S and costs $29.60, In favor of R. M. Nelson. Given under my hand this Id day of March, 1914. W. I* WOODARD. sheriff. SHERIFFS SALK State of Washington, county of Stevens. By virtue of an order of sale issued out of the honorable superior court of the state of Washing- ton, for the county of Stevens, on the 20th day'of March, 1914. by the clerk thereof, incaw of J. M. Robs versus First Thought Extention God Mining Company, a corporation. No. 4681. "and to me as sheriff, directed and delivered, notice is hereby given that 1 will proceed to sell to the highest bid- der fur cash, within the hours prescribed by law for sh'riff's sales, towit. at 2 o'clock p. m.. on the 25th day of April, 1914. before the courthouse door of the said Stevens county, inthe state of Wash- ington, all the right, title and interest of the said First Thought Extention Gold M nine Company, a corporation, inand to the following described prop- erty, towii: Erne R.. Lucky Red. Cultus Chris, Moscow Fraction and Noma Fraction, all being mi> ing claims situated on the east half of section 18. and the west half of section 17. township 89 north, range 87 E. W. M. inStevens county. Wash- ington, as is more particularly set out and des- cribed in the mining loea'ion n rtlces thereof, now of record in the office of the au li'or of Stevens county. Washington. L< ved on as the property of First Thought Extentiun Gold Mining Company. a corporation tosatisfy a judgment amounting to $9000.15. and for the further sum of $500 as and for attorney's feesfor foreclosing lien, and the further sum of $12 for costs of preparing and filing said lien, and for his costs and expenses in this action incurred, in favor of J. M. Robs. Given under my hand this 20th day of March, 1914. W. L. WOODARD, sheriff. State of Washington, county of Stevens. By virtue of an order of Bale issued out of the honorable superior court of the state of Washing- ton, for the county of Stevens, on the 23d day of March, 1914. by the clerk thereof, incase of Carrie E. Willamson versus Thomas Raney and George B. Cooley. No. 4697.'and to me as sheriff, directed and delivered, notice is hereby given that I will pro- ceed to sell to the highest bidder for cash, within the hours prescribed by law for sheriff's sales, to- wit. at 2 o'clock p. m., on the 25th day or April, 1914. before the courthouse door of the said Stevens county, in the state of Washington, all the right, title and Interest of the said Thomas Raney and George B. Coo'i-y in and to the following described property, towit. All of lots 16and 17. block 2. Loon Lake Park, or so much thereof as may be sufficient to satisfy the amount due the plaintiff. Levied on as the property of Thomas Raney and George B. Cooley to satisfy a judgment amounting to $1063 and $160 attorney's fees and $10.46 costs ofsuit at the rate of 6% per annum from March 6. 1914, to date of sale, and for expenses of sale, In favor of Carrie E. Williamson. Given under my hand this 23d day ofMarch. 1914. W. L. WOODARD, sheriff. CALIBER MODEL 1910 Self-Loading Rifle j| It Strikes lAßlowof 2038 lbs. jB This new Winchester H shoots a heavier bullet Jfi and hits a harder blow > « than any other recoil - jjfl operated rifle made. It S is more powerful than the .30 Army, of big- H game hunting fame. The loading and firing of this WtJ rifle are controlled by jS^ the trigger finger. It LIKE THE HAMHEIOF THOK )^m Stud for MuttraUd circular fully j^^A ddtcribint tlllt ntm ritll which l^^A has ttrmftk and power pint. I^^ V.WCnfiSTEI KEPEATWG '^A AKUS CO., >B New Harem, Conn.. U. S. A. Pay in advance and get the Examiner for $1. FOLEY KIDNEY PULLS NOTICE FOR PUBMCATIOW 8«W No. 06272 Department of the Interior. Unlt»d Bt»t«i Land Offloe »t Spokan*. Washiaston. March S. 19H Notlee Is hereby«l«" that Myrtle M. Wolfln«w. whoMpoetofllc. aßdreaa is Three Forks. Waahlng- ton. dkl. on tJie day of June, 1112. fll. inthis office swan statement and application. No. 0«72. to l lian the aoothweat quarter of the south- east qaartar of Mction 1. the northwest qnartarof the imUnant quarter »nd the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter, section 12. township X north, range 40 E. Willamette meridian, and the timber thereon, under the provisions of the act of June 3. 1878. and acts amendatory, known a* the "Timber and Stone Law." at such value aa mtarht be fixed by appraisement, and that, pursuant to such application, the land and timber thereon hare been appraised, at four hundred ten dollars; the timber estimated 680.000 board feet at I (see appraisal) per M.and the land 160; that said appli- cant will offer final proof insupport of her appli- cation and sworn statement on the 4th day of June. 1914. before Kathrine S. Ide, United Slates com- missioner for the fasten district of Washington. at her office. Colville. Washington. Any p«non is at liberty to protest this purchase before entry, or Initiate a contests any time be- fore patent issues, by filinga corroborated affidavit in|this office, alleging facts which would^ def«tt the entry. COLH. Register. My Mamma oays - »a^l Its date tor <r^cs» Children" *s»S«& AT CARROLL'S DRUG STORE CHICHESTER SPILLS DIAMOND /jsy§|jL BRAND LADIES t ""»»—•\u25a0•A^ Mnw Drasfffat for CHI-CIIRR-TER'S A ESMOND BRAND FILLS in Red and AA •OfcD metallic boxes, sealed withBlue<O> Wbbon. Taeb no othbk. Bit of nw W »iassU« a»d uk for «!Ul.<-IIKS-TEBB V •IAMOND BRAND PHI.', for twenty-fITO yean regarded aa Best, Safest, Always Reliable SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS figg, EVERYWHERE sggg| HEAL IT WITH Bucklen's < THE ONLY CENUINE Arnica Salve KEEPS FLESH IN TONE FROM SKIN TO BONE. Heal3Ev t Tj-J/.:a II jlab.i. Borfis, Boils, Sores, Ulcers, Tiles, Eczema, Cuts, Corns, Wounds and Bvutses. SATISFIES, OR MOn^.y BACK. afiP AT ALL PRUCiCIST3. > Cunstipation "For many years I was troubled, in spite of all so-called remedies I used. At last I found quick relief and cure in those mild, yet thorough and really wonderful DR. KING'S NewLifePills Adolph Schingeck, Buffalo, N. Y. 26 CENTS PER BOTTLE AT ALL DRUGGISTS. "Clean Up the Bowels and Keep Them Clean" There arc ninny remedies to be had lor constipation, but the diffi- culty is 10 procure one that acts without violence. A remedy that does not perform by force what should be »jw jgfe a plished by persua- BwP p. sion is Dr. Miles' % ftf* ,'J Laxative Tablets. %<^»..i r After using them, V*"" A Mr- N- A- Waddell, l&ry\^ 315 Washington JHY "Almost all my troubled with constipation, and hay» tried many remedies, all of which seemed to cause pain without elvin* much relief. 1 finally tried Dr Mllaa' Laxative Tablets and found them ex- ewlent Their action is pleasant and mild, and their chocolate taste malcea them easy to take. I am more than pad to recommend them." "Clean up the bowels and keep them clean," is the advice of all physicians, because they realize the danger resulting from habitual con- stipation. Do not delay too long, out begin proper curative measures. Dr. Miles' Laxative Tablets are« new remedy for this old complaint, «nd a great improvement over the cathartics you have been using ia the past They taste like candy and work like a charm. A trial will convince you. 1" KMil«* J L*xttiTe T«Wet« an \u25a0Old by all druggists, at 25 cents a box containing 25 doses. If not found satisfactory after trial, re- turn the box to your druggist amd M will return your money. MILKS MEDICAL CO., Elkhait, IM.

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Page 1: The Colville examiner (Seattle, Wash) 1914-03-28 [p 8] Directory COLVTLL.B Mayor, L. C. Jesaeph. Coundlmen first ward, E. C. Conner, Chauncey St. Clair. Councilmen second ward, W

P»g« 8

Professional Column"~w7~migheli.



Physicians and SurgeonsLane BWg. Phone 435




Only the Beit Quality of Work

DR. O. F. VINSONDentist Postoffice Bldg.


Office phone 1023 Kes. phone 645


First National Bank Building


Bank of ColvilleBldg.


3-4-5 Rickey Building

I. A.Rochford. Colville F. Y. Wilson, Northport


LawyersOffices at Colville and Northport

R. A. THAYEKLawyer




•havlx wltk sir nlthoat caßverealluai

THOMAS ASPENDShaving without pau or wbiiken

leluiidcd. Bath*

H. C. Cranke. Col. W. F. Yohnka.colville kitzviilo

CRANKE & YOHNKAAuctioneers

Address or phone either uue for information

Representatives, J. C. Hutchinaon,Evans, and W. L, Smith, Chewelan,Dems.


Senator, A. W. Anderson, Kep.

Judge, W. H. Jackuun.Auditor, A. B. Sanaburn, DemTreasurer, Bliss Phiilipa, liep.Clerk, L. C. Richardson, DemSheriff, W. L. Woodard, Dem.Assessor, A. X Dodson, Uem.

Attorney, John B. Slater, Dem.Supt. Schools, Martha Boardman,Kep.Surveyor, R. B. Thomas, Dem.Coroner, Dr. W. Mijfhell,Dem.County game Warden, L. S. Haroiaon,

Colville.Game commissioners, A. F. (Strobe

(chairman), Chewelah; L. A. Kerr (sec-

retary), Colville; O. W. Noble, KettleFalls.

Commissioners, P. H. Uraham, Col-ville, M. C. blolp, Cnewelan, JJema.;Krank J<'erguaon, iiuniors, Hep.

Meet tint Monday ol muntn.

Commercial center ol me Colvlll*valley, county seat of tjtevens county.

Population 250 U. Altitude 1636. Av-erage yearly temperature tt.S. Averuiceyearly precipltatloi. 17 inches. No ex-

tremes in emperati .°e cr rainfall.School registration uou. Hluh school

rugistiatlon 140. Three school build-ings, lutal value f76,OVU.

laved business streets, cement side-

walks Liid crosswalks, HO pound pres-

sure water system, $2Z,uJU sewer system,

electric light system, $22,000 operabouse, $16,000 flouring mill Hordingcash market for all grains In tbecounty, $»,U"0 postomce building, freepostal delivery ljlng Instituted. $25,-

--uuo saw mill plant with dry kllu.

tiTi Ul' ooi.v n.i.t:.

Tl.e cityof Cclvllle i» giowiafr. ItsChamber of Couima:~c» Is an activebudy uf builuean men wliu vrncume allwho wish to make a home Ina growingbusiness center.

Tiiuse wlio desire a suburban orcountry borne, with the advantage or(food achoola, ha c a va. id choice ofemployment—fruit growing, dairying,

poultry raising, truck farming, diver-sified farming, or lumbering.

Dairying experts claim the Colvillevalley Is the i»>t ideal place In theaorthwest for profitable dairying.

Land suitable for farms and orchards\u25a0nay be bought at reasonable prices.For any information, write the ColvilleOaamtier of Comme oa.

FOSTOPriCB TIME CARD& M. DUULANU, Postmaster.W. W. Campbell, »»«l»t. nt.h m. Dexter, money order clerk.K. J. btroug. tceuerftl delivery clerk.ÜBcar Klldow, Dialling; clerk.Window* open from 8 ft. m. to 6 p. in.

Mftll* close SO minute* before trains•re due, except mail for 6:40 traindoses at it p. m. the evening before, anamallfor southbound Sunday train closesat 11:40 a. m.

Mall for Threefork* and Aladdinleave* at 7 ft. m. Tuesdays, Thursdaysand Saturday*; arrive* at 1:30 p. in.Mondays, Wednesday* and Friday*.

Mftllfor Echo and Lake City leave*at 7 a. m. daily; arrive* at 3:30 dally.

Mall for Crystal Fall* arrive* at 11a. m. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur-days; leave* at 1 p. m. same day*.

Rural routes 1 and t leave at 7 a. m.;return at SttO p. m. •

Postal savings bank open from 8 ft. «p. m. Lobby open all night.

fQIEYKIDNEYPILLSp-on Baokaohb Kidneys and Blaoobn

A General DirectoryCOLVTLL.B

Mayor, L. C. Jesaeph.Coundlmen first ward, E. C. Conner,

Chauncey St. Clair.Councilmen second ward, W. H.

Graham, J. E. Dodson.Councilmen third ward, G. B. Ide,

Jaa. English.

Councilman at large, Dan Droz.Treasurer, Lee A. Mantz.Clerk, J. C. Hard.Health officer, Dr. W. Mighell.Attorney, F. Leo Gnnstead.Water commissioner, C. O. Smith.Engineer, F. S. Thomas.Night marshal, W. W. Bryant.

Justice of the peace, A. L. Knapp,

James Petty.Council meets every Tuesday night

at city hall.CHURCHES

Congregatlonal-G. H. Rice, minister; Sunday

school 10 a. m.; morning nervlce 11 a. m.; evening

service 7:30 p. m.;Junior Society ZMp. m.;Cbxtot-lan Endeavor Society 6:46; Ladies' Aid Society

every Werlneaday afternoon at 2 o'clock.

Roman Catholic Church-Immaculate Conception.

Thlnland Maple UiwK;services every Sunday

at 8 and 10 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Every Monday

at 7 a. m.Baptlat-WIU N. Ferris, minister; regular service

each Lord's day: Bible school 10 a. in.;morning

worship 11 a. m.. acrmon by pastor; joungpeople'smeeting 6:30; evangelistic service 7:30. appreciateand brief sermon.

Church of Christ-G. W. Morgan, pastor: Sunday

School 10*0 a. m.: preaching services 11 a. Ok!Junior Christian Endeavor 8.-00 p. m.; Christian

Endeavor 6:30. evening service 7:30. Prayer meet-ing Wednesday at 7:30.

Firat Methodist EpUoopal Church - Cornor of

Fourth & North Elmstreets; M. L. Sanders pa*-

lor. Pastor's rtsldence, 368 North Elm St.; phone

715. Hours of service: Sunday school at 10.00,

preaching at 11.00 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.. EpwortliLeague 6.30. prayer meeting on Wednesday even-ingat 7.30. Choir practice on Thursday evening.

From April 15 to Sept 15. evening services 30minutes later.

Free Mothodlst-Rev. Geo. T. Klein,pastor; Sun-day school 10 a. m.; preaching 11 a. m.; song

and praise service 7:30. followed by preaching at8:0(1p. in.; prayer meeting Thursday at 8:00 p. in.

Preaching at Orin Tuesday nights.

Seventh Day Adventisu-Muet ever, Sabbath at

11.00 a. m.;lstand 3rd Sabbaths Young People*meeting: 2nd, missionary reading; 4th. evangelistic

service.St John's Episcopal-Rev. Henry Purdue, dpo-

kane.archdeacon; services thirdSunday evening

In .\u25a0 eh month.

Christian Science—Services 11 a. m.. Sundays.Sunday school at 10 a.m.; Wednesday evening

meeting 8:00; reading room open every dayexcept

Sunday. 2 u> 4 p. m. at the chapel

LODUBS AND CLUBSColvllle Lodge No. 50. F. 4A. M.-W. R. Baker.

W. M.; L. E. JessL-ph,. secretary. Meet Ist

and 3rd Thursdays. Masonic temple.

Colville Chapter No. 20, Royal Arch Masons -H. W. Stull, high priest; B. G. Rich, Sec.

Moci -iji.iMonday, Masonic temple.

Uolvillu Chapter No. 57, Order of Eastern dtar-Mrs. Hattie Stenger. W. M.: Mrs. Be«la Vilwock.secretary. Meet M and 4th Xburadaya, Masonictemple.

CjIvIIIbLod»u No. lvi),L O. O. F.-Goo. Walsh,

N. <i.; Alvm Minor, secretary. Mimi «»ary

Wednesday, 1. U. U. f. hall.

faithful Itcbckah Uxine No. DO- LillianItobson, N. G.; liazel Terry, secretary. Moetist and drd Mondays. L O. O. F. hall.

Isaac 1. Stevens Lodve No. 143. KnlshU olfyunas-J. A. Kochford, C C; L. C. Richardson,

K. of It. and S. Meet 2d and 4th Monday.LU. U.F. hall.

Tamarack Camp No. 9211. Modern Woodmen ol

America--L. S. Thurbcr, V. C.; A. UKnapp, clerk.

Meet and and 4UiSaturdays, 1. O. O. F. nalL

A.iah Camp No. 4u»». lUiyal Noitfhbors ofjiiu^ncu -jam. E. C. Conner, oracle; Mrs. J. M.Vancnwelch, recorder. Meeta Ist and Brd Sat-urdays. 1. <J. O. F. ball.

Colville Camp No. 277. Woodmen at the World-F. B. Goctter, consul commander; W. Gammse,

clerk. Meets lit and itrd Tuesdays. 1. o. o.

t. nail.

Xamuruck Circle No.ail. Wouion of Woodcraft-

Mrs. H. C. Conner Kuardlan neighbor; Mrs. NellieSeal, clerk. Meela sM and 4th Tuesdays. 1. O.O. !\u25a0'. nail.

Brotherhood of American Veomen—K. C Con-ner, foreman; U. i, WUtse, corr««pondent. Meetbecond and fourth Thurudayu, 1. U. O. F. liall.

General John M. Come i-o»t No. W), G. A.&.-

W. t. I'ci kuia. commander; E.X. Eckley. adjutant

Meet 4liiof evei ymonth, 11 a. m. •Woman's Keilef Corps-Mrs. Frances Thomas,

president; Mra. Fannie Knapp, secretary.

.w. .a iiu ul .\u25a0.••!\u25a0 uionui, - v. in.

lUe L. I. L. brancli of tbu W. C. t'. J. ineeUeach buuOay at IMB M> m. »l U»» "'\u25a0 **T- *hall on Main street.

Farmers Union-Colvlllf Local No. 17«-C. F.Leonard, txw.: Ji. W. Foster. Vice-rTes.; W.

iiuuiuur. Sec-Treas. Meuu Istand 3rd auturdayii

Uickuy Ulock, 1 p. ni.

Oolville VaileyGranite No. 24»-Chri» McDonell

muster. M. H. C. Ail^n, secretary. Meet secondauu luurtii inursday. UMv- \u25a0"- ai Granite ball.

Stevens County Livestock Association—G. A.Games, Marble. pres.; 0. M. Baker. Colville. K. F.

D. 1. treas.; Jas. Crawford. Oolville.K.T, U. %, sec

Oolvilie (Jimmber ol Oouuucrce —Governing

Board U. W. iimery. iprvawenu. 1* fc. Jeaaeph

l(ltu Vi-uud«iiu, ii. it. >«illi<uu>. Lee A. Mann,

Carl Buchanan. W. W. Campbell, secretary. W.

L. Sax. treasurer,

Colville Volunteer Fir* Department - V. S.

I'hoiua*. duel; W. C. Spedden. we'y. Meet mi nr»lull every Monday nianu

Colville i.odand Gun iClub—Dr. W. F. Dlfl.-n---bacher, president; Louu> U, Keller, secretary-

Stevens County Motor Club—Dr. L, B. Harvey,

preaideni. It. A. 1hayor. seer»iary.

Colville luiprovenieni club—Mrs. fc~ K. Arnold,

president. Mm. U. U. Car«y, mxnuuni.White Lake GranKu~Ueo. H. Knapv. maacer;

D. Stsele, sec. M»*eai and 4iiiaotuniaya,

RAILWAY TIME TABLBLeave* Arrive*Spukauo NOKTHBOUND Colvllla»:66 a. in. 1J;" P- «•4:*i> p. m. »:^0 p. m.Leaves Arrive*Colville SOUTHBOUND Spokanu6:40 v. m. 10:« ft. m.1:40 p. m. 6:^o P- m-

Leave* SUNDAY Arrive*riyokune NuKTHUOUND Colvllto»:55 ft. m 1*:1' P •m<Leave* Arrive*Colvilie SOUTHBOUND .<*£*"•4:40 p. m. •:»• P- Bk

FOW •UOKAOMB KlO««Y*lAMD \u25a0**«">««

bee the Examiner for jobprinting* i

iTHE LEGAL NEWS iAdvertisement. I

ORDER TO SHOW CAUSEIn the superior court of the state of

Washington, In and for the county ofStevens.

In the matter of the guardianship of the wtai"and petson of Jesse, Arthui. Minnie. Harvey.

Henryand Florence Koerner. minors.This cause coming on to be heard this 13thday

of March. 1914. upon the petition of WilliamKoer-ner, the duly appointed, qualified and actingguardian of the estate and person of the abovenamed minors, said guardian appearing by bis at-torneys, Jesseph &Bourland. and the court beingfully advised inthe premises, and itappearing tothe court from the petition of the said WilliamKoerner that the only property belonging to thesaid minors is an undivided one-fourth interest inthe northwest quarter of section 16. township 33

• north, range 39. E. \V. M.. in Stevens county.

Washington; that there is at present a mortgage

on said property in the sum of 1400and that Kmtaxes on said land are unpaid for the years 1910.1911. 1912 1913: that said taxes and said mort-

gage are now due and that there is not sufficientincome from the said property to support andmaintain tin;said minors and pay the said indebt-edness; and it further appearing to the court thatitwould be tothe best interests of said minors topermit the said WilliamKoerner to mortgage saidpropertyfor the sum of $12UU. In order todischarge

the indebtedness above mentioned, the balance ofthe said SI2UO to be usod in the development andimprovement of said land and the care, custodyand education ofsaid minors;

Now. therefore, it is hereby ordered, that allpersons interested in the said property or inthisproceeding be and appear before the above en-titled court, at the courtroom inthe courthouse inthe city of Colville. Stevens county. Washington,

at the hour of 1:30 o'clock, on Monday the 18thdayof April. 1914; then and there to show cause, ifanythere be. why an order of this court should not bemade permitting the said WilliamKoerner. guard-

ian as aforesaid, to mortgage all of the northwestquarter of section Ij, township 83 north, range 39,

for the purposes hereinbefore mentioned.Dated this 13th dayof March, 1914.

W. H. JACKSON, Judge.


In the superior court of the state ofWashington, In and for the county ofStevens.

In the matter of tho eat ate of Charles H. Gnelst.deceased. Notice is hereby given that In pur-suance of an order of the superior court of thestate of Washington, in and for the county ofStevens, made on the 19th day of February, 19)4.

in the matter of the estate of Charles H. Gneist.deceased, the undersigned administratrix of saidestate willsell at public auction sale, to the high-est bidder, on the terms hereinafter set forth, at

the door of the courthouse at Colville inStevenscounty, Washington, the following described realestate, towit: The west half of the southwestquarter of section ten (10), township twenty-nine

(29) north, range forty-one (41) E. W. M.. In Ste-vens county, Washington.

Said sale willbe held at 10 o'clock a. in., on Sat-urday the 11th day of April, 1914. The terms ofsaid sale shall be cash.

AUGUSTA K. GNEIST.Administratrix of the estate of Charles 11.

Gneist, deceased.Zent. Powell & Kedlield, attorneys for adminis-

tratrix,315 Jamieson block, Spokane. Washington.


Department of the Interior.United States Land Office at Spokane,

Washington. February 19. 1914.Notice is hereby given that Eric Lindland, of

Colville, Washington, who. on May20.1909, madehomestead entry. No. 04646. for the west half ofthe southeast quarter and the east half of thesouthwest quarter, section 8, township 80 north,

range 40. E. Willamette meridian, has filed noticeof intention to make final five year proof, to es-tablish claim to the land above described, beforeKuthrine S. Ide. United States commissioner foreastern district of Washington, at Colville,Waxh-ington, on the 4thday of April. 1914.

Claimant names as witnesses: John D. Ander-son, of Colville, Washington; Oliver C. Hull, ofColville. Washington: George N. Hull,of Colville.Washington; Ephriam A. Anderson, of Colvlle,Washington.

HAL J. COLE. Register.

Sheriff's HaleState of Washington, county of Ste-

vens.By virtue of an order of sale issued out of the

honorable superior court of the state of Washing-ton, for the county of Stevens, on the 20th day ufFebruary. 1914, by the clerk thereof, in case ofWilliam O. Miner versus E. T. Lemke. Emma P.Lemke, his wife; A. F. Strobe; Nina Strobe, hiswife: Anton Berger; J. H. Young; W. F. Diffen-bacher and George B. Burdsal, No. 4469. and tome as sheriff, directed and delivered, notice ishereby given that 1 will proceed to sell to thehighest bidder for cash, withinthe hours prescribedby law for sheriff's sales, towit. at 2 o'clock p. m.,on the 4th day of April, 1914, before the court-house door of the said Stevens county, in the stateof Washington, all the right, title and interest ofthe said E. T. Lemke; cimiui P. Lemke, hia wife;A. F. Strobe; Nina Strobe, his wife; Anton Ber-gei: J. H. Youmc; W. F. Diffenbacher and GeorgeB. Burdsal inand to the followingdescribed prop-erty, towit: West half of the northwest quarter

and the northwest quarter of the southwest quar-

ter, all in section 29, township 82 north, of range

41 E. W. M. inthe county of Stevens and state ofWashington. Levied on as the property of abovenamed defendants, tosatisfy a judgment amount-ins to $623.80 and (60 attorney's fees and $17.86costs and disbursements of this action, infavor ofWilliamO. Miner.

Given under my hand this 21st day of February.1914. W. U WOODARD. sheriff.


Department of the Interior.United States Land Office at Spokune,

Washington. February 28, 1914.Notice is hereby given that Frank'.B. Coppinger,

of Rice, Washington, who, on April 16th, 1907,

made homestead entry. No. 18222 (08281). for thenorthwest quarter, section 20, township 84 north,range 88. E. Willamette meridian, has flled noticeof Intention to make final fiveyear proof, to euUb-lUhclaim to the land above described, beforeKathrine S. Ide, United States commissioner fureastern district of Washington, at Colville. Wash-ington, on the 18thday of April. 1914.

Claimant names as witnesses: Charles E. Cop-

pinger, of Rice. Washington; W. Daniel Porter, ofRice, Washington; Thomas D. Coppinger, of Rice.Washington: James J. McGrath. of Rice. Wash-uurton. HAL. J. COLE, register


Department of the Interior.United Statea Land Office at Spokane,

Washington. March 6.1914.Notice is hereby riven that Charles A. Brooks,

of Colvill.-. Washington, who, on May 11, 1907,

mad* homestead entry No. 18260 (03303). for thewest half of the southeast quarter, section 28,township 36 north, range 89 E. W. meridian, hu

filed notice of intention to make final five yearproof, to establish claim to the land above des-cribed, before Kathrine S. Ide. United States eonvmtaaioner for eastern district of Washington, atColvllla. Washington, on the 18thday of April.1914.

Claimant names as witnesses: Ambrose May, ofColville. Washington; Walter E. Vosher. of Col-vlUe. Washington: Zeph B. Stayner. of Colville.Washington; William G. Dowell. of Colville,Washington

} r9gMer

The Colville Examinr, Saturday, March 28, 1914

SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATIONIn the superior court of the state of Washing-

tun, in and for the county of StevensNetherlands American Mortgage Bank, a cor-

poration, plaintiff, vs. James T. Storm and Mary

Storm, his wife: E. R. Davlsson and KathertneDavisson. his wife; C P. Lang and Jane DoeLang, his wife;Emil Hansen and MarieHaasen,hliiwife: W. 8. Euston and Jane Doe Euston, hiswife; B. W. Young and Elma L. Young, his wife:defendandanta.

The state of Washington to E. R. Davlsson and•Catherine Davisson. his wife; W. S. Euston andJane Doe Euston. his wife: defendants:

You. and each of you, are hereby summoned andrequired to appear within sixty days from thedate of the first publication of this summons, to-

wit: Within sixty days from the 14th day of Feb-ruary, 1914 and defend the above entitled actioninthe court aforesaid, and answer the complaintof the plaintiff therein, and serve a copy of youranswer upon the undersigned attorney for his office and postoffice address. No.901 Old National Bank Building.Spokane. Wash-ington; and in case of your failure so to do, judg-

ment willbe taken against you according to thedemand of the complaint herein, the original ofwhich has been filed withthe clerk of theaboveentitled court.

The object and purpose of this action is tofore-close a certain mortgage executed and deliveredbyJames T. Storm and Mary Storm, his wife, tothe plaintiff herein, dated November 9. 1(09. andfiled for record inthe auditor's office of Stevenscounty, Washington, on November 16. 1909, andrecorded in Book 3of Mortgages at page 74. whichsaid mortgage was si given to secure the payment

>f a promissory note for the sum of eight hundredeighty dollars ($880) and interest, and the interestcoupons thereto attached. The property coveredby said mortgage is described as follows: Thesoutheast quarter (SEW of section twenty-six (28).township thirty(80) north, of range forty-one [41]E. W. M.. in Stevens county. Washington. Thefurther purpose of said action is to adjudge thatthe right, title,estate, lien or inLcreat of the de-fendants, and each of them, is subsequent and in-

ferior to the lien of the plaintiff by virtue of saidmortgage, and to provide for the sale of said realestate, according to law,and the application of theproceeds of said sale to.the payment of the sumsdue to the plaintiff for principal, interest, costsand attorney's fees.

CHARLES P. LUND.Attorney for p aintiff.

P. O. address: No. 901 Old National Bank Bldg.,Spokane. Spokane cynintjOVashington.


Office of the State Highway Board, Olympia,

Washington. March 9.1914.Sealed bids willbe received at this office until

2 o'clock, p. m . April6th. 1914. and then opened,for improving uli>ut 6.7 miles of strfte road No. Ibetween Crystal Fulls and Narcisse creek inSte-

Plans and specifications are on file in this office,

in the offices of the county engineer of Stevenscounty, the Pacific Builder & Engineer. Seattle,

and the Builders' and Employers' Association.Tacoma, where they may be inspected.

Anybidder may obtain a set of pans and speci-fications bydepositing $2 for each set required toguarantee the return of them at the time thebids are opened.


Secretary of the HighwayBoard.

SHBHIFK'S SALE!.State of Washington. County of Ste-

By virtue of an order of sale issued out of thehonorable superior court of the state of Washing-ton, for the county of Stevens, on the 4th day ofMarch. 1914, by the clerk thereof, in case of FredS. Phillips versus H. W. Sterrett and KatherineIt. Sterrett, husband and wife, No. 4673, and to meus sheriff, directed and delivered, notice is herebygiven that I willproceed to sell to the highest bid-derfor cash, withinthe hours prescribed by lawfor sheriff's gales, towit. at 2 o'clock p. m.. on the18th dayof April, 1914, before the courthouse doorof the said Stevens county, in the state of Wash-ington, all the right, titleand interest of the saidH. W. Sterrett and Katherine R. Sten-ett. husbandand wife, inand to the followingdescribed prop-erty, towit: Lots 3, 4 and 5 inblock 13 inthe townof Not thport. Stevens county, Washington. Lev-ied on as the property of H. W. Sterrett andKatherine R. Sterret. husband and wife, to satisfya judgment amounting to $600, together with in-terest thereon from the fifthday of January. 1912,

at the rate of 8% per annum, and $50 attorney'sfees, and costs, infavor of Fred S. Phillips.

Given under my hand this6thday of March. 1914.W. L. WOODARD. sheriff.


In the superior court of the state ofWashington, In and for the county ofStevens.

In the matter of the estate of Jacob Fluckiger.


By H. M. Dorman, Deputy.


C. J. Winter, administrator of the estate ofJacob Fluckiger. deceased, having on the 6th dayof March. 1914. presented and filed inthis courthis petition in due form verified by his oath andpraying for an order authorizing him to sell thewhole of the real estate belonging to the estate ofsaid deceased for the purposes set forth in saidpetition, and itappearing to the court from saidpetition that there is not sufficient personal estatein the hands of said administrator to pay the al-lowance to the family, the debts outstanding

against the deceased and the expenses of adminis-tration and that itis necessary to sell as much andsuch parts of the real estate of said estate to pro-vide funds for the payment of aaid family allow-

ance, debts and expenses of administration.Now. therefore, itis ordered and directed that

Tuesday the 16th dayof April, 1914, at the hour of

2 o'clock p. m. of said day. at the courtroom of this

court be and the same is hereby fixed as the time

for the hearing of said petition, at which time all

interested parties shall then and there appear toshow cause, ifany there be. why the prayer of saidadministrator be not granted and this court order•aid administrator to sell or mortgage the real es-tate of the deceased or so much thereof as shall benecessary to pay such allowances, charges anddebts.

The real estate belonging to said estate and thewhole thereof is described as follows, towit: The

west half (WkO of the southeast quarter (SEW)

and the east half (EWi) of the southwesUquartor

(SWVi) of section eighteen (18) intownship thirty

(80) north, of range forty-two (42) E. W. M.. >it-

uated inStevens county, Washington, and

Itis further ordered that this.order shall be pub-lished for four success! ye.weeks inthe ColvilleEx-aminer, a weekly newspaper printed and publishedin Stevens county, Washington, and

It is further ordered that personal service of thisorder shall not be required.

Done inopen court this 6th day of March. 1914.L. C. RICHARDSON.

Superior court commissioner for Stevens county,


Sheriff's) Sale.State of Washington. County of Bte-

By virtus of an order of sale issuedout of the honorable superior court ofthe state of Washington, for the county

of Stevens, on the 2nd day of March,1914. by the clerk thereof, in case of

: M. Nelson versus Lewis Wlllmanand Lorena Wlllman, husband and wife,and M M. Uounselman, a widow, No.4638 and to me as sheriff, directed anddelivered, notice la hereby given that Iwill proceed to sell to the highest bid-der for cash, withIn the hours prescrlLedby law for sheriff's sales, towit, at 2o'clock p. hi. on the 4th day of April,1914 before the courthouse door of thesmld' Stevens county, In the state ofWashington, all the .right, title andisJtVre«t of Ue smld U>wls Wllloaan amiI^orena vVillman, husband and wire,and jf.M. Counselman, a widow, In and

to the following described property,towit: A tract of land lying in thesoutheast quarter of section U, town-ship 80 north, rang* 41 E. W. as follows; towit: Banningat a point 960 feat due west and 178feet north of the southeast corner ofsaid section 28. thence west JO feet;

thence north 487 feet; thence east B0feet; thence south 457 feet to place ofbeginning. Also a tract of land lyingin the southeast quarter of section2B,

township 30 north, range 41 E. W. M.described as follows, towit: Beginningat a point 920 fact due west of thenoutheast corner of said section 28;thence west 90 feet; thence north 178feet; thence east »ff feet; thence south178 feet to place of beginning, all In thecounty of Stevens, state of Washington;levied on as the property of Lewis Will-man, husband and wife, and M. M.Counsclinan, a widow, to satisfy aJudgment amounting to 1663 and Inter-est thereon from March 2, 1914, at 8per cent per annum, together with anattorney's fee of S7S and costs $29.60,In favor of R. M. Nelson.

Given under my hand this Id day ofMarch, 1914.

W. I*WOODARD. sheriff.

SHERIFFS SALKState of Washington, county of Stevens.By virtue of an order of sale issued out of the

honorable superior court of the state of Washing-ton, for the county of Stevens, on the 20th day'ofMarch, 1914. by the clerk thereof, incaw of J. M.Robs versus First Thought Extention God MiningCompany, a corporation. No. 4681. "and to me assheriff, directed and delivered, notice is hereby

given that 1 willproceed to sell to the highest bid-der furcash, within the hours prescribed by lawfor sh'riff's sales, towit. at 2 o'clock p. m.. on the25th day of April, 1914. before the courthouse doorof the said Stevens county, inthe state of Wash-ington, all the right, title and interest of the saidFirst Thought Extention Gold MnineCompany, acorporation, inand tothe followingdescribed prop-erty, towii: Erne R.. Lucky Red. Cultus Chris,

Moscow Fraction and Noma Fraction, all being

mi> ing claims situated on the east half of section18. and the west half of section 17. township 89north, range 87 E. W. M. inStevens county. Wash-ington, as is more particularly set out and des-cribed in the mining loea'ion n rtlces thereof, nowof record in the office of the au li'or of Stevenscounty. Washington. L< ved on as the property

of First ThoughtExtentiun Gold MiningCompany.a corporation tosatisfy a judgment amounting to$9000.15. and for the further sum of $500 as and forattorney's feesfor foreclosing lien, and the furthersum of $12 for costs of preparing and filingsaidlien, and for his costs and expenses in this actionincurred, infavor of J. M. Robs.

Given under my hand this 20th day of March,

1914. W. L. WOODARD, sheriff.

State of Washington, county of Stevens.Byvirtue of an order of Bale issued out of the

honorable superior court of the state of Washing-

ton, for the county of Stevens, on the 23d day ofMarch, 1914. by the clerk thereof, incase of CarrieE. Willamson versus Thomas Raney and George B.Cooley. No. 4697.'and to me as sheriff, directed anddelivered, notice is hereby given that Iwillpro-ceed to sell to the highest bidder for cash, withinthe hours prescribed by lawfor sheriff's sales, 2 o'clock p. m., on the 25th day or April,1914. before the courthouse door of the said Stevens

county, in the state of Washington, all the right,titleand Interest of the said Thomas Raney andGeorge B. Coo'i-y in and tothe following describedproperty, towit. Allof lots 16and 17. block 2. LoonLake Park, or so much thereof as may be sufficientto satisfy the amount due the plaintiff. Levied onas the property of Thomas Raney and George B.Cooley to satisfy a judgment amounting to $1063

and $160 attorney's fees and $10.46 costs ofsuit atthe rate of 6% per annum from March 6. 1914, todate of sale, and for expenses of sale, Infavor ofCarrie E. Williamson.

Given under my hand this 23d day ofMarch. 1914.W. L. WOODARD, sheriff.


Self-Loading Riflej| It Strikes

lAßlowof 2038 lbs.jB This new WinchesterH shoots a heavier bulletJfi and hits a harder blow

> « than any other recoil- jjfl operated rifle made. ItS is more powerful than

the .30 Army, of big-H game hunting fame. The

loading and firingof thisWtJ rifle are controlled by

jS^ the trigger finger. ItLIKE THE HAMHEIOF THOK

)^m Stud for MuttraUd circular fullyj^^A ddtcribint tlllt ntm ritllwhich

l^^A has ttrmftk and power pint.



>B New Harem, Conn.. U. S. A.

Pay in advance and getthe Examiner for $1.



Department of the Interior.Unlt»d Bt»t«i Land Offloe »t Spokan*.

Washiaston. March S. 19HNotlee Is hereby«l«" that MyrtleM. Wolfln«w.

whoM poetofllc. aßdreaa isThree Forks. Waahlng-

ton. dkl. on tJie day of June, 1112. fll. inthis

office swan statement and application. No. 0«72.

to l lian the aoothweat quarter of the south-east qaartar of Mction 1. the northwest qnartarof

the imUnant quarter »nd the northeast quarter

of the northwest quarter, section 12. township Xnorth, range 40 E. Willamette meridian, and thetimber thereon, under the provisions of the act of

June 3. 1878. and acts amendatory, known a* the"Timber and Stone Law." at such value aa mtarhtbe fixed by appraisement, and that, pursuant to

such application, the land and timber thereonhare been appraised, at four hundred tendollars;the timber estimated 680.000 board feet at I(see

appraisal) per M.and the land 160; that said appli-cant willoffer final proof insupport of her appli-cation and sworn statement on the 4th dayof June.1914. before Kathrine S. Ide, United Slates com-missioner for the fasten district of Washington.

at her office. Colville. Washington.

Anyp«non is at libertyto protest this purchasebefore entry, or Initiate a contests any time be-fore patent issues, by filinga corroborated affidavitin|this office, alleging facts which would^ def«ttthe entry.

COLH. Register.

My Mamma oays - »a^l

Its date tor <r^cs»Children" *s»S«&



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Heal3Ev tTj-J/.:a II jlab.i. Borfis,Boils, Sores, Ulcers, Tiles, Eczema,Cuts, Corns, Wounds and Bvutses.SATISFIES, OR MOn^.y BACK.


Cunstipation"For many years Iwas troubled, inspite of all so-called remedies Iused.At last Ifound quickrelief and curein those mild, yet thorough andreally wonderful


NewLifePillsAdolph Schingeck, Buffalo, N. Y.


"Clean Up the Bowels andKeep Them Clean"

There arc ninny remedies to behad lor constipation, but the diffi-culty is 10 procure one that actswithout violence. A remedy that

does not performby force whatshould be

»jw jgfe a plished by persua-BwP p. sion is Dr. Miles'% ftf* ,'J Laxative Tablets.%<^»..i r After using them,V*"" A Mr- N- A- Waddell,l&ry\^ 315 Washington

JHY "Almost all my

troubled with constipation, and hay»tried many remedies, all of whichseemed to cause pain without elvin*much relief. 1 finally tried Dr Mllaa'Laxative Tablets and found them ex-ewlent Their action is pleasant andmild, and their chocolate taste malceathem easy to take. I am more thanpad to recommend them."

"Clean up the bowels and keepthem clean," is the advice of allphysicians, because they realize thedanger resulting from habitual con-stipation. Do not delay too long,out begin proper curative measures.

Dr. Miles' Laxative Tablets are«new remedy for this old complaint,«nd a great improvement over thecathartics you have been using iathe past They taste like candyand work like a charm. A trialwill convince you.

1"KMil«* JL*xttiTe T«Wet« an

\u25a0Old by all druggists, at 25 centsa box containing 25 doses. If notfound satisfactory after trial, re-turn the box to your druggist amdM will return your money.MILKS MEDICAL CO., Elkhait, IM.