the colfax chronicle (colfax, la) 1914-10-10 [p ] · lthat :it the f~o:i re sori eltin'is ai ....

thereon,: tatd mortgage or m o rtguf' , b,.i or brn•ds, to ie i a;: out i(, the net r, t pt:: of said caal ai d :t ap urte•rumi , L. i-titu, after -:h-! Ia Lr. - t on ,r Ut'll -,6tii :n a( i1t ?rther rs-llt, f tcdf it o thO so rl ,i e e , (f N rw- t-'- to! t .. '. w- ! -anal hii l h 'ior n ta ll or otherwise, carry tle sn! e into effe-tt. Section 4. Pe it further resolved, et'., lthat :it the f~o:i re sori eltin'is ai . sl- opr:llowite the oarfirst Mn i •ti Nomier- tIt 4, th e f ore t in em sm l. .tn , .rto t he ('o - stitutiN of thei a ist shall. be s•rbmi ttili e to the rwiSltos fry the st•r:te toht efn the aectii !ot 4.• e ui t further resolved. eltc., hal iphis Stc te onrd: the ist Tot-ia:rd iol (owi'ni the first I• nlay l Novermntr. ;shrill 1:. placed the wrids: Fthir t;e loar f ntil ti:- words: ".ivainst the bioar of C'orinutsioner s ' ', at l . tnot-ihnIt, i,' an• eert' elector sh:ll indwate his vot.. or the iropoSl•i d arnteiu n i r ent, as ],rotv li-od h the gi ,,.eral .eletion liaw'T f thi's State. ;iSpea;i of tl, ' l ,us•e of I'eipresi(ntatives. T'ii)i MAS I'. l:. itiff T. :L. uu l (:,n er o.or and liresident of Senate Al ,- '-e . I toJuly y. 1010 . I. I:. HALT.. ( ot'ernor of the Stat' of ILtuisiana. A\ truo. copy' AIXVIN E. HI.ltERT, Secretary of State. ACT NO. 257. Houi-' Bill No. 513--1y 31r. Fleury. .- JOINT ItESOLU'TION l'ropoirc ,n atniendrneint to Article 109 of the Constitution of Louisiana, relative to Tistrl'ct I ou'rts. Section 1. lIh it r-esolved lyv tihe General Assembly of the State of Louisiana. two- thirds of all the members elected to each House concurring. That the following amendment to the Constitution of Louist- ana shall be submitted to the electors of the State, at the congressional election to he hoIlen on the first Tuesday after the- first Monday In November, 1914, and If approved and ratified by a majority of said electors voting In sald election the same to Ibecome a part of the Constitu- tion, to-wit: Article 109. The District Courts, except in the Parish of Orleans, shall have orig- inal jurisdiction in all civil matters where the amount in dispute shall exceed fifty ($50.00) dollars, exclusive of interest and in all cases where the title to real estate is involved, or to office or other public positions, or civil or political rights, 'and all other cases where no specific amount is in contest, except as otherwise provided in this Constitution. They shall have unlimited and exclusive original jurisdiction in all criminal cases except such as may be vested in other courts authorized by this Constitution: and in all probate and succession matters, and where a succession is a party de- fendant. and in all cases where the State. a parish, municipality or other political corporation is a party defendant regard- less of the amount in dispute; and of all proceedings for the appointment of re- ceivers or liquidators to corporations or partnerships; and said court shall have authority to issue all such writs, process and orders as may be necessary or proper for the purpose of the jurisdiction herein conferred upon them. There shall be one district judge in each judicial district except in the First. Fifteenth. Twenty-first. Twenty-fifth, and Twenty-eighth Judicial Districts, where until otherwise provided by law there shall be three (3) district judges in the First Judicial District, and in the other districts above mentioned there shall be two (2) district judges. District judges shall be elected by a plurality of the qualified voters of their respective districts, in which they shall have been actual residents for two years next preceding their election. They shall be learned in the law and shall have practiced law in this State five years previous to their election. District judges under this Constitution shall be elected on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November. 1916. and every four years thereafter. Vacancies occasioned by death, resigna- tion, or otherwise where the unexpired portion of the term Is less than one year shall be filled for the remainder of the term by appointment by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Senate. In all cases where the unexpired portion of the term is one year or more the va- cancy shall be filled by special election. to be called by the Governor and held within sixty days of the occurrence of the vacancy. under the general election laws of the State. Section 2. Be it further resolved, etc.. That the foregoing amendment to the Article of the Constitution of this State, if adopted, shall become operative on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, 1914. at which time the addi- tional judges provided for in said Article shall be elected in conformity with exist- ing election laws and they shall hold of- fice for a term of two years and until their successors are elected and qualified. on the first Tuesday after the first Mon- day in November. 1916, on which date all judges hereinabove provided for shall be elected in, conformity with existing laws and they shall hold office for a term of four years and until their successors are elected and qualified. Section 3. Be it further resolved. etc.. That upon the official ballots to he used at said congressional election shall be printed the words: "For the proposed amendment to Article 109 of the Consti- tution of Louisiana. relative to District Courts." and the words: "Against the proposed amendment to Article 109 of the Constitution of Louisiana. relative to Dis- trict ('ourts." and such elector shall in- licate, as provided in the general election laws of the State, which of the proliosi- tlots, "For" or "Agalnst." he votes for. L. E. THOMAS, Speaker of thle House of Representatives. THOMAS C. IBARIItET. Lieut. Governor and President of Senate. Approved: July 9. 101i1. L,. B. HATL, Governor of the State of Iouislana. A true copy: ALVIN E. HRSERT. Secretary of State. ACT NO. 260. House Bill No. 153-BDy Mr. Generelly. AN ACT To define motor vehicles and to provide for their registry, and imposltg a license therefor: and providing penal- ties for any violations of this act: and An Act whereas It is intended to have this Act ratified by an amendment to the Constitution of the State. Therefore Section 1. Be It enacted by the G.eneral Assembly of the State of T~ousiana, two- thirds of all the members elected to each House concurring. That a motor vehlcle is defined to be any vehicle operated by any power other than muscular power, and desIgRned and Intended for use on public highways, roads andt streets. Motor ve- hicles are classified into three sutldivisions. Any motor vehicle used exclusively in com- merce for the carrying or transporting of merchandise on the public highways, roads and streets is classified as a motor truck. Any motor vehicle containing only two running wheels arranged tandem, is clas- sified as a motorcycle. All other motor vehicles are classified as motor cars. Section 2. He it further enacted. etc.. That every owner of a motor vehicle which shall be operated or driven upon public highways of this State. shall. except as herein otherwise expressly provided, cause to be filed by mail or otherwise in the office of the .bcretary of State an appll- cation for registration on a blank to be furnished by the Secretary of State for that purpose. ontalnlng (a) a brief de- Acription of the motor vehicle to be regis- tered, inclulldinrg the name of the manu- facturer and factory number of such ve- hile, the character and amount of the motive Iw~ar, stated in figures of horse- power, given where practical. In accord- ance with the rating established by the Association of Licensed Automobile Man- ufacturers: (b) the name. residence, In- cluding parish and business address of the owner of such motor vehicle: (c) pro- vlded, that iI such motor vehicle is to be used solely for commercial purposes the applicant shall no certify. Section 3. Be it further enacted, etc., Upon the receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle as provrld- ed in Section 2. the Secretary of State shall file such application in his office and reglter such motor vehicle or vehicles. with the name. residence and business address of the owner, manufacturer or dealer, as the case may be, together with the lfacts stated In such application, in a beok or index to be kept for the purpose. udsr 'the distlnctlve number assigned to mee motor vehicle by the Secretary of tte wheich book or Iqdex shall be open •cins .ection during reasonable etin 4. Be it further enacted, etc.. ~pe~ the Allag of isuch application and t!h, payment of the license hereinafter - .id , thi Ssecrtary of State shall as- S.• , .: l t,.t-r vehicle a distinctive ,:,r L I, without further expense to th u;,;d , 'nt, issue and deliver to the fi ate of registration, and iLm r lnat'-. .:uch number plates '! .. " : st::: !ly dlifeilent color each - i ,e:, shall h,' at all times a .intst ietateeiI the color of the mii :ileer i ltes anid that of the numerals or l,-tters tht-erot. -ih :.uiiite,.r plates shall be of metal, at ie-a:t s.\ illnChes wide and not less than ..!tiee:, tlkh': in length, on which there shali ih the ;,hbre:viation "L,." and there -hallbIe thc Idistinctive number assigned ri, tit' \th. ile set forth in numerals four r chles I nlc, eaiclh stroke of which shall be it lenast ;i,-iteighths of an inch in width; iro\l.dl i.. that inI the case of a motor vchle registered by a manufacturer or i. iita rt there lshall hi on such plato in ad- iiti,.n to the foregoing the letter '"M," i:ich stroke- of suchl letter to be at least rii in, he, long and five-eighths of an i:h itr width. No vehicle shall display lih ,niherll " plates of more than one State : -- t: . In the event of the loss. ,L1; l m ,,r : destruction of any certifi- ; ... I. stl'ation, or number plate, the ,\ .t' (,o it registered motor vehicle or ::lllifa:turer, or dealer, as the case may tn. may obtain from the Secretary of -t:,t,.. upon an affidavit showing such fact .:i1 the pIlt nient of a fee of one dollar, two tIew nurmber plates, and thereupon 'he i-riginal license plates shall become i1, .ind any person found using same hali be subject to the penalties imposed I iby Section 14. All .certificates of registration shall be- r;on thlir respective dates, and shall expire on the' 31st day of December fol- :,vn ig. A new registration must be had :each year, ;and(i the license fee therefor ,.In ainnu lly; provided that persons hold- ne a certaticate for one year shall not !,cicnie delinquent for failure to register, ,r lay the anntual license fee until the first lay of February of the following year. Section 5. le it further enacted. etc., There shall he an annual license fee, ,chic'h sIhall e dividled into classifications inown as a whole license fee, and a half cense fee. The whole license fee shall pplly to all registrations made under the provisions of this act, prior to the first 'lay of August. of each year; and the half 'i.cense fee shall apply to all registrations under the provisions of this act made on or after the first day of August. of each year. All license fees except as herein- tfter provided shall be based on horse- nower of motor, and shall be computed ac- cording to the following standard, to-wit: D2XN 2.5 D is the cylinder bore in incites; N the number of cylinders. The license fee shall be twenty-five cents for each horsepower; provided that the minimum whole license fee shall be Five Dollars. All motor cars shall be subject to this license. Motor- -ycles shall pay a flat license of Two Dollars per annum. Motor trucks shall pay a flat license fee of Seven Dollars and Fifty Cents per annum. The one- half license shall apply to all motor ve- hicles and shall be half of the license rate herein provided for a whole license for each classification. Persons, firms and rorporatlons, manufacturing or dealing in motor vehicles shall pay the license fee of one motor vehicle, on the maximum horsepower of each special make of motor vehicles handled, provided that dealers handling both new and second-hand motor vehicles shall pay the license on new makes only. Persons, firms or corpora- tions dealing in or handling second-hand motor vehicles exclusively shall pay a flat license of Ten Dollars per annum. Section 6. Be it further enacted, etc., That upon the sale or transfer of a motor vehicle registered in accordance with this act. the vendor shall immediately file notice thereof with the name and resl- lence of the vendee to the Secretary of 'tate, and the vendee shall within ten lays after the date of such sale or trans- fer. upon a blank to be furnished him for that purpose, make application for a change of registration, which shall with a fee of One Dollar, be forwarded to the Secretary of State, who shall note upon the registration book or index such change of ownership. Section 7. Be it further enacted, etc, Upon the sale of a motor vehicle by the manufacturer or dealer, the vendee shall he allowed to operate same upon the public highways for a period of fifteen days after taking possession thereof, or until he shall have received his certificate of registration and number plates from the Secretary of State, providing that luring such period the motor vehicle shall have attached thereto, in accordance with ;he provisions hereof, a placard bearing the registration number of the dealer under which it might previously have been operated: and provided, further, that application for registration shall be made by mail or otherwise before such vehicle shall be so used. Section 8. Be it further enacted, etc.. That every person, firm, association or corporation manufacturing or dealing in motor vehicles may instead of registering each motor vehicle so manufactured or dealt in. make an ,application upon a blank to be furnished hb the Secretary of State for :I general distinctive number for all rnotor vehicles (; ned and controlled by such manufacture or dealer, such appli- ration to contain' la) a brief description of each style or ype of motor vehicle manufactured or dealt in by such manu- facturer or dealer, including the charac- ter of the motor power, the amount of such motor power stated in figures of horse power in accordance with the rat- ing established by this act: (b) the name, residence. including parish and business address. of such manufacturer or dealer. ,n the paymennt of the registration fee proviled in Section 5. such application shall he liled and registered in the office -if thle Seretary of State in the manner iro\vided in srction 3 of this act. There shall thereui•pl he assigned and issued to such manlfll::r turer or dealer a certificate of registr:ttlnl. :tnl a number plate with . number corresponding to the number of such certificate of registration. Such numbier pnlat or duplicate thereof shall be displayed by every motor vehicle of such manuftacturer or dealer when the same is iluper:ltedl or driven on the public highways. '"th, manufacturer or dealer may obtain is manty duplicates of such number plate 's may be dlesired upon payment to the Secretary of State of One Dollar for each tIllicate. Nothing in this article shall be construed to apply to a motor vehicle operated by a manufacturer or dealer for )rivate use or for hire. Section 9. Ie it further enacted. etc., The provisions of the foregoing'sections relati\ve to registration and display of reg- istratlon rinumbers. shall not apply to a motor vehiclel ownedl by a non-resident of this State. pirovided. that the owner there- of shall have complied with the provisions of the law of the foreign country. State, Territory or Federal district of his reel- lence relative to registration of motor vehicles and the display of registration lumhers thereon, and shall conspicuously display his registration numbers as re- luired thereby. The provisions of thisn section, however, shall be operative as to 3 motor vehicle owned by a non-relsident ,f th!s State only to the extent that under the laws of foreign country, State. or Ter- ritory, or Federal district of his residence like exemptions are granted to motor ve- ~hicles duly registered under the laws of md owned by residents of this State. Section 10. De It further enacted, etc., All track engines. road rollers, fire wagons, fire engines, police patrols, ambulance, ats well as all other motor vehicltes used exclusively for public purposes by the Unlted States Government, the State, or 'ny of the sulbllvisions thereof, Includint the parishes. cities, towns and villages; as well as all public boards of the State, listrict, parochial or municipal are ex- cluded from the provisions of this act. Section 11. te it further enacted, etc., The Secretary of State shall deposit all funds collectted under the provisions of Ihis act. as soon after the collection as ractlcabhle. In one of the banks of the State previously selected for that year as one of the State bank depositaries, In a special funld which shall bear interest at the same rate as other deposits; and on or before the fifteenth day of the month of February and August. of each year, the secretary of State shall transmit to the P'arish ifreasurer of each parish. with a sworn account thereof. all of the ftmds collected under the provisions of this anet. from persons, firms or corporations resid- ing in the respective parishes throeghout the State. deducting therefrom only the amounts expended by him. in accordance with the provisions of Section 12. That on or before the fifteenth day of the Months of February and August of each year, the Secretary of State shall transmit to the Commislioner of Finance of the City of New Orleans., with a sworn acconnt thereof, all of the funds collected under the provisions of this act, from persons firms or corporations residing in the Parish of Orleans, deductingl there- from only the amounts expended by him, In accordtaloe with the provisions of Sec- Lion 1' of this .'t. The ('olfi:s of the District Courts throug1hout the Statt (Parishl of Orleans :excepted), -r,all with n ten days after the collectionl hiref, t:ransmit to the Parish -Treasurer ali tines a: di penalties collected lor any \'vi.!:ati of t i State law relat- ing to nlotr \ci :ci.. aIr sh:all annually ietwee:: ti.e 1.t ;;.id Illteenth day of January 1of a.h. i year, tide with the Parish Treasurer ., sio.'n statement showing in detail the amounts and sources from whence said tunds were collected. The Clerks of the Fl'i•st and Second City Crim- inal Courts of the City of N•wv Orleans, shall nsithin two days after the collection thereof, transmit to the Conunissioner of Finance of the City of New Orleans, all fines and penalties collected for any viola- tion of the provisions of any State law relating to mrotor vehicles, and shall an- nually between the first and fifteenth day of January of each year, tile with the Commissioner of Finance of the City of New Orleans, a sworn statement showing in details the ;lamounts antd sources from whence said futnds were collected. All funds uelposlted with the respective Par- .sh Tre:asurers shall he special highway funds ol the parislh and shall be with- .irawn from P'arsh Trteasury by the Po- lice Jury of each parish only for the pur- pose of conslrucltlig, nlaitaining. or op- eration of public roads, highways or bridges, or fIr the paymenint of interest on bonds issued solely for said purpose. The fual de ,osited with the Commis- sioner or : .. ,.. e of the City of New Orleans, u,,-:r the provisions of this act, shall form a secial highway fund for the City of New Orleans, and shall be used exclusively for thle purpose of construct- ing, operantinll and maintaining highways, roads, bridges. viaducts. and aqueducts, as well as culvetts, drains and appurte- nances thereof; or for the purpose of pay- ing the interest onil any bonds or public improvement certificates hereafter issued by the City of New Orleans exclusively for the construction of public highways, roads, bridges, viaductas, or aqueducts within said parish. Section 12. I•e it further enacted, etc., That the Secretary of State shall give bond in such sum as may be fixed by the Governor of the State of Louisiana, with a surety company authorized to do busi- ness In the State of Louisiana, as surety therein, and shall be entitled to charge the cost thereof, which shall not exceed one-fourth of one per cent, and to charge the same against the license fees col- lected. The bond shall be made in favor of the State of Iouisiana for faithful perform- ance by the Secretary of State of his duties under this act. and the prompt delivery to the proper parties of the funds under his control; and shall ensure to the benefit of the respective parishes and the City of New Orleans, as its interest might PHe sall appoint a chief clerk and such additional clerks as may be necessary, who shall have charge of the business of the Secretary of State. under the pro- visions of this act; the said clerk shall hold his position at the pleasure of the Secretary of State. All of the incidental expenses necessary to carry into effect and enforce the provisions of this act shall be paid by the Secretary of State by check, and shall be deducted from the returns made to the Parish Treasurer and Commissioner of Finance of the City of New Orleans. The expense of said office shall be charged against the funds accru- ing from the respective parish funds, and the funds accruing to the highway fund of the City of New Orleans, pro rata, and in no event shall the salary and expenses of the office exceed ten per cent of the total amount of the license fees collected under the provisions of this act. Section 13. Be it further enacted, etc., That whenever any portion of the high- way fund of the City of New Orleans created by the provisions of this act shall be used for the construction of roads, bridges, viaducts, or aqueducts in ac- cordance with this act, or for the payment of interest on bonds or public improve- ment certificates as herein provided, the City of New Orleans shall be obligated whenever it grants any franchise to any person, firm, association or corporation for the use of said road, bridge, aqueduct or viaduct, to make provisions under the grant of said franchise for the reimburse- ment to the highway fund of the City of New Orleans, of any amount reasonably commensurate with the extent of the franchise granted, and the extent to which said road, bridge. viaduct or aqueduct is utilized under said franchise. Section 14. Be it further enacted, etc., That any person failing to register his motor vehicle, or to pay his license tax as herein provided, within the time fixed by the provisions of thisact; or any per- son making a wilful false statement in relation to any matter or things required to be done under the provisions of this act, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be pun- ished by a fine of not less than Five Dollars. nor more than Twenty-five Dol- lars; or by imprisonment in the parish ail, - for not more than thirty days, or I both, in the discretion of the court. Section 15. Be it further enacted, etc., That this act shall go into effect and become operative on the first day of Jan- uary, 1915, if ratified and approved by the electors of the State, as provided in Sections 16 and 17 of this act, and it is the intention of this act that the ratifica- tion and approval by the electors of the State shall legalize and render valid all of the provisions hereof, reserving to the General Assembly complete authority to amend this act in any respect whatever. Section 1t. Be it further enacted, etc., That all laws or parts of laws in conflict with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. Section 17. Be it further enacted, etc., That at the general election to be held in this State on the first Tuesday after the first Monday of the month of November, 1914. there shall he submitted to the electors of the State, the following amend- ment to the Constitution. to-wit: "The General Assembly shall provide for the registration of automobiles and motor vehicles anti prodvide a license tax for the use thereof. Andti all provisions of the Constitution in conflict herewith are to this extent repealedl, and Act ...... of 1914, entitled 'An Act to Define Motor Vehicles.' etc., is ratified andl approved." Section 18. le it fuirther enacted, etc., That on the official ballot to be used in said election,. shall be placed the words: "For the Amendment Licensing Automo- biles." and the words: "Against the Amendment Licensing Automobiles," and each elector shall indicate his vote on the proposed amendment as provided for by the General Assembly laws of this State. i,. E. THOMAS. Speaker of the House of Representatives. THOMAR C. BARRET. Lleut. Governor and President of Senate. Approved: July 9. 1914. L. E. HALT, Governor of the State of Louisiana. A true copy: ALVIN E. IIHEERT, Secretary of State. ACT NO. 262. House 111i No. 613-By Mr. Generelly. AN ACT Authorizing the Boanrd of Directors of the Public Schools of the Parish of Or- leans to issue Two Million Dollars of bonds for the purpose of acquiring school sites, constructing school build- ings and their appurtenances in the City of New Orleans; to provide the terms and conditions under which said bonds shall be issued and sold, and the security for the payment of the principal and interest thereof; to de- fine the duties of the Board of Liqul- dation, City Debt, in connection with the issuance atd sale of said bonds, the payment of the principal and in- terest thereon. 'and the retirement thereof: to prescribe the duties and obligations of the City of New Orleans in connection with the reimbursement of the Board of Directors of the Pub- lic Schools for the Parish of Orleans by certain annual payments: and to define the method and manner in which the proceeds of said honds shall be employed and disbursed. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Louisiana, two- thirds of all the members elected to each House concurring That, subject to the ratfifoation of the people of the State of Louislana, by an amendment to the Con- stltution of the State. hereinafter sub- mitted to themn. the Board of Directors of the Public Schools for the Parish of Or- leans, of the State of Louisilana. is hereby authorized And empowered to issue bonds not to exceed two million dollars ($2,000.- 000.00) in amount. to he dated January 1. 1915. bearing fivre per cent (5 per cent) pe annum interest, p. able semi-annually. the principal of wk ih shall be payable in forty (40) annul. installments of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) each. payable on the first day of January In each of the years 1916 to and Including 1955, respec- (-ly as hereinfter set forth. bonds shall be made payable to bearer. and shall be styled "'Publle Sdchool Bonds, City of New Orlea:.* and Parish of Orleans." Said bonds shall be of the denomination of one thousand dollars each, exc pt that at the option of any bidder, to ae indi- cated in and as a part of his bid, bonds of the denomination of rive hundred dol- lars may be issued to such bidder if suc- cessful. =The principal and interest of said bonds shall be payable in gold coin of the United States equal to the present standard of weight and fineness, or same may be ex- pressed in pounds sterling or in franc, and at such arbitrary rate of exchange as said Board of Liquidation, City Debt, may determine. Said bonds shall be signed by the pres- ident and secretary, respectively, of the Board of Directors of the Public Schools for the Parish of Orleans, and shall be countersigned by the president, or one of the vice-presidents, and the secretary of the Board of Liquidation, City Debt The interest on said bonds shall be evi- denced by interest coupons attached there- to bearing the fac-simile signatures of the secretary of the Board of Directors of the Public Schools for the Parish of Or- leans and the Secretary of the Board of Liquidation, City Debt, respectively, and shall be payable on the first days of July and January, respectively, in each year; said interest shall be payable in the City of New Orleans and in such other cities as the Board of Liquidation, City Debt, may determine upon surrender and cancel- lation of the said respective interest cou- pons; provided, however, that such cities shall be designated by the Board of Liqul- dation,City Debt, and announced in the ad- vertisement calling for competitive bids; and provided, further, that the principal of said bonds shall be payable only in the City of New Orleans. State of Louisiana. Said bonds may be registered and re- leased from registry under such rules and regulations as the Board of Liquidation, City Debt, may determine; shall be ex- empt from taxation, State. parish and municipal, shall be a legal investment for the tutors of minors and curators of in- terdicts; and shall be received as security for public deposits of the State of Louisi- ana or any political subdivision thereof. Section 2. Be it further enacted, etc., That as soon as constitutional authority for the issuance of said bonds shall have been obtained, the Board of Directors of the Public Schools for the Parish of Or- leans shall by resolution adopted by a majority o! the members thereof in reg- ular or special meeting called for that purpose, call upon the Board of Liquida- tion, City Debt, to advertise for the sale of said bonds. When so called upon. it shall be the duty of the Board of Llquida- tion, City Debt, to advertise said bonds for sale in the official journal of the City of New Orleans and in such other news- papers in financial centers as the Board of Liquidation, City Debt, may determine. Said advertisement shall appear in each of said newspapers for thirty (30) days immediately preceding the date fixed for the receipt of bids; and the said bonds shall be adjudicated and sold, under seal- ed bids or proposals, to the highest bidder who shall have complied with the terms and conditions set out by the Board of Liquidation, City Debt, in the advertise- ment for said bids; provided that no sale of said bonds shall be made unless all of said Issue be sold and unless the average price obtained for the different maturities shall at least equal par and accrued in- terest for the entire issue. The Board of Liquidation, City Debt, shall have the right to reject any and all bids. Section 3. Be it further enacted, etc., That when the said bonds shall have been adjudicated, as hereinafter set forth, it shall be the duty of the Board of Liqui- dation. City Debt, to immediately cause said bonds to be engraved and executed in such denominations and payable in the currency of, such country or countries as Indicated or the Board of Liquidation, City Debt, determine, as the case may be. The Board of Liquidation, City Debt, shall have the right to prescribe the amount of the deposit that shall accom- pany each bid, the conditions under which same shall become forfeited, the time within which the bonds shall be delivered after the adjudication, and, generally, all terms and conditions appertaining to the bids and adjudication not otherwise pro- vided for by this act. Section 4. Be it further enacted, etc.. That the Board of Liquidation, City Debt, shall deposit the proceeds of the sale of said bonds in such local bank or banks as may become the successful bidder or bid- ders for said bonds In proportion to the amount of their respective bids, upon fur- nishing security satisfactory to the Board of Liquidation. City Debt, and at such rate of interest as the Board of Liquida- tion, City Debt, may fix and announce in the advertisement calling for bids. In the event that the successful bidder or bid- iers for all or any part of the said bonds shall be some person, firm or corporation other than a local bank, then the proceeds of the sale of the bonds awarded to said successful bidder or bidders shallbe de- posited in such local bank or banks and at such rate of interest as the Board of Liquidation, City Debt, may determine. All payments made by the Board of Di- rectors of the Public Schools for the Par- ish of Orleans shall be made in the form of warrants or drafts on the Board of Li- quidation, City Debt, setting forth the amount thereof, the person to whom pay- able and the purpose for which the day- ment is made; and the Board of Liquida- tion, City Debt, Is hereby charged with the duty of taking care that no Irregular or improper or unlawful payments are made out of said funds. Section 5. Be it further enacted, etc.. That the annual Installment of princlpal amounting to fifty thousand dollars ($50- 100) and the interest on said bonds shall be payable out of the one-half of the sur- plus of the one per cent, debt tax levied by the City of New Orleans by virtue of Article 317 of the Constitution of the State of Louisiana, adopted in the year 1913. and dedicated for the use of the public schools of the Parish of Orleans, after providing for the principal and in- terest on the one hundred and seventy- tour thousand, six hundred and sixty-two lollars ($174,662), in principal sum. of bonds known as School Teachers' Salary Bonds of the City of New Orleans, au- thorized by Act No. 2 of the General As- sembly of the State of Louisiana. session >f 1906, and subsequently adopted as an amendment to the Constitution of this itate; and the said one-half of the sur- plus of the one per cent debt tax, subject to the exceptions specified and herein- above immediately set forth, is hereby ledicated and ledged to the payment of the bonds hereby authorized to be issued, n principal and interest; and the Board of Liquidation, City Debt, is hereby di- ected to employ said fund to the extent necessary to carry out the purpose of this ect; provided that nothing herein contain- id shall otherwise change, affect or im- air, the provisions of Article 317 of the Constitution of this State. Section 6. Be it further enacted, etc., Ihat the Board of Liquidation, City Debt, ihall, on the first day of Jantary, 1916, and annually thereafter pay and redeem Iftythousand dollars ($50,000), In princi- 3al sum of said bonds. The plan and ichedule of redemption shall be determined y3 the Board of Liquidation. City Debt, and announced by it in detail in the ad- vertlsement calling for sealed bids. Section 7. Be it further enacted, etc., I'hat in order to reimburse the Board of Directors of the Public Schools for the Parish of Orleans for the deductions and ayments which the Board of Llquidation, 2lty Debt, is herein authorized to make >ut of said one-half of the surplus of the me per cent, debt tax, the City of New )rleans shall, and It is hereby made its luty to pay over to the Board of Liquida- ion, City Debt, beginning on or before the first day of July, 1915, and annually thereafter up to and including the year 1934, the sum of one hundred thousand lollars ($100,000) in cash, and beglnning n or before the first day of July, 1985, and annually thereaftsr up to and lclud- ngsr the year 1964, the sum of fifty thous- and dollars ($50,000) in cash. and such turther sum as may be necessary in each fear to pay the interest on the bonds here- n authorized and then outstanding. To snable the City of New Orleans to make uch annual payments, the said city is authorized to issue and to sell so much of the public improvement certificates au- thorized to be issued under Act No. 56 of the General Assembly of the State of Lou- islans. Session of 1908, or amendments resently existing thereto, or that may be ereafter made, as may be necessary for said purpose; and such certificates shall be sold by the City of New Orleans under sealed proposals to the highest bidder. in such amounts and under such conditions as the City of New Orleans may prescribe. The City of New Orleans shall be entitled to reject any and all bids for such cer- tificates; provided, however, that nothing herein contained shahll be construed to, in any manner, relieve the City of New Orleans of the obligation to make the an- nual payments herein designated; and, in the event that the City of New Orleans should fall to make any payment when same shall become due, it shall be the duty of the Board of Liquidation, City Debt, to comrpe, by mandamus or ether approprl- ate remedy, the City of New Orleans ti pay over to it the amount thus due. When and as soon as the Board of Liquidation City Debt, shall have received from thi City :f New Orleans and such annual pay. ment. the money so received shall tb forthw'ith paid over by the Board of IA. quidation, City Debt, to the Board oe Directors of the Public Schools for the Parish of Orleans. Section b. Be it further enacted, etc., That the proceeds of the sale of two mil- lion dollars of bonds herein authorized tc be issued shall be expended solely for the following purposes, to-wit: For the acquisition in the name of the City of New Orleans, either by purchase or by expropriation proceedings to be in- stituted in the name of the City of New Orleans, o( such sites as may be neces- sary for the erection, extension or en- largement of school houses and their ap- purtenances, or for the establishment f playgrounds or stadia connected with the public school system of the City of New Orleans; and for the construction, od en- largement,or maintenance of school houses and school buildings and other edifices and appurtenances thereto. Any and all contracts for the purchase of ground or the construction of buildings shall be made by the Board of Directors or the Public Schools of the City of New Orleans, subject to confirmation and ap- proval by the Commission Council or other governing body of the City of New Orleans; and all contracts for the con- struction of buildings or other edifices that may exceed five hundred dollars in amount shall be let to the lowest bidder under sealed proposals and after ten (10) days advertisement in the official journal of the City of New Orleans, and under such terms and conditions as the Board of Directors of the Public Schools for the Parish of Orleans and the Commission Council, or other governing body, of the City of New Orleans may concur in. All plans and specifications for the con- struction and repair of school Ihouses and other buildings and structures shall be made and prepared by the Engineering Department of the City of New Orleans and all such work shall be done under the supervision and direction and subject to the approval of the City Engineer of the City of New Orleans. Section 9. Be it further enacted. etc., That during the life of the bonds herein authorised to be issuedand until the date of their complete and final redemption, the City of New Orleans shall be free from the obligation of appropriating and paying, othaewise than as provided in this act, any money for the acquisition, con- struction or repair of public school build- ings and their appurtenances in the City of New Orleans. Section 10. Be it further enacted etc., That the provisions of this act shal con- stitute a contract between the holders of the bonds issued thereunder and the Board of Directors of the Public Schools for the Parish of Orleans. Section 11. Be it further enacted, etc., That at the Congressional election to be held in this State on the first Monday after the first Tuesday in the month of November, 1914. the following amendment to the Constitution of the State of Louisi- ana shall be submitted to the electors of the State, to-wit: The Board of Directors of the Public Schools for the Parish of Orleans shall be authoriszed and empowered to issue two million dollars ($2,000,000) of bonds to be known as "Public School Bonds, City of New Orleans," for the purpose, and wun- der the provisions set forth in the act of the Legislature adopted to that end and for that purpose at the regular session of the Louisiana General Assembly for the year 1914, which said act is hereby ratified and approved; and all provisions of the Constitution of the State in conflict with the provisions of said act and with this amendment are to that extent and for that purpose only repealed. Section 12. Be it further enacted, etc., That on the official ballot to be used at said election shall be placed the words "For the New Orleans Public School Bonds Amendment"; and the words "Against the New Orleans Public School Bonds Amend- ment"; and each elector shall indicate his vote on the proposed amendment as provided by the general election laws of the State. L. E. THOMAS. Speaker of the House of Representatives. THOMAS C. BARRET, IAeut. Governor and President of Senate. Approved: July 9, 1914. L E. HALL, Governor of the State of Louisiana A true copy: ALVIN E. HEBERT, Secretary'of State. ACT NO. 278. House Bill No. 537-B1 Mr. Jahncke. JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing an amendment to the Constitu- tion of the State of Louisiana relative to the issuance of bonds and the levy- ing of a special tax to provide there- for by the City of New Orleans. to create a lake shore park, to provide for the administration of the park, and for the sale of certain property acquired In connection therewith. Section 1. Be it resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Louisiana. two- thirds of all the members elected to each House concurring, That the following amendment to. the Constitution of this State be submitted to the electors of the State at the next general election for representatives in Congress to be holden on the Tuesday next following the first Monday in November, 1914. to-wit: Article 1. That for the purpose of ac- quiring the front of Lake Pontchartrain from what is known as West End to Milneberg, or such part thereof as may be deemed necessary and advisable, as here- inafter set forth, the city of New Orleans be, and it is hereby, authorized to issue bonds to an amount not exceeding #3,000,- D00.00. in denominations of $100.00, 9500.00, !1,000.00. payable fifty years after date. with interest at the rate of 4 1-2 per cent per annum thereon, payable semi-annual- ly, and represented by coupons to be at- tached to said bonds; and to provide for the payment of the principal and interest of said bonds, there is hereby levied mn- nually a special tax on all the propel ty, real and personal, In the city of New Orleans. to the amount of six-tenths of one mill on the dollar, which shall be col- lected the same as the other taxes due to the city of New Orleans and be imme- diately paid to the Board of Liquidation of the city of New Orleans where same shall be held separate, in what shall be known as the "Lake Shore Park Bond Fund;" and to establish and administer said park, there is hereby created a com- mission of seven citizens and taxpayers. male or female, one from each of the municipal districts of the city of New Orleans, who shall be appointed by the ayor of the city and confirn'ned by the Commission Council as soon a:, this amendment is adopted: such first ap- pointees shall hold office respectively for one, two, three, four, five. six and seven rears, and at the expiration of each term, heir successorse shall be appointed for the full term of seven years, and the Mayor. in making the first appointments, shall designate the term of office of the respective appointees. The memblersa of saiad Board shall name and elect their own flcers and shall serve without cnmpen- sation, but shall be allowed a secretary and such clerical assistance as may be necessary, this to be determined, and the salaries fixed and paid by the Board of Uquidation. which shall also fix and pay the necessary amounts for the other ex- penses of said Board out of said tax. The avails of said tax, in excess of the amount necessary to pay the semi-annual interest on said bonds and the ervenes of the Board as above set forth, shill be Invested by said Board of Liquidation fI account of said fund. or they may pur- chase. at not more than par, with said mrplus at any time, and retire said bonds: and if. at any time. the surplus reaches such an amount that the Board deems it rot advisable to hold same longer, and It is not able to purchase said bonds at the rate above stated, it shall then have the right to call in any of said bonds, begin 1 nlng with the highest number, but at noit exceeding their market value. Sald bonds shall be sold at par and ac- trued Interest all at one time or partlally, as said Board of Liquidation may deter- mine. The Board herein created shall be known as the New Orleans Take Shore Park Board, and shall have the right to purchase such property as may be nees- sary within the limits above specified, to establIsh thereon a lake front park. and to build a sea wall and to reclaim land from the lake by extending the sea wall Into the lake and filling the space between same and the present shore line, and to do all other work necessary to accomplish the purposes herein provided for and mid Board shall have the right to sil or lease any portion of the property acquired hereunder or reclalmed as may not be necessary for park purposes, and, In sell- Ing same, to prescribe the eonditions un- der which same shall be held by private owners, with reference to the character of buildings, sidewalks and other mprov- ments to he erected thebrn. The saidb Board shall have the right to lay out aad pave, within the property herein to be ac- quired. streets, avenues and boulevards and to arrange for the proper lighting thereof. No purchase, sale or lease snaul be made under the terms hereof without the consent of the Board of Liquidation and the Commission Council of the city of New Orlesas, or any other body that may hereafter be in charge of the affairs of the city of New Orleans. The Qty Attorney shall be the legal advisor of the oard. The Mayor and Commissioner of Public Property, or any officers hereafter created by other names exercislng the .ame functions, shall be ex-officio mem- bers of the Board, but without the right to vote therein, but may be appointed on committees and shall have the right to speak and present resolutions at any meeting of the Board. The engineering work necessary to carry out the provisions of this amendment shall be under the supervision of the City Engineer, who, however, shall ap- point one or more special deputies to have charge of the work, same to be selected by the Board herein created and confirm- by the Board of I quidation. Should, at any time, the Board of Llqui- dation be of the opinion that, by reason of the payment of the now outstanding obllgations of the city of New Orleans, funds will come Into its hands from other sources not pledged to other obllptin, more than sufficient to provide for the bonds herein authorised, In principal and Interest, then it may, by resolution, de- clare that the special tax herein levied is no longer necessary, aud thereupon the city of New Orleans shall cease to collect such tax; but said tax shall revive a any time, should it become necessary in brder that the Board should have suffolent funds to meet the interest on the bonds and the principal, at the maturity there- of, if same have not heretofore been pur- chased or retired as herelabove set forth. And said Board of Llaquldtion shall de- termine, If it deem It advisable, what amount It shall set aside annually to pro- vide for said sinking fund; but this right In the Board shall be optional with it and need not be exercised If the other means referred to for retiring maid bonds shall, in the judgment of bald Board, be sufficient to protect the rights of the holders thereof. Should any property within the limits hereinbefore specified be deemed by the mid Board advisable for the purpose here- in contemplated, and the Board finds that same cannot be purchased for a reason- able and just price, then the city of New Orleans shall have the right, by expro- priation proceedings, to acquire said pro- erty; and said Board shall hv the right to recelve any of said property by dona- tion or bequest. The title to all property acquired hereunder, whether by purchase donation, expropriation or otherwise, shall be in the name of the city of New Orleans. Section 2 Be it further resolved, etc.. That on the official ballot to be used in said election shall be placed the "For the Lake Shore Park Amedment, and the words: "Against the Lake Shore Park Amendment," and each elector shall indicate, as provided in the general elec- tlon laws of this Statea which of the said propositions he shal vote for. L. E. THOMAS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. THOMAS C. BARRET, Lieut. Governor and President of Senate. Approved: July 92 1L Governor of the State of Louisiana. A true coy: ALVIN E. HEBERT, Secretary of State. ACT NO. 0. Senate Bill No. 111-By Mr. George Wesley Smith. JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing an amendment to Article 222 of the Constitution of the State of Louisiana. Section 1. Be it resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Louisiana, two- thirds of all the members elected to each House concurring. That an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Louisiana be submitted to the qualified electors of the State for their gapproval or rejection a required by Article 221 of the Consti- tution, at the congersonal election to be held on the first TuesdayW nMext following the first Moaday in November, 114 amending and re-enacting Article 222 of the Constitution of the State of Louislana so as to read as follows: ARTICLE 222. Section 1. Upon the recommendation of the Auditor or the Police Jury of any parish, the Governor may suspend any officer charged with the collection or cuse- tody of public ds when in arrears. Section 2. Ad officer of this State or of any district, Judicial or otherwise, and any officer of any parish or ward thereof, and any offc of any muniipality or ward thereof (cept the Judges of all of the courts of geoord of this State the judges of the various city courts through- out the State, and the Jugts e of the peace) holding offce by virtue of ha Deen elected thereto by the legally q fled voters of this State, or of any dis- trict, judicial or otherwise, or of any parish or ward thereof of any munici- pality or ward therof, hall be su to recall from such office by the quaited voters of this State, or of any district, judicial or otherwise, or of any parih or ward thereof, or of any municialty or ward thereof, at any election throulghoot the State, district, Judicial or otherwise, or of any parish or ward thereof, or of any municipality or ward thereof by a majorty of the 1 qualified voters participating In such elction; isuch recall election shall be held when petitioned for by such a number of legally qalified voters of the State, district, Judicial or otherwise, or of any parish or ward there- of. or of any municipality or *ard thereof, s will eual twenty-five per cent of the total number of registered vcters qualified to vote at the last preceding general elec- tion for the office the incunjent of which is sought to be recalled. Notioe of inten- tlon to circulate uch petition er with a statement of the reasons wy the recall of such oficers is sought shl be given to such ofcers in such manner as may be provided by law. The General Asembly shall by appropriate edilation. prescribe the form o peUUmtion, the manner of verification and ascertainment that the requisite number of legally qua•ified voters ,• aned same. and also the mannerand e ahoa of olltnlg such election and the promultion of tne returns thereof. Such n-alot sha.oontain the specific quation, 'hanll. t(namn thae omer and gvlng his ofcal title) be realed," and oppoite the qestion thaa the two quares In one of wenhich ahal be prnted "Ye" and in tho other shall be printed "No," andb no balldot shal be considered at such election unlem the voter shall have voted either 'feW or "no" t r upnsc quetion No oaer hl be ubjct eto reall until after he ha been in oimce one yesrr. and should his rl be dfated by the electors, then he hall not aGain, Aunnl that term of oice, be sulb- ect to recall At least three months, but not more than eave monthsa hall elapse rnom the Ume that the neessary number of petitoner have ukled for the rall eciUon before same shli be held, A succsor for the remainder of the tam, to e t sh oht to be recalled, ashall be elected at the ame time thes recs l election i held, and sould the a•rlty of the voters partlcipating in such elc- on b in favor th tmberal of such ll- cer, then immediately after the pmronnl- gauon of the returans of such election, the uccssor so elected sahall qualify. TIoe General Asemmbly shall provide by law horw cndlidtes to suceed the oficer sougt to be recalled may have their m paea o the recall ballot of the tk othe Judical or othrwa. s vr- A or warod theo, of any muni ity, or ward Uhreof; by peition• s.•ned by qualified voters to the number of not lo than twety-fiv pr cent of the total Lumber of reStered voters quarlmfed to tote at the last preceding general elso- Sle for the omfe te incumbent of which I0s tght to be recalled. All voters may "z- a rst choice and a second choice,and -Irandidate who is the first choloe of the _ t_-st number of voters shall be declared -e elected, if the election has reslted Sral of the officer seoght to be re- The ofaer sought to be recalled -not be a candidate at such elction. _•---on 3. Be It further resolved, etc.. -t the oficial ballot to be usd at said lonhll have printed thereon the wOrd: "For the popoed amendment to Artiqls 222 of the Constitution previdig the pepe," and the words: "AgdMt the o d ..amendment to Artic 22 the oniution providing fro the resel of certain offloers elected by the peope'" Section 4. le it further r•soed, eta, That if adopted at the aid eleton in November. 1114, this amendment shal go Into effect and be opemaivle e anmd ater the firt day of aanV•7,lI, Leut. Govenor and Pyrelent of S•nate. At Iroue IU etv S

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Page 1: The Colfax chronicle (Colfax, LA) 1914-10-10 [p ] · lthat :it the f~o:i re sori eltin'is ai . sl-opr:llowite the Mn oarfirst i •ti Nomier-tIt 4, th f e ore t in em sm l. , .tn

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opr:llowite the oarfirst Mn i •ti Nomier-

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eert' elector sh:ll indwate his vot.. or

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the gi ,,.eral .eletion liaw'T f thi's State.

;iSpea;i of tl, ' l ,us•e of I'eipresi(ntatives.T'ii)i MAS I'. l:. itiff T.

:L. uu l (:,n er o.or and liresident of SenateAl ,- '-e .I toJuly y. 1010 .

I. I:. HALT..( ot'ernor of the Stat' of ILtuisiana.

A\ truo. copy'AIXVIN E. HI.ltERT, Secretary of State.

ACT NO. 257.Houi-' Bill No. 513--1y 31r. Fleury.


l'ropoirc ,n atniendrneint to Article 109 ofthe Constitution of Louisiana, relativeto Tistrl'ct I ou'rts.

Section 1. lIh it r-esolved lyv tihe GeneralAssembly of the State of Louisiana. two-thirds of all the members elected to eachHouse concurring. That the followingamendment to the Constitution of Louist-ana shall be submitted to the electors ofthe State, at the congressional election tohe hoIlen on the first Tuesday after the-first Monday In November, 1914, and Ifapproved and ratified by a majority ofsaid electors voting In sald election thesame to Ibecome a part of the Constitu-tion, to-wit:

Article 109. The District Courts, exceptin the Parish of Orleans, shall have orig-inal jurisdiction in all civil matters wherethe amount in dispute shall exceed fifty($50.00) dollars, exclusive of interest andin all cases where the title to real estateis involved, or to office or other publicpositions, or civil or political rights, 'andall other cases where no specific amountis in contest, except as otherwise providedin this Constitution.

They shall have unlimited and exclusiveoriginal jurisdiction in all criminal casesexcept such as may be vested in othercourts authorized by this Constitution:and in all probate and succession matters,and where a succession is a party de-fendant. and in all cases where the State.a parish, municipality or other politicalcorporation is a party defendant regard-less of the amount in dispute; and of allproceedings for the appointment of re-ceivers or liquidators to corporations orpartnerships; and said court shall haveauthority to issue all such writs, processand orders as may be necessary or properfor the purpose of the jurisdiction hereinconferred upon them.

There shall be one district judge ineach judicial district except in the First.Fifteenth. Twenty-first. Twenty-fifth, andTwenty-eighth Judicial Districts, whereuntil otherwise provided by law thereshall be three (3) district judges in theFirst Judicial District, and in the otherdistricts above mentioned there shall betwo (2) district judges.

District judges shall be elected by aplurality of the qualified voters of theirrespective districts, in which they shallhave been actual residents for two yearsnext preceding their election.

They shall be learned in the law andshall have practiced law in this State fiveyears previous to their election.

District judges under this Constitutionshall be elected on the Tuesday after thefirst Monday in November. 1916. andevery four years thereafter.

Vacancies occasioned by death, resigna-tion, or otherwise where the unexpiredportion of the term Is less than one yearshall be filled for the remainder of theterm by appointment by the Governorwith the advice and consent of the Senate.In all cases where the unexpired portionof the term is one year or more the va-cancy shall be filled by special be called by the Governor and heldwithin sixty days of the occurrence of thevacancy. under the general election lawsof the State.

Section 2. Be it further resolved, etc..That the foregoing amendment to theArticle of the Constitution of this State,if adopted, shall become operative on thefirst Tuesday after the first Monday inNovember, 1914. at which time the addi-tional judges provided for in said Articleshall be elected in conformity with exist-ing election laws and they shall hold of-fice for a term of two years and untiltheir successors are elected and qualified.on the first Tuesday after the first Mon-day in November. 1916, on which date alljudges hereinabove provided for shall beelected in, conformity with existing lawsand they shall hold office for a term offour years and until their successors areelected and qualified.

Section 3. Be it further resolved. etc..That upon the official ballots to he usedat said congressional election shall beprinted the words: "For the proposedamendment to Article 109 of the Consti-tution of Louisiana. relative to DistrictCourts." and the words: "Against theproposed amendment to Article 109 of theConstitution of Louisiana. relative to Dis-trict ('ourts." and such elector shall in-licate, as provided in the general election

laws of the State, which of the proliosi-tlots, "For" or "Agalnst." he votes for.

L. E. THOMAS,Speaker of thle House of Representatives.

THOMAS C. IBARIItET.Lieut. Governor and President of Senate.

Approved: July 9. 101i1.L,. B. HATL,

Governor of the State of Iouislana.A true copy:

ALVIN E. HRSERT. Secretary of State.

ACT NO. 260.House Bill No. 153-BDy Mr. Generelly.

AN ACTTo define motor vehicles and to provide

for their registry, and imposltg alicense therefor: and providing penal-ties for any violations of this act: andAn Act whereas It is intended to havethis Act ratified by an amendment tothe Constitution of the State. Therefore

Section 1. Be It enacted by the G.eneralAssembly of the State of T~ousiana, two-thirds of all the members elected to eachHouse concurring. That a motor vehlcle isdefined to be any vehicle operated by anypower other than muscular power, anddesIgRned and Intended for use on publichighways, roads andt streets. Motor ve-hicles are classified into three sutldivisions.Any motor vehicle used exclusively in com-merce for the carrying or transporting ofmerchandise on the public highways, roadsand streets is classified as a motor truck.Any motor vehicle containing only tworunning wheels arranged tandem, is clas-sified as a motorcycle. All other motorvehicles are classified as motor cars.

Section 2. He it further enacted. etc..That every owner of a motor vehicle whichshall be operated or driven upon publichighways of this State. shall. except asherein otherwise expressly provided, causeto be filed by mail or otherwise in theoffice of the .bcretary of State an appll-cation for registration on a blank to befurnished by the Secretary of State forthat purpose. ontalnlng (a) a brief de-Acription of the motor vehicle to be regis-tered, inclulldinrg the name of the manu-facturer and factory number of such ve-hile, the character and amount of themotive Iw~ar, stated in figures of horse-power, given where practical. In accord-ance with the rating established by theAssociation of Licensed Automobile Man-ufacturers: (b) the name. residence, In-cluding parish and business address ofthe owner of such motor vehicle: (c) pro-vlded, that iI such motor vehicle is to beused solely for commercial purposes theapplicant shall no certify.

Section 3. Be it further enacted, etc.,Upon the receipt of an application forregistration of a motor vehicle as provrld-ed in Section 2. the Secretary of Stateshall file such application in his office andreglter such motor vehicle or vehicles.with the name. residence and businessaddress of the owner, manufacturer ordealer, as the case may be, together withthe lfacts stated In such application, in abeok or index to be kept for the purpose.udsr 'the distlnctlve number assigned to

mee motor vehicle by the Secretary oftte wheich book or Iqdex shall be open

•cins .ection during reasonable

etin 4. Be it further enacted, etc..~pe~ the Allag of isuch application and

t!h, payment of the license , thi Ssecrtary of State shall as-S.• , .: l t,.t-r vehicle a distinctive,:,r L I, without further expense to

th u;,;d , 'nt, issue and deliver to thefi ate of registration, and

iLm r lnat'-. .:uch number plates'! .." : st::: !ly dlifeilent color each- i ,e:, shall h,' at all times a

.intst ietateeiI the color of themii :ileer i ltes anid that of the numerals

or l,-tters tht-erot.-ih :.uiiite,.r plates shall be of metal, at

ie-a:t s.\ illnChes wide and not less than..!tiee:, tlkh': in length, on which thereshali ih the ;,hbre:viation "L,." and there-hall bIe thc Idistinctive number assignedri, tit' \th. ile set forth in numerals fourr chles I nlc, eaiclh stroke of which shall beit lenast ;i,-iteighths of an inch in width;iro\l.dl i.. that inI the case of a motorvchle registered by a manufacturer ori. iita rt there lshall hi on such plato in ad-iiti,.n to the foregoing the letter '"M,"i:ich stroke- of suchl letter to be at leastrii in, he, long and five-eighths of ani:h itr width. No vehicle shall display

lih ,niherll " plates of more than one State: -- t: . In the event of the loss.,L1; l m ,,r : destruction of any certifi-; ... I. stl'ation, or number plate, the,\ .t' (,o it registered motor vehicle or::lllifa:turer, or dealer, as the case maytn. may obtain from the Secretary of

-t:,t,.. upon an affidavit showing such fact.:i1 the pIlt nient of a fee of one dollar,two tIew nurmber plates, and thereupon'he i-riginal license plates shall becomei1, .ind any person found using same

hali be subject to the penalties imposed Iiby Section 14.

All .certificates of registration shall be-r;on thlir respective dates, and shallexpire on the' 31st day of December fol-:,vn ig. A new registration must be had:each year, ;and(i the license fee therefor,.In ainnu lly; provided that persons hold-ne a certaticate for one year shall not

!,cicnie delinquent for failure to register,,r lay the anntual license fee until the firstlay of February of the following year.

Section 5. le it further enacted. etc.,There shall he an annual license fee,,chic'h sIhall e dividled into classificationsinown as a whole license fee, and a halfcense fee. The whole license fee shallpplly to all registrations made under the

provisions of this act, prior to the first'lay of August. of each year; and the half'i.cense fee shall apply to all registrationsunder the provisions of this act made onor after the first day of August. of eachyear. All license fees except as herein-tfter provided shall be based on horse-nower of motor, and shall be computed ac-cording to the following standard, to-wit:


D is the cylinder bore in incites; N thenumber of cylinders. The license fee shallbe twenty-five cents for each horsepower;provided that the minimum whole licensefee shall be Five Dollars. All motor carsshall be subject to this license. Motor--ycles shall pay a flat license of TwoDollars per annum. Motor trucks shallpay a flat license fee of Seven Dollarsand Fifty Cents per annum. The one-half license shall apply to all motor ve-hicles and shall be half of the license rateherein provided for a whole license foreach classification. Persons, firms androrporatlons, manufacturing or dealing inmotor vehicles shall pay the license feeof one motor vehicle, on the maximumhorsepower of each special make of motorvehicles handled, provided that dealershandling both new and second-hand motorvehicles shall pay the license on newmakes only. Persons, firms or corpora-tions dealing in or handling second-handmotor vehicles exclusively shall pay a flatlicense of Ten Dollars per annum.

Section 6. Be it further enacted, etc.,That upon the sale or transfer of a motorvehicle registered in accordance with thisact. the vendor shall immediately filenotice thereof with the name and resl-lence of the vendee to the Secretary of'tate, and the vendee shall within tenlays after the date of such sale or trans-fer. upon a blank to be furnished him forthat purpose, make application for achange of registration, which shall witha fee of One Dollar, be forwarded to theSecretary of State, who shall note uponthe registration book or index such changeof ownership.

Section 7. Be it further enacted, etc,Upon the sale of a motor vehicle by themanufacturer or dealer, the vendee shallhe allowed to operate same upon thepublic highways for a period of fifteendays after taking possession thereof, oruntil he shall have received his certificateof registration and number plates fromthe Secretary of State, providing thatluring such period the motor vehicle shallhave attached thereto, in accordance with;he provisions hereof, a placard bearingthe registration number of the dealerunder which it might previously havebeen operated: and provided, further, thatapplication for registration shall be madeby mail or otherwise before such vehicleshall be so used.

Section 8. Be it further enacted, etc..That every person, firm, association orcorporation manufacturing or dealing inmotor vehicles may instead of registeringeach motor vehicle so manufactured ordealt in. make an ,application upon a blankto be furnished hb the Secretary of Statefor :I general distinctive number for allrnotor vehicles (; ned and controlled bysuch manufacture or dealer, such appli-ration to contain' la) a brief descriptionof each style or ype of motor vehiclemanufactured or dealt in by such manu-facturer or dealer, including the charac-ter of the motor power, the amount ofsuch motor power stated in figures ofhorse power in accordance with the rat-ing established by this act: (b) the name,residence. including parish and businessaddress. of such manufacturer or dealer.,n the paymennt of the registration fee

proviled in Section 5. such applicationshall he liled and registered in the office-if thle Seretary of State in the manneriro\vided in srction 3 of this act. There

shall thereui•pl he assigned and issued tosuch manlfll::r turer or dealer a certificateof registr:ttlnl. :tnl a number plate with. number corresponding to the numberof such certificate of registration. Suchnumbier pnlat or duplicate thereof shall bedisplayed by every motor vehicle of suchmanuftacturer or dealer when the same isiluper:ltedl or driven on the public highways.'"th, manufacturer or dealer may obtainis manty duplicates of such number plate's may be dlesired upon payment to theSecretary of State of One Dollar for each

tIllicate. Nothing in this article shall beconstrued to apply to a motor vehicleoperated by a manufacturer or dealer for)rivate use or for hire.

Section 9. Ie it further enacted. etc.,The provisions of the foregoing'sectionsrelati\ve to registration and display of reg-istratlon rinumbers. shall not apply to amotor vehiclel ownedl by a non-resident ofthis State. pirovided. that the owner there-of shall have complied with the provisionsof the law of the foreign country. State,Territory or Federal district of his reel-lence relative to registration of motor

vehicles and the display of registrationlumhers thereon, and shall conspicuously

display his registration numbers as re-luired thereby. The provisions of thisnsection, however, shall be operative as to3 motor vehicle owned by a non-relsident,f th!s State only to the extent that under

the laws of foreign country, State. or Ter-ritory, or Federal district of his residencelike exemptions are granted to motor ve-~hicles duly registered under the laws ofmd owned by residents of this State.

Section 10. De It further enacted, etc.,All track engines. road rollers, fire wagons,fire engines, police patrols, ambulance,ats well as all other motor vehicltes usedexclusively for public purposes by the

Unlted States Government, the State, or'ny of the sulbllvisions thereof, Includintthe parishes. cities, towns and villages;as well as all public boards of the State,listrict, parochial or municipal are ex-cluded from the provisions of this act.

Section 11. te it further enacted, etc.,The Secretary of State shall deposit allfunds collectted under the provisions ofIhis act. as soon after the collection asractlcabhle. In one of the banks of the

State previously selected for that year asone of the State bank depositaries, In aspecial funld which shall bear interest atthe same rate as other deposits; and onor before the fifteenth day of the monthof February and August. of each year, thesecretary of State shall transmit to theP'arish ifreasurer of each parish. with asworn account thereof. all of the ftmdscollected under the provisions of this anet.from persons, firms or corporations resid-ing in the respective parishes throeghoutthe State. deducting therefrom only theamounts expended by him. in accordancewith the provisions of Section 12.

That on or before the fifteenth day ofthe Months of February and August ofeach year, the Secretary of State shalltransmit to the Commislioner of Financeof the City of New Orleans., with a swornacconnt thereof, all of the funds collectedunder the provisions of this act, frompersons firms or corporations residing inthe Parish of Orleans, deductingl there-from only the amounts expended by him,

In accordtaloe with the provisions of Sec-Lion 1' of this .'t.

The ('olfi:s of the District Courtsthroug1hout the Statt (Parishl of Orleans:excepted), -r,all with n ten days after the

collectionl hiref, t:ransmit to the Parish-Treasurer ali tines a: di penalties collectedlor any \'vi.!:ati of t i State law relat-ing to nlotr \ci :ci.. aIr sh:all annuallyietwee:: ti.e 1.t ;;.id Illteenth day ofJanuary 1of a.h. i year, tide with the ParishTreasurer ., sio.'n statement showing indetail the amounts and sources fromwhence said tunds were collected. TheClerks of the Fl'i•st and Second City Crim-inal Courts of the City of N•wv Orleans,shall nsithin two days after the collectionthereof, transmit to the Conunissioner ofFinance of the City of New Orleans, allfines and penalties collected for any viola-tion of the provisions of any State lawrelating to mrotor vehicles, and shall an-nually between the first and fifteenth dayof January of each year, tile with theCommissioner of Finance of the City ofNew Orleans, a sworn statement showingin details the ;lamounts antd sources fromwhence said futnds were collected. Allfunds uelposlted with the respective Tre:asurers shall he special highwayfunds ol the parislh and shall be with-.irawn from P'arsh Trteasury by the Po-lice Jury of each parish only for the pur-pose of conslrucltlig, nlaitaining. or op-eration of public roads, highways orbridges, or fIr the paymenint of intereston bonds issued solely for said purpose.

The fual de ,osited with the Commis-sioner or : ..,.. e of the City of NewOrleans, u,,-:r the provisions of this act,shall form a secial highway fund for theCity of New Orleans, and shall be usedexclusively for thle purpose of construct-ing, operantinll and maintaining highways,roads, bridges. viaducts. and aqueducts,as well as culvetts, drains and appurte-nances thereof; or for the purpose of pay-ing the interest onil any bonds or publicimprovement certificates hereafter issuedby the City of New Orleans exclusivelyfor the construction of public highways,roads, bridges, viaductas, or aqueductswithin said parish.

Section 12. I•e it further enacted, etc.,That the Secretary of State shall givebond in such sum as may be fixed by theGovernor of the State of Louisiana, witha surety company authorized to do busi-ness In the State of Louisiana, as suretytherein, and shall be entitled to chargethe cost thereof, which shall not exceedone-fourth of one per cent, and to chargethe same against the license fees col-lected.

The bond shall be made in favor of theState of Iouisiana for faithful perform-ance by the Secretary of State of hisduties under this act. and the promptdelivery to the proper parties of the fundsunder his control; and shall ensure to thebenefit of the respective parishes and theCity of New Orleans, as its interest might

PHe sall appoint a chief clerk and suchadditional clerks as may be necessary,who shall have charge of the business ofthe Secretary of State. under the pro-visions of this act; the said clerk shallhold his position at the pleasure of theSecretary of State. All of the incidentalexpenses necessary to carry into effectand enforce the provisions of this act shallbe paid by the Secretary of State bycheck, and shall be deducted from thereturns made to the Parish Treasurer andCommissioner of Finance of the City ofNew Orleans. The expense of said officeshall be charged against the funds accru-ing from the respective parish funds, andthe funds accruing to the highway fundof the City of New Orleans, pro rata, andin no event shall the salary and expensesof the office exceed ten per cent of thetotal amount of the license fees collectedunder the provisions of this act.

Section 13. Be it further enacted, etc.,That whenever any portion of the high-way fund of the City of New Orleanscreated by the provisions of this act shallbe used for the construction of roads,bridges, viaducts, or aqueducts in ac-cordance with this act, or for the paymentof interest on bonds or public improve-ment certificates as herein provided, theCity of New Orleans shall be obligatedwhenever it grants any franchise to anyperson, firm, association or corporationfor the use of said road, bridge, aqueductor viaduct, to make provisions under thegrant of said franchise for the reimburse-ment to the highway fund of the City ofNew Orleans, of any amount reasonablycommensurate with the extent of thefranchise granted, and the extent to whichsaid road, bridge. viaduct or aqueduct isutilized under said franchise.

Section 14. Be it further enacted, etc.,That any person failing to register hismotor vehicle, or to pay his license taxas herein provided, within the time fixedby the provisions of this act; or any per-son making a wilful false statement inrelation to any matter or things requiredto be done under the provisions of thisact, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor,and upon conviction thereof shall be pun-ished by a fine of not less than FiveDollars. nor more than Twenty-five Dol-lars; or by imprisonment in the parishail, - for not more than thirty days, or Iboth, in the discretion of the court.

Section 15. Be it further enacted, etc.,That this act shall go into effect andbecome operative on the first day of Jan-uary, 1915, if ratified and approved bythe electors of the State, as provided inSections 16 and 17 of this act, and it isthe intention of this act that the ratifica-tion and approval by the electors of theState shall legalize and render valid allof the provisions hereof, reserving to theGeneral Assembly complete authority toamend this act in any respect whatever.

Section 1t. Be it further enacted, etc.,That all laws or parts of laws in conflictwith the provisions of this act are herebyrepealed.

Section 17. Be it further enacted, etc.,That at the general election to be held inthis State on the first Tuesday after thefirst Monday of the month of November,1914. there shall he submitted to theelectors of the State, the following amend-ment to the Constitution. to-wit:

"The General Assembly shall providefor the registration of automobiles andmotor vehicles anti prodvide a license taxfor the use thereof. Andti all provisions ofthe Constitution in conflict herewith areto this extent repealedl, and Act ...... of1914, entitled 'An Act to Define MotorVehicles.' etc., is ratified andl approved."

Section 18. le it fuirther enacted, etc.,That on the official ballot to be used insaid election,. shall be placed the words:"For the Amendment Licensing Automo-biles." and the words: "Against theAmendment Licensing Automobiles," andeach elector shall indicate his vote on theproposed amendment as provided for bythe General Assembly laws of this State.

i,. E. THOMAS.Speaker of the House of Representatives.

THOMAR C. BARRET.Lleut. Governor and President of Senate.

Approved: July 9. 1914.L. E. HALT,

Governor of the State of Louisiana.A true copy:

ALVIN E. IIHEERT, Secretary of State.

ACT NO. 262.House 111i No. 613-By Mr. Generelly.

AN ACTAuthorizing the Boanrd of Directors of the

Public Schools of the Parish of Or-leans to issue Two Million Dollars ofbonds for the purpose of acquiringschool sites, constructing school build-ings and their appurtenances in theCity of New Orleans; to provide theterms and conditions under which saidbonds shall be issued and sold, andthe security for the payment of theprincipal and interest thereof; to de-fine the duties of the Board of Liqul-dation, City Debt, in connection withthe issuance atd sale of said bonds,the payment of the principal and in-terest thereon. 'and the retirementthereof: to prescribe the duties andobligations of the City of New Orleansin connection with the reimbursementof the Board of Directors of the Pub-lic Schools for the Parish of Orleansby certain annual payments: and todefine the method and manner in whichthe proceeds of said honds shall beemployed and disbursed.

Section 1. Be it enacted by the GeneralAssembly of the State of Louisiana, two-thirds of all the members elected to eachHouse concurring That, subject to theratfifoation of the people of the State ofLouislana, by an amendment to the Con-stltution of the State. hereinafter sub-mitted to themn. the Board of Directors ofthe Public Schools for the Parish of Or-leans, of the State of Louisilana. is herebyauthorized And empowered to issue bondsnot to exceed two million dollars ($2,000.-000.00) in amount. to he dated January 1.1915. bearing fivre per cent (5 per cent) peannum interest, p. able semi-annually.the principal of wk ih shall be payable inforty (40) annul. installments of fiftythousand dollars ($50,000) each. payableon the first day of January In each of theyears 1916 to and Including 1955, respec-(-ly as hereinfter set forth.

bonds shall be made payable tobearer. and shall be styled "'Publle Sdchool

Bonds, City of New Orlea:.* and Parishof Orleans."

Said bonds shall be of the denominationof one thousand dollars each, exc pt thatat the option of any bidder, to ae indi-cated in and as a part of his bid, bondsof the denomination of rive hundred dol-lars may be issued to such bidder if suc-cessful.=The principal and interest of said bonds

shall be payable in gold coin of the UnitedStates equal to the present standard ofweight and fineness, or same may be ex-pressed in pounds sterling or in franc, andat such arbitrary rate of exchange assaid Board of Liquidation, City Debt, maydetermine.

Said bonds shall be signed by the pres-ident and secretary, respectively, of theBoard of Directors of the Public Schoolsfor the Parish of Orleans, and shall becountersigned by the president, or one ofthe vice-presidents, and the secretary ofthe Board of Liquidation, City DebtThe interest on said bonds shall be evi-

denced by interest coupons attached there-to bearing the fac-simile signatures ofthe secretary of the Board of Directors ofthe Public Schools for the Parish of Or-leans and the Secretary of the Board ofLiquidation, City Debt, respectively, andshall be payable on the first days of Julyand January, respectively, in each year;said interest shall be payable in the Cityof New Orleans and in such other citiesas the Board of Liquidation, City Debt,may determine upon surrender and cancel-lation of the said respective interest cou-pons; provided, however, that such citiesshall be designated by the Board of Liqul-dation,City Debt, and announced in the ad-vertisement calling for competitive bids;and provided, further, that the principal ofsaid bonds shall be payable only in theCity of New Orleans. State of Louisiana.

Said bonds may be registered and re-leased from registry under such rules andregulations as the Board of Liquidation,City Debt, may determine; shall be ex-empt from taxation, State. parish andmunicipal, shall be a legal investment forthe tutors of minors and curators of in-terdicts; and shall be received as securityfor public deposits of the State of Louisi-ana or any political subdivision thereof.

Section 2. Be it further enacted, etc.,That as soon as constitutional authorityfor the issuance of said bonds shall havebeen obtained, the Board of Directors ofthe Public Schools for the Parish of Or-leans shall by resolution adopted by amajority o! the members thereof in reg-ular or special meeting called for thatpurpose, call upon the Board of Liquida-tion, City Debt, to advertise for the saleof said bonds. When so called upon. itshall be the duty of the Board of Llquida-tion, City Debt, to advertise said bonds forsale in the official journal of the City ofNew Orleans and in such other news-papers in financial centers as the Boardof Liquidation, City Debt, may determine.Said advertisement shall appear in eachof said newspapers for thirty (30) daysimmediately preceding the date fixed forthe receipt of bids; and the said bondsshall be adjudicated and sold, under seal-ed bids or proposals, to the highest bidderwho shall have complied with the termsand conditions set out by the Board ofLiquidation, City Debt, in the advertise-ment for said bids; provided that no saleof said bonds shall be made unless all ofsaid Issue be sold and unless the averageprice obtained for the different maturitiesshall at least equal par and accrued in-terest for the entire issue. The Board ofLiquidation, City Debt, shall have theright to reject any and all bids.

Section 3. Be it further enacted, etc.,That when the said bonds shall have beenadjudicated, as hereinafter set forth, itshall be the duty of the Board of Liqui-dation. City Debt, to immediately causesaid bonds to be engraved and executedin such denominations and payable in thecurrency of, such country or countries asIndicated or the Board of Liquidation,City Debt, determine, as the case may be.

The Board of Liquidation, City Debt,shall have the right to prescribe theamount of the deposit that shall accom-pany each bid, the conditions under whichsame shall become forfeited, the timewithin which the bonds shall be deliveredafter the adjudication, and, generally, allterms and conditions appertaining to thebids and adjudication not otherwise pro-vided for by this act.

Section 4. Be it further enacted, etc..That the Board of Liquidation, City Debt,shall deposit the proceeds of the sale ofsaid bonds in such local bank or banks asmay become the successful bidder or bid-ders for said bonds In proportion to theamount of their respective bids, upon fur-nishing security satisfactory to the Boardof Liquidation. City Debt, and at suchrate of interest as the Board of Liquida-tion, City Debt, may fix and announce inthe advertisement calling for bids. In theevent that the successful bidder or bid-iers for all or any part of the said bondsshall be some person, firm or corporationother than a local bank, then the proceedsof the sale of the bonds awarded to saidsuccessful bidder or bidders shall be de-posited in such local bank or banks andat such rate of interest as the Board ofLiquidation, City Debt, may determine.

All payments made by the Board of Di-rectors of the Public Schools for the Par-ish of Orleans shall be made in the formof warrants or drafts on the Board of Li-quidation, City Debt, setting forth theamount thereof, the person to whom pay-able and the purpose for which the day-ment is made; and the Board of Liquida-tion, City Debt, Is hereby charged withthe duty of taking care that no Irregularor improper or unlawful payments aremade out of said funds.

Section 5. Be it further enacted, etc..That the annual Installment of princlpalamounting to fifty thousand dollars ($50-

100) and the interest on said bonds shallbe payable out of the one-half of the sur-plus of the one per cent, debt tax leviedby the City of New Orleans by virtue ofArticle 317 of the Constitution of theState of Louisiana, adopted in the year1913. and dedicated for the use of thepublic schools of the Parish of Orleans,after providing for the principal and in-terest on the one hundred and seventy-tour thousand, six hundred and sixty-twolollars ($174,662), in principal sum. ofbonds known as School Teachers' SalaryBonds of the City of New Orleans, au-thorized by Act No. 2 of the General As-sembly of the State of Louisiana. session>f 1906, and subsequently adopted as anamendment to the Constitution of thisitate; and the said one-half of the sur-plus of the one per cent debt tax, subjectto the exceptions specified and herein-above immediately set forth, is herebyledicated and ledged to the payment ofthe bonds hereby authorized to be issued,

n principal and interest; and the Boardof Liquidation, City Debt, is hereby di-ected to employ said fund to the extentnecessary to carry out the purpose of thisect; provided that nothing herein contain-id shall otherwise change, affect or im-air, the provisions of Article 317 of theConstitution of this State.Section 6. Be it further enacted, etc.,Ihat the Board of Liquidation, City Debt,

ihall, on the first day of Jantary, 1916,and annually thereafter pay and redeemIftythousand dollars ($50,000), In princi-3al sum of said bonds. The plan andichedule of redemption shall be determinedy3 the Board of Liquidation. City Debt,and announced by it in detail in the ad-vertlsement calling for sealed bids.

Section 7. Be it further enacted, etc.,I'hat in order to reimburse the Board ofDirectors of the Public Schools for theParish of Orleans for the deductions andayments which the Board of Llquidation,2lty Debt, is herein authorized to make>ut of said one-half of the surplus of theme per cent, debt tax, the City of New)rleans shall, and It is hereby made itsluty to pay over to the Board of Liquida-ion, City Debt, beginning on or beforethe first day of July, 1915, and annuallythereafter up to and including the year1934, the sum of one hundred thousandlollars ($100,000) in cash, and beglnningn or before the first day of July, 1985,and annually thereaftsr up to and lclud-ngsr the year 1964, the sum of fifty thous-and dollars ($50,000) in cash. and suchturther sum as may be necessary in eachfear to pay the interest on the bonds here-

n authorized and then outstanding. Tosnable the City of New Orleans to makeuch annual payments, the said city isauthorized to issue and to sell so muchof the public improvement certificates au-thorized to be issued under Act No. 56 ofthe General Assembly of the State of Lou-islans. Session of 1908, or amendmentsresently existing thereto, or that may beereafter made, as may be necessary for

said purpose; and such certificates shallbe sold by the City of New Orleans undersealed proposals to the highest bidder. insuch amounts and under such conditionsas the City of New Orleans may prescribe.The City of New Orleans shall be entitledto reject any and all bids for such cer-tificates; provided, however, that nothingherein contained shahll be construed to,in any manner, relieve the City of NewOrleans of the obligation to make the an-nual payments herein designated; and, inthe event that the City of New Orleansshould fall to make any payment whensame shall become due, it shall be the dutyof the Board of Liquidation, City Debt, tocomrpe, by mandamus or ether approprl-

ate remedy, the City of New Orleans tipay over to it the amount thus due. Whenand as soon as the Board of LiquidationCity Debt, shall have received from thiCity :f New Orleans and such annual pay.ment. the money so received shall tbforthw'ith paid over by the Board of IA.quidation, City Debt, to the Board oeDirectors of the Public Schools for theParish of Orleans.

Section b. Be it further enacted, etc.,That the proceeds of the sale of two mil-lion dollars of bonds herein authorized tcbe issued shall be expended solely for thefollowing purposes, to-wit:

For the acquisition in the name of theCity of New Orleans, either by purchaseor by expropriation proceedings to be in-stituted in the name of the City of NewOrleans, o( such sites as may be neces-sary for the erection, extension or en-largement of school houses and their ap-purtenances, or for the establishment fplaygrounds or stadia connected with thepublic school system of the City of NewOrleans; and for the construction, od en-largement,or maintenance of school housesand school buildings and other edificesand appurtenances thereto.

Any and all contracts for the purchaseof ground or the construction of buildingsshall be made by the Board of Directorsor the Public Schools of the City of NewOrleans, subject to confirmation and ap-proval by the Commission Council orother governing body of the City of NewOrleans; and all contracts for the con-struction of buildings or other edificesthat may exceed five hundred dollars inamount shall be let to the lowest bidderunder sealed proposals and after ten (10)days advertisement in the official journalof the City of New Orleans, and undersuch terms and conditions as the Boardof Directors of the Public Schools for theParish of Orleans and the CommissionCouncil, or other governing body, of theCity of New Orleans may concur in.

All plans and specifications for the con-struction and repair of school Ihouses andother buildings and structures shall bemade and prepared by the EngineeringDepartment of the City of New Orleansand all such work shall be done under thesupervision and direction and subject tothe approval of the City Engineer of theCity of New Orleans.

Section 9. Be it further enacted. etc.,That during the life of the bonds hereinauthorised to be issuedand until the dateof their complete and final redemption,the City of New Orleans shall be freefrom the obligation of appropriating andpaying, othaewise than as provided in thisact, any money for the acquisition, con-struction or repair of public school build-ings and their appurtenances in the Cityof New Orleans.

Section 10. Be it further enacted etc.,That the provisions of this act shal con-stitute a contract between the holders ofthe bonds issued thereunder and the Board

of Directors of the Public Schools for theParish of Orleans.

Section 11. Be it further enacted, etc.,That at the Congressional election to beheld in this State on the first Mondayafter the first Tuesday in the month ofNovember, 1914. the following amendmentto the Constitution of the State of Louisi-ana shall be submitted to the electors ofthe State, to-wit:

The Board of Directors of the PublicSchools for the Parish of Orleans shall beauthoriszed and empowered to issue twomillion dollars ($2,000,000) of bonds to beknown as "Public School Bonds, City ofNew Orleans," for the purpose, and wun-der the provisions set forth in the act ofthe Legislature adopted to that end andfor that purpose at the regular session ofthe Louisiana General Assembly for theyear 1914, which said act is hereby ratifiedand approved; and all provisions of the

Constitution of the State in conflict withthe provisions of said act and with thisamendment are to that extent and forthat purpose only repealed.

Section 12. Be it further enacted, etc.,That on the official ballot to be used atsaid election shall be placed the words"For the New Orleans Public School BondsAmendment"; and the words "Against theNew Orleans Public School Bonds Amend-ment"; and each elector shall indicatehis vote on the proposed amendment asprovided by the general election laws ofthe State.

L. E. THOMAS.Speaker of the House of Representatives.

THOMAS C. BARRET,IAeut. Governor and President of Senate.Approved: July 9, 1914.

L E. HALL,Governor of the State of Louisiana

A true copy:ALVIN E. HEBERT, Secretary'of State.

ACT NO. 278.House Bill No. 537-B1 Mr. Jahncke.

JOINT RESOLUTIONProposing an amendment to the Constitu-

tion of the State of Louisiana relativeto the issuance of bonds and the levy-ing of a special tax to provide there-for by the City of New Orleans. tocreate a lake shore park, to providefor the administration of the park,and for the sale of certain propertyacquired In connection therewith.

Section 1. Be it resolved by the GeneralAssembly of the State of Louisiana. two-thirds of all the members elected to eachHouse concurring, That the followingamendment to. the Constitution of thisState be submitted to the electors of theState at the next general election forrepresentatives in Congress to be holdenon the Tuesday next following the firstMonday in November, 1914. to-wit:

Article 1. That for the purpose of ac-quiring the front of Lake Pontchartrainfrom what is known as West End toMilneberg, or such part thereof as may bedeemed necessary and advisable, as here-

inafter set forth, the city of New Orleansbe, and it is hereby, authorized to issuebonds to an amount not exceeding #3,000,-D00.00. in denominations of $100.00, 9500.00,!1,000.00. payable fifty years after date.with interest at the rate of 4 1-2 per centper annum thereon, payable semi-annual-

ly, and represented by coupons to be at-tached to said bonds; and to provide forthe payment of the principal and interestof said bonds, there is hereby levied mn-nually a special tax on all the propel ty,real and personal, In the city of NewOrleans. to the amount of six-tenths ofone mill on the dollar, which shall be col-lected the same as the other taxes dueto the city of New Orleans and be imme-diately paid to the Board of Liquidationof the city of New Orleans where sameshall be held separate, in what shall beknown as the "Lake Shore Park BondFund;" and to establish and administersaid park, there is hereby created a com-mission of seven citizens and taxpayers.male or female, one from each of themunicipal districts of the city of NewOrleans, who shall be appointed by theayor of the city and confirn'ned by the

Commission Council as soon a:, thisamendment is adopted: such first ap-pointees shall hold office respectively forone, two, three, four, five. six and sevenrears, and at the expiration of each term,heir successorse shall be appointed forthe full term of seven years, and theMayor. in making the first appointments,shall designate the term of office of therespective appointees. The memblersa ofsaiad Board shall name and elect their ownflcers and shall serve without cnmpen-

sation, but shall be allowed a secretaryand such clerical assistance as may benecessary, this to be determined, and thesalaries fixed and paid by the Board ofUquidation. which shall also fix and paythe necessary amounts for the other ex-penses of said Board out of said tax.

The avails of said tax, in excess of theamount necessary to pay the semi-annualinterest on said bonds and the ervenesof the Board as above set forth, shill beInvested by said Board of Liquidation fIaccount of said fund. or they may pur-chase. at not more than par, with saidmrplus at any time, and retire said bonds:and if. at any time. the surplus reachessuch an amount that the Board deems it•rot advisable to hold same longer, and Itis not able to purchase said bonds at therate above stated, it shall then have theright to call in any of said bonds, begin 1nlng with the highest number, but at noitexceeding their market value.

Sald bonds shall be sold at par and ac-trued Interest all at one time or partlally,as said Board of Liquidation may deter-mine. The Board herein created shall beknown as the New Orleans Take ShorePark Board, and shall have the right topurchase such property as may be nees-sary within the limits above specified, toestablIsh thereon a lake front park. andto build a sea wall and to reclaim landfrom the lake by extending the sea wall

Into the lake and filling the space betweensame and the present shore line, and todo all other work necessary to accomplish

the purposes herein provided for and midBoard shall have the right to sil orlease any portion of the property acquiredhereunder or reclalmed as may not benecessary for park purposes, and, In sell-Ing same, to prescribe the eonditions un-der which same shall be held by privateowners, with reference to the characterof buildings, sidewalks and other mprov-ments to he erected thebrn. The saidb

Board shall have the right to lay out aadpave, within the property herein to be ac-quired. streets, avenues and boulevardsand to arrange for the proper lightingthereof. No purchase, sale or lease snaulbe made under the terms hereof withoutthe consent of the Board of Liquidationand the Commission Council of the cityof New Orlesas, or any other body thatmay hereafter be in charge of the affairsof the city of New Orleans. The QtyAttorney shall be the legal advisor of the

oard. The Mayor and Commissioner ofPublic Property, or any officers hereaftercreated by other names exercislng the.ame functions, shall be ex-officio mem-bers of the Board, but without the rightto vote therein, but may be appointed oncommittees and shall have the right tospeak and present resolutions at anymeeting of the Board.

The engineering work necessary to carryout the provisions of this amendmentshall be under the supervision of theCity Engineer, who, however, shall ap-point one or more special deputies to havecharge of the work, same to be selectedby the Board herein created and confirm-

by the Board of I quidation.Should, at any time, the Board of Llqui-

dation be of the opinion that, by reasonof the payment of the now outstandingobllgations of the city of New Orleans,funds will come Into its hands from othersources not pledged to other obllptin,more than sufficient to provide for thebonds herein authorised, In principal andInterest, then it may, by resolution, de-clare that the special tax herein levied isno longer necessary, aud thereupon thecity of New Orleans shall cease to collectsuch tax; but said tax shall revive a anytime, should it become necessary in brderthat the Board should have suffolentfunds to meet the interest on the bondsand the principal, at the maturity there-of, if same have not heretofore been pur-chased or retired as herelabove set forth.And said Board of Llaquldtion shall de-termine, If it deem It advisable, whatamount It shall set aside annually to pro-vide for said sinking fund; but this rightIn the Board shall be optional with it andneed not be exercised If the other meansreferred to for retiring maid bonds shall, inthe judgment of bald Board, be sufficient toprotect the rights of the holders thereof.

Should any property within the limitshereinbefore specified be deemed by themid Board advisable for the purpose here-in contemplated, and the Board finds thatsame cannot be purchased for a reason-able and just price, then the city of NewOrleans shall have the right, by expro-priation proceedings, to acquire said pro-erty; and said Board shall hv the rightto recelve any of said property by dona-tion or bequest. The title to all propertyacquired hereunder, whether by purchasedonation, expropriation or otherwise, shallbe in the name of the city of New Orleans.

Section 2 Be it further resolved, etc..That on the official ballot to be used insaid election shall be placed the"For the Lake Shore Park Amedment,and the words: "Against the Lake ShorePark Amendment," and each elector shallindicate, as provided in the general elec-tlon laws of this Statea which of the saidpropositions he shal vote for.

L. E. THOMAS,Speaker of the House of Representatives.

THOMAS C. BARRET,Lieut. Governor and President of Senate.

Approved: July 92 1L

Governor of the State of Louisiana.A true coy:

ALVIN E. HEBERT, Secretary of State.

ACT NO. 0.Senate Bill No. 111-By Mr. George


Proposing an amendment to Article 222of the Constitution of the State ofLouisiana.

Section 1. Be it resolved by the GeneralAssembly of the State of Louisiana, two-thirds of all the members elected to eachHouse concurring. That an amendment tothe Constitution of the State of Louisianabe submitted to the qualified electors ofthe State for their gapproval or rejectiona required by Article 221 of the Consti-tution, at the congersonal election to beheld on the first TuesdayW nMext followingthe first Moaday in November, 114amending and re-enacting Article 222 ofthe Constitution of the State of Louislanaso as to read as follows:

ARTICLE 222.Section 1. Upon the recommendation of

the Auditor or the Police Jury of anyparish, the Governor may suspend anyofficer charged with the collection or cuse-tody of public ds when in arrears.

Section 2. Ad officer of this State orof any district, Judicial or otherwise, andany officer of any parish or ward thereof,and any offc of any muniipality orward thereof (cept the Judges of all ofthe courts of geoord of this State thejudges of the various city courts through-out the State, and the Jugts e of thepeace) holding offce by virtue of haDeen elected thereto by the legally qfled voters of this State, or of any dis-trict, judicial or otherwise, or of anyparish or ward thereof of any munici-

pality or ward therof, hall be su torecall from such office by the quaited

voters of this State, or of any district,judicial or otherwise, or of any parih orward thereof, or of any municialty orward thereof, at any election throulghootthe State, district, Judicial or otherwise,or of any parish or ward thereof, or ofany municipality or ward thereof by amajorty of the 1 qualified votersparticipating In such elction; isuch recallelection shall be held when petitioned for

by such a number of legally qalifiedvoters of the State, district, Judicial orotherwise, or of any parish or ward there-of. or of any municipality or *ard thereof,s will eual twenty-five per cent of the

total number of registered vcters qualifiedto vote at the last preceding general elec-tion for the office the incunjent of whichis sought to be recalled. Notioe of inten-

tlon to circulate uch petition erwith a statement of the reasons wy therecall of such oficers is sought shl be

given to such ofcers in such manner asmay be provided by law. The General

Asembly shall by appropriate edilation.prescribe the form o peUUmtion, the mannerof verification and ascertainment that therequisite number of legally qua•ified voters

,• aned same. and also the mannerande ahoa of olltnlg such election and the

promultion of tne returns thereof. Suchn-alot sha.oontain the specific quation,'hanll. t(namn thae omer and gvlng hisofcal title) be realed," and oppoitethe qestion thaa the two quares In oneof wenhich ahal be prnted "Ye" and in thoother shall be printed "No," andb no balldotshal be considered at such election unlemthe voter shall have voted either 'feW or"no" t r upnsc quetion No oaer hlbe ubjct eto reall until after he ha beenin oimce one yesrr. and should his rl bedfated by the electors, then he hall notaGain, Aunnl that term of oice, be sulb-ect to recall At least three months, butnot more than eave monthsa hall elapsernom the Ume that the neessary numberof petitoner have ukled for the ralleciUon before same shli be held, A

succsor for the remainder of the tam,to e t sh oht to be recalled, ashall

be elected at the ame time thes recs l

election i held, and sould the a•rltyof the voters partlcipating in such elc-

on b in favor th tmbe ral of such ll-cer, then immediately after the pmronnl-

gauon of the returans of such election, theuccssor so elected sahall qualify. TIoe

General Asemmbly shall provide by lawhorw cndlidtes to suceed the oficer

sougt to be recalled may have theirm paea o the recall ballot of thetk othe Judical or othrwa. s vr-

A or warod theo, of any muniity, or ward Uhreof; by peition• s.•nedby qualified voters to the number of not

lo than twety-fiv pr cent of the total

Lumber of reStered voters quarlmfed totote at the last preceding general elso-Sle for the omfe te incumbent of which

I0s tght to be recalled. All voters may "z-a rst choice and a second choice,and

-Irandidate who is the first choloe of the_ t_-st number of voters shall be declared

-e elected, if the election has resltedSral of the officer seoght to be re-

The ofaer sought to be recalled-not be a candidate at such elction.

_•---on 3. Be It further resolved, etc..-t the oficial ballot to be usd at said

lonhll have printed thereon thewOrd: "For the popoed amendment toArtiqls 222 of the Constitution previdig

the pepe," and the words: "AgdMt theo d ..amendment to Artic 22 the

oniution providing fro the resel ofcertain offloers elected by the peope'"Section 4. le it further r•soed, eta,That if adopted at the aid eleton in

November. 1114, this amendment shal goInto effect and be opemaivle e anmd aterthe firt day of aanV•7,lI,

Leut. Govenor and Pyrelent of S•nate.

At Iroue IU etv S