the .cold spring recorder comic sectiol 10/cold springs... · cousin columbine wanted a slave! all...

THE .COLD SPRING RECORDER . CHAPTER VII—Continued —8— ""And here's where ; noe in.: "WotJ • • - rl .: school donate :: the ; scheme? • <Yn»1 ymi aiid .v • - _ • >>.".•.! | •-..> to pet rid of: No matter if they're .shabby;. Tubbs will !•..- •with paper. I'm sure the Adarris will give - • • too: and If ymi have any friends with books part with, just grab Chen for my Aladdin library. That's what I'll call it If 1 can cot somebody to paint a. sign without he-. Ins paid for the work. The Aladdin library! Won't that look swell over tbe door? t **'l shnn"t say a word to anyone un- til I hear from yon. but do write soon or I'm likely to explode. With the ex- ception of the Adam hoys and Mary Taylor, the postmaster's daughter, this population looks as if It Deeded to be shaken up, nnd I'm sure a library trill be a step in the right direction.* ** Louise paused a moment, and then •went on, a smile of amusement light- Ins her eyes: " *l>o not misunderstand, however. 1 have not become.a mis- sionary, or anything like that: but trhen you see people who have so little. It makes you think. Besides, I haven't enoueh to do. And Jack said Cousin Columbine wanted a slave! All the poor dear did want was to see some one belonging to her. before she died. And she's a Ion;; way from dying. If you ask me—the briskest (If there's no such word It doesn't matter) old lady I ever saw, and the most In- teresting. ""There's no time for more. The lire is almost out. and the wind Is howling, and snow is sifting through the cracks in my tourer windows. Cousin Columbine says It'll be dry as dust In a week, but 1 winder. - Love ' to every one at home, and do. do'help." Louise laid down the letter, and looked up. "What are you grinning for, PhU Nelson?" "I was thinking that Nancy'd make s real swell missionary." said the llttlo boy. "I've got a lot of old books that she can have. Just as well as not: nnd maybe some of the kids at school have got some too. Do you s'pose If I got a lot of books for the Pine Ridge library, that Cousin Columbine would pay my fare to Colorado? - ' Dad smiled, and said: "Some one •will h a r e to pay expressage on tho-.,. books! P»ut we'll manage that If we go without, our Christmas dinner. I'm proud of our girl, thinking this up all by herself: and we've got to help her put It through, it's fortunate we stored the books out here Margaret "We'll spend tomorrow going over them." "And 111 pay the evpressage," prom- ised his sister. "It won't be necessary to go hungry Christmas day." Phil drew a deep breath of relief. "That's Hie *t»a; u ; ; be a fanny enough Christmas anyway, with Jack nnd Nancy gone. What are you think- ing about. Mother? You look awl til solemn nnd far-away,** Hi* mother started, pulling herself together and smiling a bit wistfully. "Do jroti know." she told her family In snrpri««\ "I've boon so busy I only Just remembered j that—that Nancy was to have made her dehtti tonight:" Two thousand Btfles av ay la Tine Ridge, Colo,, tie-..- •, ti no ittoh forgetfttmMut, Nnhcyv fast thought on braking was that this was to have b.«,>n th«* day of her debut, perhaps bivau«n her ejrcn Itad ration on H mam? moth calendar (Its "dooorntlon" de- pleting a lovelorn couple seated beside a purple lake),, which was AUrora'i donation to what}the girl ha . ctirlx- tened her "chamber of horror**'' S.i tht» wu» the day she had looked forward to no long! Nance ihoggled down sudor the patchwork quilt and erne beraelf to Bha luxury of Intro* speetlon. What thrills she and Mother had had over -their plan*.! How exclt« lng to indulge in ail those evonlns gowna! And what would be happen- lng to her now if that miserable stork market hadn't crashed, and Dad crashed with It? Nanoe glanced at her watch. It was seven o'clock—nine In Doiton : and before long the flowers would have come pouring In: flowers from family Come By Clir xstine Cor>\ •-' I b) " • \ebUliic rirtnoatwf acted younger than she >u»i: T!u> was a cheering tboughtvand the girl ktciied'. <>•*. her quilt and ran to dlQSO the windows. . At any rate. It was a ^VoKouS day, and all that snow had vanished, s.."nli-. ing into the-grouta! and iea\ a:.; eyehj'* thing quite dry again/. Nance iopehed her do«.r, to be greeted by the aroma of frying imcon. After all. the day might not be so bad. She was. going to the Springs with Mrs.' Adam (Whom she had not yet met), to purchase the sport hose as well as'.'some ten cent "JoUes" for Christinas: something to make laughter at the dinner tldde. though Cousin Columbine assured her that there would be laughter at the Adam dinner tabic, Jokes or no Jokes. Nancy was late to breakfast. Cousin Columbine pretended to be provoked, but the girl grinned at her. "I wns too .comfortable to move: and besides, I—well. I started day-dream- ing." "About what?" asked the old lady crisply. Nuncy consumed two bites of muf- fin, and.then said: ** 'of ail sad words of tongue or- pen.' Cousin Columbine, 'the saddest are these— it might have been.' I'll admit I was pitying myself a little. This happens to be the day when Nancy Nelson expected to launch: her bark on. the—the social sea:!-' She laughed, but it wasn't a natural laugh, and Cousin Columbine observed her gravely. "Was giving up all that fuss and feathers a disappointment?" "It was some Jolt." said Nance. "Could I have two eggs, please? And what time did Mrs. Adam say she'd come?" 'At nine o'clock. I wish you'd run down to the store before you leave. Nancy, and get some baking powder. Aurora's going to make a cake." "Do you want chocolate or coconut?" questioned Aurora, poking her head in at the door. "If It's to be coconut, you better get another box;, but con- siderln'—" "Cet the coconut anyway." broke in Miss Columbine, and- motioned Aurora to go away. "I'm glad you're to have this trip today, child. You won't have time- to be regretting what can't be helped. I want you to got a pretty scarf to give I've Adam, something good, since we're going there for Christmas dinner. Eve never spends a crowds seemed ^thrijllngi ...Thplr' or.-' rands accompil^hed, Matt took -her to a |>!a</o w h e r e they 'had 'hot chocolate and'delicious, sandwiches ; and .on the' way /homo he drove' wi'vh .(Acoedvtv.: slowness, even after.-.'the dangerous; pass was 'left 'behind. The stars '.were out when they hutoped ovbr the railroad track and started- up- .'the straggling, '-.familiar' street, l'usk. hid . i: r s >hat»hinoss, .and Nahee turned as she always -did. •for. that matchless view qf llio.whito crest- ed Peak. "Well, we're home." she said, and added, .laughing; "'Hint '-sounds - o\- Aurora, doesn't it? I've hail .o 'great time. Matt, and 1. do appre- ciate, your letting, me tag along; If your cousin's stockings don't-turn out the right -size, .the saleswoman said they could be changed. I know your mother will love the linen—;anyone would.'; and— will you look' at t h a t !'* They were approaching the Nelson "mansion" now. "There's a light In the parlor! Ts the :lTosidentv or gov- ernor or some one calling otv Cousin .Columbine? Why:" (as they turned In the- gate), "there are lights .every- where: What can be happening?" She looked up. at Matthew this time. There was, Nance saw, an Inscrutable smile curving his nice mouth, but aU he said was: "Let's go In and see." j those pesky candles lighted. 'on \nV ' •; .'(':"". : -.•'.-./ ':•;. "I never saw a prftitlec table," wrote :N.ahcj ; to ber ; motlier. .-•'•Eyoti that aw- i'a.1 g!-oei:.!,re\\.:i china, was incoiV-. si'', : .bee:i!>e !•;' bient with.the, •groetebrotr/e -leaves of./.ihc'klhftikihnlclv witli wViicfi Mrs..-Adam hail decorated everylUi-'ug, '.it's the; .most' grace:'::: vino, with red' berries like the part- ridge berries, we ha\ e at lionie. There, •was'a lug-brass bow) <>\' .! in the cen- ter, of dlie talde; and long., sprays laid at itite'rvals on- the .uhite cloth—a. c!-.'!h'bonglit in i;»euver in I'-KM,- plea'se. iHulerstatol, and used- only on State .occasions! ; ' .'•" . .. "•' • "i'he terrible lamp was banished, •and four, lull brass caiydlostlcks held red candles,. while a big red candle, stood at every 'place, I!v'en Cousin Columbine's scarlet '••; middy, seemed made for the' occasion. She looked CHAPTER VIII Nancy was never to forget the mo- ments that followed. As Matthew- drew up before the house he blew three sharp blasts, on the automobile horn, nnd said. ''Don't bother with all those bundles. Nancy. I'll lug 'em In In just a minute." Indeed. Nance was so puzzled by the amazing Illumination that she failed to see that they were stopping • at the seldom-used front door; and, still dazed, but with Matt's hand on her elbow, she was firmly pro- pelled Into what Jack called "the sacred parlor." . For a moment she just stood still, thinking the room was full of people until she realized that It wasn't a crowd at all, only the parlor, beauti- fully garlanded, with Christmas greens, looked different. A second, glance dis- closed the company: Cousin Columbine In her scarlet middy and laced boots; a little woman with soft brown hair, and eyes shining -with merriment; Who must be "Kve Adam." T*y her side stood the tall, lean, sunburned man who was her husband, looking, It scorned:to Nancy, very little older than OPENING CHAPTERS OF THE STORY Ttulncil financially, James Nelson. Boston' mp.rchn.rit. breaks the news to his household. A short timo before, an. elderly cousin of Nelson's. Columbine, .had imggeVted '.hat Nance, his daughter, nineteen, come to her at pine ltlclfrc, Colo., AS a paid companion. Jack. Nance's brother, seventeen, Urges her to apcept, to relieve their father of a financial burden, and OfCerlnjc to go with her so that she will not feci too lonely. They write to Cousin Columbine. Sho wires a welcome, and It Is arranged that the two shall go. Met by Cousin Columbine, they aro somewhat dismayed by her unconventional attire and mannerisms, but realize she has character. Mark Adams, son of a close friend,of the old lady, Is intro- duced. The desolation Co Nance's city Ideas) .of'TMne.'TUdtfe tip nulls -the girl. The newcomers meet Aurora Tubbs. Cousin Columtdne's cook', nnd Matthew Adam, Mark'jc older brother. Cousin Colunddne eXiilalnH-her reasons for deslr- lnir Nhnce. to come' t rt her. N^nce' »rets better, nr-ijtmlt.t«>i1 wlih Matthew Adam, ntid^ Is »mpre-sse..l by his trood xetise—nnd his cood lo.oks. '.Inek Jlhds rt temporary Job,. An absence of lnt»t« sting rending, both In'tho house nnddn the '.community, Improves Nancy. » "Mark Would Have Give More Exciting Time f.-.';••: ii^. boy. fries t She could see A m I .' - eyes oina with delight and.prl le as frapraut tr I '•• was hr •:— dear Aunt J;:'.;.. « :.'•'! ne ne any:: h...k after oil - M. • ' : • ' ch what •>•^-'- v . .'••• : rh. - / : - . v 'hou It u ouid «•• penny on herself, ami she liken alec thlnps, :.nnd k'novi'i ;*o'tht' t« i ". Tiuit's all. M : I N hOo* for" "Y«ei tuean lh>« old Adam'." a»k.-l Na.hcy. dimpling. c>-UMii Cidutid)im< nodded^ '\."i i-i-ttiT 11*1, Kve wimt iic'd i.i,i': an<t ir you're ihnuigii hretittfast, gn right down to the si«.co now,. Tlmsc Adum |nMip|i. an- Often nhe.n.d of,'' -"Von lu'lnu a. eouplf u' pounds of powdered sutmr," called Aurora ax N.uti'y marled niT. "And" (an hhe reached tbC gate) "a CakOO' rln",. la!.'," AYhen Niiiio* returned iiuii-n with paper hajja oi various Mzo*,. the Ail,un \ar was atandlns beforoi t\\o dpdr; and as »h0 laid.'lu-r burdens on tho' kltciu-ii tabic, Aurora said; ••\\Y!!, hero you iwv'. Ami' Matthew Adam waiting six minutes. Ills mother couldn't go; and I hope to gooduess that hoy don't keep his month shut all the way. .'lie's in the sittiti' room with Mi»s Columbine right .now; hut If .you was to ask me, his brother Mark would have give you a more exciting time." Nance, whirled about, laughing as she saw Matthew In the doorway. He said, apologetically t. "1 know, Auri«ra, but Mark couldn't ho spared this morn- ing. I'uti't kill yourself to hurry. Na-. Nancy I've Kot'to put some water In the radiator. Just ta-:al;e your timo." "K Mrv. Adam sU-k':" questioned ..the girl a- !.•• went out. "No. my' dear." responded Cousin Columbine, "but Luke comes home tpr :u^rr>-\\ unyway. and Matthew had some errands he wished u> do. Now run and get your, things •Together'. child: and don't hurry through y..-.:- shopping for Matthew Adam or'any- bbdj ••':-•. If you're back by stippw time It - - d fenough^ Nancy was rea.'.y l>eforc Matt'.was'; ;>::; Aurorfl Sti pped -tliem. rushing from :: •• . ' ' ••• ts.the: engine, roared. "Tob ~ - >'i those woolen slockln-s tiic first C-.:i-;." slic pahtedj "and then gb right Into arrest TK>-::\ ami put vm oil; YOU s»s- She does Iti Matt'.jew A.i.irn" "1 l-l'll ilo my be>t." Matt promised, I - face cr.mson. The early winter darkness had fa)Ven wtion they returned. Nance had had - a wonderful day." She had lunched a: a <:•--. : '• ' i . done her own ' ' - 5tma$ errand-.. Aurora's. I ',.,:-,:; < i e*a • ' . Alatt Adams-: ' ftjU u hen she •••• \ l - - port at ti:- 1 ..' • .:.;••! t'lmC;, The yo;;ng roan conf?:s.-ed th'atlvc hadAletayed :hi* ownh.or.d.-iy shopping Inordet to'.pr Would Dot Meredith;; t:,. -. y ho was in ftol(iege at I 'on- %• - .:: : was to spc:'! her •vac.aJt.on . -;»;-..-\,-. ,.r . -• .. : , , ' . - . - . . - ' A' | \j ' - - . !»a'r:iod'. '.•: '.!ir . there - . - . - . - . . - : : / ' . ' - time witli Matthew; 1 !' • it; •• •- i '. . . - -:' eomp t.i I You a ' - ilOi - ' ' , . - . •„. • • $ th.1t Ids .ions,, Thf*n came .lunnitu Tui>!>< — .luanlta In a' >lee\ote!<s g\>wn of such dnafcUngi \*anegated colors iimt Nance almost- blinked when sho" looked vtrnichl ht II ithd wns .ilmukfuljhat. Mai-y Tax lor wns. wearing white. Mark, ("nil dressed up In his. Sund-i.x besl." thought Niuii'o) lowered be- h\eoii Mury mul it. slender girl In blue ("The OOIINIII frojii l'eii\ef") ; while .litek, utile anil HJIHII lit Id's blue sorge Milt, and .another boy ("Tim lust, of thn-yApostlw, of ifpurno!") ftto'od just! hehliul ihein; nnd lis n.cllinu.x ciiine Aurora atilred In a gown Of oinerald talYoia with ttlx lloimces on the skirt iiml the Inevlinble apron tIod:»mugly nroutul her aiupl.o w-tils«t 11 No womh-r Niincy stared! She stared so lopg that everybody shout oil with laughter/; and It w a s Cousin Col- iimhine who.explained; "It's only your debut, child, l'on't look, so day.edd"' . "Your debut, staged In a different sotting," smiled Kve Adam, and' com- ing forward kissed Nancy on the cheek. "Welcome to Tine Kldge. society, my dear! I really think w v o gave, you a surprise." "And If she don't run straight up- stairs and put on that pretty dress 1 took out of her closet." spoke up Au- rora, "my company dlnner'll be .In ruins. Matthew Adam, you*ll tlnd your'good clothes in Miss .Columbine's bedroom, and'•. don't be slow- as cold ..molasses; either.'-" "l'»i(,l—did you know. tills all the time'.-" cried Nancy, wheeling on.Mat- thew. "1-1-1 sort of s u s p e c t e d It,** he- con-- ' fessed. "1 mean—" •. "Ch. come on. Matt." broke-.-iri his brother Mark impatiently. "TimefilesV: and jou'Vte '£(.>{ to tu'autity 'yourstdf in honor ,0l Oti.r d e b u t a n t e ! ' % . ". .' . And; will ; .y.ou tHM-le'v-C.'; 'it, '; N:me\ wr 'to home', "when I . •• cjown. there .stood .Matthew A.dunV. looking .a.b-o!v.ic!.v. spinning,in a' well- cut T':\ ! . 1 h.ltn'ost p . s s e d out a't.-sigt:: Of h;':r: '' ' ''• . . lTo!i;:biy : M.:t.:'!.'ew' felt ^o-.uew hat The ' sa::ie..a: l'!.e Same- uioiaoi.:, for V.:i' •• I • :--.,'. ;r •' r c h i d chiff.'n. and >-. -. :• - h o d , v'.iv. (ajjcor.d'rng, to 'Mark- Ai;hmi) "soo ,-,.-, • . •) >;)]• ^t for.any :• r - ; .. •<• ,-; mlml?'' ; .' '• "You'll, have.' :.y >•..; '.h-:r' t.--\t to MhtC'.ew'-. M',- - • • ••.'.!n: .-. ru^fur'lji ', ;; !- : ."^h'e' n . .'•• 're'st-; ': - lool. ;..• . -. J'd : .i v o. - • . • . : :',:\.^::;-.-.;••.•, M./:-, li had !••.-. - - - • gg'.er .--It's- •'' : v.: -• it: ;~ ; . Nancy—-' a ' Te-i".,- > :' trails' •form-is i:!y ''" " : '" •• —-n: '•gkiri.o;:s. ,\; ;••,... 'a.s';-.; ... .-• ' A:..-!. / ' - - --. ' . - . .... " . >';;::': - --. . •' ' ' ' . ' ' ' •' ' • ' WJiiiiil! '• , "She Makes the Rest of Us Look Like Hick Cowboys." very distinguished at the head of the table; and they put me at the foot with 'Father Adam' on one side, and Mark (despite protests regarding his apparel'.) op the other. "And did we cat? As Jack remarked, Aurora, had 'done her darndest,' and the old-fashioned ' Christmas dinner was superb. Once it struck me as funny that .Tuanita was among the guests while her mother waited on u s ; but Cousin Columbine says that Au- rora would never have recovered If her daughter had.been left out. Mr. Adam made place cards; and the min- ute I saw his: beautiful lettering I knew wdio was going to paint the sign for my Aladdin library! But to get back; to my debut. . . ." • The account of this party grew Into the longest letter that Nancy.Nelson had ever.written,Which ended with a request to forward It to Aunt Judy, ". . . for 1 can never write all this agfliin. I W o n d e r w h a t those wild Spear girls will; think of my. debut, Mother; Not much like what we planned, was 11V But:.•believe nie, it was a grand party just the same." It Is probable .that all those present, agreed with the. girl. AVhen at last they arose from the.table and sought the gaily ••festooned parior, each, onei added bis bit lo the enlertnlntnent. 'riiore wei'e A'ha.rudos; old-tluie songx with tnelodeou tioeompahltnoht. (a tnelodeoti brought t'rotti Chicago ./In 1SS). Miss . Columbine , assured I hern proudly); as weil ; ':fts strictly uiodefh "crooidims'' Teiidei'eil by Mark ; while Matthew left Nance breathless for the second tline that, -evening. When, with the. simple, aid .of .liiiinllnV.tnm o' 'milliliter. »ind u plitiil scuff, ho \vim Ifiitimfoi'iiicd lnlo. a,. very credltnhle llat'i'y .Laudor, and' I'oVu'eltlng IIIM shy. ties-H, Kiing "l l/ovc ir UIIKHIII" In it do* Ughttlll .bai'lloiie.. ; . '.;,.. Ctiitiiln i' wuiliiMl /IH Matt drew |ier chilli* Into the -center of ihe •.group. . . "I'IU gidng to tell.yoti tlrst Christina* tree," she began. "1 couldn't haVe been more than -three' or four years oh), and Mother and I wt 'r° alone a s w e so often were In those days when Father was. off adventur- ing. Wo were expecting him home, of course; but- on Christmas . eve when he did not 'come, Mother went out and cut a .tiny Christmas tree herself, and set It up la the corner of our one room. "1 realize now that for months, pos- sibly longer,, she had been saving every, bright-scrap of ribbon or calico. or paper that came' her way—saving- them to make' a hierry Christmas for her baby: and after 1 was ' sound '/asleep she :, .mUSf have spent those lone- ly hours frying to. ..make'the little tlr tree gay,and pretty. while she listened, •tensely for Father's- returning step and the longed-for whistle (it .was./she told me, like the songot" the hermit thrushes in New Hampshire), with which 'he' always heralded his arrival.: . . , "Well, no whistle came that, night., and at'last, bitterly dlsabpbiuted, feor- ful for his safety as she.•always-was .i any untoward . delay, tiiy. mother .:•••:•:'Into bed and droppetl .asleep; :. morning she drew- a chair •«. | •-•• lie lirtle tree; tool; un- on her lap. liputi Info/niy h:i-ii<is one of the. gifts. she; //id '.-prepared v sb...lovingly., •. ' You see. . ^c.had-c/uVt.rived two' dolls out of home: K.d.e' clothespins—painted their fa;-' s very cleverly, and dressed them .in scar'iiJt/tlarinei-firoitii an -old pctr:- coat. . wrapping -thcni si^paratt-iy so that 1. would itavc more, to-.o'p••:.," ' ''For .V/'momeht/Ml^s '.Colu'tnblne sat/ v , •. .;vs 'If: thtnkl.ii.grthen . she; went :. - •' *•'•!.• ;.do not/'/of... .•..;::•; •-, [;••:;:..•:•. ,../ -.'/•'/•. : . • : : - - sti -.• ; '.but' it was •;,. •-. i --.. ;/ /; l'i-a.,1 i; •• scein 1 ., .rises: be-.. . t o r / - :;'•• •;• • ' ••':'• ' - • . : -. ..- ,, •. j . . . 1; iV/rgot- to' •'lie ' •'-;-.• - •-.'• ''• ; I '-•• ' •-1 •;•' pa.,.'lc'age.:i .,' ..- i sa ; t ti i '•'. o n ' :ri\ nj •-:;:.• r ? :;.:.;,,-,• i/i:-o->. : ^ : .|; s. ;.. vy l.,al.>y -i- •• : .. | - - ; th;.- sense of be.i,hg -• ••: i, . " . . ' ' . - : r e m ' ' •/. •: if .. :/ '•:••••:! ••: • ' ; .l -h'e saw . . : / , ; '' ' . ' - . ' - •;.•:- '..• •:. v vva's' ./' i ' ' ' '• .: !'.»vv., . . ' : - . - COMIC SECTIOl •"IP Evmts in the Lives of Little Men m ** & to 4 lU 9^ AL0N6 00 $T AS $00'N AS I F/rtlSH - "ft 15 ^°^ s*$r*i' ••-:v.-l:-;-:^2 .-•:-*-..v-.t-3 352 13-' 3 ^3C ^==&=m ^'m* *>-**. <+* *-~+> -s* , a- M •iiilx&jt . -1. v^ v «,*«^ «jj -*ni;:: L:>C.::i\'\ , ::- : *** : *^ , <, < - v - i ? * ^ SI •:gSis;« u^.;'^s: r^ •zgsm 1 " V ~7Z^< ££M A? m RNNEY OF THE FORCE BE THAT voNALV.m ^EAW-THATS" HIM- -Tl-F SCOTS MOM ?T\ HE'S OUTA W O R K THAT mm 'CF?0SSJ AL^BAPY- LAST " * f VJEEK HE WAS STAMDlM' rii'ttf LAT£W< >" WD v *5J1 V BREAP LiME so LOK<S HE WAS LATE PER WORK 'i AM' LOST And Ma^e i MM 1 oaL 56 WALKlfi* TH' P O C K — "THAT P N E R "OOeiKT T COeAlfA* ZJP WOW u •^^S OH—THAT ©E A ^ CHAP AS HAS XiSTj VviALKEP OVfcTR THROO thl'OCEAW ! TRUM TH'OZJLP J COUMTHRV// ] \ HA' coaix> HA* *& THE FEATHERHEADS SO MOU'RE DHT£RMIMEC7 TO GO AW&AD To OUR. £ VACATION ^PARADISE'? Doe» Anybody Know? i i.';-,'r. '•'l-'/e. trtlii hira a do-en tltne5 I riwop't •• :• 't ( i':n-.' l.:-- trie.'''' ll<^v many - . s'i a ' say it to a m',an like / ' ' Hor/Chtua ;• t - • - 1 ' :.': •' ' . ' . : . " ' . ' . ' t)aJ t . : -J .le in I'.no lllUgi :' • . ' - a . ' ' ' - > ' " : / i :-:::^. IZve'ryi ' .:•. . . . . ' . ' : ' ' . : ' . ' . ' . . . . - . . " . .-- . iiu';' •':'.; ••";•/ . A S'c.:r«'» Told //•',> r.'ri "i ' •'>•'-' •'"•'•/'• •• i is sure ' to i" '':i\ :n!\o;a:in^ ': l'.-iiust say the cotton In ,.•.: '• j all ..: iS'.rulalnfi my dlges this tlon. ' The Next P Shumway—Too cer to find a wife who < well on your Income. Dimlock—Tea, she pir!; but now Pre cot and find another Inoo: No Dcraonstrati Browu—You ought show your wife who's at your house. Totts (sadly)—Ther knows. -' •• '."•'• •-,"•.' ,' ••,••'• •'. •..•."'••..'•?. '.'•:•• ' "••. M Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

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Page 1: THE .COLD SPRING RECORDER COMIC SECTIOl 10/Cold Springs... · Cousin Columbine wanted a slave! All the poor dear did want was to see some one belonging to her. before she died. And


C H A P T E R V I I mdash C o n t i n u e d mdash 8 mdash

And heres where noe in WotJ bull bull - rl school donate

t h e scheme bull ltYnraquo1 havcnl ymi aiid v bull - _ bull gtgtbull | bull-gt to pet rid of No matter if theyre shabby Junrlti Tubbs will bull-bullwith paper Im sure the Adarris will give - bull bull too and If ymi have any friends with books bull part with just g rab Chen for my Aladdin library T h a t s what Ill call it If 1 can cot somebody to paint a sign without he- Ins paid for the work The Aladdin l i b ra ry Wont that look swell over t b e door

tl shnnt say a word to anyone unshyti l I hear from yon but do write soon or Im likely to explode With the exshyception of the Adam hoys and Mary Taylor the postmaster s daughter this populat ion looks as if It Deeded to be shaken up nnd Im sure a library trill be a step in the right direction

Louise paused a moment and then bullwent on a smile of amusement light-Ins her eyes lgto not misunderstand however 1 have not becomea misshysionary or anything like t h a t but t rhen you see people who have so li t t le It makes you think Besides I haven t enoueh to do And Jack said Cousin Columbine wanted a s lave All the poor dear did want was to see some one belonging to her before she died And shes a Ion way from dying If you ask memdashthe briskest (If there s no such word It doesnt matter) old lady I ever saw and the most Inshyteres t ing

There s no time for more The lire is almost out and the wind Is howling and snow is sifting through the cracks in my tourer windows Cousin Columbine says Itll be dry as dus t In a week but 1 winder - Love

t o every one at home and do dohelp Louise laid down the letter and

looked up What a re you grinning for PhU

Nelson I was thinking that Nancyd make

s real swell missionary said the llttlo boy I ve got a lot of old books that she can have Just as well as n o t nnd maybe some of the kids at school have got some too Do you spose If I got a lot of books for the Pine Ridge l ibrary tha t Cousin Columbine would pay my fare to Colorado -

Dad smiled and sa id Some one bullwill h a r e to pay expressage on tho- b o o k s Praquout well manage that If we go without our Chris tmas dinner Im proud of our girl thinking this up all by herself and weve got to help her p u t It through i t s fortunate we stored the books out here Marga re t Well spend tomorrow going over them

And 111 pay the evpressage promshyised his sister I t wont be necessary t o go hungry Christmas day

Phil drew a deep breath of relief Tha t s Hie t raquo a u be a fanny

enough Chris tmas anyway with Jack nnd Nancy gone What are you thinkshying about Mother You look awl til solemn nnd far-away

Hi mother started pulling herself together and smiling a bit wistfully

Do jroti know she told her family In snrprilaquolaquo I ve boon so busy I only Just remembered j thatmdashthat Nancy was to have made her dehtti tonight

Two thousand Btfles av ay la Tine Ridge Colo tie-- bull ti no ittoh forgetfttmMut Nnhcyv fast thought on braking was that this was to have blaquogtn thlaquo day of her debut perhaps bivaulaquon her ejrcn Itad ration on H mam moth calendar (Its dooorntlon deshypleting a lovelorn couple seated beside a purple lake) which was AUrorai donation to whatthe girl ha ctirlx-tened her chamber of horror

Si thtraquo wuraquo the day she had looked forward to no long Nance ihoggled down sudor the patchwork quilt and erne beraelf to Bha luxury of Intro speetlon What thrills she and Mother had had over -their plan How excltlaquo lng to indulge in ail those evonlns gowna And what would be happen-lng to her now if that miserable stork market hadnt crashed and Dad crashed with It

Nanoe glanced at her watch It was seven oclockmdashnine In Doiton bull and before long the flowers would have come pouring In flowers from family


By Clir xstine

Corgt bull bull- I b) bull ebUliic rirtnoatwf

acted younger than she gturaquoi Tugt was a cheering tboughtvand the girl ktciied ltgtbull he r quil t a n d ran to dlQSO the windows

At any r a t e It w a s a ^VoKouS day and all that snow had vanished snli- ing into the-grouta and iea a eyehj thing quite dry again Nance iopehed her dolaquor to be greeted by the aroma of frying imcon After all the day might not be so bad She was going to the Springs with Mrs Adam (Whom she had not yet met) to purchase the sport hose as well assome ten cent JoUes for Chris t inas something to make laughter at the dinner tldde though Cousin Columbine assured her that there would be laughter at the Adam dinner tabic Jokes or no Jokes

Nancy was late to breakfast Cousin Columbine bull pretended to be provoked but the girl grinned at her

I wns too comfortable to move and besides Imdashwell I started day-dreamshying

About what asked the old lady crisply

Nuncy consumed two bites of mufshyfin and then sa id of ail sad words of tongue or- pen Cousin Columbine the saddest a re thesemdash it might have been Ill admit I was pitying myself a little This happens to be the day when Nancy Nelson expected to launch her bark on themdashthe social sea-

She laughed but it wasnt a natural laugh and Cousin Columbine observed her gravely

Was giving up all that fuss and feathers a disappointment

It was some Jolt said Nance Could I have two eggs please And what time did Mrs Adam say shed come

A t nine oclock I wish youd run down to the s tore before you leave Nancy and get some baking powder Aurora s going to make a cake

Do you want chocolate or coconut questioned Aurora poking her head in at the door If Its to be coconut you better get another box but con-siderlnmdash

Cet the coconut anyway broke in Miss Columbine and- motioned Aurora to go away Im glad youre to have this trip today child You won t have time- to be regretting what cant be helped I want you to got a pretty scarf to give Ive Adam something good since were going there for Christmas dinner Eve never spends a

crowds seemed ^thrijllngi Thplr or- rands accompil^hed Matt took -her to a |gtalto w h e r e they h a d hot choco la t e anddelicious sandwiches and on the w a y homo he d r o v e wivh (Acoedvtv slowness even after-the dangerous pass was left behind

The stars were out when they hutoped ovbr the railroad track and started- up- the straggling -familiar street l usk hid irs gthatraquohinoss and Nahee turned as she always -did bullfor that matchless view qf lliowhito crestshyed Peak

Well were home she said and added laughing Hint -sounds - o-

nctlylike Aurora doesnt it Ive hail

o great time Matt and 1 do appreshyciate your letting me tag along If your cousins stockings don t - turn out the right -size the saleswoman said they could be changed I know your mother will love the linenmdashanyone would andmdash will you look at that They were approaching the Nelson mansion now There s a light In the pa r l o r Ts the lTosidentv or govshyernor or some one calling otv Cousin Columbine Why (as they turned In the- ga te) there a r e lights everyshy

w h e r e What can be happening

She looked up at Matthew this time There was Nance saw a n Inscrutable smile curving his nice mouth but aU he said w a s Let s go In and see

j those pesky candles lighted o n nV bull ( -bull- bull

I never saw a prftitlec table wrote Nahcj to ber motlier -bullbullEyoti that aw-ia1 g-oeirei china was incoiV- siii-uous beeigte bull bient w i t h t h e bullgroetebrotre -leaves ofihcklhftikihnlclv witli wViicfi Mrs-Adam hail decorated everylUi-ug its the most grace vino with red berries like the partshyridge berries we ha e at lionie There bullwasa lug-brass bow) ltgt in the censhyter of dlie talde and long sprays laid at ititervals on- the uh i t e clothmdasha c-hbonglit in iraquoeuver in I-KM- please bull iHulerstatol and used- only on State occasions bull bull bull bull

i he terrible lamp was banished bulland four lull brass caiydlostlcks held red candles while bull a big red candle stood at every place Iven Cousin Columbines scarlet bullbull middy seemed made for the occasion She looked


Nancy was never to forget the moshyments that followed As Matthew-drew up before the house he blew three sharp blasts on the automobile horn nnd said Dont bother with all those bundles Nancy Ill lug em In In jus t a minute Indeed Nance was so puzzled by the amazing Illumination that she failed to see that they were stopping bull a t the seldom-used front door and still dazed but with Matt s hand on her elbow she was firmly proshypelled Into wha t Jack called t h e sacred parlor

For a moment she jus t stood still thinking the room was full of people until she realized that It wasnt a crowd a t all only the parlor beautishyfully garlanded with Christmas greens looked different A second glance disshyclosed the company Cousin Columbine In her scarlet middy and laced boots a little woman with soft brown hair and eyes shining -with merriment Who must be Kve Adam Ty her side stood the tall lean sunburned man who was her husband looking It scornedto Nancy very little older than


Ttulncil financially James Nelson Boston mprchnrit breaks the news to his household A short timo before an elderly cousin of Nelsons Columbine had imggeVted hat Nance his daughter nineteen come to her at pine ltlclfrc Colo AS a paid companion Jack Nances brother seventeen Urges her to apcept to relieve their father of a financial burden and OfCerlnjc to go with her so that she will not feci too lonely They write to Cousin Columbine Sho wires a welcome and It Is arranged that the two shall go Met by Cousin Columbine they aro somewhat dismayed by her unconventional attire and mannerisms but realize she has character Mark Adams son of a close friendof the old lady Is introshyduced The desolation Co Nances city Ideas) ofTMneTUdtfe tip nulls -the girl The newcomers meet Aurora Tubbs Cousin Columtdnes cook nnd Matthew Adam Markjc older brother Cousin Colunddne eXiilalnH-her reasons for deslr-lnir Nhnce to come trt her N^nce raquorets better nr-ijtmlttlaquogti1 wl ih Matthew Adam ntid Is raquompre-ssel by his trood xetisemdashnnd his cood looks Inek Jlhds rt temporary Job An absence of lntraquotlaquo s t ing rending both Intho house nnddn the community Improves Nancy

raquo Mark Would Have Give

More Exciting Time

f-bullbull ii^ boy fries t She could bull see A m I - eyes

oina with delight andprl le as bull frapraut tr I bullbull was hr bullmdash dear Aunt J laquo bull ne ne any

bull hk after oil - M bull bull


c h what bullgtbull Irir^-- v

bullbullbull rh

- bull bull - v hou It u ouid laquobullbull

penny on herself ami she liken alec thlnps nnd knovii otht tlaquoi Tiuits all M bull I N hOo for bhn

Ylaquoei tuean lhgtlaquo old Adam araquok-l Nahcy dimpling

cgt-UMii Cidutid)imlt nodded i i-i-ttiT 111 Kve wimt iicd

iii anltt ir youre ihnuigii hretittfast gn r i g h t d o w n t o t h e silaquoco now T l m s c A d u m |nMip|i a n - Of ten nhend of l ln ie

- V o n lu lnu a e o u p l f u p o u n d s of powdered sutmr called Aurora ax Nutiy marled niT And (an hhe reached tbC gate) a CakOO r ln la

AYhen Niiiio returned iiuii-n with paper hajja oi various Mzo the Ailun ar was atandlns beforoi to dpdr and as raquoh0 laidlu-r burdens on tho kltciu-ii tabic Aurora sa id bullbullY hero you iwv Ami Matthew Adam waiting six minutes Ills mother couldnt go and I hope to gooduess that hoy dont keep his month shut all the way l ie s in the sittiti room with Miraquos Columbine right now hut If you was to ask me his brother Mark would have give you a more exciting time

Nance whirled about laughing as she saw Matthew In the doorway He said apologetically t 1 know Aurilaquora but Mark couldnt ho spared this mornshying Iutit kill yourself to hurry Na- Nancy Ive Kotto put some water In the radiator Just ta-ale your timo

K Mrv Adam sU-k questioned the girl a- bullbull went out bull

No my dear responded Cousin Columbine but Luke comes home tpr u^rrgt- unyway and Matthew had some errands he wished ugt do Now run and get your things bullTogether child and dont hurry through y--shopping for Matthew Adam or any-bbdj bullbull-bull If youre back by stippw time It - - bull d fenough^

Nancy was reay lgteforc Mattwas gt Aurorfl Sti pped -tliem rushing from bullbull bullbullbull tsthe engine roared

Tob ~-gti those woolen slockln-s tiic first C-i- slic pahtedj and then gb right Into arrest TKgt- ami put vm oil YOU sraquos- She does Iti Mattjew Ai irn

1 l-lll ilo my begtt Matt promised I - face crmson

The early winter darkness had fa)Ven wtion they returned Nance had had bull-a wonderful day She had lunched a a ltbull-- bull bull i done her own - 5 t m a $ errand- Auro ra s I - lt i ea bull bull bull Alatt A d a m s - ftjU u h e n s h e bullbullbullbull l bull - bull -port at ti-1 bull bullbull tlmC The yong roan confs-ed thatlvc hadAletayed hi ownhord-iy shopping Ino rde t topr

Would Dot Meredith t - y ho was in ftol(iege at I on-bull - was to spc her bullvacaJton

bull bull bull bull - raquo - - - r - bull

- - - bull A | j - bull -

bull raquoariod bull ir


- - bull - - - bull

bull bull bull bull -

t i m e w i t l i M a t t h e w 1 bull it bullbull bull- i - - e o m p ti

I You a

- ilOi - bull bull -

bull bdquo bull bull $


Id s ions Thfn c a m e l u n n i t u Tuigtgtlt mdash l u a n l t a In a gt lee o t e lts ggtwn of s u c h dnafcUngi anegated colors iimt Nance almost- blinked when sho looked vtrnichl ht II ithd wns i lmukfu l jha t Mai-y Tax lor wns wearing white Mark (nil dressed up In his Sund-ix besl thought Niuiio) lowered be-heoii Mury mul it slender girl In blue (The OOIINIII frojii l e i i ef) while litek utile anil HJIHII lit Ids blue sorge Milt and another boy (Tim lust of thn-yApostlw of ifpurno) fttood just hehliul ihein nnd lis ncllinux ciiine Aurora ati lred In a gown Of oinerald talYoia with ttlx lloimces on the skirt iiml the Inevlinble apron tIodraquomugly nroutul her aiuplo w-tilslaquot 11

No womh-r Niincy s ta red She stared so lopg that everybody shout oil with laughter and It w a s Cousin Col-iimhine whoexplained I t s only your debut child l ont look so dayedd

Your debut staged In a different sotting smiled Kve Adam and comshying forward kissed Nancy on the cheek Welcome to Tine Kldge society my dear I really think wvo gave you a surprise

And If she dont run straight upshystairs and put on that pretty dress 1 took out of her closet spoke up Aushyrora my company dlnnerll be In ruins Ma t thew Adam youll tlnd yourgood clothes in Miss Columbines bedroom andbull dont be slow- as cold

molasses either- lraquoi(lmdashdid you know tills all the

time- cried Nancy wheeling onMatshythew

1-1-1 sort of suspected It he- con-- fessed 1 meanmdash bull

C h come on Matt broke--iri his brother Mark impatiently TimefilesV and jouVte pound(gt to tuautity yourstdf in honor 0l Otir debutante

A n d wi l l you tHM-lev-C it Nme wr to home -t-eNt-day when I

bullbull cjown there stood Matthew AdunV looking ab-ovicv spinning in a well-cut T 1 hltnost p s sed out at-sigt Of hr bull lToibiy Mtew felt ^o-uew hat The sa ie a le Same- uioiaoi for V i bullbull I bull -- r bull rchid chiffn and gt- - bull bull -hod viv (ajjcordrng to Mark-Aihmi) soo -- bull bull) gt)]bull ^ t f o r a n y bull bull r - bull bullltbull - mlml bull

Y o u l l have y gtbull h-r t --t to MhtCew- M- - bull bull bullbulln - ru^furlji -

^he n bullbull rest- -lool bull - J d i v o - bull bull ^--bullbullbull M- li h a d bullbull- - - - bull gger --Its- bull bull

bull v -bull i t ~ Nancymdash- a Te-i- gt trails

bullform-is iy bull bullbull mdash - n bullgkirios bullbull as- -bull

A - bull - - --


bull bull gt

bull - - - bull

bull bull bull bull

bull bull WJiiiiil bull

She Makes the Rest of Us Look Like Hick Cowboys

very distinguished a t the head of the tab le and they put me a t the foot with Fa ther Adam on one side and Mark (despite protests regarding his apparel ) op the other

And did we cat As Jack remarked Aurora had done her darndest and the old-fashioned Christmas dinner was superb Once it struck me as funny that Tuanita was among the guests while her mother waited on u s but Cousin Columbine says that Aushyrora would never have recovered If her daughter had been left out Mr Adam made place c a r d s and the minshyute I saw his beautiful lettering I knew wdio was going to paint the sign for my Aladdin l ibrary Bu t to get back to my debut bull

The account of this party grew Into the longest letter that NancyNelson had ever wr i t ten Which ended with a request to forward It to Aunt Judy for 1 can never write all this agfliin I W o n d e r w h a t those wild Spear girls will think of my debut Mother Not much like what we planned was 11V Butbullbelieve nie it was a grand party jus t the same

It Is probable that all those present agreed w i t h the girl AVhen a t last they arose from the tab le and sought the gaily bullbullfestooned parior each onei added bis bit lo the enlertnlntnent riiore weie Aharudos old-tluie songx with tnelodeou tioeompahltnoht (a tnelodeoti brought trotti Chicago In 1SS) Miss Columbine assured I hern proudly) as weil fts strictly uiodefh crooidims Teiideieil by Mark while

M a t t h e w left Nance breathless for the second tline that -evening When with the simple aid of l i i i inllnVtnm o milliliter raquoind u plitiil scuff ho vim Ifiitimfoiiiicd lnlo a very credltnhle llatiy Laudor and IoVueltlng IIIM shy ties-H Kiing l lovc ir UIIKHIII In it do Ughttlll bai l loiie

Ctiitiiln i o i umbl j ie wuiliiMl IH M a t t d r e w | i e r chilli I n t o t h e - c e n t e r of i h e bullgroup

I IU gidng to tellyoti aboutmy tlrst Christina tree she began 1 couldnt haVe been more than -three or four years oh) and Mother and I w t r deg alone as w e so often were In those days when Father was off adventurshying Wo were expecting him home of course but- on Christmas eve when he did not come Mother went out and cut a tiny Chris tmas t ree herself and set It up la the corner of our one room

1 realize now that for months posshysibly longer she had been saving every bright-scrap of ribbon or calico or paper that came her waymdashsaving-them to make a hierry Christmas for her baby and after 1 w a s sound

asleep shemUSf have spent those loneshyly hours frying to makethe little tlr tree gayand pretty while she listened

bulltensely for Fathers- returning step and bull the longed-for whistle (it wasshe told

me like the songot the hermit thrushes in New Hampshire) w i t h which he always heralded his arrival Well no whistle came that night and a t las t bitterly dlsabpbiuted feor-ful for his safety as shebullalways-was i any untoward delay tiiy mother bullbullbullbullInto bed and droppetl asleep

morning she drew- a chair bulllaquo | bull-bullbull lie lirtle t r ee tool un- on her lap

liputi Infoniy hi-iiltis one of the gifts she id -prepared vsblovingly bull You see ^chad-cuVtrived twodol l s out of home Kde clothespinsmdashpainted thei r fa- s very cleverly and dressed them in scariiJttlarinei-firoitii an -old pctr-coat w r a p p i n g -thcni si^paratt-iy so tha t 1 would itavc more to-opbullbull

bull bull For VmomehtMl^s Colutnblne sat v bull bull vs If thtnkliigrthen she went

- bull bullbullbull do notof bullbull bull- [bullbullbullbull - bull bull bull - - sti -bull but it w a s

bull bull- i bull -- li-a1 i bullbull scein1 r i s e s be- t o r - bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bull bull - bull

- - bull bull j tliit 1 iVrgot- to bull l i e bull--bull - bull-bull bull bull I -bullbull bull-1 bullbull palcagei

- i sat ti bull i bull on ri nj bull-bull r -bull ii-o-gt | s vy lalgty -i- bullbull | - - th- bull s e n s e of beihg

- bull bullbull i bull bull bull bull bull - bull r e m

bull bull if bullbullbullbullbull bullbull bull l iilt -he saw bull bull bull bull bull - bull -

bullbull- bull bull bull bull v vvas i bull bull raquovv - - bull


Evmts in the Lives of Little Men

m amp



lU 9^ AL0N6 00 $T AS $00N AS I FrtlSH

- ft15 ^deg^

bull s$ri

bullbull-v-l--^2 -bull--v-t-3

352 13- 3

^ 3 C ^==amp=m



lt+ -~+gt

-sa-M bulliiilxampjt -1


laquoj j -ni LgtCi-^lt lt - v - i ^

SI bull gSislaquo

u^^s r^


1 V~7Z^lt poundpoundM A m



LATpoundWlt gt

W D mdashv





And Ma^e i M M

1 o a L 5 6 WALKlfi

TH P O C K mdash THAT P N E R OOeiKT T


bull ^ ^ S




coaixgt HA amp



Doeraquo A n y b o d y K n o w i i-r bulll-e trtlii hira a do-en t l tne5 I

r i w o p t bullbull bull t(in- l - - trie lllt^v m a n y bull - bull si a jrifi s a y it t o a man l i k e bull bull bull bull

H o r C h t u a bull t - bull - 1

bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull

t ) a J t -J le in Ino lllUgi bull bull - a

bull bull

- gt bull bull bull

i -^ IZveryi bull

bull bull


bull bull bull bull -

-- iiu bull bullbullbull

A Scrlaquoraquo Told bullgt rri

i bull gt bull - bull bull bull bull

bull bull bull

bull i is sure to i i noain^ l-iiust say the cotton In

bull bull bull bull j all iSrulalnfi my dlges this



The N e x t P ShumwaymdashToo cer

to find a wife who lt well on your Income

DimlockmdashTea she pir but now P r e cot and find another Inoo

No Dcraonstrat i BrowumdashYou ought

show your wife whos at your house

Totts (sadly)mdashTher knows


bull - bullbull

bull bull bull - bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbullbull bull bull


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Thomas M Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069
