the coast news story - stranded by halifax transit

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  • 8/11/2019 The coast news story - stranded by halifax transit


    The Coast News Story - Stranded by Halifax Transit!"/#/!#/the-coast-news-story-


    Be sure to read the whole comment tread below where a guy from Halifax Metro Transit clearly proves what the problemis.. They do not want to hear anything and absolutely do not care.

    $ ha%e to anno&nce that this post is act&ally a %ictory than's to The Coast and Hilary..$t is the first time that a mainstream paper has done a story for (heelchair )ights.

    Stranded by Halifax Transit

    Wheelchair user says bus system needs to up its safety game.ByHilary Beaumont!oid"##$%&'$

    (aniel ). Towsey says Halifax Transit buses aren*t safe for wheelchair users.

    H+, B01M23T

    wheelchair user and fre4uent transit critic is again calling out Halifax Transit after he says the bus system stranded him in

    (artmouth overnight.

    ,ast month (aniel ). Towsey too5 the bus out to Maynard ,a5e to photograph the sunset. The bus he too5 had four-point

    tie-downs to secure his wheelchair6 but when he tried to return to his peninsular home6 he says none of the buses that wouldta5e him directly home had the proper tie-downs. s a result6 he contends Halifax Transit left him in (artmouth for $$ hours


    +n a video he filmed of his experience6 Towsey can be heard telling a bus driver: 78o you can9t ta5e me home. +9m sitting out

    here in the dar5. +f something happens to me and somebody mugs me6 who9s going to be blamed! Because you guys at
  • 8/11/2019 The coast news story - stranded by halifax transit


    Metro Transit can9t provide safe buses for wheelchairs.7+n the last few years6 the city has gradually replaced its fleet with low-floor wheelchair-accessible buses. 8ome of the newer

    buses only have one-point tie-downs6 which attach a chair to the bus at a single point rather than securing it on all four

    corners. These tie-downs aren9t safe for Towsey9s motoried chair because it weighs more than ;'' pounds6 he explains.

    7There9s no way that wheelchair is not going to move.7ity spo5esperson Tiffany hase says Halifax Transit sent an ccess--Bus to pic5 up Towsey. The wheelchair rights

    advocate says that9s true6 but the ccess--Bus was a newer model that couldn9t fit his chair on board.

    fter hours of attempting to get home6 Towsey9s chair battery ran out of power and he became stranded. 0ventually6 a

    helpful police officer went to his apartment to get his battery charger and Towsey was able to ta5e the ferry home early thenext morning.

    urrently ;< of Halifax9s &=> accessible low-floor buses use the one-point system. hase says it complies with 3ova 8cotia

    1tility and eview Board safety regulations and will be installed in all new buses going forward.

    ?or its &'$$ accessibility report6 Metro @now HalifaxA Transit consulted with seniors and people with disabilities aboutimprovements to the bus system. Two concerns noted in the report were a 7need for standard wheelchair securement

    device/tie-downs67 and 7operator training in disability awareness6 the use of securement devices and providing assistance.7

    aul Blaauw6 a transit customer who uses a manual wheelchair to get around6 says he9s experienced some of the same bus

    problems as Towsey. Bus drivers9 5nowledge of the tie-down systems can vary widely6 he says6 and some drivers don9t usethe tie-downs at all. He describes the forward-facing four-point tie-down system that includes a seatbelt as 7marvelous67 but

    says the newer one-point tie-down can be unsafe.

    2n some buses6 wheelchair users are positioned facing toward the bac5 of the bus6 which ma5es it difficult to 5now when

    your stop is coming up.

    hase says the rear-facing passive restraint system is widely used by other transit agencies in anada and 7meets all codesand safety regulations.7 8he said basic training for drivers includes accessibility awareness and use of the tie-down systems.

    8ix years ago6 Towsey was cycling in (artmouth when a car struc5 him. The accident left his bac5 in shambles and he now

    re4uires a wheelchair. He believes the city has a long road ahead if it wants to ma5e its bus fleet6 and other municipalinfrastructure6 fully accessible.

    7There9s no wheelchair rights at all. 2nce you become disabled6 you lose all your rights. ou9re treated li5e an animal.7

    The Cruelty and Inhumanity of Halifax Metro Transit SPECI!Wheelchair "eportThis a tr&e testimonial accompanied with a *+ H+ slideshow.. That clearly explains the cr&elty and in,&stice of

    Halifax etro Transit management.


    C#MME$TSosted by hishighnesson 'F/$F/&'$# at &:'& M

    The same 1tility and eview Board that9s in 0mera9s bac5 poc5et! eah6 this guy is luc5y he didn9t get stranded for a year...

    osted by N&''aon 'F/&'/&'$# at =:'> M+ can9t believe a bunch of adults would gang up and bully someone li5e this. This thread reminds me of ,TGGB6 it9s sad


  • 8/11/2019 The coast news story - stranded by halifax transit


    osted by rticon 'F/$

  • 8/11/2019 The coast news story - stranded by halifax transit


    our claim that someone with a five hundred pound chair went on the bus is impossible.. The castors would move with anymovement of the bus.. and a power chair if it were possible6 secured at only one rear corner would surely cause the chair to

    move sideways..

    +f the chair is not secured the weight of the chair well crush the passenger.

    The %$ route mostly only runs old flyer buses as it has always done..+ am writing this response to you for the sa5e of other readers and not because you are worthy of any dignified response

    from me..because you are not worhty with all your insults..blindcaneon 'F/&'/&'$#

    Thguy is a mental mind fK5 he is absolutely nuts6 was banned from metro transit for a long time for assaulting drivers6 hasno right to be considered a 9voice of the disabled9 as FFL of disabled people in halifax/dartmouth have written him off as a

    nutcase for many years6 ust go watch his videos on ouTube..

    These buses are used all over north america6 infact most transit systems dont even re4uire wheelchair users to use restraints.

    + li5e the new buses6 way easier to get on/off6 giving people with disabilities way more freedom and 5eeping the route ontime and bus driver not having to ta5e >-; minutes trying to get restraints to wor5.

    Towsley i dont care what you say about anything6 your a nutcase6 go ta5e your meds6 stop assuming your god of


    rtic your very right6 you at least 5now your facts6 than5fully you dont succomb to 7truth soldier7 mental idiocy.Io loo5 on google for novabus lfs artic6 youll see a lot of different transit systems use them.

    +t is ( standerd6 Towsley has so much crap on his chair that ma5es +T unsafe..

    ccess a bus6 use ada standerd buses as well6 its not their issues why Towsleys chair wont fit6 its H+8 ?1,T.

    He has so much crap on his chair that ma5es it 2N08+O0(.

    Towsley whines about everything6 blaming everyone else6 hes the loudmouth that constantly is whining about how so muchis unfair in Halifax6 he is destroying any steps forward that the disabled community have gotten in Halifax and the province

    as a whole.)eply to 1lind Cane by +aniel Towsey

    + was banned for demanding that they let me off at the old bus terminal in (artmouth.. + am no threat to anyone.+ never

    threatened any drivers ou +(+2T.. + really hate people who spew crap li5e you do who are afraid to use their real 3ames..

    Githout a real name you have no credibly..

    our reply to rtic is so full of hate and stupidity.. )ust because the system they use on the buses is now standard does notmean it is safe... My chair fits perfectly through any standard doorway6 that ma5es my chair the standard..

    ou say i am destroying any steps forward ever made in the disability community..again you are 82 G23I..There has

    been no steps forward ever achieved for the needs of disabled wheelchair users. This bus issue is a perfect example...

    The only problem is idiots li5e you...)eply to 1lind Cane by +aniel Towsey

    8o you claim to have some 5ind of credentials..what have you do for the needs of the disabled! Have you written anything!(one any speeches!

    8et up any websites or any that anyone can see to prove you have ever done anything for anyone ever! 8how me someproof..ost a lin5 to something you did for the disabled..)eply to lastic +i%er 0&y by +aniel Towsey.

    Gho wants sympathy..+ want ustice and + want the buses to be properly e4uipped with the necessary four point tie-downs.

    s5 yourself why did all the older buses have them!The power wheelchairs never changed..+ already explained clearly that power wheelchair can not face bac5wards for many

    reasons..such as the bac5rests are not vertical li5e manual wheelchairs. ll power chairs have 5naps sac5s behind them6 and

    head braces with the attachments stic5ing out that can not be pushed against the post with the cushion and many more

    reasons..+ am reasonable by explaining the reasons why the buses can not transport power wheelchairs.. 8o why do you not try being

    reasonable instead of vicious..1sually those that attac5 activist comment treads online are professional T2,,8..osted by blindcane.

    ol (aniel there you go6 showing your hatred6 is that all you can do is call people names!+ don9t choose to use my real name because unli5e you6 + am more concerned with (0,+3I G+TH 0,+T6 + M 23

    TH0 8T00T8 0N0 ( (0,+3I G+TH TH0 +881086 G2E+3I G+TH 02,06 32T 8+TT+3I +3 M

    22M ME0 N+(028 2? 8+TT+3I B+,0 3( HT0 B,T3T .you are so blinded by your bitter hate that it blinds you to the changes that 0 H03+3IJ

    the province is wor5ing on getting a accessibility committee together wor5ing on the issues they can6 but your 32T

    G0,2M06 because you have proven time time again how narrow minded 32T mentally stable6 you are.

    Halifax Transit have come a long way in the last ; years6 about F'L of the buses are accessible6 all ferries are accessible6(artmouth bus terminal is accessible6 Highfield has been completely rebuilt with accessibility in mind6 as are others getting

    done6 now6 in most parts of HM the bus stops are getting made accessible.

    + don9t waste my time on youtube or ma5ing websites6 + leave that to the people who li5e that sort of stuff.

  • 8/11/2019 The coast news story - stranded by halifax transit


    + get out in the community wor5 with li5e minded people6 getting things (2306 not ust screaming at people demanding pity.

    +9ll ust leave you to stew in your little world of self hatred pitiful attitude6 your never going to accept anything + or others

    say/do6 because you can9t handle reality unless it revolves around you.)eply blindcane by +aniel Towsey

    (artmouth bus terminal is not accessible. + wont bother posting the video to that proves it6 as you have made a

    contradictory statement..ou do not bother with websites6 youtube or anything so why are you on this website..nd how

    would you 5now anything about my videos if you do not bother with youtube..

    ou are a nobody..ou do nothing for the rights of anyone disabled.. ou are an insider @as your credentials proveA troll asyou ma5e that very obvious since you have never responded to any one of my numerous points proving why the buses can

    not transport power wheelchairs.. ou have no idea on how to be civil and polite.. ou engage in nothing but hate speech

    personal attac5s..

    ou do not use your real name because you deal in reality but yet you use an unreal fa5e name..ou are a o5e..ou areillogical..and a huge waste of time...8top with your personal attac5s..eply logically to my previous points such as plastic

    and slanted bac5 rests6 headrests6 napsac5s etc etc...or stop writing hatefull personal attac5s...

    osted by rtic

    The only viscous one is you Mr Towsey you have called people idots6dumb and stupid in the same forum. ou have alsodecided to attac5 one your fellow disabled people. That shows the amount of credibility you truly haveJ

    3ow lets go through a few facts that you have posted. ou mention that older buses have the four points tie down system

    and for us to as5 why that was the case. Gell at the time those buses came out that was the standard newer buses are bound

    to have newer technology. 8ame when the first flyers came out why where there not steps li5e so many before them !

    3ext you attac5 the a fellow disabled person saying what have they contributed to the disabled community! Have they madewebsites! etc. )ust because you go to wordpress and post a bunch of stuff doesn9t mean you have made a website for the

    community means you have done something that people in grade school are taught how to do simple web page design with

    a gui tool.3ext you claim that you are not destroying steps made forward in the disabled community because there are none to begin

    with. Gell lets pic5 that apart a bit because you are so 5een on having facts displayed. = years ago there was only a handful

    of wheelchair routes and wheel chair users where only allowed to use these routes period now fast forward = years later over

    ='L of MT routes and

  • 8/11/2019 The coast news story - stranded by halifax transit


    ou 5now no truth.. ccessibility is maybe two percent of where an able bodied person can go.. 8o why is it that not onegovernment building has a power wheelchair accessible bathroom! + wont tell you more.because you have no idea what a

    power wheelchair accessibly bathroom is unless you chec5ed my website..

    3o one in this town is ma5ing anything better because they do not refer to any intelligent disabled person that can explain

    it..1nless of course those of you who have been learning from my website but wont admit it..Ghich is standard procedurefor all people who derive income from the corporate government..ou never spea5 the truth the whole truth and nothing but

    the truth..

    ou are such and ignorant and insulting inhumane person..Telling me you do not want to hear or read anything from me..

    ou thin5 the so called inside pros 5now everything.. but they wont listen to anything from the disabled as your ownstatements clearly proves..

    ou have ust proven 0PT, that your bad 5now it all attitude is the problem..

    rofessionals only profess to 5now.

    ros will never be masters but can only learn from masters if they ust listen to the masters..(o you not realie that pros will never master anything...

    To master something you have to do it all yourself and master it..

    8o turning things around..

    How about you arrange for you to get a power wheelchair and + ta5e you around town for a few hours..ou would not be able to even steer it through a doorway..guaranteed..because you first need to master how to drive it..

    rtic if + saw you in person it would be an insult to my integrity as a truthful person..

    ?or you are a professional are ignoring truth..that is all you are..osted by 1lindCaneon 'F/&'/&'$#

    Btw6 # point restraints are getting ripped out of buses all over 3orth merica6 they are 2,( T0H32,2I6 only used onpara-transit vehicles mostly.

    They ta5e way too long to do for use on conventional transit6 also Halifax is the only transit system to absolutely re4uire

    them.+ have been to many cities in 3orth merica6 ridden many transit systems6 the use of restraint systems is changing6 to single

    belt restraint6 and even then only on scooters manual wheelchairs.

    lso if you really wanted to change Halifax transit6 why haven9t you tried to get on T!

    + E32G GH....your not interested in wor5ing with others6 on real solutions6 you ust want to spew your bile hatred6 you ust want to

    mouth off6 your not interested in real solutions that will ma5e things better for everyone6 ust whining about it.

    8eriously6 your scaring people away from our amaing city6 ma5ing people not want to become advocates6 because no one

    wants to deal with your level of crayJou have poisened the waters of Halifax with your crap6 disabled tourists run away from you6 + have witnessed it personally.

    )eply to 1lindCane by +aniel Towsey.,isten to yourself6 you are the one whining and spewing out your attac5s and hatered..

    Io read my article. 3There is no reasoning with the insane3


    oh yah your the one with the closed mind that is always right yet ignores the most amaing human invention forlearning..the place where all the intelligent people go to that the whole world uses except for you... so you said.. The


    maing city6 is ust a small town with to many with small minds as you have shown yourself to be with your

    constant attac5s and insults to ignore the facts + have presented numerous times...ou ma5e constant claims to 5now me and have made statements that seem to indicate you are stal5ing me..ou are ust a

    bac5 stambing person who spea5s behind peoples bac5s and ingages in hateful gossip..

    but has never once gone out and loo5ed at all the evidence on my website.. as you clearly stated that you never do.. ..

    8o that proves your are ust an ignorant person.. as ignoring all the proof on my website..8uch as.


  • 8/11/2019 The coast news story - stranded by halifax transit


    osted by rticon 'F/&'/&'$# at ;:>' M

    Gell loo5s li5e you have not listened to what every one has written all you want to do is continue to tal5. + as5ed you to

    provide a creditable source or agency on your statement about not being able to secure your wheel chair in the passive

    restraint system. ou have yet to do that all you do is say to go to your self made website. + have been there beside the lac5of any organiation there are videos of you going around town doing what you thin5 is 7ublic education7. Ghen in reality

    its you yelling at people and trying to get them to thin5 you are such a poor sole. + never claimed once that disabled person

    has the same accessibility as a disabled . + claimed things have gotten better in = years.

    s for the transit case you spea5 of6 your particular human rights case was not the one that actually changed the policy of,? buses being on non wheel chair routes. our complaint along with another female wheel chair user who + wont name

    here came after. The original complaint had not been heard by the time you laid your complaint. +t had actually been a year

    or two that passed since the original complaint @ human rights commission can ta5e a while to hear cases which is an

    entirely different subectA.

    3ow why not go and use that cran5 radio you have and be sure to flag down a horse drawn carriage to ta5e you to your nextappt.reply to rtic by +aniel Towsey

    our true biased colors are showing.. ou claim to 5now about my Human ights omplaint.. 8o how you are spea5ingproves you are an insider who is trying to do damage trying to discredit me..

    That no name person you spea5 of is a none existent fiction ma5e up..period..

    Here is a video + did on board a bus as you re4uested..but + had already made it before you made the re4uest.3(heelchair rotest 4n 1oard Halifax etro Transit 1&s3

    CembedD!v"QwRnnfg1(< M8upply websites that are 32T 13 B 21 J all they do is repeat what you have printed. + have watched your videos
  • 8/11/2019 The coast news story - stranded by halifax transit


    going on a bus and saying 7 this is a protest because these buses are unsafe and you 5now it7 +s not in any way you showingus how they are not safe.

    + have read the human rights cases on this. Trust me every one at Metro transit has to be trained on human rights as a result

    of this. @ did you 5now that A.

    lso by the way none of your response are showing your civilied but the doing the complete opposite. + never insulted you6nor did plastic driver guy or anyone else. ou insulted all of us first. ou also continue to insult us over and over again. ll

    we have as5ed is for concrete proof of your accusations from a creditable source @ ou or + are not redible sourcesA li5e

    The (6 1B6 3ova Bus or any other disability organiation. ll you have done in response is posted lin5s to your

    website. +f you would li5e + can create one on word press right now throw a few videos on it and discredit your claims. +twont ta5e more then ; to $' minutes6 but + wont because that proves nothing but my opinionJ

    8o in closing yes closing because + am aware that you will reply no matter how many times + respond. our claims carry no

    weight6 no other user in Halifax has the same problems as you yet they ride the same buses. ou have done nothing but yell

    at people who didn9t agree with your views. ou have said that transit endangered you that night. There is no evidence ofthat you where offered drives from other drivers driving older buses to the bridge. ou claim that the %$/$# was the only one

    that could get you to that intersection of oxford and Ruinpool. Gell the ones could have done that. lso if they had the

    newer style bus you could have tried the ;& to get you to the corner of 3orth and obie and powered on own the street. 2r

    could have ta5en the = or ' when + got off that bus..There was only two more hours remaining before the buses stopped that could ta5e me

    home.our ignorance is the same ignorance from everyone at management level of Halifax Metro Transit.

    Than5 you for ma5ing that very clear for all the other readers.

    ou have clearly proven that you li5e to give advise that has no credibility..

    ou said 7+ wanted to ma5e a scene and ma5e people sorry7.. you are so pathetic..Than5s for all your comments that clearly shows to any credible independent thin5ers that + have done by best and that the

    problem is6 as you indicated..


  • 8/11/2019 The coast news story - stranded by halifax transit


    +4 N4T (NT T4 H5) 5 N4) )5+ N7TH$N0 $ () you reading this!

    G2G what a huge obstacle you are to ustice and to getting the buses e4uipped with the necessary four point tie downs..

    Iood thing you hide behind a fictitious name..or + would subpoena you.

    + loo5 forward to my day in court with Halifax Metro Transit on lass ction 8uit oming soon..+ will be the prosecutor under ommon ,aw..(o you 5now what that is!

    +t is the only law in anada..anada is a ommonwealth ountry with a House of ommons where we the ommon eople

    elect ommon eople to create our law of the ,and. That being ommon ,aw.

    anything else is corporate criminal acts created by those who pretend to be we the peoples governments.The world is wa5ing up faster then you thin5 to the orporate greed destroying this planet..The (orld (ide Tr&th )e%ol&tion is N4(..

  • 8/11/2019 The coast news story - stranded by halifax transit


    s+ anonymous...We are %atching. We do not forgi*e, We do not forget...

  • 8/11/2019 The coast news story - stranded by halifax transit
