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October 24, 2019







City of Santa Fe Springs

11710 Telegraph Road

Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670

Phone (562) 868-0511, Ext. 7545

FAX (562) 409-7651

Contact: Robert Garcia, Project Manager















2019-11 Marquardt Avenue 16" Water Main Relocation







PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Santa Fe Springs as AGENCY, invites

sealed bids for the above-stated project and will receive such bids in the City Engineer’s Office,

City of Santa Fe Springs, 11710 Telegraph Road, Santa Fe Springs, California 90670, until 11:00

a.m. on Tuesday, November 19, 2019.

Bids will be publicly opened and read at 11:30 a.m. in the City Council Chambers, located at

11710 Telegraph Road, Santa Fe Springs on Tuesday, November 19, 2019. Bidders or their

authorized agents are invited to be present for the opening of bids.

The work to be done consists of furnishing all materials, equipment, tools, labor, and incidentals

as required by the Plans and Specifications. The general items of work include but may not be

limited to removal and disposal of interfering portions of existing 16" water main, furnishing and

installing approximately 65 LF of 16" ductile iron pipe via trenching, along with all shoring

required, installing new fire hydrant, gate valve, pipe trench backfill and street restoration at

designated locations per plans. Included in this project is all trenching, trench shoring, and

furnishing and installing fittings, valves, all appurtenances, and all pipe pressure testing and

disinfection within the project area.

The local prevailing wages, as determined by the State of California, Director of Industrial

Relations pursuant to the provisions of Section 1773.2 of the Labor Code of the State of California

are on file at the City Hall, City of Santa Fe Springs, 11710 Telegraph Road, Santa Fe Springs,

California 90670, and are available for review by any interested party on request at City Hall. The

Contractor for this work shall perform all the basic regulations, requirements and procedures

pursuant to the Davis-Bacon Act and related prevailing wage statutes, including Title I of the State

and Local Fiscal Assistance Act of 1972. All contractors and subcontractors must furnish

electronic certified payroll directly to the Labor Commissioner (aka Division of Labor Standards


● No contractor or subcontractor may be awarded a contract for public work on a public

works project (awarded on or after April 1, 2015) unless registered with the Department of

Industrial relations pursuant to Labor Code section 1725.5.

● The project is subject to compliance monitoring and enforcement by the Department of

Industrial Relations.

Attention is directed to the provisions of Section 1777.5 (Chapter 1411, Statutes of 1968) of the

Labor Code concerning the employment of apprentices by the Contractor or any such

subcontractor. Affirmative action to ensure against discrimination in employment practices on the

basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, religion or handicap will also be required.

2019-11 Marquardt Avenue 16" Water Main Relocation


The AGENCY will deduct retention from progress payments as specified in Section 9 of Part 1 -

General Provisions, of the Special Provisions. The Contractor may substitute an escrow holder

surety of equal value to the retention. The Contractor shall be the beneficial owner of the surety

and shall receive any interest thereon. Substitution of securities for monies withheld to ensure

performance of this contract will be permitted pursuant to Government Code Section 4590.

In entering into a public works contract, or a subcontract, to supply goods, services, or materials

pursuant to a public works contract, the Contractor, or subcontractor, offers and agrees to assign

to the awarding body all rights, title and interest in, and to, all causes of action it may have under

Section 4 of the Clayton Act (15 U.S.C. Section 15) or under the Cartwright Act (Chapter 2

[commencing with Section 16700] of Part 2 of Division 7 of the Business and Professions Code),

arising from purchases of goods, services, or materials pursuant to the public works contract or the

subcontract. This assignment shall be made and become effective at the time the awarding body

tenders final payment to the Contractor, without further acknowledgment by the parties.

Special attention is called to Page B-4 of the Instruction to Bidders regarding liability insurance

requirements. The successful bidder will be held to strict compliance with those requirements.

Contractors who cannot comply should not bid.

The Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) State of California is currently in full

implementation of Senate Bill 854 for new public works projects. The public works reforms (SB

854) were signed into law on June 20, 2014. The reforms made several significant changes to the

administration and enforcement of prevailing wage requirements by the Department of Industrial

Relations (DIR). SB 854 established a public works contractor registration program to replace

prior Compliance Monitoring Unit (CMU) and Labor Compliance Program (LCP) requirements

for bond-funded and other specified public works projects. The fees collected through the program

established by SB 854 are used to fund DIR’s public works activities. Contractors and

Subcontractors must comply with DIR registration requirements as specified in Labor Code

1725.5, 1771.1(a), 1771.1, 1771.4. Additional information is available on DIR’s Public Works

webpage (, with resources that include a webinar, presentation slides and

frequently asked questions regarding SB 854. Special attention is called out to Page B-6 of

Instruction to Bidders regarding Wage Scale.

Bids must be prepared on the approved original proposal forms, which are stamped “Official

Bid” in red ink, in conformance with the Instructions to Bidders and submitted in a sealed

envelope plainly marked on the outside. Plans and Special Provisions must be purchased from

or furnished by the City of Santa Fe Springs – no other company or agency has been given

authorization to sell, duplicate or transfer Contract documents. Bid Proposals received from

companies not on the official plan holders list, which is posted to a link available from the

City’s website, shall not be accepted.

The Bid must be accompanied by certified or cashier's check, or bidder's bond, made payable to

the City of Santa Fe Springs as AGENCY, for an amount no less than 10 percent of the amount

bid. A labor and materials bond and performance bond will be required prior to the execution of

the contract in the form and amount set forth in the contract documents.

The successful bidder shall be licensed in accordance with provisions of the Business and

2019-11 Marquardt Avenue 16" Water Main Relocation


Professions Code and shall possess a valid State Contractor's License A at the time this Contract

is awarded. The successful Contractor and all subcontractors will also be required to possess

business licenses from the City of Santa Fe Springs prior to commencement of work.

DEBARMENT: No Contractor or Subcontractor may be awarded a contract on a bid proposal if

they have been Debarred by the State pursuant to Labor Code Sections 1777.1 and 1777.7 and

Public Contracts Code Section 6109.

The AGENCY reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive any irregularity in any bid

received, and to be the sole judge of the merits of the respective bids received and to take all bids

under advisement for a period of 30 days. The award, if made, will be made to the lowest

responsible bidder as so determined by the AGENCY.

Copies of the Plans, Specifications, and Contract Documents may be obtained during regular

business hours at the Office of the City Engineer of the City of Santa Fe Springs, 11710 Telegraph

Road, Santa Fe Springs, California 90670. Regular business hours are from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30

p.m. (Closed on alternating Fridays).

Please direct written requests to the Department of Public Works, City of Santa Fe Springs, P.O.

Box 2120, Santa Fe Springs, California 90670.

Plans and Specifications are expected to be available after Monday, October 28, 2019. Please

call the number below to verify if available. The official Plan holder’s list will be posted to a link

available through the City’s website under Bid results will also be posted

to the City’s website.

Further information regarding this project can be obtained by calling the Public Works

Department, Engineering Division, at (562) 409-7540.

BY ORDER OF the City of Santa Fe Springs.



October 24, 2019






Bids shall be submitted in writing on the original Proposal forms, which are stamped “Official

Bid” in red ink provided by the Agency. No duplicates shall be accepted. Contract

Documents and Specifications must be purchased from or furnished by the City of Santa Fe

Springs. The Proposal shall not be changed and no additions shall be made to the items mentioned

therein. Unauthorized conditions, exemptions, limitations, or provisions attached to a proposal

will render it informal and cause its rejection.


Bids must be submitted on the prescribed forms. Bid prices must be filled in, IN INK in both unit

prices and amounts, and must be noted with clear distinction in dollars and cents. In case of

discrepancy between unit prices and amounts, unit prices will govern. Erasures or other changes

must be noted over the signature of the bidder. The Agency will not consider any proposal not

meeting these requirements.


Proposals must be accompanied by a proposal guarantee consisting of a certified or cashier's check

or bid bond payable to the Agency in the amount not less than 10 percent of the total amount bid.

Any proposal not accompanied by such a guarantee will not be considered. If a bidder to whom a

contract is awarded fails or refuses to execute the contract documents or furnish the required

insurance policies and bonds as set forth in those documents, the proposal guarantee shall be

forfeited to the Agency. The proposal guarantees of all bidders will be held until the successful

bidder has properly executed all contract documents. Checks or bid bonds of the other bidders

will be returned when their proposals are rejected, or in any event, at the conclusion of sixty (60)

days from the date of opening bids.


The successful bidder will be required at the time of executing the contract to furnish a Labor and

Material Bond in an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the contract price, and a

Faithful Performance Bond in an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the contract

price. Said bonds shall be secured from a surety company satisfactory to the Agency, and shall

incorporate the Agreement and CONTRACT by reference. Bond forms are included in the


Each signature on the bonds must be notarized. Please note the new notarial certificate

requirements for acknowledgement certificates per State of California Law effective January 1,

2015. This acknowledgement certificate is available for download at the Secretary of State’s

website, Bonds that are notarized and do not

meet the new requirements will be rejected.


Proposals shall be enclosed in a sealed envelope plainly marked on the outside, “MARQUARDT


MAIL.” The sealed envelope shall also have clearly marked on the outside the company



name and address of the bidder. Proposals may be mailed or delivered by messenger. However,

it is the bidder’s responsibility alone to ensure delivery of the proposal in the hands of the Agency’s

designated official at the office of the City Engineer at City Hall, 11710 E. Telegraph Road prior

to the bid opening hour stipulated in the Notice Inviting Sealed Bids. Late proposals will not be

accepted. A late proposal shall be defined as being received after the stipulated hour in the

appropriate receiving office, according to such clocks in use for bid reception, as determined by

the designated City Official.


Before submitting bids, Contractors shall be licensed with the classification as indicated in the

Notice Inviting Bids, in accordance with the provision of Chapter 9, Division 3 of the Business

and Professions Code. If a Federal Aid Project Number is shown on the plans or in the Special

Provisions, Public Contract Code Section 10164 takes precedence.


Questions regarding documents, discrepancies or omissions in the Plans or Specifications shall be

communicated to Robert Garcia, Project Manager in writing, by letter, fax or e-mail, not less than

seven (7) working days prior to opening of bids, to provide time for issuing and forwarding an

addendum, should the City consider an addendum necessary. The City will not be responsible for

over interpretation of the Plans and Specifications.


A proposal may be withdrawn by a written request signed by the bidder. Such request must be

delivered to the Agency's designated official prior to the bid-opening hour stipulated in the Notice

Inviting Sealed Bids. Proposals may not be withdrawn after said hour without forfeiture of the

proposal guarantee. The withdrawal of the proposal will not prejudice the right of the bidder to

submit a new proposal, providing there is time to do so.


Unauthorized conditions, limitations or provisions attached to a proposal will render it irregular

and may cause its rejection. The completed proposal forms shall be without interlineations,

alterations, or erasures. Alternative proposals will not be considered. No oral, telegraphic, or

telephonic proposal, modification, or withdrawal will be considered.


Proposals may, at the discretion of the Agency, be rejected if they show any alteration of form,

additions not called for, conditional or alternative bids, incomplete bids, or irregularities of any

kind. The right is reserved by Agency to reject any or all proposals.


No mention shall be made in the proposal of Sales Tax, Use Tax or any other tax, as all amounts

bid will be deemed and held to include any such taxes, which may be applicable.


No person, firm, or corporation shall be allowed to make, file or be interested in more than one bid

for the same work, unless alternative bids are called for. A person, firm or corporation who has

submitted a sub-proposal to a bidder or who has quoted price on materials to a bidder, is not thereby



disqualified from submitting a proposal or quoting prices to other bidders.


Bidders are notified that a Contractor's License Declaration is required to be executed in

accordance with Section 7028.15(e) of the Business and Professions Code and submitted with the



Bidders must satisfy themselves by personal examination of the work site, Plans, Specifications,

and other contract documents and by any other means as they may believe necessary, as to the

actual physical conditions, requirements and difficulties under which the work must be performed.

No bidder shall at any time after submission of a proposal make any claim or assertion that there

was any misunderstanding or lack of information regarding the nature or amount of work necessary

for the satisfactory completion of the job. The submission of a Bid will be conclusive evidence

that the Bidder has investigated and is satisfied as to the conditions to be encountered, as to the

character, quality and quantities of work to be performed and materials to be furnished, the

difficulties to be encountered, and to the requirements of the Proposal, Plans, Specifications and

other Contract Documents.

The Bidder is required to ascertain the locations of the existing utility services, and other

underground facilities, and to provide for carrying out his/her operations so as to cause the

minimum possible inconvenience to the occupants of property along any streets affected. All work

and costs involved in the safeguarding of the property of others shall be at the expense of the

Bidder to whom the contract may be awarded.

The Bidder shall examine the local conditions, read each and every clause of the Specifications,

including all costs necessary to complete the specified work in his/her Bid prices, and agree that if

he/she is awarded the Contract, no claim against the City will be made based upon ignorance of

local conditions or misunderstanding of any provision of the Contract. Should the conditions turn

out otherwise than anticipated by him/her, the Bidder shall agree to assume all risks incident


ENGINEER’S ESTIMATE The preliminary estimate of quantities of work to be done and materials to be furnished are approximately as shown upon the plans and are given as a basis of comparison of bids only. The Agency does not expressly or by implication agree that the actual amount of work will correspond therewith. The Engineer’s Estimate will not be available on Federal Projects.


Approval of equipment and materials offered as equivalents to those specified must be obtained in

writing from the Agency not less than seven (7) working days prior to the opening of bids.

Requests for consideration of equivalents must be submitted in writing, allowing sufficient time

for complete consideration of all specifications, samples, references, tests and other details to the

full satisfaction of the Agency.


All proposals must be submitted, filed, made and executed in accordance with State and Federal

laws relating to bids for contracts of this nature whether the same or expressly referred to herein



or not. Any bidder submitting a proposal shall by such action thereby agree to each and all of the

terms, conditions, provisions and requirements set forth, contemplated and referred to in the Plans,

Specifications and other contract documents, and to full compliance therewith.

LIABILITY INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS The Contractor shall not commence work under this Contract until he has obtained all insurance required under this section, and such insurance has been approved by the City, nor shall the Contractor allow any Subcontractor to commence work on his subcontract until all similar insurance required of the Subcontractor has been obtained.

A. Worker's Compensation Insurance - The Contractor shall take out and maintain during the life of this Contract, worker's compensation insurance for all his employees engaged on or at the site of the project, and in case any of his work is sublet, the Contractor shall require the Subcontractor similarly to provide worker's compensation insurance for all of the latter's employees, unless such employees are covered by the protection afforded by the worker's compensation insurance carried by the Contractor.

B. Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance - The Contractor shall take out and

maintain during the life of this Contract such public liability and property damage

insurance as shall protect him and the Agency from all claims for personal injury, including

accidental death, as well as from claims for property damage arising from operations under

this contract. The amount of such insurance shall be as hereinafter set forth. The

Contractor shall require the Subcontractors, if any, to take out and maintain similar public

liability and property damage insurance. The amounts of such insurance shall be as

hereinafter set forth.

In case any work under this Contract is to be performed on or at the site of the Project by

a Subcontractor, the Contractor shall also take out and maintain such Contractor's

contingent or protective insurance as will protect him and the Agency from damage claims

arising from the operations of any Subcontractor, the amounts of such insurance as

hereinafter set forth. If any Subcontractor shall subcontract any portion of his subcontract,

the Contractor shall require him to take out and maintain such contingent or protective

insurance as will protect such Subcontractor from damage claims arising from operations

of the second Subcontractor. Such contingent or protective insurance shall be in the same

amount as the primary Subcontractor's public liability and property damage insurance.

As provided above, the Contractor shall take out and maintain public liability insurance for

injuries, including accidental death to any one person, in an amount not less than One

Million Dollars ($1,000,000); and subject to the same limit for each person; on account of

any one accident in an amount of not less than Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000); and

property damage insurance in an amount of not less than Five Hundred Thousand Dollars

($500,000); Contractor's contingent or protective insurance for public liability and property

damage in amounts not less than the respective amounts noted above. As provided above,

the Contractor shall require all Subcontractors, whether primary or secondary, if any, to

take out and maintain public liability and property damage insurance in amounts

hereinbefore set forth for the Contractor.



In addition, Contractor shall take out and maintain public liability insurance in accordance

with insurance coverage and amounts identified within the LACDPW, Flood Control

Permits. Said coverage and amounts shall meet the minimums as required between the

more restrictive limits imposed, either within these City Specifications, or the LACDPW

Flood Control permit documents.

C. Insurance Covering Special Hazards - The following special hazards shall be covered by

rider or riders to the above-mentioned public liability insurance or protective damage

insurance policy or policies or by special policies of insurance in amounts as follows:

Automotive and truck where operated, in amounts as above; material hoists, where used,

in amounts as above.

D. Proof of Carriage of Insurance - The Contractor shall furnish satisfactory proof of full

compliance with all the insurance requirements herein prior to execution of the contract,

including additional insured endorsement, Form B, CG 2010, with an edition date prior to

1993, or approved otherwise by the Agency attorney.

1. All certificates of insurance with respect to liability insurance of any kind shall

name the City of Santa Fe Springs, and the City of Santa Fe Springs as Additional

Insured with respect to the performance by the Contractor of the work which is the

subject of the Contract.

2. The certificate of liability insurance shall conform to Section B of the Standard

Specifications and these provisions, except the provision whereby “the policy shall

insure the Agency, its officers…while acting within the scope of their duties of the

work” is eliminated on Federal projects (if a Federal Project No. is indicated on the

Plans or these Special Provisions).

3. The full and complete Project name shall be shown on the Certificate of Insurance.

4. A Workers’ Compensation Certificate as prescribed by Labor Code §1861 and in

the form attached hereto as Exhibit “A,” which acknowledges the

Contractor’s obligation to secure the payment of workers’ compensation for its

employees before beginning work.

E. Notification of Cancellation of Insurance - Certificates of proof of carriage of insurance

shall provide for not less than thirty (30) day notice of change or cancellation prior to

acceptance of the work.

F. Renewal of Insurance - The insurance required herein will be renewed annually as long as Contractor continues operations in any way related to this agreement or Agency or Agency's employees face an exposure from such operations. This obligation applies whether the contract is canceled or terminated for any reason. Termination of this obligation is not effective until City executes a written statement to that effect. This requirement is in addition to coverage required to be maintained for completed and discontinued operations as required elsewhere.



G. Working in Railroad Right-of-Way – Whenever working within railroad right-of-way, the Contract shall furnish insurance to the affected railroad in the amounts and form required by said railroad. It is the Contractor’s responsibility to determine such requirements.

WAGE SCALE The Contractor shall pay to all workmen engaged in the work, the prevailing rates of wages for public works contracts, as determined by the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) of the State of California or Secretary of Labor for Federal Rates, whichever is greater. A copy of said determination is on file at the City Hall of the City of Santa Fe Springs and will be made available for review to any interested person. General prevailing wage determinations by DIR are also available on the Internet at

Contractor shall forfeit, as penalty to City, the sum of $25.00 or higher amount as set by statute,

for each calendar day, or portion thereof, for each worker employed who is paid less than the

stipulated prevailing rates for such work or craft in which said workman is employed for any work

done under this contract, by Contractor of by any subcontractor in violation of the provisions of

this agreement.

The Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) State of California is currently in full

implementation of Senate Bill 854 for new public works projects. Additional information is

available on DIR’s Public Works webpage (, with resources that include a

webinar, presentation slides and frequently asked questions regarding SB 854. The highlights of

the SB 854 requirements are as follows:

Registration of Public Works projects using the PWC-100 form:

• Awarding agencies are required by law to notify DIR of any public works project within five

(5) days after awarding the contract for the project. This applies to any project that would be

considered a public work requiring the payment of prevailing wages under California Labor


• Awarding agencies must use the PWC-100 form to provide the required notice and register a

project with DIR.

Registration of Public Works Contractors and Subcontractors:

• Contractors and Subcontractors must complete registration with DIR (,

this is a mandatory condition for bidding on any Public Works Projects. In the event the

City receives a bid proposal from a contractor without a DIR registration, that bid will

be considered null and void thus disqualified from the bidding process.

• Contractors and Subcontractors must comply with DIR registration requirements as specified

in Labor Code 1725.5, 1771.1(a), 1771.1, 1771.4.

• Contractors are subject to a registration and annual renewal fee set initially at $300. The fee

is non-refundable and applies to all contractors and subcontractors who intend to bid or

perform work on public works projects (as defined under the Labor Code).

• Contractors apply and pay the fee online and must meet minimum qualifications to be

registered as eligible to bid and work on public works projects:



♦ Must have worker’s compensation coverage for any employees and only use subcontractors

who are registered public works contractors.

♦ Must have Contractors State License Board License if applicable to trade.

♦ Must not have any delinquent unpaid wage or penalty assessments owed to any employee

or enforcement agency.

♦ Must not be under federal or state debarment.

♦ Must not be in prior violation of this registration requirements once it becomes effective.

However, for the first violation in a 12-month period, a contractor may still qualify for

registration by paying an additional penalty.

• The public works project is subject to compliance monitoring and enforcement by the

Department of Industrial Relations (DIR).

Certified Payroll Reporting by Contractors and Subcontractors

• Contractors and Subcontractors will be required to submit certified payroll records (CPRs)

directly to the Labor Commissioner, using DIR’s data-driven electronic Certified Payroll

Record (eCPR) reporting system. Contractors will input CPR data directly into the online

form. In addition, Contractor and Subcontractor shall maintain the records and certifications

and make them available for inspection, pursuant to Labor Code §1776.

• Projects will need to be registered with DIR (using the PWC-100 form) in order for a contractor

or subcontractor to use this system. Contractors and subcontractors will then be able to identify

the correct project and associate their payroll records with that project using the eCPR system.

The successful bidder will be held to strict compliance with SB 854 requirements.

Contractors who cannot comply should not bid.


A noncollusion, in the form attached hereto as Exhibit “B,” shall be filled out, signed and submitted

with the bid (Public Contract Code § 7106)


The award of Contract, if made, will be to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder as

determined solely by the Agency. The Agency reserves the right to award the bid or the bid

alternate to the lowest responsible bidder. Additionally, the Agency reserves the right to reject

any or all proposals, to waive any irregularity, and to take the bids under advisement for a period

of 30 days, all as may be required to provide for the best interests of the Agency. In no event will

an award be made until all necessary investigations are made to the responsibility and

qualifications of the bidder to whom award is contemplated. All bids will be compared with the

Estimate and budget.

The Contractor selected by the Agency to complete this project must be able to perform, with its

own organization, Contract work amounting to at least 50 percent of the Contract Price with the



exception of Specialty Items as addressed in the Standard Specifications. Contractor must also be

able to provide past project documentation and references that demonstrate that Contractor has

successfully completed projects of similar scope and size within the past thirty-six (36) months.





Pursuant to Sections 1860 and 1861 of the Labor Code, the Contractor shall submit the following


“I am aware of the provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code which require every employer to

be insured against liability for workers’ compensation or to undertake self-insurance in accordance

with the provisions of that code, and I will comply with such provisions before commencing the

performance of the work of this contract.”









The undersigned declares:

I am the ___________ of _____________, the party making the foregoing bid.

The bid is not made in the interest of, or on behalf of, any undisclosed person, partnership,

company, association, organization, or corporation. The bid is genuine and not collusive or sham.

The bidder has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other bidder to put in a false or

sham bid. The bidder has not directly or indirectly colluded, conspired, connived, or agreed with

any bidder or anyone else to put in a sham bid, or to refrain from bidding. The bidder has not in

any manner, directly or indirectly, sought by agreement, communication, or conference with

anyone to fix the bid price of the bidder or any other bidder, or to fix any overhead, profit, or cost

element of the bid price, or of that of any other bidder. All statements contained in the bid are true.

The bidder has not, directly or indirectly, submitted his or her bid price or any breakdown thereof,

or the contents thereof, or divulged information or data relative thereto, to any corporation,

partnership, company, association, organization, bid depository, or to any member or agent

thereof, to effectuate a collusive or sham bid, and has not paid, and will not pay, any person or

entity for such purpose.

Any person executing this declaration on behalf of a bidder that is a corporation, partnership, joint

venture, limited liability company, limited liability partnership, or any other entity, hereby

represents that he or she has full power to execute, and does execute, this declaration on behalf of

the bidder.

I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is

true and correct and that this declaration is executed on ___________ [date], at _______________

[city], _______________ [state].



Submitted by: _________________________






To the City Engineer of the City of Santa Fe Springs, as AGENCY

In accordance with AGENCY’S Notice Inviting Bids, the undersigned BIDDER hereby proposes

to furnish all materials, equipment, tools, labor and incidentals required for the above-stated

project as set forth in the Plans, Specifications and contract documents therefore, and to perform

all work in the manner and time prescribed therein.

BIDDER declares that this original proposal was purchased from or furnished by the City of

Santa Fe Springs and is based upon careful examination of the work site, Plans, Specifications,

Instruction to Bidders and all other contract documents. If this proposal is accepted for award,

BIDDER agrees to enter into a contract with AGENCY at the unit and/or lump sum prices set

forth in the following Bid Schedule. BIDDER understands that failure to enter into a contract in

the manner and time prescribed will result in forfeiture to AGENCY of the guarantee

accompanying this proposal.



agreed that the unit and/or lump sum prices bid include all appurtenant expenses, taxes, royalties

and fees. In the case of discrepancies in the amounts bid, unit prices shall govern over extended

amounts, and figures must be noted with clear distinction in dollars and cents. Erasures or other

changes must be noted over the signature of the bidder.

If awarded the Contract, the undersigned further agrees that in the event of the BIDDER'S default

in executing the required contract and filing the necessary bonds and insurance certificates within

10 working days after the date of AGENCY'S notice of award of contract to the BIDDER, the

proceeds of the security accompanying this bid shall become the property of the AGENCY and

this bid and the acceptance hereof may, at the AGENCY'S option, be considered null and void.

2019-11 Marquardt Avenue 16" Water Main Relocation C-1

Submitted by: _________________________




1. Mobilization.

1 LS $

2. Traffic Control.

1 LS $

3. Asphalt Concrete Pavement

Restoration. 8 TON $ $

4. Concrete Removal and Restoration

400 SF $ $

5. Furnish and Install 16" Ductile Iron

Pipe(DIP) - Class 250 - Trenched.

65 LF $ $

6. Furnish and Install Fire Hydrant

Assembly per Santa Fe Springs

Standard Plans. 1 EA

7. Furnish and Install 16" Resilient

Seat Gate Valve with Valve Box

and Cover per Santa Fe Springs

Standard Plans. 1 EA $ $


The contract will be awarded based on the Base Bid.







2019-11 Marquardt Avenue 16" Water Main Relocation C-2

Submitted by: _________________________

License Number Item No. Value DIR No.Name of Subcontractor* Location of Office

It is understood that this bid is based upon completing the work within FIFTEEN (15) WORKING

DAYS. If awarded the Contract for the work, the undersigned hereby agrees to sign said Contract

and to furnish the necessary insurance certificates within ten (10) working days from the date upon

which the City Engineer mails to the undersigned, first class mail, postage prepaid, a notice

informing the undersigned that the AGENCY has awarded such Contract to the undersigned.

The undersigned, if awarded the contract, intends to subcontract certain portions of said contract in

accordance with the following schedule (attach additional sheet if needed):

The undersigned bidder hereby represents as follows:

As required in the Public Contract Code, the bidder must list all proposed subcontractors that

he or she intends to utilize on this Project and the portion of work to be subcontracted out.

Failure to include a complete list could be sufficient cause to reject a bidder's proposal as non-


That no representation, oral or in writing, of the AGENCY, its officers, agents, or employees has

induced the Contractor to enter into this contract excepting only those contained in this form or

contract and the papers made a part hereof by its terms.

Dated this _____________ day of ___________________________, 2019.

NAME OF BIDDER: ______________________________________________________________

(Please type or print)

BY: ___________________________________________________________________________

BUSINESS ADDRESS: ___________________________________________________________


TELEPHONE (____) ______________________ FAX No. (____) ______________________

EMAIL: __________________________________________

DIR No.: _________________________________

2019-11 Marquardt Avenue 16" Water Main Relocation C-3

Submitted by: _________________________



(This questionnaire must be submitted with bid proposal.)

The undersigned Bidder certifies that it is, at the time of bidding, and shall be, throughout the

period of the contract, licensed under the provisions of Chapter 9, Division 3, of the Business

and Professions Code of the State of California, to do the type of work contemplated in the

Contract Documents. Bidder further certifies that it is skilled and regularly engaged in the

general class and type of work called for in the Contract Documents.

The Bidder represents that it is competent, knowledgeable, and has special skills concerning the

nature, extent, and inherent conditions of the work to be performed. Bidder further

acknowledges that there are certain inherent conditions existent in the type of work

contemplated in the Contract Documents which may create unsafe conditions hazardous to

persons and property. Bidder expressly acknowledges that it is aware of such risks and that it

has the skill and experience to foresee and to adopt protective measures to adequately and

safely perform the work with respect to such hazards.


If the answer to any of questions 1 through 3 is “No”, or if the answer to any of questions 4

through 7 is “Yes”, the Agency reserves the right to deem the Bidder ineligible or not

responsible for purposes of the Contract.

1. Bidder possesses a valid and current California Contractor’s license as required for the

project for which it intends to submit a bid.

Yes ____ No ____

2. Bidder will comply with and provide all insurance as defined in Section 7-3, Liability

Insurance per these Specifications.

Yes ____ No ____

3. Bidder has current Workers’ Compensation insurance coverage as required by the Labor

Code or is legally self-insured pursuant to Labor Code section 3700 et seq.

Yes ____ No ____

4. Has your contractor’s license been revoked at any time in the last five (5) years?

Yes ____ No ____

5. Has a surety firm completed a contract on your behalf, or paid for completion because

your firm was default terminated by the project owner within the last five (5) years?

Yes ____ No ____

6. At the time of submitting this Qualification Questionnaire, is your firm ineligible to bid

on or has it been disqualified from bidding, or from being awarded a public works

contract, or from performing as a subcontractor, on any public works contract with any

other municipal agency?

Yes ____ No ____

7. At any time during the last five (5) years, has your firm, or any of its owners or officers,

been convicted of a crime involving the bidding, awarding, or performance of a

government contract?

Yes ____ No ____

2019-11 Marquardt Avenue 16" Water Main Relocation C-4

Submitted by: _________________________

1. Agency:


Phone No.: Contact:

Project: Year Completed

2. Agency:


Phone No.: Contact:

Project: Year Completed

3. Agency:


Phone No.: Contact:

Project: Year Completed

4. Agency:


Phone No.: Contact:

Project: Year Completed



The Contractor may attach previously prepared reference sheets in lieu of completing

this form.

Please list a minimum of three references for similar construction (roadway work) that Contractor

has completed under a contract awarded by the indicated Agency to Contractor within the past

thirty-six (36) months. Include the Agency's name, address, telephone number, and contact

person of responsible charge. Public Works contracts should be the primary preference.

Complete information is important. Contractor qualifications and experience as well as quality,

fitness and capacity of Contractor will be used as evaluation criteria and a determining factor in

award of contract recommendation by the City Engineer. A lack of references or unsuitable

summary of past performance as reported by references, may be considered by AGENCY as

sufficient reason to reject bid(s).

2019-11 Marquardt Avenue 16" Water Main Relocation C-5


BIDDER certifies that in all previous contracts or subcontracts, all reports which may have been

under the requirements of any AGENCY, State or Federal equal employment opportunity orders

have been satisfactorily filed, and that no such reports are currently outstanding.


BIDDER certifies that affirmative action has been taken to seek out and consider minority

business enterprises for those portions of the work to be subcontracted and that such affirmative

actions have been fully documented, that said documentation is open to inspection, and that said

affirmative action will remain in effect for the life of any contract awarded hereunder.

Furthermore, BIDDER certifies that affirmative action will be taken to meet all equal employment

opportunity requirements of the contract documents.


BIDDER declares that the only persons or parties interested in this proposal as principals are those

named herein; that no officer, agent, or employee of the AGENCY is personally interested,

directly or indirectly, in this proposal; that this proposal is made without connection to any other

individual, firm, or corporation making a bid for the same work and that this proposal is in all

respects fair and without collusion or fraud.

2019-11 Marquardt Avenue 16" Water Main Relocation C-6

Non Collusion Affidavit

(Title 23 United States Code Section 112 and

Public Contract Code Section 7106)

To the CITY of Santa Fe Springs


In accordance with Title 23 United States Code Section 112 and Public Contract Code 7106 the

bidder declares that the bid is not made in the interest of, or on behalf of, any undisclosed person,

partnership, company, association, organization, or corporation; that the bid is genuine and not

collusive or sham; that the bidder has not directly or indirectly colluded, conspired, connived, or

agreed with any bidder or anyone else to put in a sham bid, or that anyone shall refrain from

bidding; that the bidder has not in any manner, directly or indirectly, sought by agreement,

communication, or conference with anyone to fix the bid price of the bidder or any other bidder, or

to fix any overhead, profit, or cost element of the bid price, or of that of any other bidder, or to

secure any advantage against the public body awarding the contract of anyone interested in the

proposed contract; that all statements contained in the bid are true; and, further, that the bidder has

not, directly or indirectly, submitted his or her bid price or any breakdown thereof, or the contents

thereof, or divulged information or data relative thereto, or paid, and will not pay, any fee to any

corporation, partnership, company association, organization, bid depository, or to any member or

agent thereof to effectuate a collusive or sham bid.

Note: The above Noncollusion Affidavit is part of the Proposal. Signing this Proposal on the

signature portion thereof shall also constitute signature of this Noncollusion Affidavit. Bidders are

cautioned that making a false certification may subject the certifier to criminal prosecution.

2019-11 Marquardt Avenue 16" Water Main Relocation C-7

Submitted by: _________________________


(Business and Professions Code Section 7028.15)

The undersigned declares that he or she is __________________________ of ________________

_______________________________ the party making the foregoing Bid (hereinafter, the


1. Bidder's Contractor's License Number is as follows: ____________________________

2. The expiration date of Bidder's Contractor's License is_____________________, 20______.

3. Bidder acknowledges that Section 7028.15(e) of the Business and Professions Code provides as


The undersigned declares under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.

Executed on ________________________, 2019 at ____________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________(Insert city and state where declaration was signed)




Typed Name



______________________________________________Name of Bidder

"A licensed contractor shall not submit a bid to a public agency unless his or her

contractor's license number appears clearly on the bid, the license expiration date is

stated, and the bid contains a statement that the representations therein are made

under penalty of perjury. Any bid not containing this information or a bid

containing information, which is subsequently proven false, shall be considered

nonresponsive and shall be rejected by the public agency."

2019-11 Marquardt Avenue 16" Water Main Relocation C-8

Submitted by: _________________________


In accordance with Government Code Section 14310.5, the Bidder shall complete, under penalty or

perjury, the following questionnaire:


Has the Bidder, any officer of the Bidder or any employee of the Bidder who has a proprietary

interest in the Bidder ever been disqualified, removed or otherwise prevented from bidding on or

completing a Federal, State or local government project because of a violation of law or a safety


Yes ______ No ______

If the answer is yes, explain the circumstances in the space provided.


This questionnaire constitutes a part of the Proposal, and a signature portion of the Proposal shall

constitute signature of this questionnaire.

2019-11 Marquardt Avenue 16" Water Main Relocation C-9

Submitted by: _________________________







KNOWN ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTSthat______________________________________, as BIDDER, and_____________________________________________ as SURETY, are held and firmly boundunto the City of Santa Fe Springs, as AGENCY, in the penal sum of dollars($____________________), which is 10 percent of the total amount by BIDDER to AGENCY forthe above-stated project, for the payment of which sum, BIDDER and SURETY agree to be bound,jointly and severally, firmly by these presents.

THE CONDITIONS OF THIS OBLIGATION ARE SUCH that, whereas BIDDER is about tosubmit a bid to AGENCY for the above-stated project, if said bid is rejected, or if said bid isaccepted and a contract is awarded and entered into by BIDDER in the manner and time specified,then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect in favorof AGENCY.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have set their names, titles, hands and seals, this______ day of ____________________, 2019.

BIDDER ________________________________________________



SURETY ________________________________________________




This questionnaire constitutes a part of the Proposal, and a signature portion of the Proposal shallconstitute signature of this questionnaire.

2019-11 Marquardt Avenue 16" Water Main Relocation C-10

2019-11 Marquardt Avenue 16" Water Main Relocation D-1






This Contract Agreement is made and entered into the above-stated project this ____ of _____ [month], 2019 BY AND BETWEEN the City of Santa Fe Springs, as AGENCY, and __________ as CONTRACTOR in the amount of $_________. WITNESSETH that AGENCY and CONTRACTOR have mutually agreed as follows:

ARTICLE I The contract documents for the aforesaid project shall consist of the Notice Inviting Sealed Bids,

Instructions to Bidders, Proposal, General Specifications, Standard Specifications, Special

Provisions, Plans, and all referenced specifications, details, standard drawings, CDBG contract

provisions and forms, and appendices; together with this Contract Agreement and all required

bonds, insurance certificates, permits, notices, and affidavits; and also including any and all

addenda or supplemental agreements clarifying, or extending the work contemplated as may be

required to ensure its completion in an acceptable manner. All of the provisions of said contract

documents are made a part hereof as though fully set forth herein.


For and in consideration of the payments and agreements to be made and performed by AGENCY,

CONTRACTOR agrees to furnish all materials and perform all work required for the above-stated

project, and to fulfill all other obligations as set forth in the aforesaid contract documents.

2019-11 Marquardt Avenue 16" Water Main Relocation D-2

ARTICLE III CONTRACTOR agrees to receive and accept the prices set forth in the Proposal as full compensation for furnishing all materials, performing all work, and fulfilling all obligations hereunder. Said compensation shall cover all expenses, losses, damages, and consequences arising out of the nature of the work during its progress or prior to its acceptance including those for well and faithfully completing the work and the whole thereof in the manner and time specified in the aforesaid contract documents; and also including those arising from actions of the elements, unforeseen difficulties or obstructions encountered in the prosecution of the work, suspension or discontinuance of the work, and all other unknowns or risks of any description connected with the work.


AGENCY hereby promises and agrees to employ, and does hereby employ, CONTRACTOR to

provide the materials, do the work and fulfill the obligations according to the terms and conditions

herein contained and referred to, for the prices aforesaid, and hereby contracts to pay the same at

the time, in the manner, and upon the conditions set forth in the contract documents. No work or

portion of the work shall be paid for until it is approved for payment by the City Engineer. Payment

made for completed portions of the work shall not constitute final acceptance of those portions or

of the completed project.


CONTRACTOR acknowledges the provisions of the State Labor Code requiring every employer

to be insured against liability for Worker's Compensation or to undertake self-insurance in

accordance with the provisions of that code and certifies compliance with such provisions.

Contractor further acknowledges the provisions of the State Labor Code requiring every employer

to pay at least the minimum prevailing rate of per diem wages for each craft classification or type

of workman needed to execute this contract as determined by the Director of Labor Relations of

the State of California. The Contractor is required to pay the higher of either the State or Federal



Except as to the sole or active negligence or willful misconduct of the AGENCY and

notwithstanding the existence of insurance coverage required of CONTRACTOR pursuant to this

contract, CONTRACTOR shall save, keep defend, indemnify, hold free and harmless AGENCY,

its officers, officials, employees, agents and volunteers from and against any and all damages to

property or injuries to or death of any person or persons, and shall defend, indemnify, save and

hold harmless AGENCY, its officers, officials, employees, agents and volunteers from any and all

claims, demands, suits, actions or proceedings of any kind or nature, including, but not by way of

limitation, all civil claims, workers’ compensation claims, and all other claims resulting from or

2019-11 Marquardt Avenue 16" Water Main Relocation D-3

arising out of the acts, errors or omissions of CONTRACTOR, its employees and/or authorized

subcontractors, whether intentional or negligent, in the performance of this Agreement.

This indemnification provision is independent of and shall not in any way be limited by the

Insurance Requirements of this Agreement. AGENCY approval of the Insurance contracts

required by this Agreement does not in any way relieve the CONTRACTOR from liability under

this section.

AGENCY shall notify CONTRACTOR of the receipt of any third party claim related to this

Agreement within seven (7) business days of receipt. The City is entitled to recover its reasonable

costs incurred in providing the notification. (Pubic Contracts Code Section 9201)


AGENCY shall comply with Pub Cont. Code §20104.50 as follows:


(a) (1) It is the intent of the Legislature in enacting this section to require all local governments

to pay their contractors on time so that these contractors can meet their own obligations. In

requiring prompt payment by all local governments, the Legislature hereby finds and declares that

the prompt payment of outstanding receipts is not merely a municipal affair, but is, instead, a

matter of statewide concern.

(2) It is the intent of the Legislature in enacting this article to fully occupy the field of public policy

relating to the prompt payment of local governments’ outstanding receipts. The Legislature finds

and declares that all government officials, including those in local government, must set a standard

of prompt payment that any business in the private sector which may contract for services should

look towards for guidance.

(b) Any local agency which fails to make any progress payment within 30 days after receipt of an

undisputed and properly submitted payment request from a contractor on a construction contract

shall pay interest to the contractor equivalent to the legal rate set forth in subdivision (a) of Section

685.010 of the Code of Civil Procedure.

(c) Upon receipt of a payment request, each local agency shall act in accordance with both of the


(1) Each payment request shall be reviewed by the local agency as soon as practicable after receipt

for the purpose of determining that the payment request is a proper payment request.

(2) Any payment request determined not to be a proper payment request suitable for payment shall

be returned to the contractor as soon as practicable, but not later than seven days, after receipt. A

request returned pursuant to this paragraph shall be accompanied by a document setting forth in

writing the reasons why the payment request is not proper.

2019-11 Marquardt Avenue 16" Water Main Relocation D-4

(d) The number of days available to a local agency to make a payment without incurring interest

pursuant to this section shall be reduced by the number of days by which a local agency exceeds

the seven-day return requirement set forth in paragraph (2) of subdivision (c).

(e) For purposes of this article:

(1) A “local agency” includes, but is not limited to, a city, including a charter city, a county, and a

city and county, and is any public entity subject to this part.

(2) A “progress payment” includes all payments due contractors, except that portion of the final

payment designated by the contract as retention earnings.

(3) A payment request shall be considered properly executed if funds are available for payment of

the payment request, and payment is not delayed due to an audit inquiry by the financial officer of

the local agency.

(f) Each local agency shall require that this article, or a summary thereof, be set forth in the terms

of any contract subject to this article.

2019-11 Marquardt Avenue 16" Water Main Relocation D-5


CONTRACTOR affirms that the signatures, titles and seals set forth hereinafter in execution of

this Contract Agreement represent all individuals, firm members, partners, joint venturers, and/or

corporate officers having principal interest herein.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto for themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators,

successors, and assigns do hereby agree to the full performance of the covenants herein contained

and have caused this Contract Agreement to be executed in triplicate by setting hereunto their

name, titles, hands, and seals as of the date noted above.











(Contractor signature must be notarized with proper acknowledgement attached.)

2019-11 Marquardt Avenue 16" Water Main Relocation D-6


A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document.

State of California County of __________________________) On _____________________________ before me, ____________________________________ Date (Insert Name and Title of the Officer)

Personally appeared _____________________________________________________________ Name(s) of Signer(s)

who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are

subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same

in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the

person(s), or the entity upon behalf which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument.

I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct.

WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature____________________________

Signature of Notary Public

(Place Notary Seal Above)

2019-11 Marquardt Avenue 16" Water Main Relocation D-7

Bond No.: ________________





KNOWN ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS that we , hereinafter referred to as "Contractor" as principal, and , as "Surety", are held and firmly bound unto the City of Santa Fe Springs, hereinafter referred to as the "AGENCY," in the sum of __________________________________________________dollars ($ ), which is one hundred percent (100%) of the total contract amount for the above stated project, for the payment of which sum, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, jointly and severally, and firmly by these presents.

The Conditions of this obligation are such that, whereas said Contractor has been awarded and is about to enter into a Contract for said AGENCY for the above-stated project in said City, in accordance with the drawings and specifications therefore, which contract is incorporated herein by this reference: NOW THEREFORE, if said Contractor shall well and truly carry out and perform all the covenants and obligations of said contract on Contractor’s part to be done and performed at the times and in the manner specified herein, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and effect. PROVIDED, that any alternations in the obligations or extensions of time granted under the provisions of said contract shall not in any way release either said Contractor or said Surety thereunder, and notice of such alterations of the contract is hereby waived by said Surety. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and seal this _________ day of __________, 2019.

Contractor By:

Surety By:

Address Address

( ) ( ) Area Code/Phone Number

Area Code/Phone Number

(Contractor signature must be notarized as well as Surety with proper acknowledgement attached.)

2019-11 Marquardt Avenue 16" Water Main Relocation D-8


A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document.

State of California County of __________________________) On _____________________________ before me, ____________________________________ Date (Insert Name and Title of the Officer)

Personally appeared _____________________________________________________________ Name(s) of Signer(s)

who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are

subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same

in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the

person(s), or the entity upon behalf which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument.

I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct.

WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature____________________________

Signature of Notary Public

(Place Notary Seal Above)

2019-11 Marquardt Avenue 16" Water Main Relocation D-9

Bond No.: ________________





KNOWN ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS that we , hereinafter referred to as "Contractor" as principal, and , as "Surety", are held and firmly bound unto the City of Santa Fe Springs, hereinafter referred to as the "AGENCY," in the sum of dollars ($________), which is one hundred percent (100%) of the total contract amount for the above stated project, for the payment of which sum, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, jointly and severally, and firmly by these presents.

The conditions of this obligation are such that, whereas Contractor has been awarded and is about to enter into the annexed Contract Agreement with AGENCY for the above-stated project, if Contractor or any subcontractor fails to pay for any labor or material of any kind used in the performance of the work to be done under said contract, or fails to submit amounts due under the State Unemployment Insurance Act with respect to said labor, Surety will pay for the same in an amount not exceeding the sum set forth above, which amount shall insure to the benefit of all persons entitled to file claims under the State Code of Civil Procedures; provided that any alterations in the work to be done, materials to be furnished, or time for completion made pursuant to the terms of the contract documents shall not in any way release either Contractor or Surety, and notice of said alterations is hereby waived by Surety.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and seal this _________ day of __________, 2019.

Contractor By:

Surety By:

Address Address

( ) ( ) Area Code/Phone Number

Area Code/Phone Number

(Contractor signature must be notarized as well as Surety with proper acknowledgement attached.)

2019-11 Marquardt Avenue 16" Water Main Relocation D-10


A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document.

State of California County of __________________________) On _____________________________ before me, ____________________________________ Date (Insert Name and Title of the Officer)

Personally appeared _____________________________________________________________ Name(s) of Signer(s)

who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are

subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same

in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the

person(s), or the entity upon behalf which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument.

I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct.

WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature____________________________

Signature of Notary Public

(Place Notary Seal Above)

2019-11 Marquardt Avenue 16" Water Main Relocation




The work to be done consists of furnishing all materials, equipment, tools, labor, and incidentals

as required by the Plans and Specifications. The general items of work include but may not be

limited to removal and disposal of interfering portions of existing 16" water main, furnishing and

installing approximately 65 LF of 16" ductile iron pipe via trenching, along with all shoring

required, installing new fire hydrant, gate valve, pipe trench backfill and street restoration at

designated locations per plans. Included in this project is all trenching, trench shoring, and

furnishing and installing fittings, valves, all appurtenances, and all pipe pressure testing and

disinfection within the project area.


The general location and limit of the work is as follows:

Intersection of: Marquardt Avenue and Rosecrans Avenue


The Contractor shall complete all work in every detail within FIFTEEN (15) WORKING DAYS

after the date in the Notice to Proceed with the work.


The liquidated damage value is $1,000 per calendar day. Failure of the contractor to complete any

specified construction sequence on phase by the time allowed will also result in the assessment of

liquidated damages.


The Contractor shall notify the City of Santa Fe Springs and the owners of all utilities and

substructures not less than 48 hours prior to starting construction. A list of names and telephone

numbers is included in the APPENDIX and has been provided for the convenience of the

Contractor, and is not guaranteed to be complete, correct, or applicable to this Project.


The names, addresses and telephone numbers of the Contractor and subcontractors, or their

representatives, shall be filed with the City Engineer, the Municipal Services Yard (12636 Emmens

Way), the Police Services Center (11576 Telegraph Road), and the Fire Department (11300

Greenstone Avenue).


The Standard Specifications of the Agency are contained in the 2015 Edition of the Standard

Specifications for Public Works Construction, the "Greenbook," including latest amendments and

supplements, as written and promulgated by the Joint Cooperative Committee of the Southern

2019-11 Marquardt Avenue 16" Water Main Relocation


California Chapter of the American Public Works Association and the Southern California District

of the Associated General Contractors of California. Copies of these Standard Specifications are

available from the publisher, Building News, Incorporated, 1612 So. Clementine Street, Anaheim,

California 92802, telephone (714) 517-0970.

The Standard Specifications set forth above will control the general provisions, construction

materials, and construction methods for this Contract except as amended by the Plans, Special

Provisions, or other Contract documents. The following Special Provisions are supplementary and

in addition to the provisions of the Standard Specifications unless otherwise noted and the section

numbers of the Special Provisions coincide with those of the said Standard Specifications. Only

those sections requiring elaborations, amendments, specifying of options or additions are called



In order to clarify the requirements and procedures for approval of subcontractors, the following

points are emphasized:

1. The Contractor shall submit a letter to the City (if requested by the City) requesting

approval of the subcontractor(s). Included in the letter shall be a list of the names and

addresses of each subcontractor; items to be subcontracted, by item number; brief

description of the item; and Contract bid value. In this Contract, “Contract Bid Value,”

means the portion of the Contractor’s total bid which is attributable to such subcontracted


2. Request for approval must be submitted for ALL proposed subcontractors, including those

proposed to work only on items identified as "Specialty Items."

3. The mere listing of the subcontractors in the Bidder's Proposal does not meet the

requirements for approval of subcontractors.

4. The City must give approval in writing before the subcontractor is permitted to work.

5. The dollar value amount subcontracted will be based on the Contract bid item price, not on

the subcontractor's price to the Contractor.


1. Contractor will be required to furnish a certificate of liability insurance as required by the

City Attorney. City shall be named as additional insured on the certificate.

2. Contractor will be required to have in his possession a valid business license as issued by

the City of Santa Fe Springs.

3. Contractor shall provide unit cost for completing all areas listed on proposal and bills shall

reflect actual constructed quantities.

4. Concrete sealer, hardener and densifier; and joint sealant will conform to the Standard

Specifications for Public Works (Greenbook) and the attached Specifications.

2019-11 Marquardt Avenue 16" Water Main Relocation


5. Contractor will provide a construction schedule to the Engineer within ten (10) working

days after the date of the City’s execution of the Contract Agreement. The schedule shall

be supported by written statements from each supplier of materials or equipment indicating

that all orders have been placed and acknowledged, and setting forth the dates that each

item will be delivered.


2019-11 Marquardt Avenue 16" Water Main Relocation





The bold headings indicate the sources of fugitive dust which are intended for emission control

under AQMD Rule 403 and a listing of respective control and high wind measures for these

sources. The numerically listed information contains a description of reasonable available fugitive

dust control measures for each of the sources.


A. Watering

1. Application of water by means of trucks, hoses and/or sprinklers prior to conducting

any land clearing. This will increase the moisture content of the soil thereby

increasing its stability.

2. Pre-application of water to depths of proposed cuts.

3. Once the land clearing/earth moving activities are complete, a second round of

watering can generate a thin crust which stabilizes the disturbed surface area

provided that it is not further disturbed. (Security fencing can be used to prevent

unwanted future disturbances of sites where a surface crust has been created).

B. Chemical stabilizers

1. Only effective in areas which are not subject to daily disturbances.

2. Vendors can supply information on product application and required concentrations

to meet the specifications established by the Rule.

C. Wind fencing

1. Three to five foot barriers with 50% or less porosity adjacent to roadways or urban

areas can be effective in reducing the amount of windblown material leaving a site.

2. Would likely be used in conjunction with other measures (e.g. watering, chemical

stabilization, etc.) to ensure that visible emissions do not cross the property line.

D. Cover haul vehicles

1. Entire surface area should be covered once vehicle is full.

E. Bedliners in haul vehicles

1. When feasible, use in bottom-dumping haul vehicles.


1. Cease all active operations.

2. Apply water within 15 minutes to any soil surface which is being moved or

otherwise disturbed.


A. Paving

1. Requires street sweeping/cleaning if subject to material accumulation.

2019-11 Marquardt Avenue 16" Water Main Relocation


B. Chemical stabilization

1. Vendors can supply information as to application methods and concentrations to

meet the specifications established by the Rule.

2. Not recommended for unpaved roadways with high volumes or those subject to

heavy equipment use.

C. Watering

1. In sufficient quantities to keep surface moist.

2. Required application frequency will vary according to soil type, weather

conditions, and vehicular use.

D. Reduce speed limits

1. 15 mile per hour maximum. (In the Southeast Desert Air Basin, the 15 mile per

hour speed limit is appropriate within the population centers. Otherwise, speed

limits of 25 miles per hour are reasonable.) May need to be used in conjunction

with watering or chemical stabilization to prevent visible emissions from crossing

the property line.

E. Reduce vehicular trips

1. Access restriction or redirecting traffic to reduce vehicle trips by a minimum of 60


F. Gravel

1. Gravel or untreated base material maintained to a depth of six inches is an effective


2. Should only be used in areas where paving, chemical stabilization or frequent

watering is not feasible.


1. Apply a chemical stabilizer (to meet the specifications established by the Rule)

prior to wind events - or-.

2. Apply water once each hour.

3. Stop all vehicular traffic only upon approval of City Engineer.


A. Wind sheltering

1. Enclose material in silos.

2. Install three-sided barriers equal to height of material, with no more than 50 percent


B. Watering

1. Application methods include: spray bars, misting systems, hoses and water trucks.

2. Frequency of application will vary on site specific conditions.

C. Chemical stabilizers

1. Best for use on storage piles subject to infrequent disturbances.

2019-11 Marquardt Avenue 16" Water Main Relocation


D. Altering load-in/load-out procedures

1. Confine load-in/load-out procedures to leeward (downwind) side of the material.

2. May need to be used in conjunction with wind sheltering to prevent visible

emissions from crossing the property line.

E. Coverings

1. Tarps, plastic, or other material can be used as a temporary covering.

2. When used, these should be anchored to prevent wind from removing coverings.


1. Apply chemical stabilizers (to meet the specifications established by the Rule) prior

to wind events.

2. Apply water once per hour.

3. Install temporary covers.


1. Should be placed where vehicles exit unpaved areas onto paved areas.

2. System can be adjusted to spray entire vehicles, including stored bulk material in

haul vehicles.

B. Sweep/clean roadways

1. Roadway sweeping with double-gutter broom, self-loading with spray nozzles.

Water flushing of public streets may not be used.

C. Cover haul vehicles

1. Entire sweeping or water flushing may be used.

D. Bedliners in haul vehicles

1. When feasible, use in bottom dumping haul vehicles.

E. Site Access Improvements

1. Pave internal roadway systems.

2. Most important segment, last 100 yards from the connection with paved public



1. Cover all haul vehicles - and -

2. Clean streets with sweepers.



A. Chemical Stabilization

1. Most effective when used on areas where active operations have ceased.

2. Vendors can supply information on methods for application and required


2019-11 Marquardt Avenue 16" Water Main Relocation


B. Watering

1. Requires frequent applications unless a surface crust can be developed.

C. Wind Fencing

1. Three- to five- foot barriers with 50% or less porosity adjacent to roadways or urban

areas can be effective in reducing the amount of wind-blown material leaving a site.

D. Vegetation

1. Establish as quickly as possible when active operations have ceased.

2. Use of drought tolerant, native vegetation is encouraged.



1. Apply chemical stabilizers (to meet the specifications established by the Rule)

2. Apply water to all disturbed surface area 3 times per day.
























FIRE DAMAGE (Any one fire) $

MED EXP (Any one person) $




(Per person) $


(Per accident) $




























CONTRACTORS (FORM B) This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following:



Name of Person or Organization:

The City of Santa Fe Springs and City of Santa Fe Springs officers and employees of City.

(If no entry appears above, information required to complete this endorsement will be shown in the

Declarations as applicable to this endorsement.)

WHO IS AN INSURED (Section II) is amended to include as an insured the person or organization shown in

the Schedule, but only with respect to liability arising out of “your work” for that insured by or for you.

CG 20 10 11 85

All debris generated on-site MUST be hauled by a City of Santa Fe Springs permitted waste Hauler approved to collect C&D. The only exception to this is for source-separated recyclable material(s), which must be hauled by a recycler with a valid City of Santa Fe Springs “Recycling Dealer” permit.

DIVERSION REQUIREMENT. The diversion of at least 75% of the total construction and demolition debris generated by a project via reuse or recycling, unless the applicant has been granted an exemption pursuant to § 50.64, in which case the DIVERSION REQUIREMENT shall be the maximum feasible diversion rate established by the WMP Compliance Official for the project.

q Applicant requests that a C&D permitted hauler process all or a portion of the project generated materials through mixed waste construction and demolition material recovery processing (MRF).

Permitted Hauler: _________________________________________________________________________________________

q Applicant chooses to conduct certain re-use practices to meet all or part of the 75% recycling equirement. Identify on following page(s).

q Applicant chooses to conduct certain recycling practices utilizing a City of Santa Fe Springs permitted recycling dealer.

Permitted Recycling Dealer: ______________________________________________________________________________

t Project Type: q New Construction q Demolition q Addition/Alteration q City Sponsored Project

t Project Valuation: $___________________________________ Estimated Start Date: ______________________________

t Brief Description: ___________________________________________________________________________________________

Project Name:_______________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________

Applicant:____________________________ Phone:__________________________ Email: _________________________________

q Owner q Property Mgr. q General Contractor q Architect q Other ___________________________________

Mailing Address: ______________________________________ City: _______________________ Zip: ________________________

Construction Waste Management Plan


For Official Use Only: Department of Planning and Development, Environmental Programq Covered Project ($50,000.00 or more) q Non-Covered q WMP Approved (Step 1)

WMP Compliance Official Signature: _________________________________________ Date: _________________________________

§ 50.61 WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN REQUIREMENT Step 1: Before Permit Issuance - Applicant MUST submit the contained Waste Management Plan (WMP). It is suggested that you enlist your identified C&D hauler/recycler to assist you in completing this WMP.

Applicants for building or demolition permits involving any covered project shall complete and submit a Waste Management Plan (“WMP”), on a city-approved WMP form, as part of the application packet for the building or demolition permit. The completed WMP shall indicate all of the following:

1. The estimated volume or weight of project construction and demolition debris to be generated, sorted by type of material.

2. The maximum volume or weight of such materials that can feasibly be diverted via reuse or recycling.

3. The vendor or facility that the applicant proposes to use to collect and receive the material.

4. The estimated volume or weight of construction and demolition materials that will be landfilled.

5. Any special or specific activities that the applicant will use to comply with the provisions of this section.


Calculating volume and weight of debris. In estimating the volume or weight of materials identified in the WMP, the applicant shall use the standardized conversion rates approved by the city for this purpose.

Deconstruction. In preparing the WMP, applicants for building or demolition permits involving the removal of all or part of an existing structure shall consider deconstruction to the maximum extent feasible, and shall make the materials generated thereby available for salvage rather than landfill.

_________________________________________ __________________________________ _______________________ Applicant Printed Name Signature Date

Before Permit Issuance *Estimated *Estimated Vendor (Hauler/Recycler) *Estimated Material Type Amount Amount and/or Facility (MRF) Amount Generated Recycled Disposed

Inert (Conc./Asphalt)

Mixed C&D (MRF)

Mixed C&D (Landfill)

Scrap Metals



Carpet Padding

Composition/Asphalt Roofing


#5 Special Activities:____________________________________________________________________________________________________

* Estimated amounts must be in “Tons” or “Cubic Yards” but not both.

#1 #2 #3 #4

_________________________________________ __________________________________ _______________________ Applicant Printed Name Signature Date

Step 2: Before Final Approval - Provide documented evidence from your selected hauler and/or recycler that your project achieved 75% recycling. This can be in the form of a written report from your selected Hauler/Recycler indicating the tons or cubic yards collected and the tons/cubic yards recycled. (Please submit the required recycling documentation to the Environmental Program Representative prior to requesting FINAL APPROVAL)


Before Final Issuance *Actual *Actual Vendor (Hauler/Recycler) *Actual Final Material Type Amount Amount and/or Facility (MRF) Amount Diversion Generated Recycled Disposed Rate %

Inert (Conc./Asphalt)

Mixed C&D (MRF)

Mixed C&D (Landfill)

Scrap Metals



Carpet Padding

Composition/Asphalt Roofing


Materials Volume Weight (lbs) Source

Concrete cubic yard 860 U.S Environmental Protection Agency

Asphalt cubic yard 773 U.S Environmental Protection Agency

Wood cubic yard 169 U.S Environmental Protection Agency

Gypsum Board cubic yard 467 U.S Environmental Protection Agency

Metals cubic yard 417 U.S Environmental Protection Agency

(ferrous & Non-ferrous)

Green Waste cubic yard 127 (loose) U.S Environmental Protection Agency

Mixed C&D cubic yard 417 U.S Environmental Protection Agency

Carpet cubic yard 147 U.S Environmental Protection Agency

Carpet Padding cubic yard 62 U.S Environmental Protection Agency

Composition/Asphalt Roofing cubic yard 731 U.S Environmental Protection Agency

* U.S Environmental Protection Agency Office of Resources Conservations and Recovery April 2016

* Amounts must be in “Tons” or “Cubic Yards” but not both.

Standardized Conversion Rates

For more information about the City of Santa Fe Springs constructions waste management program, please visit

or contact our Environmental Consultant: MuniEnvironmental at 562-432-3700 or by Email, [email protected] of Santa Fe Springs Construction Waste Management Plan (WMP-201) May 2017

Construction Waste Diversion MandatesSenate Bill 1374, signed into law in 2002, requires local governments to quantify and account for construction and demolition waste diverted from landfills in their annual reports to CalRecycle. Each jurisdiction is also directed to develop and promote construction and demolition diversion programs that achieve a diversion range of 50%-75% per project.

Chapter 50.60 of the City of Santa Fe Springs Ordinance, requires a diversion rate of at least 75 percent of the total construction and demolition debris generated by a project by means of re-use or recycling, unless the applicant has been granted an exemption pursuant to chapter 50.64, in which the Diversion Requirement shall be the maximum feasible diversion rate established by the Waste Management Program (WMP) Compliance Official for the project.

Non-Covered Projects - Any construction, demolition or renovation project within City, which the total costs are less than $50,000 is considered “Non-Covered”. Non-Covered projects are still encouraged to divert at least 75% of all project-related construction and demolition debris, but shall not be required to submit a WMP.

City Sponsored Project - All City sponsored construction, demolition, and renovation projects, whose total costs are equal to or greater than $50,000, shall be considered a covered project.

Construction Waste Management Plan (CALGreen – 5.408.1.1)Effective January 1, 2017, Section 5.408 “Construction Waste Reduction, Disposal and Recycling” of the 2016 California Green Building Standards Code (CALGreen) requires that all new construction and demolition projects develop a Construction Waste Management Plan that recycles and/or salvages for reuse a minimum of 65 percent of the non-hazardous construction and demolition waste. t Identify that the construction and demolition waste materials to be

diverted from disposal by efficient usage, recycling, reuse on the project or salvaged for future use or sale.

t Determine if construction and demolition waste materials will be sorted on-site (source-separated) or bulk mixed for processing. (Bulk mixed processing shall be provided by a City permitted solid waste hauler)

t Identify the diversion facility where the construction and demolition waste material collected will be taken.

Specify the amount of construction and demolition waste materials diverted by weight or volume, but not both.

Waste Management Company (CALGreen – 5.408.1.2)Utilize a waste management company, that will provide verifiable documentation that the percentage of construction and demolition waste material diverted from the landfill complies with this section. (Waste management company shall be provided by a City licensed solid waste hauler in good-standing)

Universal Waste (CALGreen – 5.408.2)Additions or alterations to a building or tenant space that meet the scoping provisions in Section 301.3 for non-residential additions and alterations, shall require verification that Universal Waste items such as fluorescent lamps and ballast and mercury containing thermostats as well as other California prohibited Universal waste materials are disposed of properly and are diverted from landfills.





Green Waste


Paper Cardboard





12949 TELEGRAPH RD. | SFS, CA 90670 (562) 944-6975


12739 LAKELAND RD. | SFS, CA 90670






Green Waste


Paper Cardboard





AMERICAN CHUNG NAM 1163 Fairway Drive Walnut, CA (909) 444-6837



13014 LOS NIETOS ROAD | SFS CA 90670 (562) 944-6306


621 W. 152ND ST. | GARDENA, CA 90247 (310) 538-5998

CITY FIBERS 500 S. SANTA FE AVENUE LOS ANGELES CA 90058 | (323) 583-1013



12234 FLORENCE AVE. | SFS, CA 90670

(661) 387-1100

GP HARMON RECYCLING (516) 647-9485




LAKIN TIRE WEST 15305 SPRING AVE | SFS, CA 90670 (562)802-2752

MARKO METALS 2515 E. 115TH ST. LOS ANGELES, CA 90059 | (323) 566-5702

MID AMERICA PAPER 773-890-5454

NEW GREEN DAY, LLC PO BOX 72147 | L.A. CA 90002 (323) 566-7603

NEW-INDI RECYCLING (909)296-3400



STAR SCRAP METAL 1509 S. BLUFF ROAD, MONTEBELLO CA 90640 | (714) 994-3450

SUNWEST METALS 1150 N ANAHEIM BLVD | ANAHEIM, CA 92801 (800) 607-2727





Green Waste


Paper Cardboard




TZENG LONG USA TAI 2801 S. VAIL AVE | COMMERCE, CA 90040 (323) 722-5353


(323) 559-1073


WAL-MART STORE #2948 13310 TELEGRAPH RD, | SFS, CA 90670 562-946-6343


WARE DISPOSAL, INC. PO BOX 8089 | SANTA ANA, CA 92701 (714) 664-0677


NOTE: Although a company may designate the acceptance of materials in one or more categories, please call to verify your specific materials and quantities are accepted.

Senate Bill 179

Contractor Compliance Form

2019-11 Marquardt Avenue 16" Water Main Relocation

General Contractor must complete form within ten days of issuance of Notice of Award.

Please type or print.


a. Company Name, Address and Phone Number:

b. Name of Person Representing Contractor:


a. Description of the Labor or Services to be Provided:

b. Statement of When Services are to Commence and be Completed:

c. Date Contract Agreement Authorized or Purchase Order Issued:


a. Contractor’s Identification Number (for State Tax Purposes):

b. Contractor’s License Number (List all sub-contractor’s License Nos. on an attached


c. Address of Any Real Property to be Used to House Workers in Connection with the

Contract or Agreement:

d. Contractor Understands (by indicating “yes”) Contract Requires Timely Submittal of all

Certified Payroll Records for General and Sub-contractors:


a. Workers’ Compensation Insurance Policy Number:

b. Insurance Carrier:

c. Insurance Carrier’s Address/Phone Number:


a. Vehicle Identification Number of Any Vehicle That is Owned by the Contractor and Used

for Transportation in Connection with Any Service Provided:

b. Contractor’s Vehicle Liability Insurance Policy Number:

c. Insurance Carrier:

d. Insurance Carrier’s Address/Phone Number:


Signature of Contractor’s Authorized Representative


PAYEE DATA RECORD (Required when receiving payment from the State of California in lieu of IRS W-9) STD. 204 (Rev. 6-2003)

INSTRUCTIONS: Complete all information on this form. Sign, date, and return to the State agency (department/office) address shown at

the bottom of this page. Prompt return of this fully completed form will prevent delays when processing payments. Information provided in this form will be used by State agencies to prepare Information Returns (1099). See reverse side for more information and Privacy Statement. NOTE: Governmental entities, federal, State, and local (including school districts), are not required to submit this form. PAYEE’S LEGAL BUSINESS NAME (Type or Print) SOLE PROPRIETOR – ENTER NAME AS SHOWN ON SSN (Last, First, M.I.)









CORPORATION: MEDICAL (e.g., dentistry, psychotherapy, chiropractic, etc.) LEGAL (e.g., attorney services) EXEMPT (nonprofit) ALL OTHERS






(SSN required by authority of California Revenue and Tax Code Section 18646)

– –

NOTE: Payment will not be processed without an accompanying taxpayer I.D. number.



California resident - Qualified to do business in California or maintains a permanent place of business in California. California nonresident (see reverse side) - Payments to nonresidents for services may be subject to State income tax

withholding. No services performed in California. Copy of Franchise Tax Board waiver of State withholding attached.

I hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the information provided on this document is true and correct. Should my residency status change, I will promptly notify the State agency below.






Please return completed form to:

Department/Office: Unit/Section: Mailing Address: City/State/Zip: Telephone: ( ) Fax: ( ) E-mail Address:







Typewritten Text
2019-11 Marquardt Avenue 16" Water Main Relocation




Requirement to Complete Payee Data Record, STD. 204 A completed Payee Data Record, STD. 204, is required for payments to all non-governmental entities and will be kept on file at each State agency. Since each State agency with which you do business must have a separate STD. 204 on file, it is possible for a payee to receive this form from various State agencies. Payees who do not wish to complete the STD. 204 may elect to not do business with the State. If the payee does not complete the STD. 204 and the required payee data is not otherwise provided, payment may be reduced for federal backup withholding and nonresident State income tax withholding. Amounts reported on Information Returns (1099) are in accordance with the Internal Revenue Code and the California Revenue and Taxation Code.


Enter the payee’s legal business name. Sole proprietorships must also include the owner’s full name. An individual must list his/her full name. The mailing address should be the address at which the payee chooses to receive correspondence. Do not enter payment address or lock box information here.


Check the box that corresponds to the payee business type. Check only one box. Corporations must check the box that identifies the type of corporation. The State of California requires that all parties entering into business transactions that may lead to payment(s) from the State provide their Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN). The TIN is required by the California Revenue and Taxation Code Section 18646 to facilitate tax compliance enforcement activities and the preparation of Form 1099 and other information returns as required by the Internal Revenue Code Section 6109(a). The TIN for individuals and sole proprietorships is the Social Security Number (SSN). Only partnerships, estates, trusts, and corporations will enter their Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN).


Are you a California resident or nonresident? A corporation will be defined as a "resident" if it has a permanent place of business in California or is qualified through the Secretary of State to do business in California. A partnership is considered a resident partnership if it has a permanent place of business in California. An estate is a resident if the decedent was a California resident at time of death. A trust is a resident if at least one trustee is a California resident. For individuals and sole proprietors, the term "resident" includes every individual who is in California for other than a temporary or transitory purpose and any individual domiciled in California who is absent for a temporary or transitory purpose. Generally, an individual who comes to California for a purpose that will extend over a long or indefinite period will be considered a resident. However, an individual who comes to perform a particular contract of short duration will be considered a nonresident. Payments to all nonresidents may be subject to withholding. Nonresident payees performing services in California or receiving rent, lease, or royalty payments from property (real or personal) located in California will have 7% of their total payments withheld for State income taxes. However, no withholding is required if total payments to the payee are $1,500 or less for the calendar year. For information on Nonresident Withholding, contact the Franchise Tax Board at the numbers listed below: Withholding Services and Compliance Section: 1-888-792-4900 E-mail address: [email protected] For hearing impaired with TDD, call: 1-800-822-6268 Website:


Provide the name, title, signature, and telephone number of the individual completing this form. Provide the date the form was completed.


This section must be completed by the State agency requesting the STD. 204.

Privacy Statement Section 7(b) of the Privacy Act of 1974 (Public Law 93-579) requires that any federal, State, or local governmental agency, which requests an individual to disclose their social security account number, shall inform that individual whether that disclosure is mandatory or voluntary, by which statutory or other authority such number is solicited, and what uses will be made of it. It is mandatory to furnish the information requested. Federal law requires that payment for which the requested information is not provided is subject to federal backup withholding and State law imposes noncompliance penalties of up to $20,000. You have the right to access records containing your personal information, such as your SSN. To exercise that right, please contact the business services unit or the accounts payable unit of the State agency(ies) with which you transact that business. All questions should be referred to the requesting State agency listed on the bottom front of this form.






Whenever in the Standard Specifications the following terms are used, they shall be

understood to mean and refer to the following:


OF SANTA FE SPRINGS, sometimes hereinafter referred

to as “CITY”

CITY: The CITY of Santa Fe Springs

COUNTY: County of Los Angeles

ENGINEER: The CITY ENGINEER of the CITY of Santa Fe Springs or

authorized representative

ARCHITECT: The Architect retained by AGENCY to prepare all or a

portion of the Plans, Specifications and Contract documents.

CONTRACTOR: The word CONTRACTOR is supplemented by adding

thereto the following:

The term “CONTRACTOR” means the CONTRACTOR as

defined herein or authorized representative.

2019-10 Marquardt Avenue 16" Water Main Relocation




This section is in addition to the provisions of Section 2-1 of the Standard Specifications.

Within ten (10) working days after the date of the AGENCY’S notice of award, the

CONTRACTOR shall execute and return the following Contract documents to the


Contract Agreement

Faithful Performance Bond

Material and Labor Bond

Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance Certificate

Worker’s Compensation Insurance Certificate

Waste Management Forms

SB 179 Form

Payee Data Form

Failure to comply with the above will result in annulment of the award and forfeiture of

the Proposal Guarantee.

The Contract Agreement must be notarized, with an acknowledgement certificate attached

for the CONTRACTOR’s signature with the latest certificate in accordance with California

State Law, as governed by the Secretary of State’s Office. The correct certificate is

available for download at the Secretary of State’s website,

The Contract Agreement shall not be considered binding upon the AGENCY until executed

by the authorized AGENCY officials.

A corporation to which an award is made may be required, before the Contract Agreement

is executed by the AGENCY, to furnish evidence of its corporate existence, of its right to

enter into Contracts in the State of California, and that the officers signing the Contract and

bonds for the corporation have the authority to do so.


2-2.1 Contractor Indebtedness. Indebtedness incurred for any cause in connection with

this work must be paid by the CONTRACTOR and the CITY is hereby relieved at all times

from any indebtedness or claim other than payments under terms of the Contract. The

CONTRACTOR will indemnify and hold harmless the CITY and its officers and

employees from any loss, demand, damages, claims or actions arising from or in

connection with said indebtedness.

2019-10 Marquardt Avenue 16" Water Main Relocation



2-3.1 General. The last paragraph of Subsection 2-3.1 of the Standard Specifications is

hereby modified with the following:

At the time of the bid submittal, the otherwise qualifying low bidder shall submit a list of

all Subcontractors intended to perform work on the Project. This list shall include the name

and location of the place of business of each Subcontractor who will perform work or labor

or render service to the prime CONTRACTOR in or about the construction of the work or

improvement, or a Subcontractor licensed by the State of California who, under subcontract

to the prime CONTRACTOR, specially fabricates and installs a portion of the work or

improvement according to detailed drawings contained in the Plans and Specifications, in

an amount in excess of one-half of one percent of the prime CONTRACTOR’s total bid.

The prime CONTRACTOR shall provide a description by bid item number or otherwise

fully designate the portion of work to be performed by each Subcontractor.

It is the policy of the AGENCY to use Subcontractor and suppliers located within the City

of Santa Fe Springs to the maximum extent possible. In this regard, the CONTRACTOR

is encouraged to seek local support from this community on the Project.


This section of the Standard Specifications is amended by adding thereto the following:

The Faithful Performance Bond shall remain in force until the date of recordation of the

Notice of Completion. The Material and Labor Bond shall remain in force until 60 days

after the date of recordation of the Notice of Completion. Bond forms will be provided to


The CONTRACTOR shall provide the following supplemental information for each bond

as required herein:

a. Surety company or AGENCY name providing bond.

b. Name of the agent.

c. The business address of the surety company and/or AGENCY and agent.

d. The business telephone number of the surety company and/or AGENCY and agent.

The CONTRACTOR and Surety Company signatures on the Faithful Performance Bond

and Material and Labor Bond must be notarized with the latest certificate in accordance

with California State Law, as governed by the Secretary of State’s Office. The correct

certificate is available for download at the Secretary of State’s website,

The CONTRACTOR shall notify his sureties and the carriers of the insurance furnished

and maintained by him of any changes affecting the general scope of the work or change

in the Contract price, or time, or a combination thereof, and the amount of the applicable

2019-10 Marquardt Avenue 16" Water Main Relocation


bonds and the coverage of the insurance shall be adjusted accordingly. The

CONTRACTOR shall furnish proof of such adjustments to the CITY.


This section of the Standard Specifications is amended by adding thereto the following:

2-5.1 General. The CONTRACTOR and each Subcontractor shall maintain a control set

of Plans and Specifications on the Project site at all times. All final locations determined

in the field, and any deviations from the Plans and Specifications, shall be marked in red

on this control set to show the as-constructed conditions. Upon completion of all work,

the CONTRACTOR shall return the control set to the ENGINEER. Final payment will not

be made until this requirement is met.

Section 2-5 is amended by adding thereto the following new Subsection 2-5.4,

“Examination of Contract Documents.”

2-5.4 Examination of Contract Documents. The bidder shall examine carefully the entire

site of the work, including but not restricted to the conditions and encumbrances related

thereto, the Plans and Specifications, and the proposal and Contract forms therefore. The

submission of a bid shall be conclusive evidence that the bidder has investigated and is

satisfied as to the conditions to be encountered, as to the character, quality, and scope of

the work to be performed, the quantities of material to be furnished and as to the

requirements of the proposal, Plans, Specifications, and the Contract.


The CONTRACTOR assumes all responsibility for the foreknowledge of the extent and

nature of the soil properties in the construction zone before and during construction. It is

the Bidder’s responsibility to examine the site and perform any and all testing and

evaluations necessary from which to draw conclusions regarding:

A. The ease or difficulty of excavation.

B. The presence, nature and extent of any rock.

C. The depth of groundwater.

D. The stability of excavations.

E. The suitability and quantity of excavation materials for the pipe bedding and

backfill or sources for importing bedding and backfill materials.

2-7.1 Soils Investigation. A Geotechnical Investigation has not been completed for this

project. Bidders are encouraged to perform some research in order to understand likely

soils conditions for this project.


2019-10 Marquardt Avenue 16" Water Main Relocation


2-9.1 Permanent Survey Markers. The first paragraph of Subsection 2-9.1 is hereby

amended as follows:

The ENGINEER, or the owner at the CONTRACTOR’s expense, shall file a Corner

Record Form referencing survey monuments subject to disturbance in the Office of the

County Surveyor prior to the start of construction and also prior to the completion of

construction for the replacement of survey monuments.

When a change is made in the finished elevation of the pavement of any roadway in which

a permanent survey is located, the CONTRACTOR will adjust the monument cover to the

new grade. The CONTRACTOR may be required, at the CONTRACTOR’s expense,

however, to modify the operations if needed to protect the cover or monument until

arrangements are made to adjust the cover or monument.

The first paragraph of Subsection 2-9.2 is hereby amended as follows: [XE1] Prior to construction the CONTRACTOR shall submit to the ENGINEER for review and

approval the method to establish grades to obtain the proper grades as shown on the plans.

Full compensation for conforming to the requirements of Construction Surveying including

furnishing all labor, tools, equipment, documentation, and materials for doing the work

shall be distributed among the various bid items for which surveying is required, and no

additional compensation will be allowed.


Section 2-11 is supplemented by the following:

Inspection services will be furnished by the AGENCY on the basis of an eight-hour day

and 40-hour work week, but not necessarily full-time on the project. Any additional

inspection beyond normal working hours and on non-working days, if required by the

CONTRACTOR’s operations in the opinion of the ENGINEER, shall be paid for by the

CONTRACTOR at the rate of $175 per hour for up to 2 hours overtime on weekdays, and

$230 for weekends and holidays and from 2 to 4 hours overtime weekdays. The CITY,

however, will not charge the CONTRACTOR for inspection services for work that is

specified, ordered, or agreed to be performed on a weekend, holiday, or in the evening.

The ENGINEER shall at all times have access to the work during construction and shall be

furnished with every reasonable facility for ascertaining full knowledge respecting the

progress, workmanship and character of materials used and employed in the work.

No backfilling of trenches or covering of any work shall be performed unless CITY

representative is present or prior approval to proceed is obtained. Whenever the

CONTRACTOR varies the period during which the work is carried on each day, the CITY

ENGINEER shall be duly notified so that proper inspection may be provided. Any work

done in the absence of the CITY ENGINEER will be subject to rejection.

2019-10 Marquardt Avenue 16" Water Main Relocation


The inspection of the work shall not relieve the CONTRACTOR of any obligations to

fulfill the contract as prescribed. Defective work shall be made good, and unsuitable

materials may be rejected, notwithstanding the fact that such defective work and unsuitable

materials have been previously overlooked by the CITY ENGINEER and accepted.


This section is amended by adding thereto the following:

Section 3-2.1 General. When the compensation payable for the number of units of an item of work performed in excess of 125 percent of the ENGINEER’s Estimate is less than $5,000 at the applicable Contract unit price, the ENGINEER reserves the right to make no adjustment in said unit price if so elected, except that an adjustment will be made if substantiated in writing by the CONTRACTOR.


Within subsection 3-3.2.3, “Markup,” of the Standard Specifications, delete Part (a),

“Work by Contractor,” and substitute the following:

All extra work claims shall be submitted to the ENGINEER, with supporting

documentation, within two weeks of the date of the work in question. Any extra work

claims submitted late than two weeks from the date of the work are subject to rejection.

(a) Work by CONTRACTOR.

The following percentages shall be added to the CONTRACTOR’s costs and shall

constitute the markup for all overhead and profits:

1. Labor .......................................................................................... 20%

2. Materials .................................................................................... 15%

3. Equipment Rental....................................................................... 15%

4. Other Items and Expenditures .................................................... 15%

To the sum of the costs and markups provided for in this subsection, 1 percent shall be

added as compensation for bonding.

Delete Part (b), “Work by Subcontractor,” of subsection 3-3.2.3, “Markup,” of the Standard

Specifications and substitute the following:

(b) Work by Subcontractor.

When all or any part of the “Extra Work” is performed by a Subcontractor, the markup

established in 3-3.2.3 part (a) shall be applied to the Subcontractor’s actual cost of such

work. A markup of 10 percent on the first $5,000 of the subcontracted portion of the “Extra

2019-10 Marquardt Avenue 16" Water Main Relocation


Work” and a markup of 5 percent on work added in excess of $5,000 of the subcontracted

portion of the “Extra Work” may be added by the CONTRACTOR.

Add the following to said Standard Specifications:

The markups specified in Parts (a) and (b) above shall be considered as including, but not

be limited to, the CONTRACTOR’s labor costs for personnel not working directly on the

“Extra Work,” including the cost of any tools and equipment which they may use. Such

costs shall not be reported as labor or equipment costs elsewhere except when they are

actually used to physically construct the “Extra Work.” Labor costs shall in that case be

reported for the labor classification corresponding to the type and nature of “Extra Work”



The following is in addition to Section 3-4 of the Standard Specifications:

Add the following after the last paragraph:

Existing underground utilities are not considered a changed condition.


The following is in addition to Section 4-1.1, “General,” of the Standard Specifications: The CONTRACTOR and all Subcontractors, suppliers, and vendors, shall guarantee that the entire work will meet all requirements of this Contract as to the quality of materials and equipment. The CONTRACTOR, at no cost to the AGENCY, shall make any repairs or replacements made necessary in all defective work that becomes evident within twelve (12) months after the date of recordation of the Notice of Completion. All other defective work shall be repaired or replaced within twelve (12) months after the date of filing the Notice of Completion. Within this period, the CONTRACTOR shall also restore to full compliance with requirements of this Contract any portion of the work, which is found to not meet those requirements. The CONTRACTOR shall hold the AGENCY harmless from claims of any kind arising from damages due to said defects or noncompliance. The CONTRACTOR shall make all repairs, replacements, and restorations within thirty days after the date of the ENGINEER’s written notice. All materials not conforming to the requirements of these Specifications shall be considered as defective and all such materials, whether in place or not, shall be rejected and shall be removed immediately from the site of the work unless otherwise permitted by the ENGINEER. No rejected material, the defects of which have been subsequently corrected, shall be used until approved in writing by the ENGINEER.

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Upon failure on the part of the CONTRACTOR to comply with any order of the ENGINEER made under the provisions of this article, the CITY shall have authority to remove and replace defective materials at the expense of the CONTRACTOR. The burden of proof as to the quality and suitability of alternatives shall be upon the CONTRACTOR, and he shall furnish all information as required by the ENGINEER. The ENGINEER shall be the sole judge as to the quality and suitability of alternatives articles or materials and his decision shall be final. The following is in addition to Section 4-1.3.2 of the Standard Specifications: 4-1.3.2 Inspection of Materials. The AGENCY will make arrangements with the Los Angeles County Road Department, a private lab, or an engineering consultant for materials and plant inspection services, and with a private soils firm for compaction testing. The mileage figure in Sections 4-1.3.2 is hereby modified to the extent that inspection will be provided at no more than 30 miles from City limits. The CONTRACTOR shall pay for inspection costs beyond these limits. The following is in addition to Section 4-1.3.3 of the Standard Specifications: The mileage figure in Section 4-1.3.3 is hereby modified to the extent that inspection will be provided at no more than 30 miles from CITY limits. The CONTRACTOR shall pay for inspection costs beyond these limits. The following is in addition to Section 4-1.4 of the Standard Specifications: 4-1.4 Test of Materials. Except as elsewhere specified, the AGENCY will bear the cost of testing materials and/or workmanship which meet or exceed the requirements indicated in the Standard Specifications and the Special Provisions. The cost of all other tests including the retesting of material or workmanship that fails to pass the first test shall be borne by the CONTRACTOR. Materials, which are manufactured, produced or fabricated outside the United States, shall conform to Section 6-1.08 of the Caltrans Standard Specifications. 4-1.5 Certification. Written test certifications, maintenance manuals, parts list, and related

drawings on the pipe, valves, fire hydrants and/or blowoff hydrants shall be submitted

prior to installation; other certification requirements are set forth in Part 2 Construction


The following is in addition to Section 5-1 of the Standard Specifications: The location and existence of any underground utility or substructure was obtained from a search of available records. No guarantee is made or implied that the information is complete or accurate. It shall be the CONTRACTOR’s responsibility alone to determine

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the exact location of underground utilities or substructures of every nature and to protect them from damage as required to accommodate the nature of the work contemplated. The CONTRACTOR shall excavate and expose all high-risk underground facilities.

On Projects involving paving, some existing utility facilities will remain in place and the

CONTRACTOR will be required to work around and pave up to said facilities. During

paving operations, the CONTRACTOR shall adjust valve covers to the new grade in

accordance with AGENCY Standards. For other types of covers or utility vaults, the

CONTRACTOR shall notify the owners to adjust their facilities to grade unless the Plans

indicate facilities are to remain in place or bid documents provide payment for

CONTRACTOR to adjust facilities to grade.

Where underground main distribution conduits such as water, gas, sewer, electric power,

telephone or cable television are present, the CONTRACTOR, for the purpose of preparing

a bid, shall assume that every property parcel will be served by a service connection for

each type of utility.

The AGENCY will conduct a pre-construction meeting between the CONTRACTOR, the

ENGINEER, and the utility companies to discuss scheduling, coordination of any required

utility relocations, and the protection of existing utilities. The CONTRACTOR shall attend

any pre-construction meeting scheduled by the AGENCY and shall cooperate with all

utility companies performing utility relocation or installation work on the Project site.

The CONTRACTOR shall notify the owners of all utilities and substructures as set forth

in the General Specifications and as required by the Public Utility Protection in Contract

Act (AB73). Should AGENCY request CONTRACTOR to pothole certain utilities or

substructures to determine location or depth, the CONTRACTOR shall provide specialized

personnel and equipment with payment made under “extra work” unless noted otherwise

in the Specifications.

The CONTRACTOR shall notify Underground Service Alert (USA) at telephone number

8-1-1 at least 48 hours in advance of any excavation in order to have underground

installations marked. It will be the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR to have all

agencies to identify their utilities. The Public Works Department will not issue any

construction permits involving excavation for underground facilities unless the applicant

has been provided an inquiry identification number by USA.

Before the Project is accepted by the CITY, the CONTRACTOR shall remove all paint

markings left by the utility companies to identify the locations of their underground

substructures. The cost for this removal shall be distributed among the various Contract

bid items of work involved and no additional compensation will be allowed therefore.


Add the following subsection to the Standard Specifications:

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5-2.1 Protection of Underground Hazardous Utilities. This Subsection shall apply to

Projects where there are underground utilities within the construction area, which may be

potentially hazardous if damaged. A hazardous substance shall be defined as one having

the potential for an immediate disaster such as, but not limited to, gasoline, electricity, fuel

oil, butane, propane, natural gas, chlorine or other chemicals.

Abandoned, idle, inactive, or inoperative utilities designed to carry hazardous substances

and unidentified or unknown utilities shall be considered hazardous until determined

otherwise. Whenever the CONTRACTOR is directed by the ENGINEER to tap, cut or

plate these lines, the CONTRACTOR shall provide personnel specialized in this work and

payment therefor will be made under "Extra Work." If requested by the CONTRACTOR,

the AGENCY will perform the drilling, cutting and plating of pipelines determined to be

abandoned through the services of a pipeline company (i.e., A. H. & S. Construction Corp.

of Long Beach, California or others.)

The CONTRACTOR shall comply with the following requirements when working around

or in the vicinity of underground hazardous utilities:

A. The CONTRACTOR shall not trench or perform roadway excavation within the

area where a utility known to carry a hazardous substance exists until its location

has been determined by exploratory excavation by the CONTRACTOR or other

proven methods acceptable to the ENGINEER.

B. The ENGINEER may, at his discretion, or as shown on the plans, require one or

more exploratory excavations to be dug in advance of construction to confirm the

location of underground hazardous utilities. Exploratory excavations ordered by

the ENGINEER shall be paid as Extra Work under Section 3 of the Standard

Specifications unless payment is included in Bid Schedule or specified hereinafter.

C. If it is determined that the horizontal or vertical clearance between the utility known

to carry hazardous substances and the construction limit is less than 12" (18" if

scarifying), the CONTRACTOR shall confer with its owner. Unless the owner

elects to relocate the line or take it out of service, the CONTRACTOR shall not

excavate until the line has been exposed sufficiently within the limits of

construction to determine extent of impact on CONTRACTOR’s operations.

D. Once the physical location of the utility known to carry hazardous substances has

been determined, the CONTRACTOR, in cooperation with and with the

concurrence of the utility owner, shall determine how to protect and/or support the

utility from damage before proceeding with the work. Compliance with this

Subsection shall also include modifications to the CONTRACTOR’s operations,

which may require, if necessary, the use of alternate excavation equipment,

scarification and compaction methods in order to minimize adverse impact on

utilities and still accomplish the work in an expeditious manner.

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E. During all excavation and trenching operations, the CONTRACTOR shall exercise

extreme caution and protect the utilities from damage.

F. The CONTRACTOR shall notify the Agency and the owner, if known, whenever

previously unidentified or unknown underground utilities are encountered so that

the location can be accurately established and made a part of the permanent

substructure records.

G. Full compensation for protecting underground hazardous utilities shall be

considered as included in the prices bid for the various items of work, unless there

is a separate bid item identified in the Bid Schedule for such protection.


The second sentence of the last paragraph of Subsection 5-4 of the Standard Specifications

is hereby deleted and replaced with the following paragraphs:

When not otherwise required by the Plans and Specifications and when directed by the

ENGINEER, the CONTRACTOR shall arrange for the relocation of service connections,

as necessary, between the meter and property line, or between the meter and limits of

construction. Service connections which do not interfere with the work shall be maintained

in place by the CONTRACTOR. Such services, if cut, shall be replaced with a new line

of equal size and type from the water main to the property line.

The CONTRACTOR is advised to coordinate his work with other contractors or other

forces who may be doing work within the construction area.

The CONTRACTOR will not be entitled to any additional costs for any delays as a result

of relocation work.

When directed by the ENGINEER, the CONTRACTOR shall encase interfering service

connections in the slab or walls of poured-in-place concrete structures. All costs for such

encasing shall be absorbed in the prices bid for the various Contract items of work involved.

Service connections, which do not interfere with the permanent works, shall be maintained

in placed by the CONTRACTOR.


The second paragraph of Subsection 5-5, of the Standard Specifications is hereby deleted

and replaced with the following two paragraphs:

The CONTRACTOR will not be entitled to damages or additional payment for delays

attributable to utility relocations or alterations if correctly located, noted and completed in

accordance with Subsection 5-1 of the Standard Specifications. The CONTRACTOR shall

ascertain further detailed information to coordinate his work with minimal delay.

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Notification of utility companies shall be made by the CONTRACTOR in accordance with

Subsection 5-1. Any costs for delay of the CONTRACTOR by utility companies in this

regard shall be assigned to the CONTRACTOR.


The following is in addition to Section 5-6 of the Standard Specifications:

The CONTRACTOR shall also cooperate with adjacent contractors, businesses, residents,

and property owners in the prosecution of the work, and make necessary adjustments in

scheduling to maintain a high quality level of public relations and cooperation.



The following is in addition to Section 6-1 of the Standard Specifications:

The Contractor’s proposed construction schedule shall be submitted to the ENGINEER

within ten (10) working days after the date of the AGENCY’S execution of the Contract

Agreement. The schedule shall be supported by written statements from each supplier of

materials or equipment indicating that all orders have been placed and acknowledged, and

setting forth the dates that each item will be delivered.

Prior to issuing the Notice to Proceed with the Work, the ENGINEER will schedule a pre-

construction meeting with the CONTRACTOR to review the proposed construction

schedule and delivery dates, arrange utility coordination, discuss construction methods,

and clarify inspection procedures. The CONTRACTOR’s Project Superintendent

Foreman that will be working on the Project must be present.


The following is hereby added to Section 6-2 of the Standard Specifications:

The CONTRACTOR shall obtain written approval from the CITY ENGINEER for night



6-7.1 General. The time for completion shall be as noted in the General Specifications.

6-7.2 Working Days. Add the following to subheadings 5 and 6:

...... as defined in Subsection 6-6.1 and the following:

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(a) Inclement weather or conditions resulting immediately therefrom.

(b) Installation, relocation and/or alteration of public and/or private utilities by others.

The CONTRACTOR’s activities shall be confined to the hours between 9:00 a.m. and 3:30

p.m. on major highways, private property, school property and 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on

residential streets, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays unless otherwise noted on

the Plans or specified hereinafter. City Hall is closed on alternating Fridays, and to ensure

necessary inspections and Project supervision, construction activities scheduled on these

days shall be approved seventy-two hours (72) in advance by the ENGINEER. Failure by

the CONTRACTOR to obtain approval for inspections and supervision will not constitute

a time extension. Deviation from these hours will not be permitted without the prior consent

of the ENGINEER, except in emergencies involving immediate hazard to persons or

property. In the event of either a requested, scheduled or emergency deviation, inspection

fees will be charged against the CONTRACTOR. The fees will be calculated at overtime

rates including benefits, overhead, and travel time. The fee of $101 per hour, four-hour

minimum, will be deducted from any amounts due the CONTRACTOR.

The following days are designated by the CITY as non-working days (holidays):

1. New Year’s Day.

2. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birthday.

3. Lincoln’s Birthday.

4. Washington’s Birthday.

5. Cesar Chavez’s Birthday

6. Memorial Day.

7. Independence Day.

8. Labor Day.

9. Veteran’s Day.

10. Thanksgiving Day.

11. Day after Thanksgiving Day.

12. Christmas Eve.

13. Christmas Day.

14. The day after Christmas, in those years in which Christmas falls on a Thursday.

15. Every day appointed by the President or Governor for a public fast, thanksgiving,

or holiday.

16. When a holiday falls on Sunday, the following Monday shall be observed. If the

holiday falls on Saturday, the previous Friday is observed. 6-8 COMPLETION, ACCEPTANCE AND WARRANTY. The following is in addition to section 6-8 of the Standard Specifications:

It shall be the CONTRACTOR’s responsibility to completely remove all “construction graffiti” (spray paint or other marking for utilities, survey points and construction limits) prior to acceptance of the work.

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Section 6-9 of the Standard Specifications is amended by the following: The liquidated damages value is hereby amended to be $1,000 per calendar day. Failure of the Contractor to complete any specified construction sequence on phase by the time allowed will also result in assessment of liquidated damages. Additional liquidated damages shall be assessed in the amount of $500 per calendar day for failure to comply with the State Permit for Storm Water Discharge Associated with Construction Activity during all phases of construction and for failure to complete, implement, or maintain the Storm Water Pollution Protection Plan (SWPPP) within the periods specified in Section 7-8.6 of these Special Provisions. Additional liquidated damages shall be assessed in the amount of $500 per incident that the Contractor fails to install the Best Management Practices (BMP’s) within 24 hours of notification as described in Section 7-8.6 of the Special Provisions.

Add the following Subsection o the Standard Specifications 6-11 CLAIM AND DISPUTE RESOLUTION.

6.11.1 Governing Law, Venue, Dispute Resolution and Attorneys’ Fees. This Agreement

will be governed by and construed in accordance with laws of the State of California.

Specifically, Public Contract Code Section 9204 (A summary of which is set forth in

Subdivision 6.11.2). If any disputed portion of the claim is not resolved with the procedure

set forth in Subdivision 6.11.2 herein, prior to commencing suit in a court of competent

jurisdiction, any unresolved portion of any controversy, dispute or claim arising out

of the Agreement will first be submitted to an alternative dispute resolution process as

set forth in Subdivision 6.11.3 herein. Any action at law or in equity brought by either of

the parties hereto for the purpose of enforcing a right or rights provided for by this

Agreement will be tried in a court of competent jurisdiction in the County of Orange,

State of California. In the event either party hereto will bring suit to enforce any term

of this Agreement or to recover any damages for and on account of the breach of any

term or condition of this Agreement, it is mutually agreed that the prevailing party in

such action will recover all costs thereof, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, to be set by

the court in such action.

6.11.2 Summary of Public Contract Code Section 9204. A “claim” is a separate demand on

the City by a contractor on a public works project and sent by registered mail or certified

mail with return receipt requested, for one or more of the following:

• A time extension, including relief from penalties for delay;

• Payment by the CITY of money damages under the terms of the contract;

• Payment of an amount that is disputed by the CITY.

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Initial Review. The claim must be supported by appropriate documentation. The CITY has

45 days within which to review the claim and provide the contractor with a written

statement identifying the disputed and undisputed portions of the claim. If the CITY does

not issue a written statement, the claim is deemed rejected in its entirety. The CITY will

pay any undisputed portion of the claim within 60 days of issuing the statement.

Meet & Confer. If the contractor disputes the CITY’s written response, or if the CITY

does not issue one, the contractor may request in writing an informal conference to meet

and confer for possible settlement of the claim. The CITY will schedule the meet and confer

conference within 30 days of this request and provide a written statement identifying the

remaining disputed and undisputed portions of the claim within 10 business days of the

meet and confer. The CITY will pay the undisputed portion within 60 days of issuing this


Mediation. With respect to any disputed portion remaining after the meet and confer, the

CITY and contractor must submit the matter to nonbinding mediation, agree to a mediator

within 10 business days after issuing the written statement, and share mediation costs

equally. If mediation is unsuccessful, then the terms of the public works agreement and

applicable law will govern resolution of the dispute.

Miscellaneous Provisions. Amounts not paid by the CITY in a timely manner bear interest

at 7% per annum. Subcontractors may submit claims via this procedure through the general

contractor. The CITY and contractor may waive the requirement to mediate, but cannot

otherwise waive these claim procedures.

6.11.3 Alternative Dispute Resolution. In the event that there is any controversy, dispute

or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement, which have not been resolved pursuant

to the process summarized in Subdivision 6.11.7 herein, the parties hereto will consult and

negotiate with each other and, recognizing their mutual interest, attempt to reach a solution

satisfactory to both parties. If they do not reach settlement within a period of 60 days, the

matter will be submitted to nonbinding arbitration (“Process”) by written notice from either

party to the other. The parties will meet and confer in good faith and select an arbitrator

that is agreeable to both sides. The Process will be completed no later than 120 days

(“Process Period”) after tender of the aforementioned written notice, unless the Parties

mutually agree to an extension of the Process Period. If the matter is not successfully

resolved by the Process, within the Process Period, the parties are free to commence

litigation in a court of competent jurisdiction as defined in Subdivision 6.11.1 herein. Any

litigation commenced without both parties’ consent prior to the end of the Process Period,

will be subject to a stay until the end of the Process Period. The Parties further agree to

equally bear the cost of the Process.


The following is in addition to Section 7-1 of the Standard Specifications:

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A noise level limit of 86 dB at a distance of 50 feet shall apply to all construction equipment on or related to the job whether owned by the CONTRACTOR or not. The use of excessively loud warning signals shall be avoided except in those cases required for the protection of personnel. No worn or obsolete equipment shall be used, and in no case shall the maker’s rating of capacity for any equipment be exceeded.

7-2 LABOR.

The following is in addition to Section 7-2.2 of the Standard Specifications: 7-2.2 Laws. The Contractor, and all Subcontractors, suppliers, and vendors, shall comply with all AGENCY, State and Federal orders regarding affirmative action to ensure equal employment opportunities and fair employment practices. Failure to file any report due under said orders will result in suspension of periodic progress payments.

The Contractor shall ensure unlimited access to the job site for all equal employment opportunity compliance officers.

The Contractor shall agree through the contract to comply with Section 1776 and the remaining provisions of the Labor Code, and shall submit certified payroll records upon request of the ENGINEER at no cost to the CITY.

Senate Bill (SB 179) added Section 2810 to the Labor Code, relating to contracts for labor services and went into effect January 1, 2004. The SB 179 Form provided in the specifications must be filled out in its entirety and submitted per Section 2-1 of these specifications. Failure to comply will result in annulment of the award and forfeiture of the Proposal Guarantee.


Section 7-3 of the Standard Specifications is amended by the following: The CONTRACTOR shall not commence work under this Contract until he has obtained all insurance required under this section, and such insurance has been approved by the CITY, nor shall the CONTRACTOR allow any Subcontractor to commence work on his subcontract until all similar insurance required of the Subcontractor has been obtained. A. Worker’s Compensation Insurance - The Contractor shall take out and maintain

during the life of this contract, worker’s compensation insurance for all his employees engaged on or at the site of the project, and in case any of his work is sublet, the Contractor shall require the Subcontractor similarly to provide worker’s compensation insurance for all of the latter’s employees, unless such employees are covered by the protection afforded by the worker’s compensation insurance carried by the Contractor.

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B. Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance - The Contractor shall take out and

maintain during the life of this contract such public liability and property damage

insurance as shall protect him and the Agency from all claims for personal injury,

including accidental death, as well as from claims for property damage arising from

operations under this contract. The amount of such insurance shall be as hereinafter

set forth. The Contractor shall require the Subcontractors, if any, to take out and

maintain similar public liability and property damage insurance. The amounts of

such insurance shall be as hereinafter set forth.

In case any work under this contract is to be performed on or at the site of the project

by a Subcontractor, the Contractor shall also take out and maintain such

Contractor’s contingent or protective insurance as will protect him and the Agency

from damage claims arising from the operations of any Subcontractor, the amounts

of such insurance as hereinafter set forth. If any Subcontractor shall subcontract

any portion of his subcontract, the Contractor shall require him to take out and

maintain such contingent or protective insurance as will protect such Subcontractor

from damage claims arising from operations of the second Subcontractor. Such

contingent or protective insurance shall be in the same amount as the primary

Subcontractor’s public liability and property damage insurance.

As provided above, the Contractor shall take out and maintain public liability

insurance for injuries, including accidental death to any one person, in an amount

not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000); and subject to the same limit for

each person; on account of any one accident in an amount of not less than Two

Million Dollars ($2,000,000); and property damage insurance in an amount of not

less than Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000); Contractor’s contingent or

protective insurance for public liability and property damage in amounts not less

than the respective amounts noted above. As provided above, the Contractor shall

require all Subcontractors, whether primary or secondary, if any, to take out and

maintain public liability and property damage insurance in amounts hereinbefore

set forth for the Contractor.

C. Insurance Covering Special Hazards - The following special hazards shall be

covered by rider or riders to the above-mentioned public liability insurance or

protective damage insurance policy or policies or by special policies of insurance

in amounts as follows:

Automotive and truck where operated, in amounts as above; material hoists, where

used, in amounts as above.

D. Proof of Carriage of Insurance - The CONTRACTOR shall furnish the Commission

satisfactory proof of full compliance with all the insurance requirements herein

prior to execution of the Contract, including additional insured endorsement, Form

B, CG 2010, with an edition date prior to 1993, unless approved otherwise by the

AGENCY attorney.

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1. All certificates of insurance with respect to liability insurance of any kind

shall name the CITY of Santa Fe Springs as additional insureds with respect

to the performance by the CONTRACTOR of the work which is the subject

of the Contract.

2. The certificate of liability insurance shall conform to Section 7-3 of the

Standard Specifications and these Special Provisions, except the provision

whereby “the policy shall insure the AGENCY, its officers…while acting

within the scope of their duties of the work” is eliminated on Federal

Projects (if a Federal Project No. is indicated on the Plans or these Special


3. The full and complete Project name shall be shown on the Certificate of


E. Notification of Cancellation of Insurance - Certificates of proof of carriage of

insurance shall provide for not less than thirty (30) days’ notice of change or

cancellation prior to acceptance of the work. F. Renewal of Insurance - The insurance required herein will be renewed annually as

long as CONTRACTOR continues operations in any way related to this agreement or AGENCY or AGENCY’s employees face an exposure from such operations. This obligation applies whether the Contract is canceled or terminated for any reason. Termination of this obligation is not effective until CITY executes a written statement to that effect. This requirement is in addition to coverage required to be maintained for completed and discontinued operations as required elsewhere.

G. Working in Railroad Right-of-Way – Whenever working within railroad right-of-

way, the Contract shall furnish insurance to the affected railroad in the amounts and form required by said railroad. It is the CONTRACTOR’s responsibility to determine such requirements.


The text of Subsection 7-5 of the Standard Specifications is hereby deleted and replaced with the following:

Prior to the start of any work, the Contractor shall take out the applicable AGENCY permits and make arrangement for AGENCY inspections. The AGENCY will issue the permits at no charge to the Contractor. The Contractor and all Subcontractors shall each obtain a City of Santa Fe Springs Business Operations Tax Certificate, and shall be licensed in accordance with State Business and Professions Code. The Contractor shall also obtain any and all other permits, licenses, inspections, certificates, or authorizations required by any other governing body or entity. Application for Business Operation Tax Certificate shall be made with the City Finance Department prior to performing any work in CITY. The Certificate is valid for 12 months from date of validation of application. The fee, which shall not be waived, is $150 and

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$100 for the general Contractor and for each Subcontractor respectively, in addition to a $30 processing fee per application. Possession of an existing valid Certificate satisfies this requirement.

The Contractor shall pay all costs incurred by other than CITY permit and license requirements. A contract with AGENCY satisfies CITY excavation and construction permit requirements, and no CITY fee is imposed. This Contractor shall deliver all “Certificates of Inspections” to ENGINEER as soon as all the work has been inspected and approved by the proper authorities. This Contractor shall prepare all drawings and sketches required for the permits and shall pay thereof all expenses. 7-5.1 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit. Federal

regulations control storm water discharges from construction sites into storm drains and

surface waters. The requirements are outlined in the National Pollutant Discharge

Elimination System (NPDES) permit held by the County Flood Control District to which

the CITY is a co-permittee. The regulations require a Storm Water Pollution Prevention

Plan (SWPPP) for projects that include clearing, grading and excavation of over one (1)

acre to obtain an NPDES permit.

Contractor shall obtain and pay for NPDES Permit under the Linear Underground Project

General Permit from the State Water Resource Control Board.


The following is in addition to Section 7-6 of the Standard Specifications: The CONTRACTOR shall give efficient supervision to the work, using his best skill and attention, and shall provide and keep on the work at all times during its progress a competent superintendent and any necessary assistants, all of whom within reason shall be satisfactory to the ENGINEER. All directions of the ENGINEER shall be in writing and shall be received and obeyed by the superintendent in charge of the particular work, reference to which orders are given, and all such directions given to the superintendent shall be as binding as if given to the CONTRACTOR in person. The CONTRACTOR’s representative shall be present at all times when work is in progress, even if the work is being performed only by a Subcontractor.


The following is in addition to Section 7-7 of the Standard Specifications:

Simultaneous, collateral, and essential work by others at the site shall, consist of the


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"Cooperation to minimize interference" and "coordinating its work with others" shall also

mean that the CONTRACTOR may be required to avoid working at certain locations or

altogether on the Project to accommodate CITY functions, events, elections, celebrations,

holiday periods, or activities that are deemed by the ENGINEER to be in the best interest

of the AGENCY for public relations purposes.


Subsection 7-8.1, “General,” of the Standard Specifications is supplemented as follows:

When required by the ENGINEER, the CONTRACTOR shall furnish and operate a self-

loading motor sweeper with spray nozzles at least once each calendar day and during cold

milling operations, to keep paved areas acceptably clean wherever construction, including

restoration, is underway or incomplete. Sidewalks, driveways, parkways, medians and

adjacent roadways shall also be cleaned of construction debris by the CONTRACTOR.

Upon completion of cold milling but no later than completion of paving, the

CONTRACTOR shall also remove construction debris from adjacent gutters, medians,

parkways and sidewalks to the satisfaction of the ENGINEER.

Materials and equipment shall be removed from the site as soon as they are no longer

necessary and as directed by the ENGINEER.

The CONTRACTOR shall use only the following CITY franchise refuse/bin haulers.

Republic Services Disposal Services (562) 944-6975

12949 Telegraph Rd. | SFS, CA 90670

CRR Disposal Services (562) 946-7705

12739 Lakeland Rd. | SFS, CA 90670

Serv-Wel Disposal Service (323) 726 4056 901 S. Maple Ave. | Montebello, CA 90640

The CONTRACTOR shall maintain and preserve the existing site landscaping in order to

keep the area as attractive as possible for the community.

The CONTRACTOR shall remove any graffiti and/or restore any improvement vandalized

within the construction limits within one working day of incident.

Add the following subsection 7-8.2, “Air Pollution Control,” to the Standard


7-8.2.2 Control of Fugitive Dust. The CONTRACTOR shall comply with Rule 403 of the South Coast Air Quality Management District regarding fugitive dust. The purpose of this rule is to reduce the amount of particulate matter entrained in the ambient air as a result of man-made fugitive dust sources by requiring actions to prevent, reduce or mitigate fugitive

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dust emissions. The provisions of this rule shall apply to any activity or man-made condition capable of generating fugitive dust. A more descriptive detail is located in the Contract Forms section of these Special Provisions. This rule contains the following basic requirements:

A. A person shall not cause or allow emissions of fugitive dust from any operation,

open storage pile, or disturbed surface area to remain visible beyond the property line. Fugitive dust means any solid particle matter that becomes airborne, other than that emitted from an exhaust stack, directly or indirectly as a result of human activities. A disturbed surface area is any earth surface which has been modified from its undisturbed natural soil condition (excludes natural restoration).

B. One or more Reasonable Available Control Measures (R.A.C.M.) are to be utilized

for each fugitive dust source from active operations. An active operation is any activity capable of generating fugitive dust. A list of R.A.C.M.s is included at the end of these special provisions.

C. Upwind/downwind PM10 differences shall not exceed 50 micrograms per cubic

meter as determined by South Coast Air Quality Management District sampling. PM10 is particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter smaller than or equal to 10 microns as measured by the applicable State and Federal reference test methods. Particulate matter means any material, except uncombined water, which exists in a finely divided form as a liquid or solid at standard conditions.

D. Remove visible roadway dust from paved roadways at the end of each workday, or

at any time visible roadway dust extends more than 50 feet. Visible roadway dust is material, which can be removed by a street sweeper under normal operating conditions. The purpose of this requirement is to reduce the amount of particulates being deposited on public paved roadways, and subsequently re-entrained into the air.

Rule 403 provides for various exceptions to Requirements 1 and 3 listed above. For more information, call the South Coast Air Quality Management District at (909) 396-3600 or write:

South Coast Air Quality Management District Attention: Rule 403 Compliance

21865 Copley Drive, Diamond Bar, CA 91765

7-8.5 Sanitation. This subsection is in addition as follows:

When appropriate, enclosed toilet accommodations for the Contractor's employees shall be

the trailer or truck-mounted type, and shall be removed at the end of each shift from the

job site by the Contractor unless otherwise approved by the ENGINEER. Portable toilets

shall not have graffiti thereon.

7-8.5A Temporary Light, Power, and Water. This subsection is in addition as follows:

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The Contractor shall make application to the City Finance Department and pay all costs for

a temporary water meter and water as required.

The following is in added to Section 7-8 of the Standard Specifications:

7-8.8 Recycling Ordinance No. 914. All projects over $50,000 are subject to the

requirements of Ordinance 914 to reuse or recycle 75% of the project waste. Bidders can

contact the CITY’s Recycling Coordinator at (562) 868-0511 for further information.

Recycling forms are attached herein. The forms, if needed, shall be submitted and

approved prior to construction.


The second paragraph of Subsection 7-9 of the Standard Specifications is hereby deleted

and replaced with the following:

The CONTRACTOR shall relocate, repair, replace or reestablish all existing improvements

within the Project limits which are not designated for removal (e.g. sod, curbs, sidewalks,

driveways, fences, walls, sprinkler systems, signs, utility installations, pavements, cross

gutters, structures, etc.) which are damaged or removed as a result of his operations or as

required by the Plans and these Special Provisions. Where existing traffic striping,

pavement markings and curb markings are damaged or their reflectivity reduced by the

CONTRACTOR’s operations, such striping or markings shall also be considered as

existing improvements and the CONTRACTOR shall repaint or replace such

improvements as directed by the ENGINEER to match existing unless otherwise indicated

to be performed by others.

Relocations, repairs, replacements or reestablishment shall be at least equal to the existing

improvements and shall match such improvements in finish and dimensions unless

otherwise specified.

The last paragraph of Subsection 7-9 of the Standard Specifications is hereby deleted and

replaced with the following:

All costs to the CONTRACTOR for protecting, removing, restoring, relocating, repairing,

replacing, securing, or reestablishing existing improvements and site shall be included in

the various Contract Bid items of work involved, unless there is a separate Bid item for

such replacement. Items designated on the Plans to be salvaged shall be removed and

returned to the City Municipal Services Yard at 12636 Emmens Way.


7-10.1 Traffic and Access. Subsection 7-10.1 of the Standard Specifications is amended

by adding thereto the following:

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The CONTRACTOR shall notify the occupants of all affected properties at least 48 hours

prior to any temporary obstruction of access. Notices prepared by the CONTRACTOR

shall be approved by the AGENCY at least 3 working days prior to distribution. Vehicular

access to private property shall be maintained except as required for construction for a

reasonable period of time as determined by the ENGINEER.

No overnight closure of any driveway will be allowed except as permitted by the

ENGINEER. CONTRACTOR shall construct and maintain temporary access as defined

within Plans and Specifications.

At least one (1) 12-foot wide traffic lane shall be provided for each direction of travel on

all streets at all times except as permitted by the ENGINEER. The width of the gutter is

considered as part of the traffic lane. The traffic lanes shall be maintained on pavement,

and shall remain unobstructed. Traffic will not be permitted in partial lanes.

Lane closures on major highways (e.g. Rosecrans Ave, Marquardt Ave, etc.) will only be

allowed between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., except for allowable night work

activities, as defined elsewhere within these Special Provisions.

In the event that a lane is closed prior to 9:00 a.m. or after 3:30 p.m. without written

authorization, the CONTRACTOR agrees that for every 10 minutes or increment thereof

before or after the specified times, the sum of Three Hundred and Fifty dollars ($350) will

be deducted from any payment due to the CONTRACTOR.

Clearances from traffic lanes shall be five feet to the edge of any excavation and two feet

to the face of any curb, pole, barricade, delineator, or other vertical obstruction.

All control, warning and traffic guidance devices including, but not limited to signs,

temporary lanes, bridging of excavations and trenches, control of pedestrians and flagging

control shall conform to the “Work Area Traffic Control Handbook” (WATCH) which is

published by the Building News, Incorporated, 1612 So. Clementine Street, Anaheim,

California 92802. Ordering information can be obtained by calling (714) 517-0970. All

warning signs and devices shall be approved and in place prior to working on the roadway.

The CONTRACTOR shall submit a detailed traffic control plan indicating equipment to

be used, sign placement, transition lengths and delineator spacing for lane closures or

restrictions. The plan shall be reviewed by the ENGINEER and any corrections, additions,

or deletions shall be incorporated in the final plan.

Traffic control plans shall be submitted for review and approval at least seven (7) days

prior to commencement of the construction phase approved by the CONTRACTOR. Plans

shall be prepared by qualified professionals familiar with the latest construction signing

procedures of Caltrans and the WATCH Handbook. Plans submitted by unqualified

personnel shall be rejected and no time extensions will be allowed for delays arising from

unacceptable submittals. General requirements for traffic control plans are as follows:

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A. Plans shall be prepared and signed by a licensed professional ENGINEER.

B. Plan size shall be 24" by 36" unless otherwise approved by the CITY.

C. Plan scale shall be 1" = 40' unless otherwise approved by the CITY.

D. As a minimum, plan shall show existing street striping including raised medians as

well as proposed striping and striping to be removed, if applicable. Also indicate

and label all traffic control devices to be used, including spacing between devices,

transition length as well as show the locations of driveways and cross streets.

Prior to beginning any work on the Project, the CONTRACTOR shall provide and

install two "Road Construction Ahead" (C18) signs, and two "End Construction"

(C13) signs, one set in each direction of each street where work is to be performed,

at the locations as directed by the ENGINEER. Signs shall be mounted on wooden

posts, and panels shall be placed minimum of seven (7) feet above ground level.

Portable signs will not be permitted except on residential streets.

When required by the ENGINEER, the CONTRACTOR shall place temporary no parking

signs at the locations to be approved by the ENGINEER. Signs shall show dates and times

of the "No Parking" restriction. All signs must be removed after the last date of restriction.

Signs shall be posted at least 72 hours in advance of actual construction operations.

The CONTRACTOR is advised that overnight access to all residences, businesses, and

facilities must be maintained at all times, as identified within unclassified fill of these

Special Provisions.

The CONTRACTOR shall schedule all phases of work to meet the above requirements. A

complete detailed schedule of the work, including any necessary sketches and drawings

indicating the time of each of the various phases of work required to comply with the

maintenance of traffic, shall be submitted to the ENGINEER for approval at least one week

prior to the beginning of any work.

The CONTRACTOR will be required to provide flag persons with red vests, hard hats, and

signs approved by the ENGINEER in accordance with the WATCH Manual and at any

time the ENGINEER determines that flag persons are necessary for traffic control. When

flag persons are required, they shall have no duties other than flagging traffic.

Traffic control devices shall be installed and maintained at all times by a specialty

Subcontractor or a qualified person(s) who shall have no duties other than traffic control

and maintenance of traffic, including devices.

In the event CITY forces are called out to correct problems with any portion of the traffic

control system such as cones, barricades, signs, steel plates, etc., which are the

responsibility of the CONTRACTOR, the CITY will deduct the actual expense, including

applicable overhead charges, from amounts due the CONTRACTOR.

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The amount bid by the CONTRACTOR shall include payment for Traffic Control Plans,

furnishing, installing, moving, replacing, maintaining, and cleaning of barricades,

temporary K-rail barricades, signs, lights, flashers, traffic control devices, and any other

safety measures used for traffic control and maintenance of traffic during the Project

construction period, furnishing and installing and removal and replacement of traffic

striping and flag persons and temporary striping (if needed) shall be included in the

Contract Lump Sum bid item for TRAFFIC CONTROL, as shown in the Proposal, and no

additional compensation will be allowed therefore.

Subsection 7-10.2, “Storage of Equipment and Materials in Public Streets,” is added to the

Standard Specifications as follows:

The CONTRACTOR will not be allowed to store equipment or materials in any public

street, parkway, park or CITY facility unless specifically approved by the ENGINEER in


Subsection 7-10.3, “Street Closures, Detours and Barricades,” is added to the Standard

Specifications as follows:

The CONTRACTOR will not be allowed to close any street to through traffic unless

specifically approved by the ENGINEER in writing.

Subsection 7-10.4.6, “Public Notification of Construction,” is added to the Standard

Specifications as follows:

The construction schedule required under Section 6-1 of these Special Provisions shall

allow ample “on-street” parking for affected people, within a reasonable distance from their

homes and businesses. Requests for changes to the schedule shall be submitted by the

CONTRACTOR to the ENGINEER at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled operation to

be changed.

The CONTRACTOR shall provide construction advisory letters, subject to the approval of

the ENGINEER, to all affected residences and businesses adjacent to the work site as called

in these Specifications, prior to construction on the street. The letter shall indicate the

duration of the proposed construction and also state if alternate parking arrangements will

be necessary.

“Temporary No Parking Signs” shall be posted at least 72 hours, but no more than 96 hours,

in advance of the work. These signs shall read “Temporary No Parking Tow-Away

CVC22654 (d)”. The signs shall be placed no more than 100 feet apart on each side of the

street and at shorter intervals if conditions warrant. The CONTRACTOR shall provide the

signs and will be responsible for adding the dates and hours of closure to the signs. All

signs shall be removed within 24 hours after the effective date. If the date of closure is

changed, the CONTRACTOR will be responsible for reposting the signs in accordance

with the above requirements.

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Subsection 7-10.6, “Protection of the Public,” is hereby added to Section 7 of the Standard

Specifications as follows:

It is part of the service required of the CONTRACTOR to make whatever provisions are

necessary to protect the public. The CONTRACTOR shall use foresight and shall take

such steps and precautions as his operations warrant to protect the public from danger, loss

of life or loss of property, which would result from interruption or contamination of public

water supply, interruption of other public service, or from the failure of partly completed

work or partially removed facilities. Unusual conditions may arise on the work which will

require that immediate and unusual provisions be made to protect the public from danger

or loss, or damage to life and property, due directly or indirectly to prosecution of work

under this Contract.

Whenever, in the opinion of the ENGINEER, an emergency exists in which the

CONTRACTOR has not taken sufficient precaution for the public safety, protection of

utilities and protection of adjacent structures or property which may be damaged by the

CONTRACTOR’s operations and when, in the opinion of the ENGINEER, immediate

action shall be considered necessary in order to protect the public or property due to the

CONTRACTOR’s operations under this Contract, the ENGINEER will order the

CONTRACTOR to provide a remedy for the unsafe condition. If the CONTRACTOR

fails to act on the situation within a reasonable time period, the ENGINEER may provide

suitable protection to said interest by causing such work to be done and material to be

furnished as may seem reasonable and necessary in the opinion of the ENGINEER.

The cost and expense of said labor and material, together with the cost and expense of such

repairs as are deemed necessary, shall be borne by the CONTRACTOR. All expenses

incurred by the AGENCY for emergency repairs will be deducted from the progress

payments and the final payment due to the CONTRACTOR. However, if the AGENCY

does not take such remedial measures, the CONTRACTOR is not relieved of the full

responsibility for public safety.




In accordance with Section 7104 of the Public Contract Code, a Contract, which involves

digging trenches or other excavations that extend deeper than four feet below the surface,

shall conform to the following:

The CONTRACTOR shall promptly, and before the following conditions are disturbed,

notify the CITY in writing of any:

A. Material that the CONTRACTOR believes may be material that is hazardous waste,

as defined in Section 25117 of the Health and Safety Code, which is required to be

removed to a Class I, Class II, or Class III disposal site in accordance with

provisions of existing law.

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B. Subsurface or latent physical conditions at the site differing from those indicated.

C. Unknown physical conditions at the site of any unusual nature, different materially

from those ordinarily encountered and generally recognized as inherent in work of

the character provided for in the Contract.

The CITY shall promptly investigate the conditions, and if it finds that the conditions do

materially so differ, or do involve hazardous waste, and cause a decrease or increase in the

CONTRACTOR’s cost of, or the time required for, performance of any part of the work,

shall issue a change order under the procedures described in this Contract.

In the event that a dispute arises between the CITY and the CONTRACTOR whether the

conditions materially differ, or involve hazardous waste, or cause a decrease or increase in

the CONTRACTOR’s cost of, or time required for, performance of any part of the work,

the CONTRACTOR shall not be excused from any scheduled completion date provided

for by the Contract, but shall proceed with all work to be performed under the Contract.

The CONTRACTOR shall retain any and all rights provided either by Contract or by law,

which pertain to the resolution of disputes and protest between the Contracting parties.


Subsection 7-16.1, is hereby added to the Standard Specifications, as follows:

7-16.1 Recycling of Asphalt Concrete, Portland Cement Concrete, Aggregate Base, and

Construction Debris are Required. RECORDS OF DISPOSAL, INCLUDING SCALE


7-16-2 CONTRACTOR’s Obligation. The AGENCY is committed to a recycling

program. It is the obligation of the CONTRACTOR, under this Contract, to recycle the

waste material through an approved recycling plant as specified in section 7-8.8 of these


The following is in addition to Section 8 of the Standard Specifications: No field offices for the AGENCY personnel shall be required; however, the AGENCY personnel shall have the right to enter upon the Project at all times and shall be admitted to the offices of the CONTRACTOR if so provided by the CONTRACTOR for his own personnel.


The following is in addition to Section 9 of the Standard Specifications:

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Payments are reviewed and if approved, they are made within thirty days following the

tenth day of the month submitted. However, payments will be withheld pending receipt of

any outstanding reports required by the Contract documents. In addition, the final progress

payment will not be released until the CONTRACTOR returns the control set of Plans and

Special Provisions showing the “as-constructed” conditions.

Five percent retention will be deducted from each progress payment.

The CITY ENGINEER shall review any request to reduce retention and has the authority

to approve or reject such request depending on the quality and progress of the work. All

such decisions are final.

Prior to making final payment, the CONTRACTOR, if requested by the ENGINEER, shall

furnish AGENCY signed releases from any person or firm who files a Preliminary Notice

or Stop Notice with the CITY, and release of all claims or any other method or device,

which is appropriate under the circumstances and approved by the AGENCY.

Materials and equipment delivered but not incorporated into the work will not be included

in the estimate for progress partial payment.

Payment for incidental work not covered by a specific Bid item shall be included in the

respective Contract Bid item in which work is being performed, and no separate payment

will be allowed therefore.

The following is in addition to Section 9 of the Standard Specifications:

The prices bid shall include any amount of applicable California sales or use tax, County

or City taxes.

No work shall be started without prior approval of the submittals. Failure to comply with

the preceding requirement will be sufficient ground for the ENGINEER to stop all work

on the Project until the requirements are met.

The following is in addition to Section 9 of the Standard Specifications:

CONTRACTOR shall coordinate with waste disposal collection, the postal service to

ensure delivery of mail, or special activities, to ensure that his activities impact such

adjacent uses to the least practicable amount.

The printed notices shall contain a general description of the work to be done and the date

that the work is to be done. The notices shall also include a statement that parking will be

restricted as called for on the “NO PARKING” signs to be posted along the street. All

public notices shall be reviewed and approved by the ENGINEER prior to distribution.

The following payment, measurement and work item description requirements are in

addition to Section 9 of the Standard Specifications:

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All costs to the CONTRACTOR for protecting, removing, restoring, relocating, repairing,

replacing, securing, or reestablishing existing improvements and site shall be included in

the various Contract Bid items of work involved, unless there is a separate Bid item for

such replacement. Items designated on the Plans to be salvaged shall be removed and

returned to the City Municipal Services Yard at 12636 Emmens Way.

Emergency Action. The cost and expense of said labor and material, together with the cost

and expense of such repairs as are deemed necessary, shall be borne by the

CONTRACTOR. All expenses incurred by the AGENCY for emergency repairs will be

deducted from the progress payments and the final payment due to the CONTRACTOR.

However, if the AGENCY does not take such remedial measures, the CONTRACTOR is

not relieved of the full responsibility for public safety.


The prices bid shall include any amount of applicable California sales or use tax, County

or City taxes.

Mobilization shall comply with the requirements of the Standard Specifications and as

modified herein.

Mobilization may include, but not be limited to, the following principal items:

1. Submittal and modification, as required, of the Construction Schedule covering the


2. Review of the work sites.

3. Obtaining all required Permits.

4. Submittal of all required insurance certificates and bonds as required by these

Special Provisions.

5. Written notification to adjacent property owners/ residents prior to start of work.

6. Moving onto the work sites, including, but not limited to:

a. Equipment.

b. Arranging for and erection of CONTRACTOR’s work and storage areas.

7. Installing construction fencing and temporary construction power and wiring.

8. Providing a minimum of one restroom facility for each twenty-five (25) workers

occupying the site. Facilities may include existing functioning restrooms, or

portable chemical facilities, or any combination thereof, and shall count as one for

each urinal or one for each water closet (as required).

9. Installing all temporary utilities (as required).

10. Establishing required fire protection provisions.

11. Posting all OSHA required notices and establishment of safety programs.

12. Posting of all Department of Labor notices.

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13. Having the CONTRACTOR’s superintendent at the job sites full-time and

responding 24 hours per day.

14. Air and water quality protective measures, as necessary, and without limitation.

15. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to implement Best Management Practices

for the duration of the project to prevent any construction site pollutants from

entering the storm drain system.

16. Clean up and demobilization of the work sites.

17. Any other item as specified.

The cost of bonds, insurance, move in and move out costs, preparation and submission of

submittals, obtaining encroachment permits, and miscellaneous incidental costs, shall be

included in the Contract Bid Item provided for “MOBILIZATION” (including

demobilization and incidental project costs) as a lump sum (L.S.) item, for which 75

percent (75%) will be eligible for inclusion in the first progress payment, with the

remaining 25 percent (25%) not eligible for inclusion until 100 percent (100%) of the work

has been completed and if progress of the work is satisfactory.

No work shall be started without prior approval of the submittals. Failure to comply with

the preceding requirement will be sufficient ground for the ENGINEER to stop all work

on the Project until the requirements are met.

The following is in addition to Section 9 of the Standard Specifications:

NOTIFICATION - CONTRACTOR shall notify in person and with printed notification

(in English and Spanish language), at least ten (10) working days prior to commencing

work, all agencies, firms, institutions, postal service, residents, hospitals, schools, stores,

utilities and waste disposal service fronting or affected by the work. Additional printed

notification (in English and Spanish) shall be given not less than forty-eight (48) hours

prior to preforming any work which will restrict property access, close or partially close

any street, or which will restrict or disallow street parking. All schools and churches shall

receive seven (7) working days notification prior to performing any work which will

restrict property access.

CONTRACTOR is to notify all property owners and owner’s representatives along

Marquardt Ave of his scheduled work activities a minimum of two weeks prior to initiating

the project, two weeks prior to initiating Pavement Rehabilitation work, and again 48 hours

prior to Pavement Rehabilitation work for assurance of the CONTRACTOR’s maintenance

of schedule.

Additional printed notification (in English and Spanish language) shall be given not less

than forty-eight (48) hours prior to performing any work which will restrict property

access, close or partially close any street, or which will restrict or disallow street parking.

The printed notices shall contain a general description of the work to be done and the date

that the work is to be done. The notices shall also include a statement that parking will be

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restricted as called for on the “NO PARKING” signs to be posted along the street. All

public notices shall be reviewed and approved by the ENGINEER prior to distribution.

CONTRACTOR shall also post printed “NO PARKING-TOW AWAY” signs at one-

hundred-foot (100') maximum spacing along each side of the affected street for seventy-

two (72) hours prior to the commencement of the street improvement work.

CONTRACTOR shall document the day, date and time the “NO PARKING” signs were

posted. Posting of signs on trees and utility poles shall not be allowed.

The signs shall contain the day, date, hours and vehicle code that parking will be prohibited

on that particular street, CVC 22651L and CVC 22654D. The signs shall be removed

immediately upon completion of work that will prohibit parking.

The printed notices and the “NO PARKING” signs shall be furnished by the


The following is in addition to Section 9 of the Standard Specifications:

FINAL CLEAN-UP: Upon completion and before making application for acceptance of

the work, the CONTRACTOR shall clean rights-of-way, streets, borrow pits and all other

grounds occupied by him in connection with the work of all rubbish, excess materials,

temporary structures and equipment, and all parts of the work and grounds occupied by

him shall be left in a neat and presentable condition.


Prepare and submit Traffic Control Plans for approval and implement the traffic control in

accordance with the approved plans and these Special Provisions, including all work

involved in placing, removing, storing, maintaining, moving to new locations, replacing

and disposing of the components of the traffic control such as lights, surface mounted

channelizes, temporary railing (Type K) markers, delineators, temporary striping and

pavement marking, barricades, portable flashing beacons, flashing arrow signs, portable

changeable message signs, removing and salvaging the traffic control equipment and

materials, coordinating the work and traffic control with residents, and all incidentals.

Full compensation for “TRAFFIC CONTROL” shall be made at the lump sum (L.S.)

Contract price bid and shall constitute full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials,

tool and equipment for complying with the requirements of these Specifications and no

additional compensation will be allowed therefor.


The work includes backfill material per SFS standard plans, construction of hot mix asphalt

to a depth of 6" or match existing conditions, whichever is greater, below the top of existing

asphalt upon sub base or subgrade compacted to a 95% relative compaction, finishing,

sweeping and any other process to ensure a finish pave in accordance with Contract


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RESTORATION” shall be made at the Contract unit price bid per ton (TON) and shall

include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, subgrade

and base preparation, documentation, and incidentals for doing the work, and no additional

compensation will be allowed therefor.


The work includes removal and replacement of concrete curbs, gutters, sidewalk that

require removal/replacement due to necessary construction. Concrete work damaged by

the Contractor is not included and shall be removed and replaced at the Contractor’s


Payment for “Concrete Removal and Restoration” shall be made at the Contract unit price

bid per SF and shall include costs for all materials, equipment, labor and tools, and shall

include but not be limited to, furnishing, supplying and placing Portland cement concrete

curb and gutter, sidewalk, CMB (minimum 6" or depth to match existing conditions,

whichever is greater) compacted to 95% relative compaction, and protecting in place or

removing and replacing all existing utilities and public and private improvements, all in

accordance with the Contract Documents, as directed by the ENGINEER, and no additional

compensation will be allowed therefor.


The unit price paid per linear foot shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor,

materials, tools, equipment and incidentals for installation of entire length of the 16"

Ductile Iron Pipe (DIP), all required joint materials, bends flanges, tees, and any other

component required by the Contract Documents and removal of existing 16" Water Steel


The contract unit price per linear foot for water pipe and fittings shall be considered full

compensation for the following:

• Public notification signs, utility location and verification (excavating, exposing, and

verifying top, bottom, and side of utility facilities, backfilling, etc.),

• Sawcut and AC Pavement Removal: Saw cutting the existing pavement to a depth

satisfactory to remove the asphalt in the trench above the proposed water main and

asphalt within the “tee-cut” additional width for final paving, loading, hauling,

transporting of removed asphalt material.

• Unclassified Excavation: Trenching, excavation and disposal of subgrade material, to

a total depth to satisfy the trench detail requirements shown on the design

drawings/contract documents. Any necessary utility marking or potholing of existing

underground utilities to determine horizontal and vertical locations of all existing

underground facilities which may affect, or be affected by, the Contractor�s operations.

Proper shoring and bracing for deep trenches shall be included along with a proper

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shoring plan stamped by a registered engineer shall be submitted to the City of Santa

Fe Springs for approval prior to excavation.

• Relocation of existing utilities as required for construction, steel plating, sand bedding

(including imported selected material),

• Furnishing and installing all pipe materials (including fittings), delivery, unloading and

stringing, vertical and horizontal bends, appurtenances including polyethylene

encasement, thrust blocks, joint restraints, connection to existing 16" steel transmission

main including welding, pipe supports, backfilling (including imported select material

or select native material), hauling excess excavated material off-site and disposing of

same, compacting, testing, disinfecting, protecting in place or removing and replacing

all existing utilities, and public and private improvements not specifically included in

other bid items (including berms, curbs, gutters, cross-gutters, spandrels, medians,

landscaping, landscaping materials, irrigation systems, fencing, walls, mail boxes,

power poles, poles, signs, guard rails, traffic signal loops, detectors, conduits, and


• Removing and disposing of existing waterlines where specified, removing water meter,

removing water valve, removing and disposing of all temporary asphalt pavement,

abandonment of existing facilities, and restoring all areas and improvements to pre-

existing improvements, trench dewatering, monitoring for contaminated soils and

groundwater, and rock excavation all in accordance with the Contract Documents.



The unit price paid per assembly shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor,

materials, tools, equipment and incidentals for satisfactory installation of the fire hydrant

assembly; complete in place and operable; in accordance with the Standard Drawing W-

5.1 and W-5.2 and Contract Documents. The old hydrant and fire hydrant assembly shall

be removed in their entirety and disposed.

Payment for furnishing and installing Fire Hydrant Assembly shall be made at the

Contract unit price bid per Each, including all transportation, materials, labor, tools,

and equipment, said amounts shall include, but not be limited to, furnishing and

installing appurtenances; vertical and horizontal bends, fittings, joint materials,

blocking, DIP, bolts, gaskets, gate valves, or butterfly valves for the hydrants, valve

boxes and covers, tees, concrete, shock slabs, field coat of paint; valve extensions;

cutting, playing, thrusts, caps, plugs, removal of interfering pipe sections, thrust

blocks and all details and incidentals involved in making connections, including

special pipeline draining and flushing procedures, and protection of existing system

from contamination; surface restoration associated with this item shall be

performed as indicated in the standard plans; the cost of all pipeline appurtenance

connections to existing and new water main, including any modifications as

required by the ENGINEER, all in accordance with the Contract Documents, as

directed by the ENGINEER, and no additional compensation shall be allowed


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The unit price paid per assembly shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor,

materials, tools, equipment and incidentals for satisfactory installation of the 16" gate valve

and box assembly; complete in place and operable; in accordance with the Standard

Drawing W-7 and Contract Documents.

Payment for furnishing and installing 16" Resilient Seat Gate Valve and Box

Assembly shall be made at the Contract unit price bid per Each, including all

transportation, materials, labor, tools, and equipment, said amounts shall include,

but not be limited to, furnishing and installing appurtenances; vertical and

horizontal bends, fittings, joint materials, blocking, DIP, bolts, gaskets, gate valves,

or butterfly valves for the hydrants, valve boxes and covers, tees, concrete, shock

slabs, field coat of paint; valve extensions; cutting, playing, thrusts, caps, plugs,

removal of interfering pipe sections, thrust blocks and all details and incidentals

involved in making connections, including special pipeline draining and flushing

procedures, and protection of existing system from contamination; surface

restoration associated with this item shall be performed as indicated in the standard

plans; the cost of all pipeline appurtenance connections to existing and new water

main, including any modifications as required by the ENGINEER, all in accordance

with the Contract Documents, as directed by the ENGINEER, and no additional

compensation shall be allowed therefor.

No additional compensation will be made for appurtenances not specified in

the bid sheets or included within the respective bid item for the Project.

Quantities of work set forth in the bidding sheets shall represent all of the work to be

performed in accordance with the Contract unless errors are found in the basic surveying

as represented by the Construction Drawings, in the Construction Drawings themselves,

or in the quantities set forth in the bidding sheets. All changes in work shall be covered

by change order and amounts for said changes in work, either additions or deletions, shall

be based on the amounts bid for the quantities of work specified.

CONTRACTOR shall verify, to his own satisfaction, the quantities of work shown on the

bidding sheets. If he finds the quantities to be in error, he shall immediately notify the

ENGINEER so that if changes in quantities are found necessary, an addendum may be

issued to all bidders.

Reference is made to Section 7-9 “Protection and Restoration of Existing Improvements,”

of the Standard Specifications.

9-3.6 Rock Payment. Where rock is encountered, it shall be removed below grade, and

trench backfilled with suitable material to provide a compacted earth cushion per City

Standard R-11. All rock removal shall be the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR and

any expenses associated with rock removal shall be deemed as included as part of the bid


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200-2.1 General. Untreated base shall be crushed aggregate base, or, at the option of the

CONTRACTOR, crushed miscellaneous base. Should the CONTRACTOR substitute

crushed miscellaneous base, the thickness of base shall be increased by 1" at no additional

expense to the AGENCY for the increased thickness, including roadway excavation.

200-2.2 Crushed Aggregate Base.

200-2.2.3 Quality Requirements. The minimum R-value requirement will not be waived.

200-2.2.4 Payment. Payment for aggregate base shall be included in the lump sum bid

price of items in which aggregate base is required, and no additional compensation will be

allowed therefor.

200-2.4 Crushed Miscellaneous Base.

200-2.4.3 Quality Requirements. The minimum R-value requirement will not be waived.

200-2.5 Processed Miscellaneous Base. No processed miscellaneous base shall be allowed.



This section is hereby modified as follows:

201-1.1.1 General. The same brand, type, and source of cement and aggregate shall be

used for all Portland Cement Concrete, unless approved otherwise by the ENGINEER.

A. Poured in place shall conform to the provisions and standard specifications.

B. All cement to be used or furnished shall be Type II/V Portland Cement.

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C. The same brand, type and source of cement and aggregate shall be used for all

Portland Cement Concrete, unless approved otherwise by the ENGINEER.

201-1.1.2 Concrete Specified by Class and Alternate Class. Class 520-C-2500 with four-

inch maximum slump for wheelchair ramps, curb only, curb and gutter, ribbon gutter,

mowstrips, sidewalks, and driveways. Class 560-C-3250 with a 5-inch maximum slump

for all foundations, catch basins and sidewalk culverts and thrust blocks. Modifications to

Class to achieve a high early strength shall be submitted to the ENGINEER for approval

as part of the mix design.

201-1.2.6 Reclaimed Concrete Material. No (RPPCC) shall be used in this project.


201-2.1.1 All reinforcing steel shall conform to Sections 201-2 and 303-1.7 of the Standard

Specifications except as otherwise described on the drawings and in these specifications.

The CONTRACTOR shall submit certified mill test for all reinforcing steel.

Reinforcing steel bars shall be of the Intermediate Grade conforming to ASTM A615,

Grade 40 for sizes #3 and #4, Grade 60 for sizes #5 and larger, and shall be rolled from

new billets. All bars shall be identified by mil heat numbers. Tie wire shall be 16 gauge-

annealed wire.

Fabrication: Fabricate bars of indicated size. Accurately form to shapes and lengths

indicated by methods not injurious to the materials. Do not heat reinforcement for bending:

Bars with kinks or bends not scheduled will be rejected.

Placing: Coordinate all work with other trades.

All bars shall be as shown on the drawings, accurately placed and wired in position by 16

gauge-annealed wire. Tie stirrups to bars at both top and bottom. Bend wire ties away

from forms.

Maintain proper distance and clearance between parallel bars and forms. Provide metal

spreaders and spacers to hold steel in position as necessary.

Support steel at proper height upon approved chairs, transverse steel bars with hangers, or

in other manner as necessary to accurately place and secure bars. Maintain clear spacing

between parallel bars of not less than 1½". Lap and splice bars in the manner and at the

locations shown on the drawings.

Bars on footing or slabs on grade shall be supported on concrete blocks. Reinforcing steel

in beams and suspended slabs shall be supported on steel chairs.

Provide additional reinforcing bars at sleeves and openings.

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Before placing reinforcing and again before concrete is placed, clean reinforcement of

loose mill scale, oil or other coating that might destroy or reduce bond.

Splices shall be made with a lap of 40 bar diameters unless noted otherwise.

Furnish all materials, labor and equipment, and perform all work necessary to provide and

place all reinforcing steel as indicated on the drawings and described herein.

No separate payment will be made for providing and placing the reinforcing steel. The

cost therefore shall be considered as included in the contract price for items in which

reinforcing steel is required.


This section is hereby added to as follows:

201-4.1 General. Concrete curing compound on sidewalks, mow-strip, curb, gutter and

driveways shall be Type 1. For colored concrete, concrete curing compound shall be

Colorcure concrete sealer by L.M. Scofield Company.

201-4.1.1 Color Curing Compound. Color curing compound for concrete shall be clear.



203-3.1 General. Tack coat material shall be Grade SS-1h.


203-6.1 General. Unless otherwise required by permit, asphalt concrete material shall be

Type III-B2 PG-64-10 for base course and Type III C3 PG-64-10 for finish course. For

Type I asphalt concrete berms, type D2-PG-70-10 shall be used. For Asphalt concrete

overlay less than 1-inch thick, type D2-PG-64-10 shall be used.



207-9.1 General. This subsection applies to ductile iron pipe for use in domestic or

reclaimed water supply pipelines and distribution systems.

207-9.2 Cast Iron and Ductile Iron Pipe for Water and Other Liquids.

207-9.2.1 General. When reference to ANSI/AWWA Standards is made, the latest

revisions apply.

2019-10 Marquardt Avenue 16" Water Main Relocation


Ductile iron pipe shall be designed in accordance with the contingent Standard

ANSI/AWWA C150/A21.50 and shall be manufactured, inspected and tested in accordance

with the contingent Standard ANSI/AWWA C151/A21.51 and these Special Provisions.

Unless otherwise noted on the plans, the minimum thickness for ductile iron pipe shall be

Class 52. The CONTRACTOR may substitute a higher than specified thickness or an

equivalent pressure class of ductile iron pipe.

All Ductile iron pipe used for below ground installations shall be push on joint type and

shall be encased in polyethylene sleeve and double cement lined as specified herein, unless

otherwise indicated on the plans or in these Specifications.

207-9.2.2 Pipe Joints.

Subsection 207-9.2.2 is supplemented as follows:

Ductile iron or cast-iron pipe shall have bell and spigot joints with Tyton pipe gaskets,

as manufactured by U.S. Pipe, or approved equivalent. All other ductile iron or cast-

iron pipe shall have flanged joints, unless flexible couplings or other type of joints are

specifically indicated on the Plans or specified. Mechanical pipe joints and mechanical

coupling assemblies are not allowed unless specifically approved by the ENGINEER.

All pipe joints for joining pipes of dissimilar metals shall be electrically insulated.

207- Restrained Joints

Where indicated on the plans, joints shall be restrained with “TR-Flex” restrained joint

pipe as manufactured by U.S. Pipe or approved equivalent. The restrained joint shall be a

boltless restrained push-on joint design and shall contain a positive axial locking restrained

system and be capable of deflection after assembly. Restraint of field cut pipe by using

U.S. Pipe’s “TR Flex Gripper Ring” or Approved Equivalent will be permitted as long as

the “TR Flex” pipe field weldments are not required. Any restrained joint fitting which

will require a pipe field weldment will not be permitted. Restraint of field cut pipe shall

be kept to a minimum.

207-9.2.4 Lining and Coating.

Ductile iron pipe and fittings shall be double cement lined, (two thicknesses), with a

bituminous seal coat in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C104/A21.4.

207-9.2.5 Inspection and Certification.

Subsection 207-9.2.5 is hereby supplemented as follows:

The manufacturer shall submit a sworn statement that the pipe furnished has been sampled,

tested and inspected in accordance with these specifications and that the results thereof

comply with the requirements of this specification prior to shipment of pipe.

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207-9.2.6 Polyethylene Encasement for External Corrosion Protection

Subsection 207-9.2.6 is amended as follows:

Polyethylene encasement for the protection of ductile and cast iron pipes, fittings, valves

and appurtenances shall be furnished and installed in accordance with the requirements of

ANSI A21.5 (AWWA C105), Installation Method A, using polyethylene tube for straight

pipe and flat sheets for fittings and at valves and other appurtenances. Two layers of

polyethylene tube or sheets shall be installed in accordance with Installation Method A.

The polyethylene encasement shall be taped and secured with general purpose chloride

tape two (2) inches wide. The tape shall be Scotchrap 50, Pluoflex No. 340, Protecto Wrap

No. 200, Polyhen 900, or approved equal.

207-9.2.7 Bolts. Bolts shall conform to the requirements of the “Specifications for Steel

Machine Bolts and Nuts and Tape Bolts,” Grade B (ASTM Designation A-307). Bolts

shall have a minimum tensile strength of 55,000 psi. All bolts and nuts shall be hot-dip

galvanized per ASTM A-153, Class C, not cadmium plated, or stainless steel, except the

bolts in conjunction with ductile iron follower joints shall be low alloy nickel. Minimum

bolt lengths shall be the sum of the mating flange thicknesses, the gasket, and the depth of

the nut plus 1/8" before torquing. Break-off bolts shall have a hole drilled in the shank with

the dimensions of 11/32-inch (for 5/8-inch bolts) and 13/32-inch (for 3/4-inch bolts) and 2

3/8-inch deep and shall be supplied filled with silicone.


207-25.1 General. Unless otherwise specified, all pipe appurtenances shall comply with

the specifications herein and the appropriate Standard Drawings.

207-25.2 Main Line Valves

207-25.2.1 General. All valves shall be iron-body, non-rising stem, resilient wedge type

as shown on the plans. All valves shall open by turning the wrench nut counterclockwise.

All valves shall be equipped with O-ring stem seals and shall have mechanical joints,

flanged ends, or a combination of both.

207-25.2.2 Gate Valves

207- Resilient-Seated Gate Valves. Resilient-seated gate valves shall conform to

the latest revision of AWWA C-509 and the following:

A. Resilient-seated gate valves shall be iron bodied with all bronze internal mountings

and working parts. Valve stems shall contain no more than five percent zinc and

two percent aluminum.

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B. Resilient-seated gate valves shall have non-rising stems, two O-rings sealed above

the thrust collar, with a two-inch square operating nut, opening counterclockwise,

and shall be designed for 200 psi working water pressure.

C. Resilient-seated gate valves shall have sizes and type of ends as shown on the Plans

or Standard Drawings.

D. Resilient-seated gate valve suppliers shall furnish the CITY with an Affidavit of

Compliance to AWWA C-509.

E. Resilient-seated gate valves shall have their internal surface epoxy coated, except

stainless steel, and rubber surface with epoxy applied by the manufacturer of the


Resilient seat gate valves shall be manufactured by one of the following or an

approved equal as determined by the ENGINEER:

1. Metroseal

2. Clow Corporation

3. American Darling

4. U.S. Pipe

5. Dresser

6. Waterous Series 500

7. Mueller

8. M & H

9. AVK

207-25.2.5 Check Valves (This Section Not Used)

207-25.2.6 Detector Check Valves. Detector check valves shall be per APWA standard

511-2. The double check detector assemblies used shall be Febco, or approved equal.

207-25.3 Main Line Pipe Fittings

207-25.3.1 General. Cast and ductile iron fittings shall have a minimum pressure rating of

350 psi for “push-on” pipe, and 250 psi for flanged fittings as required for the installation,

and shall be manufactured per ANSI/AWWA C110/A21.10 (short body), or, as an option,

AWWA C-153 (long body).

A. Joint Type – “Push-on” joint type per ANSI/AWWA C111/A21.11 unless

otherwise specified. Mechanical joint fittings may be permitted by the ENGINEER

in certain applications dependent upon isolated conditions and in accordance with

ANSI/AWWA C110/A21.10. In order to expedite or facilitate the work, the

CONTRACTOR may use as an option, mechanical joint restraints for ductile pipe,

Megalug or approved equal.

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B. All fittings shall be protected with polyethylene encasement/tubing.

C. Certification of Conformance and copies of all test reports shall be made available

to the ENGINEER.

207-25.3.2 Flexible Couplings. When shown on the plans or permitted by the ENGINEER,

flexible couplings shall conform to the following:

A. Each coupling shall consist of one steel middle ring, two steel followers, gaskets,

and sufficient numbers of stainless steel bolts to compress the gasket without

distorting the followers. The center ring length shall be a minimum of 10" long.

B. The thickness of the middle ring shall be such that the stress in the steel shall not

exceed 50 percent of the yield point when subjected to the hydrostatic test pressure

of the pipeline. The middle ring thickness shall not be less than the thickness of

the pipe jointed.

C. Middle rings shall be cold expanded a minimum of one percent increase in diameter

to test the weld and the size of the proper dimension.

D. The middle rings shall be coated with Keysite 740 or approved coating to a

minimum dry film thickness of 10 mils. Follower rings shall be coated with a

compatible shop coat for field coating.

E. Bolts shall be 5/8-inch diameter carriage bolts with hexagon nuts. The steel shall

have a minimum yield strength of 40,000 psi. Bolts and nuts shall be stainless steel.

F. Buried couplings shall be coated with fusion bonded epoxy and provided with Type

316 stainless steel bolts and nuts.

G. Flexible couplings shall be:

1. Baker Series 236 or 240

2. Dresser

3. Rockwell 441 or R441

4. Ford

5. Romac Industries, Inc., 501 or RC 501

6. Quantum Wide Range Coupling

207-25.3.3 Flanges. Unless otherwise specified, flanges for steel fittings shall conform to

the following:

A. Flange size 4 inches through 24 inches shall comply with AWWA C-207, 150 psi

primary service rating.

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B. Flange sizes 30 inches through 96 inches shall comply with AWWA C-207, Class

D, 150 psi.

C. Flange sizes 4 inches through 96 inches shall be furnished in the steel slip-on

welding pattern.

D. Flanges shall be faced smooth or may have a serrated finish of approximately 32

serrations per inch, approximately 1/64 inch deep. Serrations may be spiral or


E. Plate or blind flanges shall have all flange faces machined flat and shall be center

drilled and tapped one inch I.P.T., four inch through 10 inch; two inch I.P.T. 12

inch and larger; and furnished with a standard square head pipe plug.

F. Final machining on the contact faces of all flanges shall be done prior to being

welded to the full length adjacent steel plate section. Flange faces shall be checked

with a straight edge and shall be perpendicular to the pipeline. All warped flanges

will be returned to the pipe company for adjustment. CONTRACTOR to be

responsible for all additional expenses and delays.

207-25.3.4 Gaskets. Where gaskets are to be furnished, they shall be 1/8 inch minimum

thickness, cloth inserted rubber, or granite full-face gaskets meeting Federal Specification

HH-P-151. Flanges for ductile-iron, all sizes, shall be rated at 250 psi.

207-25.3.5 Insulation Gaskets. Unless otherwise specified or approved by the

ENGINEER, insulation gaskets shall conform to the following.

A. The insulation gasket shall fit between the flanges

B. Insulation gaskets shall be full pattern, fabric-reinforced phenolic, neoprene face,

1/8 inch thick.

C. The gasket shall have the following minimum physical characteristics:

1. Compression strength 24,000 psi

2. dielectric strength 500 V/Mil

3. operating temperature up to 175-F

4. water absorption 1.6 percent

D. A Mylar sleeve and double phenolic washers shall be used for each bolt or cap

screw, EN-DW kit or approved equal. The one-piece sleeve and washers shall have

the following physical characteristics:

1. sleeve thickness 1/32 inch

2. washer thickness 5/32 inch

3. dielectric strength 1200 V/Mil

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4. operating temperature Up to 175-F

5. water absorption 0.22 percent maximum

E. Flange insulation kits shall be:

1. PSI Products, Inc., Burbank, California

2. Central Plastics Company, Shawnie, Oklahoma

3. CALPICO, Inc., San Francisco, California

207-25.3.6 Flanged Coupling Adapters.

A. Each adapter shall consist of an adapter flange body, follower flange, wedge gasket,

and sufficient bolts to compress the gasket without distorting the follower.

B. Adapter flange and follower shall be constructed of steel or ductile iron. Ductile

iron adapters shall meet or exceed ASTM A536, grade 65-45-12. The flange bolt

dimensions shall meet AWWA C207 for a Class “D” flange.

C. Gasket shall be composed of a rubber base meeting, or exceeding, ASTM D2000 3

BA 715 and suitable for use in potable water supply systems.

D. Nuts and bolts shall conform with requirements of AWWA C111, and the above

flexible coupling requirements listed in 207-25.3.2. E. Adapter flange and follower shall be painted with a factory applied shop coat.

1. Approved Manufacturers and Models:

a. Smith-Blair 912, 913, and 914

b. Ford Style FFCA

c. Romac FCA 501

d. Approved Equivalent

207-25.4 Copper Pipe, Fittings, and Connection to New and/or Existing Water Meters.

When copper pipe is to be furnished, the pipe shall be seamless annealed copper tube and

shall conform to ASTM B-88, Type K. No splicing of tubing will be permitted unless

otherwise approved by the ENGINEER.

All fittings shall be compression bronze and shall be Mueller 110, Ford Grip Joint

Coupling, James Jones or approved equal.

Copper service lines shall be installed at the locations shown on the plans in accordance

with the details of City Standard Drawing Nos. W-14 & 15. On the customer side of the

meter, the CONTRACTOR shall provide and install either a James Jones Model J-1908

ball valve with lever or a 1" Mueller Mark II Oriseal curb and meter valve with lever


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207-25.5 Small Steel Pipe. If shown on the plans or specified elsewhere, galvanized steel

pipe and black steel pipe in sizes six inches in diameter and smaller shall conform to the

requirements of the “Specifications for Black and Hot-Dipped Zinc-Coated (Galvanized)

Welded and Seamless Steel Pipe for Ordinary Uses” (ASTM A120), and shall be standard

weight unless otherwise shown. Galvanized steel pipe shall be wrapped with PVC tape,

one half lap. Fittings shall be galvanized malleable iron, unless otherwise shown.

207-25.6 Thrust Blocks and Anchor Blocks. Concrete thrust and anchor blocks shall be

installed at the location and in accordance with the positions and dimensions shown on

City Standard Drawing Nos. W-8 and W-9. The ENGINEER may require any change in

direction, location or dimension to accommodate field conditions, conflicts, or soil

conditions which may arise.

Galvanized steel rod tie-downs (minimum 3/4") are required in certain anchor block

conditions such as vertical offsets as directed by the ENGINEER.

207-25.7 Coating. All exposed buried ferrous metal appurtenances in contact with soil or

ground water, including pipe, flanges, nuts, bolts and valves, etc., shall be coated with 3M

brand “Scotchclad PC-244” protective coating or approved equal.

207-25.8 Tracer Wire. Copper tracer wire shall be installed with all pipelines just below

the horizontal centerline of the pipe for the purpose of providing a continuous signal path

for electronic pipe locators used to determine pipe alignment after installation. The copper

wire shall be #12 with HMWPE insulation. The wire shall be electrically continuous

throughout the entire piping system, including adjacent service line assemblies. At service

lines, the wire shall be extended up the bury and secured by a cable lug under the top nut

of one set of breakaway bolts. At cul-de-sacs, the wire shall be placed in the same trench

with the last long side service lateral and extended into the meter box. All splices shall be

wrapped with PVC tape and the wire shall be tied to the pipe at 10 foot intervals with

plastic adhesive tape. The ENGINEER will perform the initial electrical continuity test at

no expense to the CONTRACTOR. All subsequent testing required due to failure of the

tracer wire to be electrically continuous shall be at the expense of the CONTRACTOR.

207-25.9 Purple Identification Tape (Reclaimed Water Only). The CONTRACTOR shall

provide a sample of the paint proposed to be used by the CONTRACTOR for approval of

the ENGINEER prior to use. The sample to be provided will be on a 6" diameter steel pipe

of approximately 2'-0" in length. Several samples may be required by the ENGINEER in

order to select the desired shade of “purple”.

All buried PVC reclaimed water pipe shall be marked with a purple identification tape as

shown on the Standard Drawings. The tape shall be approved by the ENGINEER prior to

ordering by the CONTRACTOR.

207-25.10 Valve Boxes. Valve boxes shall be cast iron, slip adjustment type of appropriate

size for valve and shall be Alhambra No. A-3009 or approved equal. Each valve box cover

shall have “SFS Water” cast in the top using sharp-faced letters of one inch (1") minimum

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height. No markings or lettering in addition to this requirement will be allowed on the

valve box cover. Valve box and cover sets shall conform to City of Santa Fe Springs

Standard No. W-7 and any other utility owner’s standards, if applicable.

207-25.11 Fire Hydrants. All fire hydrants shall conform to AWWA Specifications C503-

59 or the latest revision thereof.

Fire hydrants shall be a wet barrel configuration equipped with a 6-inch flange inlet

connection. Hydrants shall have one 4-inch suction outlet and one 2-1/2 inch outlet with

National Standard thread in residential areas, with an additional 2-1/2 inch outlet with

National Standard thread in commercial areas (see plans). All hydrants shall be equipped

with 6 inch diameter and 6-hole buries. They shall have bolts for protection against damage

to the hydrant bury, and shall be installed with bolt head up. The extension piece of the

hydrant shall be of such length that the hydrant barrel bottom flange or top hydrant bury

shall be three inches above the top of the sidewalk grade.

The outlets of all fire hydrants shall be inspected and approved by the Fire Chief of the

City of Santa Fe Springs or the appropriate jurisdictional Fire Chief before hydrant will be

accepted by the CITY.

The fire hydrants shall be Clow Model 960 or approved equal. No plastic caps will be

allowed. Clow Model 950 can be used in residential or at non-industrial locations once

approved by the CITY.

207-25.11.1 Removing Existing Fire Hydrants.

A. All existing fire hydrants shall be removed by CONTRACTOR unless otherwise

noted on the plans. After pipelines have been tested and disinfected by

CONTRACTOR, and accepted by CITY, CONTRACTOR shall remove fire

hydrants and fire hydrant burys a minimum of 12" below finish grade and fill fire

hydrant burys with concrete. Thereafter, CONTRACTOR shall sawcut existing

concrete at construction joints around abandoned fire hydrant burys, remove said

concrete and dispose of same at a legal disposal site, and place concrete over

abandoned fire hydrant burys. If existing fire hydrants are located in an area

without concrete, CONTRACTOR shall remove and replace in kind area around

abandoned fire hydrant burys.

B. CONTRACTOR shall restore landscaping and existing improvements around

abandoned fire hydrants.

C. CONTRACTOR shall notify City Fire Department of the location of the fire

hydrants that are out of service.

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210-1 PAINT

210-1.5 Paint Systems. Fire hydrants shall be painted with two coats of OSHA “yellow”

#633. A field coat shall be applied after installation of shock slab.

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Add the following to subsection 300-1.1, “General,” of the Standard Specifications:

Clearing and grubbing shall also consist of removing all trees and vegetative growth,

whether or not shown on the Plans, in order to accomplish the work.

Clearing and grubbing shall include the removal of all excess slurry or pavement materials

from the existing PCC curb and gutter.

Existing improvements visible at the job site for which no specific disposition is made on the

Plans but which could reasonably be assumed to interfere with the satisfactory completion of

the improvements contemplated by the Plans shall be relocated or removed and disposed of

by the CONTRACTOR as directed by the ENGINEER.

The tasks covered under the Clearing and Grubbing bid item include the following unless

covered by a separate bid item:

a) Removal and relocation of existing signs.

b) Removal of interfering portions of fences, walls, planters, sign foundations,

vegetation, tree roots, and irrigation systems.

c) Restoration of damaged landscaping and irrigation systems to pre-construction


d) Removal of existing drainage pipe and structures.

e) Removal of any other items within the work zone which are not accounted for under

individual items of work or described in these special provisions.

f) Removal and disposal of existing trees with a trunk diameter of 8" or less.

Removal and disposal of existing trees (over 8" trunk diameter) shall be paid for at the

contract unit price bid for each tree removed and shall include all labor, materials,

equipment, and incidentals necessary to complete the work and no additional

compensation shall be made therefore.

2019-10 Marquardt Avenue 16" Water Main Relocation


300-1.3 Removal and Disposal of Materials.

300-1.3.1 General. Replace the entire subsection with the following:

Unless otherwise stated on the Plans or Specifications, all material removed from the Work

shall become the property of the CONTRACTOR and shall be disposed of in a lawful

manner. Removals shall include, but not limited to:

1. All excess excavation material, trees and plants.

2. Debris,

3. Interfering portions of curb, gutters, asphalt PCC concrete pavements and

sidewalks (including base, where applicable)

4. Irrigation system including but not limited to irrigation lines, valves, sprinkler

heads, hose bibs backflow preventers and control boxes. Irrigation line underneath

street pavement shall be cut and capped as shown on the plans and abandoned in


5. Signs and posts as shown on the plans

6. Abandoned underground conduits in conflict with construction

7. Miscellaneous items as shown on the plans.

The CONTRACTOR shall conform to the following requirements:

1. The CONTRACTOR shall not start any removal work unless it is prepared to

perform reconstruction work within 24 hours of the time removals were begun,

unless otherwise approved by the ENGINEER.

2. The CONTRACTOR shall complete forming and pouring of PCC construction

within five (5) working days following the removal of existing material at any


3. The CONTRACTOR shall not remove on-site improvements until it is prepared to

construct the adjacent street section and shall promptly restore all such

improvements as applicable, upon completion of the adjacent street work.

All concrete removed shall be hauled off the Work site no later than the calendar day

following the day that the removal is performed.

Prior to making removals, the CONTRACTOR shall meet with the ENGINEER to verify

the limits of removals, locations of joins, to establish smooth joins and to ensure proper

drainage. The CONTRACTOR may make minor changes in the location of joins and the

limits of removals, provided a smooth join and proper drainage can be achieved and it has

obtained prior written approval from the ENGINEER.

In order to protect the public streets from deterioration due to hauling of materials, the

CONTRACTOR shall submit, prior to the Pre-Construction Meeting, for approval a

proposed route for hauling of materials for disposal. Upon approval, the CONTRACTOR

shall strictly adhere to that route, unless written permission from the ENGINEER is

obtained to change the route.

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300-1.3.2 Requirements. The text of Subsection 300-1.3.2(a), and (c) of the Standard

Specifications is hereby supplemented as follows:

300-1.3.2(a) Bituminous Pavement. Saw cutting of edges to be joined is not optional unless

specified on the Plans or as allowed by the ENGINEER. Existing street structural section if

indicated on Plans is based on file drawings. The AGENCY does not guarantee the actual

pavement thickness to be encountered in the field during construction of improvements.

300-1.3.2(c) Concrete Curb, Walk, Gutters, Cross Gutters, Driveways, and Alley

Intersections. The CONTRACTOR shall remove PCC curb and gutter, PCC sidewalk, and

PCC access ramps, to score or joint lines or as otherwise directed by the ENGINEER in the


The actual location of concrete removal is to be determined in the field by the ENGINEER

depending upon actual conditions, and shall be to the closest existing score marks. Removal

and replacement of full sections of concrete should be anticipated by the CONTRACTOR

and included in his Bid. Patchwork replacement of concrete will not be allowed.

“CLEARING AND GRUBBING,” required for construction of proposed improvements

shall be included shall be included in the contract price for items in which clearing and

grubbing is required and no additional compensation will be allowed therefore.


300-2.1 General. Unclassified excavation shall include trenching, excavation and disposal

of subgrade.

300-2.2 Unsuitable material.

300-2.2.1 General. This subsection of the Standard Specifications is hereby deleted and

replaced with the following:

Material that is unsuitable for the planned use, including over-excavation, shall be excavated

and disposed of as approved by the ENGINEER. Unsuitable material is material that cannot

be stabilized and when removed and disposed, the resulting space shall be filled with

backfill suitable for the planned use.

300-2.8 Measurement. Subsections of 300-2.8 a) and c) of the Standard Specifications are

hereby deleted and replaced with the following:

a) Excavating the roadway prism;

b) Excavating unsuitable material when shown on the Plans or as directed by the


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The following is added to subsection 300-2.9, “Payment,” of the Standard Specifications:

300-2.9 Payment. Payment for unclassified excavation shall be included in the contract

price for items in which unclassified excavation is required, and shall include all costs for

labor, materials and equipment, and no additional compensation will be allowed.


The following is added to Section 300-4, of the Standard Specifications:

Unclassified fill shall comply with Section 300-4, “Unclassified Fill,” of the Standard

Specifications and these Special Provisions.

Placing of fill materials shall be in accordance with Section 300-4.2, “Preparation of Fill

Areas,” and Section 300-4.5, “Placing Materials for Fills,” of the Standard Specifications.

The CONTRACTOR shall provide all unclassified fill necessary for curb and gutters, curb

ramps, sidewalk, cross gutters, and street paving, as indicated on the Plans and described

in these Special Provisions. Excess and/or unsuitable materials shall be removed from the

site by the CONTRACTOR.

Where unclassified fill and grading is necessary in preparation for laying concrete or

asphalt concrete, it shall be made with clean material which shall be solidly compacted to

avoid future settlement.

Unclassified fill shall include grade to drain, where noted per Plan, these Special Provisions

and as directed by the ENGINEER, and disposal of any surplus materials not incorporated

into the work.

Outside the traveled way, in areas to receive concrete, soil shall be compacted to a relative

density of not less than 90%.

Backfill under the traveled way shall be compacted to a relative compaction of a minimum

of 95%.

Embankments outside the traveled way, in areas not to receive concrete or asphalt concrete

pavement shall be compacted to a relative density of not less than 90%.

All embankments and subgrades shall be compacted in accordance with Section 300-4.7,

“Compaction,” of the Standard Specifications and these Special Provisions.

Imported borrow material shall conform to the provisions of Section 300-3.5-1,

“Requirements”, of the Standard Specifications.

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300-4.10 Payment - The Contract bid price paid for “UNCLASSIFIED FILL,” shall be

considered as full compensation for providing all materials, tools and equipment, and for

doing all the work involved in placing and compacting unclassified fill, including grade to

drain where called for on the Plans, and disposal of surplus materials not incorporated into

the work, per the Plans, the Standard Specifications, these Special Provisions, as directed

by the ENGINEER, and shall be considered as included in the various Contract bid items

of work involved and no additional compensation will be allowed therefore.




301-1.2 Preparation of Subgrade. Subgrade shall be prepared in conformance with

Section 301-1 of the Standard Specifications. Payment for the subgrade preparation shall

be considered as included in the price bid for the construction or installation of the items

to which such work is incidental or appurtenant and no separate payment will be made


301-1.3 Relative Compaction. The first paragraph of Subsection 301-1.3 of the Standard

Specifications is modified with the following:

When base or sub-base material is placed on the subgrade material, the top 6 (150 mm)

inches of such subgrade material shall be compacted to a relative compaction of 95 percent.


The CONTRACTOR shall lower all water valves cans, prior to cold milling. The

CONTRACTOR shall mark all frames and covers to ensure correct pairing or matching.

The CONTRACTOR shall adjust all water valve cans to grade no longer than five days

after the completion of cap paving. Water valve boxes and covers within areas to be paved

or graded shall be adjusted to finish grade by the CONTRACTOR unless shown otherwise

on the plans.

The CONTRACTOR shall adjust all the various boxes and covers to grade as shown on

the plans and/or encountered within construction areas. Water valve boxes and covers shall

be adjusted to grade in accordance with CITY Standard Plan W-7 and any other utility

owner’s standards, if applicable. The Contractor shall include furnishing and placing new

boxes, risers, and liners where required. The box covers shall not be covered with concrete,

asphalt emulsions, and/or other coatings during paving operations. A straight edge

spanning the diameter of the cut around the box shall be used to check finished grade. The

horizontal elevation difference between the box and the new asphalt or concrete shall not

exceed one fourth inches (1/4") in any direction.

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301-2.1 General. Add the following:

Base is required under all PCC improvements as shown on the Plans. Additional base may

be required after review of work areas following removals. Prior to constructing new

improvements, the Contractor shall verify with the ENGINEER that the base sections as

shown on the Plans (including areas where no base is called for) are adequate. Payment for

any changes shall be made pursuant to Section 3.

A minimum of 6-inches CMB shall be placed under cross gutters. A minimum of 6-inches

CMB shall be placed under commercial driveways (includes portion to right-of

way/property line), and AC or PCC pavement on private property as part of driveway

reconstruction. A minimum of 4-inches CMB shall be placed under residential driveways,

sidewalks, curb, curb and gutter, and curb ramps.



302-5.4 Tack Coat. Tack coat material shall be Grade SS-1h emulsified asphalt.

302-5.9 Measurement and Payment. The measurement and payment is hereby amended as


Payment for asphalt concrete pavement shall include but not be limited to preparation of

subgrade, application of tack coat, all labor, materials and equipment necessary to complete

the work and shall be considered as included in the contract unit prices for AC Pavement

Restoration, and no additional compensation will be allowed therefor.

Payment for sawcut and remove existing AC pavement and construct AC Pavement shall

be considered incidental work to be paid as part of the respective bid item in which work

is being performed, and no separate payment will be made.

The Contract unit bid price paid per Ton for “ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT RESTORATION,” shall include all labor, tools, materials, equipment and incidentals, preparation of subgrade, application of tack coat, furnishing, placing and compacting Asphalt Concrete, all as necessary to complete the work, as shown on the Plans and as specified in the Standard Specifications, these Special Provisions, and as directed by the ENGINEER, and no additional compensation will be allowed therefore.

Contractor shall be paid for Asphalt Concrete tonnage based upon Contractor furnished

copies of licensed weighmaster’s certificates showing gross, tare, and net weights of each

truckload of asphalt concrete mixture. The maximum payment to CONTRACTOR for

asphalt concrete pavement will be the theoretical tonnage based upon the thicknesses of

Asphalt concrete pavement sections as shown on the plans, within the Contract Limits.

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302-6.1 General. Add the following text:

Replacement: Concrete pavement replacement will conform to SPPWC Standard 132-3.




The following shall be added to Section 303, “Concrete and Masonry Construction,” of the

Standard Specifications:

Class 520-C-3250 with four-inch maximum slump for wheelchair ramps, curb only, curb

and gutter, mow strips, stamped colored median, sidewalks, driveways and flatwork. Class

560-C-3250 with a 5-inch maximum slump for all foundations, catch basins, cross gutters

and parkway culverts and thrust blocks. Modifications to Class to achieve a high early

strength shall be submitted to the ENGINEER for approval as part of the mix design.

303-5.1 Requirements.

303-5.1.1 General. Replace the first sentence of the first paragraph with the following:

Concrete curbs, gutters, curb and gutters, sidewalks, walks, cross gutters, curb ramps, and

driveways, shall be constructed of Portland cement concrete of the class, compressive

strength and other requirements prescribed in 201-1.

303-5.5 Finishing

303-5.5.2 Curb. Add the following:

Unless otherwise approved by the ENGINEER, the entire affected concrete curb, gutter or

cross-gutter, shall be removed by sawcutting the adjacent AC pavement two (2) foot from

the edge of the affected area to be removed. Where applicable, the CONTRACTOR shall

reconstruct this two (2) foot wide section with full depth AC section per Plans.

For concrete curb and gutter reconstruction work adjacent to areas of pavement

reconstruction, the CONTRACTOR shall remove the entire portion without sawcutting and

removing the adjacent AC pavement; however, any damaged pavement must be removed

and temporary AC provided and maintained in its place until the adjacent pavement is

removed as per the contract; or

303-5.5.5. Alley Intersections, Access Ramps, and Driveways. Add the following:

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Unless otherwise approved by the ENGINEER, the entire affected curb and gutter portion

shall be removed by sawcutting the adjacent AC pavement two (2) foot from the edge of

the PCC gutter.

Work Requested by a Property Owner. The CONTRACTOR is allowed to perform work

which is not a part of this Contract and in the project area if the work is requested, and paid

for, by a property owner provided that:

a) The CONTRACTOR shall inform the ENGINEER of the nature, quantity and

location of the work requested by the property owner; and

b) The requested work does not impact the schedule or cost of the contract work; and

c) The Property owner and CONTRACTOR are required to obtain all permits for

requested work; and

d) The CONTRACTOR is required to obtain all inspections and approvals.

There will be “No Payment” of any kind for any new or modified curb ramps that do not

meet current ADA Standards and the Caltrans Standard Plan Nos. A88A or A88B.

Asphalt concrete that is used to fill the voids remaining after the CONTRACTOR’s PCC

work operations (the area that is left after removing concrete forms from gutter, curbs, cross

gutters, spandrels, driveway approaches, etc.) shall be considered as included in the various

Contract bid items of work involved and no additional compensation will be allowed


303-5.7 Repairs and Replacements. Add the following:

The Contractor shall be responsible to protect all new concrete work from being etched,

scratched or otherwise marked following replacement thereof. If new concrete work is

marked, the Contractor shall replace it at its expense and no extra costs will be allowed.



306-1.1 Trench Excavations. The Contractor shall perform all excavation work necessary

to permit installation of the conduit work included in the contract. The Contractor shall

assume that excavation is from proposed subgrade elevations (where the Caltrans

Contractor will raise the grades to the proposed subgrade elevations before the water main

is installed). Excavate trenches and pits to minimum dimensions that will permit placing

conduits and other work. Where necessary, provide shoring and bracing to prevent caving

of banks. Provide and maintain in place necessary barriers, guardrails or covers while

excavations are open. No trenches or excavations are to be left open when the Contractor

is not present on the site.

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Provide a polypropylene pull rope in each empty conduit. Pull rope breaking strength shall

be at least 200 pounds for all conduits smaller than two inches (2") (trade size), and at least

700 pounds for larger conduit sizes.

As soon as conduit installation work is complete, inspected, and approved, all trench

excavation shall be backfilled, except if specifically requested by Caltrans in order to

facilitate verification of pipe grades in critical locations. Backfill over conduits shall

contain no rocks, broken concrete or trash.

Contractor may slurry backfill trench only with ENGINEER’s written approval. All

trenches for pipeline and electrical conduit under roadways, driveways, and parking lots

shall be backfilled with concrete treated slurry conforming to Subsection 201-1.1.2, Class

100-E-100. See also Section 306-1.2.1, Bedding, No. 5 of these specifications.

Paving for trench cover shall meet the pavement requirements for this project and shall be

at least the thickness of the adjacent undisturbed paving plus one-inch (1"), thoroughly

compacted in place, and finished to a neat continuous surface.

The Contractor shall work within the construction window of the Caltrans Contractor so

that water main installation is completed after subgrades are placed to the correct grade

and before the Caltrans Contractor is scheduled to begin work on the street that conflicts

with the water main work.

Payment for excavation shall be included in the installation cost of the pipe for the items

involved, regardless of trench width, adjustment to pipeline horizontal and vertical

alignment or realignment, and no additional compensation will be allowed.

306-1.1.1 General.

The first sentence of the third paragraph of Subsection 306-1.1.1 is hereby amended as


Except when specifically provided otherwise, excavation shall include the removal of all

water and materials of whatever nature encountered, including rock and all other

obstructions of any nature that would interfere with the proper execution and completion

of the work. Removal and disposal of buried man-made objects, however, shall conform

to Section 19-1.04 of the Caltrans Standard Specifications with the exception of valve

boxes and existing water facilities specified to be removed.

This subsection is hereby supplemented by the following:

Whenever necessary or required for the convenience of the public or individual property

owners at street crossings or at private driveways, the contractor shall provide suitable

temporary bridges over unfilled excavations, except in such cases as the contractor shall

secure permission from the ENGINEER to omit such temporary bridges. All such bridges

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shall be maintained in service until all requirements of the specifications governing work

prior to backfilling have been fully complied with.

Temporary bridges for street crossings shall conform to the requirements of plate bridging

as shown in the Work Area Traffic Control Handbook, or the Contractor shall submit

designs for approval as may be required that have been prepared by a Registered Civil


306-1.1.2 Maximum Length of Open Trench.

The first paragraph of Subsection 306-1.1.2 is amended as follows:

The maximum length of open trench shall be limited to that length that will permit pipe

installation, compacted backfilling, and placement of temporary or permanent pavement at

the end of each working day. Plating will be allowed only at the join points for the next

day’s work, unless otherwise approved by the ENGINEER. Excavations in Parkways shall

be backfilled at end of each working day.

Temporary pavement consisting of at least three inches (3") thickness of plant mix shall be

applied to the surface of backfill trenches located in traveled roadways immediately after

placing the backfill. The CONTRACTOR shall maintain all temporary surfacing on a

continual basis.

306-1.1.3 Maximum and Minimum Width of Trench.

Subsection 306-1.1.3 is hereby supplemented as follows:

The minimum width of trench shall be as specified on Santa Fe Springs Standard Plan R-

11 or R-11.1 unless modified otherwise on the plans or herein. Width shall be measured

at the top of the pipe.

In the event of cave-ins of the trench sides where the maximum width is exceeded, the

ENGINEER may, at his discretion, require the CONTRACTOR to use sand-cement slurry

or other means of special bedding for a vertical distance of not less than one-half the pipe


306-1.1.5 Removal and Replacement of Surface Improvements. The cost of removal and

replacement of existing improvements interfering with the CONTRACTOR’s operations

shall be included in the price bid for the item involved unless otherwise specified. Existing

surface improvements encountered by CONTRACTOR may include concrete, asphalt and

other surfaces, and the finished surface of the trench may be compacted backfill, except in

the case of private property with driveways that are in use. In these properties, the finished

surface of the trench shall be temporary A.C. pavement.

306-1.1.6 Bracing Excavations (Trench Shoring).

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306- General. All costs involved in shoring, bracing or trench sloping shall be

considered incidental work to be paid as part of the respective bid item in which work is

being performed, and no separate payment will be made.

The CONTRACTOR shall protect in place all power poles in the vicinity of trenching

operations with adequate bracing, shoring, or other means, or pay for the utility provider

to support the poles during trenching, if required by the utility.

CONTRACTOR shall hire a Registered Civil Engineer in the State of California to design

the trench shoring for this project.

306-1.1.7 Trench Dewatering. Prior to submitting CONTRACTOR’s bid, it shall be the

CONTRACTOR’s responsibility to determine the extent of the ground water. The

CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for removal of such ground water per section 7-8.6.4

Where groundwater or soft, spongy, unstable material is encountered and the native

material does not afford a solid foundation for pipe sub-grade, the trench shall suitably be

dewatered and a firm, stable base shall be constructed for the pipe by excavating any

unsuitable material to twenty four inches minimum depth below sub-grade base, or if

required a stable base shall be constructed by placing a CITY approved rock bedding upon

which the sub-grade can be prepared. If the necessity for such additional bedding material

is required for control of groundwater, the CONTRACTOR shall bear the expense of the

additional excavation and bedding.

All costs involved in the removal of ground water shall be considered incidental work to

be paid as part of the respective bid item in which work is being performed, and no separate

payment will be made.

306-1.2 Installation of Pipe.

306-1.2.1 Bedding.

Subsection 306-1.2.1 is hereby supplemented with the following:

Bedding shall be placed in accordance with The City of Santa Fe Springs Standard Plan R-

11 or R-11.1, Section 306-1.2.1 of the Standard Specifications, and these specifications

unless shown otherwise on the plans or ordered by the ENGINEER. Bedding shall be

imported sand unless otherwise indicated on the plans or these specifications. After

placement of the pipe, bedding shall be compacted as specified in section 306-1.3.6.

Bedding shall be classified into the following types:

A. Normal Bedding

Normal bedding shall be considered as placement of the native material provided

that the sand equivalent of the native material is not less than 30.

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B. Sand Bedding

Sand bedding will be required where the native material has a sand equivalent less

than 30. The sand shall have a sand equivalent greater than 30 and shall be placed

full trench width to a depth not less than one foot above the pipe, measured after

the sand has been jetted and/or compacted.

Natural sand must be free from organic matter, loam, or other substances

detrimental to its use for the purpose of producing compacted backfill of the

specified densities.

C. Crushed Rock

Crushed rock bedding shall be placed, when in the opinion of the ENGINEER, the

ground is insufficiently stable to support the pipe or structure. Rock bedding shall

consist of sound crushed rock which will pass through a vibrating screen having a

2 1/2 inch square opening and not more than seven percent (7%) of which will pass

through a screen having a one-inch square opening. It shall be carefully placed and

sufficiently compacted by tamping or otherwise in a manner satisfactory to the

ENGINEER so as to support without settlement of the pipe or structure placed upon

it. The required depth below the required grade of the bottom of the pipe or

structure and to such line will be ordered by the ENGINEER.

D. Concrete Bedding

Concrete used for bedding shall be Class 420-C-2000 unless otherwise specified.

The CONTRACTOR shall place the concrete in such a manner as to prevent

floatation of the pipe or conduit. Concrete shall be placed from wall to wall in the

trench or conduit O.D. plus 12 inches in width and from four inches below the pipe

to 1/2 O.D. in depth.

E. Slurry Sand Bedding or Trench Backfill Slurry

Slurry sand used for pipe bedding and/or backfill shall be Class 100-E-100. The

CONTRACTOR shall place and vibrate the slurry sand backfill in such a manner

as to prevent flotation of the pipe.

The fourth and fifth sentence in paragraph three in Subsection 306-1.2.1 is amended as


Bedding shall be densified by hand or mechanical means prior to backfilling. The

densification method shall provide a uniformly compacted embedment of the pipe.

306-1.2.2 Pipe Laying.

Subsection 306-1.2.2 is hereby supplemented as follows:

Unless otherwise specified, all pipe shall be transported, handled and installed in strict

accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations and these provisions.

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Ductile iron pipe shall be installed in accordance with the recommended procedures in the

booklet, “A Guide for the Installation of Ductile Iron Pipe,” published by the Ductile Iron

Pipe Research Association, Section 306-1.2 of the Standard Specifications, and as directed

by the ENGINEER. Impact-type equipment (stompers), however, will not be permitted

over the pipe.

In order to satisfy pipe deflection criteria on curves, the CONTRACTOR will be required

to provide shorter than standard length pipe sections in accordance with the pipeline curve

geometry formula in above booklet (if shorter lengths are not specified on plans). Shop

drawings will also be required and shall be approved by the ENGINEER.

In order to facilitate the installation of pipe in the vicinity of utility and oil pipeline

conflicts, the CONTRACTOR will be permitted to install shorter than standard length pipe


The plans indicate a minimum cover for the installation of the waterline. Due to the nature

of underground utilities, pipelines and obstructions, it is understood that cover can vary to

accommodate such interferences. Should significant changes in vertical or horizontal

alignment become necessary as directed by the ENGINEER, the CONTRACTOR will be

entitled to an adjustment of compensation for additional fittings, thrust blocks, sand-cement

slurry backfill, and significant depth changes.

Immediately upon installing a pipe section, but no later than the end of each work day, or

whenever the work ceases, the end of pipe shall be securely sealed or closed as directed by

the ENGINEER to prevent contamination.

No pipe end or join point shall ever be left open. The CONTRACTOR shall provide a

sump area and pumps to prevent newly placed and existing pipeline from being

contaminated with mud or dirty water.

306-1.2.6 Field Jointing of Ductile Iron Pipe.

A. General.

Subsection 306-1.2.6(A) is hereby amended to read as follows:

The type of joint to be used shall be as indicated on the plans or in the specifications and

shall conform to the latest edition of AWWA C111 or C115. In assembling a flanged or

mechanical joint, the CONTRACTOR shall align the flanges and draw up the flange bolts

evenly so that no portion of the assembly will become prestressed.

All nut and bolt threads shall be lubricated with an oil and graphite product such as “No-

Ox-Id-Grease” or “Never-Seize” prior to installation.

306-1.2.14 Flexible Coupling.

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Subsection 306-1.2.14 is hereby added as follows:

Flexible couplings shall be installed according to the following:

A. Clean each pipe end for a distance of six to eight inches. Remove oil, dirt, loose

scale and rust so that the gaskets will seat on the pipe barrel to provide a positive

seal. Wire brushes or non-oily rags may be used, depending on the condition of

pipe ends.

B. Slip the follower rings over the pipe ends and slide them back over the cleaned area.

C. Wipe the gaskets clean, immerse them in soapy water or approved gasket lubricant,

and slide them over the pipe ends.

D. Clean the coupling middle ring, paying particular attention to flare on the ends

where the gasket will seat. Slip the middle ring entirely over one end of the pipe.

E. Position the end of the pipe to be joined to the other pipe such that a half-inch gap

is maintained between pipes. Center the coupling middle ring over the gap.

F. Lubricate the pipe and the flares of the middle ring with soapy water or gasket

lubricant. Slide the gaskets and followers into place making sure the gaskets are

pushed under the middle ring flare all the way around.

G. Insert the bolts. Nuts should be run on with the rounded or chamfered edge toward

the follower ring.

H. Wrenching shall be done progressively, drawing up the bolts on opposite side of a

little at a time and returning to retighten until all bolts have a uniform tightness.

During wrenching, the CONTRACTOR shall strike the follower rings with a

hammer periodically to make sure it is seating properly.

I. Torque application shall be in accordance with the manufacturer’s


306-1.2.15 Field Jointing of Steel Pipe.

Subsection 306-1.2.15 is hereby added as follows:

Field-welded joints shall conform to the Standard Drawings and the latest edition of

AWWA C206.

306-1.2.16 Connections to Existing Water Main Facilities.

Subsection 306-1.2.16 is hereby added as follows:

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All connections shall be made by the CONTRACTOR unless otherwise shown on the plans

or specified herein. The CONTRACTOR shall give the Agency a minimum of two

working days’ notice before the time of any proposed shutdown of existing mains or

services. Connections shall be made only in the presence of the Agency Inspector, and no

connection work shall proceed until the Agency has given notice to proceed. The

CONTRACTOR shall furnish all pipe and materials, including furnishing all labor and

equipment necessary to make the connections, all required excavation, backfill, pavement

replacement, lights, and barricades, and he may be required to include a water truck,

highline hose, and fittings as part of his equipment for making the connections. Standby

equipment or materials may be required by the Agency to facilitate connections to existing


Where connections are made to existing valves, the CONTRACTOR shall furnish and

install all temporary blocking, steel clamps, shackles, and anchors as required by the

Agency, and shall replace the valve well and cover and adjust the valve cover to the proper

grade in accordance with the Standard Drawings if needed.

The City of Santa Fe Springs Water Division will operate all existing water valves. The

CONTRACTOR will dewater existing mains, as required, in the presence of the Agency,

and dispose excess water to the nearest catch basin. Water used for flushing or dewatering

shall not be allowed in the gutter. All valves, existing or newly installed, shall be readily

accessible at all times to the Agency for emergency operation.

The Agency may postpone or reschedule any shutdown operation if for any reason he feels

that the CONTRACTOR is improperly prepared with competent personnel, equipment, or

materials to proceed with the connection work. If progress is inadequate during the

connection operations to complete the connection in the time specified, the CITY shall

order necessary corrective measures. All costs for corrective measures shall be paid by the


The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for determining in advance the grade of all

existing pipelines to which connections are to be made. Connections shall be made with

as little change as possible in the grade of the new main. If the grade of the existing pipe

is below that of the new pipeline, sufficient lengths of the new line shall be deepened so as

to prevent the creation of any high spot or abrupt changes in grade. The new line shall be

laid at specified depth, except for the first joint adjacent to the connection, which shall be

deflected as necessary to meet the grade of the existing pipe. If sufficient change in

direction cannot be obtained by the limited deflection of the first joint, a fitting of the proper

angle shall be installed. Where the connection creates a high or low spot in the line, a

standard air release or blow-off assembly shall be installed as directed by the ENGINEER.

At the location or locations where the water main is to cross an existing street, the

CONTRACTOR shall trench the entire street to verify the details as shown on the plans

and determine if conflicts with other facilities occurs, prior to the installation of any pipe.

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The ENGINEER has the right to modify the details of the crossing(s) as deemed necessary

by the ENGINEER.

In no event shall the new pipelines be connected to existing facilities until the new pipelines

have been successfully pressure tested, disinfected, and passed bacteriological testing by

CITY approved lab.

The Agency does not warranty the condition of existing facilities. It is the

CONTRACTOR’s sole responsibility to provide acceptable pressure testing at the new


At locations where hot tapping the existing water main is specified or required by the

ENGINEER, the CONTRACTOR shall provide and install a JCM 462 stainless steel

mechanical joint tapping sleeve (or approved equal) on ACP water main at the location as

shown on the plans or as directed by the ENGINEER. The type of hot tap or gate valve

shall be submitted to the ENGINEER for approval.

On steel water mains, the CONTRACTOR shall provide and install pad and nozzle, tapping

sleeve or special sleeve as directed or approved by the ENGINEER, and all fittings, tools,

equipment, materials, joint materials, blocking, galvanized bolts, gaskets, gate or tapping

valve, hot tapping and all incidentals, including valve box and cover to hot tap existing

steel water mains at the location as shown on the plans. If required by the ENGINEER,

the CONTRACTOR shall repair the mortar lining inside the steel water main.

306-1.2.17 Connections to Existing Water Meters.

Subsection 306-1.2.17 is hereby added as follows:

In cases where connections to existing meters are required, extreme care shall be exercised

by the CONTRACTOR when installing the ball valve on the customer side of the water

meter, as many customer services are in deteriorated condition. The CONTRACTOR shall

protect existing customer service lines and perform minor restorations, if needed, to restore

proper service.

Existing meter boxes shall be protected by the CONTRACTOR at all times during the

installation of the services. Any meter boxes damaged or destroyed by the

CONTRACTOR shall be replaced to the satisfaction of the ENGINEER by and at the

expense of the CONTRACTOR.

At the time the CONTRACTOR removes the water meter to install the ball valve, the City

Water Section may substitute a new or re-conditioned meter in its place, if new meters are

not called out. The Agency inspector will continue to coordinate this work with the


New water meters and service connection, complete in place, is included in the respective

bid item(s) for copper service.

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Prior to disconnecting domestic water meters, the CONTRACTOR shall check for

electrical grounding with a meter or appropriate equipment, and notify the ENGINEER of

any electrical discontinuity should such a condition exists. The CONTRACTOR shall not

disconnect domestic services from the existing steel water main until the problem is

resolved by the Southern California Edison Company and as directed by the ENGINEER.

306-1.3 Backfill and Densification.

306-1.3.1 General.

Subsection 306-1.3.1 is hereby supplemented as follows:

Internal pipe bracing or shoring shall not be removed until the backfill is compacted to the

specified requirement.

306-1.3.2 Mechanically Compacted Backfill.

Subsection 306-1.3.2 is hereby modified as follows:

Impact, free-fall, or “stomping” equipment will not be allowed unless otherwise approved

by the ENGINEER.

306-1.3.3 Water Densified Backfill.

Subsection 306-1.3.3 is hereby replaced as follows:

Water Densified Backfill shall not be allowed for the project.

306-1.3.5 Jetted Bedding and Backfill Compaction Requirements.

Subsection 306-1.3.5 is hereby superseded with the following:

Jetted Bedding and Backfill Compaction shall not be allowed for the project.

Subsection 306-1.3.6 is hereby superseded with the following:

Except as specified otherwise, mechanically compacted trench backfill shall be densified

to the following minimum relative compaction:

a) 90 percent Relative Compaction:

1) Within the existing or future traveled way, shoulders, and other paved areas

(or areas to receive pavement).

2) Within engineered embankments.

3) Where lateral support is required for existing or proposed structures.

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4) Outside the traveled way and other paved areas (or areas to receive


5) Under Sidewalks.

b) 95 percent Relative Compaction:

1) In the bedding zone as required by section 306-1.2.1

2) Subgrade as required by 301-1.3

3) 1 foot above the top of pipe within the boring and receiving pits.

306-1.4 Testing Pipelines for Leakage and Pressure.

306-1.4.1 General.

Subsection 306-1.4.1 is hereby supplemented as follows:

The test pressure shall be the pipe pressure classification plus 50 psi as measured at the

lowest elevation of the water main under test or as directed by the ENGINEER. No water

pipeline shall be tested at less than the pressure classification or designation of the pipe.

No pipeline shall be tested at less than 200 psi pressure.

306-1.4.5 Water Pressure Test.

Subsection 306-1.4.5 is hereby supplemented as follows:

C = 0.25 for PVC pipe with rubber ring or elastomeric gasket joints.

C = 0.50 for ductile iron pipe.

Prior to testing, the pipelines shall be flushed as specified hereinafter.

All flushing and disinfection shall be made in the presence of the ENGINEER or his

representative. The CONTRACTOR shall notify the ENGINEER not less than twenty-

four (24) hours in advance of the actual time of flushing so that the ENGINEER may

observe the procedure.

When the pressure test, leakage test, chlorination or bacteriological test fail to meet the

requirements of the specifications, the CONTRACTOR shall make necessary repairs,

replacements, or repetition of procedures to conform to the specified requirements at his

own expense.

The CONTRACTOR shall have all flanged joints at valves or special fittings exposed for

visual inspection during the pressure test if requested by the ENGINEER. After the

pipeline has successfully met the pressure and leakage test requirements, the pipeline and

appurtenances shall remain filled and so maintained until accepted for use by the Agency.

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All blow-offs, combination air valves, services and appurtenant facilities shall be tested

with the main line pipe.

Before testing, the backfill material shall have been compacted to the required compaction

to the ground surface. All concrete anchor and thrust blocks shall be allowed to cure

sufficient time to develop adequate resistance to thrust developed during testing (minimum

three days).

The CONTRACTOR takes all responsibility for locating leaks and repairing damage to the

pipe bedding, backfill and pavement section resulting from leaks discovered during the

pressure test or subsequent pipe failures.

All noticeable leaks shall be stopped regardless of the results of the test and all defective

pipes, fittings, valves and other accessories discovered in consequence of the test shall be

removed and replaced. Repair clamps of any kind or type shall not be allowed.

The pump, pipe connection, measuring devices, gauges and all other equipment, labor and

materials required for performing the leakage test shall be furnished by CONTRACTOR.

The ENGINEER may, however, use Agency’s measuring device in place of

CONTRACTOR’s equipment. In case of a difference in the measured leakage rate between

the measuring devices, the Agency’s measured leakage shall govern.

The test pressure shall be applied by means of a pump connected to the pipeline in a manner

approved by the ENGINEER.

The pressure test shall be maintained on the test section not less than four (4) hours.

Whenever test pressure falls an amount of 5 psi, it shall be restored. The CONTRACTOR

may at his convenience conduct a preliminary pressure test at any time prior to the specified

pressure test. The results of the preliminary test will not be considered by the Agency

except for information only.

The amount of water main footage to be tested at one time shall be determined by the


The leakage test shall be held concurrently with the pressure test.

Each section of the water main to be tested shall be slowly filled with water from the nearest

source by means approved by the ENGINEER and as specified in section 306.1.4.9. The

pipelines shall be filled with water and placed under a light pressure for at least twenty-

four (24) hours before the pressure test.

All air shall be vented from all high points in the water main before making any pressure

test. If outlets are not available, taps shall be made at the high points to expel the air by the

CONTRACTOR at his own expense. These taps shall be capped after testing.

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All valves shall be tested for leak proof tightness after the mainline pressure test with the

test pressure on one side of the valve and atmospheric pressure on the other side.

306.1.4.7 Flushing and Disinfection.

306-1.4.7(A) General. Prior to acceptance of the lines by the Agency, the CONTRACTOR

shall furnish all labor, equipment, material and water for the proper cleaning and

disinfection of the pipelines. Disinfection shall be accomplished by chlorination of the

pipelines and appurtenances after passing the pressure and leakage tests. AWWA

Specification No. C651, Disinfecting Water Mains, and the following specific

requirements shall govern such disinfection procedures.

Service saddles with corporation stops in accordance with City Standard Nos. W-14 and

W-15 shall be installed on the line approximately every 500 ft. as directed by the

ENGINEER for bacteria sampling and testing. Testing from a device bolted to the top of

fire hydrant buries, and from blow-offs and copper services will also be permitted. Testing

directly from hydrants will not be permitted.

Generally, the water main shall be constructed short of proposed join location for testing,

disinfection, and flushing purposes. At these locations, the CONTRACTOR shall install a

Rockwell #481 pipe end cap or approved equal, with a 2" standard outlet for draining and

flushing purposes.

All flushing and disinfection shall be made in the presence of the ENGINEER or his

representative. The CONTRACTOR shall notify the ENGINEER not less than twenty-

four (24) hours in advance of the actual time of flushing so that the ENGINEER may

observe the procedure.

When the pressure test, leakage test, chlorination or bacteriological test fail to meet the

requirements of the specifications, the CONTRACTOR shall make necessary repairs,

replacements or repetition of procedures to conform to the specified requirements at his

own expense.

306-1.4.7(B) Flushing. The new mains shall be flushed prior to chlorination or as directed

by the ENGINEER. The flushing velocity to be obtained for pipes shall not be less than

2.0 ft./sec.

The CONTRACTOR shall make all arrangements as necessary to provide the required flow

to obtain the minimum velocity with a 40 psi residual pressure. The CONTRACTOR shall

take due precaution in providing for adequate drainage from the site. The minimum

volume of water to be flushed, at required velocity, shall not be less than the 1.5 times

volume of the pipeline from the point of filling to the point of blow-off.

It is the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR to remove the flushing water or the

chlorinated water from the project area. Flushing water shall be discharged to the nearest

catch basin, and shall not be allowed to run in the gutter or street. The CONTRACTOR

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shall de-chlorinate the water by chemical addition, exposure to sunlight or by other means

prior to disposal into the storm drain system. The CONTRACTOR is responsible for any

damage as a result of flushing operations.

306-1.4.7(C) Chlorination. Disinfection shall be done after the pressure and leakage tests

have been performed and accepted.

Chlorine used for disinfection shall be liquid chlorine (gas at atmospheric pressure).

Tablets may be used with prior approval of the ENGINEER. When liquid chlorine is used,

the method of application and precautions outlined in Section 5.2, 5.3, 6.1, and 6.2 of

AWWA C-651 shall be followed, except as may be modified by the ENGINEER.

Chlorine shall be applied by the continuous feed method as outlined in Section 5.2 of

AWWA C-651, except as may be modified by the ENGINEER.

A chlorinating gas-water solution shall be injected into the pipeline at the beginning of the

test section through a chlorination outlet, blow-off, or air valve by the means of a gas

solution feeder chlorinator in combination with a booster pump, thus insuring treatment of

the entire line. The gas-water solution shall be fed slowly into the new line to produce an

initial minimum dosage of 50 ppm and a residual of not less than 25 ppm in all water within

the pipeline after a 24 hour period.

During chlorination the combination air valves will be removed and the riser pipe capped

after being filled with chlorinated water. Before reinstalling, the air valves will be

sterilized with a five percent hydrochlorite disinfecting solution. The air valves are to be

reinstalled after chlorination, but prior to the sanitary sampling.

Water used to convey the chlorine solution throughout the water main shall be obtained

from the existing distribution system. The rate of flow shall be so controlled that water

will flow slowly into the undisinfected main during the application of chlorine.

The end of the main being chlorinated shall be kept open and running during the application

of chlorine and until the desired concentration is reached, after which each fire hydrant (if

any), or any other connection to the water main shall be individually opened and flushed

with the chlorine solution. After the water main and all appurtenances thereto have been

loaded with chlorine to the proper concentration, the water source, chlorine feeder and all

other openings to the water main shall be closed. The initial minimum concentration shall

not be less than fifty (50) milligrams per liter of chlorine.

The chlorine content of the water shall be tested by the ENGINEER and if found to be less

than twenty-five (25) milligrams per liter after twenty-four (24) hours contact, the water

main and appurtenances shall be rechlorinated and held for another twenty-four (24) hour

period. No chlorination shall be started unless it can be completed by 1:00 p.m. on a


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During the period of chlorination, all main line valves and blow-off valves shall be operated

to ensure that the discs and seats are fully open to chlorinated water.

Upon approval of the chlorine residual at twenty-four (24) hours by the ENGINEER, the

chlorine solution shall be flushed from the water main through each fire hydrant and blow-

off. Flushing shall continue until the chlorine residual is not more than five-tenths (0.5)

milligrams per liter as determined by the ENGINEER.

In no case shall chlorine solution over five-tenths (0.5) milligrams per liter be held in the

main or appurtenances for more than five days from the initial injection to the final


Treatment and disposal of flushing water and chlorinated water is the sole responsibility of


Coliform bacteria tests shall be taken twenty-four hours after final flushing. Procedures

and limits for Sampling and Testing shall conform to the AWWA C651. The CITY will

be responsible to pay for all necessary work to obtain the first round of Bacti test results.

If re-testing is required for any reason, the CONTRACTOR shall pay for all necessary

work to obtain Bacti samples results.

306-1.4.8 California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Los Angeles Region Permit.

Subsection 306-1.4.8 is hereby added as follows:

CONTRACTOR shall channel (using sandbags or other means) flushing flow.

CONTRACTOR shall protect all property from flooding and other damage during flushing

operations. CONTRACTOR shall post “flooding ahead” signs in streets as required and

as directed by ENGINEER. Because of demand on existing water system, the ENGINEER

may require CONTRACTOR to flush the pipeline over several days, in the evenings,

weekends, or holidays, at CONTRACTOR's expense.

CONTRACTOR shall not allow any discharges from the construction site which may have

an adverse effect on receiving waters of the United States.

CONTRACTOR shall, at his expense, obtain a discharge permit from the California

Regional Water Quality Control Board, Los Angeles Region (Regional Board) for

discharge of water from trench dewatering, line flushing, and testing operations. A copy

of said discharge permit shall be provided to the CITY. CONTRACTOR shall comply

with conditions therein and perform the monitoring required.

CONTRACTOR shall submit to the ENGINEER a completed and signed SWPPP at the

preconstruction conference (Caltrans SWPPP plans will be made available for

CONTRACTOR’s reference). The SWPPP shall utilize the requirements as noted in the

State Water Resources Control Board website at the following:

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If the Regional Board determines that a discharge permit is not required for said work, then

the CONTRACTOR shall comply with any and all applicable criteria and conditions

established by the Regional Board, including compliance with the requirements of the

General Water Discharge Requirements for Discharges to Surface Waters which pose an

insignificant De Minimus threat to water quality (Order No. 98-67).

Order No. 98-67 includes submittal of a Notice of Intent and a waste discharge report to

the Regional Board. In addition, Template Monitoring and Reporting Program No. 98-67,

appended to Order No. 98-67, includes the following monitoring and reporting


A. Estimate and report daily discharge flow, collect samples of each discharge and

have them analyzed for the 8 parameters listed on Pages 2 and 3 of the Template

Monitoring and Reporting Program No. 98-67. All samples shall be representative

of the waste discharge under conditions of peak load.

All sample collection, sample preservation, and analyses shall be performed in

accordance with the latest edition of “Guidelines Establishing Test Procedures for

Analysis of Pollutants” promulgated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

(40 CFR 136). All sample analyses shall be performed by an analytical laboratory

certified by the California Department of Health Services to perform such analyses.

B. Report any discharge which is in violation of the discharge specifications (Order

No. 98-67) to the Regional Board, Santa Ana Region within 24 hours.

C. Notify the Regional Board 5 days before commencing any discharge.

D. Prepare monthly monitoring reports for submittal to the Regional Board. The

reports shall include:

1. Results from all analyses for the previous month.

2. Daily flow data.

3. A report detailing CONTRACTOR’s compliance or noncompliance with

Order No. 98-67 and the discharge authorization letter.

306-1.4.9 Construction Water. Water required for the initial filling, pressure testing,

leakage testing, flushing, and chlorination, may be obtained from an existing CITY main

or fire hydrant by use of a CITY meter and an Approved Backflow Prevention Device.

The CONTRACTOR shall not operate any valve on any existing main. All water must be

measured through a CITY approved meter.

All construction equipment involving the filling, pumping, spraying and carrying of water,

etc., shall be under cross-connection control regulations, of the CITY Water Division and

shall be checked by the Cross-Connection Technician prior to using the equipment on the

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job site. A CITY approved backflow device shall be used while filling, flushing or

chlorinating the mains. Valves at the system connections shall not be opened to supply

water for any purpose until all testing is accepted by the ENGINEER.

NOTE: Fees for deposit, rental, or other related fees for the CITY’s backflow device and

water meter shall be paid for by the CONTRACTOR.

306-1.4.10 Pressure Testing and Disinfection Testing Plan

Prior to starting any disinfection work, submit to the ENGINEER detailed pressure testing

and disinfection plans covering: the methods and procedures proposed; coordination,

drawings or sketches indicating the specific pipeline to be disinfected including location of

chlorine injection points, testing points, water quality testing points, locations of temporary

bulkheads, ARV’s, and Blowoffs; sequence of operations; equipment and materials used;

the manner of filling and flushing of lines; and the method for neutralization and disposal

of chlorinated discharge.

306-1.5 Trench Resurfacing.

306-1.5.1 Temporary Resurfacing. Temporary resurfacing consisting of at least three

inches (3") thickness of plant mix shall be applied to the surface of backfilled trenches

located in the traveled roadway immediately after placing the backfill if permanent paving

is not in place by the end of the same working day. In all other areas specified in this

subsection or as directed by the ENGINEER, temporary resurfacing shall be at least two

inches (2”) thickness.

The CONTRACTOR shall maintain all temporary resurfacing at all times until permanent

repairs have been made.

Payment for furnishing, installing, maintaining, removing and disposing of temporary

bituminous resurfacing materials shall be included in the various bid items, and no separate

payment will be made therefore.

306-1.5.2 Permanent Resurfacing. Trench resurfacing shall conform to the detail or notes

as shown on the plans unless otherwise modified by separate details. Where the edge of

trench is within 30" of the lip of gutter, the resurfacing shall be extended or widened to join

the lip of gutter.

306-1.5.8 Sanitary Sewer Clearance. Broken or damaged sanitary sewer laterals and/or

water lines shall be immediately repaired or remodeled per SPPWC Standard Plan 223-1.

The CONTRACTOR shall maintain the required materials and expertise on-site to perform

such repairs at all times. Stipulated prices apply only for laterals requiring remodeling.

The CONTRACTOR shall support and backfill the sanitary sewer lateral at said locations.

306-1.6 Basis of Payment for Open Trench Installations.

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306-1.6.1 General. The measurement and payment for all work done under this contract is

included in the various bid items. Any item or unit of work not specifically covered by a

pay item shall be at the expense of the CONTRACTOR, and so separate payment will be


Pipe and conduit shall be measured along the longitudinal axis between the ends as laid

and shall include the actual pipe in place and shall not include the inside dimensions of


The price for pipe and conduit in place shall be paid per linear foot and shall be considered

full compensation for all wyes, tees, bends, and specials shown on the Plans; the removal

of interfering portions of existing sewers, storm drains, and improvements; the closing or

removing of abandoned conduit and structures; the excavations of the trench; the control

of ground and surface waters; the preparation of sub-grade; placing and joining pipe;

backfilling the trench; permanent resurfacing; and all other work (excluding temporary

resurfacing) necessary to install the pipe or conduit, complete in place.

Payment for structures such as manholes, junction structures, lamp holes, and catch basis

shall be made at the price bid for each structure shall be full payment for each structure

complete in place, including excavation, backfill, construction inverts, furnishing and

installing castings, restoration of the street surface, and all other work, excluding temporary

resurfacing, necessary to complete the work.

306-1.6.2 Fire Hydrants. Payment for fire hydrants shall be made at the contract unit

price per each, which price shall include the making of all excavation and compacted

backfill, transportation, furnishing and use of all equipment, tools, materials, fittings, joint

materials, blocking, 6" DIP, bolts gaskets gate valves or butterfly valves for the hydrants,

valve boxes and covers, tees, concrete, shock slabs, field coat of paint, safety measures and

traffic control and furnishing all labor required and incidental to complete the work in

accordance with the plans, specifications, and standard drawings.

306-1.6.3 Water Valves. Payment for water valves shall be made at contract unit price per

each, which price shall include the making of all excavation and compacted backfill,

transportation, furnishing and use of all equipment, tools, materials, fittings, valve

extensions, valve boxes and covers, concrete, safety measures, traffic control, and

furnishing all labor required and incidentals to complete the work in accordance with the

plans and specifications.

306-1.6.4 Connection to Existing Water Main. Payment for connecting 16” DIP to existing

16” Steel Pipe shall be considered incidental work to be paid as part of the respective bid

item in which work is being performed, and no separate payment will be The cost of

connection to existing water main, including modifications as required by the ENGINEER,

shall be included in the respective bid prices paid, and no extra compensation will be

allowed therefore unless there is a separate bid item for such connection. Replacement of

ACP water main will also be paid by the bid item for ductile iron pipe unless there is a

separate bid item for ACP.

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The CONTRACTOR will be allowed to substitute ductile iron pipe at locations where ACP

is specified. Only under unusual circumstances of a connection will the CITY allow the

substitution of PVC pipe.

306-1.7 Abandoning Existing Waterline. The portions of waterline which are to be

abandoned after connection of the new 16-inch waterlines are complete, shall be plugged

at each end with concrete grout. The grout shall consist of one part Portland cement, zero

to four parts sand and sufficient water to produce a workable mixture. Alternatively,

CONTRACTOR may use a low-density cementitious fill. The cost of abandonment of

existing waterline shall be included in the bid item for pipeline connection, and no extra

compensation will be allowed therefore unless there is a separate bid item for such



306-9.1 General. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish all transportation, materials,

equipment, and labor to complete the excavations, backfill materials, street repairs and

other earthwork incidental to the construction of appurtenant structures and appurtenances,

and any work necessary or incidental to provide a complete and operating water main as

contemplated in the plans and these Specifications.

306-9.2 Flange Insulation and Test Lead Installation. No less than 2 snug fitting alignment

pins shall be used in aligning the flanges for the insulating joints. These pins shall remain

in place until the bolts have been installed in all the remaining holes and have been drawn

up tightly.

306-9.3 Valve Installations.

A. Valves shall be installed in a level position with the operation stem vertical except

where shown otherwise on the plans.

B. After installation of the mainline pipe is completed, the CONTRACTOR shall

apply one coat of Koppers #50, or CITY approved equal, bitumastic coating to

damaged areas of buried valves and shall wrap the entire valve with two layers of

8 mil polyethylene and seal all seams with 2-inch wide #50 Scotchwrap tape.

C. Valves shall be stabilized and supported separately from the pipeline as shown on

the plans or on the Standard Drawings.

D. Mainline and appurtenant valves shall be tested for leak-proof tightness after the

main line has been pressure tested, at the test pressure.

E. All valves shall be installed in accordance with Appendix A of AWWA C500.

F. Butterfly valves shall be installed with the valve operator on the "up station", right

side of the valve.

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306-9.4 Valve Box Installations.

A. The CONTRACTOR shall install valve box, cap and rim, and valve operator

extensions of the type indicated in the Standard Drawings.

B. Operator extensions and sleeves shall be centered and set plumb over the valve

operator nut.

C. Shaft extension is required where the distance between the finished ground surface

and the valve operator nut is greater than 4 feet.

D. Operator extensions shall be fitted with an AWWA 2-inch square operating nut and

a tapered socket end for the valve operating nut. The extension shaft shall extend

from the valve nut to within 18-inches of the finished ground surface.

E. Operator extension shaft, nut, socket and centerline guide shall be painted with one

coat of primer after fabrication.

F. The valve box caps shall be set flush to 1/4" above the finished pavement surface.

G. Where valve box installations are not within paved areas, a 3-foot-square by 4-inch

thick asphalt pad shall be formed around the cap and slip can.

H. Valve box caps shall fit securely in the slip sleeves, to prevent displacement due to

traffic loads.

306-9.5 Blowoff Installations.

A. Where blowoff manholes are placed in sidewalk areas, the sidewalk shall be saw-

cut and removed to the nearest score line. The manhole cover and rim shall be set

to sidewalk grade and the sidewalk replaced.

B. Where blowoff manholes are placed in unpaved areas, the cover and rim shall be

set flush with the existing edge of pavement or as directed by the ENGINEER.

C. The manhole cover and rim shall be Alhambra Foundry A-1254, diamond thread

finish and lettered S.F.S. WATER

306-9.5.1 Temporary Blowoff Installations.

A. Temporary blowoffs may be used for pressure testing, flushing and disinfecting the


B. Should the CONTRACTOR use a concrete thrust block, CONTRACTOR shall

provide a suitable separation material (such as tar paper or wood blocking) so that

CONTRACTOR may remove the thrust block without disturbing the end cap. The

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CONTRACTOR shall remove any temporary concrete thrust block prior to system

connection by CITY.

306-9.6 Air Valve Installations.

A. The piping between the outlet valve and the elbow on the air valve riser shall be at

a continuous up grade of 1/4-inch per foot.

B. The long axis of the air valve shall be set parallel to the street.

C. Above-ground ARVs and/or cans shall be set back in sidewalk so that the body is

18 inches clear from the curb face.

306-9.8 Concrete for Thrust, Anchor and Bearing Blocks.

A. Concrete thrust blocks and anchors shall be constructed at locations and dimensions

as shown per CITY Standard Drawings W-8 and W-9.

B. Concrete shall be placed such that bell ends of fittings shall be available for repairs.

Concrete placed over joints shall be removed.

C. Structural steel exposed directly to the soil shall be coated with Koppers #50

bitumastic coating, or a CITY approved equal, prior to pouring the thrust blocks.

306-9.9 Fire Hydrants.

A. Fire hydrants shall be constructed at locations as shown on the plans and per CITY

Standard Drawings W-5.1, W-5.2, as applicable.

B. Fire hydrant heads shall be set back in sidewalk so that the body is 18 inches clear

from the curb face.



Subsection 310-6 is hereby added to Section 310 of the Standard Specifications as follows:

310-6.1 General. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish all material, labor, and equipment

necessary to line and coat all piping, valves, fittings, pipe hangers, and other ferrous metal

surfaces not shop lined and coated.

310-6.2 Surface Preparation. All ferrous surfaces to receive protective coatings shall be

sandblasted to commercial standards per Subsection 310-2.5 of the Standard Specifications

prior to the application of coatings. All surface irregularities such as weld spatter, sharp

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corners, rough welds, etc., shall be ground smooth. All surfaces shall be completely free

of grease, oil and other foreign material.

310-6.3 Interior of Ferrous Surfaces. The interior surfaces of iron pipe and fittings shall

be cement lined in accordance with the latest revised edition of AWWA C-104.

310-6.4 Buried Exterior of Ferrous Surfaces. All ferrous metal fittings and joints (valves,

couplings, flanges, etc.) in contact with the soil shall be coated with one coat of Koppers

#50 bitumastic after assembly to the main-line pipe and shall be wrapped with two layers

of 8 mil polyethylene which shall be secured to the pipe with two-inch wide Scotchwrap

#50 or CITY approved equal.

310-6.4.1 Field Coat. All buried ferrous metal fittings and joints (valves, couplings,

flanges, etc.) in contact with the soil shall be coated with one coat of Super Tank Solution

or Koppers No. 50 bitumastic after assembly to the mainline pipe.


After construction has been completed and before pressure testing and flushing can

commence, "As-Built" drawings shall be submitted by the CONTRACTOR showing pipe

size, material, class and/or pipe thickness, the actual locations (invert elevations) and

stations of all valves, tees, special fittings, and stationing of all water service laterals and

their run length. The CONTRACTOR shall show and note any deviations from the original

plans on the "As-Built" drawings.

"As-Built" drawings shall be prepared on a clean drawing and shall be legibly marked in

red ink.



Contaminated material are not anticipated, but may be encountered during construction of

the project facilities. It shall be the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR to prepare a

Health and Safety Plan.

The CONTRACTOR is directed to monitor for contaminants in soils and for vapors during

all drilling, excavation and trenching work. Promptly and immediately notify the CITY’s

representative inspector upon discovery of any material that the CONTRACTOR believes

may be material that is hazardous waste, as defined in Section 25117 of the Health and

Safety Code, which is required to be removed to a Class I, Class II, or Class III disposal

site in accordance with the provisions of existing law.

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Promptly investigate the conditions, and if the conditions involve hazardous waste, notify

the CITY to verify the presence of hazardous waste. If the presence is confirmed, the CITY

will direct the CONTRACTOR to excavate, remove, haul, and dispose of the contaminated

soil and/or groundwater at an appropriate disposal facility.

It shall be the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR to handle, transport, store, transfer,

recycle and/or dispose of groundwater and soil that has been identified as contaminated

material. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for, but not limited to:

A. Obtaining all permits and EPA numbers for the CITY.

B. Processing all paperwork related to the removal and disposal of hazardous wastes.

C. Blood testing of all involved personnel at beginning and end of project or as might

be required.

D. Handling, packaging, and storing wastes at appropriate job site locations.

E. Composite testing of wastes to determine disposal options.

F. Delivering hazardous wastes to their legal disposal site using licensed hazardous

waste transporters.

G. Paying all applicable disposal fees.

The CONTRACTOR must not discharge any wastewater onsite. The CONTRACTOR

must containerize and transport wastewater to an appropriate facility. The

CONTRACTOR must transport and dispose of soil and water characterized as hazardous

waste at a permitted facility in conformance with Division 4.5 of Title 22 of the California

Code of Regulations and section 2521 of Title 23 of the California Code of Regulations.

The CONTRACTOR must notify Caltrans no less than five (5) business days prior to

beginning any project excavation or dewatering activities.

If the CONTRACTOR is directed to do this work, then the CONTRACTOR shall comply

with all health and safety codes, Laws and Regulations and use labor forces properly

trained to work in a trench that may contain hazardous material as required by Cal-OSHA

and other responsible regulatory agencies. If the material is determined to be non-

hazardous, the CONTRACTOR shall properly dispose of the material. For the areas where

the CITY requests the CONTRACTOR of this Contract to excavate, remove, and dispose

of the contaminated soils and/or groundwater, the CONTRACTOR shall provide the

necessary certified personnel to perform this work. This may include additional training,

a health and safety firm, certified industrial hygienists, safety engineers, health and safety

trainers, and regulatory specialists, as is necessary. All costs associated with the

coordination, training of personnel, health and safety firm, excavation, removal, hauling,

disposal, labor, equipment, and tools shall be paid solely by the CONTRACTOR as part of

the appropriate bid item.


For the options of excavating, removing, and disposing of the contaminated soils, the

CONTRACTOR shall proceed as follows:

2019-10 Marquardt Avenue 16" Water Main Relocation


• Remove all contaminated soils within the limits of trenching or other excavations as

required. Limits of removal shall be within the trench or excavation limits required to

perform the work had contaminated soils not been encountered.

• Remove all excavated soils from the work area to a specified area. Removal shall be

by specially configured hauling vehicles. Removal shall be in accordance with safety

measures, and by methods defined by federal and state laws and statutes.

• Hauling of contaminated soils may only occur between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 3:00

p.m. within the CITY of Santa Fe Springs. Haul routes to specified area are subject to

conditions of the CITY encroachment permit and use agreement.

• Provide the CITY with the original copy of all “weigh tickets” from the legally

authorized receiving facility for contaminated soils disposed of for this project. Weight

tickets must be delivered to the CITY by the CONTRACTOR prior to any payment to

the CONTRACTOR for removal / hauling / disposal of contaminated soils.

CONTRACTOR may use as backfill material for this utility relocation project,

uncontaminated soil or soil with concentrations below California Human Soil Screening

Levels (CCHSLs, January 2005 and subsequent revisions) (excluding arsenic), Los

Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board Screening Levels (LARWQCBSLs), and

USEPA Regional Screening Levels (RSLs), whichever is more stringent. For arsenic,

concentrations consistent with the background levels specified in Determination of a

Southern California Regional Background Arsenic Concentration in Soil (Department of

Toxic Substances California Regional Background Arsenic Concentration in Soil

(Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC), 2008) are acceptable for reuse.

Excavated soil with concentration of contaminants greater than the CHHSLs,

LARWQCBSLs, or RSLs may not be used as backfill material and must be transported

off-site to an appropriate recycling or disposal facility. CONTRACTOR must handle

excess soil in accordance with local, state, and federal regulations.


The CONTRACTOR shall handle, transport, store, transfer, recycle and/or dispose of

groundwater associated with contaminated soils in conformance to the regulations of

relevant governmental agencies including but not limited to the Department of Toxic

Substance Control (DTSC) and the California Division of Occupational Safety and Health

Administration (Cal-OSHA). The CONTRACTOR must containerize wastewater in

USDOT approved containers and properly identify each container with water characterized

as contaminated. Movement of material and equipment during on-site and off-site

transport shall be performed to minimize potential health, safety, and environmental risks.

2019-10 Marquardt Avenue 16" Water Main Relocation



REVISE as follows:


600-2 Vehicular Access. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:

Vehicular access to residential driveways shall be maintained to the property line except

when necessary construction precludes such access for reasonable periods of time. If

backfill has been completed to the extent that safe access may be provided, and the street

is opened to local traffic, the CONTRACTOR shall immediately clear the street and

driveways and provide and maintain access.

Safe, adequate, continuous and unobstructed vehicular access shall be maintained to fire

hydrants, residences, commercial and industrial establishments, churches, schools, parking

lots, service stations, motels, fire and police stations, bus stops, hospitals, etc., unless

otherwise approved by the ENGINEER.

During non-working hours or when work is not scheduled, all roadway lanes shall be

returned to their full traffic use by backfilling and paving open trenches unless otherwise

approved by the ENGINEER. At the end of the workday, the CONTRACTOR shall remove

all Traffic Control Devices not in use.

600-3 Pedestrian Access. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:

Safe, adequate, continuous and unobstructed pedestrian access shall be maintained to

sidewalks, cross walks, residences, commercial and industrial establishments, churches,

schools, parking lots, service stations, motels, fire and police stations, hospitals, etc., unless

other arrangements satisfactory to the Agency have been made by the CONTRACTOR and

accepted by the Agency. Pedestrian access and paths shall meet federal, state and Agency

ADA requirements.


600-4 Construction Parking Control. The CONTRACTOR shall control vehicular parking

to preclude interference with public traffic or parking, access by emergency vehicles,

owners operations, or construction operations, and monitor parking or construction

personnel private vehicles by maintaining free vehicular access to and through parking

areas and prohibit parking on or adjacent to access roads, or in non-designated areas.


REVISE as follows:

601-1 General. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:

2019-10 Marquardt Avenue 16" Water Main Relocation


The CONTRACTOR shall provide and maintain all construction area traffic controls in

accordance with Part 6 of the Standard Specifications, the latest version of the (MUTCD),

and Work Area Traffic Control Handbook (WATCH), and these Special Provisions.

Portable delineators (traffic cones are not allowed) which conform to the current California

Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CA MUTCD) shall be spaced as necessary

for proper delineation of the travel way. The spacing between delineators shall not exceed

50 feet. The minimum lane transitions shall be a 50 to 1 taper unless otherwise shown on

the plans. Double base delineators will be required.

If the portable delineators are damaged, displaced or are not in an upright position, from

any cause, said portable delineators shall immediately be replaced or restored to their

original location, in an upright position, by the CONTRACTOR.

Where construction detours and signing conflict with existing signing, the CONTRACTOR

shall cover existing signs in a manner approved by the Agency’s Representative. The

CONTRACTOR shall also provide temporary traffic delineation per 602 at the conclusion

of each working day, if not sooner, as directed by the Agency’s Representative, for any

centerline, painted median or lane line which is obliterated by construction.

The CONTRACTOR shall provide temporary delineation as directed/accepted. Temporary

delineation shall include removal of conflicting markings by accepted means; installation

and removal of temporary centerlines or lane lines, detour signing, barricading; and

replacement of traffic lines and markings in their proper locations upon termination of the

detour. Conflicting existing and temporary striping, as required for traffic control during

construction, shall be removed by the CONTRACTOR by methods accepted by the

ENGINEER. Blacking out the pavement will not be allowed. Temporary reflective striping

tape may be used, except that it shall not be applied to final asphalt surfaces. Tape shall be

removed from temporary surfaces prior to placement of additional asphalt.

The CONTRACTOR shall maintain a 24-hour emergency service to remove, install,

relocate, and maintain warning devices and shall furnish to the Agency’s Representative,

names and telephone numbers of three persons responsible for this emergency service. In

the event the CONTRACTOR does not promptly respond when notified, the Agency may

make corrections at CONTRACTOR’s expense.

Each workday, the CONTRACTOR shall ensure traffic control is in place prior to starting


Should the CONTRACTOR appear, in the opinion of the ENGINEER, to be lacking in

providing adequate warning devices and protective measures as above provided, the

ENGINEER may direct attention to the existence of a hazard, and the necessary warning

and protective measures shall be furnished and installed by the CONTRACTOR, at his/her

expense. Should the ENGINEER point out the inadequacy of warning and protective

measures, such action on the part of the ENGINEER shall not relieve the CONTRACTOR

2019-10 Marquardt Avenue 16" Water Main Relocation


from responsibility for public safety or abrogate its obligation to furnish and pay for these


The CONTRACTOR shall notify local Police and Fire Departments of its intent to begin

work at each location at least ten (10) days before work is to begin. The CONTRACTOR

shall cooperate with local authorities relative to handling traffic through the area.

No work that interferes with public traffic shall be performed except during the hours

specified for lane closures 601-6.6.



Maria Guzman, Utility Information Request

700 S. Flower Street, Suite 340Los Angeles, CA 90017

(213) 787-9996, [email protected]; [email protected]

Breitburn Management Co. LLC

Robert Gomez, Sr. Staff Geological & Eng. Tech.

1111 Bagby Street, Suite 1600Houston, TX 77002

(713) 437-8082, Ext.

[email protected]

Central Basin Municipal Water District

Jacque Koontz, P.E.

6252 Telegraph RoadCommerce, CA 90040-2512

(323) 201-5500, Ext. 2628

[email protected]@[email protected]

Charter Communications

Mr. Ernest Chang

550 N. Continental Boulevard, Suite 250El Segundo, CA 90245

(562) 383-9989, Ext.

[email protected]

Chevron Pipeline Company

Dave Zerler, Contractor

2600 Homestead PlaceRancho Dominguez, CA 90220

(310) 669-4014, Ext.

[email protected]

Monday, July 08, 2019 Page 1 of 7Printed:

UTILITY COMPANY LISTINGCounty Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County

Utility Requests

P.O. Box 4998Whittier, CA 90607

(562) 908-4228, Ext. [email protected]

Crimson Pipeline, LLC

April Harvey, Land Department

3760 Kilroy Airport Way, Suite 300Long Beach, CA 90806

(562) 285-4112, Ext.

[email protected]


Utility Coordinator

12905 Los Nietos RoadSanta Fe Springs, CA 90670

(562) 903-7939, Ext.

GLC SFS II, LLC. c/o Goodman Birtcher

Mike Kent

18201 Von Karman Avenue, Suite 1170Irvine, CA 92612

(949) 407-0151, Ext.

[email protected]

Golden Springs Development Co., LLC

Faye Lengyel

13116 Imperial HighwaySanta Fe Springs, CA 90670

(562) 921-3581, Ext. 346

[email protected]

Monday, July 08, 2019 Page 2 of 7Printed:


Ray Burk, P.E., Operations Engineer

12035 Burke Street, #1Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670

(562) 907-9200, Ext.

Heraeus Metal Processing LLC

Peter Eckert

15524 Carmenita RoadSanta Fe Springs, CA 90670

(562) 483-1830, Ext.

[email protected]

Kinder Morgan Energy Partners/Pipeline Inquiries

Pipeline Inquiries

1100 Town & Country Road, Suite 700Orange, CA 92868

(714) 560-4400, Ext.

[email protected]

La Habra Heights County Water District

Joe Matthews, Superintendent

1271 N. Hacienda RoadLa Habra Heights, CA 90631

(562) 697-6769

Liberty Utilities

Janelle Rellosa

9750 Washburn RoadDowney, CA 90241

(562) 299-5122, Ext.

[email protected]

Monday, July 08, 2019 Page 3 of 7Printed:

UTILITY COMPANY LISTINGLos Angeles County Department of Public Works

Daryll W. Chenoweth

P. O. Box 1460Construction Division, 8th Floor

(626) [email protected]

Metropolitan Water District of Southern California

Ms. Shoreh Zareh, Manager, Substructure Team

P.O. Box 54153Los Angeles, CA 90054-0153

(213) 217-6534, Ext.

[email protected]

Naval Facilities Engineering Command Southwest

Utility Coordinator

1220 Pacific HighwaySan Diego, CA 92132-5190

(619) 532-3100, Ext.

Paramount Pipeline

Mohsen Ahmadi

14700 Downey AvenueParamount, CA 90723

(562) 531-2060, Ext. 2681

[email protected]

Phibro-Tech, Inc.

Mr. Robert Murtha

8851 Dice RoadSanta Fe Springs, CA 90670

(562) 273-0128, Ext.

[email protected]

Monday, July 08, 2019 Page 4 of 7Printed:

UTILITY COMPANY LISTINGPlains All American Pipeline

David Delgado

5900 Cherry AvenueLong Beach, CA 90805

(562) 728-2054, [email protected]

San Gabriel Valley Water Company

Alan Frost

15966 Arrow RouteFontana, CA 92335

(909) 201-7375, Ext.

[email protected]

Santa Fe Engergy

Kamal El Shahawy, President

11651 Telegraph RoadSanta Fe Springs, CA 90670

(562) 644-4761, Ext.

[email protected]

Shell Pipeline Company L.P.

Clarinda Maldonado

150 N. Dairy Ashford A2Houston, TX 77079

(800) 438-7752, Ext.

[email protected]

Southern California Edison Company

Reymundo Moreno and Adrian Simon

9901 Geary AvenueSanta Fe Springs, CA 90670

(562) 903-3185, Ext.

[email protected]

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UTILITY COMPANY LISTINGSouthern California Gas Company

Michael Covarrubias, Planning Associate

1919 S. State College BoulevardAnaheim, CA 92806-6114

(714) 634-7260, [email protected]

Suburban Water Systems

Mr. Warjay Naigan

1325 N. Grand Avenue, Suite 100Covina, CA 91724

(626) 543-2627, Ext.

[email protected]

Tesoro Refining & Marketing Company

H. C. Winson

4 Centerpointe Drive #161La Palma, CA 90623-1066

(714) 670-5125, Ext.

[email protected]

The Gas Company

Utility Coordinator

9400 Oakdale AvenueChatsworth, CA 91311

(818) 701-3448, Ext.

SoCalGasTransmissionUtilityRequest@semprautilities.comAtlasRequests/[email protected]

Torrance Logistics Company, LLC

Ms. Eleanor Marx , Contract Right-of-Way Agent

12851 E. 166th StreetCerritos, CA 90703-2103

(310) 212-1794, Ext.

[email protected]

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UTILITY COMPANY LISTINGUnderground Service Alert

Utility Coordinator

P.O. Box 77070Corona, CA 92877

(800) 442-4133, Ext.

Union Pacific Railroad

Manager Contracts-RE

1400 Douglas Street, stop 1690Omaha, NE 68179-1690

Union Pacific Railroad Co.

Daniel Z. Moreno

2015 South WillowBloomington, CA 92316

(909) 685-2288, Ext.

[email protected]

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