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“Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.” - Romans 12:15 The CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION 2016 Annual meeting January 29, 2017

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Page 1: The CHURCH OF THE… · parish, have given so sacrificially of your time and skills and care. I and others

“Rejoice with those who rejoice,

weep with those who weep.”

- Romans 12:15


2016 Annual meeting

January 29, 2017

Page 2: The CHURCH OF THE… · parish, have given so sacrificially of your time and skills and care. I and others

Annual Meeting Message from the Priest-In-Charge

Dear People of Ascension,

The verse on the cover of this report, from St. Paul’s Letter to the Romans,

came to my heart and mind as I began to review the past year at Ascension

and our present circumstances. “Rejoice with those who rejoice. Weep with those

who weep.” The admonition is one of many that Paul pours out toward the end

of the letter. A longer section of the passage is found on the following page.

Rejoice with those who rejoice. We at Ascension do have reasons to rejoice. • Many of

you have recently expressed gratitude for a sense of return to normalcy and the commitments

to high standards in our worship and music ministries. • The financial gloom that prevailed

last spring has eased a bit — partly due to your increased financial giving and partly due to a

windfall from use of the church premises for filming of scenes for Fox TV’s Exorcist series.

(Not that we’ve been battling any demons or anything …) • Volunteer support for the St.

Anthony of Padua Food Pantry ministry has remained robust through the recent troubles.

• I give thanks for all who took a risk and participated in the Listening Posts process last

spring. • And above all I give thanks for those of you who, in faith and out of love for this

parish, have given so sacrificially of your time and skills and care. I and others rejoice and are

in awe due to your heroic, faithful efforts to keep things going, for God’s sake!

Weep with those who weep. Many of you would agree that the spiritual, emotional and

relational fabric of Ascension was seriously damaged over the past two years. By now I’ve

heard many stories about who did what to whom and why. The stories have often been cast

in terms of Ascension’s Anglo-Catholic identity, heritage and practices — understood in vari-

ous and sometimes contradictory ways. Important as these matters are, I’ve grown to believe

that the greatest damage here, in 2015 and into 2016, has had to do with relationships. And

trust. And the tight-knit community of people who cherished the way things were. And those

who believed they understood how roles and authority in the church should work. And those

who, regardless of allegiances, saw behaviors and motives and decisions and allegiances that

broke their hearts and shook their faith in God or church. Please know that I don’t see myself

as only an observer. I’ve become part of the story. I weep.

There will no doubt be more cause for both rejoicing and weeping in the year ahead. I

hope and pray we will rejoice as relationships continue to mend, as we welcome newcomers,

as we get our strategic bearings and lean into the future, and as we relish the worship of God

through faithful, beautiful liturgies and music. We may also find ourselves weeping as we

discover the tenacity of some wounds or as we grapple with what we can and can no longer

sustain due to diminishing human or financial resources.

A key word in the verse from Romans that I haven’t yet examined is with: “Rejoice with

those who rejoice. Weep with those who weep.” Paul is commending a deep connection with oth-

ers in faith. I pray we will be blessed by rejoicing and weeping with one another in the year

ahead. And I look forward to sharing more time, more worship, more service and more fel-

lowship with you.

My wife Brooke and our kids join me in thanking you for the blessing of

sharing this past year with you and for your many kindnesses and prayers.

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Let love be genuine;

hate what is evil,

hold fast to what is good;

love one another with mutual affection;

outdo one another in showing honor.

Do not lag in zeal,

be ardent in spirit,

serve the Lord.

Rejoice in hope,

be patient in suffering,

persevere in prayer.

Contribute to the needs of the saints;

extend hospitality to strangers.

Bless those who persecute you;

bless and do not curse them.

Rejoice with those who rejoice,

weep with those who weep.

Live in harmony with one another;

do not be haughty,

but associate with the lowly;

do not claim to be wiser than you are.

Do not repay anyone evil for evil,

but take thought for what is noble

in the sight of all.

If it is possible, so far as it depends on

you, live peaceably with all.

- Romans 12:9-18

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Church of the Ascension Annual Meeting Materials

Table of Contents

Message from the Priest-In-Charge 1

Proposed Annual Meeting Agenda 3

Nominations Report 4-5

• Christopher Raymond (Warden) 6

• Brenton Boitse (Vestry) 7

• James Drury (Vestry) 8

• Kenneth Kelling (Vestry) 9

• Cynthia Perrizo (Vestry) 10

• DiAnne Walsh (Vestry) 11

Financial Report 12-14

Ministry Reports 15-22

• Father D 15

• 2016 Worship Attendance 16

• Acolytes—Jim LoBello 17

• Flowers—Peterson/Walsh/Noren 17

• Book Group—Kenneth Kelling 18

• Buildings/Grounds—Cheryl Peterson 19

• Food Pantry—Susan Schlouth 20

• Library—Kenneth Kelling 21

• Pastoral Care—Kenneth Kelling 22

• Thanksgiving Meal—

Noren/Reeves/Walsh 17

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Church of the Ascension

Annual Meeting of Sunday, January 29, 2017

Proposed Agenda

I. Call to Order (during announcements at the 10 a.m. Mass

II. Opening Prayer

III. Review and Approval of Agenda, with Amendments if Any

IV. Notice of Approval of Minutes from May 2016 Annual Meeting

V. Nominations & Election

A. Report of Nominating Committee

B. Opportunity for Nominations from the Floor

C. Voting for 1 Warden (2-year term) and 3 Vestry Members (3-year terms)

VI. Lay Leaders’ Remarks

Departing Senior Warden, Judy Mintel

Incoming Senior Warden, David Schrader

VII. Financial Presentation—Susan Schlough, Treasurer

VIII. Parishioner Vote on Approval of Bylaws

IX. Announcement of Election Results

X. Acknowledgement of Ministry, Program and Committee Reports

XI. Open Mic (2 minute limit): Parishioner comments, questions

XII. Closing Hymn and Prayer

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This year’s Vestry Nominating Committee consisted of one member from each Vestry class:

Tim Kowalski, LaVerne Saunders and Charley Taylor. Support was provided by Father Raymond,

Priest-In-Charge, and others. The slate was presented to the Vestry for review and comment at its

January 14, 2017, meeting and is hereby being provided to the congregation. Additional nominations

by members eligible to vote at the Annual Meeting may be made in writing, or from the floor.





Two Years. In the first year, the elected Warden will serve as Junior Warden, and in the second year,

as Senior Warden.

From Canon 19.

“There shall be two Wardens who shall be Communicants in good standing, and who may be

distinguished as Senior and Junior, although all duties belong equally to both, and both shall be held

responsible for the performance of such duties. The Wardens shall see that the Church is provided

with a Bible … and Prayer Books and Hymnals…. It shall also be their duty to provide the fair linens

and the elements of bread and wine for the celebration of the Holy Communion; to procure proper

vestments and vessels; and to cause the alms and other offerings of the people to be gathered in

decent basins provided for the purpose. The Wardens shall have care that the Church Building be

kept from all secular or other uses not authorized …; that it be kept in good repair and clean, and

that the premises around be in proper order. It is the duty of the Wardens to preserve order and

decorum in and around the Church Building on all occasions whatever, and especially during the

time of Divine Worship, and to admonish persons guilty of any unseemly levity or rudeness. In case

there is no Rector, or in case of the Rector’s absence or inability to act, the Wardens according to

seniority shall preside at all meetings of the Vestry and of the Parish.”


Standards and expectations for Wardens are included in the proposed new parish bylaws. A

Nominee for Warden should have previously served as a Member of Vestry to insure his or her

familiarity with the operation of a Parish, and must be faithful in attendance at Mass and in the

practice of good stewardship.

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Positions Vacant and Term.

Three full-term (three-year) positions as Member of Vestry.

From Canon 20.

“The Vestry shall consist of the Rector …, the duly elected Wardens, and the duly elected mem-

bers of Vestry. The Rector shall preside at all meetings…. In case of the Rector's absence from a

meeting of the Vestry, or if there be no Rector, one of the Wardens (in the order of their seniority

if both Wardens are present) shall preside at such meeting. The Vestry shall transact all the tem-

poral business of the Parish; shall see that all things needful for the Public Services are provided;

shall collect and disburse all moneys due for Church purposes; shall provide that … officers be

suitably appointed and faithfully discharge their duties; shall pay with punctuality … the stipu-

lated salaries of the Rector and others; shall inform themselves of all collections required by the

Canons of the Diocese, and of assessments which may be imposed by the Convention, and take

measures for the due and prompt liquidation of these obligations; and before the close of each

fiscal year of the Diocese the Vestry shall collect … a sum sufficient to liquidate all the current

expenses of the Parish. The Vestry shall … cause to be written and delivered to the Rector… a

statement of the temporal condition of the Parish…. The said statement shall set forth what

money, lands or other property have been received during their time of office, and from what

source, what money has been expended, and for what objects, and what property has been pur-

chased, exchanged or mortgaged, and for what purposes.”

In addition, Canon 8 provides for the nomination to the Bishop by the Vestry of a Rector, and for the

manner of election of a Rector by the Vestry; for the provision of clergy salary and support and the

reporting of same to the Bishop.

Canon 21 provides for the annual election by the Vestry of a Clerk and a Treasurer. In addition, cur-

rent practice and procedure of the Diocese calls upon the Vestry to make recommendations of postu-

lants and candidates for Holy Orders.

Proposed new parish bylaws provide additional information about qualifications for and

expectations of Vestry members.

Respectfully submitted,

Timothy Kowalski, Charles Taylor

LaVerne Rolle Saunders, Chair

January 29, 2017






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Nominees for Warden and Member of Vestry have responded to a request for the fol-

lowing information, and their responses follow.


Christopher Raymond

1. Employment/Profession: Attorney, United States Social Security Administration

2. Number of years at Ascension: 6 (since October 2010)

3. Past and present involvement at Ascension: Altar server (since Febru-

ary 2011); Vestry member (2012-2013); Rector Search Committee Member

(2012-2013); Daily Office Officiant, Tuesday evenings and dedicated

attendee, Thursday evenings (since June 2016); Bylaws Committee Chair

(since June 2016); Diocesan Convention Delegate (November 2013)

5. Describe some skills and/or qualities you can offer to Ascension: Most recently, I

have had the privilege of working with our Priest-in-Charge, Wardens, and other con-

gregants on matters concerning the governance of the parish as we begin reflecting,

healing, and moving forward from some recent struggles at Ascension regarding gov-

ernance and authority. This has been a wonderful opportunity to come to appreciate

the diversity of viewpoints at Ascension. Having been an altar server for many years, I

appreciate how precious our heritage of excellence in worship is as well as the enor-

mous amount of work a handful of people undertake to accomplish one of our signa-

ture ministries — and I know that we have a critical need to grow our ranks of altar


6. Describe your vision for the Vestry: The good news is most pressing dangers to As-

cension are no longer issues born of internecine fighting. However, we must be contin-

ue to press onward and not grow complacent. Our attendance numbers show that As-

cension needs to focus on outreach to and formation of new and renewed disciples of

Jesus Christ. Christianity no longer occupies pride of place in our society; however,

our society remains fascinated by the Christian Faith and continues to interrogate it. I

would like Ascension to become leaders in producing disciples who can forcefully an-

swer, by word and by the example of their lives, society's questions about what it

means to be a Christian. To this end, I would like Ascension to begin to focus on how it

can mentor young clergy in the ways of Anglo-Catholic witness. I would like to Ascen-

sion become more visible in our neighborhood and our Diocese. And I would like to

investigate new models of fellowship here at Ascension that are life-giving and com-

munity-fostering, refreshing and emboldening us to live out our ministries beyond As-


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Brenton Boitse

1. Employment/Profession: @Properties / Real Estate Broker

2. Number of years at the Church of the Ascension: 3

3. Past and present involvement at the Church of the Ascension: I have

always enjoyed doing readings and have on occasion volunteered for the

food pantry. I have also been involved with serving at mass especially dur-

ing the Stations of the Cross and would love to be more involved!

4. Involvement in past churches, past or present involvement in the diocese, and/or

community volunteering/leadership: I have helped with the Diocese of Chicago Pride

Walk and organizing for that. I have an Orthodox/Roman Catholic background and

was always in charge at my church growing up for serving and for organizing the

“Spirit Day” retreats for the kids having Confirmation. I was also involved in the com-

munity outreach.

5. Skills and/or qualities that you believe you can offer to Ascension in the context

of the Vestry: I bring a really strong passion for bringing more Millennials into the

church and increasing outreach. I also bring a love and dedication to spreading God’s

love to people via the Anglo-Catholic route. I also bring years of marketing and sales to

the church along with years with several non-profits including Heartland Alliance and

Red Cross.

6. Your vision for the Vestry and/or thoughts about the most important Vestry prior-

ities for the coming year: I think in the future the most important thing we can do is

to bring in more young people to the church. I truly believe that Anglo-Catholicism

and Church of the Ascension’s best days are ahead with the right agenda. My vison

will be an inclusive and cohesive vestry that works together to create meaningful com-

munity. I believe with the right investments and strategizing our current resources we

could really create something incredible and will be able to share the gospels for a pub-

lic that needs it.

7. Other information that you believe may be helpful to fellow parishioners: I have

always had a strong belief that we can change the way Ascension works but I don’t

think it means we need to change the liturgy and music, but rather we need to make

the church more accessible to people. I think down the road that we can really help to

spread the message of God’s love and mercy and to look to the future we need to look

to our traditions and bring them joyfully into the 21st century. I believe that our tradi-

tions are more important than ever in an ever faster paced world. I would love more

than anything to serve the church in this capacity. Thank you.

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James Drury

1. Employment/Profession: Retired; former Assistant Director, Health In-

dustry Mgmt. Program, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern


2. Number of years at the Church of the Ascension: 40 years

3. Past and present involvement at the Church of the Ascension: Former

Vestryman; two Search Committees; Bylaws Committee; Usher, for many

years; co-chair, Sunday coffee hour; Thanksgiving Dinners; Food Baskets

for Indian Mission

4. Involvement in past churches, past or present involvement in the diocese, and/or

community volunteering/leadership: President, Univ. of Missouri MHA Alum Assoc;

former Board member, City Musick (Baroque Orchestra,) active in Arts in Chicago

5. Skills and/or qualities that you believe you can offer to Ascension in the context

of the Vestry: Even-handed; thoughtful; general mgmt. skills; concern for the parish

6. Your vision for the Vestry and/or thoughts about the most important Vestry prior-

ities for the coming year: I think Ascension is getting back on track but we need to

grow the parish significantly so we can stabilize our finances and have more helping

hands with our liturgy and programs

7. Other information that you believe may be helpful to fellow parishioners:

- Bachelors Degree from Benedictine College

- MHA (Masters in Health Administration) Univ. of Missouri

- 20 years with Am. College of Healthcare Execs.

- 20 years with Kellogg School of Management

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Kenneth Kelling

1. Employment/Profession: Retired Elementary & High School Teacher

2. Number of years at the Church of the Ascension: 7 years

3. Past and present involvement at the Church of the Ascension: Lay

Chaplain, Lay Eucharistic Minister, Lector, Delegate to Diocesan Conven-

tion, Volunteer at General Convention, Chairperson of Library Reorganiza-

tion Project, Officiant for Evening Prayer, Volunteer for Thanksgiving Din-

ner, Moderator of Ascension Book Group.

4. Involvement in past churches, past or present involvement in the diocese, and/or

community volunteering/leadership: Diocesan Conventions & General Convention,

active in projects at St. Richard of Chichester, sang in church choirs at St. Christopher,

Oak Park & Lakeview Presbyterian, active in multiple roles for Masonic Lodge and

Eastern Star

5. Skills and/or qualities that you believe you can offer to Ascension in the context

of the Vestry: Experience with leadership skills, financial reports, budgeting and how

a team functions to make the system work best

6. Your vision for the Vestry and/or thoughts about the most important Vestry prior-

ities for the coming year: We are at a crossroads, whether we want to face it or not,

and need to make decisions that will have effects on this parish for years to come.

What we are currently doing is a beginning, but we have not reached the time to sit

back and relax. We need to try some newer and maybe even bolder approaches to in-

creasing membership, bringing former members back, and strengthening the basis of

our church’s vison or mission statements. We need to address some concerns with

building security and the building’s overall structural integrity.

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Cynthia Perrizo

1. Employment/Profession: Retired elementary music teacher (K - 5)

2. Number of years at the Church of the Ascension: 35 years

3. Past and present involvement at the Church of the Ascension:

Regular attendee at Sunday Eucharist


Delegate to 2016 Episcopal Diocesan Convention

Christian Education Director 2006 – 2011

Initiated and lead Vacation Bible School, 2005 – 2006

Served as substitute organist

Participated in Mardi Gras productions

4. Involvement in past churches, past or present involvement in the diocese, and/or com-

munity volunteering/leadership:

• Organist or organist/choir director at various Episcopal churches

• Sunday School teacher at St. Anne’s Episcopal Church, Morrison, IL

• Completed Diocesan training session, Keeping God’s People Safe

5. Skills and/or qualities that you believe you can offer to Ascension in the context of the

Vestry: First and foremost, I have a deep-seated love for the Ascension, both forits cherished

traditions and its future. I so want it to thrive. I want to be instrumental in attracting new

(and returning) members so that they can experience what makes us all love this parish. I am

comfortable talking with people, even strangers! I would like the ethos at the Ascension to be

warm and inviting and I want to facilitate that.

6. Your vision for the Vestry and/or thoughts about the most important Vestry priorities for

the coming year: The parish has to have confidence that the vestry is thoroughly cognizant of

what transpires at the Church of the Ascension. The vestry must be a responsible gate-keeper

to fulfill its role in the proper governance of the parish. They must ensure that the church is

stable and well-run while helping the parish to heal at the same time.

As a member of the vestry, my most important priorities would be to foster continued healing

and work to establish sound governance structures, while supporting Fr. Raymond as we

plan for the future.

7. Other information that you believe may be helpful to fellow parishioners: The Church of

the Ascension is my church home. It feeds me spiritually and has done so throughout the

years. My experience developing and leading our Sunday School helped me know first-hand

the hard work required to build something important in the parish. I have been given much

and I would like to give something back.

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DiAnne Walsh

1. Employment/Profession: Retired; Director Marketing and Database Mgmt.

2. Number of years at the Church of the Ascension: 1797-1987 (11 years)

and 1999-2016 (17 years): 28 years total

3. Past and present involvement at the Church of the Ascension: Sunday

School Teacher, Lector, Acolyte, Counter, Food Pantry, Flower Guild, Hospi-

tality Chairman, Thanksgiving Dinner, Vestry (2 Terms under Fr. Norris) 2

Terms under Fr. Fertig, Communications Committee

4. Involvement in past churches, past or present involvement in the diocese, and/or

community volunteering/leadership: Episcopal Youth Director - Church of the Annun–

ciation, Waukegan; Choir (Our Saviour, Fullerton) Diocesan Education Committee; I

have also served as a Board Member of The Direct Marketing Educational Foundation

5. Skills and/or qualities that you believe you can offer to Ascension in the context

of the Vestry: Well organized; Attention to detail; Strong leadership ability; Market-

ing; Excellent at Budgets

6. Your vision for the Vestry and/or thoughts about the most important Vestry prior-

ities for the coming year: Communication within the Parish and the Diocese; Contin-

ued healing; Growth through our Website and Community

7. Other information that you believe may be helpful to fellow parishioners: I love

this parish. This is my spiritual home. Jim and I were married here, our daughter was

baptized here. I will always be here to help.

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2016 Financial Highlights

$ We ended the year with an increase in our Vanguard account

despite a rocky start:

There were a number of bills from 2015 that unexpected-

ly flowed into 2016.

Some spending categories had un- or under-budgeted


$ We took steps to control the outflow of money from the En-


The COA contribution to the Diocese was reduced.

We made changes to the music program.

Fox TV made contributions to use our facilities for filming.

We asked for contributions from parishioners for some

unplanned repairs and improvements.

$ We used $215,000 from the Vestry-restricted portion of

‘General Endowment 1’ to supplement our operating income

[more than planned].

7.07% spend rate

$ Due to earnings and the increase in stock values at the end of

2016, we ended the year with more in the ‘General Endow-

ment 1’ account than we started with.

Year-End 2015: $3,171,747

Year-End 2016: $3,270,410

Annual Meeting Financial Report

On this and the following two pages, parishioners may see in advance the materials that Treasurer

Susan Schlough will walk us through at the January 29 Annual meeting. Our aim is to emphasize

main points of interest and to demonstrate appropriate transparency without numbing recipients.

More detailed information may be provided (subject to confidentiality about some matters) by di-

rectly contacting Susan.

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Financial Income & Expense—3-Year View

* - 2015 number does not include full value of Rector’s Discretionary Fund & - Non-Operating Income.

# - Projected spend rate of 4.66% for Vestry-restricted portion of GE1 in 2017

Pledging for 2017 as of January 5, 2017



Plate & Pledge $110,245 $111,784 $100,297

Stoskopf Trusts $396,776 $369,969 $332,325

Endowment $188,366 $236,735 $169,758 #

Batson Oil Bequest $6923 $5123 $4974

Other $100,327 $120,672 $96,172

& Building Fund $11,102 $220 $14,920 &

& Special Offerings* $5673 $40,933 $8785 &

Total Income $819,412 $885,436 $727,232


Work Outside Par-ish

$132,477 $88,664 $83,730

Clergy Support $234,315 $241,069 $214,225

Worship $6589 $13,714 $10,670

Music Program $161,916 $139,243 $139,608

Christian Education $6252 $5396 $2090

Other Programs $8988 $8206 $16,442

Administration $117,476 $100,787 $101,870

Maintenance $123,460 $154,020 $158,571

Former Rector $48,844 $37,620

Total Expense $839,918 $788,721 $727,206

$ To date we have 63 pledges in the amount of $85,127:

" 16 are new.

" Some new pledgers gave money last year but did not pledge.

$ This can be compared to $41,500 in pledges in mid-January of 2016.

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Vanguard Comparison


12/31/2015 Earned Disbursed Pur- Gains/Loss 12/31/2016 Change

Balance Jan-Dec Jan-Dec Jan-Dec Jan-Dec Balance Jan-Dec

Endowment 1

Vanguard 500 $2,474,725.8 $51,161.05 $215,000. $0.00 $217,848.8 $2,477,240.7 $2,514.93


Vanguard Long Term Bond $697,020.52 $29,690.34 $0.00 $0.00 $14,963.63 $741,674.49 $44,653.9

Vanguard Money Market $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Vanguard STAR $0.00 $0.01 $0.00 $20,000. $0.00 $20,000.01 $20,000.0

Vanguard Wellesley Income $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $31,495. $0.00 $31,495.00 $31,495.0

Total Funds $3,171,746.3 $3,270,410.2 $98,663.9

Vanguard Wellington $775,007.86 $37,230.63 $21,735.3 $0.00 $47,620.04 $838,123.18 $63,115.3

Total Endow #1 $3,946,754.1 $118,082.0 $288,230. $51,495. $280,432.5 $4,108,533.4 $161,779.

Endowment 2

Vanguard 500 $451,513.64 $10,068.14 $87,700.0 $0.00 $43,780.66 $417,662.44 -

Vanguard Long Term Bond $135,579.95 $5,775.17 $0.00 $0.00 $2,910.62 $144,265.74 $8,685.79

Vanguard Money Market $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Vanguard Wellesley Adm $0.00 $0.01 $0.00 $87,700. $0.00 $87,700.01 $87,700.0

Total Endow #2 $587,093.59 $15,843.32 $87,700.0 $87,700. $46,691.28 $649,628.19 $62,534.6

Total Endowments $4,533,847.7 $4,758,161.6 $224,313.

(For those unfamiliar, Treasurer Schlough will translate at the Annual Meeting …)

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Annual Report 2016 From the Pastoral Assistant

Father James Dunkerley

Direct us Lord in all our doings with your most gracious favor, and further us with your continual help, that in all our works, begun, continued and ended in you we may glorify your holy Name and finally by your mercy, obtain everlasting life, through Jesus Christ Our Lord.

This little prayer began every vestry meeting I conducted as Rector, and I must say has been a mantra of my own work here at the Church of the Ascension. This past year I have seen much growth in our parish of those seeking the will of God through our ministerial life together. It began by much reaching out to people who found themselves at difficult places in relation to each other and parochial life. My desk was littered with note paper with the names of those I was trying to reconnect with. Much of my effort was spent in trying to rebuild bridges that had been broken for one reason or another. My success at first was only small, and but little by little trust and confidence began to grow and bring fruit. In the past few months however, those note papers have become much less, and I find myself in another concern. I believe we have reached a time when those who wish to reconnect have al-ready done so, and others have taken a different path and therefore should not be sought after. Rather I have been encouraged in the past few months in an increase of those wishing to volun-teer time and gifts to projects in our ministry together. I have also been encouraged to notice the number of new faces we seem to be attracting and is leading me into realizing that we are now into a new stage of rebuilding! Every Parish at some time moves in cycles of growth and change, and nothing is more difficult than dealing with change. These is no question that in the last two years the Church of the As-cension has most certainly been dealing with a time of great change, and as I have already said, nothing is more stressful. But I can say quite confidently that we have successfully dealt with most of the stress and I am looking forward to a more fruitful time of growth, so that all our works, begun, continued and ended in the power of the Holy Spirit, we may glorify the Holy Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Father D.

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11:00 a.m. Solemn High Mass, Rite II - 67

9:00 a.m. Sung Mass, Rite II - 19

7:30 a.m. Morning Prayer - 4

Saturday Evening - 73

(Great Vigil of Easter, Christmas Eve)

2016 Weekly Average Sunday Attendance for all services above: 102

Average Attendance at 27 Sunday evening liturgies

Includes: 12 - Choral Evensong liturgies (Jan. 1—April 24)

5 - First-Sunday-of-the-Month Evensong & Benediction

1 - Advent Lessons and Carols

2016 Total of all services including Sunday evenings: 111

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Acolyte Report 2016

Daniel Webster defines an Acolyte as “one who

serves a priest at Mass.” This definition is a simple but

a good one. Sometimes we take for granted what takes

place in the Sanctuary. We here at Ascension are for-

tunate in having fourteen men and women who serve

as Acolytes. On behalf of myself, our Clergy and the

whole Congregation, I would like to thank all who

serve at the Altar. They play a very important role in

our worship of Almighty God.

If anyone is interested in becoming an Acolyte, help is needed for all our ser-

vices. You can be scheduled as you desire, training is given as needed. No one is

assigned until he or she feels confident and comfortable.

Being an Acolyte is an excellent way to get to know others in our parish family,

while being a part of the important ministry of assisting at the Altar. If you are

interested in being an Acolyte or have any questions, please see Jim Lo Bello or

one of the priests.

Respectfully submitted,

James Lo Bello, Master of Acolytes

Flower Guild Report

The Flower Guild is

responsible for purchasing

and arranging flowers for the

high altar and various

shrines, as well as planning

and arranging special decorations for Easter and Christmas. We were delighted

that our membership more than doubled in 2016, with Claudia Vargas, Cliff Green,

Roz Nelson, and Brooke Raymond joining our ranks. Two flower-arranging train-

ing sessions were held in the fall, and we are willing to train any newcomer who is

interested in this ministry.

We have done our best to make our limited finances stretch by saving and

recycling non-perishable materials, shopping around for the best prices on flow-

ers, and occasionally using flowers or greens from Our Lady of Victory Garden or

guild members’ gardens. We encourage members and friends to mark a special

occasion by sponsoring floral arrangements that enhance the beauty of worship at

Ascension. Sign-up sheets are on the bulletin board near the church kitchen.

Cheryl Peterson

DiAnne Walsh

Carol Noren

Page 17

Note: due to space considerations, the Flower Guild

Report is out of alphabetical order ...

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Ascension Book Group Report

The Ascension Book Group tends to follow the academic year of Sep-

tember to May. For the 2016-2017 term we have been exploring the topic

of “Atonement” in its various forms or contradictions in fiction, murder

mystery, drama, and factual memoir. The books for the 2016- 2017 sea-

son are as follows:

Ian McEwan (b. 1948 - ) Atonement (2003)

Ferenc (Franz) Molnár (1878-1952) Liliom (1909)

Agatha Christie (1890-1976) Murder on the Orient Express (1934)

Henry van Dyke (1852-1933) Christmas Stories (Various Dates)

Leroy Aarons (1933-2004) Prayers for Bobby (1995)

Khaled Hosseini (b. 1965 - ) The Kite Runner (2003)

Lloyd Douglas (1922-1998) The Robe (1942)

Margaret Laurence (1926-1987) The Stone Angel (1964)

Ursula Le Guin (b. 1929 - ) The Earthsea Trilogy (1968, 1970, 1972)

We have met one evening each month for book discussions. Although we are a small group,

the discussions have at times been quite lively. To quote one member of the group, “I enjoy

reading these books because they are titles I would never have come up with on my own and

yet, I am always learning how to see things in a new way.” Due to the advance of the Internet

and social media, our book group titles have made it out into the cyber-world thanks to

TWAA. I have received emails from members of book groups from other congregations that

have begun following our selection list to see what we are doing. One person from a suburban

parish told me that their parish was reading one of the books from our list and provided some

suggestions for us for the future, one of which we will be reading during the 2017-2018 season.

I receive emails or am told comments by parishioners that they are keeping up with the titles

we are reading, and even reading some of the titles along with us, but do not participate in the

discussions. To that I can only say that our discussions would be far richer with you there, but

keep following along if you cannot make it anyway.

For the 2017-2018 season we will be going with another topic for the year: “Voices from For-

eign Lands” with authors from Europe, Africa, Asia, and South America including Lady Ka-

ren Blixen of Denmark and Kenya, Chinua Achebe of Nigeria, Donald Woods of South Africa,

Tomás Eloy Martínez of Argentina, Shûsaku Endô of Japan, Heinrich Harrer of Austria and

Tibet, and more.

Respectfully submitted,

Ken Kelling

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Members of the Buildings and Grounds Committee met throughout the year to consider needed re-

pairs and improvements to the church property. This encompassed the church building and parish

hall, the coach house, the rectory, the garden and surrounding grounds, and the parking lot. Many

projects were undertaken during the year-- some involving work with various contractors and some

carried out by church staff and parish volunteers.

This has been a year of transition. The committee has spent a considerable amount of time assessing the

physical condition of the property and the need to make long term plans for major repairs involving the slate

roof of the church, the flat roof (several sections) covering the offices and library, the entrance hallway, and

the kitchen. The rectory also has some structural needs involving replacement of the gutters, the outside

stairway to the 3rd floor, and the front and back porches. The garden and the grounds need some serious tree

trimming and additional lighting.

Amidst the planning that is ongoing with regard to the structural integrity of the buildings and their long-

term improvement, the committee has addressed numerous issues of building maintenance and beautifica-

tion. Lots of smaller projects have been accomplished to fix water leaks, repair windows, replace fencing,

paint doors, remove asbestos (rectory basement), and plant flowers in the garden. More than a dozen parish-

ioners volunteered in October for a Saturday workday to dust and clean in the church, in Wheeler Hall, in the

nursery, the hallway, and the kitchen. Others helped trim and clean out overgrown portions of the garden

and the bushes along LaSalle and Elm streets. We are always grateful for those who walk around the proper-

ty and pick up the litter that accumulates so quickly from day to day. In December we invested in a new

commercial snowblower to address the needs of our frontage sidewalk and interior pathways.

The major projects of 2016 required the solicitation of extra funds from our parishioners. They also required

the extensive commitment of our staff and some dedicated volunteers.

The church air conditioning unit broke down in June. Over $10,000 was raised within a few weeks so that

the AC was operating again by early July. Our thanks to all who contributed!

The church library above Wheeler Hall had suffered years of neglect. With the help of Ken Kelling, Carol

Noren, Kuni Sakai, Cliff Green, and numerous others, the books have been sorted and rearranged on

newly dusted shelves. The work is ongoing, but we envision a time in the near future when the li-

brary will be a warm and welcoming space for meetings, informal get- togethers, and quiet reading.

There are some amazing books waiting to be rediscovered.

Our final purchase of 2016 involved the new chairs for St. Michael Hall. After trying out several sample

chairs, the church purchased 100 of the padded blue chairs. This meeting constitutes their roll-out

and our new look for the future. Again, many thanks to those who contributed special funds.

The whole Buildings and Grounds Committee deserves recognition for their time and dedicated effort: Mike

Vales, co-chair, Cliff Green, Jim Lenz, Michael Milano, Jim Lo Bello, and Caroline Lee.

And a special heartfelt THANK YOU goes out to our facilities manager, George Panice, who provided the

special consultation and day-to-day oversight that brought all of our projects to a positive conclusion. He

continues to assess and evaluate our property needs for the future.

Finally, we could not have accomplished all this without Fr. Patrick Raymond who has taken a deep interest

in the committee’s work and who has provided the initiative and follow through on numerous projects—the

repair of the stained glass door windows, the rebuilding of the outdoor crèche, and the design of our new

church signage. We have been blessed by his leadership.

Our Church of the Ascension facility here at LaSalle and Elm has many needs. We welcome the energy and

interest of those who might join the committee or invest in a special time-limited project. The committee is

crafting an ambitious agenda for 2017 and we welcome your involvement.

Respectfully submitted, Cheryl Peterson, Chair Page 19

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St. Anthony of Padua Food Pantry

2016 Report

Susan Schlough

The food pantry had a very successful year in 2016. We provided an average of 157 grocery

bags of food and 180 sandwiches each month. We had a regular group of COA volunteers

each month, supplemented by folks who live in the nearby community [many of whom also

participate regularly]. Our Vestry-allocated budget was supplemented this year by generous

donations from parishioners. Our ham appeal at Christmas resulted in enough donations to

allow us to buy those hams and have enough in reserve money to give us a good start toward

Easter hams in 2017. Our budget also received very generous donations from the family and

friends of Frances Joseph in her memory.

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Ascension Library Reorganization Committee

2016 Report

This committee was originally organized by Cheryl Peterson and Clifford

Green on the Vestry with the assistance of Kuni Sakai. Father Raymond had

an acquaintance familiar with libraries go through the library initially and evaluate the hold-

ings with recommendations as to those books that might no longer be applicable to our wants

or needs. After seeing the disarrangement in the library, I became involved after I saw there

might be a need for the type of abilities I have in library and book evaluation. At the request

of Father Raymond, Cheryl and Clifford I took over the direction of the project.

The first thing I did was to re-evaluate all of the books that were destined to leave us. I found

a fairly large number that I found to be of great importance to a library that focuses on the

Anglo-Catholic side of the Episcopal Church along with a number of books on theology and

theologians, sermons, homiletics, Christian living, etc. I asked Dr. Carol Noren and Timothy

Kowalski to also go through the books, and we reached a consensus on what to keep and

what to let go. We offered the books to congregation members at no cost which we displayed

in St. Michael’s Hall for over a month and a number of parishioners took one or more books

to have at home.

Since then, we have been cleaning, organizing, and sorting to make the library space more

orderly, more accessible and certainly cleaner. We discovered that a number of the church

archives, that should not have been in the library for privacy issues, needed to be moved to

the basement archive. Carol Noren has been most helpful with that.

A very large portion of the library consists of books left by at least five former priests, one

bishop and a Presiding Bishop. This meant many duplicates and very little organization. For

example, Eusebius, Volume 1 was in the hallway on one shelf and Volume 2 in the library

proper on another. A Civil War Bible with an inscription of ownership is being repatriated to

the Sauk County Historical Society in Baraboo, Wisconsin who then is going to repatriate it to

that person’s descendants. We have found an original autographed confirmation book

written by Rev. John Henry Hopkins (late of Christ the Redeemer Parish in Chicago, but orig-

inally born in the house next door to one of our elderly parishioners in Burlington, Vermont)

who was actually more well known for his Epiphany Hymn, “We Three Kings”. Thus mov-

ing a little more slowly is the wiser course as we find more “treasures” in our keeping. We

still have a long way to go, but the hardest part is done. The majority of books that we are

letting go will go to Nashotah House in Wisconsin. Some will also be donated to the Newber-

ry Library for their books sale.

Thank you to Cheryl Peterson, Cliff Green, Kuni Sakai, Sister Barbara, Carol Noren and Tim-

othy Kowalski for helping this project move so smoothly. It has been greatly appreciated.

Respectfully submitted,

Ken Kelling

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Report on Pastoral Care Activities

from the Lay Volunteer Chaplain & Lay Eucharistic Minister

Ken Kelling - January, 2017

Each week I regularly visit three individuals who reside in nursing care

or assisted living facilities. My focus is on individuals who have either

no living relatives or have relatives who do not live in the Chicago area

and/or no one to look in on them. I spend quality time with them for two

hours or more per individual. Sister Barbara Louise Drell from the Sis-

ters of Saint Anne accompanies me on one of those weekly visits. During

the prayer portion of the visit, we follow the church’s weekly Solemn High Mass program

and recite some of the prayers and readings to prepare for receiving communion. If another

resident should be near by, such as in the nursing home, and asks to participate, we welcome

that individual to share in our prayers and to receive communion if a baptized Christian.

I distribute approximately seven communion hostia per week; sometimes more, sometimes

less. I meet with our rector at least once a month to give a report on my pastoral activities and

to let him know how the individuals are doing whom I visit.

If I receive a specific request from a member of the parish or from a familymember or from

our rector, I do make other pastoral visits to hospitals and rehabilitation facilities as needed.

In the past year I have made multiple visits to parishioners at Rush Hospital and one to St.

Joseph Hospital when I was requested to do so. I have also helped parishioners with rides to

and from the doctor or the church as needed and occasionally run errands to do some minor

shopping when needed. I seek to provide pastoral care to the best of my ability.

I work very carefully with the doctors, nurses, and other hospital or nursing home staff as

need be in order to serve as a vocal advocate for any of our parishioners in need. This past

year I have had to file one complaint on behalf of a parishioner with the Illinois Department

of Aging for what appeared to be a questionable case of elder abuse. When this occurs, I work

close with our rector as needed to keep him well informed as to what is happening. I am also

working very closely with the Cook County Guardian’s Office to serve as an advocate for one

of our parishioners to help serve that person’s better interests in seeking a better long-term


If a parish member needs pastoral care for a family member, or for himself/herself when in a

hospital, rehabilitation facility or any other situation, one needs only ask and I will do my best

to provide whatever pastoral care is needed.

Respectfully submitted,

Ken Kelling

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Thanksgiving Dinner 2016

This past year Church of the Ascension once again

sponsored their annual Thanksgiving dinner for our

neighborhood on the Sunday before Thanksgiving.

The effort this year was headed by Carol Noren,

David Reeves and DiAnne Walsh.

Many people in the parish supplied cooked turkeys and the church supplied

and made the side dishes to complete the traditional Thanksgiving dinner. Many

people from the parish helped setup, cook, serve and clean up. Also helping were

some of our regular non-parishioner Food Pantry volunteers and some members

from LaSalle Street Church (across from Ascension).

There was a good turnout! Over 150 sit down meals were served with 75 guests

taking home an additional meal or a meal for a shut-in friend. This event which

has been going on for over 20 years is always a time of sharing and working to-

gether for a common goal of offering a nice Thanksgiving meal to those in our

neighborhood who are alone or less fortunate.

Thanks to all who helped this event be such a success

Carol Noren

David Reeves

DiAnne Walsh