the chase

COPPELL ISD 2010 The Chase A novel about the War on Terror By Jack Foster

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National Novel Writing Month


Page 1: The Chase



The Chase A novel about the War

on Terror

By Jack Foster

Page 2: The Chase

Table of Contents

1. Prologue


2. The Airport

3. The Hijacking

4. The Calling Tower

5. The Terrorist Truckers

Page 3: The Chase

I stepped out of my father’s sleek black limousine, but since he died

three years ago, I guess it is now technically mine. I live a regular

life except for the odd fact that everyone in my family including me,

are all spies. When we were on the way here we had a call from the

CIA saying that there was a terrorist called La-Adeaq. He had gotten

two of our best agents locked inside of the Abandoned Mosque in

Abu Dhabi. We were on a chase to try to catch every last terrorist in

the world.

This was taking a very large challenge though seeing that there are

many throughout the world. We were at the Lockheed Martin

Research Center, the CIA is supposedly teaming up with the Air

Force on one particular subject UAV’s. But not all UAV’s just one

particular group of UAV’s, they are called MAV’s or


The reason why the CIA wants these is classified, but I can tell you

now that it is very important. We live and travel all over the world

but we mainly live in France. Because of my excessive travel I know

thirty-seven different languages which include Russian, Yiddish,

Arabic, and Portuguese. I go to a Catholic college called The Catholic

University of Paris. At the lab here were two professors in cream

colored lab coats with iPads that were showing us there two newest

designs. They had said that those UAV’s were the ones to use and

they recommended the Black Widow and Samurai. The Black Widow

was just over six inches and is easily flown, also with its quiet

propeller and camera it is great for spying indoors.

The Samurai is also easily controlled and is powered by a small jet

engine that runs on military-grade propane it resembles a maple leaf

seedling or “Whirlybird” and also takes pictures. The prices weren’t

very reasonable but nothing a little taxpayer money can’t do.

Oh I am sorry for not telling you my name is Leslie Hervansi and my

brother’s name is Luke Hervansi we work in the Pentagon and we

are twins at the age of 27. We decided to be in the terrorist

department after hijackers flew a 757 into our neighboring wing on

September 11 2001.

Page 4: The Chase

I was in my office that day and at that time I was 18, I was feeding

my goldfish when I heard a large thud and smelt smoke from the

burning office right next to me. Seconds before I had seen a large

shadow cast by the plane but since we were right by Dulles

International Airport I thought it was just another regular plane just

flying low.

I just ordered my tickets online through U.A.E. Air and updated my

Face-book when I got another call saying that other intelligence

agencies had found out that our two agents have managed to lock

themselves in the calling tower of the mosque. I scheduled my flight

to Abu Dhabi at five thirty this evening and I had already packed my


I was in security at the airport when they scanned my suitcase and

they picked up the UAV’s on the X-Ray but I just flashed my CIA I.D

badge at the TSA agent and he winked at the other security officers

and said have a nice day ma’am. Once I got through the terminal

they immediately started loading people on the plane I sat in Row 8

Section C in this monstrous Airbus by an obnoxious fat dude that

looked like he worked at a video game shop and ate lard for

breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I had gotten my iPod and I was

listening to music and looking at the vast ocean underneath me. I

fell asleep for about an hour and woke to that fat guy snoring.

The pilot went on the P.A. and said “Welcome to the United Arab


My cat Travois the 4th was sandwiched in between us meowing in

fury, I managed to get her out and she expelled a deep sigh of relief.

Moments before seeing shore the pilot said “I am getting” and then

the loud speaker went off.

I had been seated at the top floor of this plane and everybody

started screaming and getting out of their seats and then we heard

La-Adeaq on the intercom. In Arabic he was going on about how we

were his prisoner but we wouldn’t be after we were flown into the

U.S. Embassy in Riyadh, the capitol of Saudi Arabia.

I jumped out of my seat leaving the cat with the fat dude and ran up

the hall and since I was on the 2nd story as I mentioned earlier

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which is where the cockpit was located I immediately kicked open

the door to find a dead pilot a tied up co-pilot and three flight

attendants getting question by his accomplice. He was flying the

plane but put it on autopilot and because of the fact I am in the

department of homeland security I automatically have attended

twenty-three karate lessons. I took him out in flash, controlled the

plane and freed the living crew throwing the accomplice and the

Unconscious La-Adeaq into the restroom and locked the door from

the outside.

I knew the closest Air Force Base and I quickly assured everyone

that it would be ok. She started her descent towards the airfield she

first got denied permission but after they saw it was a U.S. Airbus

and she proved that she was an American CIA agent she got granted

requests to land. She had also gone to flight school in her rigorous

CIA training. Once they landed everyone got out and got immediate

medical attention.

They jailed the two terrorist and questioned all of the people who

were in the cabin. The American agents were there to greet me and

they put me in a room to inform me that his brother Al-Nalibat had

already taken over their terrorist organization Al- Qirat.

I just remembered to go get my cat from that seat hoping the fat

guy didn’t suffocate him. I found Travois and I exited the plane with

s sense of accomplishment. We now had to find and release the

agents; I walked down the dusty runway asking the Chief of Aircraft

at the base if he could ask one of his pilots to bring me to Abu Dhabi.

He replied in an Arabian accent with a “Yes, right away madam” and

I was quickly directed to a B-1 over in the far right corner of the

Base. He was an American pilot with sort of a New Jersey accent and

curly black hair. We were up in the air in a matter of minutes.

My Personal assistant Renee had gotten tickets from her beach

house in Laos to accompany me in Abu Dhabi. As we descended

towards Al-Dhafra Air base I suddenly heard a loud Shwinck!!!

Next thing I knew we were pulling into the hanger where we parked

next to an F-22 Raptor. I politely asked the pilot what the noise was

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but he quietly replied that it was just the landing gear. I got to our

Rendezvous point and I saw Renee she had a cage with a beautiful

Colored Parrot. We gave each other a quick embrace and she handed

me the parrot and said happy birthday. Although it was 7 months

until my birthday I accepted it and thanked her. She had already

named the parrot Felipe and had told me that he only eats shelled

whelk with a light drizzle of soy sauce. Travois was jealous of the

fact that Felipe got all of the attention and expensive food. They

quickly reminded themselves their mission and they set off.

As I walked through the dusty aromatic streets of Abu Dhabi we

came upon the abandoned mosque on 419 Burqsa Ave. in the middle

of town behind the Natsikap Qari Dept store. We ran up the

tarnished marbled floor and quickly got to the tower where Al-

Nalibat was standing at the door trying to get in. This time I brought

my Uzi and I aimed in between his eyes and I slowly pulled the

trigger I heard a loud bang and next thing I knew Al-Nalibat was

lying on the floor dead. We hurried up to the door and they asked

who are you, we reassured them that we were here to save them

and they opened the door.

We sent them to the emergency room right away to make sure that

nothing was wrong with their body. They were discharged shortly

after being admitted to the hospital and were deported back to the

U.S. for further questioning.

We didn’t hesitate to call our boss and ask him what the next

mission was and he happily replied with awe have a new attack on

Rangoon in Burma the terrorist have hijacked a Semi-Truck and they

loaded it with C-4 and PETN and drove it to a nearby gas station

where the loaded up on fuel they had a whole fleet of these coming

from the south. The first one parked by a market and detonated his

load killing three hundred seventy four people. The plane we had to

go on an Air Force plane again because of the earlier attack. This

time they took a B-52 which was actually supposed to be going to

Rangoon on a routine flight. They refueled it and took off the take off

was louder and less smooth as the B-1’s but that doesn’t matter. We

had an escort of two F-16s because of us being a larger and less

stealthy plane.

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We were chatting pretty much the whole time when we were flying

because we had a lot to catch up on. The landing was soft and we

couldn’t even hear the landing gear as it came out. We scurried

down the runway and went through security. After that we hired a

driver to drive us to the outskirts of Rangoon to intercept the 18

Wheelers. We captured the 2nd one within hours of arriving and

slowly but surely they starting pouring in we arrested every single

driver without caution.

But we soon recognized that we were also arresting just regular

drivers so we decided we would check the back of the truck for

explosives. So we stopped the people and out of about 5 one was a

terrorist. We noticed a truck in the distance going quite fast and we

decided to go out and wave it down so as we started to move he

continued going faster and faster but then he reached down.

We suddenly noticed that he was about to pull the bomb fuse when I

ripped out my helpful Uzi and proceeded to do the same as I did to

Al-Nalibat. Boom! The explosion rocked the countryside as if a

building just collapsed. We all were Ok because of our distance but

the fire was spreading rapidly amongst the grass and trees so we

had to get away now.

The driver got us in his van and went straight to fourth gear and went straight back to Rangoon. The madness was over but we didn't

know if we got every truck so they quickly extinguished the fire and

we waited a couple of hours but nothing happened. . We went out to

TaiHona Sushi Restaurant and enjoyed our victory but there was something sort of odd about this restaurant they had one dish, one

roll, and one meat Koi. They had a bunch of Koi at the front door in a

large pond.

The waiter came and said “It Time To Pick Koi” we followed the

black suited woman to the pond. There were a lot of Koi they were

mostly white, orange, or both colors combined but I picked carefully. I spotted a large white tail sticking out of one of the rocks and I told

the lady to flip it over.

Underneath was a Large and sleepy fish, he was the only calico in

the pond I chose him; I felt remorse seeing that I had just given him

his death sentence. But the sadness slowly faded away as I ate his

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Large chopped up body rolled in seaweed and rice soaked in Soy

Sauce, it was actually really good. The sushi filled us up and as we

headed towards the door the lady said “have to pay bill” and she gave us a ticket that showed in big letters 297 Dollars.

We handed in the cash and walked out the door the warm, brisk air rushed across my face and we went towards the van. The driver

Sang Wang Do put the key in the ignition and we started to move we

went back to the Sedona hotel to get a night of sleep. I turned on

the radio and it said Breaking News! The Pentagon had just been exploded by a Terrorist after he gained

possession of an Iranian F-15 that carried a large thermonuclear

bomb to the court yard. In that same courtyard less than a week ago

I was eating a ham sandwich on the bench right in the middle where the plane had exploded.

The bomb was actually provided by the U.S. in a diverted way. The United State Air Force dropped a Hydrogen Bomb off the coast of

Savannah, Georgia. The Bomber was forced to drop the Moscow

incinerating weapon after the plane was crashed into by another

plane .The bomb was missing one vital piece though; the plutonium

capsule. But that wasn’t a problem either because the Pakistani government gave them that capsule under the table.

It is believed that the terrorist had retrieved it by using a fish finder and then connecting it to the boat and dragging it back to the shore

placing the plutonium capsule inside. All of the people in the building

were killed and the White House, Lincoln Memorial, Washington

Memorial and the Capitol Building were all collapsed. The entire D.C. area was completely flattened and desolate. I quickly called my

generals cell phone but it rang and rang forever, I began to believe

that my general was in the building at the time of the attack I

needed something to get my mind off of the great disaster in the United States.

As we pulled into the driveway I decided to prank call a Mississippi

farm girl they found on named Jolene Sue-Ellen Gasinger she was kind of odd but that wasn’t what was funny

because she has this hilarious country accent. One day I called her

and tricked her into thinking that I was Hillary Clinton and she told

all about country life. What she said wasn’t quite surprising because she said that she rode her horse to school and painted her oil derrick

in her backyard to resemble a grasshopper.

Page 9: The Chase

We entered the hotel and checked in I went up to my room and on

the doorstep was an envelope. I swiped the card into the slot and

opened the door. I lay in my bed and opened up the letter. It said فر“ س ى ال باي ال ء ًح موم ًش يد .“ ج

The letter was in Arabic from the officer at the Air Force Base in Riyadh telling us that the President had ordered a building in Yemen

to be imploded. The building was a meeting place of the ruthless Al

Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden was in there.

The President sent me back to the U.S. where we stayed at a

temporary CIA building in Montana. I was finally done now I retired

four years later and worked at a Pet smart in Helena. The terrorist chase still went on as I went by, but I will never forget my service

for the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency.