the charleston daily news.(charleston, s.c.) 1867-10-16. · 2017. 12. 16. · m the chiribsto...

m THE CHiRiBSTO MM »8S MCMILLAN & MORTOK, PROPRIETORS. No. 18 HAYNE STREET. CITY PRllSrTKIlS, TERMS CASH. SUBSCRIPTION, v JJ. n,y_1WELVE MONTHS.»1O.O0 DAILY-SIX MONTHS.. :. ».«<> DAILY-THREE MONTHS.. «.<>«> BINGLE COPIES;.*. .........ft cent» TO NEWS "DEALERS-..... RATES OF ADVERTI8ENO. 1 G cento a lino %r first insortion. 10 csaU ? Use tor «sob subsequent insertion. 6 lines or under to be charged half a square. For Marriage and Funeral Notices-$1. AU Bali and Exhibition Advertisements must be paid for in advance, unless they are ordered to be chargod to regular advertisers. WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 16, 18G7. IN niKMORTABl. HENRY Tiamon. The suthor of these lines addressed, but a few days slnoe, some stanzas to bis friend, at that time prostrated by illness. It waa then little dreamt that he would so soon be called upon to perform the melancholy duty of Inscribing his elegy. tflr' Low, whisp'ring voices, as of Angels, fraught With tender touoheB of pathetic love, I.Ike the faint utt'ranoe of a holy thought, Fell, In sofc echoes, from the spheres above. The MUBSS pausod I they ssemod to feel the breath. And closer clasped their petted child of song. As tho' they caught the dreadful note of death, And feared they would not havs their fav ri to long. Too tine I the Seraphs, jealous, lest the earth Should be of such a gentle heart possest, Entwined a wreath, symbolic of his worth, And bore him, crowned, to his eternal rest. Lost friend-I hold a faded violet now, Pinched from thy bosom, ere the envious grave Paled the chaste, lustre of thy shining brow, And hld the glory thy bright presence gave. But what, tho' reft of aUits sweet perfume?- There Res, within my heart of hea ts, a spot Where springs a flower that survives thy doom, A type of Msm'ry, the Forget-nie-Not. So shall the lips of an andylng Fame' Ring out th« Moughta thou hast bequeathed man¬ kind. Making the future record of thy name A synonyme lor all the gifts of mind. Sleep on ! the tomb but urns thy orumbling clay, For such a Spirit as thine own 'tis meet To soar where only "shines the perfect day," And song itself grows moro divinely sweet. M. M. O. COLOMBIA, Kv C., October 10, 1867. COMMERCIAL. ?exports, NEW YORK-Per steamship Prometheus-100 tes Rice, AOs bales Cotton. 100 bales Domestics, IS pkgs Fur ni tn re, 2 oases Segars, SO pkgs Sundries. Tts« Charleston Cotton Market. OFFICE OF THE CHARLESTON DAILY NEWS, > CHABXTOON, Tuesday Evening, October 15, 1867. I Under 1storable new« from omer markets the demand here was animated, and buyers took about 700 bales, at prices which showed sn improvement of about a half (HI cent V lb. The transactions were, IS at 14, ll at 14X, 34at lt*. Wat 15,2atl5X. 67 at 16X, 86 at 16, 33 at MX, 114 at 10X, 13 at 16X. 106 at 17, and 103 on privat« terms. We quote- tXVKKPOOI. CLASSIFICATIONS : Low Middling.16X0- Middling.16 «16X Strict Middling.17 ®- A ii y u s tn market. AUGUSTA, October 4.-COTTON-There has been i fair demand to-dsy, and prices were irregular. Sales amounting to 848 boles, were made fully up to Satur¬ day's prices-Bay 1SX tor Now York Middlings. Thc following are the sales : 1 at 14; 7 at 14X ; 2 at 14X1 0 al 14X;02etl6; 4 at 16X; 86 at 16X; 182 at 16)i ; 7atl5X; 6 at ie, «nd 4 bales on private terms. Receipts, 42Í bales* WHEAT-WWI* $2 60 a 2 75; Red $2 20 a 2 50; Coa»-White »1 66 a 1 60; Yellow and Mixed $1 40. BACON-Shoulders 17; R Sidos 19; O R Sidos 20 s 21; C Sides 21; Ham« 32 «36. New Orleans Market. NEW ORLEANS, October 10.-COTTON.-The market opened this morning with only a moderate amount on sale, but at a later hour the supply waa Increased by further sample« from th« late arrivals, and pretty fair scops was afforded to buyer*. At th« same time the de¬ mand waa qui» general, and aa there was less difference than usual between factors and buyers, the sales -were on quite a liberal seale; summing up 1280 bale«, taken by eleven buyers, mostly for the North. Priées exhibited increased Irregularity, the lower grades particularly. Th« better qualities were steady, and, with the exception of som« small lots, readily commanded yesterday's figures. Two or more Usts of Strict Low Middling, tor ex¬ ample, sold st 18c., which were our outside Agares for that « class. On th« other hand, small lots of the same de¬ scription were bought at lea« than the inside rete. The lower qualities, from barely good ordinary down, were neglected, and sold at a reduction. Under these circumstances we now quote ordinary at 18 a 14X; good ordinary at 16X«16X; low middling at 17X « 18; and middling at 18X » 19« At the asme time them were sales at lew than the inside rates, but not M sufJklaat extent to servo «a » basis tor quotations. A small lot of good raid diing to middling fair brought 21 cont«. If th« planters and «hipper« will only hurry forward the crop lt will meet a good demand at fair prices, compared with other nurhets. mSasssssa or OOTTO!?. Stock on hand lat September, 1867. bales-16,256 Received to-day. 269 RecoWed previously. 16,106- 16,463 80,709 Cleared to-day. none cisired {irevloualy. 0,890- 8.990 Stock on hand and cn shipboard. 21,819 j Wilmington Market. WILMINGTON, October H.-TTOPSNTINK-The re- Î^J'îï^^îïïL*0^' Va TBL «WtMMe« of 1024 bbb at 84 09 for virgin «où yellow dip, and Ï2 60 for hard, . 280 lea Snarls TxraPKNTnvK-Market steady and firm. Salés of »67 bblB at 5aXe for country, and Sic for New York Müh ROBIN-Market firm for th« lower grades. Sales of 1286 bola at 88 80 a 3 36 tor strained; $5 36. 3 37*¿ a 3 50 tor No ii S& 76 a 4 tor No 1, and 84 76 tor Pale. Tam-160 bbl« sold at 83 66 « bbl. COHN-A cargo of loio bushels received and sold at 81 37X 9> buohel. Baltimore Market. BALTIMORE, October 12.-Oom*-The quietude of yesterday prevailed throughout to-day; quotations un- .hanged.' . : ..^î?0*"1?0. Tn*rket cloeed yesterday at 18 centFfor Middling, and figures to-day rule about Ute same, with a dcyíñwrúú mumm. Oiuia-Wheat-Offerings today wera confined to 100 bushels white and 0490 bushels rod ; lowgradee are not much sought for, but prime and choice kinds ara wanted and readily soil ; «he market was firm at yesterday's quo¬ tations, to wit:2200 bushels red, inoludetl in which were 1160 bushell! prims, at 82 86, and the remainder at prices naging from 83 46 to 2 06 tor medium, and' 83 20 to 2 36 tor lower qualities. Com-1663 bushels white and 1015 yellow received; saleo of 675 bushels white at el 45, and 1888 bushels yellow at SI 48, a decline of 3 to 6 cents. Oats-8080 bushols received; eales of 716 bushels wet st 68 cent«, and the balance good to prime at 70 to 78 cents, ft datum* of «Ito 8 cents. Rye-600 bushels offered and sold at $1 tlö a 1 70 per bushel. MOLAMSS-Market firm at previous quotation«; no "PSOVHRSW*-The Southern demand tor Bacon for con¬ sumption stol continue«, and prices are steady ss before, TIS : tor Shoulders 1*X a 16cento;nb Sids« 17 » 18 cento, and clear rib «ttdas 18X a 18>i cents; Hams aro unchang¬ ed, vis : tor plato canvsscd 19 a 19>¿ cent«, and Western eugftjHSUxotytt^ Lard firm at 16 ÄWXlÄrh -toady at,2Ç2â no^^^fe|^^g; *»T"» Consignee* ¡¡»i r Month Carolina Railroad, Os ort tr .to. ... S64 bales Cotton. «1 biles Mete«, 36 bags Rough Ric« 34 bags Flour. «Ü- oesks Clay, 61 bbl« Naval stores, 1 cai Oattto. 9 toara Lumber «nd Wood, »nd Sundries. 'A & JD Kirkpatrick, Adams* Fi-fcr ""'Hams A Co, z J Wise ¿ Co/J Co. J M Caldwell 2 SoruV^Í ¿JÜmmJ M EasonftRro Btkcr & Co, «ad A McLeish. Conslg»***;'*** »ort*«**««*» Raiboad, ' October lö. f»»«s«ngr«r*, Wogst^'vfcitoot aodwrn^A Botton andTady?' Mtos Hi Harley, Mles OA Cogswell. Mis« D ^8 Watu, Dr ß A «Jutfaby. wife, child « AJf Wftkftfleld,. Mrs oWimimmmm TRABS6 OX TBS KOOK. ?' I] Fust Q,Mlv<>l>."*tw. Leat.Q.ßOth. 9h. 47 av stern Kuti M- 13tb. Sb. «nu moto\ Now M. 37tb,7t». 43m. morn OCTOBRB. 60».. BinKS. torrs. Monday- Tuesday.... Wednesday. Intuya»... FridaSr. ; .. Saturday... MOON niSBB. C.. .38 6..20 6..»' e..S 6..23 ft..22 C.. 21 e..«a 7..aa ' e..ia ».. 8 ll: S Murri. 7 ..60 10..16 Xl... fl ia.. 7 1..14 MARINJ'i NEWS. P O H T «F- C ll A R L K ¿i*<#$í Arrived Yesterday-. Steamship Manhattan, Woodhull. New York-left Sat¬ urday. Ma/, e. To Street Bros & Co, 0 D Ahrens, J E Adger A Co. J D Aiken A Co, O W Aliñar, 0 N Averill A Bon, 1) A Amme, James A W H Armstrong, T M Bristol, Baum Bros A Co, .1 B Belts, B Bates A Co, Ueo f, Buist. W M Bird ft Co. Bart ft Wlrth, H Behrmsu, U E Baker Cd, H Bischoff A Co, Mrs M J Booth, »lock A Lovus! Brown A Byer, G W Brown, H Brandts, A Causle, W F. Corwin ft Co, Cameron, Barkley ft Co, J Campeen A Co, T D Clancy, It ft AP Caldwell, J A Cook ft Co, Chisolm Bros, S G Courtenay, W H Cbaffee. Crane, Boyieston ft Co, T M Oater, Dozier ft Co, L Dunnermsn, JU David, T I, Davidson, Agent nt coiner Dictator, H Daly, Dowio ft Moise, J B Duval A Bon, J ft F Dawson. Dewing, Burkett A Ço, Douglas A MUlor, J W Denny, L Drucker, I L Falk ft Co, D F Fleming ft Co, j Ü airlcv ft Co, J Ferguson, P L OuUlemin. Qondkop ft Benthe fr. Goodrich, Wlne< men ft Co, W Gurney, Grubor ft Martin, M Galloway, J J Green, N A Hunt, Hastie, Calhoun & Co, F Horsey, Hart ft Co, Holmes ft Calder, J H Hsppoldt, H Heins. G H Hoppook, J Steiner, J Heymau, J Heins, F S Holmes, J HurkamP & Co, 3 H Graver, Jennings, Thomllnson & Co, 0 H Johnson, Jeffords ft Co, Johnston, Crows ft Co, O E & A H Johnson, A Hiing, M 1. Kimo, J ft J D Kirk¬ patrick, Kinsman ti Howell. U Klatte ft Oo, H W Kins¬ man, W Kinsman, Kliuok, Wickenoerg A Co. F KressoU, Jr, J P Kelp, Little ft Marahsll, A Lim «er, S W Lut re, ft Bro, A LUMtcdt, Lauroy ft'Alexander, T Lillie nt Uni ft Co, W McComb ft Co, Mentone ft Co, P Afeltder, Mutphy, Little & Co, F H Muller, W Matthiesson. Agont, Muller, Nimitz ft Co, W Marscher, W D MoGraih, R Martin, M Marks, B H McDowell & Hon, J G Milnor ii Oo, J M Mar¬ tin, Jno Marion, J B McElhoso, S R Marshall, P Murphy, J B Meyer, T W Mtkell, McLoy ft Bice, I Murphy, Miss B A Murtlnnd, N E Railroad, North, Hteel ft Wardell, J G Ogerman, L Orcutt, J F O'Neill & Son, D O'Neill ft Son. D Paul ft Co, R E Pennell, Preston ft Co, E H Rodgers ft Co, J Reils, C C Robertson, Risley A Creighton, J Bus¬ sell, H Rosenthal. J R Read ft Co. R S Schroder, South¬ ern Express Co, P Sullivan, D J Sturges, J Small ft Co, L Schnell ft Co, Sinker ft .Co. L Schlichen, L U Sheperd, Strauss, Vsnces ft Co, Walter Steele, E B Stoddard ft Co, G W Steffens ft Co, Screven ft Nesbit, A O Stone, O Telde- man, Dfferbardt, Campeen lt Co, W Uffernardt, MTS N J Vernon, J H Völlers, F von sauten, J Van Winkle, D B Vincent, F Weidman, S Watts, Werner ft Ducker, Joseph Walker, Wm Û W bilden 4 Co, A Wiltburger, Wagener, Heath ft Monsees, O W Williams A Co, R R Agent, Order and others. At ll o'clock P M. October 13th, Hatteras fight bearing West,.exchanged signals with the steam¬ ship Falcon ; same day, at 11.46 P M, spoke steamship Jhampion. Steamship Sea Gull, Dutton, Baltimore-56 boura. Maze. To Mordecai ft Co, Courtenay ft Trenholm, R R Agent, J ft J D Kirkpatrick, Jeffords ft Co, Msntoue ft Co, H WUllams. W Murscher, G Folln, Gen R O Tyler, Thurston ft t olmes, Claolus ft Witte, Jos Mehrtons, H BulwlDkle, Taft ft Howland, H Cobla ft Co, 0 D Brahe ft Oo, J C Blohme, Holmes ft calder, AB Jarvis, J Heina, Bollman Bros, J .C Ogermau. Jno Thompson 4 Co, A Canale, Jno Campsen ft Co, T J Kerr ft Co, Stenhouse ft Co, Jno Bussell, Meli rtens ft Wohltman, H Klatte ft Co, W M Bird ft Co, J A QuackonbUsh, Lubra ft Stelling, D Briggs, Agent, R & A P CaldWe.l, Wagner, Heath A Mon¬ sees, G W Steffens & Co, E J H Fischer, Ravenel ft Bsrn- weU, Otis Phillips, DA Amme, «Inlier, Nimitz k Co, Jennings, Thomlinson A Oo, J Wlnace, Roper ft Lamer, J E Adger ft Co, (l H Brown, R- M Butler, R Bryce Agon. Welch ft Brandes, W Knoblooh, Kliuck, Wickenbuifr ft Co, W C Dukes ft Co, J ft W Bi Armstrong, J H Rennelor. 7. Miller ft Son, H Gerdts ft Cb', and others. Behr Vapor, Bogert, New Ycrk-10 dsys. Hav and Paving Stones. To W Roach. P O'Dounell, sud Eiug ft Gibbon. Sehr E A Conkllu, Daniels, Now York-6 days. Mdze. To Street Bros ft Co, Dowie 4 Moise, Gruber ft Martin, E N Fuller, T W RHBS, D Briggs, Moise ft Co, D O'Neill, R ft A P Caldwell, Kreite ft Chapman, NEBR Agent, J Thompson ft Co, Jsmes A Quackenbush, U W Klnsinau, Adams, Damon ft Co, Ostendorff ft Co, S C R R Agent, J F O'Neill ft Son, E Baum, and others. Sehr J M Morales, Newman, Philadelphia-7 days. Coal. To Risley ft Creighton and O W Baignions. Behr Ann S Deas, from West Point Mill. 110 bbls Rice. To COhen, Hauckel ft Co, and Adams, Frost ft Co. Sloop George, from Santee. 1600 bushels Bough Rice. To Adams, Frost ft co, and J R Pringle. Cleared Yes! era ay. Steamship Promet bens. Barris, New York-Jno 4 Theo Getty. Went to Sea Yesterday. Steam tug Achules, ScbtUenger. New cviev s. Steamer J M Morgan,' I-. New orleans. - Steamer Dictator, Payne, Pllatka, via Jacksonville, Fer¬ nandina ond Savannah. Bohr F Mervin, Aldrich, Jacksonville. Vp for this Port. Bohr Ida Bella, Weeks, at Boston, October 12. Prom this Port. Steamship Champion, Lockwood, at New York, Octo¬ ber M. Steamship Falcon, Beed, at Baltimore, October 14. I.IST OK VER8KLS PP. CLEARED AND HAILED FOR TB ia POET. j ' FOREIGN. LIVERPOOL. ; I British bark Yumuri. Thompson, cleared.........Sept 23 Br bark Queen, Stuart, sailed.August 19 British bark Tecumseh, sponagle, up.Sept 23 Toe Chattanooga, Freeman, culled...Angustio The Hakou Adelatein, Backer, up.Sept 14 The charleston, Morley, nailed..,.September^ ANTWERP' The Triton, KeogeT, sailed.Kept 4 DOMESTIC, BOSTON. Steamship George B Upton, Rich, to leave.o.Oct 19 Sehr Fanny E Shaw, Shaw, up.Sept 28 Sehr Maine i aw, Johnson, cleared.Oct 10 Sehr Ida «ells, Weeks, up.Oct Vi NEW YOBS, Steamship Saragossa, crowell, to leave.Oct 19 Brig Tangent, Rich, np.Oct 9 Brig Martha, Stone, cleared.Oct ll Sehr B N Hawkins, Wyatt, cleared.Oct 8 Behr M B Bramhall, Hussey, up.Oct 8 rHITADELPHI A. Sehr W 0 Dough ten, Ta tem, cleared.Oct 6 OEOBOKTOWN, D. C. Behr 3 A Halleck, Crowell, sailed.Sept 19 CELEBRATED HOME AND CATTLE POWDERS. This preparation, long and favorably known, Will thoroughly reinvigo¬ rate broken down and low-spirited horses, by s t rc n g hen ag and- cleansing the stomach »xl i -f. and intestines. Itlss'Buro preventive of all diseases Incident to tliis animal, such «s LUNG FEVEB, GLAND- HJEAVES, COUGHS, DI8- ERS, YELLOW WATER, TEMPER, FEVERS, FOUNDER, LOSS OF APPETITE AND VI¬ TAL ENERGY, fte. ITS USE IMPROVES THE WIND, IN¬ CREASES THE AP¬ PETITE-GIVES A SMOOTH and GLOS¬ SY SKIN-and trana- US the MISERA¬ BLE SKELETONS INTO A FlNB_LOOK LNG AND liPrRITED TO KEEPERS OF COWH THIS PREPARATION IS (Hm^°fh oK (jiiautHy ^^r^Bj^BI^UPv^^jSBLA £UD JÍ£H?RO MTIL°¿" vSKÊ- É£Ü ^ Jw has boen proven VWB ¡ SKI., tuai experiment to in- y^BBjBP^^r^Sjrff crease the quantity ol ?sr mWLwÊOwr m T^tte*BîrrTEB AÉ^B^REsÉfisfi SlEefj brm and sweet. In fat this article acts' as a Jjs^J i^s^ Crom one-half a paperäfj3H| ¡!j sKj to a paper in a ban al «4|2B mSaLWmx ofswirjthe above dis- ^W-vA ?->; eases will bo ersdics- , s^aM, .- ffi'^^MraBplj«:. raipur rnium.j pre- -,-fSjL^MU .' WjSjijjfc-' time, a cerUlQ*stveflMvejarÄH^H^Í "i" PREPARED BY H. A. F0ÜTZ & l*ROM Wc. 110 V H. Si fi K LIN n-J« lt Sf. if. BALTftorikt.:. m- M, »0R;,RALf WTC ' j DOWIE $ MOISE; SOUTHERN mm nm. KO. 151 táÉETÍNG STREET, «SPPOSIT» CIsAICLficWS'OM HOT ft.'. !.. FMMFillsïr ÎjiUU, iNSTBIItWWilB BY WHIOH ANY PRRSOH. male or f««!ä#, csa master the great art ot Vn¿ . '^«'«ntiy a few hour*' practice, maWng a world ot l Pi**** thereby misklug It.e aourc« of Income. Fud ta- j «tractions sent by niall mr 60 cents, estisfaotlou «uar- I J^ ^ tenB or leas, at tba ra*« of flo for ''Vaws.i»w fôWjàRP A. BR0N8O». la^Amharl/ Ptibtisbtw nacronrieto*) A»v«wt«. L ,. «pro**. é¿3&i/0'+ ^-r~~~ Dundoo. MAU Gunny Cloth.... . KAM tlALK ROVE, V lb-MentlU. M S SA Western........ 13 S 15 New York. - Si - Jut«. 1»K© - BREAD, * lb n M»Tjr. - A - ¡ fi, «¡ot. io S - Crackers. M # Vi BRICKS, nm....!. d.oo 020.00 BE^WlOfifts.83 (S - COTTON, OrdW^tóGood Ordinary. $ Low MfdaUna. 15 0 15*¿ Middling to Strict Middling. 16 flt 17 Hood Middling. - 0 Mea Inland........... 45 0 55 CANDLES, f, lb-Sperm. 88 2 Adamantine.:. W 0 25 Tallow. 19 0 20 üoxnwm »-w. so S so » » Lagtlayra...... 28 Co) 85 JOT;,..| 0 «6 CORDAÖK. ft tb-Manilla. - fifi - Tarred American. 26 A 28 CORI* MEAL, fl bbl. 0.00 0 - COA L, ^ to«-Anthracite. 0.50 6010.00 Cumberland. nominal. COPPER. .* lb-Sheet. 68 0 00 FERTILIZERS- Peruvian Guano, ».ton. 100.00 A - Pacific Gnana, ^ 2000 lb». 76.00 A - Baugh's Phosphate, » 2000 lbs... «0.00 0 Rhodes' Phosphate, ? 2000 tts... 65.00 A - M apee'Buper Phosphate,V 2000 lb 66.00 A - gaffs Raw Bone Phosphate. 66.00 A Zeb's Super Phosphate of line.. 60.00 A Woolston's Phosphate of Lime..-. 65.00 0 - FISH-Cod, f. 100 fts. 7.00 bi .9.00 Herring, « box.. 46 A 80 ' Mackerel. No. 1, fi half bbl.11.00 011.60 Mackerel. No. 2, fi half bbl.10.00 (id 10.Ml Mackerel, No. 3, %i bbl. - A - Mackerel, No. 1, by kits. - A - No. 2. A - No. 3. - A - Sardines, fi 100-quarter boxes.. 23 A 25 Half boxes.... 48 A 60 FLOUR, ff bbl^Super.i.._11.76 ©12.00 Northern and Western Extra.12.60 013.00 Baltimore Extra.18.00 A - Southern-Super.12.00 012.50 Extra.13.00 (g> - Family.14.oo A FRUITS-Prunes, 22 0 Figs. 40 a Dried Apples. 10 A 28 Almonds, soft shell. 86 A Raisins, M. H.. » box. 4.00 0 6.00 Raisins, Layer. 4.60 0 6.60 Oranges. - A - Lemons, fi box.16.00 017.00 cfLA SS, Vt box of 60 feet- American, 8x10. 6.60 A 0.00 American, 10x12. COO 0 6.50 French, 12x14. 7.00 (oj 8.00 GRAIN-Maryland Oats, f. bushel. SO A 00 Western Oats, fl bushel. - 0 - Corn, fl bushel. 1.65 A 1.66 BeauB, fi busheL. 2.00 S 8.00 »Ar, fi cwt-North River. 1.25 0 - Eastern...,. 1.36 A - HIDES-Dry, fi ft.,. 10 A 12 INDIGO-f ft. 1.00 A 1.76 IRON-Refined, fi ft. 07 a 07>£ Swede.,. 09 © 10 LATHS, fi M. 4.00 @ 4.50 LIME-Sholl, f. bbl. - A - South Carolina. 1.60 A - Rockport,...,. 2.00 A 2.26 Cement... 2.75 A 8.60 Plaster Paris. 4.00 A 4.50 LUMBER, f. M. feet- Clear White Pine, 1st quality. 50.00 A66.00 White Pine, good run. 38.00 040.00 Yellow Pino. 20.00 ©25.00 Boards, fi M. feet-Rough.12.00 015.00 Grooved and Tongued_ 28.00 032.00 tutA THER. country tanned, fl lb. - ? - VOLASSES. galion-Cuba. 45 A 60 Muscovado...... 66 a A Sugar House. 60 a 1.00 New Orleans. 75 a 82 NA VAL STORES, f. bbl-Tar. - a - pitch....*. - a - Rosin, pale. 4.60 0 6.00 Rosin,No. 1. 3.60 a 3.75 Rosin, No. 2. 3.00 0 - Rosin, No. 3..' 2.76 a 2.85 Spirits Turpentine, ft gsilon. 60 a 01 Oaauin. M lb. HI As - NAILS-American, 4®20d, f keg. 5.60 A 7.00 American Wrought... . - A - Lathing. 7.60 010.00 Copper, fi lb. 1.00 A - Galvanized. 30 & Spikes.,... 12 a 10 Ol LS-Lard, f gallon. 1.40 bv 1.45 Unseed, » gsilon. 1.64 a 1.60 Sperm, Whiter, fi gallon. 2.96 a - Cotton Seed, fi gallon. - a - Castor (E. Lh f gallen. 3.00 a Olive, fi dozen.I 8.00 010.00 Kerosene, V gallon.j 62 a 04 Benr.ine, f gallon.I 60 a - PROVISIONS-Beet, mess, fi bbl.110.00 030.00 Beef, prime.|14.00 016.00 Pork, mess. 28.00 A - Rump........... - A - Bacon, Hams, fi lb. 18 Hf Hu Bacon, Rides...... 19%"&) 20 Bacon, Shoulders........ 10 A 16\¿ Bacon, strips. 18 A - Lard, in keg. 19KA 15 Butter. SO A 40 Cheese. 16 a 04 Potatoes, fi bbl. 4.00 A - Onions. 4.00 A - Apples. 8.00 a 9.00 PAINTS-White Lead, fte. 10 A 10 Black Lead.. 10 a 12 Zinc, White. 12 A 10 PLOW STEEL, f> lb 12 0 - Ä /CE-Carolina, f ft. 10*A II East India. - A - SLATES-American, fi square.12.60 A - SHINGLES, -f\ M. 7.00 A 8.00 White Pinn, first quality.12.00 » - SALT-Liverpool, coarse, f sack. 2.60 A 2-76 Liverpool. One. - w - SOAP-Bar, fi ft. ll A 16K STARCH, f. lb..".. 10 a 12 SPICES, fi lb-Cassia. 1.00 A - Mace. 1.76 A - Cloves.;...... 76 a Nutmegs. 2.00 A 2.60 Pepper. 40 a - Pimento. 40 A 60 Race Gluier_.80 A - SPIRITS, f gallon-Alcohol.. 5.00 0 6.00 Brandy; Cognac..... 4.00. 012.00 Oin?lTnVsirsy!^ 11 *!w: A 6\0$ Oin, American. 8.60 a 3.76 Bum, Jamaica. 6.00 A o.oo Bum, N. E. 2.60 A 8.00 Whiskey, Bourbon. 3.00 A 6.00 Whiskey, Rectified. 2.30 A 2.40 SUGAR, fl ft-Raw. 13 A 10 Crashed. 10 A 18 Clarified A. 17 A 18 Clarified B. 17 A 18X Clarified 0. . 16KA 17 Loaf. 18 A -19 Porto Rico...... 14 A 15 Muscovad'.>. 18 A 10 SEGARS-Oomaaüo manufacturo, $ M. 18.00 045.00 TEAS, fi ft-Imperial. 2.00 A 2.60 Gunpowder...... 2.00 A 2.60 Hyson......*.. . 1.60 A 1.60 Young Hyson. 1.00 0 1.60 Black.i. 1.00 A 1.7» TOBACCO,3 ft, aa per quality. 40 S IV» TIMBBB-Hewn Timber-Yellow Pine. 4.00 012.00 Poplar. Hickory..,... IC Tin Plate', 10x14. IX Tin Plate 10x14;. IO Tin Plate, 14x20. Block Tin, f> ft,.....;. TWINE-Cotton, fl ft.. Baling. Hemp:......,.. Jute./............ VARNISH-BngUt, fi gabon. , Parafine. I. VINEGA /f-Whito Wine, fi gallon.. 1 Cider..;-777........ French...,. WINE,fL gallon-port........ *fi .. i*. ..'«...... rf»*"caee..:'.. Champagne, fi basket. ZLYC-SWeLfVlb.. OU) RIP VAN WINKL ß GIN, GOLD MEDAli SHERRY, PORT AND MADEIRA, ß HARVEST BOURBON, WHEAT NUTRIENT, OLD HOMESTEAD RTE. TN ADDITION TO ODE BUSINESS OF SELLING and packin« tn ceses aar well known Wines, Brandies, Whiskies, ic, and ham aaa* thees out m a style thai would preclude the possibility Of their being tempered witt» before reaching the oweh*s*e. The general appre- dation and graUfying socoes* that Bad rewarded our efforts ha» encouraged us to xasintoin the standard ss re¬ gards quality, »lao to mah« (aereaetd efforts to rjstein tho confidence and patronage whioft ROS been sb UberaUy be¬ stowed upon us. BÇKLNGER ts CO., (EstabBsbed maj Importer« ot Wiaet *c" M - No. IB Boeder street, Nev Tork. Druggists, Grocers, Ac. .. ,, ¿ The name of Btainger * Co., No, 15 Reaver etsset, ls e Ruaranteeof the exaol and literal truth of whatever they "^B^pr^ng^h^ hbo NIB 00011BIC!U.mNl!EANfi%.G0.. Ophite Otarieeton Hotel, BOWIE «ft MOISE, * HUCCBßKOHftVO Kitt« s%<^MKItl»S^ Jan sr 80 ^otow'^ Aj^hj cl^^^B.*o TRUSTÎCE8. Hon. SIMPSON BOBO, Spartanburg. Rev. C. MURCHISON. Judge T. O. P. VERNON, Spartanburg. Ret. T. Q. HERBERT, Ninety-Six. Prof. A. H LESTER, Spartanburg. ROY^J: A. PORTER, Georgetown. MaJoi*JOHN A. LEE, Spartanburg. Rev. M. BROWN, Columbia. Major A. H. KIRBY, Spartanburg. Rev. W. S. BLACK, Newberry. Rev. A. W. WALKER, Spartanburg. Prof. WARREN DuPREE, Spartanburg. J. H. WILSON, Esq., Sparenburg. H'ACJlJIvrY. Rev. ANSON W. CUMMINGS, A. M., D. D., President and Teacher of Mathematics, and Lecturer on Natural Science, &c. Mrs. I. H. CUMMINGS, Teacher of Rhetoric, Mental and Moral Science. Miss ALICK M. SHALDON, Music, Embroidery, Painting, Leather Work, Hair Work, &o. Miss ALICE LOMAX, Music, Frenoh, English Literature. Miss SUK V. R. SHELDON, French, Music, History. Miss M. JANE WoproRD, Natural' Science, Latin, &c. HffiHSlONH jvTsrn VACATION. Tlie Pall Session will open October 3d, 1867, and elope February 19th, 1868. The Spring Session will open February 20th, and close July 8th, 1868. Vacation extends from close of Spring Session, to October 1st. A few days reooss at Christmas. KXPEN8KH. Board, per Session, in-Correnoy,.$70 00 Tuition,. 20 00 Contingent Feo,. 2 00 Music, with nae of Piano,. 27 50 Latin, Extra,.10 00 Frenoh, Extra,. 12 00 Embroidery,. 15 00 Oil Painting. «0 00 Grecian Painting, for the Conree,...."'. 10 00 Loather Work,. ß 00 Hair Work,. COO Feather Flowers,. COO Wax Fruit Flowers,. G 00 Each Music pupil receives fifty le'Mom during the Session, and can use a piano for practice, from one to three hours daily. There are six pianos in the College. The teachers in this department have had much experience, and excel as per¬ formers as well as teachers. BOARDING XiKPARTlVIEllSrT. This department is under the immediate control of the President, and the young ladies constitute a part of his family. They will have the constant care of the lady teachers in sickness and in health. The rooms are large, well ventilated and well warmed in cold weather. For the style of jiving at the College, the President takes the liberty to refer to Rov. R. P. Franks, P. E., of Spartanburg District, who, with his family has board in the College, at the same table with the young ladies and teach¬ ers. Also, to Col. William L. DePass of Camden, Horace Nichols, Esq., of Colum¬ bia, who also, with their families, have been members of the College family. All young ladies from a distance, are expected to board at the College. 0* THE TKACHERH Have all had much experience, two of them have taught over tweuty-tive years. The young lady teachers all graduated in Ohe of the best ..-Female Colleges in the South, uiïù exec! ¡fi their respective depart¬ ments. TH IC TEXT BOOKS In use can all be procured-in Spartan¬ burg, at reasonable prices. APPARATIT», «co. The College has a beautiful and exten¬ sive Apparatus, for illustrating the various branches of Natural Philosophy, Chemistry and Astronomy. Lectures on these sub¬ jects, free to all, will be delivered daring the year. Students coming by Spartanburg and Union Railroad, should leave Columbia or intermediate stations, on Monday, Wednes¬ day or Saturday-they will then come through,without detention. EXPENSES. It is confidently believed that while this Institution offers high inducements, in the way of educational, social, moral and re¬ ligious advantages, it holds out motives of % pecuniary kind, equal, if not greater than any other. Look at the adverti semen ta of this and other schools, North or South, and wents wilt see that they make a saving by Heading to Spartanburg. ??>..?. '.Ï.'TT . FLEASE. After reading this, haud it to some one who has a daughter to educate, or post it up in some public place. THOSE INTENDING to patronize the Col- lego, will confer a favor by immediately addressing the President, at Spartanburg, 8. C. COU.B8B .O»* TEXT aaoojee. PREPARATORY DEPARTIRENT, oiling.iv .Webster»* .rt v :\_ .StattMfltisfeä . '. '. '. >: .Webster's School Ed. COLLEGIATE CLASSES, mar mis. .Wobster'a Elementary. .. .. Sfendors* 4th Reader. Behool uoograpny, Grammer.Bunion's. Arittunetio., .2J}«*j«on»A PrectieeU Histor United States... JMSBSfS- .XOOMD TRAB, dj Writing.Spencerian system. Beading. Sanders'«¿i» Wder. Arithmetic.Thompson's, ^g^^am^.CO^^S, mtÏÏn yMind :. : ' : : :S£Ln'8. ' iimioB. »abra,.Davis's First Lessons. ?Mr.7......«rey's. Astronomy. . ..Bouvier'a. »aSff^:"::v.:SÄ Composition.Qaaokenbos's. anuos. gfewnetry.Loomis'. Triffoaometry.Loomis'. rSuRRaoes OhristieMtir_Alexaader'e. ¡ amnoxHr oxAoturB*' ootías». PMlgsophy of Natara! History, General Hio- ttjíafctentejs^th Bevlews ofany fart <* tomar Bnlilop** Or*, router, Reeder, Cassi, otc. MMOBt." FAsquelte'e Frenoh series ie used. Woodbafy'e New Method to used. :HsWBt OnZSrs^jjM^ K-KM A HUM. Spurtanhurg Female Colloge, under thc patronage of the ; .nth Coolina (Joutei- enoe, Waa opened for the admission of pupils on the 25th August, 1855. The site of the Oollego Buildings is one of the niost pleasant and desirable locations that could have been selected. The Campus encloses fifteen acres of woodland, on the summit of :> bill, over¬ looking tbe town ol' Spartanburg, mid » halfmile or moro, distant from it. Secluded from the excitements ami at¬ tractions of the town thoroughfares, with a pure atmosphere, excellent water, and rural quietude, thc pupils enjoy every facility for mental and moral culture. TKHTIMON JA I ..M. It may be satisfactory to Hume to see a few from among the many of the newspa¬ per and other notices that' might be selec¬ ted, which have generously been taken of the College, location, teachers, &c. But our best epistles are our former pupils, scattered all over Nort h and South Caroli¬ na, Alabama, Georgia, Virginia, Tennessee, Mississippi, Texas and other States. SPARTANBURG FEMALE COLLEGE.-"A fine climate, healthy location and compe¬ tent Faculty, recommend this College to public patronage."-Minute» 0>J S. C- Con¬ ference, for I860. SPARTANBUR« FEMALE COLLEQE.- "This Institution of South Carolina Con¬ ference, opens October 3d. It is under tho Presidency of that experienced teacher^ Dr. W. A. Cummings. It« proximity to Wofford College gives some advantage to those who have both sons and daughters to educate from home ; and the renown of Spartanburg for its healthfulness and reli¬ gious privileges, commends it to public fa¬ vor."-Southern Christian Advocate, Aug. 16, 18G7. . SPARTANiiuRG FEMALE COLLEGE.-"It gives us pleasure to announce to the pub- lie, the re-opening of this popular institu¬ tion, under the management of the Rev. A. W. Cummings, 1). I). The reputation of the President for scholarship and adminis¬ trative ability, should com maud for the Institution a liberal patronage ; and we hope that the friends of female education will bestir themselves to give to this Col¬ lege that support and encouragement with which it. was honored in former years. Ita representatives are scattered throughout the laud, and tHey surely cannot forget, the pleasant associations of by-gone days, and disregard the claims of their Alma Slater. Let one and all do something to sustain this important educational interest, ' that our danghters may be as corner-stones, pol¬ ished after tho similitude of a palace.' Spartanburg Expresa, 186t>. HOLSTON CONFERENCE FEMALE COL¬ LEGE.-" We have been pleased to learn that the last session waa eminently success¬ ful, and with the present able and efficient corpse of teachers, (three of whom arc now in t he Spartanburg Female College,) under the lead of pr. Cummings, promises to fulfil the fullest hopes of its friends."-? Abingdon Virginian, May, 3860. HOLSTON CONFERENCE FSMALS COL¬ LEGE.-" Of the President, Rev. Dr. Cum¬ mings, and the Faculty, it is only necessary to say that tbe present examination d»es not detract anything from thc high reputa¬ tion that they had sustained for many [-years as able teachers and skilful managers j of a literary institution: The Committee feel nate in saying, in the language of one of thc oldest and most active Trustees, Hon. N. W. Woodtiu, in regard to the President, * that they have the right man the right place.' "-Report of Examin¬ ing Committee of H. C F. College May 15, 1861. mais DELICIOUS TONIO, ESPECIALLY DESIGNES JL tor the uso of the Medical Profession and the Family, M now endowed by «ll the prominent Physicians, Chem¬ ist* «nd Connoisseurs, aa possessing ult thoao mtrtnaic medicinal qualities (tonie »nd dlnteflc) which belong to OLD AND PURE GIN. Wa trait that oar established reputation founded upon eighty-eight years of experience-abundantly vin» dtbatea our claims to public confidence, and guaran¬ tees tbe excellence-or tus brandará Article. Put up ha case« containing one dozen bottles each and sold by all prominent Druggists, Grocers, kc. A. M. MNINOER & CO, [Established 1778. Sol» Importera No. is Bearer street, New Yat Opinions ut tai Pres«. i. No. 16 Beaver street, bave a very high to" sustain, as Ute oldest and best bouse lo New York.-Hom* Journal. . The bouse of M. Ifiuingor A- Co., Mo. 15 Beaver street baa sustained for a fnjrtod of eighty years, a repu¬ tation (bat may well be envied.-V. Y. Evening fotU GOODRICH, WINEMAN & CO^ ÑO. 153 MEETING STREET, Opposite Charleston Hotel. SUCCESSORS TO KINO ACAS NO. 151 MEETING Wholesale Agents, ChaVbwton, S. o. January jg_tftlh* 6mo CHERAW ÁDTERTIBER, Charada O.1' ^^lí^^^^tí^^fV^^S^Íi WORMY. mu or soBscBwnoN : .Oascopy ono year.93 00 ssTES or ADvssruiHu : One Square, ten Unes or less, aa* 00 For each subséquent insertion. 75 AU Advertisements to- isa distinctly marked, or they will be published until ordered oat, and obarged accord "ftsrehanta and othersadvtsrtisina by tbe year, ri libe¬ ral deduction on tbe above ratea wilt be made, Mnvetiihe» U '?._ : THE MABIOK STAB, -ESTABLISHED NEARLY TWÄHTY YEARS AGO. IS J2J publisbedatKarton,S.O., in toe central portion of tho country, aud .offers a favorable medium to Mer- chants. Druggists, Machiniste, end all classes who desire to extend their 1tasines* far 111* Peo Dee country. Var the benefit ef our sdverlMng patrons, wo shsll, in addition to ^yj^bwri^^tn1j11,i^^h^,u C£,N9TJ^Y IU} "W. 3. McXERAlX, November 90 Evil tor and Proprietor THE FIARRNCE QAZ9TT. T>TOLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY, AT FLORENCE, Jr S. C., offer» an ia*s»»t toedfog to Merchants and ethers who wish ta «Stand tte^ bnatew in tbe Pee Deo section of tbe State. Bates of sdvsrtlsltiR vary rea sonable,_ |v' .;;., Btfrtfober ia Tim LANfttSTOfe f.BDGjRR, CONN ORB &CARTER, F^PWÄTOBS. ptiBMKHED EVERY WED¡*ESDA Y MORNINO AT JL Lancaster O. H., 8.0, Having a large snbaortgtto» list, lt Offers a favorable medium IQ rierolMUrte'lÄfrll advertisers who desire to extsiad their bustbeea in the upper Districts of tbe Wat«. Bates of sdVerUsing llb. eral. Specimen copy of paper sent on application. , Jm&2l < _._' m H ¿ 8 ¿ k § J8 Ä N IS W S, DÀBR & OSTBF.N, Proprietors. TpDBlaaHKO 2V8RY THURSDAY, AT SUMTER. & O. JT fmbsoriptíqn W.0D per annum. To Clubs of four Advertisement* inserted on liberal term*. T032, ïffiHAXiD, fa PTrsi,nnwUMTl TATT «tWBKttuY au., AI IMPORTANT TH COTTON PLASTERS. A SOL'THEÄfi INVENTION. PATENT LABOB-SAVUÍO flMlK UKI EST AND BY I AR THE MORT PERFECT L COT I ON M H1AY yet lUVcUtdd. Willum.-muli a heavy bale can bf I-SHUN packed. Scud for Dttscrip- live unit Price Lint, to HUUKH Si RAVENEL, (1encrai AgeutH for the state. ICuat Ua\, Charleston. S. 0, ALSO, Portable aud statumur.v ENGINES, Saw Oms. Ueuery's McCailhj Oin», Grist Milla, Hark Mills, llorac Powers, 'threshers, A:.-.. .Vc For «ale by 11 U<i li: & UAVENEI.., RAHT HAV, CIIARIiBSTON, S. V. May 'i mtu6mo? MISCELLANEOUS. PH IL \DELPHIA UNIT E RSI TY OF MEDICINE ANO bUKGERY. THK PHILADELPHIA UNIVERSITY OJf MEDICINE AND 811 ROERY wan organized in 18*. Chartered by tho Legislature, February 20. 1863. Name changed by a-legislative enactment to tho Eclectic N.l4l!< hl Col¬ lege, of Philadelphia, lu 1860. In 1SC3 it purera» «(l '"' Pennsylvania Medical College, established in und the Philadelphie Medical College, which had previously been merged into tho Pennsylvania Medical College, (¡ti 1804 lt purchased thc Penn Medical University. Thu Trustees of the separate schools united, petitioned sud obtained a special Act of the Leplsisture, consolidating these institutions and eba. ginn their names to that of the Philadelphia University of Medicine and Surgery, March lr., 1865. All these various Acts are publi hed in the statutes of Pennsylvania. Tho cost of tho 1 uildlng and museum wss over one hundred thousand dollars. It will be observed that the University, asuow organized, ls Che legal representative of the four Medical Colleges that it has absorbed, lt is a liberal school of medicine, con fined to no dogma, nor attached to any inodlcal clique but embraces in lt» teaching overythtug ot' value to tb el profession. Session*.-It has two full sessions each year, commenc¬ ing on the 1st of October, sud continuing until the 1st ot January, as ita first session, and lrom the 1st ot January to the 1st ot April, as tts second; the two constituting one Aili course of lectures. It bas also a nummee session, commencing the 1st April sad continuing until August, for the preparatory branches, midi as Latin, Oreok, Mathematics, Botany, Zoology, Chemistry, Anatomy Physiology, etc. TiokeU_Tiokets to the full courso of lectures $120, or eco for each session. For the summer or preparatory course $25. Oraudating los $80. To aid young men of moderate means, the University liss issued five hundred scholarships, which are sold to first-course students for $75, and to second-course students and clergymen for SCO, each constituting tho holder a life member, with the perpetual privileges of the lectures, and all the ttiachltr^H of the school. The only additional tees are a j early dis¬ secting and matriculating ticket, each of which ls $5. The Advantage* of Scholarship*.-The student holding a scholarship can enter tho College at any time during the year, attend as long ss be chooses, and re-enter the insti¬ tution as fiequeutly ss ile, ired. It requires uo previous resdtng or study to enter tho University on scholarships, hence, all prtvste tuition fees are saved. Students, by holding scholarships, can prosecute other business a part of the time. The candidate for graduation can prosent, himself at any time, and receive his degree as soon as qualified. In casca student should hold a scholarship and noires' able io attend lectures, it can be transferred to another, thus preventing any los*. Parents, guardians or friends ol' students wishing to purchase scholarship tor them a year or more before weir attendance at the University, can secure them by advancing one-halt tho price und paylug thu balance when the student enters. Physicians and benevolent men can bestow great benefit upon poor young men by Sresenting thom a scholarship, and thus enabling them > obtain an honorable profession. The Faculty embraces seventeen eminent physicians and surgeon». The University has associated with tt a large hospital clinic, Whete every form of medical and surgical disease is operated on and treated in the pres¬ ence of the class. OoLUHjUE BUILDING.-The College building, located in Ninth street, south of Walnut, ls the finest in the city. Its front ls collegiate gothic, and ls adorned with em- battlements and embrasures, presenting a novel, bold, and beautiful appearance. The facade ls of brown stone, ornamented by two towera, inning to the elevation of eighty feet, and crowned with an embattled parapot. The building contains between fifty and sixty rooms, ali ïupplied with water, gas, and every other convenience that modern improvement can con tributo to facilitate medical instruction, Only five hundred scholarships will be issued, and as two hundred and fifty are now sold, tboee who wish to secure one should do aa at ance. Money cen be remitted by express, or a draft or check sent on any National Bank in the United states, when tba scholarship will be returned by mad, signed by tho President of the Board of Trustees. JOSEPH s. FISHER, Esq.. and the Dean of the Faculty, W. PAINE, M. D. All orders for scholarships or other business of the Uni¬ versity, should be addressed to Professor W. PAINE, M. D., Philadelphia, Pa. NEW BOOKS. PAYNE'S PRACTICE OF MEDICINE. A NEW WORK JUST ISSUED BY W. PAINE, M. D., Professor of the Principles and Practice of Medicine and Pathology in the Philadelphia University of Medicine and Surgery; author of Paine's Practice of Surgery; a work on Obstetrics arni Materia Medica, author at Now School Remédiée; an Epitome of Eberlle's Practice of Medicine; a Review of Homnopethy: a Work on the His¬ tory of Medicine; Editor of University Medical and Sur¬ gical Journal, Ac., Ac. It ls a royal octavo of 900 pages, and contains a full description of all diseases known in medicine' and surgery, Including those of women and children, together with their pathology and treatment by all the new and improved methods. Price $7 ; postage 60 eenie. Address tbs author, No. 933 ARCH STREET, Philadel¬ phia. Pa. ALSO. A NEW WORK. Entitled New School Medicines, which ts the only work ever published upon Materia Medica, embracing all the Eclectic, HomcB(.atbic, and Botanic Remedies, with a fuR regular Materia Medica. Price $5; postage free. Address as above. UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY. A SEMI-MONTHLY. JOURNAL OF MEDICINE, SURGERY, PHYSIOLOGY, HYGIENE AND GENERAL LITERA¬ TURE, DEVOTED TO THE PaOFKSSION AND MB PEOPLE. The cheapeft Medical Paper in the world, published every two weeks at the University Building, Ninth-street, South-of Walnut. « Single copies.$1.0 j Five coplea to one adórese.4.86 Ten copies to one address.7.60 Fifteen copies to one address.9.30 Twenty copies to one addreBS.10.00 The getters up of the Club shan.have one copy gratia. Address W. PAINE, M. D., Editor, September 12_ Philadelphia, Pa. AMERICAN LEAR PENCIL COMP ii NI, NEW YORK » Factory, Hudson City, N. .1. WHOLESALE SALES ROOM MO. :M JOHN ST HE KT, NEW YOflK. ÍALL STYLES AND GRADES OF LEAD PENCILS- of superior quality are manufactured and offered at ftur terms to the Trade. Tho public are invited to give tho AMERICAN LEAD PENfltL the pre¬ ference. THE PENCILS ARK TO BE HAD -AT ALL TBE PRINCIPAL STATIONERS AND NO i ION DEALERS. ASK FOR THR "AMERICAN LEAD PENCCL. " nimtotuL,. YALE OOLLKO*, November 10, I860. ) I bare always recommended the Faber Polygrade Lead Pencils as the only pencils fitted for both ornamen¬ tal and mathematical drawing; but, after a thorough trial of the American Polygrade Lead Pendis, man¬ ufactured by the American Lead Pencil Company, New Yorii, I find them superior to any pencil in use, even to the Faber or the old English Cumberland Lead Pencil, being a superior pencil for sketching, ornamental and mechanical drawing,. and.; ali the.ordlnary uses of a lead Those pencils are vary finely graded and nave a very cxaooth lead; even the softest pencils hold the point weif; Miey are al.! that can be desired in a pencil, ft gives me greet pleasureto be able tc'Assure Americans that they viii no lotrget becompelledto depend upon Germany or ether ^r?4b,> >»«»»<">* tv»,, .umno* T .* LOUIS RAH., Professor of Or J 'lng, Ao. AIL PENCILS ARS »TA«SPVU: «y "AMEÜIOAN LEAD PENCIL CD. N: J." None genuine without tue exact name of the firm look to it._December 18 **ÇrevenHon »otter than Cure. " Celebrated Preventive Lotion. áPPBOVKD AND HIGHLY RECOMMENDED BU lise i- rea ch tiedleal Faculty, aa the only safe and ll bio ÏU t (dote «finiwt infection from ppccfal Diseases, Thia invsluobio preparation is suited for either sex, an* has proved, from staple experience, »he most efficient and reliable »reventlve ever discovered, thus effecting a desideratum font, aoñftbt tor .m the Medical World, ft used accovdlná tc directions every possibility or danger way be »voided ; # single application will radically nen- trahie the venereal rims, expel ail impurities frote» the absorbent vessels, and reader contamination impossible. Be wise m Mme. and at a Very small outlay, save bonn ol untold bodily and menlaltorments'. This moat reliable spcoWc, BO universally adopted in Ute Old World, la now offered for sate for the first time in America hy T¿ A. MIPORT A CO., only authorized Agents fdr ibo United States. >rioe $3 per bottle. Large battle, double size, $3. The usual discount to the. trade, «ont, secure!v packed, on receipt of price, to any address, with direc- fiona and pamphlet, try addressing to , > »TJPORT A CO., . Sola ARfeula for Dr. Ricord's P. I*, Itayaa lyr^ ftoTMOoId Bteet,Newjg*. DRUQS, CHEMICALS, ETC» ALL HAIL TO min HOPE FDR THE DKNNDIKG IKTALHI. 1VKFF.R NOT THE L'S I '. Ol ' RODRIQUE'S nimm ELIXIR «IFIC. ~\M ANY WHOSE DKOLINING HEALTH, WHICH XYi_ was precarious, ami their recovery despaired of, do now with grateful emanations to the All-Wiso Dis¬ poser, offer heartfelt thunk-tor this timely remedy. Dur¬ ing the short time since its public introduction into use, the Originator has most happily realized her most san¬ guine expectations in mauifcJitaUons issuing from all quarters of its unparalolled curative properties, for In no case where lt han been administeren with regard to di¬ rections, and persevered in, leis ii failed iu its beucllciaJ results. In resorting to UIIB remedy, the invalid can depeud upon the safety of every article in its preparation, and while it accelerates ibo healthful r< actions of each organ sud vessel, the mind csu bo perfectly free froui sppre- henslou of any subtle Ingredient hetug insinuated into its composition. The appetite, which improves under its administration, is st liberty to Indulge prudently In whatever nutriment is palatable, digestive and wholesome, aud while lt is no more than proper to avoid exposure to Iresb cold, no tear need be entertained of any liability under this course ot troatmeut to Induce it. lt ts a pleasant AROMATIC CORDIAL, quite agreeable to »tie taste, and os a lung re- vtvtfyer and balsam of health, it ls distinguishing Itself aa without precedent, and we trust will, ere IOHR, claim for tfielf general acclamation for its unrivalled efficacy. For sale by the Proprietress, Mrs. CECILIA RODRI¬ GUEZ, northwest corner of MEETING AND SOCIETY .TR EE l's, and principal Druggists. PRICE SINGLE EDITEE $1.25. April 2 IJT [CHILLS & FEVER; .. . V {¿ CEPA M^^J fe WE HATE USED GALLIG ITAN'9 PILLS, AND FIND thal they will do all that ls claimed for them,'and cheerfully recommend them to ouldie favor. ^-jt T. H. WATTS. Ex-Governor of Alabama. 3. W. A. SANDFORD. Att'y Geu'l of Alabama. ROBT. DOUGHERTY, Judge Supremo Court Ala. ,Q From THOM*H J. JUDOS, Judge Supreme Court. I have unod GALLIGH AN'S 11IXS on my plantation for Fever and Ague, and lind them all that ls claimed for them. THOS. J. JUDGE. Montgomery, Ala., September 29, 1808. LOWNDES CocN rv, Alabama. GALLIGHAN'S FEVER AND AGUE PILLS will do. They Aro decidedly the best medicino for Chills and i^;. ver 1 ever gave. 1 would not be without them for fi\ a times the price. J. A. Cl R AUA M. AMK.RICUS, April 17, 18C7. One box ol GALLIGHAN'S PILLS cured me perfectly of Chills and Fever. They sre the best medicine lor Chills amt Fever l ever saw. A. Q. RONALDäON. clerk Superior Court, Munder County, Ga. MONTHOMEKT, ALA., July 9, 1&6C. Messrs. BLUNT A HALE-GENTS: I have used your GALLIGHAN'S PILLS on two occasions for Chills and Fever, and find that they effect all that they are intend« ed to do. They are the best remedy for the disease tint I have ever tried. 1 consider them perfectly reliable. Respectfully, DA NT, SAYRE, Grand Sec. Grand Lodge ol F. sud A. M. of Alabama. ALBANY, GA., March ll, 1807. I have used GALLIGHAN'S PILLS in forty casesof chilla and Fever, with perlcct success. They are tte best Fever and Ague Pill put up. Kk, A. B. 1'ANTV WHOLESALE IN CHARLESTON, BY ftOODKICH, WINGMAN dr CO., No. 163 Meeting street. And by all Druggists. BLOI1NT & MALIC, PROPRIETORS, May 14 6mo Montgomery, Ala. AFFLICTED ! SUFFER NO MOKE! When by the use of DR. -JOINTLLLE'S ELIXIR you can be cured permanently, and at a trifling cost. The astonishing success which has attended this lu. valuable medicine for Physical and Nervous Weakness. General Debility and Prostration, Loss ot Muscular En¬ ergy, Impotency, or any of the consequonces of youthful indiscretion, renders it the most valuable preparation ever discovered. It will remove all nervous affections, depression, ex¬ crement, incapacity to study or business, loss of merr-c- ry, contusion, thoughts of self destruction, fears of in¬ sanity, Ac. It will restore the appetite, renew the health of those who have destroy edit by sensual excess or evil precoces. Young Men, be humbugged no more by "Quack Doc¬ tora" and ignorant piactitioners, but send without d<¿ay tor the Elixir, and be at once restored lo health and hap¬ piness. A perfect Cure is Guaranteed in every instance. Price $1, or four bottles to one address »3, One bottle ie sufficient to effect a cure in all ordinary caaes. * ALSO, DR. JOlNVJLLE'S SPECIFIC PILLS, for tho speedy ana permanent eiire of Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Ure¬ thral Discharges, Gravel, Stricture, and all affections* of tho Kidneys and Bladder. Cures effected lb from one to five day H. They are prepared from vegetable extracta that are harmless ou the system, and never nauseate the stomach or impregnate the breath. No change of diet is necessary while using them, nor does their action in any niannei' interfere with business pursuits. Price $1 per box. Either Of the above-mentioned articles will be sent to s ny address, closely sealed, and post-paid, by mall or express on receipt of price. Address ail orders to BERGER, SHUTTS A CO., Chemists, L March 30 ly No. 286 River street. Troy, N. Y. There cometh glad tidings of Joy to all, To young aud to old, to gi eat and to small; The berni ty which once was so precious and rare, Is free for all, and all may be fair. By (lae nea ot CHASTELLAKS WHITE LIQUl D ENAMEL, For Improving and Beautifying the Complexion, The most valuable and perfect preparation in us«, for giving the akin a beautiful pearl-Ilka tint, tost ls only- found In youth.. 4ft runcfcjjr removes Tan, Freckles, Pint- pies, Blotches, Jtotn retunes, àaùownees. r-mpuonr. and aU imparities of the skin, kindly bealing the sam« leaving the skin white and clear aa alabaster. Ma ase cannot be delected by the closest scrutiny, sud being a vegetable 'preparation is perfectly; harmless. It ts tho, only article of the kind used by tue French, and ia con¬ sidered by the Parisian as indispensable to a perfect toilet. Upwards of-UftOOO bodies wert» sold during th« past veer, a sut&ctetit guarantee of Its efUctwv. I'rlcto only 75 cents. Hent by pail, post-paid, on receipt or rm order, by lt kitti KR, SHOTTS it co., Chemiste, S..-.K«A aw Wv« St.,'Troy, IK Y CRISPER COMA. Ohl »he was beauuiKl and fair, WMhaskxaVaf**, «ad rfel&fcthetr, Whoite endingtendrils, soft.entwined, Enchained the very h&art and mind, CRÏ8PE11ÎOMA, Fdr Cui-Iin« the Hair of either Bex int» Wav/ and (HORS? flin Rle ts or Heavy Massive Otitis. T>« USING THIS ARTICLE LAOIS Ï AND GEIiTLE- X> MEN ea» bee*nry abeasaatves s thotowcd-foid. lt ls th« only ariki« lu the worhl that will earl straight hair, and at thé same time give it. a beautiful, glossy au- pearance, TkWlMflpev Coma not only carls the hair, but Invigorates beautifies and cleanses lt; i* highly and (lo- OrpO, »nd in t* most coaiplete article of tbs kind VWM oa>r*î to the A»( rican peWfc. Tba Crispar Coma will be sent to any address, sealed and ewetBeldtofL/^j. t***T *"*"^ * «».. Ohemtots, No. 3 Weet Fayette etwet, Syracuse. N. Y. March»» _...... ,*T>

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Page 1: The Charleston daily news.(Charleston, S.C.) 1867-10-16. · 2017. 12. 16. · m THE CHiRiBSTO MM»8S MCMILLAN & MORTOK, PROPRIETORS. No. 18 HAYNE STREET. CITY PRllSrTKIlS, TERMS CASH









RATES OF ADVERTI8ENO.1 G cento a lino %r first insortion.10 csaU ? Use tor «sob subsequent insertion.6 lines or under to be charged half a square.For Marriage and Funeral Notices-$1.AU Bali and Exhibition Advertisements must be paid

for in advance, unless they are ordered to be chargod toregular advertisers.



HENRY Tiamon.

The suthor of these lines addressed, but a few daysslnoe, some stanzas to bis friend, at that time prostratedby illness. It waa then little dreamt that he would sosoon be called upon to perform the melancholy duty ofInscribing his elegy. tflr'

Low, whisp'ring voices, as of Angels, fraughtWith tender touoheB of pathetic love,

I.Ike the faint utt'ranoe of a holy thought,Fell, In sofc echoes, from the spheres above.

The MUBSS pausod I they ssemod to feel the breath.And closer clasped their petted child of song.

As tho' they caught the dreadful note of death,And feared they would not havs their fav ri to long.

Too tine I the Seraphs, jealous, lestthe earthShould be of such a gentle heart possest,

Entwined a wreath, symbolic of his worth,And bore him, crowned, to his eternal rest.

Lost friend-I hold a faded violet now,Pinched from thy bosom, ere the envious gravePaled the chaste,lustre of thy shining brow,And hld the glory thy bright presence gave.

But what, tho' reft of aUits sweet perfume?-There Res, within my heart of hea ts, a spot

Where springs a flower that survives thy doom,A type of Msm'ry, the Forget-nie-Not.

So shall the lips of an andylng Fame'Ring out th« Moughta thou hast bequeathed man¬

kind.Making the future record of thynameA synonyme lor all the gifts of mind.

Sleep on ! the tomb but urns thy orumbling clay,For such a Spirit as thine own 'tis meet

To soar where only "shines the perfect day,"And song itself grows moro divinely sweet.

M. M. O.COLOMBIA, Kv C., October 10, 1867.


NEW YORK-Per steamship Prometheus-100 tes Rice,AOs bales Cotton. 100 bales Domestics, IS pkgs Furni tn re, 2 oases Segars, SO pkgs Sundries.

Tts« Charleston Cotton Market.OFFICE OF THE CHARLESTON DAILY NEWS, >CHABXTOON, Tuesday Evening, October 15, 1867. IUnder 1storable new« from omer markets the demand

here was animated, and buyers took about 700 bales, atprices which showed sn improvement of about a half (HIcent V lb. The transactions were, IS at 14, ll at 14X,34at lt*. Wat 15,2atl5X. 67 at 16X, 86 at 16, 33 atMX, 114 at 10X, 13 at 16X. 106 at 17, and 103 on privat«terms. We quote-

tXVKKPOOI. CLASSIFICATIONS :Low Middling.16X0-Middling.16 «16XStrict Middling.17 ®-

A iiyustn market.AUGUSTA, October 4.-COTTON-There has been i

fair demand to-dsy, and prices were irregular. Salesamounting to 848 boles, were made fully up to Satur¬day's prices-Bay 1SX tor Now York Middlings. Thcfollowing are the sales : 1 at 14; 7 at 14X ; 2 at 14X1 0 al14X;02etl6; 4 at 16X; 86 at 16X; 182 at 16)i ; 7atl5X;6 at ie, «nd 4 bales on private terms. Receipts, 42Íbales*WHEAT-WWI* $2 60 a 2 75; Red $2 20 a 2 50;Coa»-White »1 66 a 1 60; Yellow and Mixed $1 40.BACON-Shoulders 17; R Sidos 19; O R Sidos 20 s 21; CSides 21; Ham« 32 «36.

New Orleans Market.NEW ORLEANS, October 10.-COTTON.-The market

opened this morning with only a moderate amount onsale, but at a later hour the supply waa Increased byfurther sample« from th« late arrivals, and pretty fairscops was afforded to buyer*. At th« same time the de¬mand waa qui» general, and aa there was less differencethan usual between factors and buyers, the sales -were onquite a liberal seale; summing up 1280 bale«, taken byeleven buyers, mostly for the North. Priées exhibitedincreased Irregularity, the lower grades particularly.Th« better qualities were steady, and, with the exceptionof som« small lots, readily commanded yesterday'sfigures. Two or more Usts of Strict Low Middling, tor ex¬ample, sold st 18c., which were our outside Agares for that

« class. On th« other hand, small lots of the same de¬scription were bought at lea« than the insiderete. The lower qualities, from barely good ordinarydown, were neglected, and sold at a reduction. Underthese circumstances we now quote ordinary at 18 a 14X;good ordinary at 16X«16X; low middling at 17X « 18;and middling at 18X » 19« At the asme time them weresales at lew than the inside rates, but not M sufJklaatextent to servo «a » basis tor quotations. A small lot ofgood raiddiing to middling fair brought 21 cont«. Ifth« planters and «hipper« will only hurry forwardthecroplt will meet a good demand at fair prices, comparedwith other nurhets.

mSasssssa or OOTTO!?.Stock on hand lat September,1867. bales-16,256Received to-day. 269RecoWed previously. 16,106- 16,463

80,709Cleared to-day. nonecisired {irevloualy. 0,890- 8.990Stock on hand and cn shipboard. 21,819

jWilmington Market.WILMINGTON, October H.-TTOPSNTINK-The re-Î^J'îï^^îïïL*0^' Va TBL «WtMMe« of 1024bbb at 84 09 for virgin «où yellow dip, and Ï2 60 for hard,. 280 leaSnarls TxraPKNTnvK-Market steady and firm. Salésof »67 bblB at 5aXe for country, and Sic for New YorkMühROBIN-Market firm for th« lower grades. Sales of1286 bola at 88 80 a 3 36 tor strained; $5 36. 3 37*¿ a 3 50tor No ii S& 76a 4 torNo 1, and 84 76 tor Pale.Tam-160 bbl« sold at 83 66 « bbl.COHN-A cargo of loio bushels received and sold at81 37X 9> buohel.

Baltimore Market.BALTIMORE, October 12.-Oom*-The quietudeof yesterday prevailed throughout to-day; quotations un-.hanged.' . :

..^î?0*"1?0. Tn*rket cloeed yesterday at 18 centFforMiddling, and figures to-day rule about Ute same, with adcyíñwrúú mumm.Oiuia-Wheat-Offerings today wera confined to 100bushels white and 0490 bushels rod ; lowgradee are notmuch sought for, but prime and choice kinds ara wantedand readily soil ; «he market wasfirm at yesterday'squo¬tations, to wit:2200 bushels red, inoludetl in which were1160 bushell!prims, at 82 86, and the remainder at pricesnaging from 83 46 to 2 06 tor medium, and' 83 20 to 2 36tor lower qualities. Com-1663 bushels white and 1015yellow received; saleo of 675 bushels white at el 45, and1888 bushels yellow at SI 48, a decline of 3 to 6 cents.

Oats-8080 bushols received; eales of 716 bushels wet st68 cent«, and the balance good to prime at 70 to 78 cents,ftdatum* of «Ito 8 cents. Rye-600 bushels offered andsold at $1 tlö a 1 70 per bushel.MOLAMSS-Market firm at previous quotation«; no

"PSOVHRSW*-The Southern demand tor Bacon for con¬sumption stol continue«, and prices are steady ss before,TIS : tor Shoulders 1*X a16cento;nb Sids« 17 » 18 cento,and clear rib «ttdas 18X a 18>i cents; Hams aro unchang¬ed, vis : tor plato canvsscd 19 a 19>¿ cent«, and WesterneugftjHSUxotytt^ Lard firm at 16ÄWXlÄrh -toady at,2Ç2â

no^^^fe|^^g; *»T"»

Consignee* ¡¡»i r Month Carolina Railroad,Osort tr .to. ...

S64 bales Cotton. «1 biles Mete«, 36 bags Rough Ric«34 bags Flour. «Ü- oesks Clay, 61 bbl« Naval stores, 1 caiOattto. 9 toara Lumber «nd Wood, »nd Sundries. 'A

& JD Kirkpatrick, Adams* Fi-fcr""'Hams A Co, z J Wise ¿ Co/JCo. J M Caldwell2 SoruV^Í¿JÜmmJ M EasonftRro

Btkcr & Co, «ad A McLeish.

Conslg»***;'*** »ort*«**««*» Raiboad,' October lö.


Wogst^'vfcitoot aodwrn^A Botton andTady?'Mtos Hi Harley, Mles OA Cogswell. Mis« D^8 Watu, Dr ß A «Jutfaby. wife, child «

AJf Wftkftfleld,. Mrs oWimimmmm

TRABS6 OX TBS KOOK. ?' I]Fust Q,Mlv<>l>."*tw. Leat.Q.ßOth. 9h. 47 av sternKuti M- 13tb. Sb. «nu moto\ Now M. 37tb,7t». 43m. morn

OCTOBRB. 60»..BinKS. torrs.

Monday-Tuesday....Wednesday.Intuya»...FridaSr. ; ..



C.. .386..206..»'e..S6..23ft..22C.. 21


' e..ia».. 8

ll: SMurri.

7 ..60

10..16Xl... flia.. 71..14

MARINJ'i NEWS.P O H T «F- C ll A R L K ¿i*<#$í

Arrived Yesterday-.Steamship Manhattan, Woodhull. New York-left Sat¬

urday. Ma/, e. To Street Bros & Co, 0 D Ahrens, J EAdger A Co. J D Aiken A Co, O W Aliñar, 0 N Averill ABon, 1) A Amme, James A W H Armstrong, T M Bristol,Baum Bros A Co, .1 B Belts, B Bates A Co, Ueo f, Buist.W M Bird ft Co. Bart ft Wlrth, H Behrmsu, U E Baker

Cd, H Bischoff A Co, Mrs M J Booth, »lock A Lovus!Brown A Byer, G W Brown, H Brandts, A Causle, W F.Corwin ft Co, Cameron, Barkley ft Co, J Campeen A Co,T D Clancy, It ft A P Caldwell, J A Cook ft Co, ChisolmBros, S G Courtenay, W H Cbaffee. Crane, Boyieston ftCo, T M Oater, Dozier ft Co, L Dunnermsn, JU David, TI, Davidson, Agent nt coiner Dictator, H Daly, Dowio ftMoise, J B DuvalA Bon, J ft F Dawson. Dewing, BurkettA Ço, Douglas A MUlor, J W Denny, L Drucker, I L Falkft Co, D F Fleming ft Co, j Ü airlcv ft Co, J Ferguson,P L OuUlemin. Qondkop ft Benthe fr. Goodrich, Wlne<men ft Co, W Gurney, Grubor ft Martin, M Galloway, JJ Green, N A Hunt, Hastie, Calhoun & Co, F Horsey,Hart ft Co, Holmes ft Calder, J H Hsppoldt, H Heins. GH Hoppook, J Steiner, J Heymau, J Heins, F S Holmes,J HurkamP & Co, 3 H Graver, Jennings, Thomllnson &Co, 0 H Johnson, Jeffords ft Co, Johnston, Crows ft Co,O E & A H Johnson, A Hiing, M 1. Kimo, J ft J D Kirk¬patrick, Kinsman ti Howell. U Klatte ft Oo, H W Kins¬man, W Kinsman, Kliuok, Wickenoerg A Co. F KressoU,Jr, J P Kelp, Little ft Marahsll, A Lim «er, S W Lut re, ftBro, A LUM tcdt, Lauroy ft'Alexander, T LillientUni ft Co,W McComb ft Co, Mentone ft Co, P Afeltder, Mutphy,Little & Co, F H Muller, W Matthiesson. Agont, Muller,Nimitz ft Co, W Marscher, W D MoGraih, R Martin, MMarks, BH McDowell & Hon, J G Milnor ii Oo, J M Mar¬tin, Jno Marion, J B McElhoso, S R Marshall, P Murphy,J B Meyer, T W Mtkell, McLoy ft Bice, I Murphy, MissB A Murtlnnd, N E Railroad, North, Hteel ft Wardell, J GOgerman, L Orcutt, J F O'Neill & Son, D O'Neill ft Son.D Paul ft Co, R E Pennell, Preston ft Co, E H Rodgers ftCo, J Reils, C C Robertson, Risley A Creighton, J Bus¬sell, H Rosenthal. J R Read ft Co. R S Schroder, South¬ern Express Co, P Sullivan, D J Sturges, J Small ft Co, LSchnell ft Co, Sinker ft .Co. L Schlichen, L U Sheperd,Strauss, Vsnces ft Co, Walter Steele, E B Stoddard ft Co,G W Steffens ft Co, Screven ft Nesbit, A O Stone, O Telde-man, Dfferbardt, Campeen lt Co, W Uffernardt, MTS N JVernon, J H Völlers, F von sauten, J Van Winkle, D BVincent, F Weidman, S Watts, Werner ft Ducker, JosephWalker, Wm Û W bilden 4 Co, A Wiltburger, Wagener,Heath ft Monsees, O W Williams A Co, R R Agent, Orderand others. At ll o'clock P M. October 13th, Hatterasfight bearing West,.exchanged signals with the steam¬ship Falcon ; same day, at 11.46 P M, spoke steamshipJhampion.Steamship Sea Gull, Dutton, Baltimore-56 boura.

Maze. To Mordecai ft Co, Courtenay ft Trenholm,R R Agent, J ft J D Kirkpatrick, Jeffords ft Co, Msntoueft Co, H WUllams. W Murscher, G Folln, Gen R O Tyler,Thurston ft t olmes, Claolus ft Witte, Jos Mehrtons, HBulwlDkle, Taft ft Howland, H Cobla ft Co, 0 D Brahe ftOo, J C Blohme, Holmes ft calder, A B Jarvis, J Heina,Bollman Bros, J .C Ogermau. Jno Thompson 4 Co, ACanale, Jno Campsen ft Co, T J Kerr ft Co, Stenhouse ftCo, Jno Bussell, Meli rtens ft Wohltman, H Klatte ft Co,WM Bird ft Co, J A QuackonbUsh, Lubra ft Stelling, DBriggs, Agent, R & A P CaldWe.l, Wagner, Heath A Mon¬sees, G W Steffens & Co, E J H Fischer, Ravenel ft Bsrn-weU, Otis Phillips, D A Amme, «Inlier, Nimitz k Co,Jennings, Thomlinson A Oo, J Wlnace, Roper ft Lamer,J E Adger ft Co, (l H Brown, R-M Butler, R Bryce Agon.Welch ft Brandes, W Knoblooh, Kliuck, Wickenbuifr ftCo, WC Dukes ft Co, J ft W Bi Armstrong, J H Rennelor.7. Miller ft Son, H Gerdts ft Cb', and others.Behr Vapor, Bogert, New Ycrk-10 dsys. Hav and

Paving Stones. To W Roach. P O'Dounell, sud Eiug ftGibbon.Sehr E A Conkllu, Daniels, Now York-6 days. Mdze.

To Street Bros ft Co, Dowie 4 Moise, Gruber ft Martin,E N Fuller, T W RHBS, D Briggs, Moise ft Co, D O'Neill,R ft A P Caldwell, Kreite ft Chapman, NEBR Agent, JThompson ft Co, Jsmes A Quackenbush, U W Klnsinau,Adams, Damon ft Co, Ostendorff ft Co, S C R R Agent, JF O'Neill ft Son, E Baum, and others.Sehr J M Morales, Newman, Philadelphia-7 days.Coal. To Risley ft Creighton and O W Baignions.Behr Ann S Deas, from West Point Mill. 110 bbls Rice.

To COhen, Hauckel ft Co, and Adams, Frost ft Co.Sloop George, from Santee. 1600 bushels Bough Rice.

To Adams, Frost ft co, and J R Pringle.Cleared Yes! eraay.

Steamship Promet bens. Barris, New York-Jno 4 TheoGetty.

Went to Sea Yesterday.Steam tug Achules, ScbtUenger. New cviev s.Steamer J M Morgan,' I-. New orleans. -

Steamer Dictator, Payne, Pllatka, via Jacksonville, Fer¬nandina ond Savannah.

Bohr F Mervin, Aldrich, Jacksonville.Vp for this Port.

Bohr Ida Bella, Weeks, at Boston, October 12.Prom this Port.

Steamship Champion, Lockwood, at New York, Octo¬ber M.

Steamship Falcon, Beed, at Baltimore, October 14.


j '


; I British bark Yumuri. Thompson, cleared.........Sept 23Br bark Queen, Stuart, sailed.August 19British bark Tecumseh, sponagle, up.Sept 23Toe Chattanooga, Freeman, culled...AngustioThe Hakou Adelatein, Backer,up.Sept 14The charleston, Morley, nailed..,.September^

ANTWERP'The Triton, KeogeT, sailed.Kept 4


Steamship George B Upton, Rich, to leave.o.Oct 19Sehr Fanny E Shaw, Shaw,up.Sept 28Sehr Maine i aw, Johnson, cleared.Oct 10Sehr Ida «ells, Weeks, up.Oct Vi


Steamship Saragossa, crowell, to leave.Oct 19Brig Tangent, Rich, np.Oct 9Brig Martha, Stone, cleared.Oct llSehr B N Hawkins, Wyatt, cleared.Oct 8Behr M B Bramhall, Hussey, up.Oct 8

rHITADELPHIA.Sehr W 0 Dough ten, Tatem, cleared.Oct 6

OEOBOKTOWN, D. C.Behr 3 A Halleck, Crowell, sailed.Sept 19


HOME AND CATTLE POWDERS.This preparation, long

and favorably known,Will thoroughly reinvigo¬rate broken down andlow-spirited horses, bys t r c n g hen ag and-cleansing the stomach

»xl i -f. and intestines.

Itlss'Buro preventiveof all diseases Incidentto tliis animal, such «sLUNG FEVEB, GLAND-





(Hm^°fh oK (jiiautHy^^r^Bj^BI^UPv^^jSBLA £UD JÍ£H?RO MTIL°¿"vSKÊ- É£Ü ^ Jw has boen proven ¡SKI., tuai experiment to in-

y^BBjBP^^r^Sjrff crease the quantity ol

?sr mWLwÊOwr mT^tte*BîrrTEBAÉ^B^REsÉfisfi SlEefj brm and sweet. In fat

this article acts' as a Jjs^Ji^s^Crom one-half a paperäfj3H| ¡!j sKjto a paper in a ban al «4|2B mSaLWmxofswirjthe above dis- ^W-vA ?->;eases will bo ersdics- , s^aM, .- ffi'^^MraBplj«:.raipur rnium.j pre- -,-fSjL^MU .' WjSjijjfc-'time, a cerUlQ*stveflMvejarÄH^H^Í"i"


H. A. F0ÜTZ & l*ROMWc. 110 V H. Si fi K LIN n-J« lt Sf. if.

BALTftorikt.:. m-M, »0R;,RALf WTC '




FMMFillsïrÎjiUU, iNSTBIItWWilB BY WHIOH ANY PRRSOH.male or f««!ä#, csa master the great art ot Vn¿. '^«'«ntiy a few hour*' practice, maWng a world ot

l Pi**** thereby misklug It.e aourc« of Income. Fud ta-j «tractions sent by niall mr 60 cents, estisfaotlou «uar-

I J^^ tenB or leas, at tba ra*« of flo for

''Vaws.i»w fôWjàRP A. BR0N8O».la^Amharl/ Ptibtisbtw nacronrieto*)

A»v«wt«. L ,. «pro**.é¿3&i/0'+ ^-r~~~

Dundoo. MAUGunny Cloth.... . KAMtlALK ROVE, V lb-MentlU. M S SAWestern........ 13 S 15New York. - Si -

Jut«. 1»K© -

BREAD, * lbn M»Tjr. - A - ¡fi, «¡ot. io S -

Crackers. M # ViBRICKS, nm....!. d.oo 020.00BE^WlOfifts.83 (S -

COTTON,OrdW^tóGood Ordinary. $Low MfdaUna. 15 0 15*¿Middling to Strict Middling. 16 flt 17Hood Middling. - 0Mea Inland........... 45 0 55

CANDLES, f, lb-Sperm. 88 2Adamantine.:. W 0 25Tallow. 19 0 20üoxnwm»-w. so S so » »Lagtlayra...... 28 Co) 85JOT;,..| 0 «6CORDAÖK. ft tb-Manilla. - fifi -

Tarred American. 26 A 28CORI* MEAL, fl bbl. 0.00 0 -

COA L, ^ to«-Anthracite. 0.50 6010.00Cumberland. nominal.COPPER. .* lb-Sheet. 68 0 00FERTILIZERS-

Peruvian Guano, ».ton. 100.00 A -

Pacific Gnana, ^ 2000 lb». 76.00 A -

Baugh's Phosphate, » 2000 lbs... «0.00 0Rhodes' Phosphate, ? 2000 tts... 65.00 A -

Mapee'Buper Phosphate,V 2000 lb 66.00 A -gaffs Raw Bone Phosphate. 66.00 AZeb's Super Phosphate of line.. 60.00 AWoolston's Phosphate of Lime..-. 65.00 0 -

FISH-Cod, f. 100fts. 7.00 bi .9.00Herring, « box.. 46 A 80'

Mackerel. No. 1, fi half bbl.11.00 011.60Mackerel. No. 2, fi half bbl.10.00 (id 10.MlMackerel, No. 3, %i bbl. - A -

Mackerel, No. 1, by kits. - A -

No.2. A -

No.3. - A -

Sardines, fi 100-quarter boxes.. 23 A 25Half boxes.... 48 A 60

FLOUR, ff bbl^Super.i.._11.76 ©12.00Northern and Western Extra.12.60 013.00Baltimore Extra.18.00 A -

Southern-Super.12.00 012.50Extra.13.00 (g> -

Family.14.oo AFRUITS-Prunes, 22 0

Figs. 40 aDried Apples. 10 A 28Almonds, soft shell. 86 A <»Raisins, M. H.. » box. 4.00 0 6.00Raisins, Layer. 4.60 0 6.60Oranges. - A -

Lemons, fi box.16.00 017.00cfLASS, Vt box of 60 feet-

American, 8x10. 6.60 A 0.00American, 10x12. COO 0 6.50French, 12x14. 7.00 (oj 8.00

GRAIN-Maryland Oats, f. bushel. SO A 00Western Oats, fl bushel. - 0 -

Corn, fl bushel. 1.65 A 1.66BeauB, fi busheL. 2.00 S 8.00

»Ar, fi cwt-North River. 1.25 0 -

Eastern...,. 1.36A-HIDES-Dry, fift.,. 10 A 12INDIGO-fft. 1.00 A 1.76IRON-Refined, fift. 07 a 07>£Swede.,. 09 © 10LATHS, fiM. 4.00 @ 4.50LIME-Sholl, f. bbl. - A -

South Carolina. 1.60 A -

Rockport,...,. 2.00 A 2.26Cement... 2.75 A 8.60PlasterParis. 4.00 A 4.50

LUMBER, f. M. feet-Clear White Pine, 1st quality. 50.00 A66.00White Pine, goodrun. 38.00 040.00YellowPino. 20.00 ©25.00Boards, fi M. feet-Rough.12.00 015.00Grooved and Tongued_ 28.00 032.00tutA THER. country tanned, fl lb. - ? -

VOLASSES. %» galion-Cuba. 45 A 60Muscovado...... 66 a ASugarHouse. 60 a 1.00New Orleans. 75 a 82

NA VAL STORES, f. bbl-Tar. - a -

pitch....*. - a -

Rosin,pale. 4.60 0 6.00Rosin,No.1. 3.60 a 3.75Rosin, No.2. 3.00 0 -

Rosin, No.3..' 2.76 a 2.85Spirits Turpentine, ft gsilon. 60 a 01Oaauin. M lb. HI As -

NAILS-American, 4®20d, f keg. 5.60 A 7.00American Wrought... . - A -

Lathing. 7.60 010.00Copper, fi lb. 1.00 A -

Galvanized. 30 &Spikes.,... 12 a 10Ol LS-Lard, f gallon. 1.40 bv 1.45Unseed, » gsilon. 1.64 a 1.60Sperm, Whiter, fi gallon. 2.96 a -

Cotton Seed, fi gallon. - a -

Castor (E. Lh f gallen. 3.00 aOlive, fidozen.I 8.00 010.00Kerosene, V gallon.j 62 a 04Benr.ine, f gallon.I 60 a -

PROVISIONS-Beet, mess, fi bbl.110.00 030.00Beef,prime.|14.00 016.00Pork, mess. 28.00 A -

Rump........... - A -

Bacon, Hams, fi lb. 18 Hf HuBacon, Rides...... 19%"&) 20Bacon, Shoulders........ 10 A 16\¿Bacon, strips. 18 A -

Lard, inkeg. 19KA 15Butter. SO A 40Cheese. 16 a 04Potatoes, fi bbl. 4.00 A -

Onions. 4.00 A -

Apples. 8.00 a 9.00PAINTS-White Lead, fte. 10 A 10Black Lead.. 10 a 12

Zinc, White. 12 A 10PLOW STEEL, f> lb 12 0 -

Ä/CE-Carolina, fft. 10*A IIEast India. - A -

SLATES-American, fi square.12.60 A -

SHINGLES, -f\M. 7.00 A 8.00White Pinn, first quality.12.00 » -

SALT-Liverpool, coarse, f sack. 2.60 A 2-76Liverpool. One. - w -

SOAP-Bar, fift. ll A 16KSTARCH,".. 10 a 12SPICES, fi lb-Cassia. 1.00 A -

Mace. 1.76 A -

Cloves.;...... 76 aNutmegs. 2.00 A 2.60Pepper. 40 a -

Pimento. 40 A 60Race Gluier_.80 A -

SPIRITS, f gallon-Alcohol.. 5.00 0 6.00Brandy; Cognac..... 4.00. 012.00Oin?lTnVsirsy!^ 11 *!w: A 6\0$Oin, American. 8.60 a 3.76Bum, Jamaica. 6.00 A o.ooBum, N.E. 2.60 A 8.00Whiskey, Bourbon. 3.00 A 6.00Whiskey, Rectified. 2.30 A 2.40

SUGAR, fl ft-Raw. 13 A 10Crashed. 10 A 18Clarified A. 17 A 18ClarifiedB. 17 A 18XClarified0. . 16KA 17

Loaf.18 A -19Porto Rico...... 14 A 15Muscovad'.>. 18 A 10

SEGARS-Oomaaüo manufacturo, $ M. 18.00 045.00TEAS, fi ft-Imperial. 2.00 A 2.60

Gunpowder...... 2.00 A 2.60Hyson......*.. . 1.60 A 1.60Young Hyson. 1.00 0 1.60

Black.i. 1.00 A 1.7»TOBACCO,3 ft, aa perquality. 40 S IV»TIMBBB-Hewn Timber-Yellow Pine. 4.00 012.00


IC Tin Plate', 10x14.IX Tin Plate 10x14;.IO Tin Plate, 14x20.Block Tin, f> ft,.....;.

TWINE-Cotton, fl ft..Baling.Hemp:......,..Jute./............

VARNISH-BngUt, fi gabon., Parafine.I. VINEGA /f-Whito Wine, fi gallon..1 Cider..;-777........

French...,.WINE,fL gallon-port........

*fi .. i*. ..'«......

rf»*"caee..:'..Champagne, fi basket.ZLYC-SWeLfVlb..





and packin« tn ceses aar well known Wines, Brandies,Whiskies, ic, and ham aaa* thees out m a style thaiwould preclude the possibility Of their being temperedwitt» before reaching the oweh*s*e. The general appre-dation and graUfying socoes* that Bad rewarded ourefforts ha» encouraged us to xasintoin the standard ss re¬gards quality, »lao to mah« (aereaetd efforts to rjstein thoconfidence and patronagewhioft ROS been sb UberaUy be¬stowed upon us. BÇKLNGER ts CO.,(EstabBsbed maj Importer« ot Wiaet *c"M - No. IB Boeder street, Nev Tork.

Druggists, Grocers, Ac... ,, ¿

The name of Btainger * Co., No, 15 Reaver etsset, ls eRuaranteeof the exaol and literal truth of whatever they"^B^pr^ng^h^ hbo NIB

00011BIC!U.mNl!EANfi%.G0..Ophite Otarieeton Hotel,


HUCCBßKOHftVO Kitt« s%<^MKItl»S^Jan sr 80

^otow'^ Aj^hj cl^^^B.*o

TRUSTÎCE8.Hon. SIMPSON BOBO, Spartanburg.Rev. C. MURCHISON.Judge T. O. P. VERNON, Spartanburg.Ret. T. Q. HERBERT, Ninety-Six.Prof. A. H LESTER, Spartanburg.ROY^J: A. PORTER, Georgetown.MaJoi*JOHN A. LEE, Spartanburg.Rev. M. BROWN, Columbia.Major A. H. KIRBY, Spartanburg.Rev. W. S. BLACK, Newberry.Rev. A. W. WALKER, Spartanburg.Prof. WARREN DuPREE, Spartanburg.J. H. WILSON, Esq., Sparenburg.

H'ACJlJIvrY.Rev. ANSON W. CUMMINGS, A. M., D. D.,President and Teacher of Mathematics, and

Lecturer on Natural Science, &c.Mrs. I. H. CUMMINGS,

Teacher of Rhetoric, Mental and MoralScience.

Miss ALICK M. SHALDON,Music, Embroidery, Painting, Leather

Work, Hair Work, &o.Miss ALICE LOMAX,

Music, Frenoh, English Literature.Miss SUK V. R. SHELDON,French, Music, History.Miss M. JANE WoproRD,

Natural' Science, Latin, &c.

HffiHSlONH jvTsrn VACATION.Tlie Pall Session will open October 3d,

1867, and elope February 19th, 1868.The Spring Session will open February

20th, and close July 8th, 1868.Vacation extends from close of Spring

Session, to October 1st.A few days reooss at Christmas.

KXPEN8KH.Board, per Session, in-Correnoy,.$70 00Tuition,. 20 00Contingent Feo,. 2 00Music, with nae of Piano,. 27 50Latin, Extra,.10 00Frenoh, Extra,. 12 00Embroidery,. 15 00Oil Painting. «0 00Grecian Painting, for the Conree,...."'. 10 00Loather Work,. ß 00Hair Work,. COOFeather Flowers,. COOWax Fruit Flowers,. G 00Each Music pupil receives fifty le'Mom

during the Session, and can use a

piano for practice, from one to three hoursdaily. There are six pianos in the College.The teachers in this department havehad much experience, and excel as per¬formers as well as teachers.

BOARDING XiKPARTlVIEllSrT.This department is under the immediate

control of the President, and the youngladies constitute a part of his family. Theywill have the constant care of the ladyteachers in sickness and in health. Therooms are large, well ventilated and wellwarmed in cold weather. For the style ofjiving at the College, the President takesthe liberty to refer to Rov. R. P. Franks,P. E., of Spartanburg District, who, withhis family has board in the College, at thesame table with the young ladies and teach¬ers. Also, to Col. William L. DePass ofCamden, Horace Nichols, Esq., of Colum¬bia, who also, with their families, havebeen members of the College family. Allyoung ladies from a distance, are expectedto board at the College. 0*

THE TKACHERHHave all had much experience, two of

them have taught over tweuty-tive years.The young lady teachers all graduated inOhe of the best ..-Female Colleges in theSouth, uiïù exec! ¡fi their respective depart¬ments.

TH IC TEXT BOOKSIn use can all be procured-in Spartan¬burg, at reasonable prices.

APPARATIT», «co.The College has a beautiful and exten¬

sive Apparatus, for illustrating the variousbranches of Natural Philosophy, Chemistryand Astronomy. Lectures on these sub¬jects, free to all, will be delivered daringthe year.

Students coming by Spartanburg andUnion Railroad, should leave Columbia orintermediate stations, on Monday, Wednes¬day or Saturday-they will then comethrough,without detention.

EXPENSES.It is confidently believed that while this

Institution offers high inducements, in theway of educational, social, moral and re¬ligious advantages, it holds out motives of% pecuniary kind, equal, if not greater thanany other. Look at the advertisementa ofthis and other schools, North or South, andwents wilt see that they make a saving byHeading to Spartanburg.

??>..?. '.Ï.'TT.FLEASE.

After reading this, haud it to some onewho has a daughter to educate, or post itup in some public place.THOSE INTENDING to patronize the Col-

lego, will confer a favor by immediatelyaddressing the President, at Spartanburg,8. C.

COU.B8B .O»* TEXTaaoojee.


.rt v :\_.StattMfltisfeä. '. '. '. >: .Webster's School Ed.COLLEGIATE CLASSES,

mar mis..Wobster'a Elementary.

.. .. Sfendors* 4th Reader.

Behool uoograpny,Grammer.Bunion's.Arittunetio., .2J}«*j«on»A PrectieeUHistor United States... JMSBSfS-

.XOOMD TRAB, djWriting.Spencerian system.Beading. Sanders'«¿i» Wder.Arithmetic.Thompson's,

^g^^am^.CO^^S,mtÏÏn yMind :. : ' : : :S£Ln'8.'


»abra,.Davis's First Lessons.?Mr.7......«rey's.Astronomy. . ..Bouvier'a.



rSuRRaoes OhristieMtir_Alexaader'e.¡ amnoxHr oxAoturB*' ootías».

PMlgsophy of Natara! History, General Hio-

ttjíafctentejs^th Bevlews ofany fart <* tomar

Bnlilop** Or*,router, Reeder, Cassi, otc.MMOBt."

FAsquelte'e Frenoh series ie used.

Woodbafy'e New Method to used.:HsWBt

OnZSrs^jjM^ K-KM A HUM.Spurtanhurg Female Colloge, under thc

patronage of the ; .nth Coolina (Joutei-enoe, Waa opened for the admission ofpupils on the 25th August, 1855.The site of the Oollego Buildings is one

of the niost pleasant and desirable locationsthat could have been selected.The Campus encloses fifteen acres of

woodland, on the summit of :> bill, over¬

looking tbe town ol' Spartanburg, mid »

halfmile or moro, distant from it.Secluded from the excitements ami at¬

tractions of the town thoroughfares, with a

pure atmosphere, excellent water, and ruralquietude, thc pupils enjoy every facility formental and moral culture.

TKHTIMON JA I ..M.It may be satisfactory to Hume to see a

few from among the many of the newspa¬per and other notices that' might be selec¬ted, which have generously been taken ofthe College, location, teachers, &c. Butour best epistles are our former pupils,scattered all over Nort h and South Caroli¬na, Alabama, Georgia, Virginia, Tennessee,Mississippi, Texas and other States.SPARTANBURG FEMALE COLLEGE.-"A

fine climate, healthy location and compe¬tent Faculty, recommend this College topublic patronage."-Minute» 0>J S. C- Con¬ference,for I860.SPARTANBUR« FEMALE COLLEQE.-

"This Institution of South Carolina Con¬ference, opens October 3d. It is undertho Presidency of that experienced teacher^Dr. W. A. Cummings. It« proximity toWofford College gives some advantage tothose who have both sons and daughters toeducate from home ; and the renown ofSpartanburg for its healthfulness and reli¬gious privileges, commends it to public fa¬vor."-Southern Christian Advocate, Aug.16, 18G7. .

SPARTANiiuRG FEMALE COLLEGE.-"Itgives us pleasure to announce to the pub-lie, the re-opening of this popular institu¬tion, under the management of the Rev. A.W. Cummings, 1). I). The reputation ofthe President for scholarship and adminis¬trative ability, should commaud for theInstitution a liberal patronage ; and we

hope that the friends of female educationwill bestir themselves to give to this Col¬lege that support and encouragement withwhich it. was honored in former years. Itarepresentatives are scattered throughout thelaud, and tHey surely cannot forget, thepleasant associations of by-gone days, anddisregard the claims of their Alma Slater.Let one and all do something to sustainthis important educational interest, ' thatour danghters may be as corner-stones, pol¬ished after tho similitude of a palace.'Spartanburg Expresa, 186t>.HOLSTON CONFERENCE FEMALE COL¬

LEGE.-" We have been pleased to learnthat the last session waa eminently success¬ful, and with the present able and efficientcorpse of teachers, (three of whom arc nowin t he Spartanburg Female College,) underthe lead of pr. Cummings, promises tofulfil the fullest hopes of its friends."-?Abingdon Virginian, May, 3860.HOLSTON CONFERENCE FSMALS COL¬

LEGE.-" Of the President, Rev. Dr. Cum¬mings, and the Faculty, it is only necessaryto say that tbe present examination d»esnot detract anything from thc high reputa¬tion that they had sustained for many[-years as able teachers and skilful managers

j of a literary institution: The Committeefeel nate in saying, in the language of oneof thc oldest and most active Trustees,Hon. N. W. Woodtiu, in regard to thePresident, * that they have the right manHÏ the right place.' "-Report of Examin¬ing Committee of H. C F. College May 15,1861.


Medical Profession and the Family,Mnow endowed by «ll the prominent Physicians, Chem¬ist*«nd Connoisseurs, aa possessing ult thoao mtrtnaicmedicinal qualities (tonie »nd dlnteflc) which belong to

OLD AND PURE GIN.Wa trait that oar established reputation founded

upon eighty-eight years of experience-abundantly vin»dtbatea our claims to public confidence, and guaran¬tees tbe excellence-or tus brandará Article.Put up ha case« containing one dozen bottles each and

sold by all prominent Druggists, Grocers, kc.A. M. MNINOER & CO,

[Established 1778. Sol» ImporteraNo. is Bearer street, New Yat

Opinions ut tai Pres«.i. No. 16 Beaver street, bave a very highto" sustain, as Ute oldest and best bouselo

NewYork.-Hom* Journal. .

The bouse of J» M. Ifiuingor A- Co., Mo. 15 Beaverstreet baa sustained for a fnjrtod of eighty years, a repu¬tation (bat may well be envied.-V. Y. Evening fotU

GOODRICH, WINEMAN & CO^ÑO. 153 MEETING STREET,Opposite Charleston Hotel.


Wholesale Agents, ChaVbwton, S. o.Januaryjg_tftlh* 6mo

CHERAW ÁDTERTIBER,Charada O.1' ^^lí^^^^tí^^fV^^S^ÍiWORMY.

mu or soBscBwnoN :.Oascopy ono year.93 00

ssTES or ADvssruiHu :One Square, ten Unes or less, aa* 00For each subséquent insertion. 75AU Advertisements to- isa distinctly marked, or theywill be published until ordered oat, and obarged accord

"ftsrehanta and othersadvtsrtisina by tbe year, ri libe¬ral deduction on tbe above ratea wilt be made,Mnvetiihe» U '?._ :

THE MABIOK STAB,-ESTABLISHED NEARLY TWÄHTY YEARS AGO. ISJ2J publisbedatKarton,S.O., in toe central portionof tho country, aud .offers a favorable medium to Mer-chants. Druggists, Machiniste, end all classes who desireto extend their 1tasines* far 111* Peo Dee country.Var the benefit ef our sdverlMng patrons, wo shsll, inaddition to ^yj^bwri^^tn1j11,i^^h^,u C£,N9TJ^Y IU}

"W. 3. McXERAlX,November 90 Eviltor and Proprietor

THE FIARRNCE QAZ9TT.T>TOLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY, AT FLORENCE,Jr S. C., offer» an ia*s»»t toedfog to Merchants andethers who wish ta «Stand tte^ bnatew in tbe PeeDeo section of tbe State. Bates of sdvsrtlsltiR vary reasonable,_ |v' .;;., Btfrtfober ia


F^PWÄTOBS.ptiBMKHED EVERY WED¡*ESDA Y MORNINO ATJL Lancaster O. H., 8.0, Having a large snbaortgtto»list, lt Offers a favorable medium IQ rierolMUrte'lÄfrlladvertisers who desire to extsiad their bustbeea in theupper Districts of tbe Wat«. Bates of sdVerUsing llb.eral. Specimen copy of paper sent on application.,Jm&2l < _._'m H ¿ 8 ¿ k§ J8 Ä N ISW S,

DÀBR & OSTBF.N, Proprietors.TpDBlaaHKO 2V8RY THURSDAY, ATSUMTER. & O.JT fmbsoriptíqn W.0D per annum. To Clubs of four

Advertisement* inserted on liberal term*.

T032, ïffiHAXiD,fa PTrsi,nnwUMTl TATT «tWBKttuY au., AI



flMlK UKI EST AND BY I AR THE MORT PERFECTL COT I ON M H1AY yet lUVcUtdd. Willum.-mulia heavy bale can bf I-SHUN packed. Scud for Dttscrip-live unit Price Lint, to HUUKH Si RAVENEL,(1encrai AgeutH for the state.ICuat Ua\, Charleston. S. 0,ALSO,Portable aud statumur.v ENGINES, Saw Oms.Ueuery's McCailhj Oin», Grist Milla, Hark Mills,llorac Powers, 'threshers, A:.-.. .Vc For «ale by


May 'imtu6mo?




by tho Legislature, February 20. 1863. Name changedby a-legislative enactment to tho Eclectic N.l4l!< hl Col¬lege, of Philadelphia, lu 1860. In 1SC3 it purera» «(l '"'Pennsylvania Medical College, established in undthe Philadelphie Medical College, which had previouslybeen merged into tho Pennsylvania Medical College, (¡ti1804 lt purchased thc Penn Medical University. ThuTrustees of the separate schools united, petitioned sudobtained a special Act of the Leplsisture, consolidatingthese institutions and eba. ginn their names to that of thePhiladelphia University of Medicine and Surgery,March lr., 1865. All these various Acts are publi hed inthe statutes of Pennsylvania. Tho cost of tho 1 uildlngand museum wss over one hundred thousand dollars. Itwill be observed that the University, asuow organized, lsChe legal representative of the four Medical Colleges thatit has absorbed, lt is a liberal school of medicine, confined to no dogma, nor attached to any inodlcal cliquebut embraces in lt» teaching overythtug ot' value to tb elprofession.

Session*.-It has two full sessions each year, commenc¬ing on the 1st of October, sud continuing until the 1st otJanuary, as ita first session, and lrom the 1st ot Januaryto the 1st ot April, as tts second; the two constituting oneAili course of lectures. It bas also a nummee session,commencing the 1st April sad continuing until August,for the preparatory branches, midi as Latin, Oreok,Mathematics, Botany, Zoology, Chemistry, AnatomyPhysiology, etc.TiokeU_Tiokets to the full courso of lectures $120, or

eco for each session. For the summer or preparatorycourse $25. Oraudating los $80. To aid young men ofmoderate means, the University liss issued five hundredscholarships, which are sold to first-course students for$75, and to second-course students and clergymen forSCO, each constituting tho holder a life member, with theperpetual privileges of the lectures, and all the ttiachltr^Hof the school. The only additional tees are a j early dis¬secting and matriculating ticket, each of which ls $5.

The Advantage* ofScholarship*.-The student holding ascholarship can enter tho College at any time during theyear, attend as long ss be chooses, and re-enter the insti¬tution as fiequeutly ss ile, ired.

It requires uo previous resdtng or study to enter thoUniversity on scholarships, hence, all prtvste tuition feesare saved.Students, by holding scholarships, can prosecute otherbusiness a part of the time.The candidate for graduation can prosent, himself at

any time, and receive his degree as soon as qualified.In casca student should hold a scholarship and noires'able io attend lectures, it can be transferred to another,thus preventing any los*.Parents, guardians or friends ol' students wishing to

purchase scholarship tor them a year or more beforeweir attendance at the University, can secure them byadvancing one-halt tho price und paylug thu balancewhen the student enters. Physicians and benevolentmen can bestow great benefit upon poor young men bySresenting thom a scholarship, and thus enabling them> obtain an honorable profession.The Faculty embraces seventeen eminent physiciansand surgeon». The University has associated with tt a

large hospital clinic, Whete every form of medical andsurgical disease is operated on and treated in the pres¬ence of the class.OoLUHjUE BUILDING.-The College building, located in

Ninth street, south of Walnut, ls the finest in the city.Its front ls collegiate gothic, and ls adorned with em-battlements and embrasures, presenting a novel, bold,and beautiful appearance. The facade ls of brown stone,ornamented by two towera, inning to the elevation ofeighty feet, and crowned with an embattled parapot.The building contains between fifty and sixty rooms, aliïupplied with water, gas, and every other conveniencethat modern improvement can con tributo to facilitatemedical instruction, Only five hundred scholarshipswill be issued, and as two hundred and fifty are nowsold, tboee who wish to secure one should do aa at ance.Money cen be remitted by express, or a draft or checksent on any National Bank in the United states, whentba scholarship will be returned by mad, signed by thoPresident of the Board of Trustees. JOSEPH s. FISHER,Esq.. and the Dean of the Faculty, W. PAINE, M. D.All orders for scholarships or other business of the Uni¬versity, should be addressed to Professor W. PAINE, M.D., Philadelphia, Pa.


A NEW WORK JUST ISSUED BY W. PAINE, M. D.,Professor of the Principles and Practice of Medicine andPathology in the Philadelphia University of Medicineand Surgery; author of Paine's Practice of Surgery; awork on Obstetrics arni Materia Medica, author at NowSchool Remédiée; an Epitome of Eberlle's Practice ofMedicine; a Review of Homnopethy: a Work on the His¬tory of Medicine; Editor of University Medical and Sur¬gical Journal, Ac., Ac. It ls a royal octavo of 900 pages,and contains a full description of all diseases known inmedicine' and surgery, Including those of women andchildren, together with their pathology and treatment byall the new and improved methods. Price $7 ; postage 60eenie.Address tbs author, No. 933 ARCH STREET, Philadel¬

phia. Pa.ALSO. A NEW WORK.

Entitled New School Medicines, which ts the only workever published upon Materia Medica, embracing all theEclectic, HomcB(.atbic, and Botanic Remedies, with afuR regular Materia Medica. Price $5; postage free.Address as above.




The cheapeft Medical Paper in the world, publishedevery two weeks at the University Building, Ninth-street,South-of Walnut. «

Single copies.$1.0 jFive coplea to one adórese.4.86Ten copies to one address.7.60Fifteen copies to one address.9.30Twenty copies to one addreBS.10.00

The getters up of the Club shan.have one copy gratia.Address W. PAINE, M. D., Editor,September12_ Philadelphia, Pa.




ÍALL STYLESAND GRADES OF LEAD PENCILS-of superior quality are manufactured and offeredat ftur terms to the Trade. Tho public are invitedto give tho AMERICAN LEAD PENfltL the pre¬ference.




YALE OOLLKO*, November 10, I860. )I bare always recommended the Faber PolygradeLead Pencils as the only pencils fitted for both ornamen¬tal and mathematical drawing; but, after a thoroughtrial of the American Polygrade Lead Pendis, man¬ufactured by the American Lead Pencil Company, NewYorii, I find them superior to any pencil in use, even tothe Faber or the old English Cumberland Lead Pencil,being a superior pencil for sketching, ornamental andmechanical drawing,.and.; ali the.ordlnary uses of a lead

Those pencils are vary finely graded and nave a verycxaooth lead; even the softest pencils hold the point weif;Miey are al.! that can be desired in a pencil, ft gives megreet pleasureto be able tc'Assure Americans that theyviii no lotrget becompelledto depend upon Germany orether ^r?4b,> >»«»»<">* tv»,, .umno*T .* LOUIS RAH.,

Professor of Or J 'lng, Ao.

AIL PENCILS ARS »TA«SPVU:«y "AMEÜIOAN LEAD PENCIL CD. N: J."None genuine without tue exact name of the firmlook to it._December 18

**ÇrevenHon i» »otter than Cure. "

Celebrated Preventive Lotion.

áPPBOVKD AND HIGHLY RECOMMENDED BUlise i- reach tiedleal Faculty, aa the only safe andll bio ÏU t (dote «finiwt infection from ppccfal Diseases,Thia invsluobio preparation is suited for either sex, an*has proved, from staple experience, »he most efficientand reliable »reventlve ever discovered, thus effecting adesideratum font, aoñftbt tor .m the Medical World, ftused accovdlná tc directions every possibility or dangerway be »voided ; # single application will radically nen-trahie the venereal rims, expel ail impurities frote» theabsorbent vessels, and reader contamination impossible.Bewise m Mme. and at a Very small outlay, savebonn oluntold bodily and menlaltorments'.This moat reliable spcoWc, BO universally adopted inUte Old World, la now offered for sate for the first time inAmerica hy T¿ A. MIPORT A CO., only authorizedAgents fdr ibo United States.>rioe $3 per bottle. Large battle, double size, $3.The usual discount to the. trade, «ont, secure!vpacked, on receipt of price, to any address, with direc-fiona and pamphlet, try addressing to


. Sola ARfeula for Dr. Ricord's P. I*,Itayaa lyr^ ftoTMOoId Bteet,Newjg*.





~\M ANY WHOSE DKOLINING HEALTH, WHICHXYi_ was precarious, ami their recovery despaired of,do now with grateful emanations to the All-Wiso Dis¬poser, offer heartfelt thunk-tor this timely remedy. Dur¬ing the short time since its public introduction into use,the Originator has most happily realized her most san¬guine expectations in mauifcJitaUons issuing from allquarters of its unparalolled curative properties, for In nocase where lt han been administeren with regard to di¬rections, and persevered in, leis ii failed iu its beucllciaJresults.In resorting to UIIB remedy, the invalid can depeudupon the safety of every article in its preparation, andwhile it accelerates ibo healthful r< actions of each organsud vessel, the mind csu bo perfectly free froui sppre-henslou of any subtle Ingredient hetug insinuated into itscomposition.The appetite, which improves under its administration,is st liberty to Indulge prudently In whatever nutrimentis palatable, digestive and wholesome, aud while lt is no

more than proper to avoid exposure to Iresb cold, no tearneed be entertained of any liability under this course ottroatmeut to Induce it. lt ts a pleasant AROMATICCORDIAL, quite agreeable to »tie taste, and os a lung re-vtvtfyer and balsam of health, it ls distinguishing Itself aawithout precedent, and we trust will, ere IOHR, claim fortfielf general acclamation for its unrivalled efficacy.For sale by the Proprietress, Mrs. CECILIA RODRI¬GUEZ, northwest corner of MEETING AND SOCIETY.TREE l's, and principal Druggists.PRICE SINGLE EDITEE $1.25.April 2 IJT


thal they will do all that ls claimed for them,'andcheerfully recommend them to ouldie favor. ^-jtT. H. WATTS. Ex-Governor of Alabama.3. W. A. SANDFORD. Att'y Geu'l of Alabama.ROBT. DOUGHERTY, Judge Supremo Court Ala. ,QFrom THOM*H J. JUDOS, Judge Supreme Court.

I have unod GALLIGH AN'S 11IXS on my plantationfor Fever and Ague, and lind them all that ls claimed forthem. THOS. J. JUDGE.

Montgomery, Ala., September 29, 1808.

LOWNDES CocN rv, Alabama.GALLIGHAN'S FEVER AND AGUE PILLS will do.They Aro decidedly the best medicino for Chills and i^;.ver 1 ever gave. 1 would not be without them for fi\ a

times the price. J. A. Cl R AUA M.

AMK.RICUS, April 17, 18C7.One box ol GALLIGHAN'S PILLS cured me perfectlyof Chills and Fever. They sre the best medicine lor

Chills amt Fever l ever saw. A. Q. RONALDäON.clerk Superior Court, Munder County, Ga.

MONTHOMEKT, ALA., July 9, 1&6C.Messrs. BLUNT A HALE-GENTS: I have used yourGALLIGHAN'S PILLS on two occasions for Chills and

Fever, and find that they effect all that they are intend«ed to do. They are the best remedy for the disease tintI have ever tried. 1 consider them perfectly reliable.

Respectfully, DA NT, SAYRE,Grand Sec. Grand Lodge ol F. sud A. M. of Alabama.

ALBANY, GA., March ll, 1807.I have used GALLIGHAN'S PILLS in forty casesof

chilla and Fever, with perlcct success. They are ttebest Fever and Ague Pill put up. Kk,

A. B. 1'ANTV


No. 163 Meeting street.And by all Druggists.


May 146mo Montgomery, Ala.


can be cured permanently, and at a trifling cost.The astonishing success which has attended this lu.

valuable medicine for Physical and Nervous Weakness.General Debility and Prostration, Loss ot Muscular En¬ergy, Impotency, or any of the consequonces of youthfulindiscretion, renders it the most valuable preparationever discovered.

It will remove all nervous affections, depression, ex¬crement, incapacity to study or business, loss of merr-c-ry, contusion, thoughts of self destruction, fears of in¬sanity, Ac. It will restore the appetite, renew the healthof those who have destroyedit by sensual excess or evilprecoces.Young Men, be humbugged no more by "Quack Doc¬

tora" and ignorant piactitioners, but send without d<¿aytor the Elixir, and be at once restored lo health and hap¬piness. A perfect Cure is Guaranteed in every instance.Price $1, or four bottles to one address »3,One bottle ie sufficient to effect a cure in all ordinary

caaes. *

ALSO, DR. JOlNVJLLE'S SPECIFIC PILLS, for thospeedy ana permanent eiire of Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Ure¬thral Discharges, Gravel, Stricture, and all affections* oftho Kidneys and Bladder. Cures effected lb from one tofive day H. They are prepared from vegetable extractathat are harmless ou the system, and never nauseate thestomach or impregnate the breath. No change of dietis necessary while using them, nor does their action inany niannei' interfere with business pursuits. Price $1perbox.

Either Of the above-mentioned articles will be sent tosny address, closely sealed, and post-paid, by mall orexpress on receipt of price. Address ail orders to

BERGER, SHUTTS A CO., Chemists,L March 30 ly No. 286 River street. Troy, N. Y.

There cometh glad tidings ofJoy to all,To young aud to old, to gieat and to small;The berni ty which once was so precious and rare,Is free for all, and all may be fair.

By (lae nea ot


ENAMEL,For Improving and Beautifying the Complexion,The most valuable and perfect preparation in us«, forgiving the akin a beautiful pearl-Ilka tint, tost ls only-found In youth.. 4ft runcfcjjr removes Tan, Freckles, Pint-

pies, Blotches, Jtotn retunes, àaùownees. r-mpuonr.and aU imparities of the skin, kindly bealing the sam«leaving the skin white and clear aa alabaster. Ma asecannot be delected by the closest scrutiny, sud being avegetable'preparation is perfectly; harmless. It ts tho,only article of the kind used by tue French, and ia con¬sidered by the Parisian as indispensable to a perfecttoilet. Upwards of-UftOOO bodies wert» sold during th«past veer, a sut&ctetit guarantee of Its efUctwv. I'rlctoonly 75 cents. Hent by pail, post-paid, on receipt or rmorder, bylt kitti KR, SHOTTS it co., Chemiste,

S..-.K«A aw Wv« St.,'Troy, IK Y

CRISPER COMA.Ohl »he was beauuiKl and fair,WMhaskxaVaf**, «ad rfel&fcthetr,Whoite endingtendrils, soft.entwined,Enchained the very h&art and mind,

CRÏ8PE11ÎOMA,Fdr Cui-Iin« the Hair of either Bex int» Wav/

and (HORS? flinRlets or Heavy MassiveOtitis.

T>« USING THIS ARTICLE LAOIS Ï AND GEIiTLE-X> MEN ea» bee*nry abeasaatves s ls th« only ariki« lu the worhl that will earl straighthair, and at thé same time give it. a beautiful, glossy au-pearance, TkWlMflpev Coma not only carls the hair, butInvigorates beautifies and cleanses lt; i* highly and (lo-OrpO, »nd in t* most coaiplete article oftbs kind VWM oa>r*î to the A»( rican peWfc. TbaCrispar Coma will be sent to any address, sealed andewetBeldtofL/^j.t***T*"*"^ * «».. Ohemtots,

No. 3 Weet Fayette etwet, Syracuse. N. Y.March»» _...... ,*T>