the cern agile infrastructure project: configuration and operations tools

CERN IT Department CH-1211 Genève 23 Switzerland The CERN Agile Infrastructure Project: Configuration and Operations Tools Helge Meinhard / CERN-IT (replacing Manuel Guijarro) HEPiX Spring 2012 24 April 2012, Praha

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The CERN Agile Infrastructure Project: Configuration and Operations Tools. Helge Meinhard / CERN-IT (replacing Manuel Guijarro ) HEPiX Spring 2012 24 April 2012, Praha. Configuration and Operations Tools. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: The CERN Agile Infrastructure Project: Configuration and Operations Tools

CERN IT Department

CH-1211 Genève 23

The CERNAgile Infrastructure Project:

Configuration and Operations Tools

Helge Meinhard / CERN-IT(replacing Manuel Guijarro)

HEPiX Spring 201224 April 2012, Praha

Page 2: The CERN Agile Infrastructure Project: Configuration and Operations Tools

Configuration and Operations Tools

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Project Scope

The project is reviewing the entire CERN computer-centre management toolset– What happens from the bare metal up– Asset management, inventory– Sysadmin tools and maintenance workflows– Service management and configuration tools– Dynamic configuration for ‘virtual’ hosts– Operations monitoring– Workflow automation and continuous deployment– …

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Configuration and Operations Tools

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Current production system built around the Quattor toolset is successfully managing O(10k) servers– (CERN) Quattor + many CERN components

Why are we changing the toolset?

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What are the Issues (1)

Uncompressible technical debt– The cost to develop and maintain our own solution is not reducing

and clearly exceeds our resources– Small community (less funding) and general support problem. At

CERN, we’ve fallen into the “sticky hands” support model

We need better automation and integration between the sub-components– Lack of automated workflow: everything is a ticket

emailScript™ : your added value in the process is often your CERN password

– The 15-min “CDB commit walk” – context switch cost

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What are the Issues (2)

Transferrable skills and training– Learning curve for our tools is steep and remains high

– It’s easier to hire people who have skills in a widely-used tool than your internal tools

Depending on where you look

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Jobs Adverts –

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Index of millions of worldwide job posts across thousands of job sites

These are the sort of posts our departing staff will be applying for.



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Integration is Hard

IPv6, virtualisation, Windows Server all need a solution– We could leverage lots of open source tools

But piecemeal integration of these requires high investment due to our complex system

Years of organic growth have made the system way too ‘hairy’ It’s often easier to reinvent rather than integrate

– Lack of ‘dynamic-ness’ in the infrastructure We hack the config system for dynamic VMs

It’s critical to look at the system as a whole

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Use Puppet for the Core

The tool space has exploded in the last few years– In configuration management and ops– Large, shared ‘tool forges’, and lots of experience

Puppet and Chef are the clear leaders for the ‘core’ tool– other tools in our ‘scope’ try to integrate with those

Many large-scale enterprises use Puppet– Its declarative approach fits better with what we are used to – Large installations: friendly, wide-base community and commercial support

and training– You can buy books on it

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Scaling Challenges: Nodes

Currently we have O(10k) physical nodes IaaS approach:

– Moving to virtual machines– More (smaller, load-balanced) service nodes– VMs for raw compute (batch or pilot jobs)– Homogeneous: compute + storage on the same node

Add another computer centre, 24/48 SMT cores per node, you get 100k – 300k virtual nodes to be managed– 99.6%(1) node update success-rate means 1200 manual interventions to “fix


(1) in a recent intervention on lxbatch

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Scaling Challenges: People

Many, diverse applications (“clusters”) managed by different teams..and 700+ other “unmanaged” Linux nodes in VMs that could benefit from a simple configuration system

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Agile Infrastructure 1st Try (1)

First started investigating tools in September 2011 using ‘part-time’ resources from several IT groups– Trying iterative “agile-sprint” style (Scrum): short sprints, feedback, sprint

review, visible– Take first, best-guess at architecture and tool selection, iterate

Mixed success with this agile style– What works: Good visibility and reviews.

Daily “scrum” meeting useful. Weekly review meeting open to management.

– What doesn’t: The “time boxing” part of Scrum sprints is hard with part-time resources

– Now more staff available, but still mostly part-time efforts

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Agile Infrastructure 1st Try (2)

We’re currently running:– OpenStack as cloud software for virtual machines, image management, bulk

storage See later presentation

– Puppet for the configuration management core– …with Foreman as a dashboard

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Foreman Dashboard

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Agile Infrastructure 1st Try (2)

We’re currently running:– OpenStack as cloud software for virtual machines, image management, bulk

storage See later presentation

– Puppet for the configuration management core– …with Foreman as a dashboard

None of the tools are “perfect” out-of-the-box– .. but we’d rather submit patches to a good open source tool than re-implement it– We’ve experienced very good community support: RFCs and patches are quickly

accepted– Very active community: often problems are fixed and missing features implemented

before you even report them

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Agile Infrastructure 1st Try (3)

We’re currently running:– yum for software distribution (replacing spma)– git for template management: why git?

Almost all the Puppet (and Chef) usage schemes out there assume you use git to handle the templates

Many of the tools we can benefit from also assume git We should not be different from the rest of the community

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Client/server architecture– “puppetmaster”: horizontally scalable Rails application– X509 cert authenticated nodes: integrate with CERN CA

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Puppet runs on the client, applyingthe configuration changes

– It detects the current state and only runs if there’s something to do

It runs every few minutes– new configuration will be ~immediately applied (“fail-fast”).– This is a change from CDB where ‘latent’ changes can be stacked up

Normal mode is client-side compile (“assume success”)– No more CDB commit waits– Change from CDB: the compilation fails later

Good monitoring is a pre-req: puppet sends reports back to the puppetmaster

– The Foreman tool can collect these for you

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Puppet Language

Puppet uses its own Ruby-like language for the templatesto “assert” the desired state of the nodes– With Ruby fall-back for hard stuff (we’ve only needed this once)

Being declarative rather than procedural, there are quirks– Takes a bit of practice to ‘get it’– There are books, online docs, online cook-books, and a large

community to help It dispenses with the need for ncm components

– All the work is done by puppet on the node itself – you just provide the template part to assert what you want done

– Less software -> easier to move to new OS versions

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Puppet uses an external DB for much of the configuration that we currently store in textual CDB templates

Node function + hardware – Moving a host between clusters is a DB update

Your configuration can use variables the node detects itself– e.g. reconfigure daemons based on where a newly live-migrated VM has found itself

Query the compiled configuration of other hosts– e.g. Open my firewall to the lxadm nodes

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Moving towards PaaS

Parametrisable recipes– Just fill in the blanks

The aim is to make it easy to use “pre-canned” recipes without even touching a Puppet template– e.g. stick a standard CERN SSO-enabled apache / mod_wsgi / Django

server on my box– …with these parameters

Moving us in the PaaS direction– Ultimately, it would be better if you never even needed to log into this node

(J2EE public service, IT web hosting service, MySQL service)

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Standard Workflow

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check outfrom CDB


CDB commit

run and check on test node

notify with nc-client

n minutes


CDB onlxadm

check outfrom git


git commitand push

run and check on test node

notify with mcollective

1 minute


Puppet onlxadm

check outfrom git on

the test node


run puppet-apply

check on test node

notify with mcollective


Puppet-apply on test


check onforeman

check onnode(s)

check onforeman

git commitand push

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Modernising our Processes (1)

Our software processes for the computer centre are fairly limited– fire-and-forget broadcasts to project-elfms

…and rather manual– The manual test/ -> preprod/ -> prod/ template dance– Our toolset RPMs are ‘built on laptop’ and uploaded to ‘swrep’ by hand

Add standard continuous integration (e.g. Jenkins, Bamboo, Cruise) and automated build (Koji) as the only route to get new packages into the CC– .. then automate the testing – e.g. suitably tagged RPMs are automatically deployed to /test nodes.

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Modernising our Processes (2)

We’re working out which of the many puppet / git models suits us– code review, sign-off and automated notification for changes that will affect

multiple clusters– How to automate the test/preprod/prod advancement

Pre-req is flexible monitoring and alarming– you need to trust that an automation failure will be signaled to you

Script-generated emails are banned– Need good monitoring to hang these notifications on

Integrate components rather than use emailScript™– Script-generated tickets (where your value in the process is your password),

are banned

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Current Tool Snapshot (Liable to Change)

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Koji, Mock



Yum repoPulp

Puppet stored config DB

mcollective, yum



git, SVN

Openstack Nova

Hardware database

Page 27: The CERN Agile Infrastructure Project: Configuration and Operations Tools

Preliminary Timelines

Year What Actions2011 Agree overall principles

2012 Prepare formal project planEstablish IaaS in CERN CCProduction Agile InfrastructureMonitoring Implementation as per WGMigrate lxcloudEarly adopters to Agile Infrastructure

2013 LSD 1New Data Centre

Extend IaaS to remote CCBusiness ContinuitySupport Experiment App re-workMigrate CVIGeneral migration to Agile with SLC6 and Windows 8

2014 LSD 1 (to November) Phase out Quattor/CDB/…

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Aggressive schedule if we are to make it for new data centre

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Initial Steps

Decided on tools Integrating them to make a production setup

– We can still change.. But we’re starting to commit…

Looking for early adopters– In particular to understand the people-scaling / ACL issues: which of

the git/puppet models is best? e.g. PES/OIS services: batch/VMs, JIRA, Drupal

– Help with integration / coding– Help with ideas– Help with building the task list

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IT has started a new project to move our infrastructure to a new toolset based around industry standard open source components– Puppet for the core configuration tool– Better integration between components– Use of more modern software processes to aid deployment– Better monitoring– Engage with the community rather than re-implement

Overall project scope is wider (see following presentations)– Improved monitoring– Cloud and virtualisation

Actively seeking wide involvement from CERN-IT and feedback from the community

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• Many colleagues at CERN-IT, including – Tim Bell– Ian Bird– Bernd Panzer-Steindel– Gavin McCance– Manuel Guijarro

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