the cell the basic unit of all living things 1. cell organization levels /units

Download The Cell The basic unit of all living things 1. Cell Organization Levels /Units

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The Cell Theory The cell is the unit of Structure of all living things. The cell is the unit of Function of all living things. All cells come from Pre-existing cells. ***EXCEPTIONS… The cell is the unit of Structure of all living things. The cell is the unit of Function of all living things. All cells come from Pre-existing cells. ***EXCEPTIONS… 3


The Cell The basic unit of all living things 1 Cell Organization Levels /Units The Cell Theory The cell is the unit of Structure of all living things. The cell is the unit of Function of all living things. All cells come from Pre-existing cells. ***EXCEPTIONS The cell is the unit of Structure of all living things. The cell is the unit of Function of all living things. All cells come from Pre-existing cells. ***EXCEPTIONS 3 Two Major Cell Types Prokaryotic cells (Streptococcus, E.coli, etc.) NO NUCLEUS Eukaryotic cells. These include: plants, animals, fungi, protists HAVE A NUCLEUS 4 ANIMAL CELL 5 PLANT CELL 6 CELL MEMBRANE CELL MEMBRANE: All cells are covered by a cell membrane; it regulates what comes in and goes out of the cell. Also Called the PLASMA MEMBRANE Found in both plant and animal cells CELL MEMBRANE: All cells are covered by a cell membrane; it regulates what comes in and goes out of the cell. Also Called the PLASMA MEMBRANE Found in both plant and animal cells 7 Cell Membrane AKA Plasma Membrane 8 CYTOPLASM Cytoplasm jelly like substance that fills cells ; made of mostly water; holds the organelles Found in plant and animal cells Cytoplasm jelly like substance that fills cells ; made of mostly water; holds the organelles Found in plant and animal cells 9 NUCLEUS Nucleus contains the cells DNA and is the control center of the cell Found in both plant and animal cells. Nucleus contains the cells DNA and is the control center of the cell Found in both plant and animal cells. 10 RIBOSOME Ribosome the site where amino acids are hooked together to make proteins This is the site of Protein Synthesis Found in both plant and animal cells 11 ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM - found in both plants and animals System of Channels that transport materials in a cell. Chemical reactions take place on the surface of ER Two types: 1. Rough-with ribosomes on them (RER) 2. Smooth- no ribosomes on them (SER) System of Channels that transport materials in a cell. Chemical reactions take place on the surface of ER Two types: 1. Rough-with ribosomes on them (RER) 2. Smooth- no ribosomes on them (SER) 12 GOLGI BODIES Responsible for labeling, sorting and packaging chemicals (proteins) and secreting (releasing) them from the cell 13 VACUOLES Vacuoles store water and other materials Found in both plant and animal cells Plants have very large vacuoles. Animals have small vacuoles Vacuoles store water and other materials Found in both plant and animal cells Plants have very large vacuoles. Animals have small vacuoles 14 Food Vacuole 15 Lysosomes digest food particles wastes cell parts foreign invaders They have such powerful enzymes they can destroy a whole cell. Example: Tadpoles tail. Found in animal cells Lysosomes digest food particles wastes cell parts foreign invaders They have such powerful enzymes they can destroy a whole cell. Example: Tadpoles tail. Found in animal cells 16 Mitochondria Makes Energy for Cell. Energy is also called ATP Site of Cellular Respiration It takes in oxygen and glucose and releases Carbon dioxide, water and ATP Found in both plant and animal cells. 17 Some Organelles are only found in Plant Cells Do you know which ones? 18 1. CELL WALL Cell Wall the cell wall gives structure and support to the cell membrane. Only found in plant cells Cell Wall the cell wall gives structure and support to the cell membrane. Only found in plant cells 19 2. CHLOROPLASTS Chloroplasts. - the organelle responsible for photosynthesis which uses the sun to make glucose(sugar). Chloroplasts are green due to a pigment called chlorophyll. Only found in plant cells Chloroplasts. - the organelle responsible for photosynthesis which uses the sun to make glucose(sugar). Chloroplasts are green due to a pigment called chlorophyll. Only found in plant cells 20 There is one organelle found only in Animal Cells. Can you name it? The Centrioles These are necessary for animal cell division. Plants manage without them. 21 COMPARISON OF ORGANELLES TO ORGAN SYSTEMS ORGANELLEORGAN ORGAN SYSTEM NUCLEUSBRAIN NERVOUS SYSTEM CELL MEMBRANE LUNGSRESPIRATORY SYSTEM LYSOSOMESTOMACHDIGESTIVE SYSTEM CELL MEMBRANE KIDNEYEXCRETORY SYSTEM 23 LINKING HOW ORGANELLES WORK TOGETHER LYSOSOME & CELL MEMEBRANE AFTER A LYSOSOME DIGESTS OLD ORGANELLES THE CELL MEMBRANE RELEASES THEM OUT OF THE CELL GOLGI BODY & LYSOSOME THE GOLGI BODY PRODUCES LYSOSOMES WHICH ARE USED TO DIGEST BACTERIA LYSOSOME & CELL MEMEBRANE AFTER A LYSOSOME DIGESTS OLD ORGANELLES THE CELL MEMBRANE RELEASES THEM OUT OF THE CELL GOLGI BODY & LYSOSOME THE GOLGI BODY PRODUCES LYSOSOMES WHICH ARE USED TO DIGEST BACTERIA 24 LINKING HOW ORGANELLES WORK TOGETHER NUCLEUS & RIBOSOMES NUCLEUS CONTROLS THE RATE OF PROTEIN SYNTHESIS BY RIBOSOMES CELL MEMEBRANE & MITOCHONDRIA CELL MEMBRANE REGULATES THE PASSAGE OF OXYGEN INTO THE CELL TO BE USED BY MITOCHONDRIA NUCLEUS & RIBOSOMES NUCLEUS CONTROLS THE RATE OF PROTEIN SYNTHESIS BY RIBOSOMES CELL MEMEBRANE & MITOCHONDRIA CELL MEMBRANE REGULATES THE PASSAGE OF OXYGEN INTO THE CELL TO BE USED BY MITOCHONDRIA 24 WRAP UP 1.HEREDITARY INFORMATION IS STORED INSIDE THE: A. RIBOSOMES B. NUCLEUS C. MITOCHONDRIA 1.HEREDITARY INFORMATION IS STORED INSIDE THE: A. RIBOSOMES B. NUCLEUS C. MITOCHONDRIA 25 WRAP UP 2. DIAGRAM TO THE RIGHT REPRESENTS: A. A CHLOROPLAST CARRYING OUT RESPIRATION B. A LYSOSOME CARRYING OUT PHAGOCYTOSIS C. A MITOCHONDRIA CARRYING OUT RESPIRATION 2. DIAGRAM TO THE RIGHT REPRESENTS: A. A CHLOROPLAST CARRYING OUT RESPIRATION B. A LYSOSOME CARRYING OUT PHAGOCYTOSIS C. A MITOCHONDRIA CARRYING OUT RESPIRATION 26 WRAP UP 3. LEVELS OF ORGANIZATION FOR STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION IN THE HUMAN BODY FROM LEAST COMPLEX TO MOST COMPLEX ARE: A. CELLS-->TISSUES-->ORGANS-- >SYSTEMS B. SYSTEMS-->ORGANS-->TISSUES-- >CELLS C. CELLS-->ORGANS-->TISSUES-- >SYSTEMS 3. LEVELS OF ORGANIZATION FOR STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION IN THE HUMAN BODY FROM LEAST COMPLEX TO MOST COMPLEX ARE: A. CELLS-->TISSUES-->ORGANS-- >SYSTEMS B. SYSTEMS-->ORGANS-->TISSUES-- >CELLS C. CELLS-->ORGANS-->TISSUES-- >SYSTEMS 27 WRAP UP 4. STUDIES OF FAT CELLS AND THYROID CELLS SHOW THAT FAT CELLS HAVE FEWER MITOCHONDRIA THAN THYROID CELLS. A BIOLOGIST WOULD MOST LIKELY INFER THAT FAT TISSUE: A. HAS ENERGY REQIREMENTS EQUAL TO THOSE OF THYROID TISSUE B. REQUIRES LESS ENERGY THAN THYROID TISSUE C. REQUIRES MORE ENERGY THAN THYROID TISSUE 4. STUDIES OF FAT CELLS AND THYROID CELLS SHOW THAT FAT CELLS HAVE FEWER MITOCHONDRIA THAN THYROID CELLS. A BIOLOGIST WOULD MOST LIKELY INFER THAT FAT TISSUE: A. HAS ENERGY REQIREMENTS EQUAL TO THOSE OF THYROID TISSUE B. REQUIRES LESS ENERGY THAN THYROID TISSUE C. REQUIRES MORE ENERGY THAN THYROID TISSUE 28