the cecil whig - · te22 °f the code of public ... etp** of ba*‘l...

1 " No - > jp Stiitd'iii fcrURRS. U BY THE 0 Commissioners ol 0 County During the 0 Year Ending June gft, 1892. jjpiin compliance with section te22 ° f the Code of Public ppl Laws, which provides as **'¦ .ggHCouni; I oinmiMionen shall make annually, in at least two ~ .n their respective counties, if Detailed Minute and Accurate of lie expenses uf Haul counties sp,vi- gganein each particular item of expense and to lioin paid, and shalj also the sheriff of their respective counties etp** of Ba *‘l statement as there are £(jnlWncls of mu at l.a-1 tell day. mi general election, and the sheriff fhiin six days after the receipt of such epgflt npone of them at the place of holding 0001 m each district.” Maturing, jmtftoe ft.nooiio Circuit Court. jpplDaxis, Clerk fees, etc 91,1.52 80 Hailills ami Crier. fgtf Wood. bailiff jlj-.ii 2 50 K 15 ot* ** 17 50 ** 7 5o *• 7.50 - 5 00 - 2.50 **•¦¦• 10 00 32 50 £• 4 ; 2 5 00 - lo oo * •* 250 - 12 50 - *’ 2 50 r. * 15 oo * 12 50 Hewyß Cameron ...... 2 50 5 oo * ** 5 00 gpr 17 50 •• 5 00 &g*’-- ** 5 00 mm * 250 12 50 * ’* 15 00 * ’* 12 50 J 10 00 liohxrd Thomas, crier 20 (N) W.' * 800 m. m " 2000 a 44 44 . ... 16 00 ,> ** 24 00 ** I (Hi 44 44 16 00 f 24 00 x 00 Wk* 4 oo . 12 00 100 .... 4 on APShocklt-v. l.a.hff- - •• •• 250 - - ** 12 50 i - 40 00 f. 4 250 7 50 * 5 00 Oeorre E McKennev. sheriff 2 r K) K * •• •• . 10 oo - •* *4 6000 J ABoyd IT 50 y- - •• 250 IHGilpin '> Kekanl Thomas 4 00 APShock t > - 50 ¦ivy W.m.l 2 50 Mrry Tin>m.i- 2 50 $636 50 Sheriff K McKenney. ?? jAßuyi l 2,729 59 $4.417 24 Counsel Fees. S eccroili. u, iCTbackery 4 f r ‘;~ George A Blake JJJ WQham S Evans ‘__LZ $1,048 90 Jurors. .. Wm W— j: Jj tunes A Simpers..... ¦ v Annas w N- a ..m: JrJd BBerkl c Work . . ¦Egbert I) Houlden S KknSchofleld l i° n W ¦Mb G ftnffith. <r ftf HRIi . I ¦ - hr l s ISM K*|d' F Char!* - F Hinchljfle w f:’ Oar;. F )0 ; Ikili). \ meant - 15 M ¦grim 8 Smith. is 90 £ Qtorn: - S Reynolds is tS) ¦heard I> tiher 1H (M, E finben H Smith m ;s) ¦fcob Kennard i.-, u I ttail. s K Bile* is 00 ? William T Sartm |rAbram Whitaker. , , I I Weslev Thomas 250 BF Scott Price 2 MO Bhutan W B°c 11 so ; Bam. cl RCarson. 1110 ¦ tamnel (> Jackaon in 30 BSeorgc S I.s go Bewis W Kirk is 'ic Bohn n (irahaoi is oo Bwilliaro A Wright. 2 50 : Widiam A right 25 00 Hbliot uraham. it on ¦ w Simpers •?> no S-Jolin 8 .10 00 Holm K White ITNO fcenry Hess Id 1() RF St tlallaher 22 00 Eoaac H Hammond 17 M mC J Campbell 21 to |Lev i K Patterson so pfreorge H Graaon. 20 SO J w Jones 17 50 ¦ C R Foard 17 so Samuel TSimpew; 17H0 r George E McKenney ls :tu Bo I- rt Mackey 2 50 Joshua M Ash 2 50 Thomas \\ (.eorge 2 .50 N p Manly 2 50 Tin inas M Ty_son_ in si) J 0, ,; than hrao— , Jonathan \V hrau-s 250 William " McNamee ,759 John T Bennett 250 1 lav id 1. Sloan... 2 50 Joseph S Terrell 2 50 Henry William H r, rlir 2 50 William Foster 2 - r a> James E Pea" ,! ; 250 W Arthur 17 no William T Patton ou Edward I Ku*.-' ll 7 r<o H H iIP! n . , ts 17 511 ( ieorge RickcHs 12 50 u ni™ Thomas M Ha.,u - rA) (ieorge A Brown 17 50 Thomas Mhwi 16 to - VS, }?S Samuel J Jenness i;{ to m w ' T mS .v W> ¦lames A .' 1 p" r ,fv 11 Ml William f' r u sn Frankhn uhle'l 16 1U William S Bnek'ey , 3 m nSStr K Patters.... |i“ John Ko“ ”• , , William 12 50 J.. 1111 H " j' 1 ' 1.170 .1 Alex Kinter ]2SO 1 .18 80 Howard Si" sou James Walter. 5 oo t K,r *so Aifryd Kiru. . , 250 *S“2rSoMr to ou VVilliam I t ,M’ter ... William 20 00 Tbomaa Green Thomas <iree- ; 15(10 Thomas M {aue 125# Thomas M Ilagm John D White ,500 John D WWte George A Brown T *s David <•*'*" 2J 50 Henry H *.Hi n asoo Samuel H sinitn Albanus I. SMton A 00 James “.p sowers 15 no u R"';r | V s lie 0070 Stephen h witaic. -fts-"jsSr “Jo MUler “J® &!:V<iVV" S 8 Matthew Russell Jr. f MOO Thomas c ShLacken.... nhn M Thaekery 15 00 : (;:v:fls m,n.r" |g II •nioma" C Mencken * George Ricketts JO no Jacob Ramh° Jj!" William P Howard.. 11 no (;a ..riel M Sendcrlmg * m Charles W King deoree W Sutton lllO wmSant A Cameron * Morris Dunbar. William V Henderson Thomas T Howard 9 00 U-wisJ McMullen. 11 in Dexter M Lee. (ieorge W Epckwanl 10 80 William A Tosh - 12 00 William Gifford 10 so Charles H McOmgan 13 80 John H Harlan 7 50 William R Dempsey . John W Dav 10 SO ( i '&&ss***¦ J John Davidson 12 no aas William Il fhV V 'n^n David Sootc* ***** 769 , Thomas F Notlev 12 " •oorgeli Hot,kill 12*9 \ Thomas t- criik 'h , !l 5 Lewis D p^e v hnk >2 00 Charles \v Simpers HenTß fondJff Joseph P Cutler Ml if Theislon- \l*ar r V 70 11 Thomas VV tieoru-.. 1 ¦ l<, James Vansam. * ®® 6 m, hn £ Manlove v John T Gamble H' 50 John T WiUm }?“ 6 Levi Patterson 'SS “Kennard Blake V Thomas H Vanpelt. ®lO Georeec Oldham jtlS ISSSS vs Amos'wd cavtr 10 00 fnw'v., 1.,;; 1 c t V Kirk J 2 I s j H rv“.' \ 'V i:, r m.Ki nenry t Nesbitt 1,50 Alonzo I, narrev , , m f Jneepb K Levis . . ' la'nms'p 11 SpraU f James E Dean ; C Cameron . 550 $51,152 20 ? Witnesses. > yuiiam T Lee z , illo , Jesse.Mis.,,s. Jr IMI K l i homas j no * ganiuel Clark. , i Walter Wilson 110 tojfßOw 5 00 W \\ Davis 5 00 1 Abel .1 Dav is. •00 Edward Wherry. 500 Philip Hines .... 500 Andrew Anderson 500 Andrew Seth j 00 John K Pope 50Q •Mm Oiling ............ 5 00 Edward 1 loodnow 1 00 1 Gertrude Good now.. 100 JW Hamilton r, 00 George Moore 4 00 •ohn K Hearns. 5 00 JohnMcOloiy . ini l>r R t; Underwood . •; 00 Henry McCauley. 100 William Jeffers.. 1 oo Noland Fisher 1 00 Thomas B Friday 1 00 George \V Gillespie. h 00 Benjamin M Wells. 100 George Stewart 500 Ernest W Biddle h 00 John Friday, 0 00 Thomas B Friday 1 00 Thomas Heath 400 IS Deford 400 < Edward \V (loodnow. 100 j Michael Willleford 3 00 Gertrude Goodnow. 400 A A SturgfiMi 100 } Charles Norval 00 ] Ed Lynch 100 | John O Williams 100 ] r M Simcoe 100 1 Silas J Lowe 100 ] Amos Lewis 300 ( S D McCullough 4 00 James Reiley 400 ? Albert T Riley I rto > Thomas P Chamberlin 400 1 Samuel J Grier 400 j Henry S Gray 100 . Thomas H Grier 100 ( Joseph G Moore 3 00 Henry BCordes 100 ; George Rose 100 (SDeford 100 j Lewis C’ummings 500 j Theodore Jackson. 500 \ William H Whitelock , 100 ( John Conrey 100 j Prisby Parsons 100 ¦ Sarah Carr 100 j Francis Parr 100 j Worden Rambo 200 % Harry Hitchcock. 200 William H Abrams. 200 ( Henry I Ruffin 200 , Frank Pratt 100 ] Anna Henry 200 j Mary C Lewis 200 j Oos Johnson. 300 j Howard Minker 700 j John < Spath 300 t John G Qneck 300 ¦ HD Lee 300 . A Evans Taylor 300 - WW Davis. 200 ] Dr llowanl Bratton .... 700 j H Scott ray 300 ; Charles C Lees 700 | B Anderson....... 7 00 Andrew A Price 700 J John G Vannort I 00 WT Boulden 700 % John E Jackson 500 j T.l Vannort 400 ? Rnfns < lldham TOO j William J Purner T 00 Jacob Dean. 300 3 Albert G Reynolds 600 j William Riley 600 4 B I Taylor 600 t Lizzie Riley 600 | Rebecca Green 600 , Samuel J Lee<iom 2001 Henry Riley t>oo . Silas J Lowe 400 ( Jacob Dunlap. 600 j Henry Carr 500 J Edward Clark 600 t Harry Wright 800 * John G Mears 400 ; (Jeorge Meekins 400 t Mrs Hiram Jones. 100 j Christiana Ditmore 400 Lewi- Seth 400 t William McDaniel 100 ] Thomas (lolt 4OO * Dr W F Taylor 100 t !(¦ Price 400 ] W H Purdy... 400 < William L Purner 400 ( Mary Andrews 400 j N A Van Buskirk 4 00 John G Spath 3 00 William Moore 4 00 Harriet Moore 400 | Alfred Bender 400 j KG Logan - 4 00 John Davis 400 j Oliver B Logan. 100 | Mary E Lilley 400 ( John A Dunn 100 t James F Sterling 400 t W J Atkinson 400 ( Laura Downham 500 , Joseph P Green 500 t Harry \V Downham 500 j Milton Johnson 200 Laura Wenzler ;> 00 ' John <; Vannort. 600 > John Carr : 200 j Scott Wilson 4 00 Cora Body 800 ] Selena Body 0 °o Elizabeth Mitchell 400 . Edward Parrott 400 1 (ieorge Neal. 200 j WB K Jordan 500 , Harrison Qarver 300 1 Kennard Riley ~°o t Maurice E Ayers 400 ; Robert J Dempsey 1| Janies M Gordon.. 100 ( Charles Lilley 400 ] •• •• 100 (,’harles C Lilley 200 * William Dennison 400 < Alex < arr. 400 ( •• 200 , John < .11 \ ert 100 t William ( iillison 100 | •• •• 100 Cecil F Lilley 100 Stephen H Lilley. 4 00 Edward Parrott 4 00 •• •• 1 00 William Dennison 1 00 .. 2 00 (ieorge <! Crow. 300 PL George 300 ( Jesse Stoops Agnes ( Armiger 500 Sal lie L Fry 5 00 WW Davis. 4 00 SM Brinkley 2 00 Thomas Drennen 4 ‘>o •• 16 00 John R Pope 4 00 Henry McCullough 4 00 Samuel Hoffman 2 00 Henry R Wilson. 2 00 Ellis Benjamin 2 ®o Nancy wnalen - 00 Martha Bradley 2 00 David Hartnett 4 00 Samuel Jewell. 2 00 John Rattenbery. 2 00 Joseph A Work 4 00 James M< < ’ormick 4 00 Heniy McCanlej 200 James Smith... John N Black 4 00 Frank Kerr. 2 John TDavis 4 00 Cecil Lilly 4 00 Benjamin T Caldwell 3 00 . Moore ¦} 00 Hennie Register. :{ oo John Davis ,4 00 H i Miller 200 WT Jones fJJ Job Haines.. 2 00 Anna Mary Morgan - 00 Louisa Harris ‘-oo If M West } 00 1 i John 44 Jamar 2 00 Dr John H Jumar 2 00 ,\ m Strickland. - John It Gallaher 200 Rufus Oldham... 2 00 jam< - T 8(tt 0 °o 1 Eugene Man love 300 Ben R Drew 2 JJ Mary Feehley 1 Theodore Feebly 300 1 Wesley Cooper 400 Edward Jones 1 Joseph Briscoe 1 John Hearn J JJJ 1 James II Moore 2 1 Henrv Shank. * ,,n 1 Joseph Whalen < Mr- William <Josletl i Thomas Garvine JOO B R Drew. ) William J Purner 3(j 0 i J A Lambert -°0 ) Dr W C Karsner Ben R Drew v ..44 n 00 , WW Barkley 14 jjj ) Samuel Jewell 1 Edward Jones 00 ) Frank Kerr. J? 00 J Nancy Whalen J >OO j Martha Bradley 'J®® 1 James Moore j Francis J Boyd f w 9 SJ Woodrow.. i h H Haines 2^; I jos< ph < Moore 4,0 i) William Conoly II Frank Roberts * JJJj ll Thompson Hudson JJJ* Joseph Touson J* 11 Jane Mullin JJJ* (i Ross Cameron ii Joseph Nelson... James Cox JJ® 0 William Witeman 0 2 0 Emma Witeman 0 Henry R Torbert 0 Mrs Mary lx>ng (i John R (iallaher J” JJJ 4 0 HT Miller 0 Marshall II Pierce •'JJJ 0 John D Haines 0 Edwin Haines Jf 0 Walter Boyd j! 0 John C Hindman i) WW Carter 0 J A Boyd ELKTON, MD., SATURDAY, AUGUST 13, 1892. u ( minty Buildings. 0 10 AA Brown, salary as janitor $240 1 to extra services as janitor... 19 *J u Elk ton Gas Light Works 181 ii 0 Cecil Telephone Company 162 5 10 Manly Drennen 146 5 0 James Moore 1 (j 0 John E Alexander & Son 48 0 0 James Moore 1 a 0 John E Alexander 116 6 0 James Moore 1 0 u Manly Drennen 60 u 0 AM Smith 25 0 0 F P Price l 8 1) AM Smith 7 2 9 Manly Drennen 3 6 i) James Moore 20 0 William D Dunbar 50 3 ) George Booth, ice for Court House and 3 offices 34 5 11 Joseph H McNeal, ice for Jail 20 7' D Janies Moore I I 3 James P Alexander 3 3 3 Charles Bowser 12. ) James Walters 142 ) James Moore 1 0 1 H M Larzalere 7 w ) Perry Lit/cnberg : l 2 ) Keys & Miller, coal for county build- ) ings. 189 m ) James Moore 1(M ) James Moore 1(H ) Roger Witworth 68< ) James Moore 2ih 1 AM Smith 21 (M I George McQuilkin.. 61 7( I Manly Drennen 22 7; CD Jamison 25 5( Janies Moore 20( 1 Cecil Telephone Company 12 5t 1 James Moore 24 r i LeviS Hammond 87/ 1 $1,190 51 1 Discount. Allowed by Treasurer on County Tax as required by law: In the month ofJuly at 5 per cent.. $ 97 37 *‘ August 2036 45 ** Sept’ber 4 280 70 October 3 97 93 $2,512 45 Elections. FIRST DISTRICT. Patrick Anderson, room rent S2O 00 John E Ferguson, register of voters . 87 80 G N Davis, police 3 00 W C Lake, poll clerk 9 00 George M Tayman, police 3 00 R M Black, poll clerk 9 00 James 3' Watts, ballot clerk 300 Z P Lusbv, judge 15 00 H N Tiller, judge 12 00 B M Crawford, judge 9 00 T P Jones, Sr., ballot clerk 3 (83 $173 80 SECOND DISTRICT. William J Harwick. room rent $ 6 00 Byron Bouchelle, register of voters 87 25 Wesley Clayton, judge 12 00 Thomas P Vandegrift. judge 15 00 W Lake, poll clerk 900 J T Hedrick, poll clerk. .. 900 F W Jefferson, judge 9(H) G R Carpenter 3 00 $l5O 25 THIRD DISTRUT. Dr C M Ellis, rent of hall sls 00 Patrick J McGready, register of voters 88 16 N p Manly. judge 900 George A Blake, judge 12 00 Del ph us Price, police 3 00 L Marshall Haines, ballot clerk 3 00 Ricketts Nelson, poll clerk 900 William T Lee, police 6 00 George W Cruikshank. judge 15 Oo James TSterling, police 9 00 Clarence Cameron, poll clerk . 9 00 C McCullough, ballot clerk 3 00 slßl 10 FOURTH DISTRICT. Henry Hess, room rent $lO ou H M Boreland. register of voters... 85 uo Charles K Lynch, poll clerk 9 DO William Hogan, clerk 9 uu John T DeWitt. ballot clerk 3 00 F' M (iallaher, judge 12 OU James L Steele, judge 15 00 W C Henderson, ballot clerk 3 00 John Brown, judge 9 00 $155 00 FIFTH DISTRICT. Trustees of the G A R Hall, room rent $lO 00 Charles E Beatty 89 39 Joseph B Hemney, police 3 00 John W Simpers, police 6 00 George S Mattingly, poll clerk. 9 uo I S Deford, police 6 00 Isiah Biddle, ballot clerk 3 00 Charles W Simpers, judge 15 uo J N Black. Jr., ballot clerk 3 00 D P Cameron, judge 9 uo George W Benjamin, poll clerk 9 00 William Johnson, judge . 12 00 $174 39 SIXTH DISTRICT. William Brown, room rent $lO ou Slater B Tosh .... 84 20 C S Abrahams, clerk 6 00 J Frank F'oster, police 3 00 ME Kirk, Clerk 6 00 S M MeCardell. |oll clerk 9 00 WW Moore, judge 1500 W E Gillespie, ballot clerk 6 00 John W Barnes, police 6 (X) A H Briscoe, iidg*- 9 "*¦ H H Haines, judge 1200 John D Haines, ballot clerk 3 00 J W McCullough 9 (X) $l7B 20 SEVENTH DISTRICT. Reynolds Bros, hall rent $lO .*l3 George A Atkinson, register of voters 85 00 John \V Beavan. judge. 6 00 EP Brickley. ballot clerk 3 0u William T Lee, police 300 Jos Couden, uf H ballot clerk 300 John Mohrlein, poll clerk 9 00 Thomas C Bond, judge I*2 00 Reuben Bond, police 3 00 Harry Westerfield, jioll clerk 9 (X) JW Beavan 200 W B Steele 15 00 $167 . EIGHTH DISTRICT. Charles A Grubb, room rent. $lO (K) W W McGuigan, register of voters. 83 60 Osborne Milligan, police, 6 00 W K Dempsey, police 3 00 Harry Mulligan, |K)I1 clerk 6 00 V H Watts, poll clerk 6 00 Patrick Boyle, judge 12 00 J Mitchell Kinuard. judge 9 (X) JJ Bennett, judge 6 00 M F McDowell, ballot clerk 3 00 $144 60 NINTH DISTRICT. Wilson D Pierson, hall rent $ 7 00 J P Simpers, register of voters 82 60 Harry T Pyle, judge 0 00 R H Logan, ballot clerk 3 00 A C Watson, poll clerk 6 00 H C McDowell, judge 12 00 E Carhart, poll clerk 6 00 L B Carhart, police 00 J A Fox. 44 0b John A Reynolds 00 $137 60 General Expenses. Dr C M Ellis, election supervisor $25 00 John W Falls, *’ 25 00 Adam RMagraw, ** 26 40 J H Clark, election equipments 3 00 Thos Pearce, 444 (X) J P Steele, ** ; 4 P9 A Anderson. •* Geo RGrason, 3 00 F M Alexander, 444 00 Samuel M Reed, posting ballots... 1000 J Wesley Falls, 444 4444 J W Barnes. *' *' 10 00 George H Ash, printing ballots 342 00 H Bond, fixing rail and packing ballots 1 *25 W G Purnell, boxing ballots for distri- bution 44 4444 A M Smith, putting up election equip- ments 22 00 J P Scott, expenses in having election returns signed 15 ()9 C H Smith, purchasing ballot boxes, etc William S Evans, counsel to register... 50 00 F X Ganter, additional ballot boxes 39 00 W F Murphys Sons, incidentals and blank books 11 00 $656 69 Incidentals. Dr J T Brown, vaccinating paiqH-r children - $6 00 Dr John II Jamar, vaccinating pauper children *2;>00 Dr J If Hardcastle, vaccinating pau- per ch ildren 32 .X) Dr J H Jenness, vaccinating pauper children 5 50 Dr A C Crothers, vaccinating pauper children •* 00 Dr J V Wallace, vaccinating pauper children 44 044 Dr W F Taylor, vaccinating pauper children 42 50 Helen I) Hague, recording road pajiers 20 00 R B Frazer, paper, pens, etc I) M Davids, |ens Wm F Murphys Sons, cash book 9 (X) •• assessment book 17(H) blank books 12 75 C H Smith, exjienses in attending com- missioners' meeting in Baltimore 82 Joseph Wells, postage and box rent 19 1 H J Briscoe, small items of freight, ex- press, telegraphing, etc 444 . $341 40 |ii(|iiisitions. Perry Litzenberg $ ® JjJJ A C Crothers ¦> J 4 ® Dr GS Dare """ R R Crothers 44 ? WJ Dr A Crothers ’•JJJ! 1 Perry Litzenberg * * •* .... is ‘'(l IIC Cummings 2 Dr< M Ellis I PB Housekeeper JO 4 Perry Litzenberg 44 Drill! Richardson!.... 4 0 0t ) W W Wiley ? Perry Litzenberg 4,4 J 4 ) John B Dean , 4 ) J P Scott ) Charles W King 4 S B Grant •* ) Wm H Whiteoak. > William D Bennett James I! Moore J E C Collins i* 4 W it Boyd * , HII Haines ? M B Richards ) J Frank Hindman - David C Brown. * r> William W Moore Luther J Richards.. Stephen I Murphy Jos B Coats 5 .1 M Terrell ¦* 5 Charles M E Ernest 5 Jacob Dean. 0 Andrew 1) Dean 3 Thomas W George 5 Janies A Sini|>ers 5 Charles E Beatty 0 CJ White. 0 John \V Barnes 0 F M Alexander * •I G (.' Kitchen John Simpers ® 7 W D Price ) ('halkley Phillips **oo David Smder 1200 ) William E Walker 4®® 1 John R White *5 00 WW Carter 4®® 1 Job Haines 10 00 1 T B Friday * 4444 1 Joseph G Moore ST Lee ) James H Moore ; r> 1 William Witeman 2 J* 4 A Evans Taylor * 4444 Thomas Kirk 2 4444 1 Annie E Whalen W T B R Robinson. 2 00 John Wells ® 4444 Jacob A Heagy 41 4444 W T B R Robinson Barclay Reynolds 2 00 David M Wright 2 4444 H C Cummings. Peter Hartenstine John B Graham * 4444 Henry M Evans 2 4444 Thomas Whalen * 4444 Frank Roberts 144 4444 James A McNutt ¦ * x 4 ' Lloyd Roberts 144 4444 T B Friday A L Duyckinck. W J Campbell John Wells . 4 440 - 2 00 SJ Pallock 4 J 4® Walter Wright 4 ®® William T Scott 2 ®® Win Keilholtz 2 00 MJ Lock land 4 Frank Reynolds. John Miller 4 00 John Whalen s 00 Thomas Whalen 4 4444 Dr John H Jumar 20 00 Thompson Hudson. 4 00 Frank Price William T Boulden William B Healey *> 00 WW Burk ley JJJ Walter Boyd ®®® Rufus Oldham 1 ®® Joseph Warner 2 00 WW Carter 1 ®® James A McNutt 4 4444 WW Carter W TBR Robinson 2 00 Win Witeman ®® James H Moore J S Pogue •* JJJ S T Lee '* oo J G (Jueck 4 4444 Thosß Friday 440 WW Davis 2 00 Wm B Really :t ®° Ellis Brinton 4 4444 Amos Lewis 1 4444 .. 3 00 Mary C Lewis - 3 4444 •• 1 00 Wm J Caldwell.’. 4 00 John H Serrick 1 00 Wm Witeman 4 00 Harry Lee 4 4444 William K Reckefus Jacob Dean Ross Cameron 400 Robert McNalley 1 00 Sherman Whitney 2 00 George Drexler J 4444 John McNelty 3 00 John E Jackson 4 DO Samuel Hoffman 4 00 Hooper Patterson ‘2 00 Harry R Wilson 4 DO Frank Farr 1 DO William Herbert 2 DO Ellis Benjamin 4 00 Conrad Salick 3 00 James < 'ameron 2 00 Samuel W Murphy 2 00 Sylvester E Penning 1 00 Frederick Kattev 200 Edward H Ha11... 2 00 Jerry Crowley 2 00 Constable Farr 3 00 Jacob Mearner 3 00 Martha Moore 3 00 Annie Freeman. 3 00 Harriet Sawyer 3 00 Daniel Taylor 3 00 William Brown 1 00 ('ora Body 3 00 Mary J Boddy 4 00 Margaret Dorsey 4 00 Harvey Scott 2 00 Hannah Butler Shed rick Dorsey 4 00 Selena Boddy 3 00 Georgeanna Richardson 4 00 John Stewart 3 00 Benjamin Taylor 2 00 Alex Cornish 2 00 Henry Hartshorn 3 00 Benjamin Brown... 2 00 Henry Riley 2 00 William Riley 2 00 Jos W Reynolds 4 00 .Jacob Dunlap 2 00 Maurice Ayers 2 00 Lyttleton Jordan 2 00 Rebecca (1 reen 2 00 Mary Riley 2 00 Kennard Riley 2 00 J H Jenness 4 00 A G Reynolds 2 00 Thomas Grier 2 00 S J Lowe 2 00 BF Taylor. 2 00 Steward Boyle 2 00 M S McNamee 4 00 Thomas Chamberlain 2 00 Mary E Clark 100 Henry T McCauley 4 00 Jerry Crawley 4 00 John R Pope 4 00 Edward Clark 2 00 Jeremiah Crowley 4 00 William S Jones 3 00 John Davis 3 00 George Moore 2 00 Ben R Drew 5 00 Nancy Whalen 5 00 John Whalen 4 00 S J Woodrow 4 00 Martha Bradley 5 00 John Whalen 4 00 Frank Roberts 2 00 S T Lee 2 00 James B Russell 4 00 Roocrt Partington 1 00 Samuel H Dorsey. 3 00 Joseph B Renney 4 DO Robert Wilson 2 00 George Hindman 2 00 George Simpers. 2 00 Samuel Hamilton 2 00 John Scarr 2 00 A C Minker 1 00 Andrew Buchannan 2 00 Robert C McNally 100 Elizabeth Shivery 2 00 •• •• 1 00 Frederick Schultz 1 00 Robert B McNally 3 00 Charles H Dennis 33 James Mallin 33 Joseph Green 33 Oscar Reynolds.. 33 John Biddle ~ 5 00 Alfred Kirk -100 Dr JV Wallace 100 Thomas Fassitt 1 00 William T Patton 1 00 W T B R Robinson 1 00 Dr T A Worrall I 00 100 David M Wright. 5 00 5 00 Charles W Wilson 9 00 Wm P Reynolds 8 00 S T Lee 5 00 <ieorge W Irens ....... 8 00 W P Reynolds 2 00 Wm Irwin 9 00 Martin Mulroney 14 00 Robert Cameron 1 00 Geo M Clark 33 Elzy Short 33 Benjamin Davis 33 Slater MeKenney 33 Charles Evans 33 Charles Bennett 33 David Ash 33 James Clark 33 James Colvin 33 Frank Clark 33 H Giles 33 R H Shaffer 33 |1.511 28 Circuit Court—Miscellaneous. Dr Theo A Worral. expert testimony in case of State vs Bradley $ 500 J V Wallace, expert testimony in case of State vs Stout 30 00 William C Karsner, expert testimony in the case of State vs Stout 30 00 A L Crothers, expenses in Richards murder case .. 110 28 John H Jumar, professional services and expenses in the Stout case 37 50 Henry F Formad, expert testimony in Stout case 250 00 N A Van Buskirk. expenses in the Dit- more murder case 58 00 John H Jumar, salary as physician to jail 100 00 William A Wright, police service by order of Judge Stump 4 00 Amos E Pierson, police service by order of Judge Stump 4 00 AP Shockley, police service by order of Judge Stump I 00 Harvey Mackey, police service by order of Judge Stump 4 00 Pinkerton National Detective Agency services and expenses in the Richards murder case 7287 HB Frazer, medicine for prisoners 29 95 Wm S Evans, incidental expenses as State’s Attorney 17 10 A L Crothers, incidental expenses in the Stout murder case 2875 Pinkerton National Detective Agency, detective services in Richards mur- der case 98 09 William C Karsner, procuring certifi- cate to be used in Ditmore trial 2 00 (leorge McCaffray, expenses in case of State vs Mary Lotman 6 00 C M Boulden, sundries for the Court... 98 Dr H 11 Mitchell 54 88 Wm H Frazer, salary as standard keeper 100 00 Henry Jones, expenses in the Ditmore case 2 50 Pinkerton National Detective Agency, detective services in the Richards murder case 49 76 F P Price, sundries for Court House.... 5 41 Wm S Evans, incidental expenses as State’s Attorney 35 Oo $1,139 08 County CoininissioiiorN’ Court. M S McNamee, per diem and mileage as commissioner $ 300 70 J T Willis, per diem and mileage as commissioner 295 90 J P Steele, per diem and mileage as commissioner 309 00 C H Smith, salary as clerk 1,500 00 H J Briscoe, salary as treasurer 1,500 00 CC Crothers, as counsel to board com- missioners 50 00 William S Evans, as counsel to board commissioners fjO 00 H J Briscoe, office rent 32 00 Matthew Russell, witness 1 00 Isaac Rogers, 1 00 James H Nevel, 100 H J Briscoe, making new assessments.. 79 75 Andrew Anderson, per diem and mile- age as commissioner 296 20 Andrew J H Cameron, per diem anti mileage as commissioner 241 20 J (’ Price, Jr, per diem and mileage as commissioner 456 20 $5,113 95 Constables. 1 Thomas E 1 S M Brick ley 845 1 A H Rutter 465 1 Reuben Bond 21 90 John A Richey is 13 1 S M Brick ley jk35 1 Thomas E Lee 16 75 l NA Vanhuskirk.. 330 1 George R Carpenter 14 00 1 S M Brickley 12 80 l Geo E McKenney 22 74 1 1 $153 47 J A Kirk. 50 David St Clair 50 00 James G Reynolds /X) 20 Charles R Maxwell 50 63 Andrew D Dean 50 50 K E Sirii klaud ¦" /XI David Short 50 ou (‘halkley Phillips. 50 (Hi Harrv Marshbank 50 00 Charles E Remnev 50 68 Win C Clark 50 00 (‘harles Simpers 50 00 John Conrey 50 (X) Perry Litzenberg 20 00 84 Benjamin T Caldwell lo 00 25 John W U Illinois 50 68 Perry Litzenberg.. 750 uu 30 $205 95 Insane. Mount Hope Retreat for expenses of ;J I .' John McNulty c'>"'' -5 Note. This is the only insane patient outside " of the county all others being cared for by the 00 Trustees of the Poor and the cost of maintain- ing them being inc luded in the Levy for Poor and Insane. Interest. Jacob Tome, interest ou bonds iiiaiur- [K) ing SIOO (X) (’ B Finlev. interest on countv bonds., liooo -'JJ - •• * •• 540 00 JJ $1 .OSU 0(1 00 ?Fustices of tlie Peace. *5 A J Scott $1175 John Partridge 17 45 * 4 James Spence 115 WW Wilev 3 31 A J Scot I 6 80 Benjamin T Caldwell 36 25 1 William J Duhuincll.. 355 A J Scott 18 95 •• ** 5 50 17 1 in ® John Partridge. 30 80 *P A J Scott I 9 60 414 Robert Burroughs 315 15 $166 01 Orphans* Court. James McCauley $207 80 M) James M Evans 178 ou ki David P Davis 254 00 K) John M Dunbar 94 00 0 RE Jamar 292 95 Kl K) $1,026 75 0 u Out I’ensinners. Jf John T Bennett pay Kate Bryson $5 00 C M Boublen pay Sarah Bayard 5 00 pay Sidney Richardson... 500 Byron Bouchelle pay David Harris 5 00 pay Dallas Bouchelle 5 00 u William R Gilpin pay Joseph Gunner.. 250 Charles Pavord pay Sewall Saulsbury.. 2 50 u John T Bennett pay Harry Gorden 250 U pay Martha Short 2 50 u FS Everist pay Martha Linton 500 U Wm TFryer pay Samuel Reynolds 500 0 John S Settle pay Sarah Richardson. 500 u pay Sally Taylor. 500 pay Sarah Richardson. 500 5 pay Sarah Simpers 500 ** pay Serena Biddle 500 ** pay Sallie Taylor 500 0 pay Eliza Spence 500 6 pay Serena Biddle 250 44 R P McDowell pay Julia A Carr 500 0 Byron Bouchelle pay Susan F7 Bayard.. 500 0 Geo A Vannort pay Sarah Brittingham 500 14 Jos L Wells pay Robert Boyer 250 44 Adam Peoples pay Mary A Hill 500 44 R L Thomas pay 'Robert Minker *2 50 0 John II Jamar pay Frisby Evans 235 41 A J Coursey pay Chas A Wright 500 44 John T Bennett pay Kate Bryson 500 44 Byron Bouchelle pay Celia Callahan . 500 Frank Everist pay M illiam Logan *250 6 F P Price pay Susan Cooper 250 " pay Samuel Chamberlain— 250 pay Mary Cooper 250 .1 E Crothers*pay Sarah Simpers suo , R C Levis pay Matilda Hogan 250 X ** pav Sinie Brown. *2 50 u •• " ** 2 50 ® 250 ® John T Bennett pay Harry Gordon 250 ! Mrs Win S Evans pay Ann Gibson *2 50 ' John H Jamar pay Frisby Evans 500 ~ Robert Bouchelle pay Dallas Bouchelle 500 * .1 Edmund Crothers pay Geo Chambers 750 John T Bennett pay Martha Short *2 50 1 4 Wm R Gilpin pay Jos Gunner 250 9 Amanda J Richey pay Lewis Fisher. . 500 4 William Hogan pay Rebecca McConnil 250 44 Jos L Wells pay Robert Boyer *2 50 0 M S Sentman pay David Sentman .... 500 D •• •• ** 5 00 9 George Gray pay Sewall Saulsbury 250 0 ST \N iley pay Archie McGillas 5 (X) u Anna J Coursey pay Mrs Alice Deshane 500 ii Carhart A: C’o pay Mrs Packer 500 i) pay Wm T Alexander 5 (X) 0 William Packer pay William Packer. . suo •* .... 10 00 9 J L Crothers pay George Chambers 750 John T Bennett pay Kate Bryson 5 00 Jos L Wells pay Susan Cooper.. 2 50 ® Jol 11 T Bennett pay Matha Short *2 FA) •• pay Henry Gordon 2 50 ~ Robei t Bouchelle pay Dallas Bouchelle 500 .. _. *. .. .. 5 00 [? Richard Thomas pay Robert M inker. ** s-0 1 B F Taylor pay Harry Peters 500 Thos C Bond pay Mrs Nicholas (ieisler.. 5 (X) 'r. C M Boulden pay Sarah Bayard 250 pay Mary Stewart 5 00 Jos L Wells pay Robert Boyer 2 50 •• •* pay Sewall Saulbury 250 John T Bennett pay Sidney Richardson 5 00 u ThosC Bond pay Sarah Brittingham... 500 •• pay Mrs Margaret Peaco. 500 Harry Bouchelle pay Mary Bunguard.. 500 Wm R Gilpin pay Joseph Gunner 2 50 ;j R L Thomas pay Amanda Simpers suo D ** *• pay Elizabeth Tripp 500 0 •• ** pay Mary J Garrison 500 11 F P Price pay Mary A Cooper *2 50 i) *• •* pay Mrs Gallaher 10 00 U * ** pay Mary A Cooper 250 0 Jos L Wells pay Susan Cooper.. 250 ii Wm Hogan pay Rebecca McConnell. .. 250 ll C M Boulden pay Sarah Bayard *2 50 l) F S Everist pay Martha Linton 5 (X) 1, John T Bennett pay Kate Bryson 5 (X) ii Robert Bouchelle pay Celia Callahan. .. *2 50 _ C M Boulden pay Mary Stewart 500 1 ** ** ** ** 5 00 *• pay Surah Bayard 2 50 Jos L Wells pay Boliert Boyer 2 50 1 4 F S Everist pay Annie Whitelock 500 9 ST Wiley pay Archie McGillas 500 9 Robert Bouchelle pay Susan E Bayard. 500 J Wm Hogan pay Elizabeth Patton 500 9 John T Bennett pay Martha Short 250 9 •* pay Henry Gordon 2 50 4 Alex George pay David Johnson 5 (X) 9 *• ** pay Varms Robinson 500 9 Alex H George pay James Sanders 500 9 ** pay David Johnson 5 00 Anna J Coursey pay Alice Deshane 5 00 9 Frank P Price pay Mary Cooper 250 2 50 35 9 Paupers. 0 James Bailey, burying pauper $lO 00 9 Richard Brown, digging graves for 9 paupers 9 00 14 Harry W Hell, burying paupers 20 50 - William HA Id erson, taking pauper to 0 Alms House 5 00 C C Lilley, taking pauper to Alms . House •*> 00 John B Graham, burving pauper 18 00 ~ F S Everist, 12 00 Harrv W Bell. 1 4 00 John T Burkins, 6 00 Harrv W Bell, 6 00 r John* R White, 600 John T Burkins, 6 00 E Taylor, taking pau|>cr to Alms House 3 00 . Win R Grilling, digging graves for pau- pers 6 (X) , HH Mitchell, artificial limb for W Blackson... 70 00 r E Taylor, burying pauper 150 Richard Brown, digging grave for pau- n per 300 J P Rose, taking pauper to Alms House 300 .. J T Burkins, burying pauper 600 1 Richard Brown, digging grave for **a4p , q pers 300 * Harry W Bell, burying pauper.. 925 . Richard Knabb. taking pauper t House 5 00 John Morris, burying paupers I*2 00 . CSGrant, ** 600 - nv, *5 Poor ami Insane. Amount paid H J Briscoe, Treasurer Poor and Insane being $174.10 in ex- -44 cess of the Levy $6,971 10 0 0 Public Schools. Amount paid John Squicr, Treasurer 44 of School Commissioners on order of the County Commissioners $.32,000 00 4) Printing. 144 George O Garey $25 00 Win K Wright *2O 62 44 Democrat Publishing Company 38 00 144 Thomas B Williams.. 500 144 EE Ewing Jk Son 400 144 Henry R Torbert 210 00 141 Daniel Bratton. 210 00 K) 47 00 ’5 30 16 George R Ash 16 20 ' E E Ewing & Son 100 lH Democrat Publishing Company 43 00 Henry R Torbert. 250 00 I” Daniel Bratton 250 00 10 $1,243 28 Koads and Bridges. o N) First District. Nl )lt ROAI CLAIMS. Ml A T Deshane $57 01 5 W B Robinson 3* 4 88 0 James T Colvin 25 00 x> r.s Culp it &•. X) Charles Bailey 22 51 hi E(f (’handlee Buu ru .lames Bailey 19023 0 James R Stradley 21 73 ju W illiamPearce 17 1 jo Clavton Johns 1*2176 ro Ge.'.rgc R Richards 16 6" 'X) Samuel K Watts 30 rx> 17 R Pea fee 74 00 r X) N I*Ferguson I'.' 5u r 0 Jll Man love 31 lo r MJ John J Dorsey 69 14 rx> A T Deshane 42 ihi rxi Samuel 11 Watts 40 5o rx) George R Kiehards 557 rx) George Middle 21 25 rx) James TColvin lovxil rxi HFPriee 72 66 rxi Wm B Robinson 24 <xi rx James R Stradley 2s 75 50 James T Colvin 6*25 50 Samuel I! Walls Isuo rxi Chas Priee lo 50 G K llukill 567 50 John Piser 50 George R Richards*••• *2027 50 Joseph Wool ley hand 56 00 50 John J Dorsey *2 02 50 John T Wilson ‘2B 37 50 K R I’earee 54 34 50 Samuel 11 Watts .... 20 20 50 N P Ferguson 951 50 James R Stradlev 5125 50 George W LoekwtHHl 12 5u 50 Clayton Johns 50 Charles Bailey 17*25 50 George ItoWen •40 S W McGill 5 75 Horace M Eaton louu William It Davis 12 50 It 31 (‘rauford 10 00 lOIIIIT Wilson 13 00 !¦; R Pearce ... louu S H Watts 16 ¦ 2 A T I•< -Imne 47 oh 31 ark 31 unlove 19 25 Charles Hailey 5 00 31 A Sullivan* 4 8H William Price 14 74 KG ('handlee 1139 'Thomas H Devine 11 *io Samuel 11 Watts 2U Harry F Price 2 25 George R Richard- 33 70 Win T Cannon 78 87 (le ,rge T Bolton ... 18 12 Win B Robinson 69 87 George R Richards 13 37 Charle- Ituiley 4125; Win Price Jr 36 On Harry F Price 37 00 Benjamin Price 21 37 EGCiiatidlec 27 98 George Kennedy 2 lu Win It Robinson* 13 37 $1,814 is HKIHOE CLAIMS. (Itto I Inker and Co ... 79 M All Ircw W lull 6 75 Andrew W lull 77 (H) I’iserand Wilson ;uiß 6i John T Woollevhand 16 00 Andrew W (all 7 6s \ J Seliolicld 2 44 Gilo linker and Co 122 67 Juno-.-S Merritt ... .... 12 an V. I* Liisl.n 12 60 George \ iVverly 135 27 Patrick Xinb-rson. 24 45 A J Seholield.... 37 si James Bailey 6 fto Wm A MeCroiic 9 75 George T Bolton 7 25 II F Price 14 1 * John Anderson 15 90 Walter W Woodall 43 47 William T Caldwell 37 50 J C Price jr 4 5o John S Hague 24 00 Second District. ROAD CLAIMS John Wortz $ 13 75 John F Allen 39 60 Frank Stevens s 75 Eli .1 Foard lo 62 John F Allen 6(5 00 Toward Lorailie 48 75 John F Allen 49 €3 Dennis Maloncv 9149 CC Biddle.,..*. 9919 John F Allen 27 uo John T Warner 265 Clinton Toy s 12 Elza W Wright 7 54 John F Allen 54 on K Titter 30 00 Wesley Clayton 5 25 George Morgan l ss John F. Allen 34 13 Jacob vi hz 17 85 Cecil Biddle 59 98 Frank B Howard 22 38 G (Mdliani Massey 34 19 Frank Devalinger 200 Curtis *1 Titter 15 imi John F Allen 17026 $919 90 UKIIXtK CLAIMS. Wool Icy and Bennett $ 28 55 Reuben Hevalon 12 5o G W Alexander 3 5o Benj Davenport 38 ou James Hemphill 9 so JotmSHa-ue 110115 George 900 J A Boulden.... 28 96 .1 P Steele 1000 Jos 11 Brooks 108 to George Morgan 20 87 Frank Loguc 17 2 > Jacob Huber 37 63 Wm II Peterson 23 75 Woolley and Bennett 194 67 John Morgan 42 30 Wrought Iron Bridge‘ o 371 00 John Morgan . . 350 George Sliroeder 354 00 Jacob Metz 320 Reuben Hevalon 6 62 E (7 Biddle 4 39 Woolley and Bennett 67 03 JohnS Hague 19 50 John Milburn 11 si Herd man Sweatman 5 25 James A Boulden 894 Benj Davenport 3 75 Thomas Morris 3 37 George Shrader 8 lo Woolley At, Bennett 11 88 Chesautakc and Delaware Canal C0... 2000 Johns Hague 6 75 Dennis Maloney 1200 Jacob Met/. 6 51 LO Cameron 75 00 Third District. ROAD CLAIMS. Frank Mcknight $ 563 Dennis Mullen 117 68 David Gilpin 38 ou Win K Holt 39 25 George Burns 7 ou George Bedwell 18 24 Harry B Boulden 185 16 a, M Hartnett __ 5l 59 John TMel nitre -,r. .t T 2 5n Joseph Corriden 17 5u John Fenton 26 u*j CJ Campbell 25 00 James A Simpers .... 15 25 John Feebly *175 James T Weeks lo 5o James Maloney 4 51 George W Denney 5 i*o John Hagan 8 75 Bartley Hargan 15 uo Morris Dunbar 5000 WmC Brogan 35 00 Dennis Mullen 1390 Hugh F Scarborough 1 uo Win J Grunt 8 87 Isaac Yocum 40 u 2 William .1 Mahoney 12 62 I) M Hanna 12 50 T W Scarborough 25 uo C J Cambell 3140 J os T Spence 26 25 Dennis Maloney 36 5u Harry B Boulden 20 75 R H Emory 1:50 W m T Lee 25 02 John S Smith 14 12 EP Mahoney 7-.5 Chas D Racine 3444 A K McNeal lo 00 William Yonker 49 63 Cadmus Price 25 89 Cadmus Price s 80 John W Mahoney 8 37 Michael Hartnett 19 2“ Jos W Moore 5 09 .lames Hartnett 12 24 Harry B Boulden 46 25 George H Burns 32 00 Wm Denver u 5u James H Kershaw 19 24 J K Simpers 9 uo John McKnight 1500 .Malvern Jones 39 25 Elk Mills Co 22 50 Timothy Carter lu to C Cameion II 52 David Gregson ‘Duo Harry 11 Davis lo ud Dr H H Mitchell 16 su Win M Singerly 40000 John Feuioii ••• 25 00 David Gilpin ]s 5 John Feebly 3 07 Robt Peoples lo 49 Harry B Boulden 35 63 Henry Drummond 22 75 J Kennard Simpers 17 uu (leorge Denney 5 ou K T C Crouch 35 00 (* Cameron 28S George Bedwell 19 25 Timothy Carter lo ou William T Lee 4057 David Hartnett 25 u 3 Morris Dunbar 40 5u John Feebly 26 75 Hurry H Boulden 2125 Frank X Suter 20 34 Jos M Moure 24 00 James Weeks 10 75 John T Biddle is 00 James Hartnett 31 75 ('has Walton 1137 John Hagan 20 25 John McKnight 15 uo Elk MillsCo 22 5o Robt Peoples 28 88 George Ricketts 6 37 George R Spence 20 ou William Denver 14 50 James Hershaw 24 6s John Briley 1500 .1 Hunter Mahoney 24 ihi John T Biddle 31 69 George H Burns 3200 William J Mithoney 28ou DM Hanna 20 38 Jesse K Simpers 14 uu William C Brogan 85 00 E 1* Mahoney 71 46 James Walters 47 uo John Briley 750 Timothy Carter luuo John Denver 41 5o Jos M Moore 29 37 John Regan 15110 David Hartnett 3fl 2u WmC Brogan 51 25 James Walters 14 74 John Briley. 7 50 W m T Lee 50 24 Hartley Hargan 1500 Annie Bryson (admr) 30 ou Henry Biddle 5 60 Morris Dunbar 39 00 George R Spence 2000 Richard Plummer 5 uo K P Mahoney 19 12 Benjamin Sapp 37 42 $3,262 44 ItRIDOE CLAIMS. John Gilpin $ 189 J George M(*U.ullkin Uo 72 William A Miller 237 David T Hutton l uo William T Lee 35 95 Elk Mills Co 2182 Harry W Hell 2 50 Wm A Miller 200 George W Denney 2000 Frank E Marple 145 00 J Hunter Mahoney 350 Jesse K Simpers s 15 W Houchellc 4 86 Frank X Suter u 7u Keys*. Miller 173 55 Wm M Singerly 2 75 John McKnight 4 12 Hugh Thompson. 5 00 Frank E. Marple 23 00 John Hagan s 62 E P Mahoney 175 00 L F Bryson 5 ou T W Scarborough lo 00 Harlan Bros 8 52 Win Denver .6 .1 A Campbell 20 00 John Whelan 200 Harry W Bell 200 Key.- At -Miller 85 17 H W Bell. 2 0o L Frank Bryson 50 0u Keys it Miller lot 44 Dennis Mullen 5 43 William T Miller 4 57 Hairy W Bell .. 20u Allred M. Smith 22 5o Oliver (’Junes 2600 Fourth District. 4 koai> claims, .lames Mackey $ 49 77 Chas. Anderson 21 75 (leorge T Peterson 49 uu Robe it .1 McCleary 23 00 The Cecil Whig i .lame- M Casbo.. 470 i David Mcdlaster 33 87 i Samuel ( r*s?an .. louu i (leorge W Biles 2093 John McCleary 28 7d George M Campbell 37 ou Harry M Brown 17 88 .lame* A Mackey 34 05 D W Morrison 28 37 George W Devinney 72 oo James A Mackey 73 55 Win II Frazer 26 73 Robert Anderson 55 50 Theodore Warren 4u 00 James A Mat-key 51 87 Clarence W Steele 45 30 James MeKane 4 75 John McCleary 737 Win. Ritchie 38 58 .1 M Casho 15 50 Robert McCleary 1150 Theodore Warren 23 25 Win T Mi Her 20 35 C L Brokaw 41 19 William Kyle 21 99 Wm C Henderson 62 37 George T Pete re on 3175 William Lloyd 6164 JZ Finley 17 25 John J Willis 20 11 J Harry Covington 5 50 Harry M Brown . 6 25 <' W Steele 600 John Hearn 1735 Jos W Blown. 17 62 Samuel Lauimey 1950 (’Maries Anderson 55 25 Martin Gallaher 20 86 Samuel J (Satcheli 29 58 W Reese Mahan 60 67 Howard Scott.... 14 74 William L Cunn 26 37 William G racte 62 25 Jos Miller 38 75 John A inlet son 36 60 Thus McMackei 21 lu John S Smith 12 18 Charles Covington 7 75 (/’has T McCauley 7 75 W’i 11lain Foster 68 70 Robert 11 Steele 11 50 William Armst ong 28 25 William Stewart 26 50 James Law 45 25 Steele and Gregson 30 uo John W Ewing 21 86 John H Taylor 500 James Smith**** 3600 William C Henderson 25 75 HoseaK Smith 15 25 Theodore Warren 11 00 Robert Anderson 28 75 Levis and Son 22 19 .loss Scarborough 15 12 Theodore Warren 21 5o Robert Anderson 40 50 James A Mackey 36 50 RobtC Smith 10000 (J B Logan 64 74 $2,210 20 ItKIDUECLAIMS. A L Saxton $ 13 6u John Brown 18 31 Waller H Armstrong 5 10 Wm C Hendertou 140 ou ST Arbuckle 2150 T .1 Willis 50 63 Peter Peterson 00 63 E 11 Strahorn 134 23 John T Willis 180 73 Peter Petersen 67 u7 John Brown 24 37 Pea rson E Wild man 27 00 Levis and Son 25 75 James a Mackey 297 Ellery Colby 2927 00 William M Singerly 4 5u ruth District. RUAD CLAIMS. Jos K Burns $43 13 Harry B Boublen 28 25 Mathew Russell, Jr 82 Oo G B L gan 75 48 Wm A Trimble 23 62 Mathew Russell 117 75 .1 H MottUt T 37 Henry C Mahoney 36 25 TM Phillips 20 23 John w Arrants 5501 John W Reed 38 50 William E Owens 49 91 Thus Weaver 44 00 George W Ga I nor 33 75 Lambert Pott- 35 82 David Cunningham 40 uo William 11 Armour 27 75 Willi im A Wilson 43 54 J T Armour 84 25 William J Wilson 100 03 Matthew Russc 1 1155 John T Holt 4163 William E Davidson 47 13 Chas J Bayard 82*5 G W Benjamin 12 75 J Nelson Black 92 25 William Guiberson 28 25 J H Moffitt 900 Henry Jackson 16 50 Wm H Holden 36 25 Albert Beniamin 3215 Cecil F Lilly 36 12 Evan G Sent man 253 18 W W Benjamin 69 46 John W Heed 6 52 G B Logan 3 00 (’ H Simpers 11 75 J N BlacK 6 50 Mathew Russell 33 HejugNbickson 6 5o -.Tos K Williams 10 75 Harry B Boulden 28 75 George W Gainur 1175 C F Bayard 49 82 Mathew Russell 56 25 (> H Logan 13 53 William T Dawsmi 10 18 John C McNamee 34 27 N Milburn 58 47 Absolom Hyland 15 00 OB Logan 20 12 Mathew Russel. Sr 2 87 Wm J McDowell 26 12 Mrs Ellen McLaughlin 2 70 William .1 Wilson 12167 CJ Bayard 13149 Mathew Russell, Sr 4 74 Mathew Russell. Jr 26 25 .1 T Wilson 26 75 George W Gainer 1000 Absalom Hyland 14 19 MeVey and Guiberson ... 156 00 Wm 11 Trimble 24 57 Win J McDowell 22 75 J T Armour 22 28 R H Logan 78 49 Jos William 20 00 () B Logan 153 33 George WCraig 50 11 George A Lewis 25 12 William M Thompson .... .... 50 76 Henry C Mahoney 27 50 Jeiry Mahoney 27 50 Addison F White 47 75 John 11 Thompson 19 18 M N Sentman 91 75 Mathew Russell 11l 25 Wm 31 Thompson 875 John W Arrants 36 75 Gc-irgo A Lewis 23 25 Wiliiuni E ()wens 12 00 Charles W Simpers 11l 98 Jerry Mahoney 7 5o Lambert Potts 34 38 Stephen Atkinson 153 86 Absalom Hyland 24 25 0 B J.ogan... 1600 H 31 Cameron ll5u JH Rutter 40 90 Jlathew Russell, Sr 10 53 Stephen Atkinson 12 58 Evan W Sentman .. . 10812 William N Trimble TOO Thomas Weaver 9 75 William J Wilson 28 50 L’ 11 iwcns 69 59 C F Bayard 67 81 Henry C Mahoney. 950 John W Arrants i 33 00 William J (’lurk 28 12 T 31 Phillips 512 $4,334 72 UIUDUE claims. S3l Johnson Co sl6 ou Absalom Hyland 33 39 Absalom Hyland 24 26 C T F Mearns 22 95 George P Whitaker Co 211 12 Mathew Russell 77 00 Jos R Burns 7 03 K 31 Cameron 134 54 (’has T F Mearos 27 72 Wm H Armour 22 93 Thomas II Warburton 22 95 A Anderson 16 43 William Abrams .. 149 (Mi J T Armour 11 66 Wm A Wilson 2 87 C T F Hearns L* William Abrams 116 00 Lambert Potts 51 77 Wm H Armour 7 30 <’has T F Mearns 10 00 George G Rose 25 10 John H Thompson 9 00 R A Jackson 2 46 (1T F Means 65u 1 R Dean 1719 Jos R Williams 26 00 Absalom Hyland 7 49 Joli 11 H Armstrong k Co 3 25 John Roach 5 00 Sixth District. KOAI) CLAIMS. Chas McDougal $ 24 67 E G Williams 177 07 Stephen J Murphy 20 37 Jos F McMullen 45 37 EM Hunt 40 55 WmC Fisher 13 00 JJ Reynolds 18 25 Samuel J Jenness 22 85 K L Tosh 32 86 R LTosh 14 50 .1.1 Reynolds 55 75 S 11 Moore 47 87 I) W MeVey 27 25 Chas McDougal 4 75 Henry M Evans 93 66 John C Dougherty 9126 Maurice C Reeder 22 74 Barclay Reynolds 29 63 William J (’ameron 15 75 J E Jenkins 30 00 William Boyd 26 00 Andrew Aiken 32 50 J B Kennard 91 81 John Cummings 12 75 William P Cuulsoa 26 12 William Boyd 32 51 Wakeinun H Richardson 9 25 T J Wi son 12(94 Stephen Murphy 89 02 T Braden Gille.-pie 6 62 John T Pierce 16 12 K L Tosh 115 90 T J Wilson 124 45 Stephen Murphy 46 31 J E Jenkins 26 00 Barclay Reynolds 16 76 J B Kennard 46 75 .1.1 Reynolds 13 37 Elmer E Johnson 606 WW 31 ax well ll94 W Thomas Brickley. 82 12 Josiah Reynolds 42 65 George A Wright 22 75 Win P Coulson.. 9 5o Henry 31 Evans 24 11 Bonj W MeVey 6 06 David F Nesbitt 2187 B F Reynolds 4 87 K L Tosh 32 40 Allred Kirk 69 62 JJ Reynolds b*4 15 James H Evans 25 00 George A Wright f 2 25 Tims Foster 17 50 ('has McDougal 2 75 Edward < J Williams .. 72 92 Hugh Wilev 12 75 Gibbons P 3loorc 16 25 A J Michener 48 17 Jos T Riale 14 27 Martin Davcnaugb 26J25 EM Hunt w WHOLE No. 2.646 16 S T Hindman, lor making road surveys 12 C H Smith. Winchester Smeltzer and 18 Donohue’s road damages.... ’5 Rebecca Todd, land bought ol Rebecca M Todd for road purposes..... lb Geo McGuilkin, repairs to road mu 12 chine 1*53 >5 American Road Machine Co 47SOU i" Town Commissioners Rising Sun 125 00 18 Town Commissioners North East.. 250 00 5 Town Commissioners Port Deposit 450 00 Town CommisslonersCharlestown 100 00 1 Town Commissioners Chesapeake City 160 00 1 Town Commissioners Elkton 300 00 2 ? $3,08018 Reductions. 0 Amount ol County Tax not collectable 2 on account ol erroneous assessments, insolvencies and removals from the 5 county 771 62 5 _ 2 Sheep Fund. Samuel Megill $ 670 Samuel Megill 11 70 £ Samuel Megill 670 ® John J Williams 121 50 7 Chas Griffith 32 25 1 Geo N Bennett 46 50 i H.l Briscoe 44 56 H J Briscoe 113 90 4 H J Briscoe 500 4 Enoch Noyes 680 '* William TEtheringUm 160 70 6 SCPascult 16 70 1 S C Pascult 51 70 2 Samuel Megill 16 70 ; John Squire. 437 39 JJ VV 'l* Etherington 60 20 $1,139 00 L> _____ J 1 Taxes Paid in Error. 2 C C Strickland , 7 Mrs Annie E Clayton 37 63 j H Els worth Simpers 16 60 \ John II Harlan 323 - Thomas Miller Philips 678 j J ABoyd 112 27 j $ 106 67 RECEIPTS FOR 1891. J Balance on hand July 1,1891 $12,787 96 J County Tax levied 92,816 44 } Interest on County Tax 695 62 C W Witworth, rent of coping 1200 I T E Hogg, old road machine 50 00 J Jos Condon, contribution to road repairs 25 00 Kent County, cno hall repairs to Sassa- fras Bridge 168 37 F P Price, out pensions returned 320 } Wm J Duhamoll. JP, tine* collected... 14 00 Janies T Graham, Clerk Circuit Court, J fines collected 24 33 James A Davis, Clerk Circuit Court, Liquor Licenses 138 54 James A Davis, Clerk Circuit Court, 5 Liquor Licenses 419 58 j Janies T Graham. Clerk Circuit Court. I Liunor Licenses 98 96 [ James T Graham, Clerk Circuit Court, , Liquor Licenses 6,327 00 5 James T Graham, Clerk Circuit Court, > Liquor License• 217 70 C H Smith, road damages refused by Winchester Smelt/.er and Donahue. 525 00 j Collected on State Tax and paid to \ Cecil County 27906 j Sheep Fund 44 56 ) Sheep Fund Dog Tax 1,139 0C $115,770 32 DISBURSEMENTS. i Bonds maturing $4,500 00 j Circuit Court, Clerk $1,152 80, j Counsel Fees 1,048 90 , Bailitf'and Crier 636 50 r Jurors .. 3,152 20 J •* Sheriff 4,417 24 1 Witnesses 1,511 28 i ‘* Miscellaneous.... 1,139 08 5 13,068 00 l County Commissioners' court 5,113 95 j Constables 153 47 l County Building 1,490 5) I Discount 2,512 45 , Elections 2,119 02 [ Incidentals 344 40 > Inquisitions 205 95 [ Insane, “out ol the county’* 6uoo Interest 1,080 00 i J ustices of the Peace 166 01 , Orphans* Court 1,026 75 j Out Pensions. 437 35 Poor and Insaue 6 974 10 i > Paupers 245 25 f Printing 1,243 28 Public Schools 32,000 00 ; Reductions and Insolvencies 771 52 , Roads ami Bridges, extra and new work 36 379 91 [ Roads and Bridges, general 3j)80 08 j Sheep Fund 1.139 00 i Cash Surplus in the Treasurer 1,675 32 j $115,7711 ffii U- ' REPORT Oh THE I Trustees of the Poor and Insane ! OP CECIL, COUNTY, __ Fiscal Year Ending Jane 30th. 1892. - To the County Commissioners op Cecil Co., Gentlemen—We .hereby submit our annual j report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1892: , There have been admitted to the Almshouse ! and Insane Asylum during the year just closed | 30 persons, 23 to the Almshouse and 7 to the r | Insane Asylum, one patient has been discharged i from the Insane Asylum, and four from the Alms 1 house, leaving the total inmates now {in the two institutions as lollows; Almshouse 45 Insane Asylum, ... 27 ~ 7 3 Showing a gain of eight over the same period of last year, and we have had to tecord six deaths' since June 30,1891. The number ol tramps apply ,l# * 1 ing lor aid has been larger than former years, and Six Hundred and Ninety-Seven Meals have been furnished to them. Respectfully submitted, JOHN W. MAHONEY, Secretary. STATEMENT OK THE ; RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OK THE Trustees of the Poor and Insane /i For the Year Ending June 30,1892. 'i * I . Receipts. Cash from County Commissioners be ing $474 10 in excess ol the levy vlO ChasT F Mearns Hay 391 60 - Cash lor board for Mrs Milburn 36 00 Cash lor old grain drill 12 00 Cash for turkeys 4 16 1 \ Cash for Hog 2 00 v Cash for beef hide 2 30 .. - i l ash for hay 36 86 Cash for calf. 8 20 Cash lor 248 bushels wheat 248 27 i Cash for calf 690 Cash tor hay 20 80 Cash lor beet hide and fat 2 03 Cash lor H J Briscoe, Tie is 5 82 $7,750 93 Uisourseiueiits. George McNeal 20 06 Cecil Telephone Co 12 50 W P Harvey 24 35 _ C J Campbell 12 48 \ THVanpelt 10 70 , Dr Howard Bratton 50 00 McCauley Bros 28 36 I F H Mackle 800 James Hartnett 62 60 John Gilpin 49 00 . Samuel Davis 500 W T Weaver 18 00 Herman Ball 152 00 S .1 Keys 87 67 , C i Campbell 16 34 Howard Bros 57 25 John G Clucck 36 76 , PK Arbuckle 290 , 1) H Collins 380 , GeorgeS Woolley 2100 J W Mahoney 24 00 i C Wood 475 . , Huger Witworth 34 24 , F P Price 61 77 W T Weaver 21 00 } l-lias F Diggs 74 85 [ Thomas Fryer 11 08 John liuevk At Son 33 36 , C M Boulden \360 , Samuel Davis 10 00 John Everitt 69 93 , McCauley & Bro 29 18 Jethro McCauley 289 68 F KMarple 37 00 Daniel Harvey 49 25 J W Maloney 21 00 S J Keys 51 33 [ W T Weaver 36 00 , John Everitt 104 75 , George S Wool ley 37 00 [ Samuel Davis 10 00 I Howard &. Bros 61 37 c Cecil Telephone and Telegraph Co 12 60 , FP Price - 73 32 C S Grant - 18 00 1 l? M Boulden 15 74 2 Democrat Publishing Oo 750 John G Gueck it Son 40 26 H B McCauley 26 03 ; C J Campbell 12 50 2 C Wood -———• 21 45 5 .1 I) Davis 263 96 4 McCauley & Bro 26 35 2 John G (Jfueck 5t Son 33 42 £ 6 Samuel Davis 10 00 j W’ T Weaver 18 00 5 F P Price 42 51 0 .1 W Johnson fit Son 46 50 - Howard At Bro 720 1 C M Boulden 1107 John Everitt *O9 •**-. Thomas H Warburton 216—^ C M Boulden 19 *1 HH Mitchell 37 60 u Heister Hess 49 36 0 K C Levis 22 99 ,J John Kveritt 14 81 0 James Steele 52 44 ° Mrs James Steele . . . . 16 00 0 C Wood 788 I .Mias F Diggs .... 3*2000 s J W Johnson 4t Son . . . 31 10 Manly Drennen . . . 3121 " Howard fit Bro . . 18 75 A S Woolley . . . . 50 oo 0 McCauley A Bro . ... 2693 John G Queck fit Son . . . 4141 11 James Bros fit Co . ... 16 80 JS Settle IT 80 " Work it Campbell . . . 21 86 Daniel Harvey , . . 43 38 u William Perkins lor John Perkins . 28 75 0 WT W eaver .... 18 00 0 * [CONTI JU Kl* ON FOURTH PAGE ] 5 EM Hunt 30 4 1 7 Samuel J Jenncss 14 62 n William R Cameron. 49 D 3 S.I Murphy 13 75 > Win Boyd 28 91 J A Brumlield : <55 20 8 < Jeorge A Lynch 562 5 T.l Wilson 102 55 7 J J Reynolds : 31 87 J John R Smith ; 25 08 j George W Foist Tu 75 i Henry M Evans 16 50 i I) W McVey 16 01 i Henry 1> Keen 1181 ' B F Reynolds 19 12 l S M Moore 60 12 JosF McMullen 38 75 Jos H Lincoln 204 33 i Samuel F Fierce 250 Jos H Lincoln 164 02 i Benj McVey Ih7 i John C Dougherty 59 75 K L Tosh 575 Jonathan Reynolds 82 12 ' Stephen .I M urohy 11 5o Barclay Reynolds 4 37 i E G Williams 610 OD Nesbitt 15 68 John 17 Dougherty 696 El wood Bald erston 26 12 i Martin Cavenaugh 38 25 i R L Tosh 16 77 i J J Reynolds 20 75 i R L Tosh 27 14 ; Stephen Murphy 148 14 JJ Reynolds 12*180 Jos FMcMullen 43 06 Wm J Keaveuey 24 08 John C Dougherty 53 08 John L Stephens 33 97 Thomas Foster 19 55 Hugh Wiley 15 00 Wllliaii T Briekley 26 62 Jos T Riale 27 66 Josiah Reynolds 47 99 J B Kennard 166 14 Henry M Evans 86 73 R L Tosh 132 42 Chas McDuugal. 49 87 0 D Nesbitt 36 10 William P Coulson 43 50 William Boyd 8137 Benjamin McVey 11 75 T J Wilson 15 37 William J Fisher... 55 96 14.940 93 BRIDGE CLAIMS. OD Nesbitt $ 55 00 L() Cameron 500 00 L i) Cameron 875 00 LO Cameron 20000 L (J Cameron 350 <m A L Duy jkinck At Co 3 06 William Richards At Son 11 24 J B Kennard 58 33 t Jeorge Mcliuilkin 323 00 William Richards 5 70 Seventh District. ROAD CLAIMS. J H Charsha $209 26 Wa 1 ton Ta y lor 39 36 Phillips ’* Craig 54 82 William H Weir 44 91 John C Linton 42 25 George W Taylor 121 93 Clinton Jackson 46 50 Maxwell Gay i 960 John C Dougherty 46 87 John C Linton 68 75 McClenahan and Bn 3 54 Samuel D Fisher 70 78 Levi E Hasson luou James Graham 35 25 H J Lofland 57 37 William TCampbell 103 12 Joseph C Ryan 29 17 William TPatton 49 15 J Maxwell Gay 16 50 W Clifton Jackson 44 15 John C Dougherty 24 50 Samuel Whitaker 19 63 William T Patton 22 55 Phillips F Jackson 42 87 James G McCay 43 60 Phillip Craig..*, 79 70 George W Taylor 296 25 William H Weir 23 46 William T Patton 130 21 James Sterrett 28 13 .Inline iKmgherty ... 83 81 John C Linton. ..*. 69 74 J H Kimble 9 00 Geonce K Patterson 30 <l Samuel Jackson.. 20000 Joseph (7 Ryan 5u 11 Samuel Jackson 38031 John (7 Linton 46 h 3 F M Rawlings 14 75 James Graham 1325 William T Campbell 86 22 Samuel Whitaker 10 12 c w Taylor 38 37 1 H Hammond 12*7 .1 H Chars ha 89 15 J Ma swell Gay •• 7 50 Phillip Craig 19 64 M H Seiitinan. 8 25 Clinton Jackson 56 36 H J Loti and 97 82 John C Dougherty 62 56 George W Taylor 10l 75 Cornelius Tome... 71 62 A J McVey 19 75 OthoS Jackson 14,5TT” John C Linton 27 75 John M Kirk 37 12 J 1) Simmers .. 56 so Win B Weir 4167 George W Taylor /CT : . 23 50 .Tames G McCoy;...T..7T 39 32 Tsmc H Hammond 18 85 William Culbertson 11 00 $3,673 78 BRIDGE CLAIM. William Abrams $ 915 Rowland Mfg Co 26 90 W P Ewing 1 87 Rowland Mfg 28 75 Rowland Mfg Co •••• 5 81 Rowland Mfg Co 13 86 Reynolds Bro 1220 Stephenson and Reynolds 24 62 Rowland Mlg Co 13 46 George W Taylor 260 25 William T Patton 25 s 5 Penn Bridge Company 300 00 Ellery Colby 70 00 EJ Jackson 30 00 $ 822 72 Eighth District. ROAD CLAIMS. SC Caldwell $ 32 00 James Sterrett 36 88 J J Bennett 91 25 Theodore Ewing 4950 David C Brown 35 84 John J Dennett 8180 Chas H MeGuigan 35 63 William Dorsey 17 75 William J Simmers 14 37 John T Smith ; 34 87 Marshall Began 2137 William Rilev 1000 SC Woodrow* 120 29 HB Garvine 6802 Henry Riley 19 13 John T Smith 6 25 John TCoulson 55 68 William Dorsey 7 00 Theodore Ewing 66 no Chas H MeGuigan 2125 Patrick Boyle 13 12 J B Kennard 130 76 John W Hagan 33 87 Wm K Dempsey 72 75 A K Crothers 42 50 John A Dunn 78 39 J H Kirk 4181 .1 P Cain 53 37 $1,291 45 BRIDGE CLAIMS. John K White $ :*5 00 Ninth District. ROAD CLAIMS. Earl Reynolds $ 38 79 B 11 Logan 48 4n Wm J Crothers 39 62 L Cold man 12 50 John Gallaher 37 07 George Lee Col 4 65 James Gilford 51 so John W T Crothers 50 37 A B Cameron 3192 Milton H Hasson 107 6<i BC La rail ere 22 75 J Boss Conly 48 25 DH Cullen 89 28 A Churchman 10 87 .1 L Crothers 7 00 Samuel C Smith 51 25 Levi B Mearns 39 93 Earl Reynolds 57 75 El. Duyeklnck 10 25 Isaac Diirhorow 36 50 Joli 11 Cameron : 15 48 John P Cain 4149 Win J Crothers 1513 Samuel J Brown 7139 Campbell and Carter 15 25 B C Larzalere 1312 J W Hall 185 77 William B Kirk. ... 47 05 J Hopkins England 48 25 .1 Boss Conley 13 87 Bold TCameron 49 87 George W Chidistcr 8 76 B L Anderson 14 so Wm E Davidson 11 00 I. C (lldhan 4 75 B L Anderson 6 56 J Harvey Hindman 29 25 I. C Oldham * 6 00 Samuel P Hall 37 11 William C Davidson 29 12 L C < Milha 28 13 Earl Beynolds 40 27 John P Cameron 45 00 Levi K Mearns 40^62 $1,614 68 BRIDGE LAIMS. Howard Brown 33 37 Jos P Cain 4KI I H England 98 52 LB Carhart 8 64 I 11 England 82 42 LB Carhart 3 22 B H Logan 9 84 Isaac II England 29 34 J W Hall * 2125 LO Cameron 25 00 Howard Brown 11 57 $ 36112 Recapitulation. First District, Roads and Bridges $ 2,850 94 Second District. Roads and Bridges... 2,616 42 Third District, Roads and Bridges 4.4ul 58 Fourth District. Roads and Bridges... 5,959 84 Fifth District, Roads and B idges 5.427 12 Sixth District, Roads and Bridges 7,322 26 Seventh District, Hoads and Bridges.. 4.496 50 Eighth District. Roads and Bridges.. . 1,326 45 Ninth District, Roads and Bridges 1,978 80 Total lor Roads and Bridges $36.379 91 UoatlH and Bridges General. Robert Shelton salary as bridge tender 86 00 1 American Road Machine Co 32 50 Wm Borem salary as bridge tender... 5o 00 1 Wm L Mearns at road examiner 400 Allred P McCoy making survey ol road 4 00 George S Woolley as road examiner.. 200 D M Hillenhouse, repairs to toad ma chine '<*2s 1 Emil Holm, appropriation tor steam I lorry 150 00 > Town Commissioners Cecilton, appro- ) prlatlon tor street repairs 15000 Geo W Walmsley, salary as bridge tender 75 00 II w Eisenhart, repairs to road scraper 300 i John F Chick,repairs to road scraper 850 > John W Heaven, services as road ex- > amlner 410 Wm T Patton, services as road cx- r amlner 410 S Thus C Bond, services as road ex- i amlner 4

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Post on 18-Apr-2018




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1"No -

> jpStiitd'iiifcrURRS.


0 Commissioners ol0 County During the0 Year Ending Junegft, 1892.

jjpiin compliance with sectionte22 °f the Code of Public

ppl Laws, which provides as

**'¦.ggHCouni; I oinmiMionen shall makeannually, in at least two ~

.n their respective counties, ifDetailed Minute and Accurate

of lie expenses uf Haul counties sp,vi-gganein each particular item of expense

and to lioin paid, and shalj alsothe sheriff of their respective counties

etp** of Ba *‘l statement as there are£(jnlWncls of mu at l.a-1 tell day.

mi general election, and the sherifffhiin six days after the receipt of such

epgflt npone of them at the place ofholding0001 m each district.”

Maturing,jmtftoe ft.nooiio

Circuit Court.jpplDaxis, Clerk fees, etc 91,1.52 80

Hailills ami Crier.

fgtf Wood. bailiff jlj-.ii

2 50K “

15 ot*• **

17 50


7 5o*•

7.50- “ ”

5 00-



“ **•¦¦• 10 00“ ’ 32 50

£•“ 4

; 2 ™•

5 00- “ lo oo



12 50-

*’ “ 2 50r. * “

15 oo*

“ ”

12 50Hewyß Cameron ......

2 505 oo

*“ **

5 00gpr ““

17 50• ” •• 5 00

&g*’-- ** “”

5 00mm * 250

“ 12 50* “ ’* 15 00* ’* “ 12 50

J “ 10 00liohxrd Thomas, crier 20 (N)

W.' *“ 800

m. m "

2000a 44 44 .

...16 00

,> • “ ** 24 00“ “ ** I (Hi“ 44 44 16 00f 24 00

x 00Wk* 4 oo

• . 12 00“ 100• .... 4 on

APShocklt-v. l.a.hff-- •• ‘ •• 250- -

** 12 50i • - 40 00

f. 4 ‘ 250““ 7 50

* “ “ 5 00Oeorre E McKennev. sheriff 2 r K)

K * •••• . 10 oo


*4 6000J ABoyd “ IT 50

y- • -•• 250

IHGilpin '>

Kekanl Thomas 4 00APShock t > - 50¦ivy W.m.l 2 50

Mrry Tin>m.i- 2 50

$636 50


K McKenney. ??jAßuyil 2,729 59

$4.417 24

Counsel Fees.

S eccroili. u,iCTbackery 4 fr ‘;~George A Blake JJJWQham S Evans ‘__LZ

$1,048 90


.. Wm W— j: Jjtunes A Simpers..... ¦ vAnnas w N- a ..m: JrJdBBerkl c Work . .

¦Egbert I) Houlden SKknSchofleld

l ’° n W¦Mb G ftnffith. <r

ftf HRIi . I ¦ - hr l s ISMK*|d'F Char!* - F Hinchljfle wf:’ Oar;. F )0; Ikili). \ meant -

15 M¦grim 8 Smith. is 90£ Qtorn: - S Reynolds is tS)

¦heard I> tiher 1H (M ,E finben H Smith m ;s)

¦fcob Kennard i.-, uI ttail. s K Bile* is 00? William T Sartm|rAbram Whitaker. , ,I IWeslev Thomas 250BF Scott Price 2 MOBhutan W B°c 11 so; Bam. cl RCarson. 1110¦ tamnel (> Jackaon in 30BSeorgc S I.s goBewis W Kirk is 'icBohn n (irahaoi is ooBwilliaro A Wright. 2 50: Widiam A right 25 00Hbliot uraham. it on¦ w Simpers •?> noS-Jolin 8 .10 00Holm K White ITNOfcenry Hess Id 1()

RF St tlallaher 22 00Eoaac H Hammond 17 MmC J Campbell 21 to|Lev i K Patterson sopfreorge H Graaon. 20 SO

J w Jones 17 50¦ C R Foard 17 soSamuel TSimpew; 17H0r George E McKenney

ls :tuBo I- rt Mackey 2 50Joshua M Ash 2 50Thomas \\ (.eorge 2 .50N p Manly 2 50Tin inas M Ty_son_ in si)

J0, ,; than hrao— ,Jonathan \V hrau-s 250William " McNamee ,759John TBennett 2501 lav id 1.Sloan... 2 50Joseph S Terrell 2 50HenryWilliam H r,rl“ir 2 50William Foster 2 -ra>James E Pea"

,! ; 250W Arthur 17 noWilliam T Patton ou

Edward I Ku*.-' ll 7 r<oH H iIP!n. , ts

17 511( ieorge RickcHs 12 50

u ni™ ‘Thomas M Ha.,u -rA)

(ieorge A Brown 17 50Thomas Mhwi 16 to

- VS,}?S

Samuel J Jenness i;{ tom‘w' TmS .v W>¦lames A .' 1p" r ,fv 11 Ml

William f' • r • u snFrankhn uhle'l 16 1UWilliam S Bnek'ey

, 3 m

nSStr K Patters.... |i“John Ko“ ”•

, ,

William ‘ 12 50J.. 1111 H " j'1 '

1.170.1 Alex Kinter ]2SO

1 .18 80Howard Si" souJames Walter. 5 oo


*soAifryd Kiru. . , 250*S“2rSoMr to ouVVilliam I t ,M’ter ...

William 20 00Tbomaa GreenThomas <iree- ; 15(10Thomas M {aue 125#Thomas M Ilagm

John D White ,500John D WWteGeorge A Brown

T*sDavid <•*'*" 2J 50Henry H *.Hi n asooSamuel H sinitn

Albanus I. SMton A 00

James “.p sowers 15 nou

R"';r | V s lie 0070Stephen h witaic.

-fts-"jsSr “JoMUler “J®

&!:V<iVV" S 8Matthew Russell Jr.

f MOOThomas c ShLacken....

nhn M Thaekery 15 00

:(;:v:fls m,n.r" |gII

•nioma" C Mencken *

George Ricketts JO noJacob Ramh° Jj!"William P Howard.. 11 no(;a ..riel M Sendcrlmg *mCharles W King

deoree W Sutton lllOwmSant A Cameron *

Morris Dunbar.William V HendersonThomas T Howard 9 00

U-wisJ McMullen. 11 in

Dexter M Lee.(ieorge W Epckwanl 10 80

William A Tosh - 12 00

William Gifford 10 soCharles H McOmgan 13 80

John H Harlan 7 50

William R Dempsey.

John W Dav 10 SO


i '&&ss***¦J John Davidson 12 no

aasWilliam Il fhV V 'n^nDavid Sootc* ***** 769

, Thomas F Notlev 12 "•oorgeli Hot,kill 12*9

\ Thomas t- criik 'h , !l

5 Lewis D p^e vhnk >2 00

Charles \v SimpersHenTß fondJff “

Joseph P Cutler Ml

if Theislon- \l*arrV • 7011 Thomas VV tieoru-.. 1 ¦ l<,

James Vansam.* ®®

6 m,hn £ Manlovev John T Gamble H'50John T WiUm }?“6 Levi Patterson 'SS“Kennard Blake VThomas H Vanpelt. ®lOGeoreec Oldham jtlSISSSS vsAmos'wd cavtr 10 00

fnw'v., 1.,;; 1 „c t V Kirk J2 Is j

H ’ rv“.' \ 'Vi:,’r m.Kinenry t Nesbitt 1,50Alonzo I, narrev , , mf Jneepb K Levis . .' la'nms'p 11 SpraUf James E Dean

; C Cameron . 550

$51,152 20? Witnesses.> yuiiam T Lee z , illo

, Jesse.Mis.,,s. Jr IMIK l i homas j no* ganiuel Clark. ,

i Walter Wilson 110tojfßOw 5 00W \\ Davis 5 001 Abel .1 Dav is. •00Edward Wherry. 500Philip Hines .... 500Andrew Anderson 500Andrew Seth j 00John K Pope 50Q•Mm Oiling ............ 5 00Edward 1 loodnow 1 00

1 Gertrude Good now.. 100JW Hamilton r, 00George Moore 4 00•ohn K Hearns. 5 00JohnMcOloiy . inil>r R t; Underwood . •; 00Henry McCauley. 100William Jeffers.. 1 ooNoland Fisher 1 00Thomas B Friday 1 00George \V Gillespie. h 00Benjamin M Wells. 100George Stewart 500Ernest W Biddle h 00John Friday, 0 00Thomas B Friday 1 00Thomas Heath 400IS Deford 400 <Edward \V (loodnow. 100 jMichael Willleford 3 00Gertrude Goodnow. 400A A SturgfiMi 100 }Charles Norval 00 ]Ed Lynch 100 |John O Williams 100 ]r M Simcoe 100 1Silas J Lowe 100 ]Amos Lewis 300 (S D McCullough 4 00James Reiley 400 ?Albert T Riley I rto >Thomas P Chamberlin 400 1Samuel J Grier 400 jHenry S Gray 100 .Thomas H Grier 100 (Joseph G Moore 3 00Henry BCordes 100 ;George Rose 100 ‘(SDeford 100 jLewis C’ummings 500 jTheodore Jackson. 500 \William H Whitelock , 100 (John Conrey 100 jPrisby Parsons 100 ¦Sarah Carr 100 jFrancis Parr 100 jWorden Rambo 200 %Harry Hitchcock. 200William H Abrams. 200 (Henry I Ruffin 200 ,Frank Pratt 100 ]Anna Henry 200 jMary C Lewis 200 jOos Johnson. 300 jHoward Minker 700 jJohn < Spath 300 tJohn G Qneck 300 ¦HD Lee 300 .A Evans Taylor 300 -WW Davis. 200 ]Dr llowanl Bratton .... 700 jH Scott ray 300 ;Charles C Lees 700 |B Anderson....... 7 00Andrew A Price 700 JJohn G Vannort I 00WTBoulden 700 %John E Jackson 500 jT.l Vannort 400 ?Rnfns < lldham TOO jWilliam J Purner T 00

Jacob Dean. 300 3Albert G Reynolds 600 jWilliam Riley 600 4B I Taylor 600 tLizzie Riley 600 |Rebecca Green 600 ,Samuel J Lee<iom 2001Henry Riley t>oo .Silas J Lowe 400 (

Jacob Dunlap. 600 jHenry Carr 500 JEdward Clark 600 tHarry Wright 800 *John G Mears 400 ;(Jeorge Meekins 400 tMrs Hiram Jones. 100 jChristiana Ditmore 400Lewi- Seth 400 tWilliam McDaniel 100 ]Thomas (lolt 4OO *Dr W F Taylor 100 t!(¦ Price 400 ]W H Purdy... 400 <William L Purner 400 (Mary Andrews 400 jN A Van Buskirk 4 00John G Spath 3 00William Moore 4 00Harriet Moore 400 |Alfred Bender 400 jKG Logan - 4 00

John Davis 400 jOliver B Logan. 100 |Mary E Lilley 400 (John A Dunn 100 tJames F Sterling 400 tW J Atkinson 400 (Laura Downham 500 ,Joseph P Green 500 tHarry \V Downham 500 jMilton Johnson 200 •Laura Wenzler ;> 00 'John <; Vannort. 600 >John Carr : 200 jScott Wilson 4 00

Cora Body 800 ]Selena Body 0 °o

Elizabeth Mitchell 400 .Edward Parrott 400 1(ieorge Neal. 200 jWB K Jordan 500 ,Harrison Qarver 300 1Kennard Riley ~°o tMaurice E Ayers 400 ;Robert J Dempsey 10° |Janies M Gordon.. 100 (Charles Lilley 400 ]

•••• 100

(,’harles C Lilley 200 *William Dennison 400 <

Alex < arr. 400 (

•• 200 ,John < .11 \ ert 100 tWilliam ( iillison 100 |

•••• 100

Cecil F Lilley 100Stephen H Lilley. 4 00Edward Parrott 4 00

•••• 1 00

William Dennison 1 00.. “ 2 00

(ieorge <! Crow. 300

PL George 300 (Jesse StoopsAgnes ( Armiger 500

Sal lie L Fry 5 00

WW Davis. 4 00SM Brinkley 2 00Thomas Drennen 4 ‘>o

• • • 16 00

John R Pope 4 00Henry McCullough 4 00

Samuel Hoffman 2 00

Henry R Wilson. 2 00

Ellis Benjamin 2 ®oNancy wnalen - 00Martha Bradley 2 00David Hartnett 4 00

Samuel Jewell. 2 00

John Rattenbery. 2 00

Joseph A Work 4 00

James M< < ’ormick 4 00

Heniy McCanlej 200James Smith...John N Black 4 00

Frank Kerr. 2

John TDavis 4 00Cecil Lilly 4 00

Benjamin T Caldwell 3 00

. Moore ¦} 00Hennie Register. :{ ooJohn Davis ,4 00H i Miller 200WT Jones fJJJob Haines.. 2 00

Anna Mary Morgan -00Louisa Harris ‘-oo

If M West } 00

1i John 44 Jamar 2 00

Dr John H Jumar 2 00,\ m Strickland. -

John It Gallaher 200Rufus Oldham... 2 00jam< - T 8(tt 0 °o

1 Eugene Man love 300

Ben R Drew 2 JJMary Feehley1 Theodore Feebly 300

1 Wesley Cooper 400

Edward Jones1 Joseph Briscoe

1 John Hearn J JJJ1 James IIMoore 2

1 Henrv Shank. * ,,n

1 Joseph Whalen • <

Mr- William <Josletli Thomas Garvine JOO

B R Drew.) William J Purner 3(j 0

i J A Lambert -°0) Dr W C Karsner

Ben R Drewv ..44 n 00

, W W Barkley 14 jjj) Samuel Jewell

1 Edward Jones 00

) Frank Kerr. J? 00J Nancy Whalen J >OO

j Martha Bradley 'J®®1 James Moorej Francis J Boyd f w

9 SJ Woodrow..i h H Haines 2^;I jos< ph < • Moore 4,0

i) William Conoly

II Frank Roberts * JJJjll Thompson Hudson JJJ*• Joseph Touson J*11 Jane Mullin JJJ*(i Ross Cameronii Joseph Nelson...

James Cox JJ®0 William Witeman0 “

“ 2

0 Emma Witeman

0 Henry R Torbert0 Mrs Mary lx>ng(i John R (iallaher J” JJJ 40 HTMiller0 Marshall IIPierce •'JJJ0 John D Haines0 Edwin Haines Jf0 Walter Boyd j!0 John C Hindmani) WW Carter0 J A Boyd


u ( minty Buildings.0

10 A A Brown, salary as janitor $240 1to “ “ extra services as janitor... 19 *Ju Elk ton Gas Light Works 181 ii0 Cecil Telephone Company 162 5

10 Manly Drennen 146 50 James Moore 1 (j0 John E Alexander & Son 48 00 James Moore 1 a0 John E Alexander 116 60 James Moore 1 0u Manly Drennen 60 u0 AM Smith 25 00 F P Price l 81) AM Smith 7 2

9 Manly Drennen 3 6i) James Moore 200 William D Dunbar 50 3

) George Booth, ice for Court House and3 offices 34 5

11 Joseph H McNeal, ice for Jail 20 7'D Janies Moore I I

3 James P Alexander 3 33 Charles Bowser 12.) James Walters 142) James Moore 1 0

1 H M Larzalere 7 w) Perry Lit/cnberg : l 2

) Keys & Miller, coal for county build-) ings. 189 m) James Moore 1(M

) James Moore 1(H

) Roger Witworth 68<) James Moore 2ih

1 AM Smith 21 (M

I George McQuilkin.. 61 7(

I Manly Drennen 22 7;

CD Jamison 25 5(

Janies Moore 20(

1 Cecil Telephone Company 12 5t1 James Moore 24r

i LeviS Hammond 87/1

$1,190 511

Discount.Allowed by Treasurer on County Tax as required

by law:In the month ofJuly at 5 per cent.. $ 97 37

“*‘ August “

“ 2036 45**

“ Sept’ber 4 “ 280 70“ “ October 3 “ 97 93

$2,512 45


Patrick Anderson, room rent S2O 00John E Ferguson, register of voters . 87 80G N Davis, police 3 00W C Lake, poll clerk 9 00George M Tayman, police 3 00R M Black, poll clerk 9 00James 3' Watts, ballot clerk 300Z P Lusbv, judge 15 00H N Tiller, judge 12 00B M Crawford, judge 9 00T P Jones, Sr., ballot clerk 3 (83

$173 80


William J Harwick. room rent $ 6 00Byron Bouchelle, register of voters 87 25Wesley Clayton, judge 12 00Thomas P Vandegrift. judge 15 00

W ‘ Lake, poll clerk 900J T Hedrick, poll clerk.

.. 900F W Jefferson, judge 9(H)G R Carpenter 3 00

$l5O 25


Dr C M Ellis, rent of hall sls 00Patrick J McGready, register ofvoters 88 16N p Manly. judge 900George A Blake, judge 12 00

Del ph us Price, police 3 00L Marshall Haines, ballot clerk 3 00Ricketts Nelson, poll clerk 900William T Lee, police 6 00George W Cruikshank. judge 15 OoJames TSterling, police 9 00Clarence Cameron, poll clerk . 9 00C McCullough, ballot clerk 3 00

slßl 10


Henry Hess, room rent $lO ouH M Boreland. register of voters... 85 uoCharles K Lynch, poll clerk 9 DOWilliam Hogan, clerk 9 uuJohn T DeWitt. ballot clerk 3 00F' M (iallaher, judge 12 OUJames L Steele, judge 15 00W C Henderson, ballot clerk 3 00John Brown, judge 9 00


Trustees of the G A R Hall, room rent $lO 00Charles E Beatty 89 39Joseph B Hemney, police 3 00John W Simpers, police 6 00George S Mattingly, poll clerk. 9 uoI S Deford, police 6 00Isiah Biddle, ballot clerk 3 00Charles W Simpers, judge 15 uoJ N Black. Jr., ballot clerk 3 00

D P Cameron, judge 9 uoGeorge W Benjamin, poll clerk 9 00William Johnson, judge . 12 00

$174 39


William Brown, room rent $lO ouSlater B Tosh .... 84 20C S Abrahams, clerk 6 00J Frank F'oster, police 3 00ME Kirk, Clerk 6 00S M MeCardell. |oll clerk 9 00W W Moore, judge 1500W E Gillespie, ballot clerk 6 00John W Barnes, police 6 (X)

A H Briscoe, iidg*- 9 "*¦

H H Haines, judge 1200John D Haines, ballot clerk 3 00J W McCullough 9 (X)

$l7B 20


Reynolds Bros, hall rent $lO .*l3George A Atkinson, register of voters 85 00John \V Beavan. judge. 6 00E P Brickley. ballot clerk 3 0uWilliam T Lee, police 300Jos Couden, uf H ballot clerk 300John Mohrlein, poll clerk 9 00Thomas C Bond, judge I*2 00

Reuben Bond, police 3 00Harry Westerfield, jiollclerk 9 (X)

JW Beavan 200W B Steele 15 00

$167 .


Charles A Grubb, room rent. $lO (K)

W W McGuigan, register of voters. 83 60Osborne Milligan, police, 6 00W K Dempsey, police 3 00Harry Mulligan, |K)I1 clerk 6 00V H Watts, poll clerk 6 00

Patrick Boyle, judge 12 00J Mitchell Kinuard. judge 9 (X)

JJ Bennett, judge 6 00

M F McDowell, ballot clerk 3 00

$144 60


Wilson D Pierson, hall rent $ 7 00J P Simpers, register of voters 82 60Harry T Pyle, judge 0 00R H Logan, ballot clerk 3 00A C Watson, poll clerk 6 00H C McDowell, judge 12 00

E Carhart, poll clerk 6 00L B Carhart, police 00J A Fox. “ 44 0bJohn A Reynolds 00

$137 60

General Expenses.

Dr C M Ellis, election supervisor $25 00

John W Falls, “*’ 25 00

Adam RMagraw, “**

26 40J H Clark, election equipments 3 00Thos Pearce, “ “ 444 (X)

J P Steele, ”**

;4 P9A Anderson. •*

Geo RGrason, “ “ 3 00F M Alexander, “ 444 00

Samuel M Reed, posting ballots... 1000J Wesley Falls, “

444 4444J W Barnes. *' *' 10 00George H Ash, printing ballots 342 00

H Bond, fixingrail and packing ballots 1 *25W G Purnell, boxing ballots for distri-

bution 44 4444A M Smith, putting up election equip-

ments 22 00J P Scott, expenses in having election

returns signed 15 ()9

C H Smith, purchasing ballot boxes, etcWilliam S Evans, counsel to register... 50 00F X Ganter, additional ballot boxes 39 00W F Murphys Sons, incidentals and

blank books 11 00

$656 69

Incidentals.Dr J T Brown, vaccinating paiqH-r

children -$6 00

Dr John IIJamar, vaccinating pauperchildren *2;>00

Dr J If Hardcastle, vaccinating pau-

per ch ildren 32 .X)

Dr J H Jenness, vaccinating pauperchildren 5 50

Dr A C Crothers, vaccinating pauperchildren •* 00

Dr J V Wallace, vaccinating pauperchildren 44 044

Dr W F Taylor, vaccinating pauperchildren 42 50

Helen I) Hague, recording road pajiers 20 00R B Frazer, paper, pens, etcI) M Davids, |ensWm F Murphys Sons, cash book 9 (X)

“ “ •• assessment book 17(H)“

“ “ blank books 12 75C H Smith, exjienses in attending com-

missioners' meeting in Baltimore 8 2Joseph Wells, postage and box rent 19 1

H J Briscoe, small items of freight, ex-press, telegraphing, etc 444 .

$341 40

|ii(|iiisitions.Perry Litzenberg $ ® JjJJA C Crothers ¦> J4 ®Dr GS Dare • """

R R Crothers 44? WJ

Dr A Crothers ’•JJJ!1 Perry Litzenberg *

* •* .... is ‘'(l

• IICCummings 2Dr< M Ellis

I P B Housekeeper JO4 Perry Litzenberg 44

Drill! Richardson!.... 4 0 0t

) W W Wiley ?Perry Litzenberg 4,4

J 4) John B Dean ,’4

) J P Scott) Charles W King4 S B Grant •*

) Wm H Whiteoak.> William D Bennett

James I! MooreJ E C Collins i*4

W it Boyd *, HII Haines ?

M B Richards) J Frank Hindman

- David C Brown. *r> William W Moore

Luther J Richards..Stephen I Murphy •

Jos B Coats5 .1 M Terrell ¦*

5 Charles M E Ernest5 Jacob Dean.0 Andrew 1) Dean3 Thomas W George5 Janies A Sini|>ers5 Charles E Beatty0 CJ White.0 John \V Barnes0 F M Alexander *•I G (.' Kitchen

John Simpers ®7 W D Price ’

) ('halkley Phillips **ooDavid Smder 1200

) William E Walker 4®®

1 John R White *5 00W W Carter 4®®

1 Job Haines 10 00

1 T B Friday * 4444

1 Joseph G MooreST Lee

) James H Moore ;r>

1 William Witeman 2 J*4A Evans Taylor * 4444Thomas Kirk 2 4444

1 Annie E WhalenW T B R Robinson. 2 00

John Wells ® 4444

Jacob A Heagy 41 4444W T B R RobinsonBarclay Reynolds 2 00

David M Wright 2 4444

H C Cummings.Peter HartenstineJohn B Graham * 4444Henry M Evans 2 4444Thomas Whalen * 4444

Frank Roberts 144 4444

James A McNutt ¦ * x4'Lloyd Roberts 144 4444T B FridayA L Duyckinck. “

W J CampbellJohn Wells . 4 440

“- 2 00

SJ Pallock 4 J 4®

Walter Wright 4 ®®

William T Scott 2 ®®

Win Keilholtz 2 00MJ Lock land 4Frank Reynolds.John Miller 4 00

John Whalen s 00Thomas Whalen 4 4444Dr John H Jumar 20 00Thompson Hudson. 4 00Frank PriceWilliam T BouldenWilliam B Healey *> 00W W Burk ley JJJWalter Boyd ®®®

Rufus Oldham 1 ®®

Joseph Warner 2 00WW Carter 1 ®®

James A McNutt 4 4444W W CarterW TBR Robinson 2 00Win Witeman “®®

James H MooreJ S Pogue •* JJJS T Lee '* ooJ G (Jueck 4 4444Thosß Friday • 440W W Davis 2 00Wm B Really :t ®°

Ellis Brinton 4 4444Amos Lewis 1 4444

.. 3 00Mary C Lewis -

3 4444•• 1 00

Wm J Caldwell.’. 4 00John H Serrick 1 00

Wm Witeman 4 00Harry Lee 4 4444

William K ReckefusJacob DeanRoss Cameron 400Robert McNalley 1 00

Sherman Whitney 2 00George Drexler J 4444John McNelty 3 00John E Jackson 4 DOSamuel Hoffman 4 00Hooper Patterson ‘2 00Harry R Wilson 4 DOFrank Farr 1 DOWilliam Herbert 2 DO

Ellis Benjamin 4 00Conrad Salick 3 00James < 'ameron 2 00Samuel W Murphy 2 00Sylvester E Penning 1 00Frederick Kattev 200

Edward H Ha11... 2 00Jerry Crowley 2 00Constable Farr 3 00Jacob Mearner 3 00Martha Moore 3 00Annie Freeman. 3 00Harriet Sawyer 3 00Daniel Taylor 3 00William Brown 1 00('ora Body 3 00Mary J Boddy 4 00Margaret Dorsey 4 00Harvey Scott 2 00Hannah ButlerShed rick Dorsey 4 00Selena Boddy 3 00Georgeanna Richardson 4 00

John Stewart 3 00Benjamin Taylor 2 00Alex Cornish 2 00

Henry Hartshorn 3 00

Benjamin Brown... 2 00Henry Riley 2 00William Riley 2 00

Jos W Reynolds 4 00

.Jacob Dunlap 2 00Maurice Ayers 2 00Lyttleton Jordan 2 00

Rebecca (1 reen 2 00Mary Riley 2 00Kennard Riley 2 00J H Jenness 4 00A G Reynolds 2 00Thomas Grier 2 00S J Lowe 2 00BF Taylor. 2 00

Steward Boyle 2 00M S McNamee 4 00Thomas Chamberlain 2 00Mary E Clark 100Henry T McCauley 4 00Jerry Crawley 4 00John R Pope 4 00Edward Clark 2 00Jeremiah Crowley 4 00William S Jones 3 00John Davis 3 00George Moore 2 00

Ben R Drew 5 00Nancy Whalen 5 00John Whalen 4 00S J Woodrow 4 00Martha Bradley 5 00John Whalen 4 00Frank Roberts 2 00S T Lee 2 00James B Russell 4 00Roocrt Partington 1 00Samuel H Dorsey. 3 00Joseph B Renney 4 DORobert Wilson 2 00George Hindman 2 00George Simpers. 2 00Samuel Hamilton 2 00John Scarr 2 00A C Minker 1 00Andrew Buchannan 2 00Robert C McNally 100

Elizabeth Shivery 2 00••

•• 1 00Frederick Schultz 1 00Robert B McNally 3 00Charles H Dennis 33James Mallin 33Joseph Green 33Oscar Reynolds.. 33John Biddle ~

5 00Alfred Kirk -100

Dr JV Wallace 100Thomas Fassitt 1 00William T Patton 1 00W T B R Robinson 1 00Dr T A Worrall I 00

““ 100

David M Wright. 5 00“

“ 5 00Charles W Wilson 9 00Wm P Reynolds 8 00S T Lee 5 00<ieorge W Irens —....... 8 00W P Reynolds 2 00Wm Irwin 9 00Martin Mulroney 14 00Robert Cameron 1 00Geo M Clark 33Elzy Short 33Benjamin Davis 33Slater MeKenney 33Charles Evans 33Charles Bennett 33David Ash 33James Clark 33James Colvin 33Frank Clark 33H Giles 33R H Shaffer 33

|1.511 28Circuit Court—Miscellaneous.

Dr Theo A Worral. expert testimonyin case of State vs Bradley $ 500

J V Wallace, expert testimony in caseof State vs Stout 30 00

William C Karsner, expert testimonyin the case of State vs Stout 30 00

A L Crothers, expenses in Richardsmurder case ..

110 28John H Jumar, professional services

and expenses in the Stout case 37 50Henry F Formad, expert testimony in

Stout case 250 00N A Van Buskirk. expenses in the Dit-

more murder case 58 00John H Jumar, salary as physician to

jail 100 00William A Wright, police service by

order of Judge Stump 4 00Amos E Pierson, police service by

order of Judge Stump 4 00A P Shockley, police service by order

ofJudge Stump I 00Harvey Mackey, police service by order

of Judge Stump 4 00Pinkerton National Detective Agency

services and expenses in the Richardsmurder case 7287

H B Frazer, medicine for prisoners 29 95Wm S Evans, incidental expenses as

State’s Attorney 17 10A L Crothers, incidental expenses in

the Stout murder case 2875Pinkerton National Detective Agency,

detective services in Richards mur-der case 98 09

William C Karsner, procuring certifi-cate to be used in Ditmore trial 2 00

(leorge McCaffray, expenses in case ofState vs Mary Lotman 6 00

C M Boulden, sundries for the Court... 98Dr H 11 Mitchell 54 88Wm H Frazer, salary as standard

keeper 100 00Henry Jones, expenses in the Ditmore

case 2 50Pinkerton National Detective Agency,

detective services in the Richardsmurder case 49 76

F P Price, sundries for Court House.... 5 41Wm S Evans, incidental expenses as

State’s Attorney 35 Oo

$1,139 08

County CoininissioiiorN’ Court.M S McNamee, per diem and mileage

as commissioner $ 300 70J T Willis, per diem and mileage as

commissioner 295 90J P Steele, per diem and mileage as

commissioner 309 00C H Smith, salary as clerk 1,500 00H J Briscoe, salary as treasurer 1,500 00C C Crothers, as counsel to board com-

missioners 50 00William S Evans, as counsel to board

commissioners fjO 00H J Briscoe, office rent 32 00Matthew Russell, witness 1 00Isaac Rogers, “ 1 00James H Nevel, “ 100H J Briscoe, making new assessments.. 79 75Andrew Anderson, per diem and mile-

age as commissioner 296 20Andrew J H Cameron, per diem anti

mileage as commissioner 241 20J (’ Price, Jr, per diem and mileage as

commissioner 456 20

$5,113 95

Constables.1 Thomas E1 S M Brick ley 8451 A H Rutter 4651 Reuben Bond 21 90

John A Richey is 131 S M Brick ley jk351 Thomas E Lee 16 75

l NA Vanhuskirk.. 3301 George R Carpenter 14 00

1 S M Brickley 12 80l Geo E McKenney 22 74


1 $153 47

J A Kirk. 50David St Clair 50

00 James G Reynolds /X)

20 Charles R Maxwell 5063 Andrew D Dean 5050 K E Siriiklaud ¦"

/XI David Short 50ou (‘halkley Phillips. 50(Hi Harrv Marshbank 5000 Charles E Remnev 5068 Win C Clark 5000 (‘harles Simpers 5000 John Conrey 50(X) Perry Litzenberg 20 00

84 Benjamin T Caldwell lo 0025 John W U Illinois 5068 Perry Litzenberg.. 750uu30 $205 95


Mount Hope Retreat for expenses of

;J I.' John McNulty c'>"''-5 Note. This is the only insane patient outside" of the county all others being cared for by the00 Trustees of the Poor and the cost of maintain-

ing them being inc luded in the Levy for Poorand Insane.

Interest.Jacob Tome, interest ou bonds iiiaiur-

[K) ing SIOO (X)

(’ B Finlev. interest on countv bonds., liooo

-'JJ - •• * •• 540 00

JJ $1 .OSU 0(1


?Fustices of tlie Peace.*5 A J Scott $1175

John Partridge 17 45* 4 James Spence 115

W W Wilev 3 31A J Scot I 6 80

Benjamin T Caldwell 36 251 William J Duhuincll.. 355

A J Scott 18 95•• ** 5 50

17 1 in® John Partridge. 30 80

*P A J Scott I 9 60414 Robert Burroughs 315

15 $166 01

Orphans* Court.James McCauley $207 80

M) James M Evans 178 ouki David P Davis 254 00K) John M Dunbar 94 00

0 RE Jamar 292 95KlK) $1,026 750

u Out I’ensinners.Jf John T Bennett pay Kate Bryson $5 00

C M Boublen pay Sarah Bayard 5 00“ pay Sidney Richardson... 500

Byron Bouchelle pay David Harris 5 00pay Dallas Bouchelle 5 00

u William R Gilpin pay Joseph Gunner.. 250Charles Pavord pay Sewall Saulsbury.. 2 50

u John T Bennett pay Harry Gorden 250U

“ “ pay Martha Short 2 50

u FS Everist pay Martha Linton 500U Wm TFryer pay Samuel Reynolds 500

0 John S Settle pay Sarah Richardson. 500u “ “ pay Sally Taylor. 500


pay Sarah Richardson. 5005 “ “ pay Sarah Simpers 500

**“ pay Serena Biddle 500

** “ pay Sallie Taylor 500

0 “ “ pay Eliza Spence 5006 “ “ pay Serena Biddle 25044 R P McDowell pay Julia A Carr 5000 Byron Bouchelle pay Susan F7 Bayard.. 5000 Geo A Vannort pay Sarah Brittingham 500

14 Jos L Wells pay Robert Boyer 250

44 Adam Peoples pay Mary A Hill 500

44 R L Thomas pay 'Robert Minker *2 500 John II Jamar pay Frisby Evans 23541 A J Coursey pay Chas A Wright 500

44 John T Bennett pay Kate Bryson 50044 Byron Bouchelle pay Celia Callahan . 500

Frank Everist pay M illiam Logan *2506 F P Price pay Susan Cooper 250

“ " pay Samuel Chamberlain— 250“ pay Mary Cooper 250

„ .1 E Crothers*pay Sarah Simpers suo, R C Levis pay Matilda Hogan 250


“ ** pav Sinie Brown. *2 50u “ ••" **

2 50® 250® John T Bennett pay Harry Gordon 250! Mrs Win S Evans pay Ann Gibson *2 50' John H Jamar pay Frisby Evans 500

~ Robert Bouchelle pay Dallas Bouchelle 500* .1 Edmund Crothers pay Geo Chambers 750

John T Bennett pay Martha Short *2 50

14 Wm R Gilpinpay Jos Gunner 250

9 Amanda J Richey pay Lewis Fisher. . 500

4 William Hogan pay Rebecca McConnil 25044 Jos L Wells pay Robert Boyer *2 50

0 M S Sentman pay David Sentman .... 500D ••

•• ** “ 5 009 George Gray pay Sewall Saulsbury 2500 ST \N iley pay Archie McGillas 5 (X)

u Anna J Coursey pay Mrs Alice Deshane 500ii Carhart A: C’o pay Mrs Packer 500i) “ “ pay Wm T Alexander 5 (X)

0 William Packer pay William Packer. . suo“ •*

“ “

....10 00

9 J L Crothers pay George Chambers 750John T Bennett pay Kate Bryson 5 00Jos L Wells pay Susan Cooper.. 2 50

® Jol 11 T Bennett pay Matha Short *2 FA)•• “ pay Henry Gordon 2 50

~ Robei t Bouchelle pay Dallas Bouchelle 500.. _. *. .. .. 5 00

[? Richard Thomas pay Robert M inker. **s-0

1 B F Taylor pay Harry Peters 500Thos C Bond pay Mrs Nicholas (ieisler.. 5 (X)

'r. C M Boulden pay Sarah Bayard 250pay Mary Stewart 5 00

Jos L Wells pay Robert Boyer 2 50••


pay Sewall Saulbury 250John T Bennett pay Sidney Richardson 5 00u ThosC Bond pay Sarah Brittingham... 500


“ pay Mrs Margaret Peaco. 500’ Harry Bouchelle pay Mary Bunguard.. 500

Wm R Gilpin pay Joseph Gunner 2 50;j R L Thomas pay Amanda Simpers suo

D** *•

pay Elizabeth Tripp 5000 •• ** pay Mary J Garrison 500

11 F P Price pay M ary A Cooper *2 50i) *• •* pay Mrs Gallaher 10 00

U ***

pay MaryA Cooper 250

0 Jos L Wells pay Susan Cooper.. 250ii Wm Hogan pay Rebecca McConnell. ..


ll C M Boulden pay Sarah Bayard *2 50l) F S Everist pay Martha Linton 5 (X)

1, John T Bennett pay Kate Bryson 5 (X)

ii Robert Bouchelle pay Celia Callahan. .. *2 50_ C M Boulden pay Mary Stewart 500

1 ** ** “** **

5 00“

*• pay Surah Bayard 2 50Jos L Wells pay Boliert Boyer 2 50

14 F S Everist pay Annie Whitelock 5009 ST Wiley pay Archie McGillas 500

9 Robert Bouchelle pay Susan E Bayard. 500J Wm Hogan pay Elizabeth Patton 500

9 John T Bennett pay Martha Short 250

9 •*“ pay Henry Gordon 2 50

4 Alex George pay David Johnson 5 (X)

9 *• ** pay Varms Robinson 5009 Alex H George pay James Sanders 500

9 ** “ pay David Johnson 5 00Anna J Coursey pay Alice Deshane 5 00

9 Frank P Price pay Mary Cooper 250“ 2 50

“ 35


0 James Bailey, burying pauper $lO 00

9 Richard Brown, digging graves for

9 paupers 9 0014 Harry W Hell, burying paupers 20 50- William HAId erson, taking pauper to0 Alms House 5 00

C C Lilley, taking pauper to Alms. House •*> 00

John B Graham, burving pauper 18 00~ F S Everist, “ “ 12 00

Harrv W Bell. “ “ 1 4 00John T Burkins, “ “ 6 00Harrv W Bell, “ “ 6 00

r John* R White, “ “ 600John T Burkins, “

“ 6 00E Taylor, taking pau|>cr to Alms House 3 00

. Win R Grilling, digging graves for pau-pers 6 (X)

, H H Mitchell, artificial limb for W” Blackson... 70 00

r E Taylor, burying pauper 150Richard Brown, digging grave for pau-

n per 300’ J P Rose, taking pauper to Alms House 300.. J T Burkins, burying pauper 600

1 Richard Brown, digging grave for **a4p,q pers ‘ 300

* Harry W Bell, burying pauper.. 925. Richard Knabb. taking pauper t

House 5 00’ John Morris, burying paupers I*2 00. CSGrant, ** “ 600

- nv, *5

Poor ami Insane.Amount paid H J Briscoe, Treasurer

Poor and Insane being $174.10 in ex-

-44 cess of the Levy $6,971 10


0 Public Schools.Amount paid John Squicr, Treasurer

44 of School Commissioners on order ofthe County Commissioners $.32,000 00

4) Printing.144 George O Garey $25 00

Win K Wright *2O 6244 Democrat Publishing Company 38 00144 Thomas B Williams.. 500144 E E Ewing Jk Son 400144 Henry R Torbert 210 00141 Daniel Bratton. 210 00

K) “ “ 47 00’5 “

“ 30 16George R Ash 16 20

' E E Ewing & Son 100lH Democrat Publishing Company 43 00

Henry R Torbert. 250 00I” Daniel Bratton 250 00

10 $1,243 28

Koads and Bridges.oN) First District.Nl)lt


Ml A T Deshane $57 015 W B Robinson 3* 4 880 James TColvin 25 00

x> r.s Culp it &•.

X) Charles Bailey 22 51hi E(f (’handlee Buuru .lames Bailey 19023

0 James R Stradley 21 73ju W illiamPearce 17 1jo Clavton Johns 1*2176

ro Ge.'.rgc R Richards 16 6"

'X) Samuel K Watts 30

rx> 17 R Pea fee 74 00

r X) N I*Ferguson I'.' 5ur 0 Jll Man love 31 lor MJ John J Dorsey 69 14

rx> A T Deshane 42 ihi

rxi Samuel 11 Watts 40 5orx) George R Kiehards 557rx) George Middle 21 25rx) James TColvin lovxil

rxi HFPriee 72 66rxi Wm B Robinson 24 <xi

rx James R Stradley 2s 7550 James T Colvin 6*25

50 Samuel I! Walls Isuo

rxi Chas Priee lo50 G K llukill 567

50 John Piser50 George R Richards*••• *202750 Joseph Wool ley hand 56 00

50 John J Dorsey *2 0250 John T Wilson ‘2B 3750 K R I’earee 54 34

50 Samuel 11 Watts .... 20 2050 N P Ferguson 951

50 James R Stradlev 512550 George W LoekwtHHl 12 5u

50 Clayton Johns50 Charles Bailey 17*25

50 George ItoWen •40

S W McGill 5 75Horace M Eaton louuWilliam It Davis 12 50It 31 (‘rauford 10 00lOIIIIT Wilson 13 00!¦; R Pearce ... louuS H Watts 16 ¦ 2A T I•< -Imne 47 oh31 ark 31unlove 19 25Charles Hailey 5 0031 A Sullivan* 4 8H

William Price 14 74KG ('handlee 1139'Thomas H Devine 11 *ioSamuel 11 Watts 2UHarry F Price 2 25George R Richard- 33 70Win TCannon 78 87(le ,rge T Bolton ...

18 12Win B Robinson 69 87George R Richards 13 37Charle- Ituiley 4125;Win Price Jr 36 OnHarry F Price 37 00Benjamin Price 21 37EGCiiatidlec 27 98George Kennedy 2 luWin It Robinson* 13 37


(Itto I Inker and Co ... 79 MAll Ircw W lull 6 75Andrew W lull 77 (H)

I’iserand Wilson ;uiß6iJohn T Woollevhand 16 00Andrew W (all 7 6s\ J Seliolicld 2 44

Gilo linker and Co 122 67Juno-.-S Merritt ... .... 12 anV. I* Liisl.n 12 60George \ iVverly 135 27Patrick Xinb-rson. 24 45A J Seholield.... 37 siJames Bailey 6 ftoWm A MeCroiic 9 75George T Bolton 7 25II F Price 14 1 *

John Anderson 15 90Walter W Woodall 43 47William T Caldwell 37 50J C Price jr 4 5oJohn S Hague 24 00

Second District.


John Wortz $ 13 75John F Allen 39 60Frank Stevens s 75Eli .1 Foard lo 62John F Allen 6(5 00Toward Lorailie 48 75John F Allen 49 €3Dennis Maloncv 9149C C Biddle.,..*. 9919John F Allen 27 uoJohn T Warner 265Clinton Toy s 12Elza W Wright 7 54John F Allen 54 onK Titter 30 00Wesley Clayton 5 25George Morgan l ssJohn F. Allen 34 13Jacob vihz 17 85Cecil Biddle 59 98Frank B Howard 22 38G (MdlianiMassey 34 19Frank Devalinger 200Curtis *1 Titter 15 imiJohn F Allen 17026


Wool Icy and Bennett $ 28 55Reuben Hevalon 12 5oG W Alexander 3 5oBenj Davenport 38 ouJames Hemphill 9 soJotmSHa-ue 110115George 900J A Boulden.... 28 96.1 P Steele 1000Jos 11 Brooks 108 toGeorge Morgan 20 87Frank Loguc 17 2 >Jacob Huber 37 63Wm II Peterson 23 75Woolley and Bennett 194 67John Morgan 42 30Wrought Iron Bridge‘ o 371 00John Morgan . . 350George Sliroeder 354 00Jacob Metz 320Reuben Hevalon 6 62E (7 Biddle 4 39Woolley and Bennett 67 03JohnS Hague 19 50John Milburn 11 siHerd man Sweatman 5 25James A Boulden 894Benj Davenport 3 75Thomas Morris 3 37George Shrader 8 loWoolley At, Bennett 11 88Chesautakc and Delaware Canal C0... 2000Johns Hague 6 75Dennis Maloney 1200Jacob Met/. 6 51LO Cameron 75 00

Third District.

ROAD CLAIMS.Frank Mcknight $ 563Dennis Mullen 117 68David Gilpin 38 ouWin K Holt 39 25George Burns 7 ouGeorge Bedwell 18 24Harry B Boulden 185 16a, M Hartnett

__ 5l 59John TMel nitre -,r. .t T 2 5nJoseph Corriden 17 5uJohn Fenton 26 u*j

CJ Campbell 25 00James A Simpers .... 15 25John Feebly *175James T Weeks lo 5oJames Maloney 4 51George W Denney 5 i*oJohn Hagan 8 75Bartley Hargan 15 uoMorris Dunbar 5000WmC Brogan 35 00Dennis Mullen 1390Hugh F Scarborough 1 uoWin J Grunt 8 87Isaac Yocum 40 u 2William .1 Mahoney 12 62I) M Hanna 12 50T W Scarborough 25 uoC J Cambell 3140J os T Spence 26 25Dennis Maloney 36 5uHarry B Boulden 20 75R H Emory 1:50W mT Lee 25 02John S Smith 14 12E P Mahoney 7-.5Chas D Racine 3444A K McNeal lo 00

William Yonker 49 63Cadmus Price 25 89Cadmus Price s 80John W Mahoney 8 37Michael Hartnett 19 2“Jos W Moore 5 09.lames Hartnett 12 24Harry B Boulden 46 25George H Burns 32 00Wm Denver u 5uJames H Kershaw 19 24J K Simpers 9 uoJohn McKnight 1500.Malvern Jones 39 25Elk MillsCo 22 50Timothy Carter lu toC Cameion II 52David Gregson ‘DuoHarry 11 Davis lo udDr H H Mitchell 16 suWinM Singerly 40000John Feuioii •••

25 00David Gilpin ]s 5 •John Feebly 3 07Robt Peoples lo 49Harry B Boulden 35 63Henry Drummond 22 75J Kennard Simpers 17 uu(leorge Denney 5 ouK TC Crouch 35 00(* Cameron 28SGeorge Bedwell 19 25Timothy Carter lo ouWilliam T Lee 4057David Hartnett 25 u 3Morris Dunbar 40 5uJohn Feebly 26 75Hurry H Boulden 2125Frank X Suter 20 34Jos M Moure 24 00James Weeks 10 75John T Biddle is 00James Hartnett 31 75('has Walton 1137John Hagan 20 25John McKnight 15 uoElk MillsCo 22 5oRobt Peoples 28 88George Ricketts 6 37George R Spence 20 ouWilliam Denver 14 50James Hershaw 24 6sJohn Briley 1500.1 Hunter Mahoney 24 ihiJohn T Biddle 31 69George H Burns 3200William J Mithoney 28ouD M Hanna 20 38Jesse K Simpers 14 uuWilliam C Brogan 85 00E 1* Mahoney 71 46James Walters 47 uoJohn Briley 750Timothy Carter luuoJohn Denver 41 5oJos M Moore 29 37John Regan 15110David Hartnett 3fl 2uWmC Brogan 51 25James Walters 14 74John Briley. 7 50W m T Lee 50 24Hartley Hargan 1500Annie Bryson (admr) 30 ouHenry Biddle 5 60Morris Dunbar 39 00George R Spence 2000Richard Plummer 5 uoK P Mahoney 19 12Benjamin Sapp 37 42

$3,262 44ItRIDOE CLAIMS.

John Gilpin $ 189 JGeorge M(*U.ullkin Uo 72William A Miller 237David T Hutton l uoWilliam TLee 35 95Elk Mills Co 2182Harry W Hell 2 50Wm A Miller 200George W Denney 2000Frank E Marple 145 00

J Hunter Mahoney 350Jesse K Simpers s 15W Houchellc 4 86Frank X Suter u 7uKeys*. Miller 173 55Wm M Singerly 2 75John McKnight 4 12Hugh Thompson. 5 00

Frank E. Marple 23 00

John Hagan s 62E P Mahoney 175 00

L F Bryson 5 ouT W Scarborough lo 00Harlan Bros 8 52Win Denver .6 •

.1 A Campbell 20 00

John Whelan 200Harry W Bell 200Key.- At -Miller 85 17H W Bell. 2 0oL Frank Bryson 50 0uKeys it Miller lot 44Dennis Mullen 5 43William T Miller 4 57Hairy W Bell .. 20uAllred M. Smith 22 5oOliver (’Junes 2600

Fourth District.4koai> claims,

.lames Mackey $ 49 77Chas. Anderson 21 75(leorge T Peterson 49 uuRobe it .1 McCleary 23 00

The Cecil Whigi .lame- M Casbo.. 470i David Mcdlaster 33 87i Samuel ( r*s?an

.. louui (leorge W Biles 2093

John McCleary 28 7dGeorge M Campbell 37 ouHarry M Brown 17 88.lame* A Mackey 34 05D W Morrison 28 37George W Devinney 72 ooJames A Mackey 73 55Win II Frazer 26 73Robert Anderson 55 50Theodore Warren 4u 00James A Mat-key 51 87Clarence W Steele 45 30James MeKane 4 75John McCleary 737Win. Ritchie 38 58

.1 M Casho 15 50Robert McCleary 1150Theodore Warren 23 25Win T MiHer 20 35C L Brokaw 41 19William Kyle 21 99Wm C Henderson 62 37George T Pete re on 3175William Lloyd 6164JZ Finley 17 25John J Willis 20 11J Harry Covington 5 50Harry M Brown . 6 25<' W Steele 600John Hearn 1735Jos W Blown. 17 62Samuel Lauimey 1950(’Maries Anderson 55 25Martin Gallaher 20 86Samuel J (Satcheli 29 58W Reese Mahan 60 67Howard Scott.... 14 74William L Cunn 26 37William G racte 62 25Jos Miller 38 75John A inlet son 36 60Thus McMackei 21 luJohn S Smith 12 18Charles Covington 7 75(/’has T McCauley 7 75W’i 11lain Foster 68 70Robert 11 Steele 11 50William Armst ong 28 25William Stewart 26 50

James Law 45 25Steele and Gregson 30 uoJohn W Ewing 21 86John H Taylor 500James Smith**** 3600William C Henderson 25 75HoseaK Smith 15 25Theodore Warren 11 00Robert Anderson 28 75Levis and Son 22 19.loss Scarborough 15 12Theodore Warren 21 5oRobert Anderson 40 50James A Mackey 36 50RobtC Smith 10000(J B Logan 64 74


A L Saxton $ 13 6uJohn Brown 18 31Waller H Armstrong 5 10Wm C Hendertou 140 ouST Arbuckle 2150T .1 Willis 50 63Peter Peterson 00 63E 11 Strahorn 134 23John TWillis 180 73Peter Petersen 67 u7John Brown 24 37Pea rson E Wild man 27 00Levis and Son 25 75James a Mackey 297

Ellery Colby 2927 00William M Singerly 4 5u

ruth District.RUAD CLAIMS.

Jos K Burns $43 13Harry B Boublen 28 25Mathew Russell, Jr 82 OoG B L gan 75 48Wm A Trimble 23 62Mathew Russell 117 75.1 H MottUt T 37Henry C Mahoney 36 25TM Phillips 20 23John w Arrants 5501John W Reed 38 50William E Owens 49 91Thus Weaver 44 00George W Ga I nor 33 75Lambert Pott- 35 82David Cunningham 40 uoWilliam 11 Armour 27 75Willi im A Wilson 43 54J T Armour 84 25William J Wilson 100 03Matthew Russc 1 1155John T Holt 4163William E Davidson 47 13Chas J Bayard 82*5G W Benjamin 12 75J Nelson Black 92 25William Guiberson 28 25J H Moffitt 900Henry Jackson 16 50Wm H Holden 36 25Albert Beniamin 3215Cecil F Lilly 36 12Evan G Sent man 253 18W W Benjamin 69 46John W Heed 6 52G B Logan 3 00(’ H Simpers 11 75J N BlacK 6 50Mathew Russell 33HejugNbickson 6 5o-.Tos K Williams 10 75Harry B Boulden 28 75George W Gainur 1175C F Bayard 49 82Mathew Russell 56 25(> H Logan 13 53William T Dawsmi 10 18John C McNamee 34 27N Milburn 58 47Absolom Hyland 15 00OB Logan 20 12Mathew Russel. Sr 2 87Wm J McDowell 26 12Mrs Ellen McLaughlin 2 70William .1 Wilson 12167CJ Bayard 13149Mathew Russell, Sr 4 74Mathew Russell. Jr 26 25

.1 T Wilson 26 75George W Gainer 1000Absalom Hyland 14 19MeVey and Guiberson ... 156 00Wm 11 Trimble 24 57Win J McDowell 22 75J T Armour 22 28R H Logan 78 49Jos William 20 00() B Logan 153 33George WCraig 50 11George A Lewis 25 12William M Thompson .... .... 50 76Henry C Mahoney 27 50Jeiry Mahoney 27 50Addison F White 47 75John 11 Thompson 19 18M N Sentman 91 75Mathew Russell 11l 25Wm 31 Thompson 875John W Arrants 36 75Gc-irgo A Lewis 23 25WiliiuniE ()wens 12 00Charles W Simpers 11l 98Jerry Mahoney 7 5oLambert Potts 34 38Stephen Atkinson 153 86Absalom Hyland 24 250 B J.ogan... 1600H 31 Cameron ll5uJH Rutter 40 90

Jlathew Russell, Sr 10 53Stephen Atkinson 12 58Evan W Sentman .. . 10812William N Trimble TOOThomas Weaver 9 75William J Wilson 28 50L’ 11 • iwcns 69 59C F Bayard 67 81Henry C Mahoney. 950John W Arrants i 33 00William J (’lurk 28 12T 31 Phillips 512

$4,334 72UIUDUE claims.

S3l Johnson Co sl6 ouAbsalom Hyland 33 39Absalom Hyland 24 26C T F Mearns 22 95George P Whitaker Co 211 12Mathew Russell 77 00Jos R Burns 7 03K 31 Cameron 134 54(’has T F Mearos 27 72Wm H Armour 22 93Thomas II Warburton 22 95A Anderson 16 43William Abrams .. 149 (Mi

J T Armour 11 66Wm A Wilson 2 87C T F Hearns L*William Abrams 116 00Lambert Potts 51 77Wm H Armour 7 30<’has T F Mearns 10 00George G Rose 25 10John H Thompson 9 00

R A Jackson 2 46(1T F Means 65u

1 R Dean 1719Jos R Williams 26 00Absalom Hyland 7 49Joli 11 H Armstrong k Co 3 25

John Roach 5 00

Sixth District.


Chas McDougal $ 24 67E G Williams 177 07Stephen J Murphy 20 37Jos F McMullen 45 37EM Hunt 40 55WmC Fisher 13 00

J J Reynolds 18 25Samuel J Jenness 22 85K L Tosh 32 86R LTosh 14 50.1.1 Reynolds 55 75S 11 Moore 47 87I) W MeVey 27 25Chas McDougal 4 75Henry M Evans 93 66John C Dougherty 9126Maurice C Reeder 22 74Barclay Reynolds 29 63William J (’ameron 15 75J E Jenkins 30 00

William Boyd 26 00Andrew Aiken 32 50J B Kennard 91 81John Cummings 12 75William P Cuulsoa 26 12William Boyd 32 51Wakeinun H Richardson 9 25T J Wi son 12(94Stephen Murphy 89 02T Braden Gille.-pie 6 62John T Pierce 16 12K L Tosh 115 90

T J Wilson 124 45Stephen Murphy 46 31J E Jenkins 26 00

Barclay Reynolds 16 76J B Kennard 46 75.1.1 Reynolds 13 37Elmer E Johnson 606W W 31 ax well ll94W Thomas Brickley. 82 12Josiah Reynolds 42 65George A Wright 22 75Win P Coulson.. 9 5oHenry 31 Evans 24 11Bonj W MeVey 6 06David F Nesbitt 2187B F Reynolds 4 87K L Tosh 32 40Allred Kirk 69 62

J J Reynolds b*4 15

James H Evans 25 00George A Wright f 2 25Tims Foster 17 50('has McDougal 2 75Edward < J Williams .. 72 92Hugh Wilev 12 75Gibbons P 3loorc 16 25A J Michener 48 17Jos T Riale 14 27

Martin Davcnaugb 26J25EM Hunt w

WHOLE No. 2.64616 S T Hindman, lor making road surveys12 C H Smith. Winchester Smeltzer and18 Donohue’s road damages....’5 Rebecca Todd, land bought ol RebeccaM Todd for road Geo McGuilkin, repairs to road mu12 chine 1*53

>5 American Road Machine Co 47SOUi" Town Commissioners Rising Sun 125 0018 Town Commissioners North East.. 250 005 Town Commissioners Port Deposit 450 00

Town CommisslonersCharlestown 100 001 Town Commissioners Chesapeake City 160 001 Town Commissioners Elkton 300 00

2? $3,08018

Reductions.0 Amount ol County Tax not collectable2 on account ol erroneous assessments,

insolvencies and removals from the5 county 771 625


2Sheep Fund.

‘ Samuel Megill $ 670Samuel Megill 11 70

£ Samuel Megill 670® John J Williams 121 507 Chas Griffith 32 251 Geo N Bennett 46 50

i H.l Briscoe 44 56H J Briscoe 113 90

4 H J Briscoe 5004 Enoch Noyes • 680'* William TEtheringUm 160 706 SCPascult 16 70

1 S C Pascult 51 702 Samuel Megill 16 70; John Squire. 437 39

JJ VV 'l* Etherington 60 20

• $1,139 00L> _____


1 Taxes Paid in Error.2 C C Strickland ,

7 Mrs Annie E Clayton 37 63j H Els worth Simpers 16 60

\ John II Harlan 323- Thomas Miller Philips 678

j J ABoyd 112 27

j $ 106 67

RECEIPTS FOR 1891.J Balance on hand July 1,1891 $12,787 96J County Tax levied 92,816 44

} Interest on County Tax 695 62• C W Witworth, rent of coping 1200

I T E Hogg, old road machine 50 00J Jos Condon, contribution to road repairs 25 00

Kent County, cno hall repairs to Sassa-fras Bridge 168 37

’ F P Price, out pensions returned 320} Wm J Duhamoll. JP, tine* collected... 14 00

Janies T Graham, Clerk Circuit Court,J fines collected 24 33

James A Davis, Clerk Circuit Court,Liquor Licenses 138 54

James A Davis, Clerk Circuit Court,5 Liquor Licenses 419 58

j Janies T Graham. Clerk Circuit Court.I Liunor Licenses 98 96

[ James T Graham, Clerk Circuit Court,, Liquor Licenses 6,327 00

5 James T Graham, Clerk Circuit Court,> Liquor License• 217 70

C H Smith, road damages refused byWinchester Smelt/.er and Donahue. 525 00

j Collected on State Tax and paid to\ Cecil County 27906

j Sheep Fund 44 56) Sheep Fund Dog Tax 1,139 0C

• $115,770 32

DISBURSEMENTS.i Bonds maturing $4,500 00

j Circuit Court, Clerk $1,152 80,j “ Counsel Fees 1,048 90

, Bailitf'and Crier 636 50r “ Jurors .. 3,152 20

J •* Sheriff 4,417 241 “ Witnesses 1,511 28

i ‘* Miscellaneous.... 1,139 085 13,068 00l County Commissioners' court 5,113 95

j Constables 153 47l County Building 1,490 5)

I Discount 2,512 45, Elections 2,119 02

[ Incidentals 344 40> Inquisitions 205 95

[ Insane, “out ol the county’* 6uooInterest 1,080 00

i J ustices of the Peace 166 01, Orphans* Court 1,026 75

j Out Pensions. 437 35Poor and Insaue 6 974 10 i

> Paupers 245 25f Printing 1,243 28

Public Schools 32,000 00; Reductions and Insolvencies 771 52

, Roads ami Bridges, extra and new work 36 379 91[ Roads and Bridges, general 3j)80 08

j Sheep Fund 1.139 00

i Cash Surplus in the Treasurer 1,675 32

j $115,7711 ffii


I Trustees of the Poor and Insane! OP CECIL, COUNTY,


Fiscal Year Ending Jane 30th. 1892.

- To the County Commissioners op Cecil Co.,• Gentlemen—We .hereby submit our annual

j report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1892:, There have been admitted to the Almshouse

! and Insane Asylum during the year just closed| 30 persons, 23 to the Almshouse and 7 to the r| Insane Asylum, one patient has been discharged

i from the Insane Asylum, and four from the Alms1 house, leaving the total inmates now {in the two •

institutions as lollows;Almshouse 45

Insane Asylum, ... 27~7 3

Showing a gain of eight over the same period oflast year, and we have had to tecord six deaths'since June 30,1891. The number ol tramps apply

,l#* 1

ing lor aid has been larger than former years, andSix Hundred and Ninety-Seven Meals have beenfurnished to them.

Respectfully submitted,JOHN W. MAHONEY, Secretary.



Trustees of the Poor and Insane /iFor the Year Ending June 30,1892. 'i

* ’ I .Receipts.

Cash from County Commissioners being $474 10 in excess ol the levy vlO

ChasT F Mearns Hay 391 60 -

Cash lor board for Mrs Milburn 36 00Cash lor old grain drill 12 00Cash for turkeys 4 16 1 \Cash for Hog 2 00 vCash for beef hide 2 30

. . -

i l ash for hay 36 86Cash for calf. 8 20Cash lor 248 bushels wheat 248 27

i Cash for calf 690Cash tor hay 20 80Cash lor beet hide and fat 2 03Cash lor H J Briscoe, Tie is 5 82

$7,750 93Uisourseiueiits.

George McNeal 20 06Cecil Telephone Co 12 50W P Harvey 24 35 _

C J Campbell 12 48\ THVanpelt 10 70, Dr Howard Bratton 50 00

McCauley Bros 28 36I F H Mackle 800

James Hartnett 62 60John Gilpin 49 00

. Samuel Davis 500W T Weaver 18 00Herman Ball 152 00S .1 Keys 87 67

, C i Campbell 16 34Howard Bros 57 25John G Clucck 36 76

, P K Arbuckle 290, 1) H Collins 380, GeorgeS Woolley 2100

J W Mahoney 24 00

i C Wood 475 ., Huger Witworth 34 24, F P Price 61 77

W T W eaver 21 00} l-lias F Diggs 74 85

[ Thomas Fryer 11 08’ John liuevk At Son 33 36, C M Boulden \360

, Samuel Davis 10 00• John Everitt 69 93

, McCauley & Bro 29 18Jethro McCauley 289 68F KMarple 37 00

• Daniel Harvey 49 25J W Maloney 21 00S J Keys 51 33

[ W T Weaver 36 00, John Everitt 104 75, George S Wool ley 37 00

[ Samuel Davis 10 00

I Howard &. Bros 61 37c Cecil Telephone and Telegraph Co 12 60

, FP Price - 73 32C S Grant -

18 00

1 l? M Boulden 15 742 Democrat Publishing Oo 750

John G Gueck it Son 40 26H B McCauley 26 03

; C J Campbell 12 502 C Wood -———•

21 455 .1 I) Davis 263 964 McCauley & Bro 26 352 John G (Jfueck 5t Son 33 42 £

6 Samuel Davis 10 00j W’ T Weaver 18 00

5 F P Price 42 510 .1 W Johnson fit Son 46 50- Howard At Bro 720

1 C M Boulden 1107John Everitt *O9 •**-.

Thomas H Warburton 216—^C M Boulden 19 *1H H Mitchell 37 60

u Heister Hess 49 360 K C Levis 22 99,J John Kveritt 14 810 James Steele 52 44° Mrs James Steele . . .

. 16 000 C Wood 788

I.Mias F Diggs .... 3*2000•s J W Johnson 4t Son . . . 31 10

Manly Drennen . . .• 3121

" Howard fit Bro . . 18 75A S Woolley . . . . 50 oo

0 McCauley A Bro . ... 2693John G Queck fit Son . .

. 414111 James Bros fit Co . ... 16 80“ JS Settle IT 80" Work it Campbell . . . 21 86

Daniel Harvey , . . 43 38u William Perkins lor John Perkins . 28 750 WT W eaver .... 18 00


5 EM Hunt 30 4 17 Samuel J Jenncss 14 62n William R Cameron. 49 D3 S.I Murphy 13 75> Win Boyd 28 91J A Brumlield : <55 208 < Jeorge A Lynch 5625 T.l Wilson 102 557 J J Reynolds : 31 87

J John R Smith ; 25 08j George W Foist Tu 75

i Henry M Evans 16 50i I) W McVey 16 01i Henry 1> Keen 1181' B F Reynolds 19 12l S M Moore 60 12• JosF McMullen 38 75’ Jos H Lincoln 204 33i Samuel F Fierce 250

Jos H Lincoln 164 02i Benj McVey Ih7i John C Dougherty 59 75• K L Tosh 575• Jonathan Reynolds 82 12' Stephen .I M urohy 11 5o

Barclay Reynolds 4 37i E G Williams 610

OD Nesbitt 15 68• John 17 Dougherty 696

El wood Bald erston 26 12i Martin Cavenaugh 38 25i R L Tosh 16 77i J J Reynolds 20 75i R L Tosh 27 14

; Stephen Murphy 148 14J J Reynolds 12*180Jos FMcMullen 43 06Wm J Keaveuey 24 08John C Dougherty 53 08John L Stephens 33 97Thomas Foster 19 55Hugh Wiley 15 00WllliaiiT Briekley 26 62Jos T Riale 27 66Josiah Reynolds 47 99J B Kennard 166 14Henry M Evans 86 73R L Tosh 132 42Chas McDuugal. 49 870 D Nesbitt 36 10William P Coulson 43 50William Boyd 8137Benjamin McVey 11 75T J Wilson 15 37William J Fisher... 55 96


OD Nesbitt $ 55 00L() Cameron 500 00L i) Cameron 875 00LO Cameron 20000L (J Cameron 350 <mA L Duy jkinck At Co 3 06William Richards At Son 11 24J B Kennard 58 33t Jeorge Mcliuilkin 323 00William Richards 5 70

Seventh District.


J H Charsha $209 26Wa 1 ton Ta y lor • 39 36Phillips ’*Craig 54 82William H Weir 44 91

John C Linton 42 25George W Taylor 121 93Clinton Jackson 46 50Maxwell Gay i960John C Dougherty 46 87John CLinton 68 75McClenahan and Bn 3 54Samuel D Fisher 70 78Levi E Hasson luouJames Graham 35 25H J Lofland 57 37William TCampbell 103 12Joseph C Ryan 29 17William TPatton 49 15J Maxwell Gay 16 50W Clifton Jackson 44 15John C Dougherty 24 50Samuel Whitaker 19 63William T Patton 22 55Phillips F Jackson 42 87James G McCay 43 60Phillip Craig..*, 79 70George W Taylor 296 25William H Weir 23 46William T Patton 130 21James Sterrett 28 13.Inline iKmgherty ... 83 81John C Linton. ..*. 69 74J H Kimble 9 00Geonce K Patterson 30 <lSamuel Jackson.. 20000Joseph (7 Ryan 5u 11Samuel Jackson 38031John (7 Linton 46 h 3F M Rawlings 14 75James Graham 1325William T Campbell 86 22Samuel Whitaker 10 12c w Taylor 38 37

1 H Hammond 12*7.1 H Chars ha 89 15J Ma swell Gay ••

•• 7 50

Phillip Craig 19 64M H Seiitinan. 8 25Clinton Jackson 56 36H J Loti and 97 82John C Dougherty 62 56George W Taylor 10l 75Cornelius Tome... 71 62A J McVey 19 75OthoS Jackson 14,5TT”John C Linton 27 75John M Kirk 37 12J 1) Simmers .. 56 soWin B Weir 4167George W Taylor /CT : . 23 50.Tames G McCoy;...T..7T 39 32Tsmc H Hammond 18 85William Culbertson 11 00

$3,673 78


William Abrams $ 915Rowland Mfg Co 26 90W P Ewing 1 87Rowland Mfg 28 75Rowland Mfg Co •••• 5 81Rowland Mfg Co 13 86Reynolds Bro 1220Stephenson and Reynolds 24 62Rowland Mlg Co 13 46George W Taylor 260 25William T Patton 25 s 5Penn Bridge Company 300 00Ellery Colby 70 00EJ Jackson 30 00

$ 822 72

Eighth District.

ROAD CLAIMS.SC Caldwell $ 32 00James Sterrett 36 88J J Bennett 91 25Theodore Ewing 4950

David C Brown 35 84John J Dennett 8180Chas H MeGuigan 35 63William Dorsey 17 75William J Simmers 14 37John T Smith ; 34 87Marshall Began 2137William Rilev 1000SC Woodrow* 120 29H B Garvine 6802Henry Riley 19 13John T Smith 6 25John TCoulson 55 68William Dorsey 7 00Theodore Ewing 66 noChas H MeGuigan 2125Patrick Boyle 13 12J B Kennard 130 76John W Hagan 33 87Wm K Dempsey 72 75A K Crothers 42 50John A Dunn 78 39J H Kirk 4181.1 P Cain 53 37


John K White $ :*5 00

Ninth District.


Earl Reynolds $ 38 79B 11 Logan 48 4nWm J Crothers 39 62L Cold man 12 50John Gallaher 37 07George Lee Col 4 65James Gilford 51 soJohn W T Crothers 50 37A B Cameron 3192Milton H Hasson 107 6<iBC Larail ere 22 75J Boss Conly 48 25DH Cullen 89 28A Churchman 10 87.1 L Crothers 7 00Samuel C Smith 51 25Levi B Mearns 39 93Earl Reynolds 57 75El. Duyeklnck 10 25Isaac Diirhorow 36 50Joli 11 Cameron : 15 48John P Cain 4149Win J Crothers 1513Samuel J Brown 7139Campbell and Carter 15 25B C Larzalere 1312J W Hall 185 77William B Kirk. ... 47 05J Hopkins England 48 25.1 Boss Conley 13 87Bold TCameron 49 87George W Chidistcr 8 76B L Anderson 14 soWm E Davidson 11 00

I. C (lldhan 4 75B L Anderson 6 56J Harvey Hindman 29 25I. C Oldham * 6 00

Samuel P Hall 37 11William C Davidson 29 12L C < Milha 28 13Earl Beynolds 40 27John P Cameron 45 00Levi K Mearns 40^62

$1,614 68


Howard Brown 33 37Jos P Cain 4KII H England 98 52LB Carhart 8 64

I 11 England 82 42LB Carhart 3 22B H Logan 9 84Isaac II England 29 34J W Hall * 2125LO Cameron 25 00Howard Brown 11 57

$ 36112


First District, Roads and Bridges $ 2,850 94Second District. Roads and Bridges... 2,616 42Third District, Roads and Bridges 4.4ul 58Fourth District. Roads and Bridges... 5,959 84Fifth District, Roads and B idges 5.427 12Sixth District, Roads and Bridges 7,322 26Seventh District, Hoads and Bridges.. 4.496 50Eighth District. Roads and Bridges.. . 1,326 45Ninth District, Roads and Bridges 1,978 80

Total lor Roads and Bridges $36.379 91

UoatlH and Bridges General.

Robert Shelton salary as bridge tender 86 001 American Road Machine Co 32 50

• Wm Borem salary as bridge tender... 5o 001 Wm L Mearns at road examiner 400

Allred P McCoy making survey ol road 4 00George S Woolley as road examiner.. 200D M Hillenhouse, repairs to toad ma

chine '<*2s1 Emil Holm, appropriation tor steam

I lorry 150 00> Town Commissioners Cecilton, appro-) prlatlon tor street repairs 15000• Geo W Walmsley, salary as bridge

tender 75 00II w Eisenhart, repairs to road scraper 300

i John F Chick,repairs to road scraper 850> John W Heaven, services as road ex-> amlner 410’ Wm T Patton, services as road cx-

r amlner 410

S Thus C Bond, services as road ex-

i amlner 4 1°