the cecil whig (elkton, md.) 1907-06-22 [p 2] · 2017-12-14 · to be done in secret, an instance...

Deaths RICHARD II’X\ HVNSON In tlu' (loath of Richard I)- Hynson, of Chv.*tvrtow n. wlmse ilhu** wa> noted in the WHIG. Kent county has lost one of her best and most beloved s< ms. The papers of his home County join in paying; loving tribute to his worth and nobility of nature. Mr. Hynson died Sunday. June j. after an illness of but little more than a week, aged years. His funeral was held Tuesday week and was one of the most largely attended that Kent county has ever known. He is survived by his wife, who was Miss Kninta A. Gilpin, whom he mar- ried in iSpj, and live children, and also by his aged mother and two sisters, Mrs, William M Sly and Mrs Mar- tern Rogers. Ihe Kent News pat s hun tb s tri- bute:—"lt was in the home life that the beauty of Mr. Henson's character was seen. If ever a star shone brightly in the firmament, if ever a bud blossomed mto a flower, that star and that flower was Richard I). Hynson. There was an aroma of affection and kindness in his presence. He was fitly mated and wore his kingly crown with consum- ing modesty at the same time showing its jewels both rich and rare. The most beautiful things in the world are truth and friendship as shown in the acts of men. Souls are flooded with the pure light of beauty when thee think of his charitable deeds intended to be done in secret, an instance of devotion to principle, a loce of truth manifested for its own sake. He cul- tivated the gentle charities of life and did good wherever the opportunity of- fered. He was a friend in need to all men and always cherfttl. He has left an aching heart in many a breast which only “He who doeth all things well'’ can ease.' 1 Whiil Our Reporter Saw In New Hork A recent visit to one of the largest paint factories in the world, disclosed machinery that was producing 10,00 c gallons of Paint and doing it better and in less time than too gallons could be made by hand mixing. This was the celebrated L. & M. Paint. The L. & M. Zinc hardens L, 6c M. White Lead and makes L. 6c M. Faint wear like iron for 10 or 15 rears. g gallons L. 6c M. mixed with 3 gal- lons Linseed Oil makes 7 gallons c: Paint at a cc-t of less than $1.20 per gallon. It any defect exists in L. 6c M. Pair.; will repaint house for noth’ng. Donations of L. 6c M. nude churches. Sold bv K Pi. Prarer. Fiat- n; Ronev. North East; \V. P. C Port Deposit. Weddings spin Kurd; Sassafras (dorre sp itdvticv. 1 ( liu "i the prettiest home wedding* I tlu 'eaon took place at the honu t Mr. and Mrs I. \\ l-'ord, near -still Pond, on Wednesday' evening. June 5. at 5.30 o'clock, when tluir daughter. \da AdiTiv. became tin bride of Mr. Irvmg Wright Spry, of mar Sassafras The home wa- bvi.u- rtflllly decorated with evergreens and ut flowers of various kind* Prompt- ly at the appointed hour, to the strains of the wedding march, played by Mr-. Alice Ogden Hummeml. cousin of the bride, assisted by her brother on the flute, the bridal party entered the par- lor. The ushers, Me-srs Louis A. Dreka and William Ford, were the first to cuter the room, followed by the groom and best man, Mr. W. Ford; then came the maid of honor. Miss Tessie Crew, and then the bride leaning on the ar mof her brother, by whom she was given in marriage. Rev. T. S, Holt, a former pastor of the bride, performed the ceremony, under an arch of evergreens. After the congratulations, the many guests gathered in the dining-room, where re- freshments were served in abundance, by a caterer from Baltimore. There were more than one hundred guests present After the reception. Mr, and Mrs. Spry started, amid a shower of rice, for their new home near Sassa- fras. There, is a good prospect for the establishing of a ship yard at New- castle. Parties have been in the town recently trying to secure option on land for such a plant. It is stated that a shipyard concern wanted the land re- cently bought by the Tropena Steel Company chartered last week at $750,- 000. OAKWOOD Mr*. Howard Johnson is slowly im- pr<-ving from an attack of scarlet lever, Howard Reynolds' new house is al- c -1 completed, .V! ilv playing hi the yard one day :.-l v ¦••¦ k. the two year old child ot Mrs. Walter Jam *r, n ate s,,me night shad which made the child very ill. Dr Reagan was summoned and ,-oon n lieved the little one of it* suffering. Mi'* Alice Bennett recently met with a painful accident by falling down the .'cllar stair* and breaking her leg. but we arc glad to report that she i* impn wing < btr fa r liters are endeavoring t" put t’u roads 111 order, as Ih. > are in r. vt ry bad condition, having been wash- ed considerably by the recent storms. To Guard Susquehanna Fish j Samuel F. Hudson, a member of the Pennsylvania Legislature, has been in communication with Corville ft. Hen- son and Walter R. Townsend, of Maryland, in regard to the conference between the commissions appointed by j Maryland and Pennsylvania for the purpose of framing legislation which will tend to protect and preserve the fish interest* of the two States in the J two river- It has been arranged for ! the Pennsylvanians to meet the Mary- I ami commission on Wednesday. June jo, to make a joint inspection of the 1 t'-rritory affected. Governor Stuart of j Pennsylvania, i* much interested in the subject, and may make the trip with tin Pennsylvania commission. Treated 1,000 Cases For Rahies I >r. \ (1 Kcirlc. director <d the r.'iteiir Institute*. flaltinu rc. lia* cm- tdefed the treatment hi* anilth cim ii>r the prevention "t hy- I dr--pin dea. In th* i.nno c;i- *> treated. Iwn h e d ¦ ¦ rah <.f the<e Ind chn*nie PirijLflil** disease Mti 'i'i- takinvr the tr< atincnt. !)r K "r't * rep'irt h..\v< that I .W ' the I ciM s \ve’-e 1 itt n by air'mak that | j r. liirl Tht \vm '* weri indicted I ’•" ' s ’7-| 1 \ dhy ,t. i I r-1 ¦ ••ml -i I\ human Ik ; nu - i)f j Nervous Indigestion j The action of diges- tion is controlled hy nerves leading to the stomach. When they are weak, the stomach is de- prived of its energy. It has no power to do its work. If you want per- manent relief, yon must restore this energy. Dr. Miles’ Nervine restores nervous energy, and gives the organs power to per- form their functions. “For many years I was an acute sufferer from nervous Indigestion; at limes I was so despondent life seemed almost a burden. I tried all kinds of remedies and various physicians with little or no relief, until one night last summer I saw Dr. Miles’ Nervine ana Heart Cure advertised. 1 resolved to make one more trial which I did in the purchase of one bottle of Nervine and one of Heart (hire. In a few days J began to feel better, which encour- aged me so much that I continued the medicine until I had taken more than a dozen bottles. I am very much im- proved In every way; in body, mind and spirits since. I make a special point to recommend the medicine, ana 1 Del a sincere pleasure in knowing that several persons have been bene- fited through mv recommendations,** A. S. MELTON, Ashville, N. C. Dr. Miles’ Nervine Is sold by your druggist, who will guarantee that the first bottle will benefit. If it fails, he will refund your money. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind I :: THE ELKTON HARDWARE STORE I ? .. Offers Window Screens and Doors in keep out the pe>- 4. ¦ tifeious fly ami the festive uiOMjitilo—Popular prices. J *' Oil and Gasoline Stoves ~ Oil ami Gasoline Stores keep llie house coo! ami the cook compos f ed—Lowest prices. 4. ' Enameled Ware •• Kmerald Hnameled Ware the hesi in the Market. If ton trv a 4* piace you will want more. •!* T Lawn Mowers T .. Lawn Mowers and Sickles, Grass Shears, Rake l Hoes and Shovels 4 , . for the Lawn and Garden—Lowest Prices. J. '* Lawn and Field Fence * ~ Lawn and Field Fence, Poultry Netting, all heights, ' T Xt/rsery Re frigerat ors T * Nursery Refrigerators a great comfort for the sick room ora picnic 4* •• —J2.25 #2,75 #5.00. J. ** Hammocks 4* , , Hammocks in all styles and all prices—but the lowest. T .. Fly Xets T Fly Nets for the Horse—7sc. to J3.00. X •• Let u* have your inquiries. 4, •• Prompt attention and satisfaction guaranteed, otherwise jour 4, uionev refunded 4 :: SAMUEL H. KINO 0 0 Elkton, Maryland | ; v c A New Orleans woman was thin. <Qi Because she did not extract sufficient $ nourishment from her food. A j*. to°k *s'co ** , - r Emulsion. X | Result: d I 'i f -'¦¦ She gained a pound a day in weight. ( I ALL DRUGGISTS: 50c. AND SI.OO the cnso treated 719 were males anti 281 females. 32.? were children under 10 years old. Ihe youngest patient was 7 months old and the oldest 82 year- School Commissioners Ihe following bills were approved and ordered to be paid: I hiyckinck, Sterrett (J Co ?6,6t 1 laniel Hawke 9.00 Mrs. Annie Fryer 250 Maurice Cole, rent, I’erryville. . 72.00 1 I homas M. Hague, fencing Acad- emy 1.25 Mm Chidester. rent. Xo. 7.3 d.. 500 W .1 C. Dittany Co., b00k5.... 3,78 I at lor \ Reynolds. Colored In- dustrial 2.78 Cecil County Xews 11.52 F. \V. Tat lor 8.00 .1. 11 Jackson, repairs, Xo. 7, Seventh 10.00 Appeal 7.68 J. M. Ash 10.00 0. D. Crothers j... too J. L. Moore 7.85 Cecil Star, stationery 22.00 M Hartnett 5.00 Adourned, GEO. BIDDLE, Secretary. 1 Cures Blood, Skin Diseases, Cancer, Great- est Blood Purifier Free If your blood is impure, thin, dis- eased, hot or full of humors, if you J have blood poison, cancer, carbuncles, * eating sores, scrofula, eczema, itching, j risings and bumps, scabby, pimply skin, | bone pains, catarrh, rheumatism, or any blood or skin disease, take Botanic Blood Balm, (B. B. B.) Soon all sores heal, aches and pains stop and the blood is made pure and rich. Drug- gists or by express per large bottle. | Sample free by writing Blood Balm j Co., Atlanta, Ga. B. B. B. is especially ] advised for chronic, deep-seated cases, 1 as it cures after all else fails. *iyr Here is Relief (or Women Mother Gray, h nurse in New York.discov- ered an aroinalle pleasant hern cure for women's ills, called AI)STR ALI AN-LEAF, it is tin- only certain monthly regulator, Cures female weaknesses and liackache. Kidney, gladder and i'rlnary I muhles. At all druggists or by mail, 50 cents, sample KItKK. Address, The Mother Gray Co., 1. el toy. N. V. II ONLY^ . /¦> FOR MARIANDaTH[I..C Z t.Cft NORTH CAPITOL ST. A CARLOAD OF CULTIVATORS The biggest invoice of wheel Cultivators ever brought into this County. I have now in my warehouse 75 NEW-AGE RIDING CULTIVATORS W Inch 1 can dispose of at jobbers prices, having bought in such large quanity—AND THEY ARE GOING FAST. | J. H. SMITH , CECILTON - - MARYLAND May ->1 \r I Price s Bulletin^ SUMMER SPECIALS i) FAWN'S Lot Scent goods. ", cents vatd. j 12 L and cent Lawns aMADRAS—-Yard wide, sliort lengths, 10 CHILDREN’S DRESSES—If you haven't r |-~y-7 \ JTT time to make up the goods, we are show- ¦! \ | > n g a full line of Children’s Dresses, made “*¦ styles ot Gingham, Lawns, Voils and Piques. Price, 50c. to $3 each. UNDERWEAR —Muslin Underwear at last season’s prices—only possible because we placed large orders before the advance in muslin. MONEY SAVED by buying here. Anticipate your future wants. We cannot duplicate the goods at present prices. MUSLIN —“Fruit ot the Loom,” “Lansdale,” yard wide goods, 11 / cents per yard by the piece only. Still have yard wide un- bleached muslin for 5 cents per yard. TAPLE OIL CLOTH in colors, regular width, 12C cents per yard. CHEAP. Grocery Department Seven pounds Good Santos Coffee for sl. Table Tumblers, 12 cents dozen—only one dozen to each pur- chaser—none to dealers. We are paying highest price for Fresh Eggs and Prime Lard. Do your buying here and SAVE MONEY. FRANK P. PRICE Main and Bow Sts., Clkton. Maryland Jewett Refrigerators - . . ..... l Glass and Galvanized lined; Oil and Gasoline Stoves; Summer Lap Spreads; Elwood Wire Fencing. The Roger Witworth Hardware Co., Main 6 Bridge Streets. : ELKTON, MD. CECIL WHIG ELKTON, SATURDAY, JUNE 22, 19 0 7 HENRY VINSINGER Funeral Director AND DEALER IN FURNITURE FURNITURE— Large and complete line. Bedroom S its, Ex- tension Tables, Etc. SEWING MACHINES— Xone better—White (Jueen and Domes:.c. Ask for our prices. CARPETS AND MATTINGS— Our Mattings are all new. pretty j ..tterns. Axminster Carpets: Moquet; beautiful line of Ingram: n .. e and h. PICTURES--. MI kinds of framing done to o-der. Undertaking Department Fully Equipped s r HOUB ELKTON, MARYLAND Vr. Your Eye,/* will not tire and ache if fitted with the proper Glasses. So many times headaches, dizziness, insomnia, blurring vision, etc., are attributed to stomach disturbances, and after medical treatment they still persist. These Conditions Are Frequently Brought About By Eye-strain and Respond Almost immediately to Its Cor RECTION BY SUITABLE GLASSES. _ __ Your Eyes Ache I ri j Your Eyes Smart and Burn I n You Can Use Your Eye./- I I Only a Short Time Print Blurrs, Etc. Consult Our Opticians and let us adjust suitable Glasses for you. MILLARD F. DAVIS JEWELER OPTICIAN Established i 79 9 and II E. Second Street J WILMINGTON, DEL. New Invoice of White Plaid Muslins Nainsooks and Dimities 1 These are the Latest Goods for Waasts I 10,12*2,15,20 and 25 cents per yd. Imperial Zephyr Chambray, 30 inches wide,. ! 15 cents per yard. Choice New Patterns ! Plain Colored Zephyr Ginghams and Bates Seersuckers, 12 Irik Full Stock of Lancaster Apron Ginghams Plain White Nainsooks, India Linons, Persian and French Lawns, Batiste, Linens and other White Goods. The newest things to be had. Look in at H-24-IW*) | ALL KINDS) OF | | Deering Harvesting Machinery I pi iii BINDE.R TWINE. | si §! Re pairs for Binders and Mowers PITTSBURG ELECTRIC WELD PENCE | Ralph 11. Rees si Chesapeake City Maryland. ?!i i v I, 6 Hi-tf ** ~ * Elkton Marble and Granite Works Work set up anywhere, in the county or out I invite you to call and inspect my large and complete stock of Monuments Tombstones and Cemetery Enclosures Estimates cheerfully furnished upon application Secure My Prices before purchasing elsewhere : it will save you money J. H. SLOAN Elkton, Md. 2

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Page 1: The Cecil Whig (Elkton, Md.) 1907-06-22 [p 2] · 2017-12-14 · to be done in secret, an instance of devotion to principle, a loce of truth manifested for its own sake. He cul-tivated


In tlu' (loath of Richard I)- Hynson,of Chv.*tvrtow n. wlmse ilhu** wa>noted in the WHIG. Kent county haslost one of her best and most beloveds< ms.

The papers of his home County joinin paying; loving tribute to his worthand nobility of nature.

Mr. Hynson died Sunday. June j.

after an illness of but little more thana week, aged years. His funeralwas held Tuesday week and was oneof the most largely attended that Kentcounty has ever known.

He is survived by his wife, who wasMiss Kninta A. Gilpin, whom he mar-ried in iSpj, and live children, and alsoby his aged mother and two sisters,Mrs, William M Sly and Mrs Mar-tern Rogers.

Ihe Kent News pat s hun tb s tri-

bute:—"lt was in the home life that thebeauty of Mr. Henson's character wasseen. If ever a star shone brightly inthe firmament, if ever a bud blossomedmto a flower, that star and that flowerwas Richard I). Hynson. There wasan aroma of affection and kindness inhis presence. He was fitly mated andwore his kingly crown with consum-ing modesty at the same time showingits jewels both rich and rare. Themost beautiful things in the world aretruth and friendship as shown in theacts of men. Souls are flooded withthe pure light of beauty when theethink of his charitable deeds intendedto be done in secret, an instance ofdevotion to principle, a loce of truthmanifested for its own sake. He cul-tivated the gentle charities of life anddid good wherever the opportunity of-fered. He was a friend in need to allmen and always cherfttl. He has leftan aching heart in many a breast whichonly “He who doeth all things well'’can ease.' 1

Whiil Our Reporter Saw In New Hork

A recent visit to one of the largestpaint factories in the world, disclosedmachinery that was producing 10,00 cgallons of Paint and doing it betterand in less time than too gallons couldbe made by hand mixing.

This was the celebrated L. & M.Paint.

The L. & M. Zinc hardens L, 6c M.White Lead and makes L. 6c M. Faintwear like iron for 10 or 15 rears.

g gallons L. 6c M. mixed with 3 gal-lons Linseed Oil makes 7 gallons c:Paint at a cc-t of less than $1.20 pergallon.

It any defect exists in L. 6c M. Pair.;will repaint house for noth’ng.

Donations of L. 6c M. nude :¦churches.

Sold bv K Pi. Prarer. Fiat- n;’

Ronev. North East; \V. P. CPort Deposit.

Weddingsspin Kurd;

Sassafras (dorre sp itdvticv. 1( liu "i the prettiest home wedding*

I tlu 'eaon took place at the honut Mr. and Mrs I. \\ l-'ord, near

-still Pond, on Wednesday' evening.June 5. at 5.30 o'clock, when tluirdaughter. \da AdiTiv. became tinbride of Mr. Irvmg Wright Spry, ofmar Sassafras The home wa- bvi.u-rtflllly decorated with evergreens and

ut flowers of various kind* Prompt-ly at the appointed hour, to the strainsof the wedding march, played by Mr-.Alice Ogden Hummeml. cousin of thebride, assisted by her brother on theflute, the bridal party entered the par-lor. The ushers, Me-srs Louis A.Dreka and William Ford, were thefirst to cuter the room, followed bythe groom and best man, Mr. W.Ford; then came the maid of honor.Miss Tessie Crew, and then the brideleaning on the ar mof her brother, bywhom she was given in marriage.Rev. T. S, Holt, a former pastor ofthe bride, performed the ceremony,under an arch of evergreens. Afterthe congratulations, the many guests

gathered in the dining-room, where re-freshments were served in abundance,by a caterer from Baltimore. Therewere more than one hundred guestspresent After the reception. Mr, andMrs. Spry started, amid a shower ofrice, for their new home near Sassa-fras.

There, is a good prospect for theestablishing of a ship yard at New-castle. Parties have been in the townrecently trying to secure option onland for such a plant. It is stated thata shipyard concern wanted the land re-cently bought by the Tropena SteelCompany chartered last week at $750,-000.

OAKWOODMr*. Howard Johnson is slowly im-

pr<-ving from an attack of scarlet lever,

Howard Reynolds' new house is al-c -1 completed,

.V! ilv playing hi the yard one day:.-l v ¦••¦ k. the two year old child ot

Mrs. Walter Jam *r, n ate s,,me nightshad which made the child very ill.Dr Reagan was summoned and ,-oon

n lieved the little one of it* suffering.Mi'* Alice Bennett recently met

with a painful accident by falling downthe .'cllar stair* and breaking her leg.but we arc glad to report that she i*impn wing

< btr fa r liters are endeavoring t" putt’u roads 111 order, as Ih. > are in r.vt ry bad condition, having been wash-ed considerably by the recent storms.

To Guard Susquehanna Fish

j Samuel F. Hudson, a member of thePennsylvania Legislature, has been incommunication with Corville ft. Hen-son and Walter R. Townsend, ofMaryland, in regard to the conferencebetween the commissions appointed by

j Maryland and Pennsylvania for thepurpose of framing legislation whichwill tend to protect and preserve thefish interest* of the two States in the

J two river- It has been arranged for! the Pennsylvanians to meet the Mary-I ami commission on Wednesday. June

jo, to make a joint inspection of the1 t'-rritory affected. Governor Stuart of

j Pennsylvania, i* much interested inthe subject, and may make the tripwith tin Pennsylvania commission.

Treated 1,000 Cases For RahiesI >r. \ (1 Kcirlc. director <d the

r.'iteiir Institute*. flaltinu rc. lia* cm-tdefed the treatment hi*anilth cim ii>r the prevention "t hy-

I dr--pin dea. In th* i.nno c;i- *> treated.Iwn h e d ¦ • ¦ rah

<.f the<e Ind chn*nie PirijLflil** diseaseMti 'i'i- takinvr the tr< atincnt. !)r

K "r't * rep'irt h..\v< that I.W • ' theI ciM s \ve’-e 1itt n by air'mak that |j r. liirl Tht \vm '* weri indicted I

’•" ' s ’7-| 1 \ dhy • ,t. i

Ir-1 ¦ ••ml -i I\ human Ik ; nu - i)f


NervousIndigestion j

The action of diges-tion is controlled hynerves leading to thestomach. When they areweak, the stomach is de-prived of its energy. Ithas no power to do itswork. If you want per-manent relief, yon mustrestore this energy. Dr.Miles’ Nervine restoresnervous energy, and givesthe organs power to per-form their functions.

“For many years I was an acutesufferer from nervous Indigestion; atlimes I was so despondent life seemedalmost a burden. I tried all kinds ofremedies and various physicians withlittle or no relief, until one night lastsummer I saw Dr. Miles’ Nervine anaHeart Cure advertised. 1 resolved tomake one more trial which I did inthe purchase of one bottle of Nervineand one of Heart (hire. In a few daysJ began to feel better, which encour-aged me so much that I continued themedicine until I had taken more thana dozen bottles. I am very much im-proved In every way; in body, mindand spirits since. I make a specialpoint to recommend the medicine, ana1 Del a sincere pleasure in knowingthat several persons have been bene-fited through mv recommendations,**

A. S. MELTON, Ashville, N. C.Dr. Miles’ Nervine Is sold by your

druggist, who will guarantee that thefirst bottle will benefit. If it fails, hewill refund your money.

Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, IndI


.. Offers Window Screens and Doors in keep out the pe>- 4.¦ tifeious fly ami the festive uiOMjitilo—Popular prices. J

*' Oil and Gasoline Stoves~ Oil ami Gasoline Stores keep llie house coo! ami the cook compos f

ed—Lowest prices. 4. '• • Enameled Ware•• Kmerald Hnameled Ware the hesi in the Market. If ton trv a 4*• • piace you will want more. •!*

T Lawn Mowers T.. Lawn Mowers and Sickles, Grass Shears, Rake l Hoes and Shovels 4, . for the Lawn and Garden—Lowest Prices. J.'* Lawn and Field Fence• *

~ Lawn and Field Fence, Poultry Netting, all heights,'


• Xt/rsery Re frigerat ors T• * Nursery Refrigerators a great comfort for the sick room ora picnic 4*•• —J2.25 #2,75 #5.00. J.**

Hammocks 4*• •

, , Hammocks in all styles and all prices—but the lowest. T.. Fly Xets T• • Fly Nets for the Horse—7sc. to J3.00. X•• Let u* have your inquiries. 4,•• Prompt attention and satisfaction guaranteed, otherwise jour 4,• • uionev refunded 4

:: SAMUEL H. KINO 0 0 Elkton, Maryland |

; v cA New Orleans woman was thin. <QiBecause she did not extract sufficient $

nourishment from her food.A j*.

to°k *s'co **,

-r Emulsion. X |Result: d I

'i f -'¦¦ She gained a pound a day in weight.


the cnso treated 719 were males anti281 females. 32.? were children under10 years old. Ihe youngest patientwas 7 months old and the oldest 82year-

School CommissionersIhe following bills were approved

and ordered to be paid:I hiyckinck, Sterrett (J Co ?6,6t1 laniel Hawke 9.00Mrs. Annie Fryer 250Maurice Cole, rent, I’erryville. . 72.00 1I homas M. Hague, fencing Acad-

emy 1.25Mm Chidester. rent. Xo. 7.3 d.. 500W .1 C. Dittany Co., b00k5.... 3,78I at lor \ Reynolds. Colored In-

dustrial 2.78Cecil County Xews 11.52F. \V. Tat lor 8.00.1. 11 Jackson, repairs, Xo. 7,

Seventh 10.00

Appeal 7.68J. M. Ash 10.00

0. D. Crothers j... too

J. L. Moore 7.85Cecil Star, stationery 22.00M Hartnett 5.00

Adourned,GEO. BIDDLE, Secretary.


Cures Blood, Skin Diseases, Cancer, Great-est Blood Purifier Free

If your blood is impure, thin, dis-eased, hot or full of humors, if you

J have blood poison, cancer, carbuncles,* eating sores, scrofula, eczema, itching,

j risings and bumps, scabby, pimply skin,| bone pains, catarrh, rheumatism, or

any blood or skin disease, take BotanicBlood Balm, (B. B. B.) Soon all soresheal, aches and pains stop and theblood is made pure and rich. Drug-gists or by express per large bottle.

| Sample free by writing Blood Balmj Co., Atlanta, Ga. B. B. B. is especially

] advised for chronic, deep-seated cases,1 as it cures after all else fails. *iyr

Here is Relief (or WomenMother Gray, h nurse in New York.discov-

ered an aroinalle pleasant hern cure forwomen's ills, called AI)STR ALIAN-LEAF,it is tin- only certain monthly regulator,Cures female weaknesses and liackache.Kidney, gladder and i'rlnary I muhles. Atall druggists or by mail, 50 cents, sampleKItKK. Address, The Mother Gray Co.,1. el toy. N. V.





CULTIVATORSThe biggest invoice of wheel Cultivators ever brought intothis County. I have now in my warehouse


W Inch 1 can dispose of at jobbers prices, having boughtin such large quanity—AND THEY ARE GOING FAST.


May ->1 \r

I Price s Bulletin^SUMMER SPECIALS

i) FAWN'S Lot Scent goods. ", cents vatd. j12 L and cent Lawns

aMADRAS—-Yard wide, sliort lengths, 10

CHILDREN’S DRESSES—If you haven'tr |-~y-7 \ JTT time to make up the goods, we are show-

¦! \ | > n g a full line of Children’s Dresses, made“*¦ styles ot Gingham, Lawns,

Voils and Piques. Price, 50c. to $3 each.

UNDERWEAR —Muslin Underwear at last season’s prices—onlypossible because we placed large orders before the advance inmuslin. MONEY SAVED by buying here. Anticipate yourfuture wants. We cannot duplicate the goods at present prices.

MUSLIN—“Fruit ot the Loom,” “Lansdale,” yard wide goods,11 / cents per yard by the piece only. Still have yard wide un-bleached muslin for 5 cents per yard.

TAPLE OIL CLOTH in colors, regular width, 12C cents peryard. CHEAP.

Grocery DepartmentSeven pounds Good Santos Coffee for sl.Table Tumblers, 12 cents dozen—only one dozen to each pur-

chaser—none to dealers.We are paying highest price for Fresh Eggs and Prime Lard.

Do your buying here and SAVE MONEY.

FRANK P. PRICEMain and Bow Sts., Clkton. Maryland

Jewett Refrigerators- . . ..... —l

Glass and Galvanized lined; Oiland Gasoline Stoves; Summer LapSpreads; Elwood Wire Fencing.

The Roger Witworth Hardware Co.,Main 6 Bridge Streets. : ELKTON, MD.



FURNITURE— Large and complete line. Bedroom S its, Ex-tension Tables, Etc.SEWING MACHINES—Xone better—White (Jueen and Domes:.c. Askfor our prices.CARPETS AND MATTINGS—Our Mattings are all new. pretty j ..tterns.Axminster Carpets: Moquet; beautiful line of Ingram: n .. e and h.

PICTURES--. MI kinds of framing done to o-der.

Undertaking Department Fully Equipped



Your Eye,/*will not tire and ache if fitted with theproper Glasses.

So many times headaches, dizziness, insomnia, blurringvision, etc., are attributed to stomach disturbances, andafter medical treatment they still persist.

These Conditions Are Frequently Brought About By

Eye-strain and Respond Almost immediately to Its CorRECTION BY SUITABLE GLASSES.

_ __ Your Eyes AcheI ri j Your Eyes Smart and BurnI n You Can Use Your Eye./-I I Only a Short Time

Print Blurrs, Etc.Consult Our Opticians and let us adjust suitable Glassesfor you.


Established i79 9 and II E. Second Street


New Invoice of

White Plaid MuslinsNainsooks and Dimities


These are the Latest Goods for WaastsI

10,12*2,15,20 and 25 cents per yd.

Imperial Zephyr Chambray, 30 inches wide,.! 15 cents per yard. Choice New Patterns! Plain Colored Zephyr Ginghams and Bates

Seersuckers, 12 Irik

Full Stock of Lancaster Apron GinghamsPlain White Nainsooks, India Linons,

Persian and French Lawns, Batiste,Linens and other White Goods. The newest

things to be had. Look in at



| Deering Harvesting Machinery Ipi iii


Re pairs for Binders and MowersPITTSBURG ELECTRIC WELD PENCE

| Ralph 11. Reessi Chesapeake City Maryland. ?!i

i v I,

6 Hi-tf* * ~ *

Elkton Marble and Granite WorksWork set up anywhere, in the county or out

I invite you to call and inspectmy large and complete stock of

Monuments Tombstones and Cemetery EnclosuresEstimates cheerfully furnished upon application

Secure My Pricesbefore purchasing elsewhere : it willsave you money

J. H. SLOAN Elkton, Md.