the cecil whig (elkton, md.) 1904-02-27 [p ] · vol. lxiii. no. 27. jomfs runners triumph. win the...

VOL. LXIII. NO. 27. JOMFS RUNNERS TRiUMPH. Win The 1280 Yard Dash At Georgetown In Fast Time-Notes Of The Campus. ProcM. I* * 1 1 11 tlamble. Wyndlmiii ucy : a 1 Blhnrt Sexton. The hoys won I a rel y race m'-rd'-l forniid'.ihle <• m.|• :i- --' tors. ni'l each hoy ivtun *;1. tin- pm-I IHisscs.-i.r of <n yo! l im dal. I'mh r the ' part i*o• •w of Senator < I •nihli*-, tin- hoys ! nailed on Pit idcnit Uoowvelt, ?vii'd wr- pleased with hi* necrp'ti'on. ; W' shiunion's birthday was <l. r\vd -a- , M lie' day by the I r.e'tiUHo. ail'd many tilde* tv vine I flic ms •dvrs of the porlir ity of viwitiimr tin* Nalhm'.rl Ci; lal or in poi**:*;* to their hoim's. 'ld;.- Fomin (flu* l eys’ d. l Hin;r soeii ty has 1. *i dlsh-an !.* I. wild two m w such* ties h ve bon formed. Tile KUittb* hnve n ! teen po-dtively dt ci hM upon. Th * ¦olliceiv of o.ttie. 'are William Af I>* 11 ; •• t'. Port 1 teposit, Mil.. Fob. IMth. ( A trrtMt ilc il of enthu'sii'asni ha* ! •nrousi ! by the jrrc-at suede's of the Jacob Tome IiiotHnte relay loam. winch wns rn t : lu* Mint lii bl bit-ti S iur-lity, under t’:i‘ .in -;'lei u of i lu* (> *•!*ir t own 1 Piilvi mity in W'.i-hiirzMiMii. 1). (*. The Institute c*n.tcrel a n 1 :iy learn, which ; nuinlo thr f. : 1 time 1 lr*t has over, boon uv.iiV imi t!io tents in (%-nviMiiion Hall, wluTo iln* in. , r wm held. Tin* boys i*.mi• •* Itmwn Preimrutory School, which has l hold the j ship for the nrilr rehay,mud he t them decisively. Tho distance was I -SI I yiirds. Tlic ti:11.* ip h- w is .'h i I Mo ,•¦.*. -m-V, which was coiiisiilcrahly h-< I'lran flic 5 n t j I t i | •*• *><*¦& -W rS fs .* .<% .**. -iy O* | Fora, McDonald. Secretary. After the routine buslines. the following ne w: midercl Music. Frances < k ir- h a lifter: Recitation. Velma I'itt: Inin*. Uisolvi I. That An iOducath.nal Test ShouM lu* Made a Qualification for Vot- ing. 'I he mlHrnii’live was Mipjo-rtt i by Josephine Newell, ila I t’i e Durkins. Main I Peiplis; the lucrative, hy Mary WJiite- l‘M*k. Pearl Me.lad Arthur. Tin arguments were nuiiicioiis arnd weighty, and the spin kin* wax. d vehement ai times. The judges. May Willi am-s. Kli- zal.ith Bradford -and Mary Buek. dc- cided in favor of tin* nen live. Tin* critic Mary Paissnuuv, made some wJioliNoim* . *uj?p siioiiH. An iuotniimuntil >s!<. hy My Hie DorciiN ami a dint hy Jvlith llar- i vcy and ICth'el McNutt co-nclud. I tin i piogram. HONOR ROLL FOR JANUARY Tlic following edutieh'tM attain d an | iivi i-ji n*‘ of S 4 Ktilth Armstrong Clarence Anderson I Mahel Arthur Arthur Htillev I l.ciiii Breunlnger Newton Ca aieron Mary Buck Krlsliv Cochran Hattie Burkins Max Kiser Arietta Condon I‘aul KentaUl Klorcitcc* Itlckcy I ishttrit llcrriny Bertha Koran ' (Hirer Hitchens Virginia Koulke KmII Holm I Agues I'ox Herbert 11 ulehensoit I'earl Heaps Cyrus Keen . trace Holm .James t u Is May Kluthle .lames Hoe Verna .MaeDonalil Percy Howe Nellie .McNutt Chandler Hinlth Josephine Newell .lannev Smllh Klht l Heyitolds Hleltard Tunslall tleorge i'ollenger Arlln.r Vanuetmin Joseph Vannuinau Thomas Wilson time macU k by cmy of 1 lit* othor teams ) entwcd. Tht* 1 ioy** couipriMin;; tfiiv tram woTC Ualp-h A. < r.umhlc of Soul a Da.kola. WhnUnim Piirany, of New York City, Bruce Block, of Ohio, and W. Id. Sexton, of Baltimore. NOTES OF THE CAMPUS F-r the srr. *ti i* i ;::i of l-*<t wi. k. lire school work continued in the oven im'or of its way. Towards I hi* close of tire week. t’hc trains fiom Oxford ami ii.'tvr- modiato points*, n a:i lied Poll Deposit, siu-d hum of tlie *“ \Ve!V imly awaiting the chance of ndunnujr to school. Work hi tin Junior anul Mi ! lie Sc'h’siols was resiiin I on the mormnjr of the loth. The In dilute was t epn *. urn 1 in tire! < Jcorjrcti -wn Mei i, on the lint'll, hy Bruce Pn si dent: Fivd. 1 Mivaj Viee-I’r.-hh m; i J. K. Funny. Sccntivr.v and Trcai-uivr. j Tile olliccrs of the* other munity nre—- (ieorjrc Tollcn:.rcr. I’rsidciit ; Bruce Brock. Vice-I’riiMileni; Howard Until. I Secretary. Me ••• Miller. of the dunior School Fac- j ulty, Irai-a hern lately visited hy h r I mother mi l sister. Mr. (th'aries K. Ihamnutt. Physical I Director of the Institute. received n I •painful injury to hie hack and Kip. while exercising mi the horizontal bar. about ' ten days apv, Though coirliiiied t< his Iwil, Mr. Hacmmtl is impiovinjr. and hol>es Moon. to he out. The regular imuti'iiijr of the Aova was held on Friday afternoon. February HI with \*li-^rinia Foulkc. pnvsidiiur. and WABASH SYSTEM WINNING ITS WAY. fl Great Union Station May Be Built In Baltimore. The Wesleru Miifylnml Uuilrond Hill, whieli wives Unit eiil-|H>nltien the riydil to n>e eertnin property of the < 'lieMiipr.'ike I thin -'.'l 1 ;i;lI lietwieli t’h.ny Umi t*i: I t 'imilierl-niid for its exiensini; to eon- in * I with tile W’rali.Tsh system, pnssed the Semite on Friday Inst tiiiiiiiiimnisiy. 'Hie ei.;n| .liih.-n hill, ullieli the our , met ion of the ill'll lye m Spring t!:il- ders. Hull I more, mid the eotideiniuntion . of certain properly, wus pnMsed to its , third reanliirfr. Knciiieers of the WuUiis'h Unileeii! up,. exniii'iniriK the charter ri(flits of the I Western Afnrylund, whieli (five the hitter till- privilege to run trains upon trestles into tile hejii't .cl imere over the lied of .tones Falls. A movement is on foot to it rye the t Jon Nls to nvuil ihems.'lviss . of this pi ivilejie. and erert u wtatioll in tin* city upon tv site now in- the Inirtred dintriit. SiKDfes'lions ure nlsio made for ¦a (treat union st at ion. made |>ssilile hy the tire. Search Warrants In Liquor Cases. Sen art or IMxon'V bill to facilitate flu* collection of evidence in easx4s of viola- -1 tin hi of liquor laws in flow State pmvid<* that when three residents of any .parti- cular siM'tion shall make oaith I'lrat they believt that violation's of ihe law art* taking place in any particular horn** in lhint, sivtion. a sitnvh tdiall be issued. mid the imM-vswion- of a ii<*cnS!o for tin* sab* of liquor* from the ITilted t Stales C Jovcnimienit and ilw* posst<sion of the paraphernalia of the liquor btisi- ne>-- on the premises shall In* primal facie evidence of the Vale of liquor*. FOUR GALA NIGHTS Junior Mechanics’ Bazar And Sup- per Promise To Prove Attractive Tlii* bazar -ami supper arranged for ITj* benefit of IClklon Council Ni>. Jr. O. U. A. M.. at its Uadi, on Na il’ll S'lr-ct, to run four irijr-his next week. opening on Inesday evening. proud- I * ;iITn ! both pleasure and profit. The committee of .arraivgemi nt-- ‘an- S. J, Keys, ('hair- man:. Alfred iKivis. I’hilip M. Hmviv. Herman delTcr.-. Willi-mi I*. I t an. .Fins. 11. Sloan. A. M. Sfiickland. .Miller l\ Matfraw. William IF. Sprinkle. (Jcorge W. Boiilden, Henry 11. I’lummer. IF. 'NVinlii'ld I.ewis. Ricketts Nelson, Walter Bilackson and .Folnn F. Sparklin. have been actively at work for sune lime jrnwt, wild have 'about completed all details. They are supported by a zealous am! •active committee of ladies upon whom the work of ci.inducting the affair will large]y fall. The hall will be appiopria- tely dccoralted and the tables i.asJUTnlly arranged. Supper will be served nightly at flu* iH>pular price of Ui centv. Con- fectionery will also be on stale, and fancy work, household l ware's, etc., will be dis- played in attractively arranged booths in charge of lady friends of the Order. Klk- ¦ton Conclave of 1 lepta-sophs. Maltaheon Tribe, lmprovi*d Order Red Men. with visiting brethren, National Ivodge, No. .*l7. I. O. O. F„ with imauilH-is of .Felfer- w>n Idge. of Wilmington-, and FOlkton Council will visit (he hall on- .successive evenings ilitwd enjoy sp'reads served by t he ladies, in charge of tin* tablets. Wagon Lodged In Tree Top. •V colwpd nmv driving to mill .it Newport. IM.. on Monday, wins I':t ill'll! in Hie Omul mid left the wiiboii in the wmhl. Next day the owner found the Vehicle lodged in a tree top. CECIL . WHIG ELKTON, MD„ SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27. 1904 TWO TRIALS AT TARGETS. Pcrryvilte And Charlestown Marks- men Score For Points. I'. iTj-villc. Mil., I'i-li. 22. 11)04. A> lilt' time for till* shoot ;; 1 Hultiin.i. i< r-iwiny: r. 11.• r. the home I. : ! 11., i r til i pi i- I ice s'.; . I- f this .vt. rli tn-iiiy. h’.,.!., :. . ¦ high win:! worki agnlr-i g-'d -hooting. Dr. W. (!. Boyd ¦: .’ 1 X if 1 w.vs the i!y !i ter ¦ i its i,i. ; j . *jr, but w 'i. ,i M. F. ( ;..:t ;.1 ¦ wind om •.1.! <> .... ;!.. 11nal Pi tin s j 1 >r. 1 . I, I W. 1. ; X t lj!rl. F. W. . , ¦ . - . , | Unit : i i! ,¦: : llieda 1. I’ ii : i: ;. 1|;. ij Mi'is :i I i... ... i l.i tl: ¦ . ...1. 1 In- c-iub HH'.I.l I. N.l i - £ jlOl 'OJ 25 M. K. Dull! * 4i 11 1 J Jxjil Hr. I! .yd (|||.VIII '4 r>• F Foster j ftii I: 7 in xi •, •>! xjvl \ W K H -vd 71 i *• \j vj \M x D. UilTemlnfer (5 12 7 3 d2lB VV. Bailo H ~ : xj 3*20 Win lii.'k-OM ft! -I j!i .a' 7] Mi <’ 4'oil*' ! I ; i ' 'f 3.17 II Davis (i :0, l;i •! H , s j 2;|H TM. Owns a] :i| iv. ,\l ,\ .':t’i7 (I. Crawtunl :i 7j i'll' M' I \ Will Cmic : si i; ii . .ij) v K W .1 . ks., •;•!•( Iv! * |... (J. a3 films Ki'iwcy I>i j 7. a! '|>• I{) ¦ 1 ir*‘.v ¦ . ~ . a.I . x Means H I m-t parti.-i. .at* ia tin* event. 26 event w ns for Club M *dal. Tin* Hiver-Me (inn (*lnb. of Charles- town. bad mit.i: -1 !*• >i* an nil-day tar- get match .in Monday. . I it**' m w club- house, with an 1.. SniSi.ii. S’Si I grade. Ivanin h I I<*li 1 to .i •!. to b ammunct 1 lata i*. Th : was a match stool fur ioh :' in whu ll M rs. Han y Hanics. Charles n.iry. Clyde Fee loin, tli* uge <* j.. t. t'lr.rlis HilTord. of Zion, and other**: no t ¦ 1 with cv i 1 cr St- able si n•>-. ib pile an adverse wind. Tin 1 prize i i •. I is uw lit 1 with ¦ '. kc’y final 1 : Hall *e will partb Ij I•*. j fl f ?" r>. rv r zx 11 FA STLX It Hi NSTON. Mi-> t *•.ll;iX;.bdr i• 1•I. -f diaughtir :* Mr. ; I Ms.-., dolin 'l'. dolm-- ion. of Th..iii-..m S'! at mm. D. htw Keniblev i i‘. i a.. Mil .Mr. Waller ib -as- till. I.J* J: I \ Uiu! 'i T ill t'i ; ;:i .; y of Ni*w I' ' il- <' );11ii>. of Wilin'in-i n. wen* iiianii d M tin* horn of tin* loid •. on llic cvi i! _ <:f : , IS: ... :! ~ Dr. do.i s. t:::;ii:ua. >;:¦ i;. i!i : .i \v. - ... of W i . . maid of h ‘:ioi I 11. d. d i;;i ¦<. dr., of Don r. IM„ wn< host n=i!i. 'Pin* hrido -- gowned in whit.* voih* liiinim l with while stalin mid Hn'i:iilli* fringe, and car- ried hr'n! ¦ r and Hlh >\ > A wedding r. -A ;• ! by il oit ¦ - ¦ v -. follow. d tin- ; ¦ 11 . ... A i'. 1 Miv. Hen? 1< n l k a i *ithorn . . x. iIS !"• 'at 1 ; after March Ivt, at 819 Ada:; Sturt. >\’i!ininrton. Del. Met’OOL SMITH. Miss Marion 1.. Sniiiih. of Dl.. und Mr. io'rjfe W. McCool, son of Mr. and Mrs. J<diii W*. MctNwd. who re- wde near Hlkion. were married at Ashnry M. K. Icusoiiiaifc. in tiiat city, on the 17i h in'.-1.. hy Hi v. 11. S. Dill any. Militia Withdrawn From Baltimore. '1 in* Mma i. :d militia w. .. lir i’lv with drawn from nanard hlui.v in Ihiitinion*. y.: Tuesday. The <> s-1 lo tin* Stale for llir sixli en ihiys speeial >. rvii of the Nation'll tln.ird an: ni.teil to a limit STJ.- 'Hiti. Ahout ST.tilJO was. spent for f<. iinu' the hriira le. lahont Ssno for rra-nspoit'a- tion of the First Haliment and tin- resi- due for pay of the rank and file. Priv- ates nSl.t M. r. ; j .ki!s Sl.*J.”. and Ser- na ants Sl.oti pi !- day. Not many of the nn*n devoir;* I >ic! i while on dirty, hni Li. nt. a !in D. Uieli- i ! n and Priv- at didm l adneh •! the Fourth lieyi- mein look pneiinioni.i and died. Fighting Ocloraro Water Bill. 'Pin* hill t-. rh.ii I.t the OetiMHim AVat r and Powi r t'oinpany ha.- an n-. d stronu and active opprdti.m atnonu Tcsidi-nts of upper Ciril. A petition Ir.nina: the signatures of many rejuvsnilative <-iti- zens ajfninsit the i naetmeiM of the meas- ure ha*< hern presented to the Lejjisl-a- Inre. A stroiitf <lidelation H* mill owners and others, with L. M. Hciines. Msrj.. ap- peared before the eommifte-c in. <*Jianre of the bill on Wednesday to protest against its pa^ajn*. Mortgage For $10,570,000 Filed. A inortpijfc oS patfiv. wtis iv- ei.rded in the ('irciiii Court (Merk's Olllre in Flkton, this wi*ck. It is for tHio and ci>vers the projM ity of tin* P., H. iV W. H. H.. in Mainland. Next ciftcr > a H. iV f). H. H. niortjßitfc. previously recoiMled, tJu* one now olTeivd is Mu* diH-nmcnl ever lusindled in tlie (’h*rk’s Ollier here. A< noted elsewhere, a 1 like has heen reco*rde<l in I Delaware, I WILLS FILED FOR PROBATE. Disposition Of Estates Of Miss Susan C. Magraw And Amos Watson. The la-si will and testament, a lengthy '¦oeimu i t, with three codiciL. of th 1 ;*• Mi*- Sn-• in (’. Ma.uraw. of Perry Point. Perry vilh% 1 bei in th** oijjce of !L iri*M* rT. I. Miller. 'Pile vill i- illi d danrary loth, isfi::. and is witni , *’-el by Henrietta .Mitehel! •rd Alleb* M. Slump, with 11. Arthur stump a- Fx rent or. The I State is value I at about 'ldv Jn i t D. Ilnirirh¦< i< linjm'athi 1 eellcin jewei'y: \>> M ; y M. M ' i raw . midi'ti-i* of Uol it M •. i . Susie H. Si a.. s.*>( 1; K M-itrr-'w, widow ¦ f Dr. J*mu s M. Mi 'tr iv, - . junad of bind in H dtin. :v and el •tin!-yp, Mary M. Mairiuw. d iiirJ’le'r of Dr. May r !-:w. rml.dn jewelry and S'JIMI; •I ‘i!*st t S. M-atrr-rw. jew* tr.* ¦¦ ! DJs .*; H ¦’ irt -! aw . ... ary A. M-ava w i dtames F. Majnaw, i arh SlPn; Oi-i ;\ X? L. Silm-vT j* .vilry; Dr. irory r e M. Sit ¦ t Noll Sr rh'.ini (' trry Sinn: Sh-plien (’. Mairmw, a biH>ther ' •:. i ; d 'j hit Phillip ¦ i Hrh ra llniiler sr>n i ,n-Ji: Mary <llir/,uii - nd Mary M.. ‘ami Il'.nriitt ( raw. d: ntrl :• : of S: phi Majsi'a slut! uieh: Allan 1.. Malone Sinn. The ! -Mile of tile i••:tal l* !•) he ('<( Hally div- id'd hetwren Siiphin (’. and (hiitliarine W. Maiirraw. Hy tile will of tile late John Wu-tson. f Ml. Pli'a.-' ir.'t, iih d foT piolnte ill the H ”ivt r of Wills Otliee, his dtanjrhter. A. ('a :pinl ¦r. snd Id.- jrr ui"l- da,lighter. Currie S. Watkins, are earli u'iveil So. The nsidin* of tin < t te is heipti. tiled to II ,!. h J. W.i'l.-o’.i. wife •!' tin* le.-t it t. liii min T. Hi own. of Liberty Drove, i 1 - runu-d us Kxi-entor. Pin* will is i.aied .1 iniiarv .‘{nth. P.Miib th D. Nesbitt and Ihm'r C. Hiv>wn are the wit nesses. SWOLLEN STREAMS’ WSDE SWEEP. Baesk Up Of Ice And Floods Cause More Or Less Damage. Streams* throiiirhimt the county ‘were ¦rre-nly siwolten by the heavy rains of Sin lay nlirht and V> iad iy mornimr. raid t re or le-s d ima _ r e was d<. hy tin- hreakiii'jr up of the ice an 1 hy l!oo’<- .at various points. The rif <t holy of the ice in the Klk h'roke early Monday !i!rii'irjf, rushed d-nvn tin* i-rreb ami with 1h - water nivnr I th C,I i. >w ar I lln -a pea ke City I- -to u d.rpjli of mv- i ral fn t f.-r unite lengthy stmteius. 'Pai ice i'i* j imnn d in the river just h low the Hadyor Pulp Mill, h irk aa tin water M| nvi r tin* in :rsh >a:; 1 the . >\\ la -it 1 St vet. Tin* war r was within a few fi it of the 1 of the Hotel Flkton. canto well np ii to nar yarh cill mloii't M ain Sir cl a>n i r -c vei* the wharves. Water Stnnt was a minicitiire Port Deposit rficr -i tlood. Hoat-hoiiM > were m u r hss threatened, thi*ie of C. H. Finley, dr., .ni'd Win. S. Frans, reniir.jr off worst. The ( pn on the lampaare. and the ice sw(‘p| down over the paper mill !•:?in -at Howlar lviiJi. ma>-iim in tin* public roads, to the luduin of ten and fifteen fei t. The i minty Inidtre i.\i r tin* eierk W a-' moved about luaif llfe t I II Its foil 'a 1 ? **l i(•i"v. Tire watii* ri.-,- m veil or eight feet in a few minutes. Hooding I.ouan Brcs.* jvapir mill, da lira irimr ahout •SlotNi woith of xteek an 1 injuring the machinery. niOMt of which was new. In Mi'-siv. Ltnjsail'v store the Heod los-e six inches'above tin* nniiitri* ainul sp<died sev- i ral Ii mid rod dollar* worth of good!*. In wis Logan's dwelling wens also Hooded. Christie's- Hour mill, on the opposite shore, wi;is Hooded on the first Hoor. bill the content* bad. luckily, hcen removed to th * third Mlory in expect ath-*:i. of the tlood. Mr. ChnsTH*'s nisidmwe was also invaded hy the waters, hut like precau- tion had he*n taken tin r<*. and nothing wa> lust or injured. Ilnndr. d.s of p. . 1 le \vi ii* drawn to tire x en-f Moirdiay aftrrmxHi. Logan \ Bros.' !. -¦•¦> i- pm at fully SliodO. A county bridge over Coinowiiigo Crei*k. m ar Pilot, is n perted completely wrecked by tin- H< 1 in I hut stream, as was also the bridge over Deer Cr. ek. at St a Ilford, in Hai fmd County. The ice broke up in North Fast Creek, and a muiuM honsH" iwenpied by the fimnjly of h , le.|ch*r Hands, including a newly born babe, wins swej i 'a'lnuis'l fimi its foinidalion*. Tin* ocenpaii'ts w. re forced to vac ate. 'Pin* dwelling i.-i nu*w atn-li-.0-cd 1 o a tm*. The Snso(nieliani:u began to rise with the inflow from its 1 rilmlaries. n'litd the worst was feared at many points’, inelnd- iug Columbia and Port Deposit, but the river was? slowly falling at W’ilkesihaire. on Wedins'day. The out- look at Port Deposdl i-> pivtty iimdi as il was hi'st week. Hack water iweasion- ally rovers Main St m l at the nort h en>d. There is a ehaimel on the Har- ford side which lets off surplus water, <a’id the unbroken gorges above hold hack the flood. A gradual thaw and a break- up helmv tin* town will Icskch if not eliminate, danger, while Invak-njxs above will involve disaster. Most of the r< isdd- ents of the sondy tried town are getting used to the river's freaks: but aill wish aai end to the suspense, wbieh live situation occasions. Icebergs And Floes In The Bay. The CheMni*ake Hay this ws*k resem- bled i small Arctic Omni'. Ici*-Hoes and bergs were moving everywhere upon the water. The steamer “(TharloMe,** of tlhe York Ulver Lini*. met Inmgs eight and ten fiiet high, and otT Botkin- Point en- countered one which rose twenty fc*-i * above the water. SEMDS m THE LOCAL SLATE. Governor Warfield Names Candi- dates For Cecil County Offices. Mu<li inter,-t w*ts felt in Coventor W arfleid's mimiimliimis for loot I herthw "'¦•¦'•i' flu - Slate Coyermnent. Tin- homo I 'lltl'llonneed 0:1 \\. .In, in || fhe '"mites woif -ci l : into tin- Si„ie Sou* ntc, is ns follow s : JFSTICKS OF THE FLACK. l’ii-t District William .1. linhatnclF, •Mlft .1, 1!. 15. 0p,. .Morn.m 111 I Foweil F. Johns, Snioti'il District .1. Hooper Siipooiir i William ,\, Ah-vander. T'iirl Diotiict Henry 11. Cioin. Wil- liam T. HonM, o ,11;,| | >.i vi 1 i C. Work. I'mtfth Divtili! Arthur M. Scott. Filth Disc let Tii.>lll s Crii Sixth Di'.-iricf Smntel \. T-tvior Stephen I.,vncli lit; I sinter I!. T -i!i, s‘V Ih I list lid .(irwsi* T. I ; Ino ~[ mol Charles W. Ward. I- '' 111 District Tin-. 11. 1 nmmings. Ninth jiistrict Edwin M. Kirk. NOTAKIKS FFISLIC. Wi'llhtmt 11. Smith juml Wiilimn D. (’awhy. Elkton. lie try Itmichcllc. < ’ll, ¦. rj n 1., Cilv. Alevzo 1,. Murry and Thom-..'.- 11. Mnr- nny, Fort D, posit. Wiliiicr .1. F.-iUm, North K.i-t. Henry (I. Filing. John Aiihert Fogno, .uni Franklin X. Jenkins. Ki-iipg Sim. < 'ormier— llicketts Nelson,, I>m kins Felice—l 'ooh y A. Nirkle and •I. .sri]ill ileishr. Ducking Police (Elk Uivcn John W. ¦ \ IT.Mlts, < corse A. Miake. F-v 1., reroniiictieiF for School Commissioner, was . oiilinned I'.v Hie Senate on Wednesday. FIGURES ON THE FIRE. Insurance Companies' Losses In Baltimore's Big Blare. 'l'he Italliniere T’ n: 1 1 rwriler. in it s> la St issue )niuts the list of losses ~f nil tin; tire insurance lompan'ies in the Haiti- more tire. The Iota! gross loss is tjt;t2,- Sii-I.SIM. of which Sii.dOti.iicO ivlUs upon tile local comp nil s. Tile estiln. ulcd total of salvage is 51.71i!1,71i2. which leavesi .a e. loss to th insurance eoin| -inies of St!l.i ti.i.ltii'. It has In en I, that many of the large wholesale ,lry g*tod i 0r... s fortius) an ii;.-manee j among theinnelves, which taimmeti 1 to. about sTi.tlt 10.(10(1, from which pm tl Ky mull- ing will he realize.l. Another .:. vehii>- ment is very few tenants of the <n- called tire-pi of hiiihlltrgs eg pried any insurance. Pleasant Birthday Party. Mr. ai I Mi-, ii. .am M,.n , of tire, nhm ;. >ne a Hitt inlay Siii-j iso " S.t 1 n 1.1 .iy ,\ 1 .lira, in 1: ,f I:,Sr - 'll. Lawrence, i: living hi i went .v-tip-lt hiillii!-'y. A very enjoyable ring n as i* at with mtl-'ie an.l gam . l.y ail pre- -e 111. lifter which we w. 1, invii ito the .lining-l ne'n. win re frozen p. o h s, cake, oranges, sir I eamly were wry, .1 in great, ahninisir'e. 'lnns,- presell wire Misect* Delia Kirk, It, ssie Fosti r. Mi- Jack- 'll. Mva Can .0 a. Violet Dr .1. Annie Mary Itiicklcy. Lizzie Cam mo. NVltto Me\ey. Cert mile .Mahan. Carrie .\,-s- --lilt. Cattle Armour, Anna Mary C;..;Ji- •’ts. Lney Kirk. Anna Benjamin. Ihnelwl Kjrk. Sain Me,inis. Mn-srs, llerhort Kirk. Thoina l - McDowell, ( ;:r .1 Logan Kiislnr Kirk. Stanley MeV-y. 11, my Drown. Alfred Kirk. A ll re, I Cn.iherw, Arthur Armour. Ernest Kirk. (hit list t rothets. Taylor 'i'll, ,;in] .s'',.ll, Millard Watson. Clayton Mellow, 11. Taylor Mis Vey, ('intis Will in nut, Err. 1 Bricklcy. Jc-se She, r. Clinrhs. Com pi. n. Clifford Aft Laurenee Crotiicrs. an,l James* Mearns. A CFEST. Poe Suffrage Plan Approved. Tile eutiferi nee of Dentoei a tie nvein- her.s of the Legislature. 0.1 Thursday night, approvi I the Cool Foals and the Foe Suffrage t\n;i.-'l it ill!- ¦: a.i! Amend- ments. The latter inchr! tip. •'gtand- f. clause" anil ve.-ts rigi-traMon otlieers with power to ihtetaii;, whether voters offering to register ate aide to explain satisfiiHoialy or writ; upon dic- tation any section of the St I ¦ , r Fed- . fill Constitution. Attorney Cnm ral Bryan opposes giving 'ngMr.ars thi power, 'and thinks it time ean.-e tho innendliieiits defeat at tin- (oils. Want Fish Law Changed. Kent county fishermen are urging the repeal of Section !)4. of the F:.-h Law of ISttli >io Par as it applies 1,, tlw Kent Mltore of tlie hay which .prohibits taking tish in llte Clnsapeake hi low Fmde’s Is'hiinl. at a greater dlst'anee than StKl yttnlH front low water mark, hy the use of fykes, pound nets. etc. Talk Of Local Base Ball League. Then* is talk iif orjr.iisi/.imr Null lawjnn* in (’juinty. with Hui's in 10lk ion. I* 11 IjHKsit. (in ¦ ijw akc (‘it.\ No’Pth Kast. I Vrry vilU*. Uis'iajr Sna. ( (’(Milton*, A piflctojK uink porlmiw <nli( r points. —Tll(* (MPl|f(mUV <>f ])lilhwl*;i-tic lUHU- I'ors of tin* <ii Tlumwjlw.v niKlit. iin‘ (iood' Kojhlw (NiruHti- -1 lit ioiui 1 A.momlimMit timl anolluT, follow- in*r tin* I\n* i*l*an for rest riding tlu v w>if- I'l'a'lft*. imluilinor tho “ianiilPathc ,l rV Hausd*." and resist ration <tHrens with po\V(i* ti> whether offering to revrister can saitisfaHoiily oxn- stnie 01* write upon dictation any seeiioit tho State or F<Mlenal (Vnislntutioii* WHOLE NO. 3.£34. en nl r, jr-: nip j Alls Bill FOR SHIP Calls For $8,000,000 To Acquire And Enlarge C. &D. Waterway. Si‘Hi ij* Hill, i *’ Delaware, on Tues- 'ay, fl *1 1 ;• *!•• .I I jl! in I -s, ¦appl'i:- pFaling SS (HlM.nni for a Maryland -and D *. •' * <• I. a pioji 11 which ha's b abi fore I' •' ••- f* - .am I line, blit i> i ; i wish !i J.ioial'e a elk m has never be. a t P H bill dii M SHre- i . y i.f \V : . :;<*<|Mii'e for tlm Lnitcd " all t' jimp rly. including real ''; a•• I , il :•••!< and frail eh bv ' J;m ('i: ¦ '; a!;.- an i DX ¦ ware t .i:*al ( •;• j• i ' .vid ! nit aide tills- can be obt-’isa ¦!. Tie* Scent ry is a' directel 1* ap- I ‘‘i a ! :! of three engine. :s to up- priis'e the pi -aiiy. and tl. * anw*niit of :• irons shall I i 1 'I ••: •! !.- to run from ! P w!i*.* City. Del., to <hiesfapeake City. ''. Aftcr the ca *1 h ' eu acunir i ;;*nd U”til it i< co!veiled i:*t in ship cuni'a'l. ;i *li T ' oj ’••’I 1 for :ml o: hchialf •*f t 'n* IX !tc ! ei iti •. 'Pile w :• i way is to have snlllciein - I city depth i > "iv ¦ i for i-'going v•• •-1 Is of tin* largest toui.uge 1 gi a a lot draft. T Si ie{ -iy if W i- i> given all in-i-,—v -anihoriiy in acquiring property ivipiired in widening and improving the canol. DEATHS. WILMA M TdWNMvND PRICK. William Townsiml Prices the oldimt child of the late Samuel Price, of Bethel, in ihi- < Minty, w!i . at ••:;(* time wnw Snjrcrinte!:-b’l’.'l of tin* DeXiware and Chesapi ake C'anal, and a hrotlnr of tin* bite dolin U. Price, who ulso held the same posit Urn during liis life, died the home of lxis sum. Alien Linn Price, -at West held. New di'r-ey. oil Wi-d‘lies,la.V, in his r7rh yi sr. Mr. Price w is horn at Summit Hiidge. Del., on March -Sth. 1847. He joined the Nuivy during his minority while at sehind at Cl iveriak, New York, ami w.s on tin* Brooklyn under F. nagnl at tin* battle of Mobile* Baa. In isr.9 he m rrieit .\l iry IX. the ihli X d-imrl.t. r of the I t.* (' ;ptain John F. All. n. of L 1 11 in. ... |* , or >u vi ral yi , i : 1 -vit i short time of . !< li till, lie was i 1 in New York. i,i I >> ; S; j* Coiirpany. lib wi- w vaivivi- him 'and one sum. Allen I .iim 1 riee. v. it ,i whom he resided t'ln ¦ ns th. li*- wms yi n.etid ¦r of tin ¦! Arear.nni. lie wa* -o .inn mli' r the I *i. <t. -t nit Fpi*- t ¦: a! ( ti'ieh, and o. f t:I folltl'ilers of f ' Hood Sin pin rd at ('ln ¦- 1 j -ke City. PI- fniei d wiii take : 1•I •I * l< 1 >. S 'ii; - V. a t Bethel M. F. ( iinieii. 'at - p. in. MRS SABAH d. P.LNM \ MIN. Mrs. Sarah d i;n* R *ujaiuii\ widow of the late William lleiijaiirin. died at the residence of !i<•r -.• i-i.iXa-w. William R. Ca.mlde. on S .tm 1 v. * !’ the inliienitU<s ir.ciih ni to M age. in .nr .- v i.'ty-sixlh year. Four -ons Henry, of Chester, P i.. J. ren. : X. of Wi tnimaion.. Del.. William and W. Smt Ri nj'aniin. of Bay View, and two dauglMris Mr-. William P. Timmp m. of Cluster. Pa., and Mrs. W lain IL (I mbl *. of Bay Vii-w. sur- vive her. 'Pie- fnnvr; ! rvices wi re held in Ray \ lew M. I*. Church. :• Tm-day. with interim il in Ray \’ii w C. nnlcry. 'Plie pall heart rs wen* Mrs. Benjamin's six gramV . > -Harry Hamid *. Victor. Frank and William Buijanilii.. dolin Ty- son and .1 1 reiniail f rii'>mp-i!i. DR. A. N. RATH. Dr. A. N. Ranb, Pre.-idi*nl of Dela- ware College frem ISSI to ISJKJ, died at his residence, in Newark, <i TucL-day i veiling, aflt r a prolonged illness. Dp. Ranh was* in l.ancasler Connly. Pa., in 1840. lie was a graduate of Miller.-ville State Norm-al School and de- voted bin -elf to ii aching and compiling school text books. Ife was borolvd with of A. M.. float Primnton, Ph. D., ii -i; I. - fay 11 le, and LL. D.. fn>m I’mniis* ('ol!i*ge. His widow a-ml klx childrei. survive him. Hit* funeral was held yesterday, at Newark, with iu- t ament private. WILLIAM WARD. NViMi'iim Will’d, an aged and i -p. <-t*d ia -ider.t of Pi Try villi*, who had been in failing health for sum* time pasrt, died on five -bib iiM., ag I *aeveiiily-niiiT yi !r.-!. (’mil foice !to give np -aclive work. Mr. Ward was a devoted 'and forceful member of the IVrryvillo M. IX Chur* h. Tw o - . Charles WX, mid Sain-m 1 r P.. and i In-tin r. .hanics L. W.ird, all Pcrryville, snirrive liim. Ills fnimral >\ -*- !; ! I on 'Pnnsdiay. Rev. K. W. Hiveiilicld conducting tin* services, with interim :'l in tin M. K. Ceinotcry at Primdpio Fiin.'.ice. MRS. PRI’DFNCF J. THOMI^SON. Mr.-. Prudence .Lra-e Thointp.son, <!i< 1 on Tnesd'a.v. at No. .’{ill King Sticcl. Wilmington. Del., after a brief illncsis, aged sevei'ly-live yi-ns. Mm Thomisun was fhe widow of the lati .loan Thomp- son, formerly of fin* I until District, anud the mother of Wilnur D. Thompson, of Fair Hill, and Frank 11. Thompson, of North Fast. A daughter ia!so survives her. Tin* fmn ral services wort* held yes- terday. at Bock Pre.-byiteri'an Church, with iiilmncnt in Sharp’s Cemetery. JOHN FARLF L ITT MX The fnneraJ of John IXrrie Kittle. ;i bi*othcr-in law of IX\-Sln ritV and Deputy S’lieriff W. T., ami .1. W. McAllister, was held < :i Sunday, with Inla rnicml at OxfoTtl, P*a. Mr. I little died ait hiss home, in Coclminville, Pa., on the 1 Sth ins'L. of consnm'ption, aged ihirt.v-livi* y-iars. 11 is wife who was Mbs Mary McAllister survives him.

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JOMFS RUNNERS TRiUMPH.Win The 1280 Yard Dash At Georgetown In Fast Time-Notes

Of The Campus.

ProcM. I** 1 1 1 1 tlamble. Wyndlmiii : a 1 Blhnrt Sexton. The hoys won

I a rel y race m'-rd'-l forniid'.ihle <• m.|• :i---' tors. ni'l each hoy ivtun *;1. tin- pm-I

IHisscs.-i.r of <n yo! l im dal. I'mh r the' part i*o• •w of Senator < I •nihli*-, tin- hoys

! nailed on Pit idcnit Uoowvelt, ?vii'd wr-pleased with hi* necrp'ti'on.

; W' shiunion's birthday was <l. r\vd -a-, M lie' day by the Ir.e'tiUHo. ail'd many

tilde* tv vine I flic ms•dvrs of theporlir ity of viwitiimr tin* Nalhm'.rl Ci; !¦lal or in poi**:*;* to their hoim's.

'ld;.- Fomin (flu* l eys’ d. l Hin;r soeii ty

has 1. *i dlsh-an !.* I. wild two m w such*ties h ve bon formed. Tile KUittb* hnven ! teen po-dtively dt ci hM upon. Th *¦olliceiv of o.ttie. 'are William Af I>* 11 ; • • t'.

Port 1 teposit, Mil.. Fob. IMth. (

A trrtMt ilc il of enthu'sii'asni ha* !•nrousi ! by the jrrc-at suede's of theJacob Tome IiiotHnte relay loam. winchwns rn t :lu* Mint liibl bit-ti S iur-lity,under t’:i‘ .in-;'lei u of i lu* (> *•!*irt own 1Piilvimity in W'.i-hiirzMiMii. 1). (*. TheInstitute c*n.tcrel a n 1:iy learn, which ;nuinlo thr f. : 1 time 1 lr*t has over,boon uv.iiV imi t!io tents in (%-nviMiiionHall, wluTo iln* in. , r wm held. Tin*boys i*.mi••* Itmwn Preimrutory

School, which has l hold the jship for the nrilr rehay,mud he t themdecisively. Tho distance was I-SI I yiirds.Tlic ti:11.* ip h- w is .'h i I Mo ,•¦.*. -m-V,which was coiiisiilcrahly h-< I'lran flic

5 n tj I t

i |•*• *><*¦& -W rS fs .* .<% .**. -iy +¦ O*

| Fora, McDonald. Secretary. After theroutine buslines. the following new: '¦ midercl Music. Frances < k ir-h a lifter: Recitation. Velma I'itt: Inin*.Uisolvi I. That An iOducath.nal TestShouM lu* Made a Qualification for Vot-ing. 'I he mlHrnii’live was Mipjo-rtt i byJosephine Newell, ila It’i e Durkins. Main IPeiplis; the lucrative, hy Mary WJiite-l‘M*k. Pearl Me.lad Arthur. Tinarguments were nuiiicioiis arnd weighty,and the spin kin* wax. d vehement aitimes. The judges. May Willi am-s. Kli-zal.ith Bradford -and Mary Buek. dc-cided in favor of tin* nen live. Tin* criticMary Paissnuuv, made some wJioliNoim*

. *uj?p siioiiH. An iuotniimuntil >s!<. hyMy Hie DorciiN ami a dint hy Jvlith llar-

i vcy and ICth'el McNutt co-nclud. I tini piogram.

HONOR ROLL FOR JANUARYTlic following edutieh'tM attain d an

| iivii-jin*‘ of S 4Ktilth Armstrong Clarence Anderson

I Mahel Arthur Arthur HtillevI l.ciiii Breunlnger Newton Ca aieron

Mary Buck Krlsliv CochranHattie Burkins Max KiserArietta Condon I‘aul KentaUlKlorcitcc* Itlckcy I ishttrit llcrrinyBertha Koran ' (Hirer HitchensVirginia Koulke KmII Holm

I Agues I'ox Herbert 11 ulehensoitI'earl Heaps Cyrus Keen. trace Holm .James t u IsMay Kluthle .lames HoeVerna .MaeDonalil Percy HoweNellie .McNutt Chandler HinlthJosephine Newell .lannev SmllhKlht l Heyitolds Hleltard Tunslalltleorge i'ollenger Arlln.r VanuetminJoseph Vannuinau Thomas Wilson

time macU k by cmy of 1 lit* othor teams )entwcd. Tht* 1 ioy** couipriMin;; tfiiv tramwoTC Ualp-h A. < r.umhlc of Soul a Da.kola.WhnUnim Piirany, of New York City,Bruce Block, of Ohio, and W. Id. Sexton,of Baltimore.

NOTES OF THE CAMPUSF-r the srr. *ti i* i ;::i of l-*<t wi.k. lire

school work continued in the oven im'orof its way. Towards I hi* close of tireweek. t’hc trains fiom Oxford ami ii.'tvr-modiato points*, n a:i lied Poll Deposit,siu-d hum of tlie *“ \Ve!V imlyawaiting the chance of ndunnujr to

school. Work hi tin Junior anul Mi ! lieSc'h’siols was resiiin I on the mormnjr ofthe loth.

The In dilute was t epn *. urn • 1 in tire!< Jcorjrcti -wn Mei i, on the lint'll, hy BrucePn sident: Fivd. 1 Mivaj Viee-I’r.-hh m; iJ. K. Funny. Sccntivr.v and Trcai-uivr. jTile olliccrs of the* other munity nre—-(ieorjrc Tollcn:.rcr. I’rsidciit ; BruceBrock. Vice-I’riiMileni; Howard Until. ISecretary.

Me ••• Miller. of the dunior School Fac- julty, Irai-a hern lately visited hy h r Imother mi l sister.

Mr. (th'aries K. Ihamnutt. Physical IDirector of the Institute. received n I•painful injury to hie hack and Kip. whileexercising mi the horizontal bar. about 'ten days apv, Though coirliiiied t< hisIwil, Mr. Hacmmtl is impiovinjr. andhol>es Moon. to he out.

The regular imuti'iiijrof the Aova washeld on Friday afternoon. February HIwith \*li-^rinia Foulkc. pnvsidiiur. and


fl Great Union Station May Be Built InBaltimore.

The Wesleru Miifylnml Uuilrond Hill,whieli wives Unit eiil-|H>nltien the riydil ton>e eertnin property of the < 'lieMiipr.'ike

I thin -'.'l 1;i;lI lietwieli t’h.ny Umit*i: I t 'imilierl-niid for its exiensini; to eon-in * I with tile W’rali.Tsh system, pnssed theSemite on Friday Inst tiiiiiiiiimnisiy. 'Hieei.;n| .liih.-n hill, ullieli the our

, met ion of the ill'lllye m Spring t!:il-ders. Hull Imore, mid the eotideiniuntion

. of certain properly, wus pnMsed to its, third reanliirfr.

Knciiieers of the WuUiis'h Unileeii! up,.

exniii'iniriK the charter ri(flits of theI Western Afnrylund, whieli (five the hitter

till- privilege to run trains upon trestlesinto tile hejii't .cl imere over the liedof .tones Falls. A movement is on footto it rye the t Jon Nls to nvuil ihems.'lviss

. of this pi ivilejie. and erert u wtatioll intin* city upon tv site now in- the Inirtreddintriit. SiKDfes'lions ure nlsio made for

¦a (treat union st at ion. made |>ssilile hythe tire.

Search Warrants In Liquor Cases.Sen artor IMxon'V bill to facilitate flu*

collection of evidence in easx4s of viola--1 tin hi of liquor laws in flow State pmvid<*

that when three residents of any .parti-cular siM'tion shall make oaith I'lrat theybelievt that violation's of ihe law art*taking place in any particular horn** inlhint, sivtion. a sitnvh tdiall beissued. mid the imM-vswion- of a ii<*cnS!ofor tin* sab* of liquor* from the ITilted

t Stales C Jovcnimienit and ilw* posst<sion• of the paraphernalia of the liquor btisi-• ne>-- on the premises shall In* primal facie

evidence of the Vale of liquor*.

FOUR GALA NIGHTSJunior Mechanics’ Bazar And Sup-

per Promise To Prove AttractiveTlii* bazar -ami supper arranged for ITj*

benefit of IClklon Council Ni>. Jr. O.U. A. M.. at its Uadi, on Na il’ll S'lr-ct,to run four irijr-his next week. opening on

Inesday evening. proud- • I * ;iITn !both pleasure and profit. The committeeof .arraivgemi nt-- ‘an- S. J, Keys, ('hair-man:. Alfred iKivis. I’hilip M. Hmviv.Herman delTcr.-. Willi-mi I*. I t an. .Fins.11. Sloan. A. M. Sfiickland. .Miller l\Matfraw. William IF. Sprinkle. (JcorgeW. Boiilden, Henry 11. I’lummer. IF.'NVinlii'ld I.ewis. Ricketts Nelson, WalterBilackson and .Folnn F. Sparklin. havebeen actively at work for sune lime jrnwt,wild have 'about completed all details.They are supported by a zealous am!•active committee of ladies upon whomthe work of ci.inducting the affair willlarge]y fall. The hall will be appiopria-tely dccoralted and the tables i.asJUTnllyarranged. Supper will be served nightlyat flu* iH>pular price of Ui centv. Con-fectionery will also be on stale, and fancywork, household l ware's, etc., will be dis-played in attractively arranged booths incharge of lady friends of the Order. Klk-¦ton Conclave of 1 lepta-sophs. MaltaheonTribe, lmprovi*d Order Red Men. withvisiting brethren, National Ivodge, No..*l7. I. O. O. F„ with imauilH-is of .Felfer-w>n Idge. of Wilmington-, and FOlktonCouncil will visit (he hall on- .successiveevenings ilitwd enjoy sp'reads served by t heladies, in charge of tin* tablets.

Wagon Lodged In Tree Top.•V colwpd nmv driving to mill .it

Newport. IM.. on Monday, wins I':t ill'll!in Hie Omul mid left the wiiboii in thewmhl. Next day the owner found theVehicle lodged in a tree top.



Pcrryvilte And Charlestown Marks-men Score For Points.I'. iTj-villc. Mil., I'i-li. 22. 11)04.

A> lilt' time for till* shoot ;; 1Hultiin.i. i< r-iwiny: r. 11.•r. the homeI. : ! 11., i r til i pi i- I ice s'.; . I- f this.vt. rli tn-iiiy. h’.,.!.,:. . ¦ high win:! workiagnlr-i g-'d -hooting. Dr. W. (!. Boyd¦: .’ • 1 X if 1 w.vs the i!y !i ter

¦ i its i,i. ; j . *jr,

but w 'i. ,i M. F. ( ;..:t ;.1 ¦ wind om•.1.! <> .... ;!.. • 11nal Pi tin s

j 1 >r. 1 ‘ . I, I W. 1. ; X t lj!rl.F. W. . , ¦ .

- • . , | Unit • : ii! ,¦: :

llieda 1. I’ ii : i: ; . 1|;. ij Mi'is:i I i... • ... i l.i tl: ¦ . ...1. 1 In-

c-iubHH'.I.l I.

N.l i - £

jlOl 'OJ 25

M. K. Dull! * 4i 11 1 J JxjilHr. I! .yd (|||.VIII '4 r>• njv.aoF Foster j ftii I: 7 in xi •, •>! xjvl \

W K H -vd 71 i *• \j vj \M xD. UilTemlnfer (5 12 7 3 d2lBVV. Bailo H ~ : xj3*20Win lii.'k-OM ft! -I j!i .a' 7] Mi<’ 4'oil*' ! I ; i ' 'f 3.17II Davis (i :0, l;i •! H ,s j 2;|HTM. Owns a] :i| iv. ,\l ,\ .':t’i7(I. Crawtunl :i 7j i'll' M' I \

Will Cmic : si i; ii . .ij) v

K W .1 . ks., •;•!•( Iv!* |... (J. a3films Ki'iwcy I>i j 7. a! '|>• I{)¦ 1 ir*‘.v ¦ . ~ . a.I .

x Means H I m-t parti.-i. .at* ia tin* event.26 event w ns for Club M *dal.

Tin* Hiver-Me (inn (*lnb. of Charles-town. bad mit.i: -1 !*• >i* an nil-day tar-get match .in Monday. . I it**' m w club-house, with an 1.. SniSi.ii. S’Si I grade.Ivanin h I

I<*li 1 to .i •!. • to b • ammunct 1lata i*. Th : was a matchstool fur ioh :' in whu ll M rs. Han yHanics. Charles n.iry. Clyde Fee loin,tli*uge <* • j.. t. t'lr.rlis HilTord. of Zion,and other**: no t ¦ 1 with cv i 1 cr St-able si • n•>-. ib pile an adverse wind.Tin1 prize i • i •. I is uw lit 1 with

¦ '. ’ kc’y final1: Hall *e will

partb Ij I•*.

j flf ?" r>. rv r zx

11 FA STLX It Hi NSTON.Mi-> t *•.ll;iX;.bdr i• 1•I. -f

diaughtir :* Mr. ; I Ms.-., dolin 'l'. dolm--ion. of Th..iii-..m S'! at mm. D. htwKeniblev i i‘. i a.. Mil .Mr. Waller ib -as-

till. I.J* J: I \ Uiu! 'iT ill t'i ; ;:i .; y ofNi*w I' ' il- <' );11ii>. of Wilin'in-i n. wen*iiianii d M tin* horn of tin* loid •. on lliccvi i! _ <:f : , IS: ... :! ~ s. t:::;ii:ua. >;:¦ i;. i!i: .i \v. - ...

of W i . • . maid of h ‘:ioi I11. d. d i;;i ¦<. dr., of Don r. IM„ wn<

host n=i!i. 'Pin* hrido --

gowned in whit.* voih* liiinim l withwhile stalin mid Hn'i:iilli* fringe, and car-ried hr'n! ¦ r and Hlh >\ >

A wedding r. -A ;• ! by il oit¦ - ¦ v -. follow. d tin- ;¦ 11 . ...A i'. 1 Miv. Hen? 1< n l k a i *ithorn

. . x. iIS!"• 'at 1 ; after March Ivt, at 819Ada:; Sturt. >\’i!ininrton. Del.

Met’OOL SMITH.Miss Marion 1.. Sniiiih. of

Dl.. und Mr. io'rjfe W. McCool, son ofMr. and Mrs. J<diii W*. MctNwd. who re-

wde near Hlkion. were married at AshnryM. K. Icusoiiiaifc. in tiiat city, on the17ih in'.-1.. hy Hi v. 11. S. Dillany.

Militia Withdrawn From Baltimore.'1 in* Mma i. :d militia w. .. lir i’lv with

drawn from nanard hlui.v in Ihiitinion*.• y.: Tuesday. The <> s-1 lo tin* Stale forllir sixli en ihiys speeial >. rvii • of theNation'll tln.ird an: ni.teil to a limit STJ.-'Hiti. Ahout ST.tilJO was. spent for f<. iinu'the hriira le. lahont Ssno for rra-nspoit'a-tion of the First Haliment and tin- resi-due for pay of the rank and file. Priv-ates nSl.t M. r. ; j .ki!s Sl.*J.”. and Ser-na ants Sl.oti pi !- day. Not many of thenn*n devoir;* I >ic! i while on dirty,hni Li. nt. a !in D. Uieli- i ! n and Priv-at didm l adneh •! the Fourth lieyi-mein look pneiinioni.i and died.

Fighting Ocloraro Water Bill.'Pin* hill t-. rh.ii I.t the OetiMHim AVat r

and Powi r t'oinpany ha.- an n-. d stronuand active opprdti.m atnonu Tcsidi-ntsof upper Ciril. A petition Ir.nina: thesignatures of many rejuvsnilative <-iti-zens ajfninsit the i naetmeiM of the meas-ure ha*< hern presented to the Lejjisl-a-Inre. A stroiitf <lidelation H* mill ownersand others, with L. M. Hciines. Msrj.. ap-peared before the eommifte-c in. <*Jianreof the bill on Wednesday to protestagainst its pa^ajn*.

Mortgage For $10,570,000 Filed.A inortpijfc oS patfiv. wtis iv-

ei.rded in the ('irciiii Court (Merk's Olllrein Flkton, this wi*ck. It is fortHio and ci>vers the projM ity of tin* P.,H. iV W. H. H.. in Mainland. Next ciftcr

> a H. iV f). H. H. niortjßitfc. previouslyrecoiMled, tJu* one now olTeivd is Mu*

diH-nmcnl ever lusindled in tlie(’h*rk’sOllier here. A< noted elsewhere,a 1 like has heen reco*rde<l in IDelaware, I


Disposition Of Estates Of Miss SusanC. Magraw And Amos Watson.

The la-si will and testament, a lengthy'¦oeimu i t, with three codiciL. of th 1 ;*•

Mi*- Sn-• in (’. Ma.uraw. of Perry Point.Perry vilh% 1 beiin th** oijjce of !L iri*M*rT. I. Miller.'Pile vill i- illid danrary loth, isfi::.and is witni ,*’-el by Henrietta .Mitehel!•rd Alleb* M. Slump, with 11. Arthur

stump a- Fxrent or. The I State is value Iat about 'ldv Jn i t D. Ilnirirh¦<i< linjm'athi 1 eellcin jewei'y: \>> M ; y

M. M ' i raw . midi'ti-i* of Uol it M •. i. Susie H. Si a.. s.*>( 1; K

M-itrr-'w, widow ¦ f Dr. J*mu s M. Mi'tr iv,- . junad of bind in H dtin. :v andel •tin!-yp, Mary M. Mairiuw. d iiirJ’le'r ofDr. Mayr !-:w. rml.dn jewelry and S'JIMI;•I ‘i!*st t S. M-atrr-rw. jew*tr.* ¦¦ ! DJs .*;H ¦’ irt -! aw . ... ary A. M-ava w idtames F. Majnaw, i arh SlPn; Oi-i ;\ X?L. Silm-vT j* .vilry; Dr. iroryr e M.

Sit ¦ t Noll Sr rh'.ini ('

trry Sinn: Sh-plien (’. Mairmw, a biH>ther' •:. i ; d 'j hit Phillip ¦ i Hrh rallniiler sr>n i ,n-Ji: Mary <llir/,uii -

nd Mary M.. ‘ami Il'.nriitt (

raw. d: ntrl :• : of S: phi Majsi'aslut! uieh: Allan 1.. Malone Sinn. The! -Mile of tile i••:tal l* !•) he ('<( Hally div-id'd hetwren Siiphin (’. and (hiitliarineW. Maiirraw.

Hy tile will of tile late John Wu-tson.f Ml. Pli'a.-' ir.'t, iih d foT piolnte ill the

H ”ivt r of Wills Otliee, his dtanjrhter.A. ('a :pinl¦r. snd Id.- jrrui"l-

da,lighter. Currie S. Watkins, are earliu'iveil So. The nsidin* of tin < t te isheipti. tiled to II ,!. h J. W.i'l.-o’.i. wife• •!' tin* le.-t itt. liiimin T. Hi own. ofLiberty Drove, i 1- runu-d us Kxi-entor.Pin* will is i.aied .1 iniiarv .‘{nth. P.Miibth D. Nesbitt and Ihm'r C. Hiv>wn arethe wit nesses.


Baesk Up Of Ice And Floods Cause MoreOr Less Damage.

Streams* throiiirhimt the county ‘were¦rre-nly siwolten by the heavy rains ofSin lay nlirht and V> iad iy mornimr. raid

t re or le-s d ima _

r e was d<. hy tin-hreakiii'jr up of the ice an 1 hy l!oo’<- .atvarious points. The rif <t holy of theice in the Klk h'roke early Monday!i!rii'irjf, rushed d-nvn tin* i-rreb amiwith 1h - water nivnr I th • C,I i. • >w ar Illn -a pea ke City I- -to u d.rpjli of mv-

i ral fn t f.-r unite lengthy stmteius.'Pai ice i'i* j imnn d in the riverjust h low the Hadyor Pulp Mill, h irka a tin water M| nvi r tin* in :rsh >a:; 1 the

. >\\ la -it 1 St vet. Tin*war r was within a few fi it of the of the Hotel Flkton. canto well npii to nar yarh cill mloii't Main Sir cl a>n ir -c *¦ vei* the wharves. Water Stnntwas a minicitiire Port Deposit rficr -i

tlood. Hoat-hoiiM > were m u r hssthreatened, thi*ie of C. H. Finley, dr.,.ni'd Win. S. Frans, reniir.jr off worst.

The ( pn on the lampaare. andthe ice sw(‘p| down over the paper mill!•:?in -at Howlar lviiJi. ma>-iim in tin*public roads, to the luduin of ten andfifteen fei t. The i minty Inidtre i.\i r tin*eierk W a-' moved about luaif llfe t I II Itsfoil 'a 1 ? **l i(•i"v. Tire watii* ri.-,- m veil oreight feet in a few minutes. HoodingI.ouan Brcs.* jvapir mill, da lira irimr ahout•SlotNi woith of xteek an 1 injuring themachinery. niOMt of which was new. InMi'-siv. Ltnjsail'v store the Heod los-e sixinches'above tin* nniiitri* ainul sp<died sev-i ral Ii mid rod dollar* worth of good!*.In wis Logan's dwelling wens also Hooded.Christie's- Hour mill, on the oppositeshore, wi;is Hooded on the first Hoor. billthe content* bad. luckily, hcen removedto th * third Mlory in expect ath-*:i. of thetlood. Mr. ChnsTH*'s nisidmwe was alsoinvaded hy the waters, hut like precau-tion had he*n taken tin r<*. and nothingwa> lust or injured. Ilnndr. d.s of p. .

1 le \vi ii* drawn to tire x en-f MoirdiayaftrrmxHi. Logan \ Bros.' !. -¦•¦> i- pmat fully SliodO. A county bridge overCoinowiiigo Crei*k. m ar Pilot, is n pertedcompletely wrecked by tin- H< 1 in I hutstream, as was also the bridge over DeerCr. ek. at St a Ilford, in Hai fmd County.The ice broke up in North Fast Creek,and a muiuM honsH" iwenpied by the fimnjlyof h


le.|ch*r Hands, including a newlyborn babe, wins swej i 'a'lnuis'l fimi itsfoinidalion*. Tin* ocenpaii'ts w. re forcedto vac ate. 'Pin* dwelling i.-i nu*w atn-li-.0-cd1o a tm*.

The Snso(nieliani:u began to rise withthe inflow from its 1 rilmlaries. n'litd theworst was feared at many points’, inelnd-iug Columbia and Port Deposit, but theriver was? slowly falling at

W’ilkesihaire. on Wedins'day. The out-

look at Port Deposdl i-> pivtty iimdi as

il was hi'st week. Hack water iweasion-ally rovers Main St m l at the nort h en>d.There is a ehaimel on the Har-ford side which lets off surplus water,

<a’id the unbroken gorges above hold hackthe flood. A gradual thaw and a break-up helmv tin* town will Icskch if noteliminate, danger, while Invak-njxs abovewill involve disaster. Most of the r< isdd-ents of the sondy tried town are gettingused to the river's freaks: but aill wish aaiend to the suspense, wbieh live situationoccasions.

Icebergs And Floes In The Bay.The CheMni*ake Hay this ws*k resem-

bled i small Arctic Omni'. Ici*-Hoes andbergs were moving everywhere upon thewater. The steamer “(TharloMe,** of tlheYork Ulver Lini*. met Inmgs eight andten fiiet high, and otT Botkin- Point en-countered one which rose twenty fc*-i

* above the water.


Governor Warfield Names Candi-dates For Cecil County Offices.

Mu<li inter,-t w*ts felt in CoventorW arfleid's mimiimliimis for loot I herthw"'¦•¦'•i' flu - Slate Coyermnent. Tin- homo

I • 'lltl'llonneed 0:1 \\. .In, in ||

fhe '"mites woif -ci l : into tin- Si„ie Sou*ntc, is ns follow s :

JFSTICKS OF THE FLACK.l’ii-t District William .1. linhatnclF,

•Mlft .1, 1!. 15. 0p,. .Morn.m111 I Foweil F. Johns,

Snioti'il District .1. Hooper Siipooiir

i William ,\, Ah-vander.T'iirl Diotiict Henry 11. Cioin. Wil-

liam T. HonM, o ,11;,| | >.ivi 1i C. Work.I'mtfth Divtili! Arthur M. Scott.Filth Disc let Tii.>lll s CriiSixth Di'.-iricf Smntel \. T-tvior

Stephen I.,vncli lit; I sinter I!. T -i!i,s‘V Ih I list lid .(irwsi* T. I ; Ino ~[

mol Charles W. Ward.I- '' 111 District Tin-. 11. 1 nmmings.Ninth jiistrict Edwin M. Kirk.

NOTAKIKS FFISLIC.Wi'llhtmt 11. Smith juml Wiilimn D.

(’awhy. Elkton.lie try Itmichcllc. < ’ll,¦. rj ,¦ n 1., Cilv.Alevzo 1,. Murry and Thom-..'.- 11. Mnr-

nny, Fort D, posit.Wiliiicr .1. F.-iUm, North K.i-t.Henry (I. Filing. John Aiihert Fogno,

.uni Franklin X. Jenkins. Ki-iipg Sim.< 'ormier— llicketts Nelson,,I>m kins Felice—l 'ooh y A. Nirkle and

•I. .sri]ill ileishr.Ducking Police (Elk Uivcn John W.¦ \ IT.Mlts,

< corse A. Miake. F-v 1., reroniiictieiFfor School Commissioner, was . oiilinnedI'.v Hie Senate on Wednesday.

FIGURES ON THE FIRE.Insurance Companies' Losses In Baltimore's

Big Blare.'l'he Italliniere T’ n: 1 1 rwriler. in it s> la St

issue )niuts the list of losses ~f nil tin;tire insurance lompan'ies in the Haiti-more tire. The Iota! gross loss is tjt;t2,-Sii-I.SIM. of which Sii.dOti.iicO ivlUs upontile local comp nil s. Tile estiln. ulcd totalof salvage is 51.71i!1,71i2. which leavesi .ae. loss to th insurance eoin| -inies ofSt!l.i ti.i.ltii'. It has In en I, thatmany of the large wholesale ,lry g*tod

i 0r... s fortius) an ii;.-manee j amongtheinnelves, which taimmeti 1 to. aboutsTi.tlt 10.(10(1, from which pm tl Ky mull-ing will he realize.l. Another .:. vehii>-ment is very few tenants of the <n-called tire-pi of hiiihlltrgs eg pried anyinsurance.

Pleasant Birthday Party.Mr. ai I Mi-, ii. .am M,.n , of

tire, nhm ;. >ne a Hitt inlay Siii-j iso" • S.t 1n 1.1 .iy ,\ 1 .lira, in 1: ,f I:,Sr- 'll. Lawrence, i: living hi i went .v-tip-lthiillii!-'y. A very enjoyable ring n as

i* at with mtl-'ie an.l gam . l.y ail pre--e 111. lifter which we w. 1, invii ito the.lining-lne'n. win re frozen p. o h s, cake,oranges, sir I eamly were wry, .1 in great,

ahninisir'e. 'lnns,- presell wire Misect*Delia Kirk, It, ssie Fosti r. Mi- Jack-

'll. Mva Can .0 a. Violet Dr .1. AnnieMary Itiicklcy. Lizzie Cam mo. NVlttoMe\ey. Cert mile .Mahan. Carrie .\,-s---lilt. Cattle Armour, Anna Mary C;..;Ji-•’ts. Lney Kirk. Anna Benjamin. IhnelwlKjrk. Sain Me,inis. Mn-srs, llerhortKirk. Thoina l - McDowell, ( ;:r .1 LoganKiislnr Kirk. Stanley MeV-y. 11, myDrown. Alfred Kirk. A l l re, I Cn.iherw,Arthur Armour. Ernest Kirk. (hitlistt rothets. Taylor 'i'll,,;in] .s'',.ll, MillardWatson. Clayton Mellow, 11. Taylor MisVey, ('intis Will in nut, Err. 1 Bricklcy.Jc-se She, r. Clinrhs. Com pi. n. CliffordAft Laurenee Crotiicrs. an,l James*Mearns. A CFEST.

Poe Suffrage Plan Approved.Tile eutiferi nee of Dentoei a tie nvein-

her.s of the Legislature. 0.1 Thursdaynight, approvi I the Cool Foals andthe Foe Suffrage t\n;i.-'l it ill!- ¦: a.i! Amend-ments. The latter inchr! • tip. •'gtand-f. clause" anil ve.-ts rigi-traMonotlieers with power to ihtetaii;, • whethervoters offering to register ate aide toexplain satisfiiHoialy or writ; upon dic-tation any section of the St I ¦ , r Fed-. fill Constitution. Attorney Cnm ralBryan opposes giving 'ngMr.ars thipower, 'and thinks it time ean.-e thoinnendliieiits defeat at tin- (oils.

Want Fish Law Changed.Kent county fishermen are urging the

repeal of Section !)4. of the F:.-h Law ofISttli >io Par as it applies 1,, tlw KentMltore of tlie hay which .prohibits takingtish in llte Clnsapeake hi low Fmde’sIs'hiinl. at a greater dlst'anee than StKlyttnlH front low water mark, hy the useof fykes, pound nets. etc.

Talk Of Local Base Ball League.Then* is talk iif orjr.iisi/.imr

Null lawjnn* in (’juinty. with Hui'sin 10lkion. I* 11 IjHKsit. (in ¦ ijwakc (‘it.\No’Pth Kast. I VrryvilU*. Uis'iajr Sna.( (’(Milton*, A piflctojK uinkporlmiw <nli( r points.

—Tll(* (MPl|f(mUV <>f ])lilhwl*;i-ticlUHU-I'ors of tin* <ii Tlumwjlw.vniKlit. iin‘ (iood' Kojhlw (NiruHti-

-1 litioiui 1 A.momlimMit timl anolluT, follow-in*r tin* I\n* i*l*an for rest riding tluv w>if-I'l'a'lft*. imluilinor tho “ianiilPathc,lrVHausd*." and resist ration <tHrenswith po\V(i* ti> whetheroffering to revrister can saitisfaHoiily oxn-stnie 01* write upon dictation any seeiioit

tho State or F<Mlenal (Vnislntutioii*

WHOLE NO. 3.£34.

en nl r, jr-: nip jAlls BillFOR SHIP

Calls For $8,000,000 To AcquireAnd Enlarge C. &D. Waterway.

Si‘Hi ij* Hill, i *’ Delaware, on Tues-• 'ay, fl *1 1 ;• *!•• .I I jl! in I -s, ¦appl'i:-pFaling SS (HlM.nni for a Maryland -andD *. •' *

<• I. a pioji 11 which ha'sb abi fore I' •'

••- f* - .am I line, bliti> i; ’i wish !i J.ioial'e a elk m has neverbe. a t

P H bill dii M SHre-i . y i.f \V • : . :;<*<|Mii'e for tlm Lnitcd

'¦ " all t' jimp rly. including real• ''; a•• I , il :•••!< and frail ehbv' J;m ('i: ¦ '; • a!;.- an i DX ¦ ware t .i:*al( '¦ •;• j• i ' .vid ! nit aide tills- can beobt-’isa ¦!.

Tie* Scent ry is a' • directel 1* ap-I ‘‘i a ! :! of three engine. :s to up-priis'e the pi -aiiy. and tl. * anw*niit of

:• irons shallI • i 1 'I ••: •! !.- to run from

! P w!i*.* City. Del., to <hiesfapeakeCity. ''.

Aftcr the ca *1 h ' eu acunir i ;;*ndU”til it i< co!veiled i:*t in ship cuni'a'l.;i *li T ' oj ’••’I 1 for :ml o: hchialf•*f t 'n* IX !tc ! ei iti •.

'Pile w :• i way is to have snlllciein- Icity depth i > "iv ¦ i for

i-'going v•• •-1 Is of tin* largest toui.uge

1 gia a lot draft. T Si ie{ -iy ifW i- i> given all in-i-,—v -anihoriiy inacquiring property ivipiired in wideningand improving the canol.

DEATHS.WILMA M TdWNMvND PRICK.William Townsiml Prices the oldimt

child of the late Samuel Price, of Bethel,in ihi- < Minty, w!i . at ••:;(* time wnwSnjrcrinte!:-b’l’.'l of tin* DeXiware andChesapi ake C'anal, and a hrotlnr of tin*bite dolin U. Price, who ulso held thesame posit Urn during liis life, died thehome of lxis sum. Alien Linn Price, -atWest held. New di'r-ey. oil Wi-d‘lies,la.V,in his r7rh yi sr. Mr. Price w is horn atSummit Hiidge. Del., on March -Sth.1847. He joined the Nuivy during hisminority while at sehind at Cl iveriak,New York, ami w.s on tin* Brooklynunder F. nagnl at tin* battle of Mobile*Baa. In isr.9 he m rrieit .\l iry IX. theihli X d-imrl.t. r of the I t.* (' ;ptain JohnF. All. n. of L 1 1 1 in. ... |*,or >u viralyi , i : 1 -vit i short time of. !< li till, lie was i 1 in New York.

i,i I>> ; S; j* Coiirpany.lib wi- w vaivivi- him 'and one sum.Allen I .iim 1 riee. v. it ,i whom he resided

t'ln ¦ ns th. li*- wms yi

n.etid ¦r of tin ¦! Arear.nni. lie wa*-o .inn mli' r the I *i. <t. -t nit Fpi*-

t ¦: a! ( ti'ieh, and o. • • f t:I folltl'ilers off ' Hood Sin pin rd at

('ln ¦- 1 j -ke City. PI- fniei • d wiii take: 1•I•I* l< 1 >. S • 'ii; - V. a t Bethel M. F.( iinieii. 'at - p. in.


Mrs. Sarah d i;n* R *ujaiuii\ widow ofthe late William lleiijaiirin. died at theresidence of !i<•r -.•i-i.iXa-w. William R.Ca.mlde. on S .tm 1 v. * !’ the inliienitU<sir.ciih ni to • M age. in .nr .- v i.'ty-sixlhyear. Four -ons Henry, of Chester,P i.. J. ren. : X. of Wi tnimaion.. Del..William and W. Smt Ri nj'aniin. of BayView, and two dauglMris Mr-. WilliamP. Timmp m. of Cluster. Pa., and Mrs.W lain IL (I mbl *. of Bay Vii-w. sur-vive her. 'Pie- fnnvr; ! rvices wi re heldin Ray \ lew M. I*. Church. • :• Tm-day.with interim i l in Ray \’iiw C. nnlcry.'Plie pall heart rs wen* Mrs. Benjamin'ssix gramV . > -Harry Hamid *. Victor.Frank and William Buijanilii.. dolin Ty-son and .1 1 reiniail frii'>mp-i!i.


Dr. A. N. Ranb, Pre.-idi*nl of Dela-ware College frem ISSI to ISJKJ, died at

his residence, in Newark, <i TucL-day

i veiling, aflt r a prolonged illness. Dp.

Ranh was* in l.ancasler Connly.Pa., in 1840. lie was a graduate ofMiller.-ville State Norm-al School and de-voted bin -elf to ii aching and compilingschool text books. Ife was borolvd with

of A. M.. float Primnton,Ph. D., ii-i; I. -fay 11 le, and LL. D..fn>m I’mniis* ('ol!i*ge. His widow a-mlklx childrei. survive him. Hit* funeralwas held yesterday, at Newark, with iu-t ament private.

WILLIAM WARD.NViMi'iim Will’d, an aged and i • -p. <-t*d

ia -ider.t of Pi Tryvilli*, who had been infailing health for sum* time pasrt, diedon five -bib iiM., ag I *aeveiiily-niiiTyi !r.-!. (’mil foice !to give np -aclivework. Mr. Ward was a devoted 'andforceful member of the IVrryvillo M.IX Chur* h. Tw o - . Charles WX, midSain-m 1 r P.. and i In-tin r. .hanics L.W.ird, all Pcrryville, snirrive liim.Ills fnimral >\ -*- !; ! I on 'Pnnsdiay. Rev.K. W. Hiveiilicld conducting tin* services,with interim :'l in tin M. K. Ceinotcry atPrimdpio Fiin.'.ice.

MRS. PRI’DFNCF J. THOMI^SON.Mr.-. Prudence .Lra-e Thointp.son, <!i< 1

on Tnesd'a.v. at No. .’{ill King Sticcl.Wilmington. Del., after a brief illncsis,aged sevei'ly-live yi-ns. Mm Thomisunwas fhe widow of the lati .loan Thomp-son, formerly of fin* I until District, anudthe mother of Wilnur D. Thompson, ofFair Hill, and Frank 11. Thompson, ofNorth Fast. A daughter ia!so survivesher. Tin* fmn ral services wort* held yes-terday. at Bock Pre.-byiteri'an Church,with iiilmncnt in Sharp’s Cemetery.

JOHN FARLF L ITTMXThe fnneraJ of John IXrrie Kittle. ;i

bi*othcr-in law of IX\-Sln ritV and DeputyS’lieriff W. T., ami .1. W. McAllister,was held < :i Sunday, with Inla rnicml atOxfoTtl, P*a. Mr. I little died ait hiss home,in Coclminville, Pa., on the 1 Sth ins'L.of consnm'ption, aged ihirt.v-livi* y-iars.11is wife who was Mbs Mary McAllistersurvives him.