the cancer patient script - · angie walks out of the store. tom picks and cleans...

THE CANCER PATIENT Written by Alonzo Milbourne Copyright (c) 2012 This screenplay may not be used or reproduced without the express written permission of the author. Alonzo Milbourne IV 1127 Walnut street Apt M-7 Bremerton Washington 98312 (360)990-3630 or (360)479-3245

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Written by

Alonzo Milbourne

Copyright (c) 2012 This screenplay may not be used or reproduced without the express written permission of the author.

Alonzo Milbourne IV1127 Walnut street Apt M-7 Bremerton Washington 98312(360)990-3630 or (360)479-3245


Opening credits : Cars are driving pass and Angie is holding a laptop and she walks into a PC repair shop. A bell rings and a man walks up to the counter and waves his hands.

TOM Welcome to PC center can I help with something.

ANGIEYeah, I bought this laptop a few months ago and something is wrong with it. I have very important work on here, so please don't erase anything off of it.

TOMNo problem we will have her fixed, before you can say spam!

ANGIE scratch her chin sarcastically.

ANGIESpam. You have failed sir that's going to cost you buddy. Now you must do something to redeem yourself.

TOMI’m sorry!

TOM looks confused.

ANGIEWell let me take you out to dinner.

TOMUm? OK I have to redeem myself somehow. I would hate to give my employer a bad name.

ANGIEThen it’s a date. Meet me at the Mexican restaurant across the street in a hour.

TOMHow do you know if I am off at that time?.

ANGIEYou leave everyday at five you get off of work the same time as me.

Angie turns the computer around and turns it on.

TOMHey it turns on I thought that was the problem.

ANGIEWow I guess your a better pc tech then you thought I will see you in a hour.

Angie walks out of the store and she is so excited she throws up her arms and drops the computer on the ground . The Screen breaks. Angie walks back into the PC store she looks back at Tom.

TOMWhat seems to be the problem?

ANGIEI broke my screen I need to get it fixed. I’m sorry I have a confession, I did not need to get my computer fix I just think your a cute nerdy guy.

TOMI was wondering why did you bring a working laptop. Your a very pretty lady and it would my honor to join you. I have parts for your computer at my house. No charge.

ANGIEThank you very much, sorry what’s your name I don’t think I got it before.

TOMMy name is Tom Lemur.

ANGIEMy name is Angie Sweden Samuel.

TOMAngie nice to meet you and I will see you at dinner in a little while.

ANGIESee you Tom!


Angie walks out of the store. Tom picks and cleans up the computer shop locks the doors and walks across the street. A waiter is at the front of the restaurant.

WAITERWhat would you like today.

TOMI will have two taco’s and a coke.

WAITER Yes sir I have your order and Miss Samuel is waiting for you on table fifteen.

Tom walks over to table fifteen and sits down.

TOMThank you very much Angie!

ANGIENo problem anytime.

TOMI’m guessing you really like this place.

ANGIEI would not own a place that I did not like.

TOMOh wow, I did not know.

ANGIEBut enough about me. What is your favorite pass times?

TOMI’m a gamer and as you can see I love computers. I’m in heaven I enjoy what I do.

ANGIEWell I love cooking and it gives me joy. Oh look here comes our food.

TOMSo why did you bring you a brand new computer?

ANGIEDo I really have to spell it out for you?


TOMI guess!

ANGIEI like you, I watch you get off work all the time. I know you have a good heart. I’m just tired out the jocks. I want someone that will care about me truthfully.

TOMWell I don’t have luck with the ladies I’m always the backup guy. I meet a nice girl and she always going out with a least then fantastic guy. Then I ask her out but she always talk about him I’m the guy she always figures I will be in her life.

ANGIEIt’s funny I know that about you. I had a friend for ten years and he was so in love with me, but he moved on and got married. He makes her so happy, he was the perfect man for me. I promised myself I will not make that mistake again.

TOMI just want to be happy. Live my life, and have a child grow some roots.

ANGIEMe too life is too short, and I am going to life it to the fullest.

TOMNow your talking, I want to be loved and wanted. I’m mature enough to say that and not cover it by a hard macho exterior.

ANGIEYour a grown man, I love that about you. It’s funny your just like Chris. I feel comfortable around you.

Angie and Tom laugh. The waitress presents them there dinner.


TOMLooks fantastic!

ANGIEThank you Veronica!

TOMThank you Veronica!

VERONICA No problem enjoy your dinner you two love birds.

Veronica walks away to the back of the store.

TOMLet us feast.



Angie walks up to her front door with Tom right behind her. She open up the door and turns around and kisses Tom.

TOM Thank you for dinner I loved it.

ANGIE You can come in but, I am a lady so no hanky panky on the first date!

TOMAgreed. Besides just being around you puts a smile on my face.

ANGIEYour too cute. Well lets jump in the hot tub I have some extra shorts for you.

TOMI love hot tubs.

Angie runs to her bedroom and throws some shorts in Tom’s face.

ANGIEI will meet you in the tub.

Angie and Tom are facing each other in the hot tub.


TOMThis is so nice in here!

ANGIEYeah I sit in here and look up at the stars.

TOMLook there is the big dipper.

ANGIEHere let take a toast to our friendship.

Angie pours two glass’s of wine and gives it to Tom.

TOMIt smells great.

ANGIECheers to a wonderful and long lasting friendship and maybe more.

TOMAnd many more!

They drink and Angie begins to cry.

ANGIEI’m sorry.

TOMDon’t be, the wine could not be that bad.

Angie chuckles and moves closer up to Tom.

ANGIEI just don’t know how long I have to live.

TOMWhy would you say that?

ANGIEI went to the doctor and I have lung cancer.

TOMI’m so sorry Angie!

Tom puts his arms over Angie. She kiss him on the cheek.


ANGIEI’m so glad I came in your job. I just feel so warm in your arms.

TOMMaybe because we are in a hot tub too.

ANGIEYou goof.

Angie splashes Tom with water.

TOMOh no you didn't.

ANGIEYour to much fun but I have to wake up early.

TOMNo problem. Well I will see you tomorrow I will come over after work and see you.

ANGIEYou mean I’m going to wake up in your arms.

TOMBut you said no hanky panky.

ANGIEYou can’t sleep in the same bed with a woman without having sex.

TOMYour so sweet it will be my pleasure.

Tom and Angie climb out of the hot tub.



Angie wakes up and kiss’s his hands. She brushes her hand across his head and kisses his forehead. She climbs out the bed and makes him breakfast. Tom wakes up a few minutes later and walks to the kitchen.

TOMYou shouldn't have!


Angie walks up to Tom and kiss’s him and points to the table with freshly made eggs sausage toast and bacon.

ANGIEAnything for you mister man.

Tom takes a bite and stairs at angie.

TOMOh my goodness.

ANGIEWhat is it?

Tom looks like he is in a panic. He picks up his wallet and pulls out a picture of a older woman. He holds the picture up next to himself.

TOMOh my gosh it’s so good I’m going to slap my momma.

Tom taps the picture with the tip of his finger.

ANGIEBoy your crazy!

Angie puts her head on the kitchen counter and laughs.

TOMI have to hurry or I’m going to be late.

Tom and Angie eat there breakfast starring and making faces at each other. They finish and Tom hugs Angie and he walks out the front door.

ANGIESee you later papa bear.

TOMSee you later.

Tom looks around trying to find a clever pet name to call her.

ANGIEI’m waiting.

Tom looks at a picture of a rainbow and snaps his hands.

TOMRainbow bright.


Angie laughs at Tom.

ANGIEI really loved that show. I loved the eighties.

TOMStay Sweet.

Tom leaves and Angie picks up the phone.

ANGIEApril you won’t believe the night I just had.



Tom hold Angie and he wakes up then walks to the kitchen and makes breakfast. He brings it to Angie and she rolls over then kisses him.

TOMI have coffee on the pot for you baby girl.

ANGIEThank you Mister perfect man for me.

TOMThank you miss good bottom. And the name is bond. James bond.

Angie begins to eat and she stops and puts the food back on the night stand.

ANGIEBaby I don’t feel very good.

TOMI’m sorry I cant cook as good as you I try.

ANGIENo my stomach is upset. I think I’m going to.

Angie runs to the bathroom.


TOMBabe are you ok? Your going to the doctor.

Angie walks back next to Tom and sits next to him.

ANGIECome on I will help you get ready.



Tom stops the car and sets her in to a wheelchair. They walk to the elevator and it takes them to the second floor. He pushes her to the attendant and they put her in a bed. Tom sits back sad and almost silently crying.

TOMI love you rainbow bright!

ANGIEI love you papa bear.

The doctor walks and greets both of them.

DOCTOR SWISSHello Angie, we have your blood reports and your pregnant.

ANGIEWhat your kidding?

DOCTOR SWISSNo your are about one month.

TOMI’m going to be a daddy.

DOCTOR SWISSNow we must talk about your treatment for you Mrs. Samuel. If you proceed with the pregnancy there can be complications.

ANGIEWell I’m ok with that doctor.

TOMLike what?

ANGIEWell, it does not matter.


TOMDoctor Swiss what kind.

DOCTOR SWISSI can not legally tell you If she does not want you to know.

The doctor leaves and Tom crosses his arms.

ANGIEI don’t want to tell you it’s for your own good baby.

TOMBaby I trust you and I trust your judgment. I don’t want to fight with you.

ANGIEI thank you for being so supportive of me.

TOMNo problem. Anything for you.

Angie kisses Tom and someone knocks on the front door.

ANGIECome in!

Angie’s mother and father walks in the room. Her parents hug Angie and Tom.

MR SAMMUELHey how are you Angie?

ANGIEI’m doing alright. Just was a little sick.

MRS SAMMUEL Yeah, just wanted to see how momma’s girl doing.

TOM We are going to have a baby!

Tom’s hugs his future mother-in-law and father-in-law. Everyone in the room look at Angie. She throws up her arms and sounds like a mobster.


ANGIE Hey wise guys what are you looking at there is no show here!

TOMYour a mess baby that’s why I love you!

MR SAMMUELYou two are made for each other.

TOMDarn skippy!

MR SAMMUELWhen are you crazy kids tieing the knot?

ANGIE I forgot you fit so perfectly in my life I thought we where married.

TOMMe too. We do everything together!

MRS SAMMUEL You know what the good book says!

TOMShore I do, well baby when do you want to be my wife?

ANGIEToday is Saturday so how about we all fly down to Las Vegas? Next weekend?

TOMWorks for me! Besides I own my PC shop I have Joe take over for the week.

ANGIEI have my restaurant manager handle everything I will call her tonight.

MR SAMMUELWell it is settled, next weekend you will be husband and wife.

ANGIEDad and Mom thank you for being there for me.


MRS SAMMUEL Anytime darling we love you get some rest Angie!

ANGIELove you see you next weekend.

Angie waves to her parents as they leave. Mrs Sammuel blows a kiss to both Tom and Angie.

TOMHave a safe drive home.

Tom sits at the edge of the bed and he brushes his hands across her hair.

ANGIEBaby we are getting married.

TOMWe are but, how did we forget?

ANGIEBecause I love you so much and your my soul mate.

TOMAnd you are mine miss Angie Sweden Sammuel.

Tom moves closer and kisses Angie he holds her hand and puts it on his face.

ANGIEBaby, your getting a little lumber jack there. I’m going to have to tell you your rough around the edges. But there my edges that are rough!

Angie laughs and Tom kisses her hands. Someone knocks on the door. Tom walks out and comes back with a dozen of flowers.

TOMThis is for you miss. Sorry I cant see your name tag your just way to hot. Your melting my eyes.

ANGIEYou dork!

TOMBut your not going to work this week we are going to relax.


ANGIEYes doctor Tom!

TOMIs there anything else.

Doctor Swiss walks in and waves his hands.

DOCTOR SWISSThis will be a difficult time for you miss Sammuel.

ANGIEJust call me angie!

DOCTOR SWISSYou must have treatment your cancer is spreading quickly we must start radiation therapy . There is commutations and there is risk for you and the fetus.

Angie and Tom heads drop in sadness the look at each other.

ANGIETell me one thing?

DOCTOR SWISSAnything Angie?

ANGIEWhen do I start? I just want to get it all over and move on.

DOCTOR SWISSWell I have a opening next week.

TOMLet’s do the trip another time.

ANGIENo, Let’s set it anything from seven days from today. We are getting married.

DOCTOR SWISSCongratulations for both of you. Well I have your discharge paperwork so you can leave now. Set the date with my receptionist.

TOM Thank you doctor Swiss!


Doctor swiss walks out of the room and Angie gets ready to leave.



Tom is packing a travel bag and Angie grabs him from behind and kisses his arm.

TOM Hey baby you ready?

ANGIEWith you here, always.

Angie picks up a bag and Tom turns around and takes the bag out of her hand.

TOMNo lifting for you!

ANGIEI’m ok.

TOMNo, your job is to kick up your feet and relax.

ANGIEYou win!

TOMThat’s better. My ego says thank you.

Tom bows to Angie.

ANGIEWe better go or we will miss our plane!

TOMOk, start the car and I will meet you there.

Angie leaves the house and climbs in the car followed by Tom. He packs all the bags in and looks at Angie. She is holding her chest and humped over the steering wheel.

ANGIEDon’t worry I’m ok.


TOMNo baby we are not going! I’m calling your parents. We are going to the hospital.

Tom picks up his phone and call Angie’s Parents.

ANGIEBaby I can go.

Tom begins talking to Angie’s father.

TOMWe have to cancel I’m taking angie to the hospital.

Tom is shaking his head as he talks on the phone.

TOM (CONT’D)I will meet you at harrison hospital.

Tears flow out of Angie’s face she grabs Tom’s hands.

ANGIE Baby I am sorry!

TOMLook your more important than anything baby.



Tom kisses her neck and straps her in and drives to the hospital. He stops the car in front and pulls out a wheelchair. Mr and Mrs Sammuel arrives behind them and they help her to the receptions.

MR SAMMUELShe is not her self and she is in pain.

RECEPTIONSTake a seat and we will be right with you.

MRS SAMMUEL What’s going on Angie?


ANGIE My chest is burning and I feel weak.

Tom walks out of the elevator and rushes to Angie.

TOMBaby how are you?

ANGIEMy chest is burning.

A nurse calls out for Angie. Tom pushes her to the exam room. Mr and Mrs Sammuel turn around to the waiting room. Mr Sammuel taps Tom on the shoulder.

MR SAMMUELWe will stay out here get us if anything changes.

TOMYes sir!

MR SAMMUELWe are so happy to have you with our daughter.

TOMThank you sir! You will be the first to know if anything changes.

Tom walks back into the room that Angie is in.

ANGIEI’m sorry we where supposed to go to Las Vegas.

TOMIt’s alright we can do it later.

ANGIEThere is no rush!

Tom gets a text on his phone.

TOMIt’s your dad! It’s a text asking if you want to get married.

ANGIETell him we are going to get married.


Tom texts Mr. Sammuel and the doctor Swiss knocks on the door.

TOMCome in!

Doctor Swiss walks in with a clipboard.

DOCTOR SWISSAngie your going to have to stay here for a few days.

ANGIEI understand!

DOCTOR SWISSYour lungs filled with fluid and you have bronchus. A nurse will be with move you upstairs.

Tom looks down and he hold Angie’s hand. The doctor walks away and a nurse transports Angie to a room upstairs. Tom stops at the elevator waving to angie.

TOMI’m going to call your parents. See you in a minute.

The elevator door closes and Tom picks up his cell phone from his pocket.

TOM (CONT’D)Hey Mister Sammuel, She is going to be admitted for a few days. She is room two ninety. See you there. Thank you sir.

Tom presses the elevator button and it opens the door. He gets to level five and walks to Angie’s room.

TOM (CONT’D)Hey baby.

ANGIEHey you!

TOMYour parents are coming.

There is a knock on the door and Pastor Bennett and his wife waves to Tom and Angie.

ANGIEHello! How are you doing?


MR. BENNETT The real question is how are you?

ANGIEI’m just a little sick. I will get better.

MRS. BENNETT You will be fine. You’ll get trough this.

There is another knock on the door.

TOMCome in.

Mr and Mrs sammuel walk in the room and point to Mr Bennett.

MR SAMMUELYour two are going to get married right now!

MR BENNETTWe even have wedding music and bells.

Mr. Sammuel plays wedding music on his phone and Mrs.. Sammuel passes the rings to Angie and Tom.

MR SAMMUELNow give me those rings back.

Mr sammuel takes the rings and walks out of the room.

TOM Hey we where going to use those.

ANGIEYeah where did he go?

Everyone except angie and tom moves to the side of the room.

TOMI have no idea but something is going on.

A little boy and girl walk in holding a pillow with his and her rings. The boy walks up to Tom and the girl walks next to Angie. Pastor Bennett pulls out a bible and begins the ceremony.

ANGIEBaby we are getting married!


TOMI don’t care where we are as long as I’m with you I don’t care.

MR BENNETTYou two do your own vows.

Tom turns toward Angie and he begins to speak.

TOMI met at place that I fix broken and malfunctioning hardware aka computer repair shop.

Everyone in the room laugh and pats Tom on the back.

TOM (CONT’D)You help me come out of my shell and you made me the man I am today. I just love you with all my heart. Will you be my wife and put up with my snoring both as long as we live?


The little boy gives the ring to Tom. He puts the ring on Angie’s finger.

TOMYour my soulmate baby cakes!

Angie holds Tom hand and gently grabs the side of her ear and he kisses her forehead.

ANGIEI know we are a match in this thing called life, and you make me laugh. There is never a dull moment. I truly enjoy you in my life. I just know when I’m in your arms I am protected and safe. You make me feel wanted and I love you my sweet.

The little girl gives the ring to angie and she puts it on Tom’s finger.

MR BENNETTDoes anyone have any reason why these two should not wed speak now or forever hold your piece.

Mr bennett pauses for a moment.


MR. BENNETTWell you two are now husband and wife. You may kiss the bride!

Tom kisses Angie and they hold hands.

MR SAMMUEL Your now my son buddy. I’m so happy for you guys!

MR. BENNETTI have done million dollar wedding but this takes the cake.

MRS SAMMUELTalking about cake we have some cupcakes from red apple. The owner wanted to bring them himself.

Mike walks in and give them a cupcake.

MIKEHere from the red apple family.

TOMThank you guys, all of you.

ANGIEThis is a dream. Mom and dad it was your idea. I was wondering where you went after I got admitted.

MR SAMMUELIt was a task your mother wanted it perfect but I knew you wanted it simple.

TOM Well the doctor said she is going to be here for a few days.

MRS BENNETT Well we have to go but it was so very nice.

MR. BENNETT Anytime!

Mr and Mrs Bennett leaves out of the room.

MR SAMMUEL Well I know you two lovers want to spend some time alone.


MRS SAMMUELIt was time consuming day. Call us if anything changes.

MR SAMMUELYeah don’t do anything I would do with my wife.

ANGIEWhere married now. We can do what we want.

TOM You have no power here.

Mr sammuel laughs and shakes Tom’s hand.

MR SAMMUELYour a card buddy enjoy.

TOMThanks again.



Tom is sitting down on a chair he picks up his cell phone and calls Angie. He has her on speaker phone.

TOM Hey baby how are you sweetness?

ANGIEI’m just not use to being in bed all day.

TOMI will be home in a hour!

ANGIEThank you for being here for me baby.

TOMYou know anything you need.

ANGIEI love you! See you soon.

TOMLove you bye.


Tom hangs up the phone and a woman walks into the computer shop.

KIMHello Tom long time no see!

Tom looks confused at the woman.

TOMDo I know you?

KIMYou better I am Kim from bremerton we grew up together.

TOMNo way! KIM!!

Tom runs up to Kim and gives her a big hug.

KIMHow can you forget me?

TOMNo you look so different.

KIMYeah I was the ugly duckling but now I am not.

TOMWow you have defiantly changed. Are you married or have any kids?

KIMNo never did, I just was working as a teacher at the university of Washington I gave it up to become a teacher at our old high school.

TOMWow, well I am married and having a baby.

KIMNo way!

TOMYep I own this store now just living the American dream.


KIMWell good to see you, but I am on a lunch break. I need my computer fixed I just want it to work.

TOMOK well I will give you a call when its done.

KIMIt was a treat to see you. Bye!

Kim leaves the computer shop.



Angie is spread out across the bed holding her chest in pain. Tom walks in and sits on a corner of the bed.

TOM Baby what is wrong?

ANGIEIt’s my lungs there burning, but I'm alright your here now.

TOMBaby you are going to the hospital. I hate seeing you in pain.

ANGIEI don't want to go I just want you to lay here with me.

TOMAnything to make you happy.

ANGIEWell how did you day go?

TOMIt was a great day at the PC shop.

Tom puts his arms over Angie’s shoulders.

TOM (CONT’D)How is our baby girl?

ANGIEKicking me in the ribs.


TOMShe is a feisty one.

Angie slaps Tom on his leg.

ANGIEYou hold her for a while let me take a break. Men, you have it so easy but a good one is worth it all!

Tom chuckles and sits angie back in the bed.

TOMYou relax and go to sleep.

ANGIEYes doctor tom.

Tom lays next to angie she falls asleep. Tom hold her and smiles.

TOMI am the lucky one baby.



Angie is in a hospital bed holding her side and Tom run into the room.

TOMHey baby I came as soon as the hospital called me.

ANGIE I am not going to make it.

TOMBaby don’t talk like that. Yes you will.

ANGIEMy body is shutting down and there is nothing that the doctors can do. I want to hold our daughter just once. I am so glad I met you. So much joy you gave me.

TOMThis is just a bump in the road!


ANGIEI am going to die I feel it in my bones. I am tired of being in pain.

TOMBaby your just scared I understand.

ANGIEI want our daughter name to be Joy.

TOMAnything you want just don’t leave me.

ANGIEAre you going to ask me why?

Tom seems distracted of the current situation.

TOMYeah why Angie?

ANGIEYou give me so much joy everyday and when you see her you will see me.

TOMI am so glad your my wife.

Tom brushes his hands across angie’s hair. An alarm goes off on the blood pressure instrument. Doctor Swiss runs into the room and gives Angie a shot.

DOCTOR SWISSWe have to have the baby right now while your stable.

TOMShe going to live right?

DOCTOR SWISSSir please, you must go in the multi purpose room.

A guard escorts Tom outside the room. Tom is leaning on the wall holding his arms up to his face. He drops down sliding down the wall. Mr and Mrs Sammuel walk in the room and sit on the floor right next to Tom.

MR SAMMUELShe loves you so much Tom.


MRS SAMMUELIt’s true she have never been in love until she met you.

TOMHow do I live on with our my soul mate.

MRS SAMMUELYou have not lost her she is inside your daughter and our grand daughter.

TOMHow can you be so calm?

MR SAMMUELWe knew this was coming and she is in pain. You made her happy and I never seen her in complete bliss before she met you.

Mr Sammuel puts his arms around Tom. Tom’s eyes tears up and he holds Mr Sammuel and Mrs sammuel.

TOMThank you for being so supportive of our relationship.

MR SAMMUELWe love you like a son.

MRS SAMMUELYou are our son and anything you need give us a call.

MR SAMMUELNo matter what time it is. What is our grand child going to be named?


MR SAMMUELWho came up with that name?

TOMAngie did. She said I give her joy and everyday and I will see her every time I see our daugther.


MRS SAMMUELI’m going to miss her I can’t go inside the room I can’t take seeing her.

Doctor swiss knocks on the side of the door.

DOCTOR SWISS Tom please come with me.

MR SAMMUELI want to see her.

DOCTOR SWISSYes sir she is alive, she is dying and requested to see you.

Tom and Mr. Sammuel hurry to the room and they open the front door. Tom walks up to angie and she look very sick. a nurse brings the baby to tom.

TOM No she need to hold her first.

Angie barely has strength to hold her. Tom is on one side of the bed and Mr. Sammuel is on the other.

TOM (CONT’D)Help her lift her.

MR SAMMUELI love you angie.

ANGIE I love you too daddy. I’m not scared anymore. I wanna kiss my baby girl.

MR SAMMUELHold your baby she love you too.

They put the baby up to angie so she can kiss her forehead. Angie kiss Joy and dies directly after. Tom hands the baby to the nurse and picks up a flower from the counter and puts it in her hands.

TOMYour my flower for ever! Rest in peace my wife.

Tom kisses Angie’s head he walk out of the room to the multi purpose room. Mrs sammuel is sitting in a chair and Tom walks next to her and holds her hand.



TOMYes she is.

Mrs Samuel stands up and hugs Tom and kisses him on the cheek.

MRS SAMMUELYou are such a good man Tom.

She cries on his shoulder and he can’t stop tears from rolling down his face. Mr Sammuel walks inside the room and hugs both of them.

TOMWell I have a baby girl and now I don’t know what to do.

MRS SAMMUELWell she can stay with us for a few months I don’t want you to be overwhelmed.

MR SAMMUELYeah you take a vacation to get you mind off all of this.

Tom nods his head and grab both of there shoulders.

TOMI will take her home with me. She needs me. Come stay at my house.

MR SAMMUELThank you Tom.

TOMIt’s the lease that I can do. Holding joy I feel as I am holding Angie.


Doctor swiss walks in the room and stands in front of Tom.

DOCTOR SWISSYou can see your daughter in the baby room.


Tom and his mother and father-in-law follow Doctor Swiss. They walk to baby room and stair into the glass window. There is a paper with Joy hand painted in different colors.

MRS SAMMUELWho did that?

DOCTOR SWISSYour daughter gave us it before she died. I promise her I would fulfill her last wish.

TOM I am taking a picture.

Tom takes a picture and he raises his hand to the window.

MRS SAMMUELShe is such a princess.

TOM I am a daddy.

MR SAMMUEL And a damn good one.



Tom drives up to the school and parks in a parking spot. He leaves his car and walk up to the entrance of the school. A bell goes off and kids run outside past him. Joy runs out and jumps in toms arms.

TOM How was your day baby girl?

JOY Fine daddy.

TOMHow did u like being over your grandma and grandpa’s house?

JOYIt was fun we went to Seattle aquarium. I saw jelly fishes and dolphins.

TOMWell where do you want to go little miss lady?


JOYThe lumpia factory!

They are right next to the car and Tom helps Joy in the car and gets in the driver seat.

TOMTo the lumpia factory we go.

Tom drives down the hill and stops at a light.

JOYYeah they have really good food there.

TOMI agree you last birthday party was littered with lumpia. I could of had a lumpia coma.

Joy points to the traffic light.

JOYGo daddy the light is green.

They drive into the parking lot and they both get out of the car and Tom hold the door for Joy. The store owner waves to them as they walk up to the front counter.

ESTERHello how are you both doing?

JOYGreat we want lumpia!

TOMYeah you have the best lumpia we have ever tasted.

JOYI want half and half please.

TOMI guess the same for me.

ESTEROrder coming have a seat you two.

Joy points to the seats next to the window.

TOMYou want to sit over there.


JOY Yep I do.

TOMWell lead the way little lady.

Tom follows behind joy he pulls out her chair and they sit down.

JOYI love the smell in here.

TOMYeah its great.

The front door of the restaurant opens and Kim walks in and orders some food she turns around and looks directly at Tom.

KIMHey Tom long time no see.

TOMYeah it has been like ten years.

Kim points to Joy and walks up to her and shakes her hand.

KIMWho is this pretty lady.

JOY I am Joy.

KIMVery nice to meet you Joy.

TOMShe is my daughter.

KIMHow is your wife doing?

Tom looks down at the table and plays with his fingers.

TOMShe died just after Joy’s birth.

KIMI am so sorry.

JOYWhy would you ask a question like that.


TOMBaby calm down last time I saw Kim was a few months before you was even born.

KIM I am sorry I should go.

TOMStay for a while.

JOYWell I am sorry I thought that you knew.

TOMWell have you married or had kids?

KIMNo I am still single.

TOMDo you still work at bremerton high school?

KIMI am the math teacher in miss Peeble’s old room.

TOMWow she was great.

KIMYeah she died a while ago but she made me the person I am today.

TOMYeah me to.

JOY I am still here.

KIM Well what is your favorite subject in school.


KIMVery nice I bet you cant wait for junior high.


JOYWell I guess.

Ester brings the complete order to the table and sets it down in front of all of them.

KIMThank you ester!

JOYThank you much!

TOM I can’t wait to dig in.

ESTERYou all enjoy.

Tom stares at his food for a moment.

KIMI know u miss her Tom.

TOMYeah life is really hard as a single parent.

JOY I wish I could of met mommy.

TOMI know you do baby.

Kim raise her hand and set it on top of Joy’s fingertips.

KIMDo you know your mother is in you.

JOYWhat do you mean?

KIMTurn your hands around for me I will show you.

Joy turns her hands facing upward and she slightly grips her arm pulse.

JOYWell what are you doing.

KIMHave you have felt your pulse before.


JOYYes I have.

KIMDo you feel it?

JOYYes I do.

KIMWell count the first one. It’s your dad’s one and the second on is your mother’s.

Kim grabs Joys thumb down to feel her pulse.

JOYWow your a genius.

KIMThank you Joy you are too.

JOYYep I am a regular Einstein!

Tom and Kim nods there heads in agreement.

KIMWell I have to go home and go get ready for bed.

JOYYeah but its still early.

TOM We have to get going too.

JOYWell I was nice meeting you Kim.

KIMIt was nice meeting you Joy. I will see you in a few years at the high school.

TOMNice to see you Kim.

Kim pulls a note pad out of her purse and writes her number down.

KIMWell Tom here is my number if you ever need to talk.


TOMVery nice to see you Kim.

Kim stands up next to the table and give Tom a hug. Joy jumps out of her chair and runs up to the front door and gives Kim a hug. Joy whispers into her ear.

KIMThank you very much darling.

JOY Your a nice lady. My daddy and you should date.

KIMReally you think so?


KIMPinky swear you won’t tell him that.

JOYI wont tell him.

Kim leaves the store and drives away in her car.

TOMWhat did you tell her?

JOYWouldn't you like to know daddy.



Joy is walking from the school bus and one of her friends stops her.

KATIE First day of school, what classes do you have?

JOY I know I have first period in room 203.

KATIEThat’s my first class too.


They walk up the stairs and climb to the second floor walking the whole stretch of the hallway.

JOYHere it is.

The last bell rings and the jump into the classroom.

KATIEWe are not late.

JOYWe are just on time.

Kim is siting on her desk and joy gives her a second glance.

KATIEDo you know her?

JOYYeah my daddy went to school with her.

Kim walk up to Joy and smiles. Joy jumps out of her seat and hugs Kim.

KIM Good to see you. I need to see me after class.


Kim begins instructing the class.



The bell rings and the students leaves the room but Joy stays in her seat waiting for Kim to approach her.

KIMSo how have you been Joy?

JOY I have been all right.

KIMYeah just been teaching. How is you father been?


JOYWhy don’t you see him at his store. I know that you have a crush on him.

KIMWell, I can’t hide a thing from you.

JOYI want daddy to not be lonely and he is just used to being alone.

KIMYou want me to go at his store tonight.

JOYYeah at lunch I will write you the, what to do and what not to do’s for my daddy’s heart.

The bell rings.

JOY (CONT’D)I am late now.

KIMHere is a hall pass.

JOYThank you.

KIMIt’s the lease that I can do. I made you late.

Joy waves to Kim and walks to her next classroom.



Kim is looking at a yearbook of her graduating year. She flips through the pages and stop at Tom picture. Joy opens the door and puts a paper on Kim’s desk.

JOY This is how my mother met my father and his likes and dislikes.

KIMThank you very much joy.


JOYMeet me at the shop in a hour and bring a broken laptop.

KIMWell I will see you there.

Kim walks out and give joy a thumbs up.



Joy is working on a desktop and Tom is watching her.

JOY There is bad sectors on this hard drive so we need a new one.

TOM Very good.

Tom pulls out the hard drive and slides in a new one. Kim walks trough the door with a laptop on her side.

KIMHello Joy and Tom how are you doing.

TOMI am alright.

KIMThis computer has problems and I need help with it.

TOMOK let me see it.

Kim passed the laptop to Tom.

TOM (CONT’D)Do you have a power chord?

KIMNope, I am sorry I don't have it.

TOMWell let me see if I have one in the back.

Tom walks in the back of the store and looking in boxes.


JOYPass me the laptop. I have to make his job harder so we have time.

Kim passed the laptop and Joy pinches the screen and it makes a black spot on the LCD screen.

KIMWhat are you doing?

JOYMaking it harder for him to fix it so u have time to talk with him.

KIMBut this is a fully working computer.

JOYNo I told you to bring a broken computer.

Tom is slowly comes back to the front of the store and Kim is holding Joy’s shoulder smiling.

TOMWhat’s going on?



TOMReally odd. Anyway’s I have a chord.

KIMVery nice Tom.

Tom opens the top of the laptop and looks to the left of the LCD screen.


Joy and Kim hangs over Tom overseeing him inspecting the computer.

KIMSo can you tell me what is wrong?


TOMA young lady with her finger print on your cracked screen. Let me see your hands Joy.

Joy lifts her hands and reveals the black in on her hands.

KIMIt’s all my fault.

TOM It’s a friendly push in the right direction. Thank you Joy.

JOY How did you know?

TOM Well you ask me how many times? How I met your mother. You just want me to be happy.

KIMWell I am sorry I should go.

TOMYou should.

Kim looks down and walks to the door.

JOYYou should go to our house for dinner.

TOMCome, I will close up shop.

Joy runs up to Kim and she hugs her.

JOYI told you.

Joy smiles and grabs Tom and hugs him.

TOMLet go.




Tom, Joy and Kim are running in from the rain. Tom gets to the door and unlocks the front door. Joy runs to the computer room. Kim walks up to kitchen and sits down at the table.

TOMMake your self at home Kim.

KIMThank you. Nice house!

TOMThank you. I like it, port angeles is a far way to drive but I love it. The mountains on one side, the ocean on the other.

KIMSo what time do you get off work.

TOMWell five but it takes me a hour to drive home.

KIMJoy goes to bremerton high and you work in bremerton.

TOMYep both are correct.

Joy walks to the dining room table and sits down.

JOYLet’s show her around.

KIMThank you.

Tom walks in front of Kim and points his hands to the rest room.

TOM This is the bath room here.

KIMVery nice.

TOMNow here is both of our favorite room in the whole house.


JOYIts the game room.

TOMGame room.

Kim walks in the room and looks at the computer room.

KIMThere is a lot of games here.

TOMWell show Kim the rest of the house I am going to begin cooking.

Tom walks back toward the kitchen and joy continues to talk to Kim.

KIMWell you are like your father.

JOY Yep I am a computer geek.

KIMWell have you ever done girls things.

JOYLike what?

KIMWell like makeup?

JOYLike lip gloss.


JOYWell then nope.

Joy shrugs her shoulders.

KIMWe are going to go out and have a girls day.

JOYI think that would be fun.


KIMWell lets see how your father is doing on dinner.

Joy and Kim walk back to the kitchen.

JOYSo dad what cooking doc.

TOM Well I am making pork shoulder. It is done.

KIMWell you a fast cook.

TOMNo I had it baking all night.


Kim and Joy sits down at the table tom put a few slabs of meat on the table.

KIM (CONT’D)Looks great.

JOYThis is my favorite.

TOMWell enjoy ladies.

Joy and Tom slices away at the pork. Kim watches them devoir the food and she Is so busy watching them she forgot she has food in front of her.

JOYHey dig in Kim.

TOMYeah Its great eats.

Tom and Joy stops eating and stairs at her pressuring her in to eating. Kim slices a chunk off the pork and consumes it and nods her head.

JOYDo you like it.

KIMIt’s so tender and its sweet.


Kim smiles and gives a thumbs up in satisfaction.

JOYSee daddy I told you she would like it where is my piggy back ride.

KIMYou bet that I would like it.


KIMAnd she won.

Joy jumps on her fathers back and he walks around and everyone is laughing.

TOMMy bet has been paid, time to eat the rest of the pork.

JOYYeah you are right.

Tom joy and Kim sit back at there seats and begin eating.

KIMYour such a great father.

TOMThank you.

KIMJoy is a regular tom boy but I think she need a woman that can teach her thing about womanhood.

TOMYeah, you have a point.

JOY I do want to learn the ways of the woman.

TOMStar wars rip off.

JOYI don’t think you can do any better.


TOMYes you have won this duel but there will be next time.

JOYYes and next time you will loose too my friend.

KIMWell there is my point she need a woman to show her what she truly is, a woman.

TOMWell you are in charge of my daughters womanhood how about that?

KIM We start tomorrow Joy get some rest. Your going to need it.

JOY I will eat the rest of dinner in my room.

Joy walks up to Tom and kisses him on the forehead.

KIMShe is really something.

TOMYes she is.

KIMWell I should get going I will be here in the morning to pick Joy up.

TOMYou should stay here tonight.

KIMWhere am I going to sleep.

TOMIn my bed.

KIMThen you are going to sleep where.

TOMRight next to you. Can't a guy and a a girl sleep in the same bed with out having sex.


KIMThat is true.

TOMWell it has been a long time since a woman slept next to me.

KIMWhat I want to know, why have you been single all this time tom?

TOMI just want my daughter to be happy and not see me go from relationship to relationship.

KIMSo you rather be single and have a strong relationship with your daughter then meet temporary mate to screw up everything you have work towards for your baby girl.

TOMDon't get me wrong I want to give her the best home in can. Why are you single?

KIMWell I had a ex boyfriend that used to hit me and I told myself that it was my fault.

TOMIt is not your fault at all. I am so sorry a man should never put his hands on a woman.

KIMWell I did not say that.

TOMIts wrong.

KIMWell I like to be touched not harmed.

Kim picks up Tom’s hands from the table and brushes her face with his hand.

TOMIt has been so long ago that I have had the touch of a woman.


KIMAnd it has been so long ago that I have had a touch of a man.

TOMI respect you and I don’t want anything to happen.

KIMWho said I wont do anything?

Tom’s left eyebrow raises and he begins to sweat.


Kim stands up and grabs tom’s hands and guides him to his room and shuts the door.



Tom rolls out the bed and walks into the kitchen and makes breakfast. Joy walks to the kitchen and hugs Tom and then sits at the table.

TOMMorning sunshine.

JOYSmells good dad. What are you making?

TOMMaking some sausage, bacon and pancakes.

JOYYour making my mouth water.

TOMPass me the butter.

Joy opens the refrigerator and pulls out a stick of butter and gives it to Tom.

JOYHere you go daddy.

TOMThank you.


Kim opens Tom room and walks into the kitchen with Tom and Joy.


Joy looks confused and points to Kim.

JOYOh so you slept in my dads bed.

Joy gently slaps Tom on the shoulders.

JOY (CONT’D)Well I hate sleeping on the couch. Sorry for you daddy.

TOMBreakfast is severed.

JOYI am ready for food.

Tom sets food on all the plates.


JOYYeah thanks.

TOMWell you two have a long fun day ahead of you.

KIMYou should come too.

JOYI thought it was a girls day out.

KIMPort angeles is new to me and I don’t know where everything is.

TOMYou two should just go.

JOYWell alright lets all go downtown and do girl stuff.


TOMI think I am going to stay home for this.

KIMYeah it will be fun.

TOMYour going!



Tom is driving downtown and Joy throws her hands out of the window to catch the spring breeze.

TOMI love this place.

KIMThis is the closest I have been to a mountain.

TOMWell that’s what we are going to do today.

JOY Your going to love it.

TOMWell where first ladies?

KIMLet’s go to get a manicure.

TOMAlright this look like the place.

Tom stops the car in a parking spot.

KIMAre you coming?

TOMYeah don’t think so.

JOYYour lost.


TOMYeah I am going to play a game on my laptop.

JOYWell daddy your missing out.

TOMI don’t think so.

Kim and Joy waves to Tom as they walk inside the store. Tom pulls out his laptop and starts his notebook.



Kim and Joy are getting there nails done. Sara and Tesa are talking up a storm.

SARA So Joy this is your first time?

JOYYes it is.

TESA Don't worry ladies we are professionals. We just started doing this kind of thing yesterday.

KIMSo how long have this store been here.

TESAWell we have been here for three years and it’s doing great.

SARA So what kind of job field are you in Kim?

KIMI am a high school teacher.

Joy points at her self and nods her head.

JOYI am her student too.

SARA Well you sound a smart woman.


JOYYeah I want to be a computer tech.

SARAWell we have a computer in the back that I need to work. Can you fix it.

JOYYeah no problem.

Tesa runs to the back of store and pulls out a laptop and sets it in on Joy’s lap.

SARAIf you can fix it then this section is free.

JOYYou don’t have to tell me twice.

Joy turns on the laptop and works on it as Sara works on her feet.

TESALet a the girl do her magic.


SARA Its done. I did not even tell you the problem.

JOYIt would not connect o the wireless router.

SARAWow your good. This one is on the house thank you.


KIMYou know your stuff.

Kim and Joy wave at Sara and Tesa as they leave the store. They both get in the car and they drive away.

KIM (CONT’D)So how was the game Tom?


TOMIt was great but I am hungry.

KIMI am too.

Tom drive to Van Goes Pizza and they leave and walk inside the store. He open the door for Kim and Joy and walks in and shakes the owners hands.

TOMHey an how are you doing bud?

VANI doing alright.

TOMMan I love the art inside here.

Kim looks around and points to a old ford dashboard.

KIMThis place is great its like this place is from the fifties.

JOYYeah me and daddy come here every Saturday for pizza.

KIMI see why its amazing.

JOYYep it is a great place.

TOMWell what would you like to have?

JOYWell meat pizza.

TOMIs that alright with you?

KIMYeah shore.

TOMSo how has business been doing for you.

VAN It is great I love it I am my own boss.


TOMYeah that is what I like about my computer shop.

VANYeah but I will be done in a minute.

Van makes the pizza and returns next to the cash register.

TOMYeah I can’t wait until Saturday.

VANMy best customer comes in on that day. He is a good guy unlike you.

Tom laughs and nods his head.

TOMYep so we are going to the mountains today.


Kim waves her hands to be noted.

KIMHey I am still here.

Tom holds Kim’s hand and brings her closer to him.

TOMThis is Kim she is a teacher at Bremerton high school.

Kim shakes Vans hand.

KIMVery nice to meet you Van.

TOMI am so sorry It is very rare to have someone else here.

KIMIt’s ok you boys know each other.

JOY Hey Kim come outside I want to show you the mountain we are driving up.


KIMI am right behind you.

Kim and joy walk across the street and walk past a tree that is in the way of the view of the mountain.

JOYSee right here.

Joy points to the peak of the mountain.

KIMI have never been on a mountain before.

JOYIt’s called hurricane ridge. You will love it.

KIMWhat do you think of me?

JOYI really like you.

KIMI like you too. I am just new to relationships.

JOYMy dad is to. Just make my dad happy.

KIMI will he is a good man.

JOYYeah and he is a nerd like me .

KIMSo how did you like you nails done.

JOYWhat can I say it was free and it looks good.

Joy gets a phone call on her phone.

KIMI think that’s you dad.

JOYYour right pizza must been done.


Kim and Joy walk back inside Van’s pizza.

KIMYou are the pizza man I will come to if I ever need a pizza.

Tom picks up the box and walks to the car.

KIM (CONT’D)We are not going eat here?

TOMNo we are going to eat this pizza at altitude.

Kim looks confused.

JOYDad means we are going to eat it on the mountain.

KIM I see well lets hurry up this thing so I can eat.

Tom drives up to hurricane ridge and stops in a parking lot. Kim and Joy jump out of the car.

TOMSlowly leave the car.

KIMWhat’s wrong with tom?

JOYHe is adjusting to the air pressure.

KIMHe is a dork.

JOYHey I am too and don’t you forget it missy.

KIMWell lets eat I'm starving.

Tom leaves the car with the pizza in his hands they sit on the side of the wall while they eat.

JOYSo what do you think Kim.


KIMI think it is different.

JOYYeah but we love to have fun.

TOM I just love traveling.

KIMI can tell.

JOYSo what’s for next week.

TOM Well maybe Canada.

KIMI just cant believe how beautiful it is up here.

TOMYeah it is really something.

KIMI though it would be different.

JOY It never gets old up here.

KIMWell thank you for showing me this place, I have to get home but you can stay at my place in bremerton.

TOMWhy thank you.

JOY We get to see your place.



Kim is standing at front of the class and she is pointing at the wall.

KIMNow you all have finals next week so study.


Katie raises her hand and Kim points at her.

KATIE How long will we have for the test?

KIMTwo hours. Is there any other questions.

Joe claps his hands and walks in front of the class.

JOEIt seems to me like joy is brown nosing the teacher.

The classroom is filled with laughter.

KIMJoe go to the office.

The bell rings and everyone leave the classroom except for Kim and Joy.

JOY So we going to go to taco bell?

KIMNo Joy I am going to jack in the box. You will be eating lunch here.

JOYYour kidding.

KIMNo I am not. My boss said I can’t take you off of school grounds. I am not your legal guardian.


Joy walk out of the class room and walks to the lunch room.

KATIEHey Joy what’s wrong.

JOYNever mind I am ok.

KATIEWell I save you a seat.

Josh walks next to Joy and sits right next to her.


JOYHello Josh.

Joy blushes and twist her hair with her fingers.

JOSHHey do you want to go out sometimes.

JOYYes I would.

JOSHHere is my number so call me babe.

JOYI will.

Josh walks away and gives his friend a high five.

JOSHI have her in my bed by next week.

JACKWell you better or you loose one hundred bucks.

JOSHI never loose.



Tom is working on a costumer computer and the stores phone rings. He picks up the phone on speakerphone and puts down the screw driver he was holding in his hand.

OFFICE ASSISTANTYes this is troy and your daughter is at the hospital. Is this is her father I am speaking with?

TOMYes this is.

OFFICE ASSISTANTOne of out teachers is with her for support.

TOMKim must me there.



TOMThank you very much Troy.

Tom walks to the parts room and taps Joe on the shoulder.

JOEYeah I got you partner.

TOMThank you and I am adding a bonus to your next check.

Joe nods his head and gives him a thumbs up. Tom runs out to his car and drives to the hospital.



Tom walks to the room that Joy is in. Kim hugs Tom when he walks into the doorway.

TOMHow is my baby girl doing?

KIMShe is ok for right now.

TOMWhat do you mean?

KIMShe has bone cancer.

Tom walks up to Joy and hugs her.

TOMNo I cant do this again.

KIMShe just needs a donor for bone marrow.

TOMWell I will do it no questions asked.

Tom presses the nurse button.


KIMWait Tom.

A nurse walks in the room and tom pulls up his sleeve.

TOMYou can take my bone marrow.

NURSE Let me direct you to the doctor.

The nurse walks out of the room and about ten minutes later the doctor walks into the room.

DOCTOR SWISSHello sir You called for me.

TOMYou can take my bone marrow can’t you?

DOCTOR SWISSWell first you have to be a match and that can take a few days.

KIM So will Joy be here for a few days.

DOCTOR SWISSNo she can go home in a few hours.

TOMWell I will giver her what ever she needs.

Doctor Swiss leaves the room and Kim takes his hand and brushes it across her face.

KIM Baby she will be fine.

TOMI am so scared I am not losing her.

KIMYou will not lose her.

Kim holds Tom and they kiss next to a counter. Joy walks up in the bed.

KIM (CONT’D)Well how are you feeling?


JOYWhy do you care.

KIMHey why are you mad at me?

JOYYou never follow what you say that your going to do.

KIMI am sorry but My boss said I cant take you off of school grounds.

JOYYou did not even try to defend me when he called me a brown nose.

TOMLadies its ok.

KIMWell I am sorry that I cant stop what I am doing when ever you want.

JOYYou will never be my mom.

TOMThat’s enough both of you.

KIMI should go.

JOY You should.

Kim leaves the room.

TOM What’s going on between you ladies.

JOYI am starting not to like her. I found out she used to make fun of you in high school.

TOMYeah but people change.

Doctor Swiss enters the room and hands Tom the discharge paperwork.


TOM (CONT’D)Thank you sir.

DOCTOR SWISSIs there any questions that you have?

TOMNo Just we will come back next week to see if I can be a donor.

DOCTOR SWISSWell I will be here.

JOY Thank you doctor.


JOYHave a nice day.

Doctor swiss leaves the room.

JOY (CONT’D)Daddy I just want life to be back to normal.

TOM I know you do.



Joy on a seat watching cable television eating a bag of chips. Tom walks in the house drenched in rain water.

TOMHey baby girl how are you feeling?

JOYI feel weak but I am still here for now.

TOMWhy did you say for now? What are you saying Joy?

JOYI could die and I want you to know I love you.


Tom points his finger at Joy and seems to be very upset.

TOMYou are not dying you got that and your not giving up. You are strong woman.

JOYDaddy I am scared.

Tom walks up to the chair that Joy is sitting in. He kneels down next to her and hugs her.

TOMBaby it will be ok.

JOYThank you. When you hold me I feel safe.

TOMWhen I hold you its like your mother is here in the room.

JOYI know you miss her. I never saw her but I still fill a void in my life.

TOMUnderstand me when I say this. You will live through this.

JOYWell I just don’t think Kim can ever take Moms place.

TOMNo two people are the same and your right, but that's why she can make her own place in our hearts.

JOYBut she did nothing when a student was making fun of me.

TOMLook Joy she is a teacher and she can’t take you over any other student.

JOYSo she got to you too.


TOMNo we did talk about the situation.

JOYSee I wish you never met her.

Toms phone rings and he pulls it out of his pocket.

JOY (CONT’D)It’s your girlfriend huh?

TOMI have to get this.

JOYIf you pick it up I will know who more important.

TOMLook Joy I really need to talk to her about something.

Tom picks up the phone and Joy jumps out of the chair and runs to her room yelling. She gets to her room and slams the door

TOM (CONT’D)Hello Kim how are you.

KIMI love you Tom.

TOMI love you too. Joy is upset thinking that you are going to take me away from her.

KIMWell maybe I am in was that she will never need to know.

TOMLook I am being serious.

KIMI am sorry I will talk to her after my next class she is in.

TOMOk thank you.

KIMNo problem any think for a handsome man.


TOMBye Kim.


Tom hangs up the phone and walks to Joy bedroom door.

TOMLook baby girl there is lots of things going on right now.

JOYWhy do you take Kim over me? I am your daughter? Who are you going to keep and who are you going to dump out of your life. Tell me now.

TOMI will keep you both.

JOYWrong answer!

TOMLook your going to have to get used to it.

JOYHave your little girlfriend I hope you have lots of kids and your happy without me.

Tom walks to the computer room and turns on a role playing game.

TOMWell you aren't mad at me computer.

The computer shuts off randomly.



Students flood the class room and Joy is the last on in. Kim looks at Joy and she walks to the entry way.

KIM Can I talk to you outside the class.

The whole becomes quiet and stairs at Joy.


MAXYour in busted Joy. Lets make a song.

Max stands in front of the classroom and sings.

MAX (CONT’D)Joy to the world your rain is done you are the brown nose queen.

Kim turns around and points at Max.

KIMGo to the office Max.

MAXYes no homework for me! Yes!

Joy runs out of the classroom to the football field. Kim runs out after her. Joy punches a wooden stand and clinches her fist from the pain. Kim faces her and slowly moves closer.

KIMJoy I am sorry about everything.

JOYYou messed up my whole life and your trying to take everything from me.

KIMI know its hard for me two, I love your father and I will tell you some things you don't know about me.

JOYGo on!

KIMMy ex husband use to beat me. There was times that I rather be dead then sleep next to a abusive man. I have cuts all over my body from a really bad man.


KIMYou really don’t know, your father was in many classes together including my classroom I have right now.



KIMYeah and your father was the nerd in school. He used to be made fun of on a daily basis. You don’t know I used to make fun of him and I was wrong for that.

JOYHe did tell me something like that but I though he was joking.

KIMYour father Is a hero. My parents use to live next to him and one day there was a fire. He came home from the computer store from that day and saved both of them. He did not always live in port angeles you know.

JOYHe never told me about this.

KIMThat's the kind of man your father is. He is a real man and my ex he was the star football player and now he is in jail for life.

JOYI understand now.

KIMYour father is a good man.

JOYHe is and I love him with all my heart.

KIMYou don't realize I do too.

JOYThis cancer Is the worst thing I ever had to deal with and I don't want to die.

KIMYou will not die you are a strong woman.


Two security guards walk out to Kim and joy.

GUARD #1Come back to the school.

JOYIt’s my fault.

Guard #2 talks on his walkie talkie.

GUARD #2We got them base.

KIMI am so sorry I take full responsibly.



Mister Burke welcome both Kim and Joy to the office. Kim sits and joy holds her hand under the table.

MR BURKEYou both have violated school policy.

KIMI can explain Joy was upset and I went after her. But it was all my fault.

MR BURKEI have been informed of the whole situation and I understand that Joy has radiation therapy this next week so rest both of you. I will ask both of you not to come back until your first treatment is completed.

Mr burke winks at Kim.

KIMI understand.

MR BURKEPaid leave you have a lot of vacation time over the years. So take this time and be with Joy.


KIMThank you.

MR BURKESo I will see you both in about two weeks.

JOY Thank you sir.

Kim and Joy walks to the front door of the office and they both are stopped by Mr. Burke.

MR BURKEYour a teacher Kim so pick two weeks of homework. Two weeks worth.

KIM Yes sir I will get that now.

Kim and Joy walk in the hallway.

KIM (CONT’D)Take the keys and I will meet you in the car.

JOY No problem see you there.

Joy walks outside of the school. Kim walks to her classroom and opens the desk and pull out worksheets. The subsatute teacher looks over to Kim.

MISS KYLECan I help you with something.

KIM Nope I am just getting some stuff out of my desk.



Tom is giving a customer a computer in his hands.

TOM Sir do you need help with the rest of your system?



Tom picks up the desktop and walks to the back of the mans truck and sets the computer down and closes the door. Tom shakes the mans hand once more. Tom turns around and jumps on the kerb. He hears his name and turns back around.



Both Kim and Joy run up to Tom and hug him.

TOM Hey what are you two doing out of school?

JOYWell lets say we have a paid vacation.

Tom laughs.

TOMCome on in ladies.

Tom opens up the door for Kim and Joy.

KIMSo how was work today.

TOMSlow but its alright.

JOY So what he is saying is her was playing games half the day.

TOMYou know me so well.

KIMWell what should we do.

TOMGo out and have another girls day.

KIMVery good idea and this time your not coming.

TOMNo I will melt if I don’t join you.


KIMSee you at closing time.

Tom give them a thumbs up and they give him a thumbs down.

TOMNo I want to go.

They leave and Tom’s store phone rings he picks it up.

TOM (CONT’D)Hello pc shop.

DOCTOR SWISSHello is this tom.

TOMYes it is.

DOCTOR SWISSYour bone marrow is not a match. I am sorry.

TOMWell don't you have donors for this kind of thing.

DOCTOR SWISSNo we do not but we have to find a donor fast.

TOMThank you doctor.

Tom hangs up his phone and holds his head down.



Tom is standing next to the kitchen looking at pictures of himself and Joy that are on the wall. The front door opens and Joy and Kim are laughing.

TOMWhat is so funny.

KIMGirl stuff.

TOMOh ok.


JOYWhat’s wrong why the long face dad?

TOMWell doctor swiss said my bone marrow is not a match.


KIMDon’t worry Joy I will give you mine if I am a match.

Joy runs to her room crying and locks her self in.

TOMI should of not told her.

KIMLook tomorrow morning I am going to get tested.

TOMYeah I don't understand how your not a match.

KIMWell just because your her father does not mean you will be a match.


KIMI will talk to her.

Kim walks to Joy’s room and knocks on her door.

JOYWhat do you want.

KIMIt’s me Joy.

JOYI am going to die do you know how that feels.

Joy unlocks the door and Kim walks inside her room.


KIMUnderstand me when I say this. I will see if I am a match for you first thing tomorrow.

JOYYeah and how about if You aren't a match either.

KIMWell we will keep searching.

Joy’s phone rings and she answers it.


Joy nods her head in agreement.

JOY (CONT’D)Yeah I will go on a date with you.

Joy hangs up the phone.

KIMWait who was that?

JOYJosh! I met him at bremerton high I gave him my number and he asked me out for dinner tomorrow.

KIMHave fun but be safe.

JOYI will. You know what I never met my mother but If I did know her I would guess she is just like you.

Kim hugs joy and bushes her hair with her hand.

KIMYour a good woman stay that way.

JOYWhen are you going to marry my dad?

KIMYou just got strait to the point huh.


JOYWell I don't know that information but when I do you will be the first person I will inform.

KIMWell go to sleep and we have a early morning.

JOYI wont have to wake up for school.

KIMWell first to the hospital to see if I am a match.

JOYNight Kim.

KIMNight joy.

Kim walks to Tom’s room and lays next to him.

TOMHow is she doing?

KIMShe is ok now we had a lang talk. She wants to know when we are getting married.

TOMYour kidding.

KIMNope I am not.

TOMI just want to handle this cancer with joy first. I really love you and when I am with you I feel complete.

KIMShut up and hold me tom.

Kim and tom laugh and rolls into each others arms.




Sara and Tesa welcomes Kim and Joy inside the store when they drive up.

SARA Very good to see you two.

Joy looks down.

TESA Come on Joy what’s the problem. I know there is something wrong.

JOYI have cancer and I need bone marrow from Kim. She is a match.

TESAWell do it and be done.

KIMBut she will lose her hair from radiation therapy.

SARAI see well we have wigs you think that are real.

KIMWell If you become bald I will be too.

JOYAre you shore?

KIMI am positive.

SARAMother and daughter. You two are so cute.

JOYWell I guess so.

TESAWait you are not retaliated to each other?

KIMWell we will be.

Kim and joy laugh.


SARA So you must be Joy’s step mother.

JOYYeah when they get married.

Joy’s phone rings and she picks it up.

JOY (CONT’D)Hey where are you at?

Joy nods her head in agreement.

JOY (CONT’D)Pick me up at the hair and nail shop. Ok bye.

Joy hangs the phone up a black drives up to the store and a guy with a leather jack walks in the store.

JOSHCome on babe time to go.

SARAShe is not done yet.

JOSHWell do you job lady.

TESAI know your not talking about my girl like that.

JOSHI have plans and your messing them up.

KIMReally what kinds of plans.

JOSHThere not for you so it is none of your concern.

SARA Your very rude get out right now.

JOY No he should stay he is the father of my baby.

KIMYou did not even tell me.


JOSHAnd what a night that was.

TESAYou nasty boy get out.

Tesa throws a hair dryer at Josh.

JOSHWhat the hell.

Josh runs out of the store back to his car and drives off.

TESAAnd don’t come back you jerk.

Tesa walks back inside the shop and gives Sara a high five.

JOYWhy did you do that? That is the father of my child.

SARA Joy need to chose a man higher on the food chain.

KIMDon't you see he is a jock and he will never love and respect you.

JOYWell your going to tell my father now?

KIMNo that's your job.

JOYI can’t.


JOYHe will flip.

KIMTell me why.

JOYMy mother had cancer and was pregnant with me. That's what killed her.


TESA That does not mean it will kill you.

SARA She is right you have to stay strong.

JOYI know fate happens and from everything my dad told me about my mother It seem I am the same.

KIMYour wrong Joy there is a lot that is different and you don't need a boy to make yourself a woman.

TESA Damn right and don’t worry about a thing you will live a long and heathy life.

SARA I am done now how do you like it?

JOY I love it thank you.

KIMSo joy do you want to walk on the beach?

JOYYeah I would like that.

SARAOk I will see you ladies next time.

TESAAnd girlfriend dump that zero for a true hero.

JOYThank you both. See you.

Kim and joy jumps in the car and drives to the beach.




Kim and Joy walk across the beach slowly watching the waves come in.

KIMI had no idea he was in your life.

JOYWell I knew him for a while and he said he would give me anything I need.

KIMBut come on Joy he is out for one thing.

JOYBut he is cute.

KIMI don’t understand.

JOYI know but I will tell my father tonight.

KIMWell this is going to be interesting. You are daddy’s little girl I am not shore what going to happen.

JOYI am sorry he was rude like that.

KIMHe should be sorry for his own actions.

JOYI am tired of being alone and I am really scared right now.

KIMYou don't need a man to make you happy.

JOYI love this place I come here to thing during the summer.


KIMJust be happy. That's what I want you to be life is to short.

JOYI will I promise.

KIMYou will live through this.

Kim hugs Joy.



Sara and Tesa are behind Kim and Joy fitting them for wigs.

KIMGirl we got it going on.

JOYWell we can have a different hair style every day.

SARAOn the house for my best customers.

TESA Look at you two sexy lady go get them guys in your life.

KIMWell I think I am going to keep it short.

SARAWell how are you feeling about being pregnant and kemo?

JOYIts hard but I do it every day so you get used to it.

TESAHow is the father.

JOYHe is ok my father is getting along with him.


KIMTom even took him fishing that's where they are right now.

SARAReally he must of changed a lot.

JOYWell he looks up to my dad.

TESA That is a very good thing good for him.

SARAWell we must have a girls night over at the club.

TESAYou know where?

JOYI have no idea.


JOYI see it every time we drive to bremerton. I thought it was a Japanese restaurant.

TESAIt is also a club.

JOYWell I am game for a ladies night.

KIMWhen should we meet you there?

TESA At ten tonight.

KIMWe will be there.

Kim and joy begin walking out of the store.

JOYSee you tonight.




Sara and Tesa wave there hands.



Tom cuts the engine and casts a fishing hook.

JOSHHey thanks for taking me fishing.

TOMNo problem buddy.

JOSHWhy are you so nice man.

TOMI just live a day at a time.

JOSHWell I thought you would be mad that I got you daughter pregnant.

TOMI understand you Josh. You there is a respectful man in you. I can tell you had a hard life.

JOSHYeah if I don't get fend for myself nobody will.

TOMHave you ever gave a woman flowers.

JOSHWhy they just die.

TOMThat's not the point.

JOSHWell then what is the point.

TOMThe only way your ever going to be with my daughter is if you respect her.



TOMWell you should show it.

JOSHI am not in that female stuff.

TOMSo is a apple a female plant.

JOSHNo its a apple that taste good.

TOMLook you are already a man. What I am going to do is change you into a good one.

JOSHWhy are you wasting you time with me.

TOMI see that you have good in you.

JOSHYou know all my life I had to do everything on my own.

TOMI know but I am going to teach how to be a gentleman.

JOSHWhat that?

TOMThis is going to be interesting.

Tom drives the boat to the dock.



Tom opens the front door and Kim and Joy wave there hands. Josh walks up to Joy and pulls a dozen of roses from behind him.


JOSHI am sorry for being rude to you I wanted to give you that you would like.

JOY Thank you josh, and thank you dad.

TOMWhat are you thanking me for?

KIMHe did this on his own?

TOMWell I put in a word or two of knowledge.

JOSHSo how is the baby doing and are you feeling ok.

JOYWell I feel huge but I fell ok.

TOMI think I may turn in early.

KIMMe too night you two.

Tom and Kim walk to the room and closes the door. Joy and Josh are on the couch talking.

JOYSo how was your day?

JOSHIt was cool fishing with your dad.

JOYYou seem to like him a lot.

JOSHYeah he is a nice guy.

JOYWell you seem to be a little different.

JOSHWell I have a question for you.


JOYWhat is the question.

JOSHWill you marry me.

Joy looks shocked and pauses.


JOSHYou herd me marry me.

Aloud speaker goes off with tom’s voice.

TOMYou better say yes he is a changed man.

JOY Yes I will marry you Josh.

Joy and josh hug and kiss. Tom and Kim walk out of the room and hug them both.

TOMThis is a time for a celebration pull out the apple cider.

Tom and Kim pull out glasses out of the cabinet.

JOYYou staged this.

TOMDarn skippy.

Joy jumps up and kisses tom.

JOSH And your finger please miss lady.

Josh pulls out a ring and sets it on joys finger.

TOMYour a good man Josh.

KIMThe great news is we are getting married to.

JOYYou go girl.


TOMNow we are all going to get married the same day.

JOYI am guess I was the only one out of the loop.

KIMVery true and we have a baby on the way. Then we all get married.

JOSHI also have a new job. I am working with your dad.

JOYThank you daddy. You made me a happy woman.

JOSHI know nothing about computers but I am going to learn.

JOYMy dad is a great teacher.

Tom lifts his glass.





They all drink and set down there glasses.

KIMVery smooth.

Joy holds her side.

JOYI think my water just broke.



JOYI have to go to the hospital.

TOMLet’s go.

Josh helps Joy get up out of the chair and to the car.

TOM (CONT’D)Do you need anything joy?

JOYJust a hospital dad.



They drive to the hospital and Josh helps her out into a wheel chair.

TOMTake her to the waiting room.

JOSH Taking her right now.

TOMI will meet you there parking the car.

Tom parks the car and walks in the hospital holding Kim’s hand.

KIMShe is going to have a baby I always wanted to see this.

They walk into Joy’s room.

TOMHey baby girl how do you feel?

JOYI want this to be over.

The doctor walks inside the room,

DOCTOR GARNERHello how is everyone this evening.

JOYI am ok.


DOCTOR GARNER Well you are doing fine and everything is stable.

JOYSo how long do I have.

DOCTOR GARNERWell we are going to start right now.

JOYI am scared now.

JOSHIt will be fine hold my hand.

KIMYou got this joy.


TOMYou are doing fine baby.

DOCTOR GARNERI see the head keep pushing.

Tom grabs a towel and puts it on joys head.

KIMYour almost done.

JOYIt going to be ok.

TOMYes it will.


The doctor pulls out the baby from the blanket.

TOMYou did it.

Joy and Kim cry tears of joy.

DOCTOR GARNERWho will cut the umbilical chord.


Josh steps forward and the doctor gives him the scissors he cuts it.

KIMYour a daddy Josh.

JOSH Your right I did not think of that.

JOYPut some glasses on him dad he is going to be a nerd like us.

JOSHNo anything but that.

Everyone laughs and the nurse begins to give the baby to Joy but she points to Tom.

JOYDaddy you hold you grand daughter first she is half me and half mom.

Tom eye’s water.

TOMBaby your such a sweet heart.

JOYI know this means a lot to you and besides that means I have a baby-sitter.

The nurse give tom the baby and he kisses her on the forehead.

TOMYour a little angle aren’t you.

KIM I thank you Joy for letting me be here.

JOYYou better be here step mother.

JOSHSo what will we name her?


TOMBaby you don't have to that.


JOYI want to every time you see her you see me and mom.

TOMI could not have a better daughter I love you.

JOYI love you too daddy.

Joy and josh hold the baby then Kim does.

TOMShe looks just like you as a baby.

JOYI can’t believe I did it.

TOM We did it and now we have to get hitched.

JOYDon't you mean married.

TOMNo hitched.

JOYYour a nerd dad but I love you.

KIMWell what kind of plans do you have.

TOMHow about something like a hospital.

KIMWhat your kidding tom.

TOMI wish I was.

Tom Picks up a walkie talkie and speaks into it.

TOM (CONT’D)Ready now.

The door opens and a little boy and girl walk in with pillow with his and her rings on the top.


KIMMister Tom are you saying you want to get married.

TOMYes miss I am.

JOSHWill you marry me Joy.

JOYNo I will not marry.

Everyone stops and turns to joy.


Joy grabs his hand and puts it on her face.

JOYWill you marry me.

Josh breaths a breath of relief

JOSHYes I will.

The boy and girl sets the rings down at the end of the bed and Mr and Mrs bennett.

MR. BENNETTWe are missing two people.

Mr and Mrs sammuel walk in the room.

JOYGrandma and grandpa I have missed you.

MRS SAMMUEL Hello Joy how are you doing.

MR SAMMUEL Hey missy I am proud of you.

MR. BENNETTSo it looks like we have the rings so lets get this show on the road.

Josh stands right next to joy.


MR BENNETTSo you have your own vows. Come up with your own Its like who’s line is it anyway but marriage.

JOSHI know I was a boy before I met you but you made me a man. I love you and your family took me as I am. I know I am not a rich man or even a genius but there is one reason why I live. You make me want to stay in bed all morning I love you and we will have years of joy and happiness.

MR BENNETTNow you Joy.

JOYYou are the man for me. I know if I call your name you will always be there. Life has no meaning without you. I know we have a baby and that make us tide at the hip so I am not going anywhere and I want you to be happy, I love you and you are the one I always wanted and needed.

MR BENNETTRings him then her then him. Sorry me and my wife have a flight to England.

JOYTongue twister.

They exchange rings and look at Mr. Bennett.

MR BENNETTNow you may kiss the bride.

Josh and Kim kiss.

JOYI love you husband.

JOSHAnd I love you wife.

MR. BENNETT Now you two.


TOMI know I am a nerd and I hope you can except that. Every since I knew you we where distant but the more we knew each other the closer we got. I am so happy that you love me for me. We will have fantastic years together. I love you with all my heart.

MR. BENNETTYour turn Kim.

KIMYes you are a nerd but I love you for that. I know that you would stop the earth for me if you could. I know You where married before and I never could replace angie. But I can fill the void in your life and mine. I love you and let death do us part. Your stuck with me now babe.

Everyone laughs at Kim.

MR BENNETTRings now.

Tom puts the ring on Kim and Kim puts the ring on tom fingers.

MR BENNETT (CONT’D)You may kiss the bride.

Tom and Kim kisses.

TOM Now josh you are officially family

MR BENNETTSee you guys later my plane awaits.

MRS BENNETTSee you guys when we get back.

Mr and Mrs. Bennett leaves out of the room and waves.

MRS SAMMUELI am so happy our great grand baby.

MR SAMMUELWe are getting old.


TOMYou two are just fine.

KIMWell tom her angie’s birthday will be both of ours wedding anniversary.

TOMYour right all on the same day.

JOYThat is really odd but it works.

Joy and josh are kissing.

TOMMaybe we should leave them alone.

The nurse opens the door and waves her hand.

TOM (CONT’D)To the baby room.

Everyone leave the room and walks to the baby chamber. Joy and Josh are holding each other. Tom and Kim are holding hands and the baby waves her hands for a moment.

JOSHShe just like you Joy. She is going to be a nerd.


In Memory of La Teshia Garner

In Memory of Opral Robertson

Closing credits.
