the butterfly experimentmanifesting! abraham says, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a...

THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENT a unique 30 day course in the law of attraction, manifestation, and conscious creation by Lori Hamann, MSE Evolve Life Coaching "Happiness is a butterfly, which when pursued, is always just beyond your grasp, but which, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you.” Nathaniel Hawthorne

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Page 1: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have

THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENT a unique 30 day course in

the law of attraction, manifestation, and conscious creation

by Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life

"Happiness is a butterfly, which when pursued, is always just beyond your grasp,

but which, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you.”

Nathaniel Hawthorne

Page 2: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have

Welcome to…The Butterfly Experiment! I am thrilled that you have attracted this information and have joined thousands who are using this project to learn more about manifesting, the law of attraction, and personal transformation. When you know the rules of the game of life…life gets very fun!

The purpose of this experiment is to have the experience of's just that simple. It is in the experiencing that most learning occurs. You will come to learn about your power as a conscious creator, and be able to apply these principles to your life.

Tomorrow marks the beginning of your journey. You may want to check out The Butterfly Experiment Community, which can be found at Please join us! This is a new network of like minded individuals, who are seeking to connect with you as well. If you would like to join a broader Law of Attraction community, connect with me at

*** If you would like to receive this course in your email in-box everyday, then you can sign on for this at

This workbook is separated into 30 days – 30 days of learning resulting in 30 days of intentional manifesting!

Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have chosen butterflies as the focus as I teach you the art of manifestation because they represent growth, transformation, and life.

A you go through these lessons day by day, know the foundations, nor the exercise, are "linear", and they are best to be integrated into your personal operating system. Don't be surprised if you find yourself lining up with exactly what you need at the perfect time. And don't be surprised when you attract more than butterflies in your life.

You are about to step into the power of conscious creation, and allowing ALL good to flow into your life. Be open to many shifts and positive changes - your good will flow in this space.

So each day, you will be observing a 3 step process for manifesting, and additional exercises for your "manifesting enjoyment". There are NO rules about this. Nothing is linear. You can step in with any principle, at any time...and your perfect journey will be revealed to you all on it's own.

There is no goal to accomplish, only the experience, and only an experiment. So, above intend to have FUN, and learn to manifest in your experiment - and experiment with THAT!

Once again, butterflies represent let this and your experience unfold gently - like a butterfly’s wings coming out of the cocoon.

Many Blessings,Lori Hamann

Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 3: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have


Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 4: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have

Let’s get ready!

As you know, tomorrow marks Day 1 of The Butterfly Experiment. But, first things first. As you know, this principle is foundational in our work together, so keep it in the front of your mind as you flutter your way through this experiment!


The Universal Law of Attraction

What do you think of when you hear the word "attract"? How would it feel to be able to ATTRACT what ever you would like INTO your life? It's possible. You can come to depend on the Universal Law of Attraction, just as you have come to depend on the Physical Law of Gravity.

You may have heard the Law of Attraction referred to in different ways throughout your life, but it has no doubt shown up. Here's a few ways we have talked about it...

1. What you sown you reap.2. What you put out you get back.3. Like attracts like4. Law of supply and demand5. What comes around goes around.6. "As a man thinks in his heart, so is he." Proverbs 23:77. Emerson called it the Law of Compensation

Catherine Ponder, author of the Dynamic Law of Prosperity defines the Law of Attraction like this: "What you radiate outward in your thoughts, feelings, mental pictures, and words you attract into your life."

Abraham-Hicks, defines the Law of Attraction like this: "That which is like unto itself is drawn." Yes, like attracts like. What does this mean for you? It means that when you are focused upon what you WANT to create in your life you will attract that....and when you are focused upon what you DON'T WANT to create in your life, you will attract that too. It means that you are indeed a magnet, and it means that you are a magnifying glass. What you focus on gets bigger...and comes to you quickly.

You may have had the experience in your life where you have wanted something very badly, and out of that passion, out of that pure desire, you were able to create it. There was no stopping you. You believed that it was to be, and you did not doubt that it was to come into your life. You said YES! to having that "something" come into your life.

You may also have had the experience in your life where you have wanted something very much, and have not been able to create it.

Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 5: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have

Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 6: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have


Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 7: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have


Your Daily Manifesting Routine:

1. Meditation - 5-15 minutes. If would like a guide, here is a powerful 5 minute meditation, click here

2. 17 Seconds of Visualization Can you visualize butterflies for 17 seconds - what they look like, feel like, the sensations they bring to your experience? Can you see the flowers they come to, the unique colors of their wings...can you step into their beauty? Can you see them flitting by, dancing all around and with each other? Use all of your senses, using pure positive thought.

See what Abraham has to say about 17 seconds of visualization...and 34, and 51, and 68 seconds. Click here...

3. Now - practice the Law of Detachment. "Let go" - but don't let go of your focus. Visualize, imagine, create, intend from a space of love and positive expectation and belief - the law of attraction won't let you down, you can count on it like you can count on gravity.

Manifesting Extras - Gratitude Journal

It's Gratitude Day. That means it's time to get excited about your life, and all that you have been blessed with.

Alignment is about raising your resonance, and your vibration - and you do this by stepping into feelings of joy, peace, love, and gratitude. When your feelings are pure and positive, your are closely aligned with "your good" and the flow of abundance.

So, how about consciously stepping into that?

Get out that journal, and go to town being grateful for everything that you have in your life...and don't forget to be grateful for butterflies, and all that they bring to you and those you love.

Start journaling with....I am so grateful that....and ....and .....and .....! If you can't quite get to gratitude about a certain something, you can soften your resistance and raise your resonance by saying, I am grateful for the opportunity for...I am grateful for the courage to...I am grateful for the new insights of....

Manifesting Foundations

1. The Law of AttractionWhat you focus on grows.

2. Set Clear Intentions, visualize, and step into your desires.

3. Law of DetachmentLovingly expect it. It's coming. Have

faith in universal law and our magnetic universe. (article)

4. Get juiced!Rev up you passion.

5. Respect divine order and revel in synchronicity,

enjoy the unfolding of your life. Be light!

6. Take Inspired ActionInspired actions come from your heart

and intuitive knowingness. Trust it.

7. When life gets "hard" embrace the contrast. From this, you define what you DO want

and then get to align with it. (Disappointed? and Change)

8. Forgiveness and Gratitude.Do it daily.

9. Choose alignment. Choose thoughts beliefs and emotions that

serve you. Release what's not working and raise your resonance.

10. Practice total self care. Be self-full Know you are worthy, you

are deserving.

Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 8: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have

Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 9: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have

Thoughts, reflections, and notes:

Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 10: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have


Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 11: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have


Your Daily Manifesting Routine:

1. Meditation - 5-15 minutes. If would like a guide, here is a powerful 5 minute here.

2. 17 Seconds of Visualization Can you visualize butterflies for 17 seconds - what they look like, feel like, the sensations they bring to your experience? Can you see the flowers they come to, the unique colors of their wings...can you step into their beauty? Can you see them flitting by, dancing all around and with each other? Use all of your senses, using pure positive thought.

See what Abraham has to say about 17 seconds of visualization...and 34, and 51, and 68 seconds. Click here...

3. Now - practice the Law of Detachment. "Let go" - but don't let go of your focus. Visualize, imagine, create, intend from a space of love and positive expectation and belief - the law of attraction won't let you down, you can count on it like you can count on gravity.

Manifesting Extras - VISION BOARDS

It's day let's jump right in with a Vision Board. As you may know, vision boards can be used for anything in your life. They can represent your whole life, or perhaps just a part of it.

For the purpose of our intentions...let's do a Butterfly Vision Board. Your BVB can be drawn, doodled, painted, Photoshopped, or cut and pasted from pictures in a magazine.

I want this to be a joyful experience that doesn't take up too much of your time. Recently I did a vision board and it had to be completed in 20 minutes. Talk about squeezing juice from the orange!

You may spend as much time on your Butterfly Vision Board as you wish, but just get it done and put it in a place that you can see it all of the time.

With a vision board you are placing focus on that which you desire to create an experience of, so don't put it off because you are worried that you don't have time to do it. The Universe likes speed and synchronicity. To flow with it!

Manifesting Foundations

1. The Law of AttractionWhat you focus on grows.

(Here's an article...)

2. Set Clear Intentions, visualize, and step into your desires.

3. Law of DetachmentLovingly expect it. It's coming. Have

faith in universal law and our magnetic universe. (article)

4. Get juiced!Rev up you passion.

5. Respect divine order and revel in synchronicity,

enjoy the unfolding of your life. Be light!

6. Take Inspired ActionInspired actions come from your heart

and intuitive knowingness. Trust it.

7. When life gets "hard" embrace the contrast. From this, you define what you DO want

and then get to align with it. (Disappointed? and Change)

8. Forgiveness and Gratitude.Do it daily.

9. Choose alignment. Choose thoughts beliefs and emotions that

serve you. Release what's not working and raise your resonance.

10. Practice total self care. Be self-full Know you are worthy, you

are deserving.

Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 12: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have

Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 13: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have

Thoughts, reflections, and notes:

Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 14: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have


Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 15: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have


Your Daily Manifesting Routine:

1. Meditation - 5-15 minutes. If you would like a guide, here is a powerful 5 minute here.

2. 17 Seconds of Visualization Can you visualize butterflies for 17 seconds - what they look like, feel like, the sensations they bring to your experience? Can you see the flowers they come to, the unique colors of their wings...can you step into their beauty? Can you see them flitting by, dancing all around and with each other? Use all of your senses, using pure positive thought.

See what Abraham has to say about 17 seconds of visualization...and 34, and 51, and 68 seconds. Click here...

3. Now - practice the Law of Detachment. "Let go" - but don't let go of your focus. Visualize, imagine, create, intend from a space of love and positive expectation and belief - the law of attraction won't let you down, you can count on it like you can count on gravity.

Manifesting Extras - Forgiveness

Forgiveness, whether we like it or not, can play a huge part in our ability to manifest our desires. Why? Because forgiveness is a CHOICE, which in turn brings you into greater alignment with the source of all good and well-being.

If you take a look at the emotional guidance scale you may find yourself resonating in anger, disappointment or resentment. Choose to forgive.

Forgiveness frees you from those emotions, and in that release (even the small ones) you make room for goodness, abundance, and beauty to flow into your life. You begin to resonate in a state of courage and love....and as you know you attract into your life what you are resonating.

Let's start with something simple. Choose to forgive something easy and note how much better you feel. I choose to forgive my cat for snubbing me after I had our baby...I choose to forgive myself for.... I choose to forgive....

Now, while this exercise does not specifically deal with butterflies, it

Manifesting Foundations

1. The Law of AttractionWhat you focus on grows. (Here's an article...)

2. Set Clear Intentions, visualize, and step into your desires.

3. Law of DetachmentLovingly expect it. It's coming. Have faith in universal law and our magnetic universe. (article)

4. Get juiced!Rev up you passion.

5. Respect divine order and revel in synchronicity, enjoy the unfolding of your life. Be light!

6. Take Inspired ActionInspired actions come from your heart and intuitive knowingness. Trust it.

7. When life gets "hard" embrace the contrast. From this, you define what you DO wantand then get to align with it. (Disappointed? and Change)

8. Forgiveness and Gratitude.Do it daily.

9. Choose alignment. Choose thoughts beliefs and emotions that serve you. Release what's not working and raise your resonance.

10. Practice total self care. Be self-full Know you are worthy, you are deserving.

Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 16: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have

Thoughts, reflections, and notes:

Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 17: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have


Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 18: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have

DAY 4Are you beginning to get the feel for your routine? I will shorten this up a bit then with a link to the expanded version. Don't forget about your Manifesting Extras...

Your Daily Manifesting Routine:Click here for the expanded version...

1. Meditation - 5-15 minutes. Want a guide? Click here.2. 17 Seconds of Visualization- A bit on that click here.3. Now - practice the Law of Detachment click here.

Manifesting Extras - My Movie, My Way.

It's time to get out your are going to do a little process call "Scripting".

I want you to imagine yourself as the director of some MAJOR motion picture. You get to create the script ahead of time, and also change it as you go. You have all of the creative power in this movie - no one gets to shape this film to their get to shape the film to YOUR liking. After all it is your experience isn't it?

Yep...actually it's your life. :) As a conscious creator you get to script your life to look anyway you want it to. It's your reality that you are shaping, and it's time to step into that personal power. Through the process of scripting you will tap into joy, and release resistance to manifesting.

There are no right or wrong ways to "Script" - but here are a few phrases to get you started.

Today I will....If I had it my way....I see myself...Last night I.....

Here's an example...

"As I woke up this morning, I felt the sun on my face...I knew it' was going to be a good day. I felt a new sense of freedom...I have made the leap to full time self employment. Never in my life have I ever felt so peaceful, so calm. I feel so completely connected to myself - I am amazed at my contentment. As I went out into the kitchen in my furry slippers I made myself some tea - some “time for me” tea. There is no rush, no scurry. No timelines. Today I get to do life MY way. Its the first day of my leap. I am so proud of myself and I am appreciating

Manifesting Foundations

1. The Law of AttractionWhat you focus on grows.

(Here's an article...)

2. Set Clear Intentions, visualize, and step into your desires.

3. Law of DetachmentLovingly expect it. It's coming. Have

faith in universal law and our magnetic universe. (article)

4. Get juiced!Rev up you passion.

5. Respect divine order and revel in synchronicity,

enjoy the unfolding of your life. Be light!

6. Take Inspired ActionInspired actions come from your heart and intuitive knowingness.

Trust it.

7. When life gets "hard" embrace the contrast. From this, you define what you DO want

and then get to align with it. (Disappointed? and Change)

8. Forgiveness and Gratitude.Do it daily.

9. Choose alignment. Choose thoughts beliefs and emotions that

serve you. Release what's not working and raise your resonance.

10. Practice total self care. Be self-full Know you are worthy,

you are deserving.

Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 19: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have


Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 20: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have


Your Daily Manifesting Routine:Click here for the expanded version...

1. Meditation - 5-15 minutes. Want a guide? Click here.2. 17 Seconds of Visualization- A bit on that click here.3. Now - practice the Law of Detachment click here.

Manifesting Extras - Self Care and Source Energy

My clients will testify - not only do I hold them to some serious self care...but it works. And, it works in a way that helps them tap into prosperity and the flow of abundance. In fact this concept is foundational.

Abraham says this - it's so perfectly put.

"Appreciation and self-love are the most important aspects you could ever nurture. Appreciation of others and the appreciation of yourself are the closest vibrational matches to Source Energy of anything we have ever witnessed anywhere in this Universe."Abraham - Ask and It Is Given Cards

So imagine what would happen if YOU were that "matched' with Source energy? If YOU were that aligned?

From where I stand there is nothing that Source can not accomplish...what do you think that says about YOU? :)

Think you can manifest a butterfly?

I bet you could...(and probably have by now!) But, really let's think about this for a moment...what could you create in your life if your vibration was a vibrational match to Source Energy?

You can answer that...butterflies are coming....and so are the rest of your desires. :)

Would you agree that when you are taking really good care of yourself you are standing in appreciation of you? Yes indeed.

Your exercise for today - is to find at least ONE thing that you do for yourself that brings you joy, comforts you, pampers you, or renews you.

to you lovin' you, Lori

Manifesting Foundations

1. The Law of AttractionWhat you focus on grows.

(Here's an article...)

2. Set Clear Intentions, visualize, and step into your desires.

3. Law of DetachmentLovingly expect it. It's coming. Have

faith in universal law and our magnetic universe. (article)

4. Get juiced!Rev up you passion.

5. Respect divine order and revel in synchronicity,

enjoy the unfolding of your life. Be light!

6. Take Inspired ActionInspired actions come from your heart

and intuitive knowingness. Trust it.

7. When life gets "hard" embrace the contrast. From this, you define what you DO want

and then get to align with it. (Disappointed? and Change)

8. Forgiveness and Gratitude.Do it daily.

9. Choose alignment. Choose thoughts beliefs and emotions that

serve you. Release what's not working and raise your resonance.

10. Practice total self care. Be self-full Know you are worthy, you

are deserving.

Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 21: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have


Your Daily Manifesting Routine:Click here for the expanded version...

1. Meditation - 5-15 minutes. Want a guide? Click here.2. 17 Seconds of Visualization- A bit on that click here.3. Now - practice the Law of Detachment click here.

Manifesting Extras: The Butterfly Effect & Random Acts of Kindness

I really couldn't help myself. I just had to talk about "The Butterfly Effect" during "The Butterfly Experiment."

The phrase "The Butterfly Effect" refers to the idea that the flapping of a butterfly's wings could create a "chain of events that could lead to large-scale phenomena" (Wikipedia) And on the other side of the world....

This never ceases to amaze "my brain", but my heart understands and knows this truth - and I stand in awe of our spectacular universe. I don't doubt that you too can look around your life and see the truth in this theory everywhere.

Imagine for a moment what kind of butterfly effect there would be if we all practiced just ONE random act of kindness...every day? Imagine what this would do for the world.

Lori, when you practice, kindness - from your heart - with the pure intention of doing something for another in the name of love (not out of guilt, duty, or have to's of any kind) you can not be out of alignment. You are in perfect alignment with source energy which is love, and love which is the highest vibration on the emotional scale.

When you are in alignment, you have harmony, and your good flows.

Daily Manifesting Foundations

1. The Law of AttractionWhat you focus on grows.

(Here's an article...)

2. Set Clear Intentions, visualize, and step into your desires.

3. Law of DetachmentLovingly expect it. It's coming. Have

faith in universal law and our magnetic universe. (article)

4. Get juiced!Rev up you passion.

5. Respect divine order and revel in synchronicity,

enjoy the unfolding of your life. Be light!

6. Take Inspired ActionInspired actions come from your heart

and intuitive knowingness. Trust it.

7. When life gets "hard" embrace the contrast. From this, you define what you DO what

and get to align with it. (Disappointed? and Change)

8. Forgiveness and Gratitude.Do it daily.

9. Choose alignment. Choose thoughts beliefs and emotions that

Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 22: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have


Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 23: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have


Your Daily Manifesting Routine:Click here for the expanded version... 1. Meditation - 5-15 minutes. Want a guide? Click here. 2. 17 Seconds of Visualization- A bit on that click here. 3. Now - practice the Law of Detachment click here.

Manifesting Extras - The Place Mat Process

This process was offered to me somewhere along the way, as I began to study the Abraham-Hicks material. Very good stuff!

"The "Place Mat" is the most powerful process of Deliberate Creating offered, so far, because it helps you to clearly focus, without resistance. A woman said, "Abraham, this is like magic!" We replied, "It seems like magic because you have been wanting these things for years. But now you want, with no resistance."

Esther and Jerry have been using this process for about a month. Very often, when they are having lunch, they are at a hotel or at a coffee shop somewhere and there's often a paper place mat there. If there is not, Esther gets a big piece of paper from her purse. They draw a line right down the middle of the paper and on the left side they write, Things to do -- Jerry and Esther. And on the right side they write, Things to do -- Universe. On their side of the page they write what they plan to take action on. On the other side they write what they would like the Universe to act on

Now the power of this Placemat Process is this: When you tell the Universe what you want, you accomplish the only two prerequisites in Deliberate Creating. The first is, you identify your object of desire. The second is, you have no resistance. More positively stated, you allow it. Want it and allow it -- and it is, you see" more here

For you...The Placemat Process worksheet. Have light...and don't forget to add "attract loads of gorgeous

Manifesting Foundations

1. The Law of AttractionWhat you focus on grows.

(Here's an article...)

2. Set Clear Intentions, visualize, and step into your desires.

3. Law of DetachmentLovingly expect it. It's coming. Have

faith in universal law and our magnetic universe. (article)

4. Get juiced!Rev up you passion.

5. Respect divine order and revel in synchronicity,

enjoy the unfolding of your life. Be light!

6. Take Inspired ActionInspired actions come from your heart

and intuitive knowingness. Trust it.

7. When life gets "hard" embrace the contrast. From this, you define what you DO want

and then get to align with it. (Disappointed? and Change)

8. Forgiveness and Gratitude.Do it daily.

9. Choose alignment. Choose thoughts beliefs and emotions that

serve you. Release what's not working and raise your resonance.

10. Practice total self care. Be self-full Know you are worthy, you

are deserving.

Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 24: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have


Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 25: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have


Your Daily Manifesting Routine:Click here for the expanded version...

1. Meditation - 5-15 minutes. Want a guide? Click here.2. 17 Seconds of Visualization- A bit on that click here.3. Now - practice the Law of Detachment click here.

Manifesting Extras - Gratitude Journal Entry

It's that time again...time to make an entry into your gratitude journal. It's time to go on a "rampage of appreciation" and have a lot of fun doing it! That means it's time to get excited about your life, and all that you have been blessed with.

Alignment is about raising your resonance, and your vibration - and you do this by stepping into feelings of joy, peace, love, and gratitude. When your feelings are pure and positive, your are closely aligned with "your good" and the flow of abundance.

So, how about consciously stepping into that?

Here's the gratitude exercise for today....

What I Love and Appreciate About Myself Is...fill it in, and don't skimp!


Manifesting Foundations

1. The Law of AttractionWhat you focus on grows.

(Here's an article...)

2. Set Clear Intentions, visualize, and step into your desires.

3. Law of DetachmentLovingly expect it. It's coming. Have

faith in universal law and our magnetic universe. (article)

4. Get juiced!Rev up you passion.

5. Respect divine order and revel in synchronicity,

enjoy the unfolding of your life. Be light!

6. Take Inspired ActionInspired actions come from your heart

and intuitive knowingness. Trust it.

7. When life gets "hard" embrace the contrast. From this, you define what you DO want

and then get to align with it. (Disappointed? and Change)

8. Forgiveness and Gratitude.Do it daily.

9. Choose alignment. Choose thoughts beliefs and emotions that

serve you. Release what's not working and raise your resonance.

10. Practice total self care. Be self-full Know you are worthy, you

are deserving.

Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 26: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have

Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 27: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have


Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 28: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have


Your Daily Manifesting Routine:Click here for the expanded version...

1. Meditation - 5-15 minutes. Want a guide? Click here.2. 17 Seconds of Visualization- A bit on that click here.3. Now - practice the Law of Detachment click here.

Manifesting Extras - Your Creation Box

Another one of my favorite processes by Abe!

Imagine for a moment that you have a box. It's lovely and beautiful, and it sits on your desk or dresser. You have intended that the sole purpose of this box is to act as a powerful, focused, point of attraction for your life.

So, whatever you would choose to place in the box would become a point of attraction. What ever you would place in this "creation box" would eventually come to be. It just is.

Your only to be a collector for this powerful, beautiful little box. You collect pictures, preferences, beliefs, observations, emotions. You put all the things into you box that would serve you and your life - as you want to create it and desire it to be.

Can you imagine putting a picture of beautiful butterflies in your box? Or rainbows, or money, or symbols of laughter, joy, peace, bliss....? YES! It's the good stuff. You want to put the good stuff in your creation box.

Would you ever put junk in your creation box? Would you ever put beliefs that hold you back, or scarcity consciousness? Would you put anything in your creation box that does not support you in creating and shaping your YOU want it? Probably not!

It's ok...we are all learning to consciously create, vs. creating by default, so put in your box that "all is well, and you are exactly where you are supposed to be. "

So, here is the exercise. I bet you can guess. Get a box, a real one. Set the intention that anything that you put in the box becomes a point of focus and a point of attraction. No resistance here, it just is.

If you want to purchase a cute little box - go for it. My creation box sits right next to my bed and says, "Faith is the substance of all things hoped for" may have heard that verse. But it's not about blind faith, it's about faith in love, and law, and wisdom, and truth. It's about

Daily Manifesting Foundations

1. The Law of AttractionWhat you focus on grows.

(Here's an article...)

2. Set Clear Intentions, visualize, and step into your desires.

3. Law of DetachmentLovingly expect it. It's coming. Have

faith in universal law and our magnetic universe. (article)

4. Get juiced!Rev up you passion.

5. Respect divine order and revel in synchronicity,

enjoy the unfolding of your life. Be light!

6. Take Inspired ActionInspired actions come from your heart

and intuitive knowingness. Trust it.

7. When life gets "hard" embrace the contrast. From this, you define what you DO what

and get to align with it. (Disappointed? and Change)

8. Forgiveness and Gratitude.Do it daily.

9. Choose alignment. Choose thoughts beliefs and emotions that

serve you. Release what's not working and raise your resonance.

10. Practice total self care. Be self-full Know you are worthy, you

are deserving.

Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 29: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have


Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 30: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have

DAY 10

Your Daily Manifesting Routine:Click here for the expanded version...

1. Meditation - 5-15 minutes. Want a guide? Click here.2. 17 Seconds of Visualization- A bit on that click here.3. Now - practice the Law of Detachment click here.

Manifesting Extras - Forgiveness

Here we are again %$firstname$%, it's time to get our those journals....forgiveness is essential to forward movement in your life. Many times we only hear about choosing positive thoughts, but the emotional journey is what is important.

It does not matter how positive you are - if the undercurrent is resentment, that is your dominant vibration. So, the journey and the shifting, and the movement is very powerful...not just the emotions or the thoughts.

We also hear a great deal about gratitude...but we must sometimes first forgive to "get" to the gratitude. Make sense? Gratitude is a powerful force, especially when coupled with forgiveness.

Let's recap.

Forgiveness, whether we like it or not, can play a huge part in our ability to manifest our desires. Why? Because forgiveness is a CHOICE, which in turn brings you into greater alignment with the source of all good and well being.

If you take a look at the emotional guidance scale you may find yourself resonating in anger, disappointment or resentment. Choose to forgive.

Forgiveness frees you from those emotions, and in that release (even the small ones) you make room for goodness, abundance, and beauty to flow into your life. You begin to resonate in a state of courage and love....and as you know you attract into your life what you are resonating.

Let's start with something simple. Choose to forgive something easy and note how much better you feel. I choose to forgive my cat for snubbing me after I had our baby...I choose to forgive myself for.... I choose to forgive....

Now, while this exercise does not specifically deal with butterflies, it

Daily Manifesting Foundations

1. The Law of AttractionWhat you focus on grows.

(Here's an article...)

2. Set Clear Intentions, visualize, and step into your desires.

3. Law of DetachmentLovingly expect it. It's coming. Have

faith in universal law and our magnetic universe. (article)

4. Get juiced!Rev up you passion.

5. Respect divine order and revel in synchronicity,

enjoy the unfolding of your life. Be light!

6. Take Inspired ActionInspired actions come from your heart

and intuitive knowingness. Trust it.

7. When life gets "hard" embrace the contrast. From this, you define what you DO what

and get to align with it. (Disappointed? and Change)

8. Forgiveness and Gratitude.Do it daily.

9. Choose alignment. Choose thoughts beliefs and emotions that

serve you. Release what's not working and raise your resonance.

10. Practice total self care. Be self-full Know you are worthy, you

are deserving.

Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 31: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have


Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 32: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have

DAY 11

Your Daily Manifesting Routine:Click here for the expanded version...

1. Meditation - 5-15 minutes. Want a guide? Click here.2. 17 Seconds of Visualization- A bit on that click here.3. Now - practice the Law of Detachment click here.

Manifesting Extras - My Movie, My Way.

Are you starting to see a pattern here? Manifesting doesn't have to be hard. It is fun and light and easy!

What I am doing for this experiment is taking a nice handful of concepts, and a nice handful of processes, and playing with them.

What is GREAT is that they all work to help you increase your visualizing, release your resistance, and allow more of what you want in your life.

More butterflies please...oh thank you!

Alright...let's get out that journal. Let's do a little scripting. It's your movie, your way. Feeling a little short on time to sit down for a long spell of writing?

Let's make it really easy...speed scripting. Why not? The Universe loves speed!

I want you to imagine yourself as the director of some MAJOR motion picture. You get to create the script ahead of time, and also change it as you go. You have all of the creative power in this movie - no one gets to shape this film to their get to shape the film to YOUR liking. After all it is your experience isn't it?

Yep...actually it's your life. :) As a conscious creator you get to script your life to look anyway you want it to. It's your reality that you are shaping, and it's time to step into that personal power. Through the process of scripting you will tap into joy, and release resistance to manifesting.

There are no right or wrong ways to "Script" - but here are a few phrases to get you started.

Today I will....If I had it my way....I see myself...

Daily Manifesting Foundations

1. The Law of AttractionWhat you focus on grows.

(Here's an article...)

2. Set Clear Intentions, visualize, and step into your desires.

3. Law of DetachmentLovingly expect it. It's coming. Have

faith in universal law and our magnetic universe. (article)

4. Get juiced!Rev up you passion.

5. Respect divine order and revel in synchronicity,

enjoy the unfolding of your life. Be light!

6. Take Inspired ActionInspired actions come from your heart

and intuitive knowingness. Trust it.

7. When life gets "hard" embrace the contrast. From this, you define what you DO what

and get to align with it. (Disappointed? and Change)

8. Forgiveness and Gratitude.Do it daily.

9. Choose alignment. Choose thoughts beliefs and emotions that

serve you. Release what's not working and raise your resonance.

10. Practice total self care. Be self-full Know you are worthy, you

are deserving.

Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 33: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have


Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 34: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have

DAY 12

Your Daily Manifesting Routine:Click here for the expanded version...

1. Meditation - 5-15 minutes. Want a guide? Click here.2. 17 Seconds of Visualization- A bit on that click here.3. Now - practice the Law of Detachment click here.

Manifesting Extras - Self Care and Source Energy

It's time to check in on your self care. For the purpose of this experiment we are talking about self care only a handful of times, but I recommend that you choose self care on a DAILY basis.

Last week you chose just one act of extreme self I want you to choose THREE things to pamper yourself, bring yourself joy, and get connected to your extreme self worth. It keep on getting better doesn't it?

Let's start to expand the notion of what self-care means. We often begin by going for walks, taking looooong hot bubble baths, or making time to read the new best seller out there. But, self care goes beyond what you do for yourself, externally anyway.

Start to think about self care as a way to honor yourself - does that mean you need to set boundaries with those you love? Does it mean that you will honor yourself enough to listen to your inner voice? Does it mean you get your needs met? What does it mean to you?

Keep in mind that self care is a form of self appreciation.

Please be reminded of this quote....

"Appreciation and self-love are the most important aspects you could ever nurture. Appreciation of others and the appreciation of yourself are the closest vibrational matches to Source Energy of anything we have ever witnessed anywhere in this Universe."Abraham - Ask and It Is Given Cards

So imagine what would happen if YOU were that "matched' with Source energy? If YOU were that aligned...and daily?

From where I stand there is nothing that Source can not accomplish...Imagine what this says about YOU. Pretty cool, huh?

in awe and appreciation,Lori

Daily Manifesting Foundations

1. The Law of AttractionWhat you focus on grows.

(Here's an article...)

2. Set Clear Intentions, visualize, and step into your desires.

3. Law of DetachmentLovingly expect it. It's coming. Have

faith in universal law and our magnetic universe. (article)

4. Get juiced!Rev up you passion.

5. Respect divine order and revel in synchronicity,

enjoy the unfolding of your life. Be light!

6. Take Inspired ActionInspired actions come from your heart

and intuitive knowingness. Trust it.

7. When life gets "hard" embrace the contrast. From this, you define what you DO what

and get to align with it. (Disappointed? and Change)

8. Forgiveness and Gratitude.Do it daily.

9. Choose alignment. Choose thoughts beliefs and emotions that

serve you. Release what's not working and raise your resonance.

10. Practice total self care. Be self-full Know you are worthy, you

are deserving.

Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 35: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have


Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 36: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have

DAY 13

Your Daily Manifesting Routine:Click here for the expanded version...

1. Meditation - 5-15 minutes. Want a guide? Click here.2. 17 Seconds of Visualization- A bit on that click here.3. Now - practice the Law of Detachment click here.

Manifesting Extras - Giving and Receiving

The topic for today is about giving and receiving. It's true. The door through which you give and receive is the same door - so in order to receive, you may want to think about giving...and giving from a place of pure joy and love. (there is nothing more important about that!)

This also translates to yourself...are you willing to give enough to yourself in order to receive? (ahem, self care)

Can you give to yourself, and love yourself enough to receive? Or have you shut the door on the many gifts and blessings that could come your way?

What about your experience in giving to others? Do you find it hard to "give" because you fear scarcity exists for you - in the giving? Do you feel stuck in belief systems that keep you stagnant - for example, "there will never be enough no matter how much anyone why give?" This is scarcity thinking.

Think for a moment....if you had all the money you needed, and a very large reserve of it, can you imagine feeling joyous and literally "in love" with giving to others? I believe you know the answer to that!

Then it's time to tweak your operating system, if need be, and begin to eliminate scarcity from your beliefs.

Can this really be done? Absolutely. It starts with a choice, and it can start with an inspired action to give. And in that giving, you can shift your resonance, which makes a vibrational match to all that which you desire.

(And if you are wondering - "How do you get an "inspired action" to give?" Set the intention to "get an inspired action to give"... it will come to you, no kidding! - Setting intentions is powerful stuff.)

Remember...The door through which we give and receive is the same door.

"The universe operates through dynamic exchange...

Daily Manifesting Foundations

1. The Law of AttractionWhat you focus on grows.

(Here's an article...)

2. Set Clear Intentions, visualize, and step into your desires.

3. Law of DetachmentLovingly expect it. It's coming. Have

faith in universal law and our magnetic universe. (article)

4. Get juiced!Rev up you passion.

5. Respect divine order and revel in synchronicity,

enjoy the unfolding of your life. Be light!

6. Take Inspired ActionInspired actions come from your heart

and intuitive knowingness. Trust it.

7. When life gets "hard" embrace the contrast. From this, you define what you DO what

and get to align with it. (Disappointed? and Change)

8. Forgiveness and Gratitude.Do it daily.

9. Choose alignment. Choose thoughts beliefs and emotions that

serve you. Release what's not working and raise your resonance.

10. Practice total self care. Be self-full. Know you are worthy, you

are deserving.

Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 37: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have


Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 38: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have

DAY 14

Your Daily Manifesting Routine:Click here for the expanded version...

1. Meditation - 5-15 minutes. Want a guide? Click here.2. 17 Seconds of Visualization- A bit on that click here.3. Now - practice the Law of Detachment click here.

Manifesting Extras - Contemplate This...

The Butterfly Author: Unknown

"A man found a cocoon for a butterfly. One day a small opening appeared, he sat and watched the butterfly for several hours as it struggled to force its body through the little hole. Then it seemed to stop making any progress. It appeared as if it had gotten as far as it could and could go no farther.

Then the man decided to help the butterfly. He took a pair of scissors and snipped the remaining bit of the cocoon. The butterfly then emerged easily.

Something was strange. The butterfly had a swollen body and shriveled wings. The man continued to watch the butterfly because he expected at any moment, the wings would enlarge and expand to be able to support the body, which would contract in time.

Neither happened. In fact, the butterfly spent the rest of its life crawling around with a swollen body and deformed wings. It was never able to fly.

What the man in his kindness and haste did not understand, was that the restricting cocoon and the struggle required for the butterfly to get through the small opening of the cocoon are God's way of forcing fluid from the body of the butterfly into its wings so that it would be ready for flight once it achieved its freedom from the cocoon.

Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need in our life. If God allowed us to go through all our life without any obstacles, that would cripple us. We would not be as strong as what we could have been. Not only that, we could never fly."

This story was submitted by Coach Mary Duwe, another unique "butterfly manifestation" isn't it! (Thanks Mom!)

Take the opportunity to let this message resonate with you. What

Daily Manifesting Foundations

1. The Law of AttractionWhat you focus on grows.

(Here's an article...)

2. Set Clear Intentions, visualize, and step into your desires.

3. Law of DetachmentLovingly expect it. It's coming. Have

faith in universal law and our magnetic universe. (article)

4. Get juiced!Rev up you passion.

5. Respect divine order and revel in synchronicity,

enjoy the unfolding of your life. Be light!

6. Take Inspired ActionInspired actions come from your heart

and intuitive knowingness. Trust it.

7. When life gets "hard" embrace the contrast. From this, you define what you DO what

and get to align with it. (Disappointed? and Change)

8. Forgiveness and Gratitude.Do it daily.

9. Choose alignment. Choose thoughts beliefs and emotions that

serve you. Release what's not working and raise your resonance.

10. Practice total self care. Be self-full Know you are worthy, you

are deserving.

Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 39: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have


Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 40: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have

DAY 15

Your Daily Manifesting Routine:Click here for the expanded version...

1. Meditation - 5-15 minutes. Want a guide? Click here.2. 17 Seconds of Visualization- A bit on that click here.3. Now - practice the Law of Detachment click here.

Manifesting Extras - Appreciating WORK

Appreciation....stepping into appreciation is a must when it comes to manifesting - and it is that time again!

For today, let's take a look at "your work". The word "work" itself has so many attachments doesn't' it? Belief systems about work are very thick in our is suppose to be dreaded, hard, and exhausting. For the most part those beliefs are negative.

I wouldn't want to assume that you all operate from this point of attraction- of course not - but let's face it...the majority of us walk around saying, or feeling for that matter, "thank God it's Friday".

Don't get me wrong, appreciation for the weekend is a great thing, but often times in that appreciation we tend to depreciate our work...the thing that supports us and flows money to us. A bit counterproductive isn't it?

You know there is work to be done!

You may be in a position of transitioning from one calling to life path to another, or you may be feeling unhappy with your current state of employment or career choice. (and yes, they are ALL career choices.)

And if you feel totally delighted with where you are - wonderful. It is ALL and always a place of growth.

So, for this exercise, let's practice being totally free of all notions you previously had about "work". For our

Daily Manifesting Foundations

1. The Law of AttractionWhat you focus on grows.

(Here's an article...)

2. Set Clear Intentions, visualize, and step into your desires.

3. Law of DetachmentLovingly expect it. It's coming. Have

faith in universal law and our magnetic universe. (article)

4. Get juiced!Rev up you passion.

5. Respect divine order and revel in synchronicity,

enjoy the unfolding of your life. Be light!

6. Take Inspired ActionInspired actions come from your heart

and intuitive knowingness. Trust it.

7. When life gets "hard" embrace the contrast. From this, you define what you DO what

and get to align with it. (Disappointed? and Change)

8. Forgiveness and Gratitude.Do it daily.

9. Choose alignment. Choose thoughts beliefs and emotions that

serve you. Release what's not working and raise your resonance.

10. Practice total self care. Be self-full Know you are worthy, you

are deserving.

Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 41: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have

Thoughts, reflections, and notes:

Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 42: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have


Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 43: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have

DAY 16

Your Daily Manifesting Routine:Click here for the expanded version...

1. Meditation - 5-15 minutes. Want a guide? Click here.2. 17 Seconds of Visualization- A bit on that click here.3. Now - practice the Law of Detachment click here.

Manifesting Extras - Making Your WISH List

The gang over at are brilliant aren't they. You go to their site and not only peruse a heap of great products and books, you also get to create a wish list. My wish list alone keeps me coming back. I wonder what cool books I have saved on my wish list. But I keep them there, knowing that I can dip into this virtual wishing well any time I want to. I have spoken with people who have hundreds and hundreds of books "wish listed"...and it just feels good.

When my children want something that I am not willing for whatever reason to purchase in that moment, I can feel very good about saying "put it on your wish list". So today, they all have running wish lists. We carry no attachment to how things will manifest, who will purchase those items, or when...they are just there. Sometimes they become more clear in time what is really important to them.

"Wish Lists"... are not just for kids anymore. They are for big kids too, like you and I. They are for people who want to have fun creating a juicy life, abundant in all that you "wish" for.

When I watched The Secret for the first time I was so excited to hear the Genie say, "Your wish is my command...." A perfect representation of the power of the Law of Attraction, yet the "wish" represents even more than that.

Lori, it can be almost magical. Here's why.

Think about this...You have "wished" upon stars for eons. You have thrown coins happily into wishing wells. You have blown out the candles, and "made a wish". You have made a wish list for Santa.

You have participated in these activities lightly and playfully - quickly making your wish and detaching from the outcome. If it will be, it will be...just enjoying the present moment.

Can you feel that - in just the reading of it? When "wishing" from this standpoint -- contentment, joy, and pure positive attraction, you step into the perfect moment of the wish. Wishing feels magical because

Daily Manifesting Foundations

1. The Law of AttractionWhat you focus on grows.

(Here's an article...)

2. Set Clear Intentions, visualize, and step into your desires.

3. Law of DetachmentLovingly expect it. It's coming. Have

faith in universal law and our magnetic universe. (article)

4. Get juiced!Rev up you passion.

5. Respect divine order and revel in synchronicity,

enjoy the unfolding of your life. Be light!

6. Take Inspired ActionInspired actions come from your heart

and intuitive knowingness. Trust it.

7. When life gets "hard" embrace the contrast. From this, you define what you DO what

and get to align with it. (Disappointed? and Change)

8. Forgiveness and Gratitude.Do it daily.

9. Choose alignment. Choose thoughts beliefs and emotions that

serve you. Release what's not working and raise your resonance.

10. Practice total self care. Be self-full Know you are worthy, you

are deserving.

Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 44: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have


Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 45: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have

DAY 17

Your Daily Manifesting Routine:Click here for the expanded version...

1. Meditation - 5-15 minutes. Want a guide? Click here.2. 17 Seconds of Visualization- A bit on that click here.3. Now - practice the Law of Detachment click here.

Manifesting Extras - Forgiveness & Ho'oponopono

Lori, it's time to focus on forgiveness. You might have started to see a pattern, as I have made forgiveness a topic at least one time per week in this experiment! Why? Because forgiveness is a continual process...and it's good for you.

Not only do you step into your power as a conscious creator, forgiveness heals your life because you make a vibrational shift that effects all layers of your entire being - mind, body, spirit.

There is much to be said about forgiveness. As we have learned thus far, forgiveness is so very important to our overall well-being on all levels of life. There are many processes that make forgiveness easier, and many teachings that focus on the power of forgiveness.

Not long ago, I had attracted an article written by Dr. Joe Vitale. He recently released the book Zero Limits, which was co-authored by Dr. Ihaleakala. This book is about Ho'oponopono, which means "to make right" -- it's the exploration of a Hawaiian healing system - that has a very profound way of forgiving and healing.

The philosophy is a lovely extension of the Law of Attraction. This article - is quite interesting and I believe it will cause you to think deeply about what it means to forgive.

(By Joe Vitale)

"Two years ago, I heard about a therapist in Hawaii who cured a complete ward of criminally insane patients--without ever seeing any of them. The psychologist would study an inmate's chart and then look within himself to see how he created that person's illness. As he improved himself, the patient improved.

When I first heard this story, I thought it was an urban legend. How could anyone heal anyone else by healing himself? How could even the best self-improvement master cure the criminally insane?

It didn't make any sense. It wasn't logical, so I dismissed the story.

Daily Manifesting Foundations

1. The Law of AttractionWhat you focus on grows.

(Here's an article...)

2. Set Clear Intentions, visualize, and step into your desires.

3. Law of DetachmentLovingly expect it. It's coming. Have

faith in universal law and our magnetic universe. (article)

4. Get juiced!Rev up you passion.

5. Respect divine order and revel in synchronicity,

enjoy the unfolding of your life. Be light!

6. Take Inspired ActionInspired actions come from your heart

and intuitive knowingness. Trust it.

7. When life gets "hard" embrace the contrast. From this, you define what you DO what

and get to align with it. (Disappointed? and Change)

8. Forgiveness and Gratitude.Do it daily.

9. Choose alignment. Choose thoughts beliefs and emotions that

serve you. Release what's not working and raise your resonance.

10. Practice total self care. Be self-full Know you are worthy, you

are deserving.

Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 46: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have


Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 47: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have

DAY 18

Your Daily Manifesting Routine:Click here for the expanded version...

1. Meditation - 5-15 minutes. Want a guide? Click here.2. 17 Seconds of Visualization- A bit on that click here.3. Now - practice the Law of Detachment click here.

Manifesting Extras - My Movie, My Way ~ Scripting

Lori, it's Day 18. How are you feeling? You should be feeling a little lighter, more aligned, peaceful, and content.

You may have manifested a few things already...a few butterflies may have come your way...and perhaps you have aligned so well that you have opened a flood gate of manifestations! This can happen.

Today it's time to get out your journal. You may find yourself thinking...who has time to journal? If that is the case - no worries. The Butterfly Experiment is about teaching you how to release your resistance. If you find yourself resonating with a particular exercise or two...then simply do that instead.

It's good news to know you get to play by your rules, isn't it?

But, I do want to make a few points about journaling...and why it's a great tool in your manifestation toolbox. First - attraction is much about your ability to focus isn't it. What you think about you bring about, right?

Next - a thought I will offer you to ponder, is that when you are tend to "think" and "emote", thus resonate, for longer periods of focused time. The act of writing in itself helps you to visualize and hold a thought longer than you may be able to if you were consciously visualizing in your mind.

You may have turned to journal writing in the past when you were angry, as a method of release. Fine, your intention for release is there. However, imagine the power that you have as a conscious creator...when you focus on the positive, wonderful, glorious side of life...and the experiences that you want to create.

As you have already learned, the process of scripting is easy. It's your movie...and it's your way. If you are scripting and you run into a "gremlin" or two, know that you get to yell - CUT! After all you are the director right?

Daily Manifesting Foundations

1. The Law of AttractionWhat you focus on grows.

(Here's an article...)

2. Set Clear Intentions, visualize, and step into your desires.

3. Law of DetachmentLovingly expect it. It's coming. Have

faith in universal law and our magnetic universe. (article)

4. Get juiced!Rev up you passion.

5. Respect divine order and revel in synchronicity,

enjoy the unfolding of your life. Be light!

6. Take Inspired ActionInspired actions come from your heart

and intuitive knowingness. Trust it.

7. When life gets "hard" embrace the contrast. From this, you define what you DO what

and get to align with it. (Disappointed? and Change)

8. Forgiveness and Gratitude.Do it daily.

9. Choose alignment. Choose thoughts beliefs and emotions that

serve you. Release what's not working and raise your resonance.

10. Practice total self care. Be self-full Know you are worthy, you

are deserving.

Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 48: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have


Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 49: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have

DAY 19

Your Daily Manifesting Routine:Click here for the expanded version...

1. Meditation - 5-15 minutes. Want a guide? Click here.2. 17 Seconds of Visualization- A bit on that click here.3. Now - practice the Law of Detachment click here.

Manifesting Extras - The "NEW" Self Care

Lori, on day 5 I asked you to weave in one "action" of self care as a way of softening your vibration, increasing your self appreciation, self worth, and honoring who you are.

On day 12...I asked you to increase that to 3. Can you imagine what is coming?!

Today...let's have a little fun. How about increasing your self care to 5 items? I would like you to think of 5 joyous things that you can do for yourself today that will scream to your subconscious... I AM WORTHY!

As you now know...

"Appreciation and self-love are the most important aspects you could ever nurture. Appreciation of others and the appreciation of yourself are the closest vibrational matches to Source Energy of anything we have ever witnessed anywhere in this Universe."Abraham - Ask and It Is Given Cards

This quote is posted in my office as a constant reminder to not only be gentle with myself, but to soften all resistances, cast out beliefs that no longer serve me, choose thoughts and feelings that feel GOOD, and listen to my inner truth - no matter what.

In addition to your normal self care, today I would would offer you a "new kind of self care"... I want you to think about what you are putting up with in your life.

Ok...I hear you. Not the best way to beat a positive drum. But, sometimes we have to observe what is NOT working for us for just long enough to do something about it - and get into a place of positive energy flow.

So, "what you are putting up with" - we are going to call a TOLERATION.

Daily Manifesting Foundations

1. The Law of AttractionWhat you focus on grows.

(Here's an article...)

2. Set Clear Intentions, visualize, and step into your desires.

3. Law of DetachmentLovingly expect it. It's coming. Have

faith in universal law and our magnetic universe. (article)

4. Get juiced!Rev up you passion.

5. Respect divine order and revel in synchronicity,

enjoy the unfolding of your life. Be light!

6. Take Inspired ActionInspired actions come from your heart

and intuitive knowingness. Trust it.

7. When life gets "hard" embrace the contrast. From this, you define what you DO what

and get to align with it. (Disappointed? and Change)

8. Forgiveness and Gratitude.Do it daily.

9. Choose alignment. Choose thoughts beliefs and emotions that

serve you. Release what's not working and raise your resonance.

10. Practice total self care. Be self-full Know you are worthy, you

are deserving.

Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 50: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have


Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 51: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have

DAY 20

Your Daily Manifesting Routine:Click here for the expanded version...

1. Meditation - 5-15 minutes. Want a guide? Click here.2. 17 Seconds of Visualization- A bit on that click here.3. Now - practice the Law of Detachment click here.

Manifesting Extras - Take A Vacation...To "Now"

The butterfly counts not months but moments, and has time enough.Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941

Your journey, Lori, is filled with an endless supply grand moments called "now".... These "nows" make up your moment to moment experience, your future and ultimately your life.

I find that it's helpful to remind yourself - and on a regular basis that, "the present is perfect". As you move through your day, you may find that it is easy to get caught up thinking about the excessively about the past, or even pining about the future. Don't get me wrong - daydreaming about your future can, and is a good thing! But longing for a future from a point of scarcity and worry does not serve you.

You can ruminate about the past, thinking thoughts about "what if" or "If I would have said this", or living in the pain of a past event. Have you ever found yourself wishing about things that could have been? Have you found yourself over analyzing every aspect of a situation, even though you know there is no way to change the outcome - but just wishing you could? How long do you let yourself be in this space? Remember your time is valuable, and while there are an infinite number of moments for you to "LIVE" in, you might as well live your life to it's fullest...and that joy exists in the NOW.

Take a look at your life - think about what actual percentage of the time you spend taking advantage of the present moment. How much is spent thinking about the past? How much time is spent worrying about the future?

Don't get me wrong - you do need to learn from your past, and plan for your future - but make sure that you don't get caught up spending the majority of your time need to spend your time focusing on the present moment. Take inspired actions that will change your future. Have a great awareness of your mind, body, and spirit in the present moment. Learn from your experiences. Ask yourself, ask God, or your Higher Power what it is you need to learn in this moment, to move to

Daily Manifesting Foundations

1. The Law of AttractionWhat you focus on grows.

(Here's an article...)

2. Set Clear Intentions, visualize, and step into your desires.

3. Law of DetachmentLovingly expect it. It's coming. Have

faith in universal law and our magnetic universe. (article)

4. Get juiced!Rev up you passion.

5. Respect divine order and revel in synchronicity,

enjoy the unfolding of your life. Be light!

6. Take Inspired ActionInspired actions come from your heart

and intuitive knowingness. Trust it.

7. When life gets "hard" embrace the contrast. From this, you define what you DO what

and get to align with it. (Disappointed? and Change)

8. Forgiveness and Gratitude.Do it daily.

9. Choose alignment. Choose thoughts beliefs and emotions that

serve you. Release what's not working and raise your resonance.

10. Practice total self care. Be self-full Know you are worthy, you

are deserving.

Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 52: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have

Thoughts, reflections, and notes:

Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 53: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have


Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 54: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have

DAY 21

Your Daily Manifesting Routine:Click here for the expanded version...

1. Meditation - 5-15 minutes. Want a guide? Click here.2. 17 Seconds of Visualization- A bit on that click here.3. Now - practice the Law of Detachment click here.

Manifesting Extras - Limiting Beliefs


"Do you know that the only thing that can ever hold you back is your own limiting beliefs? Now, what is a limiting belief? A limiting belief is a belief that contradicts your desire. That's it. Well, how did you get those beliefs? You just picked them up along your physical trail, and now you drag them everywhere you go. Do you do it deliberately? Do you say, "I think I will carry limiting beliefs around with me, to keep me from thriving, to keep me from being clear minded, to keep me from being safe, to keep me from being well, to keep me from being prosperous. I think I will just pick through the rubble of physical human experience, and I will just gather up a whole parcel of things that don't serve me well. And I'll carry them around and pass them on from generation to generation, and I'll make my life miserable with them and, hopefully, I'll pass them on to my children who will do the same."? It's not like that at all, is it? Not one of your limiting beliefs did you pick up deliberately intending to do yourself or someone else harm. You did not do any of this in a deliberate way, you did it in an in-deliberate way, because you did not understand the power of your emotions. You did not believe that feeling good meant that it was good for you. It does not matter how you picked up these limiting beliefs. The only thing that matters is that you recognize that the negative emotion is pointing them out to you. Negative emotion is saying to you: You're holding a belief that is thwarting your light from shining. It's thwarting the God Force or Creative Life Force that is naturally being drawn through you." Abraham-Hicks: 11/01

To be honest, I find quite a bit of humor in the above quote by Abraham...I love how they make light of the beliefs that we choose to "pick up" along the way.

Abraham has also taught me that beliefs are merely a pattern of thoughts that have been practiced - kind of like a habit.

It is interesting to think of a belief - something that you hold very dear, as just a mere pattern of thought. If it is just a pattern of thought, a pattern of energy - you would think that you would have some creative

Daily Manifesting Foundations

1. The Law of AttractionWhat you focus on grows.

(Here's an article...)

2. Set Clear Intentions, visualize, and step into your desires.

3. Law of DetachmentLovingly expect it. It's coming. Have

faith in universal law and our magnetic universe. (article)

4. Get juiced!Rev up you passion.

5. Respect divine order and revel in synchronicity,

enjoy the unfolding of your life. Be light!

6. Take Inspired ActionInspired actions come from your heart

and intuitive knowingness. Trust it.

7. When life gets "hard" embrace the contrast. From this, you define what you DO what

and get to align with it. (Disappointed? and Change)

8. Forgiveness and Gratitude.Do it daily.

9. Choose alignment. Choose thoughts beliefs and emotions that

serve you. Release what's not working and raise your resonance.

10. Practice total self care. Be self-full Know you are worthy, you

are deserving.

Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 55: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have


Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 56: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have

DAY 22

Your Daily Manifesting Routine:Click here for the expanded version...

1. Meditation - 5-15 minutes. Want a guide? Click here.2. 17 Seconds of Visualization- A bit on that click here.3. Now - practice the Law of Detachment click here.

Manifesting Extras - It's Gratitude Time

"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow." -- Melody Beattie

Hey Lori! Yes, it's gratitude time...and while you know by now that gratitude and appreciation are important parts of each day - it will serve you to practice this concept and exercise until it becomes integrated into your operating system.

Today, I would like to start by sharing with all of you how grateful I am, indeed, for the gift of connection through The Butterfly Experiment. I am grateful to be a part of your experience - not only as a catalyst in an exercise in manifestation, but also I am honored to witness the personal transformation that many you have expressed.

Thank you for sharing your personal stories, your pictures, and your growth with me...and please continue to do so!

The above quote, to me, is phenomenal, and speaks directly to the value of gratitude. Melody Beattie says, "Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life..."

When you speak of feeling stuck, you are really referring to a point of attraction that you keep focusing on...over and over. You may feel unable to break this pattern, this pointed focus of your attraction. You may feel captive and unable to escape it.

Gratitude is a key - and it literally "unlocks" YOU, your emotional resonance, and thus your point of attraction. And, as you know...gratitude and appreciation are the closest vibration matches to Source and wellbeing.

So, let me ask you...if you held in your hand a key to a door that could change your life in a moment...and then change it moment to moment after that - would you use the key to unlock the door?

Daily Manifesting Foundations

1. The Law of AttractionWhat you focus on grows.

(Here's an article...)

2. Set Clear Intentions, visualize, and step into your desires.

3. Law of DetachmentLovingly expect it. It's coming. Have

faith in universal law and our magnetic universe. (article)

4. Get juiced!Rev up you passion.

5. Respect divine order and revel in synchronicity,

enjoy the unfolding of your life. Be light!

6. Take Inspired ActionInspired actions come from your heart

and intuitive knowingness. Trust it.

7. When life gets "hard" embrace the contrast. From this, you define what you DO what

and get to align with it. (Disappointed? and Change)

8. Forgiveness and Gratitude.Do it daily.

9. Choose alignment. Choose thoughts beliefs and emotions that

serve you. Release what's not working and raise your resonance.

10. Practice total self care. Be self-full Know you are worthy, you

are deserving.

Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 57: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have


Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 58: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have

DAY 23

Your Daily Manifesting Routine:The expanded version here...

1. Meditation - 5-15 minutes. Want a guide? 2. 17 Seconds of Visualization- A bit on that here.3. Now - practice the Law of Detachment.

Manifesting Extras - Order Up!

Lori, for the last several months I have been enjoying a little program that supports me in applying the Law of Attraction - and more specifically keeps me pointedly aware of the need to practice faith and trust in those universal laws.

I am having loads of fun with it and I personally choose to be reminded often, so about every hour my computer says.."It's time to place your order with the universe..." and then as magic would have it, along roll my dreams and desires, with pictures to match. Pretty cool.

The actual words, "It's time to place your order with the Universe" is a funny little saying isn't it....but it quickly, and lightly reminds me that I have set my intentions as if I have placed an order with a waitress. How simple is that?

I imagine that I am sitting in a restaurant called LIFE and have just placed my order....I have no resistance to whether or not my order will come - it will. I have no issue with waiting, in fact I am enjoying being with my friends and family while "my order" gets cooked up.

I intuitively know that things do seem to take longer in the kitchen when I get upset, or crabby with the waitress, or wonder where the heck my dinner is....In fact, the only thing that I really have to do is be nice to my waitress, trust her, and feel grateful to have her. The focus really comes down to feeling good and having a great time. I can do that!

When my order does come, I feel appreciation toward the waitress, and the rest of the staff who prepared this delicious meal (called my life)...and I suddenly remember - I have heard this is an excellent restaurant, and you get exactly what you order and even better - sometimes you get fabulous dessert thrown in...for free. It just keeps getting better and better! I think I will come back to this restaurant again. (and I do)

For today....I bet you can imagine - "It's time to place your order with the Universe"! Get creative with this's an exercise in

Daily Manifesting Foundations

1. The Law of AttractionWhat you focus on grows.

(Here's an article...)

2. Set Clear Intentions, visualize, and step into your desires.

3. Law of DetachmentLovingly expect it. It's coming. Have

faith in universal law and our magnetic universe. (article)

4. Get juiced!Rev up you passion.

5. Respect divine order and revel in synchronicity,

enjoy the unfolding of your life. Be light!

6. Take Inspired ActionInspired actions come from your heart

and intuitive knowingness. Trust it.

7. When life gets "hard" embrace the contrast. From this, you define what you DO what

and get to align with it. (Disappointed? and Change)

8. Forgiveness and Gratitude.Do it daily.

9. Choose alignment. Choose thoughts beliefs and emotions that

serve you. Release what's not working and raise your resonance.

10. Practice total self care. Be self-full Know you are worthy, you

are deserving.

Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 59: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have


Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 60: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have

DAY 24

Your Daily Manifesting Routine:Click here for the expanded version...

1. Meditation - 5-15 minutes. Want a guide? Click here.2. 17 Seconds of Visualization- A bit on that click here.3. Now - practice the Law of Detachment click here.

Manifesting Extras - Forgive and Forget?

Lori, the journey of attracting the life of your dreams includes being able to line up your emotions with your desires and release the emotional blocks that are in your way. I have spoken of forgiveness several times during this experiment, and there are many angels to "come from".

I would not be a good teacher if I did not offer one perspective. We are taught to forgive and forget...not a bad idea in theory, but the truth of the matter is that you don't forget. Forgiveness comes in a shift in perspective.

I would offer you a new way...instead of forgive and forget - forgive and remember. What? Let me qualify. In order to forgive, you must be willing to release judgments of another...and we start this by remembering something that you love or appreciate about that person.

If you begin to remember the love, the true love of who they are - you become free to release and forgive. You must soften your resistance when you want to encourage the flow of well being and love in your life, and one "rock" in a river creates a diverted flow.

This dos not mean that you tolerate disrespectful actions or ways of being from another...but it does mean that you honor you who are by suspending judgments and choosing to focus on the good in others. You choose to separate their actions from you, and know the truth of your perfection. If you can't get to "good" then begin to work your way up the emotional guidance scale with your coach as a way to shift into a better place, and then release and forgive.

Remember that forgiveness is much more about you than it is another.When you are ready, you may begin to make your own emotional connection that it is only from a place of judgment that one would need to forgive. (yes that is big) And judgment, on all levels does not serve you or anyone else.

"You cannot be bound up with your judgment and {be}

Daily Manifesting Foundations

1. The Law of AttractionWhat you focus on grows.

(Here's an article...)

2. Set Clear Intentions, visualize, and step into your desires.

3. Law of DetachmentLovingly expect it. It's coming. Have

faith in universal law and our magnetic universe. (article)

4. Get juiced!Rev up you passion.

5. Respect divine order and revel in synchronicity,

enjoy the unfolding of your life. Be light!

6. Take Inspired ActionInspired actions come from your heart

and intuitive knowingness. Trust it.

7. When life gets "hard" embrace the contrast. From this, you define what you DO what

and get to align with it. (Disappointed? and Change)

8. Forgiveness and Gratitude.Do it daily.

9. Choose alignment. Choose thoughts beliefs and emotions that

serve you. Release what's not working and raise your resonance.

10. Practice total self care. Be self-full Know you are worthy, you

are deserving.

Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 61: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have


Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 62: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have

DAY 25

Your Daily Manifesting Routine:Click here for the expanded version...

1. Meditation - 5-15 minutes. Want a guide? Click here.2. 17 Seconds of Visualization- A bit on that click here.3. Now - practice the Law of Detachment click here.

Manifesting Extras - A Butterfly Meditation

Hi Lori!

It's day 25...we are nearing the end of our experiment. What have you manifested? Butterflies? Or something better? Butterflies are the symbol of transformation, and you may be coming out of your cocoon.

There is something to be said about when you want something - you must step into it, be it, as if it already were.

For the purpose of this experiment we have focused on butterflies...and personal transformation. Here is a unique meditation to step into that, quite literally,...enjoy!

A Butterfly Meditation

Find a comfortable position and close your eyes... And when you are ready, see yourself in your very own magnificent flowering garden.

The sun is shining and the temperature is just perfect... ...Now, visualize yourself as a little tiny caterpillar crawling around on the ground...and then climbing onto a branch of a tree in this lush garden of yours. Feel what it feels like to be this little tiny creature, crawling up the tree, eating leaves on the way, enjoying the fresh air with no particular destination...

Now, see yourself stopping on the branch about midpoint and spinning a safe white silky cocoon as you sit upon this branch. As you spin you begin to dream and vision yourself becoming all that you are capable of being, having and doing...Take your time as there is so much to learn while you are still...And, when you are ready, see yourself courageously beginning to emerge from your cocoon into a beautiful and brilliant...colorful and stunning butterfly...

See yourself gently breaking free of the cocoon that you spun for yourself to develop in, and carefully unfold yourself, one wing at a

Daily Manifesting Foundations

1. The Law of AttractionWhat you focus on grows.

(Here's an article...)

2. Set Clear Intentions, visualize, and step into your desires.

3. Law of DetachmentLovingly expect it. It's coming. Have

faith in universal law and our magnetic universe. (article)

4. Get juiced!Rev up you passion.

5. Respect divine order and revel in synchronicity,

enjoy the unfolding of your life. Be light!

6. Take Inspired ActionInspired actions come from your heart

and intuitive knowingness. Trust it.

7. When life gets "hard" embrace the contrast. From this, you define what you DO what

and get to align with it. (Disappointed? and Change)

8. Forgiveness and Gratitude.Do it daily.

9. Choose alignment. Choose thoughts beliefs and emotions that

serve you. Release what's not working and raise your resonance.

10. Practice total self care. Be self-full Know you are worthy, you

are deserving.

Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 63: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have


Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 64: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have

DAY 26

Your Daily Manifesting Routine:Click here for the expanded version...

1. Meditation - 5-15 minutes. Want a guide? Click here.2. 17 Seconds of Visualization- A bit on that click here.3. Now - practice the Law of Detachment click here.

Manifesting Extras - Extreme Self Care

We are coming close to wrapping up The Butterfly Experiment...but Lori, you are far from winding down. In fact, it's time to increase your self care items once again. You have hopefully eased into this place.

As you know, self care = self appreciation = self worth = you... a vibrational match to source energy. There is nothing that source can not accomplish - and thus there is nothing that you can not be, do, or have.

Our angle for today is to turn up the volume on self care - I will not ask you to do 1, 3, or 5 things today....I am going to ask you to turn it up to 10 items of self care!

(Eeek! you might be thinking!) But I want to you to remember that extreme success and extreme abundance does not come from ho hum vibrations of worthiness and belief systems - it comes from solid foundations of love for yourself that are beautiful, abundant, and yes, even extreme.

Imagine that you are a cup - and the amount of liquid in your cup represent the amount of self care that you offer to yourself...daily. How full is your cup? It is empty? It is half? Full?

Take note...if you are operating from less that a full cup you are not living at full capacity, not living from your highest potential as a conscious attractor of your desires.

Imagine for a moment how good you could feel, if you started by building a positive foundation within yourself? If you develop an approach to life that said I feel good because I take care of me...I choose it.

If you only practiced extreme self care for 30 days...10 things per day - you would not be the same person at the end of that time period. Extreme self care...leads to quick vibrational shifts. You choose to "fill your cup" - with high focus with the intention to shift your resonance and increase your self worth and voila. You've got it.

Daily Manifesting Foundations

1. The Law of AttractionWhat you focus on grows.

(Here's an article...)

2. Set Clear Intentions, visualize, and step into your desires.

3. Law of DetachmentLovingly expect it. It's coming. Have

faith in universal law and our magnetic universe. (article)

4. Get juiced!Rev up you passion.

5. Respect divine order and revel in synchronicity,

enjoy the unfolding of your life. Be light!

6. Take Inspired ActionInspired actions come from your heart

and intuitive knowingness. Trust it.

7. When life gets "hard" embrace the contrast. From this, you define what you DO what

and get to align with it. (Disappointed? and Change)

8. Forgiveness and Gratitude.Do it daily.

9. Choose alignment. Choose thoughts beliefs and emotions that

serve you. Release what's not working and raise your resonance.

10. Practice total self care. Be self-full Know you are worthy, you

are deserving.

Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 65: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have


Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 66: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have

DAY 27

Your Daily Manifesting Routine:Click here for the expanded version...

1. Meditation - 5-15 minutes. Want a guide? Click here.2. 17 Seconds of Visualization- A bit on that click here.3. Now - practice the Law of Detachment click here.

Manifesting Extras - Giving and Receiving

Lori, the topic for today is about giving and receiving. It's true. The door through which you give and receive is the same door - so in order to receive, you may want to think about giving...and giving from a place of pure joy and love. (there is nothing more important about that!)

This also translates to yourself...are you willing to give enough to yourself in order to receive? (ahem, self care on all levels including emotional alignment with what you really really want???)

Can you give to yourself, and love yourself enough to receive? Or have you shut the door on the many gifts and blessings that could come your way?

What about your experience in giving to others? Do you find it hard to "give" because you fear scarcity exists for you - in the giving? Do you feel stuck in belief systems that keep you stagnant - for example, "there will never be enough no matter how much anyone why give?" This is scarcity thinking.

Think for a moment....if you had all the money you needed, and a very large reserve of it, can you imagine feeling joyous and literally "in love" with giving to others? I believe you know the answer to that!

Then it's time to tweak your operating system, if need be, and begin to eliminate scarcity from your beliefs.

Can this really be done? Absolutely. It starts with a choice, and it can start with an inspired action to give. And in that giving, you can shift your resonance, which makes a vibrational match to all that which you desire.

(And if you are wondering - "How do you get an "inspired action" to give?" Set the intention to "get an inspired action to give"... it will come to you, no kidding! - Setting intentions is powerful stuff.)

Remember...The door through which we give and receive is the same

Daily Manifesting Foundations

1. The Law of AttractionWhat you focus on grows.

(Here's an article...)

2. Set Clear Intentions, visualize, and step into your desires.

3. Law of DetachmentLovingly expect it. It's coming. Have

faith in universal law and our magnetic universe. (article)

4. Get juiced!Rev up you passion.

5. Respect divine order and revel in synchronicity,

enjoy the unfolding of your life. Be light!

6. Take Inspired ActionInspired actions come from your heart

and intuitive knowingness. Trust it.

7. When life gets "hard" embrace the contrast. From this, you define what you DO what

and get to align with it. (Disappointed? and Change)

8. Forgiveness and Gratitude.Do it daily.

9. Choose alignment. Choose thoughts beliefs and emotions that

serve you. Release what's not working and raise your resonance.

10. Practice total self care. Be self-full Know you are worthy, you

are deserving.

Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 67: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have


Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 68: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have

DAY 28

Your Daily Manifesting Routine:Click here for the expanded version...

1. Meditation - 5-15 minutes. Want a guide? Click here.2. 17 Seconds of Visualization- A bit on that click here.3. Now - practice the Law of Detachment click here.

Manifesting Extras - Your Emotional Guidance System

Lori, it's true. Within the very center of your being lies a very wise is your Emotional Guidance System. Your Emotional Guidance System has been there for you, and has been a part of you since the very existence of your physical being.

"You were born with a magnificent (emotional) guidance system that lets you know, in every moment, exactly what your vibrational content is, which is being matched by the Law of Attraction."Abraham

There is no separation between you and "it" - for it is indeed you. The only separation is the one that you create in your mind, or your from ego, and this separation is a mere illusion.

You Emotional Guidance System is the part of you that literally "guides" you toward the manifestation and fulfillment of your desires, and it, in any given moment will let you know your connection to source energy. It provides you with sacred information, the secret (if you will!) to know what is coming to you via the Law of Attraction.

While there is a scale of emotions that range from shame to empowerment and bliss, it comes down to one simple rule. If you are feeling good - you are aligned with source. When you are feeling are not. When you are feeling good, you are in alignment with your desires Not so good? You are not.

"...when you feel good you are in alignment with the energy that is you. And when you don't feel so good, you are not."Abraham

Ok...maybe this is too simple for you - but the truth of the matter is that you may be ignoring your Emotional Guidance System much more than you honor it and pay attention to what it is telling you.

Your "work" (joy!) is to listen to that part of you that offers this information - and if you feel bad, then do one of two things.

Daily Manifesting Foundations

1. The Law of AttractionWhat you focus on grows.

(Here's an article...)

2. Set Clear Intentions, visualize, and step into your desires.

3. Law of DetachmentLovingly expect it. It's coming. Have

faith in universal law and our magnetic universe. (article)

4. Get juiced!Rev up you passion.

5. Respect divine order and revel in synchronicity,

enjoy the unfolding of your life. Be light!

6. Take Inspired ActionInspired actions come from your heart

and intuitive knowingness. Trust it.

7. When life gets "hard" embrace the contrast. From this, you define what you DO what

and get to align with it. (Disappointed? and Change)

8. Forgiveness and Gratitude.Do it daily.

9. Choose alignment. Choose thoughts beliefs and emotions that

serve you. Release what's not working and raise your resonance.

10. Practice total self care. Be self-full Know you are worthy, you

are deserving.

Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 69: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have


Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 70: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have

DAY 29

Your Daily Manifesting Routine:Click here for the expanded version...

1. Meditation - 5-15 minutes. Want a guide?.2. 17 Seconds of Visualization- A bit on that here.3. Now - practice the Law of Detachment here.

Manifesting Extras - A "Rampage of Appreciation"

Lori, have you heard it takes 28 days to make a habit?

As of have just completed Day 28, and if you have been putting your focus on this experiment -- even a little bit -- you will have developed a new habit, and maybe two :) And good habits...vibrational patterns that serve to align you with your goals and desires.

Hopefully you are establishing a good habit of meditating and visualizing, trusting the universe and releasing, and a good habit of "knowing" that you can manifest and consciously create anything you desire. - beyond butterflies!

For one more day during this experiment I will discuss gratitude. It is fundamental, and in the moment that you step into gratitude and appreciation, you align with source energy.

For many years I have heard Abraham talk about appreciation and gratitude - but from the glorious standpoint of a "rampage of appreciation".

When you hear the word rampage, images of being out of control may come to your mind. But this is quite the contrary. A rampage of appreciation is about a deliberate focus on appreciation, and a deliberate increase in your vibration. I have included an example from Abraham below...sense the difference between this and merely feeling grateful, or just making a list or two of what your blessings are. All is good - but just note the vibrational shift between the two - you can't miss it :)

For today...go on your own "rampage of appreciation" Get a little crazy and wild, and most of all have fun with it all!

in appreciation,Lori

Abraham: A Rampage of Appreciation About Money

Daily Manifesting Foundations

1. The Law of AttractionWhat you focus on grows.

(Here's an article...)

2. Set Clear Intentions, visualize, and step into your desires.

3. Law of DetachmentLovingly expect it. It's coming. Have

faith in universal law and our magnetic universe. (article)

4. Get juiced!Rev up you passion.

5. Respect divine order and revel in synchronicity,

enjoy the unfolding of your life. Be light!

6. Take Inspired ActionInspired actions come from your heart

and intuitive knowingness. Trust it.

7. When life gets "hard" embrace the contrast. From this, you define what you DO what

and get to align with it. (Disappointed? and Change)

8. Forgiveness and Gratitude.Do it daily.

9. Choose alignment. Choose thoughts beliefs and emotions that

serve you. Release what's not working and raise your resonance.

10. Practice total self care. Be self-full Know you are worthy, you

are deserving.

Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 71: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have


Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 72: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have

DAY 30

Your Daily Manifesting Routine:Click here for the expanded version...

1. Meditation - 5-15 minutes. Want a guide? 2. 17 Seconds of Visualization- A bit on that here.3. Now - practice the Law of Detachment

Manifesting Extras - It's Just The Beginning


"Anything that you can imagine is yours to be or do or have. As you ask yourself why you want it, the essence of your desire is activated, and the Universe begins to bring it to you. The more intense your positive feelings, the faster it is coming to you. It is as easy to create a castle as a button."Abraham's as easy to create a castle as a butterfly!

Did you find it was easy to manifest butterflies? Did you find them showing up in your experience with little effort? Do you see how your were able to step into positive expectation that you would indeed manifest them? Did you find yourself feeling a sense of peace and trust when you did manifest butterflies that Source was responding to your intentions? Were you excited by that as well? Yes!

Today marks the last day of your Butterfly Experiment. You have manifested butterflies, and as a symbol of that - personal transformation has begun. You can not - be in same vibrational place your were 30 days ago. You have shifted your focus, lined up with source energy, and begun to fine tune your operating system.

From this new place...I encourage you to make a new intention - and that is, for your continued personal transformation. (personally, professionally, spiritually) Write down your intentions..."From a place of compete ease and flow I intend to..........." Follow this up with "why" you want it - and there you tap the essence of your desires, which when activated, begins them flowing to you.

What's next for you? What is your next "castle"?

Even though it is the last day of this journey, it is just the beginning. You make a choice every to consciously create your world, and be, do and have all that you desire.

Daily Manifesting Foundations

1. The Law of AttractionWhat you focus on grows.

(Here's an article...)

2. Set Clear Intentions, visualize, and step into your desires.

3. Law of DetachmentLovingly expect it. It's coming. Have

faith in universal law and our magnetic universe. (article)

4. Get juiced!Rev up you passion.

5. Respect divine order and revel in synchronicity,

enjoy the unfolding of your life. Be light!

6. Take Inspired ActionInspired actions come from your heart

and intuitive knowingness. Trust it.

7. When life gets "hard" embrace the contrast. From this, you define what you DO what

and get to align with it. (Disappointed? and Change)

8. Forgiveness and Gratitude.Do it daily.

9. Choose alignment. Choose thoughts beliefs and emotions that

serve you. Release what's not working and raise your resonance.

10. Practice total self care. Be self-full Know you are worthy, you

are deserving.

Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 73: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have

About Lori Hamann Lori Hamann, MSE, has been a life coach since 1997, empowering and inspiring others to personally evolve and create abundance in their lives. As president of Evolve Life Coaching, her mission and purpose is simply to raise people's consciousness through the coaching partnership so they may experience joyful living at its best.

In her practice she uses a combination of philosophy and unique processes which are deeply and significantly inspired by the Law of Attraction. Simplified, she believes that thoughts create emotions, which in turn create motion. So if you want to change your life, change your mind!

Through the application of this attraction based philosophy, Lori teaches clients how to magnetize through love, appreciation and joy, and release limitation - so they may easily step into abundance on all levels of life.

She is a master level healing practitioner and embraces a whole person approach. She encourages her clients to honor the connection between mind, body, and spirit, and helps them to energetically align, clear blockages, and create balance on all planes.

In addition to working with clients on an individual basis she also leads groups and tele-classes, such as Manifesting Abundance, and Conscious Creation.

She is the creator of this e-course…The Butterfly Experiment, a 30 day program for personal transformation. She is also the author of Coach Yourself Rich, and the Evolve Your Life e-zine.


• Masters degree in Counseling from UW Oshkosh• Formal Coach training from Coach University• Certified Tele-class Leader by Thomas Leonard• Advanced training in energy and metaphysics -

University of Integrated Science California• Certified Tachyon Healing Practitioner• Certified Adamantine Healing System Practitioner• Level III Synergia Healing Practitioner• Specializing in manifesting abundance and the Law of


Questions? Email me at [email protected]

Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 74: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have

Frequently Asked Questions About Life Coaching

What is Life Coaching?

Life Coaching is a special kind of consulting. It is an individualized program to help you achieve and attract success and all that is important to you. Coaching is a profession that has synthesized the best from business, psychology, philosophy, and spirituality. It benefits those who are open and willing to make dramatic positive changes in all aspects of their lives. It is based on a partnership---you and your coach---working together to help you achieve more abundance and happiness than you have ever dreamed possible!

Why Does Coaching Work?

SYNERGYThe client and coach become a team, focusing on the client's goals and needs. As we partner together to focus on your life, the synergy created between us enables you to accomplish more than you might otherwise do on your own.

"Two working together provides more growth experiences for thehuman experience than one million people singularly focused."


ONGOING FOLLOW-UPCoaches provide on-going follow-up and support. This helps you quickly have the life you want.

Who hires a coach and why?

People hire a coach because:

• They want more out of their lives• They want to make more money.• They want to learn how to "manifest" their greatest desires.• They want to grow and aren't sure how to get started• They want their life to be easier.• They want someone who can listen and REALLY hear them.• They want a motivator.

Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007


Page 75: THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENTmanifesting! Abraham says, “It’s as easy to create a castle as a button”….. and I say, “it’s as easy to create a castle as a butterfly”. I have

• They want someone to help them formulate solutions to their situation.• They want to have more time, more fun, and less stress.• Anyone seeking to get results and is willing to work-- hires a coach!

What do you work on with a life coach?

• Personal and professional life balance.• Wellness.• Reducing stress.• Extreme Self-Care.• Releasing untapped potential• Manifesting goodness into your life• Attracting opportunity and money• Negative belief systems that get in your way• Energy work• Whatever you want!

What are the results of hiring a coach?

Many things change, but the most important are:

• You learn to value yourself more.• You stop tolerating the things that are dragging you down.• You and your coach create a momentum so you get results easier and quicker.• You set better goals and achieve them easier.• You take action immediately.• You have a partner whose only purpose is your success.• Your self confidence increases.• You have a deeper sense of well-being.• You clear blocks to your abundance

If you are thinking about hiring a coach please call me for a free 20 minute consult. During this time we can talk about where you are, where you want to be…and how this coaching partnership may get you there!

Peace,Lori Hamann

[email protected]

Lori Hamann, MSEEvolve Life Coaching

http://www.lorihamann.comCopyright 2007