the business of iot - kickoff slides

The Business of IOT October 6 th , 2014

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The  Business  of  IOT  October  6th,  2014  

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The  Business  of  IoT  

•  A  new  field  to  most  people  •  Despite  all  the  tech  people  are  the  biggest  enablers  

•  ConversaDon  is  what  this  community  is  here  to  help  create  


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Who’s  This  Guy?  

Fintan  Ryan    @fintanr  

 •  Around  enterprise  tech  most  of  my  career  •  Interested  in  the  how,  why  and  where  business,  technology  and  communiDes  intersect    

•  Currently  consulDng  (  

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The  Internet  of  T(h)ings  

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 Now  who  are  you?  

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What  is  the  Internet  of  Things?  

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IOT  at  Scale  

 Consumer  space  is  interesDng  and  evolving  


A  quiet  revoluDon  gathers  pace  (EIU)    Business  and  Government  are  invesDng  now    

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 SpoVng  The  Hype    

McKinsey  arDcles  start  to  appear  in  2010  Gartner  move  from  ‘real  world  web’  to  Internet  of  Things  in  2011  Management  consultants  pile  in  from  late  2011    This  leads  to….      

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The  insDtuDonal  fear  of  missing  out  

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OpportuniDes  without  Boundaries?  

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The  Numbers  Game  

Company   Devices   By  When  

Cisco   50Bn   2020  

Gartner   30Bn   2020  

IDC   212Bn     2020   Devices  &  Things  

Bosch   6Bn   2015  

And  so  on…..  

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One  Trillion  Devices  A  Billion  Trillion  Trillion  Dollars  

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What  Will  Make  This  Happen?  

•  Business  Models  •  Standards  •  Technology  

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Business  Models  Change  

•  TacDcal  and  strategic  view  needed  •  Don’t  mistake  a  new  product  for  a  strategy  – Long  term  maps  v’s  arDfacts  from  analysis    



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Heightened  Customer  ExpectaDons  

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Data,  Data,  Data  

 Data  is  the  foundaDon  of  digital  business  

   -­‐  @rwang0    

All  business  will  be  digital  

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Industry  “Co-­‐OperaDon”  

•  An  Era  of  Friendliness  •  Unlikely  bedfellows  •  CompeDtors  will  ulDmately  compete  •  Its  all  about  standards    

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Enabling  Technologies  

 Big  Data    Telemetry  Plaeorms    SaSS  &  PaSS  Plaeorms      BI  Plaeorms  

   Cloud    Storage      ….  The  list  is  endless    

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End  of  the  polyglot?  

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The  Business  of  IoT  

•  We  are  all  sDll  trying  to  figure  this  out  •  As  we  said  at  the  start,  conversaDon  is  what  this  community  is  here  to  help  create  


Lets  Talk!    

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IOT  Speed  DaDng