the brown book-vol 3

!""# % &'( !)"*+ !""# ,+-.()/01 2,1, +0&-"+ ."1,3( 4 Compil e d By: Afrika Bambaataa , Malika Saphir e And King Mark Luv

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Page 1: The Brown Book-Vol 3




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Compiled By: A frika Bambaataa, Malika Saphire

And K ing Mark Luv

Page 2: The Brown Book-Vol 3


5"+&(+&/$Infinity Lesson One: Nationality and Birthrights .......................................................................... 1!Infinity Lesson Two: The Masons and the Moors ....................................................................... 24!Infinity Lesson Three: Our Two First Presidents ......................................................................... 29!Infinity Lesson Four: History of the Moorish Science Temple of America ................................ 94!Infinity Lesson Five: Civics Lesson Number One ..................................................................... 104!

Who are the Moorish Americans? .......................................................................................... 105!

Acknowledgements ................................................................................................................ 107!

Preface .................................................................................................................................... 108!

Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 110!

Communication ...................................................................................................................... 112!

Who are the Moorish Americans? Moors: Defined ............................................................... 113!

The Ku Klux Klan .................................................................................................................. 115!

A Few Actual Facts for Moors A People in Adversity ....................................................... 119!

Unbiased Test and Exercise ................................................................................................... 121!

Resolution of .............................................. 121!

What about the Ku Klux Klan? .............................................................................................. 123!

Klanners .................................................................................................................................. 123!

General Nathan Bedford Forrest ............................................................................................ 123!

The Union of States Congress and the Klan .......................................................................... 124!

Organization and Principles of the Ku Klux Klan ................................................................. 126!

Creed....................................................................................................................................... 126!

Character and Objects of the Order ........................................................................................ 126!

Titles ....................................................................................................................................... 126!

Territory and Divisions .......................................................................................................... 127!

Interrogations to be asked ...................................................................................................... 128!

Ancillary ................................................................................................................................. 129!

Test Questions ........................................................................................................................ 131!

The Organization and Structure of the Ku Klux Klan ........................................................... 133!

Ku Klux Klan Titles: .............................................................................................................. 133!

Conclusion .............................................................................................................................. 134!

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Fez .......................................................................................................................................... 136!

The Moabites Moorish Flag of the Human Family ................................................................ 137!

The National Flag of the Moabite Moorish Nation of North America (North Gate) ............ 138!

!"#$%&............................................................................................................................... 139!

Purpose ................................................................................................................................... 140!

Bibliography ........................................................................................................................... 144!

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Nationality and Birthrights This scroll is dedicated to the Re-awakening of our Peoples who have been asleep for too long here in the Americas. It is now time for you to WAKE UP!


did the greatest thing for our peoples over here in America. Yes I know, most of you never heard of him, however, he is one of the greatest men of our lifetimes. He re-claimed everything that was taken from us in the

ook at our-story.

The inscription on the Liberty Bell comes from a Biblical source which reads:

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L eviticus 25:10

thereof: it shall be a jubilee unto you; and ye shall return every man unto his possession, and ye shall return

Did you know that America was/is part of the Dominions of the Moroccan Empire? (See United States Code T itle 22 Chapter 2 Section 141) and that the Moors inhabited this land even before the American Indians, and that the Moors were and are your so called Negroes, Blacks and A frican Americans, and that black is a misnomer that deludes to slavery as opposed to a freeborn man or woman? Did you know that Black and African American is not a Nationality but a 14th amendment Semi-Slave Status? Did you know that the Family of Nations will not recognize you as a member of the Human Race if you do not have a Nationality you are considered a Refugee [See U.S. Immigration and Nationality Act, Section 101 (A) (42) and Section 207 (E)] Remember Black is a color and not a nation. Even thought Europeans

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call themselves white, if you ask them their nationality they will tell you Irish, German, Scottish, Dutch etc., but

with over fifty countries in it, which Nationality are you? There are three Americas, North Central and south,

Did you know that Europeans stripped you of your Moorish Nationality so that you could never tie

yourself back to your Birthright Inheritance also known as the Americas? (Do some research on the Moors and the American Spanish Land Grants!) Did you know that Noble Drew Ali attended the Pan American Conference in Havana Cuba in 1928? He received a mandate from the Families of Nations that acknowledged the Moors as the rightful owners to these lands, North, Central and South America, Canada, Mexico and all adjoining islands. (Seek out the minutes to the Pan American Conference and also research the Bustamante Codes 1928) Research Noble Drew Ali Also Known As Sheik Sharif Abdul Ali, you will see he was much more than a mere religious ma, but the head of State and Royal Noble born amongst us and recognized by the Nations of the Earth.

The European has erased any knowledge of our true history. H e made us believe that we were brought over here by slave ships. This is a blatant lie! There is no way that they could have brought millions of us over here as they claim because the ships that they had were only fit to hold one hundred to two hundred people at a time. That means that they would have had to take over a thousand back and forth trips to bring us over here. Do the math that just does not add up. In fact, we were already here. There was a G reat Continental Shift which caused the Continents to separate. I f you look at a map you will see that all of the Continents will fit together like a j igsaw puzzle.

This is a Depiction of how the Earth separated.

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As the Prophet Noble Drew Ali taught, this land was called Amexem. When it split up, the part we know as the Americas became North West Amexem. So now you are starting to get the picture. We were already here; North America, Central America and South America, and all of the adjoining islands belong to us by Birthright! The Europeans will make you think that the Island of Atlantis was a myth when in all actuality; they know it to be true. They name many things after Atlantis like hotels and resorts and even cities like Atlanta. We are all descendants of Atlantis over here in what is now called America. On record, the French called us Muurs or Moors so you see that we are Moors and we are aboriginal to this land. Not

self b

croll to show me someone who is a black as this ink that I am using to

to classify you and remove your Birthright and Status. These Moors were the people who built the great pyramids all over South America, Peru, Canada, Alaska and Georgia that scattered all throughout North America along the Mississippi River and its tributaries are found mounds built out of tons and tons of Earth. The people who built them were called the mound Builders and they were descendants of the Malian Moor Olmecs. These Moors eventually migrated to

The E tow Ah Mounds in Northern G eorgia, U .S.A .

North America from Mexico and became known as Washitaw, Yamasee and the Ben-isma-el Tribe. The Ben-isma-el Tribe was a collection of what is now known as Lenape, Wapanoag and Nanticoke Indians who migrated to Indiana and Illinois and referred tp themselves

One of the Mississippi Mounds built by us!

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Map of the Ben-isma-el Tribe Territory, these are our peoples!

It is often not talked about, but the Moors had enslaved the Europeans before they enslaved so called blacks. Their women sold like commodities into the Harems and concubines of wealthy moors. This is the reason why the Moorish Noble were, for the most pa -

Arms of Noble European Families.

Brit-Moor Coat of Arms/ Ancient Moorish Symbol of the Morocco Shrine

Dutch, Danes and

em. the Moors had control of the Atlantic and

most famous Moor, Othello, is also described as a Black African. Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin worked closely with the Moors in the continental Congress to secure this treaty. In the bevans collection there are over two hundred letters to the Bey of Morocco from the continental congress. There were many Moors in

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the Conitnental Congress working with the European Masons Originally taught by

Montezuma Depicted as dark skinned Moor

says Moors; that so-citizens or part oMassachusetts on the 6th of March, 1788, forbidding any Negro not a subject of the Empire of Morocco, or a

brought here by the Europeans were unprotected by the Moroccan Treaty, as well as the Articles of on was presented to the house from sundry

free Moors, subjects of the Emperor of Morocco; and residents in this state, praying that in case they should commit any fault amenable to be brought to justice, that they as subjects to a Prince (here in North America) in alliance with the United States of America (Via the Moroccan Treaty of 1787), may be tried under the same laws as the citizens of this state would be liable to be tried, and not under the Negro Act, which was received

back in1789 saying what we say now; our Nationality is Moorish and not

This is from the Moors Sundry Act of 1790: F ree Moors Petition: Ruling

Edward Rutledge reported from the committee referred to the Free Moors petition. The order for

immediate consideration of the matter was read and agreed to as follows: "They have Considered the same and are of opinion that no Law of this State can in its Construction or Operation apply to them, and that persons who were Subjects of the Emperor of Morocco being Free in this State are not triable by the Law for the better Ordering and Governing of Negroes and other Slaves."

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Original paintings of Moorish Mohawk Indians in Moorish Garb

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The first page of the peace and friendship treaty between Morocco and America

commercial laws and as longs as you call yourselves Blacks or African Americans, you are admitting to being a slave under the 14th amendment of the United States is a corporation. Yes the United States is a Corporation and it is not a country. The date is February 21, 1871 and the forty-first congress is in session. I refer you to the

- 34, Session III, Chapter 61 and 62. On this date in the history of our

ten mile square parcel of land. In essence, this act formed the corporation known as the Note Capitalization, because is important. This corporation, owned by foreign interests, moved right in and shoved


the title. Did you know that fifty five Moors help put together the Constitution? Yes we are the constructors of this whole land. That is of Washington D.C. In fact, it is even rumored that Benjamin Franklin did not even exist but the Identity of Benjamin Banneker was assumed by a European to hide the fact that we built this country and its early technology. The Moors had street light in Seville, Spain Four Hundred Years before anyone else!

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Moor verb (used with object)

1. To secure (a ship, boat, dirigible, etc.) in a particular place, as by cables and anchors or by lines. 2. To fix firmly; secure.

verb (used without object) 3. To moor a ship, small boat, etc. 4. To be made secure by cables or the like.

noun 5. The act of mooring

So we can clearly see that Moor has to do with navigating the seas and it is NOT a word that means Black,

metaphor for race was first used at the end of the 17th century when a French doctor named Francois Bernier (1625-1688), an early proponent of scientific racism, divided up humanity based on facial appearance and body, You cannot find any traces of our people calling themselves Black before 1500. It is simply not there, because we knew our nationality, Moorish.

How can a person be a color? Black in an adjective, not a noun; you can have a green shoe, but you s a person, place or thing. We are people, so we would be defined

as a noun. Defining yourself any other way is illogical and foolish. What if someone walked up to you and told can be Irish, but you cannot be

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green. This is how we act when we call ourselves Black. We also learn in elementary school about colors. We learn that black is a single color and black does not come in different shades, so how can someone be light skinned or Asiatic, but not Black. This is basic childhood information and understanding, nothing advanced.

Now that we understand that Moor does not mean black, and that we did not call ourselves black before

you have a Nationality refers to a certain Nation. This is why if a Chinese person comes to America and commits murder, the United States Government will look to the Nation of China for answers. When you have a nation, you can get reparations, sign treaties, and go to war with other nations. Why did the Jews and Japanese both get reparations for their tragedies? (Since 1953; west Germany has paid out more than $35 billion in reparations to the Zionist State and to millions of individual Victims of National Socialism) why did we not get

tion. Israel has a flag, Japan has a flag, but do black people have a flag??? No, because there is no nation behind them. Here is the Moorish Flag. It is a Red Flag with a five pointed Green star in the center; the 5 points represent Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, and Justice. A nickname for our flag was The Cherry Tree, because of its red and green color. So now you understand why they tell us the story about George Washington chopping down the Cherry Tree.

Our Seal is the Great Seal, which we find on the back of the

dollar bill; however the original Great Seal had the capstone attached to the pyramid. The detached capstone represents us straying from our ways and being stripped of our teachings. In other words, debasing ourselves from God/Allah/ANU/The Most High or whatever you choose to call god

Notice that is says The Great Seal under this one and not the Eagle, which represents the European. Also note that whenever government officials speak, they never have this Seal behind them, why? Because it is ours, it is always the Eagle seal, which is theirs.

people in America, would we even have the power to sign a treaty??? NO.

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me Stateless. Stateless means

you lack citizenship/nationality, which in turn makes you a Refugee. Refugees in turn often have to seek asylum, which means a place where they will not be persecuted because of their status as a refugee. In the US, we call these people asylees. So, a particular Nation is NOT required to give rights to anyone without a Nationality.

Why do you think even after the 15th Amendment, the Black people were still marching for voting nd had a nationality, there would have been no problem. And if

you think that the Voting Rights Act of 1964 gave Blacks the right to vote, think again. Congress keeps extending the Act for however long they feel. Bush just extended it for 25 years in 2006. a right, but a privilege that Congress is giving Blacks. What if Congress decides not to extend it anymore? Now

they could make those same votes null and void. Now you may begin to understand how and why those Black

privileges and not using their divine birth rights, their human, not civil rights. How can one have civil rights, but not human rights???

they never called the Europeans refugees. This is because they were using lawful terms to describe us, they

only in this country because someone let them. So if they break into a store to try and get food to survive, they are still looting because they do not have citizenship to be here.

Some try and say that the 14th amendment made all of the so called Blacks, Negroes, and African Americans citizens; however we know that Citizens make the amendments, not the other way around. How can your citizenship be based on an amendment that can easily be taken away? Also, that same amendment made

Corporations are fictitious/artificial entities, Hence CORPoration. Corpse: meaning Dead. So how can they be persons and get equal protection? The 14th amendment does NOT make you a citizen. It allows you to get granted privileges such as Voting (when they will let you), and entering into Federal programs such as Social Security (as long as you pay taxes).

Not having Citizenship also makes you a second-class citizen, so those are the effects of not having Citizenship and Nationality.

For more clarification, research the legal definitions of these words, try and get a 3rd or 4th edition Black Law Dictionary. 5TH edition sucks. You want the older ones, because they have the old real definitions, just like if you were doing a research paper about ancient Egypt, you would want the oldest sources possible. Minority Infant Colored Civiliter Mortuus Free White Persons

Also, look up Jus Soli, and Jus Sanguinis. These are the ways that one has to prove his or her Nationality. These terms will help you understand things more clearly.

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Ok, now time for some of the more raw mind blowing history, to show that we are Moors, and that Moors are native/indigenous to the entire planet, not just Africa. Moors have been in America for ages untold. When Christopher Columbus (Christobal Colon) got to the Americas, he met Moors; he says it in his diaries. But you never learned about it in school. Look at the first page of a book called Ancient America by Johnathan Norton Leonard and it will say that Columbus saw Moorish women when he got here.

They taught you in their public, private fool system that Christobal-Colon [Christopher Columbus], a said Jew discovered the so called Americas. Obviously, this is not so. They told you he was on his way to so called Hindustan (India) and got lost, yet his diaries tell you (November 2nd entry) that his interpreters spoke Arabic, Chaldean, and Hebrew [Africa And The Discovery Of America by Leo Weiner] and were able to converse in Arabic with the King of Cuba . These are the same people that Christobal referred to as Woolly haired Mohammedans [A fancy code word for Moor]. Take note that Christobal had no interpreter that spoke Hindu yet it is alleged that he was headed to a land where Hindu is a primary language. Translation: Christobal knew exactly where he was Moors were on all the islands and continents. They call us Natives, native Indians, Aztec, Mayans, Incas and other mixture of names, code names and misnomer slave names.

Moors practice Islamism, and we are Moslems. That is why he called them Mohammedans. Get a decent unabridged dictionary and look up Moor, it will say Mohammedan. Also, it is clear that he knew where he was going. Research these two names: Martin Alonso Pinzon and Vicente Yanex Pinzon. We were not brought here through slavery, this is perhaps one of the biggest lies they fed us in the public fool, eye mean, school system.

How in the world could they have attempted to move 150 million people over a three hundred year period using smaller ships? Barclays Bank made a fortune making loans to slave ship builders while Lloyds of London made a fortune insuring those slave ships. Making fewer trips with smaller cargo capacity taking a greater amount of time to make the trip than today's modern ships? Wake up and do the math!!! We were already here!!! Hello!?! Is anybody listening??? Our great great grandparents were lied to. Our Great grandparents were lied to. Our parents were lied to. We were lied to. People talk about they know about what happen to us, our language, spirituality, health, nationality, tribal names ect You have no idea. You are Moorish Americans; your Divine Creed (spirituality science) is Islamism which is no more than the study of the Egyptian sciences. Nationality and Divine Creed what some say is the 2/5 that is missing from the 5/5 which makes you 3/5 till this day because of ignorance. Abraham Lincoln did not save you; the Amendments did not save you. How can someone that is not in their own proper person be able to save you? It takes one of your own. Study Noble Drew Ali.

Spirit, Soul, Flesh, Nationality, and Divine Creed are the 5 parts of whole man. They took away our Nationality and Divine Creed, hence the 3/5 of a person. Moorish Science allows us to gain back our Nationality and Divine Creed so we can be complete again.

We Moors are descendants of the Moroccans, Ancient Canaanites, and Ancient Moabites, but we are born in America. We traveled the world and gave similar or the same name to certain things as a ritual for energy because words carry vibrations.

There is a Cairo in Egypt, and a Cairo Illinois. An ancient name for Nubia was Tanehesi, so we named a city Tennessee. We had Memphis, Egypt, and now we have Memphis, Tennessee. We also have Moorhead,

also interesting that Memphis Tennessee is similar to Memphis Egypt, in that they both are right on the bank of two very fertile rivers, the Nile and Mississippi, which both run from south to north. There are so many places named after us, look them up:

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Moorland, Kentucky Moore County, North Carolina (Carthage is the Seat) Moore, Russia (yeah, we were all over the world) North moor, Missouri Low Moor, Iowa Moorhead, Minnesota Moore, Idaho Moore, Oklahoma Moore, Pennsylvania Moore, South Carolina Moore, Montana Moore, Texas Moore, Tennessee Moore Haven, Florida Moore River in Western Australia Moore, Chesire (England)

Proof that our Ancient Moorish forefathers wore this is ALL over the place. Where do you think we get the cap that we wear when we graduate? That cap is modeled after our Fez; it has the tassel and everything. They added the top part which represents the Square, a tool used to measure thoughts and character, spiritually. Note that there are variations of the Fez, and since the headdress is so ancient, there have been many changes to it.

Moorish men wear the Fez; here is a picture of the Fez.

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These are from Easter Island.

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Here is Mentuhotep of Ancient Egipt wearing his Fez.

Here is a Moor in Spain wearing the Fez.

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Here is evidence of our long prominent rule of Spain; here is a member of the Spanish Regulares army. He is wearing the Fez.

Here is an Ancient Toltec wearing what looks like a Fez.

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Back in the day, they would show us who we were publicly like this, but now that we are starting to wake up, they have stopped. Here is a prime example of this. This was the original logo of this product.

Here is the one they changed it to.

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Here are some more visuals.

If not the Moors, who taught the Freemasons and gave them the Fez? Arabs??!!! Nah, Masons = ma-SONS. They are our sons, we taught them their sciences. No arrogance or hate, just truth. Here are a bunch of Masons wearing our the Fez.

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This is J. Edgar Hoover, first director of the FBI, he was a homosexual and he took out many important

it. Look up Benjamin Banneker. You can bet he was a Moor. If you go to the George Washington Masonic Memorial Museum in Washington D.C. they have a large display case and on display in that case they have the Fezzes of the Moorish heads of the 13 colonies which we gave to the Europeans. It says Ben Bey in big letters and they have his Black Fez with the Red tassel in there. THE SUPREME GRAND MASTER TEACHER FOR THIS DAY AND TIME DR. MALACHI Z. YORK WEARING THE FEZ THE REAL NAME OF THE FEZ IS CALLED THE TARBUSH (TAR-BOOSH)

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Ok, next we have the Turban, another of our Ancient Headdresses. The desert Arabs got it from us. Here we are wearing the Turban.

Look at the elders in the left-hand corner of the picture.

Look up Leo Africanus and what he did, he was a dirty Moor, he betrayed us. He is who the continent of Africa is named after. Africa also comes from an Arabic word FARAQA which means to break up into many pieces which is what the pale Arab conquerers did when the essentially took over the land now called Africa.

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A Malian Moor

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So now, we are going to move into more modern evidence of our nationality. Watch the movie Black Knight with Martin Lawrence;

than that. Watch Robin hood with Morgan Freeman, and watch how they keep calling him Moor.

knows our Nationality. Here are the first two lines, but go listen to it for yourself.

Notice he says YOU came upon these shores, not THEY. We are Moors. Look at the Moor on the back of the 2 dollar bill. Then connect things. A couple last things look into who the first 8 Presidents were, because Washington was the 9th. And look into the Moors Sundry Act of 1790. And look into the longest unbroken


nly a matter of time before we rise up and put on our Fezzes and Turbans. The Moors brought the game of chess to countries around the world from Egipt where it originated. This information is fairly comprehensive and is a great starter. To supplement this, watch videos on by Taj Tarik Bey and Sabir Bey, also watch Critical Thinking parts 1-7 on by myself and Brother Mark Jones Bey. Add the page, there is a lot of good info there. Books: Golden Age of the Moors by Ivan van Sertima

Ancient and Modern Britons vol.1 and 2 by David Mac Ritchie A Star in the West by Elias Boudinot The Diaries of Christopher Columbus will also help you piece things together.

This comprehensive information was brought to you from various sources one namely being D. Saulet Bey. Please take the time to study this information given here so you can know who you are. It is not too late for us to wake up. Imagine no Moor kangaroo court cases, no Moor child support, no Moor of the courts and

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Moor, all the while knowing that the laws of this land only apply to you if you admit to being a slave! Reclaim

interested in breaking the chains of oppression, then you can contact me at the Email and web address provided below. PEACE, NEBU ABBA RE EL BEY A.K.A. LORD ABBA! Contact me to learn moor. [email protected] and The Moors brought the game of chess to countries around the world from Egipt where it originated

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The origins of F reemasonry are shrouded in myth, legend and almost impenetrable obscurity. Since at least the late 18th century Masonic writers have sought to establish a link between the K nights T emplar and the F reemasons. F reemasonic lore and symbols have been traced to ancient Egypt and Phoenicia. Y et, despite all the books and articles exploring F reemasonry published over the last hundred years, there is one area that has not received

Masons with the Moors of North A frica.

Moorish Science

The involvement of Freemasons in the establishment of the United States of America is well documented. In fact Masons featured so prominently in drafting the American Declaration of Independence that many people

Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson were high-degree Masons. Masonry had a profound influence on the formation of American society, but there was also another secret power which has gone completely unnoticed.

The Kingdom of Morocco under the leadership of Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdullah, known as King Mohammed III, was the first country in the world to recognize the United States of America as an independent nation in 1777. This historic act by the North African Muslim kingdom highlights the relationship then existing

understand the part played by the Moors in the transmission of knowledge to Europe.

Moor is the classical name in Europe of the Muslim people of North Africa. In Spain, where Muslims ruled for over five hundred years, Arabs are still called Moros

o this day as Moros. The Supreme Wisdom of the Moors, much of it derived from ancient Egypt, has come to be known as

The Moors provided the vital link between ancient and modern civilization. The light of knowledge which illuminated the Moorish lands of Spain and Sicily was instrumental in dispelling the gloom of ignorance that enveloped mediaeval Europe.

The Making of Humanity, the cradle of the rebirth of Europe. After sinking lower and lower in barbarism, it had reached the darkest depths of ignorance and degradation when the cities of the Saracenic world Baghdad, Cairo, Cordova, Toledo, were growing centres of civilization and intellectual activity. It was there that the new life arose which was to grow into a new phase of human evolution. From the time when the influence of their culture made itself felt,

The Orientalist Stanley Lane-Poole acknowledged the great impact Moorish civilization had on Europe when he wrote:

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For nearly eight centuries under her Muslim rulers Spain set to all Europe a shining example of a civilized and enlightened state. Art, literature and science prospered as they then prospered nowhere else in Europe. Students flocked from France and Germany and England to drink from the fountains of learning which flowed only in the cities of the Moors. The surgeons and doctors of Andalusia were in the vanguard of science; women were encouraged to devote themselves to serious study, and a lady doctor was not unknown among the people of Cordova.1


The plain fact that much of what we now look upon almost entirely as Freemasonry has been practiced as part and parcel of the religions of the Middle East for many thousands of years, lies open for anyone who cares to stop and read, instead of running by. But it is frequently and scornfully rejected by the average Masonic

2 So we find that just as Europe borrowed considerably from the learning of the Moors, European

With the end of Moorish rule in Spain, the Europeans began to colonize Africa, Asia and the Americas. In time European Christians conquered Muslim territories and the great debt Western civilization owed to the Moors was quickly forgotten. By the 18th century European Christians saw themselves as the predestined rulers

civilizeimmense contribution of the brilliant and energetic Moorish civilization in delivering Europe from mediaeval barbarism. We can only conclude this is a result of the pride and presumption of Westerners, which prevent them from recognizing the truth or importance of their debts to the East.

Seekers of T ruth

The founders of the American republic, as high-degree Freemasons, were aware of the importance of Moorish wisdom and culture to the birth of Western civilization. This may explain why Morocco was the first nation in history to recognize George Washington being presented with a Moorish flag. Some researchers believe this flag consisted of a red background with a green five-pointed star in the centre of it. The star or pentagram, which the Moors called the Seal of Sulaiyman and coloured green to honour Islam, also figures prominently in Masonic art and architecture. The layout of the city of Washington D.C. designed by Freemasons incorporates the pentagram.

When Freemasons travelling in the Moorish lands encountered Sufis, the mystics of Islam, they soon recognized -John Porter Brown, an American diplomat in Turkey in the mid 1800s, was a Freemason who wrote sympathetically of the Sufi path. In The DarvishesBektashi Order consider themselves quite the same as the Freemasons, and are disposed to fraternize with

Gnostic bishop, who tried to counter the Masonic lodges which, he believed, were in the service of British imperialism and the international financial syndicates. Papus also viewed Freemasonry as a diabolical perversion of the ancient secret tradition and atheistic at heart.

When Madame Blavatsky (1831-1891) set out in search of hidden wisdom it was to the Moorish land of Egypt that she journeyed. Blavatsky claimed to be a disciple of the Masters Morya and Koot Hoomi. The

modeled on real people, many

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genuine occult adepts. Prominent among them Jamal ad-Din al-Afghani, a Sufi scholar, tireless political intriguer, and the leader of radical movements throughout the Muslim world, whose travels enigmatically paralleled those of Madame Blavatsky for more than thirty years. Best remembered for co-founding the Theosophical Society and helping to popularize Buddhism and Hinduism in the West, Blavatsky also proudly


the Hindu Kush area since the 10th century. The Hindu Kush range is in Afghanistan: geographically, it forms 3 Scott quotes from a paper by a Turkish writer who describes how

members of the Khwajagan:

...intervene from time to time in human affairs. They do this, not as leaders or teachers of mankind, but unobtrusively by introducing certain ideas and techniques. This intervention works in such a way as to rectify deviations from the predestined course of human history. This inner circle, it is claimed, concentrates its

4 -Din al-Afghani, who was raised in Afghanistan, fits the description of a Master Adept. His life is described as a mysterious odyssey that led through lands as far apart as India and America. Received by heads of state in Cairo and Istanbul, he moved in both underground radical circles and the highest centres of power in European and Oriental capitals.


disciples for being in contact with a level of higher consciousness, his mission on Earth directed by higher powers. Studying the lives of some of the greatest Sufi masters we often find them to be wandering holy men (& women) whose actions are usually misunderstood by orthodox believers. The shrines of Sufi masters are centres of trance dancing, exorcism, and miraculous healings.

The Sufi tradition is integral to Moorish Science.

Sufi masters are also renowned for communicating with their followers through dreams. There are numerous sundertake a special mission.

Mission to America

A few years after Madame Blavatsky founded the Theosophical Society in New York in 1875, the Master Adept Jamal ad-Din al-Afghani turned up in America around 1882. Two Americans of African descent, who are rumoured to have studied under al-Afghani, were the parents of the man who would one day establish Moorish Science in the United States.

Noble Drew Ali (born Timothy Drew) early in the 20th century took a job as a merchant seaman and found himself in Egypt. According to one legend, Noble Drew Ali made a pilgrimage to North Africa where he studied with Moorish scholars and received a mandate from the king of Morocco to instruct Americans of African descent in Islam. His association with the ruler of Morocco is significant when we recall the historic relationship between this Moorish country and the early United States.

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At the Pyramid of Cheops his followers believe he received initiation and took the Muslim name Sharif [Noble] Abdul Ali; in America he would be known as Noble Drew Ali. On his return to the United States in

t fallen humanity by returning the organized

ChambersMoorish Science.

Noble Drew Ali is said to have made a historic visit to Washington, D.C. in order to reclaim the Moorish flag and obtain official rethat African Americans would not embrace Islam, gave Noble Drew Ali full authority to teach Moorish Science in America.

By the end of the 1920s, membership in the Moorish Science Temple had grown substantially. With increasing numbers of African Americans rallying behind Noble Drew Ali the Moorish movement soon came under the scrutiny of the FBI. In 1929 several Moors, including Noble Drew Ali, where detained for questioning by the Chicago police. Released from custody, Noble Drew Ali fell ill and never recovered. Many Moors suspected his death the result of a severe police beating.

Temple continued and gave rise to unique Islamic groups among the African American community. Much of the known history of Moorish Science in North America is extremely complex and obscure.

By the 1950s some white American poets and jazz musicians came into contact with Moorish Science. The

counterculture, with writers like William S. Burroughs spending years living in the Moorish lands. The Moorish Orthodox Church of America was formed by white Americans who held Moorish Science passports and had ties

Joseph Matheny, the American author and media theorist, first encountered Moorish Science when he was researching time travel and quantum consciousness. In his book , the Moorish

organizations ever known to

a revolutionary and heretical sect of Islam that carries on an ancient tradition which sought to counterbalance the forces of orthodox Islam. Despite the controversial and dubious nature of the MOC, part of their tradition has been to serve as the torch bepatriarchal power structure as our planetary consciousness shifts to the Age of Aquarius and sets its site on unlimited freedom and the expression of life in all of its true wonder and beauty. lecture organized by people associated with the Moorish Orthodox Church. The speaker, a Moorish Sheik returned from a long sojourn in the East, claimed Freemasonry is built on a twisting of the truth of Moorish Science. It is the secret power behind the West based on the Supreme Wisdom derived from esoteric Islam. The European colonizers usurped the knowledge of the Moors and created a nefarious system of control that blinds

mastermind of the institutions of indoctrination that prevent the full knowledge of the True God to be known. Moorish Science is the effective counter to the Freemasonic imposters and a force for Truth, Love, Peace, Freedom and Justice. The Sheik also revealed how Afghanistan and Iraq figure in sacred geography and numerology, and mentioned a secret war between the Anglo-American and Asiatic powers.

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Is there a struggle between occult brotherhoods to influence human destiny? Are the dramatic events taking place in the world, from the continuing strife in Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan, to the rivalry between the forces of Atlanticism (Britain and the USA) and Eurasia (Russia and China), just surface manifestations of a deeper conflict? Certainly the strange saga of Moorish Science and the Moorish Orthodox Church adds weight to the observation made by one of

...There is a history behind our so-called history that you cannot even conceive of. History has a deeper base. The periphery that we know as history is not the reality. Behind our so-called history continues another history, a deeper one about which we know nothing.5


1. Stanley Lane-Poole, Studies in a Mosque

2. Bernard H. Springett, Secret Sects of Syria and the Lebanon

3. Ernest Scott, People of the Secret

4. Ibid.

5. Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, I AM THE GATE: The Meaning of Initiation and Discipleship

__________________________________________________________________ Mehmet Sabeheddin is a researcher, writer, spiritual teacher and global traveller. He is a longtime contributor to New Dawn magazine. Islam and esoteric Christianity. He can be contacted c/- of New Dawn Magazine, GPO Box 3126F F , Melbourne VIC 3001, Australia.

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The Moorish Science Temple of America in itself is the first Islamic organization in America, being founded in 1913 A.D. In 1913 the Moorish Science Temple of America

address of that building was: Seven Rutgers Street corner 12th Avenue, and West Market st.

Prophet Noble Drew Ali later moved the headquarters to Chicago Illinois. Prophet Noble Drew Ali informs us that we, the Moorish Science Temple of America, organized as the Moorish Temple of Science in the year of 1925. The Moorish Temple of Science was incorporated November 29th 1926 as a civic organization. In the year of 1927 we, the Moorish Science Temple of America, were unofficially known as the Moorish Holy Temple of Science (unofficially because that name never appeared on any corporate documents). The name Moorish Science Temple of America was formally adopted in May of 1928. The Moorish Science Temple of America was changed from a civic to a religious organization July 20th 1928

Moorish Science Temple of America in 1928 was 3140 Indiana Ave.

The Moorish Science Temple of America is Religious non-profit Corporation. The Moorish Science Temple of America is a Movement; a divine and national movement. Proof of

y The There is but one

issue for them (unconscious Asiatics of America) to be recognized by this government and of the earth and it comes only through the connection of the Moorish Divine National Movement, which isincorporated in this government and recognized by all other nations of the world.There is no such corporation by the name of Moorish Divine National Movement; the corporation that exists is the Moorish Science Temple of America.

By 1928 Prophet Noble Drew set aside 15 T emples in 10 different states.

Subordinate T emple #1 3606 Indiana Ave Chicago, Illinois

Bro. E. Mealy-El, Governor

Subordinate T emple #2 209 Ross St

Charleston, West Virginia Bro. White-Bey, Grand Sheik

Subordinate T emple #3 52 Seventh St.

Milwaukee, Wis. Bro. T.W. Owsley-Bey, Grand Sheik

Subordinate T emple #4 632 Livington St.

Detroit, MI. Bro. J. Lomax-Bey, Governor

Subordinate T emple #5 1700 Arcena St Pittsburgh, Pa

Subordinate T emple #6 902 N. 6th St

Richmond, VA

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Bro. T. Crumby-Bey, Governor Bro. J. Mosby-El, Governor Subordinate T emple #7

2334 E. 37th St Cleveland, OH

Bro. C. Childs-Bey, Governor

Subordinate T emple #8 West End Station Pine Bluff, Ark

Bro. Brown-El, Governor Subordinate T emple #9

862 Townsend St Chicago, Ill

Sis. Alsop-Bey, Governor

Subordinate T emple #10 84 Springfield Ave.

Newark, NJ. Bro. Pollard-Bey, Governor

Subordinate T emple #11 817 South Broad St.

Philadelphia, Pa. Bro. T. Thompson-El, Governor

Subordinate T emple #12 84 Hines St.

Youngstown, OH. Bro. Gluvier-El, Governor

Subordinate T emple #13 456 Albert St.

Baltimore, MD. Bro. G. Cook-Bey, Governor

Subordinate T emple #14 458 Harding St. Petersburg, VA.

Bro. Sheppard-Bey, Grand Sheik Subordinate T emple #15

910 Williams St Lansing, MI

Bro. Robinson-Bey, Grand Sheik

In 1928 the Moorish Science Temple of America, Inc. held its first Convention.


(The bold typeface, added for emphasis below, did not appear in the original article, however , none of the text has been altered in anyway; a few words have been omitted due to the deplorable condition of the original paper . W e, the editors do not want to assume what was there)


Beginning Oct. 15 and continuing through the entire week, the Moorish Science Temple of America which Mr. Drew Ali is founder and president, will hold its first general conference at Unity hall, 3140 Indiana Ave., Chicago, Ill. President Ali began definite plans to this end upon his recent return from Pine Bluff, Ark., where he spent several days lecturing at the local Moorish temple. This organization is playing a useful and definite part in advancing the sacred obligations of American citizenship. Indications a------ that this convention will be one of the most interesting ever held in the city. It will be featured by delegates attending in pilgrimages from 15 different states where local temples have been established. There will be an interesting parade, in which men and women members will wear regalia similar to that worn in eastern countries. A Camel will be used. During the sessions specific reports of the general work and

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civic accomplishments of local temples will be made. Reports also of the business enterprises that have been established in connection with these temples, such as two grocery and market stores in Detroit, a laundry in Pittsburgh, Pa., and moving and express business and grocery in Chicago.

These examples of collective effort show that the members of the Moorish temple and their leader have a sound economic program and are blazing the trail and marking the pathway over which our posterity may travel unhampered and unafraid. I t must be kept in mind that no great movement can take definite shape in two or three years, so as to be er ror

said President Ali. convention ought to witness a more perfect and wider functioning organization, representing the organized experience of men and women members throughout the

And continuing, President Ali said: ranks is

The Proceedings of First Annual Convention Chicago, IL, Unity Hall, 3140 Indiana Avenue October 15-16-17-18-19-20- 1928 Prophet Noble Drew Ali, Founder (As reported by Sister Sanifer-El, 1305 E. Fredrick St.)


Monday Night Session

The Temple was beautifully decorated in lovely roses of white and red: designed of the crescent and star. The Chair of the Prophet was a mass of white roses.

Garner-Bey of Temple No. 4, Detroit, MI was introduced and preceded with a most excellent speech.

Prophet Noble Drew Ali and a number of Governors and Grand Sheiks came in dressed in costumes representing the nations of the world, with Prophet Noble Drew Ali leading. The spirit of the Prophet filled all the Temple! For a long time, such rejoicing you never heard! After which Governor Garner-Bey proceeded with his speech. He emphasized recognition. His speech was a masterpiece. Brother W. Smith-Bey, Pittsburgh, PA was presented using for his

Lomax-Bey of Detroit Temple no.

Prophet -Bey was caught

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spirit of resurrection is in the land and we are rising out of the grave one by performed by Sister Mince-

Prophet Noble Drew Ali came forward, he saidpower and if you obey my voice and you will have power with me. I am going to free you,

you fail to hear my voice you are lost. I t is against the law to stand up in any audience intoxicated. The leader is not to stay out all night giving earnings away to someone else. You who are heads of T emples, it is easy for you to destroy the influence of the T emple

His talk was sincere. Collection for the parade, realized $68.30.


Tuesday P.M . Session

Assembled at 3:00P.M.. Opening meeting conducted by Governor Mealy-El, Chicago, IL., Temple No. 1, after which Governor Garner-Bey, Detroit, MI, Temple No. 4, made the opening address. At this period Governor Lomax-Bey, Detroit, MI, Temple No. 4, took charge,

represented by Sister Sanifer-El. The work was represented to its fullest extent. The Temple spiritually and financially was represented by Governor Lomax-Bey. The reports were a credit to the Temple and the Governor, after which Brother Trailer-Bey and others gave short talks.

Collection and adjournment

Tuesday Night Session

Speaker said, there was a time once when the Moors saved civilization. I am glad you have relit the lamp. turn you around. We will never be a nation until we have all the rights of civilization and someone sitting in Congress. I see that these people have seen the light and walk in the light. Brother Payne-Bey, Attorney of Chicago was presented; he said


was presented;

-Bey of NJ came forward the Moors will lead the world back

to love. One half of the wisdom of Noble Drew Ali has never been told. Nations are crying for

ive of the President of the Binga State

you all. If I cant serve you all it is not worthy of being open. I am the closest man to your

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but one leader and there he is, Prophet Noble Drew Ali and I;

He said:

Collection and Dismission

W ednesday P.M . Session

The Prophet Noble Drew Ali was presented and said: how your salvation shall come, just follow me. You can say one thing Moors, you have made a start for the kingdom. I f you want success you must follow the Prophet. Husbands,

His talk was wonderful! Governor Mealy-the Asiatics, one religion, Islamism, one God, Allah and one destiny. After, we were favored with a music number by the Chicago Brass Band. Prophet Noble Drew Ali came forward and said many good things. He said: me by your good deeds of living at home and abroad. I t is through your good, not with your lips, trying to be in the front seat in everything, always standing in my face. Moors be careful of your steps, leaders of T emples must be careful how they walk. They must be an example. I am not asleep; it will take you Moors a long time to find out what I did today.

Collection and Dismission

W ednesday Night Session

Reassembled; Governor Crumby-Bey of Pittsburgh, PA presiding. A befitting program was rendered by members of Temple No. 5 Pittsburgh, PA which consisted of readings Quartette and reports of Temples.

Collection and Dismission

Thursday P.M . Session

Testimonial service; After, Brother Trailer-Bey of Pittsburgh, PA came forward and said

White- Islamism would make you go crazy we all should go crazy, he used for his subject.

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th-Bey of Baltimore, MD made a very nice talk.

Collection and Dismission

Thursday Night Session

Musical program conducted by Brother Ross-Bey. Talk by Sister Tompkin-El of Detroit, MI Temple No. 4 which was very good. Talk by Brother Ross-Bey who said Edison solved big problems giving a little bit to forty different men all coming together. Next was a short talk by Governor Lomax-Bey who spoke out of his soul. Solo from a little girl from Temple No. 1, Chicago, IL, Quartette Pittsburgh, PA and reading from Sister Pearl Ali, Chicago, IL, Temple No. 1. Sister Lomax-Bey preceded her solo with a befitting talk. Her solo was of the highest type which reflected much credit to her and Temple No. 4.

Prophet Noble Drew Ali came forward and said l organization it is a He further said,

He said He said many good things. He had the supreme Laws read by

Brother Greene-Bey.

Members of the Supreme G rand Council :

Prophet Noble Drew Ali Brother George Blackwell-Bey, Chicago, ILL Brother Richard Ross-Bey, Chicago, ILL Governor James Lomax-Bey, Detroit, Mich, Temple No. 4 Governor Edward Mealy-El, Chicago, ILL, Temple No. 1 Brother Claude Greene-Bey, Chicago, ILL, Temple No. 1

The Prophet said: The Prophet announced as followers: Governor Garner-Bey, Governor of Temple No. 4, Detroit, MI and Governor Lomax-Bey, Grand Governor of the state of MI.


(This editorial appeared on the front page).

None of the text has been altered in anyway; a few words in the parade section has been omitted due to the deplorable condition of the original paper . W e, the editors do not want to assume what was there.

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Delegates Assemble From Fifteen States Prominent Men Deliver Address

The first annual convention of the Moorish Science Temple of America was without a doubt the greatest success of any convention that has been held in Chicago in many a day. There were delegates from fifteen different states. All came as was expected by the prophet although many of the Temples did not represent according to the numerical strength of them. The program as was dictated by the prophet was followed in detail and everything went as was expected. The opening of the session was the registration of delegates and visitors at the general headquarters, 3140 Indiana Ave. There were more than three thousand delegates and visitors from out of the city. The main auditorium of the Temple was crowded to its capacity every night. The day sessions were given over largely to the business of the different temples.

The Moroccan costumes worn by the members of the Moorish Science Temple was a very different, but striking scene during the convention and made everyone know that the Prophet had introduced a new feature in the apparel of the organization that distinguished it to the public as nothing else could.

Prominent Men Speak-

On Tuesday night was held the formal opening with many prominent speakers, among whom were Alderman Louis B. Anderson who delivered the welcome address to the delegates and visitors. Dr. C. V. Roman of the Meharry Medical College, Nashville, Tennessee, was a pleasant surprise speaker, who was in the city in the interest of the Congressional Campaign of Oscar DePreist. Hon. Daniel M. Jackson was absent because of business with the government at Springfield, Illinois, but was represented by Atty. Aaron Payne, who delivered a very forceful address, touching on many things of interest to the Moorish Americans.

Notwithstanding the fact Hon. Oscar DePreist as well as Alderman Anderson was very busy with the campaign, they took time to stay throughout the meeting, and the closing address was delivered by Hon. Oscar DePreist. He outlined very simply, but very forcefully the matters evolved in the Congressional Campaign of the first Asiatic Congressman who had entered the halls of Congress for more than a quarter of a century. He reminded the audience that twenty-eight (28) years ago Hon. George F. White in his last address to that law-making body told them that his leave would be only temporary, and that it would be only a matter of time that he would return in the person of one of his brothers. Now, in the course of political events the time presents itself for the return of that Honorable man in the person on Hon. Oscar DePreist. Hon. George W. Blackwell, State Representative, and a strong member of the Temple, explained the economic situation as it relates to the Moorish Americans, his was a very interesting address.

The meeting was extremely enthusiastic. It could be easily seen that the Moorish Americans caught the spirit of the speaker and demonstrated it very dramatically. During the

reat undertaking, all of which was very proper and fitting. Hon. Oscar DePriest thanked him and

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opening meeting was the example setter for all other meetings that followed. The enthusiasm with which the convention opened, carried on throughout the week. Richard H. Ross Bey, was master of ceremonies.

Moorish Parade-

three thousand Moorish Americans in Moroccan costumes and each carrying a flag of the Nation of their forefathers, which is the Moorish flag, and an American flag on their right, assembled at 37th and Federal st., ---------------- made, which was very colorful, formed for the parade.

The Prophet, in securing a permit for the parade also secured a squad of European police to accompany his car in the parade. The line of march was from 37th and Federal streets east to Wabash and north on Wabash to 32nd street then to the Temple at 3140 Indiana Avenue. That it was one of the most beautiful parades that had been held in Chicago for a number of years was stated by all of the leading newspapers of the city.

This parade did much to inform those who were not acquainted with the movement as to the aims and purpose of the Moorish Science Temple of America. Many citizens had never seen so many Moorish Americans dressed in Moroccan costume, therefore voiced their hearty approval.

The Convention was an entire success from all angles. Many people visiting took the occasion to investigate and join. The aim of the Moorish Science Temple of America is to promulgate the Mohammedan religion and give to all Moorish Americans their national free name. In a course of time this movement will become of national scope because already there are Temples in fifteen different states.

T H E A B O V E E DI T O RI A L IS R EPRIN T E D F R O M T H E M O O RISH G UID E N A T I O N A L E DI T I O N , V O L 1, N O 7, D A T E D F RID A Y , O C T O B E R 26, 1928. PRI C E 10 C E N T .



(None of the text has been altered in anyway)

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Prophet Noble Drew Ali, founder and leader of the Moorish Science Temple of America, left Saturday to visit the members of the 17 different subordinate Moorish science temples, which are organized in 15 different states. He is accompanied by Richard Ross Bey, editor of the Moorish Guide, a biweekly publication of the organization. Up-to-date Detroit, Newark and Philadelphia have been visited. During this tour special emphasis is being put the importance of strict observance by the members and officers of the constitution and by-laws recommended by the prophet and unanimously adopted during the first annual convention of the Moors at Chicago in October, 1928.

The message of the prophet, published in the Moorish Guide issue of Nov. 10, has created very favorable comment. It was directed to the nations as well as the Moors of the United States. Two prominenstudy, 3140 Indiana Ave., to personally compliment him on the article. According to information from Mrs. Pearl D. Ali, national secretary treasurer of the Moors organization, members are responding encouragingly to the per capita tax system adopted at the convention. It is believed that in conjunction with his other plans, upon his return to Chicago, Prophet Ali, in all probability will interview Governor Len Small of the state of Illinois.

(Lennington "Len , Republican from Kankakee County; served two terms. The first on Jan 10, 1921 followed on Jan 12, 1925. He was born near Kankakee on June 16, 1862.)

When the Prophet went on tour to visit subordinate Temples, he left

Bro. E. Mealy-El in charge


(None of the text has been altered in anyway)

The Prophet made a trip to Detroit, Michigan to visit Temple No. 4 which is one of the largest Temples in the United States and is presided over by Brother Lomax Bey, Governor.

in large numbers to see their Prophet who had a very great message for them. Brother Lomax Bey has done a wonderful work in building up one of the most powerful Temples in the organization. He was formerly in charge of the Grand Temple at Chicago, but when the demand for a strong leader at Detroit became necessary he went there. There will be an extensive article in the MOORISH GUIDE telling of the work of Temple No. 4. We are sure it will prove interesting for there is wonderful work being done there.

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During the stay of the prophet at Temple No. 4 there were more than 70 adepts carried through the chambers. More than a thousand were turned away from the temple, so immense was the crowd

Editors Note: Although Lomax-Bey has proved to be a defector to the movement, the article displays the magnificence of the movement during the time of our illustrious Prophet, and it should inspire us as a nation to dare and do wondrous things.

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Who are the Moorish Amer icans? Moors: Defined

Brother Taj Tarik Bey

C ivics, Science, H eritage C lass Moors- The descendants of the Ancient Moabites, The true indigenous Peoples who inhabited the Northwestern and southwestern Continents (lands) of Ancient Amexem/Al Moroc Now called the Americas (North, Central, South and the adjoining islands). Through the reconstruction of historical writings (The Dark Period), these peoples and theirs have been renamed or rebranded to confuse the people. Concerning the true geographical location of their Native Lands, which, are under European siege (Colonization)! Moors are bound to the Continents of the Americas by Heritage and Birthright.

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Moors: Defined Lesson Number One

In this modern era of technology, enlightenment and split second communication, there still exists a large body of people who think the Nations of the Earth are identified by Pedigree Nationality, not by colors. In spite of the religiously taught spectre of the existence of a light skinned black nation, or a dark skinned white nation it is off a lie! Ignorance is a cultivated business, for both usury and oppression, in the Union States Society (U.S.A.). Many trusted people are agents to this vulture. The benefactors of mass ignorance dread the exposure of the information, because it exposes their true motives and hinders their license to usury. Nevertheless, truth must be told, to clear the mind, thus, lesson Number one is moors: Defined.

Brother Taj Tarik Bey

Son of Widow The Great Seal

Moors Order of the Round Table Northwest Africa/Amexem

Northwest and southwest Amexem: along with the adjoining islands Land of the Moors, the Descendants of the ancient Moabites.

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These are some of the Names Amexem has been called:

Amexem Mu

MRC Moroc

Al Moroc Northwest and Southwest Africa

North and South America

America is the prefix of Amexem and the suffix of Africa = America

Moors: the descendants of Moroccans and born in America: Al Moroccans.

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1. Giving honor and respect to Noble Drew Ali (Sheik Sharif Abdul Ali) for all the words and works he has brought to the Living Moorish Nation; the extent of which has yet to be fully appreciated.

2. Giving honor and respect to C.M. Bey for having the resolve and courage to take Moorish teachings to the height of understanding. Appreciation is also due for all his works.

3. Giving honor and respect to all the sisters and brothers of the Moorish Nation, who have

worked, and are still working to raise the Nation to its proper place in the Human Drama, and Sovereign Capacity.

4. Giving honor and respect to Brother KahMara Gabri El for editorials and dedicated

participation in Moorish National Development and public awareness.

5. Giving honor and respect to Brother Abdullah El Talib Mosi Bey for editorials and dedicated participation in Moorish National Development and public awareness.

6. Giving honor to Sister Taishoyna Bey, my niece daughter of my sister, Amatullah, and

her honorable husband, Talib, for assistance in preparation of the Ancillary for Revised Lesson Number One.

7. Giving honor and respect to Sister Nathifah Ayana Orissa El, my niece daughter of my

sister, Amatullah, and her honorable husband, Talib, for assistance in preparation of the Test Questions for Lesson Number One.

Trusting to be of good service to our families and our Moorish Nation this work is dedicated to the young who must be prepared to guide the Nation!

Peace, Islam, As Salaamu Alainkum.

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;)(605($ Economic, social, and color of Law abuses: Human rights violations, buried in false and void Civil Rights arguments of RACE fiction, merely scratch the surface of the deleterious issues plaguing the dark olive Asiatics of the Americas. Particularly, those who are labeled: BLACK, NEGRO, COLORED, etc. there is forced taxation without representation: forced and coerced adhesion CONTACTS; LICENSE to LIVE LAWS; LICENSE to OWN LAWS, and PROPERTY CONFISCATION without LAWFUL DUE PROCESS. This is the normal and consistent function (slavery) under the assumed jurisdiction of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPERATION and its quasi-government and State agencies.

Many agencies, people, institutions and organizations appear to help, but actually make their livings (fortunes) dealing with, and promoting the arguments surrounding the so-called BLACK PEOPLE PROBLEMS! Sociologists, Politicians, Writers and many Religionists claim that the above stated problems emanate from lack of SELF ESTEEM! A lack of EDUCATION and other, seemingly, relative issues and/or disciplines!!

The TRUTH is: These problems are the SYMPTOMS; not the ROOT CAUSES of oppression

The following are the major ROOT causes of the above stated PROBLEMS!

1. A lack of KNOWLEDGE of SELF; which is tied to PARENTAGE, through Heritage and Cultural Orientation: with Sovereign rights to the land and its resources.

2. A lack of DE JURE NATIONALITY, a national FLAG and national SEAL, to solidify the distinction of the above: in the international community.

3. A lack of BIRTHRIGHTS (self authority) and HERITAGE (land and resources), due to theft, by foreign and alien European colonial incorporated companies/states.

4. A lack of SOVEREIGNTY, due to theft of birthrights, and the lack of written CONSTITUTION, originating from SELF, for national and international protections of sovereign citizens rights and immunities.

5. A lack of enough honest or knowledgeable true (de jure) representatives of the PEOPLE (branded as blacks), who ARE willing to ADMIT to or TELL these TRUTHS, rather than capitalize on the profitable social and political opportunities opened due to these civic wounds.

6. A commonly held attitude of cultivated weak and sluggish WILL, when the pressure of work, finance and sacrifice becomes evident, to bring true (de Jure) law and a teaching of sovereign capacity to the stage of reality. This weak tendency must be reversed, with priorities clarified by proper civic instruction.

7. Above all- before any people can be recognized by the international community of nations Publicly declare your nationality! From this point, the rights and freedom solving process begins!

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LAW. The rights to TRUE OWNERSHIP of WEALTH and PROPERTY, the rights to SELF GOVERNMENT (freedom); the rights to CONSTITUTIONAL benefits and citizens rights (not artificial Civil Rights); the right to a NAME and a NATIONALITY (confirmed by the United Nations) are the SOURCE of PRIDE, rights, freedoms, law and self-esteem, etc. Sovereignty emanates from nationality this is a fact!




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The revised edition of Civic Lesson Book Number 1: Who are the Moorish Americans? Moors Defined is issued due to increased mail response and its expanded use by objective and progressive institutions. Doctors of Law; 3rd, 33rd and 360 degree Free Moorish Master Masons. Civic Facilitators and Scholars of Moorish Al Moroccan Science: culture and history. Added to the Revised Edition are the Ku Klux Klan Organization, Creed and Principals Statement: an Ancillary; and a short questionnaire section for study, review and testing. These short tests are used within the Moors Order of the Roundtable civic classes, but Civic instructors, Facilitators or the reader may expand on or revise the test as desired to be as effective as necessary.

To counter the cultivated ignorance among our people (Moors), we suggest that Moorish

Al Moroccan students, initiates of science, law and history, expand her or his base of information on subject matters presented in the Moorish American Heritage Lesson Books. Expanded and disciplined study, in effect, qualifies one to critique and clarify many commonly misunderstood yet important social issues. There in avoidable and unnecessary suffering often caused by naïve and apathetic political opinions adopted by the masses on vital social, economic and national subject matters and issues affecting all Moors. We trust there will a more active and sincere effort on the part of many to reduce ignorance in our nation.

Reading and communication is the next best thing to direct or actual experience in the

human drama. Reading is a high supplemental food for the mind and to some degree crosses the lines of time and age. With subversive and designed misuse, European historians and social engineers have used the written word to deceive the world. It is also with reading and with the written word challenging the cMoors and the masses will be freed.

Civic Lesson Book Number 1, as with other Moorish American Heritage Series Books, is

not presented or intended to be the total sum of information available on any of the subject matters it or they refer to or contain. These Lesson Books are deliberately focused and are keyed to simulate thinking, conversation and progressive activity. They serve to displace non-productive rhetoric and sovereignty-stealing color-of-law misinformation. The Moorish Civic Lesson Books are boldly presented in an unorthodox manner, as challenging and thought provoking tools for problem resolutions, view them as such, study.

Dormant shallow and passive thinking cultivates a dormant, shallow, passive and low

cultured people. This is why emotionalism, placationism and agitating rhetoric is promoted, distributed and substituted for factual and objective information among subjugated peoples by occupational and de facto governments. Read and feed the mind. Reclaim the reasoning power given to all humans, b the Creator, for your self-protection and preservation.

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The physical can never supersede or expand beyond the metaphysical or spirit plane. This fact is known to industrialists and to governments and can be applied to the positive development of a society or to the negative under development of a people, through disingenuous governing. The callous and negative misuse of this knowledge is the committed policy of the past and present (contemporary) Union of States (U.S. of A) colonial government. As a social caste engineering tool, such knowledge is used effectively, to the disadvantage of Moors (branded as blacks) by the de facto colonial governing officials and their franchised and licensed industrialists.

Misinformation is structured into all their social and teaching institutions and coded into

their sub-government agencies by firm policy. Moors (branded and blacks) must prepare for very serious and ongoing civic studies in all our communities. Some permanent adjustments are going to be needed to cultivate the minds of our children with knowledge. We must begin taking on the responsibility of teaching our own children. If we do not, we mutually

ted at our progeny. Intelligence clearly give insight on the consequences on any passive or irrational inactivity on our (the Moors) part. A timeless, worthy and applicable quote was made by Noble Drew Ali (Sheik Sharif Abdul Ali) over seventy (70) years ago. I find that it still applies to the suppressed and oppressed Moors now as much or more than it did when he spoke them.

-Noble Drew Ali

The Moorish Nation Northwest Africa/Amexem

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Communication is the act of exchanging ideas and/or conveying information, desires or conversation between two or more entities, willing, able or having the capacity to receive the

amilies and family members, communities, people in social or political institutions, nations or through national and/ or international intercourse, etc. Communications are made through or by sensory, oral, nuance, electronic or written methodologies.

Constant psychological, economic and direct physical warfare is waged against the

indigenous Moors by the foreign Albion European colonists and their descendants. Therefore, any objective communication between the two peoples has had little valid or uncolored platform for lawful review of issues or of grievances. Most communications or exchanges made between the opposing sides of the nation are one-sided or corrupted by the commonly cultivated caste system or verbal attacks based on biases and stereotypes. Objectivity, for the most part, has never played a part in the social politics of North America led by the Union of States

and adhesion contract slavery; coercion; non-jurisdictional forced licensing; non-representative and unlawful taxation, etc.

One interesting aspect of the degenerated social problems emanating from this strange

Oriental vs. Occidental love-hate relationship is that the subjugated masses are functioning on false concepts relative to law and history. Thus, all or any effective or reasonable attempts at objective resolutions or communications have been minimal, to say the least. Resolving the ROOT CAUSES of the problems based in the ALBION/EUROPEAN COLONIATION of the Americas has rarely been addressed, absent of false law, emotionalism and smug ignorance. What the victims of State sponsored oppression and servitude need to know, among other

Civic Lesson Book Number 1, Revised, has been prepared to encourage and foster more

objective thinking and communication on the broader subject of the European Colonist and their Moorish prisoners of war, held to ward and slave status relationships. No Constitution Law is Law, merely based on its legitimately contractual nature; affirmed in written form. A Constitution of a people is law based on its specific application, wherein the STATUS of one seeking protections and immunities by its sovereign authority is first established and proven as a mutually organic party or a descendant of the same. The lacking of this basic civic knowledge is one of the major flaws and social handicaps present in the body of information accepted as true knowledge in the communities.

As an antidote to the institutionalized and entrenched false history of nations, law and geography as taught in the Americas, the following information is presented for the benefit of the mis-educated and subjugated Moors (branded as Blacks and Negroes). In order for the

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Moors to be more objective and effective in the ongoing work of resolving the NI G G E R problems, there must be more objectively presented information available.

The usurped and displaced Moors must replace diversionary emotionalism with factual, applicable and workable sovereign civic information. This must be done with constitutionally

applying any national laws to anyone. The only laws that apply to everyone are the divine laws of nature! All de jure law of nations is sound only by specificity. If one is not a citizen member of a particular nation, by its Constitution, then that Constitution does not apply to one or afford

nations of which one must be a party or descendant of an original party of said sovereign agreement. Thus, Moors Defined. Non-objective, biased and minor-minded emotionalism; falsely contrived and labeled issues; attached to falsely labeled peoples; make objective and productive communication appear incorrect. This commonly cherished mode of thinking is counter to any solving, thus, social problem resolutions are a near impossibility in the Union States (U.S.). This, being the present state of social affairs, is not without politically designed and purposeful negative intent. To give the disadvantaged Moors a more level and lawful communication field, a few actual facts are forwarded, trusting they may be assistance. Organized and corrupt politicians, industrialists and issues, while avoiding sovereignty discussions. This created regenerating opportunities for them to leech off the misery of oppressed Moors. The politically protected politicians and citizens have the advantage of well organized and well financed civic organizations and secret societies to maintain and keep the truth of history, government, religion, science and economics preserved for themselves and hidden away from the Union of States wards and slaves. Hopefully, this Lesson Book will assist in the countering the entrenched misinformation forged upon the unsuspecting and naïve Moors who have been cursed with alien names and contractually enslaved with the negro, black and colored marks, brands and labels.

*'"$0)($&'($3"")-/'$03()-50+/<$3"")/8$9(6-+(9$$ -of-law, hatred, mis-

the need to clarify the question; who is who in the Americas, still persists! Who are the Moorish Amer icans define the Moors? Moors: the descendants of the Ancient Moabites, the true indigenous Peoples who inhabited the Northwestern and Southwestern Continents (Lands) of the Ancient Amexem/Al Moroc, now called the Americas North, South, Central and the adjoining Islands. Due to Colonization, war, usurpation, usury, slavery and massive book burnings, the true story of the Moors in the Northwestern and Southwestern H emisphere (the Al Morocs), was RECONSTRUCTED was from 1865 to 1877 A.D. = 1285 to 1297 M.C.. A pre-1779 plan was mounted against the Indigenous Moors to bring about an artificially induced DUPL I C A T I O N

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of the D A R K A G ES of Europe. This fact is historically verified by the FORCED ILLITERACY of the DEFEATED MOORISH NATION in AMERICA (laws against reading and education of the Moors, in general). This modern era of politically enforced ignorance (post 1779 A.D.), we shall call, T H E D A R K PE RI O D. The people and their lands have been renamed or branded by Europeans, who also put their names on the enslaved Moors as a curse and a title of ownership. This psychological war tactic worked to confuse the descendants of the Moorish Tribes, in the Al Morocs, of self, (Nationality) Names, Birthrights, Heritage, Sciences and Geography. A whole nation of people, made to be the chattel property of the States (Colonists and their descendants).

Before the modern slave era in the Western Hemisphere, England was called Albion; land of the Albinos. The Moors called them Albinus Gauls. When the Albinus Gauls (Anglis) began to settle in the Moroccan Provinces of Northwest Africa (North America), the Moors called the Peregrines. Peregrinus: the etymology of the word pilgrim; from Moorish Latin. The infamous discovery of Amer ica (usurpation), in 1492 A.D., 912 M.C., in truth, is the literary signal referring to the turn of history. This signal marks the fall of the Imperial Moorish Empire in the West in 1492 A.D., 912 M.C., 1492 is the pivotal year of axis for the division of Ancient and Modern H istory. This period of history marks the emergence of the New World of Christendom (European Beginnings) forging into world political power. In

entually granted a Charter in 1781. The defeat of the Moors is celebrated today as the Thanksgiving Holiday, of Christendom. The true geographical location of nations and people have been fraudulently altered and changed. The Albion conquerors altered the old Moorish maps; changing longitudinal line degrees to land and time zones. Today, many mis-educated people actually believe that the Al Morocs (Americas) and the adjoining islands are, INDIA; and that the Moorish Tribes are Indians. The FICTIOUS contemporary history is propagated to steal the BIRTHRIGHTS from the descendants of the conquered and enslaved Moors. Most are unaware of the truth about R E C O NST RU C T I O N (The Reconstruction of History and Geography).

These conquered lands (Americas) are, in truth, the heartland of the M O R O C C A N E MPIR E . The Maghrib El Aqsa (Morocco farthest West); native lands of the Moors; Now under European siege (Colonization). Moors are bound to the Continents of the Amer icas by H er itage and Birthright. The forced dissection and destruction of Moorish families, and relocation of peoples, had its desired DISO RI E N T A T I O N and INST A BI L I T Y . This

disorientation war strategy is still in force in modern times (1996 A.D. = 1416 M.C.). it effectively brought about the submission and subjugation of the progeny (descendants) of the Moors. These Military manipulations proved to be powerful and useful tools, which include the ST R O K E O F T H E PE N.

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The Dark Per iod of modern history was inspired by the works of Phillip II of the Roman Catholic Church, through the Spanish Inquisition of the . wars and Continuing conflicts up to the War of 1812 on Lake Erie, Michigan, evolved into the acts of the K nights of Columbus Magna Charta (Charter) K u K lux K lan Oath of 1854, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, leading to the altered and misleading contemporary history of modern western civilization, by the F rancs and the Dutch Masters of Europe. The

conspirators against Moorish history and Geography had massive book burning, with the purpose of destroying or hiding the true history, culture and civilization of the Ancient Moabites/Moorish Asiatic Nation.

&'($#,$#1,=$#10+$ The K u K lux K lan are the G rand Protectors of the Christian C reed; having a Constitutional Oath. Their devoted mission is to protect the Albion (European) Nation from all alien intrusion into the Union of States Society and to keep the defeated Moors from marrying into the conquering pale skinned nations of Rome; whereby their weak genetic Albinus strain would definitely be lost forever. For further reference, research the Daughters of the American Revolution (D.A.R.). position is the unwavering truth that NATURE HOLDS WOMAN as the CENTRAL GENERATING POWER of LIFE and KEY to CIVILIZATION. The natural and political truth

genetics and economics are one! If the Albino (European) women are taken as mates by the Moslem Moors, then it would be just a short time (a few generations) before the recessive Albinus genes of the European Tribes would be dominated by the melanin of the Moors. Hence, the dissolution of the Albions: and their mythical teachings of albino superiorit

-of-destruction and fall of the occupational Colonial Powers and their false image G .O .D . of the mythical White Supremacy would be inevitable. The hardened position of The Grand Protectors of the Christian Creed (K.K.K.) is not necessarily personal, but National and for the social, economic and political maintenance and survival of G rand Protectors are knighted to preserve the Albinus strain and iron-handed grip on the conquered Moabite/ Moorish lands. This is why Klanners have always threatened to neutralize or kill some of their own, who [through any power or political manipulation] do anything which would or could cause or establish any true or permanent political or social improvement, relative to the

wealth and

absolutely PA R E N T A G E and B IR T H RI G H T SO V E R E I G N T Y .

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If the above stated civic truth is clearly taught to slaves and wards it would follow that -natured politics of the Europeans in the

Americas, would undoubtedly see and know why they (European Colonist) have assassinated

agents, who, having a secret oath and benefit betrayed their allegiance to them. their oath-bound agents are, and were always aware that the Europeans stole the BIR T H RI G H TS of the Moabites/Moors, and had branded the Moors as B L A C KS. continued BATTLE of the Roman Empire against the Moorish (Ottoman) Empire. The reason

e little

lynch a Moor for violating the TABOO laws of the Black Codes especially a Moor mating with or marrying a European woman. This is called in the mystery code, tubal Cain; the Mix that kills the Dragon! In this instance

nature on a large scale, therefo(Europeans) can only maintain any large numbers by political force, genetic experimental manipulation and artificial social laws. Knowledge and understanding solves all mystery! From this hidden truth, comes the

truth and be free of hate and ignorance. Be yourselves reclaim your Nationality and your Birthrights! Ignorance is the Greatest Sin! If one would understand the social and economic motivations of a political body, one

and International social and civic policies. The mission of the K u K lux K lan should not be judged by emotion or hateful opinion, but on merit of the factual history. The empowerment of any people is only through thei r true B IR T H RI G H T knowledge and the authoritative activities of thei r national sovereignty. Moors need to know these facts as it applies to them and need to discard the multiple slave brands and marks they have learned to cherish.

There is clearly a solemn rule held prominently among Klanners and it is undeniably true; that rule is; a dedicated determination to be themselves and not someone else! Klanners honor their Mothers and their Fathers. Klanners do not falsely claim the pedigree/parentage names of another nation of people (ie; Moors). Klanners do not impose themselves on other

t their Albinus Genes, in spite of their

to mix with Moors. Klanners, as a general rule, do not alter their bodies, hair, eyes, or skin to imitate the Asiatic Moors. Klanners generally care for and strive for the preservation of their specie. Klanner care for and defend the weak and disadvantaged among their own. Question:

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Can the above be honestly declared as being mean or evil? Is not self-preservation a divine law

The above statements do not preclude the fact that the Albions originated from the Moors, or even the fact that European Colonists have always sought after, raped, mated and mixed with the Moors whether openly or in secret. Time and history has always exposed the hypocrisy of all people, whether Oriental or Occidental, as nature has no respect for the false

said, the Klanners (Europeans) are the true minority, in numbers, on the Planet Earth! Their fear has much of its origin in this fact! There are always lessons to be learned in the ongoing Human experience. Although the Europeans have taken a position of enmity with the Moors, it DOES NOT establish as TRUTH that all they may do or say is, therefore, wrong! Thinking and reflection is the responsibility and business of man! No problem [of any magnitude] can be solved in the American (Al Moroccan) experiment and exper ience, if objectivity is not applied while seeking solutions to a problem. The determined position held by Klanners should be a lesson in survival to all negroes and blacks (branded Moors) who are truly seeking independence from European Oppression. The Ancient conquered Muurs/Moors have been rewritten in history as Carthaginians, Saracens, Black-a-Moors, Berbers, A rabs, E thiopians, Puerto Ricans, Indians, W est Indians, A fricans, A frican Amer icans, etc... All of these are Moors, the descendants of the Ancient Moabites. This grand scheme of deception in modern western history is where the strategic war term, , has its origin. Understand that there is but one history on this earth, relative to W O M A N and her SO NS, and that is H U M A N H IST O R Y . The purpose of R E C O N T RU C T I O N is to separate the Indigenous Peoples from their native lands, thus, wresting control of their SO V E R E I G N T Y and R ESC O UR C ES (Heritage). This is the TRUE analysis of the theft of the MATRIX, came the highly cultivated and nurtured NI G G E R INDUST R Y; the source of the PAST and PR ESE N T wealth base for the Union States; their C I T I ES, T O W NS, M UNI C IPA L I T I ES and Color of Law Courts (the Union Citizens). This hidden history exposes the truth and the motives behind the use of C O D ES, V A G R A N C Y L A WS, the R A C E matrix (false) and Z O NIN G . All of these and other social Programs are used to manipulate the economic residuals generated by using C O L O R of Law to benefit the colony C L ASS neighborhoods and persons. The ST A T ES are the SL A V E H O L D E RS through false law and fraud contracts and are the enforcers of the B L A C L C O D ES of 1724. All the States use the Codes! The highly promoted RACISM argument is a COVER-UP and was contrived to divert attention from civic education or intelligent examination of the

and the unlawful European usurpation (colonization).

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Gauls: F ranciscan Brotherhood of the Roman Catholic Oder of Christendom. The F rancs are the

the A lbinous Gauls. Ghouls: The European G rand Body Politic r are called

These days (contemporary), the Moors, in their branded status, are legally abused by Color of Law and coerced into fraudulent non-mutual ADHESION CONTRACTS (legalized theft); imprisoned with Color of Law and color of Authority; encouraged or tricked into using

brands and labels (listed above). All this suffering and more, for a lack of knowledge! These psychological and legal war tactics deny them human right, protections and immunities A T law. However, if Nationalized in their true, National Sovereign Names (parentage), and made conscious of their Birthrights; they can learn the truth of L A W and H IST O R Y and begin to claim their H U M A N RI G H TS, in accord with de jure C O NST I T U T I O N A L L A W . A written National C O NST I T U T I O N is the civic K E Y to National and International rights, immunities and protections afforded a people of a nation. Nationality is the missing K E Y element denied to, but needed by BRANDED people to be recognized by the International community of Nations, as Sovereign. This is the Honor of your Mothers, your Fathers, and the return of your M O O RISH BIR T H RI G H TS. Moors! Honor your Mothers and your Fathers!!! Moors are all and any dark and light olive skinned people of Asiatic O rigin or African descent. The Creed of their forefathers is the Science of Islam. They are the Mothers and Fathers of the Human Family- founders of Civilization. The most Ancient Moabite Civilization; were Matriarchal. The Science of Astrology was at the center of all the Ancient Great Civilizations; and is used today by all the powerful leading governments and their officials. All government officials, industrialists and religious leaders are well aware of these facts, although, most of them deny it in the public arena. The Moabites/Moors have been sailing the old ocean and sea routes for thousands upon thousands of centuries. The Earth is not new to the Moors; nor is its Al chemical makeup. The Moors were metaphysical science, Navigation, A rchitecture, Agriculture, G eometry, Masonry, A rt, Horticulture, The Laws of Nature, Cosmology, etc., etc.. in spite of the political coercion and abuse. Moors should consider the probability that much of


displaced from their own lands. The Ancient Moabites (our parentage) have already established Civilization and Science on this Earth. Moors should seek the knowledge and culture of their Mothers and Forefathers honor them! The principle and lesson, implied, is self preservation!

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One who knows self is certainly better prepared and able to preserve and make progress for the !

0$6(*$05&,01$605&/$6")$3"")/$ $0$;(";1($-+$09.()/-&7$

1. Negro and black are synonymous they mean exactly the same thing. Black is derived from English-Latin and Negro is derived from Latin. Black means Civiliter Mortous, unconsciousness, debased social and moral condition and death.

2. The word America does not come from Europeans as it has been assumed, due to RECONSTRUCTED history. America is actually a corruption of the Moorish Latin words, Al Moroc, meaning (Al) descendants of (Moroc) Moroccans.

3. When the word, Christian is used by Europeans in politics, literature and history, it is definitely and only in reference to the Anglo-Saxon political and social economic system; European peoples; and there institutions. Christendom is void of benefit to any Oriental peoples or their political, social and economic conditions or institutions. Do not get emotional, for lack of knowledge, or take these facts personal; they are presented for your objective observation and benefit.

4. and not a national pedigree name. The Whigs Party, which was of the RED PEOPLES PARTY in Philadelphus (Philadelphia), with the 1854 to 1863 Emancipation Proclamation. This must be known and understood by all Moors, when making any serious social or political communications. These actual facts must always be considered and factored into all civic activities. They will prove invaluable as Moors address politics, economics, social change, fraudulent voting rights or benefits. Remember all political activities and benefits are measured by status first (your nationality and legal standing), in all lawful or legal procedures.


other adjectives, a

6. Concerning the Americas, a number one (1) priority political position of all European colonists and their descendants is to speak to Moors only in terms of displacement. Displacement is a cardinal rule when referring to their relationships with or conversing with the Moors; especially those labeled as blacks and Negroes. This is a necessary tool

teach agents among the Moors to do the same; issuing letters and degrees to them as political, social and economic incentives - Beware!

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7. Notice and analyze the reference to the UNNATURAL ALLIANCE between the

NEGROES and the UNION LEAGUES, as traditionally mentioned by Klanners. Examine carefully, the OPERATIONS AND PRICIPLES STATEMENT of 1868, by the order of the KU KLUX KLAN. This is clearly exposing the fact that NEGROES cannot and can never legally or lawfully be citizens of the Colonial Union of the United States and America. Any actions on the part of any government official, officials or citizens of the Union States, which imply to try to make Negroes citizens of their Union by whatever means is definitely a violation of the Constitution. The Constitution is the Charter and the Law of the Land from which their government derives any valid or dejure law authority. This position is correct and valid, on the part of the K.K.K., although generally not accepted as valid or Constitutional by naïve, unread or misinformed people. The word NEGRO, as an appellation to people, is a political caste status category. It was coined and designated to label displaced Moors who, by virtue of war, subjugation or mutual agreement, became the corporate chattel property of the Union of States European citizens and not citizens, themselves. Their U.S. of A. Constitution of the six European nations of North America supports this fact. Moors must stop trying to force themselves upon the members of the Union of States Society (U.S. of A.). Moors must also cease the

8. As NEGROES and BLACKS (synonyms), Moors have no rights AT LAW, that any (quote, unquote) WHITE man needs to or is obligated to honor or respect. Negro and Black etc., are false appellations. Muur/Moor is the true national pedigree of the subjugated people misrepresented as Black, and has standing AT LAW nationality and internationally. The persistent and insistence of the use of the Black and Negro brands

Negro is not of the human family, but is legally categorized as or a , and has no human right to review or protect by any Constitution. This is the absolutely legal and valid position of the K.K.K. and the Union of States Society. Moors need to learn the truth about the danger of holding on to, substituting and using the fraudulent slave labels as identities.

9. A most troubling and effective political manipulation tactic has been used against the subjugated Moors in the Americas. That tactic is the placement of quote, unquote,

-government powers, which are designed to trick, oppress, tax and maintain suppression among their own peoples. These range in the areas of Municipal Police, operating in a non-sovereign capacity, judges and politicians operating in a non-sovereign capacity and the sub-government agents and agencies all with no true sovereign authority derived from the people they govern. This gives the appearance of the existence of mutuality and agreed sovereign relinquishment of rule and authority from the Negroes/Blacks who are unqualified [having no self-authority], to the otherwise, fake, fraudulent, usurpative and de facto Union of States Society corporation governments and Union citizenry. This Color of Law position is deceptively used to govern, steal and claim jurisdiction over indigenou

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,+!-0/(9$&(/&$0+9$(=()5-/($ This test and exercise is suggested to Moors, in order to purge ignorance, emotionalism and stereotypical views. A t the same time, it should promote a more ser ious study of what government is and where government der ives its power . Understanding the

be clar ifying and correcting thei r lawful and legal status. C ivics C lass Step One: To give an objective test or written report for analyzation and study have an Instructor, Wazir, Facilitator or Supervisor remove the identifying titles from the Creed, Organization and Principles Statement of the Ku Klux Klan. Present the edited version of the same Creed, Organization and Principles Statement to the Civics Class or scholar body, purely on merit of its content. Be sure to remove all and any references to the K.K.K. from the text. The facilitator may choose to test more than once. Civics C lass Step Two Upon completion, let the entire Civics Class review, analyze and critique all the individual tests and written reports; one may or may not be surprised at the results. The content of the first tests more often than not center on anger and emotionalism, and are usually void of facts or problem solving resolutions. That would not be unusual. If objective approaches are used, the tests should reveal that sound reasoning prevails. Objective analysis produces more useable information, and harbors less prejudice and biased opinion. Such a test may quickly displace many false ideas and assumptions which are presently held by many oppressed people. They may also show the practical need of serious self-assessment, with more sound and reasonable opinions than are presently held by many mis-educated Moors. The first order of business in solving any social problems [in relating to others] is self-assessment. Unbiased thinking is the first step to truly changing social disorder.

)(/"1,&- $ The obvious answer to the political, economic and social problems in the Union of States

birthrights and sovereign rights to self-government. This must include national land rights, with supports and protections of the international body politic of the extended nations. There must be mass reeducation of Moors (labeled as Blacks) to self knowledge, birthrights, proper government and Zodiac Constitutional Law. The indigenous Moors have

A.) fraudulent ward-internationally sanctioned world courts, mutually assembled having multi-national

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enforcement powers - may be established to observe, supervise and assist the Moorish Nation in the necessary logistics related to the sorely needed transition to de jure law in Northwest Al Moroc (North America). Mass reeducation into self-knowledge must be the focus of the oppressed Moors of the Northwest Territories. The purging of de facto government and colorable law must be the order of the day. This, by mandate of Na

government of the sovereign Moorish Nation of Northwest Amexem/Africa/America.

Peace, Bro. Taj Tarik Bey

Son of a Widow The Great Seal Moors Order of the Roundtable Moorish American Heritage Series Schechabee Territory, Northwest Africa/Amexem

I. S.elf A.m M.aster

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*'0&$0!",&$&'($#,$#1,=$#10+<$Operations and Principles

1868 organizations of Christendom that flourished in the Southern territories of North America

Tennessee, and is noted for its sincere and unmoved dedication and honor to the Christian Creed and to the Constitution of the Union of States. Tennessee entered the Union of States Society in the moon (month) of June 1, 1796 A.D. = 1216 M.C., and takes the honors of first home of the Klanners! The K.K.K. order grew very rapidly in 1867 and 1868 A.D. = 1287 and 1288 M.C. The general organization of the Klan was perfected in May of the year 1867, at which time a

founded in 1915 A.D. = 1335 M.C., in Atlanta, Georgia. The major aim of the Ku Klux Klan

spelled with a hyphen, as Ku-Klux Klan. A few of the other Christian secret Orders that merit study and review are:

1. The Knights of Columbus 2. The Knights of the White Camellia 3. The Society of the White Rose 4. The White League

#10++()/$ Klanner is the designation used to identify a member of either one of the secret societies. K u K lux K lan of the Ku Klux Klan were clearly using high cultured cosmological science in its structural constitution. The secret order was not founded by ignorant men, therefore, should not be viewed of dismissed as merely an outlaw organization of unreasonable people gone wild with hate and unconstitutional violence. This would be a very inaccurate assessment! Klanners have traditionally honored their Union of States Constitution with more orthodox respect than others who have criticized the Klan. Most critics have never read the U.S. Constitution!

:(+()01$+0&'0+$!(96")9$6"))(/&$ A union of States Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest was the first GRAND WIZARD of the Ku Klux Klan. The K.K.K. Order was effective in frightening the NEGRO out

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of his UNNATURAL ALLIANCE with the UNION LEAGUES, but was also used as a cloak for lawlessness, land theft, and other forms of violence. The Ku Klux Klan often did the

do in the public arena. In effect, the Ku Klux Klan was and is used as a willing scapegoat and

Christian Black Codes; the Negro Acts; and other laws and ordinances governing free Blacks. The Black Codes and Negro Acts could and would be animated and enforced, whether in the public or the private sector of the Union. The K.K.K. originated within the Union of States government circles, having the mission of preserving and protecting Christendom at large. If this fact is not known or understood; then one cannot objectively analyze United States of

-ending so-K.K.K. was and is part and partial and a non-official branch of their Union of States government, using the power of that government and pervading all levels of the Union government agencies to actualize their mission. A lack of knowledge of the purpose and origin of the Ku Klux Klan, by Negroes and Blacks, has traditionally allowed U.S. of A. government officials to appear naïve and feign disassociation to the Ku Klux Klan Order. The mutual relationship of the Union of States and the K.K.K. Orders is as sound, as mutual and as natural as water being wet. Non-objective and angry truths mixed with frustration and inaccurate rhetoric, from the subjugated Black/Negro (branded Moors) communities, blinds them to the fact that they are not and cannot be citizens of the Union of States Society. have yet to act or recognize the fact, the need and the necessity to form their own government; honoring their own Mothers and

Constitutional Union of which they can never be a part. This is one of the true root causes of the

(Kyklos/circle) and similar secret societies of Christendom. For the sake of truth, it must be said again that the position and purpose of the K.K.K. Orders is firm, dedicated and for the Empire.

sometimes appear to blacks. The K.K.K. is the in-house, work-horse arm of the Union of States Government and is serving well, as the Grand Protectors of the Christian Creed and Holy Roman Empire, establish in the Western Hemisphere on Moorish soils. Review the signatories

&'($,+-"+$"6$/&0&(/$5"+:)(//$0+9$&'($#10+$ The Union of States Congress took cognizance of the public opinions, reactions and

connection and protection was

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suspected. There was political need to feign separation between elected government officials,

The bold and open activities of the K.K.K. Orders and others such as the Knights of the White Camellia position with the issuance of the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments. This caused rebellion and confusion among the citizenry and also cause mto the hoax. Their Congress passed the Force Act on May 31st, 1870 A.D. = 1290 M.C. and the Ku Klux Klan Act on April 20th, 1871 A.D. = 1291 M.C. The Klan Acts were designed to discourage the open use of force and violence directed towards Blacks and Negroes who were trying to assimilate onto the contractually sealed political/economic Christian Union. The assimilation; activities by Negroes and Blacks were and is one of the great motivating factors of the Ku Klux Klan and similar Christian organizations. The passage of the Klan Acts, by the Union of States Congress, however, caused some of the complaining and festering distrust among the illiterate slaves (Blacks) to wane.

s tentative, but largely restored. Blacks/Negroes would willingly and happily fight in wars against their own people, falsely believing that they were Christian citizens of the Union; free and able to own property. Though clearly false by any measure of law the promise of cherished dream and would remain just that a dream. The false citizenship promise and civil rights propaganda effectively buried the true solution oriented issues implying sovereignty discussions among the feigned-as-free

Reacting to rising social unrest, a Union of States Congressional Committee sat during the summer of 1871 A.D. = 1291 M.C., recording thirteen volumes of testimony on social,

same time avoid Constitutional confrontation with their own Union of States Citizenry, to

nd Congress, 2nd Session. Senate Report Number 41 on the Ku Klux Klan. The strategy co

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This O rganization shall be styled and denominated, the O rder of the K u K lux K lan

5)((9$$ We, the Order of the Ku Klux Klan, reverentially acknowledge the Majesty and supremacy of Divine Being, and recognize the goodness and providence of the same. And we recognize our relation to the Union States Government, the supremacy of the Constitution, the Constitutional Laws thereof, and the Union of States there under.

5'0)05&()$0+9$"!>(5&/$"6$&'($")9()$ This is an institution of Chivalry, Humanity, Mercy and Patriotism; embodying in its genius and its principles all that is chivalric and patriotic is purpose; its peculiar objects being: F irst: To protect the weal, the innocent, and the defenseless, from the indignities, wrongs, and outrages of the lawless, the violent, and the brutal; to relieve the injured and oppressed; to succor the suffering and unfortunate, and especially the widows and orphans of Confederate soldiers. Second: to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, and all laws passed in conformity thereto, and to protect the States and the people thereof from and invasion from any source whatever. Third: To aid and assist in the execution of all Constitutional laws, and to protect the people from unlawful seizure, and from trial except by their peers in conformity to the laws of the land.

&-&1(/$ Section 1:

The officers of this Order shall consist of a Grand Wizard of the Empire, and his ten Genii; a Grand Dragon of the Realm, and his eight Hydras; a Grand Titan of the Dominion, and

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his six Furies; a Grand Giant of the Province, and his four Goblins; a Grand Cyclops of the Den, and his two Night Hawks; a Grand Magi, a Grand Monk, a Grand Scribe, a Grand Exchequer, a Grand Turk, and a Grand Sentinel. Section 2: The body politic of this Or

&())-&")7$0+9$9-.-/-"+/$ Section 1: The territory embraced within the jurisdiction of this Order shall be coterminous with the States of Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, Missouri, Kentucky and Tennessee; all combined consisting the Empire. Section 2: The Empire shall be divided onto four departments, the first to be styled the realm, and coterminous with the boundaries of the several States; the second to be styled the Dominion and to be coterminous with such counties as the Grand Dragons of the several Realms may assign to the charge of the Grand Titan. The third to be styled the Province, and to be coterminous with the several counties; provided the Grand Titan may, when he deems it necessary, assign two Grand Giants to one Province, prescribing, at the same time, jurisdiction of each. The fourth department to be styled as the Den, and shall embrace such part of a Province as the Grand Giant shall assign to charge of a Grand Cyclopes.

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-+&())":0&-"+/$&"$!($0/#(9$ 1st Have you ever been rejected, upon application for membership in the Ku Klux Klan or have you ever been expelled from the same? 2nd Are you now, or have you ever been a member of the Radical Republican Party, or either

3rd Are you opposed to the principles and policy of the Radical Party, and to the Loyal League, and Grand Army of the Republic, so far as you are informed of the character and purposes of these organizations? 4th Did you belong to the federal army during the late war, to fight against the South during the existence of the same? 5th Are you opposed to Negro equality, both social and political? 6th 7th Are you in favor of Constitutional liberty and a government of equitable laws instead of a government of violence and oppression? 8th Are you in favor of maintaining the Constitutional rights of the South? 9th Are you in favor of the re-enfranchisement and emancipation of the white men of the South, and the restitution of the Southern people to all their rights, alike proprietary, civil and political? 10th - Do you believe in the inalienable right of self-preservation of the people against the exercise of arbitrary and unlicensed power? ...

9. The most profound and rigid secrecy concerning any and everything that relates to the Order, shall at all times be maintained, 10. Any member who shall reveal or betray the secrets of this Order shall suffer the extreme penalty of the law.


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1. Coterminous: Derived from the ancient Moorish Latin word, conterminous. < com together + terminus limit.

2. Emancipation: The act of emancipating. The state of being emancipated. Liberation from bondage, disability or bondage. Liberation from any injurious or undue restrain or influence. In ROMAN law, the enfranchisement of a MINOR from his father.

3. Enumerate: Derived from the old Moorish Latin word, enumerate/enumerates. < ex out + numerate count. To count or ascertain the number of: to name one by one; list.

4. Exchequer : The administrative department of the British government having the management of the public revenue. In England, an ancient common law court taking cognizance of matters connected with the public revenue. In 1873, this Court of Exchequer was made a division of high court of justice, and in 1881, this division was

relative to Consular posts.

5. F ranchisement: The result of a franchise. Franchise means to extend a special privilege to do certain things conferred by government on individual of corporation, which does not belong to the citizens generally by common right. A granted or sold privilege such as the use of a name or sell chattel, products or services.

6. Inalienable: Not subject to alienation; the characteristic of those things which cannot be from which the

agreed civil law of government arises.

7. Inter rogation: The act of interrogating; questioning or query.

8. Naïve: Not consciously logical; artless; lacking sophistication; unthinking character; questionable reasoning ability; ingenuous.

9. Proprietary: Pertaining to a proprietor; subject to exclusive ownership. Designating an article, a thing; a device; a mechanism or medicine protected as a name, composition or process, by copyright patent, secrecy or other means.

10. Province: A considerable country relative to and/or a part of a kingdom or Empire and subject to a central administration without having itself a voice in that administration.

11. Self-preservation: The naturally ingrained urge to protect oneself from destruction. This is a common trait in all living things ly granted self defense mechanism.

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12. Supremacy: The state of being supreme power and/or authority.

13. Unnatural: Contrary to the laws of nature; opposed to that which is natural. Contrary to the common laws of decency or morality; monstrous; inhuman; unnatural crimes; destitute of nature feeling. Not consistent with nature; artificial; unnatural acting.


There shall be no secrets! The following symbols are relative as exposed and displayed.

The Crescent and the star and the symbolic Madonna and child symbolize the widow and the son. The Virgin and the Child: as Mother and Son. These symbols mean Luna (the Moon Gabri-El) and Astarte (Venus Ana-El). The Moon and Venus: the governors of fertility and fecundation in Woman and in the Earth.

The Mundane Circle, The Coptic or Celtic cross, The Swastika, the Circle Seven and the -relationship to Earth, Woman and


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&(/&$?,(/&-"+/$ Answer the following questions orally or in written form. They are designed to stimulate solution oriented conversation, progressive thinking and a more detailed examination of Moorish history, law and civics. Where knowledge lives, prejudice and hatred have little part or function.

1. What year was the Ku Klux Klan founded?

2. What City and What States was the first home of the Ku Klux Klan Order?

3. Who was the first Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan?

4. Name some of the brands and labels that have been placed on the Moors of North America?

5. Can Blacks and Negroes be citizens of the Union of States Society (U.S.A.)?


7. What year was the Emancipation Proclamation issued to the States which were in rebellion?

8. Why do Black/Negro people not discuss of study sovereignty, sovereign issues or birthright matters relating to them?

9. Of what Creed are the Ku Klux Klan the Grand Protectors?


11. Does the Ku Klux Klan honor their Union of States Constitution (U.S. of A.)?



14. From what Greek word was the Ku Klux Klan derived, and what does Ku Klux Klan mean?

15. Who, by virtue of war, subjugation or mutual agreement became the corporate Chettel

16. Are Negro, Black and Colored, etc., true or false national pedigree names?

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17. condition and death?

18. Are tests and civic exercises commonly used by educators in the Negro/Black communities to purge emotionalism and stereotypical views?

19. Why is it vitally necessary for the Union of States Society institutions not to teach the


20. What is a contract?

21. Is the Constitution of the United States of America a Contract?

22. Can an officer of the Union of States or a representative of their legislative branch of government legally make laws that are contradictory to their Constitution?

23. Can anyone who is not an original party to a contract make lawful demands of benefit, based on that contract?

24. What civic instrument is used to tie one Nation of People to the Constitutional contract of another Nation of People?

25. What is the civic status of a people who do not have a written Free National Constitution, relative to the Constitutional Nations of the Earth?

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The Grand Protectors of the Christian Creed and Loyal Keepers of the Constitution of the Union of States Society (U.S. of A.)!


The officers of the Ku Klux Klan Order consist of forty one (41) men.

1. A Grand Wizard of the Empire and his ten (10) Genii.

2. A Grand Dragon of the Realm and his eight (8) Hydras.

3. A Grand Titan of the Dominion and his six (6) Furies.

4. A Grand Giant of the Province and his four (4) Goblins.

5. A Grand Cyclops of the Den and his two (2) Night Hawks.

6. A Grand Magi

7. A Grand Monk

8. A Grand Scribe

9. A Grand Exchequer

10. A Grand Turk

11. And a Grand Sentinel

The body politic of the Ku Klux Klan Order shall be known as

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These are the original corporate Union of States with Ku Klux Klan Jurisdiction in 1868. In modern day (1996+), the K.K.K. has operations in all the States of the Union Society. All combined constituting the Empire. The Ku Klux Klan and the Union of States government feign separation in the same manner as the Union of States and the Church Feign separation. The Union, The Church and the Ku Klux Klan are one. All public disassociation is to maintain the blind faith or false Negro/Black citizenship in the Union of States by virtue of the unconstitutional 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments. This, in effect, dismisses an interest among the slaves to study and learn about their nationality, birthrights and sovereign power.

The K u K lux K lan (K yklos) The G rand Protectors of the Christian Church

5"+51,/-"+$ In this modern era of technology, enlightenment and split second communication, there still exists a large body of people who think the Nations of the Earth are identified by shades and colors! The Nations of the Earth are identified by Nationality, not by colors. In spite of the religiously taught spectre of the existence of a light skinned black nation, or a dark skinned white nation it is all a lie!

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The operative conspiracy of FORCED ignorance upon the descendants of the unsuspecting Moors, is a two edged sword. Those who perpetrated this fraud, to their benefit, are now suffering from it. The Sovereignty of any People is found only in their Nationality. Those who coined the labels of Black, Negro and Colored, etc., have lost their birthright through the fraudulent use of the label ! Their Black and Negro (synonymous) overseer agents are now a political, economic and social burden. Partners pretending not to be associated. -called Black leaders are going to have to answer for deceiving their own people, and the European usurpers are going to have to declare their Nationality, in order to claim any Sovereign rights, before the Nations of the Earth. Now, their own representative (de facto) government officials operate as absolute despotic, unconstitutional criminals; robbing them, as they have historically robbed the branded Moors. What goes around comes around! Breed it, sow it, and reap it! As for the rejected and despised people, labeled Negro, Black, Colored, Hispanic, Afros, etc.: you are none of these you are all Moors. This is why you could not find yourselves in history books. You did not know who you were, or where you fit in human society knowing nothing about Nationality, Birthrights and Sovereignty. Now it is time for you/us to come out of the negative and debased state of bureaucratic State ward slavery and take our proper position, with all other Nationalities of the Earth. Study and prepare yourselves to operate in you SO V E R E I G N C APA C I T Y . Most of our suffering and economic strangulation is because we did not know the game that was being played on us, by the Colonists and the Judases from among ourselves. Study Yourselves! Study C ivics! Study Sovereignty and be yourselves! Pave the way for the generations to come after you! Are you not tired of Color of Law, yet? Every man, woman and child must worship under their own vine and fig tree, and honor their own parentage. We have been in violation, and have paid a dear price! Turn your hearts back to you forefathers and mend the cord that binds us to one another N A T I O N A L I T Y! Hibu, Haqq, Salaam, Hur ryatun and Adl

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6(2$ Fez: the National Headdress of the Asiatic Moorish Nation of North, South and Central Al Morocs (Americas), including the adjoining Islands.

The Fez is red felt, with an indigo black tassel.

Fez: the Headdress of the Ancient Ones The Moabites/Moors also spelled Muur. It is geometrically formed to represent the eternal Zodiac. The BODY of the FEZ symbolizes the W O M B of the C OSM OS and the Womb of Woman M O T H E R . The 1 inch FINIAL: which extends out of the center of the FEZ of the NNUMBER 1: and the 9th letter in the Phonetic Moorish alphabet 1. This also symbolizes the NAVEL (Eye). The cord extending from the I (Eye) symbolizes the Universal Umbilical Cord of Universal Life and represents the Oneness of all life. It also represents the tie to the source of Humanity Zudiacus the F IRST W O M A N . The C ircular (round) ball of the tassel represents the MUDANE CIRCLE or EARTH. The cord wrapped about the tassel strands, hold the form of the Circle and represent the Unity of Life through the Zodiac Constitution of Humanity. It also represents the Cyclical and reciprocal nature of Life. The ST R A NDS highest LAW and AUTHORITY in CIVILIZATION. The ZODIAC CROWN OF LIGHT, the National Headdress of the MOTHERS and FATHERS of the HUMAN FAMILY FOUNDERS of CIVILIZATION, and MASTERS of the COSMOS SCIENCE; 3rd, 33rd, 360 Degree MASTER MASONS and EASTERN STARS. This is a part of the hidden truth which has been buried in the dark corner of the NORTH GATE. The FEZ symbol of the Eternal Zodiac is also called a Tarbush, a Tiara, a Corona Sol and other names, which describe its Royal Status.

- BR O . T AJ T A RI K B E Y SO N O F A W ID O W * M O O RS O RD E R O F T H E R O UND T A B L E 1984 A .D . = 1404 M .C .

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The C rescent Moon and Star

It is a red flag, with a white Crescent and Star in the center. The star is just inside the upper horn of the crescent.

The Crescent and the Star is the oldest flag in all human history. It is MOTHER to all other flags of the Nations. It symbolizes MOTHER and Son. In a singular form, it symbolizes the


The CRESCENT is the symbol of the Angle (Angel), Luna the MOON. MOON:

Elohim Identity: GABRIEL Degree (Day): Monday

Alchemy: Silver Vibration Light Energy (Color): White

Revolution around the Earth in a Year: 13 Mean Distance from Earth: 238,855 miles The Word Month is derived from Moon.

Strength and influence: Fecundity of 13

STAR within the Crescent is the Angle (Angel). ISHTAR also called ASTARTE VENUS.

VENUS: The most brilliant planet in our Solar System

Elohim Identity: ANAEL Degree (Day): Friday

Alchemy: Copper Vibration Light Energy (Color): Green

Revolutions around the SUN in a year: 225 Days Distance From the SUN: 67,000,000 miles Strength and Influence: Fertility and Love

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Old Glory! I t is a red flag, with a five pointed green star in the center .

The flag of the Moorish Al Moroccans (Americans) the direct descendants of the Ancient Moabites! Who inhabited the Northwestern and Southwestern shores of Africa/America

(Amexem). The word Al is Moorish Latin for descendant or coming down from.

The Green STAR is the Angle (Angel), Ishtar descended to Earth. Ishtar also called Astarte VENUS.

Venus is the most brilliant star in our Solar System. Her Elohim Identity is ANAEL. Her degree (Day) is FRIDAY. Friday, therefore, is the Holy Day for all MONADS (Moslems), all over the


VENUS, in her revolution around the SUN, comes closer to the Earth than any other planet. The alchemy of VENUS is copper will not rust, but will turn green over time, when exposed to

the elements. Green is the vibration fight energy (Color) of VENUS, therefore, the GREEN STAR in the center of the Moorish Flag.

The FIVE POINTS to the STAR are interfaced, and represent the five principles of Islam, Science of the Moabite/Moorish Nation. Those Principles are: LOVE, TRUTH, JUSTICE,


VENUS, the STAR, in the symbology of heraldry and flags, represents the feminine creative nature of the UNIVERSE and natural government order. In the Science, is found the secret

principle of the Matriarchal Hierarchy and the Master Key to the highest form of civilization and government structure and organization order. Thus, WOMAN is the manifest COSMOS or

Zodiac on EARTH, and the CENTRAL focus for all HUMANITY.

The Flag of the Moorish Americans, in truth, is VENUS. VENUS is LOVE, herself; therefore, LOVE is the FIRST PRICIPLE of the FIVE, in the SCIENCE of I.S.L.A.M.

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;,);"/($ which came into existence through active research and study of the works and teachings of Sheik Shariff Abdul A li (Noble Drew Ali) and evolved out of ongoing history and culture classes which were held on a consistent and expanding basis by Bro. Taj Tarik Bey. M .O .O . The R ., was officially established in June of 1982 A.D. = 1402 Moorish Calendar Year. M.O.O.The R. is an active association of Moorish Americans the indigenous inhabitants of Ancient Amexem; the land of M U. In modern times, Amexem is called Northwest, Southwest and Central America, including the adjoining islands. The two (2) Amer ican (A l Moroccan) Continents, and Islands, are the inherited lands of the Moors. The Moors are bound to these Continents by H eritage and Birthright. These are the lands of our Ancient Mothers and Fathers. M .O .O .The R . treats the issues of Moorish History, Culture, C ivics, Science, Law H er itage, Descent (Pedigree/ Parentage), Philosophy, L iterature, etc. Uplifting fallen humanity requires expanding work in many areas. There is much work to do. We are striving to perform a functional and positive part in this noble work. We are making constructive and applicable Civic contributions to the Nation. Action is the response made to the world renowned call made by Noble Drew Ali, founder of the Old Canaanite Temple in 1913 A.D. = 1333 Moorish Calendar Year. The Old Canaanite Temple emerged as the Moorish Holy Temple of Science. Since 1928, the M.H.T. of S. has adopted, as its corporate name, The Moorish

l in 1913 A.D. = 1333 Moorish Calendar Year: birthrights ancient and divine creed; that you may learn to love, instead of hate. Come and link yourselves


perspective, then apply the knowledge and instruction. Actions bring words to life. Another statement made by Prophet Noble Drew Ali, was: Teachings and instructions. We as conscious Moors have been remiss in our responsibilities and

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duties, relative to our National and International development. We have fallen woefully short in our duty to produce literature from the Moorish perspective, for ourselves and our children. L essons in Moorish A l Moroccan (Amer ican) Culture, Heritage, Government (Civics) and the Cosmology Moorish Sciences are produced through study classes. Literature is for sale, to the Moors and general public, to raise the consciousness of the masses. We serve as a small Moabite Oasis to counter false concepts and misinformation propagated by conflict of interest institutions and chattel system appointed opportunists who extract fortunes and pretend to address the lack of National Sovereignty and the economic and social problems. This directly and indirectly promotes the suffering of our divided, uniformed and civilly abused Nation. I t is most difficult to enslave an informed people. Moorish Americans need focused reorientation literature. Studies of SELF should be promoted and encouraged amongst our people. We are well aware that SL A V E R Y still exists in our land. The Union of States subjugated the Moors through and by government and pseudo-government agencies which are operating by the Magna Carts (Charter), K nights of Columbus, K u K lux K lan Oath of 1854, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Thei r O rdinances, Municipal Laws and Social Programs are based in the Black Codes of 1724. These are the untold F A C TS. The Roundtable is a civic association of National, Indigenous Moors, not to be confused with, nor mistaken as a religious group or organization! We are a civilly active part of the Indigenous Moorish Nation. We treat the Science of Government. Our civic activity is a National Sovereign Birthright. We encourage the reformation of all indigenous peoples and encourage them to proclaim their N A T I O N A L I T Y and BIR T H RI G H TS honoring their own Mothers and Fathers. Just as other civilized nations support and establish institutions to serve and preserve their posterity, we recognize that Moorish families and children need institutions to serve and preserve the Moorish Nation. We work toward those ends. Moors should be the major writers of Moorish History. We encourage this firmly. Literature produced from the Moorish perspective (Eye) is sorely needed by our people from every walk of life. We seek to raise the level of true SE L F consciousness among ourselves and our unconscious Sisters and B rothers in a functional and beneficial manner. Moors who know the Science, History, Heritage and Culture are obligated to teach these truths to our own, especially to those who do not know of SE L F and National Birthright. We are working hard to remove the artificially induced Civic Death which plagues our people. The Sciences of our Ancient Mothers and Fathers have been twisted, misinterpreted and misrepresented by slavers through the use of subtle religious dogmatic control systems. We strive to uplift the G reat Principles and Science of our Ancient Mothers and Fathers the Founders of C ivilization.

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We recognize the fact that a National Constitution is key to any National body, and that it is the PRINCIPLE guide of LAW for NATIONAL UNITY and harmony. We instruct accordingly. Observing the divisions among the Moorish Institutions, Tribes, Groups, et cetera; we work diligently toward the UNITING OF THE ASIATIC MOORISH NATION in our SOVEREIGN CAPACITY. We are active, not passive, in striving to live clean Law and Principles. C .M . Bey, Ph. D ., L L .D ., Master Astrologer and Moorish Constitutional Law Giver is the author of Clock of Destiny I and I I . He is one of the few taught by Noble Drew Ali who put his knowledge and development to the PEN, thus making a profound difference to the positive: for the Moorish Nation. C.M. Bey also wrote and produced Humanitarian L essons of Cosmos Science (along with other scientific literary works). We make PUB L I C D E C L A R A T I O N of our Moorish/Moroccan Nationality and Birthrights. We are the true inheritors of the North Gate. We honor our Mothers and our Fathers. Do your part, in helping to uplift fallen humanity. Peace on Earth, Recognition by the

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Taj Tarik Bey Collection



George Washington, the Ninth President of the United States of America 9th Masonic Proprietor to the Moorish Palace of Ben Bey City, District of Columbia, wrote to the Sultan of Morocco in the year 1789, and apologized for irregular tax payments from the colonists in the Moorish Provinces. His reference to the change of Government was relative to the Charter granted the Albions and the turnover of the reigns of Authority from the Moors to the Colonists. He chopped down the Moorish flag in 1774.

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Prophet Noble Drew Ali retrieved the Moorish Flag in the year 1913 A.D. and called the Moors to attention it is the job of the conscious Moors to fly the Moorish Flag again in our own land Al Moroc (America). Uplift the Moorish National

Bro. Taj Tarik Bey


1. Noble Drew Ali: (Sheik Sharif Abdul Ali), the Moorish Divine National Movement of the World. Moorish Teachings and Instructions. Message to America. Reestablished Moorish consciousness in North America (Amexem), and the Western Hemisphere. Resurrected the existing dormant Moorish Nation, and set the pattern for Government and Moorish Sovereign Capacity. Set pattern for production of Moorish literature.

2. C . M . Bey: 3rd, 33rd and 360 Degree Mason and Moorish Constitutional Law Giver. Clock of Destiny I and Clock of Destiny II. Humanitarian Lessons. School of Cosmos Science. Zodiac Constitution; Circle of Life, etc.

3. Moors: The Uniting of a Nation 1982 Bro. Taj Tarik Bey

4. F reedom Package 1993 Bro. Taj Tarik Bey

5. Nationality and Birthrights taken away from the Moors: T he Black Codes Moorish American Heritage Series 1996 Bro. Taj Tarik Bey

6. Mother : a poem from Poetry and Literary Scripts Bro. Taj Tarik Bey
