the broadside 5-15-13

Obamacare: Examining the health care plan Molly Svendsen e Broadside H ealth insurance is about to change in the U.S. e Affordable Health Care Act known as “Obamacare” goes into effect January 2014. is act, passed on March 21, 2010, will bring many changes to all health coverage for all ages, according to Rod Hanson, assistant professor of political science at Central Oregon Com- munity College. “is is basically just an [individual] insurance man- date,” Hanson said, “just a way the government de- cided upon to make sure all U.S. citizens have some form of health coverage.” A public forum regarding the Health Care Act was planned by Lonna Pruett Rand, a Health and Infor- mation Technology major at COCC, and a group of COCC students working together as part of a class project for an HIT class. "Obamacare changes almost on a daily basis,” Pruett Rand explained. “Politics aside, we need to know what is really hap- pening with this issue and how it will affect us.” e portion of the Health Care Act that will have the larg- est impact on students is the individual mandate, according to Hanson. OBAMACARE, page 5 the broadside Your weekly campus newspaper. May 15, 2013 | | Vol. 61, Issue 25 Bend CART-ography ASCOCC ELECTION 2013 CANDIDATES page 3 Students aren’t the only ones flocking to COCC Page 6 INDEX A&E 10 Campus Word 2 Clubs & Sports 14 Crossword/Sudoku 13 Editorials 2 Features 6 Incident Reports 4 News 3 Pages 8 & 9

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Page 1: The Broadside 5-15-13

Obamacare: Examining the health care plan Molly Svendsen The Broadside

Health insurance is about to change in the U.S.

The Affordable Health Care Act known as “Obamacare” goes into effect January 2014.This act, passed on March 21, 2010, will bring many changes to all health coverage for all ages, according to Rod Hanson, assistant professor of political science at Central Oregon Com-munity College.

“This is basically just an [individual] insurance man-date,” Hanson said, “just a way the government de-cided upon to make sure all U.S. citizens have some form of health coverage.” A public forum regarding the Health Care Act was planned by Lonna Pruett Rand, a Health and Infor-mation Technology major at COCC, and a group of COCC students working together as part of a class project for an HIT class.

"Obamacare changes almost on a daily basis,” Pruett Rand explained. “Politics aside, we need to know what is really hap-pening with this issue and how it will affect us.”

The portion of the Health Care Act that will have the larg-est impact on students is the individual mandate, according to Hanson.


thebroadsideYour weekly campus newspaper.

May 15, 2013 | | Vol. 61, Issue 25

Bend CART-ography


Students aren’t the only ones flocking to COCC

Page 6

IndexA&E 10Campus Word 2Clubs & Sports 14Crossword/Sudoku 13Editorials 2Features 6Incident Reports 4News 3

Pages 8 & 9

Page 2: The Broadside 5-15-13

2 The Broadside | May 15, 2013

Letters to the Editor should be 300 words maximum and due by 5 p.m. Wednesday, a week before publication. Anonymous letters will be printed at the discretion of the news staff. The Broadside reserves the right to withhold publication of letters containing hate speech, erroneous or unverifiable information, attacks on others or other objectionable content. E-mail your letters to [email protected] or drop them off in The Broadside newsroom, Campus Center room 102.

We asked four students on campus what’s your comfort food, and why?


Campus Word





Holly HesseStudent | Exercise and Sport Science

Earn your degreein Bend, Oregon

There’s yet another reason to get your degree at Oregon State University’s growing branch campus. OSU was named a Fiske Best Buy School. Now you can earn your degree in Bend from Oregon’s leading public research university and know you’re getting excellent value.Come learn about our small classes, field studies, research projects and study abroad opportunities.



Sept. 1 — Fall term application deadline







NEWS EDITORMolly Svendsen


Kaycee RobinsonRay Sauceda




Rhyan McLaury

COPY EDITORJunnelle Hogen

ADVISORLeon Pantenburg

2600 NW College WayBend, OR 97701

[email protected]

COCC is an affirmative action, equal opportunity institution.

Ice cream. If something bad is happening or I’m going through a rough time, just eat some ice cream.”

-Breeana Thompson

Cookies because I’m currently eating a cookie and I’m comfortable.”

-Dylan Carroll

Ice cream, because it’s cold and soothing and gives me a great feel-ing.”

-Teddy Boles

Spaghetti, because I like Italian food.”

-Noel Yarngo

Page 3: The Broadside 5-15-13

May 15, 2013 | The Broadside 3

Scott Greenstone The Broadside

Eric Spieth was hired to build a world-class business pro-gram from scratch in 2011.

Today, that program is XCEED, a 15-week course Spieth teaches at Central Oregon Community Col-lege.

“We wanted to create a course that would really serve both our students and the community at large,” Spieth said. “Having those two groups interfacing is very ex-citing for networking and collabo-ration.”

XCEED is composed of six classes, two credits each, designed to take a potential business owner through an entrepreneurial jour-ney.

“In 15 weeks, you can go from idea to investment-ready business plan,” Spieth said.

Spieth envisions XCEED giving back primarily to the community.

Small business owner, Ned Powers from Bend Tech is taking XCEED even though he already has an MBA in hospital adminis-tration.

“You need a lot more than being a tinker or an inventor to develop an idea you can sell,” Powers said.

The problem with most startups that fail is the owners don’t know how to get their ideas out of their head and into their product, ac-cording to Powers. So, for “would-be business owners” who don’t have years to put into a degree, XCEED is perfect.

“It’s like a mini-MBA,” Powers said.

Powers is currently in the final section of the class, “Presenting to Win,” where he’s learning how to get funding for his business.

Richard Farr, C.E.O. of Con-versionMax, a Bend consulting

business, built his startup into a successful business during the course. Farr learned to “look at the big picture” and discovered ways to look at it from “different angles.”

The program is only for people who are serious about building a business, according to Farr.

“If you just want to take a class,” Farr said, “it might not be for you.”

Businesses like Farr’s and Pow-ers’ are why XCEED exists, Spieth explained. He sees XCEED devel-oping businesses that go outside of Central Oregon but bring capi-tal and jobs back locally.

“Twenty percent of new job cre-ation comes from small businesses. If we can create one or two or three viable businesses in Central Or-egon a year, that would be a viable outcome.” Spieth said. “The future depends on a startup economy.”

XCEED program takes would-be entrepreneurs from idea to reality

(Contact: [email protected])

In fifteen weeks, you can go from idea to investment-ready business plan.”-Eric Spieth, Entrepreneur Instructor

Who are you voting for?

Anthony Mattioda

Dalton McDaniel

Damaris Monroy

Eliot Collins

Hailey Jorgensen

Kayla Miller

Kelly Huskey

Kurt Killinger

Matthew Armstead

Megan Cole

Today is the last day to choose your ASCOCC Council:

► View letters of intent from each candidate at

Page 4: The Broadside 5-15-13

4 The Broadside | May 15, 2013










Repeat Parking Offender



Civil Standby






Safety and Security

Juniper Res. Hall

Safety and Security

Book Store



Barber Library

Campus Center

Boyle Ed. Center

Repeat parking offenders referred to Student Life.

No trespass order issued to subject. Informaiton provided to Public Safety on a previous case.

Request for a civil standby on the Bend campus.

Reports of a possible harassment occuring on the Bend campus.

Reports of a subject sustaining an injury.

Reports of a subject causing a disturbance on the Bend campus; no trespass order issued.

Reports of a theft occuring on the Bend campus.

Medical call on the Bend campus.

COCC incident reports, April 29 to May 6Incident Date Classification Synopsis Location

Students are finding a fast track to the workforce without a four-year degree.

At Central Oregon Community Col-lege, students are earning technical certificates and two-year degrees that can place them into a grow-ing job market, according to Chris Redgrave, di-rector of manufacturing at COCC.

“In general the number of future jobs that do not require a four-year degree is expected to be very high.” Redgrave said. “If [students] are look-

ing at what can make them money now, the two-year degree makes a lot of sense.”

The demand for many technical careers is fore-casted to grow at a higher rate from 2010-2020 than the

national average of 14.3 percent, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. This is especially true in the healthcare

field, where Emergency Medical technicians and paramedics are likely to see an increase in demand

of over 33 percent and registered nurses an in-crease of 26 percent.

Wages for these jobs are also compa-rable to state averages. As of May 2012 the average Oregon worker took home just over $45,000 annually. Comparatively, registered and practical nurses, mas-sage therapists and computer numeri-cal controlled machine operators all earned higher yearly incomes, accord-ing to the BLS.

Auto technology instructor Ken Mays sees the value of technical training to his students as more than just monetary. “Money is not usually the first thing [stu-dents look for],” said Mays. “Its passion for what we do. People are coming to get a skill and go to work.”

At the COCC Manufacturing and Applied Technology Center in Redmond, students get hands-on experience in a flex-

ible and team-oriented environment, said welding instructor Dennis Simenson.

“The key is that we are self-paced,” Simenson said. “[It] teaches you to be self-directed, which is what

manufacture companies want.”In addition to this flexibility, tech careers

are more welcoming to individuals who may have a criminal background and are hop-ing to better themselves, Simenson said. This acceptance is echoed in many of the techni-cal programs at COCC.

“We are an industry that works” Ken Mayes said. “College is not necessarily for every-

body, but skills are necessary for everybody.”

(Contact:[email protected])

Livable wages in two years or less

Data submitted Bureau of Labor Statistics.

People are coming to get a skill, and go to work.”









Emergency Medical Technician

Computer Controled

Tool Operater Machinist



Auto Service Techs and Mechanics

Dental Assisting

Registered Nurse

►Emergency medical technician training at COCC. Jobs in the healthcare field are expected to grow more than the national average over the next ten

◄ Welding is one of many manufacturing certificates offered on the COCC Redmond campus.

-Ken Mays, auto technology instructor at COCC

► Studentsget real life experience in the automotive lab at COCC.

Darwin Ikard The Broadside

National Average Job growth in

respective fields


Page 5: The Broadside 5-15-13

May 15, 2013 | The Broadside 5

Obamacare, from page 1“One of the pieces that will come into effect right away is

this individual mandate,” Hanson said. “[Meaning] that every U.S. citizen has some type of insurance coverage, whether it be government funded or private insurances.”

Individuals under age 26 who are still living at home will be able to stay on their parents insurance plan until age 26 which according to Hanson, could possibly help more individuals to have insurance coverage.

Those who choose to remain uninsured will be fined yearly, according to Hanson. The fine will be $95 the first year and will steadily increase thereafter.

“In the meantime, we are going to have people who are just going to wait until that fine gets larger,” Hanson explained. “It would be wise to get an insurance plan right away, just because what if something happens and suddenly you need [insurance], but a small fine may not get people to see this.”

The healthy, younger generation may not realize the importance of having an insurance plan, and Hanson questions the effectiveness of such a small fine.

“It is the younger group that might not generally have insurance,” Hanson said, “because their health is good, and they [feel] it isn’t necessary yet.”

Overall, Hanson believes this act is a positive idea, and he hopes it will have a positive impact on the community.

“Generally the idea of providing health care is a good idea,” Hanson said. “The question is, should this be done at the national, state or individual level?”

Both Hanson and PruettRand believe students should stay informed about how the Health Care Act will affect them.

"It is critical to stay up to date on the changes and what this means for us,” PruettRand said.

(Contact: [email protected])

Generally the idea of

providing health care is

a good idea. The question

is, should this be done at the

national, state or individual


Obamacare changes almost on a daily basis. Politics aside, we need to know what is really happening with this issue and how it will affect us.”-Lonna Pruett Rand, Health and Information Technology major at COCCWelding


Affordable Health Care Act

A basic health care plan for 24-year-old male or female with a general $5,000 deductible is approximately $72 monthly from Regence Blue Cross Insurance.

2014 2015 2016




Amount of yearly tax for individuals without insurance

Molly Svendsen | The Broadside

Public Forum at COCC on Obamacare: “Understanding Obamacare: What it means for you in 2014”

• Guest speaker Patrick O’Keffe

• Tuesday May 21, 2013

• Pioneer Hall, Hitchcock Auditorium

• 6pm to 8pm

Create an insurance mandate for all US citizens. Allow individuals under age 26 and living with parents to stay covered under parents’ insurance plan. Impose a yearly fine for those still uninsured. Mandate that businesses with over 50 employees provide health care coverage. Offer tax credits to small businesses in compliance with providing health care coverage. Increase taxes on drug companies by $27 billion making access to health care more costly for seniors.

Proposed changes under the Affordable Health Care Act:

-Rod Hanson, assistant professor of political science at COCC

[According to Rod Hanson]


Page 6: The Broadside 5-15-13

6 The Broadside | May 15, 2013


Do you know another language? Yes: 21 No: 29 If yes, which language? A: Spanish 13 B: French 5 C: Mandarin Chinese 1 D: German 0 E: Other 2

Do you intend to learn an additional language?

Yes: 19 No: 4 Maybe: 27 If yes, what language would you be most likely to learn: A: Spanish 8 B: French 4 C: Mandarin Chinese 2 D: German 1 E: Other 3

Do you feel knowing another language would be

beneficial in your job search? Yes: 31 No: 2 Maybe: 17

50 COCC students were asked the following

Molly SvendsenThe Broadside

Learning a foreign language could give you skills that would help you get a job,

according to Joshua Evans, Cen-tral Oregon Community College Assistant Professor of Spanish. Evans believes knowing a second language gives potential employees a “leg up” in compar-ison to non-bilingual applicants. “I think it helps students en-tering today’s workforce,” Ev-ans said. “Especially with Spanish, bilingual candi-dates will have an advantage.” Foreign languages such as spanish are important now, and will become increas-ingly important as immigra-tion continues, Evans said. “There is an increasingly large number of mainly Span-ish speaking citizens,” Ev-ans said. “I feel it is almost a kind of civic responsibil-ity to know Spanish nowadays.” Along with Spanish, Man-darin Chinese, German and French are also increasing in im-portance , according to Evans. “Chinese is going to be huge with regards to com-merce in the future,” Evans said.

Kirsten Larwin, instruc-tor of french at COCC, said that French is now being spoken all over the world. “I think that learning a for-eign language is an incredibly rewarding experience, and also one that requires a strong com-mitment.” Larwin said. “The abil-ity to speak a foreign language absolutely gives a job applicant an advantage over his or her competitors . Prospective em-ployers would almost certainly look favorably upon such a skill.” Learning a language can help students not only in their career searches, but for those seeking to “broaden their ho-rizons” and learn about other cultures, Larwin explained. “You uncover so much rich information about other cultures as you study a for-eign language,” Larwin said. By learning phrases and words of a new language, stu-dents are able to learn a little bit of the customs of a different culture, according to Larwin. “Language is one of the ways a person can truly begin to understand another culture,” Larwin explained. “As students make discoveries about how the language works, it’s won-derful to see their horizons

broaden as they gain insight into another part of the world.” Evans agrees that being bi-lingual not only helps with career searches, but also with many other aspects of life. “The phrase ‘being a citizen of the world’...learning second language definitely helps with that,” Evans explained. “Also, I would say language study translates well into certain as-pects of being a musician.” Due to his background in foreign language, Ev-ans chose to raise his two-year-old daughter bilingual. “I worked so hard to perfect my second language,” Evans said. “If it’s something I can pass on to her, then why not?” Even though learning a lan-guage can be a difficult task, according to Larwin, students should try to focus on the enjoy-ment of what they are learning. “It can be difficult at times, but it’s a wonderful challenge and it’s so satisfying for the stu-dents to look back [at] where they were on day one,” Larwin said. “It’s always a good idea to step back and see how far you’ve come, it’s encouraging.”

(Contact: [email protected])

Bilingual candidates have advantage in job search

Birding spots recommeded by Moodie: · Hatfield Lake · Sawyer Park · Wikiup Resevoir Megan Campbell

The Broadside

Birders can see species of birds that are

not common to Cen-tral Oregon in spring. That is one of the reasons why every spring quarter Cen-tral Oregon Com-munity College bi-ology professor, Jim Moodie bases his General Biology III class in ornithology, the study of birds. “May is a good time to be watching species because of migra-tion” Moodie said. “A lot of them won’t be staying here.” On Saturdays at the COCC cam-pus, Moodie has seen “huge flocks” of Cedar Waxwing, Western Bluebird and Sapsucker bird species along

their migratory process. “That’s the beauty of migra-tion,” Moody said. “You can get lots of things that pass through.” Moodie arranges a weekly field trip to a nearby bird-watching spot for his Biology students, who are supplied with binoculars. “I’ve always tried to do themes with my courses,” Moodie said, “and since I had an ornithol-ogy background, I thought I would focus on the birds as a way to get students outside.” Moodie studied ornithology in Minnesota and Oklahoma and helped complete bird surveys at Idaho State University prior to moving to Central Oregon. The emphasis of General Biol-ogy III is ecology, the study of the interaction between people and their environment, so Moodie sees the course as an opportu-nity to get students interested in wildlife, whether it is birds, plant life, or something else. “I thought this is something they could actually do for the rest of their life if t hey get into it,” Mood-ie said, “and if they don’t, maybe they’ll realize there are other things they could be looking at.”

Dragonflies are “getting big right now,” according to Moodie, and a lot of birders are switching over. Moodie believes his Biol-ogy III course can change the way students relate to wildlife. “They are more aware that there’s not just people out there and I think it’s had an effect,” Mood-ie said. “I’ve had students tell me that now, they can’t just drive by a bird without identi-fying it, so I think they are get-ting more in touch with ecology.” One birding technique is “pish-ing,” in which birders use voice to mimic a small bird’s alarm call to get birds to come within sight. “They will tend to pop out be-cause they want to see where it’s coming from” Moodie said. Most students take Biology III to fill their science and lab credit, according to Moodie. Current Biology III student Sar-ah Alex appreciates the out-door aspect of the course. “The labs are outside,” Alex said, “and I don’t have to dissect anything.”

(Contact: [email protected])

Birding at COCC: Biology students take learning outdoors

▼ Students at COCC study local birds as part of their Biology III class .

Photo by Megan Campbell | The Broadside

Page 7: The Broadside 5-15-13

May 15, 2013 | The Broadside 7

Anna Quesenberry

The Broadside Operation Don’t Go Broke is devoted to bringing readers helpful tips on ways to save in college. If you love music but have a problem with stealing it, then you may not have much of a music collection. Music-lovers on a budget can rock out without breaking the bank by following these tips:• Share music with friends. Snag songs from your buddies’ music

library by copying them onto a USB drive.• Burn your own cd’s. Compile a list of tracks and burn them to a

disc that can be played in the car.• Free iTunes downloads. Check iTunes weekly for their free “single

of the week.”• Public library. Browse and request CDs on the Deschutes Public

Library’s website and on their “Freegal Music” site you’ll find many free music downloads.

• Free summer concerts. This summer, s pend your Sunday afternoons sprawled out on the grass at the Les Schwab Amphitheater for “Free Summer Sunday Concerts” sponsored by St. Charles. For more information visit:

• Local live shows. Catch live shows at local breweries and restau-rants. For up to date information go to 92.9’s “Live Music Line-up”

• Online streaming. Stream music for free on Pandora, Spotify, You-Tube and Pitchfork.

Second year COCC nursing student Anna Quesenberry is a wife and mother of two who is passionate about saving money.

(Contact: [email protected])

Operation Don’t Go Broke:

F R L SSListen to the music you love

Summer concert essentials:

Easy to carry bag. A small “cross-body” bag is perfect for stashing your phone, keys and cash.

Camera. Capture summer con-cert memories by snapping photos and re-cording video.

Water. Stay hydrated to avoid being escorted from the show on a stretcher.

Sunblock. Count on being in the sun for hours, wear sunblock and bring some along to reapply after you’ve sweat through the first layer. Consider wearing a hat for added protection.

Designated driver. Ask a friend in advance to pick you up after the show or reserve a ride with Sober Dudes.

Cash. Carry cash; you can’t count on the venue accepting credit/debit


Blanket. You may want to spread a blanket out on the grass to lounge during slow songs.

Sunglasses. Don’t let sunshine stop you from seeing the band front and


Anna Quesenberry The Broadside

They go in as students and come out health care professionals.

Students of Central Oregon Community College’s nurs-ing program strive to achieve academic and clinical prepa-ration required to pass state and national licensure ex-ams and become certified nursing assistants, practical nurses, registered nurses, and nurse practitioners.

National Nurses Week was held on May 6-12, according to the American Nurses As-sociation website. It was developed by ANA to “celebrate nurses and all that they do.” COCC nursing student, Summer Randall, was in the process of pursu-ing a law degree when she realized she should have gone into nursing. “I had to be hands on,” Randall said, “working with people.” The key to nursing is “preventative” care, according to Randall. “I love it,” Randall said, regarding the nursing school experience at COCC.

(Contact: [email protected])

National Nurses Week at COCC

Photo by Stephen Badger The Broadside

All stock photos from

Page 8: The Broadside 5-15-13

8 The Broadside | May 15, 2013

Anna QuesenberryThe Broadside

His love for hot wings inspired Cory Edwards’ to open up a food cart and spread the love of “wings and things” to others. Johnny’s Wings and Things, located on Bend’s west side, specializes in

hot wings and boneless “wing ditties.” The toughest decision for customers is what sauce to choose. Edwards offers eight sauces ranging from hot to honey barbeque. The boneless “wing ditties” are served with sauce on the side as opposed to traditional wings drenched in sauce. The “skaryaki” sauce is a little on the thin side, but it does pack a punch. Edwards takes his food cart on the road to sell wings at concerts and events and catches every Phish concert he can.

New cart on the block

just wing it

By annna quesenberry and Jarred Graham

Anna Quesenberry | The Broadside

Food-carts are a tradition on the east coast and they’ve just recently start-ed to turn up in Central Oregon. This summer try some of the tastiest food on the street and to start you might visit these three vendors:

Anna QuesenberryThe Broadside

Bend’s newest food cart, The Brown Owl, hits the streets on May 18. Their love for food and outgoing personalities inspired Lisandro and Gretchen Ramon to go into the food-cart industry.

“We work together,” Gretchen Ramon said. “We are a serious team not to be messed with.” The husband and wife duo will be serving up breakfast and lunch daily from their new custom-built food cart in downtown Bend next to Drake Park.

“We’re going to rotate a seasonal menu,” Lisandro Ramon said. “Things will change all the time. If we feel like doing French toast one day, we’ll do that.”

The Brown Owl’s base menu will feature breakfast sandwiches, hash, bur-ritos and rice bowls, explained Lisandro Ramon.

“We like to sit down and plan menus togeth-er,” Gretchen Ramon said. “That’s really fun.” Since Gretchen Ramon doesn’t eat a lot of meats, customers can expect to see some vegetarian and vegan options on the menu. Although there will be vegan options, Gretchen Ramon sees nothing wrong with occasionally cooking with a little rendered bacon fat.

“Bacon grease like my granny did,” Gretchen Ramon said. Originally from Oklahoma, Lisandro and Gretchen Ramon bring a couple

different backgrounds to the table.“My dad’s from Argentina,” Lisandro Ramon said. “I grew up with a lot of

[grilled] meats and chimichurri, so that will definitely play a big influence.”Gretchen Ramon’s background is centered around southern food.

“I’m really southern. I like a lot of fried stuff.” Gretchen Ramon said. “There’ll be some down-home country-girl style.”

Customers can expect fresh, hearty American food with a fusion, accord-ing to Lisandro Ramon, who plans to purchase all the food he can locally.

“We’re trying to primarily source everything as locally as possible,” Lisan-dro Ramon said. “We’re making everything from scratch.”

Menu items will range from five to nine dollars at The Brown Owl, which relatively speaking is “very affordable,” according to Lisandro Ramon.

“We don’t want to be pricey,” Gretchen Ramon said, “We want everybody to be able to afford our food.” Along with their “good quality, local food,” Gretchen and Lisandro Ramon plan to draw customers to The Brown Owl with their southern hospitality and family-friendly vibe.

“We’re going to be crazy, funky, cool.” Gretchen Ramon said. “We dance. Everything’s very fun. We love to keep it light-hearted, real, upbeat and friendly.”

(Contact: [email protected])

Page 9: The Broadside 5-15-13

May 15, 2013 | The Broadside 9

Anna QuesenberryThe Broadside

His love for hot wings inspired Cory Edwards’ to open up a food cart and spread the love of “wings and things” to others. Johnny’s Wings and Things, located on Bend’s west side, specializes in

hot wings and boneless “wing ditties.” The toughest decision for customers is what sauce to choose. Edwards offers eight sauces ranging from hot to honey barbeque. The boneless “wing ditties” are served with sauce on the side as opposed to traditional wings drenched in sauce. The “skaryaki” sauce is a little on the thin side, but it does pack a punch. Edwards takes his food cart on the road to sell wings at concerts and events and catches every Phish concert he can.

Jarred GrahamThe Broadside

What started as a joke has now become a lucrative business for “Glazed and Amused” food truck owners Tony Santopolo and Darcie Davis. Originally called “Zombie Donuts,” “Glazed and Amused” has be-

come a hotspot for dessert-seekers in downtown Bend. “Glazed and Amused” features a bevy of sweet treats, including the pulled pork and pineapple-cov-ered “Maui Wowi,” the whiskey-infused “Car Bomb,” and the bacon-wrapped “Rosco.” Bring a friend to help finish these treats--they’re massive.

(Contact: [email protected])

just wing it

confectionary goodness

By annna quesenberry and Jarred Graham

Anna Quesenberry | The Broadside

mct campus

Page 10: The Broadside 5-15-13

10 The Broadside | May 15, 2013


? ?What is the number one selling item at Sodexo? Look for the answer in next week’s paper!

Weekly Trivia:

Answer to last week’s question: There are 2,166 parking spaces on campus (Information provided by COCC’s General Informations Systems pro-gram.)

? ??


Breakfast foods

If you need to be out the door quickly, but still want a hearty breakfast, a breakfast burrito is the way to go. Scramble two eggs, add ham, cheese, hash browns and green peppers to a warm tortilla, and you’ve got a convenient and delicious start to your day.

Whether you’re craving a Sunday brunch or a midnight snack, French toast hits the spot any time of day. Plus, it’s so easy

anyone can make it. Quality ingredients are the key and thick-sliced bread is best for soaking up the egg. If you’re short on time cut the bread into strips and make french toast sticks you can eat on the go.

When you’re in the mood for something on the savory side, biscuits and gravy can’t be beat. Whip up this down-

home diner food yourself for under under $10. While biscuits are baking, cook breakfast sausage and whisk up some country gravy. Take your B-and-G to “heart attack” level by serving it with a fried egg.

When you think breakfast, what’s the first food that comes to mind? Of

course it’s pancakes. Served with a topping of mixed berries or maple

syrup, pancakes are food for the soul. They’re quick, easy to make and

will appease even the pickiest eaters.

Bananas, blueberries, blackberries, oh my. The varieties are

endless; blend together your favorite combination of fruit to start your day off with a tasty, drinkable treat.

Page 11: The Broadside 5-15-13

May 15, 2013 | The Broadside 11


If all you want from a movie is to be wowed by special effects, then look no

further than Oblivion. With such an uninspired

storyline, one would hope that the visual effects would be well done, and in that regard Oblivion doesn’t disappoint.

The story goes that there was a tribe of aliens who blew up the moon, plunging Earth into seismic chaos. War ensued, in which mankind was victorious, but the planet lay in such disarray that humans had no choice but to abandon Earth.

Tom Cruise plays the one-note protagonist, Jack Harper,

who has been assigned to extract Earth’s dwindling resources before heading into space with the rest of the survivors. Shortly before leaving Earth for good, he stumbles upon a mysterious woman on Earth’s surface a woman he has seen in his dreams--leading him to question his mission and his own existence. What follows is standard post-apocalyptic sci-fi fare that drags on until a contrived, predictable ending.

What Oblivion lacks in a compelling story or fully-fleshed characters, it somewhat makes up for in visuals. There are some truly

spectacular shots throughout Oblivion. Harper’s recon missions often find him soaring over pristine landscapes and some impressive, futuristic machinery, but there’s nothing stunning enough to forgive the stale second act and eye-roll inducing attempts at humorous one-liners.

Harper spends more time making quips to his dashboard bobble-head than actually interacting with other humans. The result is an agitating doldrum that leaves the audience begging for credits to start rolling.

One redeeming factor of Oblivion is the film’s

score, composed by M83’s Anthony Gonzalez. M83’s spacey, atmospheric sound is a perfect match for Oblivion’s sweeping shots of outer space and a vacuous, decimated Earth. The track “StarWaves” in particular imbues M83s signature ambient sound, creating a bright spot in an otherwise dull experience. It might actually be a wiser investment to go buy the soundtrack than pay the price of admission.

Oblivion presents itself as a modern sci-fi epic, but is nothing more than a stylish amalgam of post-

apocalyptic cliches. It’s as if the director threw as many sci-fi tropes at the screen as possible to see what would stick. The “villain-strikes-a-match-to-light-a-dark-space” schtick has been done so many times, seeing it in Oblivion was beyond cringe-worthy.

Great music and cool visuals might impress to a certain degree, but a stale plot and insipid dialogue will make moviegoers want to send this movie into oblivion.

(Contact: [email protected])

Jarred Graham The Broadside

Oblivion: A barren wasteland of a movie

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14 The Broadside | May 15, 2013

clubs & sportsp

Music Practice in Wille Hall

ToTal fiT

► Music student Max Burns plays an etude from Mario Bordigni in Wille Hall. “It’s my favorite place to practice on campus.” said Burns. Photos by Darwin Ikard

▲ Deanna Holliman runs laps as part of Total Fit workout session.

Total Fit, taught by Jenny Cruickshank, works college students and faculty into shape. Rain or shine students push their

limits every class session. On May 2, Total Fit stu-dents split into groups and rotated between running on the track, doing upper body exercises and rugby.

► Total Fit students finish another challenging workout.

▲ Josh Maquet and his group works upper body.

Photos by Stephen Badger

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Students in Astronomy GS 107 observe the sun through a 50x telescope. The pur-pose of the lab is to provide a visual for

the concepts that they have been learning. The telescopes provide enough magnification for students to see solar flares on the sun.

Astronomy on campus

▲ Miranda Simone takes a look at the sun during lab. Photo by Stephen Badger.

Images provided by McClatchy Tribune Services


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16 The Broadside | May 15, 2013


2013 Annual Central Oregon Community College

Saturday, June 1, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., COCC Bend, Athletic Field

FREE LUNCH AND PRESENTATIONS: Open to the publicDonations accepted for the First Nations Student Union scholarship fund. Raffle tickets for sale for donated vendor gifts — three for $5 — with all proceeds going to the FNSU scholarship fund.

LUNCH INCLUDES salmon, salad, fry bread, beans and ice tea or lemonade

PRESENTATIONS By Ed Edmo — storyteller Wasco, Paiute, Umatilla and Aztec Dancers

SPONSORED By ASCOCC First Nations Student Union COCC Native American Programs


♿ In advance of College events, persons needing accommodation or transportation because of a physical or mobility disability, contact Joe Viola: 541.383.7775. For accommodation

because of other disability such as hearing impairment, contact Annie Walker: 541.383.7743.


2600 NW College Way, Bend

Photo above: Anne Morin, 2009Ed Edmo tells his stories by Tsagagalal, She Who Watches, at Horse Thief Lake and explains the importance of the pictographs and petroglyphs in the area to Native people of the Columbia River.

Photo above left: Paiute dancers from Burns, Oregon

FOR mORE INFORmATION Gina Ricketts: 541.318.3782 [email protected]