the black hole analysis

Jordon Clifton Short film analysis: The Black Hole, 2008 Long shot used to show the scene and direct the audience’s attention to the title. The camera movement moves to the right at a slow almost walking pace, panning over the office to show the setting. Editing technique to show the shot through a circular frame, similar to the Black Hole Mid shot of the printing, with diegetic sound of the photocopier and rustling of paper. No background music or dialogue, creating an intriguing narrative as it relies on the characters actions and plot. No sound used also holds the audience’s attention and sets up the film well in. Prop Low-key lighting used throughout with grey colour schemes, showing it’s inside an office and is maybe dull/ordinary the setting. Character wearing old over worn work clothes, shows it’s the end of the day due to the scruffy tie no top button done up. Dull, messy ordinary work office through Mid shot used to show the main character by the photocopier and his reaction to the black hole, which shows he didn’t print it off. Several straight cuts, mid and close up shots of the man trying to use the photocopier and doing activities before he discovers the black hole. These shots Diegetic sounds of moving the paper and crinkling the plastic cup. Low angled shot showing the camera from the black hole, also shown by the circular frame that it’s viewed from. Mise-en-scene of the prop of the plastic cup to indicate what will happen to the cup and the black hole. The angle also The low angle is also used after a short straight cut from a medium close up of the man’s reaction. The same circular frame is used to show that the black hole caused the plastic cup to disappear. This is used effectively as it needs to be used due to there being no dialogue. It also represents 1

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Page 1: The Black Hole analysis

Jordon Clifton

Short film analysis: The Black Hole, 2008

Long shot used to show the scene and direct the audience’s attention to the title. The camera movement moves to the right at a slow almost walking pace, panning over the office to show the setting. Editing technique to show the shot through a circular frame, similar to the Black Hole and topic of the film. Editing is used to have the title over the top of the shot, showing its dominance and significance.

Low-key lighting used throughout with grey colour schemes, showing it’s inside an office and is maybe dull/ordinary the setting. Character wearing old over worn work clothes, shows it’s the end of the day due to the scruffy tie no top button done up. Dull, messy ordinary work office through the use of props like computers, desks and files. Medium close up of a man, showing the characters significance at the start of the narrative.

Mid shot of the printing, with diegetic sound of the photocopier and rustling of paper. No background music or dialogue, creating an intriguing narrative as it relies on the characters actions and plot. No sound used also holds the audience’s attention and sets up the film well in. Prop of the black hole which looks ordinary due to the shot showing it coming out of the printer in the office. Shown as unorthodox and out of place in the office.

Mid shot used to show the main character by the photocopier and his reaction to the black hole, which shows he didn’t print it off. Several straight cuts, mid and close up shots of the man trying to use the photocopier and doing activities before he discovers the black hole. These shots however create continuity editing as the film flows well, and shows the man’s struggle with the photocopier and his actions well through the camera shots.

Diegetic sounds of moving the paper and crinkling the plastic cup. Low angled shot showing the camera from the black hole, also shown by the circular frame that it’s viewed from. Mise-en-scene of the prop of the plastic cup to indicate what will happen to the cup and the black hole. The angle also shows the man’s face dominantly and makes sure in that shot the audience can see his face, and actions. As well as his reactions to the discovery of the black hole.

The low angle is also used after a short straight cut from a medium close up of the man’s reaction. The same circular frame is used to show that the black hole caused the plastic cup to disappear. This is used effectively as it needs to be used due to there being no dialogue. It also represents the genre of comedy as could almost be seen as slapstick, as there is no dialogue but shots show what’s happening in the narrative.


Page 2: The Black Hole analysis

Jordon Clifton

A low angled shot is then used after the camera tracks the man down to the black hole. It then becomes eyelevel with the character showing how he has discovered and is now analysing the hole. No sound is still used, but only the sound of the photocopier and the movement of the paper. There are then sounds of the man making sounds of disbelief in the form of huffs and gasps. However when the man engages or goes near the black hole the sound becomes muffled and synchronous. Also making the sound of electricity and voltage, which could connote its power.

Straight cut used effectively creating continuity editing, while using a medium close up of the man now putting his hand in the black hole. By using this shot it emphasises the power of the black hole, and how he can put his hand into it. Therefore revealing the power of the black hole to the audience and its purpose. It also shows the characters amazement by it, and how he is starting to become curious of what he can do with it.

A mid shot is used to show the vending machine and what the character is going to do next. There is no camera movement but the character walks into the shot from the left up to the machine. This shows his now faster pace and excitement at discovering the power of the black hole. The same low-key lighting is used on the machine and keeps to the theme of grey and metal. This creates the impression that everything is the same and ordinary in the setting, except the black hole.

Close up used with the diegetic sound of the muffled hum of the black hole, when the character puts his hand in it. Illustrating what he is doing and directing the audience to how the character is using the black hole for a glutinous action. More straight cuts are used closely together showing the character looking around for other people, and the pace quickening due to the man’s uneasiness and excitement.

Close up is used showing the man eating a stolen Snickers bar, which is represented, as humorous as he decides to steal a chocolate bar. The shot shows him eating the chocolate and then coming across something, as it shows his reaction before the thing he’s looking at. This conveys its importance as it’s not shown initially, and how this next thing is going to be more glutinous and wrong than before.

Thirteen straight cuts are used continuously, which creates continuity editing effectively. There are also varied camera shots such as mid shots, close ups and medium close up’s used in each straight cut. This is used to show the faster pace the narrative is building up to, as well as the rushed and fast actions of the character. It also creates a tense atmosphere and anticipation of whether the man will get caught stealing the money, or will be able to get it and leave with it all. The

Medium close up is cut from a mid-shot of a door labelled ‘keep out’. By using this close up emphasises the fact that he isn’t meant go in the room. However his greed has got the better of him because of the black hole and its power. This shot then shows his hurriedness to get in that room, and how he is becoming greedier. It also shows his facial expressions well in the shot, and how he’s feeling.


Page 3: The Black Hole analysis

Jordon Clifton

Thirteen straight cuts are used continuously, which creates continuity editing effectively. There are also varied camera shots such as mid shots, close ups and medium close up’s used in each straight cut. This is used to show the faster pace the narrative is building up to, as well as the rushed and fast actions of the character. It also creates a tense atmosphere and anticipation of whether the man will get caught stealing the money, or will be able to get it and leave with it all. The

GenreThe genre is clearly conveyed through the short film, and conveys the genre of crime as the main character is

stealing throughout. Therefore this is a typical convention of the genre, as it shows the character breaking the law and doing something morally wrong. The genre of short is illustrated, as the short film is only 2 minutes 48 seconds long with the film having a clear beginning, middle and end. Although comedy is the most significant genre as the man gets stuck in the safe due to his greed, which can be seen as humorous to the audience. As well as the man’s character and reaction to the black hole, demonstrated through camera shots and editing creating humour. This

film features the genres of all the above as there are clear conventions that are illustrated throughout. To indicate that ‘The Black Hole’ can be categorised into several genres. Special effects are a significant feature of the film as it is used several times to present the man experimenting and using the black hole. It is also used to show what the black hole does, so the audience can see what it will lead the man to do next. Therefore to a large extent special

features are used in the film to create the genre of fiction in terms of the black hole. I believe that this genre of film is aimed at young adults and adults who will understand the concept of a black hole. While finding appropriate

parts humorous and understand the issue of greed and its potential impacts. Meaning they will understand the film as they can relate to how people could act in society due to too much greed. But appreciate the clever way the

narrative is demonstrated in the short film, to put across this morale.

NarrativeThe narrative order of the short film is that the black hole, as it’s the first thing that comes out of the photocopier. Meaning this is the thing that will cause the change in the characters normal day, and be the main topic of the film. Therefore by having the black hole appearing so early on in the film highlights how it is the most significant thing.

The logic and order of these components then allows the rest of the narrative to take place, leading to a more interesting storyline and change in the characters evening at work. Specific narrative techniques have been used

such as a cliffhanger at the end, leaving the audience to wonder what will happen to the man locked in the safe. As well as having a clear beginning, middle and end even within the short time of the film. In this film characters

haven’t been used in terms of representing a clear hero, villain etc. as there is only one character init. However the main character could be seen to be a villain, that although isn’t trying to stop a hero doing his quest he is behaving


RepresentationThe person being represented is a stereotypically bored office worker who is staying after work to finish off work he needs to do. This is shown through the mise-en-scene as there are no other people in the office and he checks his watch. The main character is seen to be sleep deprived as he yawns at the start of the film, while looking off into the distance. Indicating that this is his daily routine or has done this many times before and is bored. The

location is represented as an office as there are desks, file cabinets, paperwork and computers in the background indicating where the man works. The low-key lighting and repetition of the grey metal in the work place, creates a lifeless characterless setting for the film. Conveying the stereotypically ordinary lifestyle and job of office workers.

Which could represent office workers in a negative way, as ‘The Black Hole’ reinforces the view that all office workers are mundane and repetitious due to their job. This is represented by the mise-en-scene of the setting and costumes put together by the producers and directors of the film. For the purpose to emphasises how unorthodox

the black hole is, and how the man’s greed has taken him over due to his supposedly boring job.


Page 4: The Black Hole analysis

Jordon Clifton

IdeologyThe significant message being shown is that if there was something as powerful as the black hole in society. There

is a potential that people could take advantage of it and use it to do morally wrong things for their benefit. A similar message is there is the ethical problem that people if discovered something beyond human power/reality. They may become drunk with greed, power etc. as humans can be seen to be weak like this. Therefore this short

film presents these messages to its audience, although in a humorous way as this is the genre of the film. Meaning that although there is a more serious message being conveyed/behind it. Through the use of comedy it shows the viewers that it’s a hypothetical situation. On the other hand there is a more humorous message being perpetuated in the film, as it could be that sleep deprived and bored office workers. Could use a black hole to their advantage

and could lead to negative repercussions or breaking the law. In addition the dominant ideology is that people are greedy if it came to the situation, where people could have whatever they want. And they would take advantage

of the power they then held, potentially breaking the law like the character did in the end.

Theorists/TheoriesDue to ‘The Black Hole’ being such a short film there are aspects of different narrative theories that link with this film. However some aspects aren’t linked with them as the film goes against the grain in terms of some narrative

theories. Firstly the film link with Claude Levi-Strauss’s narrative theory of binary opposites. As the main character could be seen to at the beginning be good, however after encountering the black hole. He becomes bad as he

starts to steal things from a chocolate bar to large amounts of money. This narrative theory effectively highlights how quickly an individual could turn bad when possessing something with such power. Additionally, the man could be seen to be the villain, which is a theory put forward by Vladimir Propp. The man is the character type who has

the purpose to seek riches, glory and power within the narrative. Which is clearly illustrated when the man decides to steal things for his own benefit. Furthermore, similar aspects can be linked with Todorov’s narrative theory, as

the equilibrium is the man in his office photocopying something. With the disruption in the narrative being the black hole that suddenly appears. And finally towards the end when the man gets locked inside the safe is seen as

the crisis. But due to the specific narrative techniques, the film leaves on a cliffhanger. Meaning we don’t get to see the resolution or the new equilibrium, conveying that this film doesn’t fit in with all of Todorov’s theory. However, links with some of it showing a clear narrative has been thought out to engage the audience’s interest and show

how ‘The Black Hole’ defies conventions/expectations of short films.