the biodiversity of endemic development centers in...

THE BIODIVERSITY OF ENDEMIC DEVELOPMENT CENTERS IN THE AREA OF HERZEGOVINA (W. BALKANS) AS A CONTRIBUTION TO TARGETS 2010 1, 2 Dr. sci. Sulejman Redžić, Full Professor, Corr. Member of ANUBiH 1 Dr. sci. Senka Barudanović, Assoc. Professor 3 Dejan Kulijer, BSc in Biology 1 Sabina Trakić, BSc in Biology 1 CEPRES – Center of Ecology and Natural Resources, Facultry of Science University of Sarajevo 2 Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina 3 National Museum of BiH, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina [[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]] Abstract: Like many countries in transition and Bosnia and Herzegovina is builted in a very complex economic and even political situation. Every day increases the number of unemployed, more poor people. State tries to solve the problem through an intensive privatization, which is often unfair and long-term harmful. Trying to find viable solutions to be generated in the field of natural resources (forestry, secondary forest products, medicinal wild plants, hunting, hydro-power sector, wind energy, highlighted exploitation of mineral and fossil resources). Therefore are very common forms of excessive use of natural resources. At the same time to avoid the laws and general legal measures in achieving sustainable practices. All this leads to serious loss of basic natural values (biodiversity, hydrological and geo morphological diversity). Daily disappearing plant and animal species and valuable habitats. On the other hand, Bosnia is one of the few countries that still preserved some parts of the natural diversity of high value. These are primarily endemic development centers in many river canyons and high mountain karst areas. To preserve their value, it is necessary to establish an adequate system of protection, in accordance with local development needs and international criteria (IUCN, Natura 2000). As one of the better forms of practice is the establishment of protected areas. Conservation and environmentally friendly approach to this practice were demonstrated on the example of a development center in the complex endemic mountain Prenj-Čvrsnica Čabulja in-Herzegovina (Western Balkans) as an example of biological resources, and all significant biodiversity hot point in the Mediterranean region. Keywords: Natura 2000, IUNC, protected areas, biodiversity hotspots, ecological conservation, vegetation, flora Izvod BIODIVERZITET ENDEMNIH RAZVOJNIH CENTARA U PODRUČJU HERCEGOVINE (ZAPADNI BALKAN) KAO DOPRINOS CILJEVIMA 2010 Kao i mnoge zemlje u tranziciji tako i Bosna i Hercegovina (BiH) se nalazi u vrlo složenoj ekonomskoj, pa i političkoj situaciji. Svakim danom raste broj nezaposlenih, sve je više siromašnih ljudi. Država nastoji rješiti problem kroz intenzivnu privatizaciju koja je često nepravedna i dugoročno štetna. Pokušavaju se naći održiva rješenja u generiranju dobiti u oblasti prirodnih resursa (šumarstvo, sporedni šumski proizvodi, ljekovite divlje biljke, lov, hidro-energetski sector, energija vjetra, naglašena ekspolatacija mineralnih i fosilnih resursa). Zbog toga su veoma česti oblici prekomjerne upotrebe prirodnih resursa. U isto vrijeme se izbjegavaju zakoni i opće zakonske mjere u postizanju održive prakse. Sve to dovodi do ozbiljnog gubitka temeljnih prirodnih vrijednosti (biološke, geo- morfološke i hidrološke raznolikosti). Svakodnevno nestaju biljne i životinjske vrste i vrijedna staništa. S druge strane, BiH je jedna od rijetkih zemalja koja još uvijek ima sačuvane pojedine dijelove prirodne raznolikosti visokih vrijednosti. To su prije svega razvojni endemni centri u kanjonima mnogih rijeka, te visokoplaninska karstna područja. Da bi se sačuvale njihove vrijednosti neophodno je uspostaviti adekvatan sistem zaštite, a u skladu sa lokalnim razvojnim potrebama i međunarodnim kriterijima (IUNC, Natura 2000). Kao jedan od oblika bolje prakse je uspostava zaštićenih područja. Ekološki i konzervacijski prihvatljivi pristupi ovakvoj praksi demonstrirani su na primjeru razvojnog

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1, 2Dr. sci. Sulejman Redžić, Full Professor, Corr. Member of ANUBiH 1Dr. sci. Senka Barudanović, Assoc. Professor

3Dejan Kulijer, BSc in Biology 1Sabina Trakić, BSc in Biology

1CEPRES – Center of Ecology and Natural Resources, Facultry of Science University of Sarajevo 2Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina,

Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina 3National Museum of BiH, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

[[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]] Abstract: Like many countries in transition and Bosnia and Herzegovina is builted in a very complex economic and even political situation. Every day increases the number of unemployed, more poor people. State tries to solve the problem through an intensive privatization, which is often unfair and long-term harmful. Trying to find viable solutions to be generated in the field of natural resources (forestry, secondary forest products, medicinal wild plants, hunting, hydro-power sector, wind energy, highlighted exploitation of mineral and fossil resources). Therefore are very common forms of excessive use of natural resources. At the same time to avoid the laws and general legal measures in achieving sustainable practices. All this leads to serious loss of basic natural values (biodiversity, hydrological and geo morphological diversity). Daily disappearing plant and animal species and valuable habitats. On the other hand, Bosnia is one of the few countries that still preserved some parts of the natural diversity of high value. These are primarily endemic development centers in many river canyons and high mountain karst areas. To preserve their value, it is necessary to establish an adequate system of protection, in accordance with local development needs and international criteria (IUCN, Natura 2000). As one of the better forms of practice is the establishment of protected areas. Conservation and environmentally friendly approach to this practice were demonstrated on the example of a development center in the complex endemic mountain Prenj-Čvrsnica Čabulja in-Herzegovina (Western Balkans) as an example of biological resources, and all significant biodiversity hot point in the Mediterranean region. Keywords: Natura 2000, IUNC, protected areas, biodiversity hotspots, ecological conservation, vegetation, flora Izvod



Kao i mnoge zemlje u tranziciji tako i Bosna i Hercegovina (BiH) se nalazi u vrlo složenoj ekonomskoj, pa i političkoj situaciji. Svakim danom raste broj nezaposlenih, sve je više siromašnih ljudi. Država nastoji rješiti problem kroz intenzivnu privatizaciju koja je često nepravedna i dugoročno štetna. Pokušavaju se naći održiva rješenja u generiranju dobiti u oblasti prirodnih resursa (šumarstvo, sporedni šumski proizvodi, ljekovite divlje biljke, lov, hidro-energetski sector, energija vjetra, naglašena ekspolatacija mineralnih i fosilnih resursa). Zbog toga su veoma česti oblici prekomjerne upotrebe prirodnih resursa. U isto vrijeme se izbjegavaju zakoni i opće zakonske mjere u postizanju održive prakse. Sve to dovodi do ozbiljnog gubitka temeljnih prirodnih vrijednosti (biološke, geo-morfološke i hidrološke raznolikosti). Svakodnevno nestaju biljne i životinjske vrste i vrijedna staništa. S druge strane, BiH je jedna od rijetkih zemalja koja još uvijek ima sačuvane pojedine dijelove prirodne raznolikosti visokih vrijednosti. To su prije svega razvojni endemni centri u kanjonima mnogih rijeka, te visokoplaninska karstna područja. Da bi se sačuvale njihove vrijednosti neophodno je uspostaviti adekvatan sistem zaštite, a u skladu sa lokalnim razvojnim potrebama i međunarodnim kriterijima (IUNC, Natura 2000). Kao jedan od oblika bolje prakse je uspostava zaštićenih područja. Ekološki i konzervacijski prihvatljivi pristupi ovakvoj praksi demonstrirani su na primjeru razvojnog


endemnog centra u kompleksu planina Prenj-Čvrsnica-Čabulja u Hercegovini (Zapadni Balkan) kao primjeru biološkog bogatstva, te sve značajnojoj „vrućoj tački” biodiverziteta u području Mediterana. Ključne riječi: Natura 2000, IUNC, zaštićena područja, vruće talke biodiverziteta, ekološka konzervacija, vegetacija, flora 1. Introduction Ecological specificities of the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BH) are reflected in high degree of endemism that, like the overall biodiversity of BH (Cvijić, 1893; Beck-Mannagetta, 1901; Adamović, 1907; Bušatlija, 1972; Čičić et al., 1984; Fukarek, 1979; Redžić, 1997, 2007a), is not sufficiently publicized and promoted. Insufficient information on rare and endemic species and specific and endemic types of animal communities prevents further research and leads to poor development of mechanisms for implementation of Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD, 1992) conversation plans and mechanisms for supportive development. In this sense, areas of special value are areas of Prenj, Čvrsnica and Čabulja (Herzegovina), as some of the biggest endemic development centers on the Balkans (Šilić 1967, 1970, 2000, 2002; Bjelčić and Šilić 1971; 1979; Redžić 1999, 2003, 2004, Redžić et al., 2007b) . Endemic development center of Prenj - Čvrsnica, Čabulja (EC PČČ) is located at the territory of Herzegovina, and includes extraordinary diversity of ecological conditions and therefore, extremely high level of biodiversity. Collision of Mediterranean and mountain climate types at the territory of limestone and limestone – dolomite surface, as well as highly complex geo-morphology of the terrain, are only some of causes for advent of extraordinary high number of endemic taxa at this area, that appears as an island in otherwise very diversified world of the Balkan peninsula (Katzer, 1926; Fukarek 1949, 1965; Riter-Studnička, 1956; Lakušić, 1969, 1970; Horvat et al., 1974; Herak and Stringfield, 1972; Lepirica, 2005, 2007, 2008). Area of the endemic center is spread on the territory of about 1000 square kilometers. As one of co-signers of the Convention on Biological Diversity, Bosnia and Herzegovina puts efforts to actively involve in global trends and activities, and one of the main activities is preservation of biodiversity at the existing level and prevention of potential loses in biodiversity, in accordance with Targets 2010 (SCBD, 2004; Redžić et al., 2007). In this regard, realized the complex ecological research in the karst area Prenj, Čvrsnica Čabulja Mts. in Herzegovina as a fundamental contribution to Natura 2000. Summary results and experiences from these studies are presented in this paper. 2. General goal and mission Project achieved significant improvement in modern inventory and evaluation of specific diversity of species and ecosystems within wide area of endemic development center, which would be used as basic for setting new protection areas with certain IUCN category (IUNC, 1993-2001), and also for preparation of national list of species and biotopes that would be recommended in annexes of habitat and Bird directive. Through this goal, BiH is hoping to exit condition of long term isolation from global conservation trends, which, among others, resulted in fact that biodiversity of BiH is widely unknown, while rare and endangered species from this area are not included in national and international documents that emphasize importance of conservation status. Suggested project represents natural sequence of events in accordance with ongoing project of setting the National strategy of biodiversity and action plan for protection of biological biodiversity and biodiversity of landscape of BH (Redžić et al., 2003, 2008). One of strategic goals that could be determined at this moment is establishment of serious approach in management of biologically and ecologically most valuable areas in BiH, that would be based on scientific researches and positive global experiences in conservation. Through inventory and evaluation of condition of biodiversity at the area of endemic center, this project will finalize basis for establishment of conservation status in accordance with IUCN categories, and will also emphasize needs and possibilities of successful conservation of species, biotopes and ecosystems through consideration of endangerment level.


3. Project items:

1. Inventory of diversities of species, biotopes and ecosystems within endemic development center of Prenj – Čvrsnica - Čabulja;

2. Definition of geo-morphological units of endemic development center; 3. Evaluation of condition of biodiversity by determined methodology; 4. Identification of rare / endangered types of biotopes and rare / endangered species based on

the lists in annexes of Habitat and Bird directive; 5. Identification of rare / endangered types of biotopes and rare / endangered species within

national frames; 6. Distribution of rare / endangered types of biotopes and species based on the lists in annexes of

Habitat and Bird directive, and within national frames; 7. Evaluation of ecosystem conditions; 8. Definition of suggestions for conservation status of specific areas within endemic center of

Prenj – Čvrsnica - Cabulja. 4. What are the endemic development centers? At the territory of the whole planet of Earth, currently identified are 34 regions defined as „biodiversity

hotspots“, or areas that are characterized with extraordinary biological diversity – richness of flora, fauna and fungus, huge number of endemic species, and realistic and potential vulnerability (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Overview of main „biodiversity hotspots” regions in the world In light of extraordinary richness of biological diversity, four distinguished areas are identified at the territory of Europe and central Asia. Those are as follows: • Caucasus, • Iran - Anatolia • Mediterranean pool and, • Mountains of Central Asia. One of the most distinguished areas at the territory of Europe in light of richness of biodiversity is Mediterranean pool (Figure 2).


Figure 2. Area with extraordinary richness of biological diversity in area of Mediterranean (underlined with red color) ( It is considered that area of large biodiversity within Mediterranean territory is spread on the surface of 2,085,292 km2 with diagnosed 11,700 types of species, 98009 km2 original forms of vegetation and approximately 90,000 km2 of protected area and significant number of endangered species of plants and animals. Many of those areas are relatively well researched in this aspect (area of west Mediterranean), while other areas are relatively poorly known. One of big enigmas at the territory of the whole Mediterranean in view of evaluation of the level of bio-diversity, level of endemism, intensity and nature of endangerment is west part of Balkan Peninsula and location of BH Dinarides. Considering all attributes and global criteria for „biodiversity hotspots“ regions, including richness in species, high level of endemism and relicts, extremely high level of vegetation diversity, as well as enormous richness of geological and hydrological diversity, area of BH Dinarides indicates locations with these attributes that makes them specific „biodiversity“ hot spots. One of those areas is definitely high Herzegovina mountains surrounding river of Neretva - Prenj, Čvrsnica and Čabulja (Figure 3). During earlier researches in complex of mountains of Prenj - Čvrsnica and Čabulja very high level of diversity of plants, fungus and animals, vegetation units were determined (Lakušić et al., 1978; Redžić et al., 1992/94, 2007; Redžić, 2008a, 2008b, 2008c; Šilić, 2002).


Figure 3. Geographical position of endemic development center of Prenj - Čvrsnica and Čabulja at the territory of the Balkans Besides this, very high level of endemic species of flora and fauna was determined and recently endemic vegetative communities, so this area was marked as “endemic center”. This area is still active in intensive processes of speciation that result in creation of new endemic species, like in the past, so this whole area is marked as “development endemic center”. That is truly the case, of about 450 taxa of endemic vascular plants as registered at the territory of BiH; about 350 of them are located in this area (Bjelčić, 1987). Some of endemic species are limited solely to this area (Minuartia handeli, Dianthus freyini, Campanula hercegovina i sl.), and they are specific steno-endemics. Besides flora, richness of fauna is also present, as well as significant geo-morphological and hydrological diversity. Even though this area was researched in the past, many unknown facts on real forms and levels of biological diversities still exist and that is appealing for urgent additional scientific objectification of this area and development of adequate measures for effective and long term protection through appropriate forms of management of development (Redžić et al., 2007) 5. Importance of thematic programs implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity in accordance with Targets 2010 Convention on biological diversity (Rio de Janeiro, 1992), as international document, identified problem of the planet in detriment of biodiversity, and set global goals and strategies for prevention and preservation (CBD, 1992). However, established goals could be reached only through localized actions, so obvious responsibility is on countries that signed the Convention to develop actions and programs of preservation of global biodiversity. Main actions, that are mandatory for countries that signed the Convention, include the following:

1. Identification and monitoring of components of biological diversity that are preserved or sustainable used,

2. Establishment of protected areas in order to preserve biological diversity and to promote acceptable development of these areas,


3. Rehabilitation and restoration of degraded ecosystems and promotion of recover of endangered species, in cooperation with local inhabitants,

4. Respect, protection and use of traditional knowledge on sustainable use of biodiversity with involvement of local inhabitants,

5. Prevention of entering and control of spreading of invasive species that could endanger ecosystems, biotopes or species,

6. Risk control caused by genetically modified organisms, 7. Promotion of public involvement, specially in evaluation of influence of development projects

on surrounding and biological diversity, 8. Education and raise of awareness on importance of biological diversity and need of its

protection, 9. Reporting on effectiveness of country in achievement of goals.

Actions of conservation of biodiversity are various on global level. In situ conservation includes preservation of genes, species and ecosystems in their natural environment (i.e. through establishment of protected area, restoration of ecosystems or adoption of legislation for it protection). Since 1992, the Convention on biological diversity established a number of thematic programs for preservation of biodiversity of land and maritime areas, forests, mountain areas, dry areas, agro-biocenosis, and others. Philosophy of sustainable development, ecosystem approach and inter-sector cooperation include basic leading ideas in preservation of biodiversity as joint value and need of all people on the planet. By decision of signatory countries, adopted was the Strategic plan that required the signatory countries to more effective implementation of general goals of the Convention, in order to achieve significant reduction of current level of detriment of biodiversity on global, regional and national levels by 2010, as contribution to reduction of poverty and for wellbeing of life on the Earth. Key areas that should be used for implementation of Goals 2010 set in the Strategic plan are as follows:

1. Decrease of level of detriment of components of biodiversity, including biome, biotopes and ecosystems, species, populations and genetic diversity

2. Identification and overview of main dangers for biodiversity, including those caused by climate changes, pollution, conversion of biotopes, invasive species,

3. Sustainability of wholeness of ecosystems and ecosystem services for human wellbeing 4. Protection of traditional knowledge, innovation and practices, 5. Ensuring of justified and equal benefits of using genetically resources 6. Mobilization of financial and technical resources, especially in development countries, that

would be used in implementation of the Convention and the Strategic plan. 6. What is biological diversity?

According to the Convention on biological diversity (CBD, 1992), biological diversity should be interpreted as wholeness of all living organisms that are part of land, maritime and other aquatic ecosystems and ecological complex; it also includes diversity within species, among species and diversity among ecosystems. At the Summit in Johanseburg (2002) biological diversity was pronounced the key of sustainable development of mankind. Detriment of biodiversity has significant circumstances on function of ecosystem that is non-favorable trend for future of mankind. Important preconditions for human life (food, medicines, materials, sufficient amounts of drinking water) seriously pending on biodiversity. Area of high mountains of Prenj, Čvrsnica and Čabulja is certain “hot spot” and one of the richest areas in light of total richness of plants, animals, fungus, plant communities, ecosystems, landscapes and diversity of cultures. This is area with largest number of endemic and relict plants and animals in Mediterranean and in south east Europe. Besides, this area includes unique landscapes and extraordinary high level of their diversity. Area of mountain complex of Prenj, Čvrsnica and Čabulja is specific and unrepeatable in many ways and has global value in view of biological and geo-morphological, hydrological and ecological diversity. It deserves to be protected in its original form as a whole, or at least in its most valuable parts. 7. Hypothesis and ecological approach


Area of high mountains in Herzegovina at the territory of endemic development center of Prenj, Čvrsnca and Čabulja is unique and unrepeatable part of world’s biological and geo-morphological diversity that deserves all forms of modern and effective management and protection. With adequate system of management endemic development center of PČČ, and natural diversity contained within it, provides extraordinary possibilities for generation of ecologically profitable projects and decrease of local poverty, development of integration processes in the region, as well as on the European and global level. 8. General condition / threats

Intensive process of transition and (non) principal privatization in the region could seriously endanger overall biodiversity in endemic development center of PČČ, a truthful global natural heritage. Variety of over-border pollution and global climate changes should be added as well. Currently, most significant identified threats are as follows:

1. Over-exploitation of forests; 2. Uncontrolled and over-exploitation of medical, vitamin, eatable, aromatic plants, fungus and

animals; 3. Non selective exploitation of mineral resources; 4. Illness of forests due to invasion of different pathogens; 5. Mining of certain areas; 6. Uncontrolled fires; 7. Over-exploitation of biological resources from water eco-systems; 8. Ecologically unacceptable different forms of aquaculture; 9. Uncontrolled hunting and fishing; 10. Decrease in quality of surface water; 11. Conversion of biotopes in system of succession (absence of pastures that cause disappearance

of meadows and rocky biotopes); 12. Uncontrolled visits of people through different forms of recreation; 13. Collecting of endangered species of plants and endangered and endemic species of animals

and their illegal placement to “scientific” market, as well as other forms of “illegal market” set for needs of passionate collectors, botanical gardens and zoos;

14. Everyday conversion of natural biotopes through processes of non selective and non balanced construction of roads and settlements. In addition, special emphasis should be given to tendencies and serious plans to construct corridor Vc and highway that, according to existing project documents, could seriously endanger basic values of hydrological, geological, geo-morphological, biological and ecological differences of this unique area.

9. Measures of management Area of mountains Prenj, Čvrsnica and Čabulja as a part of global natural heritage should be placed under effective and adequate regime of management and long term protection. This way their enormous resource would be put on disposal to local community in generation of new working places and better future, while at the same time geo-fund of extraordinary value would be protected, not only for sustain of natural balance in this part of Dinarides, but also in wider area, including European countries. In accordance with international practice and considering complexity and ecological fragility of biological and geo-morphological diversity, most adequate for achieving general goal is establishment of adequate regime of natural management through certain form of protected area that would include ecological – biological, economical and social interests, on local, entity and state level. 10. Review of main achievement 10.1.Geographic position of research area Area of research in complex of high mountains of Herzegovina is determined by coordinates 17º i 19º E i 43º i 44º N. Observed area is high upland frame of mountains of Prenj, Čvrsnica and Čabulja. It is positioned in north Herzegovina, in area of middle and upper Neretva (Figure 4).


Figure 4. Geographical position of endemic development center of Prenj - Čvrsnica-Čabulja

From aspect of geographical regionalization, territory is a part of Bosnia and Herzegovina high Krast macro-region or its subunit – mezzo region of north upland of Herzegovina. Territory is spread on area of approximately 1000 km². Approximately, area is spread from accumulation of Jablanica lake at north to Bjelopoljska valley on south and from near proximity of Boračko lake on east to far north west slopes of Čabulja on west. 10.2. Methodologic approach In the process of evaluation of EC PČČ comprised is exceptionally large number of records on spatial and temporal ecosystem's organisation, in the widest sense of word, including all relevant information on both abiotic and biotic component of endemic center Prenj, Čvrsnica, Čabulja. Main parameter for this evaluation is biodiversity (diversity), as understood in the sense of the most recent International community's beliefs OUN - AGENDA 21, Rio de Janeiro 1992. godine (Sitarz and Simon, 1993), and new achievements of modern science, especially of conservation biology and ecology. Besides, assessed are all other elements related to determination of forms and levels of biodiversity, such as: orography, geological and pedological figure, ecoclimate and anthropogenous impacts reflected in diverse activities. In order to obtain objective and usefull categorisation of zones, and entire areas, as basic criteria and starting points considered are, as follows : 1. level of biotop's uniqueness 2. level of structure's maintenance and its dynamics for given ecosystem or biom, 3. level of endemism and relictness of living world, 4. threat's level of living world, 5. distribution and ecological consistency of distinct ecosystems, 6. ecosystem's ecological and biological homogenity, 7. assessment of the successive ecosystem's stage (climax vegetation, climax of orography), 8. ecosystem's carrying capacity, 9. possibilities to integrate the existing infrastructure into structural and functional units, 10. communication options, respectively possibilities for flow of gens between isolated ecosystem

parts, 11. possibilities to set up ecological corridors between remote, naturally valuable biotopes, 12. possibilities to set the area for the welfare of local and regional community, 13. possibilities to include into the european ecological network, sustainable management options for

forest ecosystems and establishment of steady plots for continous investigation,


14. International community's intention in the field of natural heritage management (IUNC, 2001), 15. International documenst (conventios, protocols, agreements dealing with sustainable management

of natural resources and sustainable physical planning), 16. establishment of an ideal system of measures for balanced protection of biological and ecological

diversity, 17. directed and massive education, 18. scientific and expert research of ecosystems, 19. participation in international projects reffering to the management of biological and ecological

diversity. By the categorization and defining of the measures for sustainable management on ecological principles, applied is IUCN’s methodology – International Union for Conservation of Nature, respecting all local specificities – biological, ecological, social, economic, cultural and educational ones (IUCN, 1992-2001). 10.3. Analysis and digitalisation of records ( GIS – methodology) For spatial analysis and cartographic interpretation of records obtained in the field, it was used ArcView programme package version 3.2.a. Maps in scale 1:25.000 were a cartographic background (Ashdown and Schaller, 1990). Analysis was carried out thanks to the vast material collected during either present or former field research (including co-ordinates and records from the field maps). During the field work into the GIS database, which encompasses information on distribution of abiotic and biotic components in the investigated area, were included well documented and described records. GIS database contains series of spatial data on abiotic and biotic component of the investigated area. Information on quantity, distribution and status of plant communities are integrated into the database, which is linked with GIS layers. Spatial analysis of species and habitat's distribution enabled us determine zones that posses high biodiversity level in the investigated area. Analysis of data, which are compiled into GIS database, will asure the development of suitable models for the management in the investigated area. In the project's framework conducted is spatial analysis of collected and digitized data, then the assessment of biodiversity's state and evaluation of conservation importance of the investigated area. 10.4. Main results Specific relief forms and diversity of climate, geological base, wind and ecological factors have caused development of different types of soils. On limestone emerge different development stages of soils. In biogeographical sense, the area of endemic development center within Mts. Prenj, Čvrsnica and Čabulja takes a unique position. Two major biogeographical regions collide right in this area. These regions are: Euro-Siberian – Boreo-American and Alpine – High Nordic region. Besides, in the lowest positions are to be felt strong influence coming from the Mediterranean in the South (Lakušić, 1969). The main streamline for this evaluation was biodiversity (diversity), as understood by most recent beliefs of the International community OUN - AGENDA 21, Rio de Janeiro 1992. godine (Sitarz and Simon, 1993), and new scientific achievements, especially in conservation biology and ecology. Besides, there have been assessed all other elements, which are directly or indirectly attached to determination of biodiversity's forms and levels, such as: orography, geologic-pedological condition, ecoclimate, occuring anthropogenic impacts expressed through diverse actions. The assessment of threat's level of flora and fauna, the conservation zoning and understanding of protected area is done in accordance with IUCN's criteria and methodology (IUNC, 1994-2001). Biodiversity of vascular flora in complex of mountains surrounding river of Neretva (Prenj, Čvrsnica and Čabulja) is extremely rich. Out of nearly 5000 taxa, estimated to inhabitate the territory of whole BiH, nearly 2500 taxa are found in this area. Even though certain flora researches have been conducted in the past, level of biodiversity has remained relatively unknown. Besides, area of ECPČČ is unique and rarely iterative in wider proportions based on number of endemic flora. Out of total number of 450 taxa, estimated to be available in BiH, nearly 50 % inhabitate this area. Therefore, area of Mts. Prenj, Čvrsnica and Čabulja are specific “hot spots” considering floristic richness, as well as its endemism.


For those reasons, this area is of global value. It is one of the most important endemic development centers in Balkan Peninsula, one of the biggest in Mediterranean and SE Europe and it could be considered as area of global value. Area of endemic center PČČ is highly diverse in respect of vegetation or ecological diversity. At this abiotic heterogeneous space, 236 ecological systems are found at the level of association, which are included in several ecological – floristic systems at level of alliance (116), 63 at level of order and 34 vegetation classes. These communities represent the productive component in more than 50 ecosystems. This is one of the most diverse areas in Europe in terms of biological and ecological diversity (Trinajstić, 2007; Rodwell et al., 2002; Redžić, 2007a). The assessment of ecosystem's state shows that over 60 % of analyzed communities indicate ecosystems that are under relatively low human impact. Under slightly stronger impact are 15 % of ecosystems, while the remaining 7 % are ecosystems with significantly modified natural structure and dynamics. Capacity of acceptance is most reliable parameter by general assessment of ecosystem’s persistency relating diverse impacts, and functionality that ought to ensure basic ecosystems function – circulation of matter and energy flow. Threat’s level for plant communities was assessed based on the same principles like it was done for flora (IUCN, 2001), whereby 206 communities were detected in the area of ECPČČ that are considered to be threatened in some extent. Out of 206 communities, prevail rare ones (sub-endangered communities), which is 80 communities or 39%. Next are vulnerable ones (78 communities) or 38%, endangered ones (34) or 17%, 11 or 5% are of insufficiently known conservation status. Out of 2000 taxa of vascular plants as it was estimated to occur in the area of ECPČČ, about 200 of them have got certain conservation status. Out of 198 taxa registered in the area prevail species categorized as vulnerable ones (48%). In morphogenetic aspect several types of relief could be distinguished: karst, fluvial-karst, and hillside, fluvial, fossil-glacial, fluvial-glacial, peri-glacial and fluvial-denudation relief. Researched area has a number of hydrological phenomena. Special value is in two mountain lakes. Boračko lake is in foothills of Prenj Mt. and Blidinje lake is located between Vran and Čvrsnica Mts. at far western part of Dugo Polje.

Starting from the most valuable, most unique and most characteristically values, as well as level of existing preservation level, in accordance with criteria and recommendations of IUCN, area of Prenj Mt. and area of Čvrsnica and Čabulja Mts. are zoned as follows :

• Nucleus (most valuable part) • Buffer (protection zone of nucleolus) and • Transition zone (for generation of ecologically profitable benefit aimed toward ensuring

necessary means for balanced protection and management of biological and geo-morphological diversity, mostly contained in nucleus, and in the buffer zone).

At Prenj Mt., a bit more than 17.260 ha is designated as zone of NUCLEUS encompassing the

highest values of still preserved nature and originality of both mountain habitats and entire ecosystems. Designated area of NUCLEUS possesses all characteristics and determinants to be NATURAL RESERVOIR, and could be identified as a final goal in the system of sustainable protection and conservation (Table 1).

Table 1. Proportion of certain zones of conservation of Prenj Conservation zone Area (ha) Nucleus (N) 17.265,88 Buffer (B) 16.308,21 Transition zone (T) 16.522,04 Area under special status 4.509,03 Total area 54.605,16 Territorial coverage excluding area under special 51.754,38



At about 16.300 ha is a BUFFER zone that is stretching along the zone of nucleus. Transition zone extends over territory of about 16.520 ha, which is covered mostly with deciduous forests Due to connection with neighboring area of Čvrsnica and Čabulja, suggested are functional ecological corridors that would enable much better communication for certain animals and for entire populations of animals and plants as well. Area of Čvrsnica and Čabulja Mts. is zoned into the same conservation zones (Table 2). Zone of NUCLEUS covers 15.811ha. That is the area of high mountains that includes different habitat types. This area includes most impressive forms of geo-morphological diversity – cirques, underlined mountain karst relief, most diversified karrin, sinkholes, depressions, caves, semi-caves. This diversity along with rich world of animal species makes this area as one of the biggest natural values in Dinarides. The area of nucleus has got all attributes of NATURAL RESERVOIR. The BUFFER zone covers about 14.670 ha. The zone of transition spreads over 21.270 ha.

Table 2. Proportion of certain zones of conservation of Čvrsnica and Čabulja

Conservation zone Area (ha) Nucleus (N) 15.811,80 Buffer (B) 14.670,67 Transition zone (T) 21.270,25 Total area 51.752,72

It is being estimated that under conditions of highly developed management and by help of resources contained within this area, then through development of winter, educational, spiritual, recreational tourism, balanced usage of basic and secondary forest products, balanced cattle breeding, apiculture, development of herbal sector, as well as other activities that are compatible to natural values, could be moved ecologically profitable projects that would ensure majority of needed funds for the establishment of two national parks, unique in many ways, with a number of comparative strengths, in relation to many others in the region or Dinarides, that would be favorable to local, regional and national development and stimulative to generation of needed integration processes that would open doors for new investors (GEF, WB) as well as it would connect this area with unique European system of valuable cultural heritage (NATURA 2000).

Already recognized natural values of the area, based on values of its bio- and geodiversity, were protected by laws of SRBiH, and, as protected areas, were treated in former Physical Planning. In connection with this, and based on stated facts, then on degree and conservation state of diversity of species, habitats and ecosystems, in accordance with the Law on protection of nature of FBiH, it is suggested to separate following protected areas: A) Geo-morphological – ecological units of Čvrsnica, Čabulja

1. Protected natural area of Čvrsnica (Pločno, Veliki Vilinac), 2. Protected natural area of Čabulja (slopes toward Drežnica), 3. National park Čvrsnica and Čabulja (with area between: Jablanica, Doljanka, Sović, Dugo

polje, Posušje, Mostar, delta of Drežnica through Jablanica), B) Geo-morphological – ecological unit of Prenj

4. Protected natural area of Prenj (Borašnica, Lupoglav, Galić Prenj, slopes of Crne Gore) 5. National park Prenj (with area: Konjic, valley of Idbra, Jablanica, Glogošnica, Bijela, Galić

Prenj, Ruište, Boračko lake with island, valley of Neretve through Konjica). 11. Conclusion


Based on analysis of geo-morphological, pedological, climate and characteristics of biodiversity of researched areas, it has been determined that area of Prenj, Čvrsnica and Čabulja is differentiated into two named units. From aspect of management of nature, named area should have differentiated several separate protected areas with different levels of protection. Characteristics of biodiversity of named area point to differentiation of protected areas with highest degree of protection in top areas of all three mountains. Therefore, suggested is creation of protected natural areas of Čvrsnica (1), Čabulja (2) and Prenj (4). Characteristics of bio and geo-diversity of other areas in named geo-morphological units point to need for creation of national parks of Čvrsnica and Čabuja (3) and Prenj (5), that would provide adequate preservation of biodiversity and enable sustainable usage of resources and potential of space. Creation of named protected areas in named categories would make possible realization of such management plans that would allow that areas of category a be observed as zone of nucleolus of two suggested national parks. 12. Acknowledgement This papaer is part of the Project: “Biodiversity of endemic development centers at the area of Herzegovina, as support to goal targets 2010“ prepared in co-operation with CEPRES – Centre for Ecology and natural Resources at the Faculty of Science, Sarajevo University, contracted by Project No.: BA-FDCP-CQ-SA-CS-06-TF052697-CS8-9, Ministry of agriculture, water management and forestry of Federation B&H (PIU Forestry and Agriculture FB&H), Project for development and maintenance of forests Italian Grant no. TF052697, March, 2007. 13. References

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