the big picture united we stand against a global conspiracy

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  • 8/8/2019 The Big Picture United We Stand Against a Global Conspiracy


    The Big Pictureby

    max igan

    Part One

    A Global Conspiracy

    For every question regarding our world, there is a conspiracy theory offered from somequarter claiming to address it. These conspiracy theories number into the hundreds and theyare nearly always dead ends, or at best, lead to another conspiracy and so on, ad infinitum.Even though its become obvious to most that something is not quite right, and that some sortof global conspiracy does indeed exist, it is still hard to see exactly what it is, and where thetruth really lies.

    John F Kennedy described it like this:

    We are opposed, around the world, by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that reliesprimarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence, on infiltration instead ofinvasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice. It is a

    system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a

    tightly knit and highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence,

    economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed not published,

    its mistakes are buried not headlined, its dissenters are silenced not praised. No

    expenditure is questioned, no secret is revealed.

    Later when trying to conduct an investigation into the Kennedy Assassination, the Director ofthe FBI, J Edgar Hoover echoed Kennedys sentiments when he said.

    The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so

    monstrous he cannot believe it exists

    It is time the people of the world stood up and paid heed to the urgency and importancecontained within those two quotes. Yet, you say, even if one were to do so, then how do we

    the ordinary individual, ever get to the bottom of this? And if we do ever get to the bottom ofit, then what are we to do then? And those are both very good questions.

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    Well, the best way to start is to get all fluoride out of your diet and gain an understanding ofhistory. Then learn to look at each news story from a global perspective. Disregard most ofwhat the announcer tells you to believe, and place the event where it belongs, on the Globalstage. Then ask yourself that old Greek adage Cu Bono. Who Benefits? And moreimportantly, when you discover a truth, uncover a lie, or find an anomaly, tell your friends.

    Spread the information as far and wide as you can reach because the media most certainly willnot. However the most important thing of all in order to be able to do either of the above is to

    be aware of your surroundings in a global sense. See the BIG Picture.

    All the World is a Stage, and everything that occurs on it, is planned to happen that way, andthere are patterns. The key to seeing it, is to focus on the now, because now, is where you live.The life you are living, and the thoughts you are having, are all in the now. Now is where youare, and it should be where your center lies. Look at history and be aware of its lessons, butdont center yourself in it. Dont dwell upon passed losses or on the past repeating itself.Likewise, look at the future and see that it is what we each make of it, but dont centreyourself in it. Dont focus on waiting for miraculous or Earth Changing events. Gain wisdom

    and knowledge. Look at the Big Picture. The past and the future become self evident.

    When searching for the truth about what is happening to this world, there are many redherrings to be found along the way, and a myriad of conspiracy theories to choose from. Manyof them seem quite possible, because many of them are partially true, but all are designed tolead nowhere and to keep you distracted. If one steps back a little further however, it becomesapparent that underlying them all, is one very real conspiracy that is both brilliant andfrightening in its simplicity and by far the cleverest thing the perpetrators ever did to concealit was to build a conspiracy culture. A fringe section of society that perpetuated years ofrumors and countless other non existent or partially informative conspiracy theories to cloudthe truth and breed an air of endless ridicule around the topic. Talk of Aliens, SecretTechnologies, Star gates, UFO cover-ups, government conspiracies. All topics that may ormay not be true, and always designed to fire the imagination and distract the curious and to

    provide some sort of sustenance to those who know that something is going on, but simplydont quite know what it is. And lately we have seen the most perfect, the most plausible

    possibility of them all.

    The arrival of Planet X.

    Part 2

    The Return of Planet X.

    Now I would like to state right here for the record, that I am very well versed in the work ofZechariah Sitchin and the Sumerian accounts of an extra, as yet still to be discovered, planetthat may exist in our solar system and I personally believe much of his research to be sound.But, is this planet due to make a pass of the inner solar system in 2012, as many seem to


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    The predicted arrival of Planet x in 2012 explains a lot of things for a lot of people itexplains underground bunkers, satellite launches, global warming, erratic weather patternsand many other things besides, but remember that even if the return of a planet is a reality,then such a crossing of planetary bodies would be a huge event on a global scale, and anyhome built underground shelter would offer little, or no protection from upheavals of such

    magnitude. When it was over, realistically, your shelter could now be at the top of a mountainrange, at the bottom of an ocean, or in the center of some new recently relocated layer of

    bedrock. One would need to be located in a deep underground bunker below the lithosphere inorder to guarantee survival in such an event. In fact survival, for anyone on, or near thesurface, would be a matter of pure luck, of simply being in the right place at the right time -Location, location, location. Think about it, seriously, if something like planet x really didcome past, what could we possibly do, as individuals, to positively ensure our survival,seriously, what could we possibly do?

    Absolutely nothing.

    And what do we actually know about this mysterious body?Does Planet x exist? Possibly, quite likely.Can anyone state for certain? No they cant.Is the Flyby possible? Yes it is.Can anyone state for certain that it will occur in 2012? No they cant.Are the other planets in our solar system experiencing perturbations? Well, yes they are.Are they being caused by Planet x or could they be because we are approaching the highergravitational region of the Galactic Ecliptic? And truth is that no one knows.So can anyone actually state for certain that anything will occur in 2012 at all? Absolutely not.

    The fact is that almost anything - from a polar shift - to absolutely nothing of a physicalnature at all - could happen when we pass the line of the Galactic ecliptic. There may indeed

    be Earth changes - past records hint at something, and it is obvious that the Earth has seenmany past civilizations, but the real fact, is that we just dont know.

    Planet X, like all good conspiracy theories, is a perfect solve to the riddle, but it remainstotally unverifiable and presently sits squarely in the Well have to wait and see basket. It isa possibility, like all good conspiracies, but at present it can in no way be confirmed, and so itis indeed still a theory. If it turns out to be true, and such a planet does arrive, then there will

    be absolutely nothing that you, nor I, nor anyone else on the surface of this planet, will be ableto do except enjoy the ride, and hope we are in the right place on earth to get through it at the

    time. Of course its prudent to have survival gear on hand at any time, just as a matter ofcourse, and the idea that planet x maybe coming is good to keep in mind as a possibility. If itcan be seen in the sky in 2009, then certainly, pay more heed to it, but until that time do notlet it distract you from the now, because there are other matters that require your attention andqui bono. Who benefits? What does all this talk of Planet x do when added to the big pictureon the global stage?

    It does one very noticeable thing. It centers you in the future - away from the now. It tells youto disregard what is going on around you and ignore any and all conspiracies you see becausethey will all amount to nothing in 2012 when Planet x passes by and the world changes.

    It tells you to ignore the world financial crisis and the introduction of new currencies, ignorethe terrorist bombings and even if it did seem like an inside job, to just ignore the actions of

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    the police and military and ignore the government removing your rights. Ignore the evidenceof 911; ignore them waging their wars. Disregard whats going on in Iraq; ignore themdismantling your freedoms to keep you safe from terrorists; dont worry about thesurveillance cameras and the RFID tracking cards; keep your eyes away from eventsoccurring on the world political stage and ignore the secret prisons and the torture, because all

    will be cleansed in 2012 when Planet x passes by and the world changes and qui Bono. Whobenefits from this?

    Well The power elite of course - who now have many people who are waking up andsearching for the truth, tied up and distracted for another 4 years waiting for the world as weknow it to end while they are left alone to take care of the finishing touches on their plansaway from prying eyes and annoying researchers. And then in or around 2012 the world as weknow it may well indeed end, but not from any global catastrophe or the passing of planet x. Itwill end as the old world passes and the New World Order begins in earnest.

    My friends, all the World is a Stage and everything that occurs on it happens by design, and

    there are patterns. Focus on the Now because that is where you are. Look at the future and seethat it is what we each make of it but do not centre yourself in it. Center yourself in the now.Look at the Big Picture.

    Part Three.

    The Money Game.

    There is indeed a Global Conspiracy going on, and the way it has been carried out andconcealed, is through control of the global money system, and hence control of all othersubsequent systems of importance down the food chain, such as governments and media.

    Its important to understand that control of the global money system, has been achieved thrucontrol of the global central banking system, and that this system is a privately run enterprise.It is a private business, that runs for a profit, and it is owned and operated by wealthy private

    banking dynasties such as the Rothschilds, the Morgans, and the Rockefellers.

    And please also clearly understand.

    * When you control the Money Supply, you control the Government.

    * When you control the Government, you control the people.

    * When you control the Money Supply and the flow of Information, you control the

    Government, you control the people, and you control everything they know, and

    everything they believe to be true.

    * When you do it globally, you control all.

    Its that simple.

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    During World War 2, every country, on both sides of the conflict, was financed by the verysame Private Bankers who lent out every dollar these countries used to finance their wareffort, at interest. In the ensuing years, the ordinary people from both sides saw greathardships and suffering and during the fighting there were heavy casualties among all the

    peoples involved. World War 2 cost over 50 million lives, and when it was over each country

    that had participated was left with a huge debt to the banks, and it was always the people whopaid the price through increased taxes, longer hours and poorer working conditions. And qibono, who benefited?

    Well, JD Rockefeller stayed home, and he made profits in excess of $200 million from it.For international bankers, there is nothing more profitable than war, and so when it is takeninto account that these same International Bankers now control all the major media, have tiesto all the major oil cartels and arms dealers, finance all the main political partys, and controlthe currency of all western nations is it any wonder the world stays in a constant state ofconflict and war?

    In the months following World War 2, a number of prominent members of Hitlers core Naziinfrastructure were smuggled out of Germany and into America, in a documented jointoperation, conducted with the Vatican, known as "operation paperclip." Operation Paperclipsaw as many as eighty Nazi war criminals, that held key position in Hitlers empire, and haddetailed knowledge of the Nazi war machine, taken to America. These people included figuressuch as Klaus Barbie, along with numerous Nazi scientists who were all removed to theUnited States, supposedly to assist the Government with spying operations against Russia,and for assistance in the US Rocket and space programs. Many of these men were givenadvisory positions on boards dealing with domestic and international security, and it is onesuch advisory panel that gave birth to the National Security Council. The NSC then, in turn,spawned the Council on Foreign Relations and its muscle the C.I.A. and very soon after theformation of these three organizations, came the creation of the United Nations. Touted as thesupposed solver of world conflict, the UN was put there to maintain the safety and security ofthe people and to ensure that nothing as heinous as World War 2 could ever happen again. Andthe world has seen nothing but a continuous stream of war ever since.In fact, since the formation of the NSC, the CFR, the C.I.A. and subsequently the UN in 1947,the Earth has seen 258 conflicts, in fact more wars, than in its entire recorded history prior tothat point.

    Just why is that?

    Each time one of these wars has erupted - usually in an area that never saw any real conflictbefore - its happened in a way that has invited western intervention, and each time we havebeen told by the media that this intervention is to ensure peace. Time and time again they sayit - To make peace, we use war. Peace comes from War. War brings Peace. War is Peace. ItsDoublespeak. If you want peace with another nation, you dont go to war with them; you goto peace with them. You work at gaining understanding for each other, and you help eachother, you dont kill each others children and both borrow money from the same bank atinterest in order to do it.

    And noticeably, none of the areas where such military intervention has occurred, ever becometruly peaceful again, each one just stays in a state of guarded tension, looked over by

    peacekeepers, and continues to function in a state of human suffering, and as anotherendless source of income for the international bankers.

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    In 1947, as soon as the C.I.A. was formed, the organization began to spread its tentacles worldwide, finding footholds and taking root in almost all countries on earth. From there, andworking closely with its Israeli counterpart the MOSSAD, the C.I.A, has managed toundermine nations from within by using false flag operations, propaganda, and terrorism.Please understand that these organizations were created on the recommendations of top level

    Nazis, and they were founded, and operate, on Nazi principles. The C.I.A. has since becomethe number one trafficker of drugs and human cargo in the world. The C.I.A. are not the goodguys, they are anything but. They are a criminal Cabal, disguised as an intelligence agency,that is based on Nazi principles, has unlimited resources, both financially and militarily, andthey are answerable to no-one. The C.I.A. and MOSSAD function as virtually the oneorganization, and either they or their agents, have been responsible for virtually all terrorist

    bombings the world has seen in the last 60 years. Their prime mandate is to undermine worldsecurity and pave the way for the introduction of a global government, controlled by a globalmonetary system. A global monetary system that is wholly owned, and operated, by private


    At the end of World War 2, the Reich didnt lose or surrender, Germany did. The Reich simplywent underground, and disappeared. The truth is that the Reich was controlled and financed

    by European Bankers, right from the start, and at the end of the war they simply moved it toAmerica and let it continue to function, but hidden in the shadows. And unbeknownst to theAmerican people, or to Congress, or to the people of the world, it has continued to operatefrom behind the scenes, and over the last 60 years, it has infiltrated itself into all importantlevels of government, and industry, and the media, and has gradually spread itself out, acrossthe entire globe.

    Part Four

    The Long Arm of the Lawless

    The current world situation has been carefully planned, and it is a plan that has been long inthe making. This whole economic and political climate, has been brought about by design.In the late 1970s a plan was put forth by the C.I.A. to train Islamic fighters in the Afghan war

    against Russia, in a new form of radical Islamic thinking. The concept was to teach theMujahadeen that the Russians were not just attacking their country, they were attacking theirfaith. During that period large numbers of mercenary fighters came to Afghanistan to help inthe struggle and large training camps were set up and run by the C.I.A to accommodate them.

    The man who was selected to lead the mercenaries by the C.I.A. was one Osama Bin Laden,who was given the code name, Tim Osman, which was used on trips made to Washington tolobby for funds. The trip to Washington was made by Bin Laden on at least 2 occasions.

    During this period, the C.I.A. taught this new form of radical Islamic thinking, and providedterrorist training, to hundreds of thousands of Islamic fighters, being careful to also keep a

    comprehensive database on all the people they had trained. The Arabic name for this terroristdatabase was al Qaeda.

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    Concerned over this new form of Radical Islamism, and the sheer volume of fighters theC.I.A. was turning out, then Pakistani Prime Minister, Benazeer Bootto wrote to the directorof the C.I.A and cautioned him openly, saying in her letter. You are creating a Frankensteinbut her warnings went unheeded. They were not heeded, because a radical network ofextremists was exactly what the C.I.A had wished to create, right from the beginning. For

    without such a radical network of terrorists, the long planned war on terror, would never havebeen possible.

    In 2000, the Project For the New American Century released a document, entitled RebuildingAmericas Defences. Outlined in that document was a plan for full spectrum dominance of theGlobe, Air, Land, Sea, Space, The internet, Everything.

    In that document it said, and I quote.

    The process of transformation, even if it brings about revolutionary change, is likely to be along one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a New Pearl Harbor.

    One year after George W Bush gained office, in the most contested election in US history, andmany prominent members of pnac, were given positions in his administration, Americaexperienced its New Pearl Harbor, and the entire pnac plan was put into effect.

    When the events of September the 11th unfolded, the troops were already there waiting to gointo Afghanistan and the patriot act, and homeland security legislation, had already long beendrawn up. They were already there, just waiting for the right event in order to introduce them.So when 9 11 happened, qui bono. Who Benefited? Afghanistan? Iraq? Did any Arab country?

    No. But, the Bush administration was given an open check book with which to take control ofthe Afghani poppy fields, the Iraqi oil fields, and the oil rich and natural gas rich Caspian

    basin. And all protest to the invasions of the two countries, was squashed before it started.Then the 7/7 bombings in London occurred, and again, who benefited? Islamism? Hardly, butsupport for the war in Iraq knew no bounds. The Blair government secured a massive increasein police and military funding, and was also able to install thousands of domestic surveillancecameras throughout England. Then, amid massive war protests in Australia, we saw the BaliBombing, and yet again, who benefited? A Muslim cleric who suddenly found himself wanted

    by the C.I.A and the center of world attention? No. But, all anti-war protests in Australiasuddenly dissipated. The Australian Prime minister John Howard received a huge boost in

    popularity. The Australian Police got to establish themselves as the local Police of the entireAustralasian region, and both the Australian, and the Indonesian military, secured massive

    increases in funding. So who really benefited?

    The real facts, and as can be clearly seen by examining the evidence in all three cases, are thateach one of these so-called terrorist attacks, was a false flag operation, designed to removemore rights from the people of western countries, and to further consolidate the hold theInternational Banking elite has over our world. The information on all of these cases exists;its out there in the public domain. Please, do the research, because the media is just nottelling you.

    A large portion of al Qaeda funding comes from the Pakistani ISI, and it still does. Yet the ISIis an openly admitted, and funded wing of the CIA. The CIA created hundreds of thousands of

    extremists, and trained them in radical Islamic thinking, and kept a database on them all. Allthese extremists still receive funding from the CIA channeled to them via the ISI, and dont

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    even realize who they are funded by. Osama Bin Laden has been a C.I.A. asset right from thestart and when US decided to go after Bin Laden, they used the name of the CIA database asthe name for the terrorist organization. The War on Terror is fake. Its a setup. There is noglobal network of terrorists waiting around every corner waiting to blow everyone up. Its amyth. All the bombings are carefully orchestrated to follow a noticeable pattern, and you are

    never given the true facts, or an objective look at the evidence, in any one of them. And thinkabout it. A few years ago, no one had ever heard of al Qaeda, yet now, almost every mishap inthe world is blamed on them. Yet no one can seem to find any of them. Occasionally, someCIA asset weve never seen before comes on the screen and says a few condemning words,and we are supposed to take that as confirmation. Can you see how easy it is for them to pullthis scam off, simply by controlling the media?

    And while people have been distracted, and living in fear of terrorism, international lawenforcement borders have been slowly eroded away. For example, to clean up after the recenttornados in America, Canadian Soldiers were used. Australian and Indonesian Police nowroutinely train together. Now remember here, that Indonesian police have a reputation for

    being among the most brutal in the world, yet here we have Indonesian and Australian policeofficers, swapping ideas and methods.

    Many people have been trained to think that to talk about this stuff, is to be anti-American,but nothing could be further from the truth, The perpetrators of all of this are based mainly inEngland & Europe; they are just using the military might of America to carry out their plans

    because they have usurped the American Government. America President George W Bush allbut subverted the entire US constitution, and he robbed the country blind. However, it must beunderstood that this is not America itself doing this. The people who are doing this have setthemselves up globally.

    Remember the words of JFK.

    Part Five

    Planet X and World War Three

    There are a myriad theories being put forth by people who have ideas about the changes thatare occurring to our earth, our societies and to our way of life. There are thousands, and

    perhaps now even millions of individuals researching and debating the finer points of themany unanswered questions surrounding the 911 attacks, and perhaps just as many debatingthe realities of planet X. Such people, who know in some way that something is going on, arevery much on the right track, because something is most definite going on.

    The problems we face and the realities of our world, of our history, our origins, our future, oureducation, our media, our governments, our monetary systems, and our beautiful planet, cansometimes seem overwhelming and planet X answers all the questions and provides a

    temporary escape for the desperate. In fact, right when it was need in our modern historyplanet X appeared as a perfect and conveniently timed solve to the riddle. But you have to

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    The population of the world is indeed facing a massive threat. It is a threat that has beenslowly growing, one we have been facing for many years but refusing to acknowledge.

    Now anybody who knows anything at all, knows they is a group of very wealthy and verypowerful individuals who control quite literally everything. Everybody knows that it is this

    group who sits at the top who pulls all the strings.

    Anybody who knows anything at all also knows that the 911 attacks were orchestrated eventsand one of the reasons they were carried out was to kick start the fake war on terror andultimately bring about the new world order.

    As previously stated, there are thousands and possibly even millions of people researchingthese events online and across the world and government complicity in the attacks has now

    been amply proven. But unfortunately the people will not unite to address the root cause of allthe problems and the entire research community is divided by sub issues. Even the 911 truthmovement is now divided by the plane huggers, and the no planers who argue bitterly

    amongst each other.

    Now, standing back and looking at it objectively, its very easy to see how and why such planeversus no plane a debate could erupt as is very obvious that a good deal of the 911 newsfootage has been tampered with. But, divide and conquer is the motto, and well maybe theyused planes on 911 and maybe they used TV fakery, and maybe planet X is a reality and willarrive in 2012 maybe it will not, but ultimately right now, it doesnt matter either way,

    because right now there are more pressing matters that need your urgent attention, Right now!

    It is imperative that all researchers drop their differences for now in order to stand together toaddress the root cause of the problems we face because it is extremely important that thecurrent situation be taken in hand very quickly. If these issues are not addressed, andaddressed very soon, its unlikely that many people will even be alive in 2012 to worry aboutwhether planet x is a reality or not anyway. It truly is that serious.

    Various governments and royal families right across the world all work in unison. All of themfollow the same agenda and all are in fact part of the very same bloodline. These are the same

    people who attend bilderberg meetings and who meet each july at californias bohemian groveto conduct occultist and mock sacrifice rituals. These not nice people. They are occultists andthe control all world media, most governments and virtually the entire global monetarysystem, and if you think thats some kind of fantasy then I very much suggest you do some


    These are the same families and bloodlines who financed Hitlers rise to power and profitedfrom both sides of the war and who have been responsible for and profited from all wars sinceand probably even before the American revolution. Their main goal is the creation of a masterrace, which is of course, themselves and those of their bloodline and to control everything andto either eradicate or control everyone else.

    This is the plan of the ruling elite.

    And now that they control most of the world via control of the monetary system and hence

    control over the flow of all information, resources they are turning their attention towards the

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    elimination of their most dangerous and feared enemy of all. And that enemy is thepopulations of the world.

    That enemy is you.

    The most pressing plan of the elite, and a plan that is already well underway is depopulationon a global scale in every country on earth and the weapon they intend to use to accomplishthis, is food. Because now, they control all of that too. And by controlling all food supply and

    production they have also been able to control food standards, effectively allowing them togenetically alter foods and introduce many chemicals and toxins into peoples diets.

    They now intend to take it even further and to carry these measures world wide thru theimplementation of codex alimentarius on dec 21st 2009 thereby giving them the ability tocondemn select sections of the global population to death thru the forced consumption oftoxin and nutrient deficient foods. By CODEXs own numbers, they expect 3 Billion peopleto die in the first three years from preventable diseases and malnutrition alone. The goal in

    western countries is the complete elimination of the middle class and all populations moved tosmart growth cities where children will be cared for by the state. And no, this is not a joke,There is an abundant amount of information on these things available in the public domain foryou to research and this film only makes a tiny scratch on the surface of what there is toactually know. There is a great deal of information concerning these facts on my channel playlists and I urge you to watch them because this concerns you.My Friends, World war three has already started, Its just that the people of the world have notyet realized that world war three is the war for the new world order. It is being waged againstthe people of the world by the elite, via the governments and the media they control and it ishappening right now.

    There is a war going on. And it is not a war against terrorism, but it is a war none the less.It is a war that is being waged right across the globe and it is happening right now. In this newwar the enemy is you.

    But the ruling elite know that the people vastly out number them and they have no chance ofsuccess in an open battle against humanity so the methods they employ are those of deception.They know that the first and most crucial step in their plans for global conquest and theultimate subjugation of the people is mind control. They know that they must firstsuccessfully win the battle against the mind. This mind control is happening right across theglobe. It is happening right now, and the main tool they are using to achieve their ends is


    It has long been known by many that there are a few, very well positioned and very powerfulfamilies who sit at the top of the food chain and that it is these private individuals who call allthe shots and pull all the strings. These people control all governments via the strangleholdthey have over the world monetary systems and more people are waking up to the reality ofthis all the time. These are the same people who financed hitlers rise to power and who profitfrom both sides in all conflicts.

    The aim of world war 2 was to control all world resources and to either kill or subjugate themasses of humanity. WW 2 was a good try, but they failed in their objectives so now they

    have formulated a new strategy and they are trying again. These are the very same people, andtheir plan has not changed, The plan is still to either Kill, control or incarcerate every person

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    on the earth. The only thing that has changed is the method. The favored method now is thruthe control of all food which is being done right now via the global implementation of codexalimentarius. Thru codex, the elite have managed to either phase out or take control of allvitamins and nutrient companies. They have introduced deadly toxins into peoples diets and

    purposely created nutrient deficient foods thru the control and genetic manipulation of world

    seed stocks. And they have already reclassified many nutrients as toxins. They intend toreduce the world population by a minimum of 3 billion people by 2012 and it is happeningright now and right before your eyes. They are doing it in the middle east and Africa withwars and starvation and in western countries with food toxins, water toxins, and aerialspraying. The underground seed vaults that have been appearing around the world are not to

    protect the worlds seeds from the passing of planet X. They are to protect the genetically pureand wholesome seed stocks of the elite in order to provide them with clean nutrient rich foodfor years to come and to keep the supply out of the hands of the people who will be fednutrient devoid, genetically modified foods designed to kill them, but slowly so the peopledont notice it being done.

    There are an enormous amount of people who have been trying to warn you about this but thepeople are kept distracted by any and every means conceivable to distract them. Distracted bytaxes, by sex, by crime, media propaganda, sport, body image, fashion, by meaninglesscelebrity gossip, by war, the threat of terrorism, by global warming, by TV, TV and more TV,and now by planet X.

    However, in all the talk and rumors of Planet X there is a question that persists.

    If all the information that has been recently surfacing on planet X is true and is so importantand is born from a genuine need and desire to help and inform humanity. Then why are peopleselling their books and merchandise and charging people to access their websites? What usewill they have for money after 2012 anyway? Why do many of these people promote the ideathat the governments are going to save certain people in order to create a star trek type societyof the cataclysm and why do they encourage people to ignore any conspiracies they seearound them because all will amount to nothing in 2012 when planet x passes by and theworld changes?

    Though the crossing of the galactic ecliptic may well be an evolutionary event, it is an eventthat is unavoidable and one that should be embraced. But whatever is going to happen, in theinterim a clear and present threat to human life exists on this planet that is very real. It is rightin front of your faces. It is a war of depopulation and control of resources that is being waged

    by the elite. It is being waged against you right now and there are literally thousands of peopletrying to warn you about it. Forget squabbling over the finer points of conspiracy theories.Forget digging shelters in fear of planet X. Forget arguing about whether there were planes orno planes on 911. We all know that 911 was an inside job, the cat is out of the bag, its nolonger even open for debate. We all know that its true. So worry about the finer details later.Instead, focus on the now and open your eyes to whats happening around you. Please.

    There are quite literally millions of us around the world and if we could just set ourdifferences aside for the moment and take the time to address the root cause of the problem,we still have the power to stop the New World Order in its tracks and to save humanity. Butwe need unity. We need to stand together as one united movement or order to effectively

    address the situation we are facing. While we have been distracted and arguing over the finerpoints of 911 and the realities or non realities of planet x, through the medium of TV the elite

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    have already succeeded in brainwashing most of the world to the point where if things are nottaken in hand very soon they might just pull it off.

    Standing as one unified voice is the only way we have any hope of succeeding in this fight.And it is also important to remember that many of those who live around you do not have

    access to the internet many of them have been taught to distrust it by the 6 corporations whoown all western media and taught to keep their children away from places such as youtubeand away from people like us who are trying to get the message out to others and rest assuredthat the mainstream media will never inform people as to the real facts surrounding any ofthese issues or even allow people to become aware that a matter may even be up for debate.The only information most people get is what they are told by their newspapers or bytelevision news readers.

    So it is up to you. It is up to the internet people to inform them. It is up to all of us. Indeed it isour duty to collect information, burn dvds and get them out to people so they can learn thereality of our situation. Talk to people on the street. Do letterbox drops. Anything. But do

    something and do it now. But the most important thing is that we set aside our differences andstand as one unified movement in order to have and success at all. And we must do it now. No

    battle needs to be fought. Not a shot needs to be fired. All that is required, is for people towake up. All that is needed is global awareness. So talk to your neighbors. Turn off yourtelevision and think for your self. Its time to wake up.

    This is the most important and difficult battle humanity has ever been faced with. This time itis very truly the battle for our global survival and it is a battle that we cannot allow to be lostor ignored. Now is the time to stop following and start leading.

    The Revolution is now.

    Part 6

    Mind Wars

    Over the last 50 years the population has been saturated with a huge intertwining web of

    meaningless conspiracy theories, that could almost all be true, but almost never are. And ifsomeone is to suddenly see the big picture of what is really going on, and seriously tries toalert people to the truth, then the public has been carefully trained to view them as a crackpot,or label them as another conspiracy theorist. It has been very cleverly orchestrated so thatno one ever discovers the whole truth about anything, or sees the creeping malaise as it slowlyspreads. No one ever notices the one hidden agenda, the one real truth that underlies all theothers. And if anyone ever does figure it out, they are ridiculed and silenced. But now, due tothe growth of the internet, it has become a lot harder to silence people and keep informationcontained.

    Always remember, there are many methods in play to prevent you from awakening and

    many red herrings are laid along the path, each one appearing to be possible as theperfect answer to your questions.

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    One of the two main tools used to keep you in a state of confusion without you knowing it, isthe fluoride in your toothpastes and water supplies, and there are also many other chemicalsthat are added to processed foods to decrease your awareness and prevent your longevity. Iimplore you all to buy non fluoride dental products, and drink only water that you know isfresh. It is true that Calcium Fluoride is an organically occurring compound and harmless in

    small doses, but the Sodium Fluoride that is used in dental products and water supplies is atoxic waste, it is a byproduct of aluminum production and it does not prevent tooth decay, itinhibits brain function and promotes docility in the subject. Very Notably, fluoride was firstused by the Russians in mind control experiments conducted of prisoner in the Gulags andlater by the nazis in the death camps it was well noted by both groups that prisoners whodrank fluoridated water were much more docile and easier to control than other prisoners.Fluoride compounds are also the active ingredients in most anti depressant drugs such asProzac, clearly demonstrating its ability to reduce aggression and motivation in people. It hasabsolutely no biological or health benefits at all, and it does nothing to whatsoever to protectteeth. In fact, it causes dental fluorosis, yellowing of the teeth and pitting of the enamel. If youseriously think fluoride actually does have some health benefits the next time you are out

    shopping I challenge you to pick up a packet of any brand of rat poison you care to name andlook at what it contains. Quite often you will find there is only one ingredient. SodiumFluoride.

    And it has also been very well noted that a person under the influence of such a chemical isalways completely oblivious to the fact. The ability of fluoride to do this is not some internetmyth as many would claim and have you believe. It is the absolute truth. Yet even now, anddespite the clear results shown in the latest fluoride studies, as more people begin to awakenand begin to question the situation the world is in, the more governments are seeking tocombat this awakening by undertaking the increased fluoridation of their water supplies,touting dental health as the reason, when nothing could be further from the truth.

    The second, and perhaps the most important tool that is used to keep people in check andprevent them from ever becoming truly aware, is television. Television is the greatest, andmost all pervasive, hypnotist and propaganda tool, ever conceived. TV teaches people what tothink, but notHow to think, and TV has given modern humans an utterly false perception ofsociety, of the world, and of each other. Through TV, the power elite have succeeded increating a distracted, misinformed, divided and class-driven society, suffering historicalamnesia and completely oblivious to the true reality of their surroundings. And all of these

    people view themselves as truly informed, and are very quick to berate and ridicule anyonewho offers them an alternate perspective. Subsequently, through the ideas put into their heads

    by TV, and through a TV-driven obsession with the collecting of meaningless trinkets,fashions and possessions that the TV tells them defines who they are as people, the powerelite have also managed to rob most of the common man of their wealth, their lands, theirskills, their education and their history. But most importantly, it has robbed people of theirability to think critically and objectively. And that is exactly what Television was designed todo and exactly why it was invented.

    Every television set is also specifically designed to emit alpha waves. These can be clearlyseen as a series of horizontal lines that run across the screen from top to bottom at regularintervals when using a camera to film an operating TV set, but they cannot be detected by thenaked eye. These regular lines are not simply a normal part of the functioning of your picture

    tube. They are there for a particular reason and they travel across the screen at apredetermined and very specific pace.

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    How often have you seen someone sit at a TV and say I dont like this program and yet sitthere and watch it anyway? How often have you done it yourself?

    It is because these horizontal lines are there to generate hypnotic alpha waves.Alpha waves place you into a trance-like state as you are told what to think by scripted news

    readers and told what to buy, what to wear, and where to go, and always kept otherwisedistracted by sport, meaningless celebrity gossip, and a barrage of sex, and entertainment,nowadays ever more frequently punctuated by messages of fear, and warnings of imminentterror. These alpha waves produced by your TV set affect your electrical field even if you arenot watching it. The TV merely has to be on.

    They become addictive as your body becomes used to the energy field and many peoplewould simply feel unable to cope without the daily fix of their favorite TV show. Then thishypnotic state carries on throughout the day, as people work robot-like, at their given tasks,usually discussing whatever the television taught them with their co workers.

    Often people think they are discussing their own thoughts, but when the conversation is reallyanalyzed, its usually not. Its about what show they watched last night, or sport, or somethingthey learned from discovery channel, their feelings towards the opposite sex, or perhapssomething like the war on terror, and whether they realize it or not, what they are talkingabout - and 98% of what they think they know about anything - has been taught to them bythe Television or by print media that is wholly owned and controlled by the very same 6

    people who own all the TV stations. Thats right. 6 people!

    60 years ago the media in the western world was run by 86 small corporations who allcompeted to deliver the best and most informative news. Today it is run as a well oiled, verystreamlined, and tightly controlled machine by just 6, who now control all major westernmainstream television and print media, and with the current rate of corporate growth, thatnumber is set to soon drop to 3.This has set an extremely dangerous precedent as it means all televised and mainstream printmedia is now controlled by very very few people. For a better and more informed perspective,I advise you to obtain your news online from one of the many immerging independentwebsites - and go to many sites from differing countries and sources, to compare the samestory from a variety of perspectives. You have been told that the internet is an unreliablesource of information and it is true that there are many bogus websites and red herringsthrown into the pot, but there is also a lot of very reliable information from very reliablesources, if you look in the right places.

    And remember, that the ones who are telling you that the thousands of independent websiteswho have apposing views to the mainstream shouldnt be trusted, number only 6, it is just thatits those 6 who control all the major media, so those 6, are able to control most of whatinformation gets to the general public, and how such information is presented. It must also beduly considered that all of these 6 media corporations have extremely close ties to majorfinancial institutions, and arms manufacturers.

    Such a conflict of interests immediately poses huge questions regarding the objectivity, andreliability of any information presented by these organizations.

    And if that were not bad enough, each one of these six corporations gets their news from oneof only 2 sources, Routers or the associated press. The 2 organizations serve as an

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    international news pool and channel all information down to the networks. Only Routersactually owns the associated press and routers itself is wholly owned by the Rothschilds.

    This is why there is never any negative press about world bank or the international bankingcartels reported to the people by the mainstream media. Its why the majority of the people

    have no idea about codex alimentarius or the real effects of fluoride and simply do not knowhow the world and its corrupt money system is really run.

    Part Seven

    Divided We Fall

    All the world is a stage. Everything that occurs on it is planned to happen that way.

    A totalitarian new world order is being constructed but they will only succeed if the people letthem and all that is need to prevent it is for people to understand its dangers and how it works.And to just look and see how orchestrated world events really are.

    Has anyone noticed that many of the worlds most brutal and dictatorial regimes, such asNorth Korea, were supplied with weapons by the west to begin with? And these regimes areallowed to stay in power. So what is all this talk of freeing people? We are told we went intoIraq to free the people, yet look at whats happening in Burma. If we are so much aboutfreeing people, well, the conflict and humanitarian violations that have been occurring inBurma, have been allowed to continue for over 60 years, so why have we not gone and freedthe Burmese? The fact is that there are many brutal regimes that have all been allowed toretain power, and going into Iraq was never about freeing anyone, it was about securingresources. Many brutal regimes have now become our allies, and yet the brutality in thesecountries continues, unabated. It is allowed to continue because the banksters dont mind the

    brutality, the truth is, that it's about the money, and if brutality is what it takes to keep thepeople in line, then they are all for it.

    And it is exactly the same type of brutality that will soon be introduced throughout the entireworld.

    Almost all the cards have been played. Whether you choose to believe it or not, Australia isset to become the headquarters for the new global government. That is why the newAustralian Parliament house is 4 times bigger than what is needed for the Australiangovernment, and it is also why its construction was overseen by Henry Kissinger. TheAustralian people have been completely disarmed and are soon to lose their internet freedom.England is a surveillance nightmare. The last cards to be played, is to crash the US economy,and introduce one currency for the whole of North & South America which will be called theAmero. Then all borders between the US, Canada and Mexico will be dissolved, thus mergingthe whole of the continent into the North American Union. And the final card to be played isto disarm the American people. To do that, the government will most likely create anenormous and widely perceived surge in domestic crime, school massacres, and gun crime in

    general. If they create enough carnage at home, people will simply ask to be disarmed. Oncethe American people are disarmed, there will be no stopping them. Codex Alimentarius will

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    be introduced globally and when people of the world start dying from toxic and nutrientdevoid food and beg for their to save them, An asian Union will be formed and the asianunion, the African union, the European union and the American union will be merged into aone world government.

    So. What do we do? What can you, or I, as little people, do about this situation? Write toyour local member? Start a new political party? Run for office? Approach the media? Well,Ive tried and theyre not interested.

    All of these things may seem like good ideas, but, the reality is that are all simply distractions.Truly the best thing any of us can do, is deal with the situation at a grass roots level because atthe end of the day, the best weapon we have to protect and preserve our freedoms, is to wake

    people up. Talk to your neighbors. Talk to people on the street. Hand out flyers. Anything. Justwake people up to the reality we are now facing.

    The people of Germany in 1938 were in denial too, and Nazi Germany, was but a prelude of

    what is to come. The blinders simply have to come off. This is a daunting task. But its onethat simply has to be done, because when enough people wake up, then we will be able toaffect change through sheer weight in numbers. Our only real hope lies in the awakening ofthe people. The reality is, that nothing else will suffice.

    People seem to think the New World Order will emerge as one group of people sitting arounda table in Geneva, but its far more sinister than that. The New World Order will be the quiet,and unnoticed introduction of a Global Plutocracy. It will not be one governing body sitting ina room, it will be a quiet merging of all governments, and all police forces across the world.The aim is a Global two class society, consisting of the elite, and the workers, with all dissentsquashed, all rights removed.

    And the enemy, is you.

    Imagine life, in a totally controlled and totalitarian society, where every move you make ismonitored, where all money is in digital credits attached to a microchip in your arm, whereevery person must work very hard simply to keep their head above an insurmountable pool ofself generating debt created wholly by design, and where all debts are automatically removedfrom your account when they are due. A society where rules and labor camps are controlled

    by a global Gestapo, and where, if you make one move out of line or raise one word ofcomplaint, all that is needed to control you is to turn off your microchip, for without the chip,

    you have no access to funds, you cannot eat, or pay rent, or do anything at all. With no chip,you cease to exist, except as a dissenter, a terrorist, which means you can be arrested and heldwithout charge and legally tortured, indefinitely. This is the reality that is being created for the

    people of the world, if the people would just open their eyes to see it.My brothers and my sisters from all across the world. Take the blinders off, its important thatyou do because they will only succeed in the creation of such a world if the people allow it tohappen. This reality, is truly what we make it. We quite literally chose the reality we live inourselves. Once you fully understand that. The power to change it is simple.

    Take the blinders off Wake up because time is running out.


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    Just Wake up.

    Part Eight


    What is happening to our earth?

    And what is being done to the people who live on it. Global fascism and oppression of thehuman spirit on a scale never before seen is coming. Now Im asking you all to just stop for

    the moment and look around for a while and seriously think about things here.

    What has happened to the human race? Are we actually still in charge here any more?

    Do you seriously think we need to do what we are doing to this planet, that we need to stripmine and deforest and depopulate this planet at the rate we are doing, to support our lifestyle?

    Now just stop and Look around you for a while, go outside and look. But look behind all theglamor and bright lights and behind all the class or race divisions, and what do you see? Yousee people. Thats all they are, just people, just like you, and just like me. All the perceiveddivisions that supposedly exist amongst us are an illusion. All the flash and pizazz is just afacade, its all just for show. Look behind it to the real world.

    Humankind has gone to sleep and we are sleepwalking into our own enslavement. We havefor the most part forgotten what true reality is.

    We have been collectively taught, as whole societies, to ignore everything around us and tofocus our attentions on the collecting as much paper as possible from either working for, or

    profiting from, another human being and to then use this paper to buy as many baubles andtrinkets as we can in order to gain more status in our society. As such we have become totallydependent on this temporary reality and have been convinced by a box in the corner called

    television, that body image and the collecting of more and more paper and trinkets at theexpense of everybody else is actually the meaning of life.

    We kept in a constant state of fear. Fear of terrorism carried out against us by our owncriminal governments. You need to explain the issues outlined in this film to everyone. Feelfree to research any points I have mentioned as I have done and you will soon find out its alltrue. Stop supporting this system because the system not only does not support you, its beendesigned to enslave you and the prison door is now swinging shut. Then you need to all stand

    by each other and if you see injustice towards another, especially if the injustice is beingdelivered by police or government then you need to seriously understand that it is also being

    perpetrated against you. Stop profiting from each other, there is no need for the world to be

    economically based, it should be humanitarianly based. We are all people and we are all one.It is time for humanity to realize that and it is time for people in both government and police

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    forces to not only allow people to realize it, but to also realize it themselves. And its time forthe good people in both governments and police forces to also act to do what is right.

    the crimes of 9/11 were not only an attack on America, they were in fact the start of the never ending- Attack on Humanity disguised as the so-called War on Terror

    I believe something that would be beneficial in rallying world support would be to wakepeople realize the 9/11 Reichstag is "THE Pretext" for the so-called "War on Terror" and weneed to make the masses realize that it is not just the concern and interest of the 9/11 familymembers or first responders, or just the US, or the Muslim countries' who are being bombed.

    but it is the whole world is the target. The very survival of the species is at stake here. And itsbecome very obvious that we have to do it ourselves, The media certainly isnt going to help.

    The real need here though is to understand the awakening that is growing within yourself. Toallow these changes to occur within your own psyche - and to remain centered. Offer theinformation to those who will listen but don't waste time arguing with those who will not.

    Eventually, as more and more people DO awaken, it will effect the rest of humanity as thecollective consciousness grows and eventually the sheeple will follow, simply because that'swhat sheeple do. But as more and more people awaken, it affects those around them simply

    by matter of course, eventually reaching the entire species.

    Therefore, it is not important to spend your time awakening others per se and ultimately thereis no battle that needs to be fought on any front, indeed attempting such a battle will only

    bring annihilation, the only thing that is important my friends is that you yourself awaken andstay centered in that wakefulness. A true awakening within your own self will help theawakening of those around you.

    The whole system that we live in teaches us, drills into us that we are powerless; we are weak,that our society is fragmented, everyone is out to get you, theres always danger at thedoorstep and so people are automatically on the defensive and always expect the worst - but itis a lie. We are wonderful, we are beautiful, every single one of us. We are extraordinary andthere is no reason why we cannot understand this. There is no reason why the averageindividual cannot be fully empowered. We are very powerful beings. We have just been fedlies all our lives through a corrupt education system that teaches blatantly false history to theworld and is fueled by corrupt politicians whose only allegiance lies with international

    banking interests. Thus we have been condition to not see our own worth and to look in thewrong places for what we are searching for.

    But once a person realizes the truth in how our world is run and who runs it, the players andtheir workings become utterly transparent. And all we have to do to fix things is to awakenothers to the reality of the situation and to stop going along with it.

    Do not accept any RFID tracking chips or smart cards from a criminal government. Do

    not accept your water being poisoned with fluoride.

    Its time to wake up.

    max igan

  • 8/8/2019 The Big Picture United We Stand Against a Global Conspiracy


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