the bienville democrat - library of congress · 2017-12-14 · in his respective school district...

THE . BIENVILLE DEMOCRAT VOLUME IX ARCADIABIENVILLE PARISH, LOUISIANA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, i NUMBER FORTY-FOUR VOLUME IX ARCADIA,'BIENVILLE PARISH, LOUISIANA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 27. 192, NUMBER FORTY.FOUR YOUR MONEY IS YOUR' Best Friend and your worst enemy is always on the look- out for an opportunity to separate you from your money. DEPOSIT your SAVINGS in our bank and let us give you the protection of an institution that is financially safe, and will .assist you in any way that is consistent, with good banking methods. Your account, regardless of the amount, will be appreciated by every officer, stockholder or em- ployee of this bank -" We wish to call your attention to our steady growth since organization, which. we attribute to the service we have rendered our depositors. You'll not be sorry that you banked with us. WATCH US GROW H Commercial Bank Arcadia, Louisiana For Sale or Trade! I - 4000 acres for pasture, well fenced, everlasting spring, water; 4 room house. Located 16 miles from Ros- well, New Mexico. SC.- HOLSTUN w i ' Jf0 DAMISJ INSURANCE. . AGEW!Y CANOES NAME Ona of the most recent business n Arcadia is the atm of Leo lI I re Agency. Mr. J. S. ,p r,. who for a number of years been with the 6usrance firm of & Cochran, General Agents, Estas, Texas, serving in the o seCla awnt, regenUtl par- 4' 5 the nterst of Lawrience Dan- ` Ie, sad the':aria o now composed of Leo Dnael,. Jl . 4. Bryan. and J. s. nd, na wil be styled Daniel, ' . T r r, Agents. o a. Tuhy have recesntly eplared their {= e l space,, this being necessary to S earsie of their steady increase in , Thti frm is one of the larg- " %uMa"s ageoles in the State, and w tt "n.murace o[ Every Kind to Yaa?" 'pNer ,Wg from Ashland, i .: "; visitor a Saturday. WOl 4 Evas went Heflin , IUia -n businPlaess trip.- { ' , ddb of M taML , spent Sunday 30sskm Loves dueq. .r. lay* ' CAbrO ' ue a .sete attended singing ai " ;ths bool abuldltSunday afternoon. Mews :to sad Sti) Cole, of . t ,' were visitor here Sndaey. 4 T. Tr in tig derss ; ;. e, , war e l a 911SR4 flady McCof Sib;@ SW.a ham m. ass as her S this we be mother, Mrs. Watt Saeh to , was?: a!1 of thel sister, ~ais preab 4 ' " ,- GIBDLAND MASONS GUESTS ' OF ARCADIA LODGE On Thursday evening of last week the degree team of Gibsland lodge were guests of the Arcadia lodge and conferred the Master degree. The term consisted ot eleven members, and they .put on the work in good style. The lodge at Gibaland is one of the 'post active country lodges in the state and the members deserve credit for the interest and enthusiasm, they pit into the work. Those who comimeed the team were. J. H. Pumphrey, C. A. Berry, T. B. Morgan, E. L. Reed, J.. J. Harisaon, C. B. Johnson, C. E. Crews, J. P. Nel. .son, N. Broadwell, L. Cathey, M. Darts. NOTICE TO BIDDMES Bids will be recei.•: by the.Polloe Jury for copying the Conveyance In- dexes ih the Clerk's Offce of.~ien- vtlle Parish on or by the 8rd day .of February, 1921, at 12:00 o'clock m., said bids to be Jn writing and filed with J. 8. Williams at hI• office in the town of Arcadfa, said work to be done with typewriter and undef the 'super- vision of the Recorder of Blenville Parish, bond to' be furnished by the successful bidder in accordance with Section 4, of Act 90 of 1882. Bids to be opened and contract awarded at next meting of the Policp Jury on Monday, February 7th, 1021. D.M. WHITE, President of Police Jury. Women's Sphere. Eventually we pnay be forced to con. cede that woman's sphere is this one On which we llve.-San Diego 1'ilbune. - 1 The Finr National Bank and TheFT t and Bailing Co. AI8cadia, Louisiana t.. "fi ." o o Combined Capital and Surplus $150,000.00 S4 . , . . r BUILDING CONTINUES ACTIVE IN ARCADIA Despite the depression in the fi- nancial world and slack business, building is more active in Arcadia to- day than ever before in the histofy of the town. Mr. V. C. Pipes, one of our most progressive citizens and mer- chants, recently purchased several building lAs from the Stubbs heirs, of Monroe, and has begun the erection of two dwellings. Mr. Pipes already owns 'several houses here and is showing h:q faith in the possibilities of Arcadia by build- ing more. " The work on the Commercial Bank will be completed in a short time. which is quite an addition to the busihnei sec- tion of town. The Arcadia Motor Co.'s building is taking on a finished appear- ance. This building is a credit to the town as well as the men who compose the company. - 0-------- SOCIAL AND PERSONAL HAP. PENINGS FROM RINGGOLD Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Cook, of Arcadia, spent Saturday night with their par- ents. They were enroute to New Or- leans. Rev. J. P. Durham filled hip regular appointment at the Baptist Church Sunday morning and evening. Miss Mattle Moore was married last Wednesday evening at the home of her sister, Mrs. Will Huckabay. Mr. Eben Tomme is putting the ma- terial on the ground for his new resi- dence which he will build soon. - Dr. and Mrs. H. D. Shehee, and little daughter, Sunshine, were guests of DI. Shehee's parents, Mr. aid Mrs. A. B. Shehee, the past week. .Miss Alma Powell, of Mississippi, came in last fill the place as teacher of the fourth grade in the school here, Mrs. Earnest Woodard hav- ing recehtly resigned. - Mr. and Mrs. C.C. Tomme, who have resided in the home of Mr. I. M. Corry for the, past year, moved into their new residence last week. Their new home has Just been completed and is located in the east end of town. 'A wedding that was quite a surprise to' their many friends, -was that of Miss Lottie 'Gray Gardner and Mr. Ewell' Burkhalter, who. were quietly married last Wednesday evening at the Methodist parsonage, in the pres- .nce#a few intimate friends. After the cremony the young couple left for Baton Rouge and New Orleans. On their retUrn they will be at home to their friends in the home of Mrs. Glad- son. FRPEE! A e ernl It will be given away on yu~y, March lst; by the -Peoples Hardware Co. Ask about it. o- T " RAYED OR STOLEN On January 16th, one bay mare, weIghing 1000 lbs., with three white feet, star in face, black mane and tail. Two black mare mules, one weighing 1000 lbs., and the other 600 lbs. Phone ot write A.. RHODES, Gihaland, La., and recelve.REWAI D. LEO DA•IEL AUDIE BRYAN LAWRENCE DANIEL MI8 GLORB MATT TOMI'KINS - Leo;sDanieAgent WE write every fm of \H - OUMLine loasesse. Wo erepreset 35 of ithe et se drseamt iosreae it psales of the etire weMa. We wor dm e le Ipe l . .aseor e. IA- a write - . year .,abom" $ YOU Y OUR 1I3N 'ICIARY ft.r your death. 9_ - 4X$4D h4X-dX ,1I PARISH ORGANIZATION TO RE. DUCE COTTON ACREAGE MEETS Pursuant to the call of A. Anderson, chairman, the Parish Organization to reduce cotton acreage met here on last Monday, with praetically all ap- pointees present. The organization was perfected at this meeting and W. O. Campbell, of Bienville, was made secretary. The Memphis resolution as it ap- peared in the Democrat last week was adopted by a unanimous vote of the body. This means a reduction of 33 1-3 per cent for 1921. Among of her business transacted, a stringent resolution was adopted, in which it requests that ,hembers of the organization go out and urge the farmers to reduce their acreage. After these pledges have been secured another meeting 'will be held to re- view the work of the organization, at which time plans for further pro- ceedure will be outlined. The farm- ers are urged to heed this call, feel- ing that it is their patriotic duty to cooperate with their brother farmers and the business men to reduce cotton acreage in order that 1921 crop will Ibring a legitimate price. On motion the following committees" were, appointed for each ward, in addl- tion to the appointments already made .Fi Chairman Anderson, and ap- pearinig in last week's issue of the Democrat: Ward 1.-Phillip Brantley, T. A. Loe, J. C. Brice, T. J. Cummings, L. L. Cathey, Dan Vernon, T. 0. Sutton, and Clem White, (col.) Ward 2.-John Thurmond, W. L. Hamner, Will Hanson, J. H. Schaffer, Shelby Woodard. Ward 3.-W. P. Watson, J. D. Towns, Horace Salter, J. C. Smith, Elzy Smith, L. U:;Dooley, (col.), Henry Bell, (col.) Ward 4.-L. C. Graves, S. J. Beard, T~enry Davis, Joe Grigsby, W. T. Evans, Frank'Corley, Z. B. Woodard, W. H. Harvey, W. E. Mosely, Frank. *Stewart, Wm. kshley, (col.) Ward 5.-Jesse Mclnnis, H. P. Wardlaw, Jno. Wood, Elan Howell, H. N. Hays. Ward .-- R. P. Vernon, C. Origg, H. A. Barron, J. M. Robinson, Jack Askin, C. C. Pullin. Ward 7.-P . F. Wilte, A. D. Smith, J. C. Watts, J. D. Colwell, J; Cole, Frank Driggdrs, Manuel Vansant, (col.) According to the minutes of the meet- ing, every member is expected to work in his respective school district and ,i1 case a member hasn't been appoint- ed for any school district, then the member in the adjoining district sheall appoint someone to work in the di-. trict as it is the aim of the organize- tion to thoroughly work the'. entire parish. The next meeting .will be neIG on the 7th day of February at 10:30 a- m. The tm hla e d th earth acts veriy Ind In the umi war ai does the glass of a greehouse-t allows the rays f the ma to peas through but Itlplrmgs the heat. Thus It tia cooler on te top ofat a ountalo than at the bem tevel becapu, though the mbantaln top Is nearer the sun the atmoshere Is much les denase. ARCADIA TO HAVE "DOLLAR DAY" TUESDAY, FEB. 1st It has been a long time since people have bought merchandise at, what we now call "Old Prices," but according to some ofthe leading merchants of Arcadia, this opportunity will be af- forded you on "Dollar Day," Tuesday, February 1st. In this issue of the Democrat you will find a full page advertisement in which ten of Arcad- la's leading merchants are represent- ed. It will be time well spent for you to read this advertisement, and care- fully consider tb, bargains they have to offer. You will find Hardware, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Millinery, Dry Goods, Groceries, Drugs, Etc. in fact anything that you need, advertised to be sold at a price that is better than a bar- gain, and we feel sure that you will do a good day's work huy visiting these business houses on Tuesday, Feb. 1. WARD 4 FARMER RAISES OWN MEAT AT A VERY SMALL COST Mr. Ardis Perry, one of the most 'progressive farmers of Ward 4, and a .Democrat subscriber, informs us that he has just butchered 4 hogs from which he obtained 100 lbs. of lard and 676 Ibs of meat. The only ex- pense in raising the hogs was 15 bush- els of corn fed to them. They practic- ally made their own way. Mr. Perry believes in, raising a plenty of every- thing at home, and always has a sur- plus to sell. Low cotton prices can- not deter this kind, of a farmer. - Ask about the Range Eternd that will be given away FREE on Tuesday, March 1st, by the Peoples Hardware Co. A Dellcate Compllmlent it was teeher's birthday and the children brought her many bouquets, which made a fine showlng on her desk. One little girl voiced her ad- lnratleo of the 'sight by saying: "Oh, Miss Blank, your desk looks just like a grave"-Boston TranMcript. - `1 H E UNIVERSAL CAR The Ford Runabout THE Ford Runabout needs no advertising. About all we have, to do is to tell you we can supply the demand with promptness and the selling is over. We have never been able to get enough. There are more than tour million'five hundred thousand Ford cars in operation to4ay, and of this'number about three hundred thousand are in foreign countries, the rest right here in America, but we have one hundred and five to one hundred ind ten millions of peo- ple and it looks from the way demand comes in that we will have to sell that many Runabouts before we can satisfy that demand. It is one great, little utility. It fits into every man's wants, from the physician to'the worker in the factory,\Yrom the country black. smith to the millionaire railroad owner, from the contractor and his employees to the millionaire sporting man's entourage, almost as necesscary these days as the handkerchief. The Arcadia Motor Co., Ie. Arcadia, Loulad n . ,. - I I n I I*I n I ii g 'P I m I i g m g I I III * The Arcadia Fair Arcadia, La. In Our last Week's Ad We Announced * a Reduction on Herchandise. We Now Quote the fol. lowing trices G ood G ingham s at ..... ..................................................... * Extra Good Quality Ginghams, former price 40c, at...2oc 0 45c Quality, 36 inch Percal at................3... . c Indian Head, (Bleached) ................. 25c U S 10o-4 Pepperell Sheeting at ............................................................. 48c Calicoes, G ood Q uality at........................................ ............ -2c a $1.25 quality Men's Undershirts or Drawers, now..... 75c a Blue Work Shirts, good quality ................................ 90oc * Men's Overalls and Jumpers, extra heavy i Blue Denim, now ................ ..... .... .................. $ .5o Extra heavy Boys' Overalls, sizes 4 to 12 ......................... 90oc Extra Heavy Boys' Overalls, sizes 12 to 17 ............. $......oo Buster Brown Ladies' H ose, per pair................................... We only quote a few prices here, but we have reduced * the price on our entire stock. COME AND BE CON- m VINCED. Jos. Dawidoff & Co. . ARCADIA, LOUISIANA The Maglo Square. The origin of the magic square is usually asurbed to to e Chinese as the flb King, an early classlc, describes It. The magle square was known to the Hildoos uad to the Arabian as trologere. Heatl Sdon't have ter prechb long In de winter tlms" said Brother ick•y. "W'e doe huVtb stove gitb red hot I Jes calls do attention of do sinners ter It ,and dat'p all de preachin' what dey seeds I"-Plttburgbh OGaette.Ttk a

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Page 1: THE BIENVILLE DEMOCRAT - Library of Congress · 2017-12-14 · in his respective school district and,i1 case a member hasn't been appoint-ed for any school district, then the member



Best Friendand your worst enemy is always on the look-out for an opportunity to separate you fromyour money. DEPOSIT your SAVINGS inour bank and let us give you the protection ofan institution that is financially safe, and will

.assist you in any way that is consistent, with

good banking methods.

Your account, regardless of the amount, will be

appreciated by every officer, stockholder or em-ployee of this bank -"

We wish to call your attention to our steadygrowth since organization, which. we attribute tothe service we have rendered our depositors.You'll not be sorry that you banked with us.


H Commercial BankArcadia, Louisiana

For Sale or Trade!I -

4000 acres for pasture, well fenced,everlasting spring, water; 4 roomhouse. Located 16 miles from Ros-well, New Mexico.



Ona of the most recent businessn Arcadia is the atm of Leo

lI I re Agency. Mr. J. S.,p r,. who for a number of years

been with the 6usrance firm of& Cochran, General Agents,

Estas, Texas, serving in theo seCla awnt, regenUtl par-

4' 5 the nterst of Lawrience Dan-` Ie, sad the':aria o now composed of

Leo Dnael,. Jl . 4. Bryan. and J. s.

nd, na wil be styled Daniel,' . T r r, Agents.

o a. Tuhy have recesntly eplared their{= e l space,, this being necessary to

S earsie of their steady increase in, Thti frm is one of the larg-

" %uMa"s ageoles in the State, andw tt "n.murace o[ Every Kind

to Yaa?"

'pNer ,Wg from Ashland,i .: "; visitor a Saturday.

WOl 4 Evas went Heflin

, IUia -n businPlaess trip.-

{ ' , ddb of M taML , spent Sunday30sskm Loves dueq..r. lay* ' CAbrO

' ue a .sete attended singing ai" ;ths bool abuldltSunday afternoon.

Mews :to sad Sti) Cole, of. t ,' were visitor here Sndaey.

4 T. Tr in tig derss; ;. e, , war e l a

911SR4 flady McCofSib;@

SW.a ham m. ass as herS this we be mother, Mrs. Watt

Saeh to

, was?: a!1 ofthel sister,

~ais preab

4 ' " ,-



On Thursday evening of last weekthe degree team of Gibsland lodgewere guests of the Arcadia lodge andconferred the Master degree. Theterm consisted ot eleven members, andthey .put on the work in good style.The lodge at Gibaland is one of the'post active country lodges in the stateand the members deserve credit forthe interest and enthusiasm, they pitinto the work.

Those who comimeed the team were.J. H. Pumphrey, C. A. Berry, T. B.

Morgan, E. L. Reed, J.. J. Harisaon,C. B. Johnson, C. E. Crews, J. P. Nel.

.son, N. Broadwell, L. Cathey, M. Darts.


Bids will be recei.•: by the.PolloeJury for copying the Conveyance In-dexes ih the Clerk's Offce of.~ien-vtlle Parish on or by the 8rd day .ofFebruary, 1921, at 12:00 o'clock m.,said bids to be Jn writing and filedwith J. 8. Williams at hI• office in thetown of Arcadfa, said work to be donewith typewriter and undef the 'super-vision of the Recorder of BlenvilleParish, bond to' be furnished by thesuccessful bidder in accordance withSection 4, of Act 90 of 1882. Bids tobe opened and contract awarded atnext meting of the Policp Jury onMonday, February 7th, 1021.

D.M. WHITE,President of Police Jury.

Women's Sphere.Eventually we pnay be forced to con.

cede that woman's sphere is this oneOn which we llve.-San Diego 1'ilbune.

- 1

The Finr National Bankand TheFT t and Bailing Co.

AI8cadia, Louisiana

t.. "fi ." o o Combined Capital and Surplus $150,000.00S4

. , .. r


Despite the depression in the fi-nancial world and slack business,building is more active in Arcadia to-day than ever before in the histofy ofthe town. Mr. V. C. Pipes, one of ourmost progressive citizens and mer-chants, recently purchased severalbuilding lAs from the Stubbs heirs, ofMonroe, and has begun the erection oftwo dwellings.Mr. Pipes already owns 'several

houses here and is showing h:q faithin the possibilities of Arcadia by build-ing more.

" The work on the Commercial Bankwill be completed in a short time. whichis quite an addition to the busihnei sec-tion of town. The Arcadia Motor Co.'sbuilding is taking on a finished appear-ance. This building is a credit to thetown as well as the men who composethe company.

- 0--------


Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Cook, of Arcadia,spent Saturday night with their par-ents. They were enroute to New Or-leans.

Rev. J. P. Durham filled hip regularappointment at the Baptist ChurchSunday morning and evening.

Miss Mattle Moore was married lastWednesday evening at the home of hersister, Mrs. Will Huckabay.

Mr. Eben Tomme is putting the ma-terial on the ground for his new resi-dence which he will build soon. -

Dr. and Mrs. H. D. Shehee, and littledaughter, Sunshine, were guests of DI.Shehee's parents, Mr. aid Mrs. A. B.Shehee, the past week.

.Miss Alma Powell, of Mississippi,came in last Friday. to fill the place asteacher of the fourth grade in theschool here, Mrs. Earnest Woodard hav-ing recehtly resigned. -

Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Tomme, who haveresided in the home of Mr. I. M. Corryfor the, past year, moved into theirnew residence last week. Their newhome has Just been completed and islocated in the east end of town.

'A wedding that was quite a surpriseto' their many friends, -was that ofMiss Lottie 'Gray Gardner and Mr.Ewell' Burkhalter, who. were quietlymarried last Wednesday evening atthe Methodist parsonage, in the pres-.nce#a few intimate friends. After thecremony the young couple left forBaton Rouge and New Orleans. Ontheir retUrn they will be at home totheir friends in the home of Mrs. Glad-son.

FRPEE! A e ernl It willbe given away on yu~y, March lst;by the -Peoples Hardware Co. Askabout it.



On January 16th, one bay mare,weIghing 1000 lbs., with three whitefeet, star in face, black mane and tail.Two black mare mules, one weighing1000 lbs., and the other 600 lbs. Phoneot write A.. RHODES,

Gihaland, La., and recelve.REWAI D.



Leo;sDanieAgentWE write every fm of

\H - OUMLine loasesse. Woerepreset 35 of ithe et

se drseamt iosreae itpsales of the etire weMa.We wor dm e le Ipel . .aseor e. IA- a write

-.year .,abom" $ YOU

Y OUR 1I3N 'ICIARYft.r your death.

9_ - 4X$4D h4X-dX ,1I


Pursuant to the call of A. Anderson,chairman, the Parish Organization toreduce cotton acreage met here on lastMonday, with praetically all ap-pointees present. The organizationwas perfected at this meeting and W.O. Campbell, of Bienville, was madesecretary.

The Memphis resolution as it ap-peared in the Democrat last week wasadopted by a unanimous vote of thebody. This means a reduction of 331-3 per cent for 1921.

Among of her business transacted, astringent resolution was adopted, inwhich it requests that ,hembers ofthe organization go out and urge thefarmers to reduce their acreage. Afterthese pledges have been securedanother meeting 'will be held to re-view the work of the organization, atwhich time plans for further pro-ceedure will be outlined. The farm-ers are urged to heed this call, feel-ing that it is their patriotic duty tocooperate with their brother farmersand the business men to reduce cottonacreage in order that 1921 crop willIbring a legitimate price.

On motion the following committees"were, appointed for each ward, in addl-tion to the appointments alreadymade .Fi Chairman Anderson, and ap-pearinig in last week's issue of theDemocrat:

Ward 1.-Phillip Brantley, T. A. Loe,J. C. Brice, T. J. Cummings, L. L.Cathey, Dan Vernon, T. 0. Sutton,and Clem White, (col.)

Ward 2.-John Thurmond, W. L.Hamner, Will Hanson, J. H. Schaffer,Shelby Woodard.

Ward 3.-W. P. Watson, J. D.Towns, Horace Salter, J. C. Smith,Elzy Smith, L. U:;Dooley, (col.), HenryBell, (col.)

Ward 4.-L. C. Graves, S. J. Beard,T~enry Davis, Joe Grigsby, W. T.Evans, Frank'Corley, Z. B. Woodard,W. H. Harvey, W. E. Mosely, Frank.

*Stewart, Wm. kshley, (col.)Ward 5.-Jesse Mclnnis, H. P.

Wardlaw, Jno. Wood, Elan Howell, H.N. Hays.

Ward .--R. P. Vernon, C. Origg, H.A. Barron, J. M. Robinson, Jack Askin,C. C. Pullin.

Ward 7.-P . F. Wilte, A. D. Smith,J. C. Watts, J. D. Colwell, J; Cole,Frank Driggdrs, Manuel Vansant,(col.)

According to the minutes of the meet-ing, every member is expected to workin his respective school district and,i1 case a member hasn't been appoint-ed for any school district, then themember in the adjoining district sheallappoint someone to work in the di-.trict as it is the aim of the organize-tion to thoroughly work the'. entireparish.

The next meeting .will be neIG onthe 7th day of February at 10:30 a- m.

The tm hla e d th earth actsveriy Ind In the umi war ai doesthe glass of a greehouse-t allowsthe rays f the ma to peas throughbut Itlplrmgs the heat. Thus It tiacooler on te top ofat a ountalo thanat the bem tevel becapu, though thembantaln top Is nearer the sun theatmoshere Is much les denase.


It has been a long time since peoplehave bought merchandise at, what wenow call "Old Prices," but accordingto some ofthe leading merchants ofArcadia, this opportunity will be af-forded you on "Dollar Day," Tuesday,February 1st. In this issue of theDemocrat you will find a full pageadvertisement in which ten of Arcad-la's leading merchants are represent-ed. It will be time well spent for youto read this advertisement, and care-fully consider tb, bargains they haveto offer.

You will find Hardware, Clothing,Shoes, Hats, Millinery, Dry Goods,Groceries, Drugs, Etc. in fact anythingthat you need, advertised to be soldat a price that is better than a bar-gain, and we feel sure that you will doa good day's work huy visiting thesebusiness houses on Tuesday, Feb. 1.


Mr. Ardis Perry, one of the most'progressive farmers of Ward 4, and a.Democrat subscriber, informs us thathe has just butchered 4 hogs fromwhich he obtained 100 lbs. of lardand 676 Ibs of meat. The only ex-pense in raising the hogs was 15 bush-els of corn fed to them. They practic-ally made their own way. Mr. Perrybelieves in, raising a plenty of every-thing at home, and always has a sur-plus to sell. Low cotton prices can-not deter this kind, of a farmer.


Ask about the Range Eternd thatwill be given away FREE on Tuesday,March 1st, by the Peoples HardwareCo.

A Dellcate Compllmlentit was teeher's birthday and the

children brought her many bouquets,which made a fine showlng on herdesk. One little girl voiced her ad-

lnratleo of the 'sight by saying: "Oh,Miss Blank, your desk looks just likea grave"-Boston TranMcript.

- `1


The Ford Runabout

THE Ford Runabout needs no advertising. About all we have,to do is to tell you we can supply the demand withpromptness and the selling is over. We have never been able to getenough. There are more than tour million'five hundred thousandFord cars in operation to4ay, and of this'number about three hundredthousand are in foreign countries, the rest right here in America, butwe have one hundred and five to one hundred ind ten millions of peo-ple and it looks from the way demand comes in that we will have tosell that many Runabouts before we can satisfy that demand.

It is one great, little utility. It fits into every man's wants, fromthe physician to'the worker in the factory,\Yrom the country black.smith to the millionaire railroad owner, from the contractor and hisemployees to the millionaire sporting man's entourage, almost asnecesscary these days as the handkerchief.

The Arcadia Motor Co., Ie.Arcadia, Loulad n .


- I I n I I*I n I ii g 'P I m I i g m g I I III

* The Arcadia FairArcadia, La.

In Our last Week's Ad We Announced* a Reduction on Herchandise.

We Now Quote the fol.lowing trices

G ood G ingham s at ..... .....................................................* Extra Good Quality Ginghams, former price 40c, at...2oc 0 45c Quality, 36 inch Percal at................3... . c

Indian Head, (Bleached) ................. 25c US 10o-4 Pepperell Sheeting at ............................................................. 48c

Calicoes, G ood Q uality at........................................ ............ -2c a$1.25 quality Men's Undershirts or Drawers, now..... 75c a

Blue Work Shirts, good quality ................................ 90oc* Men's Overalls and Jumpers, extra heavy i

Blue Denim, now ................ ..... .... .................. $ .5oExtra heavy Boys' Overalls, sizes 4 to 12 ......................... 90ocExtra Heavy Boys' Overalls, sizes 12 to 17 ............. $......oo Buster Brown Ladies' H ose, per pair...................................

We only quote a few prices here, but we have reduced * the price on our entire stock. COME AND BE CON- m


Jos. Dawidoff & Co. .ARCADIA, LOUISIANA

The Maglo Square.The origin of the magic square is

usually asurbed to to e Chinese as theflb King, an early classlc, describesIt. The magle square was known tothe Hildoos uad to the Arabian astrologere.

HeatlSdon't have ter prechb long In

de winter tlms" said Brother ick•y."W'e doe huVtb stove gitb red hot IJes calls do attention of do sinners terIt ,and dat'p all de preachin' what deyseeds I"-Plttburgbh OGaette.Ttk a