the bichon frisé club of scotland christmas party the ... winter 08.pdf · the bicho nfrisé club...

No. 29 Winter 2008 The Bichon Frisé Club of Scotland (established 1994) ChristmasParty The BichonFrisé Club of Scotland (Donations to Bichon Rescue and a Dog Charity) SUNDAY 7th DEC 2008, 12 noon - 4pm Polmont Old Parish Church Halls, Main Street, Polmont, Falkirk FK2 0PZ Entrance (and parking) Greenpark Drive Mobile on the day: 07710 762 296 OPEN TO ALL SMALL DOGS Programme of Events 1. Most appealing youngster - dog that is! Up to 18 months. 2. Golden oldies - dogs over 6 years. 3. Dog with the waggiest tail. 4. Best 6 legs - dog and handler 5. Twins! Any two similar dogs (borrow if required). 6. Fancy dress - dog(s) and owner/handler 7. Dog the Judge would most like to take home - Best in Show! 8. Best Junior Handler Rosettes for all winners plus prize for Best in Show. Doggie Bric-A-Brac Buy and Sell at our unique bargain stall - simply bring and buy - anything of a doggie nature - apart from the dog of course, Photographic Competition. Bring your dog photos (funny, sad etc.) they will judged during the lunch break. Why not give your photographs a caption. Buffet lunch will be served at approximately 1.30pm. N.B. Please make cheques payable to Bichon Frisé Club of Scotland. Cheques and completed slips must be sent to the Club Secretary by Wednesday 3rd December 2008 to enable us to assess our catering requirements. Donations for the raffle would be most appreciated. Presents for all dogs on the day! Calendars on Sale! Adults £5.00; Children £3.00 (under12); Dogs - Club guests go free To Book or for more details contact: Sylvia Davidson: 3 Overton Road, Netherburn, South Lanarkshire ML9 3BT Tel: 01698 889354. General Fun ‘n’ Games for all the family and of course... Santa

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Page 1: The Bichon Frisé Club of Scotland Christmas Party The ... Winter 08.pdf · The Bicho nFrisé Club of Scotland Christmas Party (established 1994 ) The Bichon Frisé Club of Scotland

No.29 Winter 2008

The BichonFrisé Club of Scotland(established 1994)ChristmasParty

The BichonFrisé Club of Scotland

(Donations to Bichon Rescue and a Dog Charity)

SUNDAY 7th DEC 2008, 12noon- 4pmPolmont Old Parish Church Halls,Main Street, Polmont, Falkirk FK2 0PZEntrance (and parking) Greenpark DriveMobile on the day: 07710 762 296


Programme of Events1. Most appealing youngster - dog that is! Up to 18 months.2. Golden oldies - dogs over 6 years.3. Dog with the waggiest tail.4. Best 6 legs - dog and handler5. Twins! Any two similar dogs (borrow if required).6. Fancy dress - dog(s) and owner/handler7. Dog the Judge would most like to take home - Best in Show!8. Best Junior HandlerRosettes for all winners plus prize for Best in Show.

Doggie Bric-A-BracBuy and Sell at our unique bargain stall - simplybring and buy - anything of a doggie nature -apart from the dog of course,

Photographic Competition. Bring yourdog photos (funny, sad etc.) they will judgedduring the lunch break. Why not give yourphotographs a caption.

Buffet lunch will be served atapproximately 1.30pm.N.B. Please make cheques payable to Bichon FriséClub of Scotland. Cheques and completed slipsmust be sent to the Club Secretaryby Wednesday 3rd December 2008to enable us to assess our catering requirements.

Donations for the raffle would be most appreciated.

Presents for all dogs on the day!Calendars on Sale!

Adults £5.00; Children £3.00 (under12);Dogs - Club guests go freeTo Book or for more details contact:Sylvia Davidson:3 Overton Road, Netherburn,South Lanarkshire ML9 3BT Tel: 01698 889354.

General Fun ‘n’ Gamesfor all the family andof course... Santa

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A warm and sinceregreeting to all of ourmembers. Our summerpassed off, alas, withoutmany warm sunny daysand now autumn is uponus. Christmas, if many ofthe shops are to be believed, is just around thecorner. Santa Claus makes his appearance earliereach year, all of which I feel is a sad reflection onhow folks are encouraged to celebrate the holyseason of the birth of the baby Jesus. All of that beensaid, brings me to a mention of our annual ChristmasParty, which will be held in the Polmont ParishChurch Hall, on Sunday 7th December 2008. Wehope you will be able to attend and perhaps bringalong a friend, with your dogs, all will be guaranteedan enjoyable day. More about the Party on the backpage of this Newsletter.On Sunday 7th September 2008 our committee

held a “Grooming Demonstration for Pet Bichons”,in the Polmont Church Hall. We were indeed veryfortunate to have Lesley Stanley, accompanied by herhusband Colin to preside over the event. A goodattendance of groomers who own GroomingParlours in and around the district and beyond. Theywere delighted with Lesley’s demonstration andfound the event very informative. Thanking all thosewho arranged it and for their invitation to attend.Our committee are indebted to Lesley and Colin

for the grand job they did hat day.and to our Chair-person Sylvia Davidson for her hospitality to themafter the close of the Demonstration.Our Club Membership, alas, is not a strong as we

would like, which has resulted in our Committeemaking a special appeal to encourage and promoteinterest in joining and continuing to be a ClubMember. The Membership is the heart of the Cluband by attending and supporting events, paying dues(preferably by Standing Order) the heart-beatremains strong. The committee are obliged to takesome action to increase the Clubs’ Membership bypublicising our aims and we feel that you, themembers, will give us your support at this time.Our new President celebrates his first anniversary

now, since being elected. He is currently seekingthe most cost effective and attractive method ofproducing our Calendar for 2010. This task added toall of the others he performs for the Club makes himindispensable and we thank him for it. Well done Jim.The committee will meet soon to discuss our

programme for 2009 and my main job is to takenotes of all that is discussed at the meetings.Everyone but everyone attending has their say andtranscribing it on to paper in the allotted time I oftenthink requires the skill of a Philadelphia Lawyer.However a cheerful atmosphere prevails and we endthe meetings having managed to complete theagenda in good time.Which brings me to the conclusion of my

Statement for this Newsletter. I hope to see you allat the Christmas Party in the meantime have manyhappy times with your wee white friends.

Christmas will soon be hereand as I write preparations

are being made for our annual party on 7thDecember.The Bichon Club seems to be settling into a

pattern. Every two years we have had aGrooming Seminar or Demonstration. This yearwe had Lesley Stanley from Birmingham, ablyassisted by her husband Colin.Lesley had a wonderful turnout of groomers

from all over Scotland. Her first demonstrationwas grooming a pet Bichon partly by clippers sothat it still looked like a Bichon but was easy forthe owner to handle in between visits to theGrooming Parlour.The second half of the day was for Show

Bichons and the new style which is in the“vogue” just now..Everyone enjoyed the day and many thanks to

Lesley and Colin for travelling such a distance andgiving us a very interesting and entertaining day.Also a big thank you to the Committee for awonderful lunch.We always donate some of our profit to an

animal charity and this year we have decided thatit should be Scottish S.P.C.A. They depend ondonations to survive and help neglected andabused animals.I would also like to thank all our members and

their friends who donate Raffle prizes and hand indoggy things for our

The Bichon FriséClub of Scotland

Officers & Committee2008/9

Secretary (Minutes):Irene Anderson3 Queens Drive,Falkirk FK1 5JJ

Tel: 01324 621718.

Chairperson:Sylvia Davidson

3 Overton Road, Netherburn,South Lanarkshire ML9 3BT

Tel: 01698 889354.

President:Jim Innes,

45 Newbigging,Musselburgh EH21 7ASTel: 0131 665 6273.

Secretary (Membership):Claire Mills,

45 Mountcastle Crescent,Edinburgh EH8 7SB

Treasurer:Mrs Christine Mills,

45 Mountcastle Crescent,Edinburgh EH8 7SB

Committee:Mr Alec Anderson,3 Queens Drive,Falkirk FK1 5JJ

Tel: 01324 621718.Margaret Innes,45 Newbigging,

Musselburgh EH21 7ASTel: 0131 665 6273.

Mrs Margaret Stewart,10 Keirs Beith Rise, Kingseat,Dunfermline, Fife KY12 0DB

Tel: 01383 842242.

Items for the Newsletter(articles and images)can be e-mailed direct to:[email protected]

The views expressed in thisnewsletter are not necessary thoseof the Officers or Committee of theBichon Frisé Club of Scotland.

Chairperson’sChat By SYLVIA


Much has been written and discussed about theBBC programme on dog breeding, I myself didnot see it, but have heard plenty about it.It seems to be a one sided view, not typical of the BBC and has donenothing for the honest breeder, trying to improve their breed and willnot hinder the puppy farmers who only care to make money and in sodoing produce many of the bad examples shown on the programme.We are fortunate that our breed is a sound, mainly healthy dog, but ittoo has been modified from the first of the domesticated wolves ashave guard dogs, sledge dogs, rescue dogs, sheep dogs, etc.At time of writing our membership numbers are steady, not bursting

at sides, but then we are a minority breed.The “Summer Fair” event held in June attracted very few members

and though “The Bichon Frisé Pet Grooming Demonstration” held inSeptember, was a success, it was mainly attended by (very welcome)non-members of our Club.Each year the committee, endeavours to organise three events

which they hope will bring the members, with their dogs along to havean enjoyable day together, meeting old friends and perhaps makingnew ones. We do appreciate that most people lead busy lives thesedays, and though they would wish to attend the events, cannot alwaysspare the time.Although our Club Funds are reasonably healthy, they can only

remain so if we enjoy the support of our members.The committee therefore wish to appeal to all of our membership

to come along to the events throughout the year, or as many as youpossibly can. Where possible we would appreciate if Membership Duescould be made through Direct Debit.This avoids having to rememberto send payment for dues annually, to our Club Secretary, and ensuresyour membership is maintained and up to date.Thank you for your past support to the Club and we look forward

to seeing you at the Christmas Party.

Recycling Stall. This stall is all the things you buy foryour dogs and never use.Not all dogs start off their life well. It is bad enough having Puppy

Farms, but I was reading in the newspaper the other day about thelatest internet fraud. Fraudsters from Africa place ads claiming to live locally and then demand cash fora pup which has been advertised free to a good home.Dozens of families have been duped by these people... so be

warned! Buy from a reputable breeder, contact the Breed Club fordetails of Breeders and any pups available. They will be only toohappy to help.I am looking forward to seeing you all at the Christmas Party,

with your Bichons and don’t forget you can bring your friends withyou with their little dogs..any breed is welcome as long as they aresmall. I wish everyone a Good Christmas and a Happy and HealthyNew Year.


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Bathing Your BichonWe all think we know how to bath a Bichon -but do we?This may seem like teaching your grand-

mother to suck eggs, but this is how 1 bath mydogs and 1 know my dogs are whiter than yours!

Equipment• Shower or shower attachment• Shampoo• Half litre squeezy bottle or oldwashing up liquid bottle

• Belfast sink or a baby bath with plug/drain hole (in the bath or on the drainer)

• Plastic jug• Non slip bath mat to fit sink or baby bath• Towels• Tweezers• Nail clippers• Round ended scissors

MethodMix up half litre of shampoo according to makersinstructions and put into squeezy bottle.Put a good squirt of shampoo into sink

or baby bath. Run 4 or 5 inches of warm waterand put dog into water - leaving the showerrunning.Using the jug, gently pour water all over the

dog until thoroughly wetted.Apply shampoo to head and massage well into

ear fur and muzzle - ensure mouth and eyes aredebris free.Apply shampoo to rest of dog in the

following order - always massaging in well:1) Back paws and legs2) Tail and butt area3) Front paws and legs

4) Chest up to chin5) Flanks and spine6) Put shampoo on hand and apply

to tummy and “bits”On Dogs, ensure area around penis is clean,

on Bitches ensure area aroundvulva is clean.Using shower head begin rinsing off. Start with

head and neck, and move along spine.Now start to let the water out and carry on

rinsing until there is no trace of shampoo on thedog or in the sink/bath.Squeeze excess water out of the coat and wrapdog in towel.Stand dog on another towel and rub gently.Tweeze excess hair from ears and remove any

wax/dirt.Trim pads, with round ended scissors.Clip claws.Trim fur around eyes and across nose, with

round ended scissors.Trim any staining around mouth, with round

ended scissors.


Drying Your BichonEquipment• Stable surface with a rubber mat for yourdog to stand on.

• Blaster, or• Blaster/Drier, or• Powerful hairdryer with a Cool Setting• Head control arm• Slicker brushes - Large and Small• CombBoots spray-on/leave in Coconut & Almondconditioner (Yes the one for Human Hair)Cornflour or potato flour in a puffer bottle orclean hair colourant bottle

For those of you with grooming salonsremember YOU CANNOT DRY A BICHONIN A CABINET DRIER.

Using a Blaster or Blaster/DrierEnsure your blaster/drier is on Blaster setting,now ensure your Blaster is on lowest setting -you can increase power as you go.Flour/powder any stained areas on dog - rub

in well. You cannot apply too much!Hold dog by the tail & start drying in 1"

sections - blaster nozzle should be about

1/2" from the skin and pointing towards the head.Hair is dry when no more “crinkles” can be seenin the fur.When dog is comfortable with drying action

pick up back paw and dry from pads to hock.Then dry from nails to hock.Dry inner and outer thighs and work up to

meet dried area around tail. Repeat with otherback leg.

Now gradually workforward in 1" sections to shoulders.Dry front legs like back legs.Dry chest and shoulders.Dry neck and back of ears.With blaster back on lowest setting gently dry

under chin and top of head. You should holdnozzle 2" to 3" away for this.Now go back over dog again to check that

nothing has been missed.Set Blaster/Drier to Drier mode or set up

Hairdryer so that either will blow on dog leavingboth hands free.Lie dog down on side.Put 3 or 4 sprays of conditioner onto Small

slicker brush.Turn on drier.Starting with a back leg, brush upwards from

foot to hip. Ensure all knots are removed. Thencomb fur upwards to ensure no small tanglesremain.Move drier so it is over the body of the dog.

Put 3 or 4 sprays of conditioner onto Largeslicker brush. Brush body fur towards head andbrush flanks from spine to tummy. Ensure thereare no knots or tangles by combing through.Re-spray Small slicker brush and do front leg

like back leg.

Bathing,Drying,GroomingLESLEY’S WAY

Using round-ended scissors closely trim thefollowing whilst the dog is on its side:a) Penis and testicles, orb) Vulvac) From 1/2" outside nipples cut fur to

approx. 1/8" long over tummy and up to armpits.d) Go over pads again.Turn dog over and repeat process for other

side.Turn dog onto tummy, re-spray Large slicker

brush and brush up neck to head.Move drier to over dog’s head and dry head

thoroughly - always brushing forward with smallslicker brush.When you think head is dry brush fur

backwards from muzzle to ensure over eyesand front of ears are completely dry.Re-spray Small brush and dry tail.If you’re satisfied dog is dry then brush through

from head to tail and include tail. Then brush uplegs.Comb dog through from tail to head.


Drying with a HairdryerThis will need either a drier stand - approx.£50.00 - or someone to hold the drier for you.YOU REALLY CANNOT DO THISWITHOUT HELP.The drying regime is basically the same as

with a blaster, but it does have the followingdifferences:1) Keep the dog covered with a damptowel to prevent drying out too quickly.2) You HAVE to brush as you dry - hencethe need for a stand or human holder.3) Drier should be at least 12" awayfrom the dog so that it doesn’t burn.4) Keep alternating between heat andno heat for the comfort of the dog.5) When the area you are drying is half dryspray the slicker brush with conditioner andbrush through with drier on until dry.6) After 30 minutes have a stretch and offerthe dog a drink. This gives you, the dog andthe drier “cooling time” and keeps tempersfrom fraying.7) Always ensure no “crinkles” at base of fur.


Continued on page 8

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Grooming DemonstrationThere were a few surprises at the well attended demonstration onSunday 7th of September. The venue was Polmont Old Parish Church Halls.The demonstration was by Lesley Stanley, a well known groomer fromBirmingham, assisted by husband Colin.Professional Groomers were in the audience and were pleased to watch a

show finish materialising in front of their eyes. Before that dog showers andpet owners were amazed to see clippers appear - normally never seen neara Bichon and the result was a dog ready for any show ring in the land.The discussions during the lunch break between the mixture of dog lovers

was pretty interesting.

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1. After bathing & before drying pluckears, trim between pads, cut clawsthen lightly trim around the eyes andmouth. 1 find dogs co-operate muchmore if they can see what’s happening.2. If scissoring all over set the toplinefirst, then start at the bum and workforwards. Do the head and neck last.3. If you are trimming your ownBichon or a pet that is always knottyand the owners won’t brush out thenproceed as in Diagram 3, but clipperthe body of the dog with one of thefollowing blades:ANDIS 3/4" or ANDIS 5/8"Both will fit OSTER clippersOSTER No.3 (BUT NEVER A 3F)4. Always oil with a little clipper oilbefore starting, wipe excess from baseof blade.5. Clip from head to tail. Start underthe ears. The arrows on the drawinggive the direction to clip and thebroken lines show where to clip to.Scissor the bottom of the legs, thehead and neck to finish.6. The head can be smaller for a pet,but the ears should always be blendedin. A pet Bichon should still look like aBichon, it should not have a Poodleface, ears or top knot.7. When trimming is finished 1 givethe dog a quick “once over’’ with theblaster before the final comb up. Thisgives a better final finish.8. When finished, blow the blasterover the clippers to clear all fur.9. Remove the blade and immerse incleaning solution until needed again.10. Oil clippers.GOOD LUCK AND HAVE FUNLesley Stanley, Elancle Bichons,147 Grange Road, Kings Heath,Birmingham B14 7RXTel: 0121 624 2635(24 hour Answering Machine)

NECK -An arch of neck addselegance, leave hairlonger if possibleTAIL -

Leave long and full,clean off aroundanus.

TOPLINE -Scissor level.

CHEST -Scissor short (about half aninch in length) up toAdam’s apple. Clear all furfrom “armpits” this helpsto emphasisethe breastbone.Trim outsidethen inside offront legs.

FRONT LEGS -A cylinder - lay scissors against frontnails to give cutting line. Scissor straightdown on all sides. Taper into foot atrear to give “up on toes” look.

UNDERLINE -Curve up under

loin. If dog is low onleg, scissor hair shorterunder chest to make

dog appear higher on leg.

REAR AND LEGS -Trim half an inch up tail allaround Trim all fur aroundanus The above 2 stepskeep the bum cleaner forlonger Trim all fur aroundtesticleslvulva TrimINSIDE of back legsfirst Give spacebetween legs - thisprevents the “cow hock”look Rear legs should still be acylinder Show the angulationby leaving fur longer on backof hock and front of thigh.

FACE There are twoschools of thought on faces.Here are both methods.

METHOD ONEOnly remove hair at A -take very close. Nevertake from above the eyes(Unless to exaggerate goodpigment). Then comb hair onhead forward - B. Scissor aneat rounded line to approx. oneinch past outer corner of eye.

METHOD TWOWith short, sharp scissors trim away all furbetween the eyes. Trim a quarter of an inch under

Head shapingmay be


Clipper down.

Clipper toAdam’s appleand ears.

Clipper downto betweenlegs.

Scissor as in diagram aboveall areas marked



each eye and over bridge of nose. Then as MethodOne, comb into place and shape with scissors.

MOUTH Snip away excessive staining fromaround the mouth. Lift lips and trim badly stainedareas close to lips.

Lesley’sHints & Tips

Grooming Tips for the Bichon

Clipper GuideMoreInformation

This message originated from Ali Taylor, Head of Welfare,Battersea Dog Home. They gave permission for it to bepassed on.Yesterday one of our dog agility friends experienced a

tragedy and wanted me to pass a special message alongto all of my dog loving friends and family. Please tellevery dog owner you know.Over the weekend the doting owner of two young

lab mixes purchased Cocoa Mulch from Target to use intheir garden. They loved the way it smelled and it wasadvertised to keep cats away from their garden.Their dog Calypso decided that the mulch smelled

good enough to eat and devoured a large helping. Shevomited a few times which was typical when she eatssomething new but wasn’t acting lethargic in any way.The next day, Mum woke up and took Calypso out forher morning walk. Half way through the walk she had aseizure and died instantly.Although the mulch had NO warnings printed on the

label, upon further investigation on the company’swebsite, this product is HIGHLY toxic to dogs and cats.Cocoa Mulch is manufactured by Hershey’s, and they

claim that ‘It is true that studies have shown that 50% ofthe dogs that eat Cocoa Mulch can suffer physical harmto a variety of degrees (depending on each individualdog). However, 98% of all dogs won’t eat it.” Alsoincluded was the following information -Cocoa Mulch, which is sold by Home Depot,

Foreman’s Garden Supply and other Garden supplystores, contains a lethal ingredient called “Theobromine”.It is lethal to dogs and cats. It smells like chocolate and itreally attracts dogs. They will ingest this stuff and die.Several deaths already occurred in the last 2-3 weeks.

Just a word of caution, check what you are using in yourgardens and be aware of what your gardeners are usingin your gardens.Cocoa bean shells contain potentially toxic quantities

of theobromine, a xanthine compound similar in effectsto caffeine and theophylline. A dog that ingested a lethalquantity of garden mulch made from cacao bean shellsdeveloped severe convulsions and died 17 hours later.Analysis of the stomach contents and the ingested cacaobean shells revealed the presence of lethal amounts oftheobromine.Copied from and with the permission of PYRENEAN WORLD


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Remember: Dogs and cats are better than kids because they:1. Eat less2. Don’t ask for money all the time3 Are easier to train4. Normally come when called5. Never ask to drive the car6. Don’t hang out with drug-using friends

MAKE A DATENext year we hope to produce our own calendarfor 2010. It will be (if all goes well) a 12 pagecalendar, A4 in size and printed in full colour. Weare inviting all members to participate by buying apage. Simply supply a photograph of your Bichonand it must be Bichons, apologies to all ourmembers with other breeds, either a decent sizeJPEG or a photographic print, which we will scan.The shape will be landscape, but 2 portrait side byside could be accommodated. The cost of this willbe £20 which will entitle you to a complimentarycalendar. Selling price for the calendars will be £6

Pedigree, the pet food company, dropped itsestimated £1.5-million-a-year sponsorship ofCrufts dog show on 24th October, ending arelationship that has endured for 44 years.The decision follows the furore over claims

that the show promoted breeding methods thatencouraged deformities and disease in animals.The Pedigree brand was once so inextricably

linked with Crufts that cans of the dog foodcarried the strapline “Top breeders recommendit” and champion dogs regularly appeared inTV advertisements.After a BBC documentary that high-lighted the

genetic side-effects of unhealthy breeding, therewas concern that the brand was being tainted byassociation with the show.Pedigree and its British marketing manager,

Stephen Rendu, declined to discuss their decision.A statement from Mars UK, which owns Pedigree,said: “After careful consideration, Pedigree hasdecided to withdraw its sponsorship of Crufts.The Pedigree brand has evolved and we areprioritising initiatives that support the broadestpossible community of dog owners such as oursuccessful programme the Pedigree AdoptionDrive, and our online service for breeders, We look forward to workingwith the Kennel Club on other projects in thefuture.”Leading figures in the canine world have

suggested that the split between the two now putsa question mark over the long-term future of theworld’s biggest dog show.The Kennel Club, which organises Crufts,

insisted that the show would go ahead,although it is still unclear if TV coverage of theevent by the BBC will proceed or whether theformat will change in some way.Talks between the BBC and the club are still

continuing and a panel of scientific experts is toadvise the BBC about future screening. Last year14.5 million viewers tuned in to the show, whichwas televised over four days.

The pullout by Pedigree comes four monthsbefore the next show at the National ExhibitionCentre in Birmingham. Rosemary Smart, chiefexecutive of the Kennel Club, said: “Clearly weare very sad to lose Pedigree from Crufts. Wehave had an excellent relationship for many yearsand we wish them well and look forward toworking with them in the future.”The RSPCA and the Dogs’ Trust announced

last month that they were severing links with theshow. Last night there were fears that otherexhibitors may decide to follow Pedigree andwithdraw their support.Canine experts were curious as to why Pedigree

had waited so long to distance itself from Crufts,especially when the club has embarked on ashake-up of all dog-breeding to introduce kinderrearing methods for all pets and showdogs.Beverley Cuddy, editor of Dogs Today magazine

and a longstanding critic of the Kennel Club, said:“I think it is sad in a way that it’s come at a timewhen the Kennel Club was trying to tackle theproblems. But it is a dramatic reversal and couldbe the knockout blow for the show.“It will make it very difficult to be profitable.

The club only makes about £500,000 from theshow so this will create a massive deficit.”The club is already on a collision course with

breed societies over its decision with the Dogs’Trust to review breeding standards for 209species. The first dog breeds to face scrutiny arethe pekinese, the Clumber spaniel, bloodhound,bulldog, mastiff, German shepherd, basset houndand St Bernard. Incestuous inbreeding of dogs –sons with their mothers and half-siblings witheach other – is also to be tackled.The documentary, which the Kennel Club has

denounced as biased, showed a prize-winningCavalier King Charles spaniel with syringomyelia,which occurs when a dog’s skull is too small forthe brain. There were also pugs with breathingdifficulties and boxers suffering from epilepsy.REPRODUCED BY KIND PERMISSION OF THE TIMES.

Future of Cruftsdog show in doubtafter Pedigree pulls£1.5m sponsporship

Wedding DazeIt has been a great time for Weddings. In AugustKirsty Wood became Mrs Ben Drysdale (below).Kirsty has been showing Bichons for many years andas a Junior handler, has contributed many columns tothis Newsletter. September saw the wedding ofPamela Moncur to David Shankland (right). Pamelawas Secretary of the Club in 2006 to 2007. We wishthem all the very best and hope to see them at showsor Club events in the not to distant future.

To pacify you, my dear pets, I have posted the

following message on our front door:

To all non-pet owners who visit and like

to complain about our pets:

1. They live here. You don’t.

2. If you don’t want their hair on your

clothes, stay off the furniture.

That’s why they call it “fur”niture.

3. 1 like my pets a lot better than

I like most people.

4. To you, they are an animal. To me,

he/she is an adopted son/daughter

who is short, hairy, walks on all fours...

and doesn’t speak clearly.

7. Don’t smoke or drink8. Don’t have to buy the latest fashions9. Don’t want to wear your clothes10. Don’t need a barrow load of money

for university/college, and11. If they get pregnant, you can sell their children!