the bible altered to hide the doctrine of reincarnation

The Bible Altered to hide the doctrine of Reincarnation REINCARNATION REMOVED FROM THE BIBLE (Review of "According to Thomas" by Bruce McDonald) Questions: One of our members, JD Rabbit in New York, got a hokj of a book called According to Thomas by Bruce F. McDonald, and she wrote the author, suggesting that he send CAC a copy for possible inclusion in our book list for the membership. This book arrived the other day and I started reading it, and the author, McDonald, who I believe was a lawyer and was looking for answers, and he walked into a New Age bookstore a few years back, and he picked up a few books, and it turned his whole head around, and he got into meditation, and over a period of 4 or 5 years I believe it was his meditation seemed to identify with the Apostle of Jesus named Thomas, and out of this work, this meditation which he started making notes about, it dawned on him that this was becoming a full book, a unified piece of work, and although the entity does not presume or imply that he was the entity Thomas himself, the reader is left with the impression that he must have been or he would not have had such intimate conversations with the entity Jesus. I'd like to read just a little sample of this and ask Awareness to comment. He says: "And he guided us, each one in our own way, for he said that the way is one, that each of us has a different path within the "way. You do not understand this life," he said, on a later occasion, "you do not understand what you can achieve. You think that you are born and die, and have only the time in between to live. The Sadducees do not even believe in the resurrection, and (the Pharisees and Essenes believe you are saved or are damned on the basis of what you do here in this

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Page 1: The Bible Altered to Hide the Doctrine of Reincarnation

The Bible Altered to hide the doctrine of Reincarnation

REINCARNATION REMOVED FROM THE BIBLE(Review of "According to Thomas" by Bruce McDonald)Questions:One of our members, JD Rabbit in New York, got a hokj of a book called According to Thomas by Bruce F. McDonald, and she wrote the author, suggesting that he send CAC a copy for possible inclusion in our book list for the membership. This book arrived the other day and I started reading it, and the author, McDonald, who I believe was a lawyer and was looking for answers, and he walked into a New Age bookstore a few years back, and he picked up a few books, and it turned his whole head around, and he got into meditation, and over a period of 4 or 5 years I believe it was his meditation seemed to identify with the Apostle of Jesus named Thomas, and out of this work, this meditation which he started making notes about, it dawned on him that this was becoming a full book, a unified piece of work, and although the entity does not presume or imply that he was the entity Thomas himself, the reader is left with the impression that he must have been or he would not have had such intimate conversations with the entity Jesus.

I'd like to read just a little sample of this and ask Awareness to comment. He says:"And he guided us, each one in our own way, for he said that the way is one, that each of us has a different path within the "way. You do not understand this life," he said, on a later occasion, "you do not understand what you can achieve. You think that you are born and die, and have only the time in between to live. The Sadducees do not even believe in the resurrection, and (the Pharisees and Essenes believe you are saved or are damned on the basis of what you do here in this life, so you judge and forsake love in order to enter heaven, yet I tell you that the father has many heavens and many homes for you. This is not your only life, and these are not the only things you have to learn. You will have lives in other times and places.

"Do you judge the prostitute? You may have been a prostitute. Do you judge a Roman or Greek? You may have been those. The Father wishes you to know the life of the world in all its conditions so that you may be able to love those in all conditions. He wishes you to learn poverty and wealth, weakness and strength, sickness and health so that in all these you may seek him and find him."

Page 2: The Bible Altered to Hide the Doctrine of Reincarnation

This book shows a different frame of reference from this entity, than the normal Bible docs. I'd like to ask Awareness to comment on this.

Cosmic awareness:This Awareness indicates that as has been given before; the passages in the Bible have been altered at the Nicene Council, wherein all of these references to reincarnation were intended to be stricken from the New Testament. This Awareness indicates that there have been a few references which were inadvertently left in. This Awareness indicates that essentially, this present writing is more to the teaching of Jesus; that entities may wish to look again at those references in which Jesus told his disciples that Elias had returned and they knew him not. This Awareness indicates that this entity was referring to John the Baptist as the return of Elias.

This Awareness indicates that the disciples, in answer to the question of Jesus: 'Whom do they say I, the Son of Man am?', responded that: some thought he was Elias, and others thought he was John the Baptist, who by that time had been heard of, but they mistook him; some had mistaken Jesus for being John the Baptist. This Awareness indicates that the reference to Elias as that prophet who had passed on several hundred years before, whom Malachi had prophesied would return, the prophecy of Malachi being 400 years previous to the life of Christ.

This Awareness indicates that in Jesus responding to this, the reference to Elias as having come and they knew him not, and did to him what they wanted, was a reference to the beheading of John the Baptist, and referral to John the Baptist as being the reincarnation of Elias. This Awareness indicates that this as a passage which they inadvertently failed to remove because it was not clear enough in itself to be recognized as a statement of attesting to reincarnation, without going back and checking to see who Elias was and relating it to the earlier reference by Malachi, the prophet.

This Awareness indicates that it is this reference in the New Testament that many entities in churches try to ignore or try to say that Jesus was simply speaking poetically, or allegorically, as one would speak of as calling a friend Babe Ruth, such as saying: This baseball player is a real Babe Ruth, or: This entity is a real Elijah. This Awareness indicates that it is obvious in reading the message that that was not the intention.

Page 3: The Bible Altered to Hide the Doctrine of Reincarnation

This Awareness indicates that also, historically, the documents used in Biblical compilation of the Bible were altered in die Nicene Council.

Source: Cosmic Awareness, 9-3-11-88, Paul Shockley Interpreter