the bhp billiton way april 2012

The BHP Billiton Way What we do and how we do it April 2012

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Page 1: The BHP Billiton Way April 2012

The BHP Billiton WayWhat we do and how we do it

April 2012

Page 2: The BHP Billiton Way April 2012

Published April 2012

Page 3: The BHP Billiton Way April 2012

The BhP BilliTon WAy 1


CEO MessageSee page 2

Governance and Management at BHP BillitonSee page 3

Our CharterSee page 4

Operating ModelSee page 6

Customer Sector GroupsSee page 8

Group FunctionsSee page 9

BHP Billiton LocationsSee page 10

Corporate DirectorySee page 12

Page 4: The BHP Billiton Way April 2012


CEO Message

At BHP Billiton, Our Purpose is to create long-term shareholder value through the discovery, acquisition, development and marketing of natural resources. Our consistent strategy to own and operate large, long-life, low-cost, expandable, upstream assets, diversified by commodity, geography and market has resulted in us holding a unique position in the resources industry and delivering value to our shareholders.

To secure our future, we must continue to deliver a stable and dependable cash flow that enables us to invest in growth. Our ability to do this in the past has helped make us one of the leading natural resources companies in the world. However, we are only successful today because of the actions of the people who came before us over a history spanning more than 150 years.

We can never take our performance for granted. Each day, we must safely operate all of our assets at capacity and continue to identify those resources we will leave to the next generation of BHP Billiton leaders. Without exception we must do our work in a way that is consistent with Our Charter values and Code of Business Conduct. It is only when we work in this way that we can continue to work on behalf of our shareholders and communities that we are privileged to serve.

The BHP Billiton Way has been designed to give you a snap shot of what we do and how we do it. It contains Our Charter and the role it plays in communicating, not only what we do, but the way in which we are all expected to work. Its values are central to our way of working and have fundamentally remained unchanged since the Charter was first introduced in 1999. Our values form the basis of the Code of Business Conduct.

The BHP Billiton Way also outlines how we have structured our Company to deliver our strategy. It includes our Operating Model, which describes how accountabilities are divided across the Company. It helps each of us understand our role in delivering the strategy and the measures against which we will be held to account.

We are a large and globally diverse business. We also have a workforce diversified by gender, nationality, ethnicity, skill, thought and style, and we take pride in the strength that comes from our diversity.

The BHP Billiton Way is your tool to better understand how our Company operates.

Marius KloppersChief Executive Officer

At BHP Billiton, we aspire to be the world’s best natural resources company.

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Governance and Management at BHP Billiton

We are committed to the highest level of governance and strive to foster a culture that values and rewards exemplary ethical standards, personal and corporate integrity and respect for others. The Board governs the Group consistent with Our Charter values, long stated business strategy and commitment to a transparent and high-quality governance system.

Our approach to governance is predicated on the belief that there is a link between high-quality governance and the creation of long-term shareholder value. It is our view that governance is not just a matter for the Board; a culture of good governance must be fostered throughout the organisation.

The Board has delegated to the Chief Executive Officer all authority to manage the business of the Group to achieve Our Purpose. The CEO has, in turn, established the Group Management Committee (GMC), a management structure to enable him to effectively execute his authority in a way that is consistent with the expectations of the Board.

The GMC provides advice to the Chief Executive Officer on matters that are strategic and long-term in nature, or have the potential to significantly impact the Group’s performance and reputation.

An important role for the GMC is to determine the way the Group operates. This involves setting the organisation structure and Operating Model; defining the accountabilities and scope of Customer Sector Groups (CSGs), the Group Functions, Minerals Exploration and Marketing. The Group Functions operate as agents of the GMC in executing their mandates that are designed to ensure that we meet our governance requirements and that our business is run in the most effective way possible. A key part of the GMC’s role in this regard is to approve all Group Level Documents (GLDs). These documents contain the minimum mandatory performance requirements for the Group. In addition to accountabilities, they also contain the requisite approvals for decisions.

Strategic risks and opportunities arising from changes in our business are regularly reviewed by the GMC and discussed by the Board. The Board has established a number of committees to assist it in exercising its authority and to monitor the performance of the business. This ensures that a robust governance and management culture is fostered throughout the organisation.

From left: The Group Management Committee: J Michael Yeager, Karen Wood, Andrew Mackenzie, Marius Kloppers, Graham Kerr, Marcus Randolph, Alberto Calderon and Mike Henry.

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Our CharterWe are BHP Billiton, a leading global resources company.Our purpose is to create long-term shareholder value through the discovery, acquisition, development and marketing of natural resources.our strategy is to own and operate large, long-life, low-cost, expandable, upstream assets diversifi ed by commodity, geography and market.

Our ValuesSustainabilityPutting health and safety fi rst, being environmentally responsible and supporting our communities.IntegrityDoing what is right and doing what we say we will do.

Respectembracing openness, trust, teamwork, diversity and relationships that are mutually benefi cial.

PerformanceAchieving superior business results by stretching our capabilities.

SimplicityFocusing our efforts on the things that matter most.

AccountabilityDefi ning and accepting responsibility and delivering on our commitments.

We are successful when:our people start each day with a sense of purpose and end the day with a sense of accomplishment.our communities, customers and suppliers value their relationships with us.our asset portfolio is world-class and sustainably developed.our operational discipline and fi nancial strength enables our future growth.our shareholders receive a superior return on their investment.

Marius Kloppers Chief Executive Offi cer September 2011

4 The BhP BilliTon WAy

Our Charter

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Sustainability our priority is to ensure that all our people return home safe and well at the end of every working day. effective health and safety performance is critical to us. We all have a role to play in ensuring we care for our colleagues and take the appropriate steps to prevent workplace related injuries and illness.

operating sustainably underpins everything we do. We work to improve energy efficiency, reduce pollution, enhance biodiversity and improve the quality of life of people in our surrounding communities.

Integrity We care as much about how the results are achieved as we do about the results themselves. We are committed to working with integrity and believe that consistent and proper business conduct creates dedication and trust.

Respect our dealings with each other, and those with the wider community is one of mutual respect. We always treat others as we expect to be treated and we value diversity and collaboration.

Performance our people have exceptional skills and are encouraged to stretch their capabilities. We value excellence in all we do.

Simplicity We focus our energy on the activities that create the most value for the organisation. We strive to reduce complexity wherever we see it by simplifying processes and stopping low value adding activities.

Accountability our success is driven by the decisions we take and how well we execute them. This requires each of us to take responsibility for what we commit to and ensures the best outcomes are delivered to our stakeholders.

Our Charter is the single most important means by which we communicate who we are, what we do and what we stand for as an organisation. it is through Our Charter we articulate our Purpose, our strategy, the values we uphold and how we measure success. Our Charter is the foundation for our decision-making, actions and behaviours.

Our Charter makes it clear that as we strive for success we must remain forthright in the things we value: Sustainability, integrity, Respect, Performance, Simplicity and Accountability.

By working in a way that is consistent with Our Charter, we will continue to build on our success both today and for the long term.

Our Values:There is nothing more important than Our Charter values. As an organisation we hold our people accountable to live the values.

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Operating Model

our operating Model has been designed to deliver a simple and scalable organisation, providing a competitive advantage through defining how we work, how we are organised and how we measure performance. By having a common set of organisation design principles, systems and processes, and a defined set of performance requirements, we can achieve our Purpose and provide a planned, controlled and safe work environment for our people where all risks are managed.

our Organisation Design GLD (GlD.001) stipulates how we structure our organisation and defines the roles and accountabilities of our people, empowering them to apply their functional expertise to solve complex problems in a world-class manner. We value our people and they are the foundation of our success. We are committed to providing career opportunities and engaging our people to reach their full potential.

We have a common set of functions at the CSG, Asset and operation level, with clear lines of accountability that foster functional excellence. Functional services are aggregated at the Assets so that operations can remain focused on safety, production and cost. our CSGs are focused on strategy, growing the value of their businesses and

governing their Assets and major projects. our Minerals exploration team find our future resources and our Marketing team manage our customer relationships and sell our products.

each one of our 16 Group Functions has a clear mandate approved by the GMC. our GlDs contain the mandatory requirements imposed on all parts of the business and set out the authorities framework. Compliance with these GlDs ensures BhP Billiton’s reputation is effectively managed; we meet our minimum standards and we are focusing on the things that matter most.

Clear accountabilities and transparent data mean we make informed decisions every time and provide a framework for our people so they know they are contributing in a positive and measurable way. our operating Model ensures the health and safety of our people and the delivery to plan of our products at the lowest possible cost. our shareholders, customers, suppliers and communities respect the way we conduct business, our integrity and the quality of our people and processes.

With our simple and scalable organisation, we will continue to resource the future – growing seamlessly, integrating new projects and acquisitions.

Our Operating Model has been designed to deliver a simple and scalable organisation, providing a competitive advantage through defining how we work, how we are organised and how we measure performance.

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Group Management Committee

The GMC provides leadership to the Group by determining our priorities and the way we operate as an organisation. it has organised the Group into CSGs, Minerals exploration, Marketing and Group Functions, who work together in pursuit of our Purpose. The role of each organisation unit and their relationship to each other is set out in GlD.001.

Minerals Exploration Minerals exploration is responsible for identifying and acquiring greenfield exploration opportunities that have the potential to be giant mineral resources; undertaking all minerals greenfield exploration activities including target definition, target testing and post discovery delineation; endorsing all resource and geoscience inputs into greenfield identification phase study activities conducted by CSGs, including acquisitions.

Customer Sector Groups

CSGs are organised on a standardised basis comprising distinct organisational units: CSG, Asset and operation. each level comprises a core of common functional services that operate according to defined roles.CSG-levelThe CSG sets strategy, grows the value of its business and governs its Assets and projects.Asset-levelAn Asset is comprised of one or more operations in a single country and is operated by BhP Billiton. it is the level at which we aggregate functional services. each Asset is responsible for the provision of functional services and integrated planning and development to its operations. This aggregation of work removes from the operations all service activities with the exception of those minimum execution-level activities necessary for managing safety, production and cost. By doing this, we establish deep functional capability at the Asset-level and improve our ability to plan.Project HubsProject hubs are an operating centre for managing our pipeline of major capital projects. Project hubs are organised around major core products and positioned in key global locations to improve the performance, standardisation, repeatability and effectiveness of our project delivery. This enables the consistent application of best project practices and facilitates driving continuous improvement in our project performance.Operation-levelAn operation is a substantially distinct production entity operated by BhP Billiton, such as a mine, port or group of processing or production facilities, with defined boundaries and agreed points of handover for services and/or product. operations execute planned work and focus on safety, production and cost.

Marketing Marketing manages the Group revenue line and is responsible for selling the Group’s products and for the purchase of all major raw materials; owning the supply chain from Assets to markets and raw materials from suppliers to Assets; achieving market clearing prices for the Group’s products and zero directional price risk; and developing a single Company view of the markets.

Group Functions Group Functions operate under a defined set of mandates and accountabilities authorised by the GMC that specifically relate to the governance of BhP Billiton, the Ceo limits established by the Board, and activities necessary to improve the overall effectiveness of the Group.

Group level Documents

our GlDs give effect to the mandatory requirements arising from our operating Model as approved by the GMC. They describe the mandatory minimum performance requirements and accountabilities for definitive business obligations, processes, functions and activities across BhP Billiton.

Processes our defined global business processes, including 1SAP, provide a standardised way of working across the organisation. our common processes generate reliable data, improve operating discipline and ensure we do the basics well.

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Customer Sector Groups

our CSGs are organised on a standardised basis, as detailed in GlD.001, to maximise the effectiveness of the Group as a whole, and comprise a standardised core of CSG-level functions responsible for setting strategy, growing the value of their business and for the governance and performance management of their Assets and projects.

PetroleumPetroleum is one of the largest independent oil and gas companies in the industry, with exploration, development and production activities worldwide. We have a significant deepwater position in the Gulf of Mexico, a new large position in the US onshore, as well as operations in Australia, the United Kingdom, Africa, the Middle east and Asia. Project development capability has delivered industry leading projects, including Shenzi in the Gulf of Mexico and Pyrenees offshore in Western Australia.

AluminiumAluminium operations are located in Australia (Worsley alumina refinery and Boddington bauxite mine), Southern Africa (Mozal, hillside and Bayside aluminium smelters) and South America (Alumar alumina refinery and aluminium smelter and Mineração Rio do norte bauxite mine). Together these operations deliver across all three stages of the aluminium value chain: mining bauxite, refining bauxite into alumina and smelting alumina into aluminium metal. We are one of the world’s largest non-integrated producers of primary aluminium and amongst the largest producers of aluminium in the world.

Base MetalsBase Metals’ primary products are copper concentrates, copper cathodes, lead concentrates and zinc concentrates. operations include the Cannington silver, lead and zinc mine in Australia; Cerro Colorado and Spence mines, which produce copper cathode, and the escondida copper mine and Antamina, a copper and zinc mine in South America; and the Pinto Valley copper mine in north America. our Cannington mine in Australia is the world’s largest producer of silver and lead, and escondida is the world’s largest copper producer.

UraniumUranium comprises the olympic Dam Asset in South Australia and yeelirrie Project in Western Australia. olympic Dam is a large poly-metallic orebody and the world’s largest uranium deposit. The underground mine produces copper, uranium, gold and silver. Should the proposed expansion of olympic Dam proceed, it is likely to also see the development of one of the world’s largest open-pit operations.

Diamonds and Specialty ProductsDiamonds and Specialty Products includes diamonds, titanium minerals and potash exploration and development. Annual sales from our eKATi Diamond Mine in Canada’s northwest Territories (including the 20 per cent minority share) represent around three per cent of current world rough diamond supply by weight and nine per cent by value. Richards Bay Minerals in South Africa produces titania slag, high-purity pig iron, rutile and zircon.

Stainless Steel MaterialsStainless Steel Materials primarily supplies nickel to the stainless steel industry. other markets include the specialty alloy, foundry, chemicals and refractory material industries. operations are located in Western Australia and comprise the Mt Keith and leinster nickel-sulphide mines, Kalgoorlie nickel smelter, Kambalda nickel concentrator and Kwinana nickel refinery. in Colombia, we have Cerro Matoso, an integrated laterite ferronickel mining and smelting operation. We are the world’s fourth largest producer of nickel.

Iron Oreiron ore is one of the world’s leading iron ore producers, selling lump and fine product from Australia and iron ore pellets from our Samarco Asset in Brazil. our Australian operations are based in the Pilbara region of Western Australia and involve an integrated system of mines (Area C, Jimblebar, yandi, newman and yarrie), port and rail infrastructure.

ManganeseManganese is a world leader in the seaborne supply of manganese ore and a global producer of manganese alloy. Manganese Australia produces manganese ore at GeMCo and manganese alloys at TeMCo. Manganese South Africa comprises the Mamatwan open-cut and Wessels underground manganese mines and the Metalloys manganese alloy plant.

Metallurgical CoalMetallurgical Coal is the largest supplier of seaborne traded coking coal and has operations in Australia. our BhP Billiton Mitsubishi Alliance Asset includes the Saraji, Goonyella Riverside, Peak Downs, norwich Park, Gregory Crinum, Blackwater and Broadmeadow open-cut and underground mines and hay Point Coal Terminal. The BhP Billiton Mitsui Coal Asset comprises the South Walker Creek and Poitrel open-cut coal mines. our illawarra Coal Asset consists of the West Cliff, Dendrobium and Appin underground coal mines, with access to rail and port facilities.

Energy Coalenergy Coal produces a variety of coal qualities for our seaborne supply into the Atlantic and Pacific markets and domestic markets in South Africa, Australia and the United States. our new South Wales energy Coal Asset comprises the Mt Arthur open-cut coal mine. The Cerrejón open-cut coal mine in Colombia has integrated rail and port operations. our new Mexico Coal Asset includes the navajo and San Juan coal mines. At energy Coal South Africa, we have the Khutala, Middelburg, Klipspruit, Wolvekrans open-cut and underground mines and coal processing operations.

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Group Functions

There are 16 Group Functions in BhP Billiton, located in Melbourne, london or Singapore. Group Functions must operate under a defined set of mandates and accountabilities as detailed in the Organisation Design GLD (GlD.001).

Group Acquisitions and DivestmentsGroup Acquisitions and Divestments is responsible for providing expert services to the GMC, CSGs and Minerals exploration for the assessment, planning and execution of transactions that meet defined criteria.

Group Company Secretariat Group Company Secretariat is responsible for the central governance functions and records governance across the Group.

Group Health, Safety, Environment and CommunityGroup health Safety, environment and Community (hSeC) is responsible for developing a framework that enables the businesses and the organisation to deliver excellence in hSeC performance.

Group Human Resources Group human Resources is responsible for establishing the Group-wide framework for the recruitment, development and retention of talented and motivated employees to achieve our Purpose in a way that is consistent with Our Charter values.

Group Information ManagementGroup information Management is responsible for providing and supporting all enterprise information Management Services, managing supplier relationships and supporting the end-user experience for these services.

Group Investments and Value ManagementGroup investments and Value Management is responsible for managing the Group-wide investment process. They develop valuation methodologies and decision analysis techniques for investments, future valuations for BhP Billiton and portfolio analysis for strategic and development scenarios. They facilitate the long-term planning across the business.

Group Investor Relations Group investor Relations is responsible for supporting the development of a broad and stable shareholder base for BhP Billiton. They seek to ensure a full and fair market evaluation of BhP Billiton’s equity and encourage deep analyst coverage that consistently reflects an understanding of BhP Billiton’s strategy, operations and prospects.

Group Legal Group legal is responsible for providing strategic legal advice to enable BhP Billiton to achieve its commercial objectives and manage legal risk in compliance with applicable laws and consistent with Our Charter.

Group Project Management ServicesGroup Project Management Services is responsible for ensuring the optimum framework and capabilities are in place to deliver safe, predictable and competitive projects.

Group Public Affairs Group Public Affairs is responsible for supporting management in protecting and enhancing the corporate reputation of BhP Billiton to secure the support of key stakeholders such as the media, government, shareholders, opinion-leaders and our employees.

Group Reporting Group Reporting is responsible for Group-level internal and external reporting and setting group accounting policy and governance over the Group’s global financial systems, processes and procedures. it provides accounting, reporting and supply support services to Group Functions and Group holding companies and payment services across the business.

Group Resource and Business OptimisationGroup Resource and Business optimisation is responsible for technical and governance leadership in the area of planning and mineral resource evaluation. it governs and functionally leads the Work Management process and Production integration process embedded in 1SAP and delivers resource research and development focused on data acquisition and analysis techniques with application to multiple commodities.

Group Risk Assessment and AssuranceGroup Risk Assessment and Assurance is responsible for providing independent and objective assurance over the Group’s governance and internal control processes to the Board, Ceo and Group management.

Group Supply Group Supply is responsible for managing supplier relationships and sourcing for defined global spend categories. They develop a single company view of supply markets for defined global spend categories, enable procurement in low cost countries, standardise the Group’s supply processes, systems and master data design and govern 1SAP master data management, data archiving and conversion.

Group Tax Group Tax is responsible for ensuring Group compliance with all direct tax obligations, ensuring the Group’s overall tax position is optimised and providing expertise to the business on a needs basis to enable compliance with indirect and employment tax obligations.

Group Treasury and Corporate FinanceGroup Treasury and Corporate Finance owns the Group cash, debt and interest lines. it is responsible for ensuring the Group has access to a diverse range of funding sources and for optimising the Group’s balance sheet structure in line with a solid ‘A’ credit rating. it owns the cash, foreign exchange and interest exposure for the Group and identifies and reports financial risks in the BhP Billiton portfolio and proposes corrective action when the residual risk may compromise the achievement of our Purpose. They also maintain a balanced relationship with key stakeholders such as banks and debt investors.

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BHP Billiton Locations

OfficesPetroleumAluminiumBase MetalsDiamonds and Specialty ProductsStainless Steel Materials

Iron OreManganeseMetallurgical CoalEnergy CoalUranium


















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PetroleumRef Country Fields Description Ownership1 Algeria ohanet Joint operator with Sonatrach

for onshore wet gas production (a)45%

2 Algeria RoD integrated Development

onshore oil production (a) 38%

3 Australia Bass Strait offshore Victoria oil, condensate, lPG, natural gas and ethane production (a)


4 Australia Minerva operator of offshore Victoria natural gas production


5 Australia north West Shelf

offshore Western Australia oil, condensate, lPG, natural gas and lnG production (a)


6 Australia Pyrenees operator of offshore Western Australia oil production


7 Australia Stybarrow operator of offshore Western Australia oil production


8 Pakistan Zamzama operator of onshore natural gas production


9 Trinidad and Tobago

Angostura operator of offshore oil and natural gas production


10 UK Bruce/Keith offshore north Sea oil and Bruce – 16% natural gas production (a) Keith – 31.8%

11 UK liverpool Bay operator of offshore irish Sea oil and natural gas production


12 US Fayetteville operator of onshore natural gas production


13 US Gulf of Mexico offshore oil, lPG and natural gas production from several fields• Shenzi 44% • Atlantis 44% (a)

• Neptune 35% • Mad Dog 23.9% (a)

• Starlifter 31% • Genesis 5% (a)

• West Cameron 33.8% (a) Jointly or non-operated BHP Billiton Assets or Fields.(b) Uranium forms part of the Base Metals Customer Sector Group.Percentage ownership figures have been rounded to one decimal place.

BHP Billiton office locationsRef Country Office Location Business Area 40 Australia Adelaide Uranium head office

Marketing office41 Australia Brisbane Metallurgical Coal head office

Marketing office Project hub

42 Australia Melbourne Global headquartersMarketing office

43 Australia newcastle Marketing office44 Australia Perth iron ore head office

Stainless Steel Materials head officeMarketing office Minerals exploration office Project hub

45 Australia Sydney energy Coal head office46 Belgium Antwerp Marketing office47 Brazil Rio de Janeiro Marketing office48 Canada Saskatoon Diamonds and Specialty Products head office49 Canada Toronto Project hub50 Chile Santiago Base Metals head office

Marketing officeMinerals exploration office Project hub

51 China Shanghai Marketing office52 india new Delhi Marketing office53 Japan Tokyo Marketing office54 Malaysia Kuala lumpur Global Shared Services Centre55 netherlands The hague Marketing office56 Pakistan islamabad Marketing office57 Russia Moscow Representative office58 Singapore Singapore Corporate Centre

Marketing head officeMinerals exploration head office

59 South Africa Johannesburg Manganese head officeMarketing office Minerals exploration office

60 South Africa Richards Bay Marketing office61 South Korea Seoul Marketing office62 Switzerland Baar Marketing office63 UK london Aluminium head office

Corporate Centre64 US Farmington Marketing office65 US houston Petroleum head office

Marketing office Project hub

66 US Pittsburgh Marketing office

Projects and exploration activities are not shown on this map.

AluminiumRef Country Asset Description Ownership14 Australia Aluminium

AustraliaA joint venture where we operate the Worsley alumina refinery and Boddington bauxite mine in Western Australia


15 Brazil Alumar integrated alumina refinery and aluminium smelter (a)


16 Brazil Mineração Rio do norte

An open-cut bauxite mine (a) 14.8%

17 Mozambique Aluminium Mozambique

A joint venture where we operate the aluminium smelter (Mozal), located near Maputo


18 South Africa Aluminium South Africa

hillside and Bayside aluminium smelters, located in Richards Bay


Base MetalsRef Country Asset Description Ownership19 Australia Cannington Underground silver, lead

and zinc mine, located in northwest Queensland


20 Chile Pampa norte Cerro Colorado and Spence open-cut mines producing copper cathode in the Atacama Desert, northern Chile


21 Chile escondida Comprises the world’s largest copper mine, concentrators and solvent extraction plants and port operations


22 Peru Antamina A joint venture open-cut copper and zinc mine, located in the Andes north-central Peru (a)


23 US Base Metals north America

includes the Pinto Valley open-cut copper mine, located in Arizona


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OfficesPetroleumAluminiumBase MetalsDiamonds and Specialty ProductsStainless Steel Materials

Iron OreManganeseMetallurgical CoalEnergy CoalUranium


















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63 5546











59 1718







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Uranium (b)

Ref Country Asset Description Ownership24 Australia olympic

Damlarge poly-metallic orebody and the world’s largest uranium deposit, producing copper, uranium, gold and silver


Diamonds and Specialty ProductsRef Country Asset Description Ownership25 Canada eKATi

Diamond Mine

open-cut and underground diamond mines, located in the northwest Territories of Canada


26 South Africa Richards Bay Minerals

integrated titanium smelter and mineral sands mining operation (a)


Stainless Steel MaterialsRef Country Asset Description Ownership27 Australia nickel

WestMt Keith and leinster nickel-sulphide mines, Kalgoorlie nickel smelter, Kambalda nickel concentrator and the Kwinana nickel refinery


28 Colombia Cerro Matoso

integrated laterite ferronickel mining and smelting operation in northern Colombia


Iron OreRef Country Asset Description Ownership29 Australia Western

Australia iron ore

integrated iron ore mines (Area C, Jimblebar, yandi, newman and yarrie), and rail and port operations in the Pilbara region of Western Australia


30 Brazil Samarco open-cut mine that produces iron ore pellets (a) 50%

Metallurgical CoalRef Country Asset Description Ownership33 Australia illawarra

CoalUnderground coal mines (West Cliff, Dendrobium, Appin) in southern nSW, with access to rail and port facilities


34 Australia BhP Billiton Mitsubishi Alliance

Saraji, Goonyella Riverside, Peak Downs, norwich Park, Gregory Crinum, Blackwater and Broadmeadow open-cut and underground mines in the Queensland Bowen Basin and hay Point Coal Terminal


35 Australia BhP Billiton Mitsui Coal

South Walker Creek and Poitrel open-cut coal mines in the Queensland Bowen Basin


Energy CoalRef Country Asset Description Ownership36 Australia nSW

energy CoalMt Arthur open-cut coal mine 100%

37 Colombia Cerrejón An open-cut coal mine, with integrated rail and port operations (a)


38 South Africa energy Coal South Africa

Khutala, Middelburg, Klipspruit, Wolvekrans open-cut and underground mines and coal processing operations


39 US new Mexico Coal

navajo open-cut and San Juan underground mines


ManganeseRef Country Asset Description Ownership31 Australia Manganese

AustraliaProducer of manganese ore in the northern Territory (GeMCo) and manganese alloys in Tasmania (TeMCo)


32 South Africa ManganeseSouth Africa

Mamatwan open-cut and Wessels underground manganese mines and the Metalloys manganese alloy plant


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Corporate Centres

MelbourneBhP Billiton Centre 180 lonsdale Street Melbourne ViC 3000 AustraliaTelephone 1300 554 757 (within Australia) or +61 3 9609 3333 (outside Australia) Facsimile +61 3 9609 3015

LondonBhP Billiton 1 neathouse Place london SW1V 1Bh UKTelephone +44 20 7802 4000 Facsimile +44 20 7802 7141

SingaporeBhP Billiton 10 Marina Boulevard #50-01 Marina Bay Financial Centre Tower 2 Singapore 018983Telephone +65 6421 6000 Facsimile +65 6421 7000

Marketing Hubs

NetherlandsVerheeskade 25 2521 Be The hagueTelephone +31 70 315 6666 Facsimile +31 70 315 6767

Singapore10 Marina Boulevard #50-01 Marina Bay Financial Centre Tower 2 Singapore 018983Telephone +65 6421 6000 Facsimile +65 6421 7000

BelgiumBhP Billiton Diamonds (Belgium) n.V. hoveniersstraat 30 2018 AntwerpTelephone +32 3 201 1090 Facsimile +32 3 213 0846

Minerals Exploration

BHP BillitonMinerals exploration 10 Marina Boulevard #50-01 Marina Bay Financial Centre Tower 2 Singapore 018983Telephone +65 6421 6000 Facsimile +65 6421 7000

Corporate Directory

CSG Head Offices

PetroleumBhP Billiton Petroleum 1360 Post oak Boulevard, Suite 150 houston TX 77056-3020 USATelephone +1 713 961 8500 Facsimile +1 713 961 8400

AluminiumBhP Billiton Aluminium 1 neathouse Place london SW1V 1Bh UKTelephone +44 20 7802 4000 Facsimile +44 20 7802 7141

Base MetalsBhP Billiton Base Metals Av. Américo Vespucio Sur 100, 9th Floor las Condes Santiago ChileTelephone + 56 2 330 5000 Facsimile + 56 2 207 6509

UraniumBhP Billiton Uranium level 1, 55 Grenfell Street Adelaide SA 5000 AustraliaTelephone + 61 8 8671 8888 Facsimile + 61 8 8671 1181

Diamonds and Specialty ProductsBhP Billiton Diamonds and Specialty Products 130 – 3rd Avenue South Saskatoon SK S7K 1l3 CanadaTelephone +1 306 385 8400 Facsimile +1 888 467 2161

Stainless Steel MaterialsBhP Billiton Stainless Steel Materials level 33, Central Park Building 152–158 St Georges Terrace Perth WA 6000 AustraliaTelephone +61 8 6218 2000 Facsimile +61 8 6218 2001

Iron OreBhP Billiton iron ore level 17, 225 St Georges Terrace Perth WA 6000 AustraliaTelephone + 61 8 6224 4444 Facsimile +61 8 6224 4042

ManganeseBhP Billiton Manganese 6 hollard Street Marshalltown Johannesburg 2001 Republic of South AfricaTelephone + 27 11 376 9111 Facsimile + 27 11 838 4716

Metallurgical CoalBhP Billiton Metallurgical Coal Waterfront Place level 20, 1 eagle Street Brisbane QlD 4000 AustraliaTelephone + 61 7 3227 5000 Facsimile + 61 7 3227 5601

Energy CoalBhP Billiton energy Coal level 20, 126 Phillip Street Sydney nSW 2000 AustraliaTelephone 1300 554 757 (within Australia) or +61 3 9609 3333 (outside Australia) Facsimile +61 2 9376 0102

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