the “beyond heavenly” - midnight call

The International Prophetic Voice for the Endtimes February 2020—$4.75 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR • “My Glory” • Rapture Question • Jerusalem Is Babylon P. 22 The “Beyond Heavenly” Future of the Church World Urbanization Part 1 P. 10 Praying Curses: Imprecatory Psalms P. 14 WORLD FOCUS Students’ Phones Become Surveillance Machines • Electronic Swiss Franc?

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Page 1: The “Beyond Heavenly” - Midnight Call

The International Prophetic Voice for the Endtimes February 2020—$4.75

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR • “My Glory”• Rapture Question• Jerusalem Is BabylonP. 22

The “Beyond Heavenly” Future of the Church

World UrbanizationPart 1P. 10

Praying Curses: Imprecatory Psalms

P. 14

WORLD FOCUS Students’ Phones Become Surveillance Machines • Electronic Swiss Franc?

Page 2: The “Beyond Heavenly” - Midnight Call

No one really knows when it's yourtime to enter eternity. It is always best to be prepared!


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$3 for 100 copiesAuthor: Norbert Lieth

Jesus had no otherproof of His legitimacythan He Himself. Henever wrote a book,commanded no army,had no political office,and no possessions. Almost 2,000 years ago, He traveledwithin a radius of about 150 kilometersof His hometown of Nazareth, and yetHis name is still well-known today.

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$3 for 100 copiesAuthor: Michael Kotsch

Page 3: The “Beyond Heavenly” - Midnight Call

6The “Beyond Heavenly”Future of the ChurchBy Norbert Lieth

Together with Christ, the church as the body is thefullness of the One who pervades all in all. Every cornerof eternity will be filled with Jesus and His body thechurch.

10 Money: Ends and Trends

Ripening Times #6 – World Urbanization: Part 1By Wilfred Hahn

14 Praying Curses:Imprecatory PsalmsBy Dr. Ron J. Bigalke

Midnight CallFEBRUARY 2020



18 USA

Students’ Phones Become Surveillance Machines


Best Decade in HumanHistory

19 EU

‘Right to Be Forgotten’ byGoogle Limited


China Hacks Military Secrets


Parliament Rules OutSame-Sex Marriage

4 Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By Samuel Rindlisbacher

22 Letters to the Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By Arno Froese


24 Fellow Laborers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By Midnight Call Ministries’ Staff

25 Action for Israel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By Arno Froese

27 The Ebenezer Home –Haifa, Israel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By David Phillips


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Editor’s Note

4 M I D N I G H T C A L L Visit midnightcall.com4 M I D N I G H T C A L L

“But My People Have Forgotten Me...”

When God chose Israel underthe Old Covenant, He gave itHis blessing. It began well: “Is-

rael was holy to the LORD, the firstfruitsof his harvest” (Jer 2:3). But unfortunately,Israel forgot its God—just as our society isdoing today. “…But my people havechanged their glory for that which doesnot profit. Be appalled, O heavens, at this;be shocked, be utterly desolate, declaresthe LORD, for my people have committedtwo evils: they have forsaken me, the foun-tain of living waters, and hewed out cis-terns for themselves, broken cisterns thatcan hold no water” (verses 11b-13).

Israel began worshiping Tammuz, thegod of vegetation, and the sun as thesource of life in the middle of the temple(cf. Ezek 8). In the same way today, we’returning away from the living God, thesource of blessing, while being simultane-ously surprised that the blessing is alsodeparting. It’s a spiritual “law of nature”:God’s blessing is linked to God’s condi-tions. “If you faithfully obey the voice ofthe LORD your God, being careful to doall his commandments…” (Deut 28:1),then God will bless.

It’s like throwing a stone into the water:ripples form. When a tree is shaken, itsfruit will fall. Likewise, if man walks away

from God, the consequences won’t fail tomaterialize. This is exactly what hap-pened to Israel: “…they make offerings tofalse gods; they made them stumble intheir ways, in the ancient roads…” (Jer18:15).

Isn’t it the same for the Western na-tions? Haven’t they consciously turnedaway from the God of the Bible? They’redoing exactly what the prophet Ezekielwarned against: “Son of man, when a landsins against me by acting faithlessly…”(Ezek 14:13). The Western nations knewGod. There was once an awakening to-ward the Bible, particularly in the coun-tries of the Reformation. The oldergeneration may still remember prayingbefore class and reading the Bible inschool. The catechism was taught in con-firmation classes at public schools. Thou-sands of missionaries went from thesecountries into the whole world. But to-day…

God has the same things to say aboutthese nations as He did about Israel backthen: “But my people have forgotten me;they make offerings to false gods…” (Jer18:15). People have made nature theirgod!

You may have heard about Greta Thun-berg’s startling lecture at the TEDx confer-

By Samuel RindlisbacherPastor at Midnight Call International

Page 5: The “Beyond Heavenly” - Midnight Call

Published 12 times a year byMIDNIGHT CALL, INC.PO Box 84309Lexington, SC 29073Physical Location:

4694 Platt Springs RoadWest Columbia, SC 29170

Founder — Dr. Wim Malgo (1922–92)International Editor — René MalgoExecutive Editor — Arno FroeseContributing Authors — Norbert Lieth,

Wilfred Hahn, Dr. Ron J. Bigalke,Johannes Pflaum, Samuel Rindlisbacher, René Malgo, Stephan Beitze and Thomas Lieth

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OUR TASKMidnight Call Ministries is a nonprofit missionary organization,dedicated to proclaiming the entire Bible as the unfailing and eternalwritten Word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit, and the unerringguide for the Christian faith.

The object of Midnight Call is to call people everywhere to Christ,to proclaim the return of Christ, to prepare Christians for His com-ing, and to uphold the faith and warn of false doctrines. MidnightCall magazine is available in twelve languages. All work donethrough radio, literature and missionaries is supported entirely by thegifts and free will offerings of God’s people.

STATEMENT OF FAITHWE BELIEVE in the divine inspiration of the whole Bible and there-with the infallibility of the Holy Scripture, which is God’s Word, andin the eternal Triune God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

WE BELIEVE Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was conceived of theHoly Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, lived a sinless life, and shed Hisblood to save mankind. He died and arose bodily the third day andlater ascended into heaven.

WE BELIEVE that the Lord Jesus Christ died in the place of eachindividual sinner and that all who believe in Him as their personalSavior are justified through His shed blood and have become children of God.

WE BELIEVE that Israel is God’s chosen people, and that therestoration of the Jews to their own land is the fulfillment of theWord of God.

WE BELIEVE in the pre–tribulational appearance of Jesus Christ forthe Rapture of His Church (all born again believers).

WE BELIEVE in the immortality of our souls and the resurrection of ourbodies, and in the resurrection of the just and the unjust, the everlastingblessedness of the saved and the everlasting punishment of the lost.

The Prophet ic Voice for the Endt imes PRINTED IN 12 LANGUAGES

ISSN 1094–8600

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FEBRUARY 2020 5 % 1-800-845-2420

ence in Stockholm last year. Think what you may about this young girl,but she fascinates me with her dedication and zeal. How she focuses onwhat she thinks is important! Her commitment and determination!And, if I may ask, are we Christians equally committed to Jesus and thespread of His Gospel?

The big tragedy in the midst of all this talk about “saving the planet”is that the Savior God is deliberately excluded. The Creator isn’t wanted.Among other things, Greta Thunberg said in her TEDx speech that hu-mans are “an animal species, among others.” This concept has its originin the theory of evolution, in which a Creator God is unnecessary. Ournew “messengers of the gods” are called ecology, conservation, and sav-ing the planet.

Recently, I read that many Swiss churches and organizations left theclocks in their towers set to 5 minutes to 12, “to show that humans arerunning out of time.” Such churches have lost their calling. Instead ofreturning to the Creator God of the Bible, paganism has found its way inunder the guise of “old-time religion”!

Those who still believe in Jesus should therefore take the decisive ac-tion that the Bible illustrates for us. Let us stick to His Word even moredecisively! Let’s live according to biblical ethics. Let’s have more decisivecourage to testify for Jesus. Let’s put off sin even more decisively. Andlet’s await the rapture; it could occur any day!

Maranatha; come, Lord Jesus—come soon! Amen. MC

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6 M I D N I G H T C A L L

God’s Word promises the redeemed of the church an inheritance ofinconceivably great glory, above and beyond the skies of heaven. The letter tothe Ephesians especially shows this. An exploration.

The “Beyond Heavenly” Future ofthe Church

6 M I D N I G H T C A L L6 M I D N I G H T C A L L

Norbert Lieth

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Our sanctification and spiritualtransformation began with con-version and rebirth. Through-

out the Christian life, the Holy Spiritcontinues this sanctification and trans-formation. But it finishes with Him inglory, when we see Him as He is.

“Beloved, now are we the sons ofGod, and it doth not yet appear what weshall be: but we know that, when heshall appear, we shall be like him; for weshall see him as he is” (1 John 3:2).“And as we have borne the image of theearthly, we shall also bear the image ofthe heavenly” (1 Cor 15:49). “Who shallchange our vile body, that it may befashioned like unto his glorious body,according to the working whereby he isable even to subdue all things unto him-self” (Phil 3:21). “Being confident ofthis very thing, that he which hath be-gun a good work in you will perform ituntil the day of Jesus Christ” (Phil 1:6).

Someone once said on the subject,“We are being masterfully perfected.You won’t fall through the cracks.” The“judgment” will certainly help with this.

The church is a representation of theinfinite richness of divine grace andgoodness in Christ: “That in the ages tocome he might show the exceedingriches of his grace in his kindness to-ward us through Christ Jesus” (Eph2:7). “To the intent that now unto theprincipalities and powers in heavenlyplaces might be known by the churchthe manifold wisdom of God, Accordingto the eternal purpose which he pur-

posed in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Eph3:10-11).

Among other things, this miracle oftransforming grace will be eternal.Throughout the eternal ages, God willreveal to the heavenly host what He ac-complished in Christ with a mankindthat was lowly, corrupt, sinful, andruled by the devil.

“What is man, that thou art mindfulof him?” (Ps 8:4). He not only thoughtof us and saved us, He elevated us aboveeverything and showed us all the richesof His grace.

William MacDonald writes in hiscommentary on Ephesians 2:7, “Thismiracle of transforming grace will bethe subject of eternal revelation.Throughout the endless ages, God willbe unveiling to the heavenly throngwhat it cost Him to send His Son to thisjungle of sin, and what it cost the LordJesus to bear our sins at the cross. It is asubject that will never be exhausted.”

Paul writes that the eternal wealth ofGod in His saving action is inex-haustible, like the universe is thought tobe today. Roughly put, modern sciencemust recognize that, “The more we growin knowledge of the universe, the morewe realize how little we know…andthere are more and more questions.” “Othe depth of the riches both of the wis-dom and knowledge of God! how un-searchable are his judgments, and hisways past finding out!” (Rom 11:33).

An infinite God will teach us infi-nitely, reveal new things to us, and usher

FEBRUARY 2020 7 % 1-800-845-2420

Throughout the eternal ages, God will reveal to the heavenly host what Heaccomplished in Christ with a mankind that was lowly, corrupt, sinful, andruled by the devil.

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us into who knows how many more se-crets.

“He that descended is the same alsothat ascended up far above all heavens,that he might fill all things” (Eph 4:10).There is a fatherhood in the heavens(Eph 3:15), and a heavenly Jerusalem(Heb 12:22). The high priesthood of theLord Jesus is higher than the heavens(Heb 7:26). He ascended through theheavens to the highest place (Heb 4:14).

The throne of God the Father is thehighest place in eternity, high above allheavenly places. It is the center of gov-ernment, the Father’s house, the sourceof everything created; it is the eternity ofeternities. Even the “new Jerusalem” is

limited, but not God. The church inChrist is relocated there.

“And hath put all things under hisfeet, and gave him to be the head over allthings to the church, Which is his body,the fullness of him that filleth all in all”(Eph 1:22-23). We are literally “mem-bers of His body” (1 Cor 12:27; Eph5:30). “For in him dwelleth all the full-ness of the Godhead bodily. And ye arecomplete in him, which is the head of allprincipality and power” (Col 2:9-10).

The description “body of Christ” as anorganism was only revealed after the as-cension of Jesus in Acts, and was a mys-tery (Eph 3:3-7). The apostle Paulspeaks of the church as the body ofChrist for the first time in 1 Corinthians6:15.

In the same way that the members ofour body belong to us, we belong toChrist as His members. Together withChrist, the church as the body is the full-ness of the One who pervades all in all.Every corner of eternity will be filledwith Jesus and His body the church, andnot of ourselves: it is God’s grace alone.How could it be boring in these eternalworlds?

Fritz Binde wrote the following in hisbooklet The Perfection of the Body ofChrist: “This is far beyond our capacity.That God was so resolved in His intentfor salvation and called this wonderfulorganism into existence, who can con-ceive of it? His Christ is incomplete with-out the body. […] Yes, the totality ofthese members constitutes the fullness ofChrist.”

The “Beyond Heavenly” Future of the Church

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Paul writes that the eternal wealth of God in His saving action is inexhaustible,like the universe is thought to be today. Roughly put, modern science mustrecognize that, “The more we grow in knowledge of the universe, the more werealize how little we know…and there are more and more questions.”

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We learn three things about the futureof the church. First, it will co-inherit.Second, it will co-judge. Third, it will co-rule.

It will take part in the liberation ofcreation (Rom 8:19-21). It will co-governall of the heavenly regions (2 Tim 2:12).It will judge the world: “Do ye not knowthat the saints shall judge the world? andif the world shall be judged by you, areye unworthy to judge the smallest mat-ters?” (1 Cor 6:2). I could imagine thisbeginning earlier, during the Great Tribu-lation… (Eph 5:6; Col 3:6).

The church will judge angels: “Knowye not that we shall judge angels? howmuch more things that pertain to thislife?” (1 Cor 6:3). It will return with Himin glory. “When Christ, who is our life,shall appear, then shall ye also appearwith him in glory” (Col 3:4).

We will never be God, never be om-nipresent like Him, but we will be withChrist wherever He is. As His body, asjoint heirs with Christ and conformed toHim, the church will co-rule and co-par-take (cf. Jude 14; Rev 19:11ff.; Zech 14:5;2 Thess 1:7, 10; 1 Thess 3:13).

“And, behold, I come quickly; and myreward is with me, to give every man ac-cording as his work shall be” (Rev22:12).

Isaiah 53:12 speaks of God having “aportion with the great” and “divid[ing]the spoil with the strong.” Couldn’t thatalso be understood to mean that the Lordwill return with “His reward”: that is, thechurch purchased by His blood?

Since the church is the body of Christ,it will share in His earthly dominion. It isalways where Christ is. But its real and

highest purpose is in the heavens. It willprobably have a say in what happens onearth from the heavens, of course alwayssubordinate to the Head.

To my understanding, Jesus won’t justbe present on earth with His church (asfar as the millennial kingdom is con-cerned). That’s why the resurrectedDavid will be appointed as representativeand prince (Ezek 34:23-24; 37:24-25;Hos 3:5). “And I the LORD will be theirGod, and my servant David a princeamong them; I the LORD have spoken it”(Ezek 34:24). “And David my servantshall be king over them…” (Ezek 37:24).

It could be similar to the Lord’s resur-rection: He could be visibly present, dis-appear suddenly, and be in eternity or inthe realm of the dead. The eternal Son ofGod will never be confined only to theearth; He will fulfill and determine alleternity. As God, He will be omnipresent.

The kingdom of heaven means thatheaven will rule over the earth. This in-dicates a close connection, perhaps simi-lar to how things were before the Fall.Likewise, Christ’s spiritually/physicallytransfigured church will rule as His bodyfrom heaven, and certainly won’t be tiedto one place, although we will never beomnipresent. Even the angels have accessto the earth already, although they’re notomnipresent like God.

The church appears with Christ in aroyal and priestly manner (Rev 1:6). Itwill, as mentioned, take part in the gov-ernment in the new heaven and the newearth, along with Christ Jesus and the Fa-ther. There is plenty to do if we’ll onlythink of the infinite vastness.


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We will be with Christ wherever He is. As His body, as joint heirs with Christ andconformed to Him, the church will co-rule and co-partake.

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10 M I D N I G H T C A L L Visit midnightcall.com10 M I D N I G H T C A L L

For resources on "endtime economics," visit Wilfred's website or

contact him at: [email protected]

Why? Because the Bible in-structs us to do so. We are expressly mandated to recog-

nize the season and to “watch.” To re-call, Jesus said: “[…] keep watch,because you do not know on what dayyour Lord will come” (Matthew 24:42).Therefore, let us keep watch. We knowthat the “last days” are treacherous andwill close like a trap (Luke 21:34).

During the course of this series, wehave periodically laid out the criteria foridentifying such prophetically “signifi-cant” trends (most recently, in the No-vember issue of Midnight Call). To date,we have described five such trends. Inthis column, we present the sixth—world urbanization.

Grasping for ProsperityEconomists and policymakers aroundthe world have begun to realize that eco-nomic growth and prosperity will beleaner in the future. Many of the causesand factors that contributed to the greatglobal wealth explosion over the last

century (accelerating during the post-WWII period) have waned, disappearedor reversed. This is attributable to anabrupt reversal of population growthtrends. (In this series, we have alreadydiscussed the demographic develop-ment, which also qualifies as a “ripeningtrend.”)

Policymakers ponder, just how canglobal prosperity then be boosted? Amain source of hope (among a few otherfactors) is this: accelerating world ur-banization. Many international organiza-tions and economic thinktanks, such asthe World Bank, the International Mone-tary Fund (IMF) and a host of others, allidentify this development as an engineof economic hope.

What is urbanization? Wikipedia says:“[Urbanization] refers to the populationshift from rural areas to urban areas, thegradual increase in the proportion ofpeople living in urban areas, and theways in which each society adapts to thischange. It is predominantly the processby which towns and cities are formed



We continue our series of “ripening trends” of prophetic significance. We liveduring a time of great and accelerating change in the world. Unfortunately,many do not see the significance of these many developments. They arecaught in the maelstrom of worldly confusion. Bible-believing Christians, onthe other hand, are charged to be “watching”; to be on the alert for “signifi-cant” world trends.

By Wilfred Hahn

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and become larger as more people beginliving and working in central areas.”1

The biggest contributor to prosperityis population growth (everything else be-ing equal). To the modern humanist, thismay sound like an old-fashioned notion.Yet, this is an inviolable fact of econom-ics. Why? Economics is about “humans.”It couldn’t be any other way. The slowerthe population growth, the slower theeconomic expansion. The maximumwealth and prosperity that can exist inthe world is mostly defined by total laboroutput. And, as reviewed in this series,population growth rates are collapsingaround the world.

Therefore, policymakers encourage ur-banization, because it stands to boosteconomic growth. The more people liv-

ing in cities, the more the need for infra-structure … roads, mass transit systems,bridges, etc. Moreover, activities in citiestend to attract higher wages, consumerspending and housing values.

Given that world population growth iswaning, policymakers hope that by con-centrating the world’s population intocities, the negative impact uponeconomies can be offset somewhat.

The Rapidity of City LifeWe therefore observe that an ever greatershare of the world population is movingfrom rural areas to urban ones … to thecity life. Today, more people live in urbanareas than in rural, with 55 percent of theworld’s population residing in urban ar-eas in 2018. By contrast, in 1950, only 30

World Urbanization: Part 1

FEBRUARY 2020 11 % 1-800-845-2420

Today, more people live in urban areas than in rural, with 55 percent ofthe world’s population residing in urban areas in 2018. By contrast, in1950, only 30 percent of the world’s population was urban.

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percent of the world’s population was ur-ban.

According to UNPD (United NationsPopulation Division) forecasts, by 2050,68 percent of the world’s population isprojected to be urban. As such, some 13%of the world’s population will move to acity over the next 30 years. Assuming thisforecast is correct, more than two-thirdsof the world’s population (or 6.3 billionpeople) will then be living in cities.

Readers will note the rapidity of spread-ing urbanization and the growth of largecities. But, how was it in the distant past?Looking over history, it was more thenorm to have lived in rural areas. To besure, urbanization has an ancient history,beginning quite early in Mesopotamia(4300-3100 BC).

Crucially, however, it was not until theearly 1800s that urbanization truly beganaccelerating. Then, the world urbaniza-tion ratio was only 7.3% (for the US atthat time, only 6.07%). It has soaredrapidly ever since. Given this speed andthat it is a phenomenon that has oc-curred so recently in the timeline of hu-mans on earth (basically, within only twocenturies), we are alerted to the possibil-ity that urbanization is a “significanttrend.”

The Boom of Large CitiesThe outgrowth of increasing urbaniza-tion of course is more cities … andspecifically, big cities. That means greateragglomerations of people. While therewere only 18 urban agglomerations withan excess of 5 million people in the

world in 1970 (Tokyo, New York, MexicoCity, Sao Paulo, Paris, Bombay, Calcutta,Los Angeles, Chicago, Seoul and more),there are 67 or so today. The UNPD fore-casts that there will be 109 cities with apopulation of 5 million or more by 2030.Most names of these large cities willlikely be unfamiliar to the Westerner; forexample, Ningbo, Abuja, Harbin, BeloHorizonte, Jinan, Shandong, Luanda,Douala … and many more.

Most cities mentioned in the Biblewould likely have had less than 3,000 in-habitants. Cities were historically filthyand unhealthy places to live, given thatthere were usually no adequate sewagesystems. The incidence of disease washigh. This was generally not the casewith the Hebrews, as their strict Leviti-cal laws served to avoid such risks.

A few large cities are mentioned inthe Bible, among these Nineveh, said tobe 120,000 in population and to be a“very large city” (Jonah 3:3); Babylon,which would have even been larger; andmost certainly, the ancient metropolis ofBabel. Compare this to city sizes of 25million and more in our time today.(Tokyo has the largest population—37.5million, twice that of New York-Newark.)

As cities become larger and moredense, the logistics of administratingthem become ever more challenging.Consider the traffic systems. These mustbe well planned … and, far in advance.It is well documented that even thoughmodern-day automobiles can drive atspeeds of 200 KPH and more, the aver-

A few large cities are mentioned in the Bible, among these Nineveh, saidto be 120,000 in population and to be a “very large city” (Jonah 3:3);Babylon, which would have even been larger; and most certainly, theancient metropolis of Babel.

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World Urbanization: Part 1

age speed in large cities and major inter-state highways has become ever slower.For example, the average highway speedin Los Angeles during rush hour is now17 MPH (Hwy 101).

Similar challenges are evident in otherlarge cities. For example, in Dhaka (cap-ital of Bangladesh) according to theWorld Bank, the average traffic speed fellfrom 12 kilometers per hour in 2008 to 7kph in 2018. It is one of the densest pop-ulated cities in the world. It now has nochoice but to ban rickshaws.

The Trouble with Big CitiesHow large was Babel’s population? Noone knows. Yet it stands as an exampleof an agglomeration of people of whichGod did not approve. Was it the size ofBabel’s population that caused God todisperse this city? Not likely for that factalone. Rather, what incensed the Lordwas susceptibility to immorality and, theemergence of the humanist spirit … the

brazen attitude ofself-determinationthat prevailed inBabel.

According to theBible, the inhabi-tants said, “Come,let us build our-selves a city, with atower that reachesto the heavens, sothat we may make aname for ourselves;otherwise we willbe scattered overthe face of the

whole earth” (Genesis 11:4). We note that the people had built Babel

expressly so they would not be “scatteredover the face of the earth.” But, to recall,originally God had commanded other-wise.

God said to Adam and Eve, “Be fruitfuland increase in number; fill the earth andsubdue it” (Genesis 1:28). This humanmandate was again confirmed with Noah.“As for you, be fruitful and increase innumber; multiply on the earth and in-crease upon it” (Genesis 9:7).

As a result of Babel’s waywardness,God intervened: He dispersed the peopleof Babel “over all the earth” (Genesis11:8) with a confusion of languages. Inthe end, they were all thrust to rural life.

In the next issue, we will complete ourexamination of this prophetically signifi-cant world trend of urbanization.


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We note that the people had built Babel expressly so they would not be“scattered over the face of the earth.” But, to recall, originally God hadcommanded otherwise.


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Dr. Ron J. Bigalke

Imprecatory psalms are a grouping that contains harsh judgments upon thepsalmists’ enemies. A minimum of seven psalms corresponds to this category to alimited extent: the 35th, 55th, 59th, 69th, 79th, 109th, and 137th. In an ordinatemanner, the term “imprecation” emphasizes the psalmist entreating God to bring“curses” upon his enemies; therefore, it may be better to reference these psalmsas “psalms of anger” or “psalms of wrath” to more properly describe theirintention.

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Praying Curses:Imprecatory Psalms–Reflections on the Psalms, Part 6

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Imprecatory psalms could also be classi-fied as individual laments. They mani-fest a specific perspective with regard to

life and the world. The basis for the impre-catory psalm is the psalmist’s suffering, forwhich he is predominantly innocent. He de-clared, “For they have opened the wickedand deceitful mouth against me; they havespoken against me with a lying tongue.They have also surrounded me with wordsof hatred, and fought against me withoutcause” (Ps 109:2-3). Nevertheless, thepsalmist confessed that his suffering was ul-timately for the Lord’s glory (and for thatreason, he could endure the persecution).“Because for Your sake I have borne re-proach. . . . For zeal for Your house has con-sumed me, and the reproaches of those whoreproach You have fallen on me” (69:7a, 9).

The undeniable implication of the impre-cation is that the psalmist either cursed hisenemies, or prayed for God to do so. Themeaning of the term “imprecation” is“curses,” and thus indicates that thepsalmist prayed for God’s wrath against hispersecutor(s). Regarding his tormentors,the psalmist said, “They repay me evil forgood, to the bereavement of my soul”(35:12). At times, his agony was magnifiedby the fact that the doers of evil were hisfriends. “For it is not an enemy who re-proaches me, then I could bear it; nor is itone who hates me who has exalted himselfagainst me, then I could hide myself fromhim. But it is you, a man my equal, my com-panion and my familiar friend; we who hadsweet fellowship together” (55:12-14a; cf.109:4-5).

Throughout his ordeals, the psalmist re-mained confident in the faithfulness andgoodness of God. “But You, O GOD, theLord, deal kindly with me for Your name’ssake; because your lovingkindness is good,

deliver me” (109:21). Though others mayfail him, the psalmist pleaded, “Help me, OLORD my God; save me according to Yourlovingkindness” (v. 26).

The mindset of invoking vengeanceupon adversaries is an entire contrast tothe spirit of forgiveness taught in the NewTestament (Matt 5:44; Rom 12:17-21). Theattitude of the psalmist is regarded as beingsupposedly sub-Christian; that is, actingcontrary to how a believing church mem-ber should. There are appropriate re-sponses to be made in view of suchallegations.First, the curses do not express the de-

sire for personal revenge. The enemiesmentioned are those opposed to God.Psalm 139:21-22 reveals that David re-jected and refused those who disregardedthe Lord (cf. Ps 1:1). He could not remainneutral toward those who “rise upagainst” God: “they have become my ene-mies” (Ps 139:21-22). David certainly didmake them his enemies, for they actuallymade themselves his adversaries. To resistGod was to be in opposition to His ser-vant. David was so burdened with thethoughts of God that He wanted any ob-stacles to be removed, especially thosewho were hateful toward the Lord (Ps139:21a). When responding to his per-sonal enemies, David was characterized byforgiveness and longsuffering. Twice,while his friends encouraged him to killhis enemy, David spared Saul’s life (1 Sam24; 26) and wept at news of his death (2Sam 1:17-27). Unlike any other Old Testa-ment king, David readily welcomed for-mer adversaries and pardoned those whorebelled against him (2 Sam 3; 19:16-23).By contrast, Abishai and Joab, the sons ofZeruiah, held grudges and acted withvengeance (2 Sam 3:1-39).

The curses do not express the desire for personal revenge. The enemiesmentioned are those opposed to God.

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Second, the innocence of the psalmist isapparent, which is why he called for cursesupon himself if he deserved it. Believers of-ten suffer unjustly through no sin of theirown. In the midst of such injustice, God’speople call to the Lord for His interventionon their behalf, trusting Him to right allwrongs. Psalm 7, for instance, is a passionateimprecation, for it invokes God’s judgmentand wrath upon threatening foes. God is arighteous Judge who defends His peoplewhen they are assaulted.

David searched his heart and prayed, “OLord my God, if I have done this, if there isinjustice in my hands, if I have rewarded evilto my friend, or have plundered him whowithout cause was my adversary, let the en-emy pursue my soul and overtake it; and lethim trample my life down to the ground andlay my glory in the dust” (Ps 7:3-5). Daviddid not declare sinlessness in his petition;rather, he affirmed blamelessness against theaccusations of his accusers. If, however, theslanderous indictments were true, David rea-soned that God’s discipline would result inhis enemies succeeding in their personal at-tacks. Having affirmed his blamelessness, thepsalmist’s appeal to God was for the Lord toarise in His anger (v. 6). David urged God toachieve justice by defending the righteousand punishing wickedness; with that appeal,he recognized that vengeance belongs to theLord.Third, the psalmist always expected God

to execute justice as opposed to it being self-initiated. Indeed, this would be the primarycontrast between Yahweh war and jihad(holy war). God (Yahweh) initiated the war,as necessitated by the nature of His relation-ship with Israel as an elect nation. Moreover,by initiating the process, God would em-power His chosen people (or individuals, as

in Elijah or Cyrus, for example; 1 Kgs 18:40;Isa 45:1) to accomplish the war. Victory wasguaranteed if all His conditions were satis-fied. In the case of Elijah specifically, thewicked crimes of the Baal prophets de-manded the death penalty (cf. Deut 13:13-15; 17:2-5). Genesis 3:15 indicates a higherorder of conflict between God and the spiri-tual forces that strive against His holy will.The imprecatory psalms state the abuse thatthe psalmist’s enemies have perpetratedagainst him, and then reference that mistreat-ment in the context of the Lord’s greaterplan: “Because for Your sake I have borne re-proach; dishonor has covered my face” (Ps69:7).Fourth, many of the curses are related to

the national life of Israel (cf. Ps 144:5-7).Even today, it is not uncommon for a nation’sleader to pray for victory against an enemy.Moreover, warfare in ancient Israel wasclosely related to the worship of God; victoryin battle always involved worshiping theLord prior to the conflict, and praising Himalone for the victory. David’s prayer for Godto “flash forth lightning and scatter” his ene-mies is related to the Lord’s purposes for thepsalmist and for the community (v. 12).

The psalmist’s spiritual wellness was moti-vated by his awareness of community. Heidentified the negative effects upon othersarising from the accusations and taunting ofhis foes. Concerned that his persecutionmight weaken the faith of the community,David prayed, “May those who wait for Younot be ashamed through me, O Lord GOD ofhosts; may those who seek You not be dis-honored through me, O God of Israel”(69:6). He called upon those who favored hisvindication to “shout for joy and rejoice,” be-cause He “delights in the prosperity of His ser-vant” (35:27). There were good reasons to

Praying Curses: Imprecatory Psalms (Reflections on the Psalms, Part 6)

The psalmist always expected God to execute justice as opposed to it being self-initiated. Indeed, this would be the primary contrast between Yahweh war andjihad (holy war).

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glorify the Lord, which is why David wouldmagnify God and speak of his praises “all daylong” (v. 28).

Prayers related to the national life of God’speople must always be understood as redemp-tive and gracious. As a consequence of the fallof humanity, God decreed to elect a peoplethrough whom all nations of the earth wouldbe blessed (Gen 12:1-3). However, it was notuntil their bondage in Egypt that God as-sumed the role of Warrior on behalf of Hiscovenant relationship with Israel (as Father toSon). What must not be confused in God’swarlike nature in redeeming Israel is that theconflict was not specifically between the Godof Israel and Pharaoh/Egypt; rather, it was be-tween Yahweh and the Egyptian gods. In Yah-weh war, the true and living Goddemonstrated His glory and power againstspiritual darkness and wickedness, andagainst those realms that transcend the earthlyand human (Gen 3:15; Exod 15:1, 4-5; Job1:6-12; 2:2-6).

God is holy; therefore, His people must belikewise. Yahweh war was one of the primarymeans in the Old Testament era to protect theholiness of the Lord; it was unique historicallyand does not apply to the church age. No ar-gument from Scripture to justify any type of“holy war” can be made today. Yahweh warwill not be initiated again until the end of theage, when God returns to earth in power andglory to establish His everlasting kingdom(and He will accomplish victory this time di-rectly; Matt 25:31-46; Rev 19:15).Fifth, the prosperity of the wicked in the

time of the Old Testament appeared to dis-prove God’s holiness and justice. Therefore, abeliever naturally desired to witness the vindi-cation of God’s character through His judg-ment of the wicked. The psalmist appealed tothe Lord as a God of justice, expecting the

Lord to contend with those who wronged him(Ps 35:1). The holiness and justice of God ne-cessitated divine intervention against David’soppressors because, in reality, they were op-posed to the Lord Himself. Therefore, thepsalmist did not appeal to God for his ownadvantage; rather, his concern was the ad-vancement of the Lord’s glory.

When one considers the extent and natureof the imprecatory psalms, the intent is read-ily apparent, even though the personal reasonmay not be. To regard the psalms of anger andwrath comprehensively is to discern thatthese imprecations were not prayers for per-sonal comfort or vengeance; rather, the pri-mary focus was the glory of God. Moreover,the psalmist knew the impact of his personalsuffering upon the community, and did notwant others who trusted in the Lord to be-come discouraged by the opposition of hisadversaries. Nothing malicious can be identi-fied in the imprecatory psalms; these appealswere motivated by fervent zeal for the Lord’sglory, and thus invoke divine judgment andwrath upon the psalmist’s adversaries, whowere enemies of God. The psalmist appealedto God for success as he accomplished theLord’s work even among his persecutors.


To regard the psalms of anger and wrath comprehensively is to discern thatthese imprecations were not prayers for personal comfort or vengeance; rather,the primary focus was the glory of God.

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Students’ Phones Become Surveillance MachinesShort-range phone sensors andcampuswide WiFi networks areempowering colleges across theUnited States to track hundreds ofthousands of students more pre-cisely than ever before. Dozens ofschools now use such technologyto monitor students’ academicperformance, analyze their con-duct or assess their mental health.

But some professors and educationadvocates argue that the systems

represent a new low in intrusive technology,breaching students’ privacy on a massivescale. The tracking systems, they worry, willinfantilize students in the very place wherethey’re expected to grow into adults, fur thertraining them to see surveillance as a nor-mal part of living, whether they like it or not.This style of surveillance has become just

another fact of life for many Americans. A

flood of cameras, sensors and micro-phones, wired to an online backbone, nowcan measure people’s activity and where-abouts with striking precision, reducing

the mess of everyday living into trendlines that companies promise to help

optimize.But the perils of increasingly intimate su-

pervision—and the subtle way it can moldhow people act—have also led some toworry whether anyone will truly know whenall this surveillance has gone too far. “Grad-uates will be well prepared … to embrace24/7 government tracking and social creditsystems,” one commenter on the Slashdotmessage board said.The dream of some administrators is a

university where every student is a modelstudent, adhering to disciplined patterns ofbehavior that are intimately quantified, sur-veilled and analyzed.Students disagree on whether the cam-

pus-tracking systems are a breach of pri-vacy, and some argue they have nothing tohide. But one feeling is almost universallyshared, according to interviews with morethan a dozen students and faculty members:that the technology is becoming ubiquitous,and that the people being monitored—theirpeers, and themselves—can’t really do any-thing about it., 24 December 2019

Commentary: Total control is in the works.The last sentence, “…can’t really do any-thing about it,” hits the nail on the head.Or, as it used to be said some decadesago, you can’t stop progress. Computertechnology makes things possible thatwere unthinkable not too long ago. Thepresent communication explosion is like a

volcanic eruption, where mankind doesnot have power over it. True, a degree ofprivacy seems to be protected, as one maysend an encrypted text message to anyone,anywhere, at any time. Yet all electroniccommunication can be stored indefinitely;that’s another important factor.

While we agree that modern technol-ogy is very beneficial and helpful, in-creasing personal security, we cannotdeny the fact that this is guided by a muchhigher power. What type of power is it?The Bible answers: “For we wrestle notagainst flesh and blood, but against prin-cipalities, against powers, against therulers of the darkness of this world,against spiritual wickedness in highplaces” (Ephesians 6:12). These invisiblepowers, the rulers of darkness, have a spe-cific aim; namely, to create a virtuallypeaceful, prosperous, and secure global so-ciety. That, however, can only happenwhen the Prince of Peace comes to Israel,and from there installs righteous govern-ment. Yet, the powers of darkness are verysuccessful at imitating the real thing.

How are we to view this development?Positively, but with caution, for the apostlePaul warns, “For what man knoweth thethings of a man, save the spirit of manwhich is in him? even so the things of God

knoweth no man,but the Spirit ofGod” (1 Corinthi-ans 2:11).

7155(See 101 Answers to

Questions About Satan,

Demons, and Spiritual

Warfare, Item #2289,



Syracuse University is among the dozensof schools in the United States that usetracking systems to monitor students' aca-demic performance, analyze their conductor assess their mental health. (Carolyn Thompson/AP)

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Best Decade in HumanHistoryLet nobody tell you that the seconddecade of the 21st century has beena bad time. We are living through thegreatest improvement in human liv-ing standards in history.

Extreme poverty has fallen below 10percent of the world’s population for the

first time. Global inequality has been plunging asAfrica and Asia experience faster economicgrowth than Europe and North America; childmortality has fallen to record low levels; faminevirtually went extinct; malaria, polio and heartdisease are all in decline.As for Britain, our consumption of ‘stuff’

probably peaked around the turn of the cen-tury—an achievement that has gone almost en-tirely unnoticed. But the evidence is there. In2011 Chris Goodall, an investor in electric vehi-cles, published research showing that the UKwas now using not just relatively less ‘stuff’every year, but absolutely less. Events havesince vindicated his thesis. The quantity of all re-sources consumed per person in Britain (do-mestic extraction of biomass, metals, mineralsand fossil fuels, plus imports minus exports) fellby a third between 2000 and 2017, from 12.5tons to 8.5 tons. That’s a faster decline than theincrease in the number of people, so it meansfewer resources consumed overall.Efficiencies in agriculture mean the world is

now approaching ‘peak farmland’—despite thegrowing number of people and their demand formore and better food, the productivity of agricul-ture is rising so fast that human needs can besupplied by a shrinking amount of land. In 2012,Jesse Ausubel of Rockefeller University and hiscolleagues argued that, thanks to modern tech-nology, we use 65 percent less land to producea given quantity of food compared with 50 yearsago.Perhaps the most surprising statistic is that

Britain is using steadily less energy. John Con-

stable of the Global Warming Policy Forumpoints out that although the UK’s economy hasalmost trebled in size since 1970, and our popu-lation is up by 20 percent, total primary inlandenergy consumption has actually fallen by al-most 10 percent. Much of that decline has hap-pened in recent years.As we enter the third decade of this century,

I’ll make a prediction: by the end of it, we will seeless poverty, less child mortality, less land de-voted to agriculture in the world. There will bemore tigers, whales, forests and nature re-serves. Britons will be richer, and each of us willuse fewer resources. The global political futuremay be uncertain, but the environmental andtechnological trends are pretty clear—and point-ing in the right direction., 21 December 2019

Commentary: There are a number of well-re-spected ministries and individual Bible schol-ars who continue to view the present worldfrom an Armageddon fixation. In otherwords, the world is coming to an end, there ischaos everywhere, signs are multiplying; butare they, really? The excerpt from the articleby Matt Ridley, published in the UK maga-zine The Spectator, presents simple facts thatclearly show the other side of the story. In-deed, “good news is no news.” If one were tocompare the world half a century ago with to-day, the facts would clearly demonstrate thealmost mind-boggling improvements thathave been made. While this article concernsitself with the UK, this applies to most of theworld as well. The progress that is beingmade is staggering.

What’s the reason? There are many, butone is fulfillment of Bible prophecy. Whenthe disciples ask Jesus about the end times,He answers: “Likewise also as it was in thedays of Lot; they did eat, they drank, theybought, they sold, they planted, they builded”(Luke 17:28). Normal, day-to-day activity:eating, drinking, buying, selling, planning,building. We can summarize it with oneword: progress. But during the greatest

progress of all time,sudden catastrophewill befall planetearth as recorded inthe book of Revela-tion. 7156(See Global Financial Apoca-

lypse Prophesied, Item #1068,



‘Right to Be Forgotten’ byGoogle LimitedGoogle does not have to apply EUprivacy laws globally, a court hasruled, in a landmark case that pit-ted privacy rights against freedomof speech.

Google will not have to apply Europe’s“right to be forgotten” law globally, the

continent’s top court ruled in a landmark casethat has pitted personal privacy rights againstfreedom of speech.The victory for the U.S. tech titan means

that, while it must remove links to sensitivepersonal data from its internet search resultsin Europe when required, it does not have toscrap them from searches elsewhere in theworld.It has also been seen by policymakers and

companies around the world as a test ofwhether the European Union can extend itslaws beyond its own territory. The ruling,which applies to all search engines, is rarepositive news for big tech companies underintense official scrutiny on both sides of the

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(continued next page)


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Atlantic over their dominant positions andgathering of vast amounts of data.In its judgment, the Court of Justice of the

European Union said the right to have personaldata protected was not an absolute right.The world’s predominant internet search

engine has previously warned of the dangersof overreach by Europe. In a blog post [three]years ago, it said there should be a balancebetween sensitive personal data and the publicinterest and no country should be able to im-pose rules on citizens of another.UK rights group Article 19, which cam-

paigns for freedom of speech and informa-tion, applauded [the] decision, in which thejudges also said Google had some leeway indeciding whether to scrap links because ofthe balance between privacy rights and publicinterest.

The case arose in 2016 after France’s privacywatchdog CNIL fined Google 100,000 euros($109,790) for refusing to de-list sensitive infor-mation from search results globally upon request.Google took its fight to the French Council of

State which subsequently sought advice from theEuropean Court of Justice., 24 September 2019

Commentary: This victory for the US titan,Google, is a setback for Europe’s extremelystrict privacy laws. Needless to say, this is notthe final word, for technology continues toleapfrog; in most cases, the lawmakers mustcatch up.

One thing we see clearly: that globalismwill have the upper hand. Laws will be writtenand applied to all people on planet earth. Whatis the real reason behind it? Merchandising!

Although there are somehiccups along the way (inthis case, with the Euro-pean Court of Justice),we are racing toward afully integrated, globalworld. 7113(See End-Times Super Trends, Item

#2342, SALE $12.)

20 M I D N I G H T C A L L


China Hacks Military Secrets “Between Oct. 10, 2011 and Aug.13, 2012, attackers thought to beoperating out of China hackedinto the corporate networks ofthree top Israeli defense technol-ogy companies, including ElisraGroup, Israel Aerospace Indus-tries, and Rafael Advanced De-fense Systems,” cybersecuritywriter Brian Krebs writes.

“Most of the information was intellec-tual property pertaining to Arrow III

missiles, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, ballisticrockets and other technical documents in thesame fields of study.” CyberESI believes the culprits were the

“Comment Crew,” a hacking group sponsoredby the Chinese military. Mandiant, a Virgina-based cybersecurity firm, has further identifiedthis group as “the 2nd Bureau of the People’sLiberation Army General Staff Department’s

3rd Department, which is most commonlyknown by its Military Unit Cover Designator asUnit 61398.”Tiny Israel has an enormous cybersecurity

industry and a deep pool of hackers and anti-hackers who learned their trade in the Israelimilitary. So if China can break into top-secretIsraeli computers, they can break into Amer-ica’s—and everybody else’s, too. But what Beijing will do with the Iron Dome

information is an open question. Iron Dome isnarrowly optimized for intercepting Katyusharockets before they land on cities. Shootingdown U.S. stealth bombers or cruise missileswould seem to be a higher priority for China., 27 December 2019

Commentary: This is unprecedented in humanhistory: hackers. Until the global Internetbecame ubiquitous, each country operatedan intelligence system which, in simpleterms, meant spying on other countries.That was a risky undertaking. Today, it’sdifferent: someone may be located on theother side of the world and still be able tobreak into facilities; in this case, the most

sophisticated cybersecurity system. For Is-rael, this is a new battlefront relating to cy-bersecurity, with hackers and anti-hackers.

There is no end in sight. Human intelli-gence, in conjunction with artificial intelli-gence, will continue to battle; creating,receiving, and protecting against these typesof modern break-ins.

What does it mean Biblically speaking?We may answer with one word: unity.While in this case it’s communist Chinawho allegedly has hacked into these high-security systems, doubtless Israel likewiseis busy hacking into systems around theworld. Thus, the question arises, how willthis virtual, invisible war contribute towardunity? The ultimate answer to this compli-

cated question is Reve-lation 17:13: “Thesehave one mind, andshall give their powerand strength unto thebeast.”

7153(See Exposing Mystery Babylon

Part I, Item #1078, $4.50.)

Google (continued from page 19)


Visitors pass by the logo of Google at thehigh profile startups and high tech lead-ers gathering, Viva Tech,in Paris, FranceREUTERS/Charles Platiau/File Photo

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Parliament Rules OutSame-Sex MarriageLimiting marriage to a relationshipbetween a man and a woman willremain China’s legal position, a par-liament spokesman said, ruling outfollowing neighboring Taiwan in al-lowing same-sex marriage, despitepressure from activists.

Asked at a news briefing whether Chinawould legalize same-sex marriage, Zang

Tiewei, spokesman for parliament’s legal affairscommission, said Chinese law only allowed formarriage between one man and one woman. Activists have asked people in China to pro-

pose amendments to a draft civil code enmasse, though they have admitted they see littlechance of success. The parts of the code relat-ing to marriage are expected to pass into law [in2020.] The code makes changes on issues such as

sexual harassment, divorce and family plan-ning, but does not further the rights of the LGBTcommunity, drafts published by parliamentshow. Zang said the marriage section of the draft

civil code maintains the bond as being betweena man and a woman. Prominent gay rights activist Sun Wenlin told

Reuters he was disappointed in the comments,but not surprised., 21 August 2019

Commentary: This is quite ironic: communistChina—which officially rejects religion—is

practicing Biblical principles: marriage con-sists of one man and one woman. Genesis2:24 reads: “Therefore shall a man leave hisfather and his mother, and shall cleave untohis wife: and they shall be one flesh.” Jesusconfirms: “For this cause shall a man leavehis father and mother, and cleave to his wife;And they twain shall be one flesh: so thenthey are no more twain, but one flesh. Whattherefore God hath joined together, let notman put asunder” (Mark 10:7-9). 7084(See What Does the Bible Say About Marriage? Item #1076,



Electronic Swiss Franc?The Swiss government took adownbeat view of creating a centralbank digital currency for publicuse, saying it could do more harmthan good and destabilize the fi-nancial system.

“Universally accessible central bankdigital currency would bring no addi-

tional benefits for Switzerland at present. In-stead, it would give rise to new risks,especially with regard to financial stability,” thecabinet said. The Swiss National Bank has taken a skepti-

cal view of rolling out an electronic Swissfranc for use by the general public. The SNB isresearching the broader use of digital centralbank currencies alongside the Bank for Inter-national Settlements. Central bank digital currency refers to

money that a central bank would create in dig-ital form and make available to the generalpublic. It would complement existing forms ofmoney such as banknotes and sight depositscommercial banks hold at the central bank. Proponents think central bank digital cur-

rency will make payments more efficient,monetary policy more effective and the finan-cial system more stable while reducing tax of-fenses and money laundering.

New European Central Bank President Chris-tine Lagarde said that the euro zone should be“ahead of the curve” on the issue., 13 December 2019

Commentary: Switzerland is probably the mostprosperous country in the world. Their cur-rency, the Swiss franc, has become an idol forthose with sufficient cash reserves. For exam-ple, in 1970, one US dollar could buy 4.37Swiss francs. Today, they are nearly on par.Doubtless, if one considers the past, the Swissfranc will continue to climb in value in thenot-too-distant future.

But what about digital currency? Will itendanger or help the Swiss franc? Opinionsare diverse. The government seems not in fa-vor, and some financial institutions think like-wise. However, others point out the benefits: itwould stabilize the financial system, while re-ducing tax evasion and money laundering.

It is our understanding that, in the long run,digital currency will be the key to the contin-ued success of the world economy. We againpoint to Revelation 13, which indicates that atotally new system will be implemented. Eachperson will be responsible for complying, andthose who do not will be left out in the cold—no way to buy or sell. In the end, Revelation18:19 will be fulfilled: “And they cast dust ontheir heads, and cried, weeping and wailing,saying, Alas, alas that great city, wherein weremade rich all that had ships in the sea by rea-son of her costliness! for in one hour is shemade desolate.” 7151(See Revelation 13: Satan’s Last Victory, Item #1067,


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“My Glory”Need your expository guid-

ance on “My Glory.” Psalm16:9: “and my glory rejoiceth.”Psalm 57:8: “Awake up, myglory.” Psalm 108:1: “even withmy glory.” What actually is im-plied here by “my glory”?

-A. Daniels, NJ

Answer: Moses prayed: “...I beseech

thee, show me thy glory” (Exodus

33:18). First Timothy 3:16 reads: “And

without controversy great is the mys-

tery of godliness: God was manifest in

the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of

angels, preached unto the Gentiles,

believed on in the world, received up

into glory.” John 1:18 adds: “No man

hath seen God at any time, the only

begotten Son, which is in the bosom

of the Father, he hath declared him.”

The glory is He Himself. God is a Spirit,

yet manifested in the flesh through

Jesus; from that perspective, the

saints will see God.

Rapture QuestionDear Mr. Froese,

I have been subscribing toNews from Israel for many yearsand look forward to each issue.

Would it be possible for youor someone on your staff towrite an in-depth article onPre-Millennialism, Post-Millen-nialism, and A-Millennialism,that’s clear and easy to under-stand?

I have many Bible referencebooks, but none mention thosesubjects!

For many years, I have beena Pre-Millennialist. However,after joining a biblical, evangel-ical Presbyterian Church sixyears ago, the pastor juststarted discussing A-Millenni-

alism in his sermons. A beliefof that church!

It seems that the “Post” and“A” take away the hope of theRapture.

For several weeks now, I’vebeen in torment over thesethree subjects.

I’d really appreciate yourhelp with this.

-H. Howard, NH

Answer: About pre-, post- and amil-

lennialism, there is some information

on it in Dr. Bigalke’s book titled When?

However, I think your statement is

the best: “The ‘Post’ and ‘A’ take away

the hope of the Rapture.”

Just continue to thank the Lord for

the precious Holy Scripture, which is

worth more than any and all theologi-

cal institutions of the world. See Titus

2:13 or Hebrews 9:28. Paul actually

calls waiting for the Lord a “gift” in

Address letters for publication to: Letters to the Editor, Midnight Call, P.O. Box 84309, Lexington, SC 29073. Include full name,

address, and daytime phone number. Without name and address, letters will be discarded unread. All material is subject to edit-

ing. Midnight Call assumes all publishing rights on letters sent to the Editor.

Note: All letters will be answered by the Executive Editor, Arno Froese.


Letters to the Editor

Page 23: The “Beyond Heavenly” - Midnight Call

1 Corinthians 1:7. Post- and amillenni-

alism take that hope away.

Jerusalem Is BabylonDear Arno,

I appreciate you providing usreaders with Ron Rhodes’ book,New Babylon Rising. On pages47-50, Ron shows thatJerusalem in fact is not the finalMystery Babylon that gets com-pletely destroyed in the endtimes.

Jerusalem is spiritually calledEgypt and Sodom. You’re addingsomething to Scripture byputting Babylon in the list withEgypt and Sodom. Plus, the talkof merchants in ships offshore

signifies a major sea tradingeconomic powerhouse.

Mr. Rhodes explains the logi-cal fallacy involved here aswell.

Again, I respect that youhave the humbleness of charac-ter to put something out therethat admits you’re wrong inthis case. Being humble is asign of strength.

-M. Bosman, OR

Answer: I appreciate your thoughts

and the statement made by Ron


Babylon is the first Gentile super-

power, and it’s different from the rest.

This is because Babylon is the head of

gold, and only Nebuchadnezzar, the

Babylonian leader, repented and rec-

ognized God. The last Babylon is

Jerusalem. It is the most glorious city,

yet at the same time the most horrible.

Only Jerusalem qualifies to commit

adultery against the One who chose

them: “You only have I known of all the

families of the earth” (Amos 3:2a).

Moreover, Ezekiel writes of

Jerusalem, comparing the city with

Sodom and Samaria: “Yet hast thou

not walked after their ways, nor done

after their abominations: but, as if that

were a very little thing, thou wast cor-

rupted more than they in all thy ways”

(Ezekiel 16:47).

Nevertheless, the final answer will

be the fulfillment. MC

“Behold I show you a mystery...”

The inescapable doctrine of the return of Christcommands us to investigate The Great Mysteryof the Rapture.When the last one from among the Gentiles is added to the Church, them somethingremarkable will happen—Jesus will come for His own: “For the Lord himself shalldescend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive andremain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord” (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17).That’s our future, that’s our hope, and that’s why I wrote the book, The Great

Mystery of the Rapture. It is a book you need to read. It is a message of great comfort,the comfort we need in these days.


$18.99 Sale $10 Author: Arno Froese

Page 24: The “Beyond Heavenly” - Midnight Call

24 M I D N I G H T C A L L Visit


Fellow Laborers

In the December issue of Midnight Callmagazine, Markus Steiger, Director ofMidnight Call Ministry in Brazil, wrote a

brief summary about the 4-color printingpress. It was originally purchased by ourSwiss headquarters and was first used inHungary. Later, this press was shipped to usin the USA. Then in October 2019, the presswas strapped into a container and shipped toBrazil. To our great surprise, this machine ar-rived quicker than we expected and withoutany of the problems which normally arise inBrazil when equipment is imported, particu-larly by and from non-profit missionary or-ganizations. We praise our Lord that thepress is safe and secure, and when you readthese lines, it will be operating. The press“will publish the name of the LORD: ascribeye greatness unto our God.”

Before the press was shipped, it was care-fully checked out by technicians, as it required some refurbishment and overhaul.Particularly the sensitive ink rollers and

some other moving parts for this importantpress had to be replaced.

Midnight Call Ministry Brazil requestedthese refurbishments and additional parts,since they are difficult to obtain in Brazil. Itwas understood that the Brazil branch wouldpay for the shipping and the extra cost in-curred for the parts. Markus Steiger noticedthat the cost would be about $17,270. This isa large sum of money for our missionaries tocarry; thus, we again appeal to our friends ofmissions to undergird this project.

In advance, we thank you, our dear readers, for your prayerful support of thisimportant project, the missionary press toBrazil. May the Lord in His grace give youthe joy to fulfill the precious word found in 2Corinthians 9:7: “Every man according as hepurposeth in his heart, so let him give; notgrudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth acheerful giver.”

United in His Service,Midnight Call Ministries’ Staff

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“To the only wise Godour Saviour, be gloryand majesty, dominionand power, both nowand ever” (Jude 25).

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Page 25: The “Beyond Heavenly” - Midnight Call

Gaza is mentioned 18 times in theOld Testament and one time in theNew Testament. The Gaza Strip, as

it is called, is bordered by the Mediter-ranean Sea, 13 kilometers with Egypt, and59 km with Israel. The population is listedas 1.836 million, of which 98% are Muslimand about 1% Christian. Life expectancystands at 74.4 years.

From the above Scripture, we learn thatJudah took possession of the land. How-ever, during Israel’s repeated rebellionsagainst God, we know that the Philistines(no relationship to Arab-Palestinians) be-came Israel’s most stubborn and fiercest en-emy.

Ashkelon today is a thriving Israeli cityof 141,000 inhabitants. The city of Ekron islocated some 18 km from Gath, but the ex-act location has not been established. It wasthere that the Ark of God was brought bythe Philistines, according to 1 Samuel 5:10.

Modern Gaza was captured by Israel dur-ing the 1967 Six-Day War. Many agricul-tural settlements were established, andGaza became somewhat prosperous. Thenin 2005, Israel withdrew from Gaza, leavingbehind well-established farms and some in-dustry. Instead of taking advantage of thesedevelopments, the Arab-Palestinians dis-charged their hate and destroyed much ofwhat Israel left behind. Since that time, ter-rorist activities coming from Gaza have

been numerous and do not cease. Israel al-ways reacts to terrorist attacks, which re-sulted in the blockade of Gaza from sea, air,and land. Doubtless, this is cause for muchsuffering among the people of Gaza. Yet Is-rael is forced to protect its citizens.

The CIA Factbook lists Gaza’s exports as$1.955 billion for 2017, and imports at$7.582 billion for the same year (estimatesfor 2018 imports stand at $8.59 billion).When imports are higher than exports,someone has to pay the bill; in most cases,governments, institutions, and non-profitorganizations funnel money to Gaza. Quiteoften, the money does not end up for thepurpose it was collected, but is used to fuelterrorism.

Thanks to globalism, it is now possibleto file lawsuits virtually anywhere in theworld against any country. See example be-low.

A newly filed $90 million US lawsuit has

charged a Palestinian human rights group with

financing hundreds of acts of environmental

terrorism along Israel’s southern border with


The lawsuit exposes an alleged conspiracy

between the US Campaign for Palestinian

Rights (USCPR, also known as Education for a

Just Peace in the Middle East) and Hamas,

Palestinian Islamic Jihad, the Popular Front for

the Liberation of Palestine and other desig-

nated terrorist organizations.

“Also Judah took Gaza with the coastthereof, and Askelon with the coast thereof,and Ekron with the coast thereof” (Judges 1:18).




FEBRUARY 2020 25

Page 26: The “Beyond Heavenly” - Midnight Call

It seeks to hold the American based 501(c)3

USCPR liable for conspiring to provide financial

aid that supported a massive wave of Palestin-

ian-launched incendiary balloons from the

Gaza Strip into southern Israel, sparking hun-

dreds of fires throughout the area and causing

physical and mental harm to local residents.

According to KKL-JNF, close to 2,200 fires

destroyed more than 14,200 hectares (35,000

acres) of agricultural land, nature reserves and

forest—including JNF forests—and harmed lo-

cal animal life. The estimated value of this de-

struction is a minimum of $50 million,

according to the Foreign Ministry.

A series of reports by the Strategic Affairs

Ministry has demonstrated that for years, boy-

cott promoters have disguised themselves as

human rights activists and managed to raise

tens of millions of dollars and euros from West-

ern countries and citizens who thought they

were contributing to causes supporting justice

and equality.

“For far too long, the people of southern Is-

rael have been traumatized by ongoing terror-

ist attacks seeking to destroy both their way of

life and the surrounding forests and environ-

ment,” said Richard D. Heideman, senior coun-

sel at Heideman. “The flow of money is fuel for

terror. It is essential to take action against US

groups that are complicit partners in funding

terror that help enable foreign terror organiza-

tions to relentlessly wage a multifaceted cam-

paign of terror against the citizens and lands of

the sovereign State of Israel.”, 15 November 2019

While most neighboring Arab countrieshave learned not to tangle militarily withIsrael, the Arab-Palestinians have appar-ently not learned their lesson; particularlythe people of Gaza, who have elected thenow-recognized terrorist organization,Hamas, as their government. When willthis conflict end? We may safely assumethat in the not-too-distant future, theGazans—as well as other Arab-Palestini-ans—will recognize that terrorism is notthe answer; it only makes things worse.With the advance of globalism, we shouldexpect some sort of peace to be establishedin this troubled conflict zone. For Israel’sfuture, the words of Amos 9:14 are valid:“And I will bring again the captivity of mypeople of Israel, and they shall build thewaste cities, and inhabit them; and theyshall plant vineyards, and drink the winethereof; they shall also make gardens, andeat the fruit of them.”

Mail to: Midnight Call Ministries, PO Box 84309, Lexington, SC 29073

r After prayerful consideration, I/we have decided to support “Action for Israel.”

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“I will bless them thatbless thee...” (Genesis 12:3).




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N U R S I N G   W A R D P R O J E C T

By David PhillipsProject Manager

An Amazing Opportunity!

% 1-800-845-2420 FEBRUARY 2020 27

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Note: Donations forthe project bycheck/money ordershould be made out toMidnight Call, andspecify Ebenezer Homein the memo line.

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r Yes, I wish to support the Ebenezer Home Project.

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Dear Friends of the Ebenezer Home,

Many of you have been making contributions to-ward our nursing ward project, and all of your do-nations are greatly appreciated. Thank you!

We are making great strides with the project,putting everything into place, so that we can con-tinue to move forward. It would be far easier tobuild a new home, but right now we must workwith what we have. If it is God’s will, one day, wemay be able to upgrade to a larger facility, to servethe greater majority of the believers here in Israel.

In the meantime, an amazing opportunity hascome up that would “match” every dollar given to-ward the nursing ward project! The Ministry of So-cial Affairs and Social Services has a program forgiving aid toward the building of a nursing ward.This program would match every dollar given! Thismeans that every dollar you give, would be matched

by the Israeli government, essentially doublingyour donations—making each $1 donation, now$2!

Needless to say, this would be a tremendousblessing and opportunity, saving a lot of time andmoney for fundraising, if we are approved. Pleasekeep this in your prayers, as we research and lookfurther into this option, to see what the require-ments and conditions would be, in order for us toreceive this benefit.

We are also working with our tax office here inHaifa, to be released from certain taxation relatedto the project, since we are a non-profit organiza-tion. We could greatly benefit from this as well. Weshould be able to be released from this taxation,once we prove that we are a non-profit organiza-tion.

Thank you for your prayers, and for your con-tinued support!

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