the benefits of myofascial stretch therapy by- nate-wilkins

The Benefits of Myofascial Stretch Therapy What is myofascial stretch therapy? Myofascial stretch is a type of massage that focuses on the fascia, muscles and the connective tissue which surrounds the joints, bones as well as the muscles. It’s used to relax the deep tissue of your body, thereby relieving pain from your body. Myofascial stretch involves mild stretching of the spine, legs, arms and the neck through different planes of movement. This movement is relaxing and stimulating, without any form discomfort or pain. What are the causes of myofascial pain?

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The Benefits of Myofascial Stretch Therapy

What is myofascial stretch therapy?

Myofascial stretch is a type of massage that focuses on the fascia, muscles and the

connective tissue which surrounds the joints, bones as well as the muscles. It’s

used to relax the deep tissue of your body, thereby relieving pain from your body.

Myofascial stretch involves mild stretching of the spine, legs, arms and the neck

through different planes of movement. This movement is relaxing and stimulating,

without any form discomfort or pain.

What are the causes of myofascial pain?

Myofascial pain can be caused by pain generated from the connective tissues and

the skeletal muscle which are bound-down by tight fascia. In most cases, the pains

are experienced from the damaged myofascial tissue.

Myofascial pain may also start from trigger point where a restriction of muscle

fibers has occurred previously. The contraction stops blood flow to the affected

structures and accentuating the contraction process longer. If not treated on time

the contraction worsens.

Who needs myofascial stretch therapy?

People who seek myofascial stretch are mostly patients with health problems such

as, carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), Temporo-Mandibular Joint disorder (TMJ),

migraine headaches or fibromyalgia. Others are people with injury or experiencing

pain around their soft tissue including shoulder, back, hip and arms.

If you’re experiencing pain in any part of your body, excessive pressure on joints

or muscles, and tightness of the tissue which restricts your motion, then you

properly requires myofascial stretch therapy.

What are the benefits of myofascial stretch therapy?

These stretching provides effective and lasting relief to the patients, although you

can feel immediate benefits after the first session. Below are some of the benefits.

Improved circulation

Improved performance

Improved muscle function

Decrease impingement in the joints

Improved energy

Improved breathing

Muscular balance

Lower back pain

Decreased muscle and fascial tension

Reduced risk of injury

Reduction in muscle spasms

Improved circulation

Reduces chronic recurring injuries

Improved posture

Improved muscle function

What does the treatment feel like?

Myofascial stretch was designed to relax the fascia, normally tension in fascia can

cause pain and affect other parts of the body. The treatment helps to rearrange and

also lengthen your tissue for outstanding movement and health. Patients usually

feel a mild to deep stretch on the affected area or slight burning sensation in the


The treatment are mild, the pressure ranges from gentle touch to deeper pressure. It

is your responsibility to give your therapist feedback during the treatment, but the

pain is gently and shouldn’t be beyond your tolerance. The treatment lasts over a

few weeks or months, and it also depends on the intensity or nature of disability.

Who Provides Myofascial Stretch Therapy?

Myofascial Stretch Therapy can be provided by health professionals including

occupational or physical therapists, massage therapists, trained osteopathic

physicians, chiropractors, physical or occupational therapists, chiropractors, or

sports medicine specialists. Training and courses in Myofascial Release Therapy

are necessary for a person to be a certified therapist. The session lasts between 30

to 50 minutes, and usually take place in health center or outpatient clinic.

For more information about Fitness and Myofascial Stretch Therapy Please

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