the benefits of alkaline living


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Post on 16-Apr-2017



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Page 1: The Benefits of Alkaline Living

The Benefits ofAlkaline

Page 2: The Benefits of Alkaline Living

Why Alkaline?

No Doctor is ever going to tell you to:

Stop exercisingEat as much fatty red meat as possible Consume processed sugars dailyStop restingAnd increase your level of stress daily

One thing that all of these have in common is ACID.

Page 3: The Benefits of Alkaline Living

Why Alkaline?

Americans live one of the most acidic lifestyles on our planet

High consumption of acidic foods and beveragesShortest vacations and longest work hoursSedentary lifestyleExcessive alcohol intakeOver-eating

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Why Alkaline?

Consider carbon dioxide. It is a waste product that our body fights to expel through our lungs so our blood can carry oxygen to our cells. So we compress CO2, add phosphoric acid and drink it.

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Why Alkaline?

So where are we going with this? Our blood needs to maintain a pH of 7.35 – 7.45. If we get outside this range, we go into a coma or die.

The full pH, or potential of Hydrogen, scale is from 0 to 14. Fourteen is the most alkaline while zero is the most acidic.

Page 6: The Benefits of Alkaline Living

Why Alkaline?

The kidneys have the biggest job of neutralizing acid in the blood, using bicarbonates. They process about 180 liters a day. These bicarbonates are made of alkaline minerals like potassium, calcium, magnesium, and sodium. Research has revealed that when we reach about 45, our bicarbonate levels begin to decline dramatically. This is due to a losing battle of acid intake over alkaline intake.

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Why Alkaline?

If your garbage removal company collected 99.9% of your garbage each week, you wouldn’t notice at first.

After 40 years, you would be searching for your house in a land fill.

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Why Alkaline?

When the acid is too great, the body’s survival mechanisms kick in and make choices.

Deplete calcium from bones to create calcium bicarbonate, usually taking it from the hip or lower spine first. This is why elderly people fall and break their hip.

It can also convert acid into crystals. These solid acid crystals lodge in alkaline environments such as joints and organs, forming gout, kidney stones, arthritis, cysts, etc.

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Why Alkaline?

Most people remember from school that the opposite of acid is alkaline. And most people know that we are more than 70% water and our blood is more than 90% water. Drinking alkaline water is actually a natural function. In nature people would drink from rivers, streams, and creeks which, before pollution had a higher pH as opposed to warm sulfur springs which taste poor.

Page 10: The Benefits of Alkaline Living

Why Alkaline?

What are things to look out for? Dead water can be just as dangerous as acidic water. Reverse osmosis and distilled have specific functions, but actually leech minerals and chemicals when placed in plastic. Eating bicarbonates has some benefit but the reaction in the stomach with Hydrochloric acid results in salt crystals in the blood. Arsenic will raise the pH but isn’t good, so you have to find out why the water is high pH.

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Why Alkaline?

We survive by keeping our blood pH protected, but we are being damaged from within. Gout, high blood pressure, arthritis, cysts, tumors, type 2 diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular blockages are just a small handful of chronic diseases that are related to acid.

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Why Alkaline?

2o years ago, Alkalife founder Sang Whang, had high blood pressure and was slightly overweight. He was given a water ionizer, and when he finally decided to use it, he lost 20 pounds and his doctor told him to get off the medicine because his blood pressure was lower than normal. He wasn’t much for mysterious luck, so he investigated the chemical and biological basis. He discovered that his blood could carry up to 12% more oxygen when he drank the water. That brought him to write the book “Reverse Aging”.

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Why Alkaline?

More recently, U.S. army rangers stationed in the mountains of Afghanistan have cured their high altitude sickness, a form of oxygen deprivation, with Alkalife alkaline water supplements.

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Why Alkaline?

In 1931 Dr. Otto Warburg received the Nobel Prize for discovering that the growth of cancer cells is a fermentation process which can be initiated only in the relative absence of oxygen.

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Why Alkaline?

Even when we exercise, the stress produces lactic acid that causes cramps. Alkaline water helps to break down the lactic acid and we recover quicker. So stress equals acid. Not only physical stress but mental stress produces acid as well. Why does worry or anxiety cause ulcers? The stress causes an excess amount of Hydrochloric acid production which creates ulcers.

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