the bemidji pioneer (bemidji, beltrami county, minn.)...

mi"- m %m $©"*%•' Oh Spring, kind Spring at last is here, So gentle, mild, so bright and clear. It comes mankind's sad heart to cheer, Dispelling gloom, assuaging fear With vivifying breezes. It fills the children's hearts with glee; It turns the lover's fancy free; It brings the verdure to the tree, It brings the flower and the bee And blood and skin diseases. A. M. G. Barney Burton came up from Little Falls Monday. Full line of tailor-made suits at the Blue Sign Store. The county board met yesterday and adjourned to this afternoon. Farl GeilHook the finishing touches of Woodmanship Tuesday night. Wanted—Apprentice girl to learn millinery. Miss N. E. SMITH. For Sale—Twenty new-milch cows by E. E. Bonham, Park Rapids, Minn. Pianos—Special inducements for the next 30 days. P. S. Oslund, Shevlin. For sale cheap—house and two lots near school house. Inquire at this office. The police arrested George Demey- ers Tuesday for jumping aboard bill v v 4*"?8P? at Walker. ' & ;':'•• ^.ta-M? < •• ' Iver Ungstad returned last week from Norway where he has spent the winter and fall. D. K. McPherson and wife returned yesterday from a two-months' visit in southern Minnesota. For rent an eight-room house, two blocks west of school house". Good cellar, garden and barfl. For partic- ulars see Wes Wright, Martin Underdahl was arrested by Sheriff Bailey Monday upon com- plaint of Sheriff Lundquist of Red Wing. The latter came up after the prisoner. Sheriff Bailey went out to George Gray's camp Friday and arrested Geo. Sargeant who was wanted out west. Sheriff Sullivan came and took him_to Crookston Saturday. \ Be sure to attend the Easter open- ing of millinery on Friday and Satur- day, March 25>th and 30th. Our hats will be superior to any shown in this vicinity" Miss HETLAND. The Epworth League members of the Presbyterian church will give an en- tertainment at the City Hall Thursday evening, April 5, which will well be ' worthy the price of admission, 23 cents. It is expected that the relief measures for Beltrami county will come up be- fore the legislature to-day. It it said that Cass Lake citizens are fighting the ill, having been promised a sawmill by T. B. W alker in case the measure is defeated. The Modern Samaritans will have a big blowout at the city hall to-morrow night to which all members are invited to bring their friends. A talkatory and musical program will be followed by a lunch and lighter entertainment. Sec.Martindaleisexpected to be present. Prof. Adams, the optician, is at * ,the Markham Hotel. He has decided to remain over Saturday for the bene- fit of such school children as desire their eyes treated. People with defec- tive eyes should not miss this oppor- tunity to receive treatment from a re- liable expert. Consultation free. Married—Miss Flora Smith of Eckles and Mr. Charles Scribner of the same place were united in mar- riage Monday afternoon at the Bap- tist parsonage. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Myron E. Bailey.Miss May Larson was brides- maid and James Smith was best man. The best wishes of their friends are for a long and happy life. NEW MILLINERY STORE. Easter opening Friday and Saturday April oth and tith. Hats and prices to suit everyone. New Street block, op- posite the Hotel Markham. Miss N. E. SMITH. R. B. FOSTER, RESIDENT DENTIST Modem Methods. Low prices. Office over Mayo & Barker's Drug Store BEMIDJI, MINNESOTA. See that you gettheoriginalDeWitts Witch Hazel Salve when youaskforit. The genuine is a certain cure for piles, sores and skin disease. F. A. Mayo. Postmaster C. E. Lee of Wilborg was here Monday. J. G. Brady is visiting friends in Red Lake Falls. An organ bargain. Come quick. Jones & Ross. E. S. Gregg was down from Ten- strike last week. J. W. Speelmau was down from Buena Vista Tuesday. ' You will find Scott, the Jewier, at WheeJock's news' stand. Carl Berg was in from Becida Tues- day and remembered the editor. J. J. Jinkinson was in Park Rapids Monday proving up on his homestead. Pianos-Special inducements for the next 30 days. P. S. Oslund, Shevlin. A few Bemidji people went to Ten- strike Monday evening to attend the Woodmen dance. Wm. Vaii was down from Tenstrike last week and reported his town as the best in the county. W. H. Roberts is having erected a cottage on his residence lots as a renting proposition. Mrs Manning, of the millinery firm of Manning & Haase, returned Friday from her trip below. A couple of pickpockets were arrest- ed Sunday night while warming their hands in others pockets. Dr. Arnold's Cough Killer for asth- ma cannot be equalled.—S. B. Gilles- pie, Guthrie Center, la. Napoleon Prudent, of Mount Iron, Minn., has purchased the saloon business of Doran & Hazen. For your, bread, cakes, pies and confectionery, call at the Bemidji Bakery. All goods delivered free, tf Jesse Freestone came down from Blackduck Sunday. Be was surprised that Bemidji had not moved north- ward. Wm. MaCuaig returned Friday from a week's stay in Blackduck looking after the interest of his firm's store there. Sam Lind had the misfortune to fall from a scaffold last Saturday while working on the Schmidt building, breaking his leg. Presiding Elder Dodds, of the M. E. church for this district, held morning and evening services at the Methodist church Sunday. For Sale,—A new sail boat, sloop rigeed, nineteen feet oyer all, six foot beam, finished in white pine, oak and ash. Inquire of J. J. TRASK. Editor John Doty and wife came up romRark Rapids, and, in company with his mother, Mrs. Milne, went on to Grand Forks Tuesday. E. F. Crawford returned Sunday from a week's stay in Ortonville,where he went to settle affairs preparatory to locating here permanently. Misses Stuart & McDonell, the styl- ish dressmakers, are prepared to do the finest work on short notice. Call on them at McNair & Woodward's. If you would obtain the finest of work at the lowest prices, call upon Messes Stuart & McDonell, the stylish dressmakers, at McNair &. Wood- ward's store. Overseer Morrison/Of the Red Lake Agency spent a few days here the first of the week. He says considerable logging has been done up his way this winter. Lovers of beauty and art in Easter millinery are cordially invited to at- tend our spring opening, Friday and Saturday, March 29th and 30th. Miss HETLAND. I. S. BOyer is having a dandy sail boat made, according to bis ideas It will be a "skimmer'' in shape and will carry about 100 yards of sail. A width of seven feet will guard agains.. danger of tipovers. A. L. Gordon, the Shevlin merchant, appeared before Referee O. J. Vaule at Crookston filed a schedule of assets and liabilities in bankruptcy. The in- debtedness is figured up to $30,580.99, and the assets, which are exempt from law, are placed at $500. MILLINERY OPENING. All ladies are requested to attend our spring opening of Parisian and Easter pattern hats and a complete line of millinery goods, including all the latest foreign and domestic novel- ties, to be held March 29th and 30th, at S. A. Lochen's store. Miss HETLAND. TO THOSE WHO EAT AND SLEEP. I have just resumed control of the Dewey House and have newly refurn- ished it throughout, kitchen, dining rooms and bed rooms. You will find everything clean and up-to-date, and "cleanness and good board" will be the motto of the new management. Those who seek the best $1 per day ho- tel in the village should try the Dew- ev House. JAMES BRENNAN,PI*OP. ^BmUfEOftouRE POWDER Makes the food more delicious and wholesome ROYAL BANNS fOUftU CO.. WW VOSK. Nice weather for colds. C. E. Scott was up from Itasca Sat- urday. Theodore Welte came over from Ebro last week. John Lynch and wife came up from Walter Friday. Fine china at cost for the next ten days. Jones & Ross. Silk, worth $4.50 to $5.00, now $3.50 at the Blue Sign Store. Lakeside Bakery and confectionery. 'Phone 118. Free delivery. tf. Dr. Newman has recently been granted a pension of $8 per month. Dr. Blakeslee and wife returned from the Blackduck country Satur- day. For sale—A house lot and barn. Iuquire of C. A. Plummer at Nangle's store. John Gordhamer proved up on his homestead before Clerk Speelman on Friday. Better head off the sheriff by pay- ing your personal taxes before April 1st* The Duluth Brewing company has established agencies at Tenstrike and Blackduck. Guy Dunning returned from Winsor Friday where he had just finished a five months' term of school. Twenty per cent, off on Arties and rubber goods at the Boston Store of Snow & Schroeder. 50-3} The Jerrard Plumbing Company has done a big business this winter in making repairs for the saw mills in this vicinity. Two new sawmills are going into the new townsite of Bridgie. Herman Engleking is promoting one, and Al. Eaton and O. Olson of Fosston, the other. When you are bilious, use those famous little pills known as DeWitt's Little Early Risers to cleanse the liver and bowels. They never gripe. F. A". M a y o . The Modern Woodmen is the chief missionary society of all, pushing in- to untrod fields. Local lodges have already been established at Tenstrike and Blackduck. A. R. Button is now located at Great Falls and all persons wishing to be located on claims should consult him. He is also conducting a stopping place where travelers will be well taken care of. Tf • C. A. Weyerhauser, of the firm which probably does the largest log- ging and lumber business in the United States, came up from Little FaUs Sunday. His firm is doing but little logging ip this vicinity. G. A. 'fuller promises to be the mer- chant prince of northern Minnesota. To his list of stores at Grand Rapids, Deer River, Bena, Cass Lake and Nary, he has added others at Turtle River, Tenstrike and Blackduck. We received a letter last week from a subscriber because he failed to get the ready print pages containing the foreign news. He has been getting the Pioneer for three years riow with- out once sending us the home-print or "patent insides" of a dollar bill, and this is our first kick. There will be services in the Baptist church next Sunday at the usual hours. The subject for the morning sermon will be "Our Lord's Doctrine of Prayer." His teaching will be drawn from incidents in His life. In the evening the subject will be "The story of Lot." You will be made welcome to all the services of the church. Many of our sailors, captains, com- modores, admirals, etc., are busy at the present time "fixing up" the differ- ent crafts that are soon to go into commission. That Bemidji boasts of a most beautiful lake no one will doubt who has visited this place, and our people expect to entertain thousands upon thousands of tourists this season in a manner that will leave little to be desired. Next Sunday will close the second year of Rev. F. E. Higgins'pastorate of th6 Presbyterian church in Bemidji. He has beeu very successlul in his work here and under his charge 50 members have been added to the church, a parsonage built and the church building made more modern, and the society is practically out of debt. The spring building boom has al- ready struck Bemidji. H. F. Schmidt is putting up a building adjoining on the west of the store of O'Leary & Bowser to which he will soon move his meat market. F. M. Malzahn is erect- ing a large two-story warehouse back of his store in which to keep his farm implements. And a number of other buildings are being contemplated by our bupiness men. The prize tight at the Empire theatre Saturday night resulted in the decision being given to Frank Beaton on a foul in the fourth round. It was a red-hot exhibition and those who like to see uppercuts mix freely with solar plexuses got their money's worth. Mark Nelson, the defeaeed, says that he became such by misfortune and not by superior skill. And to show that he is right, he agrees to put up $100 or $200 and challenges Beaton to another priv- ate or public encounter. He says he is 25 pounds lighter than Beaton, but! he will throw that advantage in. w ft The Fair § Great Attractions! 2a$as££a&f$a»»»ii9# S * it/ it) ft itt ft f Is now showing extraordinary styles in Ladies' Silk Waists and Tailor-made Skirts at pri- ces much below those offered oy so-called city stores. Every lady should see these lines be- fore buying. Our line of spring styles in dry goods is unsurpassed by any house in this region. In shoes we have the very best makes and you can rely on them as being good wearers a-nd at the lowest prices at which good goods can be sold. A shoddy shoe is not worth buying. We show the latest styles of Men's Shirts, the product of the best Troy factories. Our line of Men's, Boys' and Children's Clothing is good, and you willfindthe prices right. Our Grocery and Crockery department has no equal in Northern Minnesota. When you want any article of merchandise, call at The Fair. Telephone No. 70. McNAIR & WOODWARD i » ft it/ ili ifc m * to to- rn m ieaa9a»3wi»»aa9»»»*»«»aaaa9Hia»aa9Hia»a«a^ ——Bfc Martin Strand has arrived here and will have charge of the Viking launch this summer. A neat, competent girl wanted for general house-work in family of four. $3.00 per week. Mrs. W. H. Roberta. Dr. G. W. Ginty, of Ortonville, will arrive thi6 week to practice den- tistry in Bemidji. He has secured office rooms upstairs in the rear of Street's old office building on Bel- trami avenue' Lastnight the moon had an unusually happy face and the electric lightsbeem- ed wonderfully bright. We could not account for this phenomina until this morning when P. J. Milbach came in with a cigar and remarked that a daug- hter had just arrived at his home. Having disposed of my flour and feed business, to take effect April 1st, all persons knowing themselves indebted to the undersigned, please call and settle. Those having claims present them for payment. Thanking all for past patronage, hoping to merit more in the future, I remain, yours truly. E. J. Achenbach. genjidji gairdaijd Orchestra Open for all Engagements - Picnics, Parties, Dances Weddings, Grand Open- ings, Etc. All bnsiness transacted by J. SPEAliE, Bemidji, Minn E. A. SATHER, Photographer. Latest Styles and Best Finish at Low Prices. Send in your Kodak negatives for developing and finishing. Kodaks and Supplies always on hand. Views of lumber camps and surroundings for sale. Gallery en 3rd St.BEMIDJI. O. VV. HASTINGS. President. p. P. SHELDON. Vice-Pres. A. P. WHITE Candler. V. 3. KENNEDY, A»»t. Cash. N O . -Y>82. First National Bank Bemidji, Minnesota. GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Every Accommodation Consistent with Con- servative Banking will be Granted. it it sin<:«* Solicited Fire Insurance D. H, FISK, attorney at LaW, Offlcp Over Merchants Bank. W. ItOBEBT MORRISON, Physician and Surgeon, ACCUCHEUR. NUlit calls received at Office. Upstairs in the Malzithn Block —Phone No. 55. BKMIOjr, MINN. A E. H^-9^^"'-—- PHYSICIHN HND SURGEON . . . Office over BEMIDJI, riaye's Drug Store Hinnesota 1 enstnke The new Townsite 18 Miles North- east of Bemidji *"* Located at East End of Gull Lake In Center of Best Agricul- tural Land in Beltrami Co. Apply to A. A. WHITE, Or to A.M.BELD1NG, Tenstrike. PROPRIETOR, St. Paul, Minn. NAYL0R & YOUNG, UNDERTAKERS Furniture, Carpets, # House Furnishings, Telephone 32. THIRD STREET. BEMIDJI.

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mi"- m %m $©"*%•'

Oh Spring, kind Spring at last is here, So gentle, mild, so bright and clear. It comes mankind's sad heart to cheer, Dispelling gloom, assuaging fear

With vivifying breezes. It fills the children's hearts with glee; I t turns the lover's fancy free; It brings the verdure to the tree, I t brings the flower and the bee

And blood and skin diseases. A. M. G.

Barney Burton came up from Little Falls Monday.

Full line of tailor-made suits at the Blue Sign Store.

The county board met yesterday and adjourned to this afternoon.

Fa r l GeilHook the finishing touches of Woodmanship Tuesday night.

Wanted—Apprentice girl to learn millinery. Miss N. E. SMITH.

For Sale—Twenty new-milch cows by E. E. Bonham, Park Rapids, Minn.

Pianos—Special inducements for the next 30 days. P. S. Oslund, Shevlin.

For sale cheap—house and two lots near school house. Inquire at this office.

The police arrested George Demey-ers Tuesday for jumping aboard bill

vv4*"?8P? at Walker. ' &;':'•• ^.ta-M?



• '

Iver Ungstad returned last week from Norway where he has spent the winter and fall.

D. K. McPherson and wife returned yesterday from a two-months' visit in southern Minnesota.

For rent an eight-room house, two blocks west of school house". Good cellar, garden and barfl. For partic­ulars see Wes Wright,

Martin Underdahl was arrested by Sheriff Bailey Monday upon com­plaint of Sheriff Lundquist of Red Wing. The latter came up after the prisoner.

Sheriff Bailey went out to George Gray 's camp Friday and arrested Geo. Sargeant who was wanted out west. Sheriff Sullivan came and took him_to Crookston Saturday.

\ Be sure to attend the Easter open­ing of millinery on Friday and Satur­day, March 25>th and 30th. Our hats will be superior to any shown in this vicinity" Miss H E T L A N D .

The Epworth League members of the Presbyterian church will give an en­tertainment at the City Hall Thursday evening, April 5, which will well be

' worthy the price of admission, 23 cents.

It is expected that the relief measures for Beltrami county will come up be­fore the legislature to-day. It it said that Cass Lake citizens are fighting the

ill, having been promised a sawmill by T. B. W alker in case the measure is defeated.

The Modern Samaritans will have a big blowout at the city hall to-morrow night to which all members are invited to bring their friends. A talkatory and musical program will be followed by a lunch and lighter entertainment. Sec.Martindaleisexpected to be present.

Prof. Adams, the optician, is at * , the Markham Hotel. He has decided

to remain over Saturday for the bene­fit of such school children as desire their eyes treated. People with defec­tive eyes should not miss this oppor­tunity to receive treatment from a re­liable expert. Consultation free.

Married—Miss Flora Smith of Eckles and Mr. Charles Scribner of the same place were united in mar­riage Monday afternoon at the Bap­tist parsonage. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Myron E. Bailey.Miss May Larson was brides­maid and James Smith was best man. The best wishes of their friends are for a long and happy life.

NEW MILLINERY STORE. Easter opening Friday and Saturday

April oth and tith. Hats and prices to suit everyone. New Street block, op­posite the Hotel Markham.

Miss N. E. SMITH.


RESIDENT DENTIST Modem Methods. Low prices.

Office over Mayo & Barker 's Drug Store BEMIDJI , MINNESOTA.

See that you gettheoriginalDeWitts Witch Hazel Salve when youaskforit . The genuine is a certain cure for piles, sores and skin disease. F . A. Mayo.

Postmaster C. E. Lee of Wilborg was here Monday.

J . G. Brady is visiting friends in Red Lake Falls .

An organ bargain. Come quick. Jones & Ross.

E. S. Gregg was down from Ten-strike last week.

J. W. Speelmau was down from Buena Vista Tuesday. ' You will find Scott, the Jewier, at WheeJock's news' stand.

Carl Berg was in from Becida Tues­day and remembered the editor.

J . J . Jinkinson was in Park Rapids Monday proving up on his homestead.

P ianos -Spec ia l inducements for the next 30 days. P . S. Oslund, Shevlin.

A few Bemidji people went to Ten-strike Monday evening to attend the Woodmen dance.

Wm. Vaii was down from Tenstrike last week and reported his town as the best in the county.

W. H. Roberts is having erected a cottage on his residence lots as a renting proposition.

Mrs Manning, of the millinery firm of Manning & Haase, returned Friday from her trip below.

A couple of pickpockets were arrest­ed Sunday night while warming their hands in others pockets.

Dr. Arnold's Cough Killer for asth­ma cannot be equalled.—S. B. Gilles­pie, Guthrie Center, la .

Napoleon Prudent, of Mount Iron, Minn., has purchased the saloon business of Doran & Hazen.

For your, bread, cakes, pies and confectionery, call at the Bemidji Bakery. All goods delivered free, tf

Jesse Freestone came down from Blackduck Sunday. Be was surprised that Bemidji had not moved north­ward.

Wm. MaCuaig returned Friday from a week's stay in Blackduck looking after the interest of his firm's store there.

Sam Lind had the misfortune to fall from a scaffold last Saturday while working on the Schmidt building, breaking his leg.

Presiding Elder Dodds, of the M. E. church for this district, held morning and evening services at the Methodist church Sunday.

For Sale,—A new sail boat, sloop rigeed, nineteen feet oyer all, six foot beam, finished in white pine, oak and ash. Inquire of J . J . T R A S K .

Editor John Doty and wife came up r o m R a r k Rapids , and, in company with his mother, Mrs. Milne, went on to Grand Forks Tuesday.

E. F . Crawford returned Sunday from a week's stay in Ortonville,where he went to settle affairs preparatory to locating here permanently.

Misses Stuart & McDonell, the styl­ish dressmakers, are prepared to do the finest work on short notice. Call on them at McNair & Woodward's.

If you would obtain the finest of work at the lowest prices, call upon Messes Stuart & McDonell, the stylish dressmakers, at McNair &. Wood­ward's store.

Overseer Morrison/Of the Red Lake Agency spent a few days here the first of the week. He says considerable logging has been done up his way this winter.

Lovers of beauty and art in Easter millinery are cordially invited to at­tend our spring opening, Friday and Saturday, March 29th and 30th.

Miss H E T L A N D .

I. S. BOyer is having a dandy sail boat made, according to bis ideas It will be a "skimmer' ' in shape and will carry about 100 yards of sail. A width of seven feet will guard agains.. danger of tipovers.

A. L. Gordon, the Shevlin merchant, appeared before Referee O. J . Vaule at Crookston filed a schedule of assets and liabilities in bankruptcy. The in­debtedness is figured up to $30,580.99, and the assets, which are exempt from law, are placed at $500.

MILLINERY OPENING. All ladies are requested to attend

our spring opening of Parisian and Easter pattern hats and a complete line of millinery goods, including all the latest foreign and domestic novel­ties, to be held March 29th and 30th, at S. A. Lochen's store.


TO THOSE WHO EAT AND SLEEP. I have just resumed control of the

Dewey House and have newly refurn­ished it throughout, kitchen, dining rooms and bed rooms. You will find everything clean and up-to-date, and "cleanness and good boa rd" will be the motto of the new management. Those who seek the best $1 per day ho­tel in the village should try the Dew-ev House. J A M E S BRENNAN,PI*OP.


Makes the food more delicious and wholesome ROYAL BANNS fOUftU CO.. WW VOSK.

Nice weather for colds. C. E. Scott was up from Itasca Sat­

urday. Theodore Welte came over from

Ebro last week. John Lynch and wife came up from

W a l t e r Friday. Fine china at cost for the next ten

days. Jones & Ross. Silk, worth $4.50 to $5.00, now $3.50

at the Blue Sign Store.

Lakeside Bakery and confectionery. 'Phone 118. Free delivery. tf.

Dr. Newman has recently been granted a pension of $8 per month.

Dr. Blakeslee and wife returned from the Blackduck country Satur­day.

For sale—A house lot and barn. Iuquire of C. A. Plummer at Nangle's store.

John Gordhamer proved up on his homestead before Clerk Speelman on Friday.

Better head off the sheriff by pay­ing your personal taxes before April 1st*

The Duluth Brewing company has established agencies at Tenstrike and Blackduck.

Guy Dunning returned from Winsor Friday where he had just finished a five months' term of school.

Twenty per cent, off on Arties and rubber goods at the Boston Store of Snow & Schroeder. 50-3}

The Jer rard Plumbing Company has done a big business this winter in making repairs for the saw mills in this vicinity.

Two new sawmills are going into the new townsite of Bridgie. Herman Engleking is promoting one, and Al. Eaton and O. Olson of Fosston, the other.

When you are bilious, use those famous little pills known as DeWitt 's Little Early Risers to cleanse the liver and bowels. They never gripe. F. A". Mayo.

The Modern Woodmen is the chief missionary society of all, pushing in­to untrod fields. Local lodges have already been established at Tenstrike and Blackduck.

A. R. Button is now located at Great Falls and all persons wishing to be located on claims should consult him. He is also conducting a stopping place where travelers will be well taken care of. Tf •

C. A. Weyerhauser, of the firm which probably does the largest log­ging and lumber business in the United States, came up from Little FaUs Sunday. His firm is doing but little logging ip this vicinity.

G. A. 'fuller promises to be the mer­chant prince of northern Minnesota. To his list of stores at Grand Rapids, Deer River, Bena, Cass Lake and Nary, he has added others at Turtle River, Tenstrike and Blackduck.

We received a letter last week from a subscriber because he failed to get the ready print pages containing the foreign news. He has been getting the Pioneer for three years riow with­out once sending us the home-print or "patent insides" of a dollar bill, and this is our first kick.

There will be services in the Baptist church next Sunday at the usual hours. The subject for the morning sermon will be "Our Lord's Doctrine of P r a y e r . " His teaching will be drawn from incidents in His life. In the evening the subject will be "The story of Lo t . " You will be made welcome to all the services of the church.

Many of our sailors, captains, com­modores, admirals, etc., are busy at the present time "fixing u p " the differ­ent crafts that are soon to go into commission. That Bemidji boasts of a most beautiful lake no one will doubt who has visited this place, and our people expect to entertain thousands upon thousands of tourists this season in a manner that will leave little to be desired.

Next Sunday will close the second year of Rev. F . E. Higgins 'pastorate of th6 Presbyterian church in Bemidji. He has beeu very successlul in his work here and under his charge 50 members have been added to the church, a parsonage built and the church building made more modern, and the society is practically out of debt.

The spring building boom has al­ready struck Bemidji. H. F. Schmidt is putting up a building adjoining on the west of the store of O'Leary & Bowser to which he will soon move his meat market. F. M. Malzahn is erect­ing a large two-story warehouse back of his store in which to keep his farm implements. And a number of other buildings are being contemplated by our bupiness men.

The prize tight at the Empire theatre Saturday night resulted in the decision being given to Frank Beaton on a foul in the fourth round. It was a red-hot exhibition and those who like to see uppercuts mix freely with solar plexuses got their money's worth. Mark Nelson, the defeaeed, says that he became such by misfortune and not by superior skill. And to show that he is right, he agrees to put up $100 or $200 and challenges Beaton to another priv­ate or public encounter. He says he is 25 pounds lighter than Beaton, but ! he will throw that advantage in.


ft T h e F a i r § Great Attractions! 2a$as££a&f$a»»»ii9#





ft itt ft


Is now showing extraordinary styles in Ladies' Silk Waists and Tailor-made Skirts at pri­ces much below those offered oy so-called city stores. Every lady should see these lines be­fore buying. Our line of spring styles in dry goods is unsurpassed by any house in this region. In shoes we have the very best makes and you can rely on them as being good wearers a-nd at the lowest prices at which good goods can be sold. A shoddy shoe is not worth buying. We show the latest styles of Men's Shirts, the product of the best Troy factories. Our line of Men's, Boys' and Children's Clothing is good, and you will find the prices right. Our Grocery and Crockery department has no equal in Northern Minnesota. When you want any article of merchandise, call at The Fair.

Telephone No. 70. McNAIR & WOODWARD


» ft

it/ ili ifc

m * to to­rn m

ieaa9a»3wi»»aa9»»»*»«»aaaa9Hia»aa9Hia»a«a^ — — B f c

Martin Strand has arrived here and will have charge of the Viking launch this summer.

A neat, competent girl wanted for general house-work in family of four. $3.00 per week. Mrs. W. H. Roberta.

Dr. G. W. Ginty, of Ortonville, will arrive thi6 week to practice den­tistry in Bemidji. He has secured office rooms upstairs in the rear of Street's old office building on Bel­trami avenue'

Lastnight the moon had an unusually happy face and the electric lightsbeem-ed wonderfully bright. We could not account for this phenomina until this morning when P. J . Milbach came in with a cigar and remarked that a daug­hter had just arrived at his home.

Having disposed of my flour and feed business, to take effect April 1st, all persons knowing themselves indebted to the undersigned, please call and settle. Those having claims present them for payment. Thanking all for past patronage, hoping to merit more in the future, I remain, yours truly.

E. J . Achenbach.

genjidji gairdaijd Orchestra

Open for all Engagements - Picnics, Parties, Dances Weddings, Grand Open­

ings, Etc. All bnsiness transacted by

J. SPEAliE, Bemidji, Minn

E. A. SATHER, Photographer.

Latest S ty l e s and Bes t F in i sh a t Low P r i c e s .

Send in y o u r K o d a k negat ives for developing and finishing.

Kodaks a n d Supplies a lways on h a n d . V i e w s of lumber camps and s u r r o u n d i n g s for sa le .

Gallery en 3rd S t . B E M I D J I .

O. VV. HASTINGS. President.

p . P. SHELDON. Vice-Pres.

A. P. WHITE Candler.

V. 3. KENNEDY, A»»t. Cash.

NO. -Y>82.

First National Bank Bemidji, Minnesota.


Every Accommodation Consistent with Con­servative Banking will be Granted.

it it sin<:«* Solicited Fire Insurance


attorney at LaW, Offlcp Over Merchants Bank.

W . I t O B E B T M O R R I S O N ,

Phys i c i an a n d Su rgeon ,

ACCUCHEUR. NUlit calls received at Office. Upstairs in the

Malzithn Block —Phone No. 55.

BKMIOjr, M I N N .


Office over BEMIDJI, riaye's Drug Store Hinnesota

1 enstnke The new Townsite

18 Miles North- • east of Bemidji *"*

Located at East End of Gull Lake

In Center of Best Agricul­tural Land in Beltrami Co.

Apply to A. A. WHITE,

Or to A.M.BELD1NG, Tenstrike.


St. Paul, Minn.


Furniture, Carpets, # House Furnishings,