the beginnings of rome

The Beginnings of Rome Ancient Rome began with the overthrow of foreign Kings in 503 B. C. But romans like to say the history of their city began at 753 B. C.

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Page 1: The beginnings of rome

The Beginnings of RomeAncient Rome began with the overthrow of foreign Kings in 503 B. C. But romans like to say the history of their city began at 753 B. C.

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The Founding of Rome

The legend keeps going with the twins Romulus and Remus the descendants of Aeneas who founded Rome. Their mother abandoned them, but they were saved by a wolf. When the twins grew up they fought over Rome’s location so Romulus killed his brother Remus and traced Rome’s location around Palatine hill. After Romulus a series of Roman kings ruled the city. In the 600s B. C. the Etruscans from northern Italy conquered Rome. In order to regain self-rule the romans overthrew the Etruscans King.

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Romes Geography and Early Life Over throw of Estrucans Rome grew from a city to a country, and

eventually into an empire

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Hills and Rivers

1st settlers of Rome were Latin They built Rome on seven steep hills They chose Rome for it’s mild climate,

good farmland, and strategic location Located a short distance from the

Mediterranean Sea on ancient trade routes, it also lay next to the Tiber River, an important resource

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Italian Peninsula

Location on Italian Peninsula played important role in development

The 2 main mountain ranges of Italy helped protect Rome

The Alps border Italy on the North and the Apennies form Italy’s spine

Italy also had big plains that were good farming

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Farm Life

Roman farmers planted wheat, barley, beans, vegetables, and fruit.

They later planted olives and grapes. They raised pigs, goats, sheep, and

chickens. They used oxen to pull their plows. Most Roman farmers lived in simple

homes of mud or timber.

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Farm Life Most Roman farmers lived in simple homes

of mud or timber. Had little furniture. Lived with grandparents, aunts& uncles,

nieces& nephews, or cousins. They had to obey the orders they got.

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Rise of the Republic

• Rome developed into 2 classes the Patricians and the Plebeians

• There was a conflict between the two classes; when the conflict ended it defined the citizens rights

○ They used this system for 500 years to keep the people under control

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• Patricians were wealthy land owners that had seats in the gov’t

• Upper class

• Plebeians were commoners that had the right to vote but didn’t have gov’t seats• Lower class

• The Twelve Tables was a system made around 450b.c. to establish basic rights and duties • Made by patricians

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The leaders of the Roman republic established a tripartite government.

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The type of government has three branches




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Types and what they do

Legislative: makes laws

Judicial: interprets law in court

Executive: enforces a country’s laws

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Legislative branch included the senate and the assemblies

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The senate Was made up of 300

members that advise Roman leaders.

Most senators were patricians.

The assemblies were made up of plebeians.

Their representatives protected the rights of plebeian.

Judicial branch consisted of eight judges they served for one year.

They oversaw the courts and governed the provinces.

2 consuls led Rome’s executive branch.

For 1 year they commanded the army and the directed the government.

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Going on

each consul had the power to veto or overrule the other.

In times of crisis the consuls could choose a dictator – a leader with absolute power.

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The republic expands For hundred of years after the founding of the

republic, Rome expanded it territories. By the 300s B.C., the Romans dominated central

Italy. By 275 B.C., all of the and the Italian Peninsula was

under Roman control. Rome did not impose harsh rule on conquered

peoples. The republic offered Roman citizenship to most of

them and allowed them to govern themselves. In return , the new citizens had to pay taxes and

provide soldiers for the Roman army.

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Effects of Expansion

Romans brought great wealth and slaves They bought large estates and farmed them with slaves But because many small farmers couldn’t compete, they lost their

farms Unemployment and poverty increased The gap between rich and poor grew wider

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SECTION 2Rome Becomes an Empire

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Conflicts at Home

w/ expansion wealthy Romans neglected civic dutiesThey wanted more power & wealthDistance between rich & poor increasedThreat of an uprising increased

○ Poor resented the wealthy

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Reform Fails

Reformers tried to break up huge estates & give land to poorWealthy landowners in the Senate opposed

reforms & had reformers killed

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Civil War General who conquered other lands became hungry for

power Hired poor farmers to serve as soldiers

○ Loyalty shifted from Republic to generals

Civil War broke out One side was generals who supported the plebeians On the other were generals backed by patricians & senators

Marius General for plebeians

Sulla General for patricians

82 B.C. Patricians won war Sulla took power & became a dictator

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Julius Caesar

Rose to power after death of Sulla General, politician, & dictator Born into noble family Many of many talents & ambition

Would have to prove himself on the battlefield

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Military Leader

GaulsFierce fighters in FranceDefeated by Caesar in a brilliant military

campaign○ Conquests won new lands & great wealth for

Rome○ Also won him fame & fortune○ Wrote about exploits in a book entitled

Commentaries on the Gallic War

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Dictator for Life Caesar gain reputation as a reformer who supported

common people Popular w/ plebeians

Had enemies Powerful Romans (senators) opposed him

○ Cicero is one such person (key consul) Distrusted Caesar & his quest for power

When Caesar returned from Gaul he was ordered to break up his army, but instead he marched into Italy and began fighting for control of Rome Caesar was victories 46 B.C. he was appointed Roman ruler 44 B.C. he was named dictator for life

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Caesar’s Reform

He expanded the senate by appointing supporters from Italy & other regionsSome feared he would make himself king

○ He would rule for a lifetime & family members would also rule after him

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Assassination & Legacy

Concerns over his growing power were his downfall

Senate resented his power March 15 44 B.C. some senators

surrounded Caesar & assassinated himLeaders of this conspiracy were eventually

killed or committed suicide

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Emperors Rule Rome

Several Roman leaders struggled to gain power after Caesars deathOctavian (great-nephew of Caesar) was one

Struggles led to another civil warWar destroyed what was left of Roman

RepublicOctavian eventually wins the war and took

the name Augustus (means exalted one)

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Augustus Rebuilds Rome

Was 1st emperor of RomeLiked to be called 1st citizen insteadRestored some aspects of republican gov’t

○ Senators, consuls, & tribunes held office again Augustus had power over them though

He brought provinces under control & strengthened defenses

Began a civil service (a group of officials employed by the gov’t)Collected taxes, oversaw postal system, & managed grain supply

He also rebuilt & beautified RomeBuilt grand temples, theaters, & monuments

○ Replaced many brick buildings w/ marble ones

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The Roman Peace

Rome experienced peace & stabilityCalled Pax Romana (Roman Peace)Lasted about 200 yearsEmpire grew in size (2 million square miles)

Roman army became greatest fighting force in the world300,000 menGuarded empire’s frontiersBuilt roads, bridges, & tunnelsStrong navy created

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A Strong Government

Pax Romana continued after Augustus died in A.D. 14

Good & bad rulers followed himThe gov’t started by Augustus was so

effective that it continued to do wellBy A.D. 100s empire reached from Spain to

North Africa to Britain

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Agriculture Helped empire prosper Everything depended on it Most people were farmers

Most survived on produce from their local areaAdditional food could be obtained through trade

Industry also grewManufacturing of pottery, metal goods, & glass

increasedWine & olive oil as well

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Economy grew through trade routes Traders sailed Mediterranean Sea Traveled by land to Gaul & other parts of

Europe Acquired valuable good not available at

homeGrain, ivory, silk, spices, gold/silver, & wild


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Economy was united by a common currency

Silver coins called denarius was used throughout empire

Made trade between different pats of the empire easier

Expanding economy benefited the already wealthyDivision between rich & poor grew

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SECTION 3The Daily Life of Romans

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Family and Society

Head of family was fatherOwned all property & had control over other

family members○ Power limited by public opinion & custom

(Society disapproved of punishing family w/o good cause)

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Had some freedoms Expected to run the household & take

care of children Could inherit property & run small

businesses when husbands were away Had little power outside the home &

could not vote

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Most educated at home Wealthy families sent boys to private

schoolsGirls stayed home & learned household

skills○ Usually married by 14

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Social Classes Old division of patricians & plebeians evolved into

upper & lower classesPatricians & wealthy plebeians became upper classMiddle Class: prosperous business leaders & officialsLower Class: FarmersLowest Class: slaves (largest class in society)

○ 1/3 of population○ Some prisoners of war○ Some slaves because parents were○ Slaves worked as low-level clerical positions, performed

physical labor (worked in mines, on large estates, & as servants)Many suffered cruel treatment; revolts were common

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Roman Beliefs

Worshipped 100’s of spiritsSpirits lived in everything around them

Household gods protected themSet up shrines in their homes

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Religious Influences

Beliefs became influenced by cultureEtruscans & Greeks influenced Roman

religion○ Etruscans: adopted idea of gods in human

form, rituals designed to predict the future○ Greeks: borrowed many gods from Greeks

Jupiter similar to Greek god Zeus

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Religion & Public Life

Government & Religion were linked in RomePriests were gov’t officialsEmperor was head of churchRoman gods were symbols of the stateExpected to honor gods in public

ceremoniesOvertime emperors became worshipped as


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Life in Roman Cities

At the height of the Roman Empire, Rome had nearly 1 million peoplePeople from across the empire moved to

Rome○ Created a blend of ideas & customs

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The Crowded City Crowded, dirty, & noisy Many were unemployed & poor

Lived in rundown apartment buildings w/ no running water or toilets

Public bathhouses were a means of adapting

People dropped their trash out the windows injuring pe0ple walking on the streets below

Fire was a constant danger

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Rich and Poor Poor had little to eat

Bread, olives, & fruitGov’t provided free grain

WealthyLife of luxuryLived in large, comfortable homes in the

countrysideWent to theatersHad fancy dinner partiesHad fine foods: dates, oranges, ham, salted

jellyfish, roast parrot, & boiled flamingo tongue

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Responding to Urban Problems Built sewer & plumbing systems for

sanitation Built aqueducts to carry water to Roman

towns Public baths

All classes visited baths to bathe & socialize Gov’t provided entertainment to distract

Romans from problems w/ city lifeCircus Maximus: oval stadium where chariot

races took placeColosseum: gladiators fought, naval battles,


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SECTION 4The Development of Christianity

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Christianity’s Jewish Roots 63 B.C.

Romans conquered Jewish kingdom of Judah (Judea)○ Jews had been treated badly & wanted

to be free from foreign rulersSacred writings promised a Messiah

(descended from King David) who would free them

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The Life of Jesus

Born in a province of JudeaFollowed many teachings of

JudaismAlso taught ideas & practices that


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Birth & Early Life

Know of the life of Jesus from the Gospels

He was born in Bethlehem & grew up in Nazareth

Was raised by Mary & Joseph

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Jesus’ Followers

He became a traveling teacher Biblical accounts say he cured the sick

& lame & turned water to wine He had 12 disciples (close followers)

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The Teachings of Jesus He preached justice, compassion, & the coming of God’s

kingdom Delivered messages in parables or stories with morals 3 best known are: Good Samaritan, the Prodigal Son, & the

Lost SheepGood Samaritan: teaches importance of helping others, even if they

are differentProdigal Son: deals w/ God’s call for the lost soul to repentThe Lost Sheep: deals w/ God’s concern for every individual, no

matter how lost or seemingly insignificant Most famous teachings were given in the Sermon of the Mount

Obey the law but also change their hearts Jesus was also disliked by certain people for his teachings &

who he associated with

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The Death of Jesus

Claim of Jesus as the Messiah threatened the RomansQuestioned their political power & authority

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The Early Christians

Jesus’ disciples were JewsEventually developed beliefs & practices

that broke away from Judaism○ Became known as Christians

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The Early Church

Disciples though Jesus fulfilled propheciesTried to convince other Jews to accept Jews

as the Messiah The early Church

Stressed sharing property, charity, helping prisoners, & taking common meals○ Women & slaves were eager to join

Disciples hoped to spread Jesus’ message & convert others

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Conflicts Arises

1st members of church were Jewish converts to Christianity

Conversions of Gentiles (non-Jewish people) to Christianity sparked debate

Roman leaders ignored early ChristiansViewed as a division of Judaism

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Paul Spreads Christianity

SaulEarly leader of Christian church

The Road to DamascusSaul experienced a sudden conversion

○ Jesus was revealed to him as son of God○ Saul was appointed to proclaim Jesus among

the Gentiles○ Became to believe Jesus was the Jewish

MessiahSaul’s cultural & political background helped

to convert nonbelievers○ As Saul traveled he used his Roman name


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The Journeys Change Christianity Paul made 4 missionary journeys Christianity spread through Roman

Empire Paul thought people did not have to

become Jews before becoming ChristiansSeparated Christianity from JudaismMade new religion appealing to Gentiles

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The Letters

Paul started new churches & kept in touch by writing lettersLetters explained Christian beliefs & urged

coverts to live according to God’s law

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Paul’s Death & Legacy

Paul wanted to travel to Rome to spread Christian faithHe reached Rome but not in the way he had

hoped Near the end of his career he returned

to JerusalemHe was taken into custody by Romans (was

in prison for 2 years, demanded to be tried before Caesar in Rome)

A.D. 60He arrived in Rome & remained under

house arrest for 2 years○ He wrote several letters from captivity