the beach bachelor: day one

Welcome to the Beach Bachelor – Forrest Wrongway's Bachelor Challenge! I'm very happy to be bringing this out, and thanks to everyone who let me borrow their sims for this! Also, one or two of them may look a bit different because the CC that came with them didn't work in my game. Hopefully you approve of their makeovers! Also, I recently got a new laptop, and I haven't got used to taking pictures on the new resolution yet. The pictures aren't too awful, but some of them aren't great. Sorry about that. Let's get started!

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Post on 01-Nov-2014




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Page 1: The Beach Bachelor: Day One

Welcome to the Beach Bachelor – Forrest Wrongway's Bachelor Challenge!

I'm very happy to be bringing this out, and thanks to everyone who let me borrow their sims for this! Also, one or two of them may look a bit different because the CC that came with them didn't work in my game. Hopefully you approve of their makeovers!

Also, I recently got a new laptop, and I haven't got used to taking pictures on the new resolution yet. The pictures aren't too awful, but some of them aren't great. Sorry about that.

Let's get started!

Page 2: The Beach Bachelor: Day One

The first thing Forrest Wrongway did when he arrived on a beach for the first time in his life was smile at the sea. Never before had he seen it, and he understood how beautiful it was.

Thinking about it, Forrest realised he would quite like to go swimming.

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But instead, Forrest bent down to the sand, and began sculpting a palace made out of sand.

This was Forrest Wrongway, the troublemaker from Rubix. No way was he going to spend his first time on a beach doing something considered normal.

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It was by pure chance he was there, anyway. An encounter with a strange woman in a bar in Three Lakes had led to Forrest finding himself at a beautiful oceanview house, participating in a social experiment, with seven women for company.

Speaking of which, where were the seven women? He hadn't seen them yet.

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Within moments, all seven ladies were posing on the beach next to him.

“Hey Forrest!” One of them called.

“Hang on a sec, I want to finish my sand castle.” He called back.

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“Now what?” one of them demanded, “do we have to hold these poses until his castle is built?”

“I guess so...”

Forrest knew very little about each woman. He wasn't sure how they had all been invited to the beach house, either, but he didn't want to ask in case they left – he knew he had to choose one to leave each day.

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As Forrest tried to finish his castle, he tried to remember what he knew about each woman.

The blonde one in blue was Angelica Cook, but he had been firmly told by the landlord that he was to call her Angie. He also knew she was an insomniac.

(Angie Cook, A Spicy Legacy, by Raiboy)

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Forrest remembered the alien girl from his discussions with the landlord earlier, but he figured she probably wouldn't like being called 'the alien girl'.

He knew her name was Betria Hollinter, and that she liked flying and helicopters.

(Betria Hollinter, An Astronomical Alphabetacy, Heather)

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Forrest also recognised another one of the women from the landlord's descriptions. He knew her as Laura Wonglepong.

One thing the landlord had been very clear about Laura was never to get on her bad side. Forrest wasn't sure why he had been told this, and he wasn't sure he wanted to find out.

(Laura Wonglepong, Fair Dinkum Flamingos, JoandSarah77)

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He recognised Lute Abel by her funky hairstyle, which he decided suited her really well.

The landlord had said Lute was a nice young lady, a triplet from a rather wacky family.

(Lute Abel, The Abel OWBC, bethkeeblelegacy)

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Rayne Olthylwell was the next lady to catch his eye. He could tell who she was by her playful smile.

Forrest grinned. He knew Rayne was a unique descendant of elves, and the youngest of three daughters.

(Rayne Olthylwell, The Olthylwell Legacy, Fayesfei)

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Victoria London was the romance sim smiling on the end. Her attention never left Forrest as he built his castle.

From what the landlord had said, Victoria had quite the reputation as far as men were concerned.

(Victoria London, A Loving Legacy, Crystal5533)

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Forrest knew that meant the last person on the beach was Vogue Super.

All he knew about Vogue was that she was conscious about fashion, and that she grew up in an insane household with no father.

(Vogue Super, from my ISBI. I didn't really want to throw one of my sims into the challenge, but didn't have a lot of choice when one of the people I contacted over potential-contestants didn't respond)

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Once Forrest had finished his sand castle – which looked more like a sand mound – he wandered over to some of the women.

“Your sand castle could use a little work.” Betria remarked, smiling. She was trying to be friendly, but Forrest took her comment the wrong way.

“If you can make a better castle, go ahead and make a better castle!” Forrest replied, sharply, while Lute stood smiling behind them.

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“You know what,” Betria grinned again, “I will do that. I'll make a better castle than you.”

“I'd like to see you try.” Forrest said, deliberately starting a challenge.

“Wait and see, it's going to be amazing.” Betria turned her attention away from Forrest and looked out to see, while Lute edged a little closer.

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“You're pretty awesome, Forrest.” Lute announced, cheerfully. She didn't notice Betria listening in.

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“I am pretty awesome, thanks, Lute.” Forrest grinned. Lute smiled back, shyly.

“Way to inflate his ego.” Betria told Lute, under her breath.

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Once she was certain Forrest's attention was on someone else, Lute turned to Betria, “He's nice.”

“Nice? He got really defensive when I pointed out his castle was crappy.”

“I still think he's pretty cool.”

“Cool, yes. Nice, no,” Betria cast a glance at Forrest, “it's going to be an interesting week.”

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Down by the surf, Angie had started building a sandcastle of her own, not bothering to try and capture the attention of anyone on the beach.

“Mind if I join you?”

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Forrest bent down beside Angie's sand mound, and starting helping her form a castle from it.

“Thanks,” Angie replied, “but I can make a castle on my own, you know.”

“Well, yeah,'s pretty fun making castles with other people.”

“I guess. Just don't mess it up.”

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“It's a piece of art.” Forrest decided, studying the lump of sand.

“It's ugly,” Angie remarked, “you don't make sandcastles a lot, do you?”

“Truthfully? This is the first time I have been on a beach.”

The pair of them continued to exchange stories – Angie telling Forrest a story about the time she went to the beach with her heavily pregnant cousin, Forrest nodding, adding to the conversation here and there.

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Elsewhere on the beach, Vogue was losing at rock, paper, scissors, to Laura.

Who knew, maybe it was the start of a long friendship between the two of them.

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After finishing her castle with Forrest, Angie discovered the hot tubs on the balcony of the house.

She was a day too early for the hot tub dates, but Angie got into the tub anyway.

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“I'm at a beach, therefore, I am on holiday.” Angie decided.

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Downstairs, Forrest found someone else to talk to – Rayne Olthylwell.

“Isn't this beach great?” Rayne asked, grinning.

“It's the first time I've been on a beach,” Forrest replied, “it's awesome!”

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“Do you think there are musical instruments in the house?” Rayne asked, smiling a little.

“What can you play?” Forrest inquired, “There might be an instrument in the house.”


“Really? That's so cool! I can't play anything.”

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“There's still time to learn!” Rayne grinned.

“True. I suppose I could have learned something while I was in High School, but...too busy having fun, I guess, to think about it.”

“What were you like as a teenager?”

“Crazy. I'll have to tell you about some of the things I got up to some time.”

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After his conversation with Rayne, Forrest tried to talk with some of the other women. It didn't go so well.

“Hey, you must be Laura!”

“Don't come over here and interrupt my conversation just because you're the only guy on the beach!”


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Eventually, everyone headed inside for some lunch. It was another opportunity for Forrest to talk to some of the other women.

“Hey, you're Victoria, right?”

Victoria looked up from her gelatin, “Yeah.”

“You like to party?”

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“Yeah, nothing quite like a party, and some guys!” Victoria grinned.

“Some guys?”

“Well, sure! Parties are a great way of meeting a face to share the night with!”


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The brief conversation ended, and Forrest noticed that almost all of the others had joined the table too.

“Angie still in the hot tub?” Forrest asked, with a smile.

“Yeah,” Vogue replied, “I think I'll join her in a moment.”

“Really? You don't want to hang out with us?” Rayne questioned.

“There's plenty of time for that later.”

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After lunch, Rayne headed down to the shore, despite the rain, and watched the waves rolling in.

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Also down by the sea, Betria was working on her castle. Just to prove Forrest wrong.

Afterwards, Betria headed back up the beach.

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Which is when she found the puddles on the beach to be a bunch of fun.

She wasn't on her own for much longer.

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“I see someone is enjoying the beach, even in the rain.” Forrest commented, with a friendly smile.

“It's fun! You should try splashing in puddles, Forrest.”

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“I see you built your sandcastle,” Forrest cast a glance over at the lumps of sand near Rayne, “I thought you said it would be better than mine.”

“It is.” Betria insisted.

“It looks exactly the same as mine. How is it better?”

“Because I built it.” Betria answered, and Forrest laughed.

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In the hot tubs, Vogue and Angie were getting on well.

“Do you think we should be talking to Forrest?” Angie asked.

“Nah, this is much more fun,” Vogue laughed, “so tell me more about your family.”

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Inside, Lute had found somewhere to paint as darkness began to fall. She was a little worried about who would have to leave in the morning, but she was pretty sure she got on well with Forrest.

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After an exhausting day of meeting and greeting people, Forrest finally headed to bed.

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Angie was an insomniac, so by the time she had gotten out of the hot tub, Angie was ready to head down to the main beach again – hours after everyone else had gone to bed.

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“Hmm. Where is everyone?”

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Forrest woke up early – mere moments after Angie had decided it was time for bed – and decided to go for a swim.

There's nothing like swimming in a chilly sea to wake someone up.

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Swimming head first into a wave, Forrest tried to forget about the fact he had to send one of the women home later.

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Angie may have been the last one to bed on the night before, but she was the first one up the next morning.

She headed down to the beach, and started sunbathing.

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Laura was also up, ignoring Forrest and adding to the collection of sandcastles decorating the shoreline.

All was very peaceful until twelve pm arrived.

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At twelve, the seven ladies gathered on a set of sofas in the living room, a space perfect for making announcements.

“Why are you so angry, Angie?” Someone was asking.

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Angie frowned, her bikini exposing her new tan.

“I want to spend time relaxing by the sea, and instead, I'm stuck inside, waiting for some stupid announcement.”

As Angie concluded saying this, Forrest entered the room.

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“Well I can't alter the rules of the house, Angie,” Forrest apologised, light-heartedly, “as for the announcement, I'm not so great at emotional I think I'll just announce who's leaving.”

“I've enjoyed getting to know each of you, but someone has to go...”

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“Laura, I'm afraid you have to leave.”

“Damn, my holiday is over already.” Laura sighed.

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And this where I shall end Day One! In case you're curious, here are the stats for day one:

Betria – 39Lute – 35Rayne – 35Victoria – 25Vogue – 10Angie – 0Laura – -1

Thanks for reading!