the basics of smart drupal deployment

The Basics of Smart Drupal Deployment Erik Webb @erikwebb

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Page 1: The Basics of Smart Drupal Deployment

The Basics of Smart Drupal Deployment

Erik Webb@erikwebb

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• Technical Consultant at Acquia

• Focus on best practices, infrastructure, and developer training

• Working with Drupal ~3.5 years

• Previously Red Hat sysadmin at Georgia Tech and application developer at IBM

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Defining Deployment

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What is deployment?

• Maintaining multiple, independent environments

• Effortlessly migrating and testing changes between them

• Safely updating without downtime or rollbacks

• Accounting for changes in a sustainable way

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3.5 Environments

• Production

• Hands-off

• Staging

• Sign-off

• Development

• Integration

• Local

• Match software versions

• IDE-focused

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The 3 C's (and an F)

• Code only moves up

• Configuration lives only in code

• Content only moves down

• Files only move down

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Version Control

Staying out of your own way

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Using Branches and Tags

• Branches

• Dynamic

• Ongoing work

• Strategic

• Tags

• Static

• Releases

• Periodic

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Version Control Workflow

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Keeping Version Control Sane

• Ignore inappropriate files

• Uploaded files directory

• settings.php

• Prevent bad PHP using lint checks

• Don’t be afraid to blame!

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Moving Configuration to Code

Tools and techniques

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Usual Suspects

• CTools export

• Bulk Exporter

• Views

• Panels

• Features

• Features extra

• Strongarm

• Boxes


• Node export

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Filling the Void

• 80% handled by CTools-like exportables

• Non-developers stuck

• Most give up on final 20%

• Breaks entire flow

• Exceptions suck!

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Update Functions

• Built-in Drupal feature

• Well understood and supported

• Only functional code


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Update Functions using Helpers

/*** @see forum_enable().*/function mymodule_update_7000() {  $vocab = array(    'name' => t('Forums'),     'machine_name' => 'forums',     'description' => t('Forum navigation vocabulary'),     'hierarchy' => 1,     'module' => 'forum',     'weight' => -10,  );  $vocabulary = (object) $vocab;  taxonomy_vocabulary_save($vocabulary);

  return t('New vocabulary imported.');}

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Update Functions using SQL

/*** @link*/function mymodule_update_7001() {  $pid = db_insert('mytable')    ->fields(array(      'col1' => 'value',      'col2' => 'value',    ))    ->execute();

  return t('New row imported.');}

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Next Steps

Deploying like a Pro

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Deploying via Version Control

• Atomic (ACID)

• svn update

• Tools

• Post-commit hooks

• Jenkins

• Capistrano

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Drush Deployment

• Checkout code from version control

• Protect files using ownership

• Point web server to new version

• drush up

• drush cc all

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• “Fancy cron”

• Triggered by polling SCM

• Integrate deployment with other tools

• Selenium

• jMeter

• Run commands only on success (atomicity)

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Slides will be posted on and SlideShare

See more at DrupalCamp SC on June 12, 2011

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Photo credits

• “Advanced Theoretical Physics”, Marvin (PA) on Flickr.

• “Sugar rush from the cupcake wore off”, slworkin2 on Flickr.

• “Collision between two engines, Bay of Quinte Railway, ON, 1892”, Musée McCord Museum on Flickr.

• “Square Peg in a Round Hole”, casa.pokayoke on Flickr.

• “Vacation in my backyard”, mandolin davis on Flickr.