the basic truth

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  • 7/29/2019 The Basic Truth



    *The Basic Truths Series*

    By Dr Kam Yuen

    *The Art of Living*

    Living is an art, not a science. If it were a science, we would all be in more of a Bunsen

    Burner flame, boiling hot water centrifugal spin than we're already in now!

    Science, in spite of its flamboyant and glamorous status, creates more questions than


    Do we need to ask and be asked more questions with no answers, or at best a few answers

    unrelated to the questions?

    Usually science would have approximately one answer per thousand questions. Given

    such statistical probability, to have two, or a second answer, science has to formulate anadditional thousand questions.

    By the time, we get answers from science, we will be old and gray as I am now, if not

    already dead, which I am getting closer to.

    Sciences answers are not truthful because it needs empirical evidence, whatever that

    means, before scientists consider anything to be true. Gathering empirical data puts

    everyone to sleep, including those doing the gathering and interpreting.

    It is difficult for science to recognize the answer even if the answer has been staring it in

    the face for decades. The answer is not the truth, because none of their answers areapplicable in improving anyones lives, or anything else for that matter

    Does science really care to get to the truth? It is difficult for science to get to the truth

    because it doesnt have a sense of humor. The truth is funny!

    Even stones in caves have changed by the time it takes science to form a single postulate

    let alone reach a conclusion; carbon molecules would turn into diamonds by the time we

    get any useful answers from science for us to live by. Every few years, scientific theory

    gets discarded and reversed until it contradicts its own previous theory. It is difficult for

    science to make up its mind--- if it even has one.

    Have I left anything out that would make us want to separate science from the art of

    living, as we wish to separate religion from government, so at least we can have a certain

    degree of life and liberty?

    To improve the art of living, we cant depend on science; it is really technology that

    improves the standard of living not science. Science gets the credit as medicine gets

    credit for health, when the standards of health improve through hygienic knowledge and

  • 7/29/2019 The Basic Truth




    Under such premises, the art of living finds science to be as unreliable as other human

    institutions. One should not give science more credence than any other limited human

    systems of experiences. The art of living seeks to unchain itself from the yoke of science,

    to be treated as equal to science as all things are equal. There is a science and art ofunparalleled development of intuition, unmatched by previous generations, that is setting

    a new baseline standard for the new and future generations. The art of living takes into

    consideration our intuitive access to our physical, mental and spiritual being.

    It is only through intuition we get to the truth; logic can only point us in certain directions.

    There are infinite possibilities for science to deal with, but it is up to our intuition to

    choose the exact one that is applicable to the given situation. Otherwise, we cannot

    siphon the truth out from the midst of untruths. Art is intuition, and science is hard nosed

    logic with a sinus problem.

    This new standard of intuition mentioned here can be taught and trained. It gives us theinsight, without positive or negative judgment, to know others untruths even though

    everyone, including all the kings horses, supports infinite untruths as the truth. It is time

    for people to get off their high wooden horses and smell the aroma of wonton soup, not

    the chicken soup.

    We have been led to believe that if everyone holds something to be truth, even if it

    doesnt do anything, or if it does do something, or if only done by accident or from

    probability of random chance resolved one time, that we must accept it as always the

    truth. This is the result of great marketing strategy. If we can get one person out of a

    hundred better, we can convince everyone that the other 99 would get better, or even

    have gotten better, which no one else knows about including the person who supposedly

    has gotten better.

    There should be no argument about what is and what isnt the truth!

    Remember, if whatever has been said were truth, it would resolve whatever ails us in our

    lives more times than once. However, if what has been preached didnt resolve even one

    ailment of a persons life, then there is no truth to what has been said, even though all the

    gurus are saying the same as other parrots.

    Just because everyone is saying the same worded speech doesnt make it the truth. Does

    having passion, gratitude and intention make that much difference in our lives? Do we

    care to count the limited number of spiritual laws? Do we need to be motivated and

    inspired? Do we arrive to the New Age by going backward in time? I will keep you all in

    suspense until my next or future article!

    You know what is worse than listen to one parrot? It is having to listen to a whole bunch

    of them.

  • 7/29/2019 The Basic Truth

