the archaeology challenge badge! -

The Archaeology Challenge Badge! Its so easy to get involved with archaeology, to think about the past and how it effects us! I have designed this Archaeology Challenge Pack for all sections so as to get everyone involved in a bit of history. Each 3” embroidered badge is £1.20 plus postage, the form for which can be found at the bottom of this pack. All the money raised will be split between 1 st Porchester Brownies and 28 th Parkdale Rangers. The Pack is split into 3 sections, the Past, the Present and the Future. Rainbows and Brownies can do 3 activities from the Past, 3 from the Present and 1 from the Future, Guides and above can do 4 Past, 4 Present, 2 Future. More can be done if you wish, most of the creative activities are quite easy, though I have put R, B, G, SS next to the activity in accordance with the levels I believe can do the activity. HAVE FUN!

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Page 1: The Archaeology Challenge Badge! - archaeo...The Archaeology Challenge Badge! Its so easy to get involved with archaeology,

The Archaeology Challenge Badge!

Its so easy to get involved with archaeology, to think about the past and how

it effects us! I have designed this Archaeology Challenge Pack for all sections

so as to get everyone involved in a bit of history. Each 3” embroidered badge

is £1.20 plus postage, the form for which can be found at the bottom of this

pack. All the money raised will be split between 1st Porchester Brownies and

28th Parkdale Rangers.

The Pack is split into 3 sections, the Past, the Present and the Future.

Rainbows and Brownies can do 3 activities from the Past, 3 from the Present

and 1 from the Future, Guides and above can do 4 Past, 4 Present, 2 Future.

More can be done if you wish, most of the creative activities are quite easy,

though I have put R, B, G, SS next to the activity in accordance with the levels

I believe can do the activity.


Page 2: The Archaeology Challenge Badge! - archaeo...The Archaeology Challenge Badge! Its so easy to get involved with archaeology,

The Past

Cave painting – The earliest cave paintings in Europe are 40,000 years

old! The painters used berries and flowers to create different colours. Use

sticks, stones, but most importantly YOUR HANDS to create your own

paintings, please see the images page for examples. (R-SS)

Design an ancient Greek Vase – (Template in pack) Greek vases are

usually orange and black. The people displayed on the vases are usually

involved with sports. They can also have mythical creatures and animals

on too! Please see the images page for examples (R-SS).

Aztec Headdress – The Aztecs used to wear towering headdresses with

lots of feathers attached depending on how wealthy they were, please

see the images page for examples (R-SS).

Create a god/ goddess – The ancient civilisations had hundreds of gods

and goddesses that were worshiped for all sorts of things. There is a list

of these in this pack. Design your own god or goddess and what they are

deity of eg: Aphrodite is the Greek goddess of love (R-SS)

Build a cardboard box castle – The Normans were the first people to

fortify England with stone castles, with walls more than 10 feet thick!

Design your own castle using cardboard and other materials, remember

features such as a drawbridge, turrets, dungeons and halls (R-SS)

Make a Roman Mosaic – The Romans used to decorate their floors and

walls with little glass tiles, forming huge mosaic images. Using as many

different coloured cardboard squares as you like, design your own mosaic

image of anything you want, the Romans usually created scenes involving

people, animals and nature. Please see images page for examples (R-SS)

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Make you own pot – Using playdough or modelling clay, design a pot and

decorate it with items you find around you, such as twigs, forks, coins and

your fingers. This is how prehistoric people used to decorate there pots.

You could even go further by going to a paint-a-pot workshop and design

a pot there! (B-SS)

The Mummy game – Who can turn their teammate into a mummy the

fastest by wrapping them up in toilet roll? (R-SS)

The Present

Life in the past - Talk to an older member of your family or unit about life

when they were children. Write down the similarities and differences

between their childhood and yours (B-SS)

Work out your family tree, try and go back 4 generations, if you need

help, look at (B-SS)

Write your name in different ancient languages, such as Latin, Greek,

Egyptian and Viking (R-SS)

Guess the object – On the resource page attached, can you work out

what each of these objects from different periods of time were used for?


Try Greek and Roman food – What did the Greeks and Romans eat? They

used to eat some of the things we still eat today. Try stuffed vine leaves,

olives and dates, or mixing honey with water. (R-SS)

Iron Age honey cakes – Bake honey cakes, the recipe can be found below


Page 4: The Archaeology Challenge Badge! - archaeo...The Archaeology Challenge Badge! Its so easy to get involved with archaeology,

Egg Sponge In Milk (OVA SPONGIA EX LACTE) – Bake this popular Roman

dessert, it’s similar to an omelette with honey and cinnamon, the recipe

can be found below (B-SS)

Gilded Marchpane - Bake this Tudor dessert fit for Queen Elizabeth I! It’s

a bit like Marzipan the recipe can be found below (R-SS)

Aboriginal art – The Australian aborigines have used pictures and images

as a form of communication for thousands of years, even before the

Egyptians were using hieroglyphs! They are our present day living

ancestors and we can learn a lot about ancient peoples by studying how

the Aborigines live today. Paint your own aboriginal art using your

fingers, cotton wool buds and sticks, see the images page for examples


Invite an archaeologist or a historian to talk to your unit about their job

or about the past (B-SS)

Pottery Jigsaw – Break a patterned plate or pot by wrapping it in a towel

and hitting it. Imagine you are the archaeologist and try to fix it back


CBA Festival of British Archaeology – Get involved with your local events

between the 13th and the 28th July 2013! More information about the

activities in your area can be found at (R-SS)

The Future

Visit a historic Landmark – Take a trip with your unit to a local historic

landmark, or be more adventurous and travel further afield! (R-SS)

Make a time capsule – Think of some of the things that represent who we

are today, what do we play with, what do we use day to day, what do our

chocolate wrappers look like?! What do we listen to and what do we

watch? What do we wear? Who is famous right now? Most importantly,

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who are you and what do you do within guiding and your unit? All of

these things you could write down, draw or put into your time capsule.

The capsule itself must be hard wearing, maybe something metal, and

make sure it is tightly sealed. Lastly if you intend to bury your capsule

rather than leave it in the Unit store cupboard with a ‘DO NO OPEN

UNTIL…’ sign, make sure you get permission from whoever owns the land

before you start digging a hole! (R-SS)

Visit a Museum – many museums are free to visit, have a good look

around and discover something new and exciting! (R-SS)

Our legacy – what will our legacy be? What will we be remembered for?

Will it be good or bad? What will we physically leave behind, such as

buildings but also landfill sites? What will archaeologists dig up in the

future? Write a list and discuss how we can change the bad things. (GG-


Evolution of technology - Pick an object that we may have used through

history to present day and draw a picture of what it may look like in the

future, would it have evolved? Some examples could be transport

related, or objects from the kitchen. Games and clothing could be

interesting to look at (B-SS)

Challenge completed!

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1. 2.

3. 4.

5. 6.

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1. Roman weighing scales, from London, 1800 years old! 2. Egyptian headrest (a pillow!) from Egypt, 3200 years old! 3. Medieval chess pieces, from Scotland, 800 years old! 4. Viking comb and carry case made from antler, from York, England, 1000

years old! 5. Bronze age axe head, from Britain, 3500 years old! 6. Bronze Egyptian mirror, from Egypt, 4000 years old!


Vikings: Odin – War, Death and Knowledge Thor - Thunder Freya - Love Frey – Sun, rain, harvest and peace Loki – chaos and mischief

Romans: Jupiter – Heaven and Earth Venus – Love Bacchus – Wine Mars – War and energy Fortuna – Money and wealth Neptune – Sea

Aztecs: Quetzalcoatl – head of the gods, culture and agriculture Opochtli – God of fishing Meztli – Goddess of the moon Xiuhtecuhtli - God of fire Ehecatl - God of the wind.

Egyptians: Ra – Sun Osiris – ruler of the afterlife Isis – Magic and motherhood Thoth – writing, medicine, wisdom, music Khnum – the Nile Flood Ptah – Craft and creation Sekhmet – Was and destruction

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Honey Cakes

Eggs were seasonal in the Iron Age, so here are a winter version with no eggs, and a summer one with them. Winter

100g barley flour 100g medium oatmeal 100g butter or margarine

2 tablespoons of ground hazelnuts 2-3 tablespoons runny honey A little milk.

1. Heat your oven to gas 6, or 200 C degrees electric 2. Dust a baking sheet with barley flour or cover with baking parchment. 3. Put the barley flour, oatmeal, butter or margarine, honey and hazelnuts into a bowl. 4. Mix until they make a thick, even paste. Add enough milk to make a ‘dropping

consistency’ (that means a dollop drops off your spoon easily). 5. Put spoonfuls of mixture onto the tray. I get about 15 cakes from this amount. 6. Cook for about 15 mins in the top of a gas oven, or the middle of an electric oven. 7. They will be going nicely golden when they are ready. 8. Cool on a wire rack

Summer It’s very simple, stir in one large egg before adding the milk. The Romans introduced chickens, so Iron age people would have used a duck or goose egg. If you are lucky enough to be able to use a goose egg, double the quantity of everything else as these are huge! Cook for about 20 minutes, as above. Again, they should be going nicely golden.

OVA SPONGIA EX LACTE – Egg sponge in milk

6 eggs

350ml milk

15g butter

3 tablespoons of liquid honey

½ teaspoon ground cinnamon

1. Beat the eggs and milk together

2. Melt the butter in a frying pan over a medium heat; pour in the mixture of egg and

milk, and cook gently for several minutes

3. When it is almost set, spoon in the honey and sprinkle with cinnamon, serve


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Gilded Marchpane

450g ground almonds

225g caster sugar

3 tablespoons (45 ml) rose-water

For the glaze:

1 tablespoon (15 ml) rose-water

3 tablespoons (45 ml) icing sugar

1. Preheat oven to 150ºC, 300ºF, Gas Mark 2.

2. Using a board, mix the ground almonds, sugar and rose-water together to make a

stiff paste. Knead until quite smooth. Save a little of the marzipan for decorating the

marchpane and place the rest on a sheet of greaseproof paper.

3. Roll it into a circle using a rolling pin to about 8mm thick and. Smooth the edges flat

with the back of a blunt knife.

4. Slide the marzipan on to a baking sheet and bake for 15 minutes, then turn off the

oven, open the oven door and leave for another 15 minutes, or until firm and dry,

but only lightly coloured.

5. In a small bowl, mix the rose-water and icing sugar together to make a thin paste for

the glaze. Use a pastry brush to paint the glaze over the marchpane.

6. Put the marchpane back into the oven and continue cooking for about 5 minutes

until dry and glossy. Remove from the oven and leave to cool.

7. Roll out the reserved marzipan until thin and cut into shapes with cutters, eg.

hearts, diamonds, letters, animals or birds. Paint these with edible colouring and fix

on to the glazed marchpane as it dries to form patterns or pictures.

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Congratulations on completing your chosen activities from the challenge pack!

Please return the completed form below, together with your payment to receive your badges.


Unit & County:

Postal Address:

(Inc Postcode)



Please return cheques to:

Laura Binns

34 Burgass road,




CHEQUES TO BE MADE PAYABLE TO – 1st Porchester Brownie Unit

(From there, the money will be split between 1st Porchester and 28th Parkdale)

Number of badges (£1.20 each)

Postage & Packaging

1-20 Badges - add £1.00

20-40 Badges - add £1.50

40+ Badges – add £2.00

Total cost