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Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for Getting Bachelor Degree of Education

in English Department








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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan penerapan guided writing pada siswa

kelas sebelas SMK Kosgoro 1 Sragen pada tahun pelajaran 2016/2017. Tujuan dari

penelitian ini yaitu mendeskripsikan penerapan guided writing pada siswa kelas

sebelas SMK Kosgoro 1 Sragen pada tahun pelajaran 2016/2017 dan mendeskripsikan

respon dari siswa kelas sebelas SMK Kosgoro 1 Sragen pada tahun pelajaran

2016/2017. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian deskriptif. Subjek dari penelitian

ini fokus terhadap murid kelas sebelas SMK Kosgoro 1 Sragen. Dalam

mengumpulkan data, peneliti menggunakan observasi, analisis dokumen, and

wawancara. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis dengan mengumpulkan, mengurangi, dan

menampilkan data, mengklasifikasi dan memverifikasi data, dan membuat

kesimpulam. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, ditemukan bahwa penerapan guided

writing berhubungan dengan proses sebelum menulis, sedang menulis, dan menilai

tulisan. Guru menggunakan tipe guided writing seperti, memberi contoh paragraf,

tanya jawab berdasar isi text, pemberian soal tentang bentuk kalimat, persiapan secara

lisan, dan persiapan tertulis. Hal ini dilakukan oleh guru ketika menerapkan guided

writing. Respon dari para murid tentang penerapan guided writing yaitu memberkan

perhatian yang baik, berantusias, lebih berani, aktif, dan menyenangkan. Guru juga

dapat menentukan siswa yang aktif dan paham dan juga yang tidak.

Kata Kunci : menulis “terbimbing”, pengajaran menulis





This research aims at describing the application of guided writing to enhance ability in

writing procedure texts of the eleventh grade students at Smk Kosgoro 1 Sragen in

2016/ 2017 academic year. The objectives of the research are to describe the

application of guided writing to enhance ability in writing procedure texts of the

eleventh TKR 1 grade student at Smk Kosgoro 1 Sragen in 2016/ 2017 academic year

and the student’s response. This research useas descriptive study. The subject of the

research is English teachers of eleventh grade of SMKKosgoro 1 Sragen. In collecting

the data, the researcher uses observation, document analysis, and interview. The

collected data are analyzed by collecting, reducing, and displaying data, classifying

and verifying the data, and drawing conclusion. Based on the research finding, it was

found that the process consist of pre- writing, whlist- writing, and post- writing. It was

be done by the teacher in application guided writing. The teacher used model


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paragraph, comprehension question, language based exercise, oral composition, and

written composition type of guided writing. The student’s response about application

of guided writing is good attention, anthusiastic, braver, active, and feel funny joining

class. Teacher can also find the students whether active and understand or not.

Keywords: guided writing, teaching writing


According to Oshima and Hogue (1999: 3),academic writing is

particularly not easy. So the teacher must create the good topic so that the student

can study the subject easily. Besides, the kinds of the text can also be important in

teaching English in order to make the writing teaching succesfull. In the process of

writing, a writer should explore new ideas that make her writing meaningful and

express her thoughts and feeling to the readers. Writing is also a process of

communicating the writer’s idea to the reader in a written form. In the teaching and

learning process of writing, the teacher has an important role.

Siswanto (2005: 98) states that procedure text is a text thet is designed to

describe how something is achived through a squance of action or steps. Explains

how people perform diferent processes in a squence of steps. This text uses simple

present tense, often imperative sentences. It also uses the temporal conjunction

such as first, second, third, etc. Guided writing technique focused at whole text

level, sentence level or word level. Through guided writing, children are supported

during the different stages of the writing process. As an activity, it should be

carefully targeted towards groups of children according to their current targets or

specific needs. The aim is to provide support that is going to help children to

improve their writing and to work with increasing independent. Actually, there are

some researchers who have conducted similar research with the present research.

The previous research comes from Huda (2015), and Febriani (2014). There are

similirarities with the previous study and this study where all study focused on

teaching writing procdure text.While the diiference is the teaching media that they

were used where the research of Huda used demonstration and Feriani used


The objectives of this research are to describe the application of guided

writing to enhance ability in writing procedure texts of the eleventh grade at SMK

Kosgoro 1 Sragen in 2016/2017 academic year and to describe the student’s


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response about the application of guided writingof the eleventh grade at SMK

Kosgoro 1 Sragen in 2016/2017 academic year.

The present researcher also gives several theories related to the study to

give more understanding about the research. It is divided into notion of writing,

teaching writing, procedure text, and notin of guided writing.

Writing is skill that deeply requires students to be motivated. Writing

competence in a foreign language tends to be one of the most dificult skills to

acquire. One of the most important things to remember when teaching writing is

that writing is a process.

There are several definitions of writing. According to Boardman (2001:

46) writing is a continous process of thinking an organizing, re-thinking and re-

organizing. The inference is no body can make perfect writing in the first made,

but someone must tries to write again to think and organize. Nunan (2003: 88)

states that writing is the work of inventing ideas, thinking about how to express

them, and organizing them in to statements and pharagraps that will be clear to a

reader. So the main of writing based of two experts before is writing not just put

words together, but need to organize the words.

From the explanation above, the researchercome to conclusion that

teaching writing to Senior High School students must be related to curriculum.

Furthemore, the teacher must be able to make an interesting teaching. Especially in

teaching the teacher’s writing would be very helpful to encourage them to learn

writing. Finally the expected result can be reached.

The main purpose of procedure text is to direct, inform, or explain how to

do something. The example of procedure texts are directions, instruction manual to

using something, receipes, and itineraries.

There are some theories of Guided Writing from the expert. According to

Hubener (1965: 78), “guided writing is the third writing step after imitative writing

and dictation. It is called guided writing because the short writien responses of the

pupils are guided by the teacher”. Brown (1994: 328) states that “guided writing

loosening the teacher’s control but still offers a series of stimulators, for example,

by asking students a series questions”. From the definitions, it can be concluded

that guided writing is a process of writing afterimitiative writing which balanced

writing curriculum, providing an additional supported step towards from teacher.


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Through guided writing, children are supported during the different stages

of the writing process. As an activity, it should be carefully targeted towards

groups of children according to their current targets or specific needs. Within the

teaching sequence, guided writing would normally follow on from shared writing,

though not necessarily during the same session. Teachers should consider carefully

the purpose of the guided session and select the children accordingly. The aim is to

provide support that is going to help children to improve their writing and to work

with increasing independence.

Guided writing is the process where teachers develop and guide students’

writing through discussion, join text construction and evaluation of their

independent writing (Parsons 2001:12). Guided writing involves a teacher working

with a group of learners on a writing task. The aims of the task are based on what

they have previously been learning about the writing process. According to Parsons

Dunigan (2008:13) states that guided writing is a step by step recipe for writing

that includes planning, writing, editing, revising and publishing. Guided writing is

an essential component of a balanced writing curriculum, providing an additional

supported step towards independent writing. From the definitions above, it can be

concluded that guided writing is a process of writing afterimitiative writing which

balanced writing curriculum, providing an additional supported step towards from


In the research finding, the writer describes the application of guided

writing to enhance ability in writing procedure texts and student’s response about

guided writing at SMK Kosgoro 1 Sragen in 2015/2016 Academic Year. To get the

answer of the technique thatcan enhance ability in writing procedure texts and the

student’s response, the writer explains the process of application guided writing in

the classroom at SMK Kosgoro 1 Sragen. The explanation can be seen below:

The teaching-learning process consisted of three phases in the classroom.

The procedures are pre-writing, while writing, and post writing. The teacher got

the time 2x 40 minutes in the class. There were 33 students in the classroom.

The teacher came to the classroom in the morning and she greeted the

students by asking their condition. Then, she also checked the presence to know

the students who could not attend the meeting.

Teacher : Assalamualaikum, Good Morning everybody.


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Students : Wa’alaikumsalam, Good morning Mr. Yatno

Teacher : How are you today?

Students : I am fine and you?

Teacher :I am fine too. Thanks. Who’s absent today?

Siapa yang tidakmasuk?

Students : Nihil Pak.

(Observation on August 23th 2016)

After the teacher knew there were no the students who are absent that day,

she asked the students to open their English textbook. The material of this session is

procedure text. Then she said that:

Teacher : Today we will study about procedure text.Hari

ini kita akan membahas mengenai teks prosedur,

apakah kalian tahu tentang procedure text?

Students : Belum Pak.

Teacher : OK open page 8, please read definition

procedure text.Buka halaman 8 dan bacakan ari

dari teks prosedur.

Students : A procedure is a sequence of steps in a

particular order. It is also known as insructions or

directions. The most common example of

procedure text is a recipe.

Teacher : Jadi teks prosedur adalah jenis teks yang

menjelaskan tentang rangkaian dari langkah-

langkah atau perintah cara menggunakan atau

membuat sesuatu. Misal contohnya seperti cara

membuat makanan atau minuman, cara

menggunakan handphone.

Ada yang bisa menambahkan contohny?

Students : Saya Pak. Cara membuat layangan.

Teacher : Exactly. Iya benar. Sudah paham anak-anak

arti dari teks prosedur?

Student : Sudah Pak.

(Observation on August 23th 2016)


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From the discussion session above, the teacher used oral composition type

of guided writing before explain the main material. The teacher do oral preparation

with explained procedure text at the whole class, the students looked understand

with the explanation from their teacher.

Based on the explanation above, the writer concludes that this part can

make the teacher looks care with the students by greeting, asking condition, and

asking the student’s presence. It also can create a comfort situation for the students.

Comfort situation makes the students interested in learning about the material given

by the teacher.

Whilst- writing

After explaining procedure text, the teacher asked the students to open

their worksheet, English Students’ worksheet for Senior High School page 9, there

was the description of procedure text then commanded the students to focus the

material. This was the detail of procedure text:



To describe something

which is accomplished

through a sequance of

action or steps.

Title : It is the goal or outcome of the activity, for

example; how to make banana muffin, how to

make bakso, how to operate a video game, etc.

Ingredients/ Materials : It is the list and amount

of things and materials required.

Steps/ Method : It is the step-by-step description

of how to complete the task.

Teacher : Saya akan memberi contoh yaitu “How to Make

Fried Rice”.Can you give me some material to

make fried rice?

Hayo ada yang bisa menyebutkan bahan-bahan

untuk membuat nasi goreng?

(taken from the worksheet “English Students’ Worksheet for Senior High School” page 8)


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Students : Saya pak, nasi,bawang merrah, bawang putih,


Teacher : In English please

Students : rice, onion, garlic, salt.

(Observation on August 23th 2016)

From the discussion session above, the teacher used model paragraph type

of guided writing before for give an example procedure text. The teacher provides

short text as a model paragraph. The teacher introduced the topic (how to make

fried rice) and stated the goal of the lesson.

Then, he asked the students to mention the material related to the topic.

The students mentioned some words such as rice, salt, onion, chili etc. After that

the teacher gave a short text as a model paragraph and briefly explains how a text

can be used as a model for writing. It is adapted from a text in the textbook.

Students concentrated on reading comprehension, and perhaps study particular

features of the text given. Then, the teacher explained social function, the generic

structure and significant lexicogrammatical features of the procedure text clearly.

Teacher :Do you know action verb?Sebutkanapasaja.

Students :Tahu Pak, contohnyacut, fold, twist, drill,





ordsitu? sebutkancontohnya.

Students :Contohlinking words ituseperti first, second,

next, when, then, finally Pak.

Teacher :Iyabenarsekali.

(Observation on August 23th 2016)

From the discussion session above, the teacher used language based

exercise type of guided writing. The teacher focus on vocabulary building and

sentence structure knowledge related to the text ( How to make Orange Juice).

After comprehending the type sentence used in procedure texts, the

teacher made 3 group that consists 5 students, and 3 group other consist 6 students.


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Teacher : Oke, sekarang saya akan membagi menjadi 6

group. Tiga grup berisi 5 orang dan 3 grup lagi

berisi 6 orang, agar semua dapat grup.

Student : Iya Pak.

Teacher : Setelah semua sudah mendapatkan grup,

pahami lagi dan baca ulang agar lebih paham

tentang teks prosedur.

Setelah selesai, saya akan memberikan latihan

soal mengenai proses pembuatan orange juice.

Kerjakan dengan berdiskusi kelompok masing-

masing, saya beri waktu 15 menit. Ada yang

ditanyakan? Any question?

Student : Tidak Pak.

(Observation on August 23th 2016)

After the teacher make a group, he delivered worksheets dealing with the

topic. The worksheet had been completed with some questions of how to make

orange juice. He asked some students to read the text loudly and then discussed the

content and the generic structure of the text.

Post- writing

After disscussing the activity in each group, the teacher ordered the

students to write the result from disscusing and answer the questions from the

text (How to Make Orange Juice) as evaluation. The question consisted of five


(taken from Practice Your English Competence for SMA/ MA/ SMK/ MAK

Class XI page 16)

From the provides a series of questions above, the teacher used

comprehension question type of guided writing. The teacher may ask a series of

questions based on the model text given which include the basic information about

the content of the text ( How to make Orange Juice).

After the students finished the exercise, they submitted their work to the

teacher. He discusses with the students together and the teacher gives the correct

answer to the students.

When the teacher was realizing the time had been up, she closed the

meeting. In addition, the teacher also gave them the homework. The homework is to


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make procedure text about how to make baverages like an example. As the bell was

ringing, the researcher closed the lesson by saying goodbye.

Teacher :Baiklah anak- anak, hari ini kita telah

mempelajari procedure texts. Procedure text is

a piece of text that give us instructions for doing

something. Ada bagian – bagian dari teks

tersebut dan tujuannya adalah untuk

menjelaskan cara membuat sesuatu , cara

menggunakan dan bagaimana sesuatu terjadi.

Ada pertannyaan sebelum saya tutup pelajaran

har iini?

Students : Belum pak.

Teacher : Kalau begitu silahkan kalian mencari contoh

lain dengan membuat procedure texts cara

membuat minuman yang lain seperti contoh


Students : Iya bu.

Teacher : OK, students. That’s all our meeting today.

Thank you

for your attention today.Wassalamualaikum


Students : Wa’alaikumsalam wr. wb

(Observation on August 23th,2016)

From the discussion session above, the teacher used written

composition type of guided writing. Students follow the model given the teacher

(How to Make Orange Juice), but change all information that is not correct for

them. Sudents may follow the model paragraph which is similar but involves some

changes. They may take as many structures and words from the model as they can

use in their text.

By giving the exercise, the students can improve their ability in

comprehending the procedure text. It is good evaluation for the students to receive

the material given. The teacher used group on the class and guided every group for

disscusing constraint in writing procedure text such as dificult vocabulary and made

good imperative sentence. Because some students are affraid to talk about their

problem in front of the class, so disscusing in group can overcome this problem.

In the second meeting, the teaching-learning process consisted of three

phases in the classroom. The procedures are pre-writing, whilst-writing, and post-

writing. He got the time 2x 40 minutes in the class. There were 33 students in the



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The teacher came to the classroom and she greeted the students by asking

their condition.

Teacher : Good Afternoon, Students.

Students : Good Afternoon, Mr. Yatno.

Teacher : How are you today?

Students : I am Fine, and you?

Teacher : I’m fine. Thanks.

(Observation on August 30th 2016)

After the teacher greeted the students, she asked the students to open their

worksheet, English Students’ Worksheet for Senior High School. This session still

learnt about Procedure Text.

Teacher : Anak – anak apakah kalian masih ingat

pelajaran tentang procedure text kemarin?Do

you remember about the lesson yesterday?

Students : Masih pak.

Teacher : Kalau masih ingat, tolong salah satu jelaskan

apa itu procedure text? What is procedure text?

Students : Procedure text is a text that give instrictions for

doing something

Teacher : Iya benar sekali jawabannya. Thats great.

Teacher : Silahkan buka buku kalian halaman 12 untuk

mengingat kembali tentang teks yang telah kalian

pelajari kemarin. Silahkan baca teksnya.

Students : Iya pak.

(Observation on August 30th 2016)

From the discussion session above, the teacher used oral composition type

of guided writing for reviewing the main material. The teacher do oral preparation

with reviewing procedure text at the whole class, the students looked more active

and understand in joining the class.

Based on pre-writing the teacher carried out some review dealing with the

last meeting. The students were asked to show their homework to the teacher. The

students were asked to show their homework to the teacher.

The teacher shared some pictures to every group and commanded to made

procedure text based on the picture. The material is as follows :

How to make Spagheti How to operate Handphone How to

make Milkshake


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How to plant Jasmine How to make Tomato Juice How to make


After the students fixed their work, the teacher asked the students some

questions based on the picture in every group. Then the teacher helped every group

for discussing the difficulty to write procedure texts.

Teacher : Baiklah anak-anak, buatlah teks prosedur

sesuai gambar yang saya bagikan. Diskusikan

terlebih dahulu bersama teman sekelompok

kalian.Saya beri waktu 30 menit untuk

menyelesaikan tugas itu.

Student : Iya pak.

Teacher : Gimana apa ada kesulitan?

Student : Iya pak, bagaimana langkah pertama yang


(1st group)

Teacher : Langkah pertamanya kalian harus mengetahui

bahan-bahan apa saja untuk membuat

spaghety. Lalu baru menjelaskan tentang


Students : Oh iya pak.

(Observation on August 30th 2016)

The teacher come close to one group then to the other group. Students

asked about vocabulary, pattern of imperative sentence , and genre. The interaction

between the teacher and students can increase the ability of the students to remind the

material before. Based on the previous explanation, this section aims to make the


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students understand more deeply about the material given. The teacher measures the

students’ ability by practicing to write procedure texts by a picture with the students.

The result of the practicing the exercise can show the ability of every student in

comprehending the material given. There are many the students who can

understanding well about procedure text.


After 30 seconds, the teacher asked to students whether they finished their

exercise or not. The the students showed their procedure text to the teacher, and

then the teacher called one by one of students to read their procedure text. Every

student in group has different result.

Teacher : Sudah selesai anak-anak?

Student : Sudah pak.

Teacher :Oke, sekarang saya akan memanggil nama

kalian satu persatu, dan kalian harus


Teacher :That’s all our meeting. Thank you for your

attention,Wassalamualaikum wr. wb.

Students : Wa’alaikumsalam wr.wb

(Observation on August 30th 2016)

After all of students read procedure texts, the writer concludes that the

teacher has applied guided writing for teaching. The activity in this section in order

that the students are trained when the students present their work in front of the class.

The teacher gives questions related to the text brought by the students and the students

answer them. Here the teacher uses mother tongue in teaching because the students

receive the material well.

In the beginning, as usual the teacher greeted the students. The students

showed good expression. The students in the first meeting was enthusiastic. It can

be seen in this session.

Teacher :Do you know action verb?Sebutkanapasaja.

Students :Tahu Pak, contohnyacut, fold, twist, drill,


Teacher:Okebenarsekali. Kata




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Students :Contohlinking words ituseperti first, second,

next, when, then, finally Pak.

Teacher :Iyabenarsekali.

(Observation on August 23th 2016)

In the beginning, the students feel rowdy with their seatmate. After the

teacher asked to pay attention English conversation, the students feel interested to

study the lesson. The students feel more motivated to study procedure texts. This

case can be seen when the students give attention in the first meeting. The students

looked very enthusiastic to join the lesson because they felt like finding a new

nuance in studying English. It can be seen in interviewing the students bellow.

M : “Namanya siapa dek?”

S : “G*****”

M : “Gimana dek kelas kemarin kan pak guru mengajarnya berbeda dengan

sebelum-sebelumnya, menyenangkan enggak?”

S : “Iya, kemarin di bentuk kelompok dan dikasih gambar yang menarik gitu

jadi suka”.

In the main activity phase, the teacher asked some students to read the

paragraph loudly, however when the teacher came into the main task –writing, the

students seemed to be reluctant to join the lesson. It happened since they found

difficulties in constructing ideas to explain the procedure texts. They had

understood the language function but they could not express their idea in their

mind freely into an outline. Nevertheless, most of them tried to write in their book.

They did enthusiastically what the teacher told them to do since they had few times

for writing class.

When practising and discussing the students, they wrote enthusiastically

based on the picture. Unfortunately, there were still some students who had not

written anything. They did not write because they were reluctant to write. In this

activity, the class became interactive. The students tried to expose their opinions

orally but there were some students who did not participate well during this

activity. It happened because they were lacked in oral composition and they were

afraid to make mistake.

The students of SMK Kosgoro 1 Sragen, writing is considered as the most

difficult skill. The students are not interested in English writing class, they think

writing is a difficult skill, some students do not do the writing well and the students


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are not confident on their own writing. Besides, the students do not get more

opportunity to write in the class or outside the class so that they lack of time to

practice writing. Some students do not do the exercise well in writing class; they often

copy from others or from books or even do not write anything. In this part, the writer

presents the discussion of the finding of this study. In this research, the writer

analyzes the application of guided writing to enhance ability in writing procedure

texts of the eleventh grade students at SMK Kosgoro 1 Sragen in 2016/ 2017

academic year.

During the teaching and learning process, the teacher of SMK Kosgoro 1

Sragen not only taught the students, but also observed the things happening in the

class.Guided writing helps the students write any kind of text preceded by the model

paragraph given. In guided writing, student’s vocabulary mastery improved by

exercises guided by teacher. Furthermore sentence structure knowledge as the

linguistics aspects in writing is involved so that students have a better preparation to

do the writing.

Reid (1993:26) states that ESL writing classes, particularly at the lower

levels of language proficiency, successfully use guided writing techniques to build

vocabulary and sentence structure knowledge. In addition, student’s creative thinking

is not fully limited in sentence pattern. Guided writing allows the students to be more

flexible in sharing their ideas and thoughts and eventually to deliver their message

through their writing. It can be seen in teaching learning process, the teacher made

groups in order to the students can be braver to share about how to made procedure

texts. It is in line with Huebener (1965:82) who states that much practice in guided

writing the students will be able to express himself freely and independently.

Guided writing involves oral preparation practice which makes the class

more interesting. It happens because it can be done in different ways according to the

students’ interests and ability. Doff (1988:155) also states that oral preparation

activity in guided writing makes the activity much more interesting and involves the

class more. Furthermore, during guided writing activities, the students receive

feedback and advice from the teacher. It can also be seen when the teacher gave a

topic procedure text (how to make fried rice) and then the student can mention the

material in English. Problems that arise during the activity of writing are overcome by

the teacher when the teacher come to every group. In addition, Lynch (1996:156)


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states that interaction before, during, and after writing will make learners more

effective writers.


This research uses descriptive study (descriptive research). The research

focuses on the students of class XI TKR 1 at SMKKosgoro 1 Sragen. In collecting

the data the researcher uses observation which is used for knowing the condition and

situation of the teaching learning writing, document analysis which means the

written document such as book, note, or other documents, and interview that is

implemented to get any information from the students about the responseof

application guided writing. Then the collected data are analyzed using qualitative

research started from data reduction, data display, and conclusion.


Based on the research finding and discussion in this study, the writer

draws conclusions are process of the application of guided writing at the eleventh

grade of SMK Kosgoro 1 Sragen in 2015/ 2016 academic year used model

paragraph, comprehension question, language based exercise, oral composition,

and written composition.

4.1 Model Paragraph

The teacher modeled the tittle of procedure texts and explaining how he is

making it more interesting to the students.

The teacher provides short procedure text as a model paragraph.

The teacher gave a homework to made procedure texts based on the model

procedure text.

4.2 Comperhension Question

The teacher gave a series of questions dealing with the basic of the content

topic paragraph.