the annual sample… ·...

«v, " * •* i J**S™ST Sift -. ••' ' i t 'Est i ?»T*Jt*» « -•*::•*;•* ; ^ I « E GAXHOUC JOCKS**- Est. Make die Wohle World Bright And Clear It is dangerous as well as un- comfortable to suffer gxom inefficient vision. Why not get a pair of becoming glasses? Phone us now for as appoint- ment. E. E, Bausch & Son Co. OFTOMErnUSXS 6 Mafia St. Bast — 105 Bast -Ave. Two Stores Nazareth Alumnae *••-•' Present Play Order Of Martha Bazaar Opened P^per Hangers! Here yon will tod the tools, materials and service that will meet your most exacting require- ments and cause you to feel that you have come to the right place for your supplies. Rklgely Trimming Outfits, Paste Boards, Paste Board Trestles, I Paste Tables, Extension Planks, Stepladtders, Paste Brushes, Smoothing Brushes, Knives, Shears, Rollers, Zincs, Steko- P&ste, Etc. Barnard, Porter Q North «fc Remington & Water Near Main R£AL ESTATE $CS»0£*C£ S&SiMCSS PAOPCATX We have covered the local field fully and carefully. No matter what type of property you may deeire, you can And it through this office. Just esplaln what you want—we willfindit for yon. GARFIELD [iREAL ESTATE CO- I EKCHANOr ST-GABFIEID 8LDG REALTORS To farce, "A Fall House, will be presented- en-tfee^evening^ of May 17 and 18 in JNazareth \cademj audi torium, Lake arenas The piav is he- tog ander auspices of the Nazareth Alumnae Association and directed ^by Mary Malloy Taggait Members'of .the east axe: Feehan FitzpatUek, pmmett O'Netl, Cyril Kress, William _ fgcbleuter. Joseph Otto, Edward ,'Grabam, Nan iCleary, Evelyn Prft- chard. Laura Huebner. Madeline Denijtsey, Laura. Kabnert, Mrs. Amy LaVJgne Hutchinson and Mis Clara Rinn, Griffin., Tickets may be obtained from students at the academy or from the following alumnae who are also 'tmerahers of the -ticket committee Miss Dorothy Sbeehan. chairman; Eva Schriener, Florence Scheffinger, Louise Mnssi, JRegtna Kennedy, Eleanor Hayes, Mrs- George Ermat- ihger. Ann Dodge, Helen Long Helen McGrath. Helen McManus, Isahelle Meisenzabl, Evelyn Heilein, Grace Dugan, Mrs. Joseph Engel Mary Casey, Dorothy Cashman Marie Ball, Plorine McElligott. Mrs Andy Schell, Lois Brayer, Mary PetrossI, Mary Grady. Mrs. Prank Cappe-lino Mrs. John Mclntee, Mrs Harold Sours. Helen Hennegan, Cecelia Prey, Kathryn Lamphere, Magdeline JBhmann, Minnie Stepleton. Catherine Miller, Mrs. Raymond Thompson, Mrs. John Arthur Jennings, Mrs. Timothy Donohue.' Henlen Scanlon, Margaret Leyden. Laura O'Neil, Mrs. Prank Gottry, Grace Keenan, Mrs. Arch Martin. Mary Swan. Dorothea Carroll. Margaret Logan, Marlon Slater. Helen Rite, Garson Margarett, Pauline Lechleitner, Marion Haf- jner. Celeste Otto, Ruth Walker, Grace Duffy. Catherine Harper and Esther Trant. SS. Peter and Paul's May devotions are held every Wednesday and Friday eveningB at 7:45 oclock during this month. The regular monthly meeting of St. Francis society will be held on Monday evening, May 10th. at 8 o'clock. The Holy Name Society held a card party on Wednesday evening in the basement of the school. The wives of the members were .guests at the party. The pastor, Rev. J. E. Gefell and his assistants have taken possession of the new rectory. The bouse has been completely furnished and is one circles. The leading parts wULJie ^the_-mosA„nuxiecn»rectorieein the tarfcen tryiaisa J3i»pTn^K«uUer and The Three^tay mission basaaarfceld bj the Older M Martha opened on Thursday and Ml] continue «» Ffci- oa> and Saturday eveniass lor the benent of the poor missions- > The Order of Martha is a <srt> \\»tf<e oi sanitation woritfig toi the poor missions both at home and abroad for the last IS jears Henry Spiegel is, general chairman, assisted by Mrs Louis Kastner we vice-chairman, and Mrs Greets* Andrews a* secretary and treasurer The following committees have been appointed Press George Andrews, Mian Glv* %wmering, booths, Joseph Waht donations, E Cheatham, Mrs S, Kramet, Mrs. S. Donovan, 3Cra H^ Spiegel apron, to*el and handker- chief booth, Mrs. William Bartott, chairman, Mrs A. Robert*, Miss T. Kleinhans. Mr* William Rahw, Mlae M Case, Marloa Aman 4 parcel post, Miss M Miller, chairman, Mrs. N Donovan, Miss S dtritt, Mrs K Stephan, blanket booth. Louis Step* ban, chairman, W. Streb, J Schicker, E Streb, A Streb, Miss M Sfaenor, A Zeitvogte, A Steger, Mrs T Streb and Miss *5 Smith. Varietv booth, Mrs. Jt Sti*uh e chairman, Mrs VF Philip, Walter Philp. Miss E Porster, aiiss V. Wala, Miss E. Walr. -Mrs. IJreschlef; candy booth, Madeline, SariderJ, chairnnn. Marcella SandeW^ s Anh* Seuifort, Lucicle Seuftert, Hermfna Gytieti grocery booth, Mfs, H. Spiegel, chairman, Mrs. A, Ms^ehiohn, Slra, A. Conley. Mrs. K.'Mlnglsr Joseph, Staub. Hai'old Spiegel, George An- drews Jr.: nam booth, Anthony Kastner, chairman. George Werner, Make Reservation* For Rochester Pilgrimage j to Eucharistic Gongreaa A. Kastner. Mls§ R Porater; bingo, Hazel Bettin, Oscar Bosonbatior, Fred Richner. Lewis Andrews; cigftr booth. H. Smith: kitchen. Mrs. g. Kramer, Mrs. Mary Schwarte. Mr«v George Deutsch; hots, George DeutBch; refreshtnente, Joe Reif; Ice cream, Mra, Joseph *Wala.; lunch, Irene Seger. Dramatic Club To Give Gomedy The Catholic Young's Men'a As- sociation Dramitic Club production, "Green Stockings," w|ll be «hown nest Monday and Tueiiday evening* at St Joseph's Hall under direction of Don C. Manning. In the cast are many of the; bet- ter known amateurs In Catholic VMifestinmst) Certified Kapok Mattress OartlFItD KWOK HATTatSS State, Mrs. Margaret Carlin. Mrs. Louise Bruce. Mrs. F. Perry and Irene Trou ski won the prizes for pedro after the last meeting of Ladies' Auxiliary No. 44 The sympathy of Auxiliary, No. 4 4 Knights of St. John is extended to Mrs. Teresa Ganster, the president, on the recent death of ber husband. Edward C. Ganster, who died on April 28th. at the family residenc* 1 , 12 Jefferson avenue. Funeral services took place on Friday morning. April 30th, at 8:15 from the home and at 8:45 o'clock from this church. The requiem mass was celebrated by *Rev J. E. Gefell. The body was taken to Reading. Pa., the former home of Mr. Ganster, for burial. Mrs. Christina Knipper died Mon- day morning at the borne of her son, Joseph Knipper. 280 Orange street aged 86 years. She is survived by three sons. Philip, Joseph and Peter KBlppef; twenty gTand children and eight greatgrand children. Funeral services were held on Wednesday morning at 8:30 from the home and at 9 o'clock from the church. Inter- ment in Holy Sepulchre cemetery. •» in 5= The WafttiinftoDt Tottr* Depatrtanenv of m €*tfc«3to tMmt m<i tfum press Franklin «u«i42rt* $|», Buffalo Y , wlU *oiB,a»ct a pygrlmatft i* «h# Euch*ri»tie CoAarasa June i(K3*i I»fc* Th« lywty of, ihttk gttgrim*** U> limlte4 to several hundred ana will b? th« flxkwt ojt|a»H(6ja, Tht jppsrJnfe' *re i» dtvld*4 pt f«H*w*t ^ocUewwf to Chicago *«l4 icetum, *8v.9^ ttok? ester to ChtOjfo and Mi$wank«»*» $&?.$& Sloche«ter to Chicago. Mjflt- wau***, at^l^ D«tro|t, » T « t ^ Tbl* inclndea the B 8 , , r » m liotb, ways, lunch*©* and: dinner la XMahtf **% transfer of pll«rim» ind their bas> l»«e to »nd *ww» tint* lH«Mti ***** ^econihiodaaan* and breaki*M^ saca day ^Meaa;*), trin to Mund«Uin. a R, |ann to Milwaukee, alght-mint. trt|t», Hotel *nd nxeah at one «f the beat Hotels to Detroit* sifht-swing ^rlp dinner and stateroom on boat Mtui-am* from DetrnH $MUa»ft att^ budge > The pagrlma will tofce j^art mi the celebrations of this ma^main. and most stupendous Ettcharl«yc Congees* ever held. whKsh (only ^ h « i t , celebration ©£ the Holy Yearte'XLtm w'll outdo with its brilliant ceremon- ies. The Conjtrew will o«an wKh th* celebration of midalcht Masa in all the Catholic churche* in Chicago, thb rec^jption.- of t»e'#oJ^ Eftislijir^it-'*^ «ie> expoiitioh '-or *t»e l*d»|^BWi*# iO.OQf Prjesti indl "^otttef ••.•t^m i JJAl Pftrts? of pi© tj»ivefse ik$\ ,$tyfm tako part in all the ^renjLQJttM'f nil to g i « |»u,blic) a.dqr4tia»A$ Pft'%$$& arisQc IC^g, *bft |l#iie«^l? ? w 14 ^- The Annual Sample Stif Handkerchwfs for Men, Women and ettri This sale offei-s even wider choice in vtjfo'ttniaj in preceding years, and the same excepttoffrffj values for-which thk sale k noted - * - *i" "XT •» ,- Practically every style which our retail and wholesale departments cairy, In h*mttv«fcWfr J /ormen, wornen anji chiMrerlisfiaehided,vithf some soiled niunbers from rtgolmr stack. |> Plain handkerchil^, fancy ^f*, colored ones,** of cotton Unen^ndaflk J****? A.tthtjse'vir^'s] t8c» 25c38tUn<T k •«f •« Earl Laborie, Blanch^X.aBorie, Mrsmn«te »*?!U insijrc|i Jn t .%%$ procewiol.^.0 a scpavjitji unit Jte>de4 jby * fe»»;a«Pi owing t<^ thft 4bort tmk Mtitimpft' piQparatitQtti,; tlipil Jnle»i|<|4v,|rl! urged to ^ake r^^t&JR* ( iwr <M5* as PQMiWift acoXHHpatited idfa f|j^ lit denosit. WM* deposit wjllbt.^RMli- isd should; tlje pertott:-'M«wl|Si w*)' rc8eT**tlo«t»he> 4it»*bJe to ,*ft#|S t -Jt#- pilgjpimsg*. FiOr r«»?ya,tfesn», | d . r | h | | ; lntoruia.tftjn *n4 JlwitrM^-ww#fr . wtlte lit -VO»««.-,4Q^ 4J|«j ( .-ifcwMiWXffe TJoura Deparinjenl,, cfo Catholic Uffiow and tome*,, jirankH|t» und It!*. ' : m* Buffalo, R-'Ys. -'*",-.•• -*"..v,-v«* K, CvChoial^ *iocSe^ Give Fine Concert :<•• |n Uk aieveoth InauinT c0HJe|***«S4 Mity. party at Cowman %&Jftfs^- William H. Schlneter, assisted JE>y Edward Rojanrt, Harold Hellas. i\ Leo H'ogan, Jolp W. O'Connor, Har old McGrath, Joseph T. Otto. Miss Margaret Coleman. Miss .Helenn Foley. Miss Evelyn Regan and Miss Lavina Haag. Special scenery has been painted by Don C. Manning. Incidental num- bers will be given by Miss Helena Foley. The Dramatic committee of the C Y. M. A. handling the businets management of the play Is made up of Joseph T. Otto, chairman; J. Eustace Loinen. George C. Mlngen. AI Hanss and Louis A Langle. MKef-.m from' SIBLEY, UNDSAY& CDRR CO. rimiiiiiii|i|lii in f. r* va» »P'«TO « f **3 v^ »**! s SERV-ELcoo; 3fc sxtf «8uT prograw with Sifcf : M% SOOllfe,, ' '' "' : '" tbc "Pilgrtmi* 0&erjuf^ TntthTjauscr, 1 * and tito&Nt * 4 ^«fi Danube WaiUT. g»te tbo mmmMM ricii mule ydice* Hil»«i* 6pjport£ntty, '•Annie Lattrfe/* with aj,- lh,ai1fjd«al telaor solo, by Chirte* #ulltfaii» Aft4 "Old JolKs a,t Steifc% w w«li * m^fh tone sold by Aie^andif Bawr* flefl- ed an audience thai nllcd Wa.-aUlK* Raymond 1 ," an overture Wfbtilfc as, playod by the orchestra, w*n*b the program, dreis** "»?«£*«?#' with the jsolo part aunit by |8<»4*W,< t Bopp, furnished the finftlo. * J! \ Mfsa Bajter, sopraho sololii* 4Hm several groups ol sjnorfc* ((eiectio^ Loretto Circle Meets Loretto Circle met Thursday after- noon at St Patrick's Orphanage- Fol- lowing the business meeting, a social hour was enjoyed and tea served Look for the name tn the ticking. Ask Yonr Dealer Price $29.75 [What's the Difference between a truss that holds yonr [rupture perfectly and one tnatf | does not? . —Just This— (With a truss that holds perfectly yon are enjoying Ufe-th© Inguinal ] Ring is gradually getting smaller ;and while we never promise a care [ yonr condition -will improve under ; our treatment. With a truss that [does not hold yon are in danger toi strangulation, the rtntnre is ; constantly getting larger because tthe Ring is breaking down, [The Uncle Saun Truss [will hold perfectly. Come in and Pet us ten yon about it George R. Fuller Co. 230 ANDREWS STREET [•Exclusive RepresemtatiYes for Rochester and vicinity St. Mary's Dramatic Club To Give 'Kempy' "Kempy," a comedy farce will be staged Monday and Tuesday evenings May 10th and 11th in St. Mary's Church Hall by the St Mary's Dram atic Club. The players, under the|and Miss Anna Wall, direction of Mrs. Mary Louise Tag gert, have been rehearsing for two months. Between the acts will be some novelty stunts to be given by the children of the school. The play is under the direct su- pervision of Rev. J. Edmund O'Brien assistant pastor of St Mary's Church. Her singing proved deiighjful* *t# she was cbmpelied^ reipoud ta~«p eral encoref, * - The,work of the chorus* n » i « direction of Frederick C. Pohl> or- ganiat and cholrmsater of St* Miobr el*t CShiiftsb, ahowe#ttridAaoea T nt The hostesses for the afternoon were careful tminittg, ^Following the *0a- Mrs. James G. Comerior4, chairms^J cert prograan the annex "tm ojtfaed j > r Mrs. J. H. Oberlies, Mrs. W. A. Bur- for dancing. t « # hfctt'Wai decw*tedj|; cbard, Mrs. E. A. Ackes, Mrs. Donaldjflags and eoj^iita Mntingv ' Byrne, Mrs. James Brady, Mrs, John! . :*l u ;;••'•';-'-, ,, Barnett, Mrs. M. J. Bucktey, .Mritfj **yp 5^*«vfr»Ci*««fieif Patrick Donovan. Mrs, D. C. <fett*£ W * ** a i *^ VWUncii Mrs. A. W. Fromen, Miss Mary Foley, MX*. Alfred Haines, Miss Lillian J. Gragen, Mra. J. W. Jackson, Mrs. J, W. Leyden, Mrs. A. L. Lancer, Mrs. L. A Kelly, Mrs. Charles F. Neafle, Mrs. Charles Murray, Blrs. D. F, Marguerite Sheehan, Mrs. Thomas Pfenninger, Mrs. D. E. Sullivan, Mlw McAvinney, Mrs. Edward Trehkle WW**?" Corpus Christi "Everyman,' an old English mor- ality play of the middle ages was given at Corpus Christi Church hall Monday and Tuesday evenings. The cast was made up of the young men of Nazareth Hall Academy, num- bering thirty-seven in all. It was staged under the auspices of the Sis- ters of S i Joseph of Nazareth Hall Musa Caravan Will Meet Next Tuesday There will be inx~'&tfKnti of Co- lumbus scholafships available ior avfard in the competitive fflflunifl* tion on June 2i#t. " ! j One vacanoy will e ^ i t in Dtitrfct No. Id, wnich iflfltiofes JGouacUa 1« Eocbeater, iBrocKport** Bataria, Al- ibion, Medinl, Newark, UamrtUle, The circle is planning a large party Banal©, Lackawanna. HwabUffe for the children o* tbe orphanase on Thursday, May I3tb. KENNETH A. STOCSgNG WEDDINGS The marriage of Miss 6ertrud© A, Popp, daughter of Mrs. Julia Jt Popp. of Amsterdam road, and Wi- liam D. Kennedy, son of WiUiatai*. Kennedy, of Lexington avenue, took place Wednesday, April 28th** al Blessed Sacrament Church. Rev Thomas Connors performed the cere- mony. Music was furnish by Miw Gertrude Keenau. The bride wore coral colored geor- gette and silver doth with pietuw hat to match and carried a b0««ltte' of pink roses and Iflies of the ?*&[ ley. The matron of honor, Mrs, Jf Ehamett Granger*'sdster of the bri4« wore gray georgette o^e* Amerljisij beauty. She carried a bbuauefc of killarney roses and gybsopfeila* tm$ iel Kennedy, brother of the b*i4e groom was the best man and Erum^f Granger and Philip man, ushers. After the ceremony, breakfast wot served for .the bridal party *nf immediate relatives at the Bfote' trftckport, Tonawand*^ Xivgmik Fall* «rhls vacancy ia in Niagara Unifer^ aity, mgar*- Fallf, 2li % t*dtet r i0**llse : 'p&fitvtt-i-- ^- : ^>|*|^fr '•Or-* w#' ,f k r : • . ,./'. .. v M **.^ -tftTpifai Rochester Corner West Main and South fttsj^§, , t Banking bo«t»: to > dally aw^Kv »;;lil"f" u«t bet l. Knights oi coiamDus, or ^ A , imk ^ ]t ^ l ^ t) J, iim „^, f , litmi ,^ li i,mAkm,,mimt ^J Musa Caravan, Order of the Al- hambra, will meet Tuesday evening. May 11th, at the United German So- ciety's building in Gregory street The meeting will be a German Seneca, party and .will be handled by mem- Pre-nuptiai events were ^jes J. Popp, Mrs. H; Wright, Itfjffl br must 2.. Sous o* barbtherj ofiiyiag T «r aeccaaed menlbemef Cottneus Utm- eA''te --the Stit« «f.gfev Y*ttf-a*d/ - -'^.--litt^id^n^iWfflitaw^ tba*Mt tor ibm aa«istaiice that ih& scbolaif- ship provide* tlt^y could aotrprocrtf^ a-Catholic i3oUeg»«dt&Jatioa* Applicant* m«« of good mertt charac*er, vtfWMWQA Wfljeu*»•»• to% and attaflfied by preliminary education to «ntef tbe freafimtn dlasa of a college cftarteted by the Hegeats of tS#' State & »w *£»*' ilpplicaiits for « ^ b w » » CJasa Ow> cacn be <Jon»idored* Applicatton b1»Bl$s ^^ * n « w «fioraratiipi may be procured it<m -, Charter B. Same*, «»aA Kaiiftfo"^ afitf w t a t be filed m o? before f w e I0iih; ' ,' : • • "•' * . Tlese apr»«catio»3, whenfilledom tnost he returned to the Cbaiwaaa of me m*r York St*te ©ouaeB Schoiat- *m ao*«y ej»cSh»*bt|ca»t tf bte^ <****&. 1 LTS-'U.i^ i J f . "Wif rfiJi *!***JHHf*&.^*-'»'-: Automobile JWKAl*#0^r ,«£«*. *"4 *** 1*ff Ho¥ii«hi if* tag aVsao-fi^tetasat*. m &&te»m MOfiJcaf* ffimttttr K*«ufe% l a s t Has taietiaeat iafr miiH^VP^W - iroiyifep^cbr*, £4m^^TtUf^ % %md»fatt\*i*4 NSBD PHAK»tawji»'i bera 0 f ffo AHjambra of German par-Mrs. «. * « w * —- ^ -..v ^ ^ ^ fWH i™«.--^^-,- L; -- ^ * ^ gucceeaor George Hahn 5«t State St.' entage# j^fe B . BaaaiAi i8 chair-W. Coffey, M r * ^ - * « « « aad. W * U m m - imi^Wr^TJS^lu&lWlh^^M^ We will endeavor tocour^eouslyflll man# ^j^ Csu . t g^oenherr, Herman J. B. Granger. _. . :#i '_ A*®®* *!! *!***&*''**'_ ^^^^^^^H^fy^^^^S^^^^*^ ,±. your Drug a»d Drug Snndrtes wants. Q^^yjjj Andrew Schell, Al BofcU Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy left «m_ ne^dimtofttioh. If its a Inscription take it to W^^ Fi Vogt at<| Angmt eoibacbVotor trip and will lire ( at No. S « j ' /• ,,, „- r assistittg. Culver pa/kway alter May iOtfc, Urn Stocking's t\ -r- 1 " •J-~^r*f«-* 1 : Tliiais'^'i ™^V 5*EHK • ^ S W Mayor • H'iW(S ""i fii' Im^mp^mmi^ \v. J j | ij: j ^ '?K /5 . r -\, ^ ^ '-fe-5--^- \

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Page 1: The Annual Sample… · ^the_-mosA„nuxiecn»rectorieein the tarfcen tryiaisa J3i»pTn^K«uUer and The Three^tay


" * •* i J**S™ST Sift - . ••' ' i t 'Est i ?»T*Jt*»


- • * : : • * ; • *

; ^



Make die Wohle World Bright

And Clear It is dangerous as well as un­comfortable to suffer gxom inefficient vision. Why not get a pair of becoming glasses? Phone us now for as appoint­ment.

E. E, Bausch & Son Co. OFTOMErnUSXS

6 Mafia St. Bast — 105 Bast -Ave. Two Stores

Nazareth Alumnae

*••-•' Present Play

Order Of Martha Bazaar Opened

P^per Hangers! Here yon will tod the tools,

materials and service that will meet your most exacting require­ments and cause you to feel that you have come to the right place for your supplies.

Rklgely Trimming Outfits, Paste Boards, Paste Board Trestles,

I Paste Tables, Extension Planks, Stepladtders, Paste Brushes, Smoothing Brushes, Knives, Shears, Rollers, Zincs, Steko-P&ste, Etc.

Barnard, Porter Q North «fc Remington & Water

Near Main




We have covered the local field fully and carefully. No matter what type of property you may deeire, you can And it through this office. Just esplaln what you want—we will find it for yon.




To farce, "A Fall House, will be presented- en-tfee^evening^ of May 17 and 18 in JNazareth \cademj audi torium, Lake arenas The piav is he-tog ander auspices of the Nazareth Alumnae Association and directed

^by Mary Malloy Taggait Members'of .the east axe: Feehan FitzpatUek, pmmett O'Netl, Cyril Kress, William

_ fgcbleuter. Joseph Otto, Edward ,'Grabam, Nan iCleary, Evelyn Prft-chard. Laura Huebner. Madeline Denijtsey, Laura. Kabnert, Mrs. Amy LaVJgne Hutchinson and Mis Clara Rinn, Griffin.,

Tickets may be obtained from students at the academy or from the following alumnae who are also

'tmerahers of the -ticket committee Miss Dorothy Sbeehan. chairman; Eva Schriener, Florence Scheffinger, Louise Mnssi, JRegtna Kennedy, Eleanor Hayes, Mrs- George Ermat-ihger. Ann Dodge, Helen Long Helen McGrath. Helen McManus, Isahelle Meisenzabl, Evelyn Heilein, Grace Dugan, Mrs. Joseph Engel Mary Casey, Dorothy Cashman Marie Ball, Plorine McElligott. Mrs Andy Schell, Lois Brayer, Mary PetrossI, Mary Grady. Mrs. Prank Cappe-lino Mrs. John Mclntee, Mrs Harold Sours. Helen Hennegan, Cecelia Prey, Kathryn Lamphere, Magdeline JBhmann, Minnie Stepleton. Catherine Miller, Mrs. Raymond Thompson, Mrs. John Arthur Jennings, Mrs. Timothy Donohue.' Henlen Scanlon, Margaret Leyden. Laura O'Neil, Mrs. Prank Gottry, Grace Keenan, Mrs. Arch Martin. Mary Swan. Dorothea Carroll. Margaret Logan, Marlon Slater. Helen Rite, Garson Margarett, Pauline Lechleitner, Marion Haf-

jner. Celeste Otto, Ruth Walker, Grace Duffy. Catherine Harper and Esther Trant.

SS. Peter and Paul's May devotions are held every

Wednesday and Friday eveningB at 7:45 oclock during this month.

The regular monthly meeting of St. Francis society will be held on Monday evening, May 10th. at 8 o'clock.

The Holy Name Society held a card party on Wednesday evening in the basement of the school. The wives of the members were .guests at the party.

The pastor, Rev. J. E. Gefell and his assistants have taken possession of the new rectory. The bouse has been completely furnished and is one circles. The leading parts wULJie ^the_-mosA„nuxiecn»rectorieein the tarfcen tryiaisa J3i»pTn^K«uUer and

The Three^tay mission basaaarfceld bj the Older M Martha opened on Thursday and Ml] continue «» Ffci-oa> and Saturday eveniass lor the benent of the poor missions- — >

The Order of Martha is a <srt> \\»tf<e oi sanitation woritfig toi the poor missions both at home and abroad for the last IS jears

Henry Spiegel is, general chairman, assisted by Mrs Louis Kastner we vice-chairman, and Mrs Greets* Andrews a* secretary and treasurer The following committees have been appointed

Press George Andrews, Mian Glv* %wmering, booths, Joseph Waht donations, E Cheatham, Mrs S, Kramet, Mrs. S. Donovan, 3Cra H^ Spiegel apron, to*el and handker­chief booth, Mrs. William Bartott, chairman, Mrs A. Robert*, Miss T. Kleinhans. Mr* William Rahw, Mlae M Case, Marloa Aman4 parcel post, Miss M Miller, chairman, Mrs. N Donovan, Miss S dtritt, Mrs K Stephan, blanket booth. Louis Step* ban, chairman, W. Streb, J Schicker, E Streb, A Streb, Miss M Sfaenor, A Zeitvogte, A Steger, Mrs T Streb and Miss *5 Smith.

Varietv booth, Mrs. Jt Sti*uhe chairman, Mrs VF Philip, Walter Philp. Miss E Porster, aiiss V. Wala, Miss E. Walr. -Mrs. IJreschlef; candy booth, Madeline, SariderJ, chairnnn. Marcella SandeW^ sAnh* Seuifort, Lucicle Seuftert, Hermfna Gytieti grocery booth, Mfs, H. Spiegel, chairman, Mrs. A, Ms^ehiohn, Slra, A. Conley. Mrs. K.'Mlnglsr Joseph, Staub. Hai'old Spiegel, George An­drews Jr.: nam booth, Anthony Kastner, chairman. George Werner,

Make Reservation* For Rochester Pilgrimage j

to Eucharistic Gongreaa

A. Kastner. Mls§ R Porater; bingo, Hazel Bettin, Oscar Bosonbatior, Fred Richner. Lewis Andrews; cigftr booth. H. Smith: kitchen. Mrs. g. Kramer, Mrs. Mary Schwarte. Mr«v George Deutsch; hots, George DeutBch; refreshtnente, Joe Reif; Ice cream, Mra, Joseph *Wala.; lunch, Irene Seger.

Dramatic Club To Give Gomedy

The Catholic Young's Men'a As­sociation Dramitic Club production, "Green Stockings," w|ll be «hown nest Monday and Tueiiday evening* at St Joseph's Hall under direction of Don C. Manning.

In the cast are many of the; bet­ter known amateurs In Catholic

VMifestinmst) Certified Kapok

Mattress OartlFItD KWOK


State, Mrs. Margaret Carlin. Mrs. Louise

Bruce. Mrs. F. Perry and Irene Trou ski won the prizes for pedro after the last meeting of Ladies' Auxiliary No. 44

The sympathy of Auxiliary, No. 4 4 Knights of St. John is extended to Mrs. Teresa Ganster, the president, on the recent death of ber husband. Edward C. Ganster, who died on April 28th. at the family residenc*1, 12 Jefferson avenue. Funeral services took place on Friday morning. April 30th, at 8:15 from the home and at 8:45 o'clock from this church. The requiem mass was celebrated by *Rev J. E. Gefell. The body was taken to Reading. Pa., the former home of Mr. Ganster, for burial.

Mrs. Christina Knipper died Mon­day morning at the borne of her son, Joseph Knipper. 280 Orange street aged 86 years. She is survived by three sons. Philip, Joseph and Peter KBlppef; twenty gTand children and eight greatgrand children. Funeral services were held on Wednesday morning at 8:30 from the home and at 9 o'clock from the church. Inter­ment in Holy Sepulchre cemetery.

•» in 5=

The WafttiinftoDt Tottr* Depatrtanenv of m €*tfc«3to tMmt m<i tfum press Franklin «u«i42rt* $|», Buffalo

Y, wlU *oiB,a»ct a pygrlmatft i* «h# Euch*ri»tie CoAarasa June i(K3*i I»fc* Th« lywty of, ihttk gttgrim*** U> limlte4 to several hundred ana will b? th« flxkwt ojt|a»H(6ja, Tht jppsrJnfe' *re i» dtvld*4 pt f«H*w*t ^ocUewwf to Chicago *«l4 icetum, *8v.9^ ttok? ester to ChtOjfo and Mi$wank«»*» $&?.$& Sloche«ter to Chicago. Mjflt-wau***, at^l^ D«tro|t, »T«t^ Tbl* inclndea the B8 , , r »m liotb, ways, lunch*©* and: dinner la XMahtf **% transfer of pll«rim» ind their bas> l»«e to »nd *ww» tint* lH«Mti ***** ^econihiodaaan* and breaki*M^ saca day i» ^Meaa;*), trin to Mund«Uin. a R, |ann to Milwaukee, alght-mint. trt|t», Hotel *nd nxeah at one «f the beat Hotels to Detroit* sifht-swing ^rlp dinner and stateroom on boat Mtui-am* from DetrnH $MUa»ft att^ budge >

The pagrlma will tofce j^art 3» mi the celebrations of this ma^main. and most stupendous Ettcharl«yc Congees* ever held. whKsh (only ^h«i t , celebration ©£ the Holy Year te 'XLtm w'll outdo with its brilliant ceremon­ies. The Conjtrew will o«an wKh th* celebration of midalcht Masa in all the Catholic churche* in Chicago, thb rec jption.- of t»e'#oJ^ Eftislijir^it-'*^ «ie> expoiitioh '-or *t»e l*d»|^BWi*#

iO.OQf Prjesti indl "^otttef••.•t miJJAl Pftrts? of pi© tj»ivefse ik$\ ,$tyfm tako part in all the ^renjLQJttM'f nil to g i « |»u,blic) a.dqr4tia»A$ Pft'%$$& arisQc IC^g, *bft |l#iie«^l? ?w—14^-

The Annual Sample Stif Handkerchwfs

for Men, Women and e t t r i This sale offei-s even wider choice in vtjfo'ttniaj

in preceding years, and the same excepttoffrffj values for-which thk sale k noted - * - *i"

"XT •»

,- Practically every style which our retail and wholesale departments cairy, In h*mttv«fcWfr J /ormen, wornen anji chiMrerlis fiaehided, v i th f some soiled niunbers from rtgolmr stack. |>

Plain handkerchil , fancy f*, colored ones,** of cotton Unen^ndaflk J****?

A.tthtjse'vir 's] t8c» 25c38tUn<T

k •«f


Earl Laborie, Blanch^X.aBorie, Mrsmn«te »*?!U insijrc|i Jnt.%%$ procewiol.^.0 a scpavjitji unit Jte>de4 jby * fe»»;a«Pi owing t< thft 4bort tmk Mtitimpft' piQparatitQtti,; tlipil Jnle»i|<|4v,|rl! urged to ake r ^ ^ t & J R * (iwr <M5* as PQMiWift acoXHHpatited idfa f | j ^ l i t denosit. WM* deposit wjllbt.^RMli-isd should; tlje pertott:-'M«wl|Si w*)' rc8eT**tlo«t»he> 4it»*bJe to ,*ft#|St-Jt#-pilgjpimsg*. FiOr r«»?ya,tfesn», |d . r |h | | ; lntoruia.tftjn *n4 JlwitrM^-ww#fr

. wtlte • lit -VO»««.-,4Q^ 4J|«j( .-ifcwMiWXffe TJoura Deparinjenl,, cfo Catholic Uffiow and tome*,, jirankH|t» und It!*. ':m* Buffalo, R-'Ys. -'*",-.•• -*"..v,-v«*

K, CvChoial^ *iocSe^ Give Fine Concert


|n Uk aieveoth InauinT c0HJe|***«S4 Mity. party at Cowman %&Jftfs^-

William H. Schlneter, assisted JE>y Edward Rojanrt, Harold Hellas. i\ Leo H'ogan, Jolp W. O'Connor, Har old McGrath, Joseph T. Otto. Miss Margaret Coleman. Miss .Helenn Foley. Miss Evelyn Regan and Miss Lavina Haag.

Special scenery has been painted by Don C. Manning. Incidental num­bers will be given by Miss Helena Foley.

The Dramatic committee of the C Y. M. A. handling the businets management of the play Is made up of Joseph T. Otto, chairman; J. Eustace Loinen. George C. Mlngen. AI Hanss and Louis A Langle.

MKef-.m from'

SIBLEY, UNDSAY& CDRR CO. rimiiiiiii|i|lii in

f. r* va» »P'«TO

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* * 3

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• 3fc sxtf

«8uT prograw with Sifcf: M% SOOllfe,, ' ' ' "' : ' "

t b c "Pilgrtmi* 0&erjuf^ TntthTjauscr,1* and tito&Nt *4^«fi

Danube WaiUT. g»te tbo mmmMM ricii mule ydice* Hil»«i* 6pjport£ntty, '•Annie Lattrfe/* with aj,- lh,ai1fjd«al telaor solo, by Chirte* #ulltfaii» Aft4 "Old JolKs a,t Steifc%w w«li * m^fh tone sold by Aie^andif Bawr* flefl-ed an audience thai nllcd Wa.-aUlK*

Raymond1," an overture Wfbtilfc as, playod by the orchestra, w*n*b the program, dreis** "»?«£*«?#' with the jsolo part aunit by |8<»4*W,< t Bopp, furnished the finftlo. * J! \

Mfsa Bajter, sopraho sololii* 4Hm • several groups ol sjnorfc* ((eiectio^

Loretto Circle Meets Loretto Circle met Thursday after­

noon at St Patrick's Orphanage- Fol­lowing the business meeting, a social hour was enjoyed and tea served

Look for the name tn the ticking. Ask Yonr Dealer

Price $29.75

[What's the Difference between a truss that holds yonr

[rupture perfectly and one tnatf | does not? .

—Just This— (With a truss that holds perfectly yon are enjoying Ufe-th© Inguinal

] Ring is gradually getting smaller ;and while we never promise a care [ yonr condition -will improve under ; our treatment. With a truss that [does not hold yon are in danger toi strangulation, the rtntnre is ; constantly getting larger because tthe Ring is breaking down,

[The Uncle Saun Truss [will hold perfectly. Come in and Pet us ten yon about i t

George R. Fuller Co. 230 ANDREWS STREET

[•Exclusive RepresemtatiYes for Rochester and vicinity

St. Mary's Dramatic Club To Give 'Kempy' "Kempy," a comedy farce will be

staged Monday and Tuesday evenings May 10th and 11th in St. Mary's Church Hall by the St Mary's Dram atic Club. The players, under the|and Miss Anna Wall, direction of Mrs. Mary Louise Tag gert, have been rehearsing for two months. Between the acts will be some novelty stunts to be given by the children of the school.

The play is under the direct su­pervision of Rev. J. Edmund O'Brien assistant pastor of S t Mary's Church.

Her singing proved deiighjful* *t# she was cbmpelied^ reipoud t a~«p eral encoref, * - The,work of the chorus* n » i « direction of Frederick C. Pohl> or-ganiat and cholrmsater of St* Miobr el*t CShiiftsb, ahowe# ttridAaoea Tnt

The hostesses for the afternoon were careful tminittg, ^Following the *0a-Mrs. James G. Comerior4, chairms^J cert prograan the annex "tm ojtfaed j >r

Mrs. J. H. Oberlies, Mrs. W. A. Bur- for dancing. t « # hfctt'Wai decw*tedj|; cbard, Mrs. E. A. Ackes, Mrs. Donaldjflags and eoj^iita Mntingv ' Byrne, Mrs. James Brady, Mrs, John! . :*lu ;;••'•';-'-, — ,, Barnett, Mrs. M. J. Bucktey, .Mritf j **yp 5^*«vfr»Ci*««fieif Patrick Donovan. Mrs, D. C. <fett*£ W * * * a i * ^ V W U n c i i Mrs. A. W. Fromen, Miss Mary Foley, MX*. Alfred Haines, Miss Lillian J. Gragen, Mra. J. W. Jackson, Mrs. J, W. Leyden, Mrs. A. L. Lancer, Mrs. L. A Kelly, Mrs. Charles F. Neafle, Mrs. Charles Murray, Blrs. D. F, Marguerite Sheehan, Mrs. Thomas Pfenninger, Mrs. D. E. Sullivan, Mlw McAvinney, Mrs. Edward Trehkle


Corpus Christi

"Everyman,' an old English mor­ality play of the middle ages was given at Corpus Christi Church hall Monday and Tuesday evenings.

The cast was made up of the young men of Nazareth Hall Academy, num­bering thirty-seven in all. It was staged under the auspices of the Sis­ters of S i Joseph of Nazareth Hall

Musa Caravan Will Meet Next Tuesday

There will be inx~'&tfKnti of Co­lumbus scholafships available ior avfard in the competitive fflflunifl* tion on June 2i#t. " ! j •

One vacanoy will e^i t in Dtitrfct No. I d , wnich iflfltiofes JGouacUa 1« Eocbeater, iBrocKport** Bataria, Al-ibion, Medinl, Newark, UamrtUle,

The circle is planning a large party Banal©, Lackawanna. HwabUffe for the children o* tbe orphanase on Thursday, May I3tb.


WEDDINGS The marriage of Miss 6ertrud© A,

Popp, daughter of Mrs. Julia J t Popp. of Amsterdam road, and Wi-liam D. Kennedy, son of WiUiatai*. Kennedy, of Lexington avenue, took place Wednesday, April 28th** al Blessed Sacrament Church. Rev Thomas Connors performed the cere­mony. Music was furnish by Miw Gertrude Keenau.

The bride wore coral colored geor­gette and silver doth with pietuw hat to match and carried a b0««ltte' of pink roses and Iflies of the ?*&[ ley. The matron of honor, Mrs, Jf Ehamett Granger*'sdster of the bri4« wore gray georgette o^e* Amerljisij beauty. She carried a bbuauefc of killarney roses and gybsopfeila* tm$ iel Kennedy, brother of the b*i4e groom was the best man and Erum^f Granger and Philip man, ushers.

After the ceremony, breakfast wot served for .the bridal party *nf immediate relatives at the Bfote'

trftckport, Tonawand*^ Xivgmik Fall* «rhls vacancy ia in Niagara Unifer^ aity, mgar*- Fallf, 2li %


: 'p&fitvtt-i--

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Rochester Corner West Main and South fttsj^§,

, t Banking bo«t»: • to > dally aw^Kv


u«t bet l. Knights oi coiamDus, or ^A,imk^]t^l^t)J,iim„^,f,litmi,^lii,mAkm,,mimt


Musa Caravan, Order of the Al-hambra, will meet Tuesday evening. May 11th, at the United German So­ciety's building in Gregory street

The meeting will be a German Seneca, party and .will be handled by mem- Pre-nuptiai events were j e s

J. Popp, Mrs. H; Wright, Itfjffl br

must 2.. Sous o* barbtherj ofiiyiagT«r

aeccaaed menlbemef Cottneus Utm-eA''te --the Stit« «f.gfev Y*ttf-a*d/ --'^.--litt^id^n^iWfflitaw^ tba*Mt tor ibm aa«istaiice that ih& scbolaif-ship provide* tlt^y could aotrprocrtf^ a-Catholic i3oUeg»«dt&Jatioa* •

Applicant* m«« of good mertt charac*er, vtfWMWQA W fljeu* »•»• to% and attaflfied by preliminary education to «ntef tbe freafimtn dlasa of a college cftarteted by the Hegeats of tS#' State & » w *£»*' ilpplicaiits for « ^ b w » » CJasa Ow> cacn be <Jon»idored*

Applicatton b1»Bl$s ^ ^ * n « w

«fioraratiipi may be procured it<m -, Charter B . Same*, «»aA Kaiiftfo"^ afitf w ta t be filed m o? before f w e I0 i ih; ' ,' : • • " • ' * .

Tlese apr»«catio»3, when filled om tnost he returned to the Cbaiwaaa of me m*r York St*te ©ouaeB Schoiat-

*m ao*«y ej»cSh»*bt|ca»t tf b t e ^ <****&. 1

LTS-'U.i^ i J f . "Wif rfiJi





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tag aVsao-fi tetasat*. m &&te»m MOfiJcaf* ffimttttr K*«ufe% l a s t Has

taietiaeat iafr miiH^VP^W - iroiyifep^cbr*, £4m^^TtUf^



NSBD PHAK»tawji»'i b e r a 0f ffo AHjambra of German par-Mrs. «. * «w* — - — ^ -..v ^ ^ ^ • f W H i ™ « . - - ^ ^ - , - L ; - - ^ * ^ gucceeaor George Hahn 5«t State St. ' e n t a g e # j ^ fe B . BaaaiAi i8 chair-W. Coffey, Mr*^- * « « « aad. W * Um m- imi^Wr^TJS^lu&lWlh^^M^ We will endeavor tocour^eouslyflll m a n # ^ j ^ Csu. t g^oenherr, Herman J. B. Granger. _ . . :#i '_ A*®®* * ! ! *!***&*''**'_ ^^^^^^^H^fy^^^^S^^^^*^


your Drug a»d Drug Snndrtes wants. Q^^yjjj Andrew Schell, Al BofcU Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy left «m_ ne^dimtofttioh. If its a Inscription take it to W ^ ^ F i Vogt a t < | Angmt eoibacbVotor trip and will lire (at No. S « j ' / •

,,, „- r assistittg. Culver pa/kway alter May iOtfc, Urn

Stocking's t\ «

-r-1 " •J-~^r*f«-*1:

Tliiais'^'i ™^V 5*EHK • ^ S W

Mayor • H'iW(S " " i



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