the anatomy of the best practices for email marketing

The Anatomy of an Optimal Marketin Email Did you know over 90% of all consumers check their email at least once a day? And that 1/3 of the emails they choose to open are because of well crafted S U B S T O T B L O G First Name * Email * Submit Analytics Blogging Branding Case Studies Content Marketing Conversion Demand Generation Email Marketing B R O W M A R T O P I

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Post on 08-Mar-2015




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For GrooveDigitalMarketingemailmarketingaccountedfor about7% of ourtotalwebsitetraffic lastmonth, butover 25%of our newleads!Those areconversionrates thatcannot beignored.

With thosenumbersbouncingin yourhead, youlikelyrealize it isimportanttounderstandand followsome bestpractices

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Page 3: The Anatomy of the Best Practices for Email Marketing

practicesfor emailmarketing.

HowtoCrafttheOptimalMarketingEmailThe firststep toeffectiveemailmarketingis craftingtheoptimalemail. ThisinfographicfromQuicksproutdetails thestepsneeded tocreateemails thatconverttraffic toleads. Thestepsdescribedare:


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How tocreate optimalsubjectlines.

How tooptimizethebodycontentbyclearlyconveyingtheofferandhow itcan benefitthereaders.

How tooptimizethe calltoaction.

How tooptimizeformobile.

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Emailmarketingis anessentialcomponentof inboundmarketing. Don’t missout on thetraffic andleads thata wellwrittenemailmarketingcampaigncanprovide.


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If you areready tostart aninboundmarketingcampaignfor yourcompanyand aren’tsure whereto start,downloadour freereport, Howto Run anInboundMarketingCampaign.



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How hasemailmarketingworked foryou? Arethere otherbestpracticesthat youhaveimplementedthat aren’tmentionedin thisinfographic?

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