the american revolution 2


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Post on 05-Jul-2015




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Page 1: The american revolution 2

By: Bryan Cooper Ch 6 & 7

Page 2: The american revolution 2

From the Revolutionary War, thousands left and either went to Canada or joined the British army. The patriots called them “Tories”.

The British freed tens of thousands of slaves in their haste from raiding farms and homes.

During the eight long years of war, around 200,000 men bore arms at one time or another in the Continental Army & State Militias.

The Indians were continually being trespassed on and the American population would migrate west with no regard for the Indians land. By 1787 many Indians had repudiated treaties they were compelled to sign, and in many cases war and bloodshed occurred.

Page 3: The american revolution 2

In 1787 the Fed. Constitution replaced the articles of Confederation, limiting power at the State level & giving a higher concentration of power at the Fed. level.

There was a concern amongst the more gentlemanly that some of the legislators were becoming more & more men of low stature, farmers, and men of lower wealth

After the allied victory @ Yorktown in 1781 & opening peace negotiations with G. Britain, interest in the Congress declined. The back pay issue fell on deaf ears in the Congress & the United States came close to a coup d’ etat, like no other time in history!

The Federalists and anti-Federalists argued over who’s body of power would end up taking command. The answer was in the Constitution where the people would have the power over the State and Federal Legislatures.

Page 4: The american revolution 2

Organizing a country with a completely different government must have involved sweet, tears, and blood, and that it was. One of the problems involved the countries currency which issued by Congress totaled $400 million in paper value and ended in hyper inflation to where $1.00 in gold or silver was equal to $ 167.00 of Congressional paper.

In the end, the Revolutionary War released latent economic energies that set America on a course of rapid commercial development rarely matched by any country in the history of the world.

James Otis in 1764 declared that all colonists were “by law of nature freeborn, as indeed all men are, white or black, so how can it follow that it’s right to enslave a man because he’s black”? About six of the northern States quickly ended the slave trade. The Quakers of Philadelphia formed the first anti-slavery society in the world and that grew, even in the south!