the amazing drinking bird

By: Lindsay Bradshaw * The Amazing Drinking Bird

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Post on 26-Jan-2017




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By: Lindsay Bradshaw

*The Amazing Drinking Bird


*Designed by Miles V. Sullivan in 1945*Made of glass with tube running through two bulbs that make up the head and stomach*Bird’s “body” is attached to two plastic legs by a metal fulcrum (Gillespie 6)


*Feathers, hat, and eyes for decoration*Cloth material blankets the bird’s head to help the bird complete it’s task (Helmenstine 7)


*Initially in a state of equilibrium with small amount of methylene chloride*When dipped in water, the water evaporates off of the beak causing the head to drop in temperature (Rohrig 3)


*This reduction of temperature results in methylene chloride condensing into droplets in the bird’s head*Condensation of methylene chloride occurs because of the weakness of the intermolecular bonds in liquid phase*Liquid evaporates easily, lowering vapor pressure in top bulb (Gillespie 6)


*Difference in vapor pressure causes equilibrium to shift, making the liquid start to rise into the top*Bird tips over and “drinks” the water*Bubbles of vapor in tube push liquid back into the bottom bulb*This process continues forever, unless the bird does not make contact with the water (Rohrig 1)


*Demonstrates evaporation and condensation*Variety of applications like weather prediction, cooking, and air travel (Helmenstine 7)

*Works Cited

*Gillespie, Carol. "How a Drinking Bird Works." Sciences 360. Helium, 15 Nov. 2009. Web. 13 Apr. 2014. <>.*Helmenstine, Anne Marie. "How the Drinking Bird Science Toy

Works." Chemistry., n.d. Web. 26 Apr. 2014. <>.*Rohrig, Brian. "The Amazing Drinking Bird." American

Chemical Society. American Chemical Society, 2014. Web. 3 Apr. 2014. <>.