the alpha legacy ~ chapter 1

The Alpha Legacy ~ Chapter 1.1 kariwe

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Post on 15-Jul-2015




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The Alpha Legacy ~ Chapter 1.1




1. The first letter of the Greek Alphabet.2. The first; beginning

3. Used to designate the brightest star of a constellation (astronomy)


1. Having the highest rank of its sex in a dominance hierarchy. 2. Being the most prominent, talented, or aggressive person in a


Hello, and welcome to my first ever legacy, The Alpha Legacy! Tell the nice people “hello” Amethyst!


That’s it? Why so stubborn?

“Why? Why kariwe? Have you looked at this lot you’ve placed me on?”

Thinking, Amethyst rubbed the back of her neck.

“Well, I guess the land is nice…okay so the land is gorgeous, but what to do with it…”

Isn’t this lot amazing? I know several others have already chosen it for their stories, but I couldn’t help myself. With Amethyst’s starting funds, we were able to begin building the house with basic necessities and still have some money left over.

It’s not so bad, is it Ammie?

“It’s got potential. Oh, and don’t call me that.”

Sorry “Amethyst.” Hey, I thought you were supposed to be a friendly sim.

“Friendly will happen when you enter ‘motherlode’ in that little cheat window of ours.:

Sorry , but you know I can’t do that.

Realizing she was a legacy founder with responsibilities, Amethyst decided to get a job. To her amazement, there was an opening in the music career track, which would put her on the track to achieving her lifetime want of becoming a rock star.

After her first night of work, Amethyst found herself eating dinner…on the toilet…in the dark.

“Why kariwe?’ *chew chew* “Can’t you at least let me buy a chair?”

You get a chair when you can afford one. Stop complaining.

Wow, Amethyst. Cute guitar. Skilling up?

“Yep. Working on that promotion.”

Good. Good. Now to find you a mate…

Ur guyOne day on her way to work, Amethyst saw an elderly woman slip and fall in front of the theatre. Amethyst rushed to help her up.

“Thank you so much, young lady.” The old woman brushed herself off and shook Amethyst’s hand.

Amethyst found that the old woman, who introduced herself as Yumi Sekemoto, was quite talkative, but the two enjoyed each other’s company. They talked about everything from Music to Cooking until Amethyst finally decided she had to stop the conversation and go to work. But before she could leave, Yumi stopped her.

“Miss Alpha, could I ask you for one more small favor?”

“Sure, what’s up?

“Could you come by my house after work? There’s someone I’d like you to meet.”

And so, Amethyst did what she was asked. Yumi invited her in, and within ten minutes of her arrival, a handsome young man walked in the door.

“Sorry I’m late, mom, I…whoa, who are you?”

The two met each other's gaze and stared with fascination.

Amethyst held out her hand. “Hi, I’m Amethyst Alpha.”

“Leighton Sekemoto. Nice to meet you.”

After talking for a while, Amethyst decided it was time to go home and get some sleep.

“It’s been fun, Leighton.”

“Yeah, it has. And Amethyst, I was wondering…would you go on a date with me?”

“I’d love that.”

I think we’ve found our guy.

A few days later, the two went on their first date in Central Park, where they spent the day playing chess.

As days passed, they got to know each other. Amethyst learned that Leighton is a toddler sports coach.

It wasn’t long before Amethyst confessed her attraction to Leighton. She learned that this attraction was mutual.

Amethyst and Leighton fell strongly and passionately in love with each other. When Leighton was around, it was as if nothing else mattered.

Including the late bills you see in the mailbox behind them.

“Leighton Sekemoto, you make me happier than I ever thought anyone or anything could. There is no one in the world I’d like to carry on this legacy with except you. Will you marry me?”

“Yes, of course!” Leighton jumped for joy.

And so, they were married that same day, in front of the trash can and the mail box. All that mattered was that they had each other; everything else would fall into place eventually.

Yumi and Sam Sekemoto also moved into the household, helping to start what would soon be a large, beautiful family.


Thanks for reading!

Will starting a family get in the way of Amethyst’s dream of being a rock star? Will Sam accept Amethyst as his Step-Mother? What will the babies look like?

Find out in Chapter 1.2, coming soon!